#the world doesn't divide in easy category
unexpectedkate · 10 months
I'm cisgender, heterosexual / heteroflexible, female, and allosexual.
I'm also queerborn, non-binary, assigned butch at birth, panromantic, polyamorous, kinky, and skoliosexual. My pronouns are "they ey she he whatever" on my work slack, but most people, including me, use she. When I was teaching I asked the kids to call me "Mx."
Queerborn, born to queer parents, in my case lesbians. I marched in a pride parade as a 6-year-old with a sign that said "two moms are better than one on one side" and "two dads are better than one on the other." I still think that this was my first inkling of being polyam. This was just two years after I was told to lie about my family so we wouldn't get kicked out of our apartment. The apartment complex explicitly didn't rent to gay people.
I know that voices exposed to T attractive to me. I was talking to a trans friend whose voice could change registers. When she talked in a high register, I was like you are a good friend and I'm very glad to be talking to you. When she talked in the low register, in the same conversation, I was like you are good friend and also hot, and I'm crushing on you.
Skoliosexual, attracted to non-binary folks. When I look back at the people I've dated, they all went through a "male" puberty. They all also at some point decided to grew their hair long. About a quarter identify as trans, although maybe they didn't have that language when I dated them. Most of them are software engineers and board gamers. None were particularly masculine men. (Software engineers and board gamers absolutely can be very masculine men, to be clear)
I would rather have sex with a kinky femme then a vanilla guy. Honestly, I rather have cake than sex with a vanilla manly man who doesn't like board games or programming. And I like sex a lot.
I've been asked "what's your real name" by coworkers. Someone wrote the f slur in the dust on my car after seeing me leaving the car with a date. I spent years of my life in one closet or another. Not telling my friends that my parents were gay as a kid. Not telling my co-workers that I was kinky or polyam as a teacher. I've come out more times than I can count about all three of those things and more.
I see loudly trans kids or older gay square dancers or anyone with a bag covered in pride buttons and think "my people! <3". I've learned a lot about my sexual identity from talking with ace folk. I felt kicked out of the community and culture I grew up in when I wanted to start dating boys as a teenager. My culture identity is queer.
I'm happy and I'm privileged. And I've had a lot of therapy. So I can write this without re-living my trauma. But I know there are some people who in some ways are like me and don't have that privilege of an emotional safety net. And just for their sake that I ask:
Saying straight, cishet, or cis/het/allo as shorthand for not queer is understandable. But please don't double down and say that cis/het/allo people can't be queer. I know it's not true.
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dragonomatopoeia · 6 months
Air's End-of-Year Youtube Video Rec-List Round-Up
In light of recent events and also because I wanted to, I have put together a rec list of various (mostly longform) videos that I've enjoyed this year. Not all of these videos were released this year, however-- I just happened to see them for the first time in 2023. For readability and quality of life purposes, I have put this list under a readmore and divided the videos up by category, then creator, which means that some youtube channels might appear in multiple categories
I reserve the right to edit this later as I remember more videos, but I feel comfortable publishing it as is, considering it has almost 100 videos on it at this point
Get Curried Chili Garlic Rosemary Chicken Recipe | How to Make Chili Garlic Rosemary Chicken at Home | Prateek Anardana Chicken Recipe | Delicious Himachal Style Anardana Chicken Recipe at Home | Chef Prateek Old Delhi Style Tangdi Kebab | How to Make Indian Starter Tangdi Kebab Recipe | Chef Prateek Dhawan
How to Cook That The $10 Million dollar lie (Betty Crocker) Debunking the Pink Sauce Controversy | How To Cook That Ann Reardon Top 7 Best Easy Lemon Recipes 🍋 | How To Cook That Ann Reardon Toxic Foods promoted on TikTok! | How To Cook That Ann Reardon Why is Pyrex exploding? | How To Cook That Ann Reardon
Library of Congress' Youtube Channel El Camino del Mole a New Orleans El Camino del Pan a Baltimore
Simply Mamá Cooks 3 EASY Beef Pot Roast Recipes perfect for the cold weather EASY Chicken Tamales Recipe | How To Make Tamales Easy NO-KNEAD Soft Dinner Rolls + FLUFFY From Scratch Milk Rolls Recipe Zuppa Toscana Recipe EASY | Olive Garden Potato Sausage Soup Recipe
Fraud, Grifts, and Scams
FoldingIdeas Contrepreneurs: The Mikkelsen Twins The Future is a Dead Mall - Decentraland and the Metaverse In Search Of A Flat Earth This is Financial Advice
Maggie Mae Fish Is the "Off-Grid" Lifestyle a Lie??
Münecat I Debunked Every "Body Language Expert" on Youtube The Problem with Tony Robbins (Deep-Dive - Pt.1) The Problem with Tony Robbins (Deep-Dive - Pt. 2)
Super Eyepatch Wolf The Bizarre World of Fake Martial Arts The Bizarre World of Fake Psychics, Faith Healers, and Mediums Influencer Courses are Garbage: The Dark Side of Content Creation Tom Nicholas Griftonomics: Why Scams are Everywhere Now
We're In Hell A History of Spam on the Internet Hustling America: I Can't Believe This Show Is Real The Problem with Voluntourism WE Charity & the Nonprofit Industrial Complex
Hbomberguy Halcyon Dreams: The Legacy of Dragon's Lair
Jacob Geller Games that Aren't Games How Can We Bear to Throw Anything Away?
Li Speaks An Exploration of the Avata Star Sue-niverse It's Time For You To Play Flash Games Again The Strange Case of Kissing and Flirting Games Untangling the Lore of Devilish Hairdresser
Mandaloregaming The Mystery of the Druids: A Bizarre Adventure Game
People Make Games The Games Industry Must Not Stay Silent on Palestine Investigation: Who’s Telling the Truth about Disco Elysium? Working at Valve: 'A Fearless Adventure' or 'Lord of the Flies'?
PowerPak Dead Space 3 Is Worse Than I Thought King's Quest - The First Adventure Game King's Quest 2 - A Bridge Too Far... MyHouse.WAD - Inside Doom's Most Terrifying Mod Squirrel Stapler is Absolutely Nuts Tunic is Deceptively Brilliant
Super Bunnyhop Perusing Pentiment's Boisterous Bibliography
BobbyBroccoli The image you can't submit to journals anymore
Cambrian Chronicles Wikipedia's King who Doesn't Exist
Defunctland Journey to EPCOT Center: A Symphonic History
Elliot Sang How Tea Became European McMindfulness: When Capitalism Goes Buddhist
Intelexual Media Creating The Conservative New Right In The 1970s A Buffet of Black Food History
Kaz Rowe A Deep Dive into the Deadly World of Victorian Patent Medicine Why Have So Many People Seen Ghost Ships? Why the Myth of the Library of Alexandria Is Wrong
Kendra Gaylord 500 years of dollhouses and what it meant to teach girls Alice Austen, the 1880s photographer: her house, her photos, her love life What happened to cheap food? Diners, Automats, and affordable eating
Nerdsync Bonkers origins of superhero memes The Scandalous REAL Origin of Superman's Lois Lane Superman's Uncomfortable History with Nuclear Weapons
Premodernist Advice for time traveling to medieval Europe
Stepback History How The Vietnam War Birthed a Generation of White Terrorists OK Fine I’ll Talk About Ancient Apocalypse
Tantacrul Notation Must Die: The Battle For How We Read Music
Film and Television
Be Kind Rewind How Breakfast at Tiffany's Turned into a Totally Different Movie | Adapting a Classic Casting the Women of Valley of the Dolls | PT 1 The Making of Valley of the Dolls | PT 2 How the "Old Ladies N' Hijinks" Subgenre Became a Thing How a "Sacrilegious" Film Changed Hollywood Forever... So I watched BLONDE... Why Tallulah Bankhead Never Became a Movie Star
Big Joel The Song That Broke West Side Story
Cherrybepsi Can We Kill the Final Girl Trope Already?
Hazel weird & kinda scary tokusatsu girls
Jane Mulcahy The Lunacy of Teen Wolf (Part 1) What is the 'psycho biddy' genre?
Maggie Mae Fish BLACK CHRISTMAS Before & After "Me Too" The War on "Woke" Hollywood: A History of Blacklists and Strikes Why is Clint Eastwood
Princess Weekes Black Trauma vs. Black Horror Why Are There So Many Confederate Vampires? Why Don't Worry Darling Doesn't Work ...
Shanspeare EUPHORIA: Sam Levinson’s Unfulfilled Fantasy The Girlboss-ification of the Horror Genre TikTok Femininity Coaching and Aestheticizing Racism
Science and Technology
BobbyBroccoli The $21,000,000,000 hole in Texas The man who faked human cloning How to catch a criminal cloner
Eastman Museum's Youtube Channel Photographic Processes Series
Technology Connections What's the deal with the popcorn button?
Practical Engineering How Flood Tunnels Work What's the Difference Between Paint and Coatings? Why Is Desalination So Difficult? Why Railroads Don't Need Expansion Joints
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castletown-cafe · 9 months
Castletown Café Episode 27: Butterscotch-Cinnamon Pie
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It's been 8 years.....doesn't seem like that long, does it? On September 15th, 2015, Undertale launched to the world and took the internet by storm, delighting gamers young and old and capturing their hearts and minds with the story, humor, memorable characters, and beautiful music. Without Undertale, there wouldn't be Deltarune.
It's safe to assume that the pie Kris stole between Chapters 1 and 2 as well as the pie Toriel later teaches Susie how to bake is the same pie from Undertale: butterscotch-cinnamon pie. It's the pie Toriel is known for in Undertale, where she asks you early on in the game which flavor you prefer. It doesn't matter if you choose cinnamon or butterscotch, because she later bakes you one delicious pie with both flavors included that compliment each other perfectly.
This pie is well known by fans to restore your health to full HP, regardless of the route you take (which effects how much max HP you have). It even has plot significance! If you know, you know.
Since Undertale's launch, I've made butterscotch-cinnamon pie every September to commemorate it's anniversary. In previous years, I followed pre-existing recipes, but this year, I have concocted my own! The results are a beautiful custard pie with a perfectly-set filling and it tastes as heavenly as the pies I'd made in the past!
While many butterscotch pie recipes out there include a meringue topping, I always opt for a cinnamon-vanilla whipped topping, inspired by @terribletriocreations butterscotch-cinnamon pie recipe. That said, I'd love to try out my butterscotch-cinnamon pie recipe with a meringue topping one of these days!
There are so many different ways to make butterscotch pie, from the simple to the advanced. You can make it with the browning butter method, or use butterscotch chips, or an easy brown sugar and butter custard filling. Mine is the latter category; great for any beginner and easy to make! Here we go!
1 pie crust, pre-made or made from scratch
1 cup firmly-packed dark brown sugar
3 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons cornstarch
Pinch of salt
2 cups milk
4 egg yolks, divided
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Cinnamon-Vanilla Whipped Topping:
1 cup heavy cream
3 tablespoons powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Roll out pie crust and line a pie dish with it. Make sure the crust fits the dish, trim off any excess dough, and dock the bottom with a fork.
Crimp the edges of the crust around the rim of the pie dish. I do it by pinching the dough with my fingers and thumb, but using a fork or another utensil works, too.
In a small bowl, scramble one egg yolk with a little bit of water and brush the rim to gloss the edges of the pie.
Grab a sheet of foil and place in the pie, then fill with dried beans or pie weights. Bake the crust for about 7-10 minutes. After that, remove it from the oven for a moment.
Remove the beans or pie weights and place a pie shield on the rim of the pie shell to prevent the crust rim from overcooking. If you don't have a pie shield, grab a sheet of foil and place it over the pie, cutting out the center where the filling should go. Instant pie shield! Now, bake your pie crust again for another 5-7 minutes, or until your crust is fully baked. Remove it from the oven yet again. If the crust puffs up at the bottom, squish it back down with a spoon.
In a small mixing bowl, beat 3 egg yolks and set aside.
In a saucepan over medium heat, combine brown sugar, flour, cornstarch, and salt. Whisk together for 30 seconds, then slowly add the milk while continuing to whisk in order to prevent any clumps or lumps from forming.
Cook the mixture, stirring constantly to prevent burning, until it's nice and thick and is bubbling a wee bit.
Stir in the butter and keep cooking as the butter melts. After that, keep stirring and cooking for a few more minutes, then remove from heat.
With a ladle, slowly incorporate (while whisking) 1 cup of the hot butterscotch mixture into the egg yolks to temper the eggs and prevent scrambling from occurring. Once you've added and mixed it together, feel free to add just a little more butterscotch, slowly, to ensure that the eggs gradually got hot enough. Then simply pour your egg mixture back into the saucepan with the remaining butterscotch.
Return your butterscotch to medium heat and cook again for another 3 minutes or so, then stir in the vanilla and cinnamon until fully incorporated.
Pour that butterscotch filling into your prepared pie shell and bake once again for another 7-10 minutes. Remove your pie from the oven and let it cool completely. Once cooled, your custard should be completely set and ready for the whipped topping!
In another mixing bowl, combine heavy cream, powdered sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon and beat on medium speed until stiff peaks form. Attach your decorating tip of choice to a piping bag and place it in a tall glass to fill it with the whipped cream. As you would with decorating a cake, pipe the whipped topping over your pie in any pattern or design you'd like. If you want, you can sprinkle the top with a little extra ground cinnamon for a finishing touch. Enjoy and stay determined! ❤
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bluegekk0 · 5 months
So I have a question.
First of all, since I don’t quite feel like going through all of your posts for one detail, what’s FPKs spiritual status or whatever? Has he regressed in part? If he’s still a god have his domains/aspects shifted with the feralisation?
Secondly, what of the rest of Hallownests pantheon (Not the Godseeker pantheons I mean the remaining higher beings of Hallownest, and I suppose the more special creatures like Bardoon since otherwise that’s a really short list)? How are their relations with FPK? Have they even met again? Do they even know he lives?
Hi! I have a tag for the most important ask responses and other AU related posts, both for the story as well as for understanding the characters better, the tag is #save. In case this link doesn't work properly, all of my tags are pinned to my blog, so I recommend checking that out!
I also have some responses related to the topic of gods in the AU, as well as where FPK lands in all of that. Here is one about The Radiance and Grimm's father, which also goes more in depth about how I see the gods. Here is another response related to The Radiance, which also touches on the topic of gods. And lastly, here is one that talks more about FPK (and mainly WL) and how he fits into the whole thing.
But to add something to my answer that I either came up with later or just didn't mention in the other posts (it will be long so I'll put the divider here)
As I mentioned in one of the posts, the gods generally inhabit their own areas. They are not omnipotent, which makes sense, since they are more like guides than creators. This means that certain areas develop cultures and terms that are somewhat exclusive to the region, and an example of such is the term "Dream Realm", which is only really used by the inhabitants of the Hallownest territory (the reason for which I'll explain later). Another interesting result of such scenario is that many mortals travel between countries and kingdoms in order to reach their gods and seek their guidance. I think it would add a pretty fascinating element to their world, one that is not actually that far-fetched from canon, as the Godseeker traveled in search of other gods after the ones of their homeland perished.
There are two distinct "categories" of gods in the AU: the old gods and the new gods, and most of the higher beings we know belong to the latter. The old gods were more like what you picture when you think of a god: a powerful being you devote yourself to, but one you cannot see or touch. This was the old way of the gods, though these days it's very much a thing of the past - most of them choose to create a physical form to walk among the mortals and interact with them, some even blend into their world to the point where it's not as easy to tell that they are in fact gods. Many of them care not for worship, and instead prefer to have a more personal connection with the mortals. A notable exception was The Radiance - she was obsessed with the old gods and their way of life, she refused to create a physical form, and drew most of her power from the worship given to her. This earned her the nickname Grimm would often use mockingly - The Old Light. Though for the longest time, she actually flourished. Worshipping her was the main "religion" of the Hallownest territory for quite some time, and the Moth tribe that she created served as a way for mortals to communicate with her. This was done through their dreams, which eventually coined the phrase "The Dream Realm", first to refer to The Radiance's domain, though over time it became the main term to use for other god realms, even if they were not related to the concept of dreams. But with time, the new way of gods overshadowed her rule, and eventually the mortals turned away from The Radiance, instead devoting themselves to higher beings they could see and interact with.
This is where FPK came into the picture, as I mentioned before, he learned his powers and thus was not a real god, but in the eyes of mortals he was just as worthy of worship as any other higher being. At that point, The Radiance was already weak, and we know the rest of the story so I won't get into it now.
And since we're on the topic of FPK: before advanced civilization developed, the gods would instead guide the course of nature itself, which at that time was full of now prehistoric creatures. Giant, imposing beasts dominated the world, and wyrms were one of such species. But eventually that megafauna would slowly die off, passing the torch to smaller creatures and allowing them to evolve and develop (similarly to how the extinction of dinosaurs allowed small mammals to flourish). I like to think that this common ancestor was quite insect-like in its appearance, which is why those traits are quite commonly present in modern species (though they are notably not actual insects). Wyrm were the last of those gigantic species, due to their unusual ability to stop aging, which eventually led to intense cannibalism and their eventual extinction.
FPK was born in the very last generation of wyrms, when their numbers were already dwindling. He was a small, weak, leucistic wyrm, which inevitably made him an outcast for his species. After he matured and left his nest, he began hiding from his kind, as he knew he had no chance of fighting back. That is when he stumbled upon the lore tablets left by the gods. Soul magic was notably difficult to learn, and while there are mortals who know how to use it, their short lifespans mean that they die before they can reach its full potential. FPK was just the right creature to learn the magic and perfect it - he spent almost 200 years studying the tablets and developing his skills, and by the time he changed forms and created the kingdom, he already reached levels of power comparable to that of the gods (though he still lacked a lot of their abilities that he was not able to learn with soul, which I mentioned in one of the linked posts).
But since his power was learned, not natural to him, it was inherently linked to his mind, his memory, and his experiences. And as he fell into hibernation, his oldest memories began to get slowly erased, which included the very basics of soul magic. This meant that, when he was woken up (thankfully before he lost most of his memories), he had no knowledge of how to utilize his powers, and thus was not able to sustain himself with soul (I recommend this post for more details on the importance of this ability in particular for him, as well as his feral nature). While it is technically possible for him to re-learn those basics and become powerful again, he chooses not to for personal reasons - he became too dependent on it, to the point where he was starving himself, and he generally associates it with the worst moments of his life.
So after hibernation, he is pretty much exactly the way he was in his childhood, though obviously in a different physical form. He doesn't age (which was a trait Hornet inherited from him), but aside from that, he doesn't know any magic.
I'll return to the topic of other gods, to give some more details on them and their relation to FPK. The list, as you pointed out, is not particularly long, but with the previous context I think it makes sense.
First, there's The Radiance and The Nightmare (now known as The Nightmare King/Grimm), the two siblings and the children of The Dream Lord (name is subject to change since I haven't sat down to create a design for him yet), who is now dead as noted in one of the linked posts. I won't go into too much detail on what their domains and responsibilities are, refer back to the posts I linked.
Then there is The White Lady. I mentioned that I imagine she would be the god of fertility, and perhaps she would also watch over the flora of the region. She would be the god to seek in topics related to fertility or crops, I imagine.
Quite related to WL's domain is Unn, who watches over the wilderness, particularly the fauna (though she is also responsible for the vegetation of the region, which is where she clashes with WL). She is one of the few gods of the region who actually created her own followers, though she is always welcoming to any mortal who seeks her aid.
Lastly, there is The Shade Lord, a unique higher formed from void itself, which does not have a domain of its own. Instead, it stood opposed to The Dream Lord - balancing the hopeful dreams with chaos and doubts. But it became dangerous, and so The Dream Lord sacrificed himself to seal it away in the Abyss (Ghost united the void one last time to defeat The Radiance, but The Shade Lord as it was known once is gone).
Now, there is also the possibility of there being other gods, which were never encountered by Ghost. For instance, the hot springs imply the existence of possible volcanic activity in the region, so perhaps there is a god whose domain connects to fire and heat? Perhaps they could serve a similar role to Hephaestus in Greek mythology, and be the guide to all the blacksmiths of the region?
There may also be a god related to Lifeblood, I think there is an implication that it comes from a higher being like source. They could be the god you seek in matters related to health and vitality. But then again, Lifeblood itself is so strange that it may as well just be some kind of drug hahaha
And again, FPK was never part of that pantheon of gods, The Radiance notably considered him a fraud and rejected him. But the other gods, which are much closer to the mortals, were more open to welcoming him among their kind. His marriage to WL earned him the title of a Pale Being, and while he was not able to become part of the matters of gods (his inability to enter The Higher Plane was the biggest factor here), he was still considered a god by all the mortals.
He did meet with WL after coming back, though as I mentioned before, since they divorced, he only rarely pays her visits - their new lives are almost completely separate. Unn was definitely aware of his return, after all, he frequently hunts in her territory. She definitely watched him closely to ensure he wasn't overhunting the animal population, but since he only does that to satisfy his hunger, she never had to intervene. The Radiance is dead, and Grimm is married to him so not much to add here.
Also, since you mentioned Bardoon. I think his species may be a quite recent descendant of one of those prehistoric beasts, which would explain his size and knowledge of wyrms. So he's definitely in the same category that FPK was in when he was born.
This turned out really long, but I hope it's a satisfying answer. Again, I definitely recommend checking out the posts I linked, as well as scrolling through the #save tag (especially if you want to learn more about the more personal aspects of the characters). I tried to make it as easy to understand as possible, but again, the AU is not a serious writing project, I definitely make it up as I go, so there is a chance that some things don't quite add up or are a bit convoluted. So if you have any more questions or want me to elaborate on something, feel free to send me another ask!
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smileyfacesim · 1 year
The Aspiration Legacy Challenge by SmileyFaceSim
DO NOT CLAIM THIS AS YOUR OWN! I worked very hard on this so at least give me credit for what I've created.
Please let me know if things should be changed or added, just don't be mean.
Hey everyone,
I've created this challenge for a few reasons:
1. I couldn't find a similar challenge about the aspirations
2. I barely play through the aspirations unless I need reward points or if a challenge goal tells me to complete it
3. My personal gameplay doesn't usually include completing aspirations
Completing one aspiration in one generation would be too easy and a bit boring so I added some goals to make things a bit more interesting.
I hope you'll love this challenge as much as I loved creating it and I hope you'll find fun in playing through the generations and maybe find new ways to play ur discover new aspects of certain packs.
Love ya,
Your founder starts out with 0 simoleons
All other gens will randomize a number between 0 and 3000 to start out with. They get this money from their parents when they move out
When you move someone in (a spouse, a roommate, etc.) divide their household funds by the amount of household members, that's the amount of money they will take with them to your household
Your founder can live where ever they want unless the goals say differently
Your gens can't live in the same world for 2 generations in a row
You can move at any time but you can't use money cheats for it
when your heir moves out, you can use the FreeRealEstate cheat to move to a new empty plot
Every generation starts on an empty plot
3.Newborns and Infants
Since the newborn life stage is only 1 day, you can’t age them up early
You can age up infants early if:
BASE GAME: You find out 3 foods they like/love
GROWING TOGETHER: reach 2 milestones for every category except for 'Life'
4.Child and Teen aspirations
HARD MODE: Complete all child and teen aspirations at least once throughout the whole legacy
You can follow your teens to school, but you don't have to
Complete a child/teen aspiration if the reward trait can help you with the generation goals
Your children and teens must have an A in school beforetheir birthday
Toddlers need at least level 3 in 3 skills
At the beginning of each generation, roll a number between 1 and 6 for the amount of children you will have
Losing a child is not the end of the challenge. You can replace them or just have less options for an heir
Your founder can look however you want unless the rules say differently
You can pick the founders traits unless the rules say differently
After the founder, all traits are randomized
You can play this as a standard 10 generation legacy, a randomized legacy (1-70) or follow the order below
You can move out as a teen or young adult
If you have any questions, suggestions, etc. You can find me here, on Twitch or Discord
1.Friend of the Animals
Complete the aspiration
Have a vet clinic with at least 3 stars
Reach the highest level of the vet skill
adopt at least 1 pet
Show your love for animals in the way you look and dress
Have a room in your house dedicated to your pet(s)
find your partner while you hang out with your pet somewhere (dog park, at a friend's house...)
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'loves outdoors' trait
Build a fitness in your house
You can only prepare and eat garden and fruit salades
Reach level 10 of the fitness skill
Have kids with sims that have the 'bro' trait
Mentor 5 sims at a gym
Reach level 10 of the athlete career
3.Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Complete the aspiration
Reach level 10 of the skiing, snowboarding and rock climbing skill
Get married on the peak of Mt. Komorebi
Go to the onsen every Sunday
Lead at least 3 excursions with the family
4.Painter Extraordinaire
Complete the aspiration
Visit every world and make a painting from reference
You dislike photography so you paint all of your family pictures (1 painting for each member)
You can only decorate the walls of you home with your own paintings
Your sim has colorful hair
Your sim loves bright colors and patterns
Visit a museum at least once a week
Hang 1 of your paintings in every museum
5.Musical Genius
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'music lover' trait
Have a radio in every room (not in bedrooms)
Only play your favorite music genre, day and night, on every radio
Have a room in your house where you'll have weekly concerts for your family and friends
Only earn money by playing for tips and licensing songs
6.Bestselling author
Complete the aspiration
You don't belive in TV's and other electronics so you only have books on your lot
Write the book of Life to bring back a loved one
Write 7 books of the same genre
Get with someone who is the complete opposite of you
Only write at night
All your children have a private journal that they write in every day
7.Master Actor/Actress
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'self-absorbed' trait
You're so full of yourself, you only have pictures of yourself as decoration and mirros in every room
Become a 5 star celebrity
The person you have kids with, looks exactly like your favorite actor/actress
If you have Growing Together: have a baby shower for every baby
8.Master Maker
Complete the aspiration
Only earn money with the Freelance Crafter career
Who needs lights when you can make your own candles?
Furnish your home with the things you can make
Your romantic interest(s) wear bags
9.Lord/Lady of the Knits
Complete the aspiration
Your house, style... has big granny vibes
You must knit everything at least once and add to your wardrobe
Furnish your home with knitted furniture
Your whole family must wear what you've made
You have a part time job to have more time for your Plopsy store
Your kids will all learn how to knit from you. You also sell what they've made on Plopsy
During Winter you always make beanies that you donate
10.Public Enemy
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'kleptomaniac' trait
Your neighbors hate you, you're mean and you always steal from them
Decorate your house with what you steal
Unalive all your partners after having a baby with them
Max out the mischief skill
11.Chief of Mischief
Complete the aspiration
You can't go a day without pranking 3 sims
You have a voodoo doll of your worst enemy
A friend/sibling is your partner in crime and you pull pranks with them once a week
Toy with dead successfully at least once
Max out the charisma skill
12.Villainous Valentine
Complete the aspiration
You marry sims to get their money, then divorce them
At least 1 toddler is adopted
Other children are made with married sims
You live in a modern style home
The only color in your style and house is grey
Get a total of 1000.000 simoleons from marrying other sims and taking their money
13.Successful Lineage
Complete the aspiration
You and your family are all good friends
You live with the next heir until you die
Family dinner is a daily tradition
all kids have at least 1 level 10 skill
All kids have completed their aspiration
14.Big Happy Family
Complete the aspiration
You're a stay at home sim, your partner works
All the toddlers have level 5 skills
Saturday = Family movie/TV night
You move out with the next heir
if you have Growing Together: have at least 1 family reunion
You babysit the grandkids
You pick at least one partner for the next heir
Every room in your house is based on a household member
15.Vampire Family
Complete the aspiration
You're obsessed with Vlad: you only want his kids, you want to marry him, you have a shrine of him in your bedroom...
Only feed off your friends, family, neighbors...
Go feeding as a family
Reach level 10 of the pipe organ
Give Vlad's house a pastel make over before moving in with your family
16.Super Parent
Complete the aspiration
You and the family always go voluntering on Sundays
Always help your kids with their homework and projects
You have a strict 8 pm currfew, when someone's too late they are grounded
You save everything your kids make in the attic
Always cook together with your family
Make sure to have a big family home with a big kitchen
17.Master Chef
Complete the aspiration
After reaching level 8 in the culinary career, quit and open a restautrant
Get 5 stars in an experimental food restaurant
Every Wednesday, organize a gold medal dinner party
Learn all 27 of the city Living recipes
Max out the gourmet cooking skill
18.Master Mixologist
Complete the aspiration
Serve self made drinks for the family on holidays
Make 5 emotion changing potions
Reach level 10 of the culinary career, mixology branch
Every room of your house is based on a different color
Make every drink you can at least once
Have a maid and have a baby with them
Say yes to every invite you get
19.Grilled Cheese
Complete the aspiration
Eat three playes of grilled cheese in a row to activate the aspiration
The only colors you wear and use in your home are yellow and brown
Only have grilled cheese paintings as decoration
Only eat grilled cheese
Name your cildren after cheeses
Finish the postcard and Voidcritter collection
20.Fabulously Wealthy
Complete the aspiration
Reach level 10 of the business career
Only furnish your house with the most expensive furniture
You have a butler and a nanny for you children
You only wear dresses or suits
In your free time, you bake and sell pastries through a street sale
21.Mansion Baron
Complete the aspiration
Once you've placed an item, you can't move it anymore
Your partner must be created using random genetics
Get money by only taking pictures
Rooms you need to include in your house: a spa, a movie and game room, a bowling alley, a bar with a dance floor and a DJ booth
22.Renaissance Sim
Complete the aspiration
Only have 1 child
Make decisions by asking questions to a future cube
Find love at work
Finish the fossil collection
Growing Together: Every child/toddler  you have will organize at least 1 slumber party
23.Nerd Brain
Complete the aspiration
Have kids with aliens you find in Sixam
Use the freeze ray's transform power to earn money
Reach level 10 of the scientist career
Have a secret lab at home
Finish the element collection
Never replace broken furniture, always repair
24.Computer Whiz
Complete the aspiration
After reaching level 5 of the career, quit to become a streamer/ pro gamer (play tournaments to earn money)
Max out the video gaming skill
Win a tournament with every game
Max out the programming skill
Make an app for every child you have
Have a small dog
25.Master Vampire
Complete the aspiration
Dress in all red
Become BFF's with one of the Vatore siblings
Defeat Vlad in combat
Max out the Vampire Lore skill
Sell flower arrangements to earn money
Use lilsimsie's spin the wheel once a day to spice up your gameplay
Max out the logic skill
26.Archaeology Scholar
Complete the aspiration
Max out the Selvadoradian Culture skill
Open a store to sell the artifacts you find
Find love in Selvadorada
Try everything from a Selvadoradian food stall
Only wear things from the jungle adventure pack
Be good friends with 5 skeletons
27.Spellcraft & Sorcery
Complete the aspiration
Know all the spells
Win a duel against each Sage
Have a familiar
Practice your spells on your partner
Take good care of bees
Have a black cat
Sell honey and bees wax as a side hustle
Complete the aspiration
Have a distinguished degree from both universities
Marry a mascott
Join the robotics team
Live in campus housing while going to uni
Sell other people's room decor to get extra money
Reach level 5 of your career
Build your forever home using a shell challenge from the gallery
29.Serial Romantic
Complete the aspiration
Only marry as an elder to a random townie
Leave someone at the altar
Each child has to have a different parent
Have the 'non-commital' trait
Switch jobs 5 times once you get to level 6
Move houses 3 times
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'loyal' trait
Marry in a world different from the one you live in
Go on a two day honeymoon
You and your partner wear matching clothing
You and your partner have the same job and hobby
Live in a heartshaped house
31.City Native
Complete the aspiration
Collect all festival shirts
Complete the curry challenge
Finish the poster collection
Unalive all your partners with pufferfish
Max out the singing skill
Have a talking toilet
Reach level 10 of the critic career
Earn extra cash as a living statue
32.Strangerville Mystery
Complete the aspiration
Eavesdrop on your neighbors and blackmail them for money
Live completely underground
Have the 'paranoid' trait
Have kids with a conspiracy theorist
Have the simple living lot challenge
Live off of your garden
33.Beach life
Complete the aspiration
Become a mermaid
Earn money with odd jobs
Have the 'volcanic activity' lot challenge
Have the 'island spirits' lot trait
Complete the seashell collection
Have weekly Kava parties
Make all babies at the waterfall
34.Mt. Komorebi Sightseer
Complete the aspiration
Complete the Simmie collection
Marry Yamachan
Monday is hot pot day
Every child has to have a picture with Yamachan
Have the 'proper' trait
Have a household member die by vending machine
Reach max level of the salary person career
35.Perfectly Pristine
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'clean' trait
You do all the cleaning and laundry at home
Have a strict dynamic with all of your kids
Reach level 10 of the doctor career
You can choose how many kids you'll have
36.Fabulously Filthy
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'slob' trait
Find all your furniture in a dumpster
Earn money with dust bunnies
Have 3 trash plants
Earn money to replace broken items from your dumpster because you can't throw anything you find away
37.Freelance Botanist
Complete the aspiration
Have at least 2 kids (randomize a number between 2 and 6)
To find out who the next heir will be, lock your teens in a room with cowplants. the last to survive will be the heir
Complete the gardening collection OR bring someone back to life with ambrosia
Reach at least level 8 of the gardening career
Marry Patchy (use cheats if needed)
Use a lot of flower power in your house and style
38.The Curator
Complete the aspiration
Display your collectibles at home
Have a freelance career
Max out the photography skill
Have carpet flooring in every room
Have 2 million simoleons
Every room of your house is a different size
39.Angling Ace
Complete the aspiration
Complete the fish collection
Never eat fish
Wear a hat for every outfit
Every room has a different style
Reach level 10 of the conservationist career, the marine biologist branch
Shoot 5 nature documentaries
40.Outdoor Enthusiast
Complete the aspiration
Use 5 potions (from herbalism skill) you've made
You live outside in a tent and never get a house
Organize weekly Weenie Roasts
You wear a bear outfit for every outfit
Live off the grid
Marry the Hermit
41. Jungle Explorer
Complete the aspiration
Become enemies with benefits with someone
Your children must all collect every badge from Scouts
Die by being woohoo'd to death
Have a part time job
Visit and do a wish on the wishing well twice a week
42. Purveyor of Potions
Complete the aspiration
Know all the potions
Test all your potions on your family
Marry a Spellcaster
Sell your potions through street sales
Download a fixer upper house from the gallery and fix it up
43.Eco Innovator
Complete the aspiration
Activate ALL of the lot challenges
Have kids with Knox and/or Bess
Have a self-sufficiant home
Marry and divorce twice
44.Country Caretaker
Complete the aspiration
Have a farm which you live off
Help everyone with their errands
Make all the cross stitch patterns, the ones you get from errands too
Win every competition at least once
Have weekly family picnics
45.Joke Star
Complete the aspiration
Complete the MySims trophies collection
Fill up Newcrest however you want
Get at least 5 satisfaction reward traits
Name your kids after famous comedians
Have a tight friend group of 5 sims or more
46.Party Animal
Complete the aspiration
Every day you host a different party
Max the DJ mixing and dancing skill
Earn money with tips and mix tapes
47.Friend of the World
Complete the aspiration
Live by asking your friends for loans
Play games with your friends 3 times a week
Have kids with your friends
Live in a micro home
48.Neighborhood Confidante
Complete the aspiration
Do everything the wants want you to do
Make and sell jams for a living
Add the grim Reaper to your household
49.Leader of the Pack
Complete the aspiration
Create a club with whatever activities you want
Max out the police career
Marry a criminal
Max out the handiness skill and find the secret grotto
50.Good Vampire
Complete the aspiration
Have at least one set of twins
Max out the candle making skill
Have a piercing and 3 tattoos
Marry a very townie looking sim
Become the first ever Vampire lawyer (Level 8 at least)
51.World-Famous Celebrity
Complete the aspiration
Have more than 5000 followers
Max out the social media career
Randomize your outfits every Tuesday
Have a shark pond to drown enemies and baby partners
Make vlogs on your days off
Have a butler
52.Paragon of Hope
Complete the aspiration
Instead of a max of 6 kids, the max for this generation is lowered to 4
Decorate your home wih Batuu furniture
Name your kids after Star Wars characters
Have 2 pets
Max out the pet trainig skill
53.Enforcer of Order
Complete the aspiration
Every room is based on a different disney movie
Earn money using the programming skill
54.Galactic Privateer
Complete the aspiration
Max out the juice fizzing skill
Marry an alien from Batuu
55.Inner Peace
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'high maintenance' trait
Max out the wellness skill
Get rid of 3 fears
Max out the fitness skill
56.Self-care Specialist
Complete the aspiration
Work in a spa to earn money
Max out 3 skills
Thursday = Family game night
57.Zen Guru
Complete the aspiration
Wear a costume for every outfit
Build your house based on your costume
Have a wellness space at home
58.Lone Wolf
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'loner' trait
Have kids with Greg
Scare people so they drop their money
Max out the medium skill to communicate with past generations
Live on a different floor than your partner and kids
59.Emissary of the Collective
Complete the aspiration
Have kids with a different occult type
Base your house build on your favorite videoclip, movie or series
Write books about your werewolf adventures
Have the 'erratic' trait
60.Wildfang Renegade
Complete the aspiration
Max out the secret agent career
Change up your hair every week
Live as a true werewolf: pee where ever, hunt for food, sleep on the floor...
Marry a werewolf
61. Cure Seeker
Complete the aspiration
Max out the education career
Max out the mixology skill
Cure 5 werewolves
Cure 5 Vampires
Max out 5 extra skills
62. Expert Nectar Maker
Complete the aspiration
You 've always dreamt of a huge eco-friendly ranch with a farm, different kinds of animals, a nectar making and storing basement
Marry the first ranch hand you get, then hire someone else because a huge ranch can't be taken care of by only 1 person
Have at least 2 mini goats and 2 mini sheep
Become besties with the mysterious rancher and get all his recipes for nectar
Have a 'Ranch animal Day' event once every season
63. Championship Rider
Complete the aspiration
You have the Horse Lover trait
You go line dancing at the club/bar every Friday night
All horses you own have been rescued
You earn money by harvesting the prairie grass ad selling what you find and by exploring the cave
You find your partner while riding your horse in the Gulch
You get married in front of the waterfall
64. Market Magnet
Complete the aspiration
You can start this generation with the cheapest stove, fridge and 1 counter
Marry a foodie
Reach level 10 of the charisma skill
You can only use the default colors when building and furnishing your house
65. Appliance Wiz
Complete the aspiration
Reach level 10 of the baking skill
Make all the pizza and waffle recipes at least once
Name all your children after food
Build and furnish your house in alphabetical order (lilsimsie has a video of it on youtube)
Marry someone who dislikes cooking
66. Seeker of Secrets
Complete the aspiration
Have the Nosey trait
Have the mold lot trait. Someone must die from the mold and live with you as a ghost you cannot control (doesn't have to be a family member)
You can have whatever job you want but on your days off you earn some extra cash by blackmailing sims with their secrets
Your house must be inspired by a random country
67. Five-Star Property Owner
Complete the aspiration
You must have the handyperson part time career
You only have kids with your tenants
All the units you own have the maintenence troubles lot trait
Have at least two tenant rules activated
Complete the marble collection
68. Fount of Tomarani Knowledge
Complete the aspiration
Live in Tomarang
Have the cringe trait and embarras your children like never before *dabs*
All kids are named after random google searches you've done
Organize weekly pool parties
Marry a wise elder sim
Try all foods of the night market
69. Discerning Dweller
Complete the aspiration
Organize 1 potluck per season/every two weeks
Have a secret child with your property owner, who you continue to have an affair with #scandalous
Have the klepto trait and "borrow" some furniture from your neighbors to fill your rental
Your rental looks like a pastel rainbow
70. Crystal Crafter
Complete the aspiration
You have a love for gothic build, buy and fashion
You're BFF's with Grim
All jewelry you wear is made by you
Kids are named after crystals or metals
YOU'RE A LEGEND, you've completed all the generations of this legacy challenge. Please let me know what you think: what did you like, what should change, what should be added...
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vanymsbadideas · 11 months
Weird thought...
So I made a comparison back when Breath of the Wild was new between it and Megaman Zero. Mainly both have blond amnesiac protagonists, resurrected into a broken world after a century out of commission, whose main assets are mastery of multiple weapon types and an inexplicable ability to climb virtually any vertical surface. This got me thinking about the weird idea of MMZ, but in BotW's gameplay style. It didn't seem like a monumental idea, but it was interesting, and the sequel has actually made it more so, and I feel like talking about how that might work.
Zero's loadout would of course differ from Link's in a few ways, like how he doesn't wield his shield alongside his sword, but rather as a separate weapon which is also a boomerang hunting wing (I want that term to become a thing) and so wouldn't need its own separate inventory. The buster gun would be directly interchangeable to the bow thankfully, though obviously without the falloff. And of course breakable weapons wouldn't make much sense... At least, not the way BotW does them, where you're just grabbing sticks off the ground or stealing whatever your enemies drop. More on that in a bit.
Given MMZ's setting, we'd be dealing with two main resources: Energy crystals and cyber-elves. Energy crystals are easy, they're basically money. In this idea they could also be your ammunition, with one buster shot costing one crystal for example, but the bottom line is you spend them to do very basic things.
Waugs, Faugs, & Daugs
Cyber Elves would be more involved, dividing up into categories, based on the "augmentation" they provide. Frame Augmentations and Dynamic Augmentations are the easiest to explain: in BotW terms they'd equate to armor and elixirs respectively. As for Weapon Augmentations... the short version is, imagine the fuse system, but every weapon is the Master Sword.
As I said, weapon breakage wouldn't make much sense. You have your buster gun and various melee weapons, each with their own properties, and you can use them as much as you want. But they are a bit... basic, unfortunately. But Waugs can change that... for a while, anyway. Damage boosts, elemental attributes, and various other effects can be granted to a weapon by loading a Waug into it, and will last for a set number of strikes.
There's further tweaks you could employ, like maybe having an energy crystal cost for loading, but you get the idea.
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wetthandss · 1 year
Tumblr media
(copy pasted from discord) This is part of a little project I've started working on. It's a simple settlement generator for my Pathfinder game, an easy way to "build" a settlement based on certain values rather than just winging it all the time which has lead to many of my settlements becoming homogeneous in their actual content (that is , the production and professions therein. I'm only interested in "automating" that.) Settlement is the general term, but image above is the different types from lowest to highest population. Anything above a city is not relevant because it doesn't (yet) exist in my world, but if I do need to add a higher tier eventually this will be made in a way that it can easily be added in without having to change anything else. There are two values that are determined based on the population and abundance of any settlement, Centre Points and Specialisation Points. Centre points can be put into broad categories of production (which i kinda just synonymise with anything that people would be doing). Broad categories like infrastructure, a commercial district, a work quarter etc. Each higher population category (low, medium, high) have more centre points, and thus are able to be more diverse in their production. Specialisations are more specific goings on within those broad categories. So using the same examples from before, specialisations would be things like a stables, a forum, and a blacksmith. The types of settlements within each category will have more specialisation points than the last. So if neighbourhood has 1, a hamlet has 2, and a village has 3. A suburb would continue the trend and have 4 SP. CP works the same way, but there's an exception. Easiest way for me to show is with an example. So the low population category has 1 CP. However, the highest population settlement type has one more! So a neighborhood and hamlet have 1 CP, but a village has 2 CP and so on for the medium and high category. The population ranges in the image are taken from the average approximate ranges in real life, according to english ekistic standards. The upper range number is divided by half, then divided by 8, then multiplied by 1.5. That is now the upper range that I use. Suburbs and boroughs were special cases because they vary so much that they don't really have a real range. So i usually just picked a spot between the last one and the next one and did the same thing. 500k was used as the base number for cities since technically they have a high range of about a million and that was too high for this scale. Around 100k was my target and I'm very happy with how this turned out. "Bare necessities" is a separate mechanic in this project, because obviously just because your settlement doesn't have a work quarter doesn't mean you have absolutely no craftsmen and artisans to produce the bare necessities of what your settlement needs. These are taken as a given, but are of little use to the players of the game as they aren't selling their wares- they're making them because the settlement needs them. Now I just have to write the abundance mechanic and make a big list of centers and specialisations.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Of course First Minister Mark Drakeford doesn’t  care about men in women’s sports. It doesn’t impact him.
The first minister of Wales has said he believes "transgender women are women". 
Mark Drakeford was asked to define what a woman is during a session at the Senedd.
Mr Drakeford was answering a question about the inclusion of trans athletes in sport, acknowledging it was an "argument that divides people".
Prime Minister Boris Johnson does not believe transgender women should compete in female sports - a view he conceded may be "controversial".
There has been criticism of the UK Labour party's policies on trans and women's rights and the refusal of some politicians to publicly define what a woman is.
In the Senedd on Tuesday, Conservative MS Laura Anne Jones said: "I think it's important that I make it clear that protecting women's rights does not for one moment mean that you're anti-trans rights. Female competitors deserve the same rights as male competitors.
"We all know the huge benefits that sports can offer, and we all, I'm sure, want to ensure trans athletes can participate in sport.
"But what we don't want is a situation where we're trying to be so inclusive that it is to the detriment of a particular group.
"We have a situation where women athletes are so disheartened that they are pulling out of their own female categories because they say that trans women taking part in a female category have a male puberty advantage."
'Understanding rather than conflict'
The issue of transgender athletes - centred around the balance of inclusion, sporting fairness and safety in women's sport - has recently focused on the case of transgender cyclist Emily Bridges.
Bridges was recently ruled ineligible to compete in her first elite women's race by cycling's world governing body.
South Wales East Ms Jones asked Mr Drakeford: "First minister, do you believe that trans athletes should compete in female sports?
"Can you do something that many other Labour politicians have failed to do so far, which is define a woman?"
Mr Drakeford said: "My starting point is the same as Penny Mordaunt's - the UK minister responsible at the time - who said that the UK government's starting point was that transgender women are women. That's my starting point in this debate.
"It is a difficult area where people feel very strongly on different sides of an argument, and an argument that divides people who agree on most other things.
"What I say to the member is that in such a potentially divisive issue, the responsibility of elected representatives is not to stand on the certainties of their own convictions, but instead to work hard to look for opportunities for dialogue, to find ways of promoting understanding rather than conflict, and to demonstrate respect rather than to look for exclusion.
"I do not understand the point that the member makes that you can be too inclusive. To me, inclusivity is absolutely what we should be aiming for here."
In March, Lia Thomas became the first known transgender swimmer to win the highest US national college title with victory in the women's 500-yard freestyle.
She said athletes did not transition to gain a competitive advantage.
Mr Johnson said recently: "I don't think biological males should be competing in female sporting events. Maybe that's a controversial thing to say, but it just seems to me to be sensible.
"I also happen to think that women should have spaces - whether it's in hospitals, prison or changing rooms - which are dedicated to women. That's as far as my thinking has developed on this issue.
"If that puts me in conflict with some others, then we have got to work it all out. It doesn't mean I'm not immensely sympathetic to people who want to change gender, to transition and it's vital we give people the maximum love and support in making those decisions.
"These are complex issues and they can't be solved with one swift, easy piece of legislation. It takes a lot of thought to get this right."
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readitreviewit · 4 months
The Story Behind: A Fun and Fascinating Look at Everyday Objects You may not realize it, but virtually everything you interact with on a daily basis has a rich history behind it. From the clothes you wear to the food you eat, the objects that make up your daily life are full of fascinating stories and intriguing backgrounds. In The Story Behind, author Emily Prokop delves into some of the most interesting and obscure histories of everyday objects, providing a fun and entertaining look at the world around us. One thing that sets The Story Behind apart from other trivia books is the sheer variety of topics covered. Prokop covers everything from food and drink to exercise equipment and musical instruments, making for a truly diverse and engaging read. Whether you're a history buff or just someone who enjoys learning fun facts, this book has something for everyone. Some of the most interesting chapters in The Story Behind focus on items that you wouldn't necessarily think have a history, such as lollipops and podcasts. For example, did you know that lollipops actually originated in Ancient Egypt, where they were made from honey and flavored with spices? And while we now take podcasts for granted as a form of entertainment, they were actually only invented in 2004! Another standout feature of The Story Behind is Prokop's engaging and accessible writing style. Rather than drowning readers in dry facts and figures, she presents the information in a fun and conversational way, with plenty of humor and pop culture references. This makes for a book that's not only informative, but genuinely entertaining to read. One area where The Story Behind could have been improved is in its organization. While the book is divided into broad categories such as "science" and "food," the chapters within those categories don't always flow logically. For example, the chapter on "Fashion" covers everything from corsets to high heels to the history of hair dye, which can feel like a bit of a mishmash. However, this is a minor quibble, and overall the book is well-structured and easy to follow. Another potential downside for some readers is that The Story Behind covers a lot of ground, but doesn't always go into a huge amount of depth on each topic. This is understandable given the wide range of material Prokop is trying to cover, but some readers may find themselves wanting more detailed information on certain subjects. That being said, the book is chock-full of interesting tidbits and fun facts. Did you know, for instance, that the first televised football game ever broadcast was in 1939, or that the first recorded use of the word "smoothie" was in 1941? Prokop presents these facts and many more with a contagious enthusiasm that makes you want to keep reading. By the time you're done with The Story Behind, you'll look at everyday objects in a whole new light. Overall, The Story Behind is a delightful and engaging book that will appeal to anyone who loves learning new things. Prokop's lively writing style and the sheer breadth of material covered make this a must-read for anyone who wants to know the history behind the items in their daily life. Whether you're a trivia buff, a history nerd, or just looking for a fun and informative read, The Story Behind is sure to delight and surprise you. Don't miss out on the thrilling adventure waiting for you in this book! Order now and experience the excitement firsthand. And for those who prefer to listen, get a 30-day trial of Audible to immerse yourself in the story. Don't wait any longer, start your journey today! Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details)
0 notes
shannonrobbins17 · 6 months
Dealings with machine repairs isn't easy, simply it backside a great deal easier with the tips and advice you're all but to say. No unmatchable wants to bump retired that their gondola of necessity shape through with. However, it doesn't take to relegate your swear or cause you want to pull your whisker out in the instant.
It is non legal for a mechanic to starting functional on your automobile earlier you formally authorise them to do so, unremarkably by signing a squeeze. Be deliberate what you authorize the auto-mechanic to do. You should solitary subscribe documents that admit a elaborated name of the needful repairs and their prices. When it comes to automobile repair, cheaper is non ever a in force matter. You privation mortal World Health Organization is well-read well-nigh your gain and pose of motorcar to be functional on it. Patch you mightiness obtain by having a friend do your vegetable oil commute in change for dinner, anything More complicated is improve left wing to a pro. You don't require to wealthy person to give spare subsequently to unsex those "repairs". simon giftcard balance motive to assure if the auto-mechanic has ever done form on the accurate Sami type of railcar in front. If simon gift card sustain undergo with your typecast of car, they are to a greater extent in all probability able to correctly diagnose and fixate the problems your vehicle is having. Getting a skilful referral is the philosophical doctrine direction to find a eager motorcar technician. Lecture to your friends and mob and enquire if they own whatever recommendations. You give the sack receive tabu dandy entropy close to cost and note value that elbow room. Quash the mechanism who overcharged your friends or were not veracious with them. If your car doorway and concoct locks run to get stiff, deflect breakage your distinguish away in the lock away by lubricating them sporadically with a sharp vegetable oil nebulizer. You buttocks usage the moldable extender that comes with the spray derriere to turn in inunct to the upcountry of the lockup mechanics. If you hold mislaid this extender, simply spraying your describe generously and play it in the slopped lock various times. Call up that acquiring OEM parts is important. These are pilot components from the producer. Taxonomic category parts give notice be cheaper just OEM parts bequeath finish longer and ordinarily fare with a punter warrant. A cheap, generic wine split up is to a lesser extent of a deal if it solely lasts one-half as yearn as an OEM divide would. Do non wee the misidentify of having person desexualize your fomite precisely because the total they flush is cheaper than everyone else. Many multiplication the abject prices piddle up for the miss in select make. Doing enquiry on the compensate tell on in query will helper you decide if that is the cause Here. Don't leave alone anything of time value in your motorcar when it's existence repaired. The mechanic May come up that these things stupefy in the fashion and they Crataegus laevigata fix misplaced to where they cannot be placed later on. Absolved knocked out your trunk, overly. Deterrent your wear pressure sensation regularly. Tires with a downhearted force per unit area are a identical grievous indebtedness. Stay the pressure sensation in your tires at least at one time a calendar month or anytime you remark a fatigue seems to be losing air out. Endow in new select tires if you often receive to correct the coerce in your tires. Ever-changing a gondola assault and battery is ready and tardily. It normally involves untying a prune on summit of the battery and exploitation a wring to loosen and remove the connectors. (Naturally, you should do this with your engine away!) Brushwood the connectors clear with a wire brushing. Get up retired the quondam shelling and place the New bombardment in its position. Fix the connectors securely and refasten the clutch. You should be estimable to go! A indent or engrave in a plastic bumper is identical slowly to sterilise. Set out by cutting off the bits that bind retired from the nick until the edges are tranquil. You prat then expend a filler to shuffle the indent go away. Sandpaper terminated the surface area and key to obliterate the vivify. Place the advice that has been discussed Here to economic consumption as you wad with your fomite repairs. You volition observance that you are a good deal to a lesser extent distressed and really ingest a thoroughly programme for everything. No thirster are you exit to support through with those decisions, wondering if you did the right affair.
0 notes
cheesebearger · 6 months
I actually think there's a problem on tumblr with how cis and trans individuals talk about trans men, a concern that many trans men and other trans individuals try to discuss on here only to be attacked or accused of misogyny, internalized transphobia, or transmisogyny - and that is the pervasive idea that trans men have it "easier" than trans women, that they as a category pass better in society than trans women, and that society in general is more accepting of trans men due to misogyny driving hatred towards women over men.
None of these things are true, but I see them said unironically way too frequently. It completely overlooks the struggles of trans men, especially trans men who are not skinny or able-bodied, or don't desire to go on HRT, or are still interested in wearing "feminine" clothing. Society judges those who are visibly Other; we all know this. So to claim trans men have it easy overlooks the many ways trans men are made the subject of cruelty and mockery by their peers and coworkers. It overlooks the way even state institutions will perceive the trans man as a "failed woman" worthy of scorn. Trans men are in a position socially where they are subject to misogyny and transphobia, not only from bigots, but from those within the same community.
I truly believe the amount of community scrutiny that trans men are subject to in online spaces has actively contributed to the creation of exclusionary "transandro" spaces that have only further divided the trans community - and the only reason trans men find themselves attracted to groups like that is because those groups draw individuals in based on real (not imagined) suffering and give those individuals an easily accessible target to direct their negative feelings towards (in the case of transandro people, they tend towards scapegoating trans women). Trans men who are told their struggles aren't real enough, or are lesser, are absolutely at a higher risk of joining fringe social groups for validation when the validation they seek for their personal struggles is denied elsewhere.
If we want to stop these radical, exclusionary social groups from popping up in the LGBT community, if we truly want our community to unite in the face of prejudice and bigotry, we must stop immediately waving away the struggles of trans men as though they move through this world completely unhindered by their transness. It only alienates those trans men who, due to experiencing the real and cruel bigotry and prejudice towards themselves by society and therefore know it's real, are often reactively led to believe that the LGBT community doesn't care about their pain and suffering, and that the only solution is to build a community for trans men alone. And it will only be through a true acceptance of the struggles of trans men that this alienation of our brothers from our community will be stopped.
tl;dr: it is 2023, it's time for us to set aside discourse based on "who has it worse" in the LGBT community when we all have it very very bad, because telling someone who is treated as a social Other that they're actually playing on easy mode in society will only lead to those people becoming socially isolated from the LGBT community and will be at higher risk of joining bigoted fringe social groups. It is actively cruel to say things like "trans men have it easy." My trans brother would have some words for you about his multiple experiences of a hostile work environment if you truly think trans men have it easy.
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hispanichorizons · 9 months
5 Most Important Grammar Rules in the Spanish Language.
Spanish is an amazing language due to its global significance. It exhibits a rich diversity of regional dialects and accents. Hence, knowing Spanish can help you broaden your horizons and connect with a global community. It also allows you to connect with locals on a deeper level, understand their culture, and navigate more easily in various situations. Moreover, if you learn Spanish language, you can significantly enhance your travel experiences in Spanish-speaking countries as well. However, if you want to speak Spanish fluently, you need to familiarise yourself with the basics of Spanish grammar. This typically includes knowing when and how to use certain pronouns, understanding how to form the right sentences, and using the correct verb conjugations.
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Learning the basics of grammar in Spanish is crucial, as it forms the foundation for effective communication. A solid grasp of grammar rules enables learners to construct accurate sentences, convey their ideas clearly, and comprehend the language better, facilitating meaningful interactions and language acquisition. To help you achieve your learning goals, we have narrowed down some of the basic rules of grammar in the Spanish language.
The 5 Most Important Grammar Rules in the Spanish Language
The five essential rules of grammar in the Spanish language have been mentioned below.
#1 All Spanish Nouns Are Assigned a Gender
In the Spanish language, every noun is assigned a gender; it falls into either the masculine or feminine category. This linguistic gender doesn't necessarily correlate with the biological gender of the noun's real-world referent; it's a grammatical classification. This gender distinction influences the forms of articles (both definite and indefinite), adjectives, and other modifiers used in conjunction with the noun. Masculine nouns are commonly preceded by the article "el" (singular) or "los" (plural), while feminine nouns are preceded by "la" (singular) or "las" (plural).
In case you want to learn Spanish and are looking for an institute that provides the best Spanish classes in Mumbai, you can contact us. At Hispanic Horizons, we offer a variety of class schedules, levels, and formats, making it easy to find a class that fits your schedule and learning style.
#2 Verbs Are Divided Into Three Conjugations
Verbs are the tools we employ to articulate processes,states, or actions that exert an influence on both objects and people. In English, you seamlessly incorporate verbs into your speech, and the same holds true for Spanish. However, not all verbs share identical traits, nor do they adhere to the same rules of conjugation.
The verb conjugation in Spanish is classified into three primary types:
The first conjugation encompasses verbs that end in -ar, such as "amar" (to love)or"cantar" (to sing).
The second conjugation involves verbs that end in -er, like "beber" (to drink)or"comer" (to eat).
The third conjugation covers verbs that end in -ir, for instance, "partir" (to leave).
#3 Every Verb Has a Mode
Should you want to learn Spanish language more effectively, it’s important for you to know that Spanish verbs can be categorised into three modes:
Indicative: This is used to state facts, express actions that are certain or objective, and provide information. It's the most common mode and covers present, past, and future tenses.
Subjunctive: This mode is used to express doubts, desires, emotions, recommendations, and uncertain actions. It's often used in dependent clauses introduced by certain conjunctions.
Imperative: The imperative mode is used to give commands or orders. It's used to directly address someone and instruct them to do something.
#4 Pronouns Can be Avoided in Sentences
Spanish verb conjugations carry a lot of information, including the subject performing the action. This means that often, the subject pronoun (yo, tú, él/ella, nosotros/as, vosotros/as, ellos/ellas) can be omitted from the sentence because the verb ending already indicates who is performing the action. This is a common practise in Spanish and is not as frequent in English.
#5 Adjectives Are Typically Used After the Noun
In Spanish, adjectives are usually used after the noun that’s been modified. This placement can alter the emphasis and meaning of the sentence. For instance, "casa grande" means "big house" in Spanish, but "grande casa" would imply something more like "great house."
The Bottom Line
Learning the basics of grammar in Spanish allows you to construct sentences correctly, ensuring your message is accurate and easily understood by others. It also provides you with the fundamental structure and rules necessary to communicate effectively in the language. Should you be in search of a Spanish language institute where you can learn Spanish language effectively, get in touch with us. At Hispanic Horizons, we offer a comprehensive range of Spanish courses to help you achieve your specific learning goals. To learn more about our courses, visit https://hispanic-horizons.org/.
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jane-ficklin · 9 months
Traveling with Your Photography Gear: How to Pack Your Camera Bag like a Pro
Camera Bag
Traveling with your photography gear can be both exciting and challenging. As a photographer, you want to ensure that your camera bag is packed efficiently and securely to protect your valuable equipment while on the go. In this article, we will explore some expert tips and techniques on how to pack your camera bag like a pro.
Choosing the Right Camera Bag
Before we dive into the packing process, it's important to choose the right camera bag for your needs. There are various types of camera bags available, including backpacks, shoulder bags, and rolling cases. Consider the size and weight of your gear, as well as your travel style, when selecting a camera bag. Look for a bag that offers ample padding, adjustable compartments, and easy access to your equipment.
Organizing Your Gear
When it comes to organizing your photography gear, it's essential to have a system in place. Start by categorizing your equipment into different groups, such as cameras, lenses, accessories, and batteries. This will help you locate items quickly and avoid any potential damage. Utilize dividers or padded inserts within your camera bag to create separate compartments for each category. This will prevent your gear from shifting during travel and provide additional protection.
Packing Techniques
Now that you have your camera bag and gear organized, let's discuss some packing techniques to maximize space and ensure the safety of your equipment.
Wrap and Protect
Before placing your gear in the camera bag, it's crucial to wrap and protect each item individually. Use lens pouches or wraps to safeguard your lenses from scratches or dust. Wrap your camera body in a protective cover or use a camera skin to prevent any accidental damage. Additionally, consider investing in a sturdy camera bag insert or foam padding to provide extra cushioning for your gear.
Utilize Empty Spaces
Make the most of the available space in your camera bag by utilizing empty spaces effectively. For example, you can store small accessories like memory cards, filters, or lens caps in the pockets or compartments of your camera bag. You can also use the empty spaces between larger items to tuck in cables or lens cleaning tools. By utilizing every nook and cranny, you can optimize the storage capacity of your camera bag.
Consider Weight Distribution
When packing your camera bag, it's important to consider weight distribution to maintain balance and prevent strain on your back or shoulders. Place heavier items, such as camera bodies or larger lenses, closer to your back to distribute the weight evenly. This will help you maintain stability and reduce the risk of discomfort or injury while carrying your camera bag for extended periods.
Secure Your Gear
Lastly, ensure that your gear is securely fastened within your camera bag. Use straps or Velcro dividers to hold your equipment in place and prevent any movement during travel. This will minimize the risk of damage caused by shifting or colliding items. Additionally, double-check that all zippers and closures are properly secured to avoid any accidental openings.
Traveling with your photography gear doesn't have to be a daunting task. By choosing the right camera bag, organizing your gear, and utilizing efficient packing techniques, you can ensure the safety and accessibility of your equipment while on the go. Remember to plan ahead, protect your gear, and distribute weight evenly to make your travel experience hassle-free.
Useful Resources:
For more information on traveling with your photography gear and packing your camera bag, check out the following resources:
camera bag
Digital Camera World - How to Pack Your Camera Bag for Travel
B&H Photo Video - How to Pack Your Camera Bag for Travel
National Geographic - How to Pack Your Camera Bag
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cugzarui · 10 months
the weather outside got me thinking bout the Temperate World Classification system from Jenkinverse. i know there's a cannon explanation for how it works but i came up with my own head cannon a while back and wana share it. it's actually a set of theory's that are each an improvement on the previous (simulating the corti developing better theory's over time).
theory one:
so worlds are divided into temperate worlds - which have life - and non temperate - which don't.
the temperate worlds can be divided into 3 categories. Helpful, Neutral, and Harsh.
a Helpful world is one that actively helps its inhabitants to survive and reproduce. you have to be a real fuckup to not make it here. there are very few threats to any organisms survival; to the point it almost seems surreal and unnatural (perhaps it actually is).
a Neutral world is one which neither helps nor hinders the survival of its inhabitants. you do need to carry your own weight in a world like this but there isn't much to get in your way or make your life particularly difficult. it's not uncommon for neutral worlds to not even have predators (or at least very few).
a Harsh world is one which actively hinders the survival of its inhabitants. it's not enough to pull your own weight here, you also gotta deal with natural disasters and predators and poisons and whatnot. still, it's quite reasonable for a species to survive here; even if it won't be easy.
this theory doesn't explain deathworlds
theory two:
theory two is the first instance of the classification theory as opposed to a categorization theory. it posits that each of the categories of world can be divided into three classifications, based on how often the world seems to fit into any category.
the middle classification of each category is for worlds that show qualities of that category the overwhelming majority of the time, and shows qualities of neighboring categories only a small minority of the time (and in equal measure for the upper and lower categories).
the classifications at the edges of a category are for worlds that show roughly equal measure of two neighboring categories, and a small but notable degree of a third.
if we consider non-temperate as a category, then this model can explain death worlds; as tho they are non-temperate on average, they still display qualities of a Harsh but temperate world frequently enough to have life on them; even if that life is beyond hardened to survive the deadly conditions of its home.
example of how this theory works: a class 5 world will be Neutral around say 60% of the time at least, with the rest being equally split between Helpful and Harsh. a class 4 will be Helpful somewhere between 30% and 45% of the time, Neutral between around 55% and 45% of the time, and Harsh between around 15% and 5% of the time.
theory three:
the classification theory is applicable, but stands to be refined a little. here is the test theory. it posits that survival consists of a set of tests; and how many an organism needs to pass in order to survive is dependent on the world it's on.
Helpful worlds require you to pass almost no tests at all. even if you fail almost every test; as long as you pass at least a few, you will survive.
Neutral worlds require you to pass about as many tests as you fail.
Harsh worlds require you to pass most tests, but allow you to flunk a few.
Death worlds require you to pass virtually every. single. test. to survive. this is further justification for calling them Death worlds; since how could the random process of evolution manage to keep organisms alive and adapted in such a strict and unforgiving environment?
trolly non temperate worlds will not let you live no matter how many tests you pass.
worlds are still divided into classifications, but now it's based on how many tests have been passed. this system is much more mathematical, algorithmic, and similar to what we see in cannon.
theory four:
the latest theory proposes only 12 categories; but there are still worlds with even harsher conditions than a category 12, and still live thrives there. they arnt many, but it's enough to call the theory into question. the solution is borrowing an idea from theory two, and saying that these worlds are non-temperate most of the time, but act as temperate deathworlds a significant enough portion of the time for life to survive there (deathworlds allow for survival if you pass 100% of the tests, while non-temperate won't allow survival even at 100%).
with this patch to the theory, there is theoretically no limit to a worlds classification (aspecially since organisms can use technology to survive in otherwise none-temperate areas; and it's unknown what the true limits of this 'adaptation' truly are). still, since the "amount" of the planet that's livable decreases quite quickly in higher categories, it is practically impossible to run into, say, a class 15; which even under the most liberal of definitions would be temperate no more than 15% of the time.
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badmusejail · 11 months
Regardless of how rarely Gaster uses the ability, it needs to be emphasized that altering reality is easy for Gaster.
Simply reaching out and changing the fundamentals of the world is as simple as his natural magic; flicking a wrist, twitching a finger.
The fact that it's so easy to do is unsettling to him and only adds to the fact that he doesn't like to do it; finding it unnatural and strange, an ability that no one should be able to do.
I've talked about his abilities before, but to go into more detail, they can best be divided into four main categories.
Although I tend to be ambivalent on the whole "the world is actually a video game" idea, the terms are still named similarly to computing terms, and Gaster himself finds the abilities eerily like coding.
The simplest building block of his abilities lies in the ability to alter the world; to shift and change the properties of anything. Typically, Gaster uses this for very small things; changing the color of his chalk or his shirt, but it can do much more powerful and crazier things; setting the gravity experienced by an object to zero; making a rock bouncy; making an outfit no longer be wet. He is, after all, a reality warper; the things he can do make no sense and defy logic.
Gaster's can ALTER SOULs, but they're also capable of resisting the effect. It's much easier to do on a willing SOUL. Modify their memories, their stats...
For those of you familiar with Tears of the Kingdom, it works basically like Recall does. Gaster can look into the 'history' of an object and coax it back into a prior state. Most commonly used for objects that have been broken.
Though there's not any technical 'time limit' on the ability, Gaster does require all the material to be present (or to reconstruct what is missing.) For example, he couldn't REVERT a dilapidated house, as the bricks and roof and material have long since dispersed.
He cannot REVERT a SOUL that has died. Once the SOUL has broken and dispersed, it's outside of his ability to influence. In theory, if the SOUL is still whole, he could bring the entity back to life, but it would require cooperation and DETERMINATION on their part, as well.
Gaster can take hold of pieces of information and apply them in other instances. This can be used as an entire 'copy and paste,' for example, creating a duplicate of an existing object, or as a means of enhancing his ALTER ability. The copied object is created from his own (extremely high) store of magic.
The easiest example is his font--if he wanted to speak in something recognizable other than Wingdings, he would have to COPY the data from, say, Papyrus, and then ALTER his SOUL with that new information.
Finally, the idea of COMPILATION is creating a new object from the information and material he has. By far the most advanced -- and terrifying -- of his abilities, Gaster can create entire worlds or timelines only restrained by his own imagination.
In my canon, this is what Deltarune is, or as Gaster himself calls it, the "Delta Timeline."
The main limitation of his ability is that Gaster cannot create SOULs...unless he's using material that is, or was previously, a living SOUL. In which case, it becomes a Frankenstein sort of affair; stitching together pieces and parts that have no business being together, the limits of his abilities meaning that these things will never quite be what he wants them to be, but never quite be what they're supposed to be, either.
Nothing more than a fractured facsimile of what is supposed to be.
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runacresinsurance · 1 year
Protecting Your Fleet: The Importance Of Commercial Vehicle Insurance For Businesses
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When you run a business, it can be all too easy to forget about the most important asset your company has: your fleet. Whether it's a delivery truck that brings goods to customers or a vehicle for employees, your fleet is vital to ensuring that everyone has what they need when they need it.
However, when disaster strikes and something happens to one of these vehicles, it can cost you thousands of dollars in repairs and more if you don't have commercial vehicle insurance in place beforehand. Here's why protecting your fleet with commercial vehicle insurance is so important:
Commercial Vehicle Insurance
Commercial vehicle insurance for business is a specialized type of policy that covers the costs of repairing or replacing your commercial vehicles if they're damaged by fire, theft, or accident. This type of insurance differs from personal auto coverage in that it offers additional protection against liability claims and has higher deductibles (the amount you must pay out-of-pocket before the insurance company will reimburse you).
Commercial vehicle policies can also be divided into two categories: straight liability coverage and full coverage. Straight liability policies contain basic protection against third-party claims while full coverage provides protection against all types of losses--from damage to people who are injured on board to cargo loss due to theft or other reasons.
Business Owners Policy
A business owners policy (BOP) is a commercial vehicle insurance  that covers both your business and its employees. This type of insurance will protect you from liability claims, damages to property, injury or death due to negligence on the part of an employee, and more.
 It also provides coverage for any accidents involving vehicles used by your employees for business purposes.
A BOP can help protect both you and your customers by covering them in case of an accident caused by one of your drivers who is at fault. This can be especially important if the driver happens to be uninsured or underinsured--which happens quite often in today's world!
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Loss of Use Coverage
Loss of use coverage is a form of insurance that covers the costs associated with the temporary loss of use of a vehicle due to an accident or theft. Loss of use coverage can be purchased as a separate policy, or it may be included in your business auto policy and subject to deductibles.
To understand why loss of use insurance is important for businesses, consider the following example: A delivery driver hits another car while making deliveries on behalf of your company. The other driver doesn't have enough liability coverage; therefore, you'll need to pay for his repairs out-of-pocket until he pays off his debt (assuming he does). But what about your business? How will this impact its operations?
Perhaps you need that delivery van back on the road immediately so that you can continue making deliveries--but maybe not quite yet because there are still some repairs left before it's safe enough for regular driving conditions again (like replacing damaged tires).
In this case, having access to loss-of-use coverage would help offset some costs associated with keeping this vehicle off the road until repairs are completed safely so that no one gets hurt again!
We hope that this article has been helpful in understanding the importance of Commercial Vehicle Insurance Nz for businesses. If you have any questions or would like to speak with a specialist about your business needs, please contact an expert now.
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