zou-pa · 2 months
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ome-magical-ramblings · 9 months
Prayer of Crowns translation.
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from Ahmad Al-Buni's Fountain of Wisdom book. It is used as a closure or a thanksgiving in the end of each working to empower it.  you can say this prayer 12 times or 48 times or 144 times.
Original Arabic is posted below the English one. 
Conclusion of any work/Prayer of the Crowns
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Oh God,Ya Bashmech Bashmech, Tha-Alahoma Shaytaion O God, whose commands are absolute, to whom belongs the most beautiful names, the supreme attributes, the joy, the light, and the splendor.
Oh God Ya Dano Malchuthu Domutho Da’amun, Who is praised boundlessly, praised by every tongue, and mentioned in all of time.
Oh God, Ya Haithu Maymon Arqish Dan Elyon Oh God, The one whose importance precedes everyone, there is no one but you before him, O God.
Ya Harmitha Dahilion Metatron, the one who faces fell for; the one voices were sincere toward; the one who puts the courageous to shame.
O God Rahekshu Ahlaqon, whose eternal light basks the creations of his heavens and earth. Your Divine light is full of joy, splendour and radiance.
Oh God Ya Harmuth Arkhem Arkhemon Most Gracious, the Most Merciful who filled everything with Justice, Mercy, and Blessings.
Ya Ahia Shra Hia(Ehieh Asher Ehieh) Adonai A’sabbaot(Sabaoth?)  A’sabbaoton, O Eternal Sustainer, Destroyer of lives, who is established in heaven, earth, and in creation by his order.
Oh God Absher Asma Asma’on , Who is illuminated by his light, the creatures of his heavens and his decaying earth, for his light is illuminating and joyful.
Oh Yamlia’otho  Amliecha Malchon Who reigned by his Glory, conquered by his strength, irrepressible omnipotence; One that no one can oppose.
Oh Go Ya-Alaim Arid Ara’a, Justice of everything that they weigh. Everything that is visible and invisible. Omniscient; Knower of hearts.
Oh God Ya-mashmich Mashichatha Muthlamo’an ,Who grants any command; and if he so desires, he would just say “So Be It”, and it shall be.
This Prayer has many characteristics, many of which bring benefits, and banish harm, By reciting these prayers and carrying it with you. The only conditions before reciting these are purity in clothing, body and prayer space.
It is said to be the prayer of Metatron; the Kings of Heavenly and Infernal spirits, above and below.
بعد الفراغ من كل عملية تأثير عظيم في سرعة الاجابة ونفاذ الغرض وهي أن تقول

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اللهم
يابشمخ بشمخ ذا الاهاموا شيطيئون يا الله النافذ أمره الذي له الاسماء الحسنى والصفات العليا والبهجة والضياء والنور والبهاء
اللهم يادانوا ملخوثوا دموثوا دائمون الذي هو مسبح في كل مكان وممدوح بكل لسان ومذكور في كل أوان وزمان .
اللهم يا حيثو ميمون أرقش دان عليون الذي سبقت أوليته قبل كل قبل فلا قبل الا وأنت قبله
اللهم يارحميثا دهليلون ميططرون الذي عنت له الوجوه وخشعت له الأصوات وذلت الشمخ الباذخات
اللهم رخشيشوا أحلاقون الذي استضاء بنوره أهل سمواته وأرضه الخامدة بنوره كل ذي ضياء وبهجة ونور
اللهم يارحموث أرخيم أرخيمون الرحمن الرحيم الذي ملأ كل شيء عدله ورحمته وكرمه .
اللهم ياأهيا شراهيا أدوناى أصباؤت أصباتون الذي هو الحي القيوم الموتى ومميت الاحياء الذي قامت السموات والارض والخلق بأمره
اللهم أشبر أسما أسماؤن الذي استضاءت بنوره أهل سمواته وارضه الخامدة لنوره كل ضياء وبهجة
اللهم يامليعوثا أمليخا ملخون الذي ملك بعزته وقهر بجبروته واستأثر بقدرته وغلب بقوته فلا شيء يقاومه
اللهم يا الام أرعد أرعى يزنون العالم بكل شيء كان أو يكون الذي لايغيب عليه الغيوب ولا ما تخفى الصدور .
اللهم يامشمخ مشخيثا مثلامئون الذي أمره اذا أراد شيئا ان يقول له كن فيكون
ولها مخصوصها خواص كثيرة من جلب المنافع ودفع المضار تلاوة وحملا ولكن بشرط الطهارة ثوبا وبدنا ومكانا وقيل انها تسبيح السيد ميططرون الحاكم على أملاك الارواح علويها وسفليها
Different Version:
This version is taken from Al-Zalitani’s notebook/kashkol. It has a magic square that you can use during the morning and evening prayer.
Oh Allah Ya Shamech Dalahano Shaytithon
 Ya Dano Malchuthu Wa Di-Yam-nun 
Ya Kaor-Aish Ar’itoch Lachof 
Ya Dahmotho Archa Archim Archimon 
Ya Haithmo Maithon Hanon Manon 
Ya Shaych-thim Razich Arfech Dargelion 
Ya Ahia Shra-heya Adonai Asba’ot Asba’ton 
Ya Dahmitha Dahlilon Ela-he Metatron 
Ya Noor Boreq Argech Arashessh Lagathon Lagbon Na’shon Lafshoon 
Ya Basheera Shar wa Shamih Ashmaghen Ashga Ashgon  Ya Malchuthu Malich Malcha Malicha Malchon 
Ya Alam Alim Ar’a Ergha Argha Kaznoon 
Ma Shamech Shamechitha Mashlamon 
when He wills something ˹to be˺, is simply to say to it: “Be!” And it is! Oh God make all of your kingdom and angels subject unto me with the mysteries of these names. 
اللهم يا شمخ دالاهانو شيطيثون
 يادانو ملخوثو ديمنون
 ياكورعيش ارعيشطوخ لاخوف
 يادهموثوا ارخا ارخيم ارخيمون
 يا حيثمو ميثون حنون منون
 يا شيخوثيم رازيش  ارفش دارغليون
 يا أهيا شراهيا ادوناي اصباؤت اصباؤتون 
يا دهميثا دهليلون إله ميططرون
 يا نور بورق ارغش ارعشيش لغثون لغبون نعشون لفشون
 يا بشيرا شر و شمح  اشماغاً اشغا اشغون يا  ملخوثو مالخ  ملخى مليخا ملخون 
يا علام عالم ارعى إرغا أرغى كزنون
 ماشمخ شمخيثا مشلامون 
الذي اذا اراد شياً  ان يقول له كن فيكون  اللهم سخر لي الملك والملكوت  بسر هذه الاسماء 
(another version of Prayer of Crowns in next page)
Sheikh Al-Somomi Version ( I use this version )
Basmech Dala Hamo Shaytithon
Dano Malchuthu Daimonin
Kaoraish Ara’shtrich Lachon
Dahmoth Archa Archim Archimon
Thiochaim Azich Arqish Dar-Alion
Haythumuu Mythuu Ahyun Minun
Ahya Sharahya Adonai Asbaoth Sabra-tun 
Dihmitha Dahlilun 'iilah Metatron
Noor Bawariq A’reish Arghshish Lagah-shun
Shabira Shro wa Asmaikh Ash-ba Ashba’on 
Malkuth Malich Malch Malecha Malchun
Alam Alim Arghil Arghi Arghun Thirnun Kazanun Shamkh Shamkhithan Mishlamun
بشمخ دالا هامو شيطيثون
دانو ملخوثو ديمنون
كورعش ارعيشطرخ لاخون
دهموث ارخا ارخم ارخيمون
ثيوخيم ازيش ارقش دارعليون
حيثموا ميثوا احيون منون
اهيا شراهيا ادوناي اصباؤت صبارتون
دهميثا دهليلون إله ميططرون
نور بورق ارعيش ارغشيش لغشون 
شبيرا شرو اسمخ اشبا اشبونّ
ملكوت مالخ ملخ مليخا مالخون
علام عالم ارغل ارغي ارغون  ثرنون كزنون شمخ شمخيثا مشلامون
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symmetricalscar · 1 month
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Twitch of the Death Nerve - Languishing In Theurgical Obsolescence
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unbrcakablc-hcart · 2 months
@theurgic-necromancer replied to your post “I'm. So. Tired. I think I'm on day 4 or 5 of not...”:
Gods I know that feeling. Never a great place to be in.
​Uh-huh. I haven't been like this in a while so it's... kinda kicking my ass!
I think I might have to add another pill to what I'm doing or something. I don't know.
That or I need to give up all material things and sleep on the sand. (I'm mostly joking.) (Mostly.)
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burning-brightly · 15 days
Anywaaaay, the most important thing to address.
My brand new followers. Gotta remind Lils to do this in parts.
@drcgcnfly - I gueesss you're self-explanatory, Ava. lol. Geez. It's weird talking to Lils to talk at you online. Assuming this isn't just one huge ongoing prank on Lils's part.
@livlaughlovio - So you got introduced as "livio jackass saverem", and I thought it was gonna be awkward cause I thought you were someone Lils didn't like. But when I asked, she seemed confused and said it was actually your name. Sooo I guess I'm so very sorry. Is that Jackass with some sort of weird accent then? Like the name Dumass or something? Or is it that your parents just horribly failed in the naming department? Or is it just an in-joke which I actually suspect. Anyhoop, she says you take care of a lot of kids and run an orphanage, and sometimes some person R goes on the account to talk. She adds that you also like to use a weird symbol that resembles a hat - "a voiced volar impulsive????".
@theurgic-necromancer - Got introduced to me as Sayran, on a mysterious journey to do something underground that involve honest-to-god drow. When I asked what sort of magic you used, she just gave me a confused look. I thought it would've just been what it said on the tin.
Also told me that you lived in a monastery at one point - I'd imagine that'd be stifling with all the rules and crap.
@creepy-crowleys - Waaaaait. I'm sure Lils mentioned you before. You hung out with her sister a while back with the whole Northern Docks scandal. I knew it as soon as I heard redhead and hung out with Lev, who is a superhero (well more antihero I guess, I don't think you count as a hero if you enjoy beating up people that much). I'm guessing you're a superhero back in your world or something, even if Lils's description doesn't quite seem that way.
Says you live on an island and that you solve supernatural problems for a living. You own a spider and bees and a cat, and you make good peppermint humbugs? Is that even a real thing? She says you like posting stuff of ancient relics and bugs.
@hulizi - I see Lils write Nata this and Nata that every now and then. It's only now that I realize she's talking about you on this site that I'm still not quite convinced is real. She says you're a mom taking care of kids now, so congratulations - In the spirit of happiness and cooperation, I will make the fervent wish that both of them don't grow up to be like me lol.
She says you do the things that involve money. Which does not really help, cause everything involves money lol. She also says you taught her martial arts too and also sent her gifts like these erasers and colored pencils she likes to use and I suspect must be magical cause she's been using them the entire year. She also showed off a ring that made her hair multicolored which admittedly made me a little jealous lol. BUT YEAH, HELLO.
@unbrcakablc-heart - Welcome to the blog! You got introduced as Vash, guy on a very very long roadtrip with a band of other folk. She says your world is craptacular - okay so Lils is denying that she called your world craptacular and fine she didn't say it, I did. But giant wasteland of a world where there's only tiny pockets of civilization and even less water is definitely worthy of the adjective of craptacular.
She says you have sisters and have also been very helpful in her quest to help out her guardian. And that you try to be kind in an unkind world. Admittedly, I probably would just find some way to scam my opponents to ruin, but I guess I can appreciate people trying to be good. I imagine there's a lot of bullshit that happened in a wasteland world that probably erodes people's trust in each other. So being a relatively stand-up guy means something, probably.
@7wolfmoon - Got introduced as Lark and designated as one of Lils's Minecraft buddies lol. Also heard you like birds and wolves and woodcarving too; I like two of the three with the bigger the better. The third requires too much dexterity for my pitiful hands, but it's cool seeing the wood transform.
She also made an interesting remark about her other Minecraft buddy in regard to you - that you probably would like to fold him up and put him in a trash can, much like Lils's sister does to me whenever I say something she really doesn't like. Wait. Lils can we cut that? Goddamnit.
Also heard that you really really didn't like school at first? But I'm guessing you're okay with it now. That and you don't like worms on a string despite having a picture of a worm on a string? What the hell is a worm on a string?
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moneteres · 1 year
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Theurgic Quest 03: Mystic Caspiel
"Gaze into the sun and let your pathetic eyes on the outside burn away. Only those with inner gaze can appreciate its beauty.”
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d5znon2pknz3c · 1 year
Ebony sisters I met on Blackere do every thing together EXOTIC4K Gorgeous Asian Vina Sky Fucks Lucky Big Dick Petite Blonde Riley Star Sucks and FUcks Redneck BBW Sucking Black Dick Hot brunette Anisyia plays with sex toys Sexy Tgirl Lena gets banged by Tony in doggystyle position 싫다는거 강제로 박아넣는 형아 자지 빨아주기 Engaging busty eastern Nami Itoshino gets wet fucking Big Tits Teacher in Action with a student XEmpire Lily Labeau Loving that BBC Penetration in Stockings
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broncoburro · 1 year
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Excerpts from "HISTORY AND FORME OF THEURGIC RELICS", a 1798 textbook detailing how magic (in technical: meur) is converted into a form usable by man.
This book was published during the Second Vesturian Civil War.
PAGE 213
Take for example the dragon, a once-plentiful creature. There are many intact skeletal remains of dragons below the ice of the Endless Wasteland. Northern Miners exhume these remains and separate out the pieces capable of generating magic (from here called "meurian artefacts").
The dragon in life generated red meur in its' chest cavity, summoning fire to burn its foes. The usable meurian artefacts are the thoracic vertebrae and ribs. These are sent southward to the Middle and Southern Kingdoms for processing.
A meurian artefact can be paired with an an Andimeur Synthesizer in a process aptly called "synthesis". The meur from the artefact then may be channeled in a way usable by humans.
These completed objects are called  theurgic relics. Those with noble blood have the ability to handle and utilize theurgic relics for a variety of applications.
An ever-burning lamp is a common decorative relic among the elite - they are cheap to manufacture and require only the smallest artefacts to keep a brilliant flame.
FIG 11.a: Fossil remains of a dragon. Red meur can be detected in its' ribcage, where it used meur to generate fire as a defensive tactic.
FIG 11.b: Usable pieces extracted from the skeleton: "meurian artefacts".
FIG 12.a: A simple Andimeur Synthesizer, attached to a dragon's rib bone.
FIG 12.b: Early decorative ever-burning lamp of Southern Kingdom make, circa 1632.
PAGE 302
The most potent of artefacts, such as the thoracic vertebrae of the dragon, are best used in weaponry. Theurgic relics that are weapons are versatile. A skilled wielder of meur may just as easily heat a pan with their theurgic weapon as burn a foe.
FIG 30.a: A brass knuckle fashioned out of dragon vertebrae. A small and efficient Andimeur Synthesizer resides in the grip.
FIG 30.bcd: The red meur may be synthesized in many ways: projected fire, conductive heat, or ambient heat are just some of the ways it may be channeled.
PAGE 315
The greatest and most impressive theurgic weapons are made with the rarest of meurian animals. A principal examples is the unicorn staff, owned by the Andimeur family. It uses a horn from the exceedingly rare unicorn as a conductive weapon that can synthesize any meur type. There is only one known unicorn horn in existence.
FIG 30: An eclectic combination: a commoner’s weapon, the Duruger M1875, retrofitted into a black meur theurgic weapon using hare teeth.
FIG 31: The Andimeur's unicorn staff, pictured with sheath. It can be used as a walking cane when sheathed.
FIG 32: The Andimeur's other family theurgic weapon - the manticore rapier. The tail generates devastatingly hot red meur. The Andimeurs once kept and used manticores for hunting unicorns.
FIG 33: A scythe fashioned from the jawbone of a "demon", a green meur creature remembered for its habit of pilfering human corpses. This particular theurgic relic is utilized by famous Lieutenant General D'Angelo Barghur. Green meur can be dispersed into fields to boost crop yield, as well as used in combat to manipulate the earth, or cause weaponized overgrowth.
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zou-pa · 2 months
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Invocation of Light report
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[Note: This will be a continually updated post! and I will make sure to update it as I go. You the reader, I invite you to use this prayer and work with it however you want, with a candle, without a candle, one recitation, three, seven, 21, 28, 40 recitation, I am honored to have your experience shared here with your consent ] Some people might wonder why I particularly focus on involving other people than just me in these operations or experiments, but I always wanted the sphere or benefit of these techniques to reach a far wider audience and for it to be accessible to people. For people to see, what people can get with these methods. This is the first official post where I acknowledge my original "platform", where I translate materials and books. If you find this blog and my other publication nice I appreciate any help in "exposure" or by throwing a dollar or two in my ko-fi. It help with Grocery and with buying books/manuscripts when I find them. https://www.patreon.com/Ruhaniyatandsihr https://ko-fi.com/ruhandsihr First...What's the invocation of light, I will be copying it verbatim from my Patreon post:
This is a prayer that's overlooked and the version I would be translating isn't in Shams Al Ma'arif but in a manuscript called "Majmu'at al-Khawas" I hope that people benefits from it.  It have many usages including might, acceptance, love, obtaining wisdom, etc. One of it's unique virtue is that if you're in the middle of the night, in a dark room, with your eyes closed and prayed using this prayer for 28 times you will start seeing "Wonderful lights that fill your heart, and if you continue you will see the worlds of unseen"
"My god, plunge me in the sea of your might until I merge wholly with you outwardly and inwardly, until I get out of it within my face a ray of your light's might that steal the vision of the envy from the jinn and humans that blind and bind them from throwing their arrows of envy in the fate of my blessings.
Shield me from them with the shield of light made out of your light, and I ask you with your name, The Light(Noor), by your face the light that lit by it every other light.
O light of light, I ask you to shield me with the light of your name a shield that protect me from all ignorant tyrants and strong oppressors, protect me from every deficit that merge with me a essence or projection. You're the light of All. lit up everyone with your light, Ya Allah Ya Al-Haq, Ya Mubeen, Ya Noor Al-Noor Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. His light is like a niche in which there is a lamp, the lamp is in a crystal, the crystal is like a shining star, lit from ˹the oil of˺ a blessed olive tree, ˹located˺ neither to the east nor the west, whose oil would almost glow, even without being touched by fire. Light upon light! Allah guides whoever He wills to His light. And Allah sets forth parables for humanity. For Allah has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things."
رب اغمسني في بحر هيبتك حتى أمتزج بجميع كليتي ظاهرا و باطنا،حتى أخرج منه و في وجهي شعاع من هيبتك يخطف أبصار الحاسدين من الجن و الإنس،فتعميهم و تمنعهم عن رمي سهام الحسد في قرطاس نعمتي،و احجبني عنهم بحجاب النور الذي باطنه النور،و أسألك باسمك النور، و بوجهك النور،النور الذي أضاء به كل نور،يا نور النور أسألك أن تحجبني بنور اسمك حجابا يمنعني من كل ظالم غاشم،و جبار عنيد يحرسني من كل نقص يمازج مني جواهر أو عرضا إنك أنت نور الكل، و منور الكل بنورك،يا الله يا حق يا مبين،يا نور النور ۞ ٱللَّهُ نُورُ ٱلسَّمَـٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ ۚ مَثَلُ نُورِهِۦ كَمِشْكَوٰةٍۢ فِيهَا مِصْبَاحٌ ۖ ٱلْمِصْبَاحُ فِى زُجَاجَةٍ ۖ ٱلزُّجَاجَةُ كَأَنَّهَا كَوْكَبٌۭ دُرِّىٌّۭ يُوقَدُ مِن شَجَرَةٍۢ مُّبَـٰرَكَةٍۢ زَيْتُونَةٍۢ لَّا شَرْقِيَّةٍۢ وَلَا غَرْبِيَّةٍۢ يَكَادُ زَيْتُهَا يُضِىٓءُ وَلَوْ لَمْ تَمْسَسْهُ نَارٌۭ ۚ نُّورٌ عَلَىٰ نُورٍۢ ۗ يَهْدِى ٱللَّهُ لِنُورِهِۦ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَيَضْرِبُ ٱللَّهُ ٱلْأَمْثَـٰلَ لِلنَّاسِ ۗ وَٱللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَىْءٍ عَلِيمٌۭ  Patches بَشوش of www.WayOfHermes.com , shared his rewritten version of the prayer with me: Invocation of Light My God, plunge me into the sea of Your might until I am wholly merged with You outwardly and inwardly, and until I receive of it, a ray of Your might’s light upon my face, to steal the vision of envy from the jinn and mankind to blind and bind them against throwing their arrows of envy into the fate of my blessing. Shield me from them with the shield of light made out of Your light. I ask You by Your name: “The Light (Al-Nūr).” From Your face came the light that lit, by it, every other light. O Light-of-Light, I ask You to shield me with the light of Your name — a shield that protects me from all ignorant tyrants and strong oppressors. Protect me from every negative aspect that tries to bind to me through essence or by projection. You are the light of All. Light up everyone with your light! Ya Allāh! Ya Al-Haqq! Ya Mubīn! Ya Nūr Al-Nūr! Allāh is the light of the heavens and the earth. His light is like a niche in which there is a lamp, the lamp is in a crystal, the crystal is like a shining star, lit from the oil of a blessed olive tree, located neither to the east nor the west, whose oil would almost glow, even without the touch of fire. Light upon light! Allāh guides whomever He wills to His light. And Allāh sets forth parables for humanity. For Allāh has perfect knowledge of all things.
What follows is the experience of the people who tried this prayer/invocation and their experience with it. I thank everyone for sharing their experience and contributing to this: Achsun Hathna of https://almitralodge.wordpress.com/ Shared the following: In those three weeks that I've been using this prayer, I would say there were three effects which - all things being equal as far as I can tell - I would potentially attribute specifically to its influence: 1. My sleep pattern changed quite unexpectedly - I'm not really a night owl, but I'm not a morning person either, and yet I have been consistently waking up quite a bit before sunrise. Whether I need to or not, and really, whether I like it or not. 2. There's a greater sense of clarity in my thinking - it's not that "a fog has lifted," but rather it feels like it doesn't have time to form, even with all my natural overthinking and despite all sort of uncertainties. Feels like there might be a little bit more to it than just my newly-found morning person thing. There's a lot of decisions I have been able to make, a lot of plans I have been able to devise much my satisfaction, with a kind of speed and with confidence in the clarity of my appraisals beyond my usual experience. 3. In my relationship with Divinity, there's been a subtle sense of what I can best describe as a kind of "effortless closeness." This might "just" be the effect of the poetics of the prayer, as the plunging in the sea and the lamp niche evoke that sort of feeling for me (while, on the othe hand, the imagery of the shield feels a bit martial and a lot more energetic) - still, it does feel that this prayer helped me (to paraphrase the Gospel of Philip) enter through the image/feeling and step into the reality behind it. Even if "just" in a very subtle way. Patches بَشوش of www.WayOfHermes.com said the following: I absolutely love the invocation of light prayer. After the second or third recitation I decided to smooth it out into better flowing english. The first section is beautiful, asking God to baptize oneself into a sea of pure light.
Next we recognize one of the names of God: al-Nūr as we ask for more protection
And then the chanting of His Divine Names and the italicized section are definitely my favorite part and a great way to end the invocation. A poetic description of Allāh and then ending in some attributes of God.
This prayer will be staying in my recitations for the coming future. Thanks again! [new as of 15th of March, 2023] After some time of using this prayer I have been feeling more optimistic and fulfilled in general, but especially right after recitation. I recently started doing 3 times in a row.
Moonlit Hermit of...https://moonlithermit.blogspot.com/ said the following: The way I approach performing this invocation is I recite the invocation 7 times on my mala each day. (Except one in which I was so busy I didn’t realize I hadn’t done it until I was getting ready to go to bed. That was a quick, single recitation.) More often than not the Invocation of Light precedes the invocation of the Mansion spirit for the day. Today is day 11. I plan on a run of 40 days or longer. In terms of results, they have been subtle. The first couple of days we got a bunch of snow and the weather after the storm was clear and bright. The snow made the sunny days almost blindingly brilliant and I found the coincidence notable. I have also had some movement on a long term project and an urge to expand my knowledge of the I Ching. At work I seem to be treated as if I have more authority. My intuition is strengthened and I feel I am getting insights into magical pursuits with an increased ability to understand and talk about them. I am definitely going to keep doing this invocation. Thank you for sharing the Invocation of Light. A Friend of mine who didn't want to share their information, shared the following with me: I performed the prayer you gave me only once and woke up at almost 3 am and saw vivid auburn colors And felt a warm sensation and that I was beginning to rise
Then I opened my eyes and it ended
I went back to sleep and woke up feeling great This was the colour I saw:
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New Update: 19th of March 2023, new friend who didn't want to disclose his name said the following, I'm taking my time with this, but I can say this prayer has plenty of benefits. So far it has been a success for me to open myself up to the unseen. Im going to delve further into it for it sure is a lovely prayer --------------------------- I will add other people's experience as time goes on, but so far I am happy, excited, and honored by all the people's results with this prayer. It is a very wonderful prayer that I myself found a noticeable difference with it, like a blessing of divine light is given with each recitation. Thank you everyone for sharing your experience, my sincerest gratitude.
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khensaptah · 4 months
Mystic Egyptian Polytheism Resource List
Because I wanted to do a little more digging into the philosophy elements explored in Mahmoud's book, I took the time tonight to pull together the recommended reading he listed toward the end of each chapter. The notes included are his own.
MEP discusses Pharaonic Egypt and Hellenistic Egypt, and thus some of these sources are relevant to Hellenic polytheists (hence me intruding in those tags)!
Note: extremely long text post under this read more.
What Are The Gods And The Myths?
ψ Jeremy Naydler’s Temple of the Cosmos: The Ancient Egyptian Experience of the Sacred is my top text recommendation for further exploration of this topic. It dives deep into how the ancients envisioned the gods and proposes how the various Egyptian cosmologies can be reconciled. ψ Jan Assmann’s Egyptian Solar Religion in the New Kingdom: Re, Amun and the Crisis of Polytheism focuses on New Kingdom theology by analyzing and comparing religious literature. Assmann fleshes out a kind of “monistic polytheism,” as well as a robust culture of personal piety that is reflected most prominently in the religious literature of this period. He shows how New Kingdom religious thought was an antecedent to concepts in Hermeticism and Neoplatonism. ψ Moustafa Gadalla’s Egyptian Divinities: The All Who Are The One provides a modern Egyptian analysis of the gods, including reviews of the most significant deities. Although Gadalla is not an academic, his insights and contributions as a native Egyptian Muslim with sympathies towards the ancient religion are valuable.
How to Think like an Egyptian
ψ Jan Assmann’s The Mind of Egypt: History and Meaning in the Time of the Pharaohs is my top text recommendation for further exploration of this topic. It illuminates Egyptian theology by exploring their ideals, values, mentalities, belief systems, and aspirations from the Old Kingdom period to the Ptolemaic period. ψ Garth Fowden’s The Egyptian Hermes: A Historical Approach to the Late Pagan Mind identifies the Egyptian character of religion and wisdom in late antiquity and provides a cultural and historical context to the Hermetica, a collection of Greco-Egyptian religious texts. ψ Christian Bull’s The Tradition of Hermes Trismegistus: The Egyptian Priestly Figure as a Teacher of Hellenized Wisdom provides a rich assessment of the Egyptian religious landscape at the end of widespread polytheism in Egypt and how it came to interact with and be codified in Greek schools of thought and their writings.
How To Think Like A Neoplatonist
Radek Chlup’s Proclus: An Introduction is my top text recommendation for further exploration of this topic. It addresses the Neoplatonic system of Proclus but gives an excellent overview of Neoplatonism generally. It contains many valuable graphics and charts that help illustrate the main ideas within Neoplatonism. ψ John Opsopaus’ The Secret Texts of Hellenic Polytheism: A Practical Guide to the Restored Pagan Religion of George Gemistos Plethon succinctly addresses several concepts in Neoplatonism from the point of view of Gemistos Plethon, a crypto-polytheist who lived during the final years of the Byzantine Empire. It provides insight into the practical application of Neoplatonism to ritual and religion. ψ Algis Uzdavinys’ Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth: From Ancient Egypt to Neoplatonism draws connections between theological concepts and practices in Ancient Egypt to those represented in the writings and practices of the Neoplatonists.
What Is “Theurgy,” And How Do You Make A Prayer “Theurgical?”
ψ Jeffrey Kupperman’s Living Theurgy: A Course in Iamblichus’ Philosophy, Theology and Theurgy is my top text recommendation for further exploration of this topic. It is a practical guide on theurgy, complete with straightforward explanations of theurgical concepts and contemplative exercises for practice. ψ Gregory Shaw’s Theurgy and the Soul: The Neoplatonism of Iamblichus demonstrates how Iamblichus used religious ritual as the primary tool of the soul’s ascent towards God. He lays out how Iamblichus proposed using rites to achieve henosis. ψ Algis Uzdavinys’ Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity explores the various ways theurgy operated in the prime of its widespread usage. He focuses mainly on temple rites and how theurgy helped translate them into personal piety rituals.
What Is “Demiurgy,” And How Do I Do Devotional, “Demiurgical” Acts?
ψ Shannon Grimes’ Becoming Gold: Zosimos of Panopolis and the Alchemical Arts in Roman Egypt is my top text recommendation for further exploration of this topic. It constitutes an in-depth look at Zosimos—an Egyptian Hermetic priest, scribe, metallurgist, and alchemist. It explores alchemy (ancient chemistry and metallurgy) as material rites of the soul’s ascent. She shows how Zosimos believed that partaking in these practical arts produced divine realities and spiritual advancements. ψ Alison M. Robert’s Hathor’s Alchemy: The Ancient Egyptian Roots of the Hermetic Art delves deep temple inscriptions and corresponding religious literature from the Pharaonic period and demonstrates them as premises for alchemy. These texts “alchemize” the “body” of the temple, offering a model for the “alchemizing” of the self. ψ A.J. Arberry’s translation of Farid al-Din Attar’s Muslim Saints and Mystics: Episodes from the Tadhkirat al-Auliya contains a chapter on the Egyptian Sufi saint Dhul-Nun al-Misri (sometimes rendered as Dho‘l-Nun al-Mesri). He is regarded as an alchemist, thaumaturge, and master of Egyptian hieroglyphics. It contains apocryphal stories of his ascetic and mystic life as a way of “living demiurgically.” It is an insightful glimpse into how the Ancient Egyptian arts continued into new religious paradigms long after polytheism was no longer widespread in Egypt.
Further Reading
Contemporary Works Assmann, Jan. 1995. Egyptian Solar Religion in the New Kingdom: Re, Amun and the Crisis of Polytheism. Translated by Anthony Alcock. Kegan Paul International. Assmann, Jan. 2003. The Mind of Egypt: History and Meaning in the Time of the Pharaohs. Harvard University Press. Bull, Christian H. 2019. The Tradition of Hermes Trismegistus: The Egyptian Priestly Figure as a Teacher of Hellenized Wisdom. Brill. Chlup, Radek. 2012. Proclus: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press. Escolano-Poveda, Marina. 2008. The Egyptian Priests of the Graeco-Roman Period. Brill. Fowden, Garth. 1986. The Egyptian Hermes: A Historical Approach to the Late Pagan Mind. Cambridge University Press. Freke, Tim, and Peter Gandy. 2008. The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin. Gadalla, Moustafa. 2001. Egyptian Divinities: The All Who Are The One. Tehuti Research Foundation. Grimes, Shannon. 2019. Becoming Gold: Zosimos of Panopolis and the Alchemical Arts in Roman Egypt. Princeton University Press. Jackson, Howard. 2017. “A New Proposal for the Origin of the Hermetic God Poimandres.” Aries: Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism 17 (2): 193-212. Kupperman, Jeffrey. 2014. Living Theurgy: A Course in Iamblichus’ Philosophy, Theology and Theurgy. Avalonia. Mierzwicki, Tony. 2011. Graeco-Egyptian Magick: Everyday Empowerment. Llewellyn Publications. Naydler, Jeremy. 1996. Temple of the Cosmos: The Ancient Egyptian Experience of the Sacred. Inner Traditions. Opsopaus, J. 2006. The Secret Texts of Hellenic Polytheism: A Practical Guide to the Restored Pagan Religion of George Gemistos Plethon. New York: Llewellyn Publications. Roberts, Alison M. 2019. Hathor’s Alchemy: The Ancient Egyptian Roots of the Hermetic Art. Northgate Publishers. Shaw, Gregory. 1995. Theurgy and the Soul: The Neoplatonism of Iamblichus. 2nd ed. Angelico Press. Snape, Steven. 2014. The Complete Cities of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson. Uzdavinys, Algis. 1995. Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books. Uzdavinys, Algis. 2008. Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth: From Ancient Egypt to Neoplatonism. Lindisfarne Books. Wilkinson, Richard H. 2000. The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson.
Ancient Sources in Translation Attar, Farid al-Din. 1966. Muslim Saints and Mystics: Episodes from the Tadhkirat alAuliya. Translated by A.J. Arberry. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Betz, Hans Dieter. 1992. The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Including the Demotic Spells. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Copenhaver, Brian P. 1995. Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a New English Translation, with Notes and Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Guthrie, Kenneth. 1988. The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library: An Anthology of Ancient Writings which Relate to Pythagoras and Pythagorean Philosophy. Grand Rapids, MI: Phanes Press. Iamblichus. 1988. The Theology of Arithmetic. Translated by Robin Waterfield. Grand Rapids, MI: Phanes Press. Iamblichus. 2003. Iamblichus: On the Mysteries. Translated by Clarke, E., Dillon, J. M., & Hershbell, J. P. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature. Iamblichus. 2008. The Life of Pythagoras (Abridged). Translated by Thomas Taylor. Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing. Lichtheim, Miriam. 1973-1980. Ancient Egyptian Literature. Volumes I-III. Berkeley: University of California Press. Litwa, M. David. 2018. Hermetica II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Majercik, Ruth. 1989. The Chaldean Oracles: Text, Translation, and Commentary. Leiden: Brill. Plato. 1997. Plato: Complete Works. Edited by John M. Cooper and D. S. Hutchinson. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing. Plotinus. 1984-1988. The Enneads. Volumes 1-7. Translated by A.H. Armstrong. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Van der Horst, Pieter Willem. 1984. The Fragments of Chaeremon, Egyptian Priest and Stoic Philosopher. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
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unbrcakablc-hcart · 1 month
@theurgic-necromancer replied to your post “What even happened? Who did what?”:
This Ox person reminds me of someone I absolutely loathe, I do not blame you for not wanting anything to do with her.
​Yeah. I'm frankly kind of amazed that it seems like everyone just kinda tacitly decided that this was fine, actually.
That might not be what actually happened, but that's sure what it feels like and it stings.
So. I'm very over social interaction for the time being. The people I live with and the people who have been willing to listen to me lose my shit for the past couple of days are all I need now.
At the very least, I definitely think I'll feel better spending time with people I know for a fact care about me and will still be here for me even if I'm not really the most fun person to be around at the moment.
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barncultus · 1 year
Hot and Cool Spirits
A basic tenant of herbology is the idea that some herbs are heating and others cooling. Rooted in Chinese medicine, this belief holds ancient roots and has been used to cure issues of circulation, soothe fevers, and even been employed to aid against less physical ailments, like pervasive lethargy. Growing up, I was taught which herbs were ‘hot’ and which were ‘cool’, a fascinating dychodamy that felt both intuitive and scientific. 
When I first moved to New Orleans it was not long before I came in contact with Vodouizans. By nature of where I was studying in the city there was a large number of Haitian students whose family observed these traditions and their children held close to these ideas. There was one girl in particular who I remember being deeply fond of the spirit Erzulie Freda, a popular lwa of love, beauty, and money. In my mind, it was her who I first heard the idea of a “cool” spirit from, though in truth it has been many years and I do not recall with clarity. I was immediately taken with this idea, that spirits operate in a similar medical ecology than that I had been raised with. Within Vodou, this manifested as the nations of spirits known as lwa. In many times this manifested as due to the history of that spirit family, at other times they were grouped because of this seemingly shared nature. In the case of Erzulie Freda, a Rada lwa, she was a cool spirit. However, her sister Erzulie Dantor was honored as a queen within the Petro nation, a very hot family of spirits. 
As a reflection of my own practice, I work with a typically very hot family of spirits. Not only does this reflect my living Basque family, which is loud and boisterous and fierce in their form of love, but it also reflects the fiery and chthonic nature which our gods took in pre-christian times. Diviners who have worked with me over the years have described my family of spirits as leaving them fevered or sessions ending in a flash of heat. Likewise those few who have been in my presence during theurgical spellwork or received healings from me have experienced it as an intense heat which burns away the impurities but leaves them sweating and often physically drained. A quirk of my magic deeply tied to the particular spirits who enact it. 
Thinking about spirits in this way I believe to create a holistic way of understanding the medicines behind the spirits we work with. Where they thrive and where another hand may be better suited. While this practice may not be applicable in many European practices, within the context of my own it has found a fond home as a method of self-understanding. Likewise, experimenting with exactly which epithets call upon the Anderexo and her consort in hot or cool manifestations has allowed me to improve and improvise my healing style from a technical-theurgy side which feels uniquely apt to a revivalist practice. If nothing else, it provides an interesting outlook into the ways in which medicines and spirits interact and intersect! 
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moneteres · 1 year
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Theurgic Quest 04: Warlock Malgaras
“Please consider, when all your earth is scorched, there is nothing more to fear losing. Pacts with forces beyond empathy are rigid, but may I suggest there is freedom to be found in surrender?”
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retroactivebakeries · 8 months
The Lucky Dragongirl Trade Guild Effectuator-Class Merchant Siege-Ship Cataleptic Hexameter has absolutely nothing to report. The shipboard gods who maintain the artificial gravity projectors are absolutely not on strike as a result of recent cuts to the Lucky Dragongirl Trade Guild's theurgic systems budget. Everything is fine. Nothing is ruined. The captain knows exactly what she's doing and what she's doing is very definitely not floating up into the air like a dumbass. Please don't send help or make fun of me.
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poimandresnous · 8 months
How I Structure My Hermetic Praxis with the Help of the Preces Templi PDF
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Now, without trying to tackle and unpack what a “Hermetic praxis” entails or means philosophically or scholarly, we are going to briefly summarize that it is a practice that includes adherence to the teachings of the writings attributed to Hermes [Trismegistos], along with an adherence to the teachings found in such tractates such as the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM) and Picatrix, and many other magical/astrological treatises. Does one have to use the Picatrix or PGM? No of course not. This is just what my Hermetic praxis looks like. Nothing in here is “canon” or dogma. I am just expressing how the Preces Templi e-book by the incredible Sam Block, aka “Polyphanes” helped me restructure my praxis with a strong adherence to the teachings found in the Corpus Hermeticum (CH), Latin Asclepius (AH), and the Definitions From Hermes to Asclepius (DH), to name a few. A link to his Ko-Fi shop will be at the bottom of the page. I encourage anyone who is looking to structure a “Hermetic praxis” with an adherence to classical “Hermetic” texts and treatise to investigate his shop and also come join us in the HhoL (Hermetic House of Life) discord server! These things I practice are mingled and co-exist with an already daily devotion to the gods of Egypt and Greece, which that devotion can be deemed “Hermetic,” most certainly, but not all the time. Alright, now that I’ve introduced what I am talking about. Let’s get into what I do upon arrival, upon waking up I mean.
The first words out of my mouth upon my arrival will be taken from Chapter 2.2.1 from the e-book “Opening Supplication.” I find that a quick little praise or thanks to The All helps keep me focused and more mindful of my day-to-day interactions with others. It also reminds me to give thanks to the gods before I embark on any task, mundane or spiritual. Allowing me to start and complete every task with Divine influence. If I don’t say this upon awakening from my slumber, I usually say this little maxim to Amun: “Awake being rested, may you awake in peace! May Amun awake in life and peace! May NN (I insert my magical pseudonym here) awake in peace!”
After washing and stretching, I’ll say the prayer from CH I. 31-32, which Polyphanes lists as the Triple Trisagion, in Chapter 2.3. A beautiful prayer that closes the first chapter of the Corpus Hermeticum. I personally don’t use his translation, simply out of practicality reasons, as it is easier to just grab my Hermetica translated by Brian Copenhaver than to open up my PDF file of the Preces Templi. Though if I’m on the go, running late, or whatever it may be, the Preces Templi e-book is always a few taps away for me to show my devotion just on the go!
Next, after the closing prayer from CH I. 31-32, I say the prayer in the back of book 2 of the Ars Paulina to my Holy Guardian Angel. Now praying to your personal daimon, HGA, natal genius, whatever you want to call it isn’t found in the Preces Templi, nor found in any philosophical Hermetica. A method to get in contact with your “Personal genius” is found in the Picatrix, an astrological treatise attributed to Hermes. To me, this suggests the importance of getting in touch with your personal daimon for a Hermetic praxis.
Moving on to when I’ll come home from school or work. I’ll meditate informally (meaning without my ritual attire) on the sayings or maxims from chapter 3.2 of the Preces Templi e-book.  These sayings are also employed when getting things ready for a theurgical invocation or my daily silent prayer for the god I am honoring that day.
Some of my favorites from Chapter 3.2 of the e-book are from the Stobaean fragments: SH 1.2 says, “What cannot be expressed—this is God.” CH XII.23: “There is but one religion of god, and that is not be evil.” Lastly, from CH XVI.11: “Irreverence is mankind's greatest evil against the gods.”  Such beautiful work Polyphanes has done organizing all these sayings from various Hermeticas into practical guides so that these can be recited or simply meditated on. The choice is yours to decide what to do with these organizations’ young mages!
So, imagine that today is Thursday. On Thursdays, I honor Asklepios. Along with the Orphic Hymn I sing to Asklepios in the mornings, later in the day, I’ll use chapter 7.22 from the e-book: “Hymn to Asklepios.” Tuesdays are for Anpu, so sometimes I may use 7.20: “The Hymn to Anubis” instead of some handwritten hymns for the wonderous Foremost of the Western gods! On Fridays, I perform the Israeli Regardie Hymn to Isis, and then I’ll use chapter 7.12 from the e-book titled: “The Hymn to Eros” to honor both Isis and Eros on Fridays. All these hymns found in chapter 7 of the e-book can be referenced to the Greek Magical Papyri.
I use this e-book almost like a springboard to help further my studies and structure my devotional praxis. These are prayers and hymns in this e-book. No concrete “rituals” or anything of that nature. With some homework, though, one can use the e-book to bring some fundamental structure and ritualize what is here into your own practice! I don’t use everything here; I’m keen on constructing my hymns and theurgical invocations. But it’s a tremendous and invaluable resource that is super cheap, and it has greatly aided my structuring of my own ritual praxis. I love this e-book, and I’m sure if you follow and enjoy my musings, you’ll enjoy and find the fruits within the Preces Templi e-book.
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