#this is peak his aesthetic tho
wcvensouls-archive · 11 months
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chae.seungjae ☁️
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captaincolorblob · 2 months
kabru is just soooo pretty-boy coded. If you open the dictionary and look for the word pretty boy there's a picture of him there. His distressingly blue eyes and obsessive personality have captivated me
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Listen i fucking hate Yone, like almost every single thing about him just infuriates me. I should be incredibly angry and petty over the fact that he just got a SECOND legendary skin, i should be fucking combusting in place from anger ......but.....this goes so fucking hard.....
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I love cowboys more than i hate you....
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lestatlioncunt · 2 years
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i was tagged by @risingsh0t @indorilnerevarine @shadowglens @swordcoasts and @arklay to make some of my ocs in this picrew, thank you so much everyone this was soso much fun!!
i’m tagging: @uldwynsovs @morvaris @nuclearstorms @faarkas @denerims @cultistbase @steelport @stormveils @devilbrakers @girlbosselrond @florbelles and whoever else wants to do this!!
maegar lucretio celtigar (hotd) || visenyra cornelia celtigar (hotd) arianne aspasia vance (hotd) || cassandrae (bg3) camylla (bg3) || violante waesphine (bg3) || moira velez (fnv)
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bilbao-song · 1 year
what’s your favorite Jeffrey era?
WHEW god they all have their merits but i will narrow it down to like……four? choices
1975/1976. he was just exceptionally cute-looking in this era lmao plus it was near the peak of ELO popularity, so there’s a decent amount of content available in the first place :)
very late 80s-1990ish jeffrey. i don’t even know why specifically, but he looked lovely and there’s just something about that lil window of time that’s kind of interesting to me
1978 jeffrey!!! he looked very sleek and refined in that era; lots of very classy lil outfits
current-ish jeffrey 💕 he’s just so cute and i’m glad that things seem to have gone well for him in recent years bc he’s a sweetie pie and he deserves it
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eggtomatosoup · 2 years
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corndog-patrol · 1 year
ranking hobbit media by how sexy thranduil is okay go
first up we have 1977 rankin bass thran. and what a fucking mess he is.
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they made him bald??? why?? he’s an elf where are the beautiful locks?? you can’t tell me that smidgen of hair on the side is beautiful elf locks. also that hunched posture is terrible for his back. 0/10
2003 Hobbit Game
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okay this one earns some points for nostalgia but he is so fucking polygonal. that gamecube crust just DESTROYS the quality of his... everything. he does look a bit better in the cutscenes tho
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kind of a serve. 5/10
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II (2006)
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cant even find any good images of him from this game. he looks okay? ive never played it. 3/10
2012-2014 Peter Jackson Hobbit movies
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okay this is where we peaked as a sexy thranduil society. lee pace thranduil is amazing and his absolutely fucked characterization can be overlooked cuz the aesthetics are literally peak ✨✨✨✨✨ Perfect In Every Way 10/10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Hobbit LEGO game (2014)
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not really sure how to rank this on the sexy scale considering he’s a LEGO but he’s still based on the lee pace thran so that gives him some points. the  best part of this game was smashing shit as sauron after beating it. 7/10
lord of the rings online (LOTRO) (idk when they added him, it looks like 2018 but i have no clue if that’s really true)
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The combat in this game is fun but why are half of the quests to fetch animal hides? anyway this thran looks weird, like an older white guy who doesn’t believe in tipping servers. 3/10
finally the new gollum game (2023)
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he just looks off? the crown is cool but there’s just TOO much happening with this design. also the game sucks shit. 4/10
and that’s it. they should put more thranduils in media so i can rate them.
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topnotchquark · 2 months
I'm with you on the yellow Vale aesthetics, I love this look so so much. The Nastro Azzurro visor with the curls my god, perfect look. Peak Vale to me.
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Also the Camel Yamaha look is sooo . Love me a Vale with these curls. The curlier, the better. And I know everyone dislikes the sideburns but I honestly love them.
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Other than that I LOVE this. It's so pleasing to look at and fun. The colours on the suit, the matching bike, the fuzzy 46 on the back...mwah
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As for Fabio...I don't know if I have any specific favourite looks per say. I'm extremely basic when it comes to Fabio. Every look that has tits and leathers is my favourite.
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This was also an excellent look from him, 10/10:
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Love the pearl necklace
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Love this answer!!!! Vale's ugly yellow visor he somehow elevates to the grace of a crown with his sheer charm.
The trans flag suit was a class apart rlly. And ur right about the fuzzy embossed 46 on the back. Literally the most girlie core suit of all time. No one since then has or will ever attempt to serve this much cunt.
As for Fabio, i guess the tits and the pearls are good enough that no other adornment is required. Clean and sexy and minimalist. 💯 everytime. I must add tho, Fabio in glasses is very precious to me and his neon pink hoodie was just 👩‍🍳💋🤌
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blood-teeth · 1 year
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howdy everyone! it's been a long time since i've done one of these. also this is going to be a long post, so if you're like "i'm not reading allthat but stay safe tho" im sorry in advance.
i was going to wait until the two year anniversary of TMITAWH to post this, but i've been getting more and more asks about the status of this game, why it's on lockdown, when it's coming back, etc. largely, i've been dodging these questions or answering them with a vague "oh, i'm working on it!" which is very much the truth. just, not the entirety of it.
the truth is this: the story is done.
the real truth is this:
actually, before i get into that, i wanted to mention something else. i know i've waxed poetry over and over again and maybe it's getting annoying to hear it - so i'm very sorry - but it really is important to me to mention this because it's the motivation and the life-force behind everything that i do on this blog. i wanted to say thank you. i remember typing up the intro post to TMITAWH after getting the second COVID shot, delirious, but bolstered by a fever that had rendered me brave. i've been writing this story since 2019, i had the vision, the characters, the aesthetics and the understanding and i wanted to desperately to share. i never expected the level of support and love from so many of you. i've never had people genuinely vested in my worlds or characters. i remember getting the first comment about the prologue and slamming my computer shut and freaking out. i cried when i got my first ask telling me how much they'd love it, despite the small amount of content. the fever may have given me the courage to post it, but y'all gave me the courage to continue. and that means more to me than anything means to me in this world. for two whole years!! you've dealt with my wildly out of pocket thoughts, long absences, and have continued to show your willingness to continue the exercise in patience. i dont have people in real life that would do that for me. so thank you, thank you for being here, thank you for caring, thank you for the sweet comments. i wasn't lying when i said that i keep most asks unanswered because i go back and read them, hold the words close to my chest, and convince myself that i can do what i want to do when it comes to storytelling. thank you. forever and always. i know this feels maybe so much like im baring my soul, but i think it's important. TMITAWH saved my life. I mean that in every understanding, with the breadths and depths of my soul. I mean that with all the fibers and cells and atoms that make up me. This story saved my life. it's important to me that you know that in so many ways you all did, too.
so much of the reason i've been sitting on this is honestly mostly fear. it's choking me now as i write this. i'm scared of y'alls reaction, i'm scared of potentially disappointing anyone, and i'm scared of people just being overall pissed off. which i would get! this is not why the majority of you are following me. i'm asking for grace, for understanding, for mercy.
so, the real truth is this:
Tell Me If There's A Way Home is complete. there's a beginning, of sort, a middle, an end. but, it is not complete in the way you might expect an IF to be complete.
this is, simply, because Tell Me If There's A Way Home has been re-written and re-formatted into a novel.
over this past year, i was struggling with the story. things had along the way stopped making sense. this WAS the story i wanted to tell, i knew what had to happen in order to get the whole point of it across. is it better to get back what you've lost, what does it look like when you do get it back? but there was something that wasn't working. i could force the scenes, have The Traveler spend time with Cain in his little house talking about his past, or provide the option to explore the peaks of a mountain looking for a legend of old. i could do all this. but it was all wrong. the story had become corrupted along the way and the vision of it that i held onto so desperately was fading into obscurity.
so i opened a new word document and just wrote. i wrote for a whole year, and the story unveiled itself to be in the way i believe it was always supposed to. i understand so much more of this story than i did two years ago. sitting at 90k words, book 1 is officially done. it's essentially the same story you all had read, but different somehow. more than it ever could have been in an IF format. there are the characters you love. there's cain. there's silas. alice of course. there's the traveler as *her* own character. and there's the reverie. but the reverie is no longer Ezio/Elena. it's just elena now. its beautiful, gorgeous elena with her quick smile and hemlock eyes and her memories.
what happens now?
i'll be spending the next few months making the book as perfect as i can make it. i've been working through the rough draft - or alpha draft- and then i will ask some people to see if they want to read draft 2, draft 3 , draft 4. however many drafts it takes until i feel as though i can do no more. after this, i'll query agents and pray to god that in the hellscape publishing is in right now that im offered representation. after this, i'll pray to god that an editor likes the book enough to want to work with me on it. after this, i'll pray to god that a publishing house likes the book enough to buy it, put in on shelves. there's going to be a lot of praying to god. a lot of luck. so i think it'll be a while before anybody gets to hold the book in their hands, but god i hope y'all get to. i really hope you get to. more than that. i hope you want to.
after all of this, i'll be working on book 2. i already have the title. i already have the first chapter. i know exactly what happens and how.
i know there's maybe some confusion, so please feel free to send me asks about it. i will happily and gladly answer what i can and discuss it.
i'm so so sorry for the long post. this all felt important to mention and it felt important to be transparent with y'all. this was becoming a secret too hard to keep and i'm glad that i dont have to anymore. i hope you're not mad, disappointed, etc. that would really suck ass. i hope you're excited, maybe. i hope you're curious.
anyway. thank you for getting this far, if you did. thank you. i love you. i'll talk to you soon <3
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yakuzacanons · 3 months
Hello, I hope you’ve been doing well and taking care ☺️! I’ve been lurking around your blog for the past month and I love your HCs so much but I always struggled with coming up with ideas of what to request, but I think I’ve finally got one: furniture shopping with their S/O!!! (I spent two hours on the sims on build/buy mode; I’m on an interior decorating mood rn)
What’s their favorite room to shop for? Who’s being extra particular over color schemes? Who prefers a big department store (like ikea), and who’s preferring going antique store hopping? Who ends up getting distracted/fixated upon random things (like curtains, kitchen appliances, linens)? Etc, etc… (please have fun with it!)
You can write this for ANYONE (literally, I enjoy reading your HCs for any character), but I would especially love it if you included Majima, Joon-Gi and Saeko 💕
Feel free to pass tho if the prompt just isn’t something you’re vibing with at the moment! Thank yoooou!!!
Teehee yes, forgive me for the long wait, I really tried to mull this one over. I'm only going to do the three characters your mentioned but please feel free to ask for more.
Majima Goro
Clueless and lost as all hell in the entire process. Fully understands that if the two of you are going to live together, you will have to furnish said living space but he knows nothing about furnishings.
It's not that he has bad taste or is stupid, he's just used to living an extremely bare bones lifestyle when it comes to home decor. His days working at the Grand were especially lean in regards to personal effects so it's highly likely that his house or apartment currently has the bare minimum requirements with little to no color or pizazz.
Tentative by excited to explore this new avenue with you, only because it's with YOU. Anyone else would've gotten the stink eye from him, probably.
Gets lost in large furniture stores, mostly because he gets distracted by some kitchen doohickey that he doesn't recognize and spends time trying to examine it and guess what it's used for. When he loses sight of you, he'll just wander the aisles yelling your name. It's easier if you just keep an eye on him.
Always a little surprised when you ask his opinion on things like colors and patterns. His style is a little chaotic overall but would it really be a home with Majima if it didn't have some chaos?
One thing you can bet on is the man is sitting in all the chairs and laying on matresses before buying em. Don't let him check out the cutlery sets, by the way. He'll want the pricey one.
Joon-Gi Han
Even though his current living space is pretty minimalistic, Joon-Gi has a pretty decent wealth of knowledge about various aspects of interior design. Blame it on him going down some YouTube rabbit hole in the middle of the night.
Isn't particular about what kind of store you go to, but if he happens to walk by an interesting looking home decor store, he will want to at least take a peak. Out of the three, he's the most likely to go to as many stores as possible rather than one.
Carefully examines every individual object, no matter the size or importance. Constantly weighing the differences between price, material, durability, etc.
Pretty good taste in things like bedspreads, towels, and curtains but isn't headstrong in his opinions. He's more like a "Oh, that towel would look with that floor mat..." type of guy.
His favorite room to shop for is the bathroom. Likes a nice set of towels in various sizes and a cute organization rack for things like skincare products.
Good at buying most electronics, like a television or computer. Unsure of what to buy for the kitchen when it comes to fancy things, like a stand mixer. Mostly just amazed at the amount of gadgets you can attach to it.
Saeko Mukoda
Very self sufficient and has a pretty nailed down personal aesthetic for herself and her house. Honestly, she could probably go furniture shopping by herself and get it all done in a weekend.
She's always keeping her budget in mind so she's the most likely of the 3 to go to a secondhand or antique store. Especially fond of going there for larger pieces of furniture, like a coffee table.
Her overall house aesthetic is clean but not minimalistic. Think warm but bright tones, not over saturated though. She doesn't mind adjusting this to accommodate your taste as long as her personal areas remain undisturbed, like the nightstand on her side of the bed or her makeup organizer.
Loves shopping for bedroom items. A good mattress and a fluffy pillow are a must for our working girl. Always buys two sets of matching bedspreads so that when one is dirty, the other can be used and still look cute while the other is in the wash.
Her secret weapon is that she knows the best way to organize items in the house. Great at getting useful organizers like baskets, holders, organizers, etc. Makes the most out of her space.
Do not ask her to buy electronics, she will just buy what's newest, which unfortunately means sometimes she will buy what's most expensive.
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mamadarama · 3 months
2, 5, 12, 14, and 23 for jun and nagisa! if that's alr with you ^_^
ANY excuse to talk abt eden my friend
2. favorite canon thing about this character?
nagisa - hes so SO weird . just so fucking weird . also this might just be a me thing but hes literally peak masculinity to me . if you asked me to imagine the most man ever i would think of him. (which is odd cuz hes by no means traditionally masculine but hey what can you expect from someone with a gender like mine)
jun - i answered this one for jun already! i said i like how hes confident abt/pays no mind to traits most men would be self conscious about, especially as a person who projects themself as a jock or other personal archetype with a typically masculine connotation.
5. whats the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
nagisa - i answered this one already too! source by fever the ghost , and hey you by pink floyd :^)
jun - lose yourself by eminem . but also parents by yungblud. couldnt choose :p (he would listen to eminem tho im a firm believer in that)
12. whats a headcanon you have for this character?
nagisa - he steals ibaras glasses when hes in the shower or has taken them off for any other reason and wears them to see how long itll take him to notice
jun - drives a 2018 honda civic . its dark blue. he thinks it makes him look cool for some reason , which it might if he didnt have anime girl stickers on the back window.
14. assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
nagisa - sunglasses black baseball hat graphic tshirt flannel shirt tied around his waist regular ass jeans with a carabiner specifically for holding the most keychains youve ever seen in your life . and work boots . i need to see him dress like a lesbian just once
jun - that modern street ninja aesthetic that was/is popular in japan
23. favorite picture of this character?
nagisa - i actually have two.
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eat your food bitch damn tf you lookin crazy for
jun -
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hollowsart · 1 year
Since it's the season...how would the Spider-villains react to a hanging mistletoe? 🎄
Also, I absolutely love your Mysterio he's everything dramatic wrapped up in a fancy cape ❤️
Lol sorry for the length of this:
Sandlady keeps trying to put some mistletoe on Rhino's horn during the season whenever she's wearing the suit. She is intent on getting it up there so she has all the reason to ask that question. Alex is very much aware of this, though, and having fun making her try and get the mistletoe on her horn. Hehehe. Two can play that game.
Rhino 100% tables the turn and before Sandlady even has a chance, she's already holding the mistletoe and leaning down with a smile. Instant OHKO for Sandlady.
Electra.. Poor Max can't play the kissing game, not anymore even if she wanted to. She does like the aesthetic of the little berries tho and can appreciate the concept. She's just never been one to do it. She does, however, quite enjoy playfully helping or tricking others who are playing the game with someone else. She's nothing if not a little mischievous~
Otto actively tries to deny the game, stating that they're hung up purely for decoration only. All the while he gets bashful and rushes through the doorways, highly aware of their placements. It's really cute. It's ok, Doc, I feel the same way about them. (Gonna get him to stand under one long enough and see what happens... for science. Yeah.)
Beck. BECK. He would try to claim they're too juvenile, but you know he'd try and get a kiss under the mistletoe somehow anyway. Spends the night trying to be sly and subtle, unknowingly playing a game of chase, but if you ask me, I think he's enjoying it. (..I'm the gingerbread sloth, Beck, you can't catch me sndngnrmsbf 🙈)
Ah, Mason. He would see one hanging up in his house tear it down and beat Beck with it before promptly apologizing profusely to his granddaughter who was the one who actually put it up there. He'd buy Beck a drink to make it up after. He's a bit too old to really be partaking in that tradition.. too busy, too. But he may kiss his granddaughter on the head tho, humor it a bit for her. Her happiness is a priority when he isn't busy with work, especially on holidays like this.
Montana puts mistletoe on his hat every year and hangs some in his bar. You catch him under the mistletoe and he'll show you why he's called "Shocker" (I'M SORRY SJSJFJJSF I COULDN'T RESIST)
For Chameleon? It may not even exist. You mention it to him and he'll go on a weird eccentric spiel about it and without a doubt spoil the mood.. but most who know of him (and even himself) would question why you or anyone would want to do that with him of all people?
Kingpin would be delighted! ..If only you could get it high enough to have him under it. Alas, he is just.. too tall. you’ll either have to ask him to lift you up or climb him like Mt.Everest and claim your kiss at the peak.
Special bonus for the Vulture fans specifically, come get ur food and ur old man úwù 💕:
Adrian would entirely ignore it, he feels he's getting too old for it, who would want to to play that silly little tradition game with and old buzzard like him?
Buuutt.. if coaxed and encouraged enough.. he may.. humor the one asking for it. Give them a little peck, with a hand on their cheek or chin. He'd wait till the others left, first, before giving in to the asker's little desire.
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vacantgodling · 4 months
you already know who the fuck i'm slamming in here with i'm a predictable ass creature of habit i swear i know more of your bbs but it's comfort character hours atm lmao lemme see if i can give you some rant-worthy ones
8 + 17 for toph
18 + 22 for amon
33 + 48 for hya
8: Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
toph has no qualms about the concept of indulgence and encourages it mostly in others, though the ways he does it for himself seem almost “lackluster”. his biggest indulgence is mint flavored things bc he’s an absolute glutton with them LMAO. he also sleeps A Lot even though he literally doesn’t need sleep (being a demon and all) so it’s literally sleep for the sake of doing it which is Peak Indulgence lol. he just likes being cozy fr.
17: Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
so toph’s style is in the realm of like… “pretty grunge” ig LOL it’s got tenants of the avant garde, pretty, gothic elements of visual kei/aesthetic alt with the ripped and more chaotic look of grunge. these are some examples of what he dresses like:
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he also tends to wear nail polish, heavy eyeliner, and obviously has piercings/tattoos so it just gives him an overall very alternative pff style. which yknow, makes sense being the front man of a metal band so 😂
i guess some of his dress rituals is that he never wears the color green even though green is his favorite color (i’ve drawn him in green before but yknow He doesn’t wear it) because he considers green a sacred/lucky color and he doesn’t want to taint it by wearing it. it’s kinda weird but he’s allowed to be superstitious pff. he also tends to do make up, accessories, and hair first since they all take the longest.
18: Favorite beverage?
honestly, anything sweet and expensive. he doesn’t think money makes food taste better but he sure does enjoy it more if he knows it’s exorbently priced and someone else is paying for it. it’s less to do with the flavor and more to do with the flex of having hya buy it for him LMAO.
22: Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
it really says a lot about him but he’d probably end up ripping it up 💀 he’s a distracted destroyer, so any loose threads or seams or paper, in this instance, he’ll pull at or rip when he’s just vibing. there’s something satisfying about it to him lol.
33: Concept of home and family?
horrible, terrible, rancid, not worth mentioning. he has no trust for family and no love of it (aloe is a VERY heavy exception but aloe is an angel, how could you hate him?). realistically he distrusts family more than he distrusts a stranger because family, in most cases, knows you AND has something to gain from fucking you over, and it’s been illustrated to him time and time again that family doesn’t mean shit :))) (there is mostly tagetes to blame for this however, he doesn’t get along with iberis, narci and laven for a REASON—tho laven he does become more amiable towards by the time her book ends). ALSO parents???? sham. mix authority and entitlement AND family?? he’s not about it like at all. has zero faith in it whatsoever.
edit;; i forgot to talk about home. he has a very… lackluster concept of home tbh, which all relates to above. he’s never truly felt safe in anything but his own skin which is why how he dresses is in part expression, but also in part defense mechanism for him. being able to buy his own home later in life (aka after paramour) definitely helps him feel more comfortable in it, but he sort of forces himself to be a modicum of relaxed anywhere—or he essentially just bullies his way into people leaving him and the space he’s in alone.
48: If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
hya’s a bruiser i’ll tell you that. he Really doesn’t prefer to physically fight because he thinks it’s brutish, a waste of time, and if someone fucks up his appearance he’s going to be whatever level is Beyond Infuriated. but… he is a man that very much talks with his fists. in another life where he wasn’t so pompous (looking at you slum aus), he would absolutely be a force to reckon with. even in canon, he can lay someone out with one good hook because he’s not really about finesse or torture—it’s all the skill points in power baby and he will Lay You Out.
but i have to reiterate, esp in canon, he’s Really not in the vibe to put his hands on people unless he’s positive they won’t reciprocate (amon is a good example lol. he’s punched amon confirmed once and as i write who knows? maybe more).
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voidsteffy · 2 years
“I love how you look in my shirt.”
Can you do this prompt for Bheem x wife! Reader
Towards the Sunlight
Bheem x wife!Reader per @budugu's charming request
kinda nsfw, not seggsy times but talking about it. this is mostly fluff tho
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I do not consent to my stories or aggregation of aesthetics being posted in any website in any other name other than mine. plagiarism will get you under the wrath of my tears so think thrice.
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You hadn't gotten out of bed for what felt like a reeling eternity. Everything was moving so fast, yet you never felt the whiplash of urgency.
Strong arms wound around you somewhere around early morning and now stuck to you with a sheen of sweat: the warmth of the sun dawning upon your marriage or the love dawning upon your hearts. Bheem— your husband's heart pounded blood into his throbbing veins, every sound in his body reached you magnified. Like a pair of dhols celebrating your happiness.
His nose was buried in the dip of your shoulder, fingers splayed against your waist.
You loved being touched, just held. And you loved being touched by him.
Your marriage with Bheem had been like a formal deal between families: your uncle wanted to get you off his hands after your parents died, and Bheem's Pedananna wanted his dear son to find love in this marriage. Your marriage with Bheem was testing fate if two strangers could fall in love despite never having a perfect idea of the very concept.
The first few months were like a budding friendship. Then the roots started growing deeper, as if they understood that y/n l/n, this forlorn woman, wanted his love. He'd started to bring you flowers on his way from morning runs, and then he'd invite you to go with him on them. Your favorite Kishore Kumar songs would play every evening in the garden. He made you laugh, he praised you and defended you to his friends, and his hugs grew warmer and held more than friendship.
You found yourself gravitating towards him: a plant towards the sunlight. Yes, perhaps that was the correct symbol for him. Bheem was your sunlight, a friend who was on your team no matter what, the one for whom you added a little extra butter in the rotis, for whom you had brought up the notion of adopting loads of animals even if you were scared of them.
And after months after watching your relationship blossom with your husband, everything became better. The passion of the night before made sleeping parts of your brain wake up glowing like diwali fireworks.
Bheem, your Bheem (you could say that now, the thought made you giddy to the feet which were still entangled in his) had been a tender person who roughened in bed.
You loved it.
You liked your hands held and your kisses with so much love that passion was a barrier. This was more than passion.
This was adulation. This was worshipped.
You loved being worshipped, and you loved worshipping.
This new development made you appreciate your husband, this felt like the first day of your eternity with him. You had forever with this man now, because even if you didn't, you wanted to stay till this forever was over and the next forever began.
Bheem stirred as the first light of day peaked at him in the eyes through spaces between blinds.
And with him, so did his member against you.
Oh, you had almost forgotten just how much you liked it. You made a sound, sounding almost like a blissful moan, without realizing he could hear it.
"Good morning." he kissed the slope of your jaw and you squirmed in delight. A smile broke out on your lips, poking his beard leaning into you.
"Good morning."
You looked back up at him, looking back down towards your wrapped bodies. Your cheeks just couldn't stop smiling, and when you felt him lift you both up onto his laps, you could see that his cheeks were no less.
"Last night was..."
"...Amazing right?" he chuckled.
You nodded your head, wrapping your arms around his waist. You laid your ear against his chest. Listening to his steady was your favorite, it was decided.
"I'd like to do that a lot more times."
His eyes lit up with happiness. "Good. Me too."
You shift his hands down along his back, shifting your chin cradled on his shoulder.
You jump off in a panic, rechecking the watch on your nightstand. Sure enough, Bheem was an hour behind his usual schedule.
You both moved in a frenzy, blankets bundled up and tumbling out of bed. You grabbed your hair into a bun, walking away, when Bheem's hand stopped you. A warm imprint holding onto your hand, rings clanking against each other.
You looked back at him.
What met you was a boyish grin on his shiny black beard.
"I love how you look in my shirt."
You tugged the long sleeves closer together, laughing. All hurry melted and you basked in his love. You let him pull you down back into bed and let him love you a little bit longer.
And he let you love him back.
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A/N: My playlists be like ->
when i'm writing fluff: Kalaya Nijama, Vastunna Vachestunna, Surro Surro, Manmadhude, Hima Seemallo, Buggey Bangarama
when i'm writing smutty: Kadallalle, Prema Desam Yuvarani, Em Sandeham Ledu, Oh Sita Hey Rama
i hoped you liked this budugus! and you all else reading this with her too❤�� this is the first time i've ever written reader fics so it might have an odd voice? be the judge
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tagging: @budugu @hissterical-nyaan @rambheemisgoated @rambheem-is-real @bromance-minus-the-b @aasthuu @thewinchestergirl1208 @stanleykubricks @ramayantika @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see @flyinlove @ronaldofandom @kuhuchan @chandalika-pdf @lostgreekgod @mish-ka @bishh-kanya
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Trigun manga
I thought the Vash ass was a one time thing but Nightow gives us an ass shot panel like 3 times every chapter.
As someone who entered the franchise through Stampede it's interesting to see what Stampede changed (I mean besides the obvious timeline stuff). Like Stampede left out Vash getting a vent cover dropped on him while using a urinal and that whole subplot. It really is a rewrite, reminds me of the Evangelion movie series in that way, a reinterpretation of the major concepts of the series.
Vash's Stampede design better matches my sense of aesthetics. I never liked the BDSM leather harnesses and straps aesthetic but I gotta give it up for manga Vash's design, it is the most iconic and unique Vash design, it really stands out. 10,000 leather straps with a sleeveless leather harness with cutouts isn't my thing (seriously what the hell are you wearing Vash!) but it is definitly a Thing. Gotta recognize Nightow's dedication to giving Vash long shapely legs.
In stampede the Plants look like bulbs with roots or when unfurled Avatar alien plant people, in the manga there resemble living cells with amalgamated human faces and wing things and are feathery when unfurled. Trimax has stronger angel/demon imagery while Stampede sets up a stronger dichotomy between terraforming vs. Plant technology as the future of humanity. Manga plants are also giant in comparison
Milly is peak character concept. Bigg woman with a giant gun who loves her family, I'd go cafe with her and eat cake.
Oh hey Gunsmoke has pigeons.
Vash Legato telepathy?
I was wondering just how delusional vashwood shippers were. I mean shippers WILL see something when there's nothing this always happens. Wolfwood and Vash have no chemistry in Stampede season 1. Manga tho? Vash is instantly smitten when Wolfwood 3 way splits his last 3 coins with some street kids. And then they start flirting immediatly, yeah this is what chemistry looks like, "Your smile itself is a compliment", "a smile suits your face" damn.
Interesting interesting, in the manga its Vash's fleshy right arm that merges with the gun, in Stampede it's his mechanical left arm that merges with the gun. Although given Stampede is pre-July the right arm could also still happen.
I can see why people like the manga. I can also see how Stampede is playing a longer game planning farther ahead and has a more constructed narrative. The manga was always in jeopardy of being cancelled and then it was and you can see Nightow writing like every few chapters would be the last. Stampede has the advantage of knowing everything and being able to reconstruct the series while having the whole picture. I do like Meryl and Milly in the manga better than Stampede's Meryl and Roberto, but I like Stampede's Vash better than the manga's, he's cuter. In terms of story and format I like both, the more meandering episodic and the more straightforward story.
Maximum! So Knives blew Vash's angel gun again and now there's a hole on the moon and that dyed half of Vash's hair black… somehow I rather how with the artstyle you can't tell if the black is because his hair color changed or if its dramatic shading. I do think Stampede made the right call with the July incident leading to Vash's Eriks phase and 2 year gap instead of having another moon hole incident. The original 3 volume manga almost feels like a gaiden.
Wait wait. 2 year timeskip as Eriks and then we jump another 11 years!! Year 113 Meryl is 23, moon blast was on year 100. No way Meryl was 10 and a senpai insurance agent. Huh?? Between year 100 and year 113 2 years passed. Is this a translation error??
I need to go rewatch Stampede, Vash was able to keep far less secrets like Meryl and Wolfwood found out about him being a plant much earlier
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gerogerigaogaigar · 10 months
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Radiohead - Kid A
How to piss off your fanbase in one easy step: follow up you most successful album with something bizarre and experimental and use almost nothing but synthesizers and basically be incomprehensible. Bonus points if the album is a masterpiece that will go on to be regarded as one of the best albums ever written. The anxious frailty common to Radiohead's previous albums is still there but there's more intensity, more of an ominous apocalyptic energy. The lyrics are mainly nonsense, cut up phrases with no clear meaning. The vagueness coupled with the intense abstract instrumentals lead to a fearful atmosphere. The album feels like it is failing to imitate a human. It's eerie.
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Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp A Butterfly
Kendrick has doubled down on being a poet and with these songwriting skills he is tackling some difficult ideas. The first half.of the album deals a lot with Kendrick's own place in society and in the rap game and whether or not he can return to his roots in any sincere way. Whether his success prevents him from representing his neighborhood in Compton anymore. As the album continues he expands the subject matter and it becomes a struggle between sincerity and machismo and how much of black culture is constructed as a response to oppression and ultimately lands on being proud of the many composite things that make up blackness in America. It's an incredible journey and I struggle to even summarize the themes. Musically it is also so much more than good kid m.A.A.d city was in every regard. There's more funk including an appearance by George Clinton and frequent production by Thundercat. There's also so much jazz and soul and features such a wide variety of guest musicians including SZA, Kamasi Washington, Flying Lotus, and many others. This is also a well paced album, it is long but it is full of bangers and right up to the last track it is catchy and engaging. To Pimp A Butterfly is a powerful enigmatic statement. One of those albums that becomes an instant classic and will be guaranteed to be remembered as one of the best albums of all time for decades to come.
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Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited
Yeah no shit they put this one up so high Rolling Stone magazine is literally named after the song Like A Rolling Stone. But also a totally valid choice for best Dylan album. Every single song is Dylan at his peak. I can barely pick out high points for how good everytthing is. Obviously Like A Rolling Stone is legendary, the eleven minute closer Desolation Row is a standout, but I think that Ballad Of A Thin Man might be my favorite Dylan song. After so many Dylan albums on this list I barely have anything new to say. I guess if you have liked any of it at all then you will definitely like Highway 61 Revisited.
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Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Yup I knew this was coming. Kanye West's magnum opus. Twisted Fantasy is a maximalist progressive hip hop labyrinth. Kanye pulls in influences from prog rock, most obviously in his sampling of King Crimson on power, but also in playing around with song structure. Frankly it is hard to pin any one thing down because every song is so much. You have everything from the piano intro of Runaway which becomes a hip hop soul epic, the intensity of Monster's back to back guest verses, the completely unexpected Bon Iver feature, the occasional guitar solo. Oh man speaking of Monster tho I feel like we really need to appreciate that we get both Jay-Z's worst verse (Sasquatch, Godzilla, King Kong, Loch Ness, Goblin, ghoul, a zombie with no conscience) and "ahhhhhhhh put the pussy in a scarmophogoghs" from this song. Also Nicki Minaj's best verse ever to close out the song, seriously she is stunning on here. Anyway yeah Kanye seems to be making a statement about the hip hop kayfabe on here. He seems to be semi-ironically embracing the callous superstar aesthetic. How much this album is a criticism of the excess of celebrity culture or just the start of Ye's villain arc is up for debate, but even if I don't wanna be charitable it's still a huge bombastic, addictive masterpiece.
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The Clash - London Calling
For being remembered as one of the most iconic punk albums London Calling is a much more complex blend of punk, rock n roll, new wave, ska, dub, and post punk. Their sound reflected the diverse musical culture of 70s London. Frankly it's hard to pin down exactly where the punk is on this album. Guns Of Brixton is just a reggae song, Wrong Em Boyo is a ska song and it interpolates American folk song Stagger Lee. Lost In The Supermarket is a distinctly post punk song with it's disco beat, Spanish Bombs is as power pop as they come, and Train In Vain is basically a piece of heartland rock. Where the album is most cohesive is lyrically and thematically. Most of the tracks on London Calling describe some aspect of inner city London living or a character therein. The plight of the working poor and immigrants. While punk definitely continued into the 80s as a rough and volatile genre full of teens with raw emotions, The Clash brought the more art rock side of the genre into the mainstream with London Calling.
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Public Enemy - It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back
Public Enemy were a perfect storm. The interplay between the militant black nationalist politics of Chuck D and the much more laid back point man Flava Flav created a dynamic flow that wasn't matched by any contemporaries. On the other side is production crew The Bomb Squad and turntablist Terminator X creating densely sample based instrumentals that match the intensity of the rapping. On It Takes A Nation Of Millions the intensity is ramped up from their debut and they double down on the political angle. To compare the politics of this album vs Fear Of A Black Planet, there is a grander scope on It Takes A Nation Of Millions. It revels in mythologizing of the band a bit more. Either way this album also brings most of Public Enemy's biggest hits Bring The Noise, Don't Believe The Hype, and Prophets Of Rage especially.
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The Rolling Stones - Exile On Main St.
Exile On Main St. is raw rough and rowdy right up the Rolling Stone's alley. This album has some of their best production successfully balancing the need to sound rough around the edges with the level of professionalism that a band as big as the Stones could afford. It starts and ends on some of their best songs, Rocks Off and Rip This Joint open the album while Shine A Light and Soul Survivor close it out, but in between, idk. There isn't a bad song on here, far from it, but as a whole album Exile On Main St. has never spoken to me the way that their previous three albums did. Am I saying Exile is overrated? Yes obviously I am literally saying that. But would I side eye someone who rated this their favorite Stones album? Not at all. It's a fine choice just not mine.
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Aretha Franklin - I Never Loved A Man The Way I Loved You
This album begins with Aretha Franklin's meteoric hit Respect and it isn't even my favorite song on the album. This may be Franklin's tenth album, but it might as well be her debut. From the moment I Never Loved A Man dropped her career was reinvented and she was instantly the queen of soul. There are very, very few albums better than this one. Franklin sings with such power and conviction that she basically stole these songs from their original performers. Respect will never be an Otis Redding song ever again and same for Sam Cooke's A Change Is Gonna Come.
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Michael Jackson - Thriller
Ok do I really have to review Thriller? It's the highest selling album of all time, I bet you know a thing or two about it. Michael Jackson was the king of pop for a reason. The blueprint for success that was Off The Wall is finally realized here in a pop, disco, soul, and funk masterpiece. Seven out of the album's nine tracks were charting singles. The songs Thriller, Beat It, and Billie Jean all come one after another making up what must be the most commercially successful three song runs on any album. You prolly already know how you feel about this album so I guess this is just a reminder to give it another listen if it's been a while. If you didn't like it before maybe come at it with fresh ears, if it is already a favorite then remind yourself how good this shit is.
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The Beatles - Revolver
This was kinda the first cd I ever owned so you are not getting my usual super duper objective reviewing here lmao. Revolver really is one of my favorites. The Beatles have genuinely crafted some very catchy delightful tunes. All of the exploring they did on Rubber Soul paid off in a big way with the fuzzy guitars of She Said, She Said and Taxman, the baroque strings of Eleanor Rigby, of course the psychedelic experimentation of Tomorrow Never Knows. The thing that makes this not just one of the best Beatles records but one worthy of being on this list is the production. George Martin mixes every song in this hazy way that feels warm, but also distant. Like a pleasant memory. Martin also has fun on Tomorrow Never Knows by cutting up the tape and reconstructing it into the backwards guitar solos that can be heard throughout. Basically I think this is one of The Beatles best records, but it is definitely George Martin's best record, he really earns the 'fifth Beatle' moniker here.
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