#these are all the creatures and people Harry has brought in to fuck up Umbridge’s pride
Dumbledore: Let’s give a warm welcome for Miss Umbridge, who will be teaching a mandatory creature culture class!
Harry, to himself: The lies and bigotry class.
(And then Harry, along with several other creatures he’s included in this matter, go off to ruin Umbridge’s first class, and ultimately get her to quit before it’s even over)
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enchantedisabella · 5 years
Why Annabeth is not Hermione 2.0
I’ve been wanting to write this post for a long time, because so many people compare Annabeth Chase to Hermione Granger when they’re really nothing alike. Yes, they’re both the smart, female best friends of the main protagonists, but that doesn’t make their personalities identical. Here are my reasons why.
Annabeth has ADHD and dyslexia and is unfocused at times. Hermione has no disorders we know about and is attentive in class. I understand that Percabeth in high school is a very popular headcanon among the pjo fandom, and Annabeth is indubitably ridiculously clever, but she is NOT going to be raising her hands every second of every day in class and she definitely won’t pass every single subject without even trying. I’d be very surprised if she could stay focused for a full lesson. Honestly, I’d expect her to be labelled as even more of a ‘troubled kid’ than Percy, because Percy has spent years in mortal school while Annabeth hasn’t. It would be Annabeth, not Percy, being the one desperately trying to pay attention but the first to lose focus halfway through. Hermione, as we all know, is the exact opposite, and hates when people disrupt classes.
Hermione is a rule-follower at heart. Annabeth is not. We all remember that time when Hermione Badass Granger kept a woman in a jar for a year, right? However, we also remember the numerous times she’s threatened to report Harry and Ron for breaking the rules- mainly in the earlier books, when their friendship isn’t as developed, but she still acts scandalised whenever rule-breaking is brought up. Hermione will break the rules, because she’s a Gryffindor at heart and she will do anything to protect her friends (trap Rita Skeeter in a jar, report the Firebolt to McGonagall because it might have been cursed), but that doesn’t mean she necessarily enjoys it. Annabeth is a different story altogether. In fanon, it’s usually her who is expected to restrain Percy from doing something stupid (like Hermione and Harry’s canon friendship), but in actual pjo canon, it’s the other way around. Annabeth Chase is smart and clever but she’s also prideful, impulsive, and downright reckless, while Hermione is most definitely not. Annabeth will use any excuse to break the rules and sees no point in regulations if they don’t make any sense, and thinks that authority figures should earn her respect. Hermione basically hero-worships all authority figures unless they’re really bad (eg. Snape and Umbridge). It takes a lot for her to rebel against someone in a higher position than her, and she will willingly give teachers her respect even if they haven’t earned it yet.
Hermione is book smart. Annabeth is street smart. I’m not saying that Annabeth doesn’t like to read, because it’s clearly stated in The Lightning Thief or Sea of Monsters (I can’t remember which) that Annabeth reads so much that Percy forgot that she also had dyslexia. However, in school aus, Annabeth would probably not perform that well on tests and she would absolutely not join spelling bees and win, or have we as a fandom collectively forgotten that in SoM, Percy said that Annabeth could have spent the whole night trying to spell ‘cyclopes’ due to the fact that she kept messing up the letters? And if I hear any reasons like ‘they removed her dyslexia because it didn’t fit their fanfiction, and there’s no need to be so pressed about it’, that’s very fucking ableist, for one, and defeats the whole purpose of Rick Riordan (bless him) making the book’s protagonists have ADHD and dyslexia for his son. Also, it says a lot about fans trying to make Annabeth into Hermione 2.0 when she’s very much not, and then fooling themselves into thinking that the girls’ personalities are carbon copies of each other. Hermione is repeatedly described as the brightest witch of her age- she’s deductive, rational and calculated. She has no problem paying close attention to detail. She spurts out so much information in the books that she has been repeatedly compared to ‘swallowing the textbook’, courtesy of Ron. I can’t even imagine how much she would have to memorise to be compared to that. Annabeth would not be capable of that, nor would she even want to be. She would not see the point in memorising facts, because Annabeth Chase learns things by doing, and Hermione Granger learns things from books. In the Philosopher’s Stone, Hermione is distraught at their first flying lesson because she can’t learn it from a book first. You know who wouldn’t be? Hands-on, street smart, capable Annabeth.
Annabeth values knowledge more than Hermione does. Some of you may not understand why this is, but Annabeth is a daughter of Athena and Hermione is a Gryffindor. They have very different learning strategies and if they ever met, they’d be nothing alike and probably wouldn’t even see eye to eye. Hermione canonically scoffs at ‘books and cleverness!’ both in the movies and the books of the Philosopher’s Stone. Hermione is Sorted into Gryffindor because she values bravery over everything else- even knowledge. Annabeth has always put knowledge first. That’s not to say that Annabeth Who-Took-A-Knife-For-Percy Chase isn’t brave, but she values knowledge above else and she’s willing to fight dirty to get it (as is Hermione, but that’s beside the point). It’s understandable that Annabeth would put knowledge above bravery, because of her parentage. Hermione’s choice is also understandable, given the circumstances, and it’s noteworthy that she repeatedly chooses friendship over cleverness in the series just because she knows its importance. Just to reiterate: the girls are different people. Don’t put them as madly competing in your Hogwarts x Camp Half-Blood fanfictions. Do you honestly think Annabeth would compete with Hermione for the best grades in History of Magic, or that Hermione would ever try her hand at sword-fighting and archery? I don’t think so. This might seem like it’s contrasting my point, but Annabeth probably isn’t going to be interested in most of the lessons while they’re taking notes in a classroom without any hands-on work. She doesn’t function like that. She would do well in Charms or Transfiguration and positively shine in Quidditch, not History of Magic or Muggle Studies or Divination. She values knowledge she deems useful, and the only way for knowledge to be deemed useful by her standards is if she used what she’s learnt in practical spells and not note-taking.
Hermione has flexible moral principles. Annabeth’s are set in stone. Hermione is a very complex character. She repeatedly chastises Harry and Ron for breaking school rules on a daily basis, but it was her idea to go through with the Polyjuice Potion in CoS, her decision to keep Rita Skeeter in a jar, her decision to use a Time-Turner to get to all her classes on time. (Well, she also had to appeal to Cornelius Fudge through McGonagall, but it was her idea.) Hermione’s moral code is flexible, to say the least. She won’t break it for mundane days, but will for special occasions, and that’s because she knows that desperate times call for desperate measures. None of her moral code is written in stone. There is always a point where she justifies her behaviour by decreeing that the situation needs it. There is no line that she isn’t willing to cross depending on how bad the situation is. Hermione has a justifiable reason for breaking rules, and though she doesn’t enjoy it, like I said earlier, she will do it of her own accord if the situation calls for it. She has no point where she says to herself, ‘Okay, this is one rule that I’m not going to break no matter what.’ This girl, this brilliant, ruthless girl, is willing to cross every single line if she absolutely must, and that is why she is not at all like Annabeth Chase. Annabeth Chase, whose principles are set in stone. Annabeth Chase, who is prideful and stubborn and who does not compromise her values no matter what. Annabeth is not ruthless; Annabeth is not cruel. She is the embodiment of- not exactly goodness, but fairness and equality. She gives everyone what they deserve. She literally told a Sphinx off for not giving riddles that make you think, but instead asking questions that you just need a certain amount of knowledge of facts to answer. Let that sink in, because it’s the most perfect example I have. Hermione Granger would have answered them quick as a flash and moved on, because it’s an easy way out, she knows all the answers anyway, and she’d probably treat the Sphinx like an authority figure whose test she has to pass, not change. Annabeth Chase, instead, gets offended and demands riddles that make you think because she will not compromise her principles for anyone or anything, and places so much faith in her intelligence (which is why she values it so much) that even if the questions will be harder, she thinks that it’s downright insulting that they aren’t already. She takes it as an insult to her intelligence. Hermione is flexible; Annabeth is hard as stone.
Annabeth has the makings of a hero; Hermione has the makings of a villain. Sure, Hermione started SPEW and cares for the welfare of creatures and is portrayed as sensitive time and time again, but if she believes that what she is doing is right, she will use wrong methods to get to her goal. After all, when the greater good is at stake, who wouldn’t use less morally superior methods to get to it faster? What’s the murder of a few people who deserved it- maybe Bellatrix or Umbridge- when a greater number of lives can be saved? Hermione is unnervingly logical and although she is sensitive, she is not weak. She might feel pity for Sirius’s experience in Azkaban, because he’s ‘good’, in her mind, but would she feel for Bellatrix, who ‘deserved’ it? And of course Bellatrix did deserve it, but Hermione conveniently ignores that they went through the same experience because only Sirius deserves her pity, because he’s good. Hermione wouldn’t sacrifice Sirius for the greater good, but she would sacrifice Bellatrix, and Annabeth wouldn’t, because as I’ve said, Annabeth does not have a flexible moral code. Annabeth would not stand by and sacrifice Bellatrix, because she is still a person in Annabeth’s eyes, but Hermione would, because there is no line she wouldn’t cross. As long as Hermione thinks that what she’s doing is right, she would condone any action to achieve her goal. I think we all know enough about history to know that that is terrifying as fuck. Hermione, under different circumstances, could be a villain; Annabeth would be the hero and do the right thing no matter what.
These two girls are so inherently, intrinsically different that I have trouble wondering why anyone would think that they were anything alike just because they’re smart and friends with the protagonist. There are probably more points, but I’m tired and it’s a school day and I can’t think of anything more to add on. Anyway, thanks for reading this and I hope nobody makes the stupid, stupid mistake of saying that they are in any way similar after reading this, because I could honestly relate Annabeth more to Ron than I could to Hermione.
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Thoughts/Background Prisoner of Azkaban
First all, let me state that without Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban that we would not have had a franchise. We would have had three movies then done. One hundred percent. This movie changed everything from the sharpness that was lacking in the first two, to the creative that stayed pretty true throughout the rest of the series. This made it less wholesome and sweet like One and Two, and channeled just everything into a solid direction that was edgy and new.
No magic outside of school. No wonder the ministry is watching his ass.
I’ve heard that this scene is supposed to represent Harry masturbating, and if that is true, then we sure have gone in a new direction.
No wonder he can’t sleep Vernon, you keep busting into his room every night.
The first two movies, I felt like Harry was rather young looking, but in this one, Harry and all of the others really grow up, and may I say, “Glowed up” as well.
Just look at the sharpness and clarity in this movie. It was filmed wwith a different camera entirely.
Marge is a bitch. I hate her guts. Umbridge is the number one villain, then her, then Voldemort.
Harry thinks he wins, and then he can spell some shit about to pop off.
And since Harry is a Gryffindor, he cannot keep his mouth shut when this horrible woman is insulting his parents.
And Harry has probably heard even at school that his mother just because of her blood wasn’t as good as anyone else, and to have that compounded when this horrible turnip comes to stay was probably way too much for him.
Dudley couldn’t care less. Petunia is very concerned that this is going to ruin her dinner.
See how Harry runs!!! He’s like, “Time to go.”
I love that we get this shot of Lily and James dancing in nearly every movie.
Try me, bitch.
Marge is floating away into the night sky. I would hate to be the person who had to fly up and get her down to be obliviated.
It looks like he is near a park, is the park that is adjacent to the one that Harry is in at the beginning of Ootp?
Stan is amazing. He just states the obvious in the funniest of ways. If there wasn’t such an age difference with the suspected death eater activity, him and Luna would have been cute.
What does that red sign say above Stan’s head on the bus? It looks like it says, Black Pepper Impi???? I’m sure about the Black Pepper, but I’m not sure about the last or the first word.
Stan says the most iconic thing her, “Don’t you tell me that you’ve never been hearin’ of Sirius Black.” Stan’s incredulity is amazing here because every knows about Sirius. And everyone should, dang beautiful man.
Tom sure transformed for this movie.
I love that he would have a car out front. You could activate the alarm to keep Muggles who got to close to run off.
It looks like that quill is dictating what the minister is saying. He is most likely making a formal decree as he is telling Harry that everything is all well and good and he is getting off with a little slap on the wrist.
Sirius Black. This is one of the best names in literature. It is just perfect. It could be corny and ordinary but it is perfect.
I love that from the windows of the Leaky you can see both Diagon and also the Muggle world. It is a nice meeting point.
You know the shopkeeper was selling what, a hundred of these monster books, and no one thought to tell any of them how to open them without getting ripped up?
I love all the details in this movie. The guy stirring his drink with his hand, the maid here. I love it all. This movie is very detailed oriented.
The only known shot of who is probably the hottest Weasley brother, if not figuratively then definitely literally.
There is art on the walls of the Leaky, but none of them seem to be moving.
The person in the background is carring like 70 plates as they wobble above their head.
The tea is pouring itself.
Let me just tell you that perhaps you may actually get murdered this year, but no big deal, just keep your nose down. This seems to be such a British sort of thing, like keep your head down, and nothing bad will happen.
I hate those wanted posters because they look like they were taken upon intake, and Sirius has just lost everything, and the loss and angry and desperation portrayed here really messes me up. Like I know that they aren’t real people, but dang, those emotions are real.
Percy in the background here. I never noticed him before.
They all look so grown up. My gosh.
You can always count on Ron to tell the truth.
That bottle of water right there by Lupin’s head. I take it two ways. One, that’s legit all Lupin could probably afford on this trip. And two, it would be a good way for him to keep his face hidden, but see inside of it to see whose reflections are present so he can know who took the compartment with him. I also headcanon, that this is after a full moon night which is why he is a bit lethargic.
The reason that Harry passed out, and no others did was because the dementors were feeding off of him. They took at least three pulls from Harry, but not anyone else.
If you have any questions about whether Hogwarts curriculum is up to snuff just look at any movie. These kids should get a crash course in all the crap that could kill them immediately so that they are aware. I wonder what the accidental death rate is at Hogwarts?
The chorus!!! I know that this was an add in from the director, but I love it, and it should remain canon. I also like they copied it, though with a more nefarious sound during Half Blood Prince.
“Something wicked this way comes!”
Snape claps like three times.
Why would they seat him next to Snape in the first place? Dumbledore is a shit stirrer, and completely planned that.
Draco is a punk bitch. But at this point, you can just see that it is teasing more than anything nefarious. He’s a little bully.
Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light. This is one of the most iconic quotes of the series.
Everyone is watching the Fat Lady perform. I love that they brought her to life more, but kept that sassy attitude.
This scene is pure gold. It brought a lot of needed MAGIC to this movie about magic.
I love that Hogwarts is this super prestigious campus with bridges and fountains.
The way that the Womping Wilow is used to portray time is amazing.
She has all of the tea cups stacked behind her. Are those from an earlier class that need to be washed?
This whole film was shot using VIVID from Iphone.
Everyone behind her just leans into see what new stuff Harry Potter is going to get up to this year.
Ron, get some glasses, that clearly looks like a fucking dog. Dang.
Ron is keeping track of his girl. It took them too long to get together.
I don’t care what anyone says about Hagrid as a teacher this lesson was amazing.
Some things are just so second nature to Hagrid. It is proof that different types of intelligence are ral.
When your friends are that choreographed to mock your enemies, like that is some commitment. I stan the Slytherins a bit for this.
In the books, Harry actually steps up for Hagrid instead of being volunteered by everyone else.
Drapple, part one.
That girl behind Ron and Hermione looks to be about twenty seven years old. Someone got into Hogwarts from this reality, and I am pissed that it wasn’t me.
Just the scope and grandeur of Hogwarts, and the grounds really just gets me.
Malfoy is such a whiner. But I assume that he isn’t quite used to pain, any pain really.
The ghosts, also, in this movie are way more dynamic then the ghosts in the previous films.
You really get a sense, a subtle one, of blossoming emotions between members of the opposite sex.
I never noticed that there are hands holding Sirius for this mug shot. It looks to be at least two people that are physically restraining him for this shot.
Lupin calls on Neville of all people, and I am obsessed with him forever because of this. It is popular fanon that the Marauders knew Frank and Alice. It would make sense that Lupin had heard something about Neville from the rest of the teachers, and decided to help bolster this child of his friends.
That image is seared into Neville’s mind.
Can a boggart touch people? I made a headcanon about that, but it would be nice to see what you all think.
I would have really liked to have sseen Hermione’s boggart. I know that the boggart scene in Fantastic Beasts left a few people underwhelmed, but I wonder if Hermione’s would have been just as tame.
McGonagall is authoritative. The perfect teacher balance.
I wonder how hard it was for Remus to stand on this bridge with Harry. I wonder what instance he is talking about here. Lily was there for him when no one else was? When? What instance? This is why we need more information about the Marauders era, and why I did a thing. If you want the thing, message me.
Is it weird that I’m a bit thirsty for head boy Percy’s voice?
She said the same thing to Sirius when he was a student. “Eyes like the devil.” But she probably didn’t mind as much then. We all know Sirius is smoking hot. Have you seen that Tumblr posts where Harry Potter series is ranked based on how attractive Sirius is described?
This might be the most beautiful that the ceiling of the Great Hall gets.
Snape knows how to assert dominance even as a substitute.
That projector is amazing looking.
I love that their school books in DADA are separated by creatures who sleep at night verses the day.
Malfoy isn’t even using that sling.
Hogwart’s professors do not give extra time on assignments okay, unless you are litearlly dead. If Harry had rolled up in there as a ghost, Snape would still be like, “Where is my essay?”
Is that supposed to be Cedric?
Why is Harry actually seeing the Grim though? Who is sending him these signs? How? Why?
That was a long way to fall.
We only see Dumbledore use his wand on a handful of occasions. Harry, the boy who will save them all, is literally falling out of the sky, and he still doesn’t use it.
You can see the Hufflepuffs in the background. I wonder who they were visiting. Madam Pomfrey probably can’t go one match without having a room full of patients afterward.
Fred Weasley looking fine.
The music here is amazing and soothing.
I imagine that kids swim out to that little island all the time during the warmer months.
Another reason Harry is not in Ravenclaw: It took him at least three Hogsmeade weekends to figure out that he could use his cloak to get there unseen.
Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs = My boys
I love when Fred and George speak in unison.
It looks like they make their own candy at the bottom of the shop.
Harry just took Neville’s lollipop though he can’t eat it as he walks down the street because it is on the outside of the cloak.
Hermione who grew up in the Muggle world instantly knows that it is Harry. Ron, who grew up in the wizarding world legit thought that it could have been ghosts from the Shrieking Shack.
Harry is someone who values loyalty above all else. It is why he eventually stands up for Neville and Luna because they were there for him at one point in time. To know that Sirius, the person who was his father’s best friend betrayed him is something that would have made Harry feel physically ill. It would be something that he wouldn’t entirely be able to process, and as a teenage boy, his feelings resulted in this show of anger and frustration.
Everything in this movie is visually stunning, and really sets the tone for the other films.
I wonder what Remus is thinking about in this situation. Is he wondering just why Harry doesn’t have many memories that he can draw on? Is he wondering what his life has been like? What his life would have been like if Lily and James had lived and thinking that he would have had all the happy memories in the world if they had?
You can see the instruments tracking the heavenly patterns.
So, does a Boggart take on all of the traits that the creature it is mimicking? If it takes the shape of a lethifold can it kill you? If it takes the shape of a dementor can it suck out your soul for real? What are the limitations?
And a train set? Does Remus have a thing for trains?
I wish that we would have got some more emotion here from Remus. Harry is giving all of himself here, and Remus is just quietly taking it all in.
Crookshanks in the house.
I love Hagrid’s outfit here.
Best Ron/Harry interaction. You kick those tape dance wearing spiders arses, Ronald Weasley.
In the previous two films we have those lights that blaze with fire like motion activated flames, but this hallway is dark and dank for dramatic effect.
At this point, Harry doesn’t believe in the maps infallibility so it would make sense that he doesn’t really go to anyone and explain what he say on the map. Also, how would he know that someone wouldn’t take it from him? He would have seen this as his only way to get to Hogsmeade with his friends, and he wouldn’t have wanted to give that up for anything.
The Marauders were some of the most intelligent students that have ever walked the halls of Hogwarts. They charmed this piece of parchment in what fifth year? They mapped almost the entire school, found several secret passageways, and helped out their friend in one of the most epic ways possible. I love them. (Peter found most of the passageways in his animagus form)
Read: Charming James Potter was one charming mother f-er. BET.
One of the only times Harry was pleased to read in front of a teacher.
Lupin to the rescue.
Snape is not subtle. It’s no wonder Hermione figured it out. Legit half of the Slytherins know, but they are so tired of having subpar defense teachers that they just go on with their business as usual.
I really wanted to see some more emotion on Lupin’s face. I want to see some subtly in the way that he looks at Harry or the way that he plays a scene. I want to see some longing for his lost friends or his friends son. I wanted to see more. I love this character, but I think it could have had more nuance.
Even the amazement at hearing Peter’s name is sort of dulled here. Idk.
Hermione is one hundred percent the person who cheats at board games, and who wrecked the board when she lost as a little girl. Only child syndrome.
This is the most visually pleasing classroom. You can see Sirius’ face in the crystal ball.
And does Harry tell anyone about this prophecy? Nope. No. Not anyone important.
Draco is instantly afraid because he knows that Hermione is a bad bitch. Also, he might be terrified because he knows how easy it is for people to lose control of their wands.
The Stonehenge like structures here are so interesting to me. They reach to the Heavens, they are in a circular pattern. If you’ll notice in movie 5, the chamber that the trial is in looks like it was built on top of an older chamber. It just makes everything feel as if the new is breeding from these old ancestral power lines or something of that nature, and I just love that idea.
Hagrid is the most responsible adult in this movie. Dumbledore and McGonagall are like, “Yeah, go ahead and meddle with time, no worries.” Hagrid is like, “Don’t worry about me and my feelings about Buckbeak, just get out of here, and be safe heading back to the castle.”
You have to think that even though Sirius spent 12 years in Azkaban that Peter’s time as a rat was never really all that perfect either. Being covered in bugs, constantly on the floor, people don’t really care for you, people who forget to feed you, 7 children all wanting your attention and pulling at you being the only pet that can’t fly in a house full of kids.
I always thought that was a very distinctive stone for Hermione to find and throw.
The time loop here always confused me.
The most awkward hug ever captured on film…no, wait....lol
When you are as blind as Harry James and I, losing your glasses means that you can’t see shit. You can’t see anything but swatches of color.
The Womping Willow has not forgotten that Harry and Ron threw a car into her. And she ain’t going to forget anytime soon.
“If you want to kill Harry, you’ll have to kill us too.” Loyalty, my friends. Absolutely crazy, we’re going to get sliced up by an escaped criminal loyalty, but loyalty none the less.
Sirius has spent twelve years in Azkaban, but is still a ten. I just read that Buzzfeed list about which HP characters had the most BDE, and I was not surprised to see Sirius Black on the list. Also, Professor McGonagall, who honestly should have held the top spot.
Lupin flirting from the word, “Go.”
Lupin has dealt with manic Sirius before. Several times.
“I did my waiting twelve years of it… in Azkaban!!!” Is one of the most iconic lines ever.
I had not yet read the books when this movie came out, and I remember be literally so surprised. “The rat is a man?? WTF?”
Snape, here, believes up to this point that Sirius is the reason that Voldemort was able to find Lily in the first place. He believes that Sirius is the reason that the only person Snape ever really cared about is dead. If Snape was a Gryffindor he would have went for the immediate gratification of AK’ing Sirius, but instead, Snape is a true Slytherin and that means that he is vicious, he wants to make sure the revenge is as bad as it can be. In that vein, he wants to let the dementors suck out Sirius’ soul. He wants Sirius to feel like he has felt all the years, like a body with no soul. Lifeless. Death, Snape would think, would be too easy for someone who had taken so much away from him.
Remus is like, “Okay, no, no negotiating or touching Severus at all, gotcha.”
Sirius is goading Snape even at wand point. You want to think that this is the Black family madness or Azkaban insanity, but it is just Sirius being a cocky bastard, overestimating himself and underestimating his opponents.
Sirius and Remus argued like this all the time. Snape gets the old married couple vibe, and honestly, me too.
This is how the Marauders argued. All standing, pacing the room is various shades of annoyance with one another, wishing the other would shut up, shouting “reason”, casting spells, Peter crawling under furniture to avoid said spells, aggressive politeness, “We do not say, “Shut up!””
I would kill Pettigrew for the insipid voice of his.
Why would Dumbledore put a piano in the shrieking shack in the first place.
This is one place where Remus shows some nuance. He wants to kill Peter, intensely. He only stalls and reluctantly at that, because Harry says something.
Sirius looking at the castle and saying that one day he wishes that one day he could walk inside as a free man fucks me up. Hogwarts to Sirius must represent the reverse of everything that Azkaban did. The two places that Sirius spent most of his life. The happiest and the unhappiest memories that he has. The place where he had his friends and then the place where he only had their memories.
I hate this. They all just gradually glance at the moon like something has gone wrong. Like they are calling attention to some fun little oddity.
I wonder how many times Sirius tried to talk to Remus in the form of a wolf. Did he really think that it was possible to call back Remus from the wolf? Had they tried that before? Did it work?
Snape still tries to protect the kids even after they stunned him. Snape has a pathological fear of werewolves, and yet, he stands in its way.
I feel like if Remus was honest with everyone, Dumbledore and Harry that he could have told Harry that meeting up with Sirius and James and Peter in their animagus form while he was the wolf and that they kept him from hurting people would have given Harry more confidence in Sirius’ ability to handle Remus and he wouldn’t have run off with him in the first place. Sirius might never have gotten caught. They all might have made it back to the castle. I don’t know. Honesty is the best policy.
What is that little ball of light that floats out and then in of Harry’s mouth? What is that? Is that supposed to represent his soul? Because Sirius’s soul would be blazing red, yellow, and orange.
The way Dumbledore says, “Scabbers”, like he legit thinks that Ron’s rat could have had a hand in the trouble.
Me and Ron are the same. Dumbledore is just so cheery about the prospect of these two kids going back in time to SAVE LIVES. They aren’t going to the store to get milk, Dumbledore, this is serious business.
Buckbeak is living his best life.
Harry really wants to believe that his dad conjured this Patronus. He has just seen Sirius who isn’t a mass murderer at all, but someone who loves him intensely. He thinks that he is going to get away from the Dursleys. He just blasted the teacher that he hates. He has literally just gone back in time to help save his friends and catch the real bad guy. I mean, why wouldn’t he even consider the possibility that his dad could have somehow cast the Patronus? For Harry, it would seem at least possible if not probable.
I hate when Harry says, “He will come.” Harry is someone who has always only been able to depend upon himself, but in this moment, he thinks that he can depend on someone else to come to his rescue. I know that he finds his own empowerment here, and is able to cast a super strong charm to help get himself and Sirius out of trouble, but he, once again, had to stand up and take care of things himself.
The explanation that he gives on how he casts the patronus doesn’t make sense to me either, Hermione, don’t worry. Time loops are tricky business.
Sirius is down for this ride. Don’t tell me he never played Quidditch. I will fight you. He mocked James for it at first, but then was just as fanatical.
The way that Sirius holds Harry’s face just messes me up. It is like he is trying to memorize every detail in his face.
Remus moved so many small personal objects into this office. It gives you the feel that he really thought that he might be able to stay, and I hate that he was forced out. He is using a cane the night after the full because it was so rough.
The twins are beautiful mischief makers and I love them. I wish we had more of them in these films, but they are sprinkled in wonderfully.
Even Percy has to see this broom in action.
This was the best end for this film because while Harry didn’t get freedom from the Dursley’s he did get some fun which is what godfather’s are for, right?
The art for this film is out of its mind. It is creative and wonderful, and really takes you inside of the theme for this movie. I love it, and even the credits draw you further in to this universe. This is one film that makes all the others better just because it exists.
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romionesecretsanta · 6 years
I humbly offer this gift to the genius that is @coyotelaughingsoftly I was equal parts thrilled and terrified when I found out that I was your Secret Santa!! Miranda, I hope that you have the best Christmas ever! Please enjoy 3000+ words of angsty, fluffy pining from our favorite 6th year dorks!
Perfect-bloody perfect!
When he first began to open the package, he hadn’t a clue what might be inside, but after the robe fiasco of fourth year, Ron Weasley was more than a little wand-shy about what might be lurking in any box from home.  He had almost breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his father’s handwriting on a piece of parchment on top, unfortunately the feeling was short lived.
Hope the term is wrapping up nicely for you. Ginny mentioned in her last letter that you are doing a great job again this year as Keeper, we’re so very proud of you! She also mentioned that she didn’t think that Hermione would be coming for Christmas, so I’m sending you the gift that you made for her this summer in case you want to give it her before she leaves for the holidays. You really outdid yourself- I know she’ll love it!
See you tomorrow,
His heart dropped, like a stone, into the pit of his stomach: it was a feeling he’d gotten used to over the last few weeks. He should just put the lid back on the package; he knew what was inside just as well as he knew that nothing good could come from looking at it, absolutely nothing. Feeling as if he had been Imperiused, he watched as his traitorous fingers drew back the charmed paper that was keeping the contents safe. He hadn’t forgotten about it, not really, but it was just one of those things that he had stuffed down into the vault of shite he’d rather not think about.
He’d tried last year to get her a gift that would show her…well, at the time he hadn’t been exactly sure just what he wanted to show her, but he knew she deserved something better than a box of poorly wrapped sugar quills. In retrospect perfume hadn’t been the best choice; her reaction had been less than enthusiastic, but in all fairness, he’d never known her to wear perfume. So he had been on the look-out for the remainder of fifth year for any clues to what she might really like as a gift. It had been anything but easy. The only thing she ever talked about wanting was books and parchment, and those would be the daftest gifts in the history of Christmas. He had all but given up on any hope when inspiration had presented itself in the last place he had thought it might: McGonagall’s office.
She had called all the Gryffindor prefects in for a meeting, basically warning them about Umbridge’s new regime. Afterwards, he’d noticed Hermione lingering around a bookshelf in the back corner of the office.
“Miss Granger, may I help you?” her voice was warm, but her exhaustion evident.
“Sorry, I just couldn’t help but notice this,” Hermione started to pick up the object she had been admiring, but then thought better of it, “this wooden box is lovely, it reminds me of one that my grandmother had.”
“Oh, that?” McGonagall crossed to the shelf, picking up the trinket with affection, “My own grandmother gave me this when I was about your age, said every young witch needed one.”
Ron came closer, drawn in by the look of delight on Hermione’s face. “It’s very nice Professor, what does it do?”
“Do, Mr. Weasley?”
“Uh…I mean, it doesn’t have to do anything I guess, I just wondered why it was so necessary,” he prayed silently that this wasn’t one of those things that his mum whispered to Ginny about, those were usually right embarrassing.
“Calm down, it’s nothing nefarious, I can assure you. While muggle versions are more than likely just for decoration, this one has a few magical advantages,” always ready to give a lesson, McGonagall opened the lid and showed them the inside of what appeared to be an empty box. Smiling at their confused expressions, she reached inside and pulled out a large stack of letters, tied together with green ribbon.
“My grandmother’s most certainly did not have a concealment charm. What’s the other?”
“I think it’s an extension charm of some sort.”
“That’s correct, Mr. Weasley; a very tricky charm that one is, but dead useful for keeping things private,” she tucked the bundle back inside the box and returned it to its place.
As they made their way back to Gryffindor Tower, Hermione had been the happiest he had seen her in weeks. She’d even shared a very amusing story about the time she had tried to sneak a package of biscuits out of the cupboard at her grandmother’s house. She had grabbed the container by the wrong end and had dumped them all over the kitchen floor. Her grandmother had laughed so hard that she’d forgotten to scold her precocious granddaughter. The thought of a tiny, three year old Hermione breaking the rules in the name of extra biscuits brought him a joy he couldn’t quite explain.
Ron reached inside the disheveled package on his bed removing the small wooden box that his father had so thoughtfully placed inside. He had to admit that it turned out nicely. All those hours inside the shed, learning to use muggle tools-Arthur had insisted and his son rightfully agreed that it was an important part of the gift-had provided him with more than a few scrapes and splinters, but it had been worth it to see the finished product.
He had also underestimated how enjoyable working with his Dad would be; when you grow up in a large family, having a parent all to yourself for any amount of time is a luxury. Ron had relished the easy way that they worked together and had deeply appreciated that his father hadn’t made him feel the least bit awkward about spending so much time making a gift for Hermione. He hadn’t even cocked a quizzical eyebrow when Ron had first approached him with the idea; he had made his son feel that it was the most normal thing in the world to do.
But now, as he traced the scrolling designs that he had so carefully carved, he felt anything but normal. The pride he’d felt in himself when he’d finished: knowing that he had crafted it the muggle way, knowing that he had then mastered the complicated spells which added the magical elements, had been reflected in his father’s eyes. And while that feeling had been priceless to him, it had paled in comparison to the reaction he had envisioned from Hermione herself. There was nothing like the look she gave him when she was really impressed.
Some people threw around praise so much that you knew they didn’t mean it. Every little thing you did or said made them go on and on about how wonderful you were. And you might think that would be brilliant, there certainly had been a time when he would have thought that, but in reality the shine wore off that galleon pretty quickly.  
It wasn’t that way with Hermione. When she told you that the introduction on your potions essay was really good, you could bet your sweet arse that it was top-notch. When she giggled at one of your jokes, you knew it was really funny. When she looked at you in the Room of Requirement when you cast your first Patronus, her eyes wide and sparkling, and gave you that little nod, and later on the way back to the common room when she laid her hand on your arm and told you how she had thought yours had been the best…
What good did it do to think about that anymore? She would never look at him like that now. Any look he got from her now would be icy sharp really good quidditch players or, worse yet, the hollow look of hurt and disappointment.  What was there to be done? For a fraction of a moment he considered the gift in front of him. He should have just given it to her for her birthday; at the time it hadn’t seemed right. They never got each other real gifts for their birthdays, so to give her something so, nice, so personal felt like a much bigger step than he was ready to make.  His decision had also been aided by the fact that their friendship had seemed so awkward at times. She always seemed so preoccupied around him, and when Slughorn had started his little club he’d secretly wondered if she would even like his handmade gift at all.
That wasn’t fair, Hermione had never made him feel that way, not really. She never gushed over expensive things like some other girls did. If he were completely honest with himself, he knew she would really like it even if she did fill it with letters from that git Krum! What if he gave it to her now, after all? A peace offering? Would she accept it? Would she conjure those birds to peck it to pieces?
No, he couldn’t give it to her, not now, not like this.
What should he do? The thought of giving it to someone else was so preposterous that it was less likely than his punching McLaggen in his ridiculously perfect jaw and taking his rightful place as Hermione’s guest at Slughorn’s party tonight.  As hopeless as he felt right now, there was still enough a spark of hope that one day, they would be friends again. They were still friends even now, were they not? They would eventually talk again; the Scabbers fiasco had lasted longer than this, right? Surely it wouldn’t take another innocent creature being threatened with death to bring them back together this time, would it?
“Ron? Are you in here?” Harry’s voice preceded him in to the room.
“Yeah,” Ron hastily returned the box to it’s safe wrappings and stowed it in his trunk.  
“You disappeared after lunch…all good?”
“‘Course it is, why wouldn’t it be?” He forced his face to form the smile that he knew would ease his friend’s mind.  
“Alright,” behind his glasses, Harry’s eyes were skeptical, “you coming down in a bit?”
“Sure, I just had to, uhm, get some things together for the hols, go ahead, I’ll be on in a tic.”
Alone again, Ron let out a sigh. While it wasn’t much of a plan, it was the best he had: just lay low, and hopefully she would be over it after the break.  A really great late Christmas gift just might set me up for a nice birthday surprise in return.
Ron fidgeted, looking at the new watch on his wrist. He hadn’t been surprised that his parents had gotten him one, all of his brothers had gotten the same thing when they’d turned seventeen, but he was impressed by just how nice it was.  And even though it was a brilliant gift, it paled in comparison to the one that he was waiting to arrive.
Waking up to find Hermione at his bedside had been worth all seventeen of his birthday wishes put together. Even better, she had been coming back everyday since then. She said it was to help him catch up on his classwork, but to be quite honest, there was not much work getting done.  He had never seen her less inclined to force him into revision; their “study” sessions mainly consisted of talk that was anything but academic. Harry was a safe subject, as was the doings of the Weasleys it had been nice to see Fred and George hadn’t  it? He had slipped once and made a less than complimentary remark about McClaggen, holding his breath until she had surprised him by joining in on his criticism. He knew, or at least he thought he knew, that she wasn’t dating him, but he was unsure if she were on friendly terms with that pompous ape.  Ron had done a very poor job of hiding the ecstatic grin that followed her visceral reaction.
They talked about everything and nothing…well everything but the thing. They had both apologized, in very broad sweeping terms, for their behavior during the last few months, but both seemed reluctant to test the newly tied tether that was holding them together.  More than anything Ron wished he could erase all that had happened, or even just find the words to put it right.
Not bloody likely Mr. Fake Sleeper! Why can’t there just be a spell for this? Girlfriendo-reverso! Fancius Revealius! Maybe there’s a chapter in that book Fred and George gave me…
The familiar creak of the opening door brought him out of his reverie. Ron literally held his breath, could just be Pomfrey, until he recognized the cadence of Hermione’s steps. He hurriedly adjusted the bedclothes and did his best to appear at ease, to calm the thunderous beating of his heart as she came into view.
Ron held up his arm, tapping the face of his watch in mock admonishment, “Where have you been? S’not good to keep someone in my fragile state waiting.” He added a dramatic half swoon, delighted to see her roll her eyes, huffing at him in a way that he had learned to admit that he found quite intoxicating.
“Well, someone as delicate as you are needs their rest. Rumor has it that you sleep most of the time,” she let her eyes meet his, a boldness showing that he hadn’t seen from her in months. For a split second he thought they were headed for a row, but her face broke into a mischievous grin.
“Oi! If I had been asleep, I’d be awake now. No one could sleep with you tromping in here. For such a little thing, when you walk it sounds like a flock of hippogriffs!”
She was on him in a flash, books abandoned to poke him in the side and swat playfully at his arms. He tried, but not too hard, to fight her off, and before long they were both breathless from laughing.  Ron realized, quite suddenly, that she was lying across his chest and he had his arms around her in a way that was anything but platonic.
Hermione seemed to have the same revelation because he could see her cheeks flood with color; however, neither of them shifted their position. He was overcome by just how right it felt to hold her, and how amazing it was that, as someone who had very recently felt that he’d had more than his fill of snogging, he wanted nothing more than to snog this girl senseless. He knew in that moment, even though he had suspected it for months, that he would trade all those other kisses for the one that hung between them at this moment.
His brain scrambled to catch up to his hammering heart, but it found nothing to leave on his tongue but a feeble, “Sorry.”
She blinked at him slowly, seeming to remember herself, “Oh, it’s alright, I know you were only joking,” she pulled back from him and sat on the edge of his bed.
“Yeah, but not just about that,” he looked at her pointedly, “I meant ..about everything.”
“Oh,” she glanced down at her hands, fiddling with a thread on her jumper, “you don’t have to do that..you’ve already…I mean we both…it’s fine.”
It was better, he knew that, but it wasn’t completely fine, not yet. He wasn’t sure when it would be, but he knew it was worth waiting for. Maybe he could help it along, just a little. He reached over to the bedside table and retrieved the package that Dobby had very recently fetched for him.
“I know the outside looks a bit rough, it’s been in my trunk, but this is for you,” he nervously handed her the gift, thankful that the inside contents had not been disturbed.
“For me?”
“Yes…it’s you Christmas gift…better late than never, right?”
“But I didn’t…I mean…I don’t have yours. And I didn’t even get you anything for your birthday!”
“That’s alright, think I had all the excitement I could stand on my birthday, and being your…friend… again is more than enough.”
“I feel the same way,” she emphasized her words like a ray of light through a prism, showing all the colors that had previously been unseen. She then began to open the parcel, moving back the charmed paper to reveal the contents inside, “Oh Ron!”
“I hope you like it. It’s like the one you saw in…”
“McGonagall’s office.”
“Yeah…like hers. I know it’s maybe not as fancy as hers. I mean…I think it turned out okay…Dad said it was a fine job, even if all those muggle tools are kinda barmy,” he was full-on rambling, but he couldn’t stop.
Hermione just sat, staring down at the box. When she looked up at him finally, her eyes were wet, “You…you made this?”
“Yeah, Dad helped a little.”
She opened it gently, whispering, “When?”
“Last summer,” his own eyes were now damp, and his shoulders bore the weight of lost time.
“It’s…beautiful…it’s too much!” There were proper tears flowing down her cheeks, and Ron felt a stirring of pride for having evoked such a strong positive response from her.
“Open it! See, the concealment charm makes it look empty,” he grabbed a roll of parchment from Hermione’s pile and placed it inside the open box, “even when you put something in it.”
“Extension charm too?”
“Undetectable extension charm,” he quipped back.
“Brilliant, Ron! That’s a complex spell!”
“Thanks, I could show you how to do it. Only takes a bit of practice.”
“I would really appreciate that…I just…this is really the nicest, most thoughtful gift anyone has ever given me…thank you doesn’t seem like enough,” the sincere look of adoration on her face fanned the tentative flame of hope warming his heart.
“As long as you like it, that’s all I need for sure,” he reached for her hand; she anticipated the movement and met him more than halfway, grasping his own tightly.
“Like isn’t the right word,” her voice came out softer, but more powerful, “I’d say love is more accurate.”
“Love?” She was killing him, finishing the job that poison could not.
“Definitely, love.”
And for a warm, lazy time they sat alone, hands clasped, thinking about how there were some things that just couldn’t be contained or concealed, not with any amount of magic. No matter how frightening it was to face them, suppressing them only brought heartache. There were still a host of doings and feelings to sort out, but now the box had been opened, and once so, could never be closed.
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snapedefender · 7 years
Ok but what does it say that it takes creating a character like Umbridge to make Snape look better in comparison? They get compared a lot bc they share the same bigotries (anti werewolves, anti Muggleborns, @ least for s while with Snape), the same shitty treatment of kids..Snape in many ways is a male Umbridge-Lite with less political power to abuse. The misogyny complain comes from the idea that that (the above description) is all it'd take for Umbridge to be seen as an acceptable character
i cant believe i have to answer this in this, the year of our lord 2017 but here we fucking go y’all
literally tortures harry. there’s no hypothetical about it - she sits him down and forces him to carve lines in the back of his hand and the only reason harry doesn’t realize how absolutely horrific this is and go complain is because he is an abused child who doesn’t trust authority. 
wants to force the kids to tell her their secrets. is willing to use any and all methods to torture it out of them, including dark spells and a truth potion. has no regard for their safety or comfort.
very openly xenophobic toward all creatures, without any sign of a reason beyond her own bigotry and sense of superiority. 
anti-muggleborn and shows no sign of changing that, openly and gleefully participates in voldemort’s regime
uses her power to spy on and subjugate all of the students she deems “dangerous” (e.g. who don’t agree with her political ideals or adhere to her standards of what is “right”) while headmistress. 
joins the death eaters in his youth, presumably because he either believes in their ideals or doesn’t realize the extent of their tyranny but wants a way out of a pretty shitty life. repents when he realizes how shitty they are and spends the rest of his adult life - twenty years, give or take - working to take them down. 
isn’t nice to the students and is often stern and derisive towards students he doesn’t like (harry, hermione, neville). never actually tortures them or does anything to them except be mean to them in class. saves their lives again and again from both death and torture (death in harry’s case, torture in neville’s). helps them and goes to protect them when he realizes they’re in danger. 
has a very open bias against werewolves - or, at least as far as we see, remus lupin who, through no real fault of his own, nearly killed snape when they were kids. i don’t honestly remember if snape shows anti-creature rhetoric beyond that? 
anti-muggleborn when a kid and teenager, shows that he has dismissed that rhetoric with the “don’t call her that!” line. people criticize snape a lot for saying that lily isn’t like other muggleborns, correctly pointing out that that’s a prejudiced view in itself - but that line is about hermione, a kid that snape has told us time and time again that he doesn’t like or have any personal feelings for. that shows me he’s grown, at least a little. 
grows as a person. GROWS AS A PERSON. that’s the biggest thing for me. umbridge shows no growth, no remorse, no redemption, no character arc. she is purely there to Be Evil and she’s really good at it, so kudos. but you can’t seriously expect me to compare her and snape when she’s so static and snape... isn’t. snape changes. snape reshapes himself into a bad man who does good things. umbridge not only doesn’t do that - i seriously doubt that she could.
i get wanting Bad male and female characters to be treated equally - a lot of time men and women do similar things and women get villified while men get glorified. but snape isn’t just “umbridge-lite” - they share some of the same prejudices, but snape shows growth beyond that. they both don’t treat the students nicely, but snape doesn’t torture them and looks out for their safety. that’s why i feel completely and utterly comfortable hating umbridge’s guts and liking snape - snape shows me that he can do good things and can change. umbridge never does. 
yes, next to umbridge, snape is a harmless kitten. because umbridge actually does what a lot of antis claim snape does - torture the kids, for instance. and she shows no remorse. if umbridge did what snape does - try to better herself, work against the dark side, reject some of the bigotries she’d previously shown - then i would be all for her in the same way i’m all for snape. but since she literally does none of those things, i personally consider her a human garbage can and that’s because she is. if snape hadn’t shown his remorse and redemption, i’d think the same about him. that’s the goddamn point!
and since you brought up the idea of amount of power to abuse - when snape was headmaster, under a very careful eye of a dark lord, walking a tightrope that meant death if he slipped.... he did his best to protect the students under his care, even the rebellious ones that voldemort would have gladly let get tortured (neville, ginny, luna). when umbridge was headmistress, checked only by herself, she tortured and interrogated students for her own gain. that’s a world of difference, my friend. 
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heartfeltheart · 4 years
Alchemy: Tiny Steps
Chapters: 37/45 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist/Harry Potter Rating: T Relationships: Edward/Winry, Lan Fan/Ling, and May/Alphonse. Primary Characters: Edward Elric, Severus Snape Additional Tags: Crossover, Teacher!Edward, BrOtp Edward/Severus. Sassy beyond measure. Pro!Snape Series: Part 2 of 9. Summary: Part two of the Alchemy Series.  Politics. Either you love it, hate it or you live it. For Alchemy Teacher Edward Elric, he lives it, hates it and loves it when he gets the upper hand. Here is to another year of hell… D/C: I do not own Harry Potter or Fullmetal Alchemist. Discord: La Red(Mesh Mash of… stuff.): https://discord.gg/KYjmVAb Alchemy Series: https://discord.gg/DejEYNJ
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Edward sat on a wooden bench, sipping on tea that was made just for the trial of the day. He hated it. Hated the taste, what it does, and the attendees were at mixed odds on the trial that was taking place in front of them. He was summoned to act as an expert witness on the behalf of the court and he could feel the stares that were directed his way. At least the date of said trial was kept in the dark but many still managed to get here and it's starting to annoy the Alchemy Teacher.
There were talks of having character witnesses, but that was quickly annexed. They were mainly looking for ones that are a complete third party. So far… there's only three people that fit's that bill, himself, Andromeda Tonks, and Rebus Hagrid.
Right now, everyone is waiting for Sirius Black to be brought in and for Kingsley Shacklebolt, the latter of which is judging the case.
Edward swears that if they vote to having the guy return even everything that is going to be presented in front of them, there is no hope left for humanity. None whatsoever.
Silence filled the room when a sudden chill filled the room that could only Dementors could bring. Edward hates those creatures… completely and utterly unhuman. Hagrid and Severus had warned him about them but seeing them in front of him is something completely different. Standing in between those hideous creatures is a scraggly man that aged far more than he was supposed to in the last couple of years.
The funny part? They seemed to not like Edward for whatever reason, they are avoiding looking at him and every time they even glance his way, that creepy laugh turns one of warning. At least Truth is good for something…
That eerie laugh was his only response to that thought.
Back to the reason everyone was in that room to begin with… Sirius Black. The time in the slammer aged him severely so. Clothes tattered and hung loosely on his body, the smell is just as bad as he looked. It only made Edward wonder about this man… and the tea he was forced to drink.
Sirius doesn't know what to make out of the famous Edward Elric. He look's like a kid. A kid. A kid that just made it out of Hogwarts.
Or wherever he graduated from…
As much Sirius trusts Bones, but this kid… just… He's glaring at him. Wait… no… Elric is glaring at Umbridge. The kid earned a couple of points back in his book for that. Looking back at the Alchemy Professor, to now see him talking to someone that was seated behind him.
Said someone is the main reason for Sirius having major doubts when it comes to Edward Elric.
Severus Snape.
Is that snake manipulating the kid?
Manipulating him into seeing everything into the wrong light?
Oh Merlin… Sirius is starting to regret his past actions, karma, right?
Now there are only what if…
"This stuff taste like shit. I thought that truths potion crap is supposed to be tasteless?"
"I believe it's the tea, not the potion."
"What kind of crap is this?"
"It's a type of milk tea."
"…I hate you."
"I know."
Oh… he's doomed.
"Sirius had come to my home some time before the murders of James and Lily Potter. He had come seeking advice on him being their Secret Keeper. He wanted to hand it over to someone else as he was the most obvious choice for the role. There was a fear that Remus Lupin was a possible traitor at the time and Albus Dumbledore already had so much in his plate, and James had shot both of them down for possible Secret Keepers."
"Did the both of you come up with a list of possible candidates?"
"We came up with the Longbottom's, and…Peter Pettigrew. It went down to one when the Longbottom's went into hiding and that left with Pettigrew."
"Was it agreed to have him become Secret Keeper?"
"It was agreed that he would be a better choice them himself."
"Whe' I arriv', Black was lookin around the gravel. 's wan't a pretty sight… He was trying ter look fer 'em bodies, he looked los' an' hands raw from searching for their bodies... We searched fer…fer… few…"
Someone signaled for someone to hand the witness a handkerchief for his tears.
"We found James fir's, he didn' even have his wan' in his hand. At tha' point, we both feared fer Lily an' 'Arry. Lily…dead righ' in front o' Arry's crib. I picked im' up, held him close before I handed im' over to Black. He…He cried, saying he was sorry before he handed him back ter me."
"After tha', Black let me borr'w that uh…totor-cylce?"
"For the record, it is called a motorcycle, a muggle's contraption to move around, which Sirius Black charmed to fly."
"Tha'. I took 'Arry to Hogwarts for Pomfrey and Dumbledore."
"I apparated from there to the most obvious places where that rat could have run off to hide. It didn't take me that long. I cornered him in an alley way. In that moment, I had never felt such anger until that moment. I wanted him dead for betraying our friends. But I knew that wouldn't fix things and James wouldn't want that.
"He began to yell out how I supposedly betrayed him, our friends and my godson. Bastard, when he was swinging his arms around, I saw the mark of Voldemort."
Gasps and whispers filled the court room.
"Pettigrew went out about how I supposedly joined the Dark Eaters before he blew himself and those muggles up. Damn rat…"
"Before we start your testimonial, state your name and title."
"Colonel Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist."
"What is your exact part of this case?"
"I was tasked with using my past experience as a Military Officer, Alchemist, and vast knowledge to dissect this case and to see where everyone fucked up in this case."
"Watch our mouth, Muggle."
"What? You guys wanted me to take that truth potion shit."
"…I'll let it go this once. Continue with the questions."
"Prior from today, have you ever met Sirius Black?"
"Have you heard or read anything pertaining to Sirius Black?"
"…Yes. The Daily Prophet kept spewing crap about the case and him, it got to the point where I avoid reading them."
"Anything else?"
"Albus Dumbledore, Rebus Hagrid, and Severus Snape, told me some past history, but not enough to cloud my judgement."
Tension filled the air as Elric went over the evidence to everyone in the room. Safe to say, that it was all presented if there was a case originally, it would have made a very strong argument for the side of Sirius Black.
"I have seen the results of explosions before and my superior as well. Comparing them to what happened in that alleyway, it shows many factors that were ignored. Whoever set out the explosion knew that they had to contain it just enough to ensure it was large enough to kill that many people, and ensuring that at least one is still left alive. The thumb… it shows that it appears that someone or it's owner attempted to cut it off and proceeded to rip it off. I brought along other pictures as examples. Compared to the rest of the bodies, all of whom barely had anything recognizable, that thumb is the only thing preserved in such condition."
"What is your honest opinion on what occurred that day, Mr. Elric?"
"My honest opinion? Can I swear and actually say it as it is?"
"You have the court's permission."
"Thank you. All of you didn't give this guy a proper trial, for truth's sake! If you had him drink down this stuff," Elric lifted his tea with disdain, "You would have gotten the truth. The only thing is that, I believe the explosion was just a cover up for an escape."
"What are you saying?"
"I am saying is that, Peter Pettigrew, is possibly still out there while an innocent man rotted in jail. Along with that, many wanted to use Sirius as an escape goat for your plans to ensure that one Harry Potter wouldn't be raised by his own godfather."
"This is an outrage!"
"My faith in humanity… out the door."
"Yes, yes."
"Nothing makes sense."
"The horror…"
"Why are you so calm!"
"It's just milk tea!"
"The case ended twenty minutes ago… and you are still going on about the tea?"
"Yes, the tea!" Edward exclaimed, he refilled a glass with water before he drank it down.
Severus could only shake his head at his friend's antics. Instead of going over the results of the trial, the Alchemy Teacher decided to just rant on about the tea. They were in the Minister's office, waiting for her and their other guests. "Are you ready to meet face to face with Sirius Black?"
"The douche bag from your childhood?"
"I see the potion is still in effect."
"No, that's just me."
"Just wondering."
"Why are we waiting for them again?" Edward asked, he picked up a photo frame that was set on Minister Bones' desk. It was a picture of said woman with her niece, he couldn't help but smile. He placed the photo back on the desk and looked back at Severus. "Well?"
"It has to do with Harry Potter." Severus snorted, sat in one of the chairs that was placed in front of the Minister's desk. "By all right, Black is the boy's god-father, and should have gotten full custody of him."
"That reminds me… what is this stuff about the mother's bond, blood, and so on?"
"To put it bluntly, he must be around family which he shares blood with in order to hide him from any possible enemies."
"It's… complicated…"
Hearing how Severus words began to trail off, Edward cleared his throat. "It's supposed to protect him from possible enemies, right? If the kid supposedly killed the all mighty, Lord Moldybut. Who was left?"
"His followers."
"Oh…right... Where was I going with this? Oh, right! Who has him right now?"
"…. His mother was a muggle-born, she has a sister who was born with no magical ability. Potter was put into her care."
"That sounds bad. Is that bad?"
"It is. She hates magic and her sister."
"…We are going to talk more about this at a later time. Back to the main subject at hand, Sirius, on whether or not he should take his god-son into his care."
"You sound as if he shouldn't have the brat under his care…"
"The guy spent around almost a decade in a place where his soul was slowly sucked away from him. He’s going to need to be both physically, mentally, and emotionally therapy before he would even be considered to even hold the notion of taking on his god-fatherly duties."
"We don't normally talk about…those things in the magical community."
"I know. That's why I made a couple of phone calls and contacted an agency back home to help. It was the only way to ensure the Old Goat wouldn't interfere with the case."
"An agency?"
"It's…They… help u…those that need healing in a different level. We don't want to put the kid with someone that could possibly make things worse for the kid down the road."
"Speaking from experience?"
Edward stared hard at Severus, thinking deeply on his next set of words to prove his point. "I saw the results of the results of a supposed father transmutated his daughter and dog together. Let's not talk about how I later found their corpse due to a mercy killing from a serial killer. I had to take mandatory therapy sessions and then some in order to cope with what I saw. I'm still deemed unstable when I am around situations that reminds me of the four major events in my life."
"How long do you believe Black would be stable enough to have Potter in his care?"
"Varies. For now, Harry Potter stays wherever the hell he's currently at." Edward sighed, cursing everyone that put him into his current predicament.
"What the hell does that supposed to mean! Where is he!"
Edward and Severus looked over at the main entrance of the office hearing a male shouting from the other side. It only got louder as it got closer.
"You need to calm down, Sirius. We'll talk in my office."
"Wotcher. Don't make me jinx you."
"Sirius… please."
"Can we still run?" Edward whispered to Severus, hearing the doorknob jiggle, signifying someone was going to enter the room.
"I'm afraid not."
"There is a meeting at dead-man's land tomorrow for the exchange. They found the grandson of the man you are looking for."
"Long as he's able to crack the code that was supposed to be for his grandfather, I supposed that is good enough."
"Good enough, is not good enough. I am not handing over the prisoners until the code is crack and they leave us alone."
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