#the trio is probably tired of my shit </3 my bad gang
ttimecode · 27 days
tried to fc week end 1 but somehow did WORSE than last time so 😭😭😭
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queenofnohr · 4 years
newest d&d character writeup under the cut for those that are here for my OCs (luv ya’ll)
Fontaine is my PC, a changeling born of two changeling parents with mafia ties who got out of the business and started new lives in the countryside, not because they were against doing bad things, but because their shady organization of choice had a scheme to seize power by assassinating politicians and having them impersonate them for the rest of their lifespan and they Were Not Cool with being tied down to a role like that.
So they have this kid and they’re like okay. You’re a changeling. Do not let anyone else know that you’re a changeling and also do NOT join the mafia or get into organized crime. Be a good kid (unlike us when we were your age). But of course after a while of strict parenting and Trying Very Hard To Be Good they’re like fuck THAT I have cool shapeshifting powers it is my pride and joy to put on a new face every day and fool people and also potentially get, like, money out of it (but also the joy of bamboozling people is the real treasure).
In any case while they’re conning the fuck outta people they start getting these massive headaches and dissociative episodes - enough to make them like huh????? Is this divine punishment? Were mom and dad right and conning people is bad? So they actually go to a nearby church in order to repent? Confess? They aren’t really sure themselves, but they go to seek some kind of aid.
While they’re there their headaches and such reach critical mass and they have a massive burst of psychic power that briefly links their mind with the acting priest there, Roanoke (and in turn lets him see into their mind).
And it is like looking into a mirror. Has a mind ever felt so much like home before? Reverence and bitterness toward that which is closest to them, a past of Trying Very Hard To Be Good, and having Bad thoughts even so....... that is what each other sees in one another. (Also that psychic shit was the awakening of their Aberrant Mind Sorcerer powers so that’s cool.)
In any case, Fontaine has never felt so Seen and Known before and is basically like “Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you want to go apeshit?” and ropes him into their schemes, and also picks up and reconciles his twin, Salem, along the way creating a terrible trio involved in Conning People.
BUT during their crime escapades, they piss off The Wrong People leading to a botched getaway that ends up with Salem dying.
Fontaine knows that Roanoke is severely fucked up and takes Salem’s face and name, effectively taking his identity, but acting more like Roanoke (who was similar to them in the beginning anyway until This Shit Happened) in order to both keep him sane and to “keep that face/role alive in case he ever wants to come back to himself again”.
Salem & Roanoke
Roanoke (another PC) and Salem (NPC) were born to two normal human parents. They live on the outskirts of whatever bigger city Fontaine was doing their latest con act in (before they had their psychic awakening).
Salem gets involved in organized crime in his early teens and becomes a delinquent problem child. Therefore, Roanoke has a ton of pressure on him to be The Good Son, and becomes an anointed priest of Selune (probably the lowest rank, Touched Priest I guess?)
In any case, he’s definitely, like, repressed. Followers of Selune are incredibly diverse and there’s no, like, You Must Be The Most Moral Person Ever to follow her, but he tries to be anyway to please his parents and because that’s what clergy should be, right? But he’s jealous of the faithful that come to seek shelter/worship at his shrine/church/whatever the fuck that aren’t morally upright + he both idolizes and resents Salem for being able to live his life.
Everything changes when Fontaine runs in and ropes him into their schemes.
They also pick up Salem along the way, and being able to live his life with his brother how they want without needing to follow anyone’s rules mends their relationship and makes them close.
Salem’s death leaves him so traumatized Roanoke starts acting like Salem both out of respect/reverence/love to “keep some part of him alive” and because deep inside his heart he always wanted to be able to cut loose like Salem, but their roles were too defined, even after their relationship was mended and he was free to live as he pleased.
Where They Are Now/Extra Details
Fontaine and Roanoke come to Waterdeep and join the Zhentarim (shady illuminati organization) in hopes of learning who the gang that killed Salem was to get Revenge (Fontaine’s immediate goal, though their long term goal is to run the town so that they’ll Never Have To Worry About Not Being In Control Ever Again) and perhaps even figure out a way to revive him???? (we said evil anime power of friendship rights)
Fontaine is constantly forming a telepathic link with Roanoke outside of combat UNLESS they are out of each other’s sight for more than 3 minutes, are more than 5 miles away from each other, or Fontaine needs to telepathically communicate with someone else.
Roanoke’s rage (Level 1 Barbarian + Level 2 Fighter) is caused by Fontaine telepathically dredging up the terror of the night Salem died, repeating his final thoughts of not wanting to die despite sacrificing himself for them both, then cutting their telepathic connection. Roanoke can also rage “manually” if Fontaine gets too damaged.
It’s unclear how lucid Roanoke is or what his immediate goals are other than going along with Fontaine-as-Salem since that’s the way things have Always Been, but I thiiiiiiiiink what his player and I have settled on for time being (though it’s subject to change) is that his character is actually somewhat aware that his twin isn’t actually his twin/he’s looking into a mirror at what used to be himself that is Fontaine, but instead of being, like, pissed that they’d impersonate his twin (and also have a super invasive relationship?????), instead sees their willingness to give up their identity and become his twin/himself as the apex of companionship and follows them regardless because they, too, have never been so Seen and Known
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No rush, but if you're in the mood for another question: pick your one favorite and least favorite season of each of these series :) Charmed, BtVS, Angel, Friends, TVD. I know it's hard to pick just one favorite and one least favorite, so good luck ;)
Favourite season: Season 4
What can I say about this season? It’s just brilliant. Although Prue is my favourite character, the aftermath of her death, introduction of Paige and transition to a new trio is handled brilliantly. I love the different dynamic that Paige brings to the show and how Piper and Phoebe’s worlds are completely turned upside down by losing Prue and finding Paige. I love getting to know Paige in episodes like A Knight to Remember and A Paige From the Paige, I adore seeing the process of Piper accepting Prue’s death and embracing Paige and their magic in episodes like Hell Hath No Fury and Lost and Bound. And despite the controversy surrounding the Cole/Source plot, I enjoyed Phoebe’s arc in this season with adapting to becoming the middle sister, getting married and pregnant and suffering the most life-changing, soul-destroying losses imaginable. We even got a Leo-centric episode with Saving Private Leo which finally gave us insight into Leo’s past. Season 4 is a consistently strong season in my opinion (albiet with a weak finale) and episodes like Charmed Again, Hell Hath No Fury, Charmed and Dangerous and Long Live the Queen are some of the most memorable episodes of the series for me. You can read more about why I love season 4 here.
Least favourite season: Season 8
This season is so weak. The show could’ve (and probably should’ve) ended with season 7 so the whole season suffers from a complete lack of direction. All of the characters have already gone full circle with their arcs and development so there’s nowhere new to take them. As a result, they all feel watered down. Phoebe and Paige lose all of their personality and spark, whilst Piper is reduced to a stereotype where her snark and sarcasm is taken to unnecessary levels. Billie and Christy are poor villains for the final show-down and neither actress fits within the show. They steal too much focus from the sisters and since it’s the final season this is the season that should be all about the sisters. In addition, there’s a complete lack of sisterly moments in this season, Darryl is absent and Leo is removed for a large part of the season. Not to mention, Paige and Henry and Phoebe and Coop are rushed romances established simply to give Phoebe and Paige their “happily ever after” for the season finale. Even the final episode is pretty weak. Whilst I appreciate the happy ending, it all seems cheesy and too good to be true, and it’s way too Piper-centric and lacks balance. You can read more about why season 8 is my least favourite here.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Favourite season: Season 2
This season is a solid and a really great season. We have Spike and Drusilla as the best villanous pairing in teleivision history, a brilliant two-parter with a dramatic twist in Surprise and Innocence, the Angelus arc which I never get tired of watching and a strong ending with The Becoming Part 1 and 2. For Passion alone this season deserves to take the number 1 spot, but my love for Angel/Angelus (and Bangel) only adds to how much I love the season.
Least favourite season: Season 7
Whenever I rewatch BTVS, I rarely make it through the final season. It’s just not a good season. I don’t like the direction Buffy and Spike’s relationship is taken in, I dislike the introduction of the Potential Slayers, the after-math of Willow’s dark arc is handled poorly, the Willow/Kennedy romance is rushed and completely forced, The First is a poor final villain to end the series with particularly following villains like the Mayor, Angelus, Spike and Dru. All of the supporting characters (Willow, Xander, Anya, Dawn etc.) are pushed aside and given no real arcs or development. Overall this season is completely forgettable and a very weak end to a brilliant series.
Favourite season: Season 2
Ah, it’s so hard to choose because it’s a toss-up between season 2 and 3. At this present moment, I’m going to go with season 2. I love Darla’s arc in this season and her dynamic with Angel, it’s also so satisfying to see Dru and Darla wreak havoc together. Angel gets pushed to arguably the darkest place he’s ever been (up until this point) and I love seeing him lose all faith in the world, life and humanity only to then have an epiphany where his entire perspective shifts and he gets absolute clarity. Seeing Cordy, Wes and Gunn go off on their own is great, I love their dynamic and how strong they are in this season. This is also the final season that features Kate, who I really like and think is very underrated. There’s a lot of focus on other minor characters who I love such as Lilah and Lindsey. This is also the season that we get the newest additions to Angel Investigations: Lorne and Fred. Honestly, the end of this season really lets it down for me, but the beginning and middle is so strong with Darla and Angel that it always sits near the top as my favourite season.
Least favourite season: Season 4
This probably won’t come as a surprise to any Angel fans reading this. Season 4 is undoubtedly the worst season of the series. It takes a beautiful, complex, well-developed character in Cordy and completely decimates her. Everything that she is and that fans love her for is stripped away, her agency is removed and she’s hijacked by an evil being who uses her body to commit horrendous acts. Seeing Cordy!Jasmine sleep with Connor will always make me feel physically sick. For Angel to have to witness that and endure the pain of seeing the woman he loves having sex with his adolescent son is disgusting. Overall, the treatment of Cordy and Connor in this season makes me so uncomfortable. Fred and Gunn’s relationship is dismantled to make way for Fred and Wesley, which in my opinion is by far the weaker ship. Even the appearance of Angelus and Faith later on in the season doesn’t make up for the rest of the season. Losing Cordy and Lilah are huge losses that also make this season my least favourite.
Favourite season: Season 3
This is a great season. Whilst every season of Friends is generally a mixed bag in terms of the quality of episodes, season 3 is pretty consistent. The ensemble feels at its strongest in this season and every episode gives focus to the group as a whole. Ross and Rachel’s relationship is great in this season and their break-up is genuinely heart-breaking; we have Janice this season who I find highly entertaining; Monica and Richard’s relationship which I enjoy (despite being a Mondler shipper) and of course, the chick and duck. Despite this being a sitcom, all of the characters go through genuine development in this season too. Joey gets to experience what it’s like to be on the other side of things when he falls for Kate who plays around with his feelings; Chandler navigates his first serious relationship with Janice where he has to try and overcome his fear of commitment and later deal with the hurt of their break-up; Monica deals with the loss of her first great love in Richard and has to reconsider what she wants from her future; Rachel progresses in her career and tries to establish her own identity and independence for the first time; Ross has to face up to the damage his relationship with Carol has done to him in regards to his jealousy and insecurity. It’s rare that we see character development like this in a sitcom, but season 3 is definitley a strong season for this. There are so many golden episodes from this season: TOW No One’s Ready, TOW the Flashback, TOW the Football and TOW the Morning After.
Least favourite season: Season 9
Lets get this straight, there’s no such thing as a bad season of Friends, however, this is the weasest season in my opinion. I don’t like Chandler’s move to Tulsa, the direction Ross and Rachel’s relationship takes, how Rachel’s feelings for Joey are handled and the two parter TO in Barbados is my least favourite season finale, I really, really don’t like those episodes. I also find that there are quite a lot of episodes in this season that are just plain bad and not funny like TOW the Sharks, TOW Phoebe’s rats and TOW Monica sings just to name a few. Overall, there’s not a single season 9 episode that I could name as being a favourite or even coming close to being on my top favourite episodes list.
The Vampire Diaries
Favourite season: Season 3
This is an easy choice for me (although season 2 is a very close second). I love season 3. It’s the season of the Originals and for that reason I can’t do anything else but love it. Klaus is the best villain and feels like a genuinely terrifying threat to the gang. The overall plot across the season is tight and well executed. Despite my dislike for the triangle, it’s handled amazingly in this season and it’s the only season where I can genuinely appreciate the triangle and the dynamics within it. As a Stelena shipper, I live for the angst between Stefan and Elena in this season and adore every single scene they have together. I also love Stefan’s arc with him being forced to become Klaus’ side-kick to save Damon and then being compelled to turn off his humanity despite how hard he fights against that. It’s a great season for Stefan’s character and shows the complexity of him better than the previous two seasons. Elena is also at her best in this season. Her strength and resillience really shines through and in this season she stops feeling like a by-stander and like someone that’s taking charge of her life and getting shit done. Alaric’s arc is dark and heart-breaking. Caroline and Tyler are strong in this season and they’re one of my favourite TVD ships. However, Klaus and Caroline’s dynamic is intruiging and brings a new flavour to the show. And although I never wanted Elena to become a vampire, the season finale is fantastic and a very strong ending to a brilliant season.
Least favourite season (note that I haven’t watched seasons 7 and 8): Season 5
Urgh, this season is just the worst. It totally retcons the mythology and history of the show with making Stefan a doppelganger. As much as I love Paul’s acting, Silas is such a crappy character. The Travellers are pointless; Damon and Elena’s on-again-off-again relationship is tiresome, the Augustine plot goes no where; the switch from high school to college is bumpy; Stefan is completely sidelined by awful writing choices; the best character on the show (Katherine) is done a huge disservice and her exit from the show is pitiful; Bonnie suffers once again (surprise, surprise); the introduction of Nadia just doesn’t work; there’s stupid scenes and episodes that are present for the sole reason of baiting Stelena shippers (5x04 and 5x18) and the finale is completely dumb. There’s not a single thing I like about this season.
Thanks for asking, lovely! 
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artificialqueens · 7 years
E.V.O.L - Chapter 4 (Trixya) - VicThirteen
A/N: Hieee! Did my best to post this one a little faster than the others. Do you still like this story? (Much like Violet, I need constant validation, ok?) Anyway, let’s make some people touch their faces together, amirite? Thanksss <3
Chapter 4 – You don’t love me, big fucking deal
Trixie was angry. Since Katya had stated her attraction to her assistant, the younger girl tried hard to shake it off of her mind and not let it get in too deep. But it wasn’t working. She loved to know that someone as special as Katya liked her, making her just as special. She loved the idea of being wanted by a famous, important person. She felt totally VIP for having Katya’s private number on her phone. But, most of all, she felt just like a little girl every time Katya complimented her or noticed the little things she did.
So that meant Trixie was now very frustrated, because Alaska was around all the time. Seemed like she and Katya had really reconnected, given her weekly visits and how many times Katya had arrived late because they were having lunch together. Trixie was so bothered she finally told Kim about everything, explaining how she thought Alaska wasn’t a very nice person and how confused she was with Katya’s attitude.
“Jealousy is a sin, Trixie” was Kim’s first response. But before Trixie could yell at her, she quickly added “Okay, from what I’ve seen and what you’ve told me, I believe she likes you. She’s very lovable towards everyone, but… I don’t know. I have a feeling this is a real thing, you know?”
Trixie bit her lip and immersed herself in thoughts. She and Katya hadn’t spent so much time talking lately, since the artist was now working on her new piece – the one with the light bulbs. She spent a lot of time with a programmer, figuring out how to get the little spotlights to light up in the right order. Then she locked herself in the atelier, the only window in the room closed, giving life to her imagination in the dark.
Luckily for Trixie, Kim and Pearl had agreed to make their final projects with her, so the trio began to work on a performance idea. Kim would make the costume and make-up, Pearl would produce a track, and Trixie would dance. Her frustration for not getting all the attention from Katya anymore was so big that she decided to challenge herself: instead of tap dancing, she was gonna do a classical ballet choreography. Yes, she struggled with the goddamn pointe shoes and she wasn’t so flexible. But she wanted to keep busy and make a big impression.
She arrived at the studio early for the hundredth time in the past six weeks and made her way to the office upstairs. The room was empty, meaning Katya was in her atelier. She left her bag at her desk and walked to the other wooden door and knocked twice, hearing a muffled “come in”. Inside, Katya was sitting on the floor, surrounded by wires and light bulbs. A shapeless structure was taking form, rising from the ground like retorted tree branches, an empty space right in the middle.
“Hey! Just wanted to let you know I’m here, in case you need anything” Trixie said, trying not to let her eyes wander too much around the room. If Katya kept her work locked in there, she probably wanted to keep it unseen.
“Thank you!” the older woman replied and got up, raising her arms up to stretch her tired muscles. The movement caused her striped shirt to lift a little, showing off her defined pale stomach, a hint of her hipbones poking out of her black jeans. She let a soft moan escape and with her eyes closed, she cracked her neck, then her knuckles. Trixie wasn’t sure if that image was supposed to be as sensual as it was to her, but she definitely felt warm all around, forgetting to breathe for a second.
“Tatianna went to get croissants a while ago. Let’s go get a snack downstairs!” Katya walked out of the room, followed by the younger blonde, and went to their break room on the ground floor. Tatianna was standing next to the coffee machine, a red mug in her hands.
“Hi, Trixie!” the brunette greeted her with a quick kiss to her cheek. “You’re right on time, boss!” she turned to Katya. “Coffee is almost ready! The croissants are in the microwave!”
“Awesome!” Katya opened the little white door to find a big paper bag filled with warm and great smelling snacks. She took a napkin from the counter and grabbed a bun, offering it to Trixie. The girl accepted with a smile, looking for the pink little mug she had left there for her coffee breaks.
Once the three women had their breakfast in hand, they sat at the small round table, sipping their hot drinks. “So” Trixie broke the silence “are you finally trying to contact the aliens upstairs?”
Katya looked up, swallowing a piece of her croissant, a smirk appearing on the corner of her lips. “Oh honey, I don’t need to contact them if I’m part of the gang. Can’t you see I’m out if this world?” Her eyebrows wiggled up and down and Trixie rolled her eyes.
“Well, I can’t wait for the big reveal. It looks like Dr. Frank-N-Furter’s lab in there.”
“This is a big one” Katya smiled, more to herself, and glanced to Tatianna before continuing, her grayish blue eyes wide to Trixie’s direction. “If rehab was my 2007, this exhibition is gonna be my Blackout, bitch.”
Trixie couldn’t hold the hysterical laughter that came out of her. “Alright, Britney. Give us more!”
“Oh, I will” Katya replied with a serious look that quickly turned into a grin. She finished her coffee and wiped her lips, staining the paper napkin in bright red. “I’m gonna work in my spaceship for another half hour, then we’ll go over the exhibition’s plans, okay? Meet me in the office.”
“Sure thing, boss” Trixie winked at her and the older blonde left the room. That was a good moment to get her doubts out of her system. Tatianna was Katya’s friend, and now she was Trixie’s friend too. And she needed a few answers before she went crazy.
“Tati” she called, the brunette looking up from her phone where she’d been tapping before. “Can I ask you something? I promise I’m not trying to gossip, I’m honestly curious.”
“Yeah, girl. What’s up?”
“What is Katya’s deal with Alaska? Like, she said they’re friends, but I’m not sure if that’s all. Sometimes it seems like they have feelings for each or something.” Trixie tried to make it sound casual, holding back the desperation in her heart.
Tatianna laughed lightly and rolled her eyes. “Oh, there’s nothing there. And there never was!” Trixie started to feel relieved, but it was a little too soon. “Of course they flirt and I think they’ve hooked up before. But, see, Katya is a flirt. She has this whole speech about not believing in love, and how she’s not willing to compromise even though she loves everyone. Choices, right?” She laughed again and Trixie faked it back. Oh no. This didn’t feel good.
“So, what, you don’t think she could actually like someone beyond physical attraction?”
“I mean, she could! But I don’t think she wants too. She’s happy when she’s on the run, honey. Trust me, I’ve been there”, she gave a knowing look to Trixie. Shit, she knows? “When I met Katya, the studio was still an idea. She’s gorgeous and charming, and she likes to flirt – but she hardly ever means it. Then we became friends, and I learned about all of this. I mean, I’m not saying she’s a bad bitch. Far from it. But she’s damaged, you know? I did my best to be her friend and be there for her. And you should too. Don’t get your hopes up, Trixie. I say this because I like you, okay?”
She felt like a joke. A pathetic joke. She thought she was being smart and had control over this. Little did she know! Trixie stretched her lips in a forced smile. “Of course! I wouldn’t be dumb enough to fall for her charm” she shrugged and Tatianna raised her eyebrows.
“Uhm… ouch! Okay, I think Katya needs you upstairs, right?” The pretty brunette got up, leaving her empty cup in the sink, and left for her desk. There she was, the bitchy Trixie Mattel. Something inside her felt cold and broke. She wasn’t special, at all. There was nothing there. She was another cute girl Katya wanted to have fun with.
Big fucking deal, she thought, while cleaning up the remains of their breakfast and walking up the stairs. She doesn’t know how I actually feel, and she won’t. She can’t use it to charm me anymore.
She got into the office just a minute before Katya. The boss had her hair tied up in a very messy bun, her eyes looking very tired. She smiled to Trixie while she sat on her black chair and got all the papers they were supposed to work on out of her desk’s drawer.
“Come sit over here, I want you to help me with this” Katya nodded to the space beside her.
Trixie got up, unable to make her face look any happy, and dragged her chair to sit next to Katya. “Just so you know, I can’t stay until the end of day. I need to practice for my final performance. And I got here early, so I’m only doing the daily six hours.”
“Okay, sure. Do you need anything, or…” Katya answered cautiously, not sure of what could have made the joyful Barbie look so pissed off.
“No, I’m good. Let’s get this over with” Trixie took the paperwork and a pen in her hands, ready to dive in the boring work and not have to stare at Katya’s beautiful blue eyes anymore.
For a whole week Trixie acted like a total asshole. For another one she just kept to herself, ignoring her boss as much as she could while still doing her job, so it felt like she had some control over this impossible situation. Katya was scared to ask, not knowing how to deal with the inconsistent behavior of the girl. But Kim couldn’t take it anymore. One night, just after they got ready for bed, she walked up to Trixie with fierce eyes and a worried heart.
“Trixie, what the fuck is going on? You’ve broken your own record of bitchiness. Why are you so fucking sad?”
“I don’t know what you mean, I’m not sad” Trixie didn’t face her, stretching her blanket over her bed.
“Yes, you do. You shoved your head up your own ass, you’ve been insulting everyone and you haven’t said a word about your work, or Katya, for two weeks. So spill it.”
Trixie sat down and went silent for a minute, slowly fluffing her pillow and starring at her own hands. “She doesn’t like me” she said, her voice so low Kim almost didn’t understand.
“Katya? Why do you say that? Did she say something to you?” Kim sat beside her friend and held one of her hands between hers.
The blonde girl swallowed and took a deep breath. The hardest thing in the world for her was to let out her feelings like this. It was like trying to pull a dress out of key hole. So when she started telling Kim about her conversation with Tatianna, she couldn’t hold the tears that managed to escape her blue eyes.
“Oh no, honey” Kim said in a motherly tone, wiping the tears with her fingers. “Are you sure about this?”
“Yeah! I mean, Tati has been Katya’s friend for years, she knows her!” Trixie looked the saddest her friend had ever seen. “Besides,” she continued, looking into the distance with annoyance in her eyes, “She goes out with Alaska all the fucking time. Even if she was interested in anything in me, she’s not thinking about it”.
Kim thought for a second on how to respond. Even though she had way less experience than Trixie with relationships, she ended up being way more mature than her best friend when it came to feelings.
“Trixie,” she chose her words carefully, “you’re brokenhearted. And I know it hurts because I’ve never seen you like this before. But this also means this is important. When we cry about something, it’s important. Honey, be honest with yourself. You fell in love”.
This made Trixie shut her eyes and cry even harder. It felt like someone had sentenced her to death. Looking at Katya’s smile everyday was torture for her, especially knowing she didn’t cause it, since her sadness made her the worst person to have around.
“Kim, I don’t know how to do this. I wish I could quit and forget I ever met her. God, this stupid internship!” She punched her pillow and sobbed again, every feeling she had bottled up so far coming out at once.
“How long do you still need to work there?”
“I still need another month, but the contract is six months long.”
“Well… then quit when you got what you need. The college will take the papers if she signs them, even if you didn’t fulfill the whole time that was stipulated.”
“Oh my god, really?” Trixie looked up with bright eyes, hopeful with the chance to get away from all those feelings.
“Yes, honey. You don’t need to put yourself through this more than the necessary. You’re gonna be okay” Kim hugged her and caressed her hair.
“Thank you” Trixie whispered to Kim’s shoulder. “I’m sorry for being a bitch. Thank you for being my friend.”
Kim was happy to finally hear such a nice thing from Trixie, but the sadness and loneliness in her voice made her heart ache a little more.
With the big exhibition coming soon, everyone at the studio were stressed, but Katya was especially freaked out. She was chain smoking and double checking everything all day long. Her pieces were almost ready, but every time she walked out of her atelier, Trixie saw her fists clenched and her lips whispering “it’s not good, it’s not good enough”. The younger blonde tried to hold it together a little harder after her conversation with Kim. But she couldn’t help her stomach from turning when she arrived early again, her dance practice bag still on her shoulder, and caught Katya in tears in her office.
She froze at the door while Katya starred at her with wide eyes, black streaks of smudged eyeliner and mascara maculating her beautiful face. “I’m sorry, I can come back later” she meant to turn away, but the grayish blue eyes wouldn’t let her.
“No” Katya said in a strangled voice, “stay”. She ran her bony fingers under her eyes, wiping a few tears. Trixie closed the door behind her and stepped closer to the other woman.
“What’s wrong?”
Katya’s lips automatically formed a tentative smile, but her eyebrows arched together in contradiction. “This fucking piece isn’t ready. I’ve done a million things but it never seems ready” she looked to ceiling and shook her head.
“What’s missing?” Trixie tried to keep her voice soft.
“I don’t know” the desperation grew and Katya threw her hands up. “It’s all there, where it’s supposed to be, but…” She exhaled and looked at the assistant again.
“Well, it sounds ready” she said carefully, a bold idea appearing in her mind. “Can I see it?”
“What?” Katya looked shocked.
“I could take a look and give you my thoughts. You know, from a viewer’s perspective.”
Katya thought for few seconds, looking around aimlessly and biting her lip. She finally breathed deeply and looked back up “Yeah, okay. Let’s do this”.
When she opened the atelier’s door, it was all dark, except for a laptop screen on the floor. The two stepped in and Katya closed the door. “So, this is about shape and movement, okay? Just to give some context” she said and walked to the laptop, typing on a few keys. “Look up.”
When Trixie did, her mouth opened without her consent. All the little light bulbs were placed on top of the wire branches that rose from the floor, a weird structure in the middle being hit by their lights. On the ceiling, she saw a silhouette made of shadows appear, a girl surrounded by light. Then some of the lights slowly started to turn off and others on, and the girl on the ceiling started to dance. She twirled and her arms moved around her, the hint of a long hair following her as she did so. Trixie watched for two minutes in silence, her hands clutching her chest. “So?” Katya’s voice sounded in the dark, suddenly scaring her out of her amazement.
“It’s beautiful” she said softly. “It’s beautiful, Katya. Why would you say it’s not ready?”
In the dim light, she saw Katya’s bright teeth appear under a smile. “Uhm… I think there’s something… not right with the movement. I’m not sure.”
Trixie looked back up and another idea popped into her head. She gathered her courage and looked down at the older woman. “Can I show you something?” Katya nodded with confused eyes. “Okay, wait here.”
The blonde girl went out of the room and a few minutes later she came back, a muffled knock knock on the floor accompanying her steps. “Can I get some light?”
Katya looked around and found a tall lamp, flicking it on and pointing the bright spotlight at the girl. And then she noticed, at her feet, the beat up pointe shoes.
“I’ve been practicing a lot, but I’m still struggling, so please don’t judge” Trixie said with a shy smile. She watched the dancing shadow one more time and got up on her pointes, trying her best to mimic the moves she saw.
Katya thought she looked like a mermaid underwater. Her legs moved with precision, the muscles on her thick thighs showing through her light pink tights. Her arms fluttered like butterfly wings all the way up, Trixie’s eyes following her hands, making her a picture perfect ballerina with her chin up and sky blue eyes reflecting the light. “I think” her voice broke the fourth wall of what Katya was watching like a movie, “this movement” she moved her arms down in a big arch in slow motion, “needs to be slower”. She got down from the pointes, finishing with a plié.
When she looked at Katya sitting on the floor, she was baffled. Without a word, she proceeded to clap, causing Trixie to laugh and bow like a proper ballerina. And there it was again, that feeling. Katya’s appreciation made her feel like a true artist, her applause sounding like a whole theater. She blushed, thankful to the weird lighting to cover it up. Trixie didn’t want to miss this feeling anymore. She belonged in that spotlight – Katya’s spotlight. So she was gonna fight for that starring role.
She stepped closer to Katya and knelt before her, her face only inches higher from the other’s. “It’s ready” she swallowed, her eyes wandering around the artist’s face, from her icy eyes, to her stained sharp cheekbones, to her lips, red and swollen from being bitten on so much, and back up to her eyes. “It’s all ready.”
And she killed the space between them with her pink lips to the red ones.
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evietells · 6 years
The Trio
Hey, Thanks for staying with me. So, there are definitely more stories pertaining to Anna, but I chose to write about the ones that stick out more to me. One's that I can specifically remember the most. So. here's one more that I can remember the most. Let's get started...
So, when I did arrive to my 7th grade year. Samantha (Anna's best friend) wasn't as mean to me anymore. Actually, she told me that all that stuff was in the past and its whatever now. (We had one class together, which was art class, and unfortunately we got sat at the same table by the teacher.) There was awkwardness from the previous events, but eventually it diminished when she would speak to me here and there. Nothing major happened though that would change the status between each other. We just talked a bit when we had art class together, kind of because we were right next to each other and, I guess, felt that we had to. Now, if Anna knew that Samantha was being nice to me, I have no idea and I didn't care either. The point was, I had no stress over Samantha hating me anymore as far as I knew.
So, Anna didn't like me. That was clear, so she couldn't just... let me go. She had to be confusing at least. That she was. One day, at lunch, I was waiting in line to pay for my food. There were two separate lines so the students can file out faster and get to eating their lunches since we only had 30 minutes to eat. Well, Anna was in the other line on the side of me. She had her friends with her of course. I ignored them, pretended like nothing weird ever happened between any of us. Pretended she was just another student in line, even though deep down I wanted to punch her in the face and just the sight of her made my blood boil. I carried on though, BUT of course, she saw me just carrying on like I didn't care so she had to do something about that right? Of course. I HAD to notice her, it was unheard of if I didn't. She saw me and actually speaks to me. She shouts above all the noise in the cafeteria, "Hey Evie!" Smiles and waves.. I just looked at her for about 30 seconds, then I replied the first thing that came out of my mouth, "Why are you talking to me?" She looked at me and laughed a little, "Why do you say that?" She says. I said, "Because you don't even like me." And then she had a nervous chuckle and she started stuttering. I just turned my back on her, paid for my food and sat at my table. I was so confused. Why did she say hi to me, smile, wave, and try acting nice. She tried acting like she never treated me shitty over the summer, never put her friends against me, never said awful things to me, never used me. After that, she never said hi to me again though. Thankfully. She was so fake, I couldn't handle it. It was probably ANOTHER game of hers, to say hi to me. They probably thought it would be funny. They probably thought that I would say hi back and be cool with them. So I can look stupid right? Because it was just a mind trick. A joke. I mean, it wasn't that hard to notice all her friends laughing and sniggering at me when Anna said hi to me. They were up to something and it didn't exactly go as they thought it would, hence the stuttering and nervous laughter. Plus. she couldn't really look me in the eye.
Lets skip to a little later in my teen years and another encounter with Anna and her friends. Lets see, Anna and her friends were bullying one of mine. Her name was Katie. Katie will get her own story soon. (Haahaa, I know right. Can't trust anyone.) Anyway, this was 8th grade I think. I, unfortunately, had chorus class with Anna, Samantha, and their other friend (who will also get her own story soon), Dawn. For the most part, they left me alone, until this certain incident I am about to tell you. My friend Katie called me up crying and scared. I could hear the shaking in her voice. I asked what was going on, she was in hysterics. She told me that Anna, Samantha, and Dawn were ganging up on her through social media. It was 3 on 1, and lets keep in mind that Katie was a tiny little thing. Super skinny and super short. (She was another popular girl whom I ended up befriending). She used to get along with all of them and I am not sure how the whole fight started. I am sure it was partly, because she was a friend of mine and stopped chatting with them as much when she befriended me. Not that Katie was ever mean to Anna, Samantha, and Dawn. She just wasn't ever really their close friend. I swooped up her friendship before the others could. But man, did they try! Anyway, Katie was fighting with them over dumb shit of course. Like all high school pettiness. She wanted me help, because she didn't know what to do. She was trying to defend herself , but 3 against 1 is a bit hard. Well, I told her to tell them that if they don't leave you alone, I will be stepping in and I WILL specifically be kicking Anna's ass (just because she REALLY has been aching for it for years now). I singled Anna out this time. Katie did tell them just that and then eventually the fighting subsided. Next day at school, I had chorus class, with them. And of course, they came in last. I was already on the bleachers sitting down waiting for class to start. As soon as they saw me, Anna, Samantha, and Dawn immediately started with their shit. They walk over to me and start embarrassing me in front of the whole class saying, "Oh NO! Evie is gonna beat me up. Oh PLEASE no!" They kept saying it, they knew it would make my blood boil. Which it very much so did. They ALL came up behind me and sat and kept taunting me, "OHHH I am so scared! She's gonna kick my ass!" The chorus teacher ended up separating them and they didn't like that much. I had Samantha on the side of me, Anna behind me, and the teacher put Dawn in the very front of me so they were all separated. Honestly it just made it worse. As soon as Dawn sat down she started on me. She turned around in her seat and started flipping shit on me and about what I had said. I tried telling her I was just sticking up for my friend and how they would have done the same if it was their friends. They all just kept having their go at me. Yelling at me to mind my own business, stay out of shit, it wasn't my fight, and I threatened them, blah blah blah. I tried my best to make it clear that the only one I threatened was Anna and that was if she kept up with her bullying on my friend. The chorus teacher came over and grabbed Dawn by the face because she started to really get in mine, and he was trying to turn her face away from mine. As that was happening, Anna and Samantha were having their go at me concerning the same shit that was coming out of Dawn's mouth. I had enough. I turned around, and said to Anna, "FUCK YOU!" And Anna was so taken aback by that, she just shut down and quietly said, "No..." Then Samantha, of course starts her shit because I swore at her friend (As if they haven't been swearing at me for years). Samantha raises her hand for the teacher to see, and she then points at me and says "SHE SAID A BAD WORD!" (What are we? In Kindergarten. FUCKS.) She was obviously trying to get me in trouble for swearing at Anna. Which her attempt lead unsuccessful and the teacher ended up getting us all to just stop and quiet down. I felt their hatred for me though. It was burying itself in my skin as we continued on through the rest of the class.
So, there it is. The bullshit that was created off of little things that were made into big things. I never understood and still don't clearly, why these bitches tormented me. If they weren't tormenting me they were tormenting people I was friends with. They knew it would all lead back to me just the same. It was tiring, it was redundant, and it was ridiculous. I never did get my chance to beat the shit out of Anna or any of the other girls. I wish I took the chances when I had them, Which could have been in chorus that day. I was seeing black though from how angry I was and all the anger that was building from this shit time after time. Also, it would have been 3 against 1 (Oh look, those numbers again). I would have gotten my ass handed to me. I didn't fancy the idea of a jumping. Plus, I honestly did care about suspensions. I didn't want that on my record. But please people that have gone through this or are going through this, defend YOURSELF. I wish I had done a better job. Maybe they wouldn't have picked on me so much, who knows. I'll never know, because the time with those assholes have come and gone. Of course like all human life, my pain didn't stop there. It was just beginning...
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