#this is tfp isn't it
transingthoseformers · 4 months
I like imagining Megatron really really wanting to get sparked and have kids but everyone just assumes he wants to be the one sparking others. No one understands why Megs gets pissed and insulted when they say they're ready to carry his kids and just assume he's looking for a better carrier.
Soundwave comes along and Megatron just throws a tantrum because all he wants is to get knocked up with a bunch of sparklings and it just finally clicks in Soundwave's mind why Megs was getting pissed and why other decepticons were complaining about getting rejected.
*Cue some Megasound baby making*
Someone: I'll do anything to carry your bitlets💖
Megatron: >:(
Soundwave: ????
Yepp, and that explosion would be MASSIVE even by Megatron standards because this is something he's genuinely wanted for so long, but Soundwave realizes and he's exactly prepared to rectify the situation. Also because megasound aww yes
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tonnerreblanc · 12 days
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Lord Megatron. I need to draw more Decepticons, ol' Buckethead here is very interesting.
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thicctails · 2 months
That Voice Isn't Yours | A TFP Horror Comic | Pages 5 - 9
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Now lets just add Transformers prime to the fandom list.
Emotional coping before going into season 3 
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lets-try-some-writing · 8 months
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"You seem to have a habit for seeing that which you should not."
I wrote this scene earlier today and felt compelled to draw it while bored out of my mind in class.
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weenwrites · 2 months
*Crawls out of the sewers to make a request*
Yoo! Hope you're having a good day, make sure to drink lots of water!
As for the request, would do you mind doing a romance pining headcanons Transformers Prime Bumbleee and Optimus Prime (separately, of course) for a human charge? The bots would develop a crush on the reader, and how would they're pining be-? Most of their time pining, he human charge would be oblivious to their advances (if there are any) and would just brush it off as them being friendly? Despote the human charge having mutual feelings for the bot as well.
Apologies for my bad english, and I'm not really good at describing stuff, so pardon if it seemed weird or something-
Anyways, thank you for your time!
A/N: Your english is great! I think you were able to communicate your idea just fine.
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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It's not that he's afraid of expressing his true feelings to you, it's that he's hesitant on whether he should. You already have such a massive target painted on your back just by being under his watch, to start dating you would raise the stakes higher than you'd ever know. Of course that isn't to mention whether he'd have the time and energy to be your partner.
Yes, he sees you every day because you're his charge, but if you were to make your relationship romantic, he would need to be present and available in your life outside of decepticon-related issues. He is uncertain whether he has the time to, though he understands that he has a capable team who are well willing to break their own backs just to give him some time off, he doesn't want them to go to such lengths.
So while there's no verbal confession right away, or for any time soon, he's much more talkative with you and attentive to your every need—not overly so, but enough that it's noticeable. And however you spend patrols with him—whether it be listening to music as you drive, or just sitting in silence—words are what fill the silence as you meander down the road.
At times he'd dream about life with you, and in those dreams the war is the least of his concerns. In those dreams he thinks about how he could make his schedule align with yours, he thinks about how you might enjoy this one activity, or this one place on Cybertron. And at times he finds bits of his dreams even seeping into his waking thoughts as he finds himself wondering about your well-being on a day you're elsewhere.
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Surprisingly it's rather difficult to tell that he likes you because he's already so friendly towards you, but it's not inherently impossible if you can read the signs. Firstly, he's a lot more expressive around you—and while that may be surprising to hear given the fact he's already a very expressive person, I mean "more expressive" as in he seems even more enthusiastic and happy around you (even more than either of you knew was possible).
You can see it in the way he tries to keep you around, and the way that he admires stares at you for a bit longer than is considered acceptable by your societal norms. Especially whenever you go out on patrol with him, it almost feels like the seat belt around you is hugging you in a way, but you could also pass that off as he's just trying to make sure you're nice and secure.
His confession is very shy, yet there's something so endearing when it comes to seeing him offer you a hand-made Valentine's day card. The cover of the card is simple, yet the inside is what really stands out to you the most. The inside details his feelings for you—not in any showy or verbose way, but in a few straightforward and simple sentences. Yet each word is teeming with his unexpressed adoration for you, and his hesitance barely conceals the fear of your rejection, and yet he's still brave enough to look at you as if to ask "well, what do you say?"
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Me to myself: This is a powerful duo of cosplayers.
But seriously this is what I can assert as an actual accurate cosplay of tfp starsound
Source: KingDraco25@ at Twitter
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i have come up with a new, extremely self indulgent AU for tfrb:
basically what happens is each individual character in tfp accidentally finds out about the rescue bots, whether it's through a ground bridge mishap, an intel scouting mission, even a situation where they get rescued.
this starts out with mostly autobots, because i assume griffin rock is either in autobot territory or a neutral/unclaimed area (or it's off the grid and nobody knows about it) (i think the last one is the funniest), but the decepticons also learn about them eventually.
now. here's where the funny/self indulgent part begins. none of them know anyone else knows. the autobots AND decepticons all assume they're the only one who knows about these bots, and that the team has been trying to live a normal, calm life away from the war.
team prime doesn't know optimus and bumblebee already know, and the decepticons don't know that these guys have connections to the war. and of course, the rescue bots always manage to worm their way into every. single. bot's. spark. all of them individually grow to care about the rescue bots, and independently decide to keep them secret. nobody wants their new friends to get hurt!
anyways shenanigans of course ensue because it's very hard to keep a previously extinct group a secret from all of your friends, and since everybody knows but doesn't know everybody knows it becomes a lot of ridiculous sneaking around and badly lying to everyone.
the rescue bots are SUPER confused by all these bots who keep showing up, but they pretty much just assume that someone spilled their secret and everyone after are all showing up to meet them. eventually i think they would start to figure everything out, but they don't fully comprehend that everyone has been trying to hide them from each other until some big reveal happens.
the way this pans out is probably the end of the war honestly, because again; no one wants these guys to get hurt, physically or emotionally, and if that means having a ceasefire so be it.
#tfrb#rescue bots#transformers rescue bots#transformers aligned#tf aligned continuity#aligned continuity#tfp#transformers prime#i just think it would be funny#in my mind everyone would be trying to internally justify keeping this secret bc all the war bots are kinda out of touch w their feelings#and don't want to admit they're soft for the rescue bots#so it leads to many identity crises#they're all like “oh they could be useful in the future i don't wanna reveal this info to quickly”#or “maybe they can give our side an upper hand and if i spill they could get found and persuaded to the other side”#some specific cases i like to imagine:#shockwave would have a rly hard time trying to logic his way into keeping their secret#he can't admit he wants to help them so he just pretends he wants to experiment on them and study their abilities#which he does want but he also cares abt them#ratchet isn't the softie type so the feelings he has towards the rescue bots really off put him#he also feels bad about not telling optimus but really doesn't want to involve the rescue bots#megatron is completely in denial#he claims to want the rescue bots as a tool to eventually win the war and rebuild cybertron#but he never can bring himself to actually use them#soundwave. just any interaction between the guy who doesn't talk and a team full of the biggest gossips ever.#i love the rescue bots so much and since it's canon that everyone who knows them does as well i've decided they have irresistible charm
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cosmic-cogs · 1 year
So, I want uh... an Autobot (NB) reader and Soundwave, both pinning on each other and in a more calm battle (maybe 2v1) readers "subtlety" compliments him in his battle skills and the other member of the team prime is like 'THAT'S THE ENEMY' while Soundwave is completely calm about it, at least in the exterior and beating their asses. You are welcome to add whatever you like, and if it was headcannons I would be pleased
(I am aware that that would be extremely ooc from Soundwave but it's was a funny idea in my head 😔)
You get both hc's and a short blurb, aren't I so delightfully evil? Also I don't know how I managed to make this into angst but I hope you like it.
Pairing: tfp!Soundwave x nb!autobot!reader, romantic
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Missions with Bulkhead were, simply put, fun. There were no real restrictions, safe for the obvious once like "don't cause human casualties" and "aim for the spark but torture isn't cool". No one would complain in the background as the wreckers lived up to their name and utterly wrecked the surrounding area.
Bulkhead didn't complain about the mess, no, but he did complain about… other things. 
"Oh! Such elegance and grace! He moves like he's air~' the bot practically purrs in admiration as they stare at the sleek Decepticon who's very much so trying to get somebody killed today.
"Uh- hey you do remember that he's the enemy, right? Haven't hit your processor and forgotten that, have you?" Bulkhead asks as he barely dodges another attack from Soundwave, giving his teammate an opening to shoot, which they gladly take. To no one's surprise Soundwave gracefully moves to the side and dodges the energy blast, "I knoooow, it's such a shame the cute ones are all Decepticons, right?" "I- have you lost your mind?!" "First Knockout, then Breakdown, and now him!  I mean seriously, what's with that?" "(N/N) now is not the time for this" talking and fighting at the same time come to the pair like breathing comes to humans, at this point it's just how things are. They kick ass and exchange their thoughts in the process. 
"If not now, when?! I can't just gush over him at the base! Arcee would yell at me" they frown, taking another shot at the con, finally landing a hit though it barely even scrapes his paint job. 
Bulkhead is so done. If it was anyone else- correction- if this was an autobot his friend was gushing over he'd be nothing but supportive. Truly he wishes them all the best. 
Not with a goddamn Decepticon though. He's internally begging that they're just messing with him.
They aren't. 
Miko definitely sneaked through the groundbridge to witness the battle and yeah she definitely heard and yeah she definitely ships it.
In a sense, Soundwave is completely unaffected by the compliments. Of course had this been a time of peace he would have entertained the thought of returning the affections, but he knows it's a foolish thought now. His spark may yearn for a lover but he denies the call, he won't betray his cause, not after everything he's done in its name, and he knows the autobot is unlikely to betray their friends.
He's neutral toward the compliments, he doesn't need the praise, he's not blind to his talents. He knows he's graceful, agile, and though he doesn't give it much consideration he knows he's beautiful in the eyes of many.
Though slowly and slightly he warms up to the bot. They seem kind, he might be a Decepticon but that is still a trait he admires, even if he more often than not would take advantage of such a trait.
As time goes forward, slowly he starts to go just slightly easier. Gives them a second longer to dodge, doesn't immediately go for their spark. 
Small changes, but once he hopes they can notice. 
Maybe after the war is over, regardless of whose victory it'll be, maybe then he could spare them more of his time, get to know them a little better. Return their compliments, allow himself to open up to them.
But that is all wishful thinking, he's aware of as much. But it's a wish he keeps close to his spark.
Perhaps he would meet his doom by their servo, or perhaps he would extinguish their spark before that wish ever came true, they were in the middle of a brutal war after all. 
He's fully aware that each fight could very well be his last, or theirs. He knows that each time seeing them could be the last, he tries to savor those brief moments.
Either way, whatever the future holds, however the story goes, he hopes that their face would be the last thing he sees. Be that because they bested him in battle, or because they'll be the last thing he'll be thinking of, along with his long lost cassettes.
There was a time they met alone in a barren battlefield, or, now it was just a field.
There was no need to fight, no real desire to.
Both were standing face to face with an enemy, yet neither made the move to kill.
No, for that brief moment they looked around and exchanged their wordless confessions. 
The world was still, for a moment it felt like the years of endless bloodshed were yet to happen, or almost as if they never existed at all.
It felt like they were back home on Cybertron. The other's presence didn't feel like the one of an enemy, no. Instead it felt like they were both new sparks who had met for the first time, yet at the same time it felt like they'd known each other for all their lives. 
It felt like all these eons spent at war had been pointless after all. 
They stared at him for a little longer and he stared back, he didn't need to say a word, they understood the meaning easily.
"After the war"
"After the war"
That was a promise he could only hope he could keep.
But as the cruel and unrelenting fate, which at this point he assumes to be vengeful, would have it, he was right. That accursed moment of separation came eventually. Not because death tore them apart, rather it was the fault of humans. 
Now he was to roam this lonely realm, Shadowzone, alone, silently watching as the bot he'd made his sweet promise had to quietly grieved for him in solitude. 
After all, Bulkhead was under the impression they were merely joking, and how could they ever tell the others the reason behind their sparkache? As if they'd understand the pain that came with this loss, one they needed to cope with by their lonesome. He was their enemy yet he was undeniably loved by them. But now it seemed that said love could never truly bloom, not even after the war as they'd once promised to one another.
He never left their side, not till they went too far for him to follow, back to Cybertron. 
Now he's alone.
Even still, he hopes that one day he'll be able to keep his word. 
"After the war"
He'll wait for that moment for as long as it takes, but at the same time he wonders.
Will they be waiting for him as well?
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
On this episode of villains I relate to a little too much...
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skoff-the-artist · 2 years
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"What do we do now?"
(tap for higher res!)
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cartoonslovers · 1 month
Smokescreen: *get excited*
Team prime: *offended*
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smolstarthief · 5 months
So, my TF: Prime S2 Finale observations I made in regards to Optimus' expressions, a small analysis!
But context first: So throughout about the 2nd half of S2 the 'Bots and 'Cons are trying to find a set of Omega Keys which if gathered and hooked up a device, can restore and bring life back to Cybertron. They could finally go home. It ends up being a struggle for both sides but the 'Bots managed to grab the keys before Megatron to use them and activate the machine... But unfortunately, their foes were one step ahead of them once again as, due to a grave error and poor communication, their 3 young human companions ended up being found and held hostage. If they don't lower their weapons and give up the keys, they will exposed to Cybertron's toxic atmosphere and they'll be forced to watch the kids die in front of them.
Naturally, having truly cared about the children, they give up without a fight... And that's where things get really horrible for them as despite the kids being safe with them, Megatron's thirst for power isn't satisfied with JUST Cybertron... He wants Earth as well; all life be damned with it. That's where Optimus is forced to make a choice: Either just let the Decepticons do what they want and restore his home planet but then Earth would be wiped of all life in Megatron's attempt to try to rule it himself along with his home planet... Or basically destroy the device capable of restoring said home planet, dooming his home of being lifeless for good and risk having him be demonized for it but Earth is safe from suffering the same fate and history repeating itself.
Now one key subtle thing I notice with Optimus is his facial expressions. He's often criticized for being too stoic but honestly, it's all in the expressions and body language with him. Eyes and eyebrows especially. Even with his face mask on, one can pick up subtle details if observed closely. Basically, he IS capable of expression and emotions despite supposedly keeping them in check.
And he gets put through the absolute wringer this season and one can tell he's nearing his breaking point. He even outright SCREAMS in frustration in one episode which seemed to startle/surprise Ratchet and Bulkhead.
But hoo boy, this finale here... Like his expressions hurt! Like he seems calm at first when Megatron taunts him until he looks back at the understandably panicked children begging the Decepticon leader to leave Earth alone.
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Then his eyebrows are raised up a bit when he looks back at the laughing 'Cons, eyes/optics looking more worried now. You can tell what he's thinking. The gears are turning and he's struggling to figure out what to do. He seems almost at a loss on the best way to handle it.
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Hell, you can even say he's almost scared. He doesn't want history to repeat itself with Earth. He and the others already had to deal with so much pain and trauma the war caused, some of which he no doubt blames himself for. He does want Cybertron back but at what cost?
Then, in an instant, it shifts to steely resolve and with a clenched fist proceeded to reclaim the Star Saber. He knows the risks but he will NOT let another innocent planet suffer like his did. It seems shaky still but he makes his choice as he destroys the Omega Lock, dooming his home for good.
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Granted there might have been a better way but what else can he do at the moment? It was damned if he do, damned if he don't and time was running out. He makes his choice and there's no turning back... Even if he can't go home now.
And when Ratchet calls him out for his decision, he briefly turns his head to the side before shaking it and looking back at him while defending his choice. Like he seems almost unsure of it himself but there's no turning back at this point and he knows it. It was necessary to him.
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Then there's the ending where he decided to stay behind to destroy the Ground Bridge controls so that his comrades and loved ones won't be followed. He feels like this will be the last time he'll see them as he believed that he will be captured and interrogated at best, executed/killed to make an example at worst. He's already been demonized and branded a traitor by Megatron as well. When he makes the declaration to Ratchet that he'll stay, it's his usual serious expression.
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But once Ratchet is gone... It drops and it's sad. Almost like a mental outer mask is cracking. Once again, it's almost shaky as he looks at the controls and his clenches his fist again in resolve. It's now or never with him.
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"I... never imagined it would end like this." "Neither did I, old friend."
Even when he's readying his swing, you can feel the shaky resolve still. But he definitely didn't think that Megatron would outright reduce the base to rubble but god damn!
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But yeah, it just feels like that in both moments... Optimus felt lost and even helpless and it shows in his expressions. They all show how much of his serious emotions were almost a mask he put up for everyone else's sakes even at the expense of his own feelings. He seemed to struggle with what to do and even seems unsure of his decisions but also feels like he made the necessary ones, even though they were painful.
But yeah... TF: Prime Optimus needs a hug so damn badly!
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thicctails · 2 months
That Voice Isn't Yours | A TFP Horror Comic | Pages 14 - 20 | FINALE
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Annnnnd that's a wrap! I'm so glad people enjoyed this little side project of mine, and I'm even more happy to be able to say that it got a proper, completed ending!!
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honestlyvan · 5 months
Looking at this tweet:
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and thinking about how I actually did this to Prime Wheeljack on my second viewing, deciding that he has to deal with fuckoff arm and wrist pain like I do
except he fucking did it to himself, because of course he did -- all of his integrated weaponry is custom, with his engineering background meant to primarily support hand tools, his initial loadout was configured for near-recoilless weaponry like Bumblebee and Smokescreen, but running around doing commando blackops shit (in his mind) necessitated larger firepower and there were no medics around to finger-wag him out of doing whatever upgrades he wanted so now all of his weaponry is a grade or two stronger than his structural components should on paper be able to handle.
As a result his whole upper body has a ton of microfractures from magnetic shear and recoil -- nothing that his self-repair can't handle, but just like with humans, supportive member damage doesn't heal back up to be stronger without very specific kind of physical therapy to accompany it. As a result Wheeljack has actually gained mass and lost a lot of the flexibility and aerodynamic and balance qualities of racer frames, and is maintaining his ability to do trick driving largely through just. Doing it, lmao, and not thinking about his worsening health.
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I have a Crack idea for the Sparkling of Unicron AU. Basically, Jack's dad is Unicron, who ghosted June to avoid paying child support. When Team Prime comes to Earth & meet the kids, Jack & Optimus team up to track down their dad and get the child support payments by force.
Jack here is still fleshy & has the same personality, but can basically do what a resurrected Megatron could do in Canon, just on a smaller scale. He can't control Megatron though, his will is too strong. Also, his blood is infused with Dark Energon.
When asked as to why she would date the literal God of Chaos, June states that he "had a winning personality". (We all know you like robots, June.)
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I'm just going to answer yours and this anon's request at the same time since it will make my life easier. Previous part here
Little Siblings
After the whole debacle with being exiled for a time, Optimus began to heal. It was a slow process and it was not easy by any means. He had been abandoned, treated poorly, and left for scrap by everyone but his creator and the children. Thus it took time, a great deal of it. However during this healing process, Optimus noticed something new in the children.
Firstly, they fought bitterly in his defense if one of his team so much as looked in his general direction wrong. Secondly they often refused to leave his side, emitting a strange set of waves that were so similar to EM fields but so foreign. Then lastly Optimus felt a vague... connection between him and the children. It shouldn't be. They weren't Cybertronian and couldn't have spark bonds. And yet the closer he grew to them and the more he came to see them as kin, the stronger this heretical and impossible bond grew.
Not only that, but when he was around them, he felt more stable. His form didn't flare and break apart as often. His spark remained more controlled and he could keep his physical form together with less difficulty. They made him feel safe in a way that was not too dissimilar from how Unicron wrapped him in love and care. At the same time, the urge to protect them with every fiber of his being was just as strong as their desire to protect him. They were young, they were small, and they were fragile. He thought perhaps all the emotions he was feeling and the connection that seemed to be there might be because he had been away from his team for so long and was out of touch. He almost questioned his father, wondering if Unicron had anything to do with it, but he didn't, not while he was still upset with his maker.
Then the children had to go behaving weirdly.
After his little flare that left the children incapacitated and led to his exile, there were little things that were off about them. It wasn't much so the team wrote it off and Optimus didn't even notice as he worked to restore his broken bonds and the trust between him and his team. But as the wounds healed and Optimus reconnected with his team, the children's differences became more obvious.
Rafael had an aura around him. The team couldn't sense it, they weren't attuned to Unicron's power as Optimus was. Rafael's entire being radiated strength of spirit in a way not too dissimilar from Optimus. It was almost like he too was struggling to keep his being in line, doing everything in his power to keep his form held together. The child even began to speak in the same way Optimus did when his body was too shattered to form words. He didn't seem to know he was doing it, but his emotions were clear as day with how freely they flowed from him. It was startling, especially when not long after that Rafael's eyes began to glow a startling blue whenever his emotions were projected, often becoming clearer in intent.
Miko was partially similar in that her eyes began to glow whenever her emotions got strong enough to warrant concern. At those times she would gain an aura of fear around her. It didn't bother Optimus too much considering he projected the same aura naturally when he wasn't trying to blend in. However it made him more and more concerned when Bulkhead began to shy away in terror whenever Miko got particularly mad. She didn't understand why the team were suddenly so wary of her, nor did the team know why they kept so clear of her on instinct.
Optimus knew, or rather he had an inkling, one he was growing more prevalent within him as Jack showed signs too.
It had been small and hardly noticeable amidst the flow of battle, but in a moment of stress Jack had seemingly controlled a Vehicon Optimus had been near certain was dead. The boy didn't seem to notice as he fought to keep his fellow humans safe, but Optimus noticed. How could he not? The waves of his father's power were far more intense than anything he had ever felt from an organic.
Thus after a few additional weeks of watching the children project these odd abilities, he reached out to his maker with an inquiry.
Optimus: The children are showing abilities that have your touch evident in them.
Uniron: Impossible. I have no heralds among the humans.
Optimus: Are you sure Creator? They are not like me, that is certain. However the feeling of your power is unmistakable.
Unicron: I haven't made a herald since Megatron, and I have no memory of-
Optimus: Creator?
Unicron: It seems I forgot something rather important.
Optimus: Speak plainly Creator, what did you do?
Unicron: It was during a waking sleep, one I hardly remember. However I for a time walked this earth in an organic form in a mixed delirium of emotion.
Optimus: You didn't.
Unicron: I may have ended up creating three lifeforms by accident, two by throwing around burst of power and one from a one night stand.
Optimus: Primus... you can't be serious.
Unicron: I am dead serious.
Optimus: Frag.
With the knowledge that his Creator had gone out of his way to do things while only partially aware, Optimus hurriedly moved to confirm these claims. First he went straight to the children, his frame flaring and coming apart partially in his hurry. The team were worried and watched on in growing concern as he questioned Rafael, asking for the circumstances of his birth. Rafael quickly confirmed that he had been found as a baby and adopted by his current family and that he had no real issues with it. Then upon asking Miko the same question, he received a similar answer that left Optimus terrified to ask Jack what he needed to.
It could all have been coincidence and a bad case of Optimus's outburst affecting the children in odd ways. He had seen stranger things, perhaps it was all just one big mess up. However that hopeful wish was blown directly out of the water when June was called into base and Optimus asked her a question he feared the answer to.
Optimus: Mrs. Darby, would you by chance be willing to tell me who Jack's father is?
June: Oh? I don't mind, but I couldn't really give you an answer. He was a nice guy who told me his name was Uni Cron. Odd name and pronounced very strangely, he also had some trouble with memory, but he was sweet and treated me well.
Optimus: Why is he not here assisting in raising Jack?
June: Honestly I don't know. He lived with me for a few months, we got to know each other, we spent a night together, and then he was gone the next day. I never heard from him again.
Optimus: ... I believe you may have possibly had relations with my Creator.
June: What? Last I checked, you were a giant robot and your Creator was Unicron-!
June: ... Oh.
Optimus: ... If it is any consolation, I was unaware I had a brother.
Not a soul or spark could utter a word as everyone stood there dumbly for a long moment. Then Optimus put forward his whole theory, to which the children stared at him with wide eyes but said nothing. It was silent, deafeningly so and everyone just.... scattered to think about it for a while, leaving Optimus, June, and the children alone.
There was plenty of nervous staring involved, but slowly and with a great deal of caution, Optimus began to talk with the children and June. He told them of his own creation and his experiences with thier Creator and in turn he told them what he could of their abilites. He offered to teach them and guard them, while also warning of possible side effects such as long life or even partial immortality. It was a very strained discussion even though Optimus was bound to the children by what he now knew to be siblings bonds, but after a while they figured things out.
June insisted on being called mom as soon as she figured out that Optimus had been left to fend for himself so soon after his creation. It didn't matter to her that Optimus was millions of years old and had watched the rise and fall of civilizations, he was a child who never knew the love of a parent and she intended to rectify that especially now that her son and Optimus were confirmed to be related. He initially tried to object, but June reaching out to pat his cheek in a comforting manner left him bewildered but strangely pleased.
Jack was left more startled than anything else and doubting his reality. Optimus attempted to soothe him with calming words and the touch of his field, but Jack wasn't having it. He needed time, and that was acceptable. Miko was on board with the thought of being siblings almost immediately and took to being related to Unicron without issue. She called it her "hero arc" or something along those liens and proceeded to make a show of pretending to have magic powers. It made the tension in the room lessen, especially when Rafael merely adjusted his glasses, looked up at Optimus and murmured.
"So what if I'm related to Unicron? So are you, and you are one of the best bots out there. Besides, we are family now"
Family. It was a word Optimus had difficulty pinning after all that had happened. Bumblebee was family, he was Optimus's sparkling even if their relationship was still a little iffy. Ratchet was family, he had been family for vorns. The team were family, but mainly because they needed to. Optimus had no family by blood aside from his maker. His "siblings" were of Primus, not of Unicron. They were cousins that he treated like blood kin. He loved all his family, but there was something so very novel about having blood related kin right before him.
Of course then when he reached out to his Creator, he found their bond silent. He sent question after question, wondering why and asking for answers, but he received nothing. Unicron was not heeding him, quite likely because he didn't want to deal with his newfound creations.
Optimus was a special case, he was intentional, he was the one and only creation Unicron had poured all his attention into. He was loved form day one, but the children? They were accidents, and Unicron had never been quick to love when it came to those not bound to him. Optimus knew this well, he could read his creator's spark just by letting his base nature take over for a moment. However he had no intention of letting Unicron go without at least speaking to his children. The children needed their father. Optimus had been denied his creator his entire existence up until earth, the children deserved better, or if nothing else the the chance to see where they came from.
Thus he began spending every waking moment hounding his creator and digging around to find another way to Unicron's core if his creator saw fit to continue to remain silent.
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