#they're stuck in 2012
gracefullou · 9 months
as someone who's v new to the fandom (and didn't even know the names of 1d until this year) I truly do not understand the larry thing... like even if they were a thing, they most definitely aren't now and we aren't even sure they're on good terms? especially because that man never talks about louis (or praises him like niall or liam does) and how he never made a statement about how euphoria used their images & names without consent or knowledge (and then hung out with the creator after louis made a statement). I just cannot fathom it. plus larries thinking songs are about that man (that would show him in a very negative light if that were true) and continuing to both support him AND say that they're secretly married or wtv? sorry for the rant I'm just very confused by it all???
Old grandma larries who want to live an epic love story through 2 strange, much younger men keep this thing going bc they keep talking about this ship and they will never ever change their mind no matter what. They use 2011/ 2012 old footage that taken out of context may look cute to some people in order to recruit these new fans to their cult. They also live in a bubble and block any solo louie they see and tell their followers to do the same (didn't you know it's a sin to support a musician for his music ? You have to worship his husband that he wasn't seen with in 1654 years too 🙄). By the time these relatively new people realize that they've been obsessing over ancient footage and that these two men haven't interacted with each other in ages, they're way too invested in their delusions to aknowledge that, way too self centered to admit they were wrong all along and that other people's sexuality/ partners is none of their business. It's offensive to ship Louis with a man who called his late mother (may she rest in peace) someone's mom, whose personal assistant liked a hate post about Louis' voice, a man who's besties with that australian host who called his ex-bandmate (and to them it's worse, husband) a rat on radio. That man even said that he attended her wedding . It's offensive to ship him with a man who hasn't uttered his name in more than 7 years except for snl and talk show sketches (and that damage control award show speech), it's offensive to ship him with a man who approved that Euphoria scene and didn't even think of telling him, it's offensive to ship him with a man who has an other woman's name tattood on his body and another one's voicemail in his song 💀.... Like if they cared about Louis and loved him just a little bit, they would've wanted him to be OUT of this relationship even if they believe it to be true. But they're a lost case 🤷🏽‍♀️. They're celebrating that in bty he says i love him (according to them not me) and ignore that he says i hate it right fucking after 😭 and that this song is about a toxic relationship (Mind you in 2019 when i joined the fandom they used to "believe" Louis when he said he doesn't relate to the song bc that man is such a great partner it could never be about him 😭). In conclusion, don't be confused anon, these people are just delusional. They stan that dead ship and nothing else. And unless they seek irl help, they will never change their mind about it
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homuncvlus · 2 months
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I'm doing a semi all nighter (isn't that how it is every day) to get some more stuff done so here's my to-do list so I can be held accountable:
Read 179-221
Highlighted questions
End-of-chapter exercise questions
Final testing (project)
Finish write-up (project)
Simplifying boolean algebra workbook
Logic tables, truth tables and basic boolean algebra workbook
Karnaugh maps powerpoint
Karnaugh maps workbook
Self learn chapter 10
Exam excellence
Practice paper 1
Practice paper 13
Parasocial relationships powerpoint
Online relationships powerpoint
Paper 1
Paper 2
Paper 3
Extended project (5000 words done but the following needs to be improved)
Fix bibliography
Format discussion
Update log
Rewrite the abstract 🥲🥲🥲🥲
Obviously not doing everything now but it'll be a running thing for the next week or two
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t3tr0m1n0 · 5 months
sho minazuki is such an amazingly fun character to me because he's the pinnacle of ocs a highly angsty 12 year old would come up with
he was raised All Alone by the Secret Villain Of The Previous Game in a Hidden Lab to be the Strongest Fighter but he tried to Break Out with his Uncontrollable Power so the Evil Scientists had to Try To Remove His Power and it put him into a Coma and then and then he was Secretly Manipulating all the stuff from the First (fighting) Game because he Made A Pact With A Powerful Demon Entity but he's actually going to Be Betrayed by it so his Protective Other Self uses the epic power of the Secret Villain Of The Recent Game to betray the entity First and also and also when he shows up he's been Secretly Watching all the protagonists from this game and he Knows The Whole Story and he's Stronger And Doesn't Need Their Group and when the heroes from the Last Game show up he Already Knows everything from their story and their Brand New Secrets about the Evil Organization and plus he Was Offered The Same Power as Both Main Heroes but he Rejected It because he's Too Independent and Strong. and he has an Evil Laugh and Two Cool Swords and he Fights Differently Than Everyone Else and he Makes Sarcastic Puns but his Other Self is Dark and Serious so you Can't Mess With Him. i love this dudes
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tommo-draws · 1 month
I think I'm brainrotting too close to the sun. Help me
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skyriderwednesday · 1 year
Someone on my dash went Turtles (of the teenage mutant ninja variety) at some point and I don't really have any investment in this, but they reblog cute fanart so I'm here for it lol
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copperbadge · 7 months
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I remember you've posted about making your own bread before, and basically want to know what your gut reaction to the idea of this thing is.
[ID: An image of a Cuisinart bread machine box, displaying a "compact automatic bread maker", full size results with compact footprint! The machine is shiny metal, square, and has a loaf of bread peeping out the window in the top.]
Oh, I learned to make bread with one of these things! They were HUGELY popular in California in the 90s so I made bread in one about once a week for most of my teen years, and I inherited the family's machine when I got my first apartment in college. I owned a bread machine of one kind or another until I think probably around 2012, well after I started making loaves by hand. They're great for people who don't want to take the considerable time needed to learn to make bread by hand, for people who don't have a mixer that will knead dough or can't knead by hand, or for people who want fresh bread but a little more automated.
Even now I use my KitchenAid mixer for kneading pretty much any dough I make that isn't foccacia or pizza dough. It's not even that I can't knead dough or don't have the time, it's that I just straight up don't want to, I don't like the feeling of dough stuck to my hands or the floury mess it makes on the counter.
I'm in support of the Bread Machine; yes it is a unitasker and yes it does not produce bread as nice as handmade bread, generally, but it's a good first step for beginners and a great way to control the ingredients in your bread without having to babysit it extensively. So I guess my gut reaction is nostalgia mixed with affection -- it's a tool I don't need anymore, but it was a great tool when I did need it.
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witchofthesouls · 2 months
Sam ending up throught groundbringe fuckery in Tfp would be such a vacation for him i think. Less action, less aliens ripping each other to shreds every miniute, the difference between how bay formers and tfp formers look.. Sam would look at tfp cons deadpan not afraid at all
Meanwhile the kids in Bayverse would get treated like sparklings probably(wattch Miko growl once at a con and promptly get adopted) Raf especially. Jack would take one look at everything and just go to work in NEST cafeteria until others can figure a way back home for him, Miko and Raf because he's NOT getting involved in this housefire(would avoid bay!Op like a plague something something honorary prime nonsense)
Sam is right there, chilling and spazzing on the minor things (to everyone else in TFP), while completely blasé to the major world-changing/world-ending things. He's been in more than one "end of human civilization" scenarios. It's not his first rodeo, and he's not even counting the doomsday panic of 2000 and 2012. He's immune to crazy, otherworldly shit via alien technology. If anything, he's weirdly disappointed over the lack of alienness of their Artifacts.
He literally resurrected his version of Optimus, met the Dynasty of Primes, had the Allspark in his mind, and dealt with the Fallen that manipulated gravity fields.
Sam's treating it like an unwanted vacation to a place that lied upon the brochure. That guy is like a powerful magnet for destroying Decepticon plans. He would probably fall into a chasm of a hidden Energon mine or interrupt an Artifact expedition to his advantage because 1) Allspark guided him, or 2) he was getting to antsy in the base of nothingness (no human personnel, no cafeteria, no agents, no systems or tasks for him) and did a runner.
He definitely puts his foot in his mouth when he meets Arcee. Sam would never get used to their more human-like frames.
Sam's boogeyman would be M.E.C.H.
Meanwhile, the Jasper Trio is stuck on Diego Garcia. They're taken back by the immense operation that's N.E.S.T. and feeling really lost. Miko doesn't have a Bulkhead-equivalent, Jack doesn't know what to make of the triplets, and Raf isn't clicking this Bumblebee.
Because everyone is too busy, they're trying to slot into things without getting too underfoot. Jack already has certifications related to his fast food job, so he gets into the mess hall to prepare meals for hundreds. Raf and Miko get into the science portions. Raf is making a name for himself as he has the most success bridging tech and understanding the Cybertronian script. Miko likes explosions.
The kids are boggled by all the politicking that goes into it and the more intensely magical things with the Allspark.
Those three will never, ever not laugh at Dorito-Starscream.
(Both sides have the not-so-fun realization about the malfunction connected to Unicron in the middle of Earth. That's too farfetched for anyone, but the truth literally grabbed the respective Primes with giant elemantal fists to viciously shake them.)
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Virtual Character Tourney - Round 5 - Bracket B Finals
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Propaganda below (May contain spoilers!)
Dr. Coomer propaganda:
Dr. Coomer is the EMBODIMENT of a old and broken AI. Silly man, just a very old guy who has a crisis over realizing that he's in a game because he went out of bounds. He runs into the same trap/enemy constantly because of one area at the beginning of the game, explodes anything with the word explosive on it, cannot stop greeting the player, recites the entirety of the 2012 Wikipedia article for chairs because was was sitting in one, and is basically a permanent tutorial npc. Someone fix this man's code please.
he is so sentient it hurts
he's a broken tutorial npc who becomes aware that he's trapped in a game and repeatedly tries to escape. he wanted to be a boxer instead of a scientist. he wants to live in super punch out for the super nintendo entertainment system but instead he's stuck in half life. you wouldn't leave him in half life, gordon? fucking half life? let him ou-- HELLO, GORDON!
Ultraman X propaganda:
X canonically lost his physical form and lives in Daiichi's phone. His presence caused Daiichi's phone to turn gold, instead of the standard-issue silver the rest of XIO's employees have. It's possible for XIO's scientists to send powerups to X because he lives on Daiichi's phone. There's also a couple episodes where X gets trapped in cyberspace and Dr. Gourman and friends have to design something for Daiichi to help him escape. (Dr. Gourman is the first to notice Daiichi is secretly Ultraman X. Also in the crossover movie, Daiichi and X got separated and X couldn't live on Daiichi's phone so he jumped to the nearest computer (which belonged to Naomi from Ultraman Orb, air date 2016) and began pulling up photos of Daiichi in a "Have You Seen This Nerd?" sort of way. The enemy goons saw Naomi and her cryptid hunting gang putting up missing posters for Daiichi and tore them down bc they had him captured at their crystal witch's base, a creepy haunted house. Eventually when Daiichi and X reunited as man and lil alien on his phone, they were so happy they ignored everyone else in the room. They were grateful enough to fight alongside Naomi's sad space cowboy, Kurenai Gai, in battle.
He's used the phone's vibration function a few times to try and get people's attention, and he doesn't like being turned face-down because he can't see. In order to take on a physical form he has to essentially fuse with his human partner Daichi. (also they get a power up form after Daichi nearly Dies to save him and it's rainbow themed.) While X is very chatty and enjoys talking with his partner, he's often a formless voice while they're fused.The exception being one occasion where he looks like an entire network. tldr this alien is gay he is very polite and deserves your vote.
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2012 and rise donnie reaction to gn s/o holding their hand after he asked, "Could you give me a hand?" (they're in don's machinery room btw)
A/n:thank you for requesting
Summary:you and donnie were in his machinery room when he asks for a hand
Type:hcs:Donnie x gn reader
2012 Donatello
He wasn't expecting your hand
So because of that, he pulled you in thinking your hand was a tool or something helpful
He didn't realize until he seen your hand in his and heard your yelp
He was shocked and felt bad since he literally just about threw you into the turtle tank
He apologized over and over but was also a little flustered
Just because your hand was in his
Rise Donatello
When he stuck his hand out he was expecting a tool like a flashlight or wrench
But nope it was your hand
He just slowly looked up at you and stared in disbelief
He couldn't believe you did that
And since he couldn't tell if your were joking or not he thought you were an idiot or was just messing with him
And then after about 30 seconds he'd yell at you to get him the tool he needed but not in a mean way
A/n:I hope you enjoyed
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copperpipes · 3 months
What’s going on in your after dark AU
I think of it more as a post-movie fic in comic form with a bunch of worldbuilding headcanons but anyways
After Dark is the name of the comic, I've planned two parts, two arcs.
We are just entering the first arc of the comic! Backyard fairies!
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Its the farmhouse arc that was present in both the 2003 and 2012 iterations (I've watched both) in which the turtles (try to) heal after a big event, be it a failure or a victory. The surroundings of the farmhouse hold many mysteries, because the hamatos will never catch a break :/ poor guys
The parts of the arc will be more just like little one shots with a thin plot connecting them like in the show instead of the plot being the main focus, it thickens towards the end but overall I'm more exploring the world and the characters and what they've been through.
The main characters in this arc would be Mikey, April, Donnie and Casey because Raph and Leo got the film. Splinter and Draxum won't appear in this arc to deal with the aftermath in the hidden city because they believed the boys would be safe away from it (of course they were wrong). Cassandra has a clan of middle-schoolers to run in new york which was put on lock down, so she too in the end won't be able to visit :[
The episodes would be like this:
Mikey in wonderland- the focus is Mikey, he goes to explore the woods a bit because his arms ache and he needs a distraction.
Target practice- the focus is April, the exploration of her role in the predicament the hamatos are stuck along with a small theme of feminism and her being a part of the clan.
Five easy steps to build a tree house- the focus is Casey, he lost his home, and he realizes the turtles he grew up with are gone with it too, also a glimpse of his past and birth.
Its the IRS! but they're not after Donnie?- amateur timestress tries to impress her mentor, and draggs Mikey with her into the mess.
Germophobia- Mikey drags Donnie into the woods to meet someone he met there. Donnie isn't a fan.
Thats it for the first arc I think. There will be smaller stuff in between that'll show the details, how Raph and Leo are doing, what is up in NY and the HC (hidden city).
The second arc is the infamous tmnt space arrrrc
It'll be called star sailor ✨ the main focus in it will be Donnie :D it'll include the triceratons, fugitoid, many aliens and a lot of existential crisis :'] i think it'll be much more angsty and philosophical then the first arc and ooh can't forget the amount of body horror I've planned >:D
Man I should really make a masterpost
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
Could you write a scenario for 2012! Commander Mozar with a mutant darling?
Some time ago, you said that you wanted to add more horror to your stories. Well, I hope this idea is horrific enough for you. It takes place in Annihilation: Earth! Part 2 of the 2012 TMNT show. But things happen differently in this different timeline. The turtles fail like in the show, but Fugitoid never shows up to save them, causing all four of them to be consumed by the black hole. But the worst thing is that the triceratons, specifically Mozar, decided to spare the reader, a mutant, by capturing and locking them in their ship. Why exactly? Humans were all over the planet, but a mutant is special. They could serve as an exotic souvenir from the planet they just annihilated. It is a desperate situation for the reader and there is no hope of escape. They saw Splinter getting stabbed in the back, all their friends dying, the planet getting destroyed and now they're just a prize/pet for an alien commander.
Sure! I watched both episodes to know what to write for this :) Here you go!
Survivor Syndrome
Yandere! Captain Mozar with Mutant! Darling Story
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping, Isolation, Mind break implied (Darling), Mass death, Manipulation, Dark themes, Darling has Survivor's Guilt, Dehumanization (Technically), Darling is a pet, Forced companionship/relationship.
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You swore if your heart beat any harder you'd die of a heart attack. Your breathing was rapid as you look around your surroundings. You were in a cell... cuffed like an animal.
Perhaps you really were just an animal... you've been one since becoming a mutant.
The memories kept echoing in your mind. The black hole, Splinter dying, being kidnapped. You grit your teeth...
Everyone's dead... not just Splinter... far as you know everyone is.
Everyone except you.
Now look at you. Stuck in a cage like some exotic animal. It didn't matter what you looked like as a mutant... The Triceratons would still deem you unique. They didn't want to let you die like the rest.
Perhaps the fate of your companions was... better than this?
You aren't sure.
"Do you still cower in your cage, creature?" A deep voice greets you, heavy footsteps standing in front of your cell. "Pardon... Mutant is the term, no?"
Captain Mozar....
You hesitantly look up, eyes catching the blue eye of the commanding Triceraton. You grit your teeth and not answer. The captain merely chuckles softly.
"You really are interesting... Hard to believe something like you was once human." Mozar hums, looking at you as you press yourself against your cell with a smile.
"I wish I was still human! That way my fate would've been like the others!" You cry, Mozar tilting his head at your sudden defiance.
"Hm... your anger is understandable." Mozar comments, leaning down to get a better look at you. "But we have plans for you... Good plans."
The Triceraton chuckles, watching as you growl at him. You were such a strange creature... unique to Earth and now the only one of your kind. Oddly enough... He felt a bit drawn to you.
"I want nothing to do with your plans. Can't you just... Toss me out the airlock?" You ask, Mozar looking unimpressed at the suggestion.
"No. Where's the fun in that?" Mozar chuckles, tapping on the cell. "You have no choice but to stay here, pet."
"... What did you just call me?" You ask, staring up at the towering alien while he watches you with intrigue.
"Well, why do you think I decided to keep you?" Mozar grins under his metal plate. "A mutant like you is exotic... a pet... you'll grow used to your new role."
You push yourself away from the cell door cage when Mozar pulls out something from behind him. You make it out to be a chain... a leash. You really were just an animal now...
A pet for Captain Mozar to enjoy.
"Best you don't fight." Mozar warns, opening the cell door. "Besides... What else do you have to fight for, Earthling?"
You feel yourself yanked out by Mozar, cold metal clamping around your neck. You pull against the leash but ultimately end up choking yourself instead. So instead... you try to stay compliant.
"There's nothing for you... except for me." The Triceraton taunts, pulling you closer by the leash so he can stare you down. "I'm all you have now, aren't I? I'm your new master... your everything."
"What if I don't comply?" You hiss, Mozar harshly pulling the leash to choke you.
"Then you'll break." Mozar threats, chuckling as you pull at your new restraints. "I either gain your obedience now... or I break you to gain it later."
The Triceraton then walks you around the room, an attempt to get you used to the leash and your new role. It felt nice to be out of the cage... but you felt yourself crumbling. His words really got to you...
All because they were indeed true.
"What's it going to be?" Mozar hums, turning back to watch you. "Will you listen to me..."
He then yanks the chain down, making you collapse harshly to your knees with a whine.
"Or will I have to break you? Your choice, pet."
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skitskatdacat63 · 30 days
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Happy 5/14!!!!
Aaaaahh not sure if this is my best work 😭 I just really wanted to draw smth for vettonso day but my brain hasn't really been functioning well LOL so I kept dreading working on this, especially bcs its so important to me, y'know? I hope it's good????? I'm happy with the concept, but I was just so unsure on so many of the angles and it was killing me. I did the color thing bcs I thought it'd add something interesting to it :) since I didn't paint it as I usually would
Anyways! Process!
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Now I will explain all of them:
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Boy king au is where it all starts of course. I think their relationship is the most developed in this compared to the others, but at the same point, they just start from such a different point, especially affection-wise. All of these kinda have a power dynamic, except the last one, and this is the most imbalanced. Fernando is being subservient, the only part of Seb he may kiss(in public lol) is his hand.
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Matador au next. They hurt themselves when they try to be affectionate, because they live in the culture of a sport of violence and death. The sword separates them, their love for the sport keeps them apart, in fear that they hurt each other. Seb, yet again, looks down upon Fernando. Seb haunts Fernando's whole career, the constant overhanging presence. Also aside from that, shame that you can't see his three musketeers look bcs of the black background 😔
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2012 core!!! I think this one is pretty easy to understand. Both of them often kiss their trophies, more so than any driver. So they're both trying to claim the wdc trophy by kissing it. Maybe you guys should just get rid of the trophy altogether and claim each other! But yes, just like the sword in the matador au one, the trophy and their ambitions divides, keeps them from ever bridging the vast gap between them, at least at that point in time.
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The conclusion! Aka what I wish we will get at Imola 2024- kidding kidding. But it is 2024. Finally there is no conflict between them, there's no big thing keeping them in conflict, they can finally come together. Finally they can touch, there is no gap to bridge, they can appreciate each other, and appreciate what they failed to in years past.
The thesis is basically that they always have their aspirations between them, and their aspirations happen to be basically the same thing. Until those are resolved, the gap between them is too vast for them to recognize and/or find any commonality. How do you get along with someone when you're both fighting for the same thing? How do you get along when it feels like one of you is winning more? How do you get along when there's such a vast gap?
In boy king au, it's going to take a while before they both feel settled about the issue of the throne. That's what makes that au interesting, they're trapped in this state of non-closure and they have to actually solve their issues without the matter of one of them simply removing themselves from the equation. They have to find a way to get over themselves and their aspirations, because like it or not they're stuck with each other. I think with the hand kissing, it represents how Fernando, at that point, is only willing to play along with the game if it's tradition, and he often won't budge in other ways. Yes, I will show subservience, but only in this detached, formal way that I don't connect personally to. He's still holding his own bitterness over meaningfully appreciating Seb. Though it's not like Seb isn't at fault. It takes a while for him to not hold things over Fernando, and constantly humiliate him. One day they will meaningfully show affection, and it won't be some sort of power play.
I think matador au is pretty similar to real life, and the 2010s era(it's basically just their actual plot line but in the context of bullfighting.) They're forever going to have this big elephant in the room, and it only really gets resolved when one of them leaves the sport. Once they're not fighting directly against each other, they realize what they've been missing out on and what they were not appreciating for so many years beforehand. They finally come together because they can't just rely anymore on the sport keeping them together. They actually have to make that step to be in each other's lives, rather than just taking their presence for granted.
Also the text on the comic. "We keep missing, and missing, and missing, and finally kissing." It's basically: we keep missing the point of it all, we keep failing to appreciate each other presence in our lives and in our own individual grand stories. But when we're not forced together anymore, we have to make the choice to come together again ourselves. We keep missing what we actually need to do. Missing each other in favor of our aspirations. Etc etc. One day we will finally embrace and there will be nothing keeping us apart.
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shantechni · 10 months
The reason I think of 2012 Donnie as being the third oldest isn't entirely because of how Raph messes with him, or his strong middle child energy that repeatedly makes itself known, or how Leo and Raph are more invested in their training than him and Mikey, or how he interacts with Mikey in a way that he doesn't with the others.
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It's because of how easily he's swayed and influenced by his brothers.
Donnie is often seen as the type to ruminate extensively over what would be the right thing to do and how to do something the right way, a habit that Leo is well known for exhibiting as well. This is best exampled by when he got on Mikey's case for not properly defending against seoi nage. Even though Mikey's manner of fighting and defending are effective, it's not satisfactory to Donnie because it wasn't the proper way of doing things.
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And, on Leo's end, we see it best exampled by him wanting his brothers to do things 'the right way' instead of 'their way'. It's something the two occasionally have to be reminded not to do, both to others and themselves, but getting things done in a manner that's expected of them is something they take pride in. It ties in with Donnie's ceaseless desire to be accurate about things, not because he necessarily needs to, but because he likes to be accurate and it's important to him on a personal level.
This goes hand in hand with Donnie exuding a strong sense of responsibility that not even Raph displays too often unless Leo is out of commission. We see this a lot in how he usually sticks by Leo when patrolling or surveying a situation, where as Raph and Mikey tend to hang back and fool around while counting the minutes.
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Beyond that though, Donnie held Splinter's words in high regard when he told him Timothy was his responsibility, and he sided with Leo about bringing the mutated squirrels to the lair, the complete opposite of Raph and Mikey who were vehemently opposed to the idea. He worked ceaselessly to create retromutagen for Kirby and Karai, and he ran himself ragged working to find a cure for the Shredder's brain worms. There was no guarantee that he would've ever figured these out, especially after many failed attempts (and he never could create a cure for the worms), but he stuck to the tasks he assigned himself because he felt a strong responsibility to aid those he cares for and wanted to keep his word.
Just like Leo.
Of course he gets quite a bit of that from Raph as well, but it's as clear as a window recently lathered with windex that Raph had a much bigger influence on Donnie's temperament. He easily gets agitated under stress, or no stress whatsoever as we saw when he blew up over something as small as Mikey spilling popcorn on him, and he complains quite a lot or is quick to snap when things aren't going his way (yet another thing Raph does).
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More than the tendency to dish out sarcastic comments and insults like it's Halloween, they're also the only ones to doubt Leo's leadership and they don't hold back one bit. Raph may be the most vocal, but Donnie exhibited leader tendencies long before the S2 finale and, like Raph, isn't fond of being told what to do if it doesn't align for him. The internal conflict in Follow the Leader was heavily instigated by Raph not wanting to fight like Leo, with Donnie all too easily falling into step with him and convincing Mikey to follow suit for a brief stint. It's moments like these that puts Donnie's desire to do things the right way on the back burner and brings forth his desire to do things his right way.
The biggest thing, or person, that made Donnie go back and forth between Leo and Raph though, was Karai.
When Donnie is first introduced to her, he immediately dislikes her for her carefree nature that puts those around her in a dangerous situation, as well as her lack of regard for anyone other than herself. And then, when Leo reveals that she's in the Foot, he has all the more reason to dislike and distrust her, something that everyone agrees on to albeit varying degrees.
Funnily enough though, when Karai tries to form an alliance with the turtles to fight the Kraang, Donnie, despite him preaching about her not being trustworthy minutes prior, sides with Mikey when Leo looks to them for an answer while Raph still remains suspicious of the situation.
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Then, when Karai approaches them and claims to believe Splinter is her father, Donnie sides with Leo, despite his previous misgivings about her in The Manhattan Project Part 1. Him and Raph were the most outspoken about her upbringing and current place in their lives as a villain as they grappled with the fact that she's Splinter's daughter. But this time, he wholeheartedly believed her and trusted her to some extent, and he's as shocked as Leo and Mikey when she confesses to them. Her moment of betrayal was just enough for Donnie to go back to Raph's side and question Leo's desire to find and rescue her. The two don't want to bother with her anymore, but they still follow their leader when it's clear that Leo isn't changing his mind.
Even though I just chronicled Donnie flip flopping between Leo and Raph, I did also mention him siding with Mikey on one instance, and their long story with Karai wasn't the only one. When they get pulled into an alternate dimension reminiscent of feudal Japan with an anthropomorphic rabbit as their only guide, they have to rely on Usagi while aiding him on his journey with Kintaro, but Leo gets fed up with his leadership being undermined (as well as being thrust into trouble they didn't ask for) and orders his brothers to follow him while they find a way out of this dimension. Mikey is the first to speak up about how dangerous (and idiotic really) Leo's idea sounds since they're in unfamiliar land, and Donnie immediately says Mikey's right, showing that he also wasn't keen on traversing with no clear destination in sight. They were better off trusting Usagi.
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Knowing when to trust someone isn't the only way Mikey influenced Donnie, as he also directly and indirectly encourages Donnie to think outside the box whenever he's struggling to figure something out. Of course there's the obvious one of learning how to fight without thinking, but there's also Mikey's habit of using unconventional means to reach an intended result, as well as him easily pointing out the obvious without the intricacies and convoluted mess of a situation distracting him from it.
What is arguably the most interesting influence Mikey had on Donnie was learning to give someone a second chance when they've wronged you the first time.
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Mikey put this on display when Slash returned during S3 in the fight against the Kraang. Though things seemed fairly neutral towards the end of Newtralized!, Leo is immediately wary of and angry with Slash appearing before them after their last two run-ins with him, something Slash expresses guilt over and apologizes for. Leo is still antagonistic and distrusting towards him when the Mutanimals make it clear they're on the good side, but Mikey comes forth and tells his brother that everyone deserves a second chance to prove themselves, and this is Slash's second chance. Leo doesn't want to ally himself with Slash, but Mikey's insistence is enough for him to put aside their differences and prioritize Earth.
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And Donnie does the same for the Fugitoid. When it's revealed that the black hole generator was his creation, the Fugitoid emphasizes as much as he can that he regrets creating the device and handing it over to beings who only wanted to abuse its power, but Leo is again the main one to doubt him, with Raph seconding him. Donnie leaps in to put out the fire, preaching exactly what Mikey stated a season ago about giving someone a second chance, and April and Mikey jump in to back the Fugitoid up. Leo is unfortunately too stubborn to heed their words, though he doesn't attempt to force anyone on his side either. Donnie had absolutely no reason to try and convince Leo other than the fact that the Fugitoid has been helping them this whole time, and was honest with them about his previous mistakes.
He didn't have to tell them the truth, but he did, and that was all Donnie needed to believe they weren't being used by the Fugitoid.
There are likely other instances of the guys pulling Donnie in a direction different from the one he'd typically choose, and Donnie occasionally exhibits similar behaviors to Mikey when the youngest turtle is convinced to say or do something he otherwise wouldn't. But, for me personally, all of this supports the idea of Donnie being the third oldest and a middle child.
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excali8ur · 1 year
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OH I never posted my 2012 version of Danny.
He's less Sillay than the Rise version (and is also a trans guy)
Obviously in this AU, Danny is not Mondo (because that's Jason) and stays human for the course of the series, but the two were close friends before Jason got mutated and disappeared. They have similar hobbies and home lives (ie, poor relationships with their families), although in this AU Danny doesn't run away from home. Their bond gets severed when Jason is mutated and they don't really reconnect until they're older and a very nervous Jason calls him to explain things.
I kind of envision Danny's life being pretty different in the 2012 AU. He doesn't run away and join the Foot, or meet the turtles, which means he never gets mutated and basically has to live out a "normal" teenage life. He gives up on skating a little bit after he loses Jason and instead gets more interested in music and even starts learning to make his own. He was also 100% a Minecraft kid & probably had his own let's play channel with 3 subscribers lmao
I think 2012 Danny probably has a lot more gender troubles than his Rise counterpart too (the idea of growing into a Human Woman is a hell of a lot more stressful to her than the idea of just being a big lizard- Rise Danny really lucked out with that one tbh), as well as a lot more General Emotional Troubles from being stuck with his family. I'm sure he'll be fine though
Oh and he's even more of a klepto in this version.
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virgilisspidey · 2 years
Because I want to make myself even sadder
Imagine the 2012 boys post season 1. They're in the peak of their first triumph against the Kraang, they're still on that "We saved the world!" high.
Now let's dump Two Souls 2012 boys in that time.
Their younger selves would most likely stumble upon them at some point. Even if they try and hide their presence, Leo is sharp enough to notice how the crimes lessened throughout the weeks and how each crime stopping corresponds to how his brothers handle it.
Push comes to shove, he accidentally stumbles upon an 18 year old Donnie sneaking through his younger selve's garage for supplies.
There's a chase through the subway stations and the TS boys have to reveal themselves.
Mikey was most excited out of all of them. His older self looked cool and strong, and a lot taller too. He wants to know the cool adventures they would have in the future and TS Mikey would indulge him with a very watered down version of the events. Mikey isn't dumb though, he sees all the scars.
Donnie was also enthusiastic. Two Donnies are better than one. He expected his older version would be sort of excited as well, or at least happy, but he was quick to ask him for help to get back to their own time. He looked tired and even if he's answering his questions, he looked like he didn't want to be there. Donnie doesn't understand why but he's just happy to help and happy to learn what he can.
What's baffling is that TS Raph was quiet. Sure, Raph is like that when he first meets new people, with a few biting remarks here and there. But he's completely silent. The only time he ever talks is if Splinter addresses them, and even that, he was stiff and his voice was forced. He gives whispers and looks to his younger brothers and they follow what he says. Their younger selves are so shocked because they can't barely even follow Leo properly, why would they follow older Raph like that?
That's another whole different can of worms as well.
There wasn't an older version of Leo.
Leo wanted to know how far he's come in life. He didn't really want to bother the older guys since they seem like they really just want to go home until Raph opened his mouth to ask where their Leo was.
The glass TS Raph was holding shattered in how hard he was gripping on it, TS Mikey's smile seemed a bit too cheery, and TS Donnie walked out of the room without uttering a single word his younger counterpart following him.
"He's... He's on the other side." TS Mikey answers.
"Oh... So he's stuck back in your time?" Leo would say.
"Yeah... That's why we really just want to get back home!" TS Mikey says with a forced cheer, he was already rummaging through the cupboards for a first aid kit he knows they have and started to wrap the cut on Raph's palm while slapping him when he tried to scratch on it.
"If you don't mind me asking... Do I... Do I become a great leader in the future?"
"You did great." TS Raph would say to him, it's his first time actually talking to Leo and not avoiding him, and getting that type of compliment from a Raph? He was grinning like an idiot. He said he did great!
Mikey and Raph looked at each other with horrified expressions.
You did great.
They chose not to say anything because Leo was so happy... And TS Raph kept looking at them, silently begging them to keep quiet.
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cactuslester · 2 months
“Don’t you get tired of over qualifying your words for random people on the internet” YES GOD SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you anon! like i really feel this so hard because like i know we often can't help caring what other people think and can't help feeling like we need to overexplain ourselves for a myriad of reasons, some of them being that social media culture has bred such an environment of like constantly performing and being scrutinized and scrutinizing others to see who is saying exactly the right thing in exactly the right way, and it's like, of course it's always important to be aware and thoughtful about what we say and how we conduct ourselves, but really sometime the black and white mentality goes too far, and learning how to distance yourself and care less about what others think is honestly so vital to enjoying your internet experience and feeling free
and when it comes to the phandom and talking about dnp's relationship specifically, i think a lot of people (mostly outside of tumblr, i feel like most of us here Get It) are still stuck deep in that ~2012-2016 mindset. and like i get that era did a number on a lot of us, but dnp themselves have moved on, and we're allowed to move on too. like so many people on here have already said, it's perfectly natural to think dnp are in a relationship because, lbrh, they've made it pretty much as clear as they can make it without outright saying it. dnp are very aware of how we as a fandom operate and think and know that right now, they're existing in a space where they can be just short of being explicit about their relationship, such that those who actively keep up with their content Know What's Up, but it's not enough for any tabloid site to pick up and run an article on and get the public spotlight trained on them again. given that, i think it's fair for us to pick up what they put down, and anyone in the year 2024 jumping down people's throats for saying they're together just looks silly, and it's time that everyone who still cares about what those people say to just stop caring
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