#this barbie is a traitor to his country!
complimentaryculler · 10 months
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margridarnauds · 6 months
👻, 🥳, and 💌 please!
Thank you!
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Me deciding that Chateau de Peyrol is ridiculously haunted has to be somewhere up on the list -- no canon evidence to support it, but I like to think of Lazare being totally oblivious to his house being a setting from a gothic novel while Ronan is constantly going "Lazare. Lazare. The portrait is staring at me, Lazare."
Lazare secretly loving gossip is based purely on that one moment in the French production when Louis and Marie's marriage is breaking down in front of everyone and Lazare IMMEDIATELY comes in to tell Louis that, by the way, there's a full-on revolt. It's not AS out of pocket, but it is definitely leaning on the cracky side of things, but it also is always funny to have a Lazare who is very critical of the hypocrisy of Versailles, the shallow obsession with gossip, the backstabbing, the intrigues...while he is actively dying on his country estate because he can't get all the hot gossip.
For my Irish mythological things, I decided at some point that the Fomoiri, aka the notoriously terrifying group of people that have been, at various points, described (not by me) as demonic sea monsters who represent pure chaos and destruction, as well as representing various Scandinavian invaders, go out for karaoke once a month as a team building exercise. Themed nights have included ABBA, Britney Spears, Disney, and Taylor Swift. Manannán mac Lir, who is on the other side, gets privileges to come along because he's best friends with Tethra (for Disney night, they did a duet version of "Under the Sea"). They also do a Eurovision watch party once a year, where they root for their various countries of origin (Bres, since he's half Irish and half Norwegian, will root for whoever seems to be winning, going for the UK when he's depressed with both. He might or might not have been culpable for Dustin the Turkey's appearance, which is objectively the most heinous thing he's done.)
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
The very first things I wrote were what I would later recognize were self insert fanfics, where me and my various OCs based on my toys would go into various films and books I was reading to save the day. The Mummy, Barbie: The Princess and the Pauper, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Lord of the Rings were the favorites back in the day (which...really highlights the kind of kid I was), when I was about 5-8. Fanfic, in some form or another, is a natural part of who I am. If I didn't write it, I'd suffocate.
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
I have been roundly mocked for my tendency to use Significant Chess Games in my fanfic -- you can make a bingo card off of it. In my defense, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
On a broader scale...it's interesting because when I was younger, I was more inclined to say that I was writing redemption arcs or enemies to lovers arcs, and I think, to some extent, that holds true, but to other extents, there's a lot more in terms of shades of gray -- I work with characters who are at odds with one another for one reason or another and then get them to a point of, frankly, dangerous codependency, and let the dice fall where they may as far as whether it's truly a case of "redemption" or "corruption" or just "becoming increasingly tired over time." Is Ronan a traitor to the revolution for marrying Lazare? Is Margrid betraying some part of who she is by falling in love with Orléans? Would Emma be betraying something if she joined the Tango Korrupti? Is Kitrye betraying her sense of morality by falling in love with Raphael and, honestly, vice versa? I don't know -- I can see why they're irredeemable to some people, no one *has* to forgive the villainous characters for doing villainous things, or the heroic characters for falling for the villainous characters, and I'm not particularly interested in that side of things, but I can also understand exactly why they refuse to give up or compromise, too. That's a very broad arc, but it's definitely a question that I'm always returning to. "The horror was for love" and all that.
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scalpelandrose · 2 years
📖🗡Aristocrat’s Academy AU Moodboard/Concept Summary🗡📖
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-> This was inspired by Villainess’ Reprisal Boutique & now that I think about it, lowkey Barbie Princess Charm School(?) But somehow the concept got longer & darker, since I can’t help myself with complex kingdom intrigue :’) Oh yes, this is a One Piece AU revolving around Trafalgar Law, my s/i, my s/i OC’s father, and Rosinante.
🌹Song Inspiration: Lineage by Versailles
During the 4th year of the kingdom’s founding, the To family, one of the 5 founding spears of the country, is framed for treason through fabricated evidence explicating plans to rebel against the emperor. The head of the family, Haio, was a humble blacksmith, before deciding to take up arms against the bordering invaders alongside the other family scions, so that their land would never be ravaged by endless wars again. Alongside his military affinity and renowned wrestling abilities, he was well-loved by citizens, due to his humility and undaunted courage that indiscriminately offered a hand to anyone, regardless of origin. His reputation soon exceeded the emperor and other founders’, so the gears of selfish power-drugged paranoia began to turn. When the To patriarch was sent to settle a dispute at the borders with 5,000 of his soldiers, things escalated to the point where reinforcements were necessary. And indeed an impressive extra 15,000 manpower came…only to ambush him and his followers.
Thinking only of his family but heavily injured, Haio, desperately made a break in enemy lines, so his childhood friend, Vincent, could race on his steed (the swiftest in the world), could and evacuate the mansion before it was too late. But by the time he got into town, the order to execute and raze down the To mansion was already issued. Cutting through the flames and any remaining guards, he was only able to save the family’s three year old daughter, who he found in her usual hiding nook, clutching onto her white jade necklace with painful sobs. He swaddled his friend’s daughter and spirited away from town, before anyone could suspect of survivors. Not long after, it was established by law that no one is to speak of the To family in any way and their contributions to the kingdom’s foundation was erased from records, being labeled as traitors.
Years pass, and Vincent established a small tea shop in the Northen kingdom, where he raised Michelle like his own daughter. At this point, each bordering kingdom was a satellite for the central empire, yet they had the autonomy to make their own laws to a degree. Influenced by the North’s richness of knowledge, Michelle became very curious about the world and sought to learn all she could about it and no other subjects intrigued her as much as history and literature, so at 8 years old, she was already memorizing the rank order of the House of Lords. Vincent indulged her wonder and curiosity any way he could, but when she would ask why she couldn’t find anything about her dad and how her intuition told her what was written in some books from the empire didn’t sit right, he would only give a rueful smile and say he will tell her once she became familiar with the other 4 families. Michelle was 12 when Vincent revealed what happened that day he took her to the North. Being a blacksmith and general’s daughter, she became furiously outraged at the fact of over 5,000 innocent people mercilessly slaughtered and buried with a shred of dignity or sympathy.
Incensed that her family, who paved way for the empire’s foundation, was ambushed by former comrades in such a despicable way, she tearfully asks Vincent to help her avenge them. He initially hesitates, but recalling the chain of events, hushed news of instability and corruption in the capital, and wanting to grant his friend’s daughter the only wish she ever made to him, he agreed. So he spent the next 2 years expanding his tea shop and working odd cases, while Michelle would sew dresses, write poetry for the newspaper, and do various cleaning jobs, so he could purchase a minor baronet title.
In order to insert herself into the noble ton to find answers about the past, properly learn the present affairs of the empire, and clear her family name, it was decided that Michelle would have to enroll into the North’s Academy for Nobles at 14, where she was least likely to run into anyone who would be suspicious of her presence. Besides, everyone thought she was dead. Vincent would take over managing the teashop branch they had nearby the academy, to ensure nothing went wrong while she was there. More sound in old etiquette based on the books she read and having archaic tastes, she initially struggles with etiquette classes and fitting in. However, in between the researching and sneers, she managed to find a quiet ally in Law, the Northern Duke’s adopted son, who sat beside her for most classes, given she never vied for his favor and often impressed him with her humility, knowledge, and blatant disregard for cliques to the point where she used a candelabra to ward off a group that was bullying a manservant (he was a witness to the incident and talked the Dean out of punishing Michelle. Though Vincent would have used bribe if that failed). To Law, even though she had an unclear background and did not have a prestigious noble rank compared to others in the school, she carried herself with a stately air and honesty, which he respected. For Michelle, Law was not a soft-spoken gentleman nor behaved brazenly like the other sons of dukes, counts, and marquis. Rather, his quiet initiative in giving non-nobles and orphans a hand in town along with his zero hesitance to use his sharp tongue to put offenders and snobs in their place made her admire him.
The pair kept bumping into each other no matter where they went, despite Michelle’s efforts to discreetly work alone, whether it be the library archives, the amphitheater in the woods, the rose labyrinth, and even Vincent’s tea shop, so they became unofficial study/reading buddies. It wasn’t until a pair project for history that Law commented on how the available records and lectures feel akin to revisionist history and that he doesn’t believe the bit about the 5000 traitors, where Michelle began truly open up to him. They begin spending more recreational time together, such as horseback riding, walking, board games, gallery visits, sparring (this happened when Michelle was slashing the practice dummy in a comedic rage wearing a gown, at how a girl vandalized the dress she was making for sewing class and Law found it amusing to see her so domineering in lace and heels), etc.
Eventually, Law reveals how his family was silenced by the Crown for desiring to distribute an all-cure they discovered for a grave epidemic following the 5000 traitors incident. Clearly, the empire wanted to politicize and weaponize the sickness, but there was something about the ingredient his parents found that shook the Crown to the point of nearly exterminating the plant, so he wanted to continue his parent’s work and seek his own form of retribution. Michelle also comes clean with her background and purpose for attending the academy and in that intimate moment of kinship, they promised to keep the other’s secrets and help achieve the other’s respective goals. In the midst of it, their heartbeats began racing with their growing awareness for the other.
{Fun academic events like exams, balls, tea parties, sports outings, school picnic, etc. occur inbetween}
In between gathering allies, proof of the empire’s corruption, and planning throughout summer vacation of their 3rd year, Law and Michelle confess their feelings for each other after breaking out of illusions generated by a Sealed Archive on the outskirts of the empire, realizing that they don’t want to live in a world without the other and how well they knew each other to the point of being able to tell a perfect clone from the original.
Following certain events and discoveries, Michelle, Law, Vincent, and Rosinante (Law’s adoptive father) find themselves entangled in a web of deceit and revelations connecting them all, and their journey takes them to the empire’s capital to right wrongs and begin turning the gears of revolution.
…If the Crown wanted to insist on a rebellion back in the day, they would have one.
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normatural · 4 years
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Summary: maybe giving too much intimacy to your best friend wasn't the best idea.
Request: Can you do 2 and 5 on your prompt list with JJ? ❤️
Warnings: cursing.
A/N: request are open, babies. I'll proofread this tomorrow so I'm sorry for any mistakes
It was one more of those tiring days of work on the country club and your bed have been on your mind the whole day, excited to the end of your shift so you could go home as fast as your bike allowed.
The sun begin to settle by the time you were home, your dog running to you waiting for some attention that you more than willing gave to him. You frowned when you dog ran inside the house, barking as you followed him.
"What is it, buddy?" you whispered, looking around for something odd but everything seemed normal.
You mom was at her shift on the hospital, the windows were closed and the small mess in the living room was still untouched, you tried not to whine knowing that'd have to clean the house later. Your mother worked as a nurse and you wanted to giver her all the rest she deserved.
You stopped walking when you reached your bedroom door, which was slightly open. Maybe you should've brought a bat with you. Before you could search for something to use agaisnt the person, your dog ran inside your room.
"You little traitor." the blonde boy groaned to your dog, removing the shirt from his face to look at you.
"What the fuck, Maybank?!" your heart was beating so fast that you were sure it could be heard from where he was. "You almost gave me a heart att.. Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?"
"It's hot as fuck." He shrugged and put his hands behind his back, eyes still on you. "And I'm not naked, you aren't that lucky."
JJ and you have been friends for two years now, and it may not look like a long time but since the beggining the both of you just clicked. Maybe it had something to do with his cool vibe and how you managed to tell he was hiding something under his humor – you could read the boy like no one else could.
Sighning, you let your backpack fall to floor and grabbed your clothes. Making sure to tell JJ that by the time you were back from the shower, you wanted him dressed or at least with his shorts on. You couldn't deny that the boy was handsome and had a really, really nice body but it was weird to have him walking around the house only in his boxers.
"You look like shit" was the first your best friend said when you entered the bedroom again, feeling the tiredeness weightening even more after you relaxed in the shower.
"Spend the morning serving those spoiled projects of Barbies and Kens and you will look like shit too, sunshine."
You throw yourself on the bed, burrying your face on the pillow when JJ stopped talking, something that you were glad for. You've been daydreaming with a nap the whole since you woke up, partying until late hours the night before.
Slowly your eyes started to close, too heavy to stay opem for one more second. Your sleep so closed as you felt your body relaxing and your thoughts getting clouded, only to be pulled away by the blonde boy's voice, quieter than usual.
"Do you… Well… I mean… I could give you a massage?” JJ suggest and you turned around to face him so fast that he couldn't help but laugh.
"Are you serious?"
"Come here" he leaned against your headboard, tapping the space on your bed between his legs.
You closed your eyes feeling his hands begin to squeeze your tense shoulders, his thumbs rubbing circles when your neck and shoulders met.
"Oh my god, JJ" a groan left your lips and you couldn't help but let you head falls back.
"Can you.. stop moaning?" he shifted uncorfotamble behind you, earning a giggle from you.
Was he serious?
"Stop making it weird" you opened one eyes, smiling at the boy as he looked down at you, rolling his eyes.
"Said the one moaning" he mumbled, giving a tight squeeze on your shoulder that made you jump, slapping his thight. "Ops.."
You were drifting off to sleep again when JJ noticed and put his hands away, letting you lay on the bed again. You grabbed on of the pillows, hugging it tight as you did everynight, not noticing JJ frowning at you, almost looking offended.
"What?" your voice was mufled by the pillow and you lifted your head to look at him.
"Are you seriously gonna cuddle a pillow when I'm, like, right here?!"
JJ didn't tell you the reason why he came nor did you asked, not because you didn't care about the boy but you were used to have him around. Just like the Chateau, your house was like a home to him and your mother was always so kind and lovingly to him that he felt part of your family – sometimes you'd even think that yout mother liked him better than you but you couldn't blame her. JJ was trully someone special, a good example was how doesn't matter how strulling he was, he still would do anything for his friend. The kid had a good heart and you admired it.
He had spent the morning helping Mr.Heyward with the deliveries, which became his favorite thing to do because for some reason the kooks liked him enough to give a 100 bucks tip to the blonde. Once his 'shift' ended he found himself alone with you and Pope stuck at work, Kie saving turtles and John B drooling over Sarah. He might not like to admit but he wanted some attention and that's how he found himself in your bedroom, waiting for you so both of you could watch a movie or do nothing together – he just craved to be in your presence since he grew so comfortable around you by each day.
When you said nothing but laughed at the JJ, he took upon himself to pull you closer so your head was laying on his chest and his arm held you, starting to play with the end of your hair.
"That's what I thought" he said proudly when you put an arm around his middle, hugging him just like you were doing with the pillow seconds ago.
You wanted to tease him about his sudden need of affection, something that he mocked John B at every chance he had but you knew that once you said something, he'd reply and both of you'd annoy each other until someone surrender and you really needed to rest.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy JJ like that, letting his though guard down. His heartbeart and his chest moving up and down was like a lullaby to you and it took you by surprise.
There were a few minutes of silence, before you heard him call your name again.
"Do you think you give me the phone of that hot friend of yours?" you could hear the smirk by the way he sounded.
You didn't bother to open your eyes to slap his stomach.
"Ouch, that hurts."
"Call me one more time and I'll lock you outside, Maybank. I'm serious."
Tag List: @maebanks @obxwriterfan
If you want to be add to my taglist, let me know.
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Environment Minister Catherine McKenna says she was recently walking outside a movie theatre with her children when a car slowly pulled to a stop beside them.
The driver rolled down his window and then he let fly.
"F...... you, Climate Barbie," he shouted, as she tried to back away from his car and get her kids away from him.
Much has been written about the online abuse and threatening behaviour politicians -- especially female politicians -- and others in the public eye face every day. But McKenna says as the heat around climate change continues to grow, that abuse is going from anonymous online vitriol to terrifying in-person verbal assaults.
The incident at the movie theatre is just one of several times her kids have been with her when someone in public began to yell at her. She has been called the C-word, a traitor, an enemy and a "communist piece of garbage." Her family's safety has been threatened more than once. Some people have wished she and her children will get fatal diseases. She has received sexualized messages so hateful they could be enough to make even the hardest of hearts skip a beat.
"Tick Tock, Barbie B........," one read.
"You're a stain on this country and I hope you rot in hell," said another.
The threats have become real enough that McKenna sometimes now requires a security detail, a level of protection even cabinet ministers don't usually get.
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @ontarionewsnow @abpoli @politicsofcanada
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Campe Fucking Diem - part 2
Marina and Avis knelt on the floor, scrubbing the floors of the mess hall with toothbrushes dejectedly, Marina was humming aggressively. "This sucks. This is the kind of peasant work my parents left their home country to avoid," Max grumbled. "Yeah, I don't get the point, what good is rolling around on the floor if it's clean?" Nikki agreed. "I agree, I've been through two whole musicals in my head already, two! Do you know how long those things are? Oh, and Avis keeps cleaning in the shapes of pentagrams." Marina complained, gesturing to Avis who was glaring at Quartermaster, not once blinking or looking down while she still managed to create a perfect pentagram shape. Which was honestly concerning as they had to deduce it was probably from practice of drawing sacrificial signs without looking and if so, how the hell did she spend her spare time? "I think she wants to sacrifice David," Marina said. "Fine by me," Max enabled with a sarcastic, cheerful tone. "This isn't even part of a sanctioned camp activity. This is child labour," Neil accused. Erid walked past them at that moment and they all followed her with their eyes (except Avis who was still glaring) as she leaned against the wall nonchalantly. Waving her fringe with a soft hum. "Man, Erid never gets yelled at for not working, she's just too cool. I wish I was her," Nikki fawned. "Erid?" Neil repeated, "like a dried desert climate?" Marina continued for him and he turned to her with a drawn out gasp of awe. Eyes widening at her display of intelligence, "IQ level above common stupidity." He whispered, high pitched. Staring at Marina, flustered, while she remained oblivious. "I think her real name is Meridith but she's just so frickin' cool she goes by the middle part of her name. Oh," she perked up, "I wonder if I should try that. Ikk," she tested, "Oooh, yeah." "That's fuckin' stupid, nicknames don't make you cool." Max scoffed. "Psh, spoken like a true first part nicknamer," Nikki mocked. "Yeah, Maxinne." Marina said. "No one's too cool to talk to, even cool kids take giant, uncomfortable shits from time to time. Helps remind you that were all equal." Max reasoned. "Inspiring Maxinne, truly inspiring. I wonder if the counsellors share your opinion." Marina mused sarcastically. "Hey you chillen' cut your yammerin' and get back to scrubbin'," Quartermaster's grumbling interrupted them, further proving Marina's point. They all began cleaning again bitterly. "If we were in charge, things would be so much better. No scrubbing, no outdoors." "No David." Max suggested into Neil's angry rant, "no laws against sacrificial rituals." Avis joined in, everyone turned to her, giving her looks of slight fear and uncomfortableness. "What?" She asked dumbly. "We should just revolt." Neil huffed, Max sat up, realisation coming over his features. "Know what? You're right," He stood up and began yelling, "aren't you all sick of this lowly work?! It's time we take control of our lives and fight back! Who's with me?" He rallied, everyone cheered along with him. They overpowered the quartermaster and tied him up to a chair, reeking havoc in the lack of authoritative figures. Marina was dancing and mouthing wildly into her toothbrush, uncoordinated and undignified. Avis jumping up and down on the quartermasters head, a look of sadistic glee on her face as she cackled. "We got ourselves an uprisin'," Quartermaster yelled at the opened door and everyone turned, smiling cynically at David and Gwen paused in the doorway. Avis jumped down onto the floor with a dramatic thud, still grinning maniacally.
David and Gwen were currently tied up to the Camp Camp flag pole, David was tied upside down as per Avis' request. "Max, I am very disappointed in you, but I'm also torn, because you were clearly paying attention in knot tying class." David attempted to scold him. "Actually that was all Marina and Avis. They know a lot about tying up bodies surprisingly." Nikki informed. Marina and Avis smirked, low high-fiving. "You need to know, where I'm from." Marina said cynically, her Australian accent clear. "Well that's slightly ominous." David said in a weak voice before he was slapped by Max. "Shut up! We're in charge now, Davie. The camp is ours!" He spoke villainously, causing a bunch of cheers and yells from the campers. "This is just like Les Mis, I love it!" Preston fangirled eagerly. "Don't make this lame Preston." Max scolded. "Max let us down now, Cameron Campbell is coming to camp tomorrow and we need to get ready." David pleaded desperately. "Oh even better. You'll definitely be fired once he sees the state the camp is in. Or will be in." He said. "Come on everyone." "Oh Gwen we have to stop them!" David said, "yeah, I refuse to sit up here for the next 24 hours." Gwen ranted angrily, Neil reached up and tucked an iPad into the ropes in front of her face, streaming videos of reality junk TV. And thus, Gwen was successfully dealt with. She gasped, "oh my gosh, trash TV." She drooled, pressing her face against the screen. "Gwen! Gweeenn!" David cried dramatically as Marina and Avis walked away.
"Alright free men, now that the revolution is complete, it's time to choose our new leader, obviously I will happily take-" "I vote Erid!" Max's speech in front of everyone on his stage was interrupted as Nikki eagerly yelled. "What?" Max yelled. "Cool," Erid said, "I vote Erid as vell, she is strong und passionate, und so cool!" Dolph jumped up happily and everyone cheered in agreement. "Woah, woah, woah, hold the hell up. Did you nerds forget who revolutionised this place? I should be leading you. Not sports Barbie over here." Max argued. "If I remember correctly it was Neil who suggested the idea." Marina piped up lazily and Neil gasped at her words, bouncing on his heels as his eyes shimmered with happiness, "recognition," voice a high octave in disbelief and excitement as he whisper yelled. "And Erid's charisma modifier is like plus ten!" Nerris argued. "Thanks Nerris." Erid thanked cooly. "That's cool of you to say." "I wanna be cool too Erid!" Nikki burst out desperately. "Sure thing Nikki, everyone can be cool at Camp Cool Kidz!" Erid encouraged nicely, "oh! I love that name!" Preston yelled happily. "No!" Max shouted indignantly. "You're gonna get taken advantage of by the one percent. Rage against the machine, fight the power nine/eleven!" Max attempted to rally the campers to rebel, futilely. "Progressive buzzvords can't save you now." "But Erid doesn't have the spreadsheet software to manage-" Neil piped up but was interrupted by an awestruck Nikki, "that's 'cause spreadsheets aren't cool. Right Erid?" Erid paused for a moment as wind rustled around her cooly. "Right." "I vote Erid too!" Space Kid put his hand up eagerly. "No you don't." "No I don't." Space kid agreed with Max blindly. The campers laughed and cheered as they followed Erid, Max snagging Nikki's arm to hiss at her angrily, "what the hell's wrong with you, traitor?!" "I'm sorry! You said to talk to her, and uh, I panicked, so I just voted for her!" She apologised. "You'll regret this." "Yo, Nikki. I got you a pair of cool sunglasses." Erid twirled the shades in between her fingers promisingly. "...Nah, I don't think so." Nikki told Max before running off. He growled angrily. "Hey, Marina you can come too if you want. You could play us some sick beats." Marina contemplated thoughtfully but was saved the trouble of coming to a decision when Max hissed through gritted teeth. "Don't. You. Dare." Marina narrowed her eyes at his rudeness but shrugged and declined, "nah," Erid shrugged, "hey, gotta be loyal. I get that." She smiled softly at her and finger gunned her with respect. "Avis? I think you jacket is totally cool. I have some spares if you'd like some?" She turned to her and smiled briefly, her hair waving with the motion of her head, Avis blushed, surprised at the offer. She turned to Marina. "Sorry." She whispered, but Marina shook her head, "no, I get it. Gotta be gay. Go, make me proud." She gave her a thumbs up, clapping her on the shoulder supportively and Avis saluted her with two fingers.
In the Mess Hall everyone was partying happily, Avis was wearing a new leather jacket with studs and was admiring it happily. Erid and Nikki were at a couch, Erid fiddled with the Quartermaster's hook idly, throwing it where it landed with a thud and Nurf commented, "bullseye!" To which Erid acknowledged, "cool." "Everyone's so much happier now, thanks to you!" Nikki said, "how're the plans for the giant half-pipe coming?" Erid turned to her, Nikki unrolled some plans. "Should be ready to build as soon as we learn basic architecture. What a cool idea, Erid" she complemented. "I know, think of all the sick 900's we could do off that thing." "Yeah! I totally know what that is!" Nikki lied eagerly. "Erid, it's cold and boring outside." Nerris complained, "I cast an invisibility charm to conceal David and Gwen, can we come inside for a bit?" She implored. "Oh, totally, Magic Dudes. In fact..." She stood up, "everyone gets a break!" She clapped and disco balls fell from the ceiling and strobe lights flashed, "dance party!" She called.
Meanwhile, in the midsts of the forest Neil and Space Kid were huddled around a fire, chanting repeatedly while Marina sang tribal sounding words in time with their chant. "Fellow freemen." Max emerged from the shadows, black painted around his eyes and decorating his naked chest. "There comes a time when a group must fight back against tyranny. Like the Minutemen of the revolution, we will fight for our independence!" He pound his fist into his hand. "Minuteman. Mommy calls Daddy that when they argue." Space Kid replied dumbly. "...I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this." Neil said unsurely. "I am. Completely. Time to turn passive aggressive into violent aggressive." Marina narrowed her eyes. "Silence! We're gonna hit Camp Cool Kidz with everything we've got!" Max shushed him, "freebrother Neil. What've you got?" Max finished lamely. Neil drew out two bombs and Marina started and took a step back, "woah!" "I was saving these to put in David's underpants." "Nice." Marina commented and Neil blushed a deep red, fumbling with the bombs as he laughed breathily, sighing lovingly. Marina remained blindly oblivious. "Perfect." Max said, referring to the explosives. Space Kid drew put two pine cones, "I was saving these to-" "no one cares" Max dismissed him, "here's how it'll work. Space Kid is the most expendable, so he'll be our decoy." Marina patted Space Kid's shoulder pityingly.
Avis was kneeled beside David, a suspiciously red pentagram was drawn beneath him as he snored and beside her was an opened can of gasoline, some knives, and a book. She reached a hand under her beanie and drew out a matchbox, striking a match against the side, waiting for it to catch alight. Suddenly, a mob of angry campers charged past, chasing Space Kid while yelling war cries, waking David who immediately asked, "what are you kids doing?" Disapprovingly. Nikki, who followed the angry mob, answered him happily, "we're gonna kill Space Kid!" "Oh! I wanna!" Avis shouted eagerly, she dropped the matches in favour of sprinting to join the mob. The matches landed on the ground just as they sparked and set alight. "What? No!" David yelled after them desperately, shrieking as he noticed the lit match rolling close to a spilled puddle of gasoline. "Aaah, help!" His voice rose in a girly pitch and he desperately blew at the flame, trying to extinguish the threat to his life, yelping as his attempts caused a small fire on some grass, dangerously close to the spill. He whimpered. They ran into the forest after Space Kid who was standing behind a blanket of leaves, holding his pine cones up. "We've got you now! Let's saw him in half!" Harrison yelled ferociously. They charged at him but fell as they crossed the leaves which gave way to reveal a trap, Avis came up behind them having been slower. "Aaw, man. I always miss the cool stuff." Avis complained, Marina stepped out of the shrubbery. "If you want cool stuff you could jump and we could reenact the last scene of Titanic?" Marina offered, Avis considered for a moment before shrugging and leaping into the whole with her arms stretched out. "I'll never let-!" Marina cut off as she drew her arms back from being ready to catch Avis, allowing her to fall into the hole with a thud and a monotonous "ow." "That's fair." Avis called up. "Woah, awesome!" Nikki complimented as she came across the trap. Erid crossed her arms and coughed pointedly. "I mean, you fiend!" Nikki corrected. "You're the fiend!" Max snarled, revealing himself. Neil hugged his bare chest uncomfortably, Marina noticed their serious faces and hurried to pose angrily too. "What do YOU losers want?" Erid asked, annoyed. "JUSTICE!" Neil yelled, trying to look cool in front of Marina. "You guys are here to rescue me?!" Poor, sweet, naive David. He's still almost on fire, by the way. "NO. Shut up, David." "Aw." David whined at Max's response. "Pssh, I'd like to see you try and fight us." Erid insulted. "Gladly." Max spun around his spear, narrowly missing Neil and Marina who leaned backwards like she was doing the limbo with a squawk. The spearhead flew off and crashed somewhere, breaking some random glass and probably hurting a duck (judging by the quack). "Nikki... Attack." Erid commanded and Nikki dropped to all fours. "BARK BARK BARK!" She and Max circled each other dramatically, Max holding the spear warily. The sun rose slowly behind them, enhancing the dramatic scene. "No fighting! Violence never solves anything!" David attempted, "STAB HER, BITCH!" Gwen cheered, looking at her screen with sadistic glee. Nikki launched herself at Max with a growl, he threw her off using his stick but she charged again, snapping ferociously at his weapon. "WOOH!" Marina cheered from the sidelines, chewing on some random nuts she had found like popcorn. "YOU GOT THIS MAXINNE!" Then speaking to Neil out of the corner of her mouth in a loud whisper. "He don't got this." "Nikki, give it up, she doesn't care about you! She just uses people!" Max tried to sway Nikki. "Don't listen to him, Nikki!" Erid yelled. "Don't worry Erid! I know it's not true!" Nikki shouted back positively. "Uh, no, of course it's true, just don't listen to him! I need you on my side." Erid hissed. "That fits. With like, the rest of society." Avis commentated from the hole in a voice that made it sound like she was shrugging. "I'll save you, Nikki!" Harrison crawled out of the hole desperately. "FIRE!" A pillar of flames shot from his hands and lit the gasoline beneath David, lighting the ropes on fire. "Oh god! Someone stop-drop-and-roll me." David yelped. "Oopsie." "You suck, Harrison!" Nerris yelled. Max threw Nikki off with one final shove and she fell back, her sunglasses flying off her head and shattering. Erid approached the broken accessory and Nikki. "This is decidedly uncool." Nikki's eyes watered like a kicked puppy. "I AGREE! SOMEONE PUT ME OUT!" David yelled, panicking. "Reverse fire!" Harrison's body was thrown out of the pit and hit the flaming ropes, putting them out but his jacket caught on fire. He helped and threw it to the ground. Avis emerged from where she had shoved Harrison out of the way, panting and flopping to the ground. "And she crawls out of hell again!" She commentated, punching a fist in the air before slumping back down, tired. "Well at least I'm okay!" David smiled cheerfully. Screaming fearfully as a car rammed into the post, breaking it. Thankfully, the break made the ropes snap and David and Gwen fell off, freed. Unthankfully; Two feet stepped out, an anklet tracker beeping on one. "Did somebody say... Cameron Campbell?" "No. Who the fuck-" "Marina, language." David scolded, pushing off his ropes. "Whom the fuck-" "no." David gave up. "Mr Campbell? You saved me!" David praised, kneeling in front of him, in awe. "Yes! I definitely saw you and was fully aware hitting you with my car would be the best course of action!" Cam-Cam agreed. He looked around. "Please, excuse the condition of the camp, sir. Things got a little out of hand, but we can fix it, I swear!" David apologised, taking one of Cam-Cam's hands in his. Cam squinted in disgust and shook him off, fixing his composure, he laughed. "The old 'taking-over-the-camp-from-the-camp-counsellors-and tying-them-to-the-flagpole' routine! I remember my first time." He sighed, humming and walking around the destruction to take some money out of a safe by the couch. "Hey, Cam-Cam!" Marina called angrily. "Can't you see this guy is a terrible counsellor and he needs to be dealt with?" Max continued, "eh? Oh, sorry kids, I've got other things to deal with." Marina narrowed her eyes in indignation. "Campbell's got a poker game to get to! I'm not gonna give too many details, but let's just say if I win, I could end up being the Prime Minister of Thailand." He gave away. "But our revolution?" Neil asked, "this is serious! We're leading a charge to make a difference, we are the 99 percent! I saw it on TV!" Max raged. "Oh, you kids and your dreams. So full of hope and ignorance, someday, you'll learn that no matter how righteous you think you're cause is, there is always someone bigger to keep you down!" Cameron spoke cheerfully. "And that day is today, and that someone is me." "Say what now?"
So here we are, back at the start, everyone - including Gwen and David - scrubbing the floors under Cameron's supervision. "Make it shine now, kids! I had to cut costs on provisions, so you'll all be reusing those toothbrushes later!" He called jovially, leaving. "Well, I feel like that was futile. Sorry, Max." Nikki apologised. "It's alright. I think we know this is all Neil's fault." "Yep, lesson learned. Never try to change anything, ever." "Hey, where's Avis anyway?" Neil asked Marina. "Oh, she left about two minutes ago, I don't know what she was doing but she had sharpened her toothbrush so it looked like a knife." Marina casually stated. "That seems about right." Max agreed. They continued scrubbing, ignoring as the Quartermaster fell onto the floor behind them. "Ow."
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Top US and UK officials texted about Russia probe in its early stages https://mol.im/a/7303497 via http://dailym.ai/android
#FBI #MI5 #Russia
trump is a #traitor to the #USA. PERIOD. trump only wanted to be #president in order to expand his business. Additionally, his pathetic desire to create a dynastic worldwide trump era are simply delusional.
Here's the primary problem with the idiotic, wretched dynastic power grab: his sons are sadly lacking for intellectual abilities. No surprise there. Rumors abound about Eric's cocaine habit. Don Jr. is simply disturbing and a dolt; sadly his own father insults him. Then there is Kremlin Barbie, aka, Ivanka, who wouldn't be anything without her numerous plastic surgeries and family connections. There are simply no deep thinkers in the trump family. Now racist Fred trump definitely had a vision which he followed by ripping off the federal government so much that laws were changed! Only Fred had the gall to do what other builders avoided. Much later he sadly (for us) bailed out the donald. Many people have duly commented on how trump fails at all stages of forming a strategy. trump is simply a modern day PT Barunm: a cheap showman. All talk with minimal to show inspite of his braggadocio skills.
I am simply nauseated every time I either hear 45's voice or see images of him and his various family and "friends".
trump is a #racist and a #pedophile. IDK if we, the citizens of the USA, will live to see 45 receive complete justice. I expect him to drop over dead anytime due to a heart attack based on his atrocious diet! His obesity and age are playing against him, too. Big Macs, KFC, whoppers. Geez! Heart attack city!
But I do expect that his children and perhaps a husband of Kremlin Barbie will eventually be in prison, some for a long time.
trump bought or exaggerated himself out of trouble numerous times: being an informant for the FBI or donating to various election campaigns, such as Cy Vance, and deceiving #Deutche Bank, whose manager in charge fell for his schtick. His luck is gone. We are living in real time the actual denise of a presidency as well as the end of the GOP. But what DAMAGE will trump continue to inflict on our country as he realizes the facts?? It is terrifying TBH. trump is a #loser.
Please consider that once #Deutche Bank fails, which is a definite possibility, the entire #world could #economy will fall into a complete #depression. Failure of Deutsche Bank would start an extreme chain reaction: the dominions will fall down. Many countries are already in dire financial trouble while others are having difficulties (Greece). Our national debt has skyrocketed under trump. trump doesn't care about the USA or our delicate planet. He doesn't care about the economics of our government. It's all about HIM.
trump only understands immediate gratification. trump is a complete narcissist and probably a psychopath, too.
#Child Abuse
I would like to add that trump beats Barron. trump & flotus hosted a #White House dinner party. Everyone present was required to sign a NDA. I believe it was for or around the time of trump's birthday, 2017 or 18. As usual, everybody was required to say nice things about trump. Barron gets up and says how it would be nice if his Dad quit beating him since he's now president. Barron only spoke for a few minutes before his Mother grabbed him and dragged him out of the room. Oh, one person present was Maggie Haberman of the #NYT. Smh
'Yeah, let's vote for trump so that we can ALL have a mansion! He'll share the wealth!' 😤 I heard that so many times in 2016. People really have difficulty with analytic and critical thinking skills.
In conclusion, I have always considered #Russia to be evil. Rather jealous of us, too! trump is a traitor of the worse sort: he admires mobsters, dictators, and murderers. He craves power, prestige, and adulation. While in reality, he's a Daddy's boy who is a loser in life.
I can only hope that people wake the fvck up!!!
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