#this could be a reaction image too tbh lol
sparkles-rule-4eva · 3 months
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Another image of Tails that everyone should see
Apparently it's Tails Appreciation Day on this blog :3
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foxprints · 10 months
I miiiiight be working on a bunch of Murderbot and ART emoji...
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(its fawning over Sanctuary Moon 💛)
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ravens-two · 4 months
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PAC: Your Person's Thoughts About You 18+
This reading includes:
your person's dirty thoughts about you
The extended reading includes:
their reaction to these thoughts
Disclaimer: this is just for entertainment purposes, and as a pick-a-card reading it may not resonate for everyone. Also, this content is 18+ only!
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Pile 1
Judgment, Moon
"Devotion save me now/ I don't wanna stray from the hallowed ground/ I'll turn temptation down" Hurts - Devotion
The first thing I'm getting from this pile is that your person wants to see you naked. It's actually really interesting because this is supposed to be about their dirty thoughts (and well in a way it is), but this naked is almost like moving beyond your physical body. They want to see you for who you really are without any reservations on your part. This can be a bit of a kink for them too. It's almost like unravelling you during sex. They also want to have you completely at their mercy. For some of you this will be a bit more bdsm-y while for others not so much. In general, what I mean by this is that they want you to fully trust them and let them do the work. It's like putting your pleasure completely in their hands.
Going back to the naked thing though, it might be that you two haven't been intimate yet and they keep imagining what you'll look like when there aren't any clothes on you. Or it might be that you have been intimate and it's almost like the image of your naked body is seared in their brain. They couldn't forget it even if they wanted to and it's a thought that just keeps popping up for them randomly. I actually think that one of the reasons that they can't stop thinking about it is because of the energy that you gave off. This is hard to explain, but in the moment it was like there was something supernatural about you, the way you surrender completely to your seductive and animal side is/was very enchanting for your person.
This person is also dreaming about kissing you pile 1, especially your neck. I also get the vibe that they want to mark you, like leaving hickeys or bite marks. It seems that they're the type of person that likes to leave something to remember them by. I keep hearing that they just want to take you in their arms. Again, there's this vibe that they are the most dominant energy and want you to surrender to them (but this doesn't really feel like power-exchange honestly). They want to worship your body (this also fits the song that you got tbh).
They might also fantasize about having sex in a taboo place or out in nature (maybe both for some of you). They might want to have sex in a lake or a secluded place out in the woods. For some people they might want to do it in a graveyard (Mary Shelly would approve lol) or like another person's bedroom or in a place where you could get caught. I also think that they want to have sex all night long, going as long as you both can and then be completely exhausted.
For some you they also wish that you would let yourself be a little wilder. There's this vibe that they think that you are kinkier than you act (you might seem too in control or put together during the act for their liking) and they would love it if you showed this side of yourself. They also know that in part it's a question of trusting them enough, so that would really do it for them too - knowing that you trust them like that.
Pile 2
Star, Tower
"When I first saw you/ The end was soon/ To Bethlehem it slouched/ And then it must have caught a good look at you" Hozier - NFWMB
Hi pile 2, your person's dirty thoughts about you are quite interesting because I keep getting this idea that they will have a dirty thought, indulge in it for a moment, and then they'll feel bad about it. It's like they try to repress these thoughts because they think that they're somehow disrespectful to you. It might be that you aren't in a relationship with this person yet, and this is what cause these feelings, because you don't know that they see you like this.
A bit like pile 1, your person also thinks about seeing you naked. I feel like 90% of their 18+ thoughts are about your naked body. It might be them imagining what you would look like or just remembering your body. Unlike pile 1 there isn't this vibe of wanting you to surrender to them or seeing you undone, your person just wants to admire you in all your glory. They think that you're breathtaking and it honestly makes them a bit weak in their knees. It's actually more likely that your person wants to submit to you than the other way around. They also want to get on their knees and worship you, so this is probably oral sex. With the Tower here as well I'm seeing a lot of orgasms for both of you, explosive and maybe a bit mind-shattering. I'm hearing someone say that they've been "fucked dumb", so yeah, that could be one of their fantasies too. There's also something here about squirting and/or cum play as well. If your person has a penis they probably want to paint you with their cum, most likely your face, chest or back.
If you have breasts your person is also obsessed with them. They love the way they look (no matter the size) and really want to play with them. If you don't have breasts this could still be about your nipples. They're also pretty obsessed with your thighs and some of them want to get crushed between them. Again, there's this vibe that they want to please you so bad. It's not that they're really submissive, but they want to give you as much pleasure as humanly possible.
Your person also fantasizes about making love to you instead of fucking. They want the sex to be loving, safe and healing for the both of you. They also think about having shower/bath sex with you. Or they might get more dirty thoughts about you when they're in the shower. There's also something about cleanliness here, so it could be that your person enjoys/imagines cleaning you up after sex.
Pile 3
Nine of Wands, Two of Wands
"Love is our resistance/ They'll keep us apart, and they won't stop breaking us down/ Hold me/ Our lips must always be sealed" Muse - Resistance
Pile 3, your person seems to be quite kinky. The first thing I'm seeing here is bondage. They imagine tying you up and maybe even using blindfolds. This could be like full bondage or maybe just using handcuffs (it's going to change a bit from person to person), whatever it is your person wants to restrain you. I'm even seeing that for some of you your person kind of wants to tie you up just to look at you. There's a hint of voyeurism here, so they might want to take pictures or videos of you and enjoy the thought of "what if someone saw this". It might go even a little bit further and they imagine someone walking on you or you two doing it in a public place right in front of everyone. I think that is biggest motivation for them is that they are super proud of being by your side and want to show you off.
Another thing that they imagine is fingering you. They get a lot of enjoyment from your pleasure so they imagine getting you off with just their fingers. Actually I just got a very detailed visual of you mostly naked while they're still completely clothed and their fingers inside of you. When it comes to positions your person imagines you two having sex standing up or bending you over something.
Just like pile 1 your person wants to see you completely undone and unraveled. They imagine you after sex with your hair all messed up, marks all over your body, covered in fluids, and an hazy look in your eyes. Yeah, just very very messy. Your person doesn't seem to be too shy about their desires though. They also want to have multiple rounds with you. They want to have sex with you for as long as you physically can. Again they want to see you completely exhausted. I actually keep seeing more about fingering and oral sex rather than penetration, so your person tends to imagine more about this types of acts. It might be that they're actually a bit shy about doing these things in real life so they like to imagine it.
Your person also likes to imagine sexual scenarios with a lot of action and adventure. They have a very fertile imagination. They might imagine themselves as an hero who rescues you and then you two have sex. They might really enjoy role-playing. They also imagine sex that progresses your relationship. Besides the kinkier stuff, they might imagine making love to you and being truly intimate and vulnerable with you. Honestly, this person just wants to be with you and they enjoy making up scenarios with you.
Pile 4
Five of Cups, Ace of Wands
"You lose your way, just take my hand/ You're lost at sea, then I'll command your boat to me again/ Don't look too far, right where you are, that's where I am" Lana Del Rey - Mariners Apartment Complex
Pile 4, your pile seems like the most emotional, at least at first sight. One of your person's biggest fantasies is being comforted by you through sex. They like to imagine themselves (I'm not sure if it's randomly or when something bad happens) feeling down or going through a rough situation and coming to you to be comforted. They imagine you taking them in your arms, holding them, kissing them and slowly taking off their clothes. They imagine you on your knees giving them oral sex and then you two having slow, loving sex. There might even be tears here. Like they're feeling so emotional from what happened and from how loved they are by you that they just tear up or cry a bit. I think that the biggest fantasy here is feeling loved tbh. I also think that your song and the lyrics that I chose are really fitting for your person. They really want you to take their hand and steer the boat when they're feeling lost.
With the Ace of Wands here they're also really passionate and want the sex between you to feel hot and heavy, to truly envelop the two of you. They might also think about wax play or temperature play. There's something here about the differences in temperature between your body and other objects. They also want to kiss all over your body. They're very connected to their body sensations, especially about warmth. I don't really know how to explain it. They crave the feeling of your hot mouth on them (and other things too).
Something that's a bit kinkier and that might be a bit off-putting for some people, but they also imagine having period sex with you. The blood doesn't irk them, and they might even finding it a bit hot. I don't want to describe it too much, because the images in my head are quite graphic. But, yeah imagine them playing with the blood a little bit. In general, I think that they have a thing for body fluids, mainly semen and spit from what I'm getting. This is the other pile that might want to paint you with their cum (or the other way around). Also, they imagine you spitting in their mouth. I'm immediately getting that most of these kinkier fantasies about them are something that they see as unrealistic.
Again, this pile is quite emotional and they also like to imagine you two having a fight and being really upset with each other and then having sex. I think that this is such a recurring scenario in their head that they have a lot of variants. They imagine you having loving sex almost as an apology, then they imagine being hatefucked or hatefucking you. Or being denied by you. They have a lot of different scenarios when it comes to this, the only thing in common is you two fighting.
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a few little things I'd change in TBT for the third act in order to improve the story imo.
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this image isn't actually related to the current topic I just included it cause its cute lol Branch's mopey face and his big feet sticking out 😭😭😭😭
anyway I really feel like following the big argument and Poppy and Branch going off separate from Bro zone Branch should also get captured I'd have him go down first by himself into the room where Floyd is only to get taken by V and V before Poppy has to chance to come down from the air duct.
so afterwards she runs away after Branch tells her to realising she wouldn't be able to take V and V on by herself.
so she catches back up with Rhonda where the brothers were all going to go back to their homes since they figured Poppy and Branch would just save Floyd on their own and that they didn't want them involved anymore.
but after telling them that Branch was also captured obviously they all agree to put their petty crap to one side to go save the two youngest ( I'm not gonna write Bro zone as complete psychopaths 😂😂😂😂)
really its pretty simple this way the next handful of scenes can actually focus on the older Brothers aka the ones who frankly need the attention more than Poppy and Branch did.
since Poppy's arc was over after the scene directly following the argument so she and Branch didn't actually need any more screen time after that.
this way we can get a few more scenes of the older Brothers still struggling to work together despite their mutual goal of saving Floyd and Branch.
I'd have JD be the one to have the eureka moment of realising their family doesn't need to be perfect after overhearing Poppy since ya know he was the one who actually had that problem making Branch have that realisation is kinda arsed backwards tbh.
I'd have one scene of Branch and Floyd being reunited only this time its while their both in separate prisons it can be nice and sweet but also have Branch nervously question him on why he never came back.
and maybe Floyd somewhat ashamed says that he went out on his own and tried to start his solo career but he failed very badly.
he wanted to prove he could maybe be his own person outside of his older brothers but he couldn't hack it and he was too embarrassed to face Branch and Grandma.
so he held off on coming back for a few years but when he did finally decide to by then the Trolls had already left so it was the same deal with JD Floyd saw the empty tree and their Grandma's empty pod.
and either thought that they were both dead or that they both had escaped together but either way he didn't think he'd ever see them again.
I'm not saying this is the perfect explanation for Floyd I'm just putting it fourth as one possible idea anyway back to Bro zone.
just before the climax I'd have one last scene briefly between JD Bruce and Clay where JD actually owns up to his wrongdoings and for causing the family to split apart.
and while they do say they appreciate JD finally acknowledging his behaviour they do also admit it isn't entirely on him as obviously they were just as quick to Break their family up.
anyway we head on to the climax this time while trapped Branch and Floyd actually get to witness their older bros all standing together to confront V and V.
and the climax can almost basically play out the same only this time after retrieving Branch's Diamond prison JD is the one who huddles everyone together to say the thing about them not needing to be perfect.
and him saying he'll step back and let someone else lead to which one of the other Bros reaction could be "" who are you? "" lol.
anyway the Harmony goes as normal Floyd is saved as normal and after Floyd is back on his feet and Branch and Poppy have had their little moment.
then the Bro zone members have their moment with Branch and JD is the first to apologise given he feels the whole thing is his fault and he was the first one to walk away.
but Bruce and Clay do step up to acknowledge their wrongdoings as well leaving the family altogether simply because they were angry with JD.
and also being so quick to want to walk away again in present day simply because it was easier than actually trying to deal with any of their problems and not actually taking his feelings into account.
anyway most of the ending scene with Kismet's introduction and what not can stay the same tho I would like to add in a small detail of Bro zone maybe doing something.
like they all excitedly try to go in for a big group hug beginning to playfully pull Branch in against his will only for him to look visibly uncomfortable before the bros kinda realise their mistake and backtrack.
saying sorry and that they forgot showing a bit of growth from their earlier interactions in the film and showing that they are actually trying to take things at a slower pace as per Branch's wishes.
anyway yeah that's just a few changes I'd make to the films third act to try and make it feel a little more complete as honestly having Bro zone getting captured for the third act literally does nothing.
in terms of character arcs the film continued focusing on Poppy and Branch following the argument scene even tho their arcs were done Bro zone were the ones who needed that screen time.
so having them be captured and literally forced to do the Harmony in a life or death situation does nothing for their arcs nor the story overall.
it'd literally be better if they never showed up in the movie again as opposed to showing up only to be captured and then forced to compromise in order to save their own lives.
and then playing happy families acting like they had a complete arc when they didn't.
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thelonewolf48 · 2 months
Hello, Blank the series community!
How are we processing the ending of season 1? Are you angry? Do you understand Khun Neung's actions? Do we want to hit her? Yes, you say? 🤣🤣🤣
I wanted to wait a bit (also got busy at work lol) to avoid any spoilers for anyone who don't watch Episode 6 and last one for a while... I don't know how I'm gonna cope with it tbh... I'm following 23.5 and other web series but tbh... never on the level of Blank... I have to admit that GAP did it first but Blank did it better... which, no shade to GAP because FreenBecky, my beloved, chemistry was so good too!
And to clarify, GAP the series also had its own set of problems, most of them regarding money and locations, but what they did, opened the door for more GLs. Some, with good and bad executions, but that's up to each person and their preferences to decide!
BUT ENOUGH OF GAP (the perfect GL, to me!) Let's talk about BLANK!
As a start... I didn't like that they began from when Aneung knocked on Neung's door... it ate like 4 more minutes with them, plus they didn't keep the same tension.
On Episode 5, the tension was felt thanks to the zoom on their faces that lasted quite a good amount of seconds and Faye's minuscule lean.
This time it was cut and then bam! KISS! (NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING!)
I'm not gonna go on full detail because I believe we all watched the episode, there are a few technical things I want to point out but I won't because nah! There was some foreshadowing to the doom that was to come... and no, I don't say this as a person who has read the book 🤭
I will go straight to that last part...
I had to go back to read that last part in the book because I wanted to keep this as accurate as I can.
So, throughout the episode, we see Aneung's family praising how good of a Role Model Neung is for Aneung. This is the first red flag. Then we see Neung still having doubts about their age gap which I find normal in this setting, because it can happen. This is the second red flag.
The final nail to the coffin, and the one I think everyone should consider whenever questioning WHY Neung broke this as cruel as she did, is that she thought she used Aneung as a way to distract her own pain.
In the book, and the reason why I re-read it, Neung sounds more detached, more out of the moment, and at some point even more aggressive about it. In the series, Neung, although also feeling out of the moment, the scene takes a more soft and romantic approach. They show us Neung's walls falling and accepting that she does indeed love Aneung.
Also, the "brake up" is harsher. Feels like a slap.
Now, we have to consider that in the book, right after their love making Aneung goes to school, everything seems fine, heavy, but good enough. Things happen, that I won't reveal because it could be spoilers, but one of those things is that Fah calls Neung about the funeral and everything. Fah is the one telling Neung that she trusts Neung, she's a role model, and she knows she will take care of Aneung.
Here, there is something I wanted to point out. To hear Fah say it, right after what happened it's what triggers Neung to break Aneung's heart. As logical as Neung is, that is the conclusion she gets after everything.
Aneung is young, thus can fall in love again with someone around her age. This is the conclusion Neung forms in her head. Plus, she sees something else that triggers a reaction. Something we will see in season 2 😆 so, no spoilers but maybe some of you can imagine what.
Neung is very logical, very cutthroat, and as stubborn as their grandmother. We have to remember that, as the eldest, she was trained to be the next heir. So, her life was very, very different. If you see any royal family, the image they project is one of perfection. So, it's no wonder that Neung learnt how to mask her feelings. If something hurts, hurt it back a thousand times worse. Or better yet, just ignore it.
Neung, just like Sam after she became the heir, prefers avoid her feelings because she knows caring equals pain. So, why bother?
There's a whole process Neung does before she goes to Aneung, in the book.
But I have to admit that the series spin was chef kiss! I'm sure that Neung, after waking up, was blaming herself for letting things escalate so quickly.
I will defend Neung with my whole heart because the traumas she carries makes her scared. And like a feral animal, the only way she knows how to defend herself is attacking. She pushes and pushes until she proves to herself that she is right. Everyone leaves.
I could continue rambling and going and just word spit things, but I have to sleep 🤣🤣🤣
Don't share spoilers if you read the book! Unless people want them, I will keep my posts spoiler free! Either way, if anyone wants to discuss the book, you can send me a message too!
Once again, I say this Blank the series set the bar waaaaaaay too high! I can't deny it!
Anyway, guys, do you agree? Disagree? Let's have a respectful debate!
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Hi love! How are you? How have you been? I saw that your requests are open, could I request Chuuya, At sushi, Dazai and Akutagawa(I hope I spelled his name right lol) reacting to their y/n wearing a lingerie and how would they react? If you're not comfortable writing this, can you at least write for Chuuya being jealous headcanon?
Thank you so much! Have a nice day/night dear!!
( 。-( //// ) Muah・・・💓
/"""" ^つ O
Hi there! Tbh I didn't really make this request nsfw; sure it is kind of suggestive, but I'm not comfortable with writing NSFW.
The images do not belong to me. They belong to their original owners.
TW: Slightly suggestive, mentions of suicide
Dazai, Chuuya, Atsushi and Akutagawa reacting to fem!S/O wearing lingerie (no NSFW)
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-So as he walked into the room after work, he did not expect to see you in lingerie. And the fact he wasn't aware that you even bought it makes him even more shocked
-Stands there for a little while in surprise, but it quickly washes away. When you turn around, Dazai is hella overreacting
-'Ah, my belladonna!~ Did you wear this just for me? Oh, I am so blessed to have such a beautiful partner! I've nearly decided to stop trying to commit suicide because of how beautiful you are!~' and grabs your hand and brings it to his lips
-Then you tell him that you were only trying the lingerie on, not wearing it just for him. When he hears those words, Dazai legit freezes and his personality just flips
-'Oh, how cruel you are! And here I thought you were wearing this because you loved me! Ah, my heart is shattered into pieces!~' He buries his face into his hands while whining and being a big drama queen. Whack him
-'I might as well go find another beautiful woman to double suicide with-' and here you pull his hands away from his face and shush him with a kiss, to show how much you still love him 💗he totally didn't plan this all out lmao
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-Chuuya was quite shocked when he walked in, but he didn’t really question it. He figured since you two were in a relationship, things like this were considered normal, so he shouldn’t really be surprised afterall
-‘Why are you wearing that? Not that I don’t want you to, but it is cold nowadays and I don’t want you to get sick or anything.’ He gets even more confused when you give a small yelp and turn around looking guilty
-Chuuya does reassure you if you feel embarrassed, but he thinks there’s nothing to feel embarrassed about. Literally tells you how beautiful you are and how you shouldn’t be ashamed of your body
-He does smirk and tease you, asking if you wore it especially for him, and chuckles at your flustered form. Chuuya’s quite chill about the whole thing, probably even comments on how well the lingerie suits you
-‘That colour looks gorgeous on you, but I bet you’d look better in red. And the material doesn’t seem too comfortable either. Tell you what, when we go shopping for clothes next time, take my money and get yourself the most expensive and comfortable lingerie you can find.’ Yep, you heard him right. Chuuya has exquisite taste in clothing, so you don’t have to worry about him choosing something that doesn’t look good on you
-I feel like Chuuya isn’t dense when it comes to romance, but he isn’t that dirty-minded. Sure, he thinks you look incredibly smexy in lingerie, however he doesn’t take it as an ‘okay’ for him to do dirtier stuff with you. He always asks for consent, because your consent is always his top priority
-He would actually buy you lingerie for your birthday if you asked him for it. Chuuya doesn’t see any shame in wearing any clothing that you like, and he thinks it’s a bit ridiculous to be embarrassed of wearing something deemed ‘inappropriate’ just because it showed too much skin
-Afterall, Chuuya thinks that you’re beautiful, and his opinion is the only one that matters ❤
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-I know a lot of people think that his initial reaction would be embarrassed and flushed, but I think he actually wouldn’t really know what lingerie is. Growing up, he probably doesn’t know a lot about the ‘dirty stuff’, so Atsushi might just say ‘Y/N! Won’t you get cold wearing that? I can get some warmer clothes for you if you want!’ While you die of embarrassment
-Atsushi might just be slightly embarrassed by your reaction because he thinks that he’s walked in on you changing. He immediately apologises and heads out, internally berating himself to knock next time
-I feel like he wouldn’t really get why you were embarrassed, because what was wrong with showing a bit too much skin in private? While he might not have had the best past, he does have a mostly clean mind so he wouldn’t know why you were flustered
-He would treat the incident like it didn’t happen, but it makes him sad if he sees you being insecure of your body. Atsushi tells you outright how beautiful you are, and tries his best to comfort you. He just wants to see you happy
-Atsushi might ask Dazai on what you were wearing... save him before Dazai corrupts his mind Don’t worry, Kunikida is already on the task
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-Also really confused when he walked in. First of all, what was that piece of clothing called? Second of all, weren’t you cold wearing that? And third of all, why did you look so embarrassed when you noticed his presence? Akutagawa doesn’t understand this at all
-When you explain why you were embarrassed, he just scoffs. Wearing lingerie was apparently an excuse to be able to do the dirty just because it showed a bit too much skin? He finds it foolish, and just tells you that you could wear anything you want, as long as it isn’t inappropriate in public
-Akutagawa does ask why you were wearing it though, because as we know he secretly feels vulnerable when he’s not wearing as many clothes since his ability depends on his clothing. When you explain it to him that you were trying it on, he just nods and continues with his day
-He also has a clean mind when it comes to these stuff, so it’s up to you if you want to educate him about it. Akutagawa might not get it at first, but he’s a fast learner. However he always asks for your consent because he doesn’t want to hurt you
-Might even research about which lingerie is the most comfortable and the best. Afterall, if you were going to wear something, might as well ensure that it is good quality. Gin once saw him searching about it and she was so confused lmao
@pixyys @pianotross @nekokinax @xxelfmamaxx @yuugen-benni @yukitomybeloved @arisu-chan4646 @voyagewiththesatan
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
rating jason's helmet from red hood/arsenal (2015) as inspired by @homosnapeiens' ranking of batfam outfiits
only rating the helmets with lips bc they're an affront to humanity and i refuse to suffer alone tonight LMAO
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ah a flashback/photo with the OG outlaws
mostly smooth helmet, few angles and hard lines -> good
why? it reminds me of his pill helmet from the morrison run LOOOL
that said the smile is uncanny and terrifying
and the fact that it has teeth????
idc if the white on the lips is just lighting, it makes the helmet look like it has teeth and chaksmdndndjsaksjd
nooooooo why
i will have nightmares about a red hood helmet with teeth
but alas it is one of the only times we see a smiling helmet, and a happy jason, and thus bumps up its rating
5/10 but it's cursed i tell ya
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too angular, very harsh lines 👎
this mask's jawline could probably slice a man in half
eyebrow line so strong if red hood headbutted someone there'd probably be an imprint of his eyebrows on their face LOLLL
why does it have a circular knob for his ear???
why does the helmet extend down his neck???
it just looks so uncomfortable and weird
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his nose is so defined here
how tf does he breathe in this???!?!?
pouty pouty mouth is frowning >:(
frowning so hard his lower lip is sticking out like he's A Model >:(
cheeks sucked in to emphasize his cheekbones like he's A Model (•̀へ•́)
is the helmet skintight?? does that mean whenever he has to wear this he's always frowning??
i like the shine on his noggin tho
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lemme get this right:
is that a domino mask on top of a helmet??
is he still wearing another mask underneath this???
bc if so that is three layers of eye protection
and ya i get that maybe it's just the design, and it's probably not an actual mask fitted over the helmet, and is probs just extra material to emulate a mask
but how is his face not just heavy from having to lift all of that???
also once again with the hard lines and angles and exaggerated face features
and this one extends down the neck again??? it even covers his adam's apple 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
overall it's a no from me
it kinda reminds me of deadpool's mask tho
maybe that's what he was going for??
2lbs of gear on his face/10
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what is presumably just another angle of the previous helmet, but this one doesn't go down the neck
or maybe his suit is covering where his helmet extends???
from this angle it also seems there are circular knobs where his ears are supposed to be again
roy's face says it all tbh
deadpool's mask looks better/10
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these two are from the same issue!! just a few panels apart!! so i'm doing them together!!
why didn't i do that for the deadpool helmet? bc now i'm running outta steam and getting lazy!!
anyway this is unremarkable
his cheeks are sucked in and for what?? to show off his cheekbones??
smooth surface like the first helmet i reviewed, which is a plus 👍
but lacks the smile and happy expression of being with his polycule besties, which is a negative 👎
he's got heart lips tho, which is strange, but i guess that means this helmet is kissable LMAO
chu/10 2/10
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last one thank fuck
more of the same from the last helmet, but with sharper lines and angles
it looks like this helmet was made with a vacuum sealer tbh
mainly i wanted to include this for the bonus reactions that come w this image
if afro curls' pupils were drawn slightly pointing upwards, that'd be my exact reaction to this helmet
BONUS: roy!!
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god i thought i was done ;-;
a bonus no-lips helmet with roy bc i hate everything drawn in this panel
the helmet is a solid 2/10
too many weird lines, that round knob at the ears again, overall design is meh but at least doesn't have lips
but roy's face
baby what the fuck happened there??? (respectively)
i'm a "roy harper is an attractive man" truther but my god does shit like this make it difficult to be one
wtf is that smile??
why are your eyes opened so wide??
why does your mask look like it could give you a paper cut???
red domino mask + green hat = christmas decor headass combo
i LOVE their banter here tho
your honour they are idiots to lovers confirmed 😌😌😌
paolo pantalena why??????/10
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sandrayofsun · 8 months
What Just Happened Pt. 1
Episode 9 of only friends is THAT BITCH!!!!!!!
I don't know if I can fit everything I want into one post but we're going to try. I'll go scene by scene and insert my thoughts and reactions, as always, all opinions are valid, this is just mine!
Also I didn't screenshot everything because I'm lazy, but I got what I thought was most important (hehe)
Let's begin!
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Starting off with Ray going to talk to Sand to clear things up after everything that went down at the party and Sand looking at him LIKE THIS^^ had my jaw on the floor and my nerves quaking
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This whole conversation was tension filled from the moment that Ray walked into that music room. As much as people try to analyze Ray's and Sand's motivations, I'm a simple girl at heart, and I was honestly just kicking my feet and squealing because I live for angsty romance. The distance between them, the simmering anger, the love that bubbles underneath it all IS TOO MUCH FOR ME!!!!
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I loved Sand's sarcasm, and the honestly it was a little out of pocket for Ray to go to Sand after everything and say that he "thinks" he understands his feelings more now. I too would've been like ok and???
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This part had me in shambles because LOOK AT SAND'S FACE! The man he loves is a total dipshit but also the cutest thing alive (Khaotung privilege is real).
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LOOK AT SAND WHEN RAY SHOVES HIM!!! I let out an actual scream because wtf was this like they have such insane chemistry I could feel it in my feet. Pushing each other away, but also not being able to stay away from each other. POETIC.
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This was so chef's kiss I can't even begin to explain it. Like this is literally what people write about in books, being so desperate for someone that you kiss like you'll never get to kiss them again. I had to rewatch this like 18 times to get it through my head. (clearly because I've never had this LMAO)
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This was then OBVIOUSLY interrupted because in what universe are they not interrupted lol. I will however say that I slightly agree with Top here because Mew and Ray haven't at all communicated on where they stand, but also it's implied that they're "together."
Overall this was an angry, desperate, HOT and important make-out for everyone involved.
moving on!
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Sand and Nick's Bestie Getaway was honestly one of the highlights of this episode for me. I think a big part of the plot of this show is how all of these "friends" are not actually very good friends to each other. So it is really heartwarming to see a healthy friendship between these two.
I honestly laughed a lot, and I like they're not part of the main friend group because it creates a good comparison.
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(I'm treating everything in this part as "one scene")
I loved seeing Sand once again put his foot down. He is having fun with this bestie and he doesn't want to see Ray. TBH it was also just funny watching Ray get shut down but also get incredibly determined to find and see Sand.
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This whole part made me laugh hahahah The face Ray makes when Sand hangs up on his is priceless.
We can only upload 30 images at a time, so part two is (here)
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spookyserenades · 20 days
TAEHYUNG WHEN I CATCH YOU TAEHYUNG TAEHYUNG WHEN I CATCH YOU TAEHYUNG 😤😤😤😤😭😭😭 i knew this was coming i could feel him scheming since that damn club night 🤧 It’s sad bc he technically doesn’t know that OC has romantic feelings for him so it’s not like he’s trying to break her heart on purpose but the painnnnnnn 😭 OC is stronger than me bc personally i would’ve been screaming, crying, and throwing up! I cannot wait for the angst to come it’s gonna be so good!!!
I swear every time Namjoon, Jungkook, and OC enter the Sanders’ house some shit always goes down 👀 honestly even i felt relieved when they didn’t let her conduct the sessions with the spirits. It tugged on my heartstrings to see the boys so worried for her especially Yoongi who was so scared of losing her again :(( even seeing Hoseok who is very much a non believer getting all worked up over it was crazy but honestly who wouldn’t after hearing that audio!!! But omg poor Jungkook! Just imaging those claw marks makes me cringe 😭 He truly is so fearless! I’d feel safe ghost hunting with him lol
Also i’m so glad we’ve learned a little more about Yoongi and his mom! I’ve always been curious about how his mother passed. It must’ve been so hard for him to lose her so tragically :( Plus the song! stop i will cry!! Every time we learn a sad detail from the boys past i just think about how lucky they are to finally be part of a home where they are so loved and don’t have to worry about being alone again :((((
FDKJSAFHA RUN TAE RUNNNNNN!!! Ugh I wonder if he'll be able to sense her feelings in the next update, her sense of betrayal and whatnot :( Hopefully whatever he's up to is short-lived. I too would be on the floor weeping if I was Y/N 😭
Oh for SURE shit is always nuts at the Sanders' house! They got some nastyyyy spirits and demons in that place, so hopefully the trio can get rid of the haunting in the upcoming chapter!!! I agree, Namjoon and Jeongguk showed that rare moment of wanting to protect Y/N strongly, even if it was subtle and in their own way. AHHHH poor Yoongi that was such a heart-wrenching scene to write tbh. Y/N means so much to him, and I think even the smallest threat that she might disappear on him again devastates the poor guy 😭
Resident skeptic Hoseok coming around to some of the ghosts I think!! Seeing how serious everyone else was getting about it, especially after hearing the audio, triggered that worked up reaction from the fox hybrid. But YES I sooo agree even IRL out of all the tannies I'd feel safest with Jeongguk. Dude has noooo fears and he's big and strong!!
Ahhhh again, poor Yoongi 😭🥺 Whenever I get to his prequel in the distant future, there will be even more background on his mother, their relationship, and her death. BUT 🥺🥺🥺 YESS They're all so so loved and cared for now, I think each of them are coming to terms with that one by one, which is the sweetest thing of all 💜💜
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tkblythofficial · 2 months
Tarot 🍊 liason here to answer your specific questions because I couldn't help but send them to her
Why is she keeping tabs on T anyway?
She can't help herself. R is very protective of T and of their relationship, think as a tiny version of a pit bull, that's her. She'll make sure to keep her eyes open because she doesn't want anything to jeopardize him and his future.
R wants to be with J forever? Unfortunately yes, but my friend did say their relationship is in a bad place too and that he doesn't love her as much as she loves him and apparently R is aware of that which is all kinds of sad and pathetic tbh. My friend said that T at least cares enough not to hurt her while J doesn't.
BB asked him to stop seeing R? Yes she has and she made the mistake only one time because of how bad his reaction to the suggestion was.
Now, what I'm about to say it's alleged and for entertainment purposes only, but according to the feeling my friend got and the cards she said and I quote: If BB told her that it was either her or R, he'd choose R in a heartbeat and send BB packing. There any not many people T cares this deeply for in his life because he avoids those deep connections as hard as he can but with R he can't help it.
What does R need T for?
Everything, really. My friend said that she'd call to vent, or to hear him vent, or to ask about future auditions or see how he's doing and that they'd talk for hours if they could.
According to her, she called him once she and J got into an argument and that only made their friendship stronger and weirder at the same time because they don't have too many boundaries between them.
Now R is more careful with that because she feels that things are getting complicated again, she refuses to think about people still shipping her with him and it's focused on her career and on keeping T in her life.
She fully believes they were meant to meet (newsflash, they were) and yes, my friend did say they prioritize their friendship over everything else which to her matches with the vibe she picked up from them.
She said that when push comes to shove, if even J was like: stop talking to T, she wouldn't do it, not for him and not for anyone.
Not you taking my questions lol! I was just ranting but I appreciate it :)
1. She’s worried about everyone else but herself and her career lol. T will be fine. J is a grown ass man and should be helping his own image / career. At this point, R is the one who needs the most help in terms of her career.
2. A man should always love a woman more. Men can’t hide their true feelings for nothing. You can always tell when a man doesn’t like his gf / wife and sees her as a nuisance. I want better for R. Team single era!
3. Ugh. I wish I was BB’s friend. I would’ve told her not to talk to T about R! R is a very sensitive topic and his reaction is very predictable. Send BB packing? BB PLEASE STAND UP! Dump that couch surfer. I’m guessing BB told him to stop talking to R and he went OK and proceeded to talk to R behind her back? 💀
4. Everything? R has a man! She needs to talk to J about all of these things, not her “best friend”. Where’s J when she’s ranting to T everyday? Calling him after she gets into an argument 😬 I know T was smiling listening to her complain.
5. R and T seem to have a lot of boundaries but not many in terms of their partners if that makes sense. I need R to prioritize booking a job. This friendship will always be there but I need her to stand up also.
6. How does J feel about all of this? He’s going to pull a BB and confront R about hanging with T too? And what will R’s reaction to that be? You said she wouldn’t stop talking to T so where does that leave her relationship with J? 👀
Thank you for sharing :)
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klavery · 7 months
tell us your klavery hcs about how they started dating^^ (who asked who first, where they go for dates, first kisses/hand holding, etc)
EEEK! I AM SO SORRY!!! this took a while 2 answer cuz i wrote a whole frickin ESSAY! i guess thats what happens when u ask tumblr user klavery 2 talk about klavery, lol.... ANYWAYS,
ok ok omg... firstly i want 2 warn that i clearly take them wayy too seriously and romanticize the fuck out of them and its rly embarrassing bcuz they are stupid but i am just too gone 4 them at this point so 😊👍
SO LIKE!!! avery being aspec + autistic in my minds eye affects pretty much everything abt their relationship 2 romance & dating & stuff... so that & the fact theyre like a dorky awkward nerd to me makes them pretty passive & nervous abt romance stuff, at least at first! avery seems like they could b the suave confident type when it comes 2 romance, which is the kind of person i think their character develops into once they get the hang of it (still a silly dork tho OF COURSE). that being said, in the beginning, avery wasnt usually the one to initiate things often! klara was his first everything... his first crush, his first kiss, everything like that (as opposed to klaras like, 20 exes, lol) so he was kind of inexperienced XP
the development of their relationship is like... at first they HATED each other, they found each other so ANNOYING and INSUFFERABLE, naturally... until a little problem in the form of a 13 year old child showed up at the dojo. apparently this kid was enough of a mutual threat to get the two of them to tolerate each other enough to reluctantly team up... also can i say they r literally like cartoon antagonists to me? they are SO funny and dumb i am SO obsessed... anyways! after the whole main plot of the isle of armor is over, they still kinda almost, try 2 awkwardly ignore each other? tsunderes... they cant admit theyre growing fond of each other xP and after a while, that strategy just doesnt work out :p they continue 2 train at the dojo, and this soon leads 2 them becoming friends! this part is integral 2 me 4 the development of their relationship, they become total besties, they r such galpals........
after some indeterminate amount of time after becoming friends, avery finally falls for her. i headcanon klara was always attracted to him, even when she hated him, lol. they were like two freaks who were perfect partners in crime. they get really close and affectionate, even platonically ❤ ... u can tell how crazy i am over enemies to friends to lovers for them xP
so with ALL THAT in mind.... i think klara would ask first? technically? i mean klara would b the kind of person 2 want someone 2 confess their undying love 4 her, but avery was kindaa weird. i dont think they would have EVER asked her directly tbh.... they were soo confused abt their feelings hehe, abt her but also abt dating in general. klara kinda knew abt the latter, considering avery would have opened up 2 her abt it in my brainspace. i guess knowing this she would just shoot her shot & suggest that they could date! avery is so nervous.... he panics and says he needs time 2 think on it, and when he finally recomposes himself hes all like, Ahem, Klara, I Would Like To Formally Accept Your Ever So Gracious Invitation.. hehehe.... he was so funny.
UM so they try dating!! and i dont rly care if it isnt realistic or believable or whatever at all i just like cute indulgent things.
so what do they do!?! WELL, i think a particular Official artwork could answer that..
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(ok but could u IMAGINE my reaction when this was first revealed!? they literally merchandised MY headcanons they merchandised MY SHIP they did it ALL 4 me💞💞💞 this is my own scan too btw! sooo worth it. its soo in character too, klara too busy clout chasing 2 notice her partners abt 2 get his flesh melted off over some curry 😊 and of course, all the lil slowpokes around them❤ quintessential klavery image). but ya! this could possibly b their first date?? i feel like i wanna honor the existence of this wonderful art and say yes.... so aside from pokecamping or just hanging out around the island doing tasks and training and such, OFC they would go shopping, they would go 2 the mall, they would have spa day, avery would take her 2 high end fancy restaurants (bcuz hes upper class and loaded lol), all while being menaces 2 society of course 🥰. OH! wanna know what i think would b cute?? THIS IS SO CRINGE but basically i hc that they have rooms at the dojo 4 the students (so they dont have 2 sleep in tents or go home everyday or whatever...) and i think it would b SO cute if honey and/or mustard helped avery set up a lil candlelit dinner date in his room~ its so silly but so sweet❤
hmm.. honestly i really like the idea of their first kiss being kinda like, lowkey. juxtaposed to the kind of people they are. one might expect some kind of grandiose fairytale type situation... when in fact they were just chillin alone somewhere on the island, and she asked 2 kiss them... and they agreed! it left avery asking themself, what am i doing? how did i get here?? everything had been so different. this definitely wasnt what they would have imagined for themself... but they loved it. averys life was changing in unexpected ways. i guess this was first-love making him a little cuckoo in the head, huh? maybe this event had been a bit grandiose, in its own way.
WOW this post really devolved into me writing fanfiction about how kissing klara caused existential revelations within avery. nice! ok!
anyways!!! we r almost at the end! so!! avery was so touch starved, omg. he wouldnt let just anyone touch him, tho, of course. but if he liked you, well... earlier i said i believed they were pretty close b4 they dated, so if klara were to grab their hand, they wouldnt object, hehe~ (shes the one w the cold hands btw, and a firm grip, too..). things abt avery & physical touch interest me so much honestly, it is so intriguing when a character who could use psychic powers 4 everything would decide not to... especially when it comes 2 affection....
eeeeeaaaaahhh!!! ive gone on too long!! i never talk abt my hcs in detail EVER so like! theres stuff i know i couldve elaborated on more but i didnt wanna go TOO off topic... ofc i could write whole novels about my silleys..... THANK U 4 SENDING THIS!!!! hope it was comprehensible, heheh
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fonulyn · 1 year
For the ask game: top five Piers moments from canon (any level of canon, games or tie-in manga or whatever). :P
Btw, good to see you back on my dash, glad you're feeling a bit better <3
OKAY SO this is hard :'D
one. his reaction when Finn tells him "to fight bioterrorism!" lmao I love his temper okay. his expression there is the best thing i want to pinch his damn cheeks. a still image doesn't do it any justice but this is the moment I'm talking about:
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and the moment just before it, when he drops his head back in frustration when Jake and Sherry leave, it's. perfect :'D
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there's the moment in re6 too but he never gets to finish his steak lol. but in Marhawa he gets to eat multiple times!
three. the elevator scene with Piers and Jake arguing. it always makes me laugh, i love that they piss each other off :'D absolute fic fodder too lol. don't have actual pictures of it because it's during gameplay and not a cutscene but it never fails to make me smile so it deserves a spot on the list!
four. okay every single time he calls Chris on his bullshit tbh. I love both that he has the guts to do it and that their dynamic allows it. a honorable mention to when he yells at Chris for pulling "a kamikaze stunt like that". and the second fight after Marco dies. Piers respects Chris so much, which is evident, but he also has such a strong sense of what is right that he's willing to argue and not back down an inch. and I respect that.
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(and whoever was the one that put Chris back on the field and in charge needs a swift kick in the balls because wow. but that's not a rant for now :'D)
five. and this breaks my heart but the moment he decides he's not getting into that escape pod. you can see the pain, both physical and emotional, on his face and in his posture, and I think it's such a telling moment of how he's a way better person than I would be lmao. I still wish they hadn't killed him, that Chris had kicked his ass into the pod, but I do love that small moment where he makes his choice.
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baby ;; you deserved so much better.
honorable mentions? yes, because I'm a cheating cheater who cheats.
the moment where he drags Chris to safety after "Ada" wrecks their first team.
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how he got someone as heavy as Chris who was complete dead weight out of there? incredible.
and I can't BELIEVE I don't have a single screencap of this but when they're in the aircraft and the missile is heading towards Leon and Chris yells and Piers looks SO DAMN WORRIED for Leon! you will pry that moment from my cold dead hands.
also, baby at the playground!!
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i could spend an hour watching him go down the slide :'D it's a pity you can't play with more of the stuff there.
for some reason I've always loved this panel:
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though there are so many panels in Marhawa I love :'D
I love him so much okay ahhhhh
also, thank you! :D I'm finally not sick anymore which is a definite plus. still super tired tho, let's see when i get my actual brain activity back.
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chipsncookies · 11 months
Ep 14 sorta review (copied on twt and i post this here since im shadowbanned on there 😢) pls excuse the grammar and the length i have too much thoughts
Ok i finally watched it with subs!! Now I understand things better.
First things first we have new reaction image
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Roy's part is straightforward, im glad he's so supportive and helpful to wattrell, and eventually captured it. murdock giving him a pokeball to catch it is so sweet, he knew it was coming!! Also him and liko going shopping and having ice cream together is cute, and him thanking her for letting Dot make sandwich is heartwarming :'). But never thought his comment about wanting a certain spice will backfire...
In last ep i thought spinel was ready to act when he came out in disguise, but no he was still trying to gauge the rvt's strength. I wonder if he's trying to lull friede into a false sense of security since the signal problem has been addressed (speaking of friede, rant incoming)
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Friede oh my gosh. after watching the ep i can't blame friede 100% since liko went to town on her own without company, but it's still irresponsible for friede to not tell his team what happened.
He knew something was wrong but he chose to ignore it in favour of focusing on takeoff. If he'd told the team about it they'd be on high alert and less likely to do things on their own. It reflects badly on friede's leadership (and cpt. Pikachu as well?). Him not telling liko he's hired by her mom was funny before but it's harmful now. And given how he just met liko's parents.. this stings more 😬
That said it's also a risky gamble for spinel to attack friede because what if friede is responsible and told his team to be on alert instead, did he know friede won't tell? 🤣 and Liko really need to be more careful, i think she's been under protection so much she got careless. If there's a silver lining i think this incident could be a learning opportunity for rvt, they've been getting Ws so much they got overconfident.
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He just love mocking people isn't he? Even in disguise his personality shows through 🤣😭 alternatively he could be making sure liko actually lost her memories, but knowing how smug he is it's hard not to read it that way.
He succeeded getting the pendant but it's clear he didn't care about liko, going as far as wiping her memories (he's being safe but it's overkill imo) and leaving her in levincia.
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Did he not know the pendant won't activate without her?
He saw what happened back in arboliva forest since he's been spying on them, but it seems it didn't register to him (possible spinel L?). I think now is a good time to confirm if that testament is true.
Also reminder, it was amethio who made this observation and decided to get her along with the pendant, at the expense of his time and gibeon's patience (lol). He made this conclusion right as it happened. So both spi and ame have seen the pendant react to liko, but only ame made the connection (possible amethio W?). This also highlights amethio and spinel's difference, ame is more observant and will deviate from orders if he deems necessary, meanwhile spinel is more focused and follows orders as is. I love this tbh it makes them more interesting.
Liko's memories got wiped right after the ep where she reminisces and being thankful about her adventures and new friends feels kinda cruel lol, poor girl... Not only liko, sprigatito also lost its memories, but seeing the preview, they somehow stayed together until night and then they saw the moon together. This is a callback to the scene where she trained with sprigatito back in ep 1! I think this is an important milestone 🥹💖 i hope they remember.
Overall, it's insane how the story goes from high (roy helping wattrel and catching it) to low (likos pendant got stolen). We (or at least me) were on a rollercoaster of emotions the entire ep, it's amazing. Story-wise I love that this anime is constantly challenging the status quo by having the pendant actually got stolen and liko got attacked. It keeps me on the edge of my seat bc i don't know what to expect, because anything can happen!!
Ok i think I've finished talking abt ep 14 dang that was long🤣 That said, in next ep preview...
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Is this spinel? Is spinel still there ?? I thought he leave already??? He's risking his position if he stayed there for long, what's stopping him from leaving already? He didn't need to worry about them finding liko anyway since she's not important to him, he already got the pendant so why is he preventing them from finding her? But maybe it's not spinel but someone else. Maybe even pokemon, we can never trust previews 100% lol.
The ep title doesn't really give a hint since apparently it focuses on Dot and quaxley? Iono will also appear, but I can't tell what's the correlation between the two, other than they're both influencers. They're definitely going to find liko, so maybe dot will ask for iono's help? Her gym test does revolve around looking for people after all. But 'someone getting in the way' makes me feel nervous.
That's all my thoughts, this was a great ep, explorers fans are fed well, see you next week!!
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achilleslyre · 4 months
Ask meme huh??? Okay.
- Sai
- Kisame
- Kiba
this ask game
i will do kisame on a different ask i got of just him so this one is a bit shorter :3
favourite thing about them?
HE’S GENUINELY SO FUNNYYYYYY he always has me cracking uppp and i love his (lack of) facial expressions….. sai your autistic swagger has me in your clutches
least favourite thing about them?
this is actually pretty hard…? like i even forgive him for talking shit on sasuke cause it’s funny that he wanted to bully naruto a bit ✋😂 i guess i wish he had more importance throughout the war arc and not for just that 🤏🤏 little bit in the beginning
favourite line?
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i think this interaction ✋😂
sai and yamato 😭😭 two former root ninja.. imagine the bond they would have had if naruto were good….
mm i don’t actually ship sai with anyone !
i guess naruto/sai ? just cause i’m like… naruto is far too obsessed with sasuke he could not give any other man an ounce of his attention…
random headcanon?
he probably does like some kinda deep dive into finding out as much as he can about people he’s interested in… which likely creeps out others but he’s doing it out of a sweet place in his heart.. he wants to know about them to show he cares and is interested in them.
unpopular opinion?
i don’t really know what opinions on sai are popular/unpopular… i think he deserves more recognition in general from like the fandom.. i think he’s genuinely one of the best characters between how funny he is, how cool his ninjutsu is and his personality and backstory…. he’s a very good character and i feel he’s rather glossed over
song i associate with them?
love stuck by mother mother
favourite picture of them?
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i like to use this as a reaction image tbh.. i love sending it to people..
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(VERY close second is this one tho)
favourite thing about them?
i like his design !! specially in classic i like his hoodie a lot but i do also like the leather jacket in shippuden. also his facial markings just look cool
least favourite thing about them?
hmm i think his one sided rivalry with naruto is kinda annoying.. that he wants to beat naruto so bad for.. whatever reason… i just think he needs to move onto something else that *he* wants.. not what naruto wants
favourite line?
i don’t remember exactly how it goes but when he’s fighting ukon and he stabs himself and says smth like “die with me” or smth like that
i loooove team 8 sm.. so kiba shino and hinata
i don’t really ship him with anyone
random headcanon?
he smells so badddd T.T like he literally complains when other ppl smell bad but i know that boy is stanky
unpopular opinion?
idrk if it’s unpopular cause i don’t involve myself in any kiba conversation really lol but i think had he actually wanted to progress for himself and his relationship with akamaru he could’ve done a lot better and gotten so much further rather than wanting to so he can catch up to/be better than naruto…
song i associate with them?
this is basic cause i don’t really think of kiba enough to find a song specifically for him but.. smells likw teen spirit by nirvana ig ?
favourite picture of them?
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levmada · 2 years
gee. do you have any tips for writing smut for a smut novice?
mm sure! im flattered u asked loll
idk if this is like a universal experience but when i started writing smut (even after like a couple years of Not Writing like i did) i was so embarrassed?? by the words i was putting down?
as a side effect of this sort of shameful feeling i think too many people make smut too 'fluffy' so to speak using vague and unsexy words like 'pearl' 'center' 'length' (to some extent) 'apex' 'release'- which imo.. is as i said is not sexy. like ur writing erotica, so be erotic!!! telling it like it is is better. but even more than that AVOID AT ALL COSTS using 'penis' 'scrotum' 'vagina' like those words belong in a textbook. theyre unsexy (and gross tbh) on PURPOSE and doesnt belong in any smut whatsoever.
but also... big/fancy words ≠ better writing. u end up sounding pretentious if this is done too much.
i feel like this is most important. u dont have to have sex to be good at writing smut (i am asexual LOL). sure it helps but u can look up videos/photos/read other fanfics that are good (that is to say arousing to u) and look closer. what words do they use and how do they describe? what sounds good? and for images, what did that noise sound like? breathy, bitten, sharp? look, and does this person have sweat on their skin? how hard are they blushing? it's the details, and with writing smut, try to imitate ur favorites' style of writing (but obviously never copy).
also reading other fics/consuming not sfw media will make your writing more accurate. sucking on someone's nipples for instance won't immediately make them soaking wet. he's not hard as a rock as soon as his partner gives him bedroom eyes. stuff like that. inaccuracies like those (for me) take me out of the smut the most.
however: the realities of sex are vastly different from fanfic. there are more embarrassing moments. you get a wedgie from lingerie. anal sex requires a ton of prep beforehand (as in. cleaning it out). fiction is fiction (and fanfic is an idealized fiction) so you can take liberties.
along these lines PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE as with all art i guess. that embarrassed feeling will go away i promise, and you will 'get good' at it if you make a consistent effort to make it good. an easier way to put it is u will look back at ur old smut (like i have done) and cringe bc you've gotten better without realizing. it always happens slowly.
there is no perfect way to go about writing smut tho. everyone has their own style. dont be like me and only read works by one specific author and base how u write smut on how they do (even if they're rly good). in general it's good to branch out so u arent limited to a narrow view/style of writing and what's good or not.
what's sexy about smut isn't the sex for the most part. yeah sex is . sexy, but the build up to it makes it so much more satisfying. include kinks u like from time to time. what are the emotions?? that's what makes it both satisfying to write and read imo.
and besides if u go on writing smut just for the literal sex, u get bored and blocked and jaded. (but this may apply more to me?)
don't be like I was and describe every single thing everyone is feeling and thinking and doing. ur doing too much work both for urself and it's unexciting to the reader if ur writing is doing all the work for them. like saying 'he put his hand here which made her blank because blank and so she blank, feeling blank and he blank... and so on'. it's better to write more REACTIONS to something a character does which makes it more vivid to imagine how it feels. like: 'her hand roamed down and pressed between his legs. a sharp gasp. his toes curl'. for example ?
don't use commonly used and 'cliche' i guess phrases. infamously, 'their tongues battled for dominance'. it's a weird image and kind of gross. it's lazy and doesn't make the reader feel as much as they could when phrased more creatively, like, 'she pushed her tongue past his lips, and buried inside. with a grunt, he swings his arm over her shoulders and yanks her closer' for example.
not to say metaphors or just rhetorical ways of phrasing don't belong (i am not the rule maker on smut either), but depending on whether it's quick and rough or passionate+slow+this is the result of build up after 18 chapters - ur smut should be written differently. the latter should have a large focus on how special it is, or how long overdue with lots of emotions. rough and fast has quick, sharp sentences and a fast pace. for example.
and remember... ur writing established characters having sex, so keep showing their personalities while it happens. a character like levi for example isnt automatically reduced to begging and pleading if that makes sense. depending on other details... like is this makeup sex after an argument? how comfortable are they together (which is especially important to take into consideration if it's levi.)? what are their boundaries? is this couple new to smth this risky?
mmm i can't think of anything else. others feel free to add on though. hope that helps / makes sense!
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maxsix · 2 years
It has taken me three days to calm down and form coherent thoughts. This turned out longer than expected so it’s behind a cut. If you haven’t watched the music video, this is your sign from God. 
1) Firstly. Who does all the screaming. I want to know. It’s a very important piece of information that I need to know. The laugh is Hongjoong’s but does he also do all the screaming. I need answers, NASA! 
2) The Energy. Every single reaction I’ve seen about this song uses the word “energy”. Ateez do what other groups think they’re doing when the genre is hype because I’ve never NOT ONCE seen Ateez slack off. They leave blood and sweat on the floor for their rivals to slip on. When I first heard the song I thought my heart was just pounding from the excitement but my oximeter said I was actually having a near svt episode, lol. I shouldn’t laugh, it’s kind of unpleasant but HR 120 bpm? Yeah, only Ateez tbh. 
3) Production Quality. I’d like to thank the Academy and KQ for the increase in budget for the MV because it really shows. They used it in a way that wasn’t an empty flex (expensive clothes, meaningless sets, fireworks) but rather, added to the world they’ve been building up since debut. You can see the narrative continue and I really appreciate that. The audio production on the song is just flaw free for me. I usually have so much to nitpick, even in good songs, but I have nothing else to add to Guerrilla. It must have so many layers and tracks to it but it was quiet when it needed to be and absolutely feral at the right parts. What a way to end a track. It didn’t fade out but exploded like a grenade. You can’t ever say that Ateez don’t commit to a concept in every single sense. You’ve heard of Ugly Crying, well Ateez Ugly Hype and have never been afraid to do that. 
3) War Aesthetics. Okay bitch, listen, the creative team really stepped up 800% here for this era and this MV. There are so many warfare references in those 4 minutes that it makes my mind exhausted just thinking of the planning that went into all this. The speaker-bombs were fucking inspired. The use of zeppelins immediately remind me of war, particularly WW1, and an alternative steampunk reality. This part of the MV, which is a piece of art tbh, has got to be a homage to ‘Raising the flag on Iwo Jima’ during WW2 as well as Banksy’s Rage, The Flower Thrower piece in Jerusalem. I think that part of the MV was deliberately in slow motion because the inspiration came from still images. They make very clear statements about war and anti-war sentiments. Without boring you all, the last thing I wanted to mention is the font and colours used for the choreo scenes looks straight from vintage propaganda media. I could keep going but this post is already way too long.  
4) Metal/Rock Aesthetics. That band room? With all the cables and amps? The mics? The spy cameras? The tv monitors? The fisheye lens? You can tell the team has watched a billion 1990s music videos. It also reminded me a lot of American Idiot. That’s all I wanted to say about that. There’s just a lot of influence in those shots. 
5) Screamo in KPOP?! The way it was incorporated was really well done because it’s not prominent enough to scare away the more sensitive casual listener but it was definitely prominent enough for metal fans to have a crisis. We talk about Cultural Reset-This and Cultural Reset-That but nobody has produced a track like Guerrilla before. Nobody. This is one of those times where you can use hyperbole and be right. Nobody has made a song like this and there is no other song like this in KPOP right now. Respect to the Ateez team and the members for their total commitment because they operate like one big breathing organism and that’s why everything feels cohesive. I’ve been waiting 84 years for this. I hope we get to see it with a band one day. 
6) Kim Hongjoong. I don’t know if it’s true or not but I feel his influence all over this. This is HIS era and the style/genre suits him the best. I know he likes Linkin Park and at the very least, this style of music, but I do wonder how much he was able to dictate the Ateez sound and direction. Guerrilla is so good and fed me so well that even if they never do this style again, I’m actually fine with that. 
7) Literally. I just think it’s so amusing how literal this whole song/mv is. There’s just no “hidden meanings” or subtleties here. I’m not sure Ateez can even do subtle. Even their soft material is aggressively emotive. Haha. 
8) People sometimes wonder why I only write long reviews about Ateez music but it’s because they always give me meat to sink my teeth into. Answer is still my Top 3 favourite kpop songs of ALL TIME. There’s just always so much to talk about and it doesn’t even hinge on how hot the members are. You know a group is Legit Good when visual appeal isn’t the first thing I want to talk about. We’re so lucky to live in the Ateez Era. 
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