#the valentine's day masquerade
agatha-in-hogwarts · 1 year
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couldn' t agree more
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crownedinmarigolds · 4 months
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It's DAIMUND - your Malk man! He can kind of sing, he can kind of drive, he can play that old Telecaster like a God. And he's here to wish you a happy Valentine's! I had such a wonderful time with everyone's submissions for New Year's Ralph and fellow Nosferatu (and Quinn), that I would love people to draw their own Malkavians (or any other clan I really am not picky I LOVE seeing everyone) standing next to Daimund! I will once again smush any "submissions" into one piece for a big Malk meet up on February 14th! :D (Daimund is 5'10"!) IF YOU WANT TO DRAW AND FEEL LIKE YOU CANNOT DRAW DO NOT LISTEN TO THAT VOICE THAT IS THE DEVIL DECEIVING YOU! Please draw your OC next to him if you want to I would cry and love to see it!
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gmalaart · 4 months
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Valentine’s Day is about keeping your loved ones close… so create a blood bond with your local vampire prince today!
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vampiricegirl · 5 months
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with valentines day coming up i decided to make some valentines day cards! give them to players at your table or your bloodsucking crush! if you're interested you can find them here on my etsy
have a vampiric valentines day!
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neonjess · 4 months
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Commission. Ellie and Alex. Ellie is a malkavian. She is fun and sweet and flerts a lot. And Alex is her daddy's ghoul. Something clicked between these two. She asked him to teach her to shoot, a very romantic date for her.
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mortifying-macaroni · 4 months
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The sillies are flirting fighting again
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dracofaun · 4 months
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Happy valentines
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vampemoqueen · 4 months
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Since today's Love Day, here's a repost of my romance novel covers for my chronicle. Happy Valentine's Day!
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vilandel · 4 months
Masked Waltz
Summary The other times, it was only a duty he couldn't wait to get over with. But this time, it was one of the best moments in his life...
A/N A little Nozessa special for Valentine's Day I posted today. I love this oneshot and I think it's a good start to post my fanfics here as well^^
Ao3 link
If Nozel Silva hated something about the yearly Royal Masquerade Ball, it was probably everything. Obligatory for all royals, you really needed to have a heavy sickness excuse, a faraway mission if you were a Magic Knight or some parliaments matters that couldn’t wait if you were a member of parliament. In which case, only Damnatio Kira ever used this excuses, the other royals in parliament weren’t that big on their duty.
Long story short, this Royal Masquerade Ball just made him lose his time when he had more important stuff to do with the squad. But as the Head of house Silva, Nozel had to be present specifically.
It had been the same with his mother, but while Acier had still tried to have fun during the ball, Nozel remembered really well how it wasn’t really always a happy time for her. Mostly because her husband was rarely at her side then. Of course Lac Silva never needed any of the three excuses to not attend this ball, given how made himself so beloved within royalty and nobility.
And when he had been present, he barely had spent time with his wife, preferring to talk and dance with other women, leaving Acier to open the ball with a random noble instead with her husband.
Ah, yes, there was another thing Nozel really hated about this yearly Royal Masquerade Ball. It was a tradition that the three royal heads should open the by dancing a very specific waltz, only for them and their respective partners.
And since king Augustus never ever deemed any lady worthy enough to dance with him and since Achilles Vermillion claimed that he was too old for a waltz – the truth was, none of them could actually properly waltz and prefer to watch him dance, hoping he would make a mistake – so Nozel had to do it alone.
Not that he hated dancing, his mother made sure that not only he could do it, but that he would also enjoying a lot of classic dances, especially the waltz. But the problem were more the noble ladies he had to dance with. Mostly arrogant women, who hide very poorly the fact that they wanted to become the next lady Silva, or insecure ladies, who just repeated what their parents said, in hope to also become the next lady Silva. Plus subtle hints about Noelles reputation and how apparently his marriage with a noble lady, from high nobility at best, would for some reason make things better, with house Silva, with Nebras and Solids future and with Noelles reputation.
Nozel always hated those hints, especially about Noelle, and even more since he came to properly bond with his little sister. So, his own tradition was that after this famous waltz, he bowed politely to his partner and then left them. If he came to dance later on during this ball, it was always with his sisters or with his cousin Mimosa, on occasion with Océane, his Vermillion aunt.
Looking around the immense ballroom, Nozel saw Noelle at the buffet with Mimosa. For the first time, his baby sister seemed to have some fun. He felt his heart filled with pride at that. She also got a new dress, a gift from Nebra, who of course had the best fashion sense in the family. Nozel had been so relieved that his sisters came to bond over the last year. Not to mention that Noelle looked really good in her water-themed mermaid gown, plus the blue and silver mask, that looked coming directly out of the sea.
Noelle must have felt that he was observing her, as she turned around to look at him and gave him a soft, happy smile. So, Nozel smiled back. The first time since the beginning of this masquerade.
Nebra was somewhere else, next to the windows with the balcony, apparently putting some noble ladies back to their places. Despite wearing a pale pink empire dress with bright blue birds, Nebra looked more intimidating than those nobles who had dark red, black or golden gowns.
Solid must be nearby as well, but Nozel couldn’t see his brother anywhere in the ballroom. Hopefully he behaved. And didn’t eat all of the coffee éclairs from the buffet all by himself again.
Nozel sighed. It was just the start of the ball and he already wished that he was somewhere else. The famous opening waltz was coming very soon and he could practically felt the glance of many nobles and some royals on him. It was as if their ambitions and power hunger were touching him, as well as some judgements.
Like it always had been.
Even worse, Prudence Évantail and Athénaïs Vitrail were openly staring at him. Those two noble ladies that were considered somehow the perfect match for him, the perfect ones to be the future lady Silva. It was certain that a lot of the present nobility expected him to dance with one of those two, maybe even announce his engagement or something. Lady Prudence stared at him with without even blinking behind her scarlet and golden mask, matching her dress. Lady Athénaïs was trying to be more subtle, hiding behind her golden fan and trying to look seductive and mysterious with her gold-orange dress and the matching mask. But she was of course failing.
Nozel almost groaned and decided to hide behind one of the giant golden pillars. Wasn’t it possible to avoid this stupid duty for once? He always hated to dance with those women who only saw him as a price or a step towards glory. And since he had a girlfriend, he hated even more to waltz with a woman who wasn’t the one he loved.
Too bad that this ball was only for royals and nobles. If only Magic Knights would have been here as well, officially invited. She would have been here… He couldn’t wait the end of this stupid ball so that they could see each other again.
“Why hiding behind a pillar, handsome?”
Nozel flinched, but relaxed immediately as he recognized the voice. Her voice, teasing and melodious. She was here.
“Vanessa… Why are you here?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I wanted to see you. And to be fair, I know that we agreed to meet in your room after this ball. But I guess I’m not that patient and sneaking secretly into this ball to be with you seemed more exciting than drinking my patience away. Besides, I had to, the mere thought of you forced to dance with some stupid bitches… Geez, I couldn’t handle that. So, here I am.”
“Vanessa, I’ve told you already-“
“That it’s your duty and that you don’t like it and that you would have sneaked out on the first occasion to join me, I know. But I also know that it’s not fair you’re the only royal house head doing this. And I also know that you like to waltz. Wouldn’t it be nice to dance with your girlfriend for a change? Beside, this is a masquerade, remember? No one will knew that the mysterious woman you’ll be dancing with is the Drunken Witch of the Black Bulls. The perfect occasion for us to be open while keeping our relationship a secret.”
“It’s not quite of a secret,” Nozel replied. It wasn’t like their relationship was kept secret, at least not anymore. The Black Bulls knew, his siblings, his aunts and cousins, a lot of the most trust-worthy Silver Eagles, Fuegoleon and the Magic Knight captains. But to nobility, it certainly was.
Nozel wasn’t ashamed to love Vanessa, a witch and a Black Bull. On the contrary, it was one of the best things that happened in his life. But he also knew that most of nobility wouldn’t be open-minded about this relationship. And he wanted some peaceful time with Vanessa before facing the rumours that will certainly come.
But… since Vanessa was here and since this was a masquerade ball, wouldn’t it be like the perfect occasion to start going in the open? Step by step, showing to those people that he already had someone and that he wasn’t going to court her like everyone expected of him? Nozel was tired of expectations.
He took a quick look at her. Of course she was beautiful, Nozel didn’t know a woman more breath-taking than Vanessa.
But he didn’t know that dress. A black gown flowing around her, leaving her shoulders free, with purple embroideries and appliqués at the bottom and at the top. Flowers. But not any kind of flowers. It was lavender.
“Do you like it?” Vanessa asked with a grin, while turning around herself, letting the gown flow wonderfully around her. “It is from Soie Velours, apparently the most renown modiste in the kingdom. At least, according to Nebra. She practically dragged me into that fashion shop when she deemed I had no dress good enough for a royal ball.”
“Nebra knows you’re here?”
“Yep, she and Noelle helped me sneak in. I had to convince them a bit first, of course. But once it realized that it would be something good to you, they were more determined than I was. Oh, and I chose lavender, because I love your scent. Have I ever told you how amazing it is that you love lavender?”
“More than once.”
Nozel couldn’t help but smile. It warmed his heart that not only his girlfriend sneaked into an exclusive royal and noble ball so that he would enjoy the upcoming waltz for a change, but also that his sisters helped.
He was grateful to have those three women in his life.
“You look so beautiful,” Nozel whispered, while softly caressing her hair, which was braided in a bun behind her head, but letting her locks falling loosely down her neck and a bit on her shoulders. Her mask was also black, with some lavender decoration on the left. The black colour made her amazing amethyst eyes standing out even more.
“Thank you, you’re really dashing too, honey. So handsome. I love your one shoulder cape. And you really should wear darker colours more often.”
Nozel looked down at his ceremonial suit. It was new, a gift from Nebra, to raise his festive garderobe, as she said. Well, it wasn’t the first time that his sister took it in her hands to make sure he got well-dressed when he must. And according to her, he was easier to clothe, Noelle and Solid apparently had a worse taste in fashion. Was it true or did Nebra overreact? She was often inflexible when it came to fashion.
“Dark purple, almost black, some silver embroideries with the Silva cross, one shoulder cape with the same patterns and some black fur at the top. And beside your usual braid, that purple and silver mask suits you so well. Gosh, I might have the most dashing and handsome boyfriend in Clover.”
“Are you teasing me or are you genuine?”
Nozel expected this answer, so he smiled at her. And Vanessa smiled back.
They could have just looked and smiled at each other for the remaining time, but soft music started to play. The preparation for the waltz.
Vanessas grin was very cheeky. “What do you think, handsome? Shall we start?”
Nozel chuckled softly. It was a nice feeling, that for the first time, this ball and this waltz would a true moment of joy instead of some bothering duty.
But he still wanted to do it right. To ask her properly, because Vanessa deserved to be treated like a true lady.
So, he slightly bowed in front of her and offered his hand. “Would you do me the honour and dance with me?”
“Oh my, that would be lovely, your Highness.”
“Vanessa, you know that you don’t need to call me like that.”
“But you’re one of the only royals who truly deserves that title. And besides, you kinda love it when I call like that in the bedroom.”
Nozel blushed at her words. She was always so bold and while he came to appreciate that side of her, telling things like that in public was something else entirely.
Still, he smiled as he took her hand and lead her towards the dancefloor.
He heard the gasps, whispers that started here and there. He saw how lady Prudence and lady Athénaïs were shocked, as well as practically fuming with rage, which was surprisingly very satisfying. He saw king Augustus and lord Achilles stunned and somehow upset that they didn’t have to push towards a noble lady, forcing him towards a duty they always tried to avoid themselves.
But Nozel also saw happy faces. He saw Noelle with a beaming smile seeing him with Vanessa. He saw Nebra nodding with satisfaction, a glass of lavender syrup in her hand. He saw his cousins and his aunt smiling at him, Fuegoleon giving him an encouraging gesture, Charlotte and William giving him a thumb up.
It was good to have people supporting him. How did he never saw and realized that before?
The preparation music stopped once Nozel and Vanessa were in the middle on the dancefloor. Facing each other, Nozel put his right hand on her waist, while the left one took her hand. She smiled at him, her mask adding some mystery to it, as she put her other hand on his shoulder. They were ready.
The music started.
It felt so natural as they swayed around the dancefloor. It wasn’t like they never waltzed together before, but it had always been in the cocoon of his chambers, after Vanessa asked him one day to teach her all those classical dances, especially the waltz. But it was the first time they dance together at a ball, in public.
It was such a wonderful feeling.
“I like this melody,” Vanessa giggled quietly. “It has a mysterious touch. Rather fitting, since the gorgeous woman in your arms right now is a mystery to all of those nobles. Oh well, I guess masquerade balls have to be mysterious.”
Nozel smiled as he turned her around, before going back to the basic figure. When was the last time he enjoyed to dance during a ball? He couldn’t recall. It never have been like this before. When he danced with his sisters, with his cousin or with his aunt, it was just a family bonding moment. With noble ladies hoping to woo him, it was a dreadful moment at best, agony at worst.
But this right now, waltzing with Vanessa, with his girlfriend? There were no words to describe what happiness he felt in this very moment. Of course, they have danced together before, but without music and only in his bedroom. Vanessa had called it training for her, but Nozel suspected that she was using any possible excuse to be very close to him in any way possible.
“We should dance this more often.”
“What do you mean, handsome? Dancing together? Waltzing in front of many nobles while being masked and giving nobility a gossip bone to nag on? Wearing masks, attending balls or getting excited for another kind of dance in your bedroom?”
“What? Don’t tell me that you don’t like our beddancing all of a sudden.”
“I… I do, of course. But we shouldn’t talk about those things in public.”
“I only whispered, no one could hear us and they’re too shocked or preoccupied finding out who could be that mysterious lady dancing with you to bother about what we’re whispering. And you don’t need to blush, even though I love- woah!”
Nozel overswayed Vanessa, stopping her flirty teasing. Looking over her, he felt quite satisfied as he saw the blush behind her mask and the surprised excitement in her amethyst eyes.
“What was that, Mylady?”
“Oh, my, honey… you should get teasing more often, I love already this new side of you.”
And she was flirty again, smiling at him teasingly as they continued to waltz. Nozel closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying this feeling. It had been so unexpected that he fell in love with Vanessa and that she felt the same as well. They had to accept their feelings for each other and their loved ones had to get used to it. Noelle in particular had been in shock for days before becoming their biggest supporter.
But today… It felt like it was always meant to be. It was not something Nozel had been used to most of his life and he hadn’t believed in it since he lost his mother. But meeting Vanessa and daring new things, out of his comfort zone, proved him wrong.
“Honey, I totally get that you’re hung up in the moment, but I dare to say that you can’t see me with your eyes closed and I rather waltz looking in those mesmerizing irises of yours.2
“Then let me dare this.”
And he lift her up, much to Vanessas delight and certainly to the shock of many people present. He never dared to do any kind of figures before, he just waltzed because it was his duty and left it that way.
But with her, Nozel became more daring. A new side of him that he still needed to get used to, but he grew to appreciate the feeling from time to time.
Nobility was still gossiping and wondering who the masked lady in black dancing with the captain of the Silver Eagles was. Rumours might start to go wild and any other hoping to become his future wife might get anxious, especially lady Prudence and lady Athénaïs.
But Nozel didn’t care anymore. Not with Vanessa in his arms. Not during this moment of pure happiness and promises. After years of silent suffering, he would be a fool to not hold to this joy.
The music continued, they swayed across the dancefloor. Nozel and Vanessa felt like being in their own world. Behind their masks, it was the case.
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feith-rikya · 4 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day from Danya and Devon!
They have a very different approach to love, but both of them can be very creative and loyal to the people they are close to.
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godkilller · 4 months
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agatha-in-hogwarts · 1 year
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crownedinmarigolds · 4 months
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HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY/Lupercalia from Daimund and this wonderful asylum of Malkavians!! Please click and look at all of the amazing work, it's just SO large Tumblr cannot possibly properly show off how incredible this looks! It's - WOW. TWENTY SEVEN MALKAVIANS and one Quinn (<3) are in this picture! I did my best to height match and to make sure we could get a decent look at everyone...! Thank you to EVERYONE who participated and do not worry if you couldn't - there are tons of holidays and clans to draw for! In the best order I can manage from left to right: Monday - @zyurp Sophia - @holly-bearie Rigby - @themarginalthinker Emil - @morticrows Mir and Marie - @problemsynth Claire - @pretend-pretend-vampire Thom - @socialprawn Charlie - @osatokun Quinn and Sunspire - @tzimizce Niko - @shaydh Daimund - @thesixthplaneteer Shivers - @kmpshitposter Andrea - @bugcouncil Heleen - @m4rloe5 j and clemency - @luoniiel and @kermitted-cause Brooklyn - @svampira Wyrd - @clompe Apollo - @mountainashfae Lucas, Noelle, and Zeus - @supersquiddle Finn - @confusedwithglitter Lyla and Thirteen - @problemsynth Father Emir - @urbanknightart Monroe - @cynical-tuba
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alocowberry · 4 months
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Happy vampentines day!!
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ofbeautsandbeasts · 1 year
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My lovely friend @obesessedwbeautiesandbeasts commissioned me to draw a scene from her phanphic Paris High School, which you can read HERE (the fic that is, not this particular scene, which has yet to be written 😜)
You can imagine my excitement when she asked me to combine my top loves (Labyrinth and The Phantom of the Opera) in this commission! 😮 The concept was pretty daunting thanks to the characters’ elaborate hairstyles and costumes and ALL THE SPARKLES ✨, but I managed to pull it off! So here’s Erik and Christine dancing at the fall festival masquerade ball 🤩
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queerquaintrelle · 4 months
“Say you’ll share with me one love one lifetime...” — All I Ask of You, Phantom of the opera
Lestat de Lioncourt x the vampire Audrey (my oc)
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