#this is just them being toxic silly yuri...
saphirdevil · 2 months
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arolesbianism · 6 days
The difference between how I enjoy Olivia and how I enjoy Jackie is that I like to imagine Olivia dying in deep and symbolic ways that leave a deep scar on the people around her that will still manage to die out before her death can reach its climax and I like to imagine Jackie being hit by a car and exploding
#rat rambles#oni posting#and if you know me youd know that both of these are equally affectionate lol#olivia appeals to me by being am extremely interesting character and a complicated person#and jackie appeals to me by being very easy to boo and throw tomatoes at#theyre both sad divorced middle aged women but jackie is easily the worse of the two and the more pathetic of the two#olivia has deep moral and philisphical crisies and jackie throws a hissy fit over her ex wife throwing a party its not a competition lol#like jackie is such a manchild of a woman and thats exactly why I love her#I do also have serious thoughts feelings and hcs abt her too but those are a result of her growing on me and that was a result of her being#a sad wet cat of a woman who is such a shitty person for no good reason#she had reasons but those are mostly just hand waves nowadays#and even back when she did genuinely believe in doing things for good rather than solely progress it still was shaky reasoning#point being she ruined everything for everyone including herself and it was for no good reason and I love that abt her#also I love my design for her so she gets bonus points by leeching off of my artistic talents or whatever#shes sooo silly actually (incorrect)#olivia is also silly I will forever obsess with 'tiny baby!' and her various puns and jokes as the pod#it rly makes you wonder what they were like back before they were doomed toxic yuri and were simply doomed yuri#I have my hcs ofc but yknow#their date nights were probably just them sitting in a mcdonalds for 17 hours straight discussing theories and doing their college homework#and then their study nights were them getting blackout drunk and crying their eyes out and having gay sex or smth#in the modern day they both absolutely refuse to drink unless theyre home alone they can't trust themselves in the slightest#anyways obligatory 1 am post made time to go to bed and keep being offline as hell
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nottheeconomy · 7 months
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The beautifully dashing leader of the phantom thieves and the charming detective princess!
My take on fem shuake!!!
I like my toxic doomed yaoi but toxic doomed Yuri hits so much harder when it comes to these two
(Brainrot under the read more!)
If Shuake were girls they would be so much more volatile than canon it’s hilarious
Honestly if Akechi was born a girl instead of a boy his already terrible life would be twice as hard hahahaha
Fem Akechi would have a much harder time willingly refraining from directly murdering shido
Like canon Akechi is this close to just shooting him in the head anytime he sees him but fem Akechi would have so much more temptation to see him dead dead dead
She’s going to have to withstand his disgustingly sexist statements with a bright smile on her face as shido says things like “oh Akechi, you’re not like those other women that only serve to further this country’s great longevity through rearing the young, you’re different, more capable.” And she needs to let those slimy words go in one ear and out if she’s going to be patient enough for him to be elected first
Not to mention she’s going to experience so much more scrutiny as a public idol since she’ll be a girl
Like in canon he already has a questionable fanbase but just imagine the weirdos that’ll idolise her as the detective princess
And she’s definitely not going to be taken as seriously by people for her detective work because people would JUST WRITE HER OFF AS A PRETTY FACE!!!!
She’s going to curate every facet of her image to make sure people takes her as seriously as possible
Her style needs to be trendy but not too trendy or people would call her vain
She needs to be careful of showing too much skin or she’ll be slutshamed
She needs to word her statements more delicately or else people would call her annoying do you see the visionnnnnnnnn
Like canon Akechi’s public mask is already so tightly wound against his face, fem Akechi’s public mask would be a full suit of armour (get it get it? Hahahahhaha)
Meanwhile! If Akira was a girl, the notion of her being a meddler when she tries to stop shido would be much stronger I think
Also I have a feeling she’s going to get harassed at shujin for having her criminal record leaked instead of how in canon everyone left Akira alone due to fear since people won’t take her assault charge as seriously
And then there’s kamoshida…eugh
So in conclusion:
I just think both of them would have so much more pent up rage than in canon hahahahahha
Like I’m sure they would’ve physically thrown hands in the boiler room of shido’s ship, like forget about the personas they’re going to throttle each other as the rest of the thieves watch hahahahahahhaa
On the bright side though I can see fem Akechi being closer to Sae and the detective princess being a role model to little girls
Hm but I have a feeling the rivalry between Akechi and Akira would feel like those early 2010s tabloid articles about how female stars had beef with each other, like it’ll be framed as something super catty hahahahaha
Man these girlies are filled with so much anger, honestly it’ll be so iconic if Akechi and Akira were written as girls but I err don’t have that much trust in Altus!
These are just my silly headcanons for fem Shuake! If you disagree with what I said it’s ok hahahahaha
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sammy-deserves-better · 6 months
Hey people who definitely didn’t follow me for my AUs here’s another AU I thought up on the spot!!!
Fantasy/Royalty AU bam lets get into it
Julia and Bowie are the princess and prince of the kingdom, as you do, it’s gay and lesbian hostility in that castle every day
Axel, Wayne, Raj and Emma are knights with Axel being the head of the knights, Emma is also secretly a florist because why not
Priya is the head of the guards while Caleb is the personal guard/advisor to the king
Chase is a travelling bard who loves to talk about his ‘amazing’ adventures of ‘helping’ people
Nichelle is still a famous actress but instead of movies she’s like, famous from plays and all that jazz
Ripper’s a barbarian that’s pretty good at his job, unfortunately he is not taken very seriously
Millie is a famous writer but she’s so damn difficult to find at times and only a few people know where she actually lives
Damien is a wizard’s apprentice, he’s still learning but he’s got some real talent within him
Zee is the court jester, he didn’t even like try out for the role he just started talking one time and the king thought he was hilarious
Scary Girl is a famous necromancer because she is, funnily enough, scarily good at her job
And MK, silly ol’ MK, is a master thief who is wanted all over the world, but can never be located, always managing to escape at the last moment
Alright here’s some more details yippee
Raj and Bowie are like, in love, obviously, knight x prince romance! Forbidden love that isn’t really forbidden but like it’s super cute and Raj is so smitten and Bowie just loves this handsome knight that would do anything for him
Wayne and Emma are friends here because I also think they’re silly, Wayne’s the only one who knows Emma’s secret florist job because she trusts him enough and also he accidentally found out but it’s fine!! But he also nearly gives away Emma’s secret so many damn times because he’s just a little bit stupid
‘Man I wish I could get Bowie a nice bouquet…’
‘Oh well Emma is actually a fl-‘
And then Wayne gets elbowed so hard he can’t breath for 2 minutes
Emma also definitely has a thing for the cute court jester but she has no idea on how to actually approach Zee so she just sends him flowers anonymously and sighs while looking at him lovingly
Julia and MK meet because MK climbs up the damn castle walls at 2am and sneaks into Julia’s room just to rob her, gets absolutely slammed by the princess, wakes up and is tied to a damn chair with Julia right up in her face about to rip her to shreds and all MK can say is ‘you are REALLY attractive oh my gods’
This throws Julia off, they start talking, Julia realises that despite the fact she is holding one of the most wanted criminals hostage in her room, she wants to keep seeing MK because she’s entertaining and mean and just slightly pathetic, so she lets MK go on the promise that the thief will come back every night and so she does and yadda yadda lesbians toxic yuri wins
Millie’s stories actually come to life because shocker she’s actually a wizard in disguise and she needs to be really careful about what she writes so that’s why she hides herself away and is so hard to track down because if the wrong people knew about her magic capabilities oh no that’s a lot of blood and injury and angst and 10k words every chapter
Millie’s parents also had this ability to create anything from mere writing, they shared this ability with the kingdom, and so if an important figure asked them to say…make a protector of the kingdom, they would do so, and they did, and that’s where our villain/antagonist comes in but that’s a story for another day
The older gens are also involved in this one way or another as well, most are just backgrounders but some hold important to the story
Damien is the wizard apprentice to Leonard and Tammy, two great and powerful sages who spend their time helping the world
DJ is the one who taught Emma how to be a florist, he’s kind and understanding and always helps Emma choose the right flowers to give to Zee
Eva trains Ripper under her watchful eye, she’s proud of how far he’s come, but feels he can do just a bit more
Aleheather are the king and queen of the kingdom, Bowie and Julia are their adopted children
And that’s all I got for now uhhhh add whatever you want to this it’s just a silly time
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cconfusedkat · 13 days
"Oh wow that's great you got your art motivation back! I'm sure you'll make something incredible." No. Lambmura 🐏🕷
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Autism infodump about Lambmura in my eyes below the cut ^.^
As far as I'm concerned... there are no vehicles in COTL. So. Hypothetically, if there were, then they'd still both suck at driving. Lamb is that one leader everyone is very afraid of, but around their loved ones? A total fucking idiot— Shamura is neutral on PDA, along with being an ambivert, so they prefer to be alone more often unless it's something they like to do usually. Lamb is dating a whole ass spider while squashing + running away from each bug on the ground. They try their best to fight their fear over bugs, but it's just not working! Shamura is still upset over that but it's fineeee one of their favorite meals is lamb chops anyway- //silly After a few decades of infighting and forgiveness, they became qps since 1. they're both aro and 2. they figured they were pretty important to eachother but not to be close enough in a romantic relationship,,
Shamura's relationship experience has started to make Lamb a little jealous, but the years they've been together they communicated a lot better. Lamb was too nervous to admit their liking for Shamura for probably three years? So, Shamura confessed to them after a few months after realizing they liked the Lamb. It really just depends on whoever Shamura likes, and with an idiot like Lamb it was reallll easy on winning them over somehow lmao jsjfaknfamf
They're both equally shy with a few things- Shamura gets easily embarrassed at PDA while Lamb feels as it's easier to express their affectiom with,, PDA! If they're in private together, Shamura is more blunt, Lamb is a nervous wreck and will most likely melt into a puddle if Shamura places the tip of their finger on them 😭😭 they're extremely goofy and silly,,
I like to think their relationship arc went from strangers -> enemies -> lovers ,, to then it reverting lovers -> strangers -> enemies
Why though? Well because Shamura and Lamb have their own disabilities impacting them both so with Shamura's bad memory and Lamb's worry of ,, well,, Everything- they both eventually distance and Shamura dissenting against Lamb's faith hundreds of years later again. They keep Shamura locked up in prison for about a month again, but nothing was working to get them to not dissent, so they had to let them leave. Shamura wouldve been in more pain being locked up for longer physically but mentally their mind was overtaken by dissenting,, of course theyre both immortal so they cant die... unless if by murder. Without further ado may i introduce to the table doomed lovers - 🤲💥 but yeah those are just my thoughts So Far on Lambmura. Theyre basically just toxic yuri in later arcs but i like to think theyve been domestic qps for milennia :> one of the bishop/lamb relationships ive thought about most,,,lambket is a close second so maybe one day i can infodump about my thoughts on lambket Giggles
BUT YEP YEAH THATS BASICALLY ABOUT IT.... i love gay spider and gay lamb enemies to lovers ☝️
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6/4/24 edit : I change my mind i like to think they are simply straight up yuri with no problems whatsoever 🙌🙌 might have to re edit image or re make post but my favorite aroace lesbians actually (so sorry) (aroace nonbinary lesbianism projection beam here)
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zankagi · 4 months
kyman yuri
i've been infected with the kyman yuri disease so take this doodles from me to you also you will listen to my headcanons for both girlies nyehehehe
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ok so first, i think their names are kylie broflovski and erica cartman. i thought erica would be a really girlie girl, since the canon eric cartman has a big record of crossdressing. she likes to paint her nails and she's really into fashion. kylie is kind of the opposite, she's a sporty girl, being in the basketball team (erica could be a cheerleader just to piss her off, she would trash talk her on purpose to make her fail and kylie falls every time for it because she has major anger issues). i think that she'd really like to have her hair short, but sheila wouldn't let her, because it makes her look "less feminine". kylie lets erica paint her nails from time to time too.
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like i said, kylie would be on the basketball team, and erica would go to every game and every practice just to insult kylie (she's in love and in denial) and kylie always gets super pissed off (she's also in love and in denial, in the back of her mind she's thinking something like "omg she came to see me!!!")
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this doodle is erica with kylie's jacket tehee 🥺 i thought this would be cute!
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i just wanted to draw erica in a cunty way here lol
also another thing i thought is special nicknames they would have for each other. i think erica would call kylie "kylie jewnner" or "jewnner" (that's legitimately the funniest thing i came up with) and when they are alone, kylie calls erica "eri" 🥺. there you have kylie with short hair, i think that erica really likes her hair (like in canon) and was so sad and pissed off when she cut it, but she still likes it, she loves cradling her fingers through the mess of curls.
i love them sm my silly girlies i swear they make me insane i just can't stop drawing kyman toxic yuri
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worldwidewebzy · 5 months
Pest LOVES taxidermy, especially rouge taxidermy. Its a special interest of theirs and they've even tried some of it themselves. He's pretty good at it!!
Poob also likes taxidermy!! Though the specific process you have to do makes poob very squeamish and sick and icky,, (that being said poob IS NOT a uwu soft enby bean, they could kick ur ass lmao)
Poobians as a whole, are the embodiments of joy, happiness, and FUN!!!!!! They thrive off envoirments with high morale and general good vibes. Their population dwindles when said elements are scarce. If a poobian's mental health is hurt in anyway, that poobian's mental health will directly correspond to their physical health, causing the poobian to fall ill.
If a poobian falls to much into their pit of despair, they can "metamorphize" into a party pooper. Party poopers are the antithesis to poobians, thriving off of despair, sadness, and turmoil. Party poopers aren't inherently evil, but their nihilistic and melancholic nature can cause party pooper communities to be.. Not the healthiest space for anybody to be in.
Party poopers can remorph themselves into a poobian, but that requires extensive mental health intervention for that to happen. Depending on how much despair is in a party pooper, recovery can take as long as years.
To avoid this, poobians are a very social species. Full of many support systems ready to help any poobian! Though unfortunately, toxic positivity has been prevalent in some poobian societies. And there's a silent, but all to painful ableism riddled in poobian society as a whole.
Every poobian smells like their favorite food!
Pest has an EXTREMELY hard time empathizing, thanks to her undiagnosed aspd, npd, and autism. They also have an hard time realizing the concept of consequence and law. (this is pretty much canon expect for the autism part iirc but yeagh)
Gnarpy has IBS. Xe seem like a IBS girlie (gender neutral) to me do yuo understand
Poob HATES gender reveal parties with a passion.
mannequin mark and wallter... Do you hear me..
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Gregoriah basks in light like a lizard
OK split pilby YURI SWAGGERR!!!
HOLY SHIT you guys have no idea how cornily, unconditionally, atrociously lovesick pilby is for split and i mean it
This dude's catapiller antennae form into hearts just thinking about split, absolutely cartoonishly in love with her.
They like having silly picnics where they eat apples and bananas (pilby looooves apples) go bird watching and just have a gay ol' time...
When they were first starting to know eachother pilby wrote """"anonymous""""" love letters to split, the letters in question were painfully obviously writen by them and it made split laugh and giggle. She didnt tell pilby that she knew they wrote those letters until after pilby confessed their love to them. That made pilby all bright red it was adorable
The confession in question was pilby performing a musical number about all the stored feelings they've been hiding for split all told through song and... It didn't go how pilby wanted to and kind of failed, but split still was genuinely blown away by it. She cheered pilby up when they commented how "bad" it was and kissed them on the forehead....... <33
Infected has a friend thats minecraft youtuber and yes they have a dubstep channel intro for it yknow the ones..
Gnarpy's form is a facade, like how invader zim has a human disguise. It acts like a shield, keeping gnarpy's (surprisingly frail) true form safe in a non gnarpian envoirment. It's designed to be conventionally "cute" to ward off suspicion, and increase trustworthyness.
Gnarpian govermentals are planning on making upgraded versions of these facades. Making them more unassuming. They're even planning "human" looking facades. It's fucking scary
mannequin mark and wallter make lampert together like constructed a child. Building blueprints AAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! hashtag yaoi swagger
Miche is also swagapino and black as a people SWAG
Also miche isn't actually a cat he's very much like... Hes cat adjacent but his fangs are like the whiskers if a cat fish LIKE
The elevator has existed for as long as existence itself. Nobody runs it as the elevator itself is technically an living organism
Bive exists in quantum super position. She simultaneously exists in both FNARB, and the funny maze, it's only until a player enters either floor is where she stop existing in this superposition. Kinda like Schrödinger's cat. Schrödinger's conspiracy theorist
Bive is built like she was designed by dr suess
Unlike a red teddy, reddy is very much full of love :)
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back on my gwourtney bs. time to speak my truth. tdas sends very mixed messages about how gwen feels about courtney but in both interpretations it makes perfect sense.
if gwen is actually truly sorry for kissing duncan: BEAUTIFUL!! they finally make up and get a chance to retry their friendship. they get closer over time and eventually realize that maybe they want to kiss too. what about it. maybe they're girlfriends. it's adorable and it's sweet.
if gwen is NOT sorry (think when she references "you can't steal a boyfriend if the boy is free" etc): ALSO BEAUTIFUL!! this could be a VERY SPECIFIC BRAND of enemies to lovers. i plan on rewriting tdas one day and i am honestly leaning towards this. this makes more sense with tdwt. listen. in tdwt, gwen really does not give a shit and she's actively gunning for courtney's elimination (courtney would've gone home in episode 16 if not for cody being bad at everything) which is totally fair cause courtney was being kinda crazy and also her relationship with duncan was super toxic at that point. anyways my point is it makes a lot of sense for gwen to be on tdas and just hate courtney's guts. or at the very least dislike her. we know courtney doesn't like gwen either. if the writers of tdas weren't COWARDS they could've put gwen and courtney in a lot of situations that forced them to be together (e.g. them being on the same team from the start/earlier on, callback to the wedding challenge [pairing them together in a silly lil duncney reference], leaving them as the only contestants in a cabin or in the hotel or something) which would've caused them to start crushing on one another cause it's 2023 let these ladies be GAY!!! it's the most beautiful toxic yuri ever. and even better they can develop into nontoxic yuri. let them move past d*ncan into a beautiful era of lesbianism.
the second type of tdas gwourtney is specifically fulfilling for the duncney shippers who really just want to see courtney be mean to someone and make out with them (let's face it who DOESN'T want to see that)
but if you like the wholesome sweet relationship they can have, GWOURTNEY GIVES YOU THAT TOO!!
gwourtney is the superior courtney ship it's everything you would ever need in a lesbian couple. they can love each other. they can hate each other. they can bond over hating one specific man. they can bond over their excessive knowledge about the history of the city of london. it's so perfect
if anyone read this entire rant please for the love of god MAKE SOME GWOURTNEY CONTENT. write them. draw them. make silly headcanons about them. encourage others to do the same. SPREAD THE GOSPEL
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sydneyofalltrades · 7 days
okay bc @toooliix can’t let me have peace, y’all get the complete comprehensive dream roles list
(yes this was an old draft FUCK OFF)
trust me this is very long so if you don’t wanna see it just skip it 😭
1. jane doe/penny lamb from ride the cyclone
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reasons why i want to play this character:
she’s ghostly and silly and deep
her song is fucking AMAZING
i wanna be a scary baby girliepop doll head
could i play her?: i can sing tbojd effortlessly and i’m a pretty decent actor. i may be poc but what’s that to a doll’s head
what’s stopping me?: i’m a teenager with absolutely no community theater doing this show
2. ricky potts from ride the cyclone
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reasons why i want to play this character:
singing space age bachelor man every night would definitely heal some gender dysphoria i have
he’s a scrunkly goober who wears a super sparkly costume
i am genuinely an irl ricky (without the disability)
could i play him?: i can sing space age bachelor man and i’m masculine enough?
what’s stopping me?: afab and not physically disabled (i’m neurodivergent but no physical disability and i would never want to mischaracterize him)
3. noel gruber from ride the cyclone:
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reasons why i want to play this character:
he is. my favorite.
he and i are lost souls
gender?? like hello??
could i play him?: i can sing his song and act his part. but i have very little confidence in my gender fluidity
what’s stopping me?: lack of confidence. and also afab
4. veronica sawyer from heathers the musical:
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reasons why i want to play this character:
my dream role since i first got into musicals
she makes me feel confident in my own horrible love life and bad decisions
she’s a badass. point blank
could i play her?: DEFINITELY! gimme a day to learn the script and two hours for choreo and i will be ronnie sawyer
what’s stopping me?: lack of practice, money, and genuine resources
5. jason dean from heathers the musical
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reasons why i want to play this character:
gay gay homosexual gay
genderbent jd means toxic yuri which is always appreciated
a sapphic meant to be yours would genuinely break me so why not be the one to do it?
could i play him?: even with being genderbent, i think i could give it a shot! his insane spiral might be challenging to play out but i love challenges!
what’s stopping me?: afab, lack of genderblind productions, broke as a bitch
6. whizzer brown from falsettos (specifically the 2016 revival)
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reasons why i want to play this character:
HIS CONFIDENCE?? makes me skyrocket honestly
andrew rannells. that’s it
honestly would be interested in taking a gender blind take on him
could i play him?: with a binder, proper choreo, and a decent haircut sure! i surprisingly fit in the range and he’s been a dream role forever! i would do the show in the original script because his story is best told the way he is
what’s stopping me?: afab. also not jewish and couldn’t think of mischaracterizing
7. super swing from six the musical
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reasons why i want to play this character:
any role in six has been a dream since i was 13! so why not dream bigger and want to cover ALL SIX!
since every queen is so diverse, i wanna have the chance to express myself in them all because honestly that would be phenomenal
in case i must reassure you, i actually can sing. and six the musical is my favorite to sing on occasion so i’m prepared
could i play this role?: in a couple years with a little experience under my belt maybe! super swings are becoming less and less of a need in theater so i’m not sure but one can hope
what’s stopping me?: too young, no super swings in the US
8. christine canigula from be more chill
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reasons why i want to play this character:
christine is just like me! a neurodivergent theater lover!
she’s a ball of energy and a ray of sunshine, who wouldn’t want to play her?
i actually see myself in christine, and she’s an independent and kind and funny character i’d like to reshape
could i play her?: um? YES! no script needed, i can just jump right into it without delay, it would be fun and i have her memorized to a t
what’s stopping me?: no experience or opportunities
9. the s.q.u.i.p. from be more chill
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another hear me out, y’all
reasons why i want to play this character:
gender. that’s it. it’s so gender
the pitiful children has been my favorite song from bmc the moment i first listened to it, if i could perform it once, it would be a dream
i’m an oldest sibling, i can boss people around without remorse
could i play it?: ALSO YES? lemme learn the five sentences of japanese and i will jump right in without fail. i actually have several of my own thoughts about performing as the s.q.u.i.p.
what’s stopping me?: afab (it looks like keanu reeves and i.. don’t), no experience, probably would be too excited
10. eurydice from hadestown
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reasons why i want to play this character:
she’s my comfort character and her songs are so solemn and beautiful
always a pleasure being a leading lady, and having a mainly poc take on a character is always amazing
eurydice is such a complex character and i’d love to portray that
could i play her?: i’m really confident in my abilities! i sang a cover of flowers you can check out here, and it’s always fun getting to sing her lines in my room.
what’s stopping me?: well. money. and lack of experience
and that’s pretty much all of them! so there you have it!
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ddlcpoly · 27 days
Ranking Duo ships from my least favorite to my favorite!
(Excluding the player cuz I dunno how to rank player x whoever)
#10 MCxYuri: I think that MC and Yuri have the worst chemistry in the whole game and it kinda feels as if they don’t completely fill each other’s needs as partners. I like them more when the rest of the club are involved bcs they aren’t an exclusive thing and they still fill some of each other’s needs, but the rest are filled by the other dokis.
#9 MCxMonika: MC ships are really hit or miss for me (as you’ll later see), but like in most scenarios I don’t really like this ship. Mid-game Aware Monika x unaware MC kinda just feels forced, same if MC is aware as well or is the only one aware. The only reason that I could think that type of situation would work is if Monika is just coping and going for the next best thing apart from the player, but even then I think another ship does it better. Meanwhile unaware MC x unaware Monika would just be plane old boring. BUT there is one situation where I think Monika x MC works for me, post-game and they’re both aware, mostly thanks because of the “The things she does for love” fic.
#8 Monsuki: Now we’re getting to some ships I actually like, revealing that the main reason I wanted to do this ranking is to yap about how much I love these ships. I’d say that Monsuki is my least favorite of the ships I actually really love because I think it would kinda lack a lot of the angst/drama/comfort the other ships can offer. Anyways I do think that they’d make the silliest couple out of any of these, mostly because of Monika’s Faux confidence and flirty nature would bring out the most tsundere out of Natsuki, both the Tsun and the Dere.
#7 Natsuri: I’m not the biggest Natsuri fan (or maybe it’s just me being a contrarian lol), but I can very well see how they just work as a ship, mostly because they’re extremely similar yet complete opposites and seeing them discover just how similar they are to each other is just so awesome? I don’t know any other word to describe it. Also short feisty lesbian x tall calm and anxious lesbian is a tale as old as time.
#6 Sayuri: Sayori and Yuri would just make a great couple, Sayori being silly and flirty and Yuri just constantly being flustered. Meanwhile they both comprehend really well they’re feelings of self-doubt and self-hatred and would comfort each other really well when push comes to shove. IT’S JUST SO CUUUTEEEE!!!
#5 Yurika: Toxic or evil duo Yurika can be really fun, but like I think they’re both just a really underrated ship cuz like they’re both pretty mature for their age or at least act more mature than the rest, so I dunno there’s something in that which calls to me. Plus Confident power sub Monika works really with Yuri being shy but intense in a way I cannot describe.
#4 Sayosuki: Sayori and Natsuki have my favorite dynamic from the base game (I haven’t played nor seen the side stories lol), they’re just silly, and I think that them being silly and cute together really just makes me happy. + imagine all of the hurt/confort (my favorite tag).
#3 MCxNatsuki: As I said, I love Hurt/Comfort and I think that MC x Natsuki really shines in that department. It’s possibly because in all the ddlc mods I’ve seen, when Natsuki x MC is the main couple, it really makes Natsuki shine a lot, for a bunch of reasons (Natsuki being a interesting yet easy to dissect character, the whole softening up that Tsundere lovers absolutely eat up, the angst and then the comfort that comes with it, the fact that MC doesn’t really face much personal problems , so Natsuki’s problems are in the limelight, etc.). But also because they’re probably one of the most probable couples, cuz they’re both weebs, MC is very understanding, non-judgmental and patient with Natsuki, which is something that she needs and they just have good chemistry.
#2 Sayonika: I 👏 Like 👏 Cute 👏 and 👏Fluffy 👏 Sayonika. Yes please, gimme me more of it, but I absolutely love toxic Sayonika for some reason. And like this isn’t probably too much of a hot take in the toxic yuri website, but there’s something just so intriguing about a Monika treating Sayori like a tool for stress relief or a means to an end thinking she’s not a real person and Sayori just kinda ok with it because it’s the only way she can feel loved.
#1 MCSayo: I have a thing for childhood friends to lovers, OK!? But also they just make a very silly and very cute couple, and like, THEY’RE JUST SO CUTE TOGETHER!
Overall of I had to like rank these on a tier list (cuz why not?), I’d say that MCxYuri are a D tier, MCxMonika are a C tier, Monsuki, Natsuri, Sayuri and Yurika are all A tier and the top 4 are all S tier.
What are y’all’s favorite duo ship? It’s probably Natsuri knowing my audience, but I’d still be glad to hear y’all’s thoughts!
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liauditore · 9 months
ask game question
Jimmy x Martyn
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romeo asking for mirror birds in MY ask box?!!?!??!?!?! (i know u pref mirror birds but solidwood is too funny im so sorry)
ah yeah. these losers.
see, a lot of my thoughts surrounding these two would kind of spoil my own AU that i never make stuff for so im usually somewhat hesitant to talk about them but basically., (toxic!fh mention)
post-evo divorced property police is so real. ive always imagined it as a childhood friends situation, with martyn being a bit older than jimmy.
they probably caught feelings for eachother fairly late and already well into teenhood but neither of them were really sure what it was (this is maybe going a little bit into sexuality hc territory but ive always imagined jimmy as whatever the male equivalent of a useless lesbian is and martyns biphobic towards himself lmao).
i touched on this briefly in that one fic i wrote but i've always headcanoned martyn as being somewhat parentified and thus ties his worthiness to be loved into his ability to perform acts of service for someone rather than just.. existing and letting himself be loved.
so as jimmy became more independent, martyn becomes a bit more insecure about their friendship. this becomes a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy as he distances himself from jimmy, feeling like jimmy wouldn't love him if he didn't Need him, and jimmy in return feels confused and hurt as he helplessly watches someone he knew all his life drift away.
that + jimmy has this not-so-subtle crush on scott that martyn's always suspected. he's a jealous bitch.
The storm formed after a final sip, my fingertips frozen solid, I pretend that again I can see, you past the rails, ready to meet And I wonder is it too much to ask, to once more, hold you warm in my hands? To accept I can’t forget, and embrace what still fails to fade?
Milk Tea (Oktavia's translyrics) (because I wasn't kidding when I said these two were cheesy yuri to me lmao)
we had a clown to clown communication moment i think cus I also love the idea of them splitting up and meeting in Third Life years and years later (altho i like to imagine it as more of a voluntary separation).
some stuff copy+pasted from that cursed shipping doc i mentioned awhile back: ((scott + jimmy became a thing while martyn was gone pre-3L))
Now reuniting in 3L as fully grown adults after years apart, all those suppressed emotions come bubbling back up to the surface. An adult Martyn is much less unsure about what he's feeling and Jimmy still has those fantasies of what could have been playing on loop in his head. Of course, Jimmy is still attached to Scott and can't abandon his Bethrothed. He loves and knows what's best for him, he would sooner die than forsake his loyalty. But it does hurt when he hits him. Martyn still cares for Jimmy deeply, whether he wants to or not. He takes the time to keep an eye out for him, even though they had no real reason to interact anymore. He becomes one of the only people to realise what Scott was like with him, how devoid of love it all was. He throws out a line, offers to help him run away. Jimmy refuses. Betrayal. A second time. For the same man. Who cares about Jimmy anyway? (he always did take me for granted)
(a little note here before anyone sets me on fire - time works a bit differently in my writing and the players don't have exact ages but jimmy and martyn's age gap is probably not as dramatic as their cc counterparts)
(it's still there but neither of them even recognise their feelings as remotely romantic until they reunite as adults, as kids it's all just them being silly and having grade school drama with each other)
So uh yeah lots of mutual pining and suppressed feelings and puppy love turned angst👍 tis all i shall say cus i wanna make art of the rest lol
Just a second to lessen the ache, or minute to kiss it away I’d give all I have for the chance to go back to youth and you
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amemenojaku · 9 months
Shinmyoumaru for the character ask prompt
I got several asks about her... thank you everyone for allowing me to go completely batshit insane
General opinion/How much I care about them: GAHHH I love her SO MUCH it's unbearable!!!! I think nowadays I wouldn't be able to say who's my number 1 favorite touhou character between her and Seija... There is a very special place in my heart for Shinmyoumaru Sukuna T_T I love the play on a classic otogizoshi (making the descendant of Issun Boushi a princess AND the ally of a horned demon at the same time is sooo good) and I love that she has this brave and regal aspect to her personality while still being a little bastard and I love her design and the atmosphere of her fight scene in DDC and her heart and everything else!!! She is cool and cute and funny god I wish Shinmyoumaru were real I have so much affection for this silly little character
A ship I love: (puts on my clown makeup) I made myself known here as a seishin artist many years ago and I'm happy to say they're still my absolute favorite pairing in the series! toxic yuri wins!! The way I see them has changed a lot over the years and thanks to the surprisingly big amount of material we got in the spinoffs and the books but at its core it's still the same... Lonely people who created unforgettable memories together and changed each other forever... And you can go so many different ways with them... But I guess my all-time favorite seishin flavor is best summed up in this unrelated quote (more people should read Fafoo):
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seishin fans also manifested grimoire of usami into existence which I think is incredible enough on its own to mention
A non-romantic relationship that I love: With Reimu!!! I think we all agree that their interactions in Forbidden Scrollery were perfect and that Shinmyoumaru is an excellent addition to the Reimu solar system. There's something so touhou-ish about them living together after DDC and Shinmyoumaru sewing that small kimono as a gift for Reimu and then later hijacking the danmaku festival so bad that Reimu has to step in. Literally textbook case of Reimu dealing with another little rascal yet befriending them in the process. Speaking of I think they genuinely are good friends, not just danmaku or drinking buddies... I love to imagine their daily life together when Shinmyoumaru stayed at the shrine......
The NOTP: For better or for worse she's almost exclusively shipped with Seija which is fine by me!! I've never liked seeing her with anyone else (save for a onesided Shinmyoumaru -> Reimu crush).
My biggest headcanon about them: THERE'S TOO MANY TO LIST..... I have pages upon pages of Shinmyoumaru & kobito-related headcanons because she is constantly rotating somewhere inside my brain but I can share a few ones: her family is not only a descendant of Issun Boushi but also a descendant of Sukunahikona; none of the kobito have last names except the ruling family who takes on the most sacred one - Sukuna; there's actually a little bit of Issun Boushi's spirit remaining in the miracle mallet, he doesn't exist there anymore or anything but it's like a warmth that Shinmyoumaru can feel when she wields it.
An idea for a fanwork I would like to make/see about them: I have a lot of wips that I probably won't ever finish sadly... But I -would- love to draw some kind of comic or writing/art mix where I could include all those headcanons someday, with her past and especially a study of her relationship with the mallet
Something that makes me think of them: Hedgehogs :) and forget-me-nots!
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gritpyre · 6 months
Howdy,it’s me again.I noticed you redesigned and added new characters to your universe of werecreatures,so I wanted to ask you about them:
1)Who is Augusta Centeno? Are they a priest of sorts? 
2)In one of your fanarts,Augusta is seen dragging Alma somewhere. What relationship do they have with her?
3) Who is Tatiana Montenegro? They spot the same uniform as Augusta,do they work together?
4)Looks like Magdalena is back! Is she a weresnake? And is her relationship with Alma as toxic as it was before?
Thanks in advance,your OCs are wonderful!
Hey there mate! It's always nice getting to answer your questions
Here's sort of a relationship chart I made a while ago that may answer some of your questions and may create more of them
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And yes Augusta is a priest, bishop to be more specific, from the Church of Iron in my verse, all of the above ocs belong to it
Though churches there are a mix of religious organization/military force, Augusta dragging Alma was mostly me just being silly, but she was/is her main caretaker/babysitter/trainer/boss when it comes to the work Alma does for them
Tatiana is the scaredy medic burdened with having Seen Too Much of what avernomancia does to people, and she does regular check ups on everyone to make sure they haven't become infected
We stan toxic yuri in this household so you bet Magda and Alma still have a grotesque whatever-the-fuck-they-wanna-call-it relationship
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And thank you for your patience 🙏 I'm in master's degree hell and I'm getting my ass kicked
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jejushipbracket · 7 months
hello op! i know m/f ships are banned here, but i would like to plead the case for harry du bois and dora ingerlund from disco elysium. yes harry is horribly misogynistic to dora in how he describes her. yes harry idolises her to the point of comparing her to the in-world jesus named dolores dei. yes the whole schtick of the ship is in the class differences between harry and dora becos harry is working class and dora is middle class (spawning the eternal question: are women bourgeois?) and dora got to up and leave their hellhole (loving) of a homeland when he couldn't!! yes class warfare is a major theme of discoE. yes /end propaganda. no worries if u do not wish to add them but in my heart they are a jeju.
I appreciate your enthusiasm, anon! Not being in the jeju poll doesn't mean your ship can't be jeju. And there can be straight jeju (to my friend Lilly who said Makoto Yuki/Aigis are jeju... your brain...), but the point of the poll is to point out toxicity between queer pairings as a parallel to JeJu, which is notoriously Yaoi. (I can't quite formulate a more serious sentence that says the same with better words.)
If you'd really like to be reductionist about it, the bracket in of itself could just be reduced to 'toxic yaoi/yuri, but also doomed and also betrayal'.
If there is enough calls for it however, I wouldn't mind running a post-bracket extra round with Straight JeJu, but keep in mind due to the general [waves hands ominously] Thing About Heteronormativity they may be held to a little more scrutiny. The blurb on the poll post isn't only silly but it does quite hold a little more truth to it.
Sorry! But I DO think more people should play Disco Elysium. And also kiss Kim Kitsuragi on the mouth.
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aiyumiyeou · 11 months
yumi & harumi 🪷🕷 snippet (season 15, crystallized) under the cut!
their dynamic is actually so toxic and fun it hurts almost... they're not supposed to be romantic but they do emit more yuri vibes than they should
(also 🪷🍀 endgame is. such a long road. from s1~s4 lloyd likes yumi first (in a puppy crush way), then s5~s15 yumi likes lloyd back (but in a kind of tsun/tease way) but lloyd doesn't realize it & yumi thinks its for the better bc he doesn't want to be a weakness to lloyd) (they become boyfriends after crystallized... yay!!!)
Harumi warily watched the fox-eared teen slumped against the pillar he was chained to.
The vengestone glinted an eerie hue of orchid against the bloodied hanfu of the pink-haired boy and the pillar of crystal pulsed as if it had a heartbeat. Wounds littered Yumi's body, gnashes and cuts visible through the sheer and delicate fabric.
"You're pathetic," Harumi scoffed.
She was met with a razor sharp glare from Yumi who lifted his head up and woke his body from its lethargic state. Despite the thick disdain in his eyes, Harumi could see fear and timidity.
"What do you want, Harumi." Yumi's tail bristled with agitation, but his voice was slightly raspy and unthreatening. His pink hair was dulled and unkempt, haloing his face messily in a way Harumi could describe as beautiful.
She was supposed to feel happy for causing considerable damage to Yumi and his life.
But she felt a weight of dissatisfied.
"It's my duty to check up on you." She curtly answered. Yumi huffed and turned his head away from her greedy eyes, which sunk its teeth on the sight of the Yāojing ninja so defeated.
"I'd rather you just kill me," One of Yumi's soft ears flickered in annoyance. "It's impossible trying to use only my blood, sweat, and tears to empower the Overlord's entire army."
Ever since he and Lloyd were found infiltrating the Crystal Council's meeting, Harumi had the pleasure of seperating and tomenting the two. Yumi was chained and skirmished almost every quarter of the day. His initial cries were loud enough to help Harumi convince Lloyd that the pink ninja was no longer with them.
In reality, Yumi was being farmed for his very essence. His blood was absorbed into the crystals that suffocated him and his screams fell on empty ears as the council each had their turn in honing their new powers.
"Don't be silly. Even if you could die, your own soul won't let you," Harumi crossed her arms, slowly inching towards the chained-up boy. "Isn't it so lovely? Being unable to die?"
She found herself at the edge of Yumi's tangled legs. The replacement of his gi to a simple hanfu reduced his image into a helpless boy. Yumi's bruised ankles peeked out from under the splattered cotton, but the sheerness led Harumi's eyes futher up his calves to right above his knees.
The white-haired girl bent down to Yumi's eye level and his gaze refused to meet hers.
"Lucky you. People who don't deserve to die still do." Harumi seethed through her tongue. Yumi found strength to roll his eyes and Harumi watched his glinting eyes, a soft purple casted from the shine of the crystals bleeded into his soft apricot and rosy pink irises.
She watched his throat flex and the scar that she left him. Yumi swallowed harshly and dryly opened his mouth.
"Like it's my fault I can't die," Yumi's tail now twitched in annoyance. "I'm no different from those people."
Harumi growled before standing her full length and slamming her foot onto one of Yumi's exposed ankles. He responded with a hiss of pain and it quickly melted into a warning growl bubbling in his throat.
"You don't deserve anything!" Harumi gritted her teeth. "You're nothing like an innocent person. You only think of yourself, you are the reason why so many people have died. Do you truly think you're innocent, Yuyu?"
The nickname she spat with venom caused Yumi to flinch harded, but his eyes became furious. Harumi was taken aback and lifted some weight from the pink-haired boy's ankle with means to create distance.
"I only think of myself." Yumi repeated. "I'm the one who thinks of myself?"
Yumi suddenly pulled himself up and the sudden energy and struggle against chains startled Harumi backwards even further. Another low growl emerges from his throat until Yumi snapped.
"You have no idea what it's like to be selfless! You have no heart! I don't understand what Lloyd even saw in you."
Harumi's eyes settled coldly on the frenzied Yāojing ninja.
"If you're not thinking about yourself, you're thinking about Lloyd," Harumi pursed her lips to mock pity at Yumi. "But even then, you treat him selfishly. You and I both know he likes you, yet you reject his love. You're heartless for leading him on."
That's when Yumi shattered all his self-resolve.
"I reject him for the good of his heart! I can't let him love me," Yumi's voice raised tremendously. With quivering breaths and teary, wild eyes, this image of Yumi burned itself into Harumi's mind.
"If I tell him I love him he'll do everything in his power to love me back. I can't risk that! I can't risk all of his life being poured into mine!" Yumi's cries became more unstable as he continued to try to struggle free from his imprisonment. "If he knew what I want, he would sacrifice it all." His voice trembled from screaming.
Harumi was silent. She watched Yumi's eyebrows knit and the tears threatened to spill from his exhausted eyes.
"He's sacrificed so much to love everyone, especially you," The pink-haired ninja collapsed onto his knees without warning. "I want that."
"I wanted to be loved unrelentlessly like how Lloyd loved you," Yumi lowered his gaze from Harumi, voice cracking into a high whimper. "I want to be selfish. I want to be as selfish you."
Harumi found herself back at Yumi's feet again but this time crouched down in front of him. Her limbs felt cold as she brushed her knee against Yumi's and he flinched away, shaking like a lost animal.
"You only think of yourself," Yumi cried into the chains wrapping him against the clean ridges of the crystal stabilizing him. Without another thought, Harumi's hands reached out to hold the crying teen's face.
"You're so selfish and even your stupid revenge is centered around you," The hiccups and stutters errupted against Harumi's calloused hands and she leaned forward to hold Yumi's head against the crook of her shoulder. "You have no idea how hard it to care about others."
Yumi continued to cry his vents into Harumi's quickly collapsing chest. She felt a dread she hasn't experienced in years.
With every insult the pink-haired ninja threw at her carelessly, the harder Harumi found it to breathe. It was hard to tell how long she had sat there even after the tears stopped wetting her skin.
Harumi was alone with her thoughts and the occasional flick of a soft and wispy fox ear brushing against her cheek.
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kidfoundonstreets · 9 months
okay uhm the scarf guy and the pigtsail guy from yttd . and charlotte and lime from wh. and uhhhhhhhhh anyone from cinderella game
head in hands HIAAIIEY HYEHEYEH HAII ROBIN <333!!! TAHNKYOU please know the opffer is pen for you anytime.. anywhere.. smooches your forehead okay so i like the pgistial and scarfie scarf guy because theyre so fcuked up ina ll of the ways. i like how they make me wanna throw up and shove my head inside a sewer while inhaling fanfiction of them like toxic gas. that aside the angst and to put it simply fucked up potential in their dynamic is what draws me to them, i enjoy how complex it could be - your abuser could love you but not in all the right ways, it could exist, shin and how they care about one another with the idealistic frankly obsessive posessive view midori has with him as well like the cut scene of him c rying over shin HELLOOO?? anyway theyre silly to me. guy who lives in your house is also your roomammte old friend bestie lover worst person you know etc jerk weird weird satrange weird. i could write a lot more if it was speciifc but im very bad with words sooaoaahahdhwh <3 oh and gore chalrtotoe and lime are also one of my fav dynamics yesss horrible yuri. chalrotte never wnating to give up on lime while lime has al;ready given up for any sort of proper undertsnaidng she craves bwteen them, heyre friends but one wants more while the other doesnt, it doesnt even have to eb romantic it just hurts because charlotte was all by herself or maybe just singled with the others apathy toward semotions so seeing lime full of emotion and passion and pain who could get chalrotte probably also ironically struck a chord in her - and shes always worried for her, like she might go too far, and when she does she just starts crying. thats the good shit. a hoepless ending a hopeless dynamic but they kiss sometimes in my brain to make it worse. perfect. that cinderlelal game ,, ,,,, !! oh god please dont stirke me here IM SO EMABRARSED i dont have any ships in that game so ill go on with that xoxoxoxoxooxox dorpelts one ive been playing ! i really like how with shiloh theres this fake "is this true is this not" with him, you never really know and thats what the fandom loves about him whcih i agree its an addicting type of thang, and even in the end its not completely clear. all we relaly get is that its sure at least that he does value jb at least a ltitle or see her as of value, as she does end up consistnetly vomplimented talked to and by his side through the end. he cant have a verison of hismelf that isnt manipulative, long gone, and you need to accept that. theyre awful divorce. i cant get enough of it. jbs overflowing confidence and shiloh right beside her like a dog with a knife, begging for any sort of scraps because hes a liar. a mnaipualtor. like jeoekr! or kokcichi . ezxcept hes actually good . can you imagine it. ironically hes probably the most untrustworthly one there becausre atleast the others say what theyre thinking. shiloh is a mixed bag and every word has at least a little bit of a truth and lie to it.
ut thats how they like eahcother and its fun interesting we arnet here for a long time we're here for a fun time for nate it givess a bit more of a genuine perspective, im not used to jb being comforitng or nice tbh lol. but its clear that they atleast fiteachother even if jb isnt the nicest one for him - i think shes the only one who can keep up with his intense moods and issues stacked on him and his rough exterior. hes honestly a pretty decent guy if you dont piss him off whcih is easy. closeness issues. commitment issues. nothing is ever stable issues. i get it bro. the thing with all of these dynamics in this game is that they do somehow in a hilariously awful way is complete eachother, i cant say if any of them will end well but its obvious that theres chemistry in all of their interactions and i love love love this game. anyway i also relaly liked how with nate you dont kiss him at all and instead get a hug at the ened, its nice compared to shiloh who just goes along with everything and how jb is pulled to his wants at times (while with shiloh shes the one ofc usually taking all of the lead while hes the jester) - i think it really digs in how much he trusts her to go that extreme and vomit-inducing lengths at the end because he wants their kiss to be perfect qnd it isnt perfect right now. but hes ready to keep going because of this stupid bitch (jb). and i find that super sweet
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