#they deserve to be Giant Serpents Of Chaos
xatsperesso · 1 year
Headcanon to Lady Levi and Leiji: Leviathan's bloodline magic is turning in a kaiju like form.
A quick google search have told me that a kaiju is a giant monster, and honestly? If the demons from the leviathan family can't turn into giant sea serpents then what's the point
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hs-devote · 3 years
láthi: the unwritten truth
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Moodboard * Content * Masterlist
All characters and situation in this story are fictitious. Resemblance to any person living or dead is only God knows.
the completed series here
the unwritten truth
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
“You don't have to ask twice.”
“Fine then.” it sighs, “ Who are you going to sacrifice?”
“She was the Goddess of the Moon. Selene.”
. . . .
One year later..
“It's so sad the Goddess died after a year of torture. Plus, her husband sentenced her to prison.”
“Do you know what caused the Goddess to die at such a young age?”
“I heard rumours that she was cursed?"
“How could she die from being cursed? No one in the realm could hurt the royal family.”
“Ladies, it would be respectful if you didn't talk nonsense about your God and Goddess.”
The maids wince, terrified when Harry's advisor caught them gossiping in the kitchen. Feeling embarrassed, they quickly return to their work and praying he doesn't report them to the God.
“You're lucky that I won't report you to His Majesty,” he announces, “Go get to work.”
The all women nod as the advisor leaving them alone. While they get back to their work, Arion, the advisor, immediately goes to Harry who's in his study. When he arrives, he sees the door slightly ajar and knocks on it, walking in when the God allows him.
“Is there any good news, Your Majesty?" Arion asks after he bends down, looking at the distressed God behind his oak table.
“Is that creature still exist?” Harry hums, his eyes never leaving the old book in his hand.
“What creature, Your Majesty?”
Harry sighs, closes the book tiredly and put it on the table. "I saw an odd mark on Selene's neck, and it disappeared just before the cremation ceremony began. It was an ancient mark that belongs to mythical creatures, according to this book." he points at the book, "As far as I know, the mythical creatures vanished when Centauri attacked Sicily far centuries ago."
“So, you think Her Majesty's death has something to do with them?”
“I don't want to think like that, but that mark makes me uneasy." Harry scratches his temple, "They should be extinct, right?"
“I heard one rumour, Your Majesty." Arion starts, "When the chaos broke out, some of the survivors chose to negate their physical and returned to where they were born. And some of them had extraordinary power."
“If what you think is true, you have to find them. If there are humans who know its existence, they will know the truth about our realm.”  he adds, looking at Harry respectfully who's now listening to him carefully, “Whose mark is it?”
“Belonged to the God of Dead,” Arion whispers, “Do you think it inherited its owner power?”
“I don't know, Arion.” Harry sighs, “But for sure, I have to find the truth.” . . . .
It never occurred to Ilitia that she would do such a thing like this the first time in her life, and she vowed to be last time too.
Right now, she was standing in the middle of a Parthenon, under the starry night of Corinth, eyes deadly looking at a figure that only she could see. A few meters in front of them, lay a woman on a stone table, looking beautiful and peaceful in her forever sleep. Looking at her dead granddaughter, she realised that she had travelled this far and didn't want her efforts to fail.
“It's my honour to able to see you again, Carmenta."
“It's been a long decade, is it?”
“I heard you were in Sicily,” its stepped closer, “What brought you here?”
“My granddaughter was killed by order of a Goddess–”
“How come?”
Ilitia bit her lips, not sure if she should tell the chronology. But if she refused, it wouldn't help her. Right then, she had to choose the right word.
“She was carrying the Goddess' husband child. Long story short, the Goddess found out and order her guards to killed my granddaughter.”
“She was impregnated by a God?” it raised its head, “You're not making it up, are you?”
“The Goddess couldn't conceive because of a curse, and her husband went down to Earth to find me. Instead, he met my darling Y/N and they fell in love. The God cheated behind his wife, yes, and.. they constantly having sexual intercourse until Y/N got pregnant." she starts, "We all do know that no God can impregnate a human. But, that was the fate."
“And when the Goddess find out about that, she was terrified that her husband would have an heir to the throne from someone else?” it continued Ilitia's story and was agreed by the woman.
“Is that the Centauri crown?”
“How tragic.”
“Because of that, I came here to ask your help to bring my Y/N back because she doesn't deserve to die this way." Ilitia whispers, "I'll do anything for her, and help Centauri to have an heir to the throne. After all, the Goddess couldn't give an heir and my granddaughter has the right to find her happiness, even with a God."
“You know that the price isn't easy, do you? What do you prepare for this?”
“A life for a life.” Ilitia deadpanned, “It's a fair price to trade my granddaughter's life.”
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
“You don't have to ask twice.”
“Fine then.” it sighs, “ Who are you going to sacrifice?”
“The Goddess of the Moon. Selene."
. . . .
This is the second time Harry has visited this mountain peak, a place where used to be the hideout of previous Gods and Goddesses, the place believed to be the hideout of the mythical creaturesor even a born place. The mountain is very beautiful when the sun shines on Earth, but quite scary when the eerie silent echoed after the night sky appears.
The God doesn't know where to start, and this mission reminds him of his arrival to Syracuse nearly two years ago, making him remember his darling Y/N. He misses her so much, and it hurts his soul. If he knew where Y/N's grave was, at least he could visit her and loving on her even if he only could touch her tombstone.
“Mount Olympus feels quite different." Arion says next to him, his eyes stare at the endless mountain slope.
For this chance, Harry decided to bring Arion with him because he knows this mission isn't easy. And surely as his advisor, Arion can help him and give him advise since the man has studied mythical creatures.
“Cerberus is a dog. There's no way it stays on the top of a mountain, right? Too risky if humans see it." Harry mumbles, "If it only visible."
“Let's get down to the ground then, Your Majesty.”
Harry nods, and in a split second, he's setting foot in the valley. Then, they begin to explore, hoping to find any sign of Cerberus. The two of them always checked every cave or spot that could potentially be a possible residence for that giant creature.
It had taken them nearly four hours and the night had almost turned to dawn, but they had found nothing. Harry is quite desperate, and thinking they have come to the wrong place.
“Any luck?” Harry asks after Arion appeared in front of him, only for Harry get another disappointment when Arion shakes his head no.
“Did we come to the wrong place?”
“I'm– ”
In all of sudden, the air around them feels stifled and the wind feels hot even though the sun hasn't yet risen. Harry also realises that the grass they were trampling on was shrivelled at once. Something feels strange.
“It's strange..” Arion looking around, “Something happened.”
“Something comes,” Harry corrects him, “Something comes closer, still hiding from us.”
“Show yourself!” Harry shouts, “We came in peace! Just looking for something!”
The hot wind getting stronger and stronger, until a bolt of red lightning swooped down in front of him. Now, Harry can see clearly what appears before him. A giant three headed-dogs, its body glows slightly reddish. It has a serpent tail, along with snakes protruding from it back. Its glowing red eyes look annoyed at being disturbed. The Cerberus looks intimidating than he thought.
“Why are you looking for me, Your Majesty?” it smirks, showing it canines coating with saliva, “Why are you bothering me at my stay?”
“I apologies if I disturb your sleep,” Harry answers, “I didn't know that you were survived and hiding here.”
“We don't want humans to see me, do we?” it argues, “Even though I'm invisible.”
“Why didn't you go back to Centauri?”
“My master was dead, I couldn't go back without an owner. Besides, it's more peaceful here if I go back to your realm." it scoffs, "What do you want? The sun is almost rising, and I can't let anyone see me."
“My wife has died, and I saw your mark on her neck.” Harry points out his serpent tail, “Do you have anything to do with her death?”
“Your wife died? How unfortunate.” Cerberus mocks, “If someone is destined to die, then she must die.”
“I just want to know why you killed her, Cerberus.” Harry seethes, “You have no right to the life of a God or Goddess.”
“Despite her death lightened your burden, Your Majesty?” Cerberus arches its eyebrow, “And set you free? You should thank me, anyway.”
“I know you inherited your master's power but you can't kill her like that. She has nothing wrong against you.”
“Yet she has done sins and be cunning." Cerberus nods, "And now if I may ask you, how do you feel after your manipulative wife gone forever? As far as I know, a God and Goddess cannot be divorced if it's not death."
“Your Majesty, he knows too much.” Arion mutters under his breath, “Do you– ”
“Advisor, I didn't ask you to speak.” Cerberus growls then averts its gaze to Harry, “You once planned to do annulment but it couldn't be done because the court said a ruler must still have a wife.”
“How did you know?” Harry challenges, “Why did you know everything?”
“A bird told me," it stares boldly at him, "And I started to think, her death is something I can be proud of because she's the rightest person.”
Harry frowns. Something feels out of place with what it said and bothering him. And those question being thrown at him, he could easily answer them. Yet, he couldn't. After all, he still loves Selene even though he also hates her. Selene is his wife who was always there for him. Of course he was sad to know that the woman died in prison after she had been sick for a year.
“What did you mean with the rightest?”
“A year ago, someone came and beg me to help bring someone's life back. They're family, tho. This old woman said that her granddaughter died innocently and wanted her granddaughter to come back to her life. It was not an easy task and there must be a price to pay. When she mentioned the sacrifice, I was quite baffled that she prepared another life. Well, I didn't kill the sacrifice right away, I tortured them first by sucked their life slowly before the death calling their name."
“Selene was being sacrificed? Who dared to do that? Did you not aware that you overstepping our rules?!" Harry's voice boomed, angry at what he had just heard. How could someone risk Selene's life just to bring back a dead person?
“You let a human order you to kill a Goddess? Really?" he hisses, "How sick of that!"
“She was right, you're quite stupid too apparently." Cerberus rolls its eyes.
“Cerberus, I order– "
“You're just an advisor, and you're just a guest in my stay. I do not belong to the Centauri so I don't take orders from anyone." Cerberus cuts Arion off, "You think I'm stupid enough to do that for humans? Have you forgotten that only your people can see me?”
While Arion stares at Cerberus confused, Harry begins to think and digest every single word that came out from the creature from the beginning.
No way...
“Carmenta came to me to help her with Y/N, and she traded her granddaughter's life over your wife's.” . . . .
His heart is pounding like crazy, almost like about to burst through his ribcage. He cannot believe it, his darling Y/N is back to life. His Y/N is safe and sound. His Y/N is free from Selene's torture. It feels so long from the last time he saw her, he really missed her and couldn't wait to see her. There are millions of questions running through his head for him to ask Y/N and Ilitia.
How could?
How is she?
Did she miss him?
Will Ilitia allow him to meet her?
When Cerberus revealed the truth, he couldn't think straight. All he had in mind was Y/N, Y/N, and Y/N only. He had to find her as soon as possible. Despite he had to beg on his knees to Cerebus which made Arion widened his eyes; asking where the last time it met Ilitia was, it was worth it.
And now, here he is, in Corinth. His long wait ends in one of the cities on the seafront of Greece. Of course, Ilitia couldn't possibly stay in Syracuse anymore, she started fresh in Corinth with Y/N. With Arion went back to Centauri, Harry feels freer to get Y/N.
Well, his search for his true love isn't an easy thing. It's been two days and he hasn't found her yet and plans to rent a house longer if it takes a long time because it's impossible to go back and forth to Centauri. Whatever it takes, Harry has to find her.
“Why is it so hard to find you, Y/N?" he mutters while looking endless of Corinth's sea, "I miss you so much, do you miss me too?"
She's here, Your Majesty
Your happy ending
Your long wait
Harry was enjoying the sea breeze so much that he didn't realise he'd been daydreaming on the shore for too long. He already spent hours tiredly finding Y/N and it seems that his efforts should be even harder tomorrow.
When he decided to leave the beach and return to his rented house, he swears that his eyes are playing a trick on him. About twenty meters away from him, he sees the woman he was looking for is staring at the open sea in front of her, both hands on her dress pockets with her bare feet in the water.
She looks even more beautiful.
She looks healthy.
She looks perfect.
And finally, he finds her.
Without a second thought, Harry runs to her – afraid that she will vanish like when he saw her in his castle. He doesn't want to be late, and he doesn't want to lose her again.
When his body crashes on her and his strong arms wrapped around her body, Harry feels home.
He's too happy because it feels real, he shed tears of happiness when he feels her warm and alive body. Then, he breaks the hug and cupping her face with both his palms, adoring the beautiful face in front of him. Admiring the woman who's staring at his teary green eyes.
“It' you. You're here.” he sobs, “You're here with me. You're back. You're alive. You're safe.”
“I miss you so much and it hurts my soul.” he gently strokes her cheek, “How are you, my darling?”
Yet, what Y/N said to him make his smile fade away, “Who are you?” . . . .
“You know, when someone's life is being exchanged, the life does return. But, as pure life. So, your granddaughter's will start a fresh life. She won't remember anything, but the basic abilities like speaking, writing, reading, and so on won't be erased. So, you will have extra effort to help her adjust."
“I understand,” Ilitia nods “She was pregnant before. Will the baby come back too?”
Cerberus shakes its head, "No. If you want her baby to come back, you have to prepare one more God or Goddess life to trade because he has a God's blood running on him."
“How do you know her child is going to be a boy?”
“Mythical creatures always know, Carmenta.”
. . . . “Why did you do that, Ilitia?” Harry asks.
After the shock he got when Y/N admitted she didn't know him, Harry couldn't believe it at all. Yet, he let out a relief huff when Ilitia approached them and didn't look surprised at all, and invited Harry to talk at their house. And along the way, he stole a glance at Y/N who walked next to Ilitia, looking so confused yet curious about his presence.
“Honestly? I refused my innocent granddaughter to be killed your wife, Harry. She had done nothing wrong, but you and your wife.”
“Me?” Harry frowns, his eyes looking around for caution if Y/N hear them since Ilitia asked her to wait in her bedroom, “I have nothing to– ”
“Your ignorance, your selfishness. If you're smart enough, you could prevent this all.” Ilitia scowls, “You couldn't choose between her and Selene, and you didn't want to lose one of them. Sadly, your behaviour made you lose both of them. Also, your future child.”
“I know you resent me so much, Ilitia. But, I truly sorry for all this mess. What I feel towards her is real." he gives her apologetic look, "I just want to fix everything."
“Of course, that's why you came here all the way from Centauri.” Ilitia shrugs, “Besides, this is my way to make her happy and help my old home to have a better future.”
“Centauri is always be your home, Ilitia." he reassures her, "After all, Y/N will needs if she comes home with me.”
“How confident of you.” Ilitia chuckles, “If so, you have to start over as if you just know each other since she doesn't remember you. And win her heart if you have chosen your destiny.”
Harry nods as Ilitia gets up from her couch, calling Y/N to meet them both in the living room. While waiting for her, Harry starts to get nervous and his hand begin to sweat, too overwhelmed by the happiness. When Y/N appears in front of him, Ilitia who's standing behind her granddaughter smiling to the old yet new couple, "Mia cara, this Harry. Maybe you didn't remember him but you were so close with him, he just come home from his overseas trip.” and strokes Y/N arms lovingly, “Just introduce yourself as the beginning, he would understand.”
“I haven't introduced myself yet.” Harry offers his hand for Y/N to take, smiling fondly. “My name's Harry”
The girl smiles and shakes his hand softly, “Hi, Harry. I'm Y/N.”
Just like the first time.
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musedbyalli · 4 years
Jesslina’s Appeal
Character’s full name: Jessie
 Alias: Jessilina
Category Entering: Cute (The April Fool’s Prank On Her), Ends Up Being So Bad It’s Good 
Background Music: Funhouse by P!nk
Pokémon -Gender (Ability): Moves
Wobbuffet -Male (Shadow Tag): Counter, Mirror Coat, Splash, Charm, Encore
Mimikyu - Female (Disguise):  Play Rough, Shadow Claw, Wood Hammer, Shadow Ball, Copycat, Shadow Sneak, Baby-Doll Eyes, Charm
Meowth -Male (Pickup):  Fury Swipes, Scratch, Bite, Night Slash, Growl, Screech, ‘Pay Day’, Sing, Nasty Plot, Snatch 
Seviper -Female (Shed Skin):  Haze, Poison Tail, Wrap, Bite, Swagger, Lick, Glare, Swords Dance
Arbok -Male (Intimidate): Dig, Bite, Wrap, Acid, Glare, Poison Sting, Toxic, Double-Edge, Tackle, Headbutt, Take Down, Leer, Poison Jab, Crunch, Rock Slide
Woobat -Male (Klutz): Air Slash, Gust, Hidden Power, Endeavor, Amnesia, Calm Mind
Jessie had been delighted to receive an invitation to participate in a contest, as Jessilina of course.  While the invitation may have seemed odd to one with more intuition and sense than the Team Rocket trio, Jessie fell for it immediately with joy.  While most of her Pokemon weren’t traditionally viewed as cute to most, Jessie was confident in her ability to lead them in a great performance.  This was her first contest in quite some time, so she was determined to make it a great return to the stage.  She would do research on techniques and everything to be as prepared as she could for this.  There was no way she would let herself be made a fool of.
While they may not have been the best choices for a competition of any kind, Jessie ultimately settled on using her Wobbuffet, Mimikyu, Meowth, Seviper, Arbok, and Woobat.  Meowth, upon Jessie’s orders, has been forbidden from speaking during the competition to try to keep up a cover as a normal Meowth.  The last thing she wanted was for someone to call her out as Team Rocket and ruin her chance for a victory.  With all the failures she experienced as a Team Rocket agent, a win would be very appreciated by her and her Pokemon.  
Thanks to her experience with Team Rocket, Jessie had become an expert in disguises.  Not that she tried too hard in her competing disguises, since she wanted to be able to recognize herself in any photographs, which she had assigned James the task of handling.  
Like usual when dressing as Jessilina, she donned her yellow glasses and wore her hair up in what she considered a cutesy style.  The bows in her hair were yellow to match some of the accents on her dress, which included more ribbons, and she wore yellow gloves to match.  The dress itself was a glittery purplish-magenta color with white sleeves. She also wore heart-shaped stickers on her face that matched her dress.  Not exactly the most beautiful outfit, but more of an attempt at a cutesy style.  
She dressed her Wobbuffet in a glittery yellow long-sleeve shirt with a ridiculously large light pink bow, which the sleeves were far too long for the Pokemon.  Jessie also put lipstick, a light pink bow, and a matching heart-sticker onto his forehead.  The outfit, while intended to look cute, looked unintentionally reminiscent to a clown-style outfit minus silly shoes.  Not that the Pokemon minded, but another Pokemon with more humility would’ve likely been far less interested in putting that outfit on.
Jessie’s Mimikyu was dressed similarly to her trainer.  Her dress was the same glittery purplish-magenta color as Jessie’s.  Her dress didn’t have the additional accents as Jessie’s and was more ragged on the edges with a whole cut out for the tail.  Mimikyu also wore a black hat with glittery purplish-pink accents.  In a way, the master of disguise Pokemon’s costume resembled a witch costume, although Jessie was oblivious to that.  Like Jessie, Mimikyu also has heart-shaped stickers on her cheeks that match the others.
Meowth had been a bit harder to get to participate in dressing up, but Jessie got her way, although his clothes were a bit more plain than the others.  He simply wore a yellowish-orange t-shirt with a magenta heart on it.  He also had heart-shaped stickers placed on his cheeks, which matched Jessie’s own and his shirt.  In his opinion, it was humiliating and self-deprecating to be seen in such an outfit.
Her Seviper was a bit more difficult for her to dress, but Jessie did it.  She practically shoved her into a sparkly purplish-magenta fabric tube, which was intended to be a dress.  A pink bow was placed onto the tail and another pink bow on the neck.  She also wore a hat similar to Mimikyu.  Seviper also had heart-shaped stickers on her cheeks and on her tail.  The outfit was a bit difficult for the Pokemon to move in, but Jessie didn’t mind since she thought it made the Snake-Pokemon cute.
Similar to Seviper, Arbok was also difficult for his trainer to dress.  He wore a yellow fabric tube with red sparkles and a matching bow on his head.  It basically looked like he was wearing a giant sock, although it was attended to be like pants.  It wasn’t a very practical outfit for the Pokemon to perform in, but Jessie found it cute.  His heart-shaped sticker was placed in his pattern, almost like a nose on the face.  
Woobat was given two purplish bows, one to use as a bowtie and one for on his head.  He was also given heart-shaped stickers on his cheeks and on his wings.  His outfit was probably the most successful at actually looking cute rather than just silly.  
Overall, the outfits weren’t the best, but Jessie was proud of them.  She had to make the ones for her Pokemon all from scraps or other cheap fabrics she could find, since the Team Rocket trio didn’t exactly have extra funds for outfits.  Her outfit was thrown together from remainders from various disguises she had used over the years.  The stickers had been a little extra touch that she had splurged on a bit, since she felt as though they deserved a nice little touch for all their hard work.
Jessie’s song choice wasn’t necessarily the best for a ‘cute’ contest, but that didn’t matter much to her.  It did go a bit with her idea of her appeal, since it was going to be a chaotic, cute, fun circusy funhouse of a performance.  To her, the performing abilities of her team was the focus.  The music was just intended to be enough to inspire her Pokemon to perform at their best, since she couldn’t really scold or command them during an actual appeal.  Plus, she could have made a worse choice, so it was relatively decent considering it was her who made it.  She was also intending on not speaking during this appeal to keep the attention on the cuteness of her team rather than moving it to her, even if she thought she looked quite cute in her outfit.  In her opinion, her team was totally prepared for their cutest appeal yet.  James encouraged her whole-heartedly that it was going to go well, even though things typically tended to not go so well for them.  Meowth disagreed, but kept his mouth shut to avoid Jessie’s wrath.  The thought that this was a prank on Jessie to make a fool of herself still never crossed either of their minds.  
Jessilina had all her Pokemon out of their Pokeballs, since they had practiced earlier.  When it was their time to enter the stage, Jessilina led the way with Meowth and Woobat on her left, Mimikyu and Wobbuffet on her right, and Arbok and Seviper trailed out behind the others.  All but Meowth seemed happy to be on stage, who seemed more embarrassed than anything else.  The Meowth kept his mouth shut though and prepared to play his part in this unintentional disaster of a performance, although he had some of the parts assigned to him that Jessie was most proud of.  He was her secret weapon in this appeal, although he doubted that it would work as well as she hoped.  
Once the music began, so did the chaos.  Meowth began ‘Sing’ing along, which wasn’t very pleasant.  The cat Pokemon’s singing skills certainly weren’t the best, but it was an impressive faking of the technique, which ended up fitting the actual competition better than their planned cute category.
Prior to stepping towards the medium-ish sized puddle that was intentionally on their set, Wobbuffet gave himself a cute Mirror Coat to somewhat protect his outfit from getting soaked and droopy on him.  Mimikyu seemed to use her Baby-Doll Eyes to convince the other Pokemon to allow her to play with him.  Mimikyu began to Play Rough with Wobbuffet, who was Splashing around in the water, before she decided to Copycat the other Pokemon’s splashing technique.  Rather than a graceful performance in the water though, it was done in a sloppy playing matter.  Overall though, it was a rather cute scene of two Charming Pokemon playing together.  Wobbuffet seemed to be enjoying the other Pokemon’s efforts and wanted an Encore, which Mimikyu gladly gave.  
Seviper and Arbok appeared to be struggling a bit with the mobility they had in their outfits as they began to join into the fun, as much as they could.  The usually intimidating Arbok was about as unintimidating as he could possibly get at this moment and the Seviper wasn’t much better.  Arbok created a mini Rock Slide so that Seviper had a rocky terrain to perform a dangerous Swords Dance in while Arbok Leered in the background.  After all, how exciting would a swords dance be on just a plain, flat surface?  Danger wasn’t necessarily cute, but Jessilina wasn’t one to completely stick to one category.  Besides, it wasn’t like everyone was a fan of cute, so she needed to cater to all of her adoring fans.  Of course, the only real danger of it was the fact that both Pokemon tended to be clumsy naturally and their awkward outfits did little to improve their gracefulness.  Once the dance was complete, the two snake Pokemon Wrapped into each other into a cute, but awkward bow.  It took a bit for the two to untangle from one another (which threw their original planned timing off) and once they were untangled, the two serpent Pokemon Glared at one another in a standoff, that if they weren’t wearing ridiculous outfits, would have been intimidating.  The stare down ended when Arbok used Dig and vanished from sight.  
Woobat, in his typical Klutzy manner, flew around the singing Meowth and Jessilina, the latter of which was gleefully dancing around with the flying Pokemon completely oblivious to any of the chaotic errors that her Pokemon may or may not make during their parts.  It was lucky for them, since she wasn’t always one to take blame for her fault in mess-ups and she wouldn’t be too pleased with some of the things that she would have seen.  Meowth stopped singing to give a cute Growl at the Pokemon flying around him, a gesture that was quite embarrassing to him, than gave a louder Screech to the Woobat.  His fighting skills weren’t his specialty, but it did hurt his pride to give a cute growl rather than something a bit more vicious.  Woobat Endeavored to do his best, despite Amnesia of what his role in this appeal was.  Thankfully, the bat Pokemon often had a Calm Mind and didn’t let his cluelessness in this performance get him down.  Meowth on the other hand, had his role made quite clear to him many times.  It was far more than he would have liked, but if it made the rest of Team Rocket trio stop complaining than he’d do it.  
While Woobat continued to flutter around clumsily with Jessilina in a cute scene of Pokemon and trainer bonding, Meowth appeared to be attempting to come up with a Nasty Plot to take the attention away from them and onto him.  In an almost Grinch-like fashion, Meowth smirked as he seemingly came up with the perfect plan, which of course had been instructed to him previously by Jessie.  While Team Rocket had tried to unsuccessfully teach Meowth how to use Pay Day in the past, they had learned how to create an impressive fakery of the technique and what better way to get some attention than with some nice, shiny coins.  It was a bit complicated to pull off with an audience, but it wasn’t the first time he had faked this technique and it seemed like it wouldn’t be the last at this rate.  The feline Pokemon used the coins that he had concealed in some inner pockets in his shirt and did his own special Pay Day.  To any Pokemon experts in the audience, it was clearly a fake move.  Probably incredibly disapproved of in an actual contest, but for what was truly a meme competition?  It was a clever mockery to have a Pokemon need to fake a move that it should be capable of knowing.  
Nevertheless, the still clueless performers continued on with their almost finished appeal.  Meowth and Jessilina worked together to Snatch up the coins, because they certainly didn’t have the funds to leave any of them behind once they got off the stage.  Arbok wrongly decided that now was an appropriate time to resurface and popped up from underground right where Meowth and Jessilina were scrambling, knocking the two of them to the ground and causing them to drop all the coins they had collected.  Completely unacceptable for a technical performance, but for a competition meant for mockery?  It was absolutely hilarious and could have seemed planned for this category.  Jessie wasn’t so amused and was definitely going to scold Arbok as soon as they were off stage.  As the music ended, Jessilina stood up and gave an awkward bow as her Pokemon scrambled up the money before exiting the stage.
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the-enraptured · 4 years
What is the responsibility of a Christian in the face of social injustice?
The heart of a Christ-follower is naturally empathetic, because to love God is to love one-another. After we are reborn, that carnal nature slowly starts to dissipate. So when we see a lost sheep, we tend to reflect the heart of the Father. Here is the command Christ gives us when we hear the bleating call;
“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Matt 10:16
We must be innocent in the eyes of God, which means to have empathy, and to love one another as Christ loves us. However we must also be wise, and we must know what the word love means.
We love to twist God into the form of our own image, instead of letting Him refine our hearts. Because of this it’s very easy to observe a polarity in the modern perception of the being of Christ. Conservatives like the imagery of a nationalist, patriotic gun-toting hero who has come to liberate us from the oppression of Rome. (Sound familiar?) Liberals (more so post-modern neo Marxists) like to view Christ as a guru who martyred Himself for equity, a possibility equal-outcome. This is the group of the itching ears, looking for the land of milk and honey, but still clinging onto the idols of “fairness” and the abolishment of all suffering.
I would say unfortunately, but in reality it’s quite fortunate, that Christ is neither of these things. A common theme I can see in both of these narratives is a complete and utter lack of personal responsibility. Christ was not hung on a tree so we could hold onto resentment toward oppressors. The Word of God reveals that I am the oppressor, and you are as well.
1 Peter 2:23 “When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.”
“For each one will bear his own kid.” Gal 6:5
The wages of sin is death, so how could we expect a utopia to be born out of resentment? The nazis and marxists had this utopia in mind, a new world order. Where did it lead? These wolves in sheep’s clothing disguise themselves as sympathetic, altruistic even. However the common denominator parallels back to the story of Cain and Abel. Cain’s sense of injustice at an “unfair” outcome resulted in the slaughter of his brother. This type of society is led by a mob-mentality, complete and utter chaos fueled by hatred. Hatred towards the government, race, sex, class, power, intellect. However, even the Word declares that it rains on the just and unjust alike.
“not as Cain, who was of the evil one and slew his brother. And for what reason did he slay him? Because his deeds were evil, and his brother’s were righteous.” 1 John 3:12
Am I arguing that any group should be oppressed, and that backlash against a group is morally evil? Not necessarily. God heard the cries of the Israelites in Exodus, and led them away from abuse and persecution. God hears our cries, and empathizes with us.
“And now, behold, The cry of the people of Israel has come to me, and I have also seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them.” Exodus 3:9
What I am arguing is the manner of practical application. Throwing money at an issue has never worked in history. Polarization leads to the chaotic downfall of empires, like the beheadings in the french revolution. And the simple fact is that the US has a past of racism, more so classism, a system designed to keep the poor oppressed and bound.
Black neighborhoods are over policed, planned parenthood locations are strategically placed near black neighborhoods and impoverished areas. The prison system forces slave labor upon people who have unfortunately learned to fend for themselves for a multitude of reasons, intentionally capitalizing upon the pain and suffering of those in difficult situations which lead them to make rash, impulsive decisions.
I believe the first thing we can do is change hearts and minds. Not even a career criminal, such as George Floyd, who pointed a gun at a pregnant woman’s belly, deserves to die from a knee on his neck. There is no excuse. We are to be innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around. We must have empathy for criminals and the poor, such as Jesus did for the prostitutes and thieves. We can’t view ourselves as morally superior, for without God we are just as carnal and capable of atrocity.
Romans 3:12 “All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.”
We can avoid crafty schemes of politicians and the media. Choose to watch news programs not funded by a giant corporation, those who have positive reputations and use statistics correctly without manipulation. Listen to conservative and liberal journalists, listen to non-biased journalists. Look at the data for yourself, and quite being lazy. The FBI website has statistics on a wide variety of hot topics.
“so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.” Eph 4:14
We can in addition reform the prison system and the general criminal justice system. Legally enforce cops to have yearly mental health evaluations screening symptoms of PTSD and other mental health conditions, create incentives for positive reinforcement in police departments for nonviolence.
We can write and speak out to make a small ripple that may multiply amongst eachother, creating a movement of truth without deception and emotional manipulation. We can vote and take advantage of the republic our founding fathers left to us, vote for politicians who don’t buy into the black and white simplistic mentality, those without a confirmation bias living in an echo chamber. Or even better, become a politician, and be the change you wish to see in the world.
Take personal responsibility. You cannot force people to feel what you feel, or to think how you think. God designed us with individual minds to serve different purposes. We only have the choice to control our own actions, and to selflessly love our neighbor as ourself, while at the same time seeing through deception of a false grace, a false love, a false peace, peace that the world gives to us unlike the peace Christ gives to us. If you see a homeless person, buy them lunch. Take them to get a haircut. This is how we need to tithe.
“And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.” Matt 10:14
We must drop the racist narrative of white privilege, or privilege in general, along with identity politics. We must have empathy yet also be wise in not accepting pure anecdotal evidence and personal experience, until we believe any accusation we must have witnesses.
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Gal 3:28
“This is the third time I am coming to you. Every charge must be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.” 2 Corinthians 13:1
Intercession. Prayer has power, and for far too long we have been dismissing the power of prayer. God tells us to pray for our leaders and our nation, we should be obedient in doing so. Through prayer we not only strengthen our nation, but we allow ourselves to be refined by God, so we are humble and ready to do His will.
Ezekiel 22:30, “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.”
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dxmichelle · 4 years
The 12 Days of Fic-Mas (Day 4): The Visit
Summary: Yugi travels to see an old friend.
The only one who knew he was going was his grandfather. If he told his friends, they would just insist on making the journey with him, and in any other situation? Sure, the more the merrier. But this time, he wanted to go alone. And if he had to see the disappointment on his friends’ faces, he would have given in out of guilt in a heartbeat.
He met the Ishtars at the airport, and held the strap of the bag on his shoulder a little tighter. They didn’t talk much on the long drive other than idly catching up with what everyone else was up to.
Yugi was surprised that they didn’t drive to the site of where the Millennium Items were laid to rest, though, he did remember the tomb entrance did collapse after Atem passed through the doors to the afterlife. Nor did they go to the place where he and the others, with Shadi’s help, entered the Millennium Puzzle to help Atem save the world. Again.
Instead, they stopped at the entrance to a nondescript tomb.
“Is this it?”
“It is,” said Ishizu. “Will you need a guide?”
Yugi shook his head. “I don’t think so. …In a way, I’ve been here before.”
Marik handed him a torch and stepped back. “We’ll wait here for you.”
“Oh,” said Yugi, “Well…I might be a while.”
“It’s fine,” said Ishizu. “Be careful, and take as long as you need.”
Yugi took a deep breath and started the journey down. It took less time than he initially thought to get through the first chamber, and was surprised at himself that despite not remembering where all of the floor traps were located, none of the giant serpent statues along the walls shot their poisoned needles.
Were all of the darts deployed by visitors in the past? By the tomb keepers that had come through recently? Was he just lucky?
Or…a fleeting thought passed through his mind. Was his presence detected, and he was allowed safe passage?
He waved the idea away. The magic was gone.
Wasn’t it?
Yugi continued onward, down the stairs and into the next chamber. The passage maze along the chasm was exactly as he remembered it, though the armed statues weren’t in the same places.
He stole a glance behind him. The spike wall was naturally reset. Knowing where the pressure switch was on the floor meant he could pass without activating it, alleviating the need to hurry across the pit.
Yugi looked down at his feet and then across the field before him. The first statue was about ten paces away. He hesitated a moment and then inched his right foot forward, drawing it back almost immediately once he saw the sword-raised arm of the first statue shift ever so slightly.
Any lingering idea that the traps would just let him pass instantly dashed.
Good to know, he said to himself. They still work.
It was a wonder the tomb keepers managed to get through that room at all, knowing the cargo they carried at the time.
Left foot forward, one step at a time, until he reached the other side, and onwards through the next room. Grandpa had mentioned how his guide through the tomb had betrayed him here along the bridge all those years ago, and somehow he was saved by the Pharaoh’s spirit, though he didn’t realize it at the time.
The far end of the chamber housed an empty pedestal, but Yugi’s focus was what sat just behind it.
Grandpa had made it sound like no one else had managed to get this far into Atem’s tomb before he did, so Yugi only had to wonder where this particular artifact was actually found. Was it earlier on in one of the smaller chambers? Or in another place entirely. Ishizu never made mention if tombs to any of the other members of the court were found.
Shifting the bag off of his shoulder, Yugi set it on the ground beside the pedestal and sat down on the floor of the room, staring up at the massive Tablet of Memories. He reached into the bag and pulled out the small golden box that once housed his Duel Monsters cards, and more importantly, the pieces of the Millennium Puzzle.
He placed it carefully in his lap and looked up at the carving of Atem on the tablet, forever poised in battle.
“Hi Atem,” Yugi began, “It’s…it’s been a while.”
He sighed. “I know that you can’t really hear me. That’s okay. I know that you’re out there, in your Afterlife. I just wanted to talk. Grandpa said he used to do this sometimes at his father’s gravesite. And, well, this is the closest I’ll have to doing the same thing…. I won’t stay too long – I know you’re finally at peace now, and don’t want to disturb, but I thought I’d just give you a quick update on things, in case you were interested…”
He ran a finger along some of the etchings on the golden box. “It’s been…two years now. Grandpa is doing okay. Moving a little slower, but at his age, I can’t blame him. He went off last year with Professor Hawkins to oversee a dig in South America. His last hoorah before he officially resigned his archaeology hat and settled down in the shop. We were all worried, of course. You remember the last time he went off, and we had to save him from that weird pyramid. But no, he came back safe and sound, and more than a little sunburnt.
“Joey is doing great! There’s something new starting soon. A dueling “Pro-League” and he’s almost got himself a sponsor. It’s not set in stone, not yet, but so far it looks promising. And he could use the break, with him out on his own now.
“Téa is off in New York studying dance. We weren’t able to go visit her, but she brought back a recording of the production she was in. She didn’t have a large part, not in this show, anyway, but it was really cool to see! It’s really exciting to see her living her dream!”
“Tristan’s been helping out at his dad’s factory. He’s saving up to open a garage soon. I think he takes more care of his bike than himself, if that makes sense. But at least he and Duke have stopped fighting over Serenity. …At least I think they have. We don’t see her around too much. She still lives with her mom, and they recently moved a little further out from Domino. She hasn’t come back to Domino since the Battle City tournament, but I know Joey took the train up to see her a few months ago.”
Yugi leaned back, his hands pressed against the cool floor, trying to think of who he hadn’t mentioned yet. “Oh! Kaiba and Mokuba have opened up their second Kaiba Land park! It’s just like the first one, just a little smaller. I made sure to get on the crazy coaster, just for you.” He smiled at the memory. Atem hated that ride. “The one where the Puzzle almost fell off while we were upside down. That one’s at the new park, and it goes faster. It’s great!”
Yugi shifted one hand back front to open the golden box, and then stopped. “I know you’re wondering – but no, Kaiba still hasn’t beaten me yet. I don’t know if he’s getting discouraged – ludicrous, I know – but he doesn’t take part in tournament duels all that much anymore. Téa thinks he’s too busy, and I have to agree with her. There’s a lot on his plate now. But if I had to guess, I think it’s because you’re gone. I mean, I’m still here, but you were his real challenge. I’ve noticed that if I’m not dueling, he’s not dueling.”
Yugi smiled up at the tablet. “I know you’re going to ask too – I’m fine. A bit lonely at times. You would think that wouldn’t be the case, if anything, we’ve all gotten closer over the years, even if some of us aren’t always at home. But…it’s like something’s missing. I can’t quite put my finger on it…”
He narrowed his gaze up at Atem’s profile. “Don’t go blaming yourself for leaving though! Your soul deserves to be at peace after all those years of being trapped in the Puzzle and having the weight of the world on your shoulders! I…I just got so used to you being here, that sometimes it still takes a little reminding that you’re not sharing thoughts anymore.”
Yugi waved his hand dismissively. “But enough about that. I have some exciting news for you. I don’t know if you remember, or if I was considering it before you left, but that strategy sphere game? I made a mockup of it. Mokuba was all over it, showed it to Kaiba, and there’s a real chance that he might put it into production. I’m heading to Kaiba Corp next week and the two of us are going to sit down and play it.”
He laughed. “It’ll be a bit weird, to be sitting around at a table with no cards or fancy dueling holograms. But it’ll be nice. I’m looking forward to it. I have a feeling he was going to move forward with it even without playing it himself, but sometimes he’s still hard to read.”
Yugi kept going, rattling off the news of anyone and everyone that they came across. How Mai was dueling again professionally, but still hadn’t returned to Domino yet, to Joey’s dismay. What Rebecca was up to now that she was just about finished with college. How Duke’s shop was faring, and that Mako managed to get his boat after years of saving from his job at the aquarium….
Finally, Yugi looked down on the golden box, and he frowned slightly. “…And with that…brings me to my visit. I don’t know if you were aware, I mean like truly aware, but ten years ago today, Grandpa gave me this box full of puzzle pieces…”
He leaned back against his hands again. “I think…if child-me knew just how much utter chaos we would get into by putting the Puzzle together, I’m sure I would have buried this box somewhere in the back of the shop where it would never get found. But then…I wouldn’t have met you. Joey and I wouldn’t be friends – maybe – and…well, you’d still be trapped.”
“Speaking of friends…” Yugi tilted his head, still focused on the box. “I’ve sought all sorts of advice about this…. Joey and Tristan – they think this is a mistake. Haven’t been able to talk much to Téa over it, but I was surprised Kaiba was on my side. We talked for a long time actually. You’d be surprised….”
He shrugged, and then hoisted himself up off the floor. He hesitated, a moment unsure, before carefully placing the golden box on the empty pedestal.
“We think it’s best that the Egyptian Gods remain here, watching over this place. I know that the Shadow Games are gone now, and so are the Millennium Items, but as the most powerful cards in existence, I don’t want anyone trying for them anymore. Too many people got hurt trying to collect them. And I don’t want to risk someone finding a way to bring all that magic back.”
Yugi folded his arms across his chest.
“I know, Pharaoh. This is a really big decision. I didn’t come to it lightly. And I know we always kept our cards in this box, but I think…giving the Gods their proper resting place in a way puts them at peace too….and I think, after all this time, they deserve it as well. And I don’t see a better place than here. They were yours to command, after all.”
Yugi removed the lid to the box and glanced inside. Four cards lay along the bottom.
“There’s something else…I told Pegasus what had happened. With the last Shadow Game, and how you moved on. I…also consulted him about what to do with the God Cards…and he was of the same mindset as Kaiba. Anyway…he made us something.”
He pulled the fourth card from the bottom. “I told him about your past, and about a week ago, he came to visit – I know, Grandpa nearly had a heart attack when he showed up at our door. But he had a special card for us. It’s made to work alongside Dark Magician, and I’ve put it in my deck. But he made another one, for you, so in a way we’ll still be connected, even though we can’t communicate anymore.”
Yugi cradled the card close to his chest and looked up at the tablet again, his heart heavy. The other reason for his visit...and it hurt to think about it.
“…I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to come back here. Marik said the tomb keepers who moved the tablet down think some parts of this place are a bit unstable…it may not be safe for much longer…”
He was honestly surprised that the Ishtars let him down in the first place. 
“I was shocked then that they decided to put the tablet here, but I suppose, now that your mission is complete…there’s no need to keep it anywhere else. Pharaoh Set created it to bring you home, after all. Or so I think – that’s what Ishizu believed. And…a part of me was thinking…maybe it is best to let it all fade away.”
He sniffed suddenly, and wiped away the tear forming in his eye. “But, you know? Despite everything that’s happened since I finished the Puzzle? I’m grateful for the chance to have met you, and I’ll really cherish the time we had and the adventures we went on. Time will move on, memories may fade, but you will always be my dear friend.”
Yugi smiled, and looked down at the card in his hands. Palladium Oracle Mahad. He gently placed it back in the golden box and replaced the lid before turning back to the tablet, taking a long sweep over the entire thing, committing as much of it to memory as he possibly could. The Puzzle at the top with the Gods, the Blue Eyes and Dark Magician, Set and Atem…all the way down to the worn, jagged edges along the bottom and the cartouche where Atem’s name used to be.
“Good-bye Pharaoh…rest well.”
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redhairdontcare732 · 5 years
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SweetPea x Reader: Riot Night from Hell, Part 1
Author's Note: This one shot will be split into two parts. I just fell in love with this storyline, and the finished product turned out to be way longer than I had anticipated. There will be flashbacks interwoven throughout the story, and they're distinguished by the use of italics.
On another note, if you are enjoying my fics, please do me a solid and either favorite or comment on them so I know that someone (other than me) is interested in them. I'm a new writer, and even the simplest comment, like, or even private message would mean so much for my budding confidence!
Reader POV:
    As I stood on the roof of Pop's, I internally questioned how my life had turned so far sideways in the course of just one day. Riverdale was in complete fucking chaos. My best friend was just shot and I had no idea if he was alive or dead, I had no clue where my boyfriend was, and the cherry on the top of this nightmarish day was that I was now stuck at Pop’s Diner, of all fucking places, with Archie Andrews, of all goddamned people, while Ghoulies patrolled the exterior, screaming my name. So on my list of top days, this was at the literal bottom.
The day had started out decently, I was with Sweets all day preparing for what would happen once Fangs was finally released. Sweet Pea and I had been dating for almost 5 years now, and we'd both spent the day doing everything we could to get our friend out of jail. Thing had really gotten fucked up when we went to the sheriff's office to escort Fangs out in one piece. I shivered internally as I recalled the events of today.
“IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH”, we shouted in unison, locking arms shoulder to shoulder. Everyone pulled away as we mentally prepared ourselves to usher Fangs out of the jail amongst the vengeful protestors. Sweet Pea was the only one who didn't pull away from me; rather, he pulled me closer into his arms and I naturally fell into his broad chest; I took a deep inhale of his familiar, comforting scent of worn leather,  light cologne, and fresh soap. My hands found their way to the inside of his serpent jacket, hugging myself closer to him and shivering. Though it wasn't cold in the Sheriff's office I had these ominous chills that had racked my body ever since we'd entered. His thumbs brushed gently against the exposed skin between my ripped jeans and my white t shirt, soothing me in a way I didn't even know I needed. I sighed in contentment, briefly pulled from the swirl of anxious, dark thoughts that had plagued my mind since Fangs was arrested.
“I'm not gonna lie Y/N/N, I get why you have to come out with us, but I'm not thrilled with the idea of you out there with all those insane Northside assholes babydoll”, he murmured into my hair after a few moments. I chuckled lightly against him, tightening my arms around the handsome boy in reassurance.
“I'm not exactly thrilled that you are either Pea, but we both know that we aren't about to let Fangs go through this alone”, I replied quietly. Sweets pulled back slightly, bringing his large hands to rest against the sides of my face. His rough thumbs rubbed delicately across my cheek as he stared deeply into my eyes; I knew in that moment just how scared Pea really was. In times of stress Sweet Pea had the habit of taking my face into his hands, gently cradling my cheeks with the pads of his fingers and his eyes boring deeply into mine. I'd never really given it much thought at first; Sweets had done this since we were kids, and eventually when I pressed about it he had told me that he felt like he just ‘needed to know I was safe’. It somehow comforted him when he was able to see with his own eyes and feel with his own hands that I was indeed still with him. I brought my hands up to cover his gently. We stood like this for an indiscernible amount of time until he sighed in resolve. He brought my face closer to his with his hands and kissed me deeply. Normally, despite his tough exterior, Pea gave the sweetest kisses. His lips, though plump and rough were typically gentle and teasing against mine; Sweets preferred to initiate soft kisses until I moaned or deepened things myself. I think he began this habit when we were young and first together because he was nervous about my reciprocation, but he continues now because he just loved to watch the reaction he still had on me. And while the soft way Pea usually kissed me was one of my favorite things about him, I was surprised to find this kiss was very different. His lips were immediately needy against mine, tongue entering my mouth without warning. It was a kiss of desperation, of longing. Our mouths danced together as we both poured all of the emotions that our voices could not do justice to into our embrace. I was just as needy as him, but before too long we pulled back, foreheads resting against one another's. With one last peck to his swollen lips I nodded in resolve.  Sweet Pea laced his warm fingers through mine, fitting together like pieces in a puzzle, and we headed out to the fray, hands locking us together.
I recalled how I’d gotten separated from the rest of the young serpents after Fangs was shot all because of the protesters and general pandemonium of it all. I had desperately searched amongst the crowd for the sight of the tall boy to no avail. My phone was dead, so I'd decided to search elsewhere. I ended up hopping on my bike and heading to the hospital, hoping to God that Sweets and Fangs would both be there and be okay. Adding to my growing fear and unease, it was only FP I found there, who broke the news that Fangs was in surgery.
“It's...ah... it's pretty bad kid”, FP drawled out while rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness. I felt my heart drop into the bottom of my feet. My eyes teared up at the prospect of losing my best friend. Fangs was so sweet and goofy; he should have never been in this position in the first place. My mind was flooded with picture perfect memories of summer days spent by the Quarry and late nights in Pea's trailer, surrounded by Fangs’ contagious laugh and ridiculous jokes. These memories ended abruptly as I recalled the way he'd slowly fallen to the ground, the red spot on his stomach spreading achingly fast. I remembered the sound of the gun above the screaming protestors. But most of all, I remembered Fangs’ face as he fell-- his soft features riddled with disbelief and pain as he slowly lost consciousness. He didn't deserve to go through this, and my heart felt like it was breaking into pieces because there was nothing I could do to help him. I wiped my tears with the sleeve of my shirt and steadied myself; with a deep breath, I reminded myself of my main goal at the moment. I needed to find Pea.
Despite FP’s best efforts towards the contrary, I'd left the hospital to try and find Sweet Pea. I knew that the whole town was in the middle of a full-on, apocalyptic riot, but I was determined to reconnect with my boyfriend and ensure that he was okay. Or as okay as he could be in this scenario, I guess. Knowing him for as long as I had, I knew that he was more likely than not spirling at the prospect of losing his best friend. And when Sweets spiraled, he spiraled hard and with violence. I was the only one with any chance of talking him off the ledge before he did something that he would regret later, and, honestly, I had also wanted to find him for completely selfish reasons. Even now, as I stood on the roof of our favorite diner, I desperately needed my boyfriend’s strong arms wrapped around me, his comforting scent surrounding me, and his deep voice in my ear telling me that everything was going to be okay.
So, I'd fought my way through Riverdale on my motorcycle, Mad Max style, trying to search anywhere I thought Sweets might be. I ended up at Pop's, hoping that either Pea would be there or Jughead would be and would know where he was. Pop's was an extremely important spot in our relationship; it was where he asked me out on our first date when we were 11 years old, it's where we shared our first kiss at 13, and it was in one of the booths near the back where Sweet Pea had told me he loved me for the first time. To this day the neon glow of Pop's never failed to make me happy or to give me hope.
However, the neon sign seemed dull and lifeless as I found, to my utter disappointment, he was not there. But not long after I showed up, Penny fucking Peabody and the Ghoulies arrived.
I was sitting with my head in my hands, having just been informed by Pop Tate that he hadn't seen Sweet Pea all day. The older man had his hand on my shoulders comfortingly, attempting to sooth my increasing level of anxiety. I glanced up at the kind, wrinkled face of Pop Tate and asked tiredly,
“Pop, you think I could use your phone?”. He nodded and handed me the receiver.
“ ‘Course sweetie”.
I dialed the number I'd long since memorized, praying that Pea would answer. Who knows what kind if trouble he could be in out there? My anxiety only increased as the line went dead, signaling that he hadn't answered. I slammed the phone down in frustration, returning to my previous position. Not seconds after, a giant crash hit my ears, and I heard the taunting voices that could only belong to Malachi and his Ghoulies.
“Oh Y/NNNNNNN, come out and playyyyyy”, Penny Peabody's sickening voice called out in a sing-song manner. “You and I have unfinished business DollFace”.
Penny as and I had never been on the best of terms; it was her and her snake charming ways that had nearly gotten my father released from prison, a thought which terrified me to my very core. Thankfully, the court system recognized the grave danger that would place me in and decided on a maximum life sentence. I thought that was the end of Penny and me, but unfortunately Jughead had to go and get himself tangled up with her when FP was locked up. I had taken my pseudo-brother's place in the deal he made, and once he came up with the plan to get rid of Penny I was all too eager to help. I knew she hated me, but I really thought she was gone for good.
“Okay we should be fine as long as-”, Archie started.
Another thunderous crash echoed through the small diner as one of the windows shattered.
“EVERYBODY STAY AWAY FROM THE WINDOWS”, I ordered as the burglar alarm blared.
“STAY DOWN”, someone shouted.
I ducked behind the counter, finding Archie Andrews down there as well.
“Pop do you have as gun in here?”, he asked tensely. The old man's soft face dropped.
“No. Had my fill of gunfire in the war. But I did learn a trick in the riots of ‘79. I have some liquor left over from Mr. Lodge's poker night”, he said tensely. “And if you can get to the roof from the crawlspace…”,
“I like how you're thinking Pop”, Archie interrupted. I nodded and shared a knowing look with my unlikely Northside ally.
I'd helped Archie Andrews board up the windows, and that's how I now found myself on the roof of Pop's with the ginger, liquor bottles in hand ready to fight the clinically insane gang  below.
“Come on Y/N, you had to know that this moment was coming”, Penny shouted upwards at me, pulling me out of my trance. “It’s time to pay the price dollie”.
    Malachai laughed, swinging his bat around teasingly. I glowered in response, choosing to stay silent. I felt Archie’s strong hand on my shoulder, offering support that I didn’t expect from the ginger boy. We'd been somewhat close as kids (friends through Jughead, my honorary self-proclaimed twin brother) but we hadn't spoken in a year or so. I wasn't overly fond of him as of late, ever since he ditched Jug for his Bulldog buddies and especially not since he'd waved a gun in Sweet's face and started his stupid Red Circle.
    “Get the fuck out of here Penny, Y/N isn’t coming down and you’re not taking her any place”, he practically growled. I nodded.
    “Last chance Ghoulie scum. Leave, or suffer the consequences”, I spat. Penny and Malachai scoffed.
    “DO YOUR WORST! COME ON, HIT ME!”, Malachai shouted, a crazy look in his eye. Well, crazier than the usual insane look he wore. Steadying myself, I prepared the bottle. Lighting it quickly, I launched it as well as I could and managed to hit one of the ghoulies’ bikes dead on. The bike erupted in flames. This did nothing to faze the group below, and Archie lit his second bottle and prepared to throw it.
    Before he could chuck the bottle, the Sheriff’s cruiser came bursting into the fray of Ghoulies, sirens blaring. Sheriff Keller and Fred Andrews came out of the car, Keller with a shotgun. He shot his shotgun in the air in warning and the Ghoulies scattered.
    “This isn’t over Y/N!”, Malachai vowed as he ran away. I saw FP hop off his bike and demand that the rest of the Ghoulies leave. I smiled slightly in relief, and Archie and I shared a brief hug before heading back down into the restaurant.
Once we reached the bottom, I brought FP into a bone crushing hug as my way of thanks. He returned my affection, seeming like he needed the reassurance almost as much as I did in the moment. FP had always been there for me, especially since my own dad had gotten carted off to prison when I was 6. I'd stayed with the Jones’ on and off throughout my childhood, and it wasn't a stretch to say that FP was more of a father to me than my own. He was always there for me, and much like Sweet Pea he always tried to keep me from the less savory sides of life as Serpent. He pulled back from the hug to search my face for injuries. I rolled my eyes.
“You really think I'd let the discount Insane Clown Posse trash this beautiful mug?”, I joked half-seriously. FP rolled his eyes and glared.
“Seriously Y/N? What were you thinking taking on all those Ghoulies alone? You could've been fucking killed!”, he scolded. I scoffed.
“Okay first of all, I was not alone; our dear Archiekins was with me on the roof”, I said gesturing to the aforementioned boy who looked more like a wounded little puppy than anyone who'd just been tossing out Molotov cocktails had the right to. “Secondly, did it seem like I had many other options? And thirdly, I'm fine, so it couldn't have been that bad of a plan”, I sassed. FP sighed and ran a hand through his dark locks, eyes looking more tired than I knew he'd like to admit.
“Heard Sweet Pea is going insane looking for you Y/N; why the hell aren’t you answering your phone kid?”, he asked. I felt my heart flutter at the mention of my partner. My tough demeanor dropped instantly, and I grabbed FP’s arm.
“So he’s okay? Tell me he’s okay. My phone is dead; I'd tried calling on Pop's but he didn't answer. Where is he?”, I demanded. FP grabbed my arms gently.
“Whoa whoa slow down Y/NN. He’s fine, he’s good. He’s with Jug at the Wyrm”, he soothed. “Here, use my phone, call the boy and tell him you’re alright”.
I grabbed his phone eagerly, fingers swiftly dialing the number I knew by heart once again. My heart hammered in my chest as I heard the distinct ringing of the call being placed. I needed reassurance that my tall, dark haired other half was okay. With each ring of the phone my anxiety increased tenfold, until I heard the one thing I’d been searching for all night. That smooth, deep voice that could simultaneously calm me and send delicious tingles up my spine all at once. My mind flooded with the low rumbling chuckles and sweet sounds that comforted me as I laid on his chest in more tender moments, heart signaling sweet reassurances into my ears with each beat. My favorite sound in the world, Sweet Pea's voice
“Hello? FP, what’s up?”, I heard Sweet's soothing bass answer. Even though he sounded tense, panicked even, I couldn't help but feel elated that he was safe and able to speak to me at all. I sighed in complete relief.
“Pea? It’s me”, I answered quickly.
“Y/N/N? Oh my god are you okay? Where are you? Why aren’t you answering your phone?”, he questioned in a state of near panic.
“Sweets, it's okay, I’m okay. My phone is dead, and I’m at Pop’s with FP looking for you”, I breathed. “Are you okay? What happened to you after the Sheriff’s station?”.
“It’s a long story babydoll, I’ll tell you later. Where did you say you were? Stay there I’m coming to get you”, he replied. I shook my head before realizing that he couldn’t see me.
“No, Pea it’s not safe out there right now, and honestly it’s not safe here either. I’ll go with FP back to the Wyrm and meet you there”, I reasoned. He was silent for a beat, contemplating my words. I heard shuffling on the other line.
“Sweetheart, I know it’s not safe, that’s why I don’t want you out there”, he murmured. I could tell that he’d moved away from the other serpents; his sweet side was coming out and he probably didn’t want them to hear. “I just... I need you with me. I need to see you, hold you in my arms and know that you’re okay”.
My heart lurched at his protectiveness, warmth flooding my body at his tender words. I could practically picture his face, eyes cast downward and deep brown irises swimming with that look that he had always saved just for me. His chiseled jaw was probably locked, twitching with unease. If I were there I would run my fingers up and down his cheeks in an attempt to sooth the tense muscles, loving the way he relaxed and leaned into my touch.
“Sweets, I know. Believe me love, I want you safe just as much, but I promise I’ll make it over to you before you know it. The Wyrm is a hell of a lot safer than Pop’s at the moment, and besides I’ve been Mad Maxing my way through this nightmare of a town all night. I've got this”, I stated confidently. No matter how protective Pea could be, I was not some damsel in distress that needed his saving. There was no way on this Earth that I was going to let him go out into the riot that I’d been facing all night. He thought he could be protective but his fierceness had nothing on mine. He sighed and the line went silent for what felt like forever as I waited for his response.
“I love you”, he vowed finally.
“I love you more handsome. And I'm going to see you very soon”, I assured before we both ended the call. I turned to FP, handing him his phone.
“You down to help me get to the Wyrm?”, I asked. He nodded.
“Of course kid. You ready to ride on the back of my bike like you did when you were a tot?”, he grinned. I smiled in nostalgia for a moment, my mind wandering back to the simpler times of my life when FP would take me for rides on his bike to help me escape from the realities of my homelife, if only for a moment. I remembered fondly the day when he finally taught me how to drive my own bike that he gifted me. He always helped me take care of her, and some of my only true family memories were of Jug, FP, and I fixing up our bikes together. Surely he didn't think there was any way that I was going to leave her here in the midst of this shitshow.
“You're kidding”, I deadpanned. There was no way FP was for real.
“Dead serious kiddo. You need a way to get around, and I don't want you roaming the Southside alone even if Sweet Pea or Jug are with you”, he replied. I marvelled at the motorbike in front of us, tracing the chrome detailing with the tips of my fingers gently. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I rushed forward and enveloped him in a tight hug.
“Thank you”, I whispered. FP hugged me back briefly before affectionately mussing up my hair.
“Don't thank me yet kiddo, she still needs a ton of work. If you're up for it I mean”, he countered. I smiled my truest, widest smile.
“I'm in”.
“Think she needs a name don't you?”, he continued, heading over to the bike with his tools.
“Mhm”, I agreed, grabbing a tool out of the box and crouching down alongside him.
“She looks like a Norma to me”, I mused.
“Norma huh?”, he answered, not looking as I grabbed a tool from the box and began working.
“Yeah, Norma Jean”.
“I’m not leaving Norma Jean out here in this fucking dumpster fire of a town”, I countered. “I’ll just follow behind you”.
“That’s not a great idea kid”, he grumbled. “Riverdale is a hellhole on the best of days, and this is clearly not the best of days”. I crossed my arms petulantly.
“I'm not leaving Norma Jean here”, I repeated stubbornly. He sighed and rubbed his stubble ridden chin in contemplation.
“Okay, but you stay on my ass the whole way”, he countered, pointing a finger at me. “I move, you move. I stop you stop. You got that kid?”. I raised my hand solemnly.
“Scouts honor”, I stated seriously. He nodded, and we headed out of Pop’s together to fire up our motorcycles and head out.
We were speeding through the trashed streets of Riverdale, swerving here or there to avoid the dangers that littered the town’s once clean roads. I stayed true to my word and stuck close to FP as we traversed the potential dangers. I did my best to follow him, but after some rioters ran out in front of Norma I was forced to skid to a stop in the middle of the street. Among the din of the riot, FP didn't hear and he continued on. I huffed and began to start Norma up again in attempt to follow once more. But as I revved the engine I felt a pain like none I'd ever felt on the back of my head and my entire world went dark.
Sweet Pea's POV:
“Where the hell are they? She should be here by now”, I practically growled. Jughead lifted his hands up as if in surrender.
“Don't look at me man. Knowing how protective dad is over Y/N, and  knowing how stubborn Y/N is, they're probably still fighting over how to get here. He's not gonna want her to ride alone, and she's not going to want to leave her bike”, he reasoned calmly. “Chill out Sweet Pea it's only been like 15 minutes, I'm sure they'll be here soon”, he continued before accepting a call and walking swiftly out of the bar to answer.
I blew air out of my mouth tensely, chest constricting tighter with each breath I took. While I knew that Jughead's words made sense, a larger more irrational part of me was still screaming that I needed to go out and find Y/N. My head was a swirl of rage and fear; my best friend was at some hospital fighting for his life, and the love of my life was out in this godforsaken nightmare of a town. There was nothing more I could do for Fangs, but I refused to stop until I knew my Y/N/N was safe. The only way I would be convinced that she was alright was if I got to hold her small frame in my arms. And to be perfectly truthful, I needed her warm body pressed against mine, her soft hair tickling my face, the sweet fragrance of her shampoo in my nose, and her melodic voice in my ear with gentle reassurances today more than ever. I needed her to keep me sane and grounded on the best of days, and this was sure as shit not the best of days. Ever since we were kids, long before I was ever lucky enough to call her mine, she'd been there to calm the ever-growing darkness that lived within me. Even once we got together I still needed her unique brand of tough love to set me straight at times.
“Pea stop!”, I heard her musical voice from behind me. I turned to see her comparatively shorter legs nearly running to keep up. I turned forward and continued on, ignoring the nagging urge to stop and listen to her.
“PEA I SWEAR TO FUCK-”, she shouted. I whipped around abruptly, stopping and standing nearly toe to toe with Y/N.
“Look, there's nothing you can say to change my mind Y/N. I'm not going back and that's it. Not everyone is cut out for this education shit, alright? I'll hit up Tall Boy, he's always got something lined up for me”, I practically snarled. I recoiled just the slightest bit at her stone cold face; her usually sweet features were scowling at me, adorable nose scrunched tight and dark eyebrows knitted together in concern and irritation. Y/N wasn't usually one to show when she was frustrated. No that was me; when I was angry everyone in a ten mile radius would know. I was like a wildfire, burning bright and scorching anything and everything in my path in a wave of red destruction. Her brand of anger was more like a blue flame, dark and understated, but more intense than you could imagine. My girlfriend could be downright terrifying at times, and to see her frustration directed at me nearly made me reconsider. She crossed her arms stubbornly.
“Give it up Sweets, you can't fool me with your ‘too cool to care’ act. I know you, and I know that you don't really want to quit school”, she growled. I huffed and ran a hand through my hair, frustration reigniting.
“Maybe you don't know me as well as you thought”, I spat. “In fact, why don't you just fucking leave? Everyone else does”.
I turned once again, walking quickly down the steps and away from the shithole that was Southside High. For a few moments I could tell that Y/N was still standing there motionless, and I felt an overwhelming amount of guilt and self-loathing overtake me. Why did I always do this? I couldn't even fathom the idea of my life without Y/N in it, but here I was trying my damnedest to push her away. But to face facts, Y/N was too good for me. She always had been. Too many thoughts swirled in my head all at once, and I quickly grabbed the helmet to my bike so I could ride and forget about them all. But just before my fingertips grazed the shiny black plastic of my visor , I felt a hand on my shoulder yanking me back. Y/N threw her arms around my waist, hugging me fiercely.
“No.”, she stated firmly, the sound slightly muffled by my chest.  
“No?”, I scoffed.
“No, I'm not leaving you Sweet Pea. Not now, not ever. Get that through your head”, she replied while lifting her head slightly from my body. My heart fluttered, and I sighed in disbelief and skepticism. I tried to pull back from her vice grip, but like a boa constrictor she simply responded by squeezing my middle tighter. My hands hovered over her waist for a second or two before sinking into her embrace, grasping her as tightly as she did me.
“Sure Y/NN”, I murmured into her Y/H/C hair, breathing in deeply her familiar, comforting in an attempt to slow my racing heart. She always smelled the same: lilac scented shampoo mixed with some cheap perfume I'd gotten her for her birthday one year and a hint of cigarette smell. Normally I hated the way stale smoke smelled, especially on women, but somehow the scent was so uniquely Y/N that I couldn't help but love it.
“I'm serious Pea. Nothing you could ever say or do would make me give up on you”, she swore softly while looking up from the confines of my arms. “I love you, all of you. Even when you're so god-damned frustrating that it makes me want to strangle you, even when you do stupid and dangerous things, and even when you are so broken that you try to push me away I will still be there, loving you. I. Will. Never. Leave.You.”.
Her y/e/c swam with a mix of emotions: love, determination, sadness, desperation. I reached hesitantly up to her cheeks to rest my calloused fingers against her soft face, needing to feel her with my own hands and see her with my own eyes. With every sweet moment like this it became easier, but I too often needed to remind myself that she was indeed here. She was real, and she wanted me. Her dark fan of black lashes fluttered closer together as she closed her eyes slowly, reaching her hands up to rest across mine while her fingers traced delicate patterns across the backs of my hands. I was overcome with a feeling that I wasn't sure I could even explain. I decided in that moment that I was never going to let anything ruin this, what we had. Not even if that thing was me.
“I love you Y/N/N. I love you so much babydoll”.
With every passing moment that she wasn't here with me I felt myself becoming more and more unhinged. I paced around for what felt like an eternity. Voices swirled around me, and I couldn't have even guessed what they were talking about. When I finally tuned in, I found that FP had shown up. I immediately rushed over to him, eyebrows raised.
“FP, where's Y/N?”, I asked quickly, hope bubbling up in my chest amongst the fear that still swirled. His tired, worried face told me all I needed to know, but still I found myself asking again, panic evident in my voice. He shook his head sorrowfully.
“I don't know what happened man, she was right behind me the whole time and then all of the sudden she wasn't. I circled back and searched over and over but I don't know where she went off to Sweet Pea”, he admitted. My shoulders dropped and the fear that had been slowly building up all day suddenly contorted itself into a rock that sank into the bottom of my stomach. FP clapped a hand on my shoulder, finger pointing in my face, a determined expression in his eyes.
“Don't worry SP, she's the toughest girl I've ever known. She gonna be fine. We're going to find her man, I promise”, he spoke tersely. He sounded sure on the outside, but I could tell that he was just about as scared as me. It made sense, Y/N was practically FP’s daughter at this point; he and Jughead were the closest thing that she'd ever had to a family, other than myself. It was for that reason, and that reason alone, that I forced the anger that was bubbling within me back down. FP's phone buzzed, and he turned away to answer.
“What do we do man? I've gotta find her!”, I shouted after him. Already 5 steps ahead, I grabbed my jacket and began to head for the door. I'd been patient enough; now it was time to go and search for my Y/N/N myself.
“SWEETPEA!”, I heard a female voice shout from behind me. I turned to find Toni weaving her way through the throng of serpents with that red headed Northside queen bee following closely behind. She reached me and grabbed my arm so tightly that it would have hurt if I were capable of focusing on anything else but Y/N.
“Topaz I really don't have time for this right now. Y/N is still out there and--”, I started before the small, pink haired serpent shook her head furiously.
“No, that's what I'm trying to tell you Pea! I was held hostage by the Ghoulies, and when Cheryl and I were leaving I saw one of them roll in on Norma Jean”, she exclaimed breathlessly, eyes slightly wild.
“It's true. We would have stopped, but I'd just saved TT from those Neanderthals and we didn't have the same element of surprise on our sides this time”, the Queen Bee replied. My hands clenched into tight fists.
“So you're telling me that those Ghoulie scum have my Y/N?”, I spat through my teeth, eyes squinting shut in fury. Toni nodded. I felt my body start to quiver in total rage. A small, buried part of me was terrified at the prospect of my girl being surrounded by those fuckers. Sure, Y/N was as tough as they come, but those Ghoulies were certifiably insane. And she was probably way out numbered. My mind refused to accept the possibilities of what could being happening to her at this very moment, and my entire being chose to ignored this fear in favor of blinding fury.
“You have to take me there Topaz. Now.”, I demanded. Her pink locks bobbed with her head as she nodded grimly.
“Toni, where were the Ghoulies keeping you?”, FP interrupted. His face was grim and his mouth drawn into a straight line.
“I'm bringing SP there now, they've got Y/N”, she replied quickly.
“I know. I think Jughead just went to go save her, and now they've got them both”, FP choked. My hands clenched and unclenched with unabashed anger.
“Well what the fuck are we waiting for? Let's go”, I nearly screamed as I pulled Toni out the door and to our rides.
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kalosinflames · 2 years
[ @mnstcrbnll Riku ]
"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. I just wanted to take a naaaaaaaaaaaaap"
But nooo. Of course not. Of course today was too slow, too quiet, too nice and sweet. Completely ignoring the fact that yet another rat was already running through the corridors of the base, the Enforcer yawns, gives a look at the Pokèmon who decided to make a mess and interrupt his more than deserved (?) nap.
...and releases Gyarados.
"Ugh, kill them or something, okay? Whatevs."
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Well, that was quaint, now wasn’t it?
Adam watched as the rats spilled from their nest in a veritable tidal wave. Of course, what good were rats against a flood? This was only half of what Adam had brought with him. He figured that was enough.
And he had promised Silver to try not to kill them, else he simply would have had Armand sweep them with a flamethrower. But with that gone--
Ah, this rat looked a little bigger than the rest. And-- out came a Gyarados. Certainly frustrating, but--
Adam clicked his fingers sharply on his free hand.
“Iva, Brouillard. Armand; Poing Éclair. Auguste, Mégaphone.” He hummed in Kalosian, and watched the chaos start.
The Salazzle’s tail flared fire as she reared up and spat a wad of disgusting phlegmy smoke that splattered against the giant sea-serpent and billowed out like a smoke grenade, filling part of the parking lot (and hopefully its vision) with thick Smokescreen.
The Mega Charizard swept off and around at the order, its claws beginning to crackle with electricity as it comes in from the air for what looks to be a horrific Thunder Punch.
The huge male Pyroar roared in a titanic wave of sound that swept across the space - that was obviously a Hyper Voice!
0 notes
corinthbayrpg · 3 years
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NAME. Mahendra Varma AGE & BIRTH DATE. 1317 & July 19th, 704 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/Him SPECIES. Incubus OCCUPATION. Owner of Corinthian Baths FACE CLAIM. Sidarth Malhotra
( tw: death, sex ) Under an adorning crescent moon, an orphaned boy wept. In later years Mahendra would see this as the point where his story truly began, the moment when a creature of divinity looked down upon him and took pity on a child that the world had forsaken. Before that moment he was nobody, a creature that existed and was permitted to live only because those that had taken him in permitted it. Useful because he was small, children were good at moving about undetected, but his nature made him overstep. 
Mahendra was stubborn, and far too cunning for his own good, left to die in a gutter a serpent came upon him and coiled about his frame. Too weak to fight the creature off, the end appeared clearly before him. A short inconsequential life punctuated by a death that was common for wretches like him. But even as the snake squeezed Mahendra’s bones did not break, he could breathe, and soon he could move. For the first time in his life he felt strong, strong enough to carry himself from where he’d fallen. Into the dark the snake receded but they shared an understanding between them, a day would come when the creature would return for him. His life was forfeit, and whatever power Mahendra now possessed, he owed to the snake that would someday come to collect. 
As he’d learned before, children were useful. He was small, small enough to enter places without being noticed. Observant, and cleven enough to know which way the winds were blowing. Islam had come to India, and the world was cracking open under a boy who slowly grew into a man who carefully constructed a network of children who were once just like him. Small, observant, cautious. Enemies were commonplace, he was without any titles, and without any family behind him. He was just one man who scraped and clawed his way from the gutter to obtain position and status for himself. Through trade anyone could gain wealth, but even more prized than spices, jewels, and metals were the trade of secrets. 
All his wealth and power could be attributed to the entity that had saved him in his youth, Mahendra began to attribute his great fortune to Lakshmi, a goddess of wealth who had clearly seen promise in him as a child. Frequently he would boast of how the Gods favoured him, and when he would pull the threads on the network of his spies, it was under the guise of divine influence. Manipulation was an easy tactic for the man, and war was a game that was profitable for a person of his skillset. The conflict between the Umayyad Arabs and the Byzantines was one that he was hungry to sink his hands into. 
War was never something that he had witnessed firsthand, but it was something that Mahendra had played a roll in for sometime. To him survival and prosperity were the only things that mattered, conflicts outside of his own country mattered little to him as long as he could survive. It was while he was traveling that he awoke one night to a figure stood over his bed, through the slits in his tent Mahendra could clearly see the figure that was bathed in the pale glow of the crescent moon. A pitch black snake coiled about the man’s neck as he stood giant and imposing, Mahendra recognized this creature as the one and very same that had gifted him with the power to save himself all those years prior. He knew also his mistake for there was no denying that he’d made an enemy of Shiva the destroyer of evil.
Mahendra’s crimes were numerous, but none were so offensive as boasting that he’d been favoured by a Goddess who would look upon his meager wealth as little more than laughable. For the first time in his life he found himself in the heat of a battle, one that he’d aimed to profit on and one that he was quickly struck down in. The moon greeted him as he laid there bleeding out and helpless, but there was no afterlife waiting for him. Only Shiva, whose punishment was only just beginning. Immortality would be Mahendra’s gift and an insatiable appetite for souls would be his punishment. 
As an incubus, Mahendra awoke on the battlefield in the presence of one who was just as curious about him as he was about them. Before Mahendra came face to face with a literal God, the supernatural world had been closed to him, but Peirasmós was a spirit made of air and fire, one who came into creation at the very battle where he’d fallen. Immediately it felt as though their fates were connected, woven together by some divine act of intervention. Their companionship was the boon that Mahendra distilled from his situation, Shiva intended for him to be punished, but what were the lives of others when compared to the immortality that laid before him now? 
Newly-created Peirasmós came into the world naive, and Mahendra being someone who’d never had any family took to the spirit immediately. They two became inseparable as Mahendra helped the oneiroi navigate the breadth of deceptions of humanity. There were some who would take advantage of the spirit’s power, but the incubus would never allow it. In time they were like twins, never one without the other. 
Those who looked upon Mahendra lusted for him, they inherently craved his approval and this made his game of manipulation that much easier. To avoid the pain that came with an empty soul, Mahendra gladly took as much as was needed from a person in order to sustain himself. The incubus chose the beds of the unfaithful, the powerful, anyone who crossed his path that made the mistake of trusting the honeyed words that flowed from his tongue. With Peirasmós at his side the pair were formidable, the oneiroi controlled their destiny and anyone who tried to bring harm to either of them met an untimely end. Often before the pair of them were ever even betrayed. 
The arrival of Peirasmós’s pet inherently bothered the incubus, whereas he cared little for love beyond how it could be used, he could see how Peirasmós’s desires might easily be manipulated. This made him weary of Christopher, but there was nothing Mahendra could do or say that would convince the oneiroi to be cautious of the werewolf. When the incubus awoke one night to Peirasmós’s and Christopher’s absence they inherently blamed themselves. Centuries spent in on another’s company and over the course of a short while some man had convinced the oneiroi to elope with him. The realization hurt, but Mahendra was not so easily shaken and resolved instead to track the oneiroi down and demand an explanation. They were two sides of the same coin, and after so many years together he deserved a true answer. 
The truth came to the service when Mahendra found Peirasmós once again, three years of servitude at the hands of the werewolf, then a shot at freedom that left the oneiroi forever changed. The difference was clear to the observant incubus, their other half dipped into the shadows and resolved instead to manipulate things from behind the scenes. It suited Mahendra’s needs fine, and as the spirit conquered and deceived, he was never far behind. 
The sundering of the veil had left Mahendra without their powers and immortality for the first time in over a thousand years, weak, vulnerable, and without the oneiroi they affectionately referred to as their twin he felt incomplete. When their power was returned and Peirasmós brought back from the other side, the pair of them set their sights on Corinth Bay. The center of what seemed like the world’s root cause for chaos, and a new playground for the two of them to enjoy. 
+ loyal, mindful, patient ��� deceptive, selfish, callous
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sleepydrarry · 7 years
I've fallen in love with Misu, Harry's cute little snake in "Turn" by saras_girl (which is, by the way, the best fic ever but I guess we all agree on that) and I would like to read other fics with adorable (or sassy)(or both) Drarry pets. Could you rec me some please? I trust you with the rest, I've read SO many great fics thanks to your recs!
Thank youuuu that’s so sweet :’) AGH YES MISU IS MY FAVE. I love animal fics, but usually Harry/Draco is the animal in question, so it should be interesting to make a rec list with animals that are *actual* animals…
Drarry + pets recs
• Turn by Sara’s Girl (306k)One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.(Just in case anyone missed this. The most amazing fic featuring the adorable snake Misu as well as the narcissistic and melodramatic snake Frank.)
• And An Owl Named Romeo by Rickey (26k)Draco breeds owls, Harry’s an Auror, and an owl named Romeo is going to bring them together.(This fic!! Romeo is adorable, and Draco actually breeds owls in it! I love the characterization of Draco in it, it’s one of my favorites, don’t miss it.)
• Serpentes by xErised (29k)It’s a shame that Draco Malfoy looks so good stripping in a club with stolen snakes, because Auror Harry’s got a job to do.(Harry’s snake Bacon is vain, hilarious, and gives Harry dance lessons.)
• All Life is Yours to Miss by Sara’s Girl (114k)Professor Malfoy’s world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go.(In which Draco’s pet and best friend is a giant beetle named Stanley–who is all kinds of cute–the result of a tea cup transfiguration gone wrong.)
• Partners of the Four-Legged Variety by carpemermaid (17k)The Auror Department is instating a K9 Crup Unit, and Harry is the first to sign up. Turns out the professional trainer is Draco Malfoy, and he has to live with Harry as part of the Crup training programme.(Absolutely adorable! Hyperion the Crup is a sweetheart and Draco as a Crup trainer is so good that I almost feel like he can’t do anything else.)
• The Light More Beautiful by firethesound (81k)Thirteen years after Draco accepts Potter’s help escaping the horror of his sixth year, he returns to England where he makes the unfortunate discovery that Potter is still as obnoxious as ever. And worse, more than a decade overseas hasn’t been enough to dim Draco’s obsession with him.(Draco named his owl Lucy after Lucius just to piss him off, and as if that wasn’t brilliant enough, Lucy also hates delivering post. Love it!)
• Slithering by astolat (27k)Draco found the nest down in the Manor’s cellars, while he was clearing them out.(This one has Coil, this very charming snake that Draco adopts.)
• Here Be Dragons by birdsofshore (21k)Harry doesn’t want to waste his time investigating illegal dragonhide trading, whether it involves a fetish club in Knockturn Alley or visiting a remote island in Wales. Why the bloody hell does Malfoy always have to be up to something?(DRACO HAS A DWARF DRAGON NAMED ETHEL. I’M IN LOVE.)
• My Little Berserker by Aelys_Althea (105k)Eighth year was supposed to be calm. Moderated. Peaceful, even. Draco returned to escape the chaos wrought upon his shambles of a life and Harry to flee the responsibility of a world that sees him as something greater than was truly possible. Hogwarts was a safe haven, right? At least it was until Hagrid comes up with the wonderful idea to introduce some additional members to the student body of the fluffier variety. Hagrid doesn’t do moderated - where’s the fun in that?(This one has foxlet gliders, which are hard to explain, but Harry and Draco’s foxlet glider Pipsqueak–nicknamed Pips–quite effortlessly stole my heart.)
• Helix by Sara’s Girl (92k)Seven months after the end of the war, Harry is feeling lost. Fortunately, he is about to be offered an unexpected and sparkling chance to find himself again.(Harry and Draco take care of frost snails, among which is the precious sweetheart Solomon. He’s my favorite, sitting on Draco’s shoulder and all!)
• The Owl and the Pussy-cat by khalulu (8.1k)Harry, Draco, an owl, a cat, green peas, moon-cheese, an elf in a toga, a few Golden Snidgets, and some messing about in boats. (Draco’s green-eyed cat Fern and Harry’s owl Gabriel decide to become unlikely best friends, which makes things very interesting indeed.)
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