#the softest looking thing
canisalbus · 5 months
Absolutely sending me that vasco sleeps butt fucking naked with his weird little Victorian doll boyfriend
Different strokes for different folks.
Vasco finds sleepwear kind of unnecessary and restricting. He doesn't insist on sleeping nude and can go to bed decently dressed if the situation calls for it, but if it's up to him and he's comfortable and in trusted company, he prefers wearing very little.
Machete gets cold easily and has weird body image issues, not being properly covered tends to distress him. Plus he has a thing for high guality garments and wants to look pretty or at least passably presentable even in bed.
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brainrotfm · 5 months
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the world put you in front of me and we aligned
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pairing: ryomen sukuna x reader
word count: ~1.5k
short description: the king of curses has never been asked for comfort before, but that doesn't mean he won't indulge you.
notes: no beta barely edited probably ooc; no content warnings just the fluffiest lil thing you'll ever get from me, mwah! manga credit used for header image [nsfw, 18+]!
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"Tell me what you need, little one, while I still feel patient."
"Well I-I... I don't know how to ask for that," you reply sheepishly, ducking your head to hide the flush that was starting to prickle across your cheeks at your own discomfort. Two fingers caught your chin, evading your retreat into yourself, tilting doe eyes back into the intense, scarlet-hot gaze of the man towering over you still, not one to back away from an uncomfortable situation so easily.
"Use your words, brat," Sukuna purrs cheekily in return, gravelly and low but warm like molasses, trying to lure you out of whatever self-conscious spiral he was watching you fall into - it wouldn't work. Not when he was willing and able to catch you.
The way he touched you, the way he looked at you, the way he spoke to you: it would sound silly if you tried to say it out loud, but there was no other word that came to mind but reverence. Utter devotion or nothing at all, there was no in between with someone like him. Were you projecting? Did the passion between you two feel too good to be true, not because of him, but because of you?
Because you couldn't handle being seen by him, could you?
It wasn't easy, but it was familiar; you didn't, couldn't, ask for help, because you didn't have the vocabulary to explain what you needed help with, exactly. No one could snap their fingers and make all your problems go away; if they could, you wouldn't ask for that, because a charmed life had no real value. And yet... no matter what you said, there was an unflappable feeling in your gut that Sukuna would scorch the earth to give you whatever you desired, the closest thing to a god you may ever see.
"I just want you to hold me," and the words sounded silly as soon as they left your mouth. He was a CURSE for god's sake, or at least, he was one. By all accounts, he was a monster, a being of the lowest morale, and there was nothing that would make him to succumb to the petty whims of the human he just so happened to have a dalliance with. A blip on his cosmic radar, a temporary satisfaction in an endless lifetime. He didn't have the time to waste, the capacity to care, the attachment to give --
Except as soon as the words left your mouth, the smallest of smirks twitched the sides of his lips. As always, you yielded when given a command, and he was always filled with a silent pride by your willingness to succumb for him. Without a word, Sukuna scooped you from the couch bridal-style, earning him a startled yip that turned his smile wider. You felt the echo of his chuckle rumble deep in his chest as he carried you into the bedroom, a protest on your lips that this isn't what you meant, not everything was a code for sex... "Sukuna, I..."
The complaint died in your throat though, not having time to manifest as you squeaked instead; Sukuna had kneed his way onto the bed, still not dropping you as he set his back against the headboard and gingerly, with all the tenderness in the world, set you down across his lap. It would've brought tears to your eyes, if you hadn't been so bewildered by this side of your lover, one who got you both off thanks to his penchant for sadism, but this time...
This time, he used his immense reach to grab the comforter, pulling it over your bodies. This time, he used the hand still wrapped around your back, propping you up, to begin tucking in the seams of the blanket, bounding you tightly against him. This time, the heat of your combined body warmth overpowered your cyclone spin of anxiety. This time, his free hand came up to cup your cheek for a moment, looking into your watery, hazy hues before placing the most delicate kiss against your forehead. This time, you would even call him chaste, not a word you ever imagined using in reference to Sukuna. This time, he looked for nothing more, wordlessly pulling your face into his chest as the arm around your back tightened its hold. This time, he really did just... just hold you.
It was too much.
By the time your cheek had pressed against heat of his skin, you were a goner. Maybe you were just that obvious - maybe he saw how pathetic and hopeless you felt, and knew that no amount of his usual teasing would cajole you out of your reverie. You're not sure he could feel sadness; you're not really sure he ever had, but you appreciated this act of softness from him. (He could, though rarely, and he did, though oftentimes only because of you, or in this case, for you). Shaking like a leaf in the wind, you curled as far into him as you possibly could, and with a heave, an onslaught of tears began to leave your body like the damn had broken at the end of a wet summer.
Where did he learn comfort like this? A large palm rested against your lower back, splayed open and anchoring you to his lap, not letting you budge an inch, even if you wanted to. His other hand had curled around the side of your neck to its nape, pressing you against him, silently insisting you stay as near to him as possible, to ride out whatever anxiety had taken you so far from him tonight. He would wait. You had only asked to be held, so he remained silently, trying not to focus on the way your pathetic little hiccups would make his heart squeeze, or why the white-hot lick of anger curled beneath his skin at seeing you in this state.
The more you succumbed to your sadness, though, the worse it seemed to get; the riptide of emotion had grabbed you by the ankle and sought to drown you in its depths tonight. Sukuna noticed immediately when your breaths had grown panicked and short, hiccups faltering into staccato sobs, and your heart began hammering out of rhythm with his own.
No, no, that would not do. You were supposed to be soothed. You couldn't see his brow furrow sullenly, confusion flickering behind maroon eyes, a sound akin to a growl unfurling in his chest. His exasperation with your befuddling human emotions was short-lived. The growing rumble in his chest had finally moored all your senses to the same shore, grounding you in tandem with the anchor points of physical touch.
Once he realized you liked it - and he should've realized you'd like it, you often enjoyed his primal sounds in other scenarios, too - well, of course he continued, your emotional fulfillment his main concern at the moment.
You must be dreaming. That was the only thought in your head as your hiccups waned into pitiful sniffles, doe eyes sore and half-lidded in the shelter of Sukuna's chest. "R-ryo...?" you managed to bleat, softer than he'd ever heard his name on your lips before, and the use of his first name had your lover purring again with a low timbre hum, giving your entire form an encouraging squeeze to signify his attention.
"Don't go... please, don't go," you whined, barely above a whisper, and something in chest shattered at your unwillingness to be without him, now that you had let him in to that tightly locked room he'd call your heart. If he had thought dominating your physical body had been pleasurable, there was an absolute intoxication that came from you being this kind of vulnerable with him; where he had always assumed he'd feel disgust, he felt a dizzying delight in pacifying you this way, still a dance of your bodies, just with different choreography than he'd ever known before.
"Oh, little one," the king of curses assuaged in a tone of equal measure, his whisper husked as he ducked to kiss your forehead again, reveling in the enchanting sigh he earned from you at such a simple affection. With that, he began to rustle you into place for sleep, more delicately than he'd ever handled you before; though, it could be noted that he was still a selfish man, and didn't give you any room to move or curl away from him, intent to keep you tucked against his chest for the rest of time if it meant witnessing you like this, at your most docile.
Your pretty face was folded into the juncture where his chest met his neck, and he could feel your breathing settle into dreamy sighs, comforted and cared for exactly the way you'd asked, so trustful that you would dare to sleep in his presence, the sweetest of lambs curled up and comfortable in the middle of the lion's den. He could kill you, right there. He would kill for you, right then.
"There is nowhere I could go that I could not take you," Sukuna promised softly into the darkness of your room, hoping you'd hear his promise in your dreams. Now that he knew this, he never wanted to know anything again.
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taglist: @hercskid @sinlillith @marusatonanhin @kentohours @tzuyuswife @yuujispinkhair @luckyracco @forresway @briannafdez10 @vadersassistant @maximumcherryblossomface
disclaimer: i do not consent to my original writing being fed to ai. please do not repost/redistribute. reblogs help original writing reach a wider audience.
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mewkwota · 11 months
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"I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it"
You know I too would act like this if I came across a funny dog creature that's roughly the size of a cotton ball.
Happy New Pimin Dei Everyone
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pizzaqueen · 1 year
Eddie is forever grumbling about “losing” his shirts, storming out of their room and flopping dramatically on the couch, declaring his favorite shirt is gone forever, it was there one minute and now it’s just gone. Gone gone gone!
And Steve will sigh and say it can’t be lost, shirts don’t just get up and walk out and Eddie will say this one did! all but harrumphing. So Steve will go in their room, look through the same pile of shirts Eddie looked through a moment ago, and come back out, holding it up, saying “this shirt?”
And Eddie will say it wasn’t there when he looked and they’re all black, it was camouflaged, and take the shirt half-annoyed, half-sheepish and murmur something about how there’s definitely a shirt stealing gremlin living in their walls that takes Eddie’s shirts then puts them back for Steve to find and make Eddie look like an idiot
And Steve will roll his eyes and try not to smile knowing it will happen again and again. And some days he finds it amusing, others annoying, but it’s all part of living together
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goddess-reborn · 7 days
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PL E A SE he looks so soft here sksjdjds 😭
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He’s literally so happy just to see us, he’s just the most precious thing 😭😭😭
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courfee · 4 months
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So this is it, that's how it ends I guess there's nothing more romantic than dying with your friends
ah yes, the happy soft vibes for the @sillylovesongsfest, you get it... based on the assigned prompted song Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe and FINNEAS, as well as this
for an even sadder and bloody version look under the cut <33
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sic-vita · 2 years
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The Sandman | Stephen Fry as Fiddler’s Green 
“It was a privilege being human with you”
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crazymecjc · 1 year
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silly lil wolfwood sketch page :)))
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blue-eli · 8 months
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Ink October day five: Repose
Cessation or absence of activity, movement, or animation.
To lie at rest.
To lie dead.
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like I KNOWWWWWW that there is so much wrong with this relationship (mostly the lying by omission and infidelity thing but like. it's a network drama so what are you gonna do) but the way what's-his-face from Enchanted LOOKS at Meredith makes me BONKERS INSANE.
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mblue-art · 1 year
It's me again, anon, who adores your love-hate towards Cross. Friend recently showed me a video in tiktok where there was a sound of 'oh I hate that man...but oh, cara mia...how i love him'. It immediately reminded me of you. Tsunderes keep winning. Let's go tsunderes ✊️
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hhhh h hhhi anon i do, i do ha-
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satoruin · 5 months
guys i just also want to note that the cashier didn’t laugh at my joke when i bought gojo he said, “do you want gojo in a bag?” and i said “as long as it’s not a box” and that was the funniest shit i’ve ever said and i didn’t even get one of those pity scoffs bc the joke is stupid 😔
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tennis-kittens · 1 year
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50 shades of Daniil Medvedev
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solarisgod · 5 days
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❛ your name fit into my mouth better than my own ever has, like i was born to speak it. ❜ micah: " who is like god? " it was a name that i chose after years of trying to understand myself better in ashes and stardust — i was in a constant raging war with my body / my life / myself. only in a single month, would i change my name many times not because i wanted to hide or belong better, but i couldn't know myself enough — i was untranslatable, uncomprehensible, unlovable. i find myself mouthing micah and i think about yours: the darkling — sasha — aleksander — you had many names as well. you were infinity, but your infinity has always been empty. i place aleksander on my tongue, love each syllable and symbol. i adore your true name as i can turn it into religion.
❛ aleksander, ❜ i only whisper, but my appreciation still comes across loud and clear for the nightly star blessed sky to ripple in awe. this is one of the first few times when i would use this name, not as a weapon or a reminder, but to embrace it in me with love and leave it to the world like spreading sunlight. this is me worshipping you. ❛ i think your own is wonderful enough, alekstar. ❜ while i have been sitting sweetly on your lap, the bed sheet cool beneath us, i move to your neck and giggle against your skin at the nickname. of course as i did with the title that the world fear the most, i would put a star in your name. i lean back so i can look upon you more, loving you more despite your horrors. ❛ i can turn your name into a song or a poem... i can even do more with it. ❜
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i leave you to play your wild imagination, my lips curled as a smirk of teasing. my hands reach to hold your cheeks. i bear the darkness in my kindest hands that can kill me and kiss its lips. your name almost leaves me once more, but it comes as a pleased hum, a soft stir in your core. it can be set aflame just by this alone. pads of my thumbs caress your skin, the facials burning my skin in ways that i can cherish. silence remains most comfortable between us for a tender moment. my mouth slowly nears your ear: ❛ astrifer, ❜ another silence follows the whisper what appears to be a secret, but this cosmic name holds raw power that can fill air with electricity. ❛ that is my birth name, ❜ i explain, ❛ that is my special name given by the sun and moon and earth themselves. ❜
starry, star - laden, bearer of the stars. i do not need to be like god just to make my own existence be known as only lovable enough. i am hope - filled, surrounded by the light in a galaxy of endless stars. what could matter more? my hands hold yours. i gaze at you like you are my stars to adore. your name won't be filled with any more ghosts and bloodlets. your existence will not be the universe's worst scar — never to me, it will be so. ❛ i am astrifer, the star bearer, ❜ my lips meet your own, my motion strikingly confident to the point i bite your lower lip. my smile presses your mouth, warm. i do not break from this contact. i let my celestial name be held between darkness' teeth and i do not fear the idea of it staining my cosmic identity. this light, it's unendurable.
❛ i am astrifer and i love you, aleksander. ❜
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chococustard · 1 year
... So was Zhongli (in chonkli form) Jingzhong's teddy bear once upon a time (now usurped by an aranara plushie)?
liyue has many plushies of their dead god, childe of course bought at least 3 of them
one of course is chongli, who gets passed down sibling to sibling
it will always has a special place in their hearts!
dw as babies do they always go back to their old toys at some point
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mcl38 · 3 months
I feel the exact same way when I see people use “girly pop” or “babygirl” or the 💅 emoji when what the really are insinuating is f*g. I see it wayyyy to often on other social media sites. Especially about Lando. Yes sometimes it’s meant lovingly, or endearingly, but more often then not it’s used in a mean way.
and even if its used lovingly it most likely carries an undertone of condescension. idk i had a very illuminating conversation two days ago w these two very straight guys id watched quali with, who said they didn't realise the limp wrist meme / the word 'zesty' / babygirl and girlypop were derogatory gay stereotypes, they thought it was 'how girls talk' or imitating women rather than imitating feminine gay men. and i find it soooo funny that when cultural artefacts that are meant to b subversive in the gay community spill over into straight culture, the cishets rly do just turn it back into good ol' gender stereotypes. thats why lando's whole astrology bit for HIM is a casually misogynistic imitation of astrology girls (complete with the pitched up voice), but to tiktok it ended up reading as 'fruity' or 'zesty' or whatever other stupid fucking euphemistic adjective they use to skirt imaginary censors that don't actually exist.
and its funny bc lando is actually so straight-man-ish from his obsession w the world's most boring rich boy sport to his bragging abt sexual exploits on stream to the bluntness / refusal to couch his words & soften the blow in interviews that in women generally doesn't survive past teenhood. but bc hes generally slender and baby-faced (even with that atrocious chandler-bing-in-alternate-reality-episodes goatee) ppl will still code him as feminine on social media / tiktok / fanart / fics especially. idk as someone who like among other things has drawn lando as a girl or in dresses i also personally have a bit of a complicated relationship with the idea of a feminine lando, but it definitely isnt helped by the thoughtlessness with which people in fandom spaces, and also on the internet in general, and also in real life treat these new incognito homophobia cultural trends
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