#they're real players with real feelings
lover-of-mine · 10 months
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b4kuch1n · 5 months
Your swsh art always makes me want to replay the game because i love it and its my favorite pokemon game and every time i play another pokemon game i think of it how i miss certain elements from swsh. Then i boot up the game and im once again caught in the 1 hour 40 minutes hand held intro and im like ah- now i remember why i have been playing other pokemon games instead of this one. Happy (late?) birthday!
you don't want to listen to hop? you don't want to hear him teach you about type matchups? you don't wanna let him cheer u on...? 🥺 waa....?
#ask#bakuspeech#I am joking to be clear lmao#thank u happy bday to me !!#tbh I got real used to pokemon overexpositioning since sumo lol. it's kind of a boon for me#cause I'm not a Gamer™ and my brain takes stuff on Very slowly#so the tutorial stuff and the cutscenes give me time to catch up. also it's still fun to see these guys run around#I am in fact here for these guys lol. weird thing to say about the game built on and with an essential focus on the pokemon I know#I just like humans! I just like watching hop running circles around my player character all excited#and leon being a dick to his hometown people when they're expecting 'leon' back and they get the champion instead#and you get to see sonia used to dealing with it but the frustration never fully fades and how close she is to hop and that picture's bleak#listen this is my bread&butter lol. leon really doesn't show up That much himself around the game he's a shadow casted over the story#it's always interesting to me! does Not mean it's not sluggish to other people who want to play the game lmao#but I like it. also the tutorial at least the first time around was necessary to me bc the difficulty scales way up later on lol#it's a very good first pokemon game I maintain this. sumo never managed to teach me the same way swsh did#I still care drampa tho thank u drampa for being real I love u#lmao it feels like saying I'm not a Gamer™ violates some tenets of having adhd somehow. but its just the case here#the main genres I play are 'itch games tangential to the haunted ps1 people' and 'popcap-style casual games'#my sport's figuring out shapes n movin my stylus sadly. well not sadly why would that be sad
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cityofduluthmn · 3 months
Gonna be really honest here, I'm genuinely worried about a Trump victory in November specifically because of Michigan.
My hometown was extremely pro-Biden in 2020. Aside from a few crazy neighbors, it was very safely leaning Biden and had a historically high voter turnout that year. Nowadays, Biden is viewed and discussed with vitriol, and rightly so given his disastrous policies and complicity in the ongoing Palestinian genocide. Nowadays, all you see around town are some Trump signs and flags, when four years ago it was absolutely plastered with Biden/Harris ads. Our mayor made national headlines for refusing to host the president on a visit.
Biden won Michigan by just over 100,000 votes in 2020. My hometown, now leaning towards Trump by virtue of a huge segment of our population ostensibly abstaining, has about 106,000 people.
Trump could very feasibly take the state of Michigan and 14 electoral votes with it in November because of one single suburb.
I understand that we're fucking pissed at Biden right now, and we absolutely should be because what he's done is abhorrent. But an election isn't a business where boycotts/targeted abstentions are going to hurt the government directly. Even if only five people vote in the election, the person who wins still gets to be the president for four years. Especially if you live in a swing state, you need to consider the entirety of what's at stake with this election.
We need to consider whether we want the president to be a person who's maintained the status quo and participated in genocide, or someone who is going to actively make the ongoing genocide worse and initiate more. Palestine isn't the only thing at stake here (and it's not even necessarily at stake. Trump has been very open and unambiguous about his support for Israel in the past. Biden is not great but trump is going to be so much worse just in that regard) and even though our system sucks actual garbage and doesn't represent the interests of anyone, we can't jeapordize the tenuous little progress we have made over a principle that isn't going to matter in the end anyway unless we have a viable alternative ready.
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hella1975 · 6 months
hella do you think you could dumb bitchify aftg 🥺
(your making me want to get it but idk yet)
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contrappostoes · 8 months
just started playing tears of the kingdom & am being reminded of how my favorite thing about playing zelda is the way the game's internal logic feels so intuitive even if you're not a gamer like it's really amazing...idk if people who have grown up with video games more generally pick up on that or see how special it is! kind of hard to explain but so many games feel like they follow a parallel video game logic when it comes to things like visual cueing & puzzles, which can be more or less easily picked up on if the player is someone who's familiar with gaming & game logic, but can be really frustrating if you're not...botw was such a special experience for me because I felt like the game was letting me figure things out more naturally if that makes sense, like even if I was totally oblivious all the hints the game built in to guide me through a puzzle or area (and I often was LOL) I could still achieve what I was trying to by just using my head bc the game is built in a way to make that possible. which is very cool!
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doodlboy · 8 months
I've never thought about the game unlocking more areas after someone dies in that way but honestly that makes me really sad
Ikr? It feels so much more cruel and isolating that the characters get more space to live the more they kill each other off.
When they first get there, they all spend time on the first floor, it's easier to find them and interact with them. But as the floors open up, everyone disperses, and you have to actively hunt for characters you want to talk to. [Or just open the menu and just fast-travel nearby, but that's not the same as aimlessly wandering the halls hoping to see them pop up]
It probably doesn't help that the hallways all look like this
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Which makes it very easy to get lost and turned around if you don't know where you're going
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aq2003 · 22 days
the most personally vindicating thing about the hamlet (2009) commentary is doran pointing out the curtains behind hamlet during act 1 scene 5 and how it alludes to the story being a stage production and hints to a sense of theatricality about it all like YESSSSSS that's exactly why i became actively crazy about hamlet (particularly this adpatation) again
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honestlyvan · 1 month
👀👀 rlly interesting read on ovan, would love to hear some abt ur hcs on him n corbenik
(Now on DW!)
So it's been a hot minute since I watched Terminal Disc so my memory of the details of the canon are very vague, but I definitely think it's likely that the Epitaphs attached themselves to players in reverse numerical order, making Ovan the first and unintentionally the template for how becoming an Epitaph-PC would play out.
Corbenik is sort of funny as a Phase because the way it's laid out in the Epitaph, Corbenik serves no function until the Wave wipes out its intended target, and it's left behind to observe the void. As long as the system state isn't disturbed and no new AI begins to emerge, Corbenik stays passive theoretically forever -- but once it is disturbed, it rouses the rest of the Wave to come clean up what was left unfinished.
(I recognise this isn't how we see it play out in R1, I'm basing this on the idea that Morganna designed the Wave to be essentially self-propagating against Aura. The stalemate is the point, the rolling waves razing any fertile ground for her to develop on in favour of perpetual despair and the call of the void.)
With Corbenik as the rearguard of the apocalypse, it could have easily been the most active (least inactive?) of the Phases during the period of calm after Aura takes over Morganna's duties -- with no AI competing with Aura available to suppress, it was essentially on standby, latching onto Ovan the moment he showed up and then doing nothing until it registered the AIDA that also attached itself to Ovan.
Which is the thing that really fucks Ovan over, I think. The body timeshare he has with Tri-Edge is stressful enough, but Corbenik is also perpetually making him identify himself as the greatest threat to system integrity. So he's essentially getting a triple dose of the Epitaph "the solution is Fucking Kill Yourself" heightened self-destructive urge -- from the nature of the Cursed Wave, from the Vagrant AI-fication of the Phases and being (in part) his own natural-born enemy.
On top of this, Corbenik is perpetually calling to the other Phases like "over here! I've identified the enemy! Here is an AI we need to stop from reaching self-actualisation!" So candidates are drawn to him, unconsciously recognise him as having seniority, and then immediately identify him as the threat to be eliminated. People keep forming a kind of proxy disordered attachment to him, feeling compelled to follow his orders but also feeling threatened by his presence and become driven by the urge to destroy him.
Haseo is particularly vulnerable to this because Skeith and Corbenik are so intertwined in their roles, the first Phase is the one the last calls the strongest, and his personal sense of betrayal only amplifies the destructive resonance. And the influence goes both ways, the more Skeith perceives Corbenik's host as the main threat, the more Corbenik calls on Skeith as the vanguard to eliminate that threat. Haseo's (perceived) perception of him directly influences Ovan's perception of himself -- with everyone else Ovan is very particular about asserting his own reality, but with Haseo, the way Haseo sees him takes priority over how Ovan sees himself.
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blackvahana · 1 month
Well! Well. I shut off Oblivion. I went to annoy Lev in the astral. He has a body chilling on my bed reading something or playing with something or. whatever. Anyway. So I start making Poses at him again because something in my goddamn biology needs to fucking do weird ass bird mating dances at him at every given opportunity. My bed is right beside my desk, head of the bed and back of the desk are in a line. Im sitting at my desk physically. I'm like oh. Sudden strong spirit presence beside me! Said hi to Lev guessing he got up to watch over my shoulder because I closed oblivion and he was asking me about it (so he probably came to look) and then was like. Oh that's not you is it. Because. That's where my astral body is.
Yeah no that was me. Because I could turn around and look through planes into my faces.
It's not the first time I've had a strong presence in the astral! I do that every once in a blue moon. I've dropped the temperature and brightness of rooms before, the spirits possessing my body have felt me before in the way I feel them but
I. don't talk about this because I don't agree p shifting is a thing but this is dangerously close to p shifting type beliefs, but in my and my groups experience spirits can actually physically come here. All planes are connected, it's not about a Veil but about a huge magnetic gap between this plane and the others and it's huge polarisation that means you need a fuck tonne of energy to translate yourself into a body on this plane And to get back out of it so it tends it really just be gods coming here and generally as shit like animals so they don't get Spotted. Generally. I don't care if anyone believes me I don't talk about it for others - uh. double meaning there. I'm not talking about it for others now, and usually I never mention it for others' sakes. This is not about others
But I was thinking that. I get thoughts crossing my mind especially lately about "well if I had a fuck tonne of energy, could I be here in two bodies...." in the way of the theory of it. trying to understand more about how this plane works and whatnot. this.
This was the first time. looking at myself through planes. Where I was like. I have two bodies in the same universe. both real. both exist. both are me. This is not some abstract "I exist and then the astral is some foreign place" I was in another body as real as this one on the fucking other side of the veil and I felt myself there. Like I've felt myself in the astral before, but now I'm like. spirits are not vague fucking things. I know they're real i Know the theory but I never let myself KNOW the theory
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bluupxels · 1 year
as much as i enjoy the rancher/cowboy aesthetic the idea of horses in a non open world is so fucking stupid to me like where are we going? cant even go to the neighbors house without a loading screen those horses will NOT be getting enough exercise
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
You know what's a messed up thought? We need to stop the knight from opening fountains in order to stop the roaring right? And to do that we need to seal the fountains... Who opened the fountain in castle town? If we assume its the knight, it might mean that we have to seal the castle town fountain aswell, and i think that would make an interesting ending, like, choose to keep it open and risk the roaring? Or close it and say goodbye to your friends forever.
I've talked about your point before, it's a very good observation! but instead of arguing for or against it, I'm just gonna say this:
ever played one shot? the other cute indie game with meta themes and player/PC interactions that's referenced multiple times throughout deltarune? (ex: the room with the tree and the man behind it)?
know how that game ends?
yeah :]
#:]]#i don't speculate about deltarune that much#but one thing i feel very strongly about where it's going#and it's that by the end of the story the light world and the dark worlds won't ever be able to communicate again#because the power dynamic between the darkners and the lightners almost directly parallels the dynamic between kris and the player#which. while i think kris had a hand in our coming. is still one of disproportionate disparity#think of the control we have over kris and their body and their life#now think of the control lightners have over darkners for the pure fact that they're objects in the lightworld#how they make them. and literally give them purpose. and can destroy them willingly or not#like remember that meme about the kid from toy story ''how was he supposed to know they're alive. they shouldn't be''#considering this power dynamic it becomes clear that there's no true ending to dr where we remain in control of kris' body#... and there won't be any end for the darkners' crisis as long as they're tied to the light world. as objects#there's also another possibility. which is that dark worlds aren't truly... Real real. like their function IS to help and support lightners#which would SEEM to be supported by the fact that (according to toby) making plushes of the darkners serves a purpose to the story#while making plushies of the lightners doesn't#but it's debatable. especially with how hard the story in ch1 pulled on the ''lightnerd and darkners are equal'' which...#on a purely material/ontologic sense is just not true#but seems to remain conscience/will/freedom-wise#but anyway yeah. going by vibes and thematical predictions alone#i think we'll have to definitely close the portals to dark worlds. so they can go on to live their own destinies separate from ligtners#and THEN. don't forget will play again. the version with lyrics. and like the stickers it's gonna impliy that it's sung from ralsei's pov#and he'll sing ''don't forget: I'm with you in the dark''. and we'll all BAWL our FUCKING EYES OUT#answered asks#deltarune#entry log
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corpocyborg · 1 year
Just started a full renegade play through and god some of these choices remind me why I normally play renegon. It’s not the immoral choices that bother me, it’s the inconsistency. Sometimes you come off as a no-nonsense hardass willing to do whatever it takes to get a job done and other times you just come off like a raging psychopath. Full paragon is generally way more consistent with their characterization but full renegade can’t decide if they’re willing to make harsh decisions for a greater principle or if they’re sadistic, if they’re reckless or if they have a stick up their butt, if they’re strong and silent or whiny and accusatory, etc. And this could potentially work if the hypocrisy was acknowledged and incorporated into the story as a character flaw, but half the scenes feel like you’re just terrorizing people and they’re just laying down and taking it. To be fair, they get a lot better about this in later games, but I wish the characterization was more consistent and I wish there were more realistic reactions to renegade behavior. Maybe it’s because game designers know most people don’t do those kinds of routes and they’re worried that if they had genuine consequences for bad behavior, even less people would do it, but in my opinion, that type of narrative works a lot better when it feels like there’s actual stakes and also rationale for the behavior. There’s several distinct times where renegade choices could have easily been presented as “sacrifice for the greater good” or something along those lines, but for whatever reason they put in dialogue where you’re just being an asshole instead. Killing the rachni queen, for example. The base idea is good. You’re unsure if you can truly trust her. Are you mercifully saving a benevolent creature or is it fooling you and you’re unleashing a terror onto the world? That’s a great idea, but the dialogue doesn’t present it right. And then there’s too many times where the renegade decision just seems completely illogical. Like on Feros, what reason do you have to kill the colonists instead of incapacitate them? It’s just as easy to incapacitate them, there is no loss to it, so if you still chose to kill them, you just come off as irrational and totally careless.  The narrative as a whole pushes the whole “renegade shep is ruthless but gets the job done” depiction, but they just don’t actually present it consistently. Which, again, could work if it was played off as Shepard making excuses for their behavior or believing they’re doing the right thing but just going too far due to losing sight of the bigger picture or something like that, but the inconsistency doesn’t come off as an intentional character flaw of hypocrisy, it just comes off as inconsistent writing. I know they’re less motivated to write that story well because it is so much less popular for the average player, but maybe it would be more popular if they wrote it better. Don’t get me wrong, I love renegade Shepard, just... the one that I’ve created in my head and pieced together from the well-written parts of renegade dialogue. Or more like the one that the narrative promises but doesn’t consistently deliver.
#i'm sure people have been over this a thousand times with how old this game is#but still#if you're offering players 2 choices#and like 90% of the players are choosing the same choice#it is possible you're offering the wrong 2 choices#compare to for example walking dead telltale season 2#which is only on my mind because i was playing it recently#but it is notable how close to 50 50 every choice is in that game for what players most often pick#because the choices are HARD#and i'm of the opinion that you can generally play clementine as more ruthless or more kind#but they both feel like they make sense#mordin and garrus are both way better examples of a well written renegade than shepard btw#so like... they know HOW to write that kind of character#they just chose not do it consistently for some bizarre reason#like the least moral version of mordin you can imagine who never stops defending the genophage#or a garrus with no influence from paragon shep who is all vengeful and harsh#they are still better written than renegade shepard is in certain dialogues#the real problem imo is games don't like to make your decisions hard and honestly most games are afraid to let their players struggle#they are convinced that most players don't want that that they just want everything to be easy#and it is probably true of casual players but they're not the ones that are going to function as the heart of a franchise#anyway ignore me going off about 10 year old games and topics that have probably been hashed out a thousand times several years ago haha
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cloudprincesslady · 7 months
i'm sure a million people have already said this sorta thing but goddamn this is the most frustrating hour of critical role i've ever watched
#and i've been here a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time#like. taliesin acting like this was a choice that was gonna involve sacrifice and pain and then he would get to be something else#when matt all but explicitly said 'yeah so anybody BUT ashton taking this will be fine but if ashton does it he'll straight die'#like. like. like. honestly.#matt could not have been more clear that this one wasn't meant for ashton#it honestly feels like if keyleth had tried to claim fenthras.#or like. if vax had tried to claim the vestige that went to percy#like. sometimes you make choices in a roleplaying game because they're the right choice above the table.#it is not chill to hoard loot or to take things from other pcs and that's honestly what this situation feels like.#it couldve been literally anybody else. anyone. anyone at all.#admittedly lets be real this feels like the most fitting conclusion to ashton's story imo lmao he was born of hubris and he died of hubris#but like! theyre not gonna let this be the end of his story!#which sucks for me! a person who dislikes the character and is now watching him do the MOST FRUSTRATING THING EVER#and hes almost certainly not even gonna feel the consequences of it#also him kissing fearne to manipulate her and then saying 'that's never happening again' was AWFUL. absolutely awful.#i don't care how he meant it#also when matt said 5 rounds to go and taliesin was like oh i thought it was further#when matt said 'i was real clear yall' i FELT for him#he did EVERYTHING right as a dm! this isn't on him!#when your players go against your signposting...#also the fact that taliesin keeps asking for people to stay and heal him and keep him together?#when they're taking damage and probably gonna be destroyed by his death???? fuck me#look! i like taliesin as a person! but DAMN I hate the way he plays the game lmao!#the only character of his i've ever liked is caduceus#good for marisha saying NO to giving her supermassive new healing potion to ashton lmao#i would not have been NEARLY as gracious as matt about this lmao#im keeping my liveblogging to these tags bc i do not want to get caught up in discourse lmao#also matt wtf the DC in the last two rounds was only 15???? by the end it should absolutely be DC 20 cmon#hes trying to absorb the essence of a PRIMORDIAL TITAN into a body which is already holding the essence of a different primordial titan!!!!#god. i wish he didnt have that fucking ring. i desperately wish he died doing this.
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sarroora · 1 year
I’m not an avid football fan or anything, but one of the highlights of the start of 2023 for me so far is how protective the Saudian fans are of Ronaldo after joining one of their clubs. 
It goes beyond being thrilled one of their fave football legends is there to help raise their bar and inspire them to play better and all that - they’re genuinely celebrating him as human being and not just a face. The “he’s our child now and I will kill anyone who hurts him or his family ever again western media can f off” energy is both hilarious and endearing.
This clip of Edu Aguirre smiling and wiping away a tear watching Ronaldo’s reception is all of us.
Also fans not knowing whether to be happy or pissed that the goalkeeper blocked Ronaldo’s kick during training is hilarious
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meowmeowmessi · 1 year
Honestly, as much as well talk about it, I kinda don't seen City as an option just becauss they've built their team over the last 2 years, including ofc Grealish who also plays as a 10 and is a starter, and it doesn't feel like they'd want to make any big transfers now. But still I guess we will see in the transfer window for sure, both for City's squad and Messi's decision.
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appreciate the reality check, anons 🥲 it's all on leo and whether he believes in whatever "sports project" nonsense pissg is feeding him atp. i seriously doubt he's going to stay in the tinpot club for much longer (dear god let this not be a jinx), but considering barça's financial situation rn, not to mention tebas,,, i really don't think it's a feasible option. and i don't want it to be, either :// not at this moment, anyway. so yes, we can only wait and see what happens in the next transfer window. i'm not too worried about his options tbh— it's fucking messi, not just any random player: all it takes is the news "he is wants to leave" to break out just like the burofax in 2020 and he'll have clubs lining up at his doorstep
#also i've heard grealish has been flopping lately?#saw some ppl on city twt saying they wouldn't mind messi in their squad in place of grealish that got me going HMMM fjdkfj#jokes aside tho. if he leaves pissg and barça can't sign him then i don't see him going anywhere other than city#bc messi enjoys familiarity. he has juli and pep over there. not to mention city was an actual option he was considering back in 2020#i'd love to see him in napoli too but they're broke so 🥲#but i really really don't want barça for him rn. administrative and political issues with la liga aside#the way true coolers are moving rn#coupled with PLAYERS saying they hope messi comes back and helps them win the ucl#it's not looking good bruv. hate to burst the bubble but the current squad is only good enough to win the league#there's still a long way to go if they want to conquer europe. and this isn't 2018/19 messi anymore#who can singlehandedly drag them to the ucl semis#if messi comes back and they flop he'll be made the scapegoat. and it'll be so much worse#i understand there's the romantic inside all of us that thinks messi can definitely help the club of his life win the ucl#bc he's the main character of football and a real life mary sue#but listen. even cinderella's magic runs out when the clock strikes midnight#some things are just impossible#and im tired of seeing messi taking the blame for everything. i can take french media throwing stones at him bc they're pests anyway#but i don't want him to get hurt by the club of his life. that'd be too much for me to bear#at the end of the day it's his decision but yeah. city or napoli for me. barça can be his pit stop right before he r words#i have a lot of feelings regarding this sorry ://#asks
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mrbingley · 1 year
this post has me reeling. i am waiting with baited breath for brennan to break the fourth wall as himself. him having a literal self insert via scheherazade would be such a clever and sneaky way of doing so. it would lead to a better reveal rather than “suddenly the characters are talking to brennan himself” it’s “i’ve been here the whole time, as the author of this story yes, but also i have injected myself into the story itself as scheherazade to literally commune with you fictonal characters”. i want a character to roll a natural twenty perception or investigation check or make a nat twenty wisdom save and suddenly notice that every voice here, aside from their party of friends, has a familiarity to it, a certain timbre and cadence, as though every voice is coming from the same throat. how the voice of the stepmother and the wolf and ylfa’s grandmother are all somehow the same and how confusing and conflicting that realization would be. i want pinnochio, the puppet boy who thinks he finally cut himself free, to see strings attached to him still except these ones stretch to a place he cannot see far beyond his world.
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