#there might also be another set in s6 tbh
bisexualfbiagents · 10 months
on the topic of 5 episode runs in txf (my opinion being that the first 5 episodes are some of the best of the whole series, on their own and as a collective) i was wondering if their were other sets of 5 that would come close to that. mine are:
pilot deep throat squeeze conduit and the jersey devil, as mentioned above, are quite literally peak television and set up the series perfectly (@cutemothman sums it up very well here)
drive triangle dreamland I dreamland II and how the ghosts stole christmas from the beginning of season 6 is also very strong, drive being the only weak episode for me (though still a good episode, i just think the others are on another level) (i'm watching htgsc right now, it's also peak television imo)
there has to be a perfect set in season 3 but it's tricky for me... i think my pick would be jose chung's from outer space avatar quagmire wetwired and talitha cumi, a good set to finish off the season
anyway i'd be interested to hear if y'all have other sets of 5!! maybe a silly prompt but fun to think about :)
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mickeym4ndy · 2 months
What’s your opinion on galladads?
Thank u for asking!! I was actually thinking about this recently
Idk if canon Mickey will ever want kids tbh (out of fear more than anything else), or at least not for another like 10 years. But also, I actually can see them fostering then adopting kids from the foster system, maybe an older kid or a set of siblings. Maybe a teenager and their toddler aged siblings or something. I feel like it might even be something that they hadn’t planned on, but they end up taking in a teenager they’ve met and it all goes from there. (Idk the specifics of the American system though, I’m not American). I don’t think they’d do surrogacy tbh.
Like, I think if they do get to the stage where they’re ready to be parents, they’d see it more as “there are children in the world that don’t have a safe or loving home/family and we could give them that” rather than “ok we want to be parents let’s find some kids.” - Providing kids with parents instead of providing parents with kids, u know? They’ve both been in the system and grown up with shitty parents too so I think that lends itself to that.
I think if they waited until they were older and worked on themselves a bit, they actually do have it in them to be good parents tbh. And I think Mickeys main apprehension is his fear of being a bad parent, which can be overcome.
Having said all that, I do think in season 5 they were setting up a plot line about Mickey becoming a more involved parent to Yevgeny in s6. But when the contract issues came up with Noel, they obviously dropped it. I know there’s a lot of debate about that, but I think showing him kissing and hugging Yev after Ian took him was a purposeful choice by the writers in that sense. Maybe had he been in season 6, him & Ian would’ve still been broken up for a while and Yevgeny would’ve been a part of Mickey’s arc for the season. So I actually do think rebuilding a relationship w Yev is something that is possible for them.
I’ve read fics I’ve enjoyed with all sorts of ways they become dads though, sometimes it’s just fun and sweet regardless. But if you’re asking me what most realistic for them - I’d say this.
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fatimagic · 2 years
@wtb fam this is our moment. so one of my mutuals and fellow judith light stan @trying-to-get-somewhere-real is binging who’s the boss for the first time. 
so basically i’m starting this thread for anyone who wants to give them their thoughts, episode recommendations, etc. @gracefarrell @cassiopeiasara @cordychse and honestly whoever else wants to join in is free to add to this thread. though i personally recommend watching the show in full to get the authentic slow burn experience(tm), here’s a list of my favorite txa-centric episodes. general notes: beware the season 6 finale. seasons 3 and 6 are my favorite, but 6 (which is the season for together-but-not-together vibes. like if you liked tony deliberately not going on dates because of angela, season 6 has this in spades. mutually.) the catch is that s6 ends on a pretty major roadblock (NO SPOILERS, GUYS) and the last two seasons are their own can of worms. that’s when my meta will give my thoughts better than i ever could off the top of my head.
but at the risk of making what was supposed to be an intro post be longer than it already is, here are my top ten txa episodes.
1. 2.01-2.02 it happened one summer (i count two-parters as one episode. this one is the definition of a classic, and my personal favorite from when i was a kid - i first saw the show in reruns in the early 00s and first binged it in full a few years ago.)
2. 1.22 first kiss - pretty much self-explanatory lol
3. 6.01 in search of tony - a game-changer and one of those episodes that makes the slow burn worth it.
4. 4.01 frankie and tony are lovers - another game-changer and judith’s best performance in the whole show. they really knew how to do a season opener.
5. 3.18 the proposal - this episode is the culmination of a half-season long arc. s3 is heaviest on the mutual pining.
6. 1.10 requiem - the first of a handful of 80s sitcom-style very special episodes(tm), and the first episode where they really connect on a deep emotional level. a big part of txa’s appeal is that they’re really only opposites attract on the surface. this is one of the episodes where they discover that they have more in common than they originally thought. tony danza’s best episode, for obvious reasons.
7. 3.06 wedding bells? - angela’s friends set up txa to walk down the aisle. that’s it that’s the episode. this one kicks off the geoffrey arc referenced above, and is as much about what the characters don’t say than about what they do.
8. 2.25 the anniversary show - another game-changer, but not. you’ll see what i mean.
9. 4.23 sleep talk, sweet talk - the sequel to the anniversary show. again, no spoilers, but you’ll see what i mean.
10. 7.10 starlight memories - the wwii au episode. “it’s a slow dance.” a gem in an otherwise not great season
i can also give you a top to worst - but i feel like that might spoil season 8. it’s a mess, tbh, but they stick the landing by the time the series ends.
fellow wtb fans - what would you say to someone watching the show for the first time?
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inmyarmswrappedin · 3 years
So, because Fatou’s season ends today and, as far as we know, Druck hasn’t been renewed yet, I want to go over the things I feel the team did well in this season and the things I hope they take with them when they sit down to write the next season (which I’m manifesting will be Ava’s).
I think that s5 and, perhaps to a bigger extent, s6, were the team’s attempt to address fan feedback for and criticisms of s3 and s4. So I have hopes that, after possibly the most scrutinized season of any Skams, they are still willing to read even more feedback and sit down once again to craft a couple more seasons (possibly even 3 or 4 more seasons!).
So, without further ado, things that were done well! (Do I have to add “in my opinion”? Do I??)
I liked that for both s5 and s6, the thorough-line for the season wasn’t made obvious or shared in a press release, but rather it was up to fans to connect the story threads for themselves.
I loved that the team sought to address one of the biggest criticisms of s3, that is, that Matteo was given so many symptoms of a mental illness, but it ultimately went unaddressed in the narrative. They did this by giving Nora a dissociative disorder, and Fatou dyscalculia. (Matteo has been headcanoned as being mentally ill and having a disability.) It allowed the teams to develop both fan theories into full-blown seasons and give each of them the importance they deserved.
I have said this already, but I really appreciate that the team chose misunderstood, misrepresented and underrepresented mental illnesses and disabilities. I feel like s5 and s6 will be referents for many years, because they really took the time to portray a dissociative disorder and dyscalculia in a down-to-earth, unhurried way that isn’t meant to shock and awe, but simply allow us to understand why and when Nora and Fatou will struggle. Druck got the viewers to anticipate when Nora and Fatou would struggle, and that’s the first step in being able to anticipate and accommodate the needs of the Noras and Fatous of the world. I really can’t overstate how important this is and what a difference it makes in a real, tangible way. These seasons aren’t meant to be enjoyed for voyeuristic reasons, but they will legitimately help people.
One of the biggest criticisms of s4 was that Amira and Sam didn’t connect as women of color. In fact, it seemed like in s4 Sam was treated as another white friend, when in s2 both she and Amira were the victims of Kiki’s racism. The team addressed this by giving us Ava and Fatou’s friendship, which I want to say might be the first friendship between main characters of color where their race is a substantial reason for their bond. (There are the Sanas with their Jamillas, but the Jamillas aren’t main characters, and then there are friendships like Jo and Megan and Zoya, or Imaan and Liv, or Luca and Yasmina, but iirc in every case their bond as women of color isn’t made explicit.)
Another criticism of s4 was the way Kiki turned into the world’s most understanding white friend offscreen. The team addressed this with the Ava and Mailin storyline, which I think was wonderfully and subtly set up in s5, then built on with the biology test leaked answers.
On the topic of race, I think a major criticism of s3 was that David’s ethnicity wasn’t acknowledged (to the point where a white actress was cast to play his sister gvhvhv). The team has made up for this with Josh (more in the s6 sm than in s5, but I still count it) and with Kieu My. Fatou and Kieu My bonded over being first/second gen children of immigrants, and in doing so, they acknowledged that these characters aren’t white and have different experiences than white Germans.  
The first 6 episodes of this season were some of the finest writing in the Skams. The storylines all connected and built on each other. The motifs were just so good and beautiful and fitting. The themes were all clearly defined and easy to follow.
The tortoise plot was one of the most fun and imaginative storylines in any Skams, it connected Fatou and Ismail in a believable way. And not to rave about a fucking tortoise, but animals can be really uncooperative and that tortoise delivered every fucking clip. Druck has a reputation for being one of the most depressive versions of Skam, but the Maike/Burger plot was just plain fun.
I feel like some of the old gen’s instas were a bit self-indulgent. I’m thinking specifically of Matteo’s memes and how they they weren’t necessarily the kind of memes a gay dude born in 2001 would pick, but someone a decade older. I think this is much better done with new gen. Fatou’s memes reflect her age and her sexuality, and not just that, but Ava, Mailin, Kieu My, Josh, etc. all pick memes and even focus on different aspects of recent news, based on their gender, race, personalities, interests, etc.
I appreciate that the team found a way to fit a sex scene between Fatou and Kieu My to add to the small catalogue of wlw sex scenes on Skams (I’m including the scene in lovleg or we’d only have two lol). While I understood the reasons eskam opted not to include one, I thought there were ways to feature a sex scene that didn’t sexualize the actresses and didn’t require nudity. Cases in point: the lovleg scene, and this scene in Druck.
And it also needs to be said. This is the first original season with a main of color, and the third season overall (after Liv and Imane) where 10 episodes are given to a character of color and no one else. Of the three, it’s certainly the season that loved and respected its main the most. The bar is so low it’s in hell, but Druck did clear that bar!
With all that said, let’s talk about the things I would really want the team to address in following seasons:
The thing I most want them to fix might be small or unimportant for a lot of people, but I think it’s at the core of why the season has been unenjoyable or certain plot points haven’t come across the way the team wanted, for many people. I am talking about the overly expositional nature of the writing.  It appears as if the team approached the writing of the clips with the intention of hitting each beat as noted in their agreed upon outline, and absolutely nothing else was to be added. This is an issue both in s5 and s6. It’s just less noticeable in s5, because s5 is setting up stuff for Fatou’s season, and possibly even seasons that haven’t been written yet. The fact that absolutely every second counts makes for a stressful watching experience for me, because the narrative tension is always heightened. Whereas with Skam, the narrative tension would build throughout the clip. Take the Pride scene in Skam, for instance. The clip allows for Isak and Eskild to get increasingly more agitated as they butt heads. I feel like if this Druck team had done the Pride scene in s5 or s6, the clip would’ve started with both Isak and Eskild already on edge, and cut much of the dialogue that got them there.
On the topic of naturalistic dialogue, this season doesn’t have it. Here is an example from ep 10 clip 2, Wieder vereint/Reunited 11:37.
Fatou: I’ll get a certificate too and bring it over to you. And I checked it, I only have to change one course and my schedule will work.
Teacher: Miss Jallow, you are not the first one to come to me with an epiphany. We could fill entire school weeks with the lessons you missed. In addition, Doctor Steinberg told me about your, well… activities. You don’t have a lot of arguments on your side. 
Fatou: But I’ve spoken to all of the teachers and they said they are okay with it. 
Teacher: You seem to have friends among the teaching staff. Mrs Pavlovic put in a word for you. Okay then, do it and go before I change my mind. [translated by @kieu-tou! Thank you!] 
Like. This is the bare bones version of a dialogue. This should be the first draft, not the final version. The coordinator goes from absolute no to yes, with just one line from Fatou. The coordinator gives reasons that would necessitate more than one sentence of counterargument, like Fatou’s absences and the Biology test leaked answers. The coordinator even says Fatou doesn’t have a lot of arguments on her side, and yet it takes Fatou one line to change her mind!
And of course we viewers don’t want or need a lot of time with the coordinator. And particularly at this point in the season, no one would enjoy a naturalistic dialogue with the coordinator of all people.  But my point is that this is an issue with the dialogue all this season (and last season as well, but this season has been more scrutinized), the reason I picked this example is because of how easy it is to see here.
Which brings us to the pacing of the clips, and specifically the Friday clips. Because the script goes straight to the information the team wants to convey to the viewers, skipping the build up to it, many Friday clips have fallen flat, felt abrupt, and have been, tbh, unsatisfying. Again, I had this issue in s5, but as that season went on, I felt like the team had a better grip on Friday clips. But then they did it again in the first Friday clip this season, and so I think this is something the writers really should work on. The first Friday clip in Isak’s season closes on Isak being sandwiched by Emma and Even on a bench, visually setting up the love triangle, or more accurately, the personifications of who Isak should want to hook up with and who he really wants. But in order to get there, we’re shown a good amount of info, from the way Vilde, Eva and Sana are handling Noora’s absence, to Chris and Kasper, Even hovering around Isak, Emma trying to impress Isak, Isak escaping and, like, draping himself on the walls because he’s so over it all. Isak playing a game on the bathroom to stall for time. The paper towel maneuver to immediately give us a sense of what a weirdo Even is. A conversation between Isak and Even that gives us some clues about Even’s shame, as well as establish interests in common (like weed), and this is all before Emma even joins them! Just think of all the stuff we learn about who Isak, Even, Emma, Eva, Vilde or Sana are as people, before we get to the point of the clip! Fatou’s season simply didn’t have that. Compare it with the first Friday clip of Fatou’s season where the cashqueens quickly talk about the leaked answers, one of the major storylines this season that only gets a couple lines, before Fatou says she doesn’t want to talk about school (Fatou’s struggles with school, another major storyline), and then we’re onto the point of the clip, which is that Kieu My likes girls too. AND FADE TO BLACK. When people say they want longer clips, what they mean isn’t artificially inflate the clip length or add more plot stuff. Just let us watch the characters interact with each other so that we get a feel for how they relate to each other. I know I wish we’d have gotten more of Ava and Fatou interacting with each other before things turned to shit, and Ava with the other girls, so that I know why they all like and value Ava so much. I wish we’d have gotten more of Kieu My talking to the cashqueens about, like, why she didn’t make use of the biology test answers, instead of getting it on a chat. Or food combos they don’t like. So it makes more sense that later on Kieu My actually thinks she and Fatou are friends.  And every line doesn’t have to count. In Skam España, the characters are constantly talking and not everything they ever talked about ended up being relevant. When one of the characters lied about her house undergoing renovations to hide the fact that she was poor, the characters joked about Italian marble and put on bad Italian accents and made that Italian hand gesture. None of this was important to the plot because those renovations weren’t real to begin with, but they made viewers feel like these were real friends joking around, instead of characters needing to hit every storyline beat in a clip.
I have this joke with my friends about Druck always going 🤪🤪 in the last third of every season, in which a season that was very tightly written and cohesive suddenly pulls something inexplicable and pretty much impossible to resolve in 1-3 episodes. Hanna’s season suddenly switching to Mia, Björn creeping on Mia in episode 9! of a total 10, David getting outed in episode 8 and then disappearing for a whole week, Amira’s season pivoting to Mia and Hanna. It has happened in every season except Nora’s, so I thought the team had learned its lesson, but then the forgotten date with Ava happened. To be clear. It really makes no sense that Nora would have hung out with Ava several times since Tuesday, and the topic of the cashqueens being officially introduced to Kieu My wouldn’t have come up. it’s just not realistic.gif I feel like at that point the writing for the rest of the reason became super contrived to keep Fatou miserable and apart from Kieu My and Ava to artificially delay the reunions until episode 9 and 10. Why add a cheating insinuation and the main checking her partner’s messages in episode 8 if you know you won’t be able to properly resolve it? Why make Kieu My mock Fatou’s “uhm” if it’s not going to be addressed in their reunion clip? Kieu My had taken the initiative for a lot of the relationship, so it’s okay for Fatou to take the initiative when it comes to making up. You don’t have to add things that can only be resolved through an expositional info dump. (Please no more exposition than it’s necessary! I think we’ve established that at this point lol.) In the case of Fatou’s season, this is even sadder because I feel like Kieu My’s intimacy issues could’ve been the reason to drive them apart for two weeks, rather than the Maya/uhm stuff. This could’ve also been resolved through Fatou and Kieu My explicitly negotiating their boundaries and how they want to be comforted and how they want to comfort each other, which I thought was the issue with Fatou rejecting Kieu My’s attempts to help while wanting physical touch, while Kieu My didn’t want to be touched but rather seen.  
There are going to be many thinkpieces on why a myriad of stuff didn’t work for people, so I’m going to keep this simple and address one last thing. I think that choosing to focus on Nora’s mental illness and Fatou’s disability is a great choice that doesn’t complicate the themes too much, but Druck (and all the Skams, but I’m invested only in Druck succeeding at this point) still struggles with being intersectional. This is the major reason why the Ava/Mailin storyline ended not with a bang, but a whimper. There just wasn’t enough work done to connect Fatou’s struggles not just to her disability, but also to her race (and even her sexuality). I think that if people really want (and lbr, it’ll be mostly poc who will put in that effort and work), they can see how Fatou’s race affected the way other people and especially adults reacted to her, but this wasn’t made explicit. If Ava and Mailin are going to argue about racism all season, why not connect that with Karin firing Fatou from Aquarius? As it stands, Karin fired Fatou because of a disability neither of them knew Fatou has, and that was the resolution to that storyline. Why not make it explicit that the Physics teacher had preconceived ideas about Fatou because Fatou is black? Why wasn’t Fatou’s disability addressed in the meeting with the coordinator? Why didn’t Fatou express to Mailin that Fatou, too, had issues with how Mailin was acting wrt racism? It felt like, with the way the season was putting so much emphasis on racism, all these threads were going to be connected. In the end though, it almost felt as if only Ava is affected by racism (aside from Mailin mentioning Fatou in the last episode). It’s not like talking about how racism affects Fatou is going to make the topic redundant for Ava’s or Ismail’s season. As a light-skinned black lesbian with a disability, Fatou’s life is going to be impacted by racism in a different way than Ava’s will, as a dark-skinned black fat straight cis girl, or Ismail’s, as a Turkish-German possibly Muslim possibly non binary person. All these experiences are specific enough, and different enough, that they can be touched upon in different seasons without becoming redundant. The fact that Fatou’s season almost seemed to forget at times that she is a black lesbian, doesn’t bode well for Ava’s and Ismail’s season to acknowledge all their struggles.
The bottom line is that this season really was great and did a lot of good, and I feel like the writing just needs to be tweaked a bit for further seasons to be even better and more enjoyable overall. I am very pleasantly surprised by how the team took s1-s4 fan feedback to heart and worked to implement suggestions, and so I really trust them and hope they keep working on the show. It’d be a shame if Druck wasn’t renewed, with this team at the helm.    
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peaceoutofthepieces · 4 years
Okay, so I really want to attempt to give my opinion on this Eliott drama. Because I’ve seen a lot of strong opinions and none really match up to mine and I just want to throw in my two cents and look at it a slightly different way. I know that the spoilers are affecting everything, and I think that’s rather unfair, because I think they were blown out of proportion in the first place and that’s really stopping people from enjoying the season and looking it rationally.
Firstly, I don’t think Eliott lying about this is out of character. It seems incredibly in character, in fact. It makes so much sense to me. I do completely believe he’s doing it in an attempt to “protect” Lucas. Which yes, is stupid. People do stupid things, and lying is a main one of things. And once you start with a lie, it often spirals and grows and goes on longer than you thought. And so you just keep letting it go on. It gets harder and harder to explain and come out with the truth. And so you just keep it to yourself. It’s doing less harm that way. Eliott actually going to these things isn’t hurting Lucas but if he explains now that he hasn’t told him before because he doesn’t want him to worry, it would make him worry.
If you look at their minute by minute clip, or basically any of s3 (and s4) it’s clear why Eliott thinks Lucas would worry about him. These things are a bit illegal, right? Not conventional. A bit unusual. Probably not the safest (Otteli’s the one climbing to all the weird places, isn’t he?). It’s possible, really, that Eliott thinks Lucas would not only worry because of that, but because he might think it’s a result of a manic episode. That Lucas would draw it down to his bipolar. Lucas attempting to look out for him in this same clip with the weed and everything kind of supports this idea. Eliott loves Lucas for taking care of him, but he’s very aware of how aware Lucas is of his illness.
There’s also the fact that Lucille probably would have seen it as a manic episode. Lucas isn’t Lucille, and Eliott knows that, but that doesn’t change the fact he’d been in a relationship with Lucille for years and that it only ended about a year ago. Those kind of things become ingrained in you, and they’re hard to forget or shake off. Eliott is probably so so used to hiding things that his partner would take as a result of his illness. Lucille probably took so many things as a result of his illness. He told Lucas he would lie about things, even if it was just about taking his medication. Habits of communication are very hard to break or change. Eliott is probably trying. He’s getting better at it. But it’s something you have to learn and improve on constantly, and it makes sense that Eliott isn’t there yet. That doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do, but people don’t always do the right things. People do stupid things. Nobody’s perfect. It has nothing to do with how much Eliott loves or trusts Lucas. It’s about his own mentality and instincts that he needs to work on.
That’s another big point. I’ve seen a lot of posts saying that they’re tired of this miscommunication because that was what they worked through in s3. But s3 is Lucas’s season. It’s about Lucas learning to communicate, not Eliott. We’ve been told s6 is used to show some of Eliott’s story. It makes sense that they’re dealing with it now. It’s probably going to relate to the s6 storyline somehow. To Lola’s storyline. Skam is all about the parallels.
Considering Lola is the s6 main.
Eliott getting close to her makes sense. Eliott is happy to find out they’re “similar”. He approached Lola at the funeral when she was on her own maybe because he’s just kind, likely because it reminded him of himself. Set apart. A bit “weird”. He approached her at the urbex party because he’d met her and it had been an interesting first meeting (considering Lola’s speech) and he hadn’t seen her at any of them before. And he probably thought, “oh, do we have this in common too??” Eliott doesn’t have anyone like himself. He and Lucas love and know each other but Lucas isn’t like him. Meeting someone who has the same lonely vibe and the same interests is something different. It’s nice to have someone like that, that you have a sort of instinctive understanding with.
That’s what Eliott sees in Lola and why he finds it easy to talk to her. There are people that you meet that you have an easy connection with. Some people have a dozen people like that, some might only have one or two. Eliott is likely the latter. It doesn’t mean he and Lola are suddenly BFFs, or that he’s obsessed with her, or any weird stuff like that I’ve seen going around. They’ve interacted a few times and Eliott feels comfortable around him and is happy to see her. Why is that weird?? That makes me really happy.
I’ve seen things going around too about how it’s weird that Eliott would be befriending this odd group of friends and doesn’t have his own college friend group. And tbh y’all, I’m personally offended by it. I have one main college friend and then just people I talk to occasionally in class or on the train. I don’t meet up with any of them outside of college. There are tons of people in my course who still sit alone in class. He’s in his first year! He’s awkward, a bit shy, he’s not a people person! Some people really don’t have many friends!! The Skam girl/boy squads are actually really rare representations!!! Eliott and Lola are the most relatable in my view. It makes sense that they relate to each other.
That doesn’t mean Eliott is falling in love with her or she’s stealing him from Lucas or any damn thing like that. It means they’re both finding friendship that they likely crave.
The age gap of what, three years? does not make it any weirder. If you have a sibling or a cousin or something like that with a three year age difference can’t you have a really good bond with them?? I’ve seen people throwing around words like pervert and if that’s what you think, you don’t even know what that means. Don’t throw around things you haven’t bothered to learn anything about. Words hold weight.
I’m not defending Eliott, because honestly I think he’s being an idiot, but also, it’s something that I could see myself doing. The last thing we ever want is to hurt or be hurt by the people we love. We do stupid things all the time to try to stop that from happening. We miscommunicate.
That doesn’t make this bad writing. That doesn’t mean Eliott is out of character. Constant relationship drama and miscommunication is tiring, but it is realistic. It’s life. Life is tiring. This is consistent and meaningful, if you look at it the right way.
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jakeperalta · 3 years
you know I never really understood why people hated the original gg finale so much before the revival. like luke and lorelai end up together, rory gets the chance to travel and world doing journalism like she’s always dreamed, the town comes together to say goodbye to her which is the heart of the show, lorelai gets a nice closing moment with her parents, its bittersweet because it’s the real first time that lorelai and rory won’t be near each other but the bittersweetness matches the tone of a series finale anyway. I know season 7 in general isn’t great but I feel like people project that onto the final episode itself which does its best to fix all the season 7 problems imo
same! I love that it's sort of open but also conclusive because it's like there's lots of possibilities of where their story might continue but you get the sense that things are heading on a good path - rory's career and her forging her own path and lorelai's relationship with luke but also her parents. also with the writers not knowing whether there would be another season it was a great way to tie it up but still leave the door open for more.
also tbh on the whole I like a lot of elements of season 7 more than season 6 🤷‍♀️ the dialogue isn't as sharp and there are obviously some issues (lorelai and chris getting married without rory involved, lane having terrible sex one (1) time and instantly being pregnant with twins) but I think they did some good stuff too. like given that the s6 finale sets up lorelai sleeping with christopher, I can see why they went with that storyline for a while. but also in having their relationship come to a head it gives a sense of her finally getting him out of her system, so that when she and luke go back to each other there's more finality to it I guess. also I really like that they took the s6 finale's set up of "logan goes to london > chooses his family/the huntzberger destiny over rory > they break up" and actually gave him a more interesting arc.
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elizabethsharmon · 4 years
Now that s5 has ended what do you think about it? I remember seeing you be quite vocal about the season and then you just stopped and I was just wondering what your general opinion is. Did the fandom scare you away? :(
hey there! I kind of stopped being so loud about the show here cause at some point I just gave up about s5 and don’t worry, it would take a lot for fandom to scare me away and i’ll be back with my usual bullshit in 2 weeks with s6 clip by clip reactions ✌️ anyway, i was going through my archive while writing this to remind myself of what happened in each clip and what were mine and fandom’s reactions to it and somehow when I started writing this, it turned out I can’t stop and it got quite long so I'mputting it under read more:
So first of all may I just say that the trailer/firstclip was one of my favourite clips of all times. It was just SO GOOD and to meit was like a dream come true cause I was talking about dropping a clip andstarting a season on New Year since July AND THEY DID IT AND IT WAS E P I C,such a power move, I love it. Honestly everything worked there, the music wasamazing, it was so wonderful to see both squads partying together, it wasperfect, 11/10.
Then the season started and I absolutely loved thefirst two episodes, we really started to get into Arthur's head, to get to knowhim and his family, find out how insecure he is and how well he's hidingeverything from others, and Arthur and Alexia clips!!!! They worked so welltogether and were so cute and supportive, I said it back then that if they ruinthem I will never forgive them for that because what was the point of makingthem a couple in the first place?? I still don't understand that, I don't thinkI ever will... Fast forward to the first Wednesday of the season aka underwatermale gaze aka the moment I knew we're in for a ride and it won't be a goodone... When the clip started I was over the moon, I'm a swimming hoe myself andI loved that they used the pool for actual swimming, the cinematography wasbeautiful and I loved that they found a way to incorporate Lisa into the story.That was until Arthur dived and saw Noee... and sadly, this was the firstmoment I emotionally yeeted out from the season. Don't even get me started howwrong it was - 1. using the pool which is a sacred place in the show’smythology; 2. using piano music; 3. peak male gaze, objectifying Noee, andArthur staring at her even though HE HAD A GIRLFRIEND; they were setting it upas a love triangle from the beginning and after those 10+ weeks I still havethe same question about it as I had back then: why. It was also the first timefandom started to be hostile and the shipping war began, some people werecoming to my and my friends' inboxes, sending us anons to stop thinking theworse about Arthur, that love triangle will definitely not happen and thatDavid explained on his insta that they used the setting of pool in another waythan it was used in og s3... Well, jokes on you cause we were right. Anyway thatWednesday clip was to me the first red flag of the season, the first momentwhen some people started attacking others, when the fandom police started formingand suddenly you couldn't say anything because someone would jump on you andsend hate.
But I decided to let it slide, hoping that they reallywouldn't go there (spoiler alert: they did) and then we got Friday clips withelu housewarming (i'm still emo!!!) and Arthur losing his hearing permanently.It was absolutely heartbreaking to find out he lost hearing in his left ear 2years ago, it was a real game changer back then and suddenly everything changed- why he was looking at Alexia so intently, why he didn't cover his left ear atnye party, etc. I absolutely LOVED the way they handled the topic at thebeginning with Jerome explaining everything to Arthur and to us and I LOVED thepositive discourse it started within the fandom with deaf/hoh people teachingothers and explaining things without getting mad at silly questions - tbh to meit was one of the best parts of the first half of the season and I'm reallygrateful for it ❤️
Sunday clips with gang were one of my favourite in theseason, I think Arthur took us all by surprise when he went to elu's flat totell the guys that he can't hear and they were chaotic and supporting andamazing and wow, I really don't understand what the fuck happened and wherethey disappeared in the second half of the season. I loved that they hinted aturbex king Eliott and I kinda feel like that might come back in s6....... butanyway. The 7 amclips were absolutely one of the highlights of the season. They helped to buildsome sort of routine and Robin absolutely nailed them, I could feel howpowerless and more frustrated he was feeling AND I also felt betrayed that wedidn't get one on Thursday and Friday. Even though after the first pool clip Iwas dreading every single next clip there, I really liked that they were showingus that Arthur goes there every Wednesday, it really helped to get inside hishead and to understand him more and I kinda wish they hadn't stopped thatbecause it would be a really power move to keep showing that. Alexia in episode2 was just WOW, i can't believe there were people who were saying she andArthur don't have chemistry or that he should break up with her because she'snot supportive - well, she proved you all wrong. Too bad Arthur was too dumband self-absorbed to appreciate that.
BASILE/ARTHUR FRIENDSHIP. All their clips were solovely and heartwarming, I loved how different Basile was in Arthur's pov toBasile we knew at the beginning of s3; when he didn't want to leave Arthuruntil he said back that he loves him :'))) wholesome. I kinda wish we got tosee more of those two, they're definitely hanging out just the two of them andthat's what was lacking for me, those 3 or so clips of just the two of thembeing wholesome buddies were great but they were not enough.
The party clip on Thursday of ep2 was great, I lovedhow they're giving us little insights of deaf/hoh community and showing usArthur getting drawn to it. I wish that it wasn't overshadowed by love triangleand we got more of it, but I'll be back to it later...
Now, episode 3 and 4 were strong in the term of clipsbut those two weeks were incredibly boring when you were watching it in realtime. The breaks were too long, there were three clipless days each episodewith hardly any social media update and at times it made me forget about theshow completely. The bar clip in ep3 was great until they started sayingproblematic shit and tbh I was really starting to stress over Eliott then -first we got a hint that housewarming party was canceled because he wasn't feelingwell, now over a week later he's not feeling well again and Lucas' "he'smy boyfriend and i love him" was very cute and I loved it but it alsostarted to lead to misery porn and this dread didn't leave me until the end ofthe season and I'm still worried that it will play a part in s6 and it won't behandled well (disclaimer: this is not about the fact that they're talking aboutEliott's MI, it's about how Lucas started to act like a martyr and the way theystarted to show him acting almost like Lucille).
Episode 3 was also the time when I think it becameobvious that Arthur's short outburst of communication was gone and we'll haveto deal with next few weeks of miscommunication, sulking and hiding. Beginningof ep4 was another moment for me when I wanted to escape from this seasonbecause of the fandom police - they created as hostile atmosphere for the fanswatching in real time as druck stans did during s3, when you couldn't commentanything or say anything without other people jumping on you, calling you outand hating you, that for a moment again I was ready to give up on the show. Ireally wish I had done it.
As much as I liked stupid gang content in thecafeteria the whole clip was kinda odd and the 1,5 days break between the clipand laser tag was too much. I feel like the pacing in episode 4 really didn'twork in their favour and the clips could've been placed in another order sothat the breaks weren't so long. The laser tag was such a strong clip withbeautiful cinematography and colouring and it showed us Arthur's problems withsensory overload and again - I wish we could find out more about it because inthe end the clip was too short and cut abruptly only for Arthur to go to Noeeto see her dance in a scene that was pure male gaze, where the camera lingeredon her flat, bare stomach, a few times showing close up of her boobs. And yes.I am aware sing language is a bodily language. But the thing is that itcould've been shown differently, without so many objectifying shots, with Noeewearing different clothes, without Arthur staring at her with his jaw dropped.Arthur who - may i remind you - had a girlfriend at that time. I can watchgore, I can watch open surgeries, I can watch blood, and fight, and beating,and all that without the blink of the eye. i could barely watch the clip ofNoee dancing. I've never felt so sick after watching something in my life, Ihad to go offline for a few hours cause I was feeling so unwell. This was sucha fucked up scene to film in such a way, to objectify her, to use male gaze, touse piano music, slow motion, man looking at her in a predatory way, and thisscene was so wrong on so many levels itself but when you add to it the factthat Alexia NEVER got scenes like that and all her dancing scenes showed her basicallyas a quirky friend having fun at parties. And that's disgusting.
But let's move on to episode 5. I loved all the scenesin the asso, I loved that they showed Arthur actually going to LSF classes, Iloved how he confronted his father about it later. Though episode 5 was alsothe start of the boy squad becoming brainless idiots, lying to his friend,plotting behind his back, going to a concert without him. Episode of beautifulcinematography and skating scene that I watched trying not to think about thefact that Arthur is basically having a date with another girl while hisgirlfriend is studying for her bac, of an oblivious guy not wanting to stop itbefore it's too late and everyone's hearts will be broken.... I loved that hesnapped at the guys in the detention clip. I liked the following clip withAlexia, when they made her talk about her insecurities, showed us how strongshe is but also how fragile she is at the same time. But that Sunday of episode6 was the moment I ultimately realized I don't care any more about this season.It was already ruined for me. Alexia opening up, Alexia asking Arthur aboutNoee and him saying the worst ableist shit ever, Arthur breaking Noee'sheart... Those three clips made me realize that for me it's too late, thedamage is done, and I won't be able to enjoy this season for real. Alexia wasbound to get her heart broken, I was pitying Noee because it wasn't her fault aguy she had a crush on kept on leading her for weeks, and Arthur... I dislikedhim more and more and I just wanted it to be over.
I loved all clips with Laura and Melchior, the playfuldynamic in their interactions with Arthur was one of the best things of theseason and I can't stop but think that we could've had the same thing but withArthur, Noee, and Camille. Meanwhile Noee was reduced to manic pixie dreamgirl, a homewrecker, a plot device, and Camille was there only to translate(and later to be Mika's boyfriend). I really liked the clip with Noee andArthur reading her letter about cochlear implant, it was very informative andit was the kind of content I really wanted to see in this season. The onlything I hated about it - which was a recurring theme in clips with Noee... - isthat Arthur kept forgetting about Alexia and this was so unfair to her.
Now. The Valentine's Day. I loved the sourd datingclip, again, it was something that I wanted to see in the season and it was avery strong clip. But then the rest of the episode... I really wish it didn'texist. Jumping to the pool in clothes???? Arthur sharing his deepest trauma andNoee kissing him??? NOEE AND ARTHUR SHIPPERS JUMPING ON PEOPLE SAYING THAT SHEDID IT TO COMFORT HIM???? Sorry guys, I don't know about you but when myfriends are sharing something traumatizing to me I hug them or hold their hand,I don't kiss them with tongue. Also using a flashback??? It doesn’t go wellwith the show’s format, why was it even used???
Episode 8 was... Episode 8 was wild. And weird. Andstrange. And I don't really know what was the point of it. But despiteeverything crackfic farm au was at least entertaining and it was kind ofsomething we needed then after weeks of will they/won't they and hating Arthur.Whipped elu was everything, the fifi saga was hilarious and I rewatched itaround 50 times and it still makes me laugh - Maxence nailed it but ?? what wasthe point? they killed Eliott's bunny so that he would become vegetarian? Theywanted to traumatize him and cause him to have an episode that was cut in theend? (I really wouldn't be surprised, there are 2 clips missing from firstepisodes each, and probably more in the others). I really don't know what wasthe point. The 6h15 or sth clip was funny but if Lucas and Arthur hugging itout cause sorry bro / it's okay bro / bro / bro is what they're considering aproper apology then I'm sorry but it isn't. What's more, the pacing of thisepisode was incredibly off and the clips didn't add up and there wasn't anynatural flow to it - they should've madetwo clips on Sunday - with Arthur getting to the van and them arriving to thecountryside, two clips on Monday with 6 am and then Daphne and Basile, Fifitrilogy on Tuesday and then right after midnight on Wednesday Arthur and Alexiain the barn. Now, the cheating excusing convo... I was absolutelydisgusted by the boy squad and the fact that YANN who was cheated on in s1advised Arthur to not say anything... wow. Also I really don't like what Eliottsaid there, I understood it in that moment that he was mainly talking from aphilosophical pov that humans are never satisfied in general, but he was sayingthat during the cheating convo, right after he said that he cheated on his gfto get with his bf, he said it while Lucas was right there, knowing that he hasdeeply rooted abandonment issues and this is what made the situation worse. Ithink I'll talk more about the fandom reaction and team's comments later causethere will be a lot to unpack there so yeah, I'll leave it for now.
Because now let's move on to February 21, aka theFriday that changed everything. Can I just say that I have never seen a worseclip ever in my life? That wasn't skam. That was soap opera. And not even agood one. I can't even comprehend how they wrote THIS and thought it was good.I despise the choice of making Noee speak out loud with every fiber of mybeing. First they objectified her, reduced her to the plot device and 1/3 ofthe love triangle, and now they stripped her of her integrity for a guy who wasconstantly leading her on, who has a girlfiend. They made her so desperate tomake him stay with her that she lost a part of himself for him. And for who??For a guy who didn't give a fuck about her? Who constantly played with herfeelings? Who mocked her and her language and her culture and didn't do so onlywhen it was convenient for him? Honestly fuck him, fuck Arthur. And then A CARCRASHED INTO HIM LIKE ????????????? Someone please explain to me what was thepoint of that cause the only one I see was to provide a fandom with a greatfree entertainment.
Now, episodes 9 and 10 were overall much stronger thanthe past few weeks but it was already to late to salvage the season. We gotanother cheating apologists scene which was - again - absolutely disgusting,especially coming from Lucas - who gave Arthur the same advice he gave to Emma- and Yann - who was cheated on and knew from his own experience that stufflike that always come out in the end. It's like all their character developmentfrom previous seasons went down the drain. Arthur on the other hand seemed tohave a character regression with each passing week. I'm still appalled by whatLucas said - that Alex is their friend but Arthur is part of the gang. It wasdisgusting. And it was out of the character. And it was the worst possiblething that could've been said.
Coline's song was so beautiful and I was so happy thatArthur finally realized what he's lost, though I feel like all those intensestaring between Arthur and Noee was unnecessary again, it's like they couldn'tjust give us a break for one clip from them, it's like she was constantlystealing Alexia's moments, whether she was on screen at the time or not.
The clip with elu was sweet and gave us greatwholesome content, but it only confirmed that Lucas' abandonment issues woke upfrom their nap and I'm already dreading what they're planning to do with thatin s6, especially that according to the latest news Lucas is not very presentin the next season... The polyamory talk... It was odd. It felt force. Thebuildup to it wasn't done very well and what' more it was built on cheating.And that's doesn't bode well. It's also quite ridiculous how it took 1 minuteconversation with Lucas or even one sentence from him tbh for Arthur to go"oh yeah I'm poly. I think." and tell Noee that he loves her eventhough he spent the last couple of weeks denying that and pushing her away. IHATE that yet again they made her be so desperate and cry when he was tellingher this. That's not Noee they gave us in the first half of the season. Ireally liked the clip of Laura and Melchior and Arthur giving the presentationto the students but Arthur's grandiose speech to students and then to girls wasso strange, there wasn't any buildup to it, or more likely Arthur that we werehaving on screen from the end of ep 4 till the end of ep9 was gone and the oldArthur finally showed up. But nevertheless it was strange and not very fittingto the way how the story progressed.
NOW the last two clips - first was a little bit shortand I can't say I was a huge fan (though Eliott's kermit-like dance waseverything jdskjdkjjd) but the second clip was absolutely beautiful, we finallysaw Daphne talk, I'm still not sure what to think about Noee/Arthur (not reallya fan of how the story was resolved... or how it wasn't resolved), AND THEMURAL! LUCAS CRYING BECAUSE HE'S PROUD OF HIS BOYFRIEND! ELIOTT ONCE A YEARMAKING A MURAL OUT OF PURE LOVE! EVERYONE CRYING! ELIOTT NOT PAINTING HIMSELFBECAUSE HE DOESN'T CONSIDER HIMSELF PART OF THE SQUAD (although he is, I don'tknow why they don't understand it) and... Lola. But I guess I'll be back to itlater.
So now, I can't say I'm a fan of the season. I enjoyedsome of the clips, but overall it was a mess, love triangle and fandom and crewbehaviour ruined the season for me. I was absolutely disgusted but howprivileged fans acted on tumblr and on twitter. And yes. There are privilegedfans, fans who were shutting others up because they "don't want us to getour hopes up when we don't know what might happen", fans who were sayingthat "you don't know anything haha i can promise you don't know shit hahano i don't know anything and no i'm not jealous haha you just don't know buthaha tell me this oh how stupid you are", fans who were acting like afandom police all the freaking time, yelling at everyone to "wait and see!you don't know what will happen!". Well. We didn't. Because contrary to 5%of the "little ones-fans", the rest 95% is not privileged enough toget a special treatment, to be invited on set for filming, to know the detailsof the plot before the season airs, to know the bigger picture. It's not fair.If you really know everything then great, I'm happy for you, but let the otherswatch the show how they like, let them react to it clip by clip. Because mostof us don't know the bigger picture and don't know what will happen and how theissues will be resolved. And you are aware that the format of the show itselfencourages viewers to react to the events of the story as they resolve onscreen and through transmedia content, right? That's the essence of skam.Taking that away from the regular fans because you've been let in to some innercircle and know it all is absolutely disgusting. Don't interact with the fandomif you can't stand seeing people not agreeing with the writing choices,questioning what they watch and theorizing about what will happen. If you're soabove it, then just stick with the people like you, with those 5% or so ofknow-it-all and "enjoy" the show with them. Don't ruin the fun forothers. You're not better than anyone else. Don't act like it. Don't be ahypocrite. Don't act publicly as a fandom police, criticize everyone who sharesspoilers and call them out and write hateful posts, if you're doing the sameprivately, if you can't shut up when someone sends you a dm or a message offanon and suddenly you spill everything. Don't be fake. If you know stuff, thengreat, I don't know admit it and say that you want say anything or don't sayanything but then don't spread the spoilers and don't write cryptic comments inthe tags. It's not helping anyone and it's definitely not doing anything good.And to people on twitter currently posting what I guess they assume are vaguetweets about cast’s personal lives? Fuck you. You’re so loud, you know? Maybeyou think you’re talking in a special code only you and your friends can guessbut it’s so obvious and so disgusting, you really have no shame. Grow up andget a life.
Another thing that ruined the season for me was theway the crew was acting on twitter and instagram and I’m so so so disappointed by their behaviour,especially that I’ve always considered them as one of the most open-mindedteams who respect their fans and their opinions. Turns out they do that butonly when the reactions to the clips are positive. I mean, I kind of get it,obviously everyone wants to hear the praise, but you cannot ignore thenegative comments and fans’ concerns, especially that there were plenty of themthis season. And during social media age when it takes one click to see theliked posts or comments, it becomes obvious that the crew was only interacting (evenin such a passive way like liking comments or tweets) with fanswho were praising the show. All the negative comments and questions werebrushed off, saying that “the season will reveal its own truth” and that iffans will have any questions they will be answered after. Well, franklyspeaking, me and my friends have a list of questions that we’d love to get ananswer for:
- why was love triangle necessary?- why did they make Alexia and Arthur a couple in the first place if theywanted him to go after Noee?- why did Noee say she doesn't like talking out loud cause sign language is howshe communicates only to yell at Arthur to stop him from leaving, losing herintegrity for a guy who doesn't care about her?- car????????????????????????- cheating convos - why are they excusing it like that- treatment of Alexia & why did they include numerous comments about Alexia'sbody?- THE MALE GAZE - why did the camera focus so much on Noee's body, why was sheobjectified and why was she presented as a stark contrast to Alexia?- fifi?- p*trick and why the abuse was introduced so late in the plot and overshadowedimmediately by cheating and then followed by crackfic farm au?- why didn't we see any Arthur centered clips where he shows he likes art?- why did Arthur and space have no relevance in the season???- why are Lucas and Yann saying shit every time they open their mouths and whydid they forgot about everything that happened in s1?- the whole convo with the boy squad on valentine's day and how shitty theirreaction was - why?- why we didn't see any actual squad interactions on holidays and no realapologies?- why does the life of the characters always has to revolve around romanticrelationships?- why can't men and women be friends unless the man is gay?- what was the point of all the ship wars and skamlaserie photo withArthur/Alexia and Arthur/Noee *especially* after all the comments on twitterand on Instagram when fans were fighting already and it only made thingsescalate? Why not stop it, why pit fans against each other, why let it escalatelike that?- why draw parallels between elu and Arthur/Noee?- Why was Noee reduced to love interest and Camille to translator 90% of thetime and why don't give them similar dynamics with Arthur as Melchior and Laurahave?- how can Arthur see underwater?- Catherine - was she just a queerbait?- tuturo comment from the forum and Arthur's 'relationship' with 34 yo - whywasn’t it mentioned ever again?- how could noee not know arthur has a girlfriend since she was following himon instagram and he had photos with alexia there?- what happened with basile's birthday since they never celebrated them??- in samedi 11:04 (5x10) eliott says "i've got some croissants, do youwant me to heat them up?" which implies that he's already bought them andbrought them back to the flat BUT he's putting his jacket on as if he was aboutto leave and then he leaves and slams the door so what's the truth?
The crew completely invalidated the feelings andconcerns of the fans and what added fuel to the flame for me was thatskamlaserie post with Arthur/Noee/Alexia and caption that they can’t choosecause they love them both and… Honestly, who the hell works there. There’s beendrama for the whole week on twitter and under David’s posts on insta andinstead of finally end it, idk block the comments or just make a statement ORWHATEVER, they posted THAT on the official show’s account?? Why haven’t they stopped it? Why did they keep on pitting fans against each other up to the point that one twitter user started getting DEATH THREATS only because they translated some video??? Absolutely disgusting.@skamlaserie and @fr team: hate to break it to you but there's nothing wrong with being single andthere's plenty of teenagers who aren't in relationships in high school andthat's okay... maybe that's how Arthur should've started the season instead ofbecoming a cheater and leading on two girls at the same time just for the sakeof having unnecessary relationship drama which literally only created somepointless ship wars and put half of the fandom off watching the show... just saying.
Then, another things that rubbed me the wrong way werethe whole “canceling” discourse (that never really happened and I still standby what I said in the comments to this post so I’ll just direct you to it) and imposingthe one “right” interpretation on the fans - I specifically have the cheatingconvo from episode 8 in mind now. We all have a right to our owninterpretations of every scene, here many people saw it as Eliott’s commenthaving an effect on Lucas and his abandonment issues and started commenting onthat on twitter and David had to rush to explain that he hadn’t meant Lucas,that Eliott won’t cheat and that they won’t break up and will stay together.Well, the thing is that there’s such a concept as “the death of the author”which I suppose you can already guess from its name says that the author, theirbeliefs, backstory, opinions, etc. shouldn’t be taken into account wheninterpreting the text because writing (or in this case - a show) and creatorare separate entities and shouldn’t be correlated. First of all, thismetaphorical extinguishing of fire seemed pointless and like a mockery, seeinghow two episodes later it turned out people were right and Lucas really tookEliott’s comment personally and his insecurities and abandonment issues wereshowing up again; secondly, after that there were many comments from the crewabout how Elu will stay forever and never break up and maybe it’s just me but Ithink that was obvious, right? So why would they keep repeating that? Unless…something will happen in s6 that will make us doubt that and it’s a preemptive damagecontrol 🙃
So to sum up this monstrosity that I have no idea ifit even makes any sense BUT ANYWAY: I liked some of the things in s5 but overall Ireally really didn’t like it, some people in the fandom were incrediblyannoying and turned out to be fake and complete hypocrites, and the crew’s behaviour on socialmedia leaves a lot to be desired and I can only hope they will acknowledge anycriticism of s6 and won’t blatantly ignore fans’ criticism again. So that’d beit. If you read it till the end then you’re stronger than Sabrina giffingArthur getting hit by a car and I respect you for that cause even I haven’t reread it, have a nice quarantineand stay safe!
48 notes · View notes
rules: answer the questions about your favorite ship (all time or current) then tag 10 people to do it too!
tagged by @keiraknighted & @agreytracksuit - thanks! Better late than never, right?
tagging: @osleyakomwonkru, @reyslight, @hopskipaway, @kinetic-elaboration, @ghostmontygreen, @elora-lane, @star-sky-earth, @jarleene and anyone else who wants to!
SHIP AND FANDOM: Gonna do my current faves, Raven & Murphy from t100
What were their first impressions of each other?
We don’t get to see it but I think Murphy would have been impressed that Raven came down to Earth by herself in a tiny little shuttle and how ready she always is to throw down. Less impressed after realizing she was with Finn. LOL! Raven probably would not have taken much notice of Murphy at first but I don’t think she would have had reason to dislike him either. And if she heard about what happened to get him banished from Finn, I think she might have been sympathetic towards Murphy.
A moment you think that both/one of them will remember forever about each other:
Hmm. Tough. I think a lot of their interactions with each other make a big impression on them both. Might go with s4 when Raven tells Murphy she’s dying from the strokes and they each think this is the last time they’ll ever see each other. Makes them both really reassess their relationship, if you ask me.
A moment you think that both/one of them wishes hadn’t happened:
Oh, of course Murphy wishes he hadn’t shot her. This is incredibly clear through multiple seasons now.
What is Their Moment for you?
Another that’s tough to choose but I have said this before - I think the s6 moment where Murphy makes the attempt to wave & smile at Raven and she makes the attempt at a joke for him is a huge example of how much they care about each other. They’re both miserable and sad and hurting and have every reason to be caught up in their own personal traumas. And yet - they make the effort to put a brave face on for the other, to joke and try to make the other one feel lighter in that moment. Oh man, this scene is short but it GETS ME.
Marriage? If yes, who proposes?
I don’t think either one of them feels a rush. They might do it later in life or if they were pregnant. I think there is a definite possibility there’s no real proposal and more a “you know what, maybe we should get married” and then it all just happens. If there’s a proposal, I think Murphy would do it.
Children? If yes, if one had to stay home with them, who would do it?
Yeah, I see kids for them even though they’d both be scared they’d ruin a kid like their parents did to them. Murphy would be Mr. Mom both because Raven has an amazing career but also because he would be good at it.
Housing? Where do they live together?
They’re super flexible on this one. Home is more people than place.
Pets? Do they get a pet together?
I could see fish or a cat. Dogs would tie them down to a schedule too much. They can wait for a kiddo for that, ha!
Who would kill/remove the spider and who would leave it under a cup and leave the room?
Not sure but I think they probably both kill bugs. Raven might sometimes feel guilty about it though.
Who sings all day long and who gets so used to it they don’t even hear it anymore?
I don’t think either one of them sings. They both talk to themselves at times, and Raven mutters to herself a lot when she’s working.
Who can cook a gourmet meal for two and who can maybe use the toaster?
Murphy cooks. Raven takes apart the toaster to fix the settings when her toast isn’t properly browned. She takes huge offense when it doesn’t work the way she thinks it should and considers complaining to the company.
Who wakes up before the sun rises and who would sleep in until 2pm if they didn’t have an alarm?
I think they’d both sleep in. They’re tired and they need a break.
Who is more affectionate/touchy?
Raven is more affectionate in public than Murphy but in private it’s pretty equal.
Who wears the other’s hoodies/shirts?
They probably fight over certain clothes tbh
Who said “I love you” first?
In canon if it happened I think it would be Raven.
19 notes · View notes
sometimesrosy · 4 years
When we start writing novel or TV show, we start with our characters, how they start and how they end. That what make our story moves forword. In the 100, Bellamy complete his arc at the end of season5, what are he doing now? Helping clarke and Octavia to complete there's?!?!? I didn't understand Bellamy story s6
This is a good question. I have been thinking about this. Partly because I’ve been watching that hero’s journey for a while, waiting for Clarke and Bellamy to compete theirs. And it keeps, kinda, not being finished. 
Except now Bellamy finished his hero’s journey and Clarke... well... Clarke has been a struggle to understand because it seems like she almost gets there and then there’s more. That’s when one of my followers asked if I thought Clarke was, instead, on a HEROINE’S journey. And tbh, even though my college was super feminist, I never encountered the heroine’s journey while I was studying English. I think because it was right around the time the heroine’s journey was introduced and I just didn’t catch up to it. So while I’ve been working with the hero’s journey for 30 years, I haven’t with heroine’s journey. Which takes the hero’s journey and then continues it with a rejection then reconciliation with the masculine, in a form that allows the heroine to be female and powerful in her own way. So yeah. You asked about Bellamy, but i’m getting there. 
Bellamy finished his hero’s journey in s5. Clarke is still wrapping up her heroine’s journey in s7. So what the heckers is Bellamy’s journey NOW???
No. It’s not to help Octavia and Clarke finish theirs. He’s still the secondary protagonist and his path is his own. He and Clarke have paths that twine around each other’s like binary stars, but they’re both equal, even now when he’s finished his hero’s journey. And Octavia’s path is HER OWN, and she’s been facing it on her own, too. He wasn’t even there for most of it in s6, so that can’t be his purpose. And you MIGHT say it was to save Clarke, but... he’s not the secondary player in that. It is, all along, about his choices, his goals, his obstacles, not hers. Their stories are separate, even as they have the same goal, even as Bellamy is dragging the girl in Clarke’s body through the woods.
BELLAMY has a story arc in season 6 leading into s7, since s6 and s7 are the SAME story, with no restart for the new season. The final book of The 100 is essentially being told with one story, unlike the five seasons/chapters of the first book.
So what? Clarke’s story is a continuation of the heroine’s journey, but Bellamy’s hero’s journey is OVER. Where can we find guidance for what Bellamy’s story IS in season 6 and 7???
Go back to season 5. After he saves the day by stopping Octavia through his healing and responsibility and love, he saves the day by accepting the enemy prisoners onto the ship, and setting the new world onto a better path where it is no longer blood for blood nor are people expendable. What happens after that? He makes up with Clarke, he welcomes her back in the fold, Monty finds them a new world and then proceeds to give them tasks. Two (no three) tasks. Take care of Jordan, (wait no that was Harper’s task, let me go back to two,) BE the good guys, and LIVE a happy life like he did with Harper and Jordan.
HERE is where I started to get my inklings. Because it is clear that the task of s6 was “Be The Good Guys.” But if we watch the season, that isn’t Bellamy’s goal. He’s ready to take claim of the abandoned Sanctum for his people, to push Octavia out until she straightens up, to hold Echo accountable for not being open enough, to take vengeance on Sanctum for killing Clarke, to burn down Sanctum to get Clarke back, to abandon his people to danger to save Clarke, to sacrifice Sanctumites for his people. Nope. He’s really not in it to be the good guy this season. Clarke is. Bellamy is not.
This is where it starts to get interesting for Bellarke fans.
What do all his goals have in common? Love. Family. Intimacy. Need. Romance.
OH MY GOD. Bellamy’s goal for s6 and s7 is a straight up Heart goal. While Clarke needs to be the good guy, a Head goal, BELLAMY needs to have his family together, safe, and he needs to be able to LOVE. 
What... what kind of stories have LOVE as the goal?
Yes it could be a family story... except he left his family, he was willing to sacrifice his family for Clarke. When he first found out she was murdered, when he found out she was alive, at the edge of sanctum when they were caught, a hundred times when Josephine was trying to bribe him with safety or threaten him with death for all, when he didn’t want to let Clarke go back in undercover. He was, in the narrative, in the dialogue, and in his choices putting CLARKE above everyone else, because he needs her. He ALSO brought up his current relationship and how that wasn’t enough for him, in direct comparison to Clarke enjoying herself with another man (who looks like him) and her previous scene of intimacy and openness, which he does not feel like he gets from Echo. 
Right? So not only is he choosing Clarke over his family for partnership, ethical, loyalty and vengeance reasons, but ALSO for emotional, romantic, intimate, and EVEN physical reasons. He manhandled her all over Alpha, and saved her life with his need, his hands on her body and his lips on hers. No, those weren’t sexual in nature, but the emotion was there, the need. It was desperate AND passionate (just the wrong kind of passion.)
While Bellamy’s season begins with him trying to find a place for his family (now including Clarke) to live in love, he is also trying to figure out what that love means to him and what he wants from it. Leading to his teasing with Clarke, his anger with Echo, his hard and fast boundaries with Octavia, his intimate forgiveness convo with Clarke, the jealousy watching Clarke, the anger that Echo couldn’t be more like Clarke, even the intention to commit to Echo and not long for the past with Clarke (incidentally, that’s pretty much a confirmation that he was in love with Clarke pre time-jump. In order to reject the past he needed to have that romantic goal in the past.)
Bellamy’s goal. Is to find love. To live in love. To be happy like Harper and Monty. Bellamy’s goal is to find his happy ever after. His true love. Y’all.
Bellamy’s story arc for s6 and s7 is A ROMANTIC NARRATIVE. S6A had him trying to choose between Clarke and Echo, almost choosing Echo (or choosing her in name) then learning Clarke was dead and flat out losing it. Not wanting ANY intimacy from Echo around his grief, being alone. His head may have chosen Echo, but his heart chose Clarke. And his heart chose Clarke when she was dead and gone and he could no longer pretend he didn’t love her.  All is lost in his search for love.
Except she wasn’t dead. All of a sudden, his narrative goals focuses down to ONE purpose. Save Clarke. Forget making nice with the Lightbournes. Forget his relationship with Echo. Forget what was going on on the ship or with Abby or Jordan or with Madi or Raven or Murphy. ALL was Clarke. “you care more about Clarke.” 
Season 6B was a full on Save Clarke storyline. And not as a group. Nope. No Siree Bob Morley. The group was busy taking care of the tasks that Clarke and/or Bellamy usually do. The ethical struggles, (raven.) The tactical struggles, (echo.) The political struggles, (murphy.)
Bellamy, whose goal is now getting back to his true love, is the only one going on that mission to save her. That’s because it isn’t a political mission or a tactical mission or an ethical mission. It is not another war. It is a desperate mission to save the woman he loves. Because he needs her. Because he won’t let her die. And it turns out she won’t leave him, either.
Bellamy’s storyline for s6 and s7 IS A ROMANCE STORY.  His goal is to get back to his true love and live a happy life.
Clarke is still about heroine’s journey, saving humanity, redeeming them.
Bellamy’s is about love.
Which, not coincidentally, is what makes survival worth while. It’s why this whole adventure began in the pilot, because Abby was desperate to save her daughter and sent 100 (+2) delinquents to earth to do it. There HAS to be more to life than just impossible decisions and a tragic end. They can choose to live.
It also isn’t until AFTER he saves Clarke, admits he needs her, and gets to share himself with her that he’s able to forgive Octavia and begin joking with her again. It’s almost as if when you let yourself FEEL your real feelings, instead of burying them under duty and anger and resentment, that the good feelings come back.
This is what I think is Bellamy’s new journey. In order to complete his journey as The Heart of The 100, he needs to be with his soulmate, without any more boundaries between them. 
Bellamy’s storyline is a romantic storyline. Boy meets girl. Boy loses girl. Boy gets girl back. Endgame.
antis do not interact. lol
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wild-aloof-rebel · 4 years
leslie-- what do you think of the first two episodes of season 6? tbh im trying to not be really disappointed... but i am. I just feel like they are not up to the same standard of schitts creek that I've come to know and love. I also feel like I'm in the minority regarding ep 2 and how supposedly "funny" it was. I thought it was one of the worst episodes they've ever put out. It felt forced and v "try-hard". IDK :// what are your thoughts/what have you thought of s6 so far?? xx
first of all, you’re certainly entitled to feel however you feel about the season, and i doubt there’s anything i can say that’s really going to change that tbh. and you’re def not alone in that opinion either, as i have seen other people both in my inbox and elsewhere who seem to feel similarly to you, if that’s any kind of comfort.
i do think it’s pretty clear from my posts that i did enjoy the ep, and while yes there’s a whole lot of secondhand embarrassment that goes hand in hand with watching it, i did also think it was ultimately both very funny and very sweet. but you’re certainly not required to agree with me on that, and not every episode can be a favorite anyway. there are going to be eps that all of us like or dislike more than others, and that’s totally fine.
as for the season overall, yes, i’m enjoying it so far, though of course it’s hard to judge a whole season on two eps. but i like the glimpses that we can see so far of where the show is going as a whole. i’ve definitely seen some complaints elsewhere that the episodes feel like filler, which i wholeheartedly disagree with. i think it’s pretty clear that they’re setting up the threads of the plots that will continue throughout the rest of the season, which is how this show has always operated. not every episode is filled to the brim with Major Plot Points, but there are important things that happen in every episode to push the story forward or build our understanding of the characters in a way that leads to the eventual climax of the season. think about last year’s second episode for instance. in “love letters,” we’ve got moira just back from bosnia and hung up on john’s love letters to “another woman,” alexis and ted talking about mementos of past relationships, and david and stevie being held up at the store. plot-wise, none of those are anything that really has a major effect on anything else further down the road (except maybe the robbery, which causes them to install security cameras at the store, which leads to the ending of “roadkill” with ted and alexis, but that’s a pretty minor plot point all things considered). but it does give us better understanding of where the characters are in the season. particularly, we get glimpses of ted and alexis trying to work through their past and build a stronger future together, which is all part of how alexis eventually agrees to go to the galapagos, and we see how moira’s experience with the crows film has reinvigorated her desire to rebuild her career, which of course is part of what leads to her devastation in the final scene of “life is a cabaret.” and i feel like these first two episodes of s6 are doing much the same, though obviously we now have the benefit of context for s5 because we know how it ends, and we don’t have that here. but so far we’ve clearly got johnny’s desire to continue expanding the motel business, stevie’s desire to step away, david and patrick’s excitement about their wedding, moira’s once-again renewed desire to jump start her career, and alexis’s struggle to balance her relationships with both ted and her family with her fledgling pr career. all of that certainly feels like it’s important to where the season as a whole is going, so while the individual stories being told in each episode may not ultimately be connected to anything down the road, what it’s telling us about the characters certainly is. and that’s how pretty much every episode of the show has always operated. we get these little glimpses throughout all the episodes, and there are a few bigger reveals spread along the way, and so far i feel like this season is doing exactly that. it feels the same to me as it always has in that sense.
i don’t know what your particular situation is with this, anon, but in general, i know that there are a lot of people for whom this is their first time watching the show slowly instead of all in one go, and i do think that that changes the experience a bit. personally, i love watching them week by week, with everyone yelling about the same episode at the same time, rewatching and finding new things to focus on, speculating about where things will lead, etc., but it is still a different experience to bingeing it, and i just wonder how much that plays into the enjoyment for some people. for one, it gives you more time to have to think about episodes you didn’t like as much–when you binge the show, you breeze right past them and largely forget about them by the time you’re three more episodes down the road, but this way you’re forced to sit with it for a week, which i think can potentially increase the feelings of dissatisfaction. but also, if you’re a binge and rewatch kind of person, you get to the end, and then when you rewatch the earlier eps you have a different perspective on them because you can now see where they’re going. it’s a lot harder to see where eps are leading before you have the ending for context, and so even though i obv think the threads are there, i can see how the open-endedness of it might feel dissatisfying to some people in the meantime too.
i’ll end with this thought: if you ask most people their top five episodes of the show, how many of those are going to be episodes from the start of a season? yes, you might get one or two on some of those lists–”pregnancy test” in particular is one of the early-in-the-season eps that i think gets a lot of love–but by and large i think most people’s lists are going to be populated with episodes from the middles and ends of seasons because you have to build up to the kinds of pay-offs we get in episodes like “grad night” or “meet the parents” or “open mic” that make them so enjoyable. so the fact that you don’t absolutely love these two episodes so far isn’t necessarily all that surprising or unusual. there’s still twelve more chances for this season to change your mind, and i hope that you find that it does.
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martykirkby · 4 years
Any holby or casualty episodes you’d recommend rewatching? Idm how old, thanks :)
(i’m gonna put this under a read more bc it got way longer than i intended it too and you didn’t even ask for descriptions i’m just incapable of being concise ever sorry! i bolded the titles so you don’t have to read it all)
okay so it depends what characters you care about, bc my answers would be different based on who your faves are, so these are my faves to rewatch (but will probs be super biased towards my fave characters)! obvs i’m not saying watch all of them (unless you want to) but i’ve included reasons why i like them so you can decide based on what you enjoy.
holby (i’ve only watched from s16 with a little of s15 and s6 so it’s gonna start there):
intuition (16x11)- dom’s first episode back after his guest stint, and adele’s first ep! this is the first episode i watched when i started watching holby properly bc i was impatient and wanted to get to the dom scenes so i haven’t watched most of the s16 episodes before it but i would probably say watch 16x10 as well bc that’s when jac gives birth and this ep has a lot of scenes about her and emma.
prince among men (16x16)- raf’s first ep in which he’s v v iconic and also i love dom, zosia and arthur and frustrated mentor sacha and there’s that woman who’s like in love with a mummy until she finds out it was a female mummy. also jac and emma!!
one small step (16x42)- again i LOVE the keller trio, this is the first ep where they really bond even if it’s over a super traumatic experience w zosia. and connie crosses over for the first time since she joined casualty, which i rlly liked.
star of wonder (17x10)- a really important episode for zosia’s character and her bipolar sl! also i like christmas episodes
the ides of march (17x32)- another big ep for zosia and the one where she decides to move to darwin
beautiful (17x45)- dom taking a level students on a tour of the hospital and bonding w one of them and quoting that christina aguilera song... i love him
at first i was afraid (17x50)- dom and arthur roadtrip! the karaoke scene! frieda as a patient! elliot’s exit ft some really nice scenes w him and jac!
left behind (18x05)- i just really like all three storylines, i’ve rewatched the mo and wiliam sl a few times just bc i like mo and this ep is the last one of that sl and it’s my fave of them, and you can watch it as a standalone if you already know what’s happened in the eps beforehand.
blue christmas (18x11)- the only one i’ve seen where jac’s past is rlly talked about bc it’s the one where fran reveals they know each other. apart from that it is just a nice christmas ep and i really like all the other storylines going on.
young hearts, run free (18x13)- the ep where dom arthur and morven have to do some scavenger hunt thing in the woods!! and dom has a chicken called henriketta!! that’s reason enough to watch it 500 times tbh
one under (18x21)- for some reason arthur’s patient sl haunts me, but i think it is a rlly good (but sad) ep for arthur as he comes to terms with his cancer test
it tolls for thee (18x31)- arthur and morven’s wedding and i love them
i’ll walk you home (18x35)- arthur’s last ep (as not a figment of someone’s imagination) and it’s devastating but the episode is so so well done and i watch it whenever i need to cry
another day in paradise, parts one and two (18x38 and 18x39)- i just really like all the different storylines in these eps, the patient sl is like. wild and there’s focus on jac being a mother and dom’s grief and sacha and essie i just rlly like them
protect and serve (18x47)- this is the one after the helicopter crash in casualty so i always watch it after watching that one. it’s a good episode that focuses more on the characters than the storylines and i love the crossovers too.
i do, i do, i do (19x13)- an episode in which a main character’s daughter dies has absolutely no right being as funny as this, but the derwood/inga wedding is so so funny and also rlly sweet at the end and the contrast with the elinor storyline is wild (and also something i wish holby would do more often bc recently they’ve done like three depressing storylines in one ep)
the hard way home (19x35)- tbh the main reason i’ve rewatched this ep so much is for dofty which obvs i don’t care about anymore, but it’s also a really good ep just for dom w his steroid addiction and the anniversary of arthur’s death. and it’s damon’s first ep and i miss him
group animal, parts one and two (19x61 and 19x62)- the shooting eps which i also watch when i wanna feel sad, but also they are just really good episodes in general
also the last two eps of s19 after the shooting bc i’m incapable of not watching the aftermath
i haven’t rewatched any s20 or s21 eps except when giffing so i can’t rlly recommend any there
casualty (for some of these just pretend that lofty never existed on holby and his character was never destroyed):
next of kin, parts one and two (26x15 and 26x16)- the second ep is more exciting but you need the first one for context, it’s just classic high stakes drama, the entire ed was on fire bc they stopped filming in bristol so they were like yeah let’s completely destroy the set! and it’s ruth and jay’s last episodes.
duty of care (26x17)- also high stakes drama, tom’s first episode and the first ep filmed in cardiff. there’s a poisonous gas leak AND an explosion.
love is (26x23)- danny dyer did more acting in this one (1) episode than he has his entire career on eastenders i swear. i didn’t expect to get so emo about it.
the ‘ricochet’ eps (26x25, 26x26, 26x27)- casualty didn’t hold back with these eps. they’re v good eps (s26 has some of casualty’s best episodes imo) but a LOT about gang violence and a trigger warning for rape in the second one.
zero sum game (26x39)- fletch’s first episode! i mainly like it bc of that but it’s also fun to see how much lloyd hates him at first.
the #holbyriot eps (26x41 and 26x42)- definitely some of the most tense episodes casualty’s ever done, back when they cared about social issues like police brutality.
rabbits in headlights (27x17)-  the first episode for robyn, jamie and aoife (and ally but she leaves the next ep). i love seeing how far robyn in particular has come, and i loved jamie and aoife as well and seeing them as tiny dumbass students is fun.
unsilenced (27x31)- the fgm storyline, again when casualty used to care about social issues. it’s really well-written, i think.
once there was a way home, parts one and two (28x01 and 28x02)- this is ramin’s first appearance and i love him and jamie and the way jamie basically risked his entire job to help him. the first one is also rita’s first ep!
carrot not stick (28x35)- this one has a patient from 28x33 in, but you don’t need to have rewatched that one to get the gist. lofty and dixie take said patient to visit his dying mother and they go to the beach. they sing dolly parton. lofty steals a puppy. it’s just a really nice episode imo
born lucky (29x05)- this is a sad one, but i really like the relationships between the staff in this one, and i think it was a good final episode for jeff.
entrenched (29x09)- casualty said football fans don’t deserve rights and also lofty makes some points about the futility of war. michael spence is in this episode!
deadfall (29x10), the road not taken (29x26), holby sin city (29x39)- i’m grouping these together bc they’re all the ‘holby noir’ standalone episodes and if you wanna watch one ep and not have to worry about the long running storylines, they work. they’re also completely insane and v fun imo. the road not taken is my fave.
a child’s heart, parts one and two (30x01 and 30x02)- i’m not a fan of it focusing so much on charlie’s life story, but i love episodes just after a crisis and especially when one of the team is in danger bc you really see how much the staff all care about each other. these eps also have the start of louise’s storyline where she switches from a receptionist to a nurse.
high tide (30x27)- lofty’s last episode, jez’s first, and it’s also a really good episode for cal and ethan. and although i don’t really care about any of them except jez anymore, i still think this is a good episode to rewatch just to see like. them as characters.
too old for this shift (31x01)- this is the feature length episode so like. it might not be ideal to rewatch but again it’s the helicopter crash episode, so you really see the staff pull together which i love, and there are appearances from jac and fletch, and video calls from people who have left the show. like i said, it goes with protect and serve on holby so i usually rewatch those together.
mobile (31x27)- i literally just rewatched this episode last night which is why i’m thinking about it, but it’s a really good ep and it’s the one where robyn gives birth and her scenes with david are so well acted. they also link all three stories in some way to mobile phones which i thought was cool.
5 days (31x28)- i love robyn so i really love this episode. there’s a lot of character development imo, from being in denial and optimistic to realising how bad charlotte’s situation is and struggling to cope, to accepting how it is and being there for her as a mother.
one (31x44)- the plot is okay, it’s not something i’d be particularly interested to rewatch apart from the fact it’s filmed in one shot which makes it fun to rewatch.
32x19- max’s last episode and we find out a lot about him! and ofc there’s the zoe and max reunion and i just really like max in this episode.
32x21- bea’s first ep and i love her, also really shows how much a real ed has to cope with and has alicia start the anonymous blog which is v iconic of her.
i haven’t really rewatched any eps that aired after this specifically for one ep (i’ve rewatched every episode jade and marty and archie have been in but i don’t always care about the eps themselves)
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jennycalendar · 4 years
2019 fic roundup
december was INSANE and i spent most of january dealing with the aftermath of Terrible Parents, but i am finally doing this! in nearly-february! good grief!
tagged by @catty-words​! always a delight, cori <3
Total 2019 Word Count: 541,906 Total 2019 Hits: 29,555 Other 2019 AO3 Stats: Kudos: 3,184; Comment threads: 787; Bookmarks: 509; Subscriptions: 223.
Total 2018 Word Count: 338,835 Total 2018 Hits: 22,374 Other 2018 AO3 Stats: Kudos: 2,192; Comment threads: 453; Bookmarks: 280; Subscriptions: 69.
links and titles to 2019 works (buckle up, folks.)
[btvs] imperfections (148,374 words) y’all know about the braveryverse already but i’ll bring up some good points: jenny and giles accidentally adopt the entire scooby gang. also faith gets some actual support and is actually eventually stable enough to date buffy. good times.
[btvs] deliberate obstruction (5,492 words) the one where jenny is petty as fuck and attempts to sabotage every single one of giles’s dates after their breakup. not her best look, but it was really fun to write jenny being Not Great. she deserves to have that option.
[btvs] arch-nemeses (2,171 words) who doesn’t love some of that good old-fashioned ripper au nonsense? particularly when it’s spike and ripper being confusing nemeses who sometimes drunkenly make out (jenny thinks this is very funny).
[btvs] sick day (3,097 words) written because someone should take care of giles, damnit! probably not jenny, tho. she’s not the best at it. lucky for her giles loves her so much.
[btvs] simpatico (10,096 words) sister fic to the grieving process! set circa btvs season six! jenny is connor’s awkward aunt! giles is a repressed disaster who’s still pining but refuses to admit it! 
[btvs] honesty’s the best policy (3,830 words) that one where giles and buffy are hit with a Truth Spell that means they say exactly what they’re thinking. is that all that bad for buffy? not too much. is it a little iffy when you’re a repressed watcher man who still haven’t told your girlfriend how much you love her? uh.
[btvs comics] i router, you giles (1,111 words) GOD this was written BEFORE i knew that giles and jenny were dating in the reboot comics and isn’t that a concept? a snarky-cute first meeting! ok not really that cute bc they just yell at each other a lot! but definitely snarky!
[btvs] transitional (3,152 words) good golly this is cute and i honestly forgot that i wrote it. which makes sense, bc there is a lot of stuff on this list. set in between season one and season two, in an attempt to bridge the giles/jenny gap between “awkwardly friendly coworkers” and “oh my god i think i like you”
[btvs] across the pond (5,323 words) FUN FACT this got nominated for a headline award and i’m SO PROUD OF THAT?! epistolary fic! giles leaves for england in s6 but without his wife! his wife is very mad and writes him VERY MANY LETTERS TO YELL AT HIM! perfect for those people who sometimes think “god, i wish jenny had been in s6 to yell at giles.” 
[btvs] very really married (66,987 words) giles and jenny got drunk-married in las vegas and are keeping the marriage going so they don’t look like terrible authority figures. giles does not want buffy to know about his fake wife. giles does not want his fake wife to know about his real slayer. giles has a lot of problems and it doesn’t help that he might be catching feelings. big mess.
[btvs] bad dreams (2,267 words) GILES/JENNY/ANYA IS BEST SHIP NEXT QUESTION
[btvs comics] an open mic enthusiast (2,250 words) yet another giles/jenny comic-reboot meet-cute written before i knew they were dating!!! this time: jenny gets to see giles playing guitar. repeatedly. because she keeps going back to watch him at the open mic.
[btvs comics] blindsided (2,024 words) my first (and definitely not last) giles/anya fic! a shorter version of a plot bunny i hope to chase down in 2020 (ahaha did i say that WHOOPS)
[btvs] uncharted (16,469 words) my jenny calendar day fic! also known as “jenny calendar has a guilt complex: a novella.” no prophecy dream outs jenny to the group -- but she tells them anyway. and blames herself. and breaks up with giles while she’s trying to Fix Things. absolute mess. (thank god there’s a happy ending, right?)
[btvs] on the mending of hearts (9,236 words) that giles/anya fic where giles shows up at anya’s failed wedding and sweeps her off her feet and they have sex in his hotel room! except uhhh there’s a lot more drama and crying and anya really just needs some cuddles, tbh.
[btvs] extracurricular activities (1,003 words) straight up this one BARELY counts as a 2019 fic. i wrote it back in 2016 and forgot about it and found it on my hard drive and wrote an ending to it. it’s tiny, but it’s cute! lots of early-relationship calendiles fluff, as is My Brand.
[btvs] cookie dough and boy talk (a remix) (3,976 words) dawn, but in the ripper au! she’s a precocious little bab and ripper babysits her and gets semi-adopted by joyce. it’s a thing.
[btvs] a history lesson (698 words) a brief ripper au interlude between jenny and dru. dru tries to point out that jenny and ripper are in love. jenny very unconvincingly denies it.
[btvs] faith, hope, and pancakes (3,236 words) ripper au, now with faith! and she gets to hang with college-age jenny! who is dating her idiot boyfriend ripper! the Most Fun of times.
[btvs] compromises (750 words) this....was supposed to be a three-sentence prompt but I Can’t Do That. giles and jenny discuss (read: jenny yells at giles about) giles attempting to attack angel on sight.
[btvs] valentine buzz (3,422 words) i wrote this in may lmao but i just REALLY WANTED to write fluffy braveryverse valentine’s day nonsense!!! lots of cuddles and kisses and softness abound in this fic.
[btvs] days in goodness spent (5,893 words) this fic's point was a little more abstract and a little less blunt than most of the rest of these, but i wanted to explore the concept of giles slowly going from idealizing jenny to genuinely loving her. i hope i did it justice.
[btvs] to have and to hold (7,861 words) giles and jenny get married in the braveryverse. that’s really all there is. also i posted this on my birthday (may 23rd) AND it is the 23rd fic on this list!!!! WILD!!!!!)
[btvs] saw her in the streetlight, making all the world bright (5,738 words) took me like a year and a half to write the first fic in the ripper au, lmao. in which jenny is a snarky eighteen-year-old, ripper is a snarky college dropout in a band, and neither of them are at ALL good at communicating. especially not ripper.
[btvs] perfect (1,465 words) ripper au: it’s revealed that jenny hasn’t had sex before. ripper handles this with his characteristic maturity and grace (just kidding lmao he FREAKS. but it’s bc he loves her.)
[btvs] respite (1,106 words) i wrote this after issue 5 of the reboot dropped bc i was very emotional about canon power couple giles and jenny. in retrospect, i gave giles’s emotional maturity WAY too much credit--esp. given what’s going on now--but it was still fun as heck to write.
[btvs] shouldn’t we be getting together (3,193 words) this fic’s existence is a combo of me reading a summer camp ya novel and liking the Aesthetic but not the Culture & me talking endlessly w/ @jackalopingintothevoid​ about ripper and jenny’s teenage dynamic. so many of these fics have her galaxy brain takes woven in and i KNOW she knows that. lov u, jack.
[btvs] fragmented (6,158 words) written because of that one time my brain was like “but what if jenny WAS haunting the school?” happy ending because it’s me and g/j deserve some kisses.
[btvs/hp crossover] buffy summers, muggle-born (22,070 words) i CAME BACK TO THIS in 2019 and wrote a few chapters and DROPPED IT LIKE A HOT POTATO. hopefully 2020 will bring me the courage to pick it up again!!!!!! who DOESN’T want a carelessly-mashed-together crossover where the scoobies and the golden trio are all going to hogwarts together for some reason????
[btvs] in bloom (8,452 words) this was SUPPOSED to be the end of the jenny-anya-tara trilogy. it was not. (more on that later.) this was also supposed to be a fic where giles and jenny get together. jenny and anya got together. writing things is wild sometimes.
[btvs] i still want to be your girl (35,165 words) straight up i am so proud of this fic! s7 au: jenny was chased out of town by angelus. giles does not know this. jenny has been working with angel in la, but left with faith to try and help defeat the first. giles is not the guy she remembers. (but jenny’s not exactly the lady giles remembers, either. so maybe things might work out.)
[btvs/leverage crossover] what’s in a name (4,421 words) sophie’s & jenny’s relationship to their names & identities always so totally fascinated me! this fic was my way of exploring that. (also i got to give giles and jenny a toddler. that was fun too.)
[btvs comics] live a little (6,700 words) i had so much fun coming up with a backstory for giles and jenny in the comics that i am kinda tempted to eventually try and do it again. this one was fun to write, tho.
[btvs] kind of like hydrogen peroxide (7,501 words) THIS was FUN. ripper au, but it explores both jenny’s longing for High School Normalcy AND ripper’s fucked-up relationship to magic. also senior prom is a thing.
[btvs] mending fences (6,093 words) sequel to the aforementioned epistolary fic! lots of first-person self-loathing from giles, but also a LOT of love for jenny and his kids. also the man really truly needs to stop repressing.
[btvs] her father’s daughter (1,982 words) 2020 will bring us another chapter of this fic i swear to GOD. literally there’s only one chapter up so i cannot even TALK about my plans for it but uhhh if you want giles and jenny and their three daughters pls feel free to go to that prologue and check it out.
[btvs] a thousand different ways we fell apart (4,888 words) the au fic to encompass all au fics! inspired by the comic reboot and me being like. christ. do they go through this ridiculous shit in EVERY universe? ....and then i wrote a fic where jenny was a space traveler looking through multiple universe to try and fix her marriage with giles. extra fun.
[btvs] no such roses (4,814 words) this one turned out a TINY bit rushed, but the concept of jenny bringing giles back from the dead is always something that i love exploring. i might come back and rewrite this, someday.
[btvs comics] no perfect choice (4,801 words) OOF. wrote this one after issue 8 dropped. a lot softer and more tender than what actually happened, tbh. maybe i will reread it again to make myself feel better about comic calendiles and their brutal split.
[btvs] family (3,545 words) wrote this one p early in the year and came up with an ending to it much later! ripper au: the story of how xander came to live with giles and leave his parents. angst-with-a-happy-ending abounds.
[btvs] a california january (2,206 words) jenny and giles attend a funeral together. that’s pretty much it. this is defs one of the best things i wrote this year, tho.
[btvs] how i survived my summer vacation (volume two) (25,027 words) swear to god this is gonna be the next thing i update. the braveryverse NEEDS to continue. it’s got married calendiles, for god’s sake.
[btvs] clear and impartial judgment (3,977 words) that fic i wrote when i got mad at a lack of resolution wrt helpless. like!!! giles drugged buffy!!! do we not get to talk about the psychological ramifications that would have on her???? (well. canon doesn’t. but i do.)
[btvs] sunshine ladies (10,188 words) THIS FIC WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN and i say that with incandescent love in my heart. i intended for the ‘verse to be giles/jenny, and then i intended it to be jenny/anya, and then i was like....jenny has two goddamn hands, and there’s foreshadowing here for endgame giles/jenny, and i wanna write some giles/anya. let’s fuckin go. (DEFINITELY writing another installment in 2020 about this iconic ot3 of mine.) 
[btvs] spirit-touched (4,769 words) the first smut i write and it’s calendiles ghost sex. i really think this is on brand for me, esp. considering that swath of asks in 2016ish where everyone wanted to know if ghosts could jack off. incredible.
[btvs] dear friend (28,865 words) this fic had such a rushed ending :( it’s a cute premise (you’ve got mail giles/jenny au!!!!!), but i lost interest halfway through, and as a writer i can rlly see that when i read it. another thing i might like to go back and rewrite at some point, tbh!
[btvs] familiar (2,034 words) AUGH i am SO proud of this fic. SO SO PROUD. it’s a concept i really can’t explain and the little twist at the end is something i really really like, so...just read it.
[miss fisher’s murder mysteries] unbearable (5,670 words) i need to write more mfmm in 2020 but the amount of good fic out there is deeply intimidating/delightful. this one was my little “what if it was phryne who thought jack was dead” and tbqh i had a lot of fun with it? bc pining phryne (who makes brief but extremely poignant appearances throughout the series) is an awkwardly, heart-meltingly sincere lady.
[ace attorney] man’s duty to society (544 words) wrote this as my first foray into aa fic while getting emo about miles edgeworth. would absolutely still die for that man.
[ace attorney] fancy running into you (5,887 words) lots of schmoopy narumitsu fluff! gregory edgeworth is alive! miles is trauma-free! phoenix is an artist! just!!! goodness!!!!!!!
[ace attorney] big sister (2,741 words) set in the same gregory-edgeworth-is-alive ‘verse: babey franziska comes to live with miles and his dad. she is a little impossible but miles kinda does love her.
[ace attorney] prince charming edgeworth and his incredible tux (8,042 words) this fic came from me being like “i want to write phoenix swooning over miles in a tuxedo and being like HE LOOKS LIKE A DISNEY PRINCE” and spiraled into something much longer!
[ace attorney] fate, choice, and everything in between (4,384 words) SOULMATE AU. nothing i love more than deconstructing soulmate aus. but like. in a romantic way. also phoenix and miles ARE soulmates and that is JUST facts.
Favorite Fic: I WROTE SO MUCH STUFF THO LIKE !?!??! how can one expect me to distill it to just one fic? i’ll make it my top threeL
a california january (I AM SO PROUD OF THIS FIC. it is soft and angsty and silly and devastating and tender. all the calendiles feels.)
i still want to be your girl (same mood!!! i’ve wanted to write this fic for literal years, and it’s one of those rare occasions where the picture in my head actually turned out BETTER when written out!)
sunshine ladies (this is like my giles/jenny/anya ship manifesto and it still makes me happy to think about them all co-running the magic box together and smooching a lot.)
Hardest Fic: OOF uh i went through a rocky period of writing when transitioning into college? no such roses and dear friend were hit the hardest by my insecurity & my desire to Finish Things rather than actually spend time on the craft. but i’m much more settled in now and my writing is DEFINITELY in an upward swing (as my newest fic -- as day follows night -- attests to quite nicely, imo)
Do You Plan to Take Prompts in 2020? always always yes! (i’m bad at following through with them, but am ALWAYS accepting them.)
What was the best thing about 2019? there were almost too many good things to COUNT, but i think all of them were made possible by me working extremely hard to get myself the FUCK out of my abusive parents’ house and into my first choice college!! i’m thriving, y’all.
What was the worst thing about 2019? realizing that both of my parents are fundamentally terrible people. that part kinda sucked.
Any last thoughts for 2019? i finally understand what it’s like to fall asleep feeling safe, and to notice the way the leaves change color, and to get excited about self-indulgent things like food and cuddly stuffed animals and my own fic and art. 2019 brought a lot of happiness into my life, and oh yeah also i’m in love! lots of cool stuff going on.
Goals for 2020
finish the latest braveryverse installment!
MORE ART JUST IN GENERAL. i love drawing, but there’s not a lot of free time for artsy celia when they prioritize writing so often!
write one of the many incredible longfic ideas that’s floating around in my head. it’s honestly probably only like two or three big ones, but at least DECIDE which one i’m gonna focus my energy on.
more giles/anya this year!
more giles/jenny/anya this year!
diversify! still gonna be writing about jenny forever, but like. it might be fun to write about a few new things here and there.
maybe some more ace attorney fic? maybe even some mfmm fic again? phryne and jack are never far from my heart.
not tagging anyone bc this is....january. but if you wanna do it, feel free!
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cheryls-blossomed · 5 years
The S6 premiere was amazing. I enjoyed the majority of it. Obviously I loved all the WA scenes, those were my favs. Seeing them struggle w/the death of N then coming tog when they realize that they were hurting & trying to be fine but wasn’t. Just beautiful. I love the cook out scene, just seeing them doing normal every day life stuff was great. I’m curious if Godspeed will be the villain that Barry and Wally go up against in 6b. The Flash song playing when B was entering the black hole was 1/2
epic. I loved I & CR scene, just love those two tog. I adore the Chester Runk guy. I hope we see more of him. BW was set up great, I can’t wait to see more of what he’s about. My baby B risk his life in that black hole to find his bae’s jacket 🥰. That man just loves that woman beyond reason. They hug in the TV 🥰. Then the damn Monitor interrupts this beautiful moment with his crappy news. My poor babies can’t catch a break. B like hell nah I’m not leaving my family 😢. What are your thoughts?
I agree with your thoughts! I really enjoyed the season 6 premiere, and honestly, even though we’ve been hearing positive things about the season, I still went into the premiere quite cautious, and so it ended up exceeding my expectations. Which isn’t to say that I adored everything about it, but there was enough positive change in terms of narrative structure that I can overlook some of the qualms I had with the episode. By ensuring that there were no pointless group scenes of all the characters standing around in S.T.A.R. Labs for no reason at all, the narrative structure of the episode became far more interesting than in the past. No character was not utilized properly, and even then, the only character who arguably got less screentime was Joe. Which goes to show that it is extremely possible to juggle a large regular cast of characters and give them each a purpose in any given episode. 
This was a great episode for Iris, so it’s undoubtedly going to be an episode that I thoroughly enjoy, right off the bat, for that reason. It’s really important when the show explores all facets of Iris, because she’s a multi-faceted woman, and this episode did that perfectly. We got to see her struggle with vocalizing her grief over Nora’s death; we got to see her break down and be vulnerable. We also got to see Iris save two people, first the junkyard attendant and then Chester. We got to see her use her intelligence and her journalism to determine from where the black holes originated and that Chester and the black hole were connected. Candice did such a phenomenal job in this episode, and I hope the show continues this trend of giving Candice all kinds of material, because she’s just so good. I also thought that the handling of Barry and Iris’s respective grief was very respectful and mature, and I liked how the unhealthy ways that they first tried to deal with their grief contrasted. 
The Westallen scenes were definitely a stand-out to me. The balcony scene was just so heart-wrenching, but it also spoke to the maturity of their relationship. They comfort one another, and Iris says how the only way they’re going to get through this is by carrying the burden together. There was such poignancy in both that statement and in Barry gathering Iris into her arms, after she devastatingly reveals that for a tiny second she wanted the black hole to swallow her too. I love epic, lightning rod moments, obviously, but it’s these quieter, sweet, poignant scenes that ground Barry and Iris’s relationship and put them far, far ahead any other DCTV couple, in my opinion. And Barry staying in the black hole longer, risking everything, just to get the purple jacket back for Iris was just beautiful to me. I loved that he told Iris that she made him believe that he could enter the black hole and carry Chester’s consciousness, and the back hug was just so sweet. I want more of these kind of scenes in season 6a, tbh. 
I also definitely squealed when Cisco played the Flash Gordon theme, because Queen!!! Candice once again killed it when Iris thought for a moment that Baryr might be lost to her. And I enjoyed the Irisco, both their comedic exchange when Cisco begins playing the song and Cisco giving Iris a side hug after Barry exits the black hole. 
So, yeah, overall, definitely a really enjoyable episode, and more importantly, a much needed rejuvenation, narratively-wise, for the show.
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professortennant · 5 years
Longmire Rewatch: Pilot
tbh BIG fan of starting the series with walt naked in the shower in his half-finished bathroom
also lol those back scars look so much better here than in the s6 finale
i love the introduction of vic and walt’s relationship (and vic the character) via voicemail. but AMC u cowards, make vic say fuck.
man robert taylor looks good
god did he finish his cabin in the s3 break? i can’t remember now. welp, i’ll keep an eye on that. 
omg look at lil vic with her braids and her hair is so different 
“that’s a sheep.” “i said we had a dead body. i never said which species.” and walt’s little smile and keeping vic with him in revenge i love it
they’re so out of breath going up this mountain and i’m just thinking about how katee said that wasn’t acting they just couldn’t breathe in the thin air
“look i know i’ve only been here for 6 months, but i’m not exactly a rookie.” “you’ve made that clear. every day. for the last 6 months.” this may be the most in-character thing they’ve ever said
vic: “you’re so full of shit.” ah yes, this is also in-character
i really really really love that walt hates littering and makes an effort to pick that shit up like what a good bean
ugh fuck u branch im so sad i have to watch you again
Branch: “maybe i should go apologize to vic.” Walt: “one dead body’s enough.”
awwww look at baby ferg!! boy oh boy are you at the bottom of your character arc hill
god that notification scene where walt cries and the tear hits his boot KILL ME
ugh branch u fuckboi i can’t believe you didn’t tell him OR vic you were running for sheriff he had to find out on a billboard
vic blowdrying the snow to melt it like jfc can you imagine why would u ever go work in the snow 
RIP omar, another book character who should have had more screen time
“you hurt your hand!” “wow, you should consider a career in law enforcement.” fucking classic
“might be old, but still gets the job done.” WHAT IS THAT LOOK YOU TWO YOU ARE F L I R T I N G you’re so gross get a room
things i will never be over: vic launching herself at mathias and walt wrapping his arms around her waist and hauling her back and then LINGERING AT HER WAIST THAT’S COOL
i love the way this show (and the books) handles the rez <--saying w/very little knowledge, just an outsider POV
this show really is shot beautifully
vic’s death glares at branch like what a Mood
HENRY!!!! godd i love s1 henry/walt *glares at show for fucking it up*
blah blah blah v important mystery clues blah blah blah
“just because a man tries to make up for his mistakes in a day doesn’t mean the rest of the world will be so quick to forgive him.” if that ain’t a fic prompt....
“what i could really use is a break from all the talking.” also a fic prompt.
this pants scene is the weirdest cinderella au i’ve ever seen
walt showing up branch is honestly So. Hot. that shoulda been their only debate for the people of absaroka county. 
blah blah more mystery blah
walt is legit a bad ass tho. and that scene where he takes that impossible shot and then walks up to the dude with the sky in the background. a++.
“call me an ambulance!” “I don’t have a cell phone.” 
yay the good guys win yay
tbh for a pilot, it’s pretty great. but i wish they picked a more exciting case. but s1 is so slow so i guess they’re setting you up for expectations.
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ettadunham · 5 years
may i ask what your official stance is on Giles abandoning Buffy in s6?
Tbh I want to get to the episodes first on my rewatch. Currently, I feel like I might be more understanding towards Giles than before, and his decision to separate from the gang - but that doesn’t really take away from the fact that he left Buffy at a time when she needed all the help and support she could get. I’m also not sure that I buy his reasoning: if he felt like Buffy was relying too much on him to manage her life, he could’ve tried setting more boundaries before moving to another continent.
But yeah, I want to get there with my rewatch before getting too much into it.
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d-structive · 5 years
just want to say, I love your stuff so much. Im a struggling artist and Im really bad with line work on my tablet, so if you have any tips, could you share them? (I have a wacom cintiq 13")
Hey! Hewwo! OwO
K’...From a struggling artist to another...Lemme tell you one thing...
I suck at lining. I really do. Like...A lot.
Lining, was -togheter with perspective- that one thing I really wasn’t good at. (I am still not good at it tbh, but whatever.I’m trying.) I’m not good with works of precision. My eyes cannot phisically handle stuff with too many details. And at the time, we were used to line by using either apposite markers OR! Brush and ink, baby. Traditional. I sucked at both. I still hate to use markers. But one just try...Now I learned I do prefer to use digital programs to line and that I prefer to not add too many details in my pics/doodles. To me, simple is better.
Right now, I tend to use my good ol’ Wacom Intuous 3 (who currently returned to work after death..), Paint Tool SAI to sketch, line and base-colors and Photoshop C5 for effects, fonts and other little things like lights and shiny effects.
SAI has this awesome feature who allows to you to move and rotate your canvas AND it also has that great feature called “stabilizer“. That helps you to make your lines less messy and more precise. I started by using that feature all the times. (I usually set it on S6). Now I can manage to do my things even without it. (Set as 0) SAI helped me a lot with digital stuff, so...If you have the chance to try it, I’d suggest to you, to go with it.
BUT! In the end...The only real dvice I can give to you is: Practice. Practice helps A LOT. Try. And take your time. Never have the hurry to finish something. Thatis never a good thing to do. Do it with calm. You have no idea, how many times I completely re-do a whole linework, or a whole pic, just because I’m not convinced by it.
You just do your thing with calm and try. Try to draw or sketch something every day. (I’m trying to do so and some people said they noticed some improvents in my pics...Not sure if this is true orless, but hey! It is something, I guess..)
No matter if you will see your lineworks as complete, utter shite at the very begin...More you try, more you’ll realize what you like and what you dislike in what are you doing. In this way you’ll be able to correct yourself and make it better the next time.
You need to find a way to line (also to color, drawing, sketching ecc..) who is something you feel comfortable to use. This is also how you develop your personal art-style. Look around, look other artists and take hints from their works. (NEVER TRACE, COPY, OR STEAL, THOUGH. Grasping some hints from other people’s works it’s a thing, stealing pics or even an art-style from others entirely, it’s way different and absolutely not cool to do.)
So..As boring and obvious this reply might be...Yup. This is all what I’ve got. Unfortunately, doesn’t exists a button to press to make things better automatically..(It would be boring in that way, anyway...).
These things require patience and passion. So, as long you got these..You can do it. The important thing is to practice and never stop.
*Add here a thumbs up and some inspirational anime music*
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