#there was a whole commotion about silver about to get abducted to after life by a drifloon in the school ground that sebek had to get to it
ryllen · 2 months
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good luck little drifloon ! ✧o(•̀⤙•́o )
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Alien Shoto! Capturing your heart <3
Alien Shoto Todoroki x Reader!
This is a continuation of Alien Izuku x Reader AU! You can read that here here -> https://writinginthedarkwood.tumblr.com/post/188136408454/kinktober-alien-izuku-x-fem
This was requested by a follower of mine! They gave me an idea they liked and I ran with it. I’ll write for you toooo just ask <3
Warning: contains kidnapping. Also some freaky alien sex ~
It was all over the news. It started with the disappearance of one girl. She was a freshman in college, a quieter girl. Her mother said she had anxiety and insomnia, and frequented walking in the middle of night when she couldn’t sleep. “She wouldn’t just take off, something happened to her!” She cried on camera when she was interviewed. The police chalked it up to a random incident until about a month later. Every day girls between the ages of 13 and 25 disappeared in rural America. It was slow at first, farm towns in the middle of nowhere that didn’t usually have much trouble were panicking. The police were stumped. Thirty days after the first kidnapping, that girls face with a crown on it was burnt into a soybean field near her college. At first, the police thought it was a tribute to her by other students. The farmer who owned the field was frantic. He said a bright light burnt the picture into his field, killing his crops. The police brushed him off, but people were shaken up all over the country. On the 31st day after that first girls disappearance an entire girls school in Japan was abducted, seemingly out of thin air. Girls 13 to 18, all 300 of them were gone in one night. Their beds were still made like they were in their, nothing was disturbed. One girls teddy bear was gone with her, but mostly all of their things were left untouched. The Russian government reported the disappearance of teen girls went up by 36% in all of their major cities. The strange thing was, it didn’t matter their race, how much money they had or even where they were during the time of abduction. The only thing that connected the girls? None of them were married. The world news exploded, conspiracy theorists claimed it was the end of the world. People rioted in the streets, some families were hiding their daughters in bunkers. Some randomly married their daughters off to try and prevent them from getting taken.
My mom pulled me out of college. I traveled back home, my family lives in New York City. Mom boarded up the windows to our apartment while I watched the T.V. I picked at my nails, people were gearing up for war against the Government. NYC hasn’t been affected by the disappearances. People went missing at a normal crime rate for the most part, which has people thinking the the abductions had to do with some type of project, and the New York elite prevented the government from effecting the city. “This is just a precaution darling, nothing will happen to us here. “ She said as she hammered the wood onto the frames of the window. The news was running a piece on the newest conspiracy.
“This man here say’s that he watched his daughter and her two best friends disappear out of thin air.” The man said with a shaky voice. He was at a dairy farm in Wisconsin. The farmer grabbed the mic out of the reporters hand, his face stained with tears. “They were with me, and then they were gone! A bright light flashed and they were gone.” He stuttered as the reporter tried to take the mic back. He positioned himself in the center of the camera and raised his voice. “It was aliens! I saw the light! The government is ignoring the only answer to this crisis!” He started screaming and the camera cut back to the main station.
A loud crash came from outside the window. Mom and I turned to each other puzzled. “Was that a car crash?” I asked her. She shook her head, her face pale. “It was probably nothing.” She said. People started screaming in the street below us. “Stay right there. Don’t move I’m waking up your brother.” She said, her voice barely above a whisper. She rushed to the back of the apartment and banged on my brothers door. I ran to my room and looked out my window, people were running in a mob away from something. They abandoned their cars, screaming for help.
A mother pushing a baby in a stroller was panicking, a wheel of her child's stroller fell off of the curb and jammed into a sewer grate. She was trying to pull her infant out of his stroller, but people were shoving her. She froze and started crying. I threw my desk drawer open and grabbed my craft scissors. She’s just under my fire escape, I can pull them up here and to the safety of our apartment!
I shoved my window open and almost fell trying to get down the slick metal stairs. The ladder that would lead me to the ground jammed, I stomped it with my foot until it fell to the sidewalk. People scurrying out of the way. I shoved myself against the flow of the mob and looked in the stroller. The baby was red face and sobbing, probably scared to death. I cut the infant free and the mom gathered him in her arms, trying to thank me over a new deafening sound. Was that, marching?
Before I could tell the mom to climb the ladder, she took off running. What’s happening, was there a bomb? Is the army here?
The swarm of people started shoving me away from my apartment building. The wave of frantic humans wouldn’t allow me to push against them. My shoulder was shoved, I’ll have bruises all over my body if I make it out of here.I started to slip to my feet, I can’t move! A strong hand reached out and grabbed me, pulling me out of the crowd and onto the hood of a parked car. He wrapped both hands around my waist, saving my life.
He was breath taking. His face unlike any young man you’ve ever seen. He had a black military cap on, his entire uniform was black except for silver metals pinned to his shoulders. A solider? What branch of the military has all black uniforms? He had long hair that swept over his forehead. One side was bright red, and the other, stark white. He had a deep tissue red scar on the left side of his face. His eyes two very different colors. He shouted over the crowd. “I saw you save that woman back there.” I nodded my head yes, feeling shocked. “Why did you do that?” He asked, it was hard to hear him over all of the commotion. I looked over his shoulder, smoke rose over the city line, something had crashed in the middle of times square, what is that? He asked again, closer to my ear. “Why did you do that?”
Why? I don’t know why. Something came over me and I had to help her. “She was in danger, her and her baby could have been trampled.” I said close to his face so he could hear me. His face was stoic and I swallowed, he was studying me. “We need to get you to safety.” Was all he said, he stood me up and looked around, surveying his options of where to go. He helped me keep my balance, the running mob knocking into the car was making my legs wobble. He held me by my elbows, close to him. This isn’t the time to be thinking about how strong and handsome my savior is, but I can’t help myself. The sound of marching grew louder, and I saw what everyone was running from.
An invading army, men of every shape, color and size plowed through the streets in formation. They were breaking into every building and pulling women out into the streets. I gasped in horror. “What’s happening?” I screamed and the young man pulled me tighter into his arms. “Don’t worry I’m going to get you out of this shit hole.” He had a high tech watch on, he was messing with it in a language I didn’t recognize. I squinted my eyes, the apartment complex across the street from mine was being raided by the men. They wore all white uniforms, similar to my rescuer. A man pulled a woman out of the building, he had huge muscles and purple tinted skin. Are those scales painted on him? The woman didn’t fight him, in fact she looked kind of happy to be with him. She gripped onto his shoulder and before I could even finish blinking.
They were gone.
Aliens, the crazy people on the news were right. The object down the street that had crashed was shining silver in the broad daylight, it was a ship. The man who pulled me out of the street turned my body to face him. He put a hand under my chin and made me look him in the eye. “Hold on tight.” I nodded my head yes, hypnotized by his icy gaze.
“Y/N!!!” I heard a scream. I snapped my head away from him and looked up at my window. My mom was waving frantically, my brother half way down the fire escape coming to get me.
Before I could say a word, tingles ran through my whole body for just a second. Like a light current of electricity rippled over my skin and then dissipated before I could blink.
We were in an all white room, a lot of people were. It was noisy, people were chattering. I looked around. Some men in white uniforms had animal body parts, some were different colors of the rainbow. Some had extra limbs, and some looked completely normal but with brightly colored hair. They all had normal looking women with them, some girls were softly crying, and some were happy and holding onto the man that was with them. They started disappearing through sliding white doors. I realized I was still holding onto the man that saved me. I let go and took a step away from him. “What the hell is happening!” He took a deep breath and adjusted his cap. “I feel so much better getting off of that nasty planet, how do you even breathe all of that smog?” He said, ignoring me. I took another step away, bumping into a girl who was asking the same thing. Her escorting man was holding her hands and kissing them. “So you really are an alien?” She had her jaw hanging open, her tone shrill with surprise. “Yes but we’re going to be so happy together! You’ll start to feel it soon.” He said with a wide toothed smile. Before she could protest, a smile crept across her face too. “You’re so... you’re so sweet.” She said to him and he laughed and picked her up in his arms. She was terrified a minute ago, but after he kissed her knuckles she blushed and was okay with this?
With every couple that left this big white room, another would appear. I shot daggers at the two toned haired boy. “What are you.” I hissed through gritted teeth. He looked at me with a bit of confusion, but then straightened out his face. “You’ve probably gathered that I’m an alien.” He looked around the room, seeming a bit stressed. “Can you just come with me? It’s loud in here.” He stuck out his hand and I rejected it. “Start talking, why did you bring me here!” I shouted, my entire body was shaking with fear. “I want to give you all the answers, please just come with me.” I wanted to trust him, he spoke earnestly. I reluctantly followed him, but refused to touch him. He took me through a busy hall of couples, lot’s of them giggling and kissing. I saw a much younger boy, without a uniform holding hands with a scared human girl, she had to be only 13. They were talking to an older alien man who was smiling. “Isn’t she sweet Kai? You two get to be friends forever. No hurry though, you two need to grow up some!” The older man said as he ruffled the alien boys hair.
He pressed a code into a screen on the wall, a door that blended in with the wall opened and he invited me to step inside. The door shut behind us, and I realized I was in a small apartment type place. Most of the interior seemed normal, a wooden table. A microwave, a bed in the corner with white sheets. The technology on the appliances was all types of touch screen, but other than that it all looked vaguely familiar to a bigger dorm maybe. He sat at the table and I stood by the door. “Won’t you come sit with me?” He asked politely. I shuffled towards the table, sitting across from him. I eyed him carefully, he studied my face with a slight smile. “My name is Shoto.” He had his hands clasped in front of him on the table. “And you’re Y/N, right?” He asked. I nodded my head yes. “Do you believe in fate, Y/N?” He asked while staring right into my eyes.
“I’m not sure.” I said barely getting my voice out of my throat. “Well, fate is the best way to describe how we met, but it’s actually a little more scientific than that.” He gave me a small smile. “My species is very similar to yours, but we have one fatal design flaw that no amount of science can fix.” He started explaining. “Eons ago, before your planet even held homo-sapiens. My species almost died out. We evolved to produce several offspring at one time of conception, but our a mutation in our genes prevents our female offspring from living to maturity.” He messed with his fingers like he was nervous. “Our population numbers dwindled, but our amazing specialists on the matter discovered a solution.” He upturned his palm and held it out on the table, silently asking me to take it. I ignored it. A pained look crossed his face, but he retracted anyway, “We have the ability to mate with species similar to ours, and this helps the spread of much healthier genes. We’re in a constant cycle of finding a new planet, returning home, and then sending the next generation out to find another planet. The system works only if the planet we find has a species that meshes with ours.” He paused for a moment to check and see if I was following. I nodded my head, urging him to go on. “It can be very dangerous if it doesn’t work. We spend our whole lives studying the species, and we send our leader to find his mate first to make sure it works.”
The girl! That girl who disappeared a month ago!
“This is where fate ties in.” He looked like he wanted to reach for my hand again but resisted the urge. “This is my first reproductive cycle, I didn’t have the greatest role models growing up, I learned everything I know from school. So bare with me as I explain this...” A small blush sprinkled over his cheeks for just a moment. “We feel strong ties to the universe, it links us to who our partner at the right time and the right place. None of this is random, it’s all very calculated. I was supposed to find you today. That’s why I lead my squadron through your city.” He fidgeted for a moment. “When we mate we mate for life, our bond will never be broken.”
“You want to...” My face blushed wildly. “You want to mate with me?” I choked out. He nodded his head. “Of course. You’re the perfect female for me, you’ll look beautiful carrying my offspring.”
I felt faint, my head spun and everything hit me at once. “What’s wrong you look-” He panicked and stood so fast his chair hit the floor. He grabbed a bag out of the cabinet and threw it on the table. “I’m fine I just feel like I might pass out.” I leaned my head onto my arm on the table and closed my eyes. This table is so cool, I could just take a nap here. I felt a sharp prick in my arm, but I felt too weak to sit up. “Don’t worry Y/N I read about this in class.” He said softly with a hint of something frantic in his voice. I felt a jolt of energy and sat straight up. “What did you just inject me with?!” I looked at my arm in horror, he’d placed a needle and was filling me with something. “Just some organism essentials. Do you feel better?” He asked, his face riddled with concern. “I feel a lot better actually.” A light spot of blood was left where he pricked me. He dropped the needle in horror and pulled me out of my chair and slammed me on the table. “Hey!” I called out in protest. “You’re bleeding!” He yelled, studying my arm. “Humans can die from lack of blood!” He dug through his medical bag, tossing things onto the floor. I giggled, I can’t help but laugh. “It’s just a speck. You can just wipe it away and it’ll clot on it’s own.” I rolled my eyes and he stopped searching through the bag. “Oh.” He said plainly. He grabbed my arm and licked over the spot of blood, I tried to recoil but he held my arm firmly in place. His spit was extra sticky, like warm honey. He dragged his tongue slowly up and down my arm. His spit sunk into my skin and I felt a rush of emotion. I reached out and grabbed him in my arms. He was stunned at first, but then wrapped his arms around me back. He hugged me for a moment before pressing my back against the table. He planted a firm kiss on my lips and swirled his tongue around inside my mouth, I felt an extreme heat boil in my lower belly. I put both hands firmly on his shoulders and shoved, gasping for air. "What are you doing?" I said losing my breath. He cocked an eyebrow at me. "Is my saliva not working? My hormones should be coursing through you, releasing large amounts of oxytocin in your brain.” He grabbed my chin and tilted my face back and forth, looking deep in my eyes. “Your vitals seem normal...” He trailed off, feeling my pulse on my wrists. “Your spit is supposed to do something to me?” His touch alone was driving me crazy. My heart pounded against my chest, my lungs are tight and I can barely breathe. “Yes it should be signalling to your body that I’m ready to mate. Your ovaries should be excreting hormones preparing your va-” My face blushed wildly and I interrupted him. “I know how sex works!” I blurted out. “Are you trying to  brain wash me with that stuff?” I felt my arm where he had licked. Though it felt like gel before, my skin was completely dry in that spot now. “Don’t be ridiculous, of course not.” He spoke so seriously. “My chemistry causes a reaction with your chemistry better than any other potential partner. My instincts guided me to you, your pheromones are very potent to me.” He nuzzled his face in my neck, pressing me close to him with his hand on my lower back. He planted a kiss on my collar bone, he gently used his tongue to glide over the sensitive part of my skin. I shivered, goosebumps covering my whole body. He trailed wet kisses up my neck to my ear. “I can take good care of you, forever...” He whispered, his voice was growing raspy with anticipation. “You don’t need to be stubborn.” He pulled away from me and put two fingers in his mouth. He sucked on them for a moment, covering them in saliva. The sticky substance trailed from his lips and followed him to the waist band of my leggings. He placed the tips of his fingers on my entrance and moved up and down. My body betrayed my mind, I gushed onto his digits. I bit my lip, holding back a moan. He smirked and plunged his fingers into me. “Shoto...” I whined.
You don’t know this man! He invaded your planet and kidnapped you!
My rational thoughts started to fade as he swirled his fingers around. I was expecting some type of pain, his hands look so strong and callused. “Tell me how you feel...” He purred. His eyes were glazed over with want, his cool exterior melting away the more he touched me. “I- I feel good.” I mewled back, my arms shook while trying to hold myself up on the table. “Say you want to be my mate.” He commanded while pressing hard on my g-spot with his fingers. He softened his tone a bit sounding sweet. “Please Y/N... I can’t bring myself to hurt you.” He looked pained. I could see his want press hard against his pants. I melted at his sweetness. “I want to be your mate-” I said breathlessly. He ripped off his uniform jacket and threw it to the ground, the medals on the pocket clinging together as it hit the floor. I pulled my shirt off at the same time. He stopped holding me for only a few seconds but we grasped back onto each other like we were both touch starved. His lips crashed against mine, I clawed at his shoulder blades and he pulled my leggings of with a rip of the fabric. “Spread your legs.” He growled and I obeyed. My legs wrapped around his hips as he pulled his pants down and quickly stuffed himself inside of me. I took a sharp breath in and my body felt just the slightest bit of relief, finally getting what it wanted. He pounded his hips into mine, grabbing onto my back and neck for support. I held onto him as tight as I could, feeling like I couldn’t get close enough. He thrust into me with hard slow strokes. I moaned his name over and over again, feeling my body tighten with pressure. “I- I’m going to cum-!” I couldn’t help but scream. Shoto grabbed my hair at the nape of my neck and groaned a short, almost growl like sound in my ear. “Dammit-” He said under his breath, his body gearing up for his climax. I burst onto him, my body gushing all over his staff. I screamed his name and he quickened his pace, hitting me harder and faster. I started to cry out for more when he stopped and pulled me into a soft kiss, his body pulsing. “Did you finish?” I asked just before his cock changed shape, still inside my canal. I squealed as his eyes rolled back into his head and he panted. I felt a small orb leave his body and pulse into mine. A shiver ran up my spine. “What the hell!” I tried to move away from him and he firmly grabbed my ass, sliding me back to the edge of the table and holding me there. “Don’t panic.” He said with a heaving chest. Another object pulsed into me, and then another. My body suddenly squirted again, an explosive orgasm rocking my entire being. I gripped the edge of the table, unable to even make any noise. He kissed my lips tenderly and pulled out. “Oh my god...” I covered my mouth in shock at his member. It was silver with deep purple veins. It leaked a few shiny gooey drops of liquid before the opening closed, looking vaguely similar to human genitalia, but with no slit.
He quickly covered himself by pulling his pants back up, looking lightly embarrassed. “As one of the King’s generals I should have more composure.” He looked down at me, happy with how much of a mess I look. “But you’re so lovely, I just couldn’t wait any longer.” He helped me off of the table and guided me to his bed. “Come here Y/N. Let’s rest awhile before we go again.” He said devilishly as he tackled you onto the soft comforter.
Part 3~ https://writinginthedarkwood.tumblr.com/post/188289769294/alien-bakugo-x-reader-the-warrior
!!!!! My requests are open, message me let’s have a chat! If you’d like to buy me a coffee while I type your request you can do that here, I never expect tips, I write for fun. It’s just if you feel like being extra generous :)  -> https://ko-fi.com/writinginthedarkwood
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crowndanced · 6 years
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○ *:・゚✧
----- His Royal Highness, then Prince Jareth Vangard Robert Henry Kinglseigh, was born to King Jored Lyons Richard Dominick Kingsleigh and Queen Lillyith Anne Marie Eliza Kingsleigh-Boran in the early years of King Jored’s fae rule over the Goblin Kingdom. Years and years ago, Jareth’s great-great-great grandfather, King Roland Joseph Midas Griant Kingsleigh, had overthrown the tyrannical goblin king and taken over the kingdom himself, ushering in the first fae goblin king. The Goblins had no reason to resist their new rulers, they quite favoured the better living conditions that came with the new king, as well as the security system that was magically established around the city and its surrounding areas.       The Labyrinth wasn’t always the labyrinth is is recognized as today. Though throughout the years, the faes had taken likings to mazes as the general way to get into the Goblin City, but each ruler had something different to add to it. King Jored had used a giant dome with a mirrored maze, thus very few runners made it to the castle in his era, which was a prosperous time for the Goblin species. It was something hard to top after his first born son, Jareth, officially became Prince of the Goblins. 
       Prince Jareth was a free spirited boy; he only wished he hadn’t been born to be the next King of the Goblins- he found himself sometimes wishing his father could stay in rule, and he go live with the humans in the Aboveground, which was a realm without magic that fascinated him to no end. But a Prince has a duty to his people ( or Goblins, in this case ) and so Jareth never got many a chance to sneak away from his royal tutors and parents.       Then his sister was born.       His parents had taken a liking to their son’s name, so they named their daughter a variation of his name- Jareica. Despite the similar names, the parents had no favour over either of their children, and loved them both equally. Jareth loved his sister too, even if she was a baby and could be rather annoying at times.       After the young princess was six months old, she was snatched from under the noses of the Goblin Royals.       King Jored sent the Goblin Army out far and wide to search for his lost daughter, while Jareth stayed behind with his mother, Lillyith, as a solace for each other. Even though they were both sad with the loss of the other child, here is when Jareth’s talent for singing and dancing begun to bloom- for he had inherited it from his mother, who had quite the voice and moves herself. To distract her, he would sing nonsense songs and dance around with her, making it a tradition in the Goblin City.       Years pass, and the Princess was still missing. Jareth is now sixteen years old in appearance, and is soon to be crowned Goblin King. His father had decided to step down from rule to take care of his ailing mother. As a gift to the young prince, his parents finally let him do what he had always so wished- go to the Aboveground for thirteen hours, a full day in Underground time. And Jareth loved it.       The only problem was, he couldn’t understand why most humans were so cruel and immature, nothing like what he had learned from his studies. When he returned, his father said that was the purpose of their kingdom- to teach humans the value of maturity. Jareth understood, but he still had no desire to sit on a throne all day and abduct children to teach humans about becoming more mature- they could learn that on their own, couldn’t they?       However, one runner finally bested his father’s mirror maze, thus causing the coronation to happen sooner than planned- and Jareth was king.       Weeks after he was crowned king, Jareth heard a commotion outside the castle, seeing the guards chase what appeared to be a runner into the entrance of his father’s mirror maze. And so, he shifted into an owl and followed them, seeing as it was a king’s duty to see what was going on, and how to punish the perpetrator, should they have committed a crime. He had heard the army shouting about the thief stealing one of Jareth’s magic crystals, which only made him pursue the little person faster. What goblin or fae creature would do that? Did they not know of the reprocussions, should they be caught?       Eventually, he was ahead of the army, and managed to corner the thief at a dead end. As he shifted to his true form, the person dropped to the ground and raised their gaze to him- and his blue-brown eyes met violet-silver ones, with crow wing tattoos on the side of them.       It was his long lost sister.       After taking her back to the castle that night, he announced it to the whole kingdom, and sent a letter to his parents about finding their daughter. A celebration was then held for a week in honor of the Princess’s return- but she would not speak about what had happened to her for a long while, until her father finally coaxed it out of her.       She had been captured by necromancers, who had planned to sacrifice her- save for another of their group had already captured a human child, so instead they raised her to be a thief, and were debating about using her for ransom as well.       Jareth, using his new power, sent the Goblin Army out in search of this group of necromancers, as well as laid a bounty on their heads- but they have yet to be found. His sister was then schooled to be a princess as soon as she could be, and her true personality began to shine through the nervous shell she had encased herself in- loud, carefree, sarcastic, and friendly.       She reminded him of himself, as she got older- taking interest in the Aboveground and not wishing to sit on the throne one day as the Goblin Queen. He even gave her a nickname, as she took a liking to one of his more popular nonsense songs- ‘Dance Magic Dance’, it was called, and as she danced, that’s what the Goblins- and her brother- started calling her. ‘Magic.’       When Jareth appeared twenty, that’s when he first saw her- Sarah.       Jareth had only been watching the Aboveground from one of his many crystals, as different humans appeared and disappeared in the glass surface, all possible candidates to be a runner. When Sarah’s image had first appeared in his crystal, there was something about her that made him want to bring her down here. He was enraptured by her green eyes that shone in delight whenever she was right about something. That was the biggest thing. But over time, he grew to like more and more things about her.       Magic told him it was called ‘love.’       Would his parents be happy that their son, a purebred bird fae, had fallen in 'love' with a human girl? Absolutely not.       Did he fall in ‘love‘ anyways? Indeed he did.       And that’s when he decided to send Sarah the little book she would act out, in order for her to fall in love with him as well ( after all, he made suer that it was himself who was described in the book ). And it was also at this time that Jareth decided to reshape the mirror maze of his father’s creation into his own personalized area. Magically, the dome lowered, the mirrors became stone, or brick, or leafy hedges, or trees, until it was a twisting and winding maze, with high walls and lookouts, each area secured by ever changing passageways, hidden traps called oubliettes, and lots of glitter.       Finally deciding on a name for his creation, and the book, he dubbed it the name it is fondly known as today- The Labyrinth.       And so he sent the book out to the human girl he had his eyes on, hoping one day she would appear in the Labyrinth, so he could see her in his true form- he only ever snuck Aboveground to see her as an owl.       Magic endlessly teased him about his ‘crush’ on Sarah, but even if she was annoying about it, he had learned to ignore it, focusing on the hope that Sarah would appear in the Underground. To distract himself, however, he threw himself into his royal duties in the hope of keeping himself focused on running a kingdom and not a human girl, so his parents didn’t suspect.       A few years later, the words were spoken.       “I wish the goblins would come and take you away��� right now.”       And Jareth found himself seeing Sarah for the first time in his true form.       There was a problem with this though- his parents had found out about his interest in the human girl ( to this day he still has no idea as to how ) and instilled a fail safe in that little book of his. The spell-turned-speech that made her the Champion of the Labyrinth.       “Through dangers untold,” said she, as he pleaded with her to ’fear him, love him,’ and ‘do as he said’, “and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City, to take back the child that you have stolen. For my will is as strong as yours,” she went on, turning down his final offer of her dreams, “and my kingdom is as great.”       “You have no power over me.”       The words rang in Jareth’s ears as he dramatically fell, a crystal tossed into the air, and shifted into an owl, flying out the window of her house. Her brother Toby was returned, and the next thing he saw was his Sarah, holding a celebration with many a member of his kingdom- he was tempted to send all of them to The Bog of Eternal Stench, or an oubliette, or worse, but her joyous smile stopped him from doing so.      He could just wait a little more.
This is only a very brief summary of Jareth’s life up to canon events, and when I get the time, the more detailed version of his life up to canon events will go on his blog bio.
The apostrophes around the word love when talking about Sarah means the word is used loosely- very loosely. As indicated by canon events and outside views, he was merely infatuated by her with his own view of love, having never been in love romantically before. The closest comparison would have to be someone being infatuated with a celebrity.
There is an opportunity to have threads with Prince Jareth during his time Aboveground, however they will not have icons used. Chances are, if you want to establish a relationship where your muse befriended Jareth on his day Aboveground, he will regard your muse as an old friend if you want to have a thread with king Jareth. Still, tread lightly.
Magic is not an rp-able character on this blog, and neither are Jareth’s parents, Jored and LIllyith. They are all my OCs, who will only be mentioned on this blog. I have been developing this canon for years, so please don’t use it.
More is to come.
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