#the show sets us up for this by showing what Porsche would do for Chay
luckydragon10 · 2 years
KinnPorsche Ep11 Lines of Power
You know the drill by now: I'm here to talk about lines of power, staging, and framing in KinnPorsche.
D: I'm a day late. Apologies. My power went out yesterday... which, as @antique-forvalaka pointed out to me, is pretty funny. Totally different line of power.
This post focuses mostly on the first sequences with Vegas, Pete, and Khun Kan (or however we feel like spelling his name today). I won't be showing anything graphic, but there's some camera angle work that is SO interesting that I gotta dive into extra detail.
I have a few fluffier images later to lighten up the post, though, I promise. 😉
More LoP posts: [Trailer] ... [Ep07] [Ep08] [Ep09 Part 1] [Ep09 Part 2] [Ep10] [Ep12]
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Pay close attention to the camera tilts (aka the Dutch angles) throughout this scene. I can't even cover everything because there are sooo many shots and angles, but I'll call out my favorite bits.
The two pics above establish the tilts. Vegas's angle tilts left, and Pete's angle tilts right. Their angles are leaning away from each other, like the opposing poles of magnets.
Be careful how you watch the scene... sea sickness may occur. There's lots of tilting back and forth, and when the cuts are fast, I feel like I'm on a boat that's rocking with the waves, very discomfiting.
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Then we get a disruptor coming in. Hello, Khun Kan (Kun, Gun, whoever the hell you are).
This shot is so severely tilted, and Daddy Scarfs-a-lot has a biiiiiig thick line of power at his back with that unobstructed column in the foreground. He stepped in, took control of the room, and is like a crushing power looming above both Vegas and Pete.
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What do we have here? Vegas is the focus in this shot, and his angle changed. THIS. THIS GOT ME.
Vegas has gone from the one abusing to the one being abused. He's taken on Pete's tilt, going to the right.
I see what you did there. I SEE IT. And I am so impressed by this choice. 🤌
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Khun Namechanger takes a deep breath, cools his emotions, and returns to practical decision-making. He brings the scene into an upright position for the moment. The vertical column to the right helps steady the rocking boat that is this entire scene (though only briefly).
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After Papa Goatee leaves, Vegas resumes his left-tilt angle.
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FIRST SHOT: Oh hey, look, the column is tilting left, so that screws up the tilts from the establishing shots, doesn't it?
In the top pic here, Pete's head serves as the right tilt. If the camera were also tilted the way it usually is for him, his head would practically be horizontal, which wouldn't be any good. So Pete's right tilt still remains in effect, only with his head.
SECOND SHOT: There we go, back to normal with the pillar leaning right. Pete's head in both shots? Parallel. SO PARALLEL. Holy crap.
This is so good it blows my mind. 🤯
If anyone decides to break down every single angle from theses early VP scenes, link me, please? I'd love to see it.
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Tableaus! Beautiful tableaus once again! (I explain what a tableau is back in Ep 5 LoP.) These really look like they could be sets on a live theatre stage.
Mostly I want to say how much I appreciate what they've done with P'Chan here.
This demonstrates a great way to accomplish a lot without any dialogue, using the staging to tell a story.
In the first shot, P'Chan is off to the side. He isn't really necessary to this conversation. Then for the Porsche scene, not only is his gun out, but he's looming like an avenging angle.
Peak comedy.
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This is my freebie for this post. I haven't gotten a freebie for ages.
It's pretty. I like it. I could stare for hours.
Oh, and there's a damn reflection again. This show drives me mad.
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Tankhun is so big here, and Porchay is so smol.
Tankhun's size is emphasized in multiple ways:
Tankhun can't even fit in the frame — the top of his head is getting cut off, emphasizing his stature.
Tankhun is in the foreground, whereas Chay is in the mid-ground.
Tankhun's fluffy jacket more than doubles his width.
These details all add up to make Chay look even more child-like than usual, out of proportion to Tankhun. His smolness is perfect for a scene where Tankhun basically adopts Chay as another little brother.
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In this scene, Kim finally (at long last) makes a big breakthrough in his investigation.
Check out the background! It's an open doorway, a direction, a way forward, even if it isn't the direction he expected his sleuthing would go.
More LoP posts: [Trailer] ... [Ep07] [Ep08] [Ep09 Part 1] [Ep09 Part 2] [Ep10] [Ep12]
For more great meta from folks across the KP Tumblr fandom, please visit the Damn Good KinnPorsche Meta doc.
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hael987 · 2 years
Ep 12: A Dark vs Light Continuation
[Original Theory] [Ep 10] [Ep 11]
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Half and half, Porsche in the light and Chay in the shadow. Chay is more shadowed, his world isn’t as bright as it once was, it’s the remnants, the impact Kim has left on/within Chay. It’s also the loneliness he feels; the abandonment from Kim as well as the distance Chay is about to put between Porsche and himself. But Porsche is in lightness and warmth, the things Porsche usually does, and can still, bring to his life. If he told Porsche - unburdened himself and reached out to his loved one - he would be back to the light, warm world he’s used to. 
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Light clothes, warm setting. He’s still in his brighter world with all the good things there but there’s still that slight element of shadow. It’s still the traces of Kim left in his heart. But it’s also the lies and secrets he now holds within himself (both about Kim and his interview). The fact he still won't reveal his problems and pain to Porsche, he keeps it to himself, shows some of the same similar self-isolation as Kim (which, in part, is what makes Kim’s world a darker one).
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Chay’s world is changing. We see him in a shot with lighting we’ve never seen him in before. He’s lost and trying new things. His journey away from his reliance on Porsche and the safe world Porsche created for him. He’s facing the new realities that he was forced to acknowledge. He’s just in pain and trying to find something to soothe it. He’s lost himself. But he’s still in his own world [dressed in white], he’s just rebelling, experimenting and redefining exactly what that world, his world, is now.
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But he’s still in white, parts of him still remain the same. He’s acting out and being rebellious but it’s still his own world. We see he hesitates to do “bad” things, it’s not is true heart or desire. He has to pause and reaffirm this resolve to do things out of character. He still belongs to a lighter, safer world in his heart.
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At first, all we see is black. Kim in his rage and desire to protect Chay he reveals his darker, more dangerous and ruthless side [pure, plain black jacket]. He fights and uses violence, unleashes his commanding aura and shows his harsher self - these are the essence of 'Mafia Kim' [dark, black outfit]. 
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Kim's still illuminated, bathed in light, in Chay's presence [just like Ep 9]. It’s still a brighter world in his presence. But it’s a different lighting, no longer the white light we’ve seen before. Chay’s world is changing and it’s also his hurt heart. Chay’s pure feelings [bright white light] have been hurt but he still likes him even if his feelings are now tinged with anger [typically symbolically red] and so now Kim is illuminated in pink lighting [red+white=pink]. It's a harsh light but there's still warmth there.
Arguably, we’ve only seen Kim in a pure white shirt in scenes where his focus is Chay. Clearly, that applies here too, his focus is on protecting Chay. He obviously cares as he goes out of his way to track Chay down and then try and remove him from the bad situation. He cares for Chay so why does he deny it?
I’ve said before that Kim doesn’t want to drag Chay into a dark world but I think it also applies further. He doesn’t want to drag Chay anywhere, he now wants Chay to make his own unbiased, unmanipulated decisions (after all the truths are revealed). That’s his now pure heart towards Chay [white shirt] but he’s still hiding it [dark jacket]. [Based on @wayan98 's post idea that Kim in a dark jacket+white tee is him covering his feelings for Chay.] He covers it up just like he does with his words. But the core feeling, true feelings [white shirt, love for Chay] are still underneath it. 
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Chay makes a distinction to Kim. They're separate, that it’s his own world (further embodied by his plain white top). But before that he also gave Kim chances to tell the truth, refute, argue, reach him; C: “Why are you here? [...] Why are you doing this?”. But that also brings Kim back to reality, Chay’s reminded him of his determination that he was going to stay away from Chay and keep their worlds separate, but his worry got the better of him.
Kim created a whole new persona (Wik) so he could regain control of his life, to keep his father/family business from dragging him around, he’s not just going to take away the control of someone he has now come to like. That’s why he started putting distance between them, he knows what he did before was wrong, he’s trying to do good things by letting Chay be, stepping away from him because not all the truths have been brought out into the open yet. That’s why he has to reply to Chay like that, to cut him off and withdraw once more. It’s twofold. His desire for Chay to have autonomy, his life back, mixed with his desire to hide his feelings because it's not time yet, he can't reveal it yet. It’s what he says but also how he says it, the cutting dismissive tone disguises the hidden hearts in the message [black jacket covering the white top]. Kim can't control Chay's life even to protect him because he's not in a position to take responsibility yet, he can't be with him now, so he hands it back to Chay.
They both have things to figure out, growth to undergo, and things still yet to be discovered and uncovered.
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daeyeol4you · 10 months
The Chay Rewatch
As part of my KP Rewatch, I’m going to be commenting on each episode and analyzing the different Chay scenes. He’s my favorite character, and I thought I’d put down my thoughts (as well as timestamps for his scenes) as a fun way to express that.
Ep 1 & 2 Chay Rewatch
Episode 3 - Enter Kim Stage Right
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Time: 1:46 – 1:54 & 2:04-2:07 – Previously on, my greatest enemy and only ally
At least they used different clips this time
Where is my baby boi? Where is Chay? When will he return?
Ep 3 dives deeper into how screwed up all three of the major family boys are
Kinn can’t commit and is slowly falling for who Porsche is
Tankhun is hilarious, and his outfits are always a treasure trove of weird fashion. His trauma is so present even when he’s having fun. Tong plays him so well.
And then there’s Kim.
Time: 31:38 – 33:51 – Mysterious Balcony Man
The introduction to Kim is done is pieces, slowly feeding the audience. The storytelling carries on the amazing writing from episode 1. It’s a great way of showing that Kim may not be living in the compound or running things, but he’s one to watch out for (and maybe even fear). First, we hear Pete’s description of him back in ep 2 (that essentially states he’s dangerous and aloof while also setting up that his storyline isn’t going to connect to the family compound much) and then we hear his voice just before Big bows to someone offscreen. The build up tells the viewers that this new person, the one that we’ve been waiting for almost 3 episodes for, is powerful and to be feared. The colors of this scene are also noticeably darker as compared to the warmer tones used in the main family compound or the bright pink from Yok’s bar.
I adore the first shot we get of Kim. Standing with his back to the camera, he retains his air of mystery, but the metal fixtures on the glass doors make me think of a birdcage. He’s out of the compound, hell he’s even in the open air, but this shot shows that he’s just as trapped in the mafia world as his brothers despite the space he’s tried to create between himself and his family. He’s the songbird trapped in Korn’s game.
“Are you in the wrong place?” – Kim is so bitchy I love him. This is Kimhan Theerapanyakul, the third son. Before we even see his face, we get to know his arrogant and aloof side. Except do we? Kim immediately asks who is protecting his brother, and he knows enough about Kinn’s guards to know that Ken is the likely successor with Big injured. Kim’s emotions are always just under the surface. The only problem is no one digs deeper until we get to Porchay. Everyone is scared of Kim or just accepts the mask he shows them.
Kimlock Holmes makes his introduction. A new bodyguard with a suspicious background? Who’s been put on the security detail of both of his brothers? Big you might as well have wrapped this mystery with a bow. In all seriousness, Kim is protective of the few people he allows into his heart (though he will never ever tell them that), and this news would have put his brain on red alert because Kim will not tolerate any harm to his loved ones.
“Do you want one heartbroken song, huh?” – What a little bitch, again I love him. Kim sandwiches his concern for his brothers with two backhanded comments attacking Big. Kim (I’m going to let you all in on a secret) is very bad at hiding. His concern, his conspiracy board, his feelings for Chay, etc. This man is so lucky that everyone is a little scared of him and knows to keep away, or he’d be found out in an instant. (Also, only one Kim? After Chay blocks you, you’ll be writing a million. Love the foreshadowing to Kim’s inevitable heartbreak though. This show does do great set up for some of the storylines)
And then the scene ends without ever showing the viewer Kim’s face further drawing out the viewer’s introduction to Kim. Its honestly great set up for this character, and while he’s not the only one receiving this kind of drawn out treatment (hello Vegas in ep 2 with the hot assassin lady) his is done successfully. I remember first watching this show with no background at all wondering who the hell this guy is (I did have to rewatch the scenes to match the voices before I could connect mysterious balcony guy to WiK but that’s neither here nor there)
Kim’s outfit: Either costuming or Jeff really love themselves an oversized suit jacket. It makes Jeff look bigger than he actually is which works for the introduction of his character. Its also very different from his other outfits through the series. He’s dressed closer to the major family look with his suit jacket and darker color scheme. He still retains his idol status though making this one of the few looks that blend his two personas. I have a few theories about how Kim uses his different jackets as a shield to hide his real self, given the only times we see Kim not wearing his jackets is when he’s in his feelings about Chay (ie the warehouse scene, the fight in Yok’s bar, him recording the song, him crying over Chay’s polaroids), I’d say I’m close to being right
Still no Chay, but I will accept meeting his love interest during this Chay drought
Overall Chay Rating (Chrating): I’ll give this episode a D
There’s still no Chay, but we get a really great introduction to Kim which sets up Chay’s entire storyline. Thus, a slightly better grade. Episode 3 in general is better than episode 2 to me. Its not jamming a ton of character intros and wacky worldbuilding into the episode the same way Ep 2 does. We get a real introduction to Tankhun and Kim as well as the first sparks of KinnPorsche. I could have done without 2 party scenes in one ep (mainly because to me it makes them feel rushed), and it makes me as a viewer wonder when we’re going to get any real mafia action in the mafia romance story. But overall, I have one question... WHERE IS MY BABY BOI?!
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KimChay - La Forte
Set in the backdrop of Kinnporsche. Chay struggles to settle in his new life as the younger son of the minor family. With an absent Porsche, deranged mother, Chay has to navigate the dangers of the mafia world, all while struggling to fit in at university.
@satursticket - for you
Genre: smut, gay love, mafia, heartbreak, bl, boys' love, homosexuality, underworld
Chapter two - 
My big brother was staring at my face, giggling, while I glowered at him. Kinn sat next to him, eating his lunch, while the older brother, the nut case, was screaming at the TV upstairs about how his life was ruined because Lee Joong Ki died in some crappy TV show. I recommended that movie to him so that he'd shut the hell up and leave me alone. 
Kinn and Porsche were amused at this, but they also marvelled at my ability to be so cruel. My head was still aching, as I hadn’t recovered since last week. 
"So, Chay, I heard that you are hanging out with Lily. And you even stayed over at our old place. Should I be informed about something?" my brother teased, and I dropped the spoon on the table. I lost my appetite. 
The pervert brother of mine had no idea what I went through last week, and he has the audacity to ask me whether I was the one dating. The fucking freak. If only he knew. 
"I had no idea you were this close. I mean, you grew up together, when did love blossom?" he continued, grinning.
"Who's Lily?" asked Kinn, playing along. 
"Our neighbour who lives down the street. She and Chay go to the same school. They used to play together when they were kids. Who knew that one day love would blossom between friends?" 
My brother was the dumbest man on the planet, and so was his boyfriend. How the hell is it that neither of them knew or suspected that I was previously involved with the youngest son of the mafia boss of this household and that Lily was so bitter about her love being stolen by Janward that she had sworn off men permanently? 
I shook my head. "She's mad at me. She's not even talking to me," I informed them, earning their attention. 
"What did you do?" asked Kinn, amused. 
"She hates me. She loathes me enough to run away at the mere sight of my reflection," I revealed. It was upsetting; my friend was scared to talk to me and was furious with me after what happened last Friday. She pretended that I didn't exist. The friend who would buy me lunch and cheer me up, was avoiding me like I was the COVID virus. She refused to be anywhere near me. I would most certainly cry if she kept this up. As it is I had a few friends and Lily was the only one who got me.
My brother gave me a concerned glance. "Chay, you're a good kid. There must be some misunderstanding. Lily has been your friend for years," 
Yeah, and you and your mafia boyfriend ruined it.
"Did something happen the night you stayed over at our house?"
"Did your minions report that to you? Didn't they tell you the whole story? I guess they aren't good at their job."
Porsche is worried about my demeanour now. I was mean and angry at him, which was rare. 
"Chay, do you want to talk about this?"
"No. Lily abhors me. And instead of going shopping with me and taking me to the salon, she's going to the hair stylist with Thanapan !" I declared, annoyed. Luke Thanapan was her gay cousin. He recently came out to society and was ready to make his debut officially as a gay man.
I continued eating, as my brother fretted over my alleged heartbreak. Hah, too late, brother. 
I bet he came up with a hundred scenarios as to why 'my girl' was mad at me. I'm sure one of the reasons included something sex-related, the moron. 
"Give her flowers. Send her a big bouquet of flowers," he stated, and I gazed at him like he was a buffoon. "Wait for her to cool down. Have a conversation when she's ready. No matter what she is mad about, send her flowers and apologise. Go to her place and deliver them yourself. Or go to her workplace and wait until her shift ends," he advised. 
My God, this nincompoop believed that this was some lover's quarrel that I had to sort out. She's batshit scared of me; why the hell would she even talk to me? She's worried for her safety. 
"I tried that; it didn't work. And Lily doesn't like flowers. She likes money." I answered, drinking the soup. 
"Give a bouquet with money," suggested Kinn. My God, this man had absolutely no clue how to pursue or apologise to women. Thank God he's gay. 
"Lily will kill me if I do that. She's fiercely independent. She doesn't need any man's help."
"Help her get a new job. Encourage her and motivate her. That way she'll still get it on her own, and you'll still be a reliable man in her eyes," blurted out Kinn. 
I blinked. For once, this man had a point.
"Joong Ki! I love you! How could you die? JOONG KI!" I heard the madman scream from upstairs as both of them began rubbing their temples. 
Lily looked like she wanted to shoot me, while simultaneously being afraid of me. We were at the salon, as Luke got his hair cut, and I was sitting next to her, on the couch. “For God’s sake man! Go away before I scream,” she hissed, livid. “Lily, I didn’t do anything to you, why would you scream?” I inquired. “Bro, your bodyguards are two feet away. I don’t want to start shit. Go away,” she said through her teeth, as her cousin was taking a selfie.
“Talk to me Lily,” I insisted. "About your concerns,”
“Bro, its not a concern, I’m in a state of shock. You are weird as hell. I knew your family had debt. Who asked you to get involved with the mafia just to avoid it? Now you are dangerous. Stay away from me and my family. I do not want to get involved with the underworld,” she declared.
“I’m not a part of the mafia,”
“Then why do you have bodyguards?”
“I don’t have a choice,”
“Neither do I. Get the hell away from me, or I’ll scream,”
Thanapan was watching us, and Lily was losing her mind.
“Hanging out with you in public is harmful for me. How do I know that one of your goons won’t kill me?”
I assured her repeatedly that my bodyguards would never harm her. But she had a counter argument. What if one of Kinn's enemies came after her to get back at Kinn?
She knew the whole story. I was the ignoramus to not realise sooner.
I was dumbstruck. I didn’t have an answer. My brother almost got killed. Tomorrow, if one of Anakinn’s enemies decides to attack either major or minor family, we’d all be dead. I recalled watching the guns, goons, and bodyguards, as I was strapped to the gurney.
Imaging Lily being kidnapped, harassed, or being subjected to even more horror was a dark thought. A realistic thought. I dropped the magazine I was holding and gulped. What if something did happen to Lily? Its not just Lily. Gary, Charlie, all of my friends would meet the same fate. They would have to go through the same agony I did, and their families would have deal with my fate. Living in fear, wondering whether my brother and I would live or die.
How did I not think of this sooner?
I could not put everyone at risk.
I remained motionless, as Lily turned pale. I saw her face as she began sweating. "You said that your bodyguards are trained in martial arts?" she questioned and I nodded. "That man has been watching us since the past hour. Either he's one of daddy's debt collectors or one of your enemies. Take a pick. But we have to decide what to do," came her low voice.
"Are you sure he's here for one of us?" I asked, and she affirmed. "Pretend to take a selfie with me. I want this dude's face for future reference," Lily said, and we took many shots with the man in the background. He tried to avoid being caught on camera. Suspicious indeed.
Lily indicated to her cousin that we had company, and he paid the bill. His pepper spray and I ife ready for use. We carefully walked out, as Lily recorded herself, pretending to go live on YouTube.
Indeed, the man followed us for a good two blocks, keeping his distance. The two bodyguards noticed as well. My face turned white as chalk, as I realised how sinister the man looked. Large, burly, black beady eyes and scar on his right eye.
Within seconds, he charged full speed ahead, ready to stab one of us. He had pulled out his large knife and the menacing look on his face made me scream.
All three of us ran at top speed, as a defense. The two bodyguards with us instantly tackled him to the ground and disarmed him. Turns out that he had a knife and a gun. Unfortunately for the bodyguards the guy was big and burly, and very agile. It took him a few seconds to slash one bodyguard's face while the other disarmed him.
Much to my horror, the man escaped as both guards chased after him. Much to our dismay, he hopped into a car and disappeared even before we could blink.
"Oh hell no. That guy was after you Chay. No loan shark is that sophisticated to plan and escape," Lily stated. Thanapan disagreed. He stated that either him or I could have been kidnapped for repayment, hence, the car.
None of us recognised the large man. Thanapan and Lily's fathers owed multiple loan sharks huge amounts of money. Both had mentioned stalking and threatening them. But kidnapping was was an extreme move.
All three of us were convinced that the man had a murderous intent. He either planned to hurt one of us and kidnap us, or kill us. To prove a point. Either way, all of us were frightened out of our wits.
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silksosoft · 2 months
Reading - KinnPorsche#3
A Guide to Living a Mafia-Adjacent Life by puckbaes (40.4k) https://archiveofourown.org/works/39870123 One more variation on Kim and Chay getting together. Chay is getting used to his new life and new status. He goes to a music camp, trying to forget Kim, who is always nearby when Chay makes poor choices. At first Chay resents the idea of having bodyguards and everything seems strange, but eventually he understands what it means to be a part of the family (and finds out something about himself)
circumstance by Heyimagination (102k) https://archiveofourown.org/works/42784659 To repay for everything his brother did for him when they were younger, Chay is dead set on doing everything for his brother to have a happy life. That will mean making the choices he'd have never made on his own. I have so much to say about the story, I don't even know where to start. The story is as beautiful and violent as only life can be. It's definitely no bed of roses for all the characters, or at least their roses are full of inch long thorns. It's about the choice between the dream and the duty, between lies and delusions, despair and defeat, and between forgetting and remembering. And in some way, about second chances - to start with - of survival. The storyline covers quite a long timespan. Chay leaves the country to study abroad and become a doctor, as he believes that's the best way to help Porsche. Yet bending to Korn's will, he gets some skills he would perfectly do without. Upon his return he gets involved into family business more and more, having left no choice. Kim is fighting his own battles. Their relationship has far more less ups, than downs. To say it's complicated would be such an understatement. Loved the story, but I'm not at all sure that I'll reread it in the nearest future. In some scenes I felt my heart would break for them - no irreparable damage was made, but some scars never fully heal. Yet they managed to find their way through, and that was all I needed - especially after so many unexpected twists and unhappy turns.
Idol by Birdysaurus and Oxxymoron (132.7k) https://archiveofourown.org/works/44177311 A long detailed story set as Actors AU. Kim is a famous bl-actor who is not involved in the family business, Chay is just starting his career. They meet when they become the main leads for the next bl TV-show. Kim also has a friend who used to be his screen partner, however, almost everyone, including Chay, believes that they are a real-life couple. So the rest of the plot is quite straightforward, without any unexpected turns. It makes a good reading choice when it comes to a romantic story, especially if you don't want any drama, angst or too much of mafia-related things.
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chaos0pikachu · 2 years
Can I say how vindicated I feel for being right about Kinn AND him calling out Porsche on his mistakes. Like the fandom is quick to spew at Kinn for breathing the wrong way but will gloss over Porsche and his messups. Equal treatment here folks.
What frustrates me about some fans treatment of Porsche is the baby-fication of Porsche. Like Porsche isn't also a flawed, well rounded, and interesting character and not a perpetual victim with no agency.
The latter is just not true!!!
Porsche is impulsive, which is why he chooses to trust Vegas - over Kinn?? Which is silly but also understandable, I get Porsche's choices even if they're flawed - b/c Porsche works more on emotion rather than logic.
I get bothered by some folks being like "how could Kinn not trust Porsche after everything!" But like, why couldn't Porsche trust Kinn after everything as well? Kinn gave Porsche his freedom, and was willingly going to live with another broken heart for Porsche's happiness and then took a bullet for Porsche. LIKE???? Kinn's proven time and again he cares deeply for Porsche.
"Well Kinn's never said he loves Porsche" neither has Porsche?? He's only used the plural of them both being in love with each other which Kinn didn't deny.
And this isn't me hating on Porsche, because I get it, I get his choices. Kinn is a difficult person to trust, especially for Porsche who was a civilian up until a few months ago. Porsche's reactions and reasoning especially given his overall character make sense to me. Like yeah it's a bit naive to still trust Vegas after everything, but I get why Porsche is still a bit naive about Vegas b/c of his line "they're your family"
Because Porsche is very loyal to the concept of family - I also assume it's cultural as well - as seen with Chay obviously, but also his uncle. So in Porsche's mind, while Vegas was shady, suspect, and clearly in competition with Kinn I don't think Porsche ever really understood that the major and minor families do not trust each other, and even hate each other. Porsche seems legitimately baffled by Vegas' bitterness towards Kinn.
So like, I get Porsche. I cringed when he ran away with Vegas, but like, I got it and I wasn't mad. Also, dramatic irony, like it wasn't a shock to us the audience that Vegas is an antagonist, but it was a shock to Porsche. It wasn't a shock to me that Vegas and Tawan were working together, that was a theory I had three episodes ago when Tawan showed up. But to Porsche it was.
But fuck I wish some folks would give Kinn the same grace. Kinn literally says he was coming to Porsche's cell to tell him the plan. Context clues and hindsight tell us Kinn was more than likely coming to the pool to tell Porsche the plan and oop there's fucking Vegas. And then immediately after Kinn's gotta jet with Tawan and then Porsche gets set up in front of the family - ppl keep acting like Kinn can just do whatever he wants but he can't b/c he's the god damn heir to a MAFIA family - so Kinn's gotta play along until he can finally get Porsche alone again.
The ending scene of today's ep showed that the main family needs proof of the minor family's actions. Korn couldn't just shoot Gun willy-nilly. And Gun played it up just right to be set up as a martyr. Tankhun says aloud what Kinn and probably Korn are thinking, that Gun knew about Vegas' spying and more importantly that Ken was the mole, but they don't have proof. The reason for the entire plan was to finally be able to prove Vegas was involved with Tawan and more importantly selling out the main family.
idk man I just wanna be able to scroll through ao3 without seeing a bunch of "waaah Kinn's an asshole to poor woobie baby Porsche" fics lol it's OOC for both Kinn and Porsche.
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i-am-church-the-cat · 2 years
KP Episode 9
So. Yeah that happened
Honestly I was freaking the fuck out the entire time. So much shit happened and if I have to wait a fucking week to find out what happens next, I deserve to rant about it goddammit. 
Starting with: Porsche guarding Tawan the whole time. Ngl I thought this made sense for two reasons. The first being that at the beginning of the episode, Porsche is the person Kinn trusts the most and who he trusts to have his emotional interests in mind. He already knows Big might go off the wall, he doesn’t know what the other guards will do. He knows Porsche loves him and will do what Kinn wants with Tawan whether he likes it or not because they just talked about how Tawan affected and continues to affect Kinn.  Secondly, I think that Kinn is trying very hard to take his emotions out of this situation. By leaving Porsche and Tawan in the same room, it’s sectioning off the two people with the biggest impact to his emotional state. Idk this just made sense to me from a “fuck, I need to control things” standpoint. 
Secondly, the scene with Kim was, maybe not placed the best, but super important in my opinion to tell us where Che stands in regards to Kim. I think the writers want us to know that Kim didn’t just kiss Che when he said he liked him to continue to use him or anything, but he’s actually falling as well. It might not have been necessary, per se, but in my opinion it did set the feelings up well. 
While we’re on the topic, Che confessing??? That was all I needed. Honestly, did not give a fuck about anything else that went on in the episode after that scene. And I think it really proves that Che is the only one who currently owns a braincell 😂. I don’t know what’s going to happen there yet but I their relationship is definitely progressing.  (Also side note: I hoped that them releasing the Chay and Kim character study would mean a breakthrough in their relationship this episode and man I love being right.) 
Continuing with my personal favorite part of the episode: VEGASPETE AT THE TEMPLE???????? I have so many fucking thoughts.  1) Macau showing up, insisting Pete join them, and then falling asleep during the sermon? Between this and the apology to Porsche in the seventh episode, I am convinced that Vegas is making him be his wingman when it comes to seducing bodyguards 😂. 2) I don’t know if anyone else felt this way, but the “we’ll see each other in the next life” and the hand on the back made me feel like Vegas was trying to say that Pete couldn’t escape him? It seems contradictory because Pete was the one following Vegas and as far as we know, Vegas has no reason to be this possessive over Pete. But their interactions so far have always been leading Pete somewhere and/or physically taking control of him (ie the hallway scene and when he and Macau are pulling Pete into the temple). It feels like he’s trying to establish a dominance over Pete which leads me to  3) Pete when he’s dumping the water out. I haven’t seen anybody talking about this but that moment was the most evidence for Pete being attracted to Vegas in my opinion. The way he pauses and has to physically reset- Vegas is affecting him and we can see it happening. I’m a strong believer of the “Vegas and Pete are equally fucked up” train so this stood out to me a lot. 
Another thing that stood out to me a lot is Pete’s incompetence. Because he’s not incompetent. He’s the head of Tankhun’s detail, he was chosen for the casino and the minor family mission, Kinn specifically told him he was the only one he trusted to follow Vegas. But as Pete’s pointed out, every time he’s been meant to spy on Vegas, it hasn’t turned out well. Vegas caught them in the car, Vegas got Porsche alone and tried to kiss him, and now, Vegas not only found out Pete was following him, but trapped him, put him in a situation he had no control over, and then escaped. Vegas messes with Pete so much that even though he has to be a very experienced bodyguard, he just does so bad on missions that involve Vegas. And that makes me really nervous about what’s going to happen next episode when he sneaks into the minor family house. 
Moving away from VegasPete, I want to take some defensive stances for the sake of My Boys. Firstly, Porsche talking to Vegas. In my opinion, the only reason Porsche would be wary of Vegas is because Porsche knows Vegas is attracted to him. He’s not trying to encourage that. But, speaking from personal experience, when you’re feeling alone, you’ll ignore the fact that someone has ulterior motives just to interact with someone who’s nice to you. Vegas is a fucking good manipulator. Whether he and Tawan planned this together or not, he knew that Tawan being there would make Porsche feel distant from Kinn and he would capitalize on that. And he will say whatever he thinks Porsche wants to hear to try and get him to trust him.  In that same vein, Tawan is a master manipulator. He’s manipulated Kinn before and he cannot be trusted. We know that, Big knows that, Tankhun knows that. I think even Kinn knows that. So even if he doesn’t have a plan with Porsche (which I honestly think he does), I’m not mad at him. Kinn is so scared of being manipulated again that he will overcorrect just to protect himself and his family. I don’t think he’s trusting Tawan over Porsche. I think he’s trapped himself inside his own head. Which is why the meetings between him, Tankhun, and his father are so important. He needs an outsider point of view to make sure he’s not making a mistake.  (And I do appreciate Korn trying not to pass judgement in the meeting about Porsche. He knows his judgement will sway Kinn a lot, and whether he thinks Porsche is innocent or not, he needs Kinn to be able to make that decision. Not only for Kinn’s own emotional health but because it’s a necessary skill when it comes to being a mafia boss. I could do a whole rant on Korn’s motivations but yeah, that stood out to me.) 
My final thoughts: Tawan.  I fucking love him. He’s so fucking funny. I want to punch him in the face and watch Porsche beat him to a bloody pulp but taking his towel off with Kinn in the bathroom? Putting his full face in Kinn’s crotch? He’s a fucking bastard but his attempts to seduce and mess with Kinn are hilarious to me. And maybe that’s because I have complete belief that Kinn does not care one bit for Tawan sexually (literally who would when they’re dating Porsche Pachara Kittisawasd) but yeah. It’s stupid and funny as hell and I can’t wait to see it blow up in his face. 
Anyway yeah. That was my longass breakdown of episode 9. I’m definitely going to be writing fan fiction to cope so look out for that if you want. And please tell me your thoughts on this episode/any of the ships because I love HEALTHY debate on this kind of stuff. Don’t be an asshole, I’ll just ignore you. 
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heyninja · 2 years
Kim and Vegas and Narrative Foils
OK, OK, so first and foremost: yes, Kinn and Vegas are set up to be the primary foils of each other inasmuch as what it looks like to be the scion of a mafia family. Now, if you're really, really lucky, with a good ensemble cast, good writers, and a complex plot--you might get more than one foil at a time. And KinnPorsche is absolutely doing that right, left, and center.
And I think that Kim and Vegas, as they have been shown so far approaching romance, are meant to be narrative foils for each other.
To get it out of the way: this does not mean that I dislike Kim (or honestly Vegas, he's very compelling) it just means that there some narrative meat to sink my teeth into and I am going to be the meta I want to see in the world.
So some good ole compare and contrast action!
Kim and Vegas will both allow or encourage other people's feelings in order to open up opportunities for their interests.
Kim wanted to know more about Porsche, in the interests of mole-hunting and his yet-unexplained murderboard, and Porsche's less prickly younger brother is probably the best bet for intel. Kim had a sense that Chay was a little starstruck, and then after his little trip through Chay's room absolutely knew that there was an in there that he then encouraged: little bits of affection, private lessons, assigning a love song rather than any other genre.
Vegas tries to be the person he thinks Porsche wants, based on various interactions (and probably some mole intel)--he tries to show that his world is closer to Porsche's world rather than the rich castle he's been in with Kinn: Vegas is accessible, sensual, and offering touches of freedoms he thinks Porsche-who-can't-follow-rules would desire.
How Kim and Vegas handle people who have served their usefulness is completely different.
Kim did kinda ghost Chay, but it's shown in small moments that he thinks of Chay fondly. That he even still thinks of Chay at all. And he could keep the lines open, just here and there little moments, if he wanted to, and Chay would probably just be thrilled. There is no tactical benefit to kissing him, to falling asleep with him, that did not exist before he did those things. He did his best to stop Chay's abduction, and he personally made sure Chay was safe. Even though it's clear he was trying to cool the relationship with Chay, Kim's personal feelings are evidently there, and he is letting them influence him a bit.
Vegas...well, Vegas cultivated the entire relationship with Tawan as a revenge against Kinn. He's already admitted that what he wants is to take Kinn's things. And so he took Tawan. Even bringing Tawan back, to try to confuse things, to do whatever plot he had planned before it went to hell--Tawan stopped mattering the minute he said yes to the plan. Vegas put all his attention after that on trying to steal Porsche (and uh...you know, cutting Kinn's legs out from under him in general, but right now it's a bit difficult to know what's Minor Family trying to take power and what's Vegas's personal envy exactly right this second). And when everything just went straight to hell, he turned on Porsche to make him part of the fall--just to take more things away from Kinn.
So why do I keep harping on this.
So we've made it through roughly 3/4 of KinnPorsche and the show has consistently taken BL tropes and storytelling devices and either outright smashed them or taken a step to the left. The writers are good. They are rewarding us every step of the way, and frankly this is one thing I want to see them get credit for as well--that they've layered this narrative so well that there's more than just a single foil for each protagonist and then off on our merry way.
This plot is complex, the characters are complex, this show is full of narrative coils and loops and fun things.
What I want to see is Kim forcefully breaking his narrative foil tie to Vegas. Vegas wants what he can use, and then he prunes back anything that doesn't Serve. He never gives up power willingly.
This narrative is so complex that I don't expect anything nice and neat, but I'd like to see Kim taking it hard that Chay hates the mafia, what the mafia has done to Porsche, and that Kim wasn't entirely truthful about himself. I want to see Kim having to be emotionally vulnerable to Chay, someone who very much expects that you say the words you mean and hates liars, and I want to see Kim have to meet that standard.
Again, I do not think Kim is a bad guy--he loves his family and he has his reasons--but Kim has been in a relative position of power this whole time: so I'd like to see him do what Vegas would never do. I want to see Kim give Chay the power that he so far has been denied having (through ignorance, through circumstance). I'd like to see Kim actually chase Chay, actively work to get back in his good graces, actively work to be the person Chay clearly thought he was (minus the mafia things). And writing him an adorable love song back wouldn't hurt.
Honestly I think setting up this small situation of Kim and Vegas being foils is fantastic.
It gives us all the chance to see more of Kim's personality, and it shows off the skills of the writers to layer these things in. I just wanted to say something because it isn't actually bad that the parallels caused viewers unease--foils often are meant to prick at you until the plot at the heart of it resolves--and it doesn't mean that we think Kim is necessarily a bad person.
But it is good to look at how the narrative is setting up Kim versus Vegas as two people who make use of the power they cultivate in their (shown) relationships, and how the narrative is resolving that duality. And maybe this will help someone out there who felt some unease about Kim and didn't know why, but still liked the character--hopefully this helps?
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bitacrytic · 2 years
Talk about the major vs minor family has me wondering what Porsche is gonna do as the head of minor family and how does Vegas react to that. Also Porsche being at odds with Kinn because of this new position: Was this set up purposely to get a crack in their relationship? Probably. Will Vegas just sit back quietly twiddling his thumbs after getting demoted? Probably not.
Anon, are you are asking for canon spoilers? If you are, I'm sorry, I don't follow the books, so I can't tell you about the main/minor dynamics, beyond what the show has given us.
HOWEVER, if you're asking for my personal take???
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Let's take your points one at a time.
What is Porsche going to do as head of the minor family and how does Vegas react to that?
I feel like Porsche is going to work with Vegas... not above Vegas. It wouldn't take a genius to know that Vegas knows minor family shit more than Porsche ever will. Considering how easily Porsche followed Vegas' lead with Uncle Thee, I feel like this is a possible progression.
He will never trust Vegas fully. I can see him double-checking Vegas' work or verifying details, but I can also see him following Vegas' lead.
Vegas might take a few months off, when he leaves the hospital. I can see him and Pete and Macau going to a DIFFERENT safe house for some fish air. But by the time Porsche burns down a few bridges, Vegas has to come back to work.
He'll handle business but I don't see him being resentful about the ring or Porsche being the "leader" of the minor family. If anything, it's good that it's Porsche and not Kinn or Korn. I imagine that Vegas might need a couple of years before he's ready to be in a room with either of them without reaching for a gun.
Porsche being at odds with Kinn because of his new position. Was it set up purposely to get a crack in their ship?
To say that Porsche and Kinn won't have trust issues or fight or break up is wishful thinking. Kinn hasn't worked through his issues yet and Pordche leaving him to go with Vegas was extremely traumatic. So, him magically becoming a trusting boyfriend is bullshit. I believe they still have work to do. Add to the fact that Porsche has developed his own trust issues and we have fiasco after fiasco in the making.
However, now that they're not hidden anymore, now that Porsche has his family and Kinn's friends and family know about Porsche, and Porsche is no longer just some bodyguard, I see their quarrels being hashed out, with people like Tankhun and Chay to go between. Because, I can't help but imagine what Kinn would do, if he was pissed at Porsche and hurling insults, only for Tankhun to enter into the room. And I know Chay will not hesitate to call porsche out when he's doing the wrong thing.
So, I don't think Porsche being the minor leader will crack their ship. It will just be another thing they have to work through. With the help of friends and family. They'll do their work. They'll learn to trust each other and hopefully, they'll set healthy boundaries between boundaries between relationship and their separate duties.
I also don't think Korn wanted to crack the ship, per se. He wanted Porsche to be loyal to Kinn. He didn’t want Kinn to reciprocate, but Kinn did. And Kinn has proven that he'll be an obedient son as long as his father doesn't try to take Porsche away from him. So, I think Korn has abandoned trying to separate them. He's seen a bunch of problems and solved them all by giving Porsche that ring.
Will Vegas sit back, twiddling his thumbs while being demoted?
No, I do not think he will. The ring is Porsche's. It was given to him by the main family. That's done. Vegas won't fight that.
But, I do think Vegas will do something to establish himself as the "actual" head of the minor family. Maybe hold a few secrets ransom, maybe stay out of a deal that falls through till Vegas shows up.
I don't think Porsche will fight back on it. But if Korn tries to arm twist Vegas, I feel like Vegas will assert himself. In my head, he and Porsche work more like partners at best, than Vegas being a subordinate.
And yeah, the minor family will continue to work with the main family. As Kinn said on the show, they're already sharing profits 50/50. There's hope for working together. And with Porsche between Kinn and Vegas, communication is possible. Harmony is possible.
I also see Pete's presence as a balm of sorts. The havoc that Vegas is capable of causing would not occur, because Vegas is a family man now. And one-thirds of that family has heavy ties to Korn. So he won't go all out. But he will do something.
So... yeah. These are my thoughts on the main/minor family dynamics, post-show.
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wikfan · 1 year
As much as he wanted to show Porchay the findings of his investigations. Share his knowledge and take the first step to prove that he would try to be better for the other boy’s sake. He was willing to put it on hold. Especially if it meant they could have the evening and night together. Leave everything behind, as he had suggested, and be normal. He could play some of the songs he had written. The songs he was sure he would never share with anyone but Chay. He didn’t want to share with anyone else. Or they could watch a movie. And maybe there would be a chance they could wake up together like once in Chay’s house after the younger had revealed his feelings. And perhaps this time, Kim wouldn’t be a coward. Wouldn’t want to run away right away.
“Sure!” He didn’t let go of Porchay’s hand. His grip tightened a bit at the other’s loosened. His voice took on its usual detached tone. Expression betraying nothing but schooled neutrality. But noticing that it might not be the right thing to do in this situation, Kim cleared his throat before continuing. “I mean, I would like that.” A faint smile appeared on his lips. “Come one!” This time Kim didn’t ask for permission as he dragged Porchay along. Through the compound down to the garage where he’d parked his car.
He let go of his hand after he’d opened the passenger door. A silent invitation. Kim had never been a fan of his family home. Too many complicated memories were attached to this place, and he never liked being too long in a place where he felt his father’s eyes on him. He could only imagine what Chay must feel in this place. He had sneered and asked whether he liked his new home before he had broken his heart, but he was almost sure that he didn’t. All the luxury of this place came with a lack of freedom and agency. It would only be a matter of time before his father would try to use Chay for one of his plans. Trap him in his net if he hadn’t done so already. All the more reason to share what he knew with the other.
The moment he started the car, Kim already felt like he could breathe easier. The stereo came to life playing soft jazz music. “Let’s get out of here!”
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porchay stumbled along with him until he managed to find a rhythm to move along in sync until they had reached his car. quietly he entered the car and sat down in the passenger seat waiting for kim to join him. he was only used to porsche's bike so the car was a new experience but the quiet jazz music was nice. it was calming to hear. he nodded as he agreed to kims words, he wanted to leave this place. he wanted to go back to his old home. the place his parents had left them, his house he and his brothers had lived in their whole life. he missed the simple times when it had just been them and their easy problems. now it seemed like a never ending cycle of silent and manipulative threats. a sigh before he turned his head looking at kim. but with him, although stuck in the same family now, it still seemed much easier to bare even if it was still a lot to take in.
the corners of his mouth raised in a relaxed smile the more they left the manor behind. some sort of feeling he could not pinpoint crept up his spine every time he had to set foot into the main building.
" is it weird to not really like it at the headquarters at all? i'd rather stay in my room instead of having dinner with anyone.. not that I don't like them, thankhun seems really nice but..." not even sure how to say it although he was the one begging to leave the topic behind. " where are we going? " he wondered, eyes wandering towards the driver's hand, wanting to hold it.
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hael987 · 2 years
KimChay Ep 11: A Dark vs Light Continuation
Most of the thoughts in this post are going to stem from my Dark vs Light post.
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Kim is shown to be in dark clothing and a dark environment – he’s still in the dark world. He’s digging within the darker world of deception and lies [the circumstance behind the Kittisawasd parents' deaths].
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Colder lighting than previous shots of Chay, a bit more shadowed. Chay has lost some of his warmth. This is showing Chay's worries about the danger and the mafia as well as confronting the lies he was told, his world isn't as bright as it once was.
Still, he has Porsche, someone who exists together with him to make his world bright. The colder shot returns back to a lighter one with warmth. They talk it out and Chay regains his footing in his world. He’s still the same Chay even if he's existing in the mafia home.
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Next scene with Chay is far brighter and warmer. Khun in white because he doesn’t pose as much danger in the mafia sense and he speaks his truths quite frequently. He’s on the periphery of the mafia world. Khun is quite similar to Chay, there are people in his life who exist together with him that make his world brighter and warmer [Pol, Arm and Pete]. This is the key to brightness and warmth, having someone who exists in the world together with you (not necessarily romantic). It also shows hope that this mafia world isn't all dark as Kim seems to believe, brightness and warmth can exist there. Before we get to appreciate this though the truth about Kim is revealed.
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We have Kim in dark clothes, with a dark background. He’s still stuck in his dark world, digging through lies. He's also trying to deal with all these problems alone which is another reason why his world is dark.
Chay is in black and white, he’s currently embodying both worlds, he’s willing to embrace Kim’s dark world. 
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The parallel between both sets of brothers is apparent. Chay is the first to reach out {like Porsche to Kinn in Ep 5 after the motorbike ride}. He was willing to accept the transgressions against himself if only the other opened up to him (if Kim had said he loved him)  {like Porsche and Kinn’s dynamic in Ep 5}. Chay’s dark clothing shows this clearly. He enters the shot of the dark background himself. His dark clothes show his willingness to accept and embrace Kim, meet him in his world and join him. But Kim doesn’t want this, for Chay to get used to or exist with the 'dark world' and accept his lies. It’s a world Kim tries to escape from (as Wik) so why would he drag Chay further into the 'darkness'? To continue their relationship in this manner that he based on lies and ulterior motives (darkness)?
So, the parallel is also that {like Kinn in Ep 5} Kim here rejects the approach. Bound by duty they must turn away from them, put distance between themselves. The difference is here that Kim’s duty appears to be revealing truths {versus Kinn’s duty as heir}. It may seem a little oxymoronic to lie in order to reveal the truth but it seems the core of what he’s doing. 
Kim’s not a bad guy though. He truly cares for Chay (based on what I've reasoned in past posts 1 2). I’ve said before that Kim wants to preserve Chay’s 'bright world' [his purity, innocence, safety and joy].  He can’t bring him on this journey to uncover truths, it’s a dark world full of deception, lies and danger. He can’t keep him by his side this time, unlike what I said in Ep 9, the circumstances have changed (his cover of "Wik" caring mentor blown), it's now too dangerous to stay beside him while he figures things out. So all he can do is let him go. That's why it’s not a “no”, it’s “I’m sorry” — 'I’m sorry I can’t be with you for now', 'I'm sorry it's necessary to hurt/have hurt you'. It's better to let him go now even if it hurts than risk hurting him even more in the future. That’s why maybe this is instead also a parallel with Kinn in Ep 6, he cares for Chay and so he lets him go to protect him {exactly like how Kinn was also willing to let his loved one go to protect him and give him happniess}. 
His rejection comes from a place of wanting to protect Chay even if in that moment he has to hurt him. It’s not that he doesn’t want to love Chay back, it’s that he currently can’t. Just like how I said he couldn't say "I love you" back to Chay in Ep 10 because it's not pure, he's tainted the relationship with lies and deception, similarly here in Ep 11, he can't be with Chay because those things haven't been cleared. His life and their relationship are still very much shrouded in lies, he must deal with that first. And he goes off to do just that. He goes to reveal truths.
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He’s in darker clothing again, his mafia role [investigating and digging in deception] in order to solve the problems, and reveal the truth to clear the air, maybe start afresh. He needs to uncover this truth to create a brighter existence so that maybe he can return to Chay. He’s on a journey to get from a dark world (lies, deception, danger) to a lighter world (based on truths). That’s why these shots are lighter. It’s his hope and intent, his path and destination that revealing the past and clearing the lies paves a way toward the brighter life [Chay].
When he has finally revealed all the truths and made himself lighter (no longer shrouded in lies and deception) that he feels he belongs, that he’s worthy, to exist together within Chay’s lighter world. 
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ealeczander · 2 years
People forget that Pete told Kinn where Porsche was after he saw him have a mental breakdown in the bathroom and then, probably within the same week, saw that he went on what was supposed to be a one week vacation.
Pete also knew that Kinn had obviously been the one to inflict the punishment. Porsche was also not ready to face Kinn after the dubcon/noncon and the punishment and Pete still sent Kinn after him at his own home despite not knowing the full details of why Porsche was like that or left in the first place.
How is that any different from what Porsche did to Pete in the last episode, letting Vegas see him?
Did they make the right decisions that took the other's mental health and stability into account? Probably not, but they were well intentioned.
Besides, I also like to lean into the idea that Porsche has priorities: family, particularly, Chay, and that that makes him willing to sacrifice anything, even his friends. I don't mind the idea that Porsche sold Pete out in exchange for information on who assassinated his parents. It shows that Porsche has now assimilated into this mafia mindset and will use any and all his cards for his own purposes and advantage. I don't mind that Porsche may have become this type of person in the short 3 (?) months that he's been there. It would be unrealistic to continue to be this naive and pure hearted.
Its also not out of character for Porsche to do whatever is necessary for his family's safety and with all due respect, Pete is a friend, not family, no matter how much of besties they may be. I think its unrealistic and would have been poor writing to create Porsche in a way that hasn't already adapted to his environment and it would have created a flat character to continue to make him this incapable of doing dubious things given his line of work.
People need to stop seeing everyone in this show on a black or white, binary spectrum. No one is truly white, no one is fully black. They are all various shades of grey. And even if you believe they are black (Vegas) there's complexity to it.
We are literally done with this damn show and people are still treating Pete as if he's a little baby in need of protection when he was beating the shit out of Mes in episode 4? 5? and doesn't work for an organized crime family. Astonishing that people are still this incapable of viewing this show with the maturity and depth it deserves.
And yes, you don't have to like the characters' decisions but don't say it's out of character or continue to want them to behave in a way that's morally correct, no matter their relationship to one another given the setting and plotline.
Anyway, I hope that made sense ^
You’re absolutely right. It made perfect sense, sorry I’m a bit late with the reply.
It was Bible who said in the bts of ep14 that all the characters in KinnPorsche are grey. No one is purely good or purely evil. I think if they continue the show we’ll see more and more characters making dubious decisions and blurring that line between black and white.
Both Pete and Porsche grew up having to fight to survive (literally and figuratively). They are men of action, they don’t know what it means to let their feelings pass, to give themselves time to understand and process everything. When they see a problem, the solution for them will always be another action.
Pete sees Porsche in pain and an opportunity for that pain to be resolved by speaking with Kinn. That’s why he gives Kinn advice and sends him to Porsche. Creating an action to resolve Porsche’s feelings.
Porsche sees Pete in pain and Vegas calls with the same opportunity. That’s why Porsche threatens Vegas and sends him to Pete - another action.
Don’t know why people are expecting those two hardcore bodyguards, whose life is constantly in danger, to leave time to process their feelings or to even know what that is.
It’s easy to see the flaws of Vegas and Kinn but it’s harder when it comes to Pete and Porsche, because tbh they are just adorable, I can’t describe it any other way.
Thank you for the long ask, I loved reading it!
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spicesprinkles · 2 years
KinnPorsche - Finale
Wow, that final episode was amazing! I love how they tied most loose ends up if S2 doesn't end up happening - it ended in a satisfying way but left just a few breadcrumbs setting up a second season if it’s greenlit.
Here are my final thoughts:
Kinn and Porsche 💜 got a happy ending, which I hoped they would. After all, they are the main couple. MileApo are godtier! I will never be able to put into words just how grateful I am to them for putting their heart and soul into these characters and in this couple. I love that Kinn and Porsche are now Mafia King husbands where the rift between the Main and Minor families is starting to close. This is also how it ended in the novel. I think Porsche will be a good influence on the Minor family and will bring some humanity in. It also sets up potential angst between KP in S2. But if they could overcome everything thrown at them this season, they can overcome anything.
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This couple is everything and has cemented themselves as my #2 OTP ship after WangXian.
VegasPete 🩸💜🥀 Wow, is all I can say. Despite VP not starting until later in the show, this couple was everything I hoped it would be (aka still dark but Pete being in on the darkness). Bible is phenomenal - in the hands of any other actor, Vegas wouldn't be as loved as he is, even after everything he’s done. Also knew he wasn't dead (though I got scared for a second there). Vegas didn't die in the novel and BOC changed the car crash to a gunshot (probably ran out of budget by then) and it made it more emotional with Pete crying over his body. I’m happy Vegas-Pete-Macau have each other.
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KimChay 🌸 Bittersweet ending which I’m happy with. Chay is still so young and they both need to find themselves separately before coming together as one. This ship ended on a hopeful note.
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Other thoughts:
All the emotional feels when Vegas called Porsche and warned him what his father was going to do. Essentially telling him, ‘Kinn is in danger, now is the time to act but also, sadly our short-term alliance must come to an end. I do like you, but I have to stand by my father’s side’.
Porsche/Porchay’s mother still being alive. Huge shock for everyone including novel readers. There is something mysterious about her - we don’t know the whole story. What was Gun about to reveal? Is she the true heir and Korn is keeping her locked up? Is she the one who killed her husband? Is she just as cunning and as willing to use her children for her own game as her brothers are? Is she faking her amnesia to keep her sons safe from something? Her expression in the last shot is up for interpretation: 1 - amnesiac woman cut off from the world who is damaged beyond repair - scared of her sons but with a hint of recognition; 2 - cunning and manipulative with a plan of her own; 3 - not their mother at all, or 4 - a woman being controlled by her brother and now has two children she needs to protect? They could take this is in either direction, I wonder which one they will choose.
Tankhun: 👑👑👑👑👑👑
I don’t trust Korn at all. The man clearly loves his children but he’s been poisoned by greed and power. He now controls all the pieces on the chessboard and looks invincible rn but for how long? Personally, really want Porsche’s mom to bring her brother down with the help of her eldest son and his husband - we need some badass Mafia Queens!
Vegas finally getting Kinn where he wants him, and knowing killing Porsche while he watches would break him the most. Like I said, Vegas clearly likes Porsche but he’s willing to do what he needs to, to win in his father’s eyes. All is fair in love and war.
Kinn/Porsche/Co. caring that Vegas is recovering. There doesn't seem to be bad blood between them a month later. They’ve all used one another in some form and they know they’re all fu*ked up in one way or another. But in the world of Mafia, they’re all each other has. I kinda like big fu*ked up families who want to kill each other one minute but deep down loves each other in that morally grey kind of way. 
Erika and Chan: Loyal to the end.
Those action sequences and KP GunTango? *Double chef’s kiss*
We all agree that Kinn and Porsche are married right?
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In Conclusion:
What the hell do I do with my life now? But seriously, thank you to the actors, and to the crew and to BOC. They promised an adult, LGBTQ+ Mafia love story filled with morally grey characters, action, passion, lies and deceit, found family, comedy and above all a story of falling in love and what it means to be human. And boy did they deliver!
9 / 10 for me. 
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lori0018 · 1 year
find the word challenge
rules: share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you.
Tagged by @mightymightygnomepriest 😘
You didn't select any words so I used the same ones as you: shiver, sleep, dark, light and sigh.
All the stories are for KinnPorsche the series.
shiver, Stereotypes are Bulls**t, KimChay, 11.3k, a/b/o
Kim watches fondly as Chay is reunited with his brother, bristles a bit at Porsche accusations and can only feel dread when Tankhun sweeps into the room, loudly demanding an explanation. He does not want to have this conversation, ever, but especially not now, now he just wants to curl up with Chay and ignore the world for a while. He can only watch helplessly as Tankhun hones in on the Kittisawat brothers, shrewd eyes taking in the both of them still embracing in the lobby. A shiver runs down his spine when Tankhun suddenly beams. “Oh my goodness, look at you, you’re all big doe eyes and fluffy hair aren’t you? So adorable.” He coos, fucking coos at Chay. Kim is doomed. “Don’t worry sweetie, Big Brother Tankhun will take care of you.” Tankhun sweeps Chay away, leading him in the direction of the family quarters and Porsche follows, mostly because he has yet to let go of his little brother. Kim leans down to grab Chay’s abandoned bag and trails after them. He sees Kinn do the same from the corner of his eye. Looks like it’s going to be a full family discussion, Kim can only hope that their father doesn’t show up, he’s not sure he could handle it at the moment. “Do you watch series?” He hears Tankhun ask Chay. “Oh, hmmm, sometimes.” His Angel answers politely. Shit, Kim should have warned him.
sleep, Angel Mine, KimChay, 2.2k, rule 63
There's a body in her bed. She shuffles closer, keeping her steps light and her hand on the knife strapped to the small of her back. She's not too worried since nobody unauthorized who could make it past security would be doing so to sleep in her bed. Once she gets closer and can make out the face of the person occupying her bed, she has to do a double take, rubbing her eyes and blinking to make sure what she sees isn't a sleep-deprived hallucination. Chay.
dark, by the morning, my love, KimChay, 3.9k, explicit (part 1 of the "need you to believe" series)
“Don’t drink that.” Says a voice right in his ear. “You should always pay attention to your drinks being made and keep an eye on them at all times.” Chay turns his head to look at the person talking to him, only to come face to face with the most gorgeous man he’s ever seen. Longish dark hair falling artfully around his face, dark eyes that seem to glitter in the strobing light of the club and a few earrings glinting along the shell of the one visible ear. His pink, full lips are stretched into a small smile and Chay has never wanted to kiss someone like he does right now.
light, Keep Calm and Hop On, KimChay, 3.3k, magical realism and crack treated seriously
He’s a little late getting home that day, having stayed at school for a study session, and when he gets in Kim is sitting on the floor of the balcony, looking out and absentmindedly strumming at his guitar, a few sheets of paper strewn around him. The way the slowly setting sun hits him contrasts with the light sheen of the curse’s magic and Chay can See it, the same strange spot on Kim’s back where the magic is different that he noticed that day. Gaze fixed on that spot, Chay walks quietly to Kim and drops to his knees behind him, putting both hands on his back, on either side of the spot. Kim startles and starts to turn but Chay stops him, hands firm. “Don’t move. I wanna check something.” Kim stills obediently. “Hello to you too, Angel.” There’s a laugh in his voice. “Did you have a good day?” “I love you,” Chay responds because those words still, every time, make Kim’s breath hitch and the magic go wild. And there it is, that spot reacts differently, expanding and constricting as Kim fights the magic. Chay wonders if he could Touch it. He’s felt like maybe he could, sometimes, when every sense is heightened by the feelings Kim provokes in him and his hands are on Kim’s skin when the transformation happens. Like he can suddenly Feel the magic under his fingers and not just See it.
sigh, "That's my family", mostly Gen, 1.7k, the Kittisawats adopt a stray Kim
"Ah shit," Porsche swears when he sees a pair of legs sticking out from behind the dumpster. Another drunkard, too far into the bottle to make it home. Porsche himself had been heading home after his shift at Yok's. "Hey buddy, you can't sleep here." He calls out, heading for the body. He nudges at one foot with his own and that's when he hears the ragged breathing coming from the prone form lying on the ground. Leaning down, Porsche notices two things at the same time. One there's blood pooling around the boy. And second, it is a boy, not much older than Porsche's own little brother from the looks of him. "Shit." What the hell happened to this kid? "Fuck." There's no way Porsche can just leave the kid there to bleed out. With a sigh, he bends down to gather the kid up in his arms and take him to the nearest hospital. The kid moans as soon as Porsche starts moving him. "No." The pain-filled voice is thready, almost inaudible. "Easy, kid. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm taking you to a hospital." That seems to agitate the kid even more. "No. No, they'll find me." That raises so many questions. Porsche wonders what he's unwittingly managed to get himself into, what sort of shady dealings this kid could be involved in. Then again, Porsche himself isn't exactly trying to draw attention these days, what with the loan sharks and the illegal fights and his very-much-under-the-table-until-he-turns-twenty job at Yok's. He'd gotten custody of Chay as soon as he turned eighteen but the slightest misstep could mean losing his little brother. Well, let's hope the kid doesn't bite the dust on the way, Porsche thinks as he changes direction and heads home, and that we have enough first aid supplies.
I'm tagging @xxatlasxx & @sweet-william-writes (and anyone who wants to do it) with the words: moving, snuggle, rescue, separate & glare.
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kawasiki-jo · 2 years
Macau needs to be saved
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Continuation from the last post on my rant on MacauCay superiority.
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😥✨ Part 3 ✨   
Jk, but also not really. 
 I just want to see Macau fall in love and be filled with teenage adoration for Chay, have his heart and mind captivated by the lil angle. At the same time witness Chay get his heart broken by Kim and step in to hold him close and show him what they could be. 
They then proceed to save each other from all the future emotional damage and torture that would come their way, mafia and all. Chay chooses a happier path and doesn't follow in his father's dark footsteps. And Chay receives all the affection he had lacked, because I have a feeling Macau isn't the silent lover kind. He goes big and they take such good care of each other. 
 All I'm asking is for a chance for what they could be 😥.
No hate to the authors of the novels, they did a phenomenal job and I would recommend everyone who’s interested to give the novel a shot. it’s worth every infuriating and anxious second that you spend cursing out the universe to just let all the characters be happy for once.  
Macau is restless the next few days, he's barely able to hold his head over the floods of his guilt. It's extremely unusual of him, he's never been this affected by his brashness before. He can't bring himself to look at Chay, knows he'll blurt out that his brother isn't on some island like Chay believes.
He tries his best to ignore the way his hand is itching to reach out to the other boy. He sees his smile getting wider as the days past and he's dying to know what's happening that has Chay beaming throughout the day.
He inquires one day, and finds out from one of Chay's friends that he's meeting Wik regularly now. They have special classes and Wik is apparently helping Chay get into the department of music in his favourite University.
Macau scoffs.
Something is off, he knows that much. He asks his brother, but yet again he's left in the dark.
Left without a choice, he hesitantly approaches Chay. He'd go to his cousin directly and demand answers, but Kim has never been favorable to him. Always used to ignore him, so Macau knew it would be useless.
When he sees Chay's face after so long he feels his heart clench and his stomach drop at the same time. I missed that smile it's the guilt, he concludes.
They talk and Chay is being so casual, as if Macau hadn't just ignored him every time he said hi during the last month. Macau is so uncomfortable, he doesn't know what to do. Did Chay not notice him avoiding him?
He inquires about Porsche, and as excepted Chay is oblivious to what his brother is actually doing. His hand hurts from being clenched really hard, so he asks what he's been up to, praying for a lie feigning ignorance. 
He can't help but smile, when Chay gushes over Wik. He's suddenly sad but catches himself before he frowns. Chay, from what he's seen is very sensitive to others emotions. An empath of sorts, and he refused to have Chay's smile ever leave his face.
He deserves better. 
Macau shuts his eyes to solidify his resolve before he tells Chay that he has to leave.
He tells himself he's walking away from Chay forever. It's for the best. He's been moody for no reason, these few months. He's smart enough to figure out that it all began after he started talking to Chay.
When his brother tells him the next day that they're going to have some new bodyguards on duty, he is a little thrown off by learning Porsche is one of them.
He reminds himself that he should apologize, just to clear that annoying weight on his chest. He puts on his best charming face as he sets out to find Porsche the next day.
He finds him near the main door, gawking at the motorcycle that arrived the night before. He plays it cool, but accidently let's it slip that he knows Porsche likes bikes, but changes the subject by casually apologizing. Let bygones be bygones. His chest still feels heavy.
He leaves when his brother shows up, sees the look in his eye. He knows his brother is up to something. But Vegas has always been amazing at his job, so he trusts him.
When he's alone he can't believe how different Porsche and Chay are, but the one thing he's sure they share is honesty to their feelings.
Unlike Macau who ignores any sensitive feelings, Chay and Porsche revel in the sea of their emotions. It's pure, in a sense. Making him realize that Chay and himself are extremely different people.
He's envious for a second, before he checks himself.
But then it slowly starts clawing at his being that he has everything but at the same time nothing.
He's so frustrated. He was fine. Absolutely fucking fine before he met Chay.
He's annoyed that he can't stop thinking about Chay.
He's de-stressed that he can't stop thinking about Chay.
He's disappointed that he can't stop thinking about Chay.
This isn't him, this is nothing like him. He was-
He was.
He was... never this-?
He can't sort out the million things running in his mind. Doesn't know what to deal with first. How to deal with anything. He's caught in this web of emotions, and they tangle him all at once. This has never happened before, Vegas taught him how to be strong.
He's so fucking done with all this bullshit. Fuck this, and fuck what he's feeling. Fuck everything.
His brother must be some kind of devil angel, sent to save him in all his dire times of need, he notices the emotional turmoil all over Macau’s face and jokes about Macau being in love or something. 
It’s a good three minutes of silence, before Vegas physically recoils back. He watches his brother in confusion. But before he can reach out to him, Macau is already rushing out the door. Vegas goes after him. He catches up to him in the corridor, grabs his arm and spins him. Macau refused to look at his brother, choosing to glare at the chess tiles instead. 
Vegas sounds slightly angry when he asks him what’s wrong. Macau remains silent, which only seems to anger Vegas more as his grip on Macau’s arm tightens. Vegas sighs before he repeats his question, a little calmer this time. 
Macau shouldn’t answer. No, he couldn’t. He doesn’t know what’s wrong, heck he doesn’t even know what isn’t wrong.
Vegas wouldn’t like his answer even if he knew what to say. 
“ Don’t do that to yourself. I can’t save you from there.” 
When the words finally reach him, his body slightly sags he feels relieved. Finally, something he knows for sure. Vegas is right. Vegas is always right. Why was he wasting his time on nothing. He knows it was worthless to spend his energy on feelings  whatever the fuck he was doing the last few days. Vegas and himself know what wasted time means for them. It benefited no one. 
He straightens up, finally looking at his brother. When Vegas scans his face, and is convinced that Macau is over his emotional episode, he smiles and pats his back. 
Okay, I’ll post part 3 when I’m done with the fan art. 
But genuinely though, the second family siblings deserve to be treated so much better. and they deserve happiness after all the shit that Karn puts them through. Like, how could you not want to save those two from all the evils of the world. 
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I cry for them daily. 
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mistressemmedi · 2 years
ok bestie, your reblogs have my interests piqued; what is kinnporsche?
Glad you asked. Short version: it's a Thai show that chronicles the epic highs and lows of the love story between the son of one of Bangkok's biggest criminal families and the bodyguard that's supposed to protect him. Here's a short trailer for your viewing pleasure so that it sets to the tone.
The long version? Oh boy 😏
Let me give you a rundown of all the characters:
Kinn: middle child and heir apparent to Theerapanyakul mafia family. Massive trust issues. Somewhat emotionally constipated. He loves Porsche very much but is an idiot about it. His ego is big as his tiddies, which are always on display for everyone's viewing pleasure. Obsessed with making gun jokes.
Porsche: bartended turned bodyguard for the Theerapanyakul family. Massive himbo, but we love him for it. Fiercely loyal. Has zero sense of self-preservation. Tends to get himself in sticky (HA!) situations after a few drinks. All around little shit, 10/10 would recommend.
Vegas: our resident little meowfioso. Objectively speaking he's is a garbage human being but that's alright because he's hot while doing it. He is Kinn's cousin and the family issues between him and Kinn is what (mostly) fuels Vegas rage. Tries to pursue Porsche with the same relentlessness of the squirrel in Ice Age who desperately wants that nut. And much like the squirrel, he fails spectacularly at it every time. Also, whips and chains do excite him. He relaxes by torturing people.
Pete: Porsche's bestie, also a bodyguard. Not going to spoil much but... Him and Vegas? More than meet the eye. He's a certified Freak™️. Everyone in the Theerapanyakul compound has seen his ass - including his boss. He's bit of an enigma tbh. Everyone in the fandom is cheering for him to get kidnapped and tortured. Whips and chains do excite him as well.
Kim: Kinn's lil bro. Affectionately known as Kimlock Holmes because he has an investigation/murder wall in his bedroom. He's not too involved with the main family but he is investigating the presence of a mole. When he is not investigating, he plays music, uses copious amounts of lip gloss (seriously, how are the man's lips always so hydrated and juicy????). Because of his investigation, he ends up crossing paths with Porsche's lil brother.
(Por)Chay: Porsche's lil bro. Absolute ray of sunshine. Cannot speak one bad word about him. He is so sweet that every time he's on screen I can feel my cavities growing. Has a crush the size of Texas on Kim.
Tankhun: eldest son of the Theerapanyakul fam. He's allegedly batshit cray cray but honestly? Smartest one of them all. Excellent fashion sense, I cannot emphasize enough how much I would love to raid his closet. Lover of tv dramas and certified fish dad.
There are many more characters but these are the main ones.
The series has some problematic moments (ex. dub con) so if that may be a trigger I'd suggest giving it a skip. It's such a fun series because everyone involved (aside from Chay I'd say) is on some level a terrible human being. They literally lie, kill, torture etc. as their daytime job lmao. The series has its fluffy moments, funny moments, (very) sexy moments and action packed moments. The cinematography alone is just... *chef's kiss*
You can legally watch KinnPorsche on Iqiyi - I think the first episode is available without a subscription here, at least you can gage if it's something that you may enjoy before committing :)
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