#there is no explanation to the canons or timelines
Spies Are Forever AUgust Challenge
Inspired by a discord server I'm in, I decided I want to try my hand at an AUgust challenge for the SAF fandom
What is AUgust? Basically, there's a list of prompts for each day (including some alternates, in case you want to switch some out), and you create ar/writing/edits/etc. for each AU (Alternate Universe). Some days have several prompts. You don't have to use all of them, theyre just there to give a few options so you aren't limited to one thing.
I'm posting this June 1st to give plenty of time to plan and create if you choose to partake in it.
This is not just for Curtwen! I know that's what the fandom likes to focus on, but I encourage you to use any and all characters in any way you want.
Here are the AUs (also listed below w/explanations)
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Role/Body Swap - Imagine the characters if they switched situations (or bodies). (Ex. Curt falls instead of Owen)
Monsters/Magic/Urban Fantasy - This is a broad category. Anything with magic and/or monsters and/or myths and fairy tales. (Ex. Curt is a werewolf and Chimera is a monster hunting organization)
Furry/Pets - Reimagine the characters as furries/anthros. Not your thing? Make it an AU about them with pets instead
Pastel/Punk - Typically, this AU features one character who rocks a punk aesthetic while another wears/embodies pastel vibes. Variations are fun though! (Ex. Punk!Owen and Pastel!Curt)
Apocalypse/Dystopia/War - Basically just a doomsday situation (Ex. Zombie apocalypse)
Crime Ring/Mafia/Serial Killer/Assassins
Streamer/Influencer/Content Creator
Artist - This covers any type of art. Writing, painting, singing, dancing, etc
Floppy Disk/Cyberpunk/Steampunk - Lately there's been a Floppy Disk!Owen (or Curt) AU floating around, where their consciousness is stored on a floppy disk. If that doesn't interest you, cyber/steampunk aesthetics could be the basis for your AU
Star Wars/Star Trek/Space
Shop Owners - Bookshop! Flower Shop! Tattoo Parlor! Bakery! Cafe! You know 'em, you love 'em. (Ex. Curt and Owen own rival bakeries)
Princess Bride/Royalty - AU based on the movie The Princess Bride. If that doesn't interest you, royalty AUs are a good classic to go with
Movie, Show, Book, Game, Musical Crossover/AU - Choose any other piece of media and use that as the basis for an AU (Ex. The SAF characters being reaped for the Hunger Games)
High School/College/Teacher
Soulmate - ANY version of the soulmate AU is fair game (Ex. Tati and Barb have countdown clocks until they meet each other)
Dungeons & Dragons
Time Loop/Time Travel/Different Time Period
Fandom Fusion - Similar to the one for the 22nd, have SAF characters crossover with a different fandom in any way you want (Ex. Dick Big finds himself at the bar with Ted Spankoffski and they are trying to out-sleaze the other)
Alternates: Canon Divergence, Single Parent, Domestic/Slice-of-life, Hanahaki, Alternate Timeline, Horror, Rare-Pair
I'll keep asks open if anything needs clarification!
I can't wait til August to see what y'all cook up
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soliusss · 2 years
These are in numerical and alphabetical order
SCP 2510
A Baptism of Fire
And the Fact it Rains
Anthropological Sarkic Case Studies:
–01 – Vasna of Sarvi
-02 – Divosi of Prague
–03 – Darkwater Lodge
–04 – House Kurinuka
Are We Gentrified Yet?
Bumaro and Ion sat at a table
But Thou Shalt Not Despair
Et Ecce Equus Pallidus
Et Sanabitur Anima Mea
Ever Only All
Implanting God
Karcist Halyna Ieva, or the Mother Who Demands Ones Toes
Killing in the Name of
Lord Goran
Of Lovataar and the Throne
Of Orok and the Ozirmok
PP-NEU-0127 - "AncestRecall"
Nadox and the Mekhanite
Poisoned Honey
Sfyri Kai Amoni
Sic Semper Tyrannis
So the Beasts Shall Plague the Lands No More
The Battle of Baikal
The First Occult Flame War
The Heresy of Disassembly
The Man Machine
Too Slow
TwistedGears-Kaktus Proposal
Unbearable Hope
Variations on a Schema
Why We Don't Celebrate Birthdays
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ghorbanis · 1 year
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ASHLEY POET and HOUR NAZARI Class of ‘09 | 1.03 'Thank You for Not Driving'
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avitus-ostrander · 1 year
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Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too So I stayed in the darkness with you…
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zukkaoru · 13 days
if you draw femzai without bandages i'm going put all of your internal organs through a paper shredder
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lesbianranpoe · 25 days
i was wondering why oda was in the ADA in beast and then i realized rhat it’s probably because fukuzawa might have taken him in during untold origins. and now i Really want to write a ranpo & oda beast au siblings fic based on that idea
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sonknuxadow · 5 months
now that sonic prime is over im even more confused about people insisting that its canon and will tie into the game timeline somehow and its place in the timeline will be clear by time the show ends . like all the little contradictions that make it hard to believe this is the game universe aside. theres no undeniable in universe evidence that this is the game canon and not just a separate universe thats more faithful to the games than any of the other sonic tv shows are. and theres also no hint to where this would take place if it was canon aside from shadow and rouge being there but that doesnt really narrow it down much . this whole situation is just confusing and weird
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deiaiko · 1 year
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Happy B-day @cheerful-solitude! <333
This art is also accompanied by @jusalilweird 's fic:
I hope you like our present 👀
(Putting the full version under the cut because I'm already dying 😳😳😳)
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bisaster-energy · 9 months
Merlin but Merlin loses it when Arthur dies and instinctively starts a time loop and every time Arthur dies it automatically resets...for angst purposes it could stay tragic..no matter what he does to change the past kilgharra was right. no one can change their destiny nor can they escape it. or by starting this time loop at all he's doing is preventing the rise of the once and future king so by staving off Arthur's death he's actually preventing anyone from ever really living again. a never ending story with one character aware of the narrative but powerless to change it. a puppet with a brain but no autonomy to put it to use. A tragedy of his own making instead the one prophesized
#so that it doesn't work on the first try maybe morgana remembers and interferes or#maybe future Merlin is a sort of apparition that can only act if his old body lets him. he talks to past him like a ghost or demon even#so what he's saying directly contradicts kilgharra or gaius so present merlin probably distrusts him like crazy#merlin becomes another old annoying person in his own ear#who he doesn't even know if he can trust#OR he ends up sending arthur back by accident and arthur is in the past trying to fix shit#and this CHANGES something because now there's warnings of a great ending of all things coming for Camelot and by extension albion#and arthur knowing about Merlin's powers after keeping his knowledge to himself (cos he died RIGHT after learning about the magic)#finally understands the burden merlin had without having to try and understand based on Merlin's summary of an explanation alone#he understands morgana and mordred even nimueh like he GETS it gets it#anyway time goes on canon events are rewritten and the 'great evil' rips a giant hole in space and time and it turns out#future merlin was the cause. because he was smashing alternate realities to pieces looking for arthur is desperation#not knowing where the hell he even sent him breaking any known laws of time and space and reality consequences be damned#arthur cannot kill merlin. he cannot do it. not even for Camelot#so this can be angsty too like merlin loses himself completely in the search for arthur (paralleling the og timeline where Merlin ends up#singularly focused on Arthur's safety instead of his true mission)#and it literally swallows him and their entire known world up#or they get through to him. arthur AND past merlin. seeing that past him was able to diverge from the set path. live more for himself#than just arthur or for the sake of camelot be a PERSON outside of that. and have knowledge that he DID change arthur's mind.#not just as a useless deathbed confession but as something that actively changed and SAVED albion redeemed him of the mistakes he made and#proved that arthur is the man the KING he told every antagonist he was#future merlin sacrifices himself to destroy the black hole he made and it's like that future never even was.#just a bad nightmare you can't really remember.#just thinking about Merlin god bless#bbc merlin#fic ideas
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fagtainsparklez · 2 years
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me bursting into every post about the smp multiverse to talk about mianite lore
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cecenyss · 11 months
Oh the struggle of being desperate to share your creations and opinions with the world but simultaneously being terrified of being met with snide remarks and judgmental stares so you’re rendered physically incapable of sharing anything with anyone unless they’ve explicitly asked for that information from you
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pocketramblr · 1 year
Thing is it's got to be about equality- if you add the fs dungeon to Legend's story you gotta add the realm of memory to Four's, which would actually mean he's previously time traveled to two other eras- and would thus recognize the downfall duo's worlds
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minimoefoe · 2 years
I know a lot of ppl see the Halloween movies as like, basic slashers but I am the kinda bitch who takes them seriously and will analyse every single thing going on. Michael is a complicated character and I will die on that hill
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neonhog · 9 months
scp timelines are so fun because they do actually have a really interesting explanation as to why there r multiple… they’re not seperated timelines, they’re the same timeline that’s just been through rigorous resets. if anyone hasn’t come across it, essentially, there’s an entity called the bloom that can reverse and push back a timeline, to “start over”, if humanity, the universe, the world, etc, is close to ending. basically, any timeline can play out, and then be pushed back. and the best part of the bloom is that the few people who Do know about, no so little about it that they can’t help but dread how many times it’s happened before…
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musette22 · 2 years
i saw a quote that basically says that shipping isn’t trying to convince the fandom a pairing is real, that it’s only about the “what if these two made love…?” idea and getting people to invest in it, so i gotta ask: why did marvel ditch the idea with steve and bucky? if it’s just an idea (like heck, the creation of the avengers) why did they suddenly become afraid of it? was the side of the fandom that cares more about action louder than the one who saw the little details?
Oh no I forgot to reply to this one, I'm so sorry 😭 I suck!! I promise I didn't ignore it on purpose 🤦🏻‍♀️And it's such an interesting ask as well!
You're right, of course. To you and me, Marvel's response to the shipping of Steve and Bucky together seems wildly disproportionate and unnecessary. When you look at it like that, shipping is such a harmless thing, right? Just a bunch of people liking the idea of two people, in this case best friends, who are in love with each other. What could be more wholesome than that?
Unfortunately, when it comes to two people of the same sex being in love, especially two men, a large portion of the world's population (and especially large corporations) is not going to think it's harmless and wholesome at all. I don't think I have to explain what it is they think instead, but yeah, my best guess is that the reason Marvel tried to squash Stucky shipping was bigotry (both their own and their audience's) and corporate greed (marketability above everything).
Stucky was never exactly mainstream, not in the way Superman and Lois or Peter Parker and Gwen etc. were, but it got damn close at one point (and how could it not have, with an epic love story such as theirs?) So it's pretty clear that Marvel/Disney just wasn't going to risk it and decided to just try and exterminate it completely. Not that they succeeded, by the way.
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guideaus · 1 year
thinking abt knives from trigun and ppl that interact w him is so funny to me bc i'll eventually land on conrad and i cant help but go back to the thought of "WHY are you alive???" and it completely blocks anything else i was thinking. it not being smth i personally disagree w especially and can easily suggest an alternative made me like ??
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