#this is how people outside the fandom view Louis
zot3-flopped · 25 days
The fascinating emptiness of one Mr. Louis Tomlinson
Simone De Aurevoir
Feb 20, 2024
Four months ago I went to a concert. The exact city, venue and date doesn’t matter, and you will understand why it doesn’t matter in just a moment. The concert in question was given by Louis Tomlinson, a former member of One Direction, and what I experienced that night was so odd, so puzzling, so fascinating, that I couldn’t help but write it down. Allow me to explain.
The concert took place on a Tuesday evening. It is part of his Faith in the Future tour, and I was accompanying a close friend who is a huge “Louie”, as his fans are called. (Despite the difference in spelling, the man’s name and his fandom are actually pronounced the same way.) I joined her mostly out of solidarity and a little bit out of morbid curiosity. She had previously given me only small glimpses into the Louis Tomlinson fandom, and as a pop culture enthusiast, naturally I was intrigued by this window into an obscure cultural bubble. I remember thinking, “It might be interesting to see what she’s so obsessed with”.
Her first act of initiation had been to take me to see All of Those Voices, the documentary movie about Louis Tomlinson‘s life after One Direction, which depicted his chain smoking Northern English charm, his image of the humble underdog, and the unexpected upwards trajectory of his career over the last five years. It had also instilled in me a vague sense of fear of the fandom. Then again, the intensity of the Gospel is always off putting to atheists, so I thought nothing more of it.
Knowing that football/soccer games dictate which colors to wear and which to avoid, I had half-jokingly asked my friend about taboo colors the day before, not really expecting an answer. Immediately, she texts back — “Don’t wear green, and avoid any obvious combinations of blue and green.” If you’re feeling a sense of foreboding right now, that’s the right instinct.
On the night of the concert, we arrive at the 15,000 seat arena in the brisk evening air. To my surprise, the concrete vestibule is almost empty, save for the small crowd clustering around a merch stand. “They’re all already inside”, my friend explains confidently. We enter through the main entrance into the stuffy warmth of the lobby, through security, past another overcrowded merch stand, and through the soundproofed swinging doors into the main concert hall.
I suddenly feel very small as I enter this gigantic darkened arena space, where the air is even warmer, and buzzing with excitement. Indeed, everybody else is already here. The show won’t actually start for an hour, but the arena is already fully packed. We squeeze past a long row of excited faces to get to our seats, where the local chapter of Louis’s fan club has deposited some items for audience interaction: a blank white sheet of paper and a little snippet of red transparent tracing paper, both with instructions for how and when to hold them up.
While we’re settling in, the second of the two opening bands is already playing — a forgettable mess of clichés from Northern England. “As a white indie boy, Louis tours exclusively with other white indie boys”, my friend remarks with cheeky self awareness. While the clichés are playing, we look around the sold out arena. The two of us are only a little bit younger than Louis himself, which makes us some of the oldest people in the venue (not counting the occasional parental custodians who accompany their teen children).
Fans camping out for a spot in the first row for Louis’s show in Glasgow, 2022. Photograph by Steve Welsh
To me, it looks like we’re just two old pieces of driftwood in a sea of teeth in braces, puffy cheeks and pigtail buns, but my friend explains to me what I’m really seeing. “See that guy over there? That shirt is a Doncaster Jersey with Louis’s team number.” Or: “This girl in front of us? That’s a handmade replica of a t-shirt Louis wore on tour in 2016.” Already, I am amazed at the depth of not just her knowledge, but everybody’s knowledge of the history of this Louis Tomlinson. And then, to my delight, we actually see the forbidden combo: a girl wearing two glow-in-the-dark bracelets next to each other; one blue, one green.
It’s at this point that I finally get an explanation of the meaning behind the colors: Back when the band was still active, all five members of One Direction had a color assigned to them, based on their mic colors at live shows. Harry Styles was green, Zayn Malik was yellow, Liam Payne was red, Louis Tomlinson was blue, and Niall Horan was white. Therefore, wearing blue would symbolize fandom of Louis; wearing, say, red would be an indicator of favoring Liam, and green would symbolize fandom of Harry Styles. And wearing blue and green together would… well, we’ll get to that in a moment.
Since this is Louis’s concert, you might think that the audience would be a sea of exclusively blue clothing, but there is actually a notable amount of rainbow accessories — capes, earrings, fans, etc. — that make for an overall colorful impression.
I wonder out loud how it is possible that somebody who was big with teenagers in the early 2010s has so many teenage fans in 2023. After all, when I was a teenager myself in the late 2000s, it would have seemed unspeakably ridiculous if I had stanned, let’s say, the Spice Girls. (I’m not even sure I was aware of the Spice Girls back then.)
My friend, ever helpful, explains to me that most younger fans came across the fandom in 2020, facilitated by YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, and pandemic-induced boredom.
Tumblr especially is infamous for its ability to grow and nurture expansive fandoms of pop culture items for years on end, even if the source material is long past its relevance peak (see Supernatural), its quality peak (see Doctor Who) or both (see Sherlock).
The momentum of Louis’ fandom on social media even led to the unusual phenomenon of venues getting bigger every time his concerts were rescheduled due to the pandemic. And this is when it starts to dawn on me. I am not attending a concert; I am witnessing a Tumblr dashboard come to life.
I’m just about to share this thought with my friend when the background music cuts off mid-song, the lights drop, and the sudden darkness comes with a piercing collective shriek that makes the earplugs flutter in my ear canal.
The band comes in first, taking their places. After barely a beat of pause, Louis walks onstage, with messy hair, wearing a tank top and designer sweatpants, walking at a matter-of-fact pace. I assume the shrieking got even louder, but at this noise level it was hard to tell.
Louis takes his place behind the mic stand in the middle and immediately launches into the first song, The Greatest — a stadium anthem basically written explicitly for this spot on the setlist. Not wasting any time on greetings or announcements, he immediately follows up with the other big hit, Kill My Mind. From there, directly onto Bigger Than Me, another stadium-ready rock pop number.
I’m alarmed as I suddenly realize that the only catchy, recognizable songs have come and gone, ushering in the phase of uninterrupted filler songs. (I had dutifully listened to the tour setlist multiple times in preparation for the concert, but my brain just wouldn’t latch on to anything beyond the first three songs.)
At this point, I’m worried this will be a repeat of that time when I went to see P!nk live in concert and noticed too late that I knew none of her songs from after 2005. However, P!nk is a charismatic person and a great live singer who was doing somersaults on a bungee rope as 10 dancers were trampolining and performing aerial acrobatics around her.
Louis is not on a bungee rope. There are no dancers, there is no set piece, there is no stage show, no performance, no outfit changes, no real interaction with the band, and no traditional crowd work. He simply stands behind the mic, singing his songs, the screens above him showing live closeups of his face in black and white, and I’m not sure he smiles even once. For a teen heartthrob, he’s… not very throbby.
(His outfit, by the way, will already have been documented and analyzed by a dedicated Instagram account, @fashionlouist, the owners of which can somehow identify the exact brand and name of each piece he’s wearing within the first 20 minutes of every show. His sweatpants today cost £380.)
Louis on the same tour, earlier in the year. Photograph by Amber Patrick
After the fourth song, Louis finally addresses the audience. “(City), make some noise!” He thanks the two opening acts, and points out that this is one of the loudest crowds he has ever had. That’s it. I’m amused at how his lines are almost comically generic, but my friend explains what I’m not getting: “He always thanks the band, and he always says this wouldn’t be possible without the fans. And he wouldn’t say that if he didn’t mean it. And he only says something about the venue when it’s a really special one.”
She doesn’t see his boilerplate statements as him being uninterested or uninteresting. She sees consistency and authenticity, and judging by the beaming smiles all around me, so does everybody else.
Similarly, his outfit may look to me like he tried to make the least amount of effort, but the fandom like that he is “finally getting more comfortable wearing what he wants”.
In case you’re wondering, Louis’s appeal doesn’t lie in his singing skills either — his pitch gets shaky when the melody dips below the falsetto range, but he is clearly making a great effort in this department. Live singing is hard, and for the most part he’s doing a good job at it.
The interchangeable songs go on for a while, and still the elated fans around me seem to know every syllable. It is very warm, very loud, and for an outsider like me, very boring.
I go outside multiple times to have water, to get another beer, to go to the bathroom. I can’t help but notice that I am the only one in my row leaving her seat during the show. Everybody smiles politely as they let me squeeze past, but every time I do it I’m keenly aware of how inappropriate my behavior is. No one else seems to need or want a break.
In the ghostly emptiness outside I overhear a member of the bar staff complaining about the awful evening. At first I don’t understand what they could possibly find offensive about this quintessentially inoffensive music, but it later dawns on me that they were probably referring to the complete lack of beer and concessions sales. Most attendees are either too young to drink legally or too young to want to spend 6,50€ on a beer. Most of them seem to be sharing one cup of water, and no one is leaving during the concert to go to the bar for a refill.
Down the hall, I hear yelling and commotion which turns out to be paramedics on their way outside, transporting a passed-out teenage fan on a stretcher, accompanied by their panicked friend.
When I return to my seat, everybody around me is still scream-singing along to every single word of every single song, including my friend. They are having a great time. It looks like I missed out on “She Is Beauty We Are World Class“, which, as I had learned earlier that evening, is the song his fans collectively take as an opportunity to show off their rainbow flags and create a queer-accepting atmosphere at the show. Though Louis is, by all accounts, a cishet man, the One Direction fandom has a very, let’s say, specific relationship to queerness and queer symbols. More on that in just a moment.
My ears perk up for a bit when Louis gets to��Back to You, a label-mandated collab with Digital Farm Animals and Bebe Rexha from 2017. He plays an altered version of the song with more of a rock sound, but it still stands out to me simply for using different chord progressions than all his other songs.
Funnily enough, in the lyrics of another song (We Made It), he directly addresses this qualm of mine: “Singing something poppy on the same four chords, used to worry about it but I don‘t no more“. To his credit, he really doesn’t pretend to be more than he is — that’s all other people‘s doing. Let me explain.
Not counting parents or outsiders like myself, there are three groups of people in this room: former fans of One Direction, Underdog Cheerleaders, and Larry Stylinson conspiracy theorists.
The first group is easy to explain and even easier to relate to: they were big fans of One Direction (or “1D”), and since that band doesn’t exist anymore, the closest thing to it are the concerts by its former members, all of whom have embarked on solo careers. These fans are the ones who visibly come to life during the two 1D songs that Louis plays this evening; and the ones waving the huge rainbow flag with all five 1D members printed on it. (Again, more on that in a second.)
The second group, whom I call the Underdog Cheerleaders, are the group that my friend belongs to. These are the people who are convinced that there was a grand plan by 1D’s management to make Harry Styles the breakout star of the group, and to suppress the careers of all other members for that reason.
But because they, the true fans, appreciate Louis for exactly what he is, they will do anything they can to support this underdog millionaire, whether by making his songs chart by listening at the same time, buying tickets to his livestream performance during Covid, or writing to the BBC to beg them to stop blacklisting his music. (Whether that was ever actually the case is unconfirmed.)
For them, the appeal lies not in his singing, his performance, or songwriting skills. The qualities that are always repeated when people praise Louis Tomlinson are that he is humble and down to earth; a simple lad from a working class family in northern England.
This is pointed out in every single write up about this man. His humanity is further compounded by the untimely deaths of his mother and sister within a few years of each other while he was ascending to solo fame. For the Underdog Cheerleaders, it’s not about music so much as it is about identifying with, celebrating and uplifting the least memorable person in a lineup of five.
And the third group… they are the ones who would purposely pair blue with green. These are the so-called Larries, the people who ship Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson as a couple.
You can find a great deep dive on the topic here, but the long and short of it is this: While there were ships for almost all possible combinations between the five members of One Direction (resulting in droll ship names such as Nouis or Ziall), the Larry ship was by far the most popular.
The ideological overlap between the Underdog Cheerleaders and the Larries is not zero, but while the cheerleaders just want to see the nice guy win, the Larries also want the nice guy (and Harry Styles) to come out as gay.
They are willing to accept any explanation, however flawed or implausible, for why Louis and Harry have yet to come out as a couple even though they have definitely secretly been together for a decade now and their respective heterosexual partners are absolutely paid actors and they even totally have a secret baby together.
The lack of evidence, the repeated denials by the two men in question and their polite but increasingly desperate requests to stop the madness have only fueled the fire.
The one thing that all three groups share is that for all of them, Louis’s public perception is forever tied up with the existence of Harry Styles. Whether he wants to or not, Louis is forever defined against his more popular former band mate, whether as his colleague, competitor, villain, or lover.
It’s about an hour and a half into the show as I allow myself a peek at the set list on my phone. We’re finally nearing the end. Watching the unsmiling face of Louis Tomlinson, I’m wondering — is he enjoying himself? Who even is this person?
By seeing this image, you have experienced the complete stage show of the “Faith in the Future” tour. Photograph by Steve Jennings
The encore consists of three songs. When Louis gets to the last one, he descends into the pit. Still singing, he walks up to the first row who have been camping outside since the day before in order to get this spot. He touches a few of the outstretched hands, walks along the front row to the left, bends into the crowd for a few seconds, and when he reappears he no longer has his tank top on. His fans have ripped it off his body. He retreats back onto the stage, says a few polite words of thanks, and disappears.
And then, the magic is over as quickly as it began. The lights turn on, background music plays, and people immediately start filing out in an orderly manner. Some are clasping the red confetti bands that rained over the audience during the last song, and their faces look like they will treasure this souvenir forever. In the chilly darkness outside, a well-informed busker with a guitar sings songs by Louis and 1D, and a small crowd gathers around him to sing along while waiting for the shuttle bus back to the city.
At the end of the night, I’m left wondering what all these thousands of young fans really care about. Even though everybody knows all the music by heart, it doesn’t really seem to be about the music. And even though there’s a throng of fans crowded around the stage exit for a chance to wave at the tour bus with Louis in it, I don’t know whether this really has anything to do with him personally.
Because at its innermost core, this fandom is about itself. Not in the sense of its specific members — I didn’t see many fans interacting and making new friends — but rather, the fandom as an abstract entity.
It’s the joy of belonging to an in-group; of sending and receiving signals that only the initiated will understand. The firm belief that you’re backing the right horse, that you’re part of something “Bigger Than Me”, that there is a purpose to your music listening.
Who is Louis Tomlinson? I still have no idea, and neither does it really matter. Nobody else cares. They will make Louis Tomlinson into whatever they need him to be.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
Can’t wait for people to flip when they meet “Privileged French White micro-aggression compilation”’s mentor, Mr. macro-aggression colonizer superiority complex Marius “I married a thirteen-year old former sex slave and adopted him as my son” de Romanus. Marius is his own trigger warning. Wait until they hear about Marius’ disciplinary methods involving whips and willow switches. Or the fact that Marius sent his son-wife to a brothel to learn “important skills”. Or that when he told Lestat about Those Who Must Be Kept, Marius literally framed Akasha’s genocidal tendencies as “taming savages”. Oh boy, it’s not gonna be good.
Like… Who do you think Lestat learned his skewed world view from? Moving to America was probably a bucket of cold water to Lestat. I would like to give Lestat the benefit of the doubt, as his father was an asshole aristocrat. Lestat quickly learned how privileged he was, even as a disgraced marquis’ son. His genuine horror at how the racist fat cats treated Louis said everything to me. I don’t think anyone understands that Lestat is interested in doing better. He is. He’s working through it. He will fuck up, because nobody ever gave him a look outside his little world.
The thing is, vampires do end up in ruin when they stay behind as the world around them goes forward. Just like humans, when we get stuck in outdated ideals. It’s heavily implied at the end of the Blood Communion novel that Marius is slowly going mad. All vampires do, at some point, go through a period of madness. Some just come out of it better than others. In the IWTV novel, Louis eats grass and mopes around his brother’s rectory for a while after Armand hesitantly leaves him. Armand kills his own coven. Khayman loses his memories for a while and wanders the world, snacking on mortals’ bone marrow. Daniel becomes mute and obsessive, luckily finding an outlet in model trains. Poor Lestat lost an eye and had to be restrained, before he slept for a long while. Thorne got tied down for a while. Benji and Sybelle. Unm. Well, Benji ended up with a podcast and Sybelle delved into the piano. And Louis, of course, tried to kill himself once— but it changed his relationship with Lestat for the better.
Okay, so I went on a meta tangent, but the point is, Marius is an even bigger fuck-up than Lestat, and covering him is going to get pretty ugly. And even more existential. I hope viewers stop and philosophize, you know? Everyone stops to question the nature of mankind and how we fall if we don’t move with time.
And as far as Marius goes, hope Justin Kirk is prepared. 😅
P.S. I swear I’m not high, just tired. 🥱
(For those who think the "eating grass" is an euphemism here: "I was picking at the grass, and tasting it, though the taste was bitter and unnatural. The gesture seemed natural.":))
Marius... is going to be something. Which is part of the reason why I keep saying that Justin Kirk will be perfect if he is, because it needs a very seasoned actor with a lot of thick skin to pull him off (and, I mean, Justin does not shy away from difficult characters as we know *nods at Succession*).
It will be interesting to see what kind of wounds they will put their proverbial fingers in.
Like, the casual racism and superiority complex Marius employs has to clash with Armand's recast, too. Not necessarily with the choice (of Amadeo) per se, but with the circumstances. I am betting real money that there will be some very uncomfortable meta commentary on sex slave trade in combination with racism coming up right there (and I for one want them to make that commentary! Even though it will probably lead to more fandom drama.).
These vampires are children of their times, and they do change/adapt/grow, but... slowly. (I am not so sure about Lestat getting his world view from Marius, I think there is a reason why Lestat never became the pupil Marius wanted him to be, and I do think that Lestat might be willfully ignorant at times, which can come off a certain way, but his own backstory is more to blame here than Marius, imho.)
I do not need Marius to be a good character to enjoy the fuck out of him, on the contrary.
I am not sure if the show will go the "whip" way. They might insinuate. I think they will, as with other scenes let the mind of the audience do the rest, which will be more than enough, too. I mean, the audience can read up on it all in the book *coughs*. There's no need to go more explicit than needed.
But yes. I hope Justin Kirk is prepared :)))
And... I hope the audience is prepared as well.
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shcyc · 2 years
Hii can you write my idea please?
Its for fandom Moriarty the Patriot. Y/n is part of Moriarty group and also William’s wife. One time they were making out in there room and after they finished they went to living room where everyone were and my request is to write how it would look when they came to room (they heard everything)
Thank youu
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cw; sub fem! reader, making out, use of “panties”, fingering, they heard everything?, NOT PROOFREAD!!!!!!!
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william drags you onto his lap, large hands grips your thighs as he kisses you roughly, clearly not able to hold back on his desires anymore
you’re straddling him on the bed, core pressed comfortably against his own erection while you try to return his fervent kiss, both of you getting drunk in each other’s warmth
your husband can be a very confusing man at times, like right now, one moment he is rushing to devour you and the next he’s taking his own sweet time to kiss your neck and run his fingers up your thighs to where you want him most
and you think you might paas out from how hard his beautiful red eyes are staring into you, imprinting every face you make into his mind as he slides his fingers into your panties, thumb reaching to draw circles on your clit while he pushes his middle and ring finger into you
“mhmp— liam!”
you’re too caught up in your own pleasure to notice people talking outside william’s door when you let out that held back moan
he’s smiling as he leans back a little to watch you, the view of his wife going insane just from his fingers makes his own dick ache, begging to be inside you and fucking you dumb — fully knowing that his brothers and friends could hear you
determined to make you cum on his fingers, he leans back in before inserting his pointer finger into your dripping hole, thumb applying more pressure on your clit as his other three fingers curl inside you, pressing onto your g-spot
“liam— m’cumming—”
“go on, sweetheart, cum for me.”
the sensations make your toes curl and your hips moves in sync with his fingers — this sent you over the edge almost immediately, that you didn’t even have time to hold back your whimpers of your husband’s name
william press kisses along your neck as you come down from your high, fingers still gripping his shoulders for dear life while you struggle to stand
the two of you walks out of his room and towards the shared living room, looking like nothing happened as you greet your friends with a smile on your face
“what’s wrong?”
you could hear the smugness in william’s voice as he sits down on the couch with you, your own eyes dart across the room to see your friend’s awkward faces as they avoid eye contact
fred and louis’s faces were so red you think they might explode the next second, the other guys had this stupid smile on their faces as they looked over at william, not one person utters a word
“come on “liam”, we’ve got work to discuss.”
moran breaks the silence with his teasing before he stood up and walked past the younger to give him a pat on the shoulder as he walks towards the basement
“yeah “liam”, the two of you can continue later. oh and by the way, you have a bit of a—”
bond laughs as he gestured towards william’s neck where the hint of your lipstick is still present, your face burned as you reached over with your fingers to rub it off your husband
“you didn’t tell me they were coming!”
“I guess louis had other plans. now, let’s get this meeting over with so we can pick up from where we left off.”
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xaverie · 2 years
I know I am far far from the first person to say this. But it's times like this where I especially wish Fandom (understood to be the aggregate of fans who interact with media by sharing fanworks or commentary) would stop viewing art only through the lens of shipping or character apologetics.
No one loves a good in-depth character analysis more than me, but at the end of the day
A character is not a person, the same way a window is not a house -
no matter what you can see inside of them. Characters are tools for telling a story exactly the same way the setting is a tool, or a camera is a tool, or a costume is a tool. Sometimes Fandom has a tendency to talk about characters outside of the context of what they contribute to the story, and most of the time extracting a window from a house makes both things useless.
AMC's Interview with the Vampire is - in part - a story about abuse, domestic violence, and racism. This has been textually the case from the first episode, both in the depiction of the characters' behavior and as explicitly stated in the framing device.
The narrative does not ask you to make moral considerations for Lestat or approve/disapprove of his relationship with Louis because romance is not the function of Lestat as a narrative device. The story is unconcerned with whether or not Louis and Lestat make a good, or even an "acceptable" couple, because shipping is not the way an audience is expected to interact with this narrative.
With so much of the Fandom discourse after this recent episode centering around whether any one fan likes or dislikes the characters' romantic relationship because or despite it being "toxic," - I am begging you to question why that is.
"Louis also did bad things / he or Claudia might be exaggerating" - Louis cannot do anything, he is a character that writers depict doing harmful things. There is a motif of Louis's unreliable narration and the 'Odyssey of Memory' but that doesn't mean there's a truer, more accurate version of events that is more fair to the real Lestat because Lestat is NOT real. The writers depicting Louis as changing his story, being dishonest to himself and others, participating in violence, and lashing out at Lestat serves to create a nuanced portrayal of abuse and domestic violence grounded in emotional reality. The actual story being told. Recanting this to make Lestat's violence less extreme or to make him seem victimized in this relationship accomplishes none of that, so why should that be part of the story.
"Daniel is an asshole to Louis / he was too invasive about Claudia's diary" - that's because he's fulfilling his narrative purpose. Which is to remind the audience that Louis is an admitted, extremely prolific serial killer. That Louis almost killed Daniel once and then went on to kill again for 27 years after that. To remind the audience that in Louis' love for Lestat and Claudia he ceaselessly excuses, justifies, and tolerates their horrific mass murders, and that we don't also have to do that. That as glamorous and interesting and seductive as they are - that was a little girl's father and he wanted to buy her a pony.
As Eric Bosogian said, Daniel is frightened and when he is frightened he gets angry. Daniel is not a person, he is a reminder to the audience that there is every reason to be afraid and angry. He is a device to show an outside perspective into an abusive relationship. He is alternate plot point showing that letting the story seduce you is: 1, not the only reaction - 2, that our reactions to stories reveal things about us - and 3, being seduced by the story is part of how Louis got to this point.
None of these characters need defending or admonishing any more than ink or paper does. Characters cannot change and grow because they aren't people. But we are and we can. How does the way you feel about the story make you feel about yourself? The world around you? Which acts of violence and deceit did you care about? Has that changed? Have you learned anything? Charisma and attractiveness are tools that Lestat uses to simultaneously perpetuate and obfuscate his abuse. Louis uses them to intimidate and manipulate. Have we been seduced?
With nothing but respect to the impact of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles fandom on fandom culture and the history of fan made transformative works, please. When we, as fans, engage with works of art, why not engage with the whole building - including the foundation. Spend some time considering whether there are themes or images or impressions that might benefit you or speak to you (the actual human being) even more than "I like/relate to this character" or "I like/dislike this couple."
Taking a window off of a house because you can see your reflection in it doesn't make it a good mirror. It makes it a piece of glass that has stopped working as a window and a drafty house that is no longer a very good shelter.
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dearweirdme · 3 months
Hi Rain!
So I have been an army since 2017 and I started shipping in like 2018-ish and I have an army twt and everything. But on my army twt I only have my army friends who believe shipping is for deranged ppl lol. I have had discussions with them about shipping and they hate shippers because they believe shippers objectify the members in a way. And almost all times I agree, especially when I see fans of other ships like jkk or larry or even jklisa. When I look at these ships, I definitely think that they only look at these ppl as a tool to satisfy their own void. Analysing every single behaviour is psychotic and they need to touch grass honestly.
I just cannot bring myself to think the same about tk. I like to believe I am definitely a sane tkkr (I know there are tons of delusional tkkrs). I am queer and most of my army friends are queer as well so we do joke about the members being gay and we do joke about tk as well but I will never be able to tell them I like tk (that I ship them). I do think there is something between them. I know I could be wrong and they could just be really close friends. The point is that my shipping has always been a secret in a way. I have never told any of my army friends this. If I did they would definitely think I am total weirdo since I have seen how they view shippers. I don't really have a twt for tk just bts as a whole so I have never really had any tkkr friends as well, I have just lurked here and there.
I wanna ask you do your irls or army friends (who are not tkkrs) know about your shipping? And how do you recognise delusional behaviour in other ships vs when it comes to tk? Cuz for me I could easily spot it other ships but sometimes I am afraid I am delulu when it comes to tk😭
Hi anon!
Well, I think there’s a difference between shipping and believing two persons are together. We use the term shipping/shippers for both those things, but it’s not the same although there can be some overlap. To me shipping is something like: enjoying the idea of two people together or thinking two people would be well suited. It does not directly mean that you think those people are actually together though. Believing without shipping is also possible. Personally, I am not a shipper in essence (though i do think Jk and Tae fit together well). When I came into this fandom it was for music, I love to see BTS perform… I still go through performance videos often. When I started to look at more other footage Tae became my bias.. but I wasn’t looking for someone to ship him with.. I rarely do that.. even in my life outside of fandom, I never connect two persons that way. But something about Tae and Jk just started to stand out to me. It was only after that, that I started to look into them more.. and well here I am believing that they might be a couple.
I think the only way to figure out if a ship is real or not is to look into it. Sometimes it’s very easy (the Liskook stuff for instance) and sometimes it takes a few more looks (Jkk, though I have little difficulty with that as well). But the difference between a ship and and a real relationship will always lie in the actual connection between two people. Most of the easily debunkable ships lack in the real connection part. It’s narrated by fans using similar clothes and jewelry for instance.. and other situational stuff. That is also why for some Jkk is harder to debunk, because it is clear that Jk and Jm do have a real close bond. So imo really looking into it (as a whole, within the context of everything around them) is necessary to understand if it’s real or not.
Now this is where you will lose all faith in me 😂 (it’s been good having you around anon!) because I do believe Harry and Louis were once together. I understand if you base your thoughts on that on Larry fandom these days that it all seems very farfetched and crazy. But, during 1d Louis and Harry imo did have that real connection I talked about before. In a way to me that is even more clear than Tae and Jk (their culture is similar to mine, and they were quite obvious). I do not believe they are together now though and probably haven’t been for a while.
We could be wrong about Tae and Jk. I could be wrong about Larry. We all deal with just tiny bit of information about their lives. But I also think it’s kinda crazy to think that two members of the same band cannot fall in love. Why couldn’t they? It is a unique situation for sure, but then again that is kinda why we are all here… we think we’ve spotted something special.
I don’t really speak to my irl friends about this. I’m 41 and for some reason people already find it weird that at this age I’d be a fan of BTS.. so I don’t really wanna let them steal my joy in Tkk. I have some Tkk friends around here who I talk to. And for me that is enough. I think.. that a reason why some of us don’t feel like we can share this is because we are made to feel ashamed of our thoughts. But believing in the love two people have for each other isn’t something we should have to be ashamed of. If anything.. Tae and Jk do love each other.. no matter to what extend that might go.
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twopoppies · 1 year
If we ignore the parts added by the writer and just focus on what Louis said the article is pretty interesting. He has never talked or dabbed on conversation about grief but what he said about not knowing how many years have been since Jay died and the quote after was something he never went deep in before. I know people don't like his sisters but I have listened to Lottie and the twins talk about grief with a organization and their views and thoughts were really interesting and I always wanted to know how Louis went through it and it seems like he will go a bit deeper within the documentary. The James Corden bit also touches a bit on that and about Louis going MIA when things get too much.. satellite.mp3.
Mmmhm. If you can sift through the absolute ocean of garbage the author added, what Louis actually says is interesting. What’s sad is that literally no one outside of this fandom will do that. 🫤
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yaz-the-spaz · 2 years
so i finally got around to watching that impaulsive interview/podcast and man hearing it in context makes SUCH a big difference because when you hear it all together you can actually see so much more clearly how liam didn't even actually say anything that bad about ANY of the boys
like literally nothing he even said was as bad as people (who probably only saw the clips or came into the video with biased views anyway) are making it out to be…
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so first off, on the question of the boys, liam literally praised louis for his value to the band, for taking charge, and finding his voice and his worth, etc. he said nothing specific (bad or otherwise) about harry or niall that i can recall. and even the comment about zayn’s family was literally just him talking about how zayn had a different upbringing, which really isn’t anything all that bad. now ppl can debate about whether or not it was liam’s place to mention it, but in the end if you listen to that whole segment of the interview it becomes pretty clear that all he was really trying to do is explain why people might misunderstand who zayn is/why he the way he is, which to me shows more of an understanding than some sort of bitter rivalry or jealousy. outside of that there was the comment about g’s tweet not aging well, but what was most interesting to me about that is that he literally grimaces the SECOND after it’s out of his mouth and tries to hide it with his hand and his entire facial expression just looks extremely uncomfortable and cringy for a good few seconds before the camera cuts away. 
moving on to the re-hashing of the band’s formation, his comments about his own role in the band were nothing new or particularly salacious either to anyone who's been a long time fan of the band from the early days. it was a KNOWN FACT that he and louis did not get along in the early days of their time on the txf  and that they butt heads quite a bit about who was gonna be the de facto “leader” (literally anyone who's watched the video diaries or became a fan anytime between 2010-2012 knows this, it is NOT news, and it does not mean that he in any way hates or is jealous of louis especially given that he followed it up by praising louis for his leadership choices and contribution to the band). it was a KNOWN FACT that the people supervising them on the show (and, later on, management) leaned more on liam to keep the boys in line and give the others a bit more professional/musical guidance because of his more serious/driven personality and the fact that he had more experience in the industry from his previous time on the show. even the comment about him starting all their songs literally became a joke among the band (in fact, i think it was even louis himself who used to make the joke that liam couldn't ever leave the band/go solo because if he did they’d have no one to start all their songs for them). None of that was new information (except maybe to newer and/or more casual fans) and does not in any way come off as a slight to harry or louis or niall’s solo careers if you actually listen to what he says.
probably the only thing that was news to me (and probably a lot of the fandom) was that simon and the showrunners possibly initially formed the band around liam because they saw his talent and wanted to keep him in the competition, but honestly even that isn't all that surprising or salacious to me because that's just a smart move business wise when you have someone who's already been on the show, and who you already know clearly has the talent and the drive/ambition to make a serious career out of this, versus four unknowns (the other boys) who may or may not take things seriously.
what truly baffles me though is people somehow taking his comments to mean that the band or the other boys couldn't have made it anywhere or been at all successful without him when him saying all this was literally just him describing his experience and memories of the formation of the band. but of course like often happens weird louis and harry stans took it upon themselves to somehow make it all about liam trying to pump himself up and make 1d’s success all about him when he said nothing of the sort and when all he was even doing was talking about his own experience (though of course the man can't even hardly breathe without someone trying to make it about him being anti ‘insert any of the other boys names here’ so I guess I shouldn't even be all that surprised)
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anyway that's my recount of all the important bits, the rest was mostly just weird fighting party boy narrative bs in my opinion (along with a couple of cute celebrity impressions). so in conclusion even though i know some people still will anyway, all i mainly have to say is please don't trust the frankly misleading, out-of-context clips making the rounds on sm or make any concrete judgements until you’ve watched the whole interview (or at least the whole piece of one of the individual segments in question, since they are at least neatly labeled for you to skip right to them)
what you come away with/get out of it after that is up to you obvi, but most importantly i just really need people to think critically about the fact that liam went to a business conference for NFT’s, and in the middle of that conference, (inexplicably) did an interview with a man literally known for doing egregious things just for clickbait wherein liam spent a grand total of approximately 5 minutes total out of a 75 minute long interview talking about his NFT’s (i.e. what he was actually there for) and his current music career, and most of the rest of the 70 minutes randomly rehashing old 1D drama, old relationship drama, and talking about who he wants to fight (or talking about all the apparently multiple various times he's been drunk off his ass at a bar/club/event with his shirt off for some odd reason picking fights with people??)…all of which goes right in line with so much of the negative content we've been getting almost constantly bombarded with lately about liam being a problematic, drunk, fighting party boy
you sit and think about that for a minute and do the math, because all I know is the math ain’t mathing and i'm just constantly like
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there were literally so many red flags abound, the whole interview literally had no purpose other than to dredge up old wounds/drama and for what? in what world does a decent mgmt team approve this? in what world do people who actually care about their client OR his image sit back and watch and approve/enable all this irrelevant old ass drama and problematic behavior being brought up that has nothing to do with liam’s actual current career? for what? just so liam could sit around talking about constantly being drunk, getting violent while drunk, saying or doing rude/cruel/idiotic things that he regrets while completely trashed off his ass, all of which he mentioned WHILE constantly drinking literally only a year after admitting he has a drinking problem? or naming all the various celebrities he wants to fight? or repeatedly mentioning how scary a place it is to be inside his head? or talking about having to pretend he’s a different person/that he hides behind other identities like a mask and changes his personality to fit the situation and/or people he’s around? or that he STILL doesn’t really know who he is or what he likes to do outside of work even after all these years cause he feels like he's never had the chance to find out?
everyone, and i mean EVERYONE, including his team, should be way WAY more concerned about his frankly worrying behavior and current mental state than about him apparently trash talking the other boys (especially when, newsflash: he didn't.)
out of all the comments (and there were some pretty gross ones), this was honestly the most salient and self-aware one I came across to sum-up all the extremely concerning things hashed out in that interview that should've been much more of a priority for the fandom than the bs they *claim* liam said about the other boys (that he didn't even actually say) and from the most unexpected of usernames to boot
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anyway, in summation, me @ liam's team
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(and a new team. and a chance to get some therapy/work on himself while we're at it cause my poor lima needs to get farrrrr away from these asshats who clearly don't give a shit about him like YESTERDAY)
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loumandiel · 1 year
This ended up being longer than i intended for it to be. I think the fact that there's a racial divide between pro breed louis and anti breed louis is also something worth thinking about. a lot of the breed louis fics are by black writers. a lot of the anti feminisation of louis and breeding of louis complaints are by white writers. why is that?
jacob is allowed to be wrong about louis. he was very clear about how in the begining he approached the scenes where louis faces racism in a certain way that rolin had to tell him i know you hate this degradation but i need your character to capitulate to these racist characters. in the same way jacob might hate louis' submission to lestat but louis does submit. in their first sex scene lestat makes him submit. why does louis do it? we can say maybe because he doesn't have a choice or because he sees it as freedom to not have to put on a hypermasculine dominant hat like he does outside.
now back to the racial divide in the breeding kink and feminisation thing. louis being a queer black man means his queerness interpreted through blackness is different that when interpreted through whiteness. that's a cultural thing and not necessarily racist on white people's part. it is common to use words like mother and girls to refer to queer black men and refer to their pussy or coochie when talking about their asshole in black male queer cultures. that doesn't make it homophobic. that doesn't mean all black male queer people do it or like it.
i mean the fandom keeps calling lestat mother which is actually stolen from African American queer communities. the motherisation of lestat is a whole other conversation (his limp wrist and cinched waist are doing a lot of heavy lifting). but the interpretation of his queerness and the ensuing feminisation (which is a misread because the show and sam's interpretation have him as a masculine, dominant patriarch) tends to come at the cost of louis' queerness which is almost made invisible. i think it's cultural and not necessarily racist how the broader white fandom interprets louis' queerness.
I don't know if you want to post this ask. i understand if you don't. i also don't know if you're black. you might already know everything i said. regardless, if you don't know the things I've talked about maybe you can research a bit to see what I'm trying to say. that is if you're interested. i can imagine you're tired of this particular conversation.
No this is really interesting and well-written, thank you for sending this!
I'm not black so i don't want to overstep (though we romani are also often seen as aggressive and unfeminine by white people so i relate to that experience), but it does seem to me that many black fans like or at least don't have anything against feminizing Louis, and majority of the fans who actively dislike it are white. I think you're right that white and black fans look at Louis' (and also Lestat's) queerness through different lens because of cultural differences. The show is also rather ambiguous sometimes and filtered through several layers of narrative, and what happened, how different characters experienced it, how they are remembering it now, what they are narrating, and how the actors are interpreting it can all be different things.
I don't want to start going around policing people on what kind of stuff they're allowed to like reading or writing, and like i said in the original post people have such complex reasons for liking what they like, not necessarily racist ones, and we can't really generalize any group of fans. Like for example i think some people who prefer top!louis and bottom!lestat do it simply because they just want to see Lestat get railed and it's not deeper than that lol. At the same time fiction doesn't exist in a vacuum separate from reality, and i think it's good for white fans, and also for non-black poc fans like me, to sometimes pay attention to how we're viewing black characters and where our ideas and preferences are coming from.
I may be a bit tired of this conversation because it never seems to go anywhere since people don't change their opinions, but you'll probably catch me tomorrow coming here to complain again about some tweet calling Lestat a mother when he's doing something blatantly patriarchal lmaoo
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skepticalarrie · 1 year
Hello Allie
I´m from another fandom (Katy Perry), but I am familiar with Harry Styles (some of his songs) and the whole Larry Styles discourse. I am very curious to ask you this since, in my own fandom, I don't have to deal with the stuff you Directioners deal with (luckily ;). So, from the point of view of an outsider (me), it seems very difficult to enjoy Harry's songwriting. I have no idea how you people do that, and I'll explain why.
I know that Harry Styles is the big thing right now, and I know from a few other artists that big artists usually need to use stunt songs to make their albums interesting (like Halsey said, for example).
So, my question to you is actually; how can you (as a harry stan who doesn't believe the womanizer image but does believe he is with Louis) enjoy his songs when there are so many stunt mentions in there? For example:
''Leave America'' in As It Was
Beechwood cafe in Falling
''Wandering hands'' in Falling
The voicemail thing in Cherry
Finally, I have another question. I have read a little about people who believe in Larry Styles, and I wanted to know how you all know (from Harry's lyrics) if it is a stunt song OR if it is about his relationship with Louis? Like, how do you distinguish that? Because I wouldn't be able to know whether (for example) ''wandering hands'' was about his relationship with Louis or a PR girlfriend. So how do you know that?
Thank you in advance, Allie. You seem such a nice person, by the way :)
Oh, I love Katy Perry! This is a fun cross-over 🤗 This is a pretty long answer, sorry:
I think your questions are very pertinent because these are in fact the same kind of questions a lot of people seem to struggle with around here as well. For me, it's quite simple, Harry is a fantastic musician, performer and songwriter. He is so much bigger than his stunts, or his closeting. So, yes, it sucks that stunts need to happen and that he openly uses that on his music sometimes, I wish it was different, but I'm not letting that ruin my experience. Stunt songs are also good songs most of the time, and it's up to you what you will make out of it... because also the wonderful thing about Harry's songs is that he doesn't talk about them, he's not going to give you the meaning or the answer. So you can take from them whatever makes more sense to you and what makes you connect with the songs. So the examples that you used like AIW, Falling... these are not even stunt songs IMO, it's just one line that is just assumed it's linked to stunts. And I have a hundred other different interpretations of these two that make more sense to me. So honestly, most of the time these lines and assumptions become irrelevant to me pretty quickly. The two songs that were truly kind of ruined for me because of stunts are Cherry and Watermelon Sugar, which are the only two songs he openly talked about the meaning of it and all of that. I think a line was crossed with these and that made me enjoy it less. But not really because of the stunt, but more because it turned into something forced and less honest, so that was the bottom line when it comes to my experience of enjoying his music.
Another point - and that's already linked to your second question - is that Harry is also incredibly smart in his songwriting, he loves double meanings and he mastered that since back in 1D days. He will give you the stunt line, or stunt connection, but that doesn't make his songwriting less honest or less autobiographical. So take songs like Carolina and Cinema, these were obviously made with stunts in mind... but they're so obviously about drugs if you truly stop to analyse the song and not what is being said superficially. He does that all the time, his songs are so layered! And once you start cracking the code of his songwriting and his sense of humour, it's kind of funny to see people thinking he wrote a song about OW while in reality he's living his best life talking about gay sex and poppers between the lines.
But it's easy to pick up whether it's a stunt line/song or not, because if it fits a certain narrative being told on tabloids... well, it's because that line is supposed to be there to create all the commotion. Fine Line was the "break up" and "cheating" album, so there are a bunch of lines there that could be interpreted that way, which is not a coincidence. And like I said, people will make interpretations according to what they know and believe, but it's not necessarily what is being told there. Personally, I think that what a lot of people seem to interpret as "break up" in their songs, it's about spending time apart and struggling with their closeting. And that's when all the context and patterns over the years start contributing to these interpretations. Because listen... we've been watching Harry and Louis closely for many years, so you inevitably start to piece things together and you start to make sense of it.
Harry's songs are incredibly layered and I think people end up frustrated when they don't realise that and try to oversimply things and want definitive answers about things. When in reality, there are so many different ways of looking at it, so many different interpretations and people will just believe what makes more sense, because at the end of the day it's all guessing and that's it 🤷‍♀️
I hope that I was able to give the answer you were looking for. Oh! and by the way, their "ship name" is Larry Stylinson, I find it super cute that you kept referring to them as Larry Styles jahsjahskj 😂
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cuntylestat · 1 year
I think maybe it would've been better if they just did all of iwtv as one longer season or shot them together but split them in a more reasonable time frame cause making the audience wait over a year to re-evaluate events that we've just seen (especially as it pertains to the abuse which the writers have said will definitely be revisited) will make it feel like retconning or responding to backlash even if it is what they planned all along. It's also just very very hard to re-frame a scene of abuse in a way that won't feel like victim blaming or like the victim is just exaggerating in some way. I mean they made their bed I guess they have to convince us it was worth going there but I guess to me its not a surprise that some people will be alienated by the decision.
they can't really control what the network decides in terms of season orders and airing dates, so idk what they should have done. as the producers have said, they were actually planning to do the whole season in s1 and then were asked to shift things around so it can be split into two (i think this was for the better as the pacing was already breakneck), so this is obviously outside of their control. and us sitting here analyzing everything for a year is just... tv lol. unless you are fan of a 22-episode season show, you will just have to wait a long time nowadays, nothing to be done about it imo. and i don't really know what they could do to avoid it feeling like a retcon to people, as fan reaction is also something beyond their control, and i don't want them to constantly take fan opinions into account, as that can be a recipe for disaster (contrary to popular fandom view, we don't actually know better all the time lol). i also think they don't actually care too much about fan backlash to that scene; not in a callous way, but just that they're not active on social media and may see some of it, but cannot be directly addressed with the full brunt of it.
and of course some people will be alienated by whatever they end up doing, but again, i don't think the writers should take that into account; they should just write the story as they want to and then the audience can decide if they're along for the ride or not. some people have already jumped off and that's fine! nobody has to keep watching the show if it upsets them, especially when it comes to depictions of abuse. however, i liked 105 and i understood the decisions they made, so i'm maybe more inclined to be less skeptical. i'm keeping an open mind and i'm interested to see how they will revisit 105; i just think it's hard to tell where this can lead as we literally know nothing (and that one writer did say they won't discredit louis' abuse) and i don't feel like i can judge at all what it's going to be like.
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lestatisprince · 2 years
truly amazing how to so many people in this fandom, any suggestion of the events being twisted or manipulated or what have you to paint lestat in a worse light is met with “no, he was bad and wrong and they were right in their characterization of him and he needs to die so he can be worthy of Louis” like…that’s not what I’m saying lol. I’m not suggesting he didn’t deserve to be murdered, or that he wasn’t an awful vampire mother or toxic bf…I’m asking, is the narrative accurate to their memories or has it been edited? And if so, why? Is it possible that Claudia’s version of events—esp since she is heavily traumatized—don’t paint an accurate memory of what happened? I’m not saying, they’re memories could be wrong so actually lestat is perfect and never did anything wrong! I’m interrogating the literal themes of the show, and pondering how their memories and the reason why this particular version of events is being told right now, by these particular characters
it’s not that hard to practice critical thinking!
You have a great point Anon. Let's step outside of personal opinion of characters and have a balanced discussion of what the narrative means. Everyone views the events and people in their lives differently, and this show explores that in such a brilliant way.
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28whitepeonies · 10 months
hi bea, is it okay to ask your opinion on the Louis' growing public image? I'm happy that he's getting rexognize for what he is as an artist and also really loving the Bisexual!Louis train, I just love it!!! Feels safe and inclusive to be honest.
Hi friend
I’m glad you are getting joy and good things out of Louis’ tour! I have tickets to see him in November but also for AFHF in a fortnight and I’m buzzed about it! I don’t have a lot to say about his growing public image, I haven’t seen enough to know how that’s penetrating outside of fandom.
I do just want to touch on the bisexual Louis thing you mentioned. I do think there seems to be more discussion about Louis’ sexuality and him being attracted to women as well as men than before and I am interested in this. I’m mainly interested because there’s no discernible reason for it in terms of how he’s read, I’ve thought Louis was gay for over a decade and I’ve never seen anything that came close to convincing me he was interested in women and there’s been nothing different in the last 12 months than before. Louis’ interactions with fans haven’t really changed, except for his barricade appearances and some subsequent thirst.
I do think it’s interesting that as we’re getting more Louis thirst that there’s more chat about Louis being into men and women and I think that that has to be linked with how women feel desire.
Women typically will feel desire when they feel they're being viewed as attractive and desirable by another person—and that’s the most significant factor in determining female desire and its often a pretty critical component (there’s lots of research/evidence on this). So I think there’s a link between louis as bisexual chat and some of the Louis thirst.
The missing puzzle piece for me is ‘why now’ in terms of the thirst, Louis has maintained a far more ‘brotherly’ image for fans for years. I suspect that the increase in Louis thirst is in part about something much wider than Louis himself and has something to do with how younger people talk about desire and then maybe something around Louis is getting older.
I think it’s really interesting and I’m 100% here for the thirst, fandom (and society) can be really shitty about women voicing desire, not just for Louis (or Harry for that matter) and I’d like to see that change. As I said though I suspect that some of this is an effort to remove conflict between finding louis desirable and louis not being attracted to women and I find that less hopeful.
I also have a half formed thought about the impact of performing thirst over time and how that might create more thirst but it’s very half formed.
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mayoigotokurousagi · 11 months
For the character ask thing: Akane (OnK) and Noè (VnC), my most favorites from each of the series!
Akane (OnK)
★ First Impression: Cute :>
★ Impression Now: Amazing character, one of the most well written one in the series.
★ Favorite Moment: That time she did extensive research on Ai and emulate her almost perfectly........ That's as far it goes from what the anime covers but [MANGA SPOILERS] my most favorite moment of her is actually the "duel" with Kana during Tokyo Blade arc. [END MANGA SPOILERS]
★ Idea for A Story: Please explore her character outside of her relationship with Aqua. 😃 I'd love to know more about her experience in Lalalai.
★ Unpopular Opinion: [VAGUE MANGA SPOILERS] People mischaracterize her a lot and spins words to fit the narrative that she is toxic and manipulative when she's literally one of the most selfless characters in the whole series. It pisses me off even more that a lot of people do this in order to elevate Kana. Kana is a perfectly good character by herself, you guys don't need to slander her "rival" to make her look good in comparison. 😃
★ Favorite Relationship: If I'm more biased, I'd say Akane/Kana but even I can't fool myself out of thinking how uderdeveloped their relationship is. As far as canon goes, her relationship with Aqua is the most interesting but for now I can't bring myself to ship them as anything beyond platonic.
★ Favorite Headcanon: She collects Kana merches and have a dedicated shelf for them. 😋 Some of those merches she had ever since Kana's child actor era and they're still in good condition.
Noé (VnC)
★ First Impression: Aww silly guy :3
★ Impression Now: Still a silly guy :3 (honestly, I don't think my view of him changed much compared to the beginning)
★ Favorite Moment: The fight with Vanitas at the theme park. 😃
★ Idea for A Story: Noé and Jeanne's Bizzare Adventure.
★ Unpopular Opinion: I don't think I dabble in the fandom enough to know which opinions are popular or not lol sorry about that 😔
★ Favorite Relationship: Vanitas&Noé and the hellish Louis&Noé&Domi triangle.
★ Favorite Headcanon: Nothing really comes to mind....
There you go! Sorry for the lackluster answers for Noé. It's been too long since the last time I re-read VnC. 😔
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No cause that part in the afhf doc where Louis says he brought up the festival over and over and over AND OVER again to Matt pisses me off. Like I missed out on part of the doc because I couldn’t focus on anything other than the fact that Matt Vines is a fucking asshole. Like Louis was so passionate about it and so so excited and Matt ignored him and I’m assuming was hoping he’d give up?? I guess he would’ve preferred that Louis spent the entire pandemic drinking beers and smoking so he wouldn’t have to do anything. It’s clear that Louis is always working behind the scenes but nobody else is. He deserves better, always has and always will. And I want to thank Charlie for keeping that in, idk his relationship with Matt they could be friends or just two people who know and work together through Louis but that was purposeful and I’m glad he did it.
I think that’s a somewhat simplistic way to describe their working dynamic. A more accurate way is to look at what an artist does and wants, and what a manager wants, and realize that they are two different types of people.
That’s not entirely accurate either, because Louis isn’t just some romantic creative type who has no sense of finance or business strategy. He understands numbers very well, when he is provided with good data.
The problem is, I just don’t think anyone on Louis’ team has good data. They’re viewing numbers as if these numbers will always be reproducible, without understanding how they come about, what’s motivating them, and what factors are involved. They don’t understand that the One Direction fandom has broken apart and is no longer loyal to any individual member, or that the stability of Louis’ fandom relies highly on Harry Styles, whose priority is not Louis.
In general, Matt Vines is a person who sits back and analyzes numbers, rather than one who can anticipate trends or outplay the opposition. Thinking outside of the box is not his forte. That’s why he’s often at odds with Louis’ ideas. Matt should be the stable, detailed-oriented guy on the team, with Louis being the “big ideas” guy. The problem is that Matt hasn’t gotten anywhere near a handle on the details. In fact, we’ve all seen how badly LTHQ handles details.
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It's really surprising to me you are defending Liam in this capacity. From racist comments about Zayn, of hand comments about Louis, to bragging and portraying typical fuck boy culture, from his relationship with Maya that started when she was 17. Truly hope he gets help for alcohol and drug abuse, but he needs to be held accountable.
I've never thought after reading your blog for years and your political views that you would be defending his actions.
You've definitely got the wrong idea of some aspects of my politics, so here are some key points of difference.
I'm super wary of calls to hold people 'accountable'. The idea of you, a complete stranger, saying that Liam 'needs to be held accountable' is completely alien to me. I'm not very fond of 'accountability' as a metaphor (I think it's better off not to start our justice practices with metaphors that are so rooted in debt and capitalism). But to the extent that I connect with the idea I think it's something that has to be based in pre-existing relationships. I've no idea what you mean by 'he needs to be held accountable'- but accountability as something that is done to someone, outside any existing relationships - and with no consideration of the person who is harmed - sounds a long way from my politics of justice.
I've been saying this for a long time now. But the reason I've objected to the fandom discussion of Maya and Liam's relationship is that it wasn't centered around her as the person who was being harmed. I've never defended Liam's actions in any relationship (I think it would be a foolish action to do so).
Finally, I'm pretty passionate about collective politics, not politics based on the idea that everyone has to be better and that's how things change. I think treating everything everyone says ever as a political project doesn't work politically and it doesn't work strategically.
I have no problem with people who are like 'dunking on people is fun and that's why I do it'. But I do have a problem with presenting twitter reaction as a political project.
In general, I think it's also important to say that having political differences with the way criticisms with someone are framed is not the same as defending them.
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cloudslou · 2 years
okkkk sooooo let's go, brace yourself it's gonna be a long rant. (also sorry if i don't make sense, english isn't my first language)
i am a larrie too and most people i follow here are larries bc i kinda feel like they're a safe space you know? BUT the fandom can be so fucking tiring and annoying sometimes. not everything louis and harry do have to do with larry and that's okay!!!!!! (i know saying something like that can get you dragged to hell in this fandom...anyways. lol) not everything is an easter egg. not everything has to be interpreted (?) a certain way. i know it's fun to find little things in their music that are connected, i get the thrill. but sometimes it's too much, the fandom makes the most out of too little things and it's so ??????. my issue is mostly with how some people in the fandom view louis and his ideas and themes and stuff. let him have his fucking moment without connecting EVERYTHING, every single little detail of his art to harry. they are their own individuals and they have their own career and they make their own art. there are connections and parallels, someone has to be dumb not to see them but sometimes it's good to let them have something for themselves each. - i.e. i saw someone making the fitf ono about how harry had one too and blah blah married yeah we get it!!!!! but what the FUCK does louis promoting his album have to do with harry? what the hell does louis having one, two, whatever special concerts to promote his album have to do with harry? it's like, louis follows every step harry takes (i'm always speaking in terms of their career and art), he does whatever harry does, he doesn't have creative freedom (? not the right phrase but idk how else to say it sorry). it's like some people see his work as a copy of harry's, you know what i mean? this is not meant to be sorry for louis or to pity him, i know he hates that and i know you do too. it's more like, louis is his own person, OUTSIDE of the relationship!!! (as is harry of course), not everything he does has to be depended on the relationship or his partner, he has his own mind, his own ideas, his own creativity. he doesn't have to have anyone as a "step" where he has to be on to build his career (does that make sense?). he's gaining sooooooo much popularity and recognition, i know walls was successful, but this era is on another level. let him fucking have this for HIMSELF. he did that HIMSELF. it's kinda unfair to take that away from him by implying that everything he does has to do with anyone but him.
anyway, this is where the rant ends. didn't wanna make a post about it bc as i said, saying this stuff can get you dragged to hell in this fandom bc let's be honest, there are certain opinions that apparently everyone has to have. thank you for your time and patience. post it if you want, or not idk. of course i'd love to hear your opinion on this. byyeeeeee <3
anon im so glad u came back i was hoping to see a msg from u when i got home from class.
i think im largely on the same page as you!!! i consider myself a larrie and thats mainly who i follow and who my friends r, like thats my Circle in the fandom, but it can be very exhausting when its the only lens ppl use to look at their art. not only is it just a tad annoying, i think its pretty dismissive and reductive to take that approach every time. i have similar feelings abt taylor when ppl jump to immediately connect a song to her public life story and then dont go further. for me its like.... there is so much more to a song (or any piece of art) than its "true" meaning (and i say that liberally because even when larries connect on of hl's songs to the other or their real lives, this is no more "true" than connecting a song to a girlfriend, etc, i think there's too much certainty by fans in this fandom) and it limits ur enjoyment of a song i think to not push to break out of that box.
also i think people drawing connections between career stuff is mostly. connecting dots that arent there. one-off concerts are not a rarity and theres already differences in their album release shows. i dont follow many musicians super closely, but i believe ashe also had an album release show last month. and (iirc) lthq said these shows will be a mix of songs from walls and fitf (so it wont be a straight through play of the album like harry's ono show are).
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