#this is why gun safety kiss. i mean kids.
blessphemy · 2 years
sudden memory of the point in time where I made a habit of kissing little sib on the tip of nose *peck* because affection/it’s funny, but then one day I reflexively went in for a nose-kiss on a friend of mine and friend swerve-dodged LMAO
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Read part 2 here - Soup...
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*vision bored doesn't describe readers' looks it describes the vibes of the story*
screencaps: @din-jarring they are amazing, the best most amazing person. I definitely recommend you check them out 🫶🏻
Pairing: dark!Raider!Joel Miller x fem!virgin!reader
Summary: Seven years after the outbreak and with two days of starvation looming, desperation drives you to attempt stealing from your own assailant. But in this dire bid for survival, what unforeseen consequences await?
Warnings/tags: MDNI 18+, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, BLOOD, VIRGIN READER, breaking and entering, bondage (belt), groping, spit, fear, non/dub-con, guns, toxic people, degradation, praise, (maybe kind of), fingering kinda, biting, male moaning, breeding kink, kissing, kidnapping, mean joel, daze, kinda inexperienced reader, UNprotected sex wrap it before you tap it, kids. THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT YOU CONSUME
WC: 2.5K
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Your pulse quickened as a looming silhouette tore through the door of your family's cabin, a formidable rifle in hand. The once serene sanctuary of your family retreat had morphed into something ominous during the seven years since the outbreak. Time had shrouded the cabin in secrecy, but now it felt like it held more secrets than safety. With no one around to offer aid and your provisions dwindling, a sense of foreboding gripped you. Who was this intruder, and what did they want?
Huddled behind the worn fabric of the couch, you trembled, trying to decipher the intruder's intentions. The eerie silence of the cabin was only broken by the sound of your racing heartbeat and the slam of the empty cupboards. The emptiness of the cupboards, devoid of sustenance for two long days, added to the dread coiling in your stomach.
Your father's departure had cast the first shadow of unease. Taking the only means of protection—a small pistol—he left behind a void filled with questions and fear. When days stretched into weeks without his return, your mother embarked on a desperate quest to find him, leaving you alone to wrestle with gnawing uncertainty.
Peering cautiously from your hiding place, you observed the intruder ransacking the kitchen. Panic surged as you spotted the cabin door ajar, a white van parked conspicuously outside. Desperation prompted a daring idea – if there was nothing left to steal, why not take whatever the intruder possessed? With knowledge of the terrain on your side, you calculated a plan to hide in the woods until the coast was clear.
You watched the intruder's every move, hoping for the perfect moment to act. When he cautiously ventured into the bathroom, likely searching for supplies you lacked, you seized the chance to make your move. With a deep breath to steady your nerves, you slipped out the door and tiptoed toward the van, determined to reclaim control of the situation.
Peering into the dim interior, you scanned for any signs of danger before cautiously stepping inside. The van's interior was a jumble of crates and boxes, their contents obscured by shadows. Time was of the essence, so you swiftly lifted the tarp covering the crates, revealing precious bottles of water. With careful precision, you gathered as many as you could carry, ensuring not to drop any or create any disturbance.
Exiting the van, you concealed the bottles in a nearby bush, intending to wait there until the intruder departed. Once the water was safely stashed, you returned to the van, continuing your search. As you reached for a few cans of canned food, you suddenly found yourself confronted by a terrifying sight: a tall, muscular man with a rifle pointed directly at your face.
The sound of the cans dropping from your hands seemed to fade away as you stood there frozen in fear, unable to move or even think. The man had a heavy, muscular build, with dark hair and an incoming beard that made him look even more menacing. It was clear that he had been watching you, and that he had no intention of letting you leave without a fight.
As you struggled to comprehend the situation unfolding before you, the man's voice shattered the eerie silence, causing a shiver to run down your spine. "Caught red-handed, are we? Thought you could just waltz in and help yourself to my supplies?" His words were like a cold slap in the face, jolting you into a state of panic.
Before you could utter a word in response, he roughly pushed you onto your back, the barrel of the gun pressing into your chest. Fear gripped you tightly as you found yourself unable to move, your mind racing with thoughts of imminent danger.
"Please, I didn't mean any harm. I'll put everything back, just please don't hurt me," you pleaded, your voice quivering with desperation. But your words seemed to fall on deaf ears as he grabbed your arm with force, pushing your chest against the center console. Your heart sank as the cold metal of the gun dug into your back, a sense of hopelessness washing over you.
In that moment of vulnerability, you couldn't help but curse yourself for choosing to wear a dress today. The fabric rode up your thighs, leaving you feeling exposed and defenseless. It served as a harsh reminder of how unready you were for the predicament unfolding before you. While you weren't naive, you'd had discussions before, even received "the talk" about the delicate subject of virginity. But contemplating the act itself was a realm you never envisioned venturing into, especially not now. The weight of such responsibilities loomed heavy on your mind, intertwining with the immediate danger at hand, creating a tangled web of fear and uncertainty.
He knelt behind you, his rough, calloused hand replacing the gun at your back. "You want to leave here in one piece? Then you better be prepared to compensate me for what you were trying to steal," he demanded, his grip firm as he lifted the hem of your dress.
As panic surged through you, you attempted to break free, but his hold only tightened. He swiftly changed tactics, his unfamiliar touch gripping your waist just above where your panties ended. With a rough tug, he pulled down your panties, his words and actions leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable.
"Now that's a pretty lookin' pussy," he taunted, his fingers tracing over your folds. You squirmed uncomfortably under his touch, his chuckle sending shivers down your spine.
Feeling trapped and afraid, you remained frozen, unable to escape his looming presence.
He started to palm your bare clit, making sure to rub the wet spit onto your pussy. You were starting to become wet at his actions, he rubbed his middle finger around your damp pussy teasing you, making you squirm again. “I like it when you squirm. Makes things more interesting," he chuckled, his words sending a shiver down your spine. In a desperate attempt to escape his unsettling presence, you jolted forward, scrambling towards the front of the van, hoping to create some distance between yourself and the menacing figure behind you. He pulled you back and firmly grasped your shoulders, preventing you from escaping further. Then, he cupped your face with his hands, his touch possessive yet tender, his eyebrows lifting in a silent question as his husky voice filled the space between you.
"I'm never—" he began, his lips pressing against yours briefly before he lowered his voice, his gaze locking onto yours, "gonna let you go." His thumb traced gentle circles on your temple, a stark contrast to the intensity of his words.
But then his touch shifted, his lips leaving yours to trail along the curve of your neck and shoulders, igniting a tingling sensation that sent shivers down your spine. It was as if he was trying to seduce you, drawing you in with each caress.
Returning to your lips, he initiated another kiss, and you found yourself torn between conflicting emotions. Part of you felt trapped and scared, but another part couldn't deny the thrill coursing through you. As he deepened the kiss, you found yourself responding, losing yourself in the moment.
Finally pulling back, a small smile played on his lips as he shook his head in disbelief. His voice dropped to a whisper as he repeated his vow, "Never."
As one of his hands traveled down your stomach, a shiver ran down your spine, and he began planting kisses along your neck. For a moment, you closed your eyes, lost in the sensation, feeling a sense of serenity wash over you. But reality crashed back down as he suddenly shoved you forcefully onto the center console. Your head collided with something hard, causing a sharp pain to shoot through you, and blood began to gush from your nose.
Shocked and a little dizzy from the sudden impact, you struggled to gather your bearings, your head throbbing as blood continued to trickle from your nose. Blinking rapidly, you tried to focus, but the dizziness made it difficult to think clearly. Panic began to rise within you as you realized the severity of the situation, your heart pounding in your chest.
One of his hands held you down harshly against the console keeping you trapped once again sanity has left you, his other hand swiftly unbuckled his belt, the sounds of his movements echoing in the tense silence of the van you felt hopeless and dazed as you felt his dick rub against your pussy still wet from the desire of his kiss.
He leaned closer to you, his entire body weight pressing down on yours, his chest now firmly against your back as he roughly pushed his dick into you. he was big you let out a loud shriek as a burning sensation cascaded through your body, causing your eyes to squeeze shut in pain. Desperately, you reached for his thighs, trying to push him off you.
"Quiet." He groans as he pushes deeper into your cunt you felt his pubes brush against your clit, he was so big so overwhelming you could feel him in your stomach even as he was still. He gripped your hands and grabbed his belt from beside him before tying your hands together behind your back. you could feel every movement making you let out small sounds of discomfort as his dick rested inside of you.
"Suckin' me right in." He lifted your dress higher taking a moment to stand and bask in the view of his dick being swallowed by your pussy. he started groping your ass taking his time as he started he's penetrating your soul. he began to thrust setting a slow but harsh pace. "You're gonna be achin' for days.” you let out a few broken moans at his movements your daze and confusion were replaced with a sense of pleasure and warmth as he continued thrusting in and out of you.
He shifted his hands to grip the makeshift restraints around your wrists, then began pushing you towards him so that you met his thrusts. As the new sensation overwhelmed you, you started to squirm again, unable to contain the mix of pleasure and discomfort. "I said squirming makes it interesting, I didn't say be difficult," he murmured, his voice low and filled with amusement. With a swift movement, he hooked you up so you were pressed against him, your struggles futile against his strength. He noticed the blood from your nose and chuckled, the sound sending a shiver down your spine as you whimpered in fear.
He started to thrust up into you harder. more primal for his desire, he moved one of his hands to play with your breast. you let out a loud moan as one of his thrusts hit just where it was needed for his movements to feel like he was heaven. He pushed you back onto the console, this time skillfully avoiding the sharp object, sparing you from any further facial damage.
His weight presses you down onto your back again, forcing you to stay still as he pounds deep into you over and over again. His power and speed never slow down as he bites down hard on your shoulder to muffle his moans, he hits that sweet spot inside of you with every thrust making it impossible to hide your obvious pleasure from his actions making sure to move your hips back to meet him every time it makes you feel so dirty, "You tried to take from me, but now you're learning your place. Beneath me, where you belong, like a whore".He stopped biting your shoulder and whispered, letting out a soft moan
"Don't call me that," you manage to mumble, your voice trembling with a mixture of fear and defiance, though you still push back into him, your back arching involuntarily making you press into his chest. "I-I can call you whatever I want when... when..." Your words falter as you struggle to find your voice, the pleasure taking over you. As he continues to pound into you.
But he cuts you off sharply, he pinched your side hard, causing you to whimper in pain. "Shut the fuck up," he commands, his voice harsh and threatening. "I'm tired of your mouth. Keep it up, and I'll find another way to shut you up."
His thrusts grew more erratic, his grip tightening as he abandoned any pretense of restraint, his small moans and grunts escaping him freely. "Shit, I'm gonna need Viagra or something to keep up with this pussy," he muttered, his words punctuated by the force of his pistoning movements. "Gosh... feels like you're gonna swallow me whole."
Suddenly, he stopped hitting that spot that had pleased you, and a sense of disappointment washed over you. As his thrusts became sloppy, you ceased meeting him halfway, hoping he would find that sweet spot again. But he didn't.
With a final, desperate thrust, he let out a guttural groan, his body shuddering as he reached his climax. As he withdrew, leaving you feeling empty and unsatisfied, a wave of sadness and confusion washed over you.
Your walls were slick, not with your arousal, but with his, milky ropes of his release making an obscene set of sounds as he pulled out of you. Still restrained, you watched silently as he got dressed and exited the van, leaving you feeling abandoned and exposed.
Minutes passed, the silence heavy and suffocating, before he returned with a few papers and items you recognized from your cabin. "Hey, those are mine!" you protested, your voice tinged with a mix of anger and desperation.
He ignored your protest, tossing the items into a bag without a second glance. "They're mine now," he replied coldly, his tone leaving no room for argument.
As he released you from your restraints, you felt a surge of defiance rising within you. "You can't just take everything!" you exclaimed, trying to assert some semblance of control over the situation.
But his gaze was icy as he looked at you, his expression unreadable. "Watch me," he muttered, before turning and striding away, leaving you feeling small and powerless once again.
"Get comfortable," he called over his shoulder as he headed towards the driver's seat, his voice devoid of any warmth or compassion.
You watched him go, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of your stomach. As you sat alone in the van, surrounded by the remnants of your life that he had taken from you, the reality of your situation began to sink in.
He wasn't just taking your belongings. He was taking you.
With a heavy heart, you realized that you were now at his mercy, trapped in a situation you couldn't escape. And as he started the engine and pulled away from the cabin, leaving everything you knew behind, he turned to you with a chilling smile.
"You're mine now," he said quietly, his words sending a shiver down your spine. "And you're not going anywhere."
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rarepears · 6 months
i don't know why but i really REALLY want to see an AU where endeavor is the japanese prime minister's wife (also we need more fanfics talking about Japanese government outside of the hero public safety commission)
Actually, would be pretty funny if Endeavor is still the husband in this scenario. No malewifing Endeavor here. He marries a woman.
In fact, he finds a better ice-quirk user to marry - someone with stronger ice powers than the top candidates that he was considered (ahem Rei). It is "unfornuate", as Endeavor concludes after their first blind date, that this woman is steadfast determined to continue her career trajectory (a degree in politics/policy/policy science?) and most assuredly not willing to be a housewife, but it's fine, Endeavor decides. It means he'll either have to arrange childcare or do it himself but that also means he can influence the child more directly and train the kid more.
Everything seems all good and dandy... Until he discovers, after the birth of Touya and Natsuo, his wife girlbossing too hard and had managed to complete college, grad school, and now had a full time position in the Japanese government. While juggling two pregnancies by the way. What agency he didn't know or care since it wasn't anything related to heroics. She's still doing her job of popping out more babies for him. So he stayed out of it.
When she decided to quit her job as staffer to some member of the National Diet (when did she start such a position? Endeavor wonders how he didn't notice it.), Endeavor blinked in surprise when she said she was gunning for something more ambitious. But he still didn't say anything. She stayed out of his work so it was only fair that he did the same to her career. Their partnership was good. (Duh, it's two workaholics who barely spend any time at home and say very little to each other if it didn't involve kids.)
And then one day Endeavor wakes up to the news that the prime minister of Japan was assassinated and his successor was predicted to be... his wife. A fact which none of the public seemed to be aware of by the way until this emergency election was announced. But now it was released... without Endeavor or his agency being made aware of such an announcement - bah, a "leak" the media called it. Endeavor was experienced enough in PR after all his years of heroics to know when a leak was planted.
It was unsurprising to see his wife win the election later that night. Especially unsurprising after the, now former and deceased, prime minister being assassinated by a villain (rumored to be connected to All For One who appeared to just gone off the grid a couple weeks ago from what Endeavor's intelligence team told him).
But now Endeavor has a wife who's the Prime Minister. And they have 4 kids - the youngest which is 7 years old. The nanny he had been using (named Rei) just had a mental breakdown after seeing the estate being besieged with reporters and the public and Endeavor was pretty sure she wasn't coming back to work ever. Oh, and he can kiss his dreams of defeating All Might and becoming the new No. 1 hero goodbye because even if he does become the new No. 1, he's never going to feel like he earned it himself - he's going to always wonder if it's a reflection of how popular (or not popular) his prime minster wife is with the public. And considering how, historically, prime ministers usually don't have such high approval ratings with Japan's regular villain attacks among other social problems...
Oh boy.
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yeosangs-horizon · 1 year
Rei Suwa As Your Lover ❣
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Genre: Headcanons | Fluff & Smut Word Count: 1.6k Content Warning(s): Mentions of anxiety & PTSD, 18+ below NSFW cut, smutty rambles w/ fem!reader, [praise kink & blowjobs]
⊲ SFW HCs: [gn!reader] ⊳
➵ Rei enjoys silence with you, whether you're on a call with him or next to him watching him play through a single-player game, time together is his love language.
➵ Although Rei likes the quiet he loves hearing you ramble. He's the one you go to if you want to ramble or info dump your hyperfixations on. You always ask if you’re talking too much, but he always urges you to continue. He’ll smile to himself if he is alone or if you’re not looking at him.
➵ Rei loves playing co-op games with you whether it be battle royale or mindless shooting games or even story based games. He loves collaborating with you and sharing a story together. 
➵ Rei finds it endearing if you try to get into the games he had interests in, or anything he has an interest in really such as the idea of fostering a kitty for awhile since Kazuki has to clean up after 2 kids basically he doesn't want a third. But he would find it endearing unless your interest peaked in his line of work, then he'd tell you that it's a grim industry you wouldn't like.
➵ It's difficult to get Rei to admit that he likes anything with verbiage unless its about food, so most of his actions and gestures have meaning to them. 
➵ Rei is a protective lover and will shield himself in front of you if it means you're out of harms way, even with the little things. A car is driving in the rain through a big puddle of water? He'll dirty his suits just for you if it means you won't get hit with the water. He makes sure to walk on the outer part of sidewalks too so you feel safe even though you've said it wasn't necessary before but it's the thought that counts.
➵ As a man who doesn't speak much, Rei sure enjoys calls with you when you're not staying the night with him. When you go abroad for work or study purposes he finds it calming to be on call with you through the night or whenever you're free. It's more of a safety for him to know you're safe and doing well.
➵ Rei is extremely good with technology. He may not know how to use the oven or do laundry properly but he is the guy to go to for IT troubles. As a gamer of course he had to know how to fix and troubleshoot devices, especially when they have a little girl in the house who finds it funny to make cable spaghetti and plug random wires in outlets. 
➵ Rei is good with his hands, no not in that sense... well I mean… he's good with his hands as he handles guns and being meticulous with cleaning them. That goes for taking apart consoles too to troubleshoot them or fix PC problems as he hates going outside. Better learn at home before begging for a stranger to help you and tinker with your device with personal info on it right? 
➵ Rei is paranoid and anxious a lot. Even if he doesn't show it, it is the main reason why he sleeps in a tub, that and PTSD. His breakdowns are silent. They had to be, especially when he lived with such an abusive father. He doesn't cry in front of anybody, even you most times. He doesn't want to be weak in front of you when he believes he should be the one protecting you. He can cry silently, and only in the comfort of his cold hard tub.  He's only ever shed a couple tears in front of you once and it broke your heart causing you to cry with him. He hates seeing you cry, but he knows it is because you empathize with him. 
➵ Rei loves your touch, especially during those hard times. He's never admitted it to you before though, unless you count that one time he mumbled how much he loved your touch while he was half asleep, but you could tell. He's like a stubborn little kitty who loves pets but never asks for them, but you can tell. When you are alone with him in a room and he gives you that look, you know that look. He melts into your kisses and loves jawline and neck kisses. He also loves spooning you when the two of you slumber together, protective instinct coming in again.
➵ Rei is a sucker for morning cuddles and hates getting out of bed, or the tub, in the early hours of the morning. He loves being lazy with you and if he were to spew out anything affectionate it would be in those early hours. He is a light sleeper so if you tried to sneak away he’ll reel you right back into his arms.
➵ Rei adores it when you play with his hair and lets you mindlessly braid it when the two of you are sharing a moment together. He likes the feeling of your fingers raking through his scalp, it’s like a brain massage for him. He lets you style his hair into silly little styles and even trusts you to help him shave his sides when they grow out. 
➵ Rei doesn't do much PDA but he will let you hold his hand and he will drape an arm around you and pull you close to him if he notices someone eyeing you. You like flirting with him and making him flustered in public though, he gets shy so easily.
➵ Rei actually doesn't like being referred to as the useless one around the house even though he plays it off most days. When you're in the kitchen alone he'd linger around to ask you to teach him things like how to use the kitchen appliances or how to load up and run a dishwasher. He doesn't outright ask Kazuki yet because he can be a bit impatient sometimes.
⊲  NSFW HCs: [fem!reader] ⊳
➵ Rei is definitely on the demi spectrum. It takes a lot for him to get to the point that you are at with him today. He doesn’t care about what gender you are or what you look like, if you have a beautiful heart and treat him with care for a long time, he’ll fall for you. He has to trust you a lot to even allow you to be with him and touch him like that, much less be naked and vulnerable to be intimate. It’d be hard for him to be attracted to somebody else without spending so much time with them, so he is loyal to you.
➵ Rei does enjoy sexual activities with you but only on occasion, his libido is often low but once in awhile he does get the urges and crave your intimacy.
➵ Rei has a soft spot for those actual love making sessions where you spill your heart out to him. He enjoys making love to you and going slow, most days when he would be intimate with you it'd be slow and purposeful.
➵ Rei is good with his fingers, yes like that. For being really good at video games, he knows how to give you a good time when fingering you and how to hit your spot just right. He loves making you writhe around in pleasure, knowing he is the source for that. 
➵ Rei loves getting sucked off. He loves grasping locks of your hair and pushing you down to take his cock. He wouldn't be too rough with you unless you gave him permission but he loves your mouth around him. 
➵ Rei loves it when you top and ride him, it's less awkward for him because you know what you're doing and he gets to enjoy the view of you and still have control with the speed of his thrusts, making you whimper for more or to go faster. 
➵ Rei loves being teased, he's a bit masochistic and also loves it when you grip onto his back during more rougher intimate moments and he doesn't mind you digging your nails onto his back. Rei likes it when you edge him, especially when you suck him off and tease him with stimulation on just the tip. 
➵ Rei can't last very long, especially when he started being intimate with you. He'd get a bit embarrassed when you suck him off and he finishes in less than 3 minutes but he's built more stamina and can hold back for a little longer now. His kryptonite is being inside you, then he really won't last when he feels your walls squeezing him and your touch all over his body. He likes finishing in you, only when you are okay with it that is. 
➵ Rei has a praise kink, he loves it when you tell him he’s doing well or commenting on how good he feels inside you. Probably stems from his trauma and want for validation back then but it’s an absolute turn on for him. 
➵ Rei doesn't jerk off very often. Moreover he's too lazy to do it and would rather have your hands on him. It doesn't take much to get him hard either. If you touch him tenderly and start kissing him, he'd already be up and ready to go. He's touch starved and he knows it. 
➵ Rei likes to relieve stress by pounding you. It used to be cigarettes but after taking in Miri and your constant pressure about how it’s not good for him and how quick he can get stinky, he resorts to other methods. You can tell when he’s needy and stressed. That’s when he can get a bit rough and enjoys your nails raking down his back but he always asks to make sure you’re okay with the things he’s doing.
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 months
Glue (Part 3)
Summary: John B and JJ get Reader back but need to have a talk with her about some things they heard her say to Luke.
TW/CW: Routledge!Reader x JJ Maybank, more mentions of gun stuff, more angst.
Requested?: No
Word Count: 1,621
A/N: Part 1 Here || Part 2 Here || I'm honestly glad I only did this in three parts. Imo somewhere around 1,000 words is perfect for an imagine. I hope the ending isn't disappointing... Requests are Open! Much love to all!
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(Y/N)’s POV 
The zip ties around my wrists are starting to hurt. I glare at his back, drilling into his spine, “Why don’t you just shoot me already? I’m dispensable.” 
Luke shakes his head, “I’m not gonna fall for that darlin’.” 
“You’re a real piece of work, you know? Your son is the smartest, kindest, most loyal person I know, and you treated him like he was worthless. Hell, you even made him believe it. I spent countless nights bandaging him up because of your shitty little tantrums. I saw him at his lowest and I still don’t deserve him. I don’t deserve his loyalty and kindness that he obviously didn’t get from his piece of shit father.” 
Finally, Luke snaps. He makes his way to me and puts his gun under my chin, “You shut your mouth. That kid ain’t worth the dust under my boots.” 
“I fucking dare you to say that again. If it keeps you away from him, I’ll gladly take a bullet because he deserves all the happiness and love in the world not the threat of his worthless, shitty, man child father looming over his head.” 
He cocks the gun back. I grin, “Fucking do it. Put me out of my fucking misery. I spend every day watching as my friends and brother drift away. I spend every day wishing I was worth something, wishing I deserved the pity they show me. I know that’s all it is. They pity me. If I didn’t have them, I’d have no one and they feel sorry for me.” Suddenly, a loud bang sounds toward the front of the boat. Luke jerks his head toward the noise and then runs off. It’s quiet for a moment before there’s a tap at the window above me. I look up to see JJ lift the cracked window all the way open. He drops into the room, and I jump up, burying my face in his chest.  
He kisses the top of my head and whispers, “I got you.” He pushes me away from him enough to pull out his pocketknife and cut off my ties. He helps me climb out of the window to my waiting brother and then hoists himself up to follow. No one says another word as we race to the Twinkie. 
In the backseat, JJ starts looking me over. I wince as he grabs my shoulders. His eyes widen, “What? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- “ 
“It’s okay,” I mumble, “Can you pop my shoulder back into place?” 
JJ’s jaw clenches as he does what I asked before returning to looking me over. Having enough, I bury into his chest. He wraps his arms tight around me and kisses the top of my head again. Soon, John B is putting the Twinkie in park and getting out to check on me as well. He opens the side door but finds me refusing to leave JJ’s side. “Come on Little Bird, we gotta get you some bandaids,” John B say in attempts to coax me away from my safety net. 
JJ lifts me up and hops out of the van to carry me into the Sheriff’s Office. Inside, Sarah, Kie, Pope, and Cleo jump up to greet us. JJ carries me to a chair and sets me down. He grabs a first aid kit from nearby before returning to clean and bandage me up. Shoop exits his office, “I told you two we’d handle it.” 
“Well, if you hurry you might catch him before he wakes up and gets free of the chain,” John B declares.  
Shoop clenches his jaw and motions to several officers, giving orders, before coming to squat in front of me. I feel JJ tense up beside me and place my hand on his arm. Shoop takes a deep breath, “You alright, kid?” 
I look to JJ, “I am now.” Shoop nods and leaves us. 
John B joins us, “We need to talk (Y/N), when you feel up for it.” 
Sometime later when everyone’s gone to bed, I find myself sitting on the dock lost in thought. I hear footsteps behind me but don’t bother to look back. JJ takes a seat on my right, dropping his legs over the side of the wooden structure to swing them back and forth above the water. A glance over my shoulder alerts me to John B’s presence. He opted to lean against the banister to my left, staring out at the night sky.  
It’s silent for a few moments before JJ takes a deep breath, “Listen, we uh… we heard what you said to Luke.” 
Involuntarily, I cringe. That wasn’t meant for their ears. I meant every word I said but I only said it because I thought it’d never leave the room. I shrug, “It’s nothing.” 
“It isn’t nothing (Y/N). You’re my little sister. Why didn’t you come to me?” John B responds, sounding hurt. 
“I- I don’t know... I didn’t want to feel like a burden.” 
“You’re never a burden to us (Y/N),” JJ says before glancing up at John B. “I think I speak for us both when I say that we’d do anything to make sure you’re safe and happy.” 
I shrug again, not knowing what to say and feeling my nerves attempting to force me into my shell. John B squats down beside me and brushes hair out of my eyes, “You deserve the world. Anything you want, I’ll do my damndest to make sure you get it and I’m sure JJ would too. You’re the glue that holds us all together and I could never express how sorry I am that we made you feel less than that.” He kisses the top of my head, “If you ever feel like this again, please come to me come to me. If you don’t want to talk to me, talk to JJ. Just please let someone know so we can make it right.” I nod and taking a deep breathe he looks to JJ, “Maybe it’s about time, man.” He looks back at me and offers a small smile, “I love you Little Bird. Don’t ever forget that.”  
I return his smile and nod, mumbling an “I love you,” in return. 
He stands and pats my head gently, “I’m gonna go get some sleep. Don’t stay up too late.” I nod and watch him leave. 
It’s silent for a few heartbeats before JJ clears his throat, “Did you really- Did you really mean everything you said? About me?” 
I look over to him and he’s fidgeting with the rings on his fingers, “Of course I did J. Little does John B know that you’re the glue that holds the glue together.” 
He chuckles a small bit and takes my hand in his, fiddling with my fingers now, “So you’re not mad at me?” 
My brows scrunch together, “Why would I be mad at you?” 
“Because you got taken on my watch by my father...” he trails off. 
“You listen to me, and you listen well. I will never ever blame you for anything that that man does. You are not him and you never will be. Actually, you’re the exact opposite and I’d give anything to make sure you know that and don’t blame yourself.” He looks me in the eyes now, almost searching for something. I tilt my head at him, “What?” 
“Will you pinky promise that we’ll stay best friends and I won’t lose you if I say what’s on my mind?” he ask, offering his pinky. 
I take it in mine, “Of course, JJ. No matter what we always have each other.” 
He takes a huge deep breath, “I love you (Y/N). I don’t mean as a friend. I mean I’m in love with you. I know I don’t deserve you and it’s probably going to be awkward now, but I can’t stand knowing you think so little of yourself when I think so highly of you. You’re insanely smart. You’re hilarious. You’re always there for everyone when we need you. You’re always there for me when I need you. I just can’t-” I interrupt him by kissing him. At first, he seems hesitant but quickly he relaxes. As cliche as it sounds, his lips fit perfectly in mine. I can’t believe I fought so hard to keep from doing this all this time. When we finally pull away for air, he grins “From now on, that’s how I want you to stop my rambling.” 
I laugh softly and fully take his hand in mine, “I love you too, JJ. Like I said, I meant every word I said to Luke. You are without a doubt my favorite person on planet earth, and I want to make sure you know that.” 
His grin gets even bigger, “So, does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend?” 
I nod, “of course,” before kissing him again. 
We sat there on that dock enjoying each other’s presence and our newfound mutual feelings for hours. We talked about all kinds of stuff and shared kisses under the moonlight. 
As the sun peaks over the horizon, I look down to find (Y/N) curled into my side and fast asleep. I smile to myself and admire the way her hair brushes her face and how peaceful she looks. I never thought I’d see the day where I got to call her my girl. Happiness swells in my chest as I carefully scoop her into my arms and head for the house. She’s still sound asleep when I lay her on her bed and crawl in next to her, pulling her close and drifting off myself with a smile permanently plastered on my face. 
More JJ Maybank Imagines
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m-jelly · 5 months
All I need - Chapter 6
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@ladycheesington <3
Levi x fem!reader
Future Fic, Romance, Drama & Romance, Falling In Love, mafia, Gangsters, Love, True Love, Fluff, Protective Levi, Possessive Levi, mentions of blood, mentions of hospital, mentions of guns, mentions of violence.
In this chapter: You go shopping for a gift for Levi but as you do that, you meet someone deadly but you stand up to them. You meet Levi later in the day and you both take your relationship further. You go on a fun outing with Levi's family only for it to go back, but the two of you pull through.
Part 7
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You glanced at Vincent as you drove together to see he was grinning. “You liked seeing Levi all stroppy, didn’t you?”
“It brings me so much to see him like that. I don’t mean to laugh, but even when he was little, I never saw him pout and whine.” He pulled up into a parking spot at the shopping centre. “This is like seeing a little kid being told no.” He looked over at you. “My brother is so deeply in love with you.”
You felt your heart flutter. “I can feel it. It makes me breathless a lot.” You gripped your dress. “I love him so much and I’m trying hard to show him that I do. I do think I let him down a lot.”
Vincent shook his head. “You’re doing incredible. Levi is so happy.”
You gazed at Vincent with pleading eyes. “Could you help me today? I want to surprise Levi with some gifts, which is why he couldn’t come today.” You released a long sigh. “I know he’ll end up following us because he can’t stay away, but for the short time he’s not.”
Vincent smirked. “I’ve got your back.”
“Thank you.” You slipped out of the car and heard your communicator go off. You looked down to see Levi’s name. You tapped his name. “Levi?”
Levi lovingly called your name. “Are you okay?”
“Do you have me monitored?”
There was a moment of silence indicating you were right. “Would you be mad at me if I said yes?”
You hummed a laugh. “I don’t mind. It’s for my safety, right? You are mafia, so it makes sense.”
His heart fluttered. “Thank you for understanding. So, can I join you?”
You giggled at Levi needing you. “No, Levi. You’re having a day with your dad and mum. You promised that you’d let me do a shopping day to get surprises.”
He let out a long sigh. “I know, but I want to be with you. Why did you take my brother?”
You looked up at Vincent. “I like your brother. He’s cool and nice.”
Vincent put his arm around you. “I got this under control, little bro. Now, stop pouting like a little kid and hang out with dad. You know how desperate Dad has been for a day with you.”
Levi groaned. “Okay. I do miss Dad, but I want my bunny.”
You smiled at Levi. “Grumpy? I’ll be with you soon. I promise. If you’re good, I’ll give you extra kisses and cuddles, okay?”
Levi perked up. “Okay! Love you!”
“Love you too.” You ended the call and smiled at Vincent. “Ready.”
Vincent hummed a laugh. “I give it five minutes before he sends you a message.”
“I find it cute.”
“He’s a sweet boy.” He stopped walking and hummed as he looked around. “Now, where do you want to go first?”
The shopping centre was large and full of neon lights that dazzled the eyes. Holographic images of things for sale and people were all over the place to try and entice you inside. Walls and railings were made of pretty glass that had holograms inside of different colours and patterns, some had animals projected in that would run and play with others. The scent in the air was divine and sweet, this was due to the people running it would inject nice scents into the air. Trees and flowers grew with a wonderful vibrance to them, so it felt like you were walking through an indoor nature park with neon lights.
You flinched at Vincent’s touch on your arm. “S-Sorry, Vincent. I’m just in awe of this place. It’s amazing.”
“I’ll let my mother know.”
You gasped. “Kuchel is behind this?”
He nodded and started walking with you. “That’s right. She runs and organises a lot of shopping places we own. Dad does a lot of communication and deals with other leaders. Levi does a lot, he does bars, clubs, shops, enforcement, protection and catching bad people.”
You gazed at Vincent. “Levi is amazing. So, what do you do?”
“I deal with promotional things and rich people with egos. Dad wants to kill them, but I can handle their egos.”
You whined a little. “Your family is amazing and I’m just…mmm…”
Vincent put his hand on your upper back. “You are bringing love into the family. You’re bringing us all tighter together. Your speciality is love.”
“That’s so sweet of you to say.” You hugged Vincent’s arm. “You’re a good friend.”
“Thank you. I bet if you met Erwin more you’d see him as a good friend.”
You smiled at Vincent. “I have met Erwin and Mike before, but Levi’s keeping me apart from the whole mafia side of things. I understand though. It’s dangerous out there, but I would like to meet his friends more.”
“You should ask him.”
You hummed in thought. “I’ll ask.” You stopped outside a shop and eyed the rings in the window. “Mm, I think he’d like a ring.” You flinched when a through hit you. “Wait, would a ring get in the way of his work?”
Vincent chuckled. “Get him a ring, he’ll love it, trust me.”
You eyed the rings again. “Can we look inside? I don’t see the one yet.”
He led you inside the clean and cosy shop. Normally, most jewellery places make people feel stiff, uncomfortable or that you didn’t belong. There is this air of snobbery in them, but this shop felt so welcoming. It felt good to not be judged at all and there was no pressure at all to pick something or to pay. So, you took your time and looked around the shop until you found the most perfect ring you had ever seen for Levi.
You smiled at the assistant and pointed at the black steel ring. “Could I look at this one please?”
She nodded and got it out for you. “You can program it to link with someone and assign an animal to it, or a little face.”
You nibbled your lip a moment. “Could you link it to me and make me a bunny?”
She giggled. “Of course, and what about your partner?”
You let out a long sigh. “He’s like a wolf.”
Vincent laughed. “Levi is, isn’t he?”
The lady placed the ring into a box and closed it, then she linked it up to a little tablet and started typing. “Okay, I just need you to link your communicator.”
You offered your arm. “All yours.”
She worked fast and linked everything. “There we go. I just need your boyfriend’s communicator information also.”
You nodded and gave it over. “That okay?”
She smiled and took the ring out. “Have a look.”
You watched a little white rabbit hopping around the room and sniffing the air. “Oh, cute! She’s looking for her wolf.”
“That’s right! Once you and Levi are together, the wolf will appear.”
“I love it. I will take it.”
She placed it in a nice box and then a cute bag. “Of course. I’m so glad you like it.” She tapped on the panel allowing you to pay. “I hope he likes it.”
You took the bag from her. “I think he will.”
Vincent smiled. “He will, but knowing him he’ll think you’re proposing.”
Your cheeks burned as Vincent and the lady laughed. “Maybe.” You waved to her. “Thank you, bye.”
Vincent walked out of the shop with you and stared ahead. “Damn. Uh, I have someone to talk to. Are you going to be okay?”
You nodded as you gripped your bag. “Yeah. I’ll go to a café.”
He smiled a little. “Wonderful. I’ll come and get you. I shouldn’t be too long.”
You gave him a bright smile before walking over to a cute café. You took your seat and ordered a few things. As you enjoyed your time you looked on your communicator to see that Vincent was right, Levi had sent you a few messages. It made you smile to know that he thought about you so much. You replied to every message and sent him many kisses.
“Excuse me?”
You gazed up and looked at a woman in her 50s with long thick brunette hair with highlights and a block fringe, smoky hazel eyes, red plump lips, a tall frame and rather slim. By the clothes she wore and the purse she had, it was clear she was rich. “Yes?”
She smiled at you. “Sorry to bother you, but I couldn’t help but admire your necklace.”
You reached up and touched it, it was one of many gifts Levi had given you. “Thank you.”
“Where did you get it from?”
“My boyfriend got it for me. So, I don’t know. Sorry.”
She hummed a laugh. “He’s got a good eye.” She moved closer to you. “It’s made out of strong material.” She reached for your necklace. “Very useful to grab and pull when no one is expecting.”
You felt bad intent coming from her, so you grabbed her hand and twisted a little. “I might look sweet and innocent, but I do know how to break someone’s hand who means me harm.”
She smirked at you. “I would never.”
A stern call of your name laced with concern grabbed your attention. Vincent moved over to you and looked rage-filled. “Why are you here? Did you follow us?” He grabbed your upper arm and pulled you to your feet. “Get away from this woman.”
You stumbled a bit and hid behind Vincent. “Vincent?” You could feel he was shaking a little but he was trying hard to be brave. “Let me.”
Vincent looked down at you. “I can’t. I promised him I would protect you.”
You smiled softly at him. “When was the last time someone protected you?”
“I uh…”
You stepped in front of him and created a barrier. “I know about you. I know the things you’ve done to my dear friend and I won’t let you hurt him anymore.”
She glared at you. “Who do you think you are? You’re a whore and a pathetic little cunt to me. You manipulated my son’s heart and threw him away.”
“Vincent has never had romantic feelings for me.”
She laughed at you. “I meant my other son.”
Your eyes widened. “Danny is your son?”
She held your chin and smiled. “I can understand why he fell for you and still deeply loves you. He tried everything to spoil you. Now he’s under my wing again, I’ll help him. He wants you back and I will shape you into a better woman.” She moved her long fake nail over your cheek and cut you. “You need to be disciplined like I disciplined Vincent.”
Your eyes widened when you remember what Levi and Vincent had told you. This woman before you was Ariana De’lore, the birth mother of Vincent and the person who had abused him as a child. Often, she’d beat him, scare him, burn him and starve him. If Vincent didn’t act a certain way, he was punished. Ariana wanted Sebastian back in her life for the money, fame and attention. There was no love in her heart but only the desire to be wanted and needed. Kuchel was a beacon of love and so were you. You refused to let this woman hurt this family anymore. As you stared at this woman going on about punishment and laughing as if it was just fun and games, you snapped.
Before you had time to think about your actions, you had punched her in the face and knocked her back. A flash of regret went through you, but as soon as you saw her lip bleeding and the look of shock on her face that someone stood up to her, it made you feel incredible. You glanced at your hand to see you’d cut it up on her thin and bony face.
Ariana screamed in frustration. “You little!”
You puffed your chest out a bit. “You can go tell Danny he can fuck himself. He left me in so much debt because he kept taking money to gamble. I had a good job, we didn’t need all that money.” You tried to stop yourself from crying because you were so angry. “You’re a wicked and evil woman for beating your own child.”
Vincent pulled you close. “Come on, we should leave.”
Ariana panicked a moment when she saw you both leaving. “Vincent De’lore! Get back here. I am your mother!”
You turned and stormed up to her making her back up. “He is Vincent Ackerman! His mother is Kuchel Ackerman! You are nothing to him and I will make sure you don’t go near him again.”
She snarled at you. “I will break you.”
You raised your fist to hit her causing her to flinch. “Yeah right.” You turned on your heels and smiled at Vincent. “Shall we go to a nicer café?”
He put his arm around you. “Well, I think we should go to a place Levi loves because I have a feeling he has done being apart from you.”
You walked with him to his car. “Is it a noodle place?”
“How did you know?”
You hummed a laugh. “He likes noodles and rice.”
Vincent was at a loss for words as he reflected on what had happened between you and Ariana. He wanted to reward you in some way as thanks for what you’d done for him. It also occurred to him that he had to break the news to Levi that you had met Ariana. He was filled with so many conflicting thoughts and feelings.
All his feelings washed away when you smiled at him and pulled him along. To Vincent, you were like a sister he never knew he needed. Vincent hoped that you and Levi would marry so you would stay with the family, if Levi didn’t marry you he was probably going to hit him. However, Vincent was incredibly sure you and Levi would be together until you both grew old and passed peacefully.
“Oi.” Levi walked over to the table you were at. “Why are you two on a lunch date?” He stared at your cheek. “Why is there a cut on your precious cheek!?” He sat down and cradled your face. “My little bunny got hurt!”
You smiled at him. “I missed you.”
Levi blushed. “I missed you too.” He leaned closer and kissed you. “What happened though?”
Vincent sighed. “I’ll tell you.”
You ordered more food and drinks as to two brothers talked. You whined as Levi hurried over and cleaned your cheek up. “I’m okay.”
Levi kissed your cheek a lot. “I’m sorry you met her and she hurt you.”
“It’s okay, I punched her for Vincent.”
Levi chuckled. “Good girl. You’re like an Ackerman.”
You hummed a laugh. “I guess you’re right.” You gasped and grabbed your bag. “I have something for you.”
Levi sat next to you. “Really?”
You gave the bag to him. “I hope you like it.”
He kissed your cheek before opening the bag and then the box to show the black ring. “Bunny…”
You picked up the ring. “Watch the ring.”
Levi stared at the ring, saw a little bunny hop along, and then a wolf walked over. The wolf sniffed the bunny and a little heart appeared above them, then the bunny snuggled up to the wolf. “That’s us.”
You nodded. “It tracks me. So, you’ll be able to watch a bunny on there moving around and doing things. When we’re together a wolf appears.”
Levi slipped it on his wedding finger and locked eyes with you. “Yes.”
You stared at him. “Huh?”
He kissed you and hummed in delight. “I was going to ask you, but you beat me to it.” He put his hand in the inside pocket of his jacket. He pulled out a ring and smiled. “I was getting this with my dad today.” He locked eyes with you. “Seeing as you already asked I don’t need to ask.” He noticed your wide eyes. “Oh…you weren’t asking.” He blushed bright red. “Fuck.”
You grabbed his hand holding the ring. “Ask me.”
He whined. “But.”
He locked eyes with him. “Will you marry me?”
You squeaked a little. “Yes. Will you marry me?”
“Fuck yes.” He slipped the ring on your finger with shaky hands before kissing you. “Mine.”
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As a celebration of your and Levi’s engagement, Levi’s parents decided to take everyone out on a fun full-day outing to a stunning botanical garden. After a night of a few drinks and a light celebration, you all got up the next day and dressed up in cute summer things. It was fun to all get into the same car, almost like you were one big happy family. Sebastian drove the car, Kuchel was in the passenger and you were sat in the middle seat between Levi and Vincent.
Levi’s fingers were entwined with yours and his lips barely left your neck and shoulder. He smiled against your skin and whispered. “I love you.”
You turned your head and smiled at him. “I love you too.”
“Can I call you Mrs Ackerbunny?”
You giggled. “We’re not married yet.”
He nipped your shoulder. “We should be.”
Vincent let out a loud groan. “Are we there yet? If I have to sit any longer next to my lovesick brother I’m going to vomit.”
Kuchel giggled. “Leave your brother be. He’s happy.”
“Mum, he asked her if he could call her Mrs Ackerbunny.”
“That’s adorable!”
Vincent moaned. “Dad?”
Sebastian chuckled. “I think it’s sweet. Your mother is my little kitten.” He looked over at Kuchel. “Mrs Ackerkitty.”
Kuchel leaned over and kissed him. “My Ackerbear.”
Vincent sighed. “Fuck, I’m so single.”
You smiled at Vincent. “You’re an incredible man. I know you’ll find the perfect lady, but if you don’t that’s okay as well. Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve, which is a loving and caring woman who accepts all of you.”
Vincent blushed a little, his heart raced a moment, so he ruffled his hair a moment out of nerves. “Pfft, you softie.”
Sebastian pulled up and looked into the back. “All right kids, time to explore. Make sure you stay close to us.”
Levi kissed your cheek. “We’ll be saying that in a few years with our kids.”
You nodded shyly. “Yes.”
Levi climbed out of the car and pulled you along with him. He held you against him when you slowly walked along the paths. The two of you would stop at every opportunity to kiss and cuddle. He held you against him where there was a nice view around you both. The views were so beautiful to you both and it was so quiet, even though there were a lot of people around.
You stepped back from Levi a little bit but held his hands. “This is just perfect. We don’t need a big party with drinks. All we need is our family. I want to bring my parents to the city to meet you.”
Levi went white. “Your parents.”
You giggled. “Levi, you’re in the mafia and you're in the most powerful family in this city. There is no need to be afraid of my parents, they’re just normal people.”
He lowered his head and sighed. “I know, it's just that I want them to like me.”
“They will love you.”
“Thank you.”
You lifted his hands to your lips and started kissing. “Love you.”
“Love you too.”
You looked up at him and flinched when something wet and hot hit your face. Instinct made you close your eyes at being hit in the face by something. As soon as you opened your eyes you felt everything slow down around you. You reached towards Levi as blood poured from the side of his neck. The look in Levi’s eyes was not doom and gloom at his injury, but concern for your safety.
Levi wrapped his arms around you ready to run off with you, but his body bucked when something went through his back. “Ngh.”
You gasped when you felt something hot rip through you and then all feeling in your legs was gone. You dropped to the floor and Levi fell forwards with you to the floor. You could barely feel the weight of Levi on you. All you were concerned about was Levi’s bleeding neck. “Le-Levi.”
Levi panted heavily. “I’m…okay…are you?”
You reached up and pressed his neck. “You’re bleeding so much.”
Vincent’s voice echoed as he shouted. “Levi!” He screamed your name after as he got closer. “Mum! Dad! Help me!” He pulled Levi off you. “Sorry Levi, I know you want to hold her and protect her, but I need to tend to you.” He yanked his jacket off and pressed it against Levi’s neck. “I’ve got you.” He looked over at you. “I’ve got him, okay?”
You smiled as tears filled your eyes. “Thank you.” You frowned when you realised your legs weren’t moving. “Vincent? I can’t move my legs.”
Levi winced a bit and tried to look over. “Bunny? What do you mean?”
Vincent looked up as his parents ran over. “Dad! Mum! Help!”
Sebastian ran right over to you and called your name. “Don’t move. I’ve got you.” He knelt at your side and went pale as he looked you over. “Kuchel, call an ambulance.”
Levi started to panic. “Dad? Dad, what’s wrong with her?”
Sebastian could see a bullet had ripped right through Levi and into you. He could see the hole at the front and a bit of blood, but there was a massive pool of blood under you. “It’ll be okay, Levi.”
You shook a little when you started to feel cold. “Sebastian?”
He yanked his jacket off and put it over you. “I’m right here.”
You welled up. “Come closer, I don’t want Levi to hear.”
He leaned close to your lips. “I’m here.”
“I can’t feel my legs.”
Panic shot through Sebastian, but he knew he needed to remain calm for his family. He held your hand tightly. “Don’t worry, we’ll get you help.”
You looked over at Levi to see he was fighting Vincent a little to get up. “Levi, stay still. You’ll bleed out.” You sniffed a bit. “Think of our wedding.”
There was a rush around you as the ambulance quickly arrived. It pained Levi to be parted from you, but the two of you had been badly hurt. Sebastian stayed with you to protect you in case someone tried to come after you. Vincent stuck with his brother to stop him from kicking and fighting to come see you. Kuchel made multiple calls and put plans into action.
Levi jolted awake in his hospital bed and felt pain in his neck. “Tch, fuck me.” He shifted in the bed and called your name. “Where is she?”
Vincent pushed Levi to lie back. “You need to relax, okay? If you thrash about it’ll cause you to bleed all over the place.” He said your name. “She’s okay. She’s had surgery as well like you and she’s healing. You need to think of her. You need to get strong for her.”
Levi slammed his head against his pillow and fought tears. “Mm…fuck…you’re right.”
Vincent pressed the button for the nurse. “You’ve bled a bit.”
The nurse hurried in. “Everything okay?”
“He’s woken up and I think he’s messed up his stitches.”
Levi huffed as the nurse tended to him. “What’s the damage?”
She smiled at him. “You’ll do okay. You’re healing well, but you need to not fight your brother much or you will take longer to heal. A bullet ripped through the side of your neck, so we’ve had to replace the missing skin and muscle with cybernetics. The second bullet clipped your spine, so we’ve had to put cybernetics there as well. You’re making an incredible recovery.”
He said your name. “How is she?”
She tapped on her holopad and searched for your name. “Surgery is complete and was a success. She has woken up and she can now feel her legs.”
Levi’s eyes widened. “What? She couldn’t feel her legs?”
The nurse checked her notes. “Seems like the bullet went through you and ripped through her spine. She lost the use of her legs and felt nothing from the waist down. The doctor managed to put in a cybernetic spine and it took really well. She can feel everything and with this spine in place she’ll be a lot stronger.”
Levi pressed his palms to his face. “I got her shot.”
Vincent waved the nurse to leave and closed the door behind her. “Levi, you didn’t do this. I know Ariana did. It’s likely that witch was aiming for you because Danny wants your bunny back. Bunny getting hurt was probably not intentional.”
Levi moved his hands away from his face. Thinking over his brother’s words made sense because Ariana’s hatred was towards Levi and Kuchel, no one else. “I still feel like there is some blame on my part.”
Vincent sat on Levi’s bed. “You’re not thinking about leaving her, are you?”
A strong look of determination and vengeance was in Levi’s eyes when he gazed at Vincent. “Never. I want to rip Ariana’s heart out and make her pay for hurting my bunny.” Levi climbed out of bed and growled. “She’s my bunny. Mine. I won’t anyone touch a pretty hair on her head again.”
Vincent followed his brother. “I support this idea, but make sure you don’t go overprotective with Bunny, okay?”
“I mean it, Levi.”
Levi pouted. “Fine. I’ll be good.” He paused in the hall. “Now take me to my wife.”
Vincent rolled his eyes. “She’s not your wife yet.”
“She will be. Now, where is she?”
Vincent smiled and walked with Levi to your hospital room. He paused and turned. “Just to warn you.”
Levi’s eyes widened. “Does she look bad?”
He shook his head. “No, her parents are here. So, this is a fun way to meet the in-laws, huh?” Vincent opened the door and grinned. “Well, if it isn’t my favourite couple.”
Levi couldn’t believe his brother had already gotten cosy and close with your parents. He felt nervous. The first time he was meeting your parents was because you got shot. Failure and unworthiness drifted into his head. Levi’s love for you was incredibly strong, but as he stood before your door keep him from you and your parents, he didn’t know what to do. He wanted to be with you, but he also wanted your parents to like him.
“You’re Levi, right?” Your mother looked like you as she gazed up at Levi. She was a short lady that looked so sweet and kind. She smiled a little at Levi. “Thank you for loving our daughter and protecting her.”
Tears filled his eyes. “I failed her.”
She wrapped her arms around Levi and hugged him. “Levi, we can’t protect people we love from everything. Sometimes people get hurt. She is alive and well right now because of you protecting her with your body.” She released him and smiled. “Plus, the new spine she got is incredible. The normal stuff is free with our wonderful free healthcare, but your father went out of his way to pay for the top-of-the-line spine. We are so grateful.” She wiped his tears away. “Please don’t blame yourself or beat yourself up, okay?”
Levi smiled a little and nodded. “Okay. I promise.”
She grinned. “Good boy. My daughter was right about you. She has talked about you so much on calls and messages. You are just as handsome and as cute as she said you are.”
Levi blushed bright red. “R-Really?”
“Yes.” She giggled. “There’s that cute blush.” She held his hand and pulled him into your room. “Honey? Come meet your son-in-law.”
Your dad was a big guy, like Levi’s was. They were like two friendly bears if they were to stand together. He gave Levi a big grin and hugged him. “Good to meet you, lad!” He pulled back and looked at Levi’s neck. “Look at all that tech in your neck, looks good.”
Levi lightly touched it. “Thanks. I haven’t looked at it but it feels like a lot.” It dawned on Levi how much he had there. “Shit, this is a lot. No wonder bunny told me off.” Levi looked up. “Sorry for swearing.”
Your dad chucked. “I swear a lot, don’t worry. Also, I’m not surprised my daughter told you off. The whole left side of your neck has a cover on it. Did it have tattoos?”
Levi shook his head. “Not yet, but I was planning for something.” He let out a long sigh. “I have room elsewhere.” He looked down at his engagement ring to see a wolf with a bandage sitting next to a sleeping bunny, which also had a bandage on. “She not woken up yet?”
“She has woken up a few times and each time she asks for you. When we tell her you’re healing and in your room, she gets sad and falls asleep.” He patted Levi’s shoulder. “We’ll leave you to it.”
Levi waved to everyone before making his way to your bed. He sat down and took your hand in his. He smiled when you stirred a little and opened your eyes. “Bunny.”
You smiled brightly at Levi. “Grumpy.”
“I’m so sorry you got hurt.”
You reached up and caressed his cheek. “It’s not your fault. It’s mine really. I pissed her off by punching her in her stupid face.”
Levi chuckled. “That’s my girl.”
“We’ll get her back.”
“We will.”
You let out a long sigh. “On the bright side, I have this incredible new spine. All my back pain is gone. We’ll be able to do a lot more naughty things in bed and back paid when giving birth will be gone. I think this is a win.”
Levi laughed. “I love you so much.”
“Your neck looks cool. I wanna kiss it.”
He shifted and lay on the bed next to you. “It needs to heal, okay? Once it is, you can kiss it all the time.”
“Thank you.” You hummed. “Any other tech added?”
“New spine as well.”
You gasped in delight. “Snap! This is exciting.”
Levi hugged you tightly. “I love how optimistic you are.”
“Well, how can I not be? I’m going to be marrying the love of my life. Your parents love me. My parents love you. We’re both alive and better than before. It’s all okay.”
Levi crashed his lips against yours and hummed in happiness. “You’re right.”
You giggled and hugged him. “Oh, um I think you’re gonna like what I ask, but could you help me move around the next couple of days, possibly weeks? The doctor said that due to me being in surgery for a while to get the bullet removed and then the spine fitted, my legs are a bit weak. So, I’ll need some help moving around.”
Levi’s eyes sparkled at the thought of carrying you around. “I’ll carry you like a princess.”
“You don’t need to do that.”
Levi nuzzled your neck. “I will.”
You petted Levi’s head and sighed. “All right. You can carry me around. You cutie.”
Levi showered your face with kisses. “I love you.”
“Love you, Levi.”
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visceravalentines · 1 year
House of Wax Masterlist
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the brain rot is so, so chronic. I love this goddamn movie.
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Bo Sinclair
A Gentleman and a Scoundrel Masterlist Bo Sinclair is your dad's best friend. To you, he's so much more. NSFW Dilf!Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
Why Are You Here? You and Bo aren't together anymore. So why does it piss you off so much to see him here with a date? NSFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
The Devil Himself He's brutal, frightening. It turns you on. NSFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
Workaholic You know it's bad when Bo says you've been working too hard. SFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
Did You Touch Yourself While I Was Gone? He gave you explicit instructions, and now he's got to teach you a lesson. NSFW Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
These Violent Delights You don't want to do it anymore. He's not going to let you leave. SFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
Carnival Games You fucked up beyond forgiveness. He's going to let you try to leave. SFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
Date Night You're his captive and he'd like to have a cozy night in. NSFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
His Sequel to "Date Night." You're still his captive, mostly. NSFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
Breakfast Food He's wearing an apron and cooking you pancakes the end. SFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
It Ain't Georgia, But It's Close Enough Bo Sinclair meets the devil
I'm So Dirty, Babe He's really sweaty and you wax introspective about your feelings for him. NSFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
Blurb: Bo in Panties
A Gun is a Lonesome Creature Drinking with Bo is a bad idea. He has a worse one. NSFW Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
Worship Dilf Bo eats you out in a confessional booth. That's it that's the fic. NSFW Dilf!Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
Dumbification high sex with a meanie who's mean. NSFW Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
cane-cutter blues you are a girl or you are rabbit and either way you are sad. NSFW Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
fever dream it's August and you love him and you hate him and you're haunted. NSFW Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
sometimes he sleeps in the church a smol, sad blurb
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Vincent Sinclair
For Your Safety, I'll Be Gentle He's always so reserved. For once, you want him to let loose. NSFW Vincent Sinclair x GN!Reader
The Dusty Shelf You take Vinny on a bookstore & coffee date. SFW Vincent Sinclair x GN!Reader
Dawn He's pretty all the time, but especially when he's sleeping. SFW Vincent Sinclair x GN!Reader
Blurb: College!Vincent x GN!Reader
You Can Get Louder, Can't You? Show Me Vincent doesn't speak but he sure makes noise. NSFW Vincent Sinclair x GN!Reader
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Lester Sinclair
Lester's Nightmare He's really never stopped being a little kid at heart. SFW Lester Sinclair x GN!Reader
Once I Start, I Can't Stop Don't underestimate him. He's just as feral as his brothers. NSFW Lester Sinclair x GN!Reader
Blurb: Caught in the Rain with Dilf!Lester
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D: All of the Above
All You Have is Your Fire Bo spends his childhood standing up for Vincent. This time, he gets arrested.
Sinclair Household HCs
Sleepy Sinclair HCs
Blurb: Twin Angst
Tourniquet Victor & Trudy meet their (un)timely end
Ambrose Ghosts It ain't easy growing up in a haunted house
Blurb: Kissing All Three Dilf!Sinclairs
Headache HCs
12 Days of Cleaning the Sinclair House
I Only Have Eyes for You (and You, and You) Dancing in the kitchen with all three of your boys. SFW Poly!Sinclairs x GN!Reader
A Matching Set of Spoons Midnight cuddle puddle. SFW Poly!Sinclairs x GN!Reader
The Sundress A little friendly competition in which you are really the winner. NSFW Poly!Sinclairs x AFAB!Reader
Never Again Obligatory we-almost-died-but-we-didn't fic. SFW Poly!Sinclairs x GN!Reader
Four's Company Good thing you have so many holes, darlin'. NSFW Poly!Sinclairs x AFAB!Reader
Part of the Family You decide you'd like to contribute to the family business, but it ends up being too much for you. Your boys make sure you're okay. SFW Poly!Sinclairs x GN!Reader
Blurb: Taking Care of Sick Sinclairs
Novelty Mugs Watching a thunderstorm in good company. SFW Poly!Sinclairs x GN!Reader
Wet Dream You're in Bo's bed and at the mercy of Vincent. NSFW Poly!Sinclairs x AFAB!Reader
A Place for You Cuddling the twins after a long day. SFW Poly!Sinclairs x GN!Reader
Blurb: Creepy Obsessed Sinclairs
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bengiyo · 1 year
My School President Ep 3 Stray Thoughts
This show is giving me everything I wanted folks to get out of Lovesick the series. Last week we switched to Tinn's perspective and learned that he's just a nerd suffering from benign neglect that fell in love with a pretty boy with a nice voice that was kind to him once. We also learned that Tinn has unsuccessfully attempted to confess his feelings repeatedly for years. I love Tinn.
Now, after spending a whole episode anonymously helping the music club procure replacement instruments, he's committed himself officially to seeing Gun succeed in this competition in the hopes that maybe they'll date.
Gemini and Mark are fun together. Tinn is such a simp and it's endearing.
"When did he get here?" - "A while ago."
I like the scale of the villain of the current principal. She wants to cancel troublesome clubs, and I think demanding that slacker students perform academically isn't necessarily an unreasonable request of students who want permission to represent the school in a public competition.
We should be seriously concerned that the school building has a termite intrusion.
Holy hell they're so dense.
These marble tables are giving me Make It Right flashbacks.
Tinn's fantasies being consistently ruined by reality is actually such an important subversive creative choice. As fun and adorable as this all is, I'm glad young viewers are being subtly reminded that your fantasies will not always align with reality. Tiw reminding Tinn to focus on helping his crush is *chef's kiss*.
I love Tiw with my entire being. We haven't had a wingman this committed in a long time. He might be a winner for the NAMGOONG BEST BOY AWARD for 2022. I'm glad the rest of the music club affirmed that Tinn is a good tutor, but Gun has specific challenges with math.
I also like the fantasy sequences not only because they reveal how ridiculous and adorable Tinn is, it allows Gemini and Fourth to have more fun interactions before they get together.
Okay, but I actually think it's awesome that Tinn's parents still are attracted to each other and can express that in front of Tinn. That Tinn only laughs about it means this is normal for him.
This apartment does seem very nice.
Not sure why they don't just share the bed.
And now we're ballroom dancing. Tinn's going to implode.
Did Tiw suggest he watch Bad Buddy to flirt, and then diss Ohm and Nanon to highlight Mark (his actor) while the Bad Buddy intro theme played? Yes he did, and I am losing it.
Scrubb is actually good, so I totally get the fantasy about "Close."
They always seem to have fun with these Canon ads.
Tinn's dad is the hero we needed when we needed him.
I'm all for baby gays being delusional about their crushes, but not when it comes to knife safety.
I do like the joke about how silly "baby is a messy eater" is as a trope.
They all passed! I wonder if we'll get a side couple out of Tiw?
Fourth is really charming. Gun's appeal is plain in this pool scene.
Hey, Tinn's first attempt at flirtation! He didn't cover it with a "just kidding" either.
One of the benefits of the last episode was showing that Gun isn't totally oblivious if someone is making active choices. So, when Gun suggests that Tinn join him on the bed, I can't help but wonder if that's a bit of curiosity from the poolside hint of a confession and the nervousness about dancing.
I love this dancing fantasy. Really a lovely sequence.
Well well well, looks like Gun is starting to fall, too.
Ahh, it's time for third party complications next week.
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chenford prompt + Noah Foster is back for work and Tim's not jealous but he's not not jealous
I hope you like this! I’m still feeling eh. But I wanted to write! It calms me down and I relax when I write. I’m just glad it’s Friday!
And all at once, you're all I want, I'll never let you go
chenford prompt + Noah Foster is back for work and Tim's not jealous but he's not not jealous
Tim isn’t jealous of Noah Foster, he shouldn’t be jealous of Noah. There is literally nothing to be jealous of. Yes, he’s a little peeved that Noah has a nickname for his girlfriend hot pants and he’s a little peeved about that because what did hot pants even mean? But he’s not jealous. Lucy is fully his and he knows that. There’s no reason to be jealous of Noah, Lucy has his heart and he has hers.
So why does he feel a little bit of rage when he sees Noah sauntering into the station? His eyes follow the man as he approaches Lucy who hugs him. They are deep in conversation and Tim wonders why he is here again. He thought he was gone after Valentine’s Day.
Tim sees them coming towards him so he fixes his face into a smile as they get closer to him.
“Hey Bradford nice to see you again.” Noah says as they approach. He holds out his hand and Tim shakes albeit a little stiffly.
“What’s going on?” Tim asks. “Why are you here?” He doesn’t mean to sound so rude but now Noah and Lucy are standing a little too close for comfort. Lucy shots him a weird look but doesn’t say anything.
“There’s a major arms dealer that’s infuriating a club and selling guns to young kids. I’m going undercover to see if I can stop it. I have been working on it for months and this is my first major lead.” Noah explains and he looks at Lucy. “I asked Lucy if she could accompany me so we both can get feelers out.”
“You’re going undercover?” Tim turns to Lucy and her eyes are on him as if gauging his reaction.
“I’m just helping Noah out.” She tells him. “He has to go to the club so it’s better if he shows up with someone.”
Logically Tim knows this is true and he also knows you can’t always have someone with you.
“When is it?” He asks Lucy and her eyes leave his face to look at the ground.
“Tonight.” She answers not looking at him. She bites her lips and then looks toward Noah but he’s on his phone. She steps closer to Tim nonetheless and leans towards him.
“I’m sorry Tim. We will have to reschedule date night.” She whispers. And she does look like she’s disappointed. It’s nothing compared to the pit in Tim’s stomach. Noah gets to go to a club with Lucy and he gets to what sit at home and worry for her safety?
Tim sighs but smiles at her. “It’s fine Luce. Do what you have to do. Do you need any backup?”
Lucy turns to Noah and taps him gently. “Tim could help be in a car listening in.” And Tim is hopeful because after last time with the Tesca case, he always wanted to make sure he was Lucy’s backup.
But Noah shakes his head. “Thanks man but we got it.”
Tim opens his mouth to say something but Lucy shots him a look. He clenches his jaw and shuts his mouth. He knows Lucy can handle himself on her own. She doesn’t need him.
“Okay.” He says and he ignores Noah as he leans into Lucy again.
“Be safe.” He whispers fiercely. She nods and the only thing she can do is squeeze his arm. It’s a simple gesture but it says it all.
Lucy doesn’t get home until late that night, she crawls into bed and kisses him on the cheek lightly and then falls asleep pretty quickly after that. Tim didn’t actually fall asleep that night he just laid awake hoping and praying Lucy was okay. He doesn’t fall asleep when she gets home either. He lays awake listening to her breathe, in and out in and out. He moves closer to her and wraps his arm around her middle. It’s a comforting reminder that’s she’s here with him and she’s okay.
When Tim wakes up in the morning, Lucy’s side is empty and cold. He gets up and checks the bathroom but it’s empty. He goes out to the kitchen to check out there and finds her in the kitchen with a coffee mug in hand.
“Good morning.” She says quietly but cheerfully. She pushes a mug towards him he ignores it for a second and goes around to greet her with a kiss.
“How did last night go?” He asks a little nervously. He didn’t sleep last not just because she wasn’t home, but because she was with Noah.
Lucy shrugs. “It was fine. Noah did most of the talking. I was feeling the guy out. He’s a real scumbag but I think we will have him soon.”
“We? Are you going back under?”
“Just for tonight.” Lucy assures him. “He’s been working on this for months. He has all the players right where he wants them.”
Tim tries not to scoff because he’s sure Noah’s a great undercover officer but Lucy probably would have gotten these guys months ago.
Tim nods numbly and picks up his mug. He’s not jealous, he is absolutely not jealous.
Tim goes on with his day trying not to think about Lucy with Noah. He gets his mind off of it by doing a big bust himself. He’s on a adrenaline high when he gets back to the station. He looks for Lucy but she’s already gone. So he goes to his office to do paperwork, to distract himself. His phone rings about fifteen minutes later and it’s Lucy. He picks up a little panicked because what if something happened? What if they need backup?
“Hi baby.” Comes Lucy voice and it sounds giddy and excited. Tim feels himself relax a little.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yes. Noah and I just got debriefed, the operation is over.”
Tim perks up at her words. “That’s great Luce.” He says softly. “Do you want to—”
“Hold on.” She says quickly and Tim can hear her whispering to someone. And then she’s back on the phone. Her voice still light and cheery.
“Do you want to meet us at the bar? I know you are off pretty soon.” She asks and Tim glances at the clock. It’s already 5:00.
“Sure.” He says. He puts his pen down. He wants to celebrate with Lucy but he’s not sure he wants Noah there. But he doesn’t say anything. He just wants to see Lucy.
“I’ll see you soon.” He tells Lucy and he gets to work on the paperwork. He just has to finish the report on today’s arrest and then he is done.
He finishes a half and hour later, he changes out and the heads to his truck. He checks his phone to see if there is anything from Lucy. There isn’t but he figures she knows he wouldn’t be there right away.
He gets to the bar and walks in. He doesn’t see Lucy right away but he sees Noah at a table. He heads over to him but he’s intercepted by Lucy. She wraps herself around him and he pulls her close kissing the top of her head and breathing in her scent.
“Hi baby.” He mummers into her hair softly.
She releases him a bit but he doesn’t let her get far. She smiles up at him.
“I’m glad you came.” She says and then leads him to the table where Noah is. He sits down sliding into the booth with Lucy right after him. He pulls Lucy close she is tucked into his side.
Noah nods at him. “Bradford.” He says and then he turns to Lucy.
“As I was saying, this arms dealer operation goes out of LA. Hell it even goes out of California. We need undercover cops like you doing these ops. I think I’m going to New Mexico next if you want to join. My bosses think you are terrific. You would definitely make a difference.”
Lucy moves a little bit and Tim gapes at Noah as if he’s crazy. New Mexico?
“I don’t think- I don’t think I would go out of state.” Says Lucy tersely. Tim looks between them, wondering what they were discussing before he got there. He puts his hand on Lucy’s thighs, just to ground him.
“Oh c’mon.” Noah turns to Tim smiling widely and Tim swallows trying to get the bitter taste out of his mouth. He remembers the first time when Noah suggested that the reason she wasn’t full time undercover was because of him. Because of their new relationship status. He was already upset at Lucy, and then hearing how he could be the reason she wasn’t going anywhere made his stomach clench.
“Tim wouldn’t mind would you?” He asks as if that’s a normal thing to ask and assume.
Lucy squirms against him and Tim shakes his head. He would absolutely mind. Lucy being in whole other state. Tim not knowing if she’s okay or not…He’s absolutely not jealous that Lucy would be with Noah in another state. He’s not jealous that Lucy and Noah were having this discussion before he got there. He just has that uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach again. He swallows and has to bite his tongue because what he really wants to say would make him look like an asshole.
“If it’s what she wants to do.” He manages to get out. Lucy turns to stare at him.
“What?” She asks. He swallows hard and turns to look at her.
“I’m not going to stop you Luce. You’re so good at undercover work. I don’t want to hold you back.”
Noah grins at Lucy. “He’s right Hot pants. You can’t let a new relationship hold you back from what you are good at.”
Lucy swivels to glare at Noah. “Tim is not holding me back.” She snaps and then she turns to Tim and she’s glaring at him. “You’re not holding me back. How can you even—”
Noah looks between them and then he moves out of the booth. “I’m going to get another round of drinks.” Tim barely hears him, he’s staring intently at Lucy.
“Luce.” He says in a soft voice now that Noah is out of earshot. “I can’t be the reason you don’t move up in your career. Taking down these arms dealers would be huge.”
Lucy shakes her head at him and she’s still frowning. “Tim. That’s not why—”
She pauses and takes a deep breath. “Leaving you is getting harder and harder. Even little ops like this one. I want you as my backup. It keeps me sane.”
He nods because he gets that. He feels more comfortable when he’s her backup too.
“Okay but that’s still because of me. I don’t want you to not do it because of me.”
She looks at him intently. “What’s going on with you?”
“You have been so weird since I went to the club with Noah. You have let me do things so willingly.”
“You are an adult Luce. I can’t tell you want to do.”
“It’s like you’re overcompensating for something.”
“Do you want me to tell you what to do?” He asks her. “Do you want me to pushback?”
“Of course not.”
“I’m fine Lucy.” He tries to reassure her but she doesn’t buy it.
“Is it Noah?” She asks softly. “Are you bothered because it’s him?”
“No I—”
“Are you jealous?”
He shakes his head hard. “Why would I be jealous?”
“Because he was with me and you weren’t.”
“No. I am well aware I can’t always be there.”
“So you aren’t jealous?”
“No.” He says but he doesn’t even believe it himself. When Lucy was in UC school, she had this whole other life he wasn’t privy to. She had friends, Noah and their hot pants joke. He saw her for weeks everyday while Tim didn’t. And yes he was the one who pushed her away but still. Now that he has her he doesn’t ever want to live without her again. Lucy looks at him like she doesn’t quite believe him either.
“You have no reason to be jealous.” She says and continues before he can say anything. “Noah is a friend. He always has been. You know when I was at UC school I talked about you. Noah at one point thought you were my boyfriend.”
Tim snorts but doesn’t say anything. “I was mad at you but the only person I thought of was you.” She continues. “Noah got it pretty quickly that my heart belonged to someone else. And I had your heart.” He never tried anything.”
Tim relaxes a little. “My heart will always be yours. It always has been.”
She smiles at him softly. “He told me he knew it was serious with you because I wouldn’t shut up about you.”
Tim leaned over to kiss her. “That sounds about right. You never shut up.”
She smacks him on the arm but she’s laughing. Noah comes back over with three glasses of beers. He sits down and Tim reaches for the one of the glasses. He glances at Lucy whose smiling at him. And he realizes she’s right, there is no need to feel jealous. She’s fully confident in their relationship. So there is no reason for Tim to worry.
She is fully his, she will always come home to him.
And he will always be waiting for her to come home.
That’s something he can honestly live with. Because with Lucy it’s all worth it.
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mx-mongoose · 11 months
Goose. For the kiss thing. Glados. And Chell. Any prompt. Let Chell smooch that robot
I don't really know what prompt this is supposed to be T-T I guess this would be goodbye or because time ran out. But here it is!
Chell blinked open her eyes slowly as her vision started to piece together. She awoke on a circle-shaped elevated platform with handrails surrounding her from all sides. The sight she was greeted with however was two robots staring at her. There was an orange opticed robot in the shape of a Turret, except it having long legs, arms and it's body was slightly bigger then the original she was used to. The other right beside them was spherical, shorter and had a blue optic instead but still adorned the same limbs. That one specifiically reminded Chell of a certain blue core who she just sent to the moon and if this was Glados's way of a practical joke then it was way too soon.
Chell started to pick herself up, her muscles aching but nothing too bad. She grasped her sides where the burns were from the Stalemate Trap but noticed something wrapped around her waist tightly, she ran her fingers over the fabric of her tanktop and felt soft ridges underneath it. Bandages.
"Oh thank god, you're alright!" Glados cooed (Now that's something Chell never thought she would hear).
Glados was back to being a ginormous machine wired to the ceiling and thus back in power of The Facility once more. Chell expected herself to be quaking in fear and itching her trigger finger on her Portal Gun but somehow she felt safe, at ease even.
"Y'know... Being Caroline tought me a valuable lesson. I thought you were my greatest enemy, when all along you were my best friend,"
The wall-plates hummed and swayed calmy, a similar rythm to a heart beat.
"The surge of emotion when I saved your life tought me an even more valuable lesson,"
Her tone was so sweet and warm, too sweet if you asked Chell. Even after all they went through, Glados has never sounded like this. It gave Chell the feeling something was being set-up, like glancing down at a rug she was standing on only to see Glados gripping it between her hypothetical fingers. She was saying all the things Glados presumed Chell wanted to hear like them being best friends and changing for the better. This had 'Dangling a turkey leg on a rope hanging from the ceiling' written all over it.
But the real question why... Oh, who was Chell kidding? This platform was gonna give out and dunk her in a relaxation vault any second so she could continue testing.
"Where Caroline lives in my brain!" You could practically hear the forced smile through her words.
Then suddenly through the intercoms, there was long beep and everything froze.
"Caroline deleted," the intercom voice announced.
There it was.
"Goodbye, Caroline..." Glados shifted away from Chell and churned her downwards in solemn.
"You know, deleting Caroline just now tought me a valuable lesson. The best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one and I'll be honest, killing you is hard," Her voice returned to it's cold and monotone demeanor, for some reason it made Chell more at ease then the previous because at least everyone now is being honest.
"You know what my days used to be like? I just tested. Nobody murdered me, or put me in a potato, or fed me to birds. I had a pretty good life and then you showed up. You dangerous, mute, lunatic,"
The words sounded like Glados shoudl want her dead but for some reason it lacked that icey venom from when she really did mean it. It made Chell's eyebrows knit together and her gaze fixated on her intensely, trying to pick this situation apart the best she could. Nothing was adding up.
"So you know what? You win! Just go,"
Chell eyes widened as the platform rumbled beneath her boots and it started to raise upwords.
"It's been fun, don't-"
Chell hopped over a safety rail and plummeted off the platform towards the ground. Her Long Fall boots clicked once she hit the smooth surface, landing elegantly.
Glados jolted back in shock and then leaned down towards Chell, narrowing her shutters. "What did you do that for? It wasn't a trap, I promise. You need to work on your paranoia if you want to survive up there, that much anxiety will kill you instantly,"
Chell walked closer to her, a determined smirk growing on her face.
"I want nothing else to do with you!" Glados retorts defensively. "Now please go-
Chell caressed her hand on the smooth yet aged metal of Glados's head like you would the face of a person, rubbing her thumb softly. She pressed her lips near the right corner of Glados's optic, you could hear a small gasp escape Glados's thoughts and then jerked away from Chell's touch.
But Chell didn't mind, she only mouthed a silent "Thank you," and she didn't even try to hide the smile still present.
There was a silence between them except the faint intelligible chatter of the droids behind them.
"Ahem.." Glados choked out, even though she had no reason to. "Atlas, Pbody, please bring back down the elevator,"
Atlas and Pbody scurried off out of the chamber and to wherever control deck they needed to be to access.
"You could have left earlier if you didn't pull that little stunt, you even smudged my Core shell with your gross human mouth and now I might have contracted a disease despite that being impossible. That is how badly you screwed it up. I hope you're happy with yourself, what you did was very stupid,"
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maccreadysbaby · 1 year
Maybe a fem medic reader and soap getting in a fight because he’s so reckless and at the end she just kissed him
Oooh yay! I think this is the first kiss I’ve ever written in detail on my account 🥹 glad it’s my soapy boy
Tw: fluff, maybe smut if you squint
Y/n grumbled as she and Soap flew through the safe house door. If it wasn’t for the sergeant compromising their location — again — they’d be home by now. He was spotted by a sniper because he just had to be closer to the target. Luckily, the sniper sucked.
But that didn’t mean Y/n was happy.
“Bloody hell, Soap, why can’t you just do as you’re told? Do you not understand that when Ghost says hold position you need to hold your position?” She grumbled. “You could’ve been shot.”
He turned back toward her, eyes raking up and down her appearance. “But I wasn’t.”
“But you could’ve been, and then it would’ve been up to me to save your stupid arse and probably get shot, too,” She huffed, crossing her arms.
“Fine, I won’t do it again,”
“Yes you will. You do it on every mission. You push it just a little farther, just a little farther, like a kid trying to see how far they get get before they get I trouble. Like you’re some kind of super soldier. But you’re not, and if you get shot and I get downed by a sniper, we’re both dead,” She stated. “Get it through your thick skull that if you go down, most likely, I’m going with you.”
She meant it both figuratively and literally, because she knew if Soap died, she wouldn’t be able to handle it. He shifted his weight on his feet. “Great to know you’re looking out for number one, then.”
Y/n’s anger grew massive, and she flung her arms out to the side. “I’m not looking out for me, Soap, I’m looking out for you!”
“Well stop, it makes you bloody annoying,” He stated, turning and walking deeper into the safe house.
“I can’t just stop!” She shouted.
“Why not?!” He snapped back, turning toward her again. “If I’m such a big inconvenience to you, why don’t you just pretend I’m not here, aye?”
Y/n heard the way his accent got deeper when he was irritated. She saw the way his eyes flicked to the side when he didn’t want to make eye contact, the way he clicked the safety of his gun on and off when he was talking about something important. The way his pupils seemed to take in every inch of her appearance when he was upset, trying to find something about her to convince him otherwise.
Y/n had no earthly clue what she was doing when her first instinct was to march toward him. Her body was in complete overdrive and her brain wasn’t doing anything. It was a surprise, both to her and him, when her hands flew out — but not to slap him like she thought. Instead, she latched onto both sides of his face, and her lips crashed into his in a deep, angry kiss.
Soap was stunned for a solid three or four seconds, before he sank into her, hands finding their way to the back of her neck and pulling her closer. Their lips and bodies seemed to move perfectly in sync with one another, like they’d been waiting for this day for years. (Because they had.) Soap’s hands weaved themselves into her hair as her’s looped tightly around his neck, minimizing the distance between them to nothing. Every hint of anger in Y/n’s body turned to something lethal, gasoline, and every ounce of irritation in annoyance in his veins turned into fire. It felt like explosions as they parted for air and came back together again, two, three, four times. The battlefield, the mission, their lives were far from their mind at that moment, because all they could think about was each other. How their bodies fit so perfectly together, how their lips moved in harmony, how the deep craving and wandering that sat in both of their hearts for so long was fading as they raked their hands through the other’s hair and across their warm skin.
The moment only ended when Ghost flung the safe house door open in a fit of anger, storming inside like a hurricane. Y/n and Soap thought they shoved each other away fast enough for him to miss it, but apparently, they hadn’t. Because when they both peered over at them, smiling innocently, he muttered:
“Bloody ‘ell,”
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discobrainrot · 1 year
Oh, Anon. We going for the BIG guns today, huh????
Heads up - this one isn't gonna be funny. I don't have positive thoughts about these two. This might actually be more... meta than HC. I'm gonna put it under the cut because uhhhhh... this might be a doozy.
TW: Abortion, Self Harm/Suicidal Talk
1. Dora was the one with White Knight Syndrome.
I think she felt an obligation to fix him. Whether she knew about his mental illness before or after getting into a relationship, I think she saw him as a very particular kind of salvageable.
It's like when people from suburbia adopt "troubled" dogs from other countries. Poor, malnourished creatures with separation anxiety or missing limbs. She looked at him and fell in love with the idea of what he could be. There are two reasons I go for this conclusion: Apricot Chewing Gum Scented One and The Fifteenth Indotribe.
We're gonna start with the Fifteenth Indotribe. The solution to the thought is:
Because there was. The fifteenth indotribe was comprised of eight kids from Faubourgh and North Jamrock, running from wild dogs in the Valley, hiding cents under rocks and stealing clothes off clotheslines, and sometimes even the copper wiring of phone lines. You may have been *one of them*. This must be a childhood memory. The fifteenth indotribe was *your* indotribe, set to rule Insulinde. The rest of the kids are dead now. Car accidents and drug overdoses. Only you remain.
I am holding onto that as canon. Even the thought highlights it as "may have been one of them," but... uh. Actually, I don't have a followup. I'm just holding onto it as canon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Next, the solution for Apricot Chewing Gum Scented One:
August 2nd. Early late summer. You’re getting off the streetcar in Le Jardin, east of the river. Her father and mother are middle class. The nylon of her little jacket rustles next to you, in the dark, like autumn leaves. Her heels click on the pavement. You're walking up to the gate in front of her parents' house. She takes out her chewing gum and you kiss her. A feeling like electricity flows through your whole body. Immediately you know that you've entered a completely different world...
This one mentions the date but not the year. Dora is at her parent's house. She could be visiting. They could have met well into adulthood… But what if they met as teens or younger? When Harry ran wild with kids with nowhere else to call home? He steps into the new world, meeting her at the gate between what's his and hers.
A young Dora would have seen a stray dog more than a young man. She could take him in. Wash him off. Give him a flea collar. She has the time and the means.
But a troubled mind doesn't come clean in the wash. Old habits die hard and seeing a loved one howling through the night is distressing.
Lots of people want to give rescues and strays a fighting chance. Lots of people aren't prepared for the reality of helping. The reality is that the dog won't be grateful. It can be hard.
But Harry isn't a dog. He's a man. A violent, suicidal, alcoholic man. I don't doubt that Dora's safety was on the line. I don't doubt that she tried to help.
However, there's a fine line between salvaging and cannibalizing, and I don't think she knew which side she was on.
2. Harry has been stalking Dora for years.
He knew her phone number. Her long-distance phone number. It's unclear whether or not he's called her recently (or ever, at least at this number), but she recognizes him, and it's... distressing. A few excerpts (sourced via fayde.co.uk) from that phone call:
YOU - "I want to die." PAYPHONE - "What?" It takes a second for her to realize what you said. YOU - "Your voice makes me want to turn into dust." PAYPHONE - "Oh no... is that you?" Her voice sounds like she's waking up now. Still plaintive, tired... YOU - "A creature is a creature. I wish I was the wind." PAYPHONE - "Oh no, not this... what time is it?"
YOU - "Harry? How do you know my name?" PAYPHONE - "Because it's me... Look, I don't understand what you're saying or why you're calling me. You seem drunk." YOU - "I'm not drunk." PAYPHONE - "Oh god..." There's silence, it's heavy as tin. The white noise howls.
Maybe it's my ADHD kicking in, but I find it hard to decipher if her tone is akin to distress or annoyance. Either is, honestly, well-earned at this point. Harry isn't a good person, and that's part of what makes this painful.
At this point, Harry is the Ship of Theseus. He's not made of his original planks and boards, but is he the same man? Is he the same man who stalked her? She has every right not to trust him. She owes him nothing.
What does a man with nothing owe her?
3. Dora had at least two abortions.
Let me make something abundantly clear before I move on to this point: the decision to have an abortion always belongs in the hands of the pregnant person. Reproductive rights are not up for debate right now. Fandom is not activism. That's not what this post is about.
If you want to debate any of that, that's cool. Do it somewhere else.
Moving on! So, the abortions. There's so much goddamn symbolism there, and it's just... god, it's fascinating. Especially how we learn about it. In the final dream, there's this exchange:
DOLORES DEI - "No, Harry. Not yet. There is one more thing you have to see..." She slides her hands down her chest, and onto her lower stomach. And smiles. DOLORES DEI - "I'm pregnant." YOU - "It's not mine." DOLORES DEI - "Of course not." She looks down at her belly, then up into your old eyes... DOLORES DEI - "I terminated yours. Don't you remember, you *poor* fuck? Poverty-stricken fuck."
DOLORES DEI - "We don't have anything to talk about anymore. Every combination of words has been played out. The atoms don't form us anymore: us, our love, our unborn daughters..."
If she had carried the pregnancies to term, she would have been tied to Harry by something money can't erase. Blood. She calls him a poverty-stricken fuck (although that's from Harry's POV and he's a terribly unreliable narrator). But if she had those kids, she'd be in the fucking gutters with him.
She might have viewed it as a mercy. No child of her's would grow up in poverty, or with a father like Harry. It was her choice. But to Harry? It's just punishment after punishment after punishment.
Did he want kids, and did she agree to try? She says "our unborn daughters" in the Final Dream - did he always want daughters? Did she tell him about the abortions immediately after they happened, or did she bring it up long after the fact?
Were they pushed together because she got pregnant? If they met as young people (late teens or early 20s) and she got pregnant accidentally, her parents might have decided they needed to be together. But abortion became the better option, so she took it. 
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berestweys · 2 years
Kinnporsche Rewatch - Episode 3
Summary: Paranoid fashionista gains confidence in himself by learning to party. Meanwhile, a boy who owns many bathrobes saves the boy who’s supposed to be saving him.
Favorite Line: “I’m sad I’ve done everything that I hate today.”
Porsche’s Wacky Antics: Shows Tankhun porn. Takes him to a bar when he’s not supposed to leave the house. Practices his butt off to get better at bodyguard activities. As a result, gets a begrudging compliment from Chan! Ultimate victory! Pulls everyone including Kinn into a dance competition.
Why is Chay crying? Chay remains absent from the plot.
Woe is Big: Forced to guard Kim, who they both know doesn’t need any sort of protection, Big is mocked for his devotion to Kinn. Kim offers to sing him “a heartbroken song.” Kim is a sociopath, unlike pinnacle-of-humanity-Kinn. Big does not deserve this disrespect! Poor Big.
Tankhun Highlight: Stroking his stuffed toy’s arm in a suggestive way while shrieking repeatedly during the porn show. Reveals he’s a dancing machine once Porsche finally convinces him to go to Yok’s bar.  
A Woman Speaks: Yok, dressed in all black and looking smoother than ever, parties with the boys all night.
What’s Pete eating, and who prepared it for him? Pete’s not eating but he is doing shots! Provided by Porsche and paid for by Tankhun. Ends his evening curled up in Yok’s lap like a little kitten.
Vegas Report: WAAAAHHHHHHHH No Vegas 
Shipping Activities
KinnPorsche: Kinn inexplicably appears while Tankhun, Pol, Arm, and Porsche have the porn going. Why? Could it be he missed Porsche too much and had to check on him?  Pfffft no way. Later he notices Porsche’s discomfort while they’re beating up Mes, and has Pete remove Porsche from the room. Instead of hiding behind Porsche like he’s supposed to do when he’s in danger, Kinn pulls Porsche out of the line of fire, saving his life for the second time while risking his own. Rejects his boytoy because he can’t stop thinking about Porsche, and again goes to find him and tends his wound. It’s only Episode 3, but Kinn is already so gone.
VegasPete: Hmmph. :/  
Do I care about KimChay yet? No. Kim is here, but he hasn’t met Chay. He was mean to Big so I’m not inclined to give a shit about him yet.
# of KimChay scenes in this episode: 0
# of KimChay scenes I watched without skipping through: 0
Kisses: FINALLY!!!! Kinn and Porsche’s first kiss is on the dock, harking back to that one time when Porsche jumped off a boat in a desperate attempt to escape being anywhere near Kinn. Sure wish Porsche had been sober, but the kisses were so soft that I won’t complain too much.
Tits Out: Half naked bodyguards in the pool!!! I repeat, half naked bodyguards in the pool!!! Kinn in the tub daydreaming about Porsche. First prize goes to Arm though, for dousing himself in drink while gyrating and stepping on Pol.
What’s Gun wearing? Indeterminate. This episode suffers from a sad lack of Minor Family.
Serious Observations of Various Sorts: It’s actually heartwarming to see Porsche basically bully Tankhun into leaving the safety of the compound, with the result being Tankhun is later willing to do it without prompting. Porsche is good for this family. Speaking of, even though Porsche is great for the Theerapanyakul children, he is super ill-suited to this life. He’s a bubbling cauldron of empathy! He cares about people so much. He’s beside himself about Mes, a dude who tried to kill him, because he can’t stop imagining what will happen to Mes’ kids. Kinn, who’s also too soft for this world, cannot help but give him the big eyes and the sweet kisses.
On a less serious note, the Tay/Time/Tem mini drama going on in the background really should have gotten more screen time.
Have I calmed down? No. I love Porsche too much. And I am increasingly ravenous for Vegas to just BE HERE ALREADY.
Episode 1/ Episode 2/ Episode 4
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jonathans-boyfriend · 2 years
ST4 Vol2 Ep9
- yuri, i hate you
- joyce and hopper <333
- lasagna and breadsticks. hopper its okay hun
- please kiss omg pleaseeee
- nancy wheeler i love you so fucking much
- dustin, sweetie, do not get hurt or i will throw H A N D S
- steve, that was so hot
- steve, stop making moves in jonathan’s girlfriend
- ediie and dustin are heroes !
- the new monster hunting trio is so sexy tho. nancy leading.
- the zoom in on nancy? consider me peaked
- jonathan is stressed. means im stressed.
- hi eleven, my beloved.
- argyle, you beautiful dumbass
- eleven is going to piggyback in max’s mind
- argyle has an idea:D
- max !!!
- the faint running up that hill. im so terrified.
- hi lucas, my loveeee
- ERICA, please GO HOME! i dont want you hurt :(
- PHASE ONE is on. oh no.
- JASON! put that damn gun away. you ain’t going to do shit
- stay away from the kids or i will sadako your ass
- Russia team is getting ready? i hope…
- hopper is pissed.
- joyce and hopper are ready to protect their kids
- hopper holding a flamethrower. consider me scared and aroused.
- argyle and fellow high dumbass
- purple palm tree delight. again.
- jonathan, go save your friends from afar. i love you
- eddie and dustin, better make it out it here it i will actually cry
- eddie, sweetheart, dont get hurt
- steve, do not make any moves on nancy. isrg j will STOP watching the show
- i love how seeing nancy smile but please stop flirting steve.
- please. steve stop. steve stop.
- nancy no. NANCY NO.
- nancy does not seem to feel the same. i hope.
- murray and jim on a first name basis. love it.
- its a warzone. the demogorgon IS NOT DEAD.
- why is enzo kinda 🥴
- exactly enzo. put yuri in his fucking place.
- yuri is a veteran?
- enzo is so hotttt
- exactly yuri. do the right thing. please.
- im so scared for max. please dont hurt max…
- max and lucas are so cute. they are a power couple. they have stood the test of time and truly love one another
“ hi!” “hi :)” “im glad you are here” “me too!” “movie friday?” *lengthy writing* “*a picture if them together 👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏿*”
- the lovebirds have copied!
- ericas sassss
- phase two begins. poor max…
- its game time.
- "hey asshole!” — max (s4) "hey asshole!” — nancy (s2) - girls getting shit done.
- mileven! <3
- im happy they are talkin.
- PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA?! now i gotta try it
- will and jonathan…please talk omg
- byers brothers memories
- larry the lego man.
- silly will got a lego man stuck up his nose
- jon doing surgery on his brothers nose lmao
- jon loves his brother so much.
- he doesnt wanna lose his baby brother.
- “or stoned.” - sass, matter of a fact
- “or stoned.” - agreement
- jonathan KNOWS. omg he knows. he loves his brother and supports him.
- THEIR HUG. jonathan is THE best brother to exist and my favorite stranger things character. i love you byers.
- its go time.
- el, max, and lucas together again. . .sorta
- this is max’s season.
- aw max 🥺
- max wanting billy dead. yikes 😳
- i wish i could hug max.
- el is listening and her heart is breaking.
- max can’t forgive herself and wants to die? i feel you max
- RUN MAX! fucking RUN
- el is in.
- eddie. my love.
- “chrissy, this is for you!” <3 SHRED EDDIE
- i just realized the demobats have demogorgon heads
- back to the russia crew :)
- the mind flayer has risen
- please be careful monster hunters 2.0
- robin and nancy holding each other’s hands for safety. love it.
- little baby max riding a skateboard and flipping people off <3
- joyce remembering bob breaks my heart
- joyce and hopper have a date. hes going to survive 🥺🥺
- THEY KISSED AGAIN— hopper, do not fail miss byers or i will wake you up and kill you myself
- dustin trying to be scary is so funny. i love him.
- dustin and eddie stabbing stuff makes me smile <3
- “YOU!” “hi. :)” *yeet*
- my girls are back together and that makes me so happy <3
- “im real :)”
- “i piggybacked from a pizza dough freezer :)” “WHAT?!”
- “if you touch her again, i will KILL you again.”
- dustin’s leg is broken…no…baby no…
- eddie sweetheart. you are so brave.
- i admire max for trying to protect her friend
- el, sweetie, its not going to work. . .
- yes. keep him busy el.
- ew. he is so ugly… — me about vecna
- henry created the upside down.
- it all started with henry.
- “you’ve already lost.” “no. you have.”
- kill the son of a bitch
- that would’ve been a perfect, “go. to. hell!” line from nancy, not gonna lie
- im so glad shes okay
- THEY WON but at what cost…
- please get up max
- shes dead? holy fuck. fuck this stupid show! please get up max
- the ritual was complete…they lost
- WAIT DID JASON JUST DIE! omg the upside down opening up literally killed jason. THANK GAWD
- TWENTY TWO?! DEAD! holly and karen better be okay.
- they’re okay. thank god.
- please tell me they hug
- max is alive?
- nevermind…
- she is fighting for her life! come home max. come home.
- elmax reunites in person….in the worst circumstances.
- the code cracking trio is back and helping out
- rob and vickie reunite
- vickie is pulling a robin in episode one! oh my fucking god!
- ROBIN is getting a girlfriend :) im happy
- steve is proud of his bff
- aw dustin…baby…sweetheart.
- rest easy eddie munson. you were an angel. a true hero. you were innocent. and you did it for chrissy <3
- they are cleaning up hopper’s cabin for el.
- please talk to each other, jon and nance.
- jonathan is jealoussss
- he wont tell her? come on jonny! communicate! she is the love of your LIFE!
- she feels like she lost. poor baby.
- HOLY FUCK. the upside down connection is back. run will. gtfo.
- vecna is going to die.
- grab a gun nancy. its the government.
- el spins the bottle, the game she played with max in season three on who to use her powers on.
- el is trying to find max in her mind.
- dont lose hope. max is okay.
- she kept the door open three inches for hopper. omg.
- they are both without their luscious locks.
- “yeah…i kinda stole your look.”
“yeah :)”
“ how does it look?”
- “im happy you went to your conference.” YES ME TOO EL! me too
- welcome home hopper
- “you’ve grown :)”
“you’ve shrunk.”
- will senses vecna.
- shit is about to go down.
- the music building. this score…
- the upside down is coming to hawkins.
- war is coming to hawkins, indiana
the five deaths of stranger things vol.2
i. brenner
ii. eddie
iii. max (resurrected)
iv. jason
v. hawkins itself.
bro this show is the reason i need therapy again. thanks stranger things 4. thank you soooo much
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the-archangel · 1 year
V’s Diary (Part 3)
[Notes: This is my favourite so far, it’s also not particularly graphic, full of feels and pretty short, so please give it a go if you can.
It’s also darker, sadder than the others and touches lightly on dark themes.]
 V, typing: Misty likes to talk about holistic connections or some shit, I think it’s about everything affecting everything else and happening when it’s meant to; a lot of what she says sounds like crap – to me at least – but I think she’s right about that.
 Johnny had been uncharacteristically quiet for a couple of days, a few weeks ago this would’ve been amazing, but I was worried and even missed him a little......
“Aw V, you soppy bitch. I never knew you cared.”
“Shush Johnny, this is about the thing  with Kerry. Y’know the thing.
“Oh no. Not the thing!
“Fuck off”
 .....but I was worried and wanted to know what was on his mind. Snoozing in the Porsche after a dull gig in a crappy neighbourhood, I felt him in the passenger seat and sensed the intensity coming off him before I saw it.  
“Ask him about the gun.”
“What? Who?”
“Kerry. Ask him why he gave you the gun.”
“It was a gift for...well helping out I guess.”
“No, I know him, there’s more to it, ask him.”
“Well OK I guess, if it matters that much to you.”
“It does, it really does. Thanks V.”
 That evening I was going around to Kerry’s anyway, he prefers to be home than out most of the time, less chance of being spotted, being harassed I suppose, so we were having a lawn picnic by the pool. He said I didn’t need to bring anything but myself, but who turns up to a picnic empty handed? So I brought beer.
I opened the security gate with a flick, parked up and wandered down to the pool. Kerry bounced up from the lounger as soon as he saw me and flung his arms around me before kissing the tip of my nose and gesturing to the table in front of us. I didn’t recognise half of the stuff on there, but Kerry took enormous pleasure in explaining each thing, where it came from, how it was made, what flavours to look out for. It was good, I like trying new things, I’d definitely go for sushi again, but give me a burrito over that weird, salty, black goop any day.
We drank wine, Kerry played some new songs, and he was smiling, looking like a fucking god. I could’ve told him I loved him then, but given it would be the first time I’d ever said it to anyone, the idea was scarier than tickling a Valentino with his wife’s severed finger, so I didn’t, maybe I should’ve.
It turns out wine gives me some pretty dumb ideas, it also turns out jumping into a freezing cold pool fully dressed wasn’t as hilarious as my wine soaked brain imagined – it did however mean that Kerry had an excuse to take my clothes off, every cloud and all that. Since the intensity of the boat, things have (mostly :P) calmed down while we get to know what works for us. What doesn’t really work for us is a head terrorist shouting “Ask him!” while you’re mid grope....
 “Well you’d been at it hours and it was eating at my brain.”
“Oh really, you want a discussion about something eating at your brain?”
“Fair point.”
 I’d promised Kerry to tell him what Johnny was saying, to keep him in the loop, so when Johnny shouts and I wince he rightly wants to know what’s been said. I told him, “He said, “Ask him.” though not as nicely as that and with spitting.”
“Ask me what?”
Now I came to have to say it, I was scared. Johnny clearly had some sort of bad feeling about this; he’d been brooding on it for days. And I was feeling like a gonk, since I’d obviously missed some big, major ass red flag. I felt like a kid admitting a misdemeanour, “He wants to know why you gave me the gun.”
Kerry always looks into my eyes when he’s talking to me. It’s one of the things I love about him, the honesty, the intensity, but a piece of my heart shattered when he looked at the floor and said we should go inside. He walks in front of me towards the door, not looking back, purposefully striding to find the safety of the villa as fast as fuck. I throw on a robe and follow.
 “Johnny, I don’t know if I want to carry on writing this. The diary is supposed to be stuff I want to remember.”
“You want to remember why you mean so much to that dumbass don’t you?”
“Yeah, yeah I do. OK....”
 Kerry leads me upstairs to the bar, sits down and gestures to the seat next to him.
“What do you remember about the day we met?”
I told him that we’d heard him in the bathroom, but then I didn’t remember much as Johnny was in charge, though he’d pretty much told me what happened – got slapped, got drunk, talked about the old days, then just something about a gig and coming round in the lounge.
“OK, good.”
“Why ‘good’?”
“Because that means it’s him that I lied to and not you.”
“Johnny says, he knew it.”
“Did he now? Smart-ass son-of-a-bitch. He always knew when I was lying. Did he tell you what I lied about though?”
“No, I think he’s mad at you, he’s not talking.”
Kerry reaches over the bar and plucks out a bottle of bourbon splashing a good dose into each of two glasses; he passes one over to me and looks me in the eye for the first time since we came inside.
“Before I tell you this I want you to know that I am happier than I’ve been in years, maybe ever. Talking to Johnny again gave me a clearer view of the past that I really needed, and meeting you has given me a shot at a future I wasn’t sure I would ever have.”
A tear begins to form in the corner of his fucking beautiful eye, he looks down for a moment and I wipe it away.
“Up until that night, d’you know how long it was since I’d left this fucking house? Two fucking years! And how long since I’d written a new riff, or some lyrics? Don’t even know – fucking forever. I was done, washed up. Corpos owned my ass, my music and my soul. There was nothing else left to do. It turns out that rattling around a house that is a manifestation of your fucking ridiculous ego isn’t as much fun as you’d imagine. It’s lonely V, even with a house full of guests I was lonely. Kids gone, relationships screwed, hell I hadn’t even had a relationship since the divorce.
Anyway, that night, Johnny asked me if the rumours in the screamsheets were true – about the suicide attempt – I told him it was PR...”
Kerry stops talking and looks away, away from me and towards the darkened window, whether he’s looking at the storm outside or at his reflection as the mascara stains darken his cheeks I’m not sure.
“But it was true? Shit Ker....”
“That was.... what, six months ago. Jorge – my security guard – scanned the house and noticed I’d been in the bathroom for hours, came rushing in, blah blah blah. Anyway, got given sedatives by the doc, and left to get on with it.”
My heart was breaking for him, “Didn’t anyone try to help?”
“Who, Kovachek?, Yeah, he tried to send me to a psychological assessment unit, probably never to be seen again. I was pretty sure I could deal with it myself, drag myself out of it, but then Louise emails me – more drama – this shit with Kovachek kicks off... I was tired V, dog tired, I couldn’t see any light, so....
....I gave you the gun because you saved my life that night V, well you and Johnny I guess, and as long as you have it, it means you’re here and you’re mine and I’m safe and I don’t need it, it’s an angel looking over us.”
I don’t know how long we spent just looking into each other’s eyes, at each other’s faces. Kerry’s half-smile brightened the room a little, his hopeful eyes, smudged and bloodshot as they were, melted my chrome. I slid my hand onto the back of his neck and pulled his forehead down to mine, “Ker, you know you can talk to me about anything right?”
“Yeah, yeah I do V. Thanks. Same, I’m here for you.”
I slid off the stool and took his hand, leading him to the bedroom. We padded over to the bed in a comfortable silence before lying on top of the sheets with our arms and legs tangled together, foreheads touching until we fell asleep.
 I’m worried that I’m starting to forget stuff. I’ve got old scars and I can’t remember how they got there, clothes that I don’t remember buying, anything that happened before the ‘Johnny in my brain’ is fading and I’m scared.
Things I want to remember:
1.      What a good friend Jackie was, and how his family looked after me.
2.      How many times Vik has helped me out when he really didn’t have to.
3.      Misty’s kindness.
4.      The Aldecaldos inviting me into their family.
5.      Falling in love with Kerry
6.      Riding the rollercoaster with Johnny
“I was wondering if I’d get a look-in.”
“This is all about you really though isn’t it.
“Shit V, pardon me for not breathing.”
“Sorry Johnny, I’m just tired. G’night.”
“Yeah, night V.”
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allthingsfangirl101 · 2 years
EST–Chapter 21: Now What?
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For the next couple of hours, Steve and El took turns sitting by One. It was Steve's turn when One started to wake up. He scooted closer, holding his breath as her eyes fluttered open.
"Hey," he whispered.
"How are you feeling?" He asked as he reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
"Still a little weak," she sighed. She started to sit up, but Steve jumped forward and helped her lean against the headboard.
"Do you need anything?" He asked gently.
"No," she smiled. "But thank you."
"Of course," Steve whispered. "Do you mind if I ask. . . Why would the lab willingly trade Eleven for you?"
"Because I'm stronger," One sighed. "I was younger when they took me so I went through more and for a lot longer. They wanted me because I can do more than Eleven can. And because I have my abilities under control. El's are still unpredictable."
"You'd think they'd want to train her more," Steve said. He sighed when he hated how that sounded. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to come off that way. I'm still a little confused."
"Eleven and my powers are very similar but very different," One explained.
"What do you mean?"
"We both have the ability to create and manipulate energy," she began to explain. "But Eleven's purpose was different than mine."
"Her purpose?" Steve asked.
"The Doctor created us with a specific purpose in mind. Each weapon has a specialty," One said, her tone changing. Steve noticed it. "Eleven's purpose was ultimate destruction."
"Damn," he sighed. "And yours?"
"You healed El," Steve said, mostly to himself.
"It's not just that," One said, clearing her throat. "Eleven's strength is destroying villages. Mine is rebuilding them. And to rebuild them. . . I have to influence people to change."
"Influence. You mean. . ."
"I have the ability to put a thought into someone's mind and make them believe it's theirs."
At this confession, she pulled her knees into her chest. She loosely wrapped her arms around her knees.
"Have you ever. . ."
"Only for the Doctor," she said quickly. "He had me put little thoughts in people's heads. Only people at the facility. Simple things like making Macaroni and Cheese for dinner. Nothing threatening. . . Yet. He had a buyer in place, I think."
"He was going to sell you to someone?" Steve asked, his anger building. He cleared his throat, forcing his anger down. "Did he tell you who he was planning on selling you to?"
"Some Russian scientist, I think," One shrugged. "I'm not sure."
"I'm sorry," Steve whispered.
"What for? It's not like you tortured me until I could control minds."
"Still," he whispered. "You didn't deserve that."
"No one does," One said softly, clearing her throat. Silence fell between the two of them. They could hear the kids packing the car outside, laughing.
"Who's more dangerous?" Steve couldn't help but ask.
"Depends on who has us." One froze when she realized what she said. "It's like any weapon," she continued, her voice dropping. "A gun isn't dangerous until someone decides to pull the trigger."
Silence fell between them. It wasn't uncomfortable, but One had to break it when she couldn't stop herself from asking a question.
"Why'd you come back?"
"What?" Steve stuttered.
"You promised you'd get the kids to safety," One said, her voice dropping to a whisper, "and instead, you came back for me. I don't. . . I still don't understand why."
Steve looked down at his hands and took a shaky breath. He knew the answer but it scared him.
"Why'd you come back for me, Steve?"
Instead of answering her, Steve leaned in and pressed his lips to her's.  He reached up and cupped her cheek, deepening the kiss.
"That's why," he said breathlessly when he broke the kiss. "I couldn't leave you again."
                                * * * * *
One leaned against the doorframe with her arms wrapped tightly around herself. She smiled and waved as the car started pulling away again. As they left the driveway, One's heart sank.
They had gotten to the end of the road and suddenly stopped. She waited for them to turn towards town, but Steve threw the car in reverse instead. One stood up straighter when Steve threw the car in park and jumped out.
"The offer still stands."
"What offer?" One stuttered.
"The offer to come with us."
One opened and closed her mouth, struggling to find the right words. She held her breath as Steve jogged toward her.
"I know you said you wanted to protect us," Steve said when he was standing right in front of her "And I get it. Really, I do. I just. . . The idea of leaving you all the way out here again. . . I hate it. I hate the idea of you being alone. I hate the idea of being hundred of miles away from you. What if you need help and I'm forty minutes away? Please come back with us, with me."
"Steve," One stuttered. He closed the small gap between them, standing inches from her.
"Please," he whispered. "Don't let me leave you again."
"It's easier," she whispered.
"No," he said firmly. "It's not."
He looked deeply into her eyes as he pulled her even closer. "You can trust me," he whispered. "I'd never hurt you, Anna. And if anyone were to try. . . I'd protect you."
The tension between the two was thick and intense. It broke when the two heard the kids jumping out of the car. Steve took a step away from her as El ran over.
"He's right," Eleven said. "One, I know why you think you have to live out here but that's no way to live. You don't have to be by yourself. Come home with us. Please?"
"Eleven, I can't," One stuttered, wrapping her arms around herself.
"Why not?" Steve asked. "Because you think you're too dangerous to be around us?"
"It's like I told you earlier," One sighed, "Eleven and I were built as weapons. If I fall into the wrong hands. . . Plus, the doctors still expect me to participate in experiments. If I don't show up, they'll come looking for me."
"We'll protect you," Dustin said as he walked over. He looked over at his friends for confirmation.
"That's what they do," Eleven chuckled.
"Anna," Steve lowered his voice as he stepped directly in front of her. "Please come with us. You can have a nice life, a real life, with people who care bout you and want you to be safe. Please."
"Steve," One sighed.
"Please, Anna," Steve begged. "I won't leave you again."
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