#welcome to the fandom btw 🫢🏽
gracefullou Β· 9 months
as someone who's v new to the fandom (and didn't even know the names of 1d until this year) I truly do not understand the larry thing... like even if they were a thing, they most definitely aren't now and we aren't even sure they're on good terms? especially because that man never talks about louis (or praises him like niall or liam does) and how he never made a statement about how euphoria used their images & names without consent or knowledge (and then hung out with the creator after louis made a statement). I just cannot fathom it. plus larries thinking songs are about that man (that would show him in a very negative light if that were true) and continuing to both support him AND say that they're secretly married or wtv? sorry for the rant I'm just very confused by it all???
Old grandma larries who want to live an epic love story through 2 strange, much younger men keep this thing going bc they keep talking about this ship and they will never ever change their mind no matter what. They use 2011/ 2012 old footage that taken out of context may look cute to some people in order to recruit these new fans to their cult. They also live in a bubble and block any solo louie they see and tell their followers to do the same (didn't you know it's a sin to support a musician for his music ? You have to worship his husband that he wasn't seen with in 1654 years too πŸ™„). By the time these relatively new people realize that they've been obsessing over ancient footage and that these two men haven't interacted with each other in ages, they're way too invested in their delusions to aknowledge that, way too self centered to admit they were wrong all along and that other people's sexuality/ partners is none of their business. It's offensive to ship Louis with a man who called his late mother (may she rest in peace) someone's mom, whose personal assistant liked a hate post about Louis' voice, a man who's besties with that australian host who called his ex-bandmate (and to them it's worse, husband) a rat on radio. That man even said that he attended her wedding . It's offensive to ship him with a man who hasn't uttered his name in more than 7 years except for snl and talk show sketches (and that damage control award show speech), it's offensive to ship him with a man who approved that Euphoria scene and didn't even think of telling him, it's offensive to ship him with a man who has an other woman's name tattood on his body and another one's voicemail in his song πŸ’€.... Like if they cared about Louis and loved him just a little bit, they would've wanted him to be OUT of this relationship even if they believe it to be true. But they're a lost case πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ. They're celebrating that in bty he says i love him (according to them not me) and ignore that he says i hate it right fucking after 😭 and that this song is about a toxic relationship (Mind you in 2019 when i joined the fandom they used to "believe" Louis when he said he doesn't relate to the song bc that man is such a great partner it could never be about him 😭). In conclusion, don't be confused anon, these people are just delusional. They stan that dead ship and nothing else. And unless they seek irl help, they will never change their mind about it
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