#this is NOT whumper turned caretaker OR whumpee turned caretaker btw
I actually know nothing about whump terminology tbh, so: is this a trope?
I've been calling it the Mutual Caretakers. Two characters have both been whumped, either by each other or by a third party or one by the other and the other by someone else. Whatever the case, both are in pain and generally experiencing new, fucked up emotions the likes of which would make baffle any phycologist.
And then they have to caretake each other. Maybe no one else is around who can do it. Maybe it's just a situation where there is no one else but the two of them. Maybe there's a more competent caretaker available but these two just have a special bond of Trauma And Piss Poor Coping Skills that no one else can really touch.
It could be messy and bad for both of them, and make everyone involved significantly worse, or maybe it can actually help and become mutual understanding or some sort of weird-ass friendship. Or maybe they just self destruct. Who knows!
The trope pairs well with: Whumper redemption, whumpee corruption, complex/grey whumpers and whumpees, and general line-blurring between roles.
I realize now that every one of my ocs (there are more coming, I swear) all eventually end up like this. The whumper and whumpee equivalent of a get-along shirt. I need something to call it.
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sadcatjae · 11 months
Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938
Episode 6: Fighting, stabbed/impaled, blood loss, pain, breathing difficult, collapse.
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Recommended Stories
Just a compilation of whump stories by other writers that I’ve enjoyed. No, no one asked for this, but here it is anyway. Since I’m always looking for new stuff to read, I imagine that this list is going to grow. But for now…
(this isn’t in any particular order and they’re all SFW as far as I’m aware)
Our Man Flint by @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night
Poetic prose that lures you into the story. A vampire hunter is forced to face (quite literally) his worst nightmare.
Erebus & Terror by @brutal-nemesis
There’s a gradual loss of humanity as the prince of a fallen kingdom is turned into a science experiment. Gore, suffering, and a protagonist you love to hurt.
Diamonds to Dust by @kira-the-whump-enthusiast
Some fantastic villain whump, with a sprinkling of angst. Family dynamics involve a distraught brother as a caretaker.
Jane’s Pets by @another-whump-sideblog
Nasty captivity and heavy torture featuring an immortal twelve year old whumper and her human pets. A very relatable protagonist and cast of characters.
Ongoing Untitled Story by @verkja
Fantasy adventure whump with some cool worldbuilding and three morally grey main characters. Oh and btw? The world is ending.
Kane & Jim by @whumpsday
Whumper turned whumpee and whumpee turned caretaker. Vampire whump and some truly horrible torture methods. It’s fantastic.
Seven Series by @whump-queen
Objectification and pet whump, hoo boy. A roller coaster of BBU suffering and a sad whumpee who’s in way over his head.
Waking Dreamer by @painsandconfusion
An intriguing magic system with a very whumpy plot that only gets worse and well developed characters.
Sunlight and Embers by @whither-wander-whump
Fantasy setting and a rebellion in the making. A prisoner is recruited from the dungeons to be used as a pawn in the rebellion and the plot continues to thicken.
Betrayed by @suspicious-whumping-egg
Hero and Villain whump. A hero is betrayed by their team and left at the mercies of the opposing side.
Hero and Villain Story: Behind the Masks by @whumpering-heights
Hero and Villain whump, but with a villian who does not deserve what he’s been put through. There’s an unlikely bit of mercy from someone you’d least expect. As the kids say, it’s right in the feels.
Weapons Don’t Weep by @wolfeyedwitch
A human weapon in a dystopian setting is rescued by a team of rebels. Dehumanization and angst with hopes for a recovery arc.
The Second Wave by @there-will-always-be-blood
Whumper turned whumpee and is furious about it. A morally-grey (she’s more than happy to commit murder) type of protagonist and an antagonist you want dead.
Liliholm and Page by @yet-another-heathen
Vigilante whump with a cinematic feel and characters who are vividly human, whether whumper or whumpee. God-tier whump will have you gripping your screen.
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whumpsday · 6 months
btw sorry i havent been posting writing lately, i am currently in the "art low" section of the art cycle
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figured i'd at least give an update on the WIPs i am currently working on:
kane & jim:
K&J #55 (present arc, following the events of #52 trust)
AU drabble where kane spontaneously turns human and jim coaxes him into the sun for the first time
crossover thingy for kj x mmss that prob wont be posted here anytime soon bc i'll only post it once the rp it's an au of gets posted and that'll be a while
bg3 astarion fanfic (sorry i promise im not becoming A Fanfic Guy it's a phase):
astarion and the cleric #2 (disgusting fluff, cuddle time)
astarion and the cleric VERY WHUMPY AU where they're both vampire spawn under cazador, multiple whumpees lots of torture and starvation. balancing out the main story's disgusting fluff
astarion/dark urge fic taking place pre-canon/pre-amnesia, where durge "rescues" astarion from cazador but decides to keep him for themself. whumper turned caretaker
things that are On The List to get started:
more present arc k&j chapters. gonna go heavy on present arc for a while, at least til we see bellamy
other au drabble in my inbox
more k&j aus bc writing aus is like candy to me
lab whump thing for the whumpy printing press anthology
petrichor #2
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snakebites-and-ink · 3 months
I’ve been thinking about doing a Whumper-turned-Caretaker choose your own adventure, with the reader/player character as the whumper-turned-caretaker. I want to do an interest check before I put in the work for this, especially since it has elements that some people might feel uncomfortable with.
From what I’ve seen, the majority of people in the whump community like to play the “good guys,” i.e. Caretaker or Whumpee. This would be mostly caretaking-oriented, but it would have lots of references to the “you” character having been the whumper in the past, and it would have some whumper options in the polls, so I'm not quite sure how people would feel about it.
(btw could someone tell me how I'm supposed to refer to the reader/player/“you”/pov character when talking about a cyoa? I’m new at this.)
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fallenwhumpee · 5 months
Why howdy!! 'Tis I, :D anon, unable to resist the call of the arrow that has struck me thusly. Anyway here you go :)) dw I have put one (1) bandaid on the wound upon removal. I see no way that can go wrong.
In Leader's defense, Teammate looked like shit.
What else were they supposed to do? They were the captain, after all, and Teammate did just recover from a nasty infection. They couldn't risk catching the bug going around this time of year. So of course Leader coaxed them into their bedroom, quietly making sure Caretaker kept an eye on them while they took Teammate's work into their own hands.
(Besides, if Caretaker was busy with Teammate, that meant they couldn't pester Leader with stuff like "resting" and "holy shit, Leader, put the coffee down!" as if either were viable options.)
The clock on their desk had been turned face down. The term "plausible deniability" flit through their head. They slammed a metaphorical flyswapper on it immediately.
No light was filtering through their curtains anymore, but that was fine. The sun was setting early these days, anyway. Besides, the reports weren't going to do themselves. Teammate's portion was finally finished, and they set it aside to do their own work.
(If they winced as they moved, nobody was there to see it.)
It was standard stuff they expected to see after being rescued: injury reports, health leave, etc, etc. It was all perfectly mundane deskwork, especially in comparison to what Whumper had--
No, nope, not thinking about that. Focus, Leader, they scolded themself. Deep breath in, deep breath out. If they had to do it through their mouth and ignore their screaming ribs, then so be it.
Distantly, they were aware that if any other member of the team tried to pull this sort of stunt, they would've suspended them from their duties and put them on bedrest faster than Whumper could--
No! They weren't supposed to be thinking about that! They shouldn't. Just head down, focus on their work. If they couldn't even do that, how else could they help their team? No, they couldn't give into that weakness. It was just a report. They could do this without having to stifle these irrational thoughts about-- about the past few months. They had to, or they'd spiral, and that would do nobody any favours.
Getting up only to dim the lights (to save power, they told themself. It had nothing to do with their head), Leader continued to work as the moon climbed higher into the sky, trading places with the sun.
(And if they simply curled up on the floor of their office after finishing the report, unable to make it to their room... well, hopefully nobody would notice.)
Tada :)) first snippet of the new year I suppose :D happy new year btw!! Gotta love starting my new year with some leader whumpees who try too hard
Also, totally unrelated to the whole "struck by an arrow" thing, but is it just me or is the room spinning
Hi, dear anon!
Oh wow. Just... just the hypocrisy. The hypocrisy and denial. Those two things will never fail to give me good whumperflies. And overworking can always distract you from every unpleasant thought crawling through the edges of your brain. Focusing on something is like putting a shadow or drawing a curtain over everything. They still stay there, but you don't see, only until your eyes get used to dark— starting to do the job automatically in this case. And sleeping on the floor is awful, they will be so sore when they wake up (with a nightmare would be delicious, but poor leader seems to have enough demons to deal with, since it's possible that they will feel guily about not completing the work anyway)
Happy New Year to you, too! You chose the best way to start the year :) I also posted traitor as my first writing of the year hehehe.
Please go lay down! I may not be a mama bear like a caretaker but I won't stop bullying a friend to rest/sleep/eat/get hydrated. If you hadn't done any of that in the last two hours, go and do it. Take care of yourself, please.
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whump-thoughts · 1 year
My brain is scrambled eggs at the moment but i am in a good mood so i will share with y'all a very whumpy idea that's actually in a story i am making! (which is actually a very small part of it but i still want to share it with yall).
Okay so setting? Medieval low fantasy but with magitek, main idea? aight so big daddy's from bioshock? Like the whole idea of people that had their skin and organs grafted into an armored diving suit? Yeah what if those were knights?.
TW: apart from usual pet whump or tropes associated with it (such as dehumanization, conditioning, etc), one prompt contains gore involving bugs, while i not go into detail it is still pretty fucked up, so if ya want to keep reading be careful, btw ask me to tag stuff because i have never written whump stuff before + i am writing this one my phone and can't put in the read more thingy
During war time high ranking officials within the army and people in the royal court conspired to try to make basically unstoppable killing machines by kidnapping peasants and nobels or soldiers that were suspect treason or other crimes, destroying their individuality, then grafting them into magically enhanced suits of armor to use as basically killing machines in the war, his plan went surprisingly smoothly, that's until the whole kingdom found out that people were being kidnapped and turned into the killing machine knights and also the war ended, so now they are stuck with non-human knight creatures that while super obedient are also far removed from human society and also cannot be killed due to how full of magic they are, aight sorry for the ramble, now onto the actual whump ideas
A knight whumpee who while they have lost their voice and most of their previous self personality they still have little memories of their past and the people they use to care about, which causes a lot of trouble for "caretaker" since they now have a scary human-shaped thing following them around and have no idea why (it's because whumpee is convinced that "caretaker" is a person that meant a lot to whumpee back when they were still human, plot twist they are not but hopefully stuff works out in the end)
A Nobel whumper's decides to get their hands on a knight whumpee to use as their personal punching bag, one idea i had is of whumper just prying open whumpee's helmet and since they have no skin just letting flies and maggots feast on their flesh for their own amusement, knowing that they cannot die until the magic inside of them is snuffed out, but not knowing that while whumpee cannot feel most sensory stimuli they do feel the flies and maggots eating their flesh away
A knight whumpee with the sweetest voice and most cheery demeanor who is nearly fully severed from human society and ideas such as self preservation or individuality and will not think twice about mutilating themselves or maiming others at the mere suggestions of their master, it's not that they are inherently evil or whatever their mind has just been destroyed to the point that blind obedience is a integral part of their existence, of course they also have a caretaker that is slowly regretting letting basically a feral animal get attached to them and then letting them into their own home and life, hopefully this also works out in the end but like, doubt
Two caretaker's, one a mage/doctor and the other a former soldier, knight whumpee is slowly having their magic core burn away meaning that they are slowly dying, the mage/doctor believes that it's a abomination against nature thats existence is painful and the only thing that should be done is to let them peaceful be snuffed away, while the former soldier is trying to convince them that while whumpee is not human anymore they are still a person and that they really should try to find away to light their magic core once again
A knight whumpee and an actual knight caretaker! Real Knight caretaker was a soldier that grew attached to whumpee during the war and basically became their handler, now that the war is over caretaker managed to pull some strings to let them get basically custody over whumpee, whumpee while still able to speak they prefer to communicate through simple gestures and even if they kept most of their humanity stuff feels very hazy for them, basically caretaker trying to reintegrate themselves and whumpee into their old town, and both of them sometimes regretting it but still trying to pull through
Okay writing this has just, drained my of all my creative thoughts but feel free to reblog and add in more ideas! I am going to pass out now
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serickswrites · 1 year
hi, i literally just found your blog so idk if this has already been done (i will be reading all of your works within the next few hours, btw) soooo here it is, feel free to ignore. i know its a monster block of text but its up to you to say yes or no. But if you do decide to write this i would very much love a happy ending for the whumpee. i always feel so sad when they can't recover and I don't think i could take it. :(
A Cashier/ barista person gets kidnapped on their way home from work. Full on yoinked off the street, into the clutches of a Whumper who is only concerned for the Whumpee's safety. You see, today the Whumpee was yelled at by a particularly aggressive customer( who may or may not be Whumpee's On again and Off again SO). The Whumper (a regular at the place where Whumpee works) Didn't like that.
the Whumper runs home and prepares a nice place for Whumpee. on Whumpee's way home from that shift Whumper shoves them in the van, and uses a syringe and takes them home. Whumper dresses them in comfy clothes, they have all of Whumpee's favorite foods ready, and they are so excited for Whumpee to wake up. They could both cuddle and watch all of Whumpee's favorite disney movies, and Whumpee would finally be safe and happy. Whumper was getting concerned about the dark circles underneath Whumpee's eyes, after all.
Hello! Thank you for stopping by! I can definitely write this, but I'm going to make a few tweaks (I'm not a fan of Whumper turned Caretaker). Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Kidnapping, yandere whumper, drugging, escape
Whumper had prepared everything to a perfect T. Whumpee would love it here. They just knew it.
They had been watching a very long time. Both at their place of work and at home. They had watched Whumpee navigate a coffee bar full of irritable customers and not bat an eyelash. Always cool as a cucumber. They watched as Whumpee dated a string of losers who didn't know Whumpee's value and worth. The latest having picked Whumpee up from the coffee shop. None of them were good enough for Whumpee.
But Whumper was.
And they knew that Whumpee was asking for their help yesterday when the customer ahead of Whumper in line--the latest loser to date Whumpee--screamed and berated Whumpee for serving them almond milk instead of soy milk.
"I said almond! God you're so dumb."
"S-s-sorry," Whumpee stammered as the customer threw the drink over the coffee bar. Whumpee had ducked, so thankfully, the coffee didn't hurt them. But still, Whumper was concerned.
Whumper was concerned when they tossed the customer out of the shop. Whumper was concerned when Whumpee sobbed to them over the counter. And Whumper was concerned when Whumpee gave them their coffee for free.
But Whumper's concerns would end today. They looked over at the unconscious Whumpee in their back seat. They had drugged Whumpee as they stepped out to walk home from the end of their shift. Drugged them and put them in the car.
Whumpee groaned. "Wha? Where?"
"It's ok, Whumpee, you're somewhere safe."
"Who the fuck are you?" Whumpee said as they sat up quickly.
"I do love it when you play games with me, Whumpee." Whumper loved how Whumpee was always pretending not to know them.
"Let me out. Now." Whumpee's voice was steady, but there was an edge.
"We're almost home, love. Then I can let you out. I made you dinner and I can draw you a bath after we watch your favorite movie." Tonight was going to be perfect.
"Let me out. Now!" Whumpee kicked out at the back of Whumper's chair. Whumper swerved as they lost control of the car. Whumpee took that moment to swing open the car door and dash out as Whumper had slowed to avoid hitting a fire hydrant.
"WHUMPEE!" Whumper shouted after them as Whumpee sprinted down the street screaming for help.
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Day 1 - (Re)Introduce Yourself!
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Woohoo! WIJ!!!
Since I already got an intro this is like Intro 2. Or intro 3 I forgor what number we’re on.
Name: Kira/Kiara or Nicholas/Nicky! There’s more. Btw. But these are the Main ones.
Pronouns: He/Him 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️
Favorite Season: Spring. I am lucky and I don’t have any allergies. Spring is the best cuz it’s always the right temperature <2
Average Amount of Sleep: Enough.
Dream Job: Something that won’t make me want to die.
Blog Established: April 2022!
Reason for URL: Well I’ve said it before. My name is Kira and I’m a whump enthusiast!
Fave Whump Tropes: Whumper turned whumpee, villain whump, self righteous whumpers, loser whumpers, conditioned whumpees, shock collars, starvation, whipping, solitary confinement, isolation, vivisection, gore, and whumpee thinking caretaker is their new whumper
Projects You’re Working On: Nothing really at the moment lol. I’m mostly working on finishing my writings for WIJ itself lmao.
Favorite Color: Black 🖤
Anything Else: Gravy is a soup <2
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leyswhumpdump · 2 years
I’m beginning to think naming my whumpees is the most difficult part of the writing process.
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livingforthewhump · 3 years
I don't know if you're still taking asks but I had a thing on my mind and I'd love to see it written. So hear me out, I'm thinking of a caretaker who had a really long bad day and so when they come home they unintentionally snap out on whumpee saying something about their condition or just victim-blaming them. So whumpee just leaves shocked and heart-broken, and now caretaker is just drowning in guilt and trying their best to apologize and fix the situation. Love your blog btw <3
Ahh thank you <33 I love getting asks (even when it takes me an ungodly amount of time to get to them)
continued here!
Caretaker rubbed a hand down their face, looking at the newest in a series of anxious texts from Whumpee. Caretaker had been held up after work by a coworker that they really hadn’t wanted to deal with, and now the thought of having to calm Whumpee down too seemed to weigh them down more than anything. With a frustrated sigh, they turned their phone off without responding.
They were already getting home a lot later than they wanted to, and they could already feel how tired they would be in the morning. And it was starting to grate on their nerves, how every single thing they did had to be carefully measured to see if Whumpee was up for it, if it was what was best for Whumpee. It was like their life wasn’t their own anymore.
When they opened their door and stepped inside with more dread than relief, they were instantly met with Whumpee’s teary eyes. Of course.
Caretaker forced a smile that came out more like a grimace. “Hi, Whumpee."
"Where were you?” A small crease appeared between Whumpee’s eyebrows. “You were gone for so long and you didn’t answer… I-I thought that something had happened to you.”
“Nothing did, Whumpee. I’m fine.” Caretaker sidestepped them and walked into the kitchen, but Whumpee followed, hovering pitifully behind them.
“Why wouldn’t you answer?” They asked hesitantly, a tremor in their voice. Did they ever stop being pathetic? You'd think they’d get bored of it eventually. “You, you told me I could always talk to you, and when you didn’t respond I thought maybe Whumper had-” They cut off, voice breaking on Whumper's name. “I was so scared, Caretaker.”
“Yeah, well,” Caretaker gritted out, still walking away from Whumpee, who still trailed just behind them. “You shouldn’t have been.”
There was a beat of silence. “I know you were busy,” Whumpee started again, hesitantly. Caretaker took a long, deep breath. “But what I sent you really was important, and-and you didn’t answer. Did it—are you mad at me? Because of—”
“I didn’t read it, Whumpee!” Caretaker shoved away. “It’s not my job to give you constant reassurance. If you want to be coddled so badly you should go back to Whumper. I’m sure they’d never get tired of drying your tears.” They sighed angrily. “Maybe they’re the only one who can handle you.”
Silence hung thick between them, smothering the words, but not nearly soon enough. Caretaker wished they’d choked on them in their throat. Their heart plunged into their stomach as the silence settled. They thought they were going to be sick.
Then they looked back at Whumpee and somehow felt infinitely worse.
There were tears tracked down Whumpee’s cheeks, and their shoulders were scrunched up to their ears. They looked like they were desperately trying to hide. Their lips moved in a soundless “I’m sorry” over and over again, like they were afraid making any sound would bother Caretaker further.
Caretaker opened their mouth to say the thousand apologies that were building heavily in their chest, but before they could, Whumpee fled the apartment, leaving the door open behind them.
Cursing, they ran after them, but Whumpee was already gone.
Caretaker took a shaky breath and pulled out their phone. The texts they’d ignored earlier jeered up from the too-bright screen and blurred as their eyes pricked with tears. It had taken them weeks to get Whumpee to open up like that. Weeks of telling them they could feel comfortable, they could tell Caretaker anything. Whumpee was still so fragile, but they had been opening up. They had felt comfortable enough to tell Caretaker that they were scared, upset.
Caretaker sank to their knees and let out a sob.
They'd ruined everything.
With shaking hands they swiped the texts open, biting their lip when they saw a new one from Whumpee.
I’m sorry. I’ll stop.
Caretaker shook their head, even though they knew Whumpee couldn’t see them. They clutched the phone like it was their lifeline, tears falling onto the screen as they typed.
No, don’t.
I’m sorry.
I’m so sorry.
Please, come home.
And with the apartment door still wide open, they waited for Whumpee to respond.
Tag list below the cut (message me if you want to be added or removed)
@castielamigos-whump-side-blog @twistedcaretaker @lonesome--hunter @poppys-writing @endless-whump @susanshinning @multifandoms-multishipper @shadowylemon @cherryblossomskye @utopian819 @whumpkitty @journey-the-panda @freefallingup13 @shameful-indulgence @1becky1 @temporary-whump-sideblog @chartreusephoenix @thelazywitchphotographer @mylifeisonthebookshelf @badluck990 @lockedupuniverse @luna-rein @broadwaybabe18
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jordanstrophe · 3 years
do you have any prompts for an uncooperative whumpee?? i love your writing btw!! have a good day and ofc it’s okay if not!
(Thank you!) I'm not sure what type of whump you would like, so I'll give you two between a caretaker and whumper, I hope this is what you're looking for~♡
Whumpee is stubborn in their recovery, turning their nose away and sealing their lips whenever caretaker brings out the dreaded spoon of either food or medicine. They start sneaking out of bed at night, only to have caretaker drag them back and give them strict supervision.
-It's mostly them standing over their bed, arms crossed while staring at them unblinking until they finally fall asleep with unease and maybe a few tears.
Whumpee keeps demanding to be freed and pulls a fight whenever whumper gets too close (killing distance, really). After some black-eyes and bandaids, whumper sets in some conditioning, like a snapping finger usually means a cruel punishment will follow.
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whump-mania · 3 years
maybe whumper forces themself onto a (possibly drunk) whumpee who accidentally moans caretakers name? i love your writing btw!
(tw: 18+ dubcon turned noncon, drunk whumpee, sexual themes, cursing)
Whumpee giggled as Whumper ground their hips against theirs, making sloppy attempts at kisses on their neck as they almost fell off the bed. The alcohol clouded their judgement, made it easy to let go and let Whumper do what they wanted.
It even let them have a good time themselves.
Whumper let themselves get rough, too driven by Whumpee’s drunken mannerisms to hold back. They bit down hard on Whumpee’s neck, who yelped at first but returned to their giggly self soon after.
“I wan’ you t…t’ fuck me,” Whumpee slurred, lying down on the bed they had been sitting on. “Please?” Their face was flushed red, eyes lidded.
Whumper smirked and straddled the person underneath them, already working on getting both of their clothes off. Whumpee was tiredly moving their hips up, waiting impatiently for Whumper to get going.
“If you say so, baby,” Whumper whispered. They were halfway through getting their own clothes off when Whumpee whined loudly.
“Please, Caretaker, I wanna…wanna feel you, c’mon…”
Whumper stopped in their tracks.
“…The fuck did you just call me?”
Whumpee blinked, staring up at Whumper’s rage-filled expression. Their fear found its way through their alcohol-clouded mind and they squirmed uncomfortably in Whumper’s grasp.
“U-Um…” They whimpered at how tight Whumper was gripping them. “I uh…don’ wanna do this ‘nymore…”
Whumper growled and slapped Whumpee across the face, who winced at the harsh treatment. “No, fuck no. After you pulled that shit? I’m gonna make you scream my name, bitch.”
Whumper never seemed to run out of energy that night. Eventually, they got what they wanted. Whumpee was screaming their name.
Sure, they were screaming for them to stop. But it was their name nonetheless.
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rabbitdrabbles · 2 years
HI WHUMP COMMUNITY time to make my intro finally :D
call me leveret, leve, patchwork, or patchworkedhell! I’m an artist and I’ve been into whump and guro for a very long time and I’d love to finally interact with the community <3
(now my main acc is linked in my bio but shhh don’t tell ;) if you know me just from my main and somehow found me on here, I’m so sorry. it’d probably be best if you leave lol)
but anyways, I’ve got two OCs I’d love to share!! all info and posts on them will all be under the tag #rabbit n goat (real creative, I know.)
basically this page will consist of whump reblogs, whump ideas/discussion, hopefully some drabbles eventually?? and info-dumping about my OCs. art requests and asks are SO welcome.
intro post of my two main OCs btw (♡´・ᴗ・`♡)
and here’s the tag for all my art!! (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
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some of my favorite tropes are:
- INTIMATE WHUMPER!!!!!💥💥💥 (aka gentle whumper?) and creepy/forced comfort, and/or carewhumper or whumper as caretaker <3333
- torture + torture aftermath— bonus points if it’s aftercare by the whumper
- non-con (touching, cuddling, nsfw)
- (really just anything involving the whumpee being restrained, captive and/or terrified out of their absolute mind)
- kidnapping/ captivity whump/ pet whump/ slave whump/ military (prisoner of war) whump
- medical, laboratory and interrogation whump. turns out I like living weapon whumpees too!
- cannibalism (forced auto-cannibalism,,), guro, and gore, lots and lots of gore :3 blood, beatings, vivesections, amputations, guttings, gougings, manglings, bring it on!
- stockholm syndrome fuck yeah— dehumanization, conditioning, slow and painful mindbreak if that’s the correct term
- species whump / nonhuman characters (angels, kemonomimi, vampires, ROBOTS, mermaids, aliens etc)
- restraints, collars, gags, muzzles, chains, stress positions, all that— the more the better :)
- mock executions are also very underrated!
some tropes I’m not too fond of:
- this is going to sound bizarre but the existence of the caretaker in general?? I don’t actually mind reading about/ seeing art of them, hell this isn’t even a squick considering it’s literally half the backbone of the entire whump trope but there will be an exceedingly low chance I will personally ever write/draw/discuss about a caretaker that is a separate physical entity from the whumper.
- anything involving minors
- genital mutilation and self-harm (cutting)
- FINGERNAIL TORTURE omg I simply can’t stand it
- a bit of a squick for lady/fem whump, moreso in writing than in art
thank you for making it til the end of the post and I hope you all enjoy my content!! last thing before I go, note that this blog WILL CONTAIN ILLUSTRATED GORE and may contain nsfw content. so I’m sorry minors but please shoo.
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hi, so that one ask game you reblogged,,, 5? protectiveness? btw I love everything about your blog
AHHHH thank you so much💗💗💗 (people are too nice idk how to handle it) and thank you for the ask :)
Prompt was from this list
5. protectiveness
TW: Swearing, kind of implied stalking, punching
Caretaker had only been out for 30 minutes. It was a quick run to the grocery store to get some ingredients and other supplies they realized were missing. Despite the rapid time it took them to get there and back, they still worried about Whumpee.
“They’ll be okay, Whumpee’s inside, it's fine,” Caretaker thought nervously, impatiently tapping their foot as they waited for the elevator to get to their floor. When they finally arrived, they stepped out and turned the corner to walk to their shared apartment. Caretaker’s mind kept going back to Whumpee. Were they safe? Would they have gotten hurt? Could Whumper have-, no, that would never happen, it was impossible. The uncertainty of the last possibility made Caretaker’s stride a bit faster. They hadn’t even realized they were so deep in thought until they heard a voice that sent chills up their spine.
“Well hello there, I never thought I’d see you again,” The voice wasn’t warm and inviting, there were vile intentions behind the statement. It was someone Caretaker hoped they’d never see again, who they thought couldn’t possibly find them.
Caretaker slowly lifted their head and realized Whumper wasn’t talking to them, but talking to Whumpee at their doorstep. Caretaker watched in shock as Whumper reached their hand towards a shaking Whumpee and brushed hair out of their face.
“Looking as beautiful as ever,” Whumper said with a malicious grin. Caretaker finally unfroze from their spot and ran up to push Whumper away.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing!” Caretaker yelled dangerously and stood protectively in front of Whumpee, who hadn’t moved during the whole ordeal.
“I was just coming to say hi, it’s been a long time,” Whumper answered innocently, their eyes roaming up and down Whumpee’s body.
Caretaker felt Whumpee grab the back of their shirt from behind with a trembling hand, gripping so tight they thought it might rip.
“You need to leave. Right. Now,” Caretaker declared angrily, looking Whumper dead in the eye.
“But we’re just getting started,” Whumper took a step forward and Caretaker pushed Whumpee back.
“Whumpee, go inside, okay? I’ll come in soon,” Caretaker softened their voice while speaking to Whumpee, who didn’t question their order and darted back into the apartment.
“Aw, you’re no fun,” Whumper started and Caretaker quickly shut them down with a punch to the face.
“If I ever see you again-” Caretaker began sharply but was cut off from the sound of someone else walking down the hall towards them.
Whumper held their bruised face in one hand and smiled at Caretaker.
“Can’t do anything now can you?” Whumper whispered while Caretaker clenched their fists.
“I’ll see you soon,” Whumper announced loudly with a wave then walked towards the person coming closer, greeting them with a friendly “hello” as they passed each other.
Caretaker didn’t give Whumper a chance to look back and slammed the door loudly, locking it behind them.
“I hope I didn’t just scare Whumpee,” Caretaker wondered guiltily.
“Whumpee? Darling, where are you? It’s me,” Caretaker didn’t expect an answer, Whumpee was definitely hiding, and they had an idea where.
Caretaker carefully walked into their shared bedroom and to their closet, knocking on it lightly before calling out.
“Whumpee, you in there?”
“Y-yes,” it was barely above a whisper, but it was Whumpee.
Caretaker opened the door to find a terrified Whumpee curled up in the corner, tears streaking down their face.
“Come here, honey, you’re safe now,” Caretaker spoke in a comforting voice, preparing to sit and wait until Whumpee was ready to come out. What they didn’t expect was for Whumpee to reach out their arms, begging Caretaker to come closer. They didn’t waste any time and scooped Whumpee into their arms.
“It’s alright, they’re gone, they’re gone now,” Caretaker rubbed Whumpee’s back soothingly and stroked their hair at the same time, breaking inside when Whumpee’s sobs got louder.
“I’m scared,” Whumpee admitted into Caretaker’s chest while Caretaker embraced them tighter.
“I know, sweetheart, I know, but you don’t have to worry,” Caretaker paused and kissed Whumpee’s head, trying to keep their composure.
“I’ll always protect you,” they let a tear fall, “no matter what.”
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whumpwillow · 3 years
Hello! I love your prompts btw, I hope you don’t mind if I contribute :) I always thought that the cold is severely underused in whump, I mean: caretaker(s) looking for the whumpee (kidnapped, maybe?), and when they find the whumper, they insist that they'll turn the house inside out to find them. The whumper merely laughs, "Who said they were inside?" Smash cut to the crew searching through frigid terrain, and finally stumbling across the whumpee, so cold they’re barely shaking anymore. [1/2]
I absolutely don't mind if you contribute! I love receiving asks and interaction, it fuels me <3 and you are so right. sickfics are great
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