#the rolls are all persuasion
thiefscant · 9 months
astarion when anais asks yurgir about his contract w/ raphael: why are we talking to him??? let's just kill him already!!!!
shadowheart, who just recently watched anais talk three thorms into dying without lifting a finger: shhh! let them work.
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onhoude · 10 months
Joshua Rosfield: It is of critical importance I facilitate an understanding with Dion Lesage. Also Joshua Rosfield: (knocks a guard out) (enters the tent unannounced with an entrance like he owns the place) (talks as flowery as possible) The rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
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lunarrolls · 11 months
shoutout to one of my favorite dynamics in the hells: ashton and chetney constantly antagonizing each other as a love language. it is truly the funniest shit. they know that neither of them will take any of it to heart so they just go full asshole mode on each other forever but also they have some of the most genuine moments together, like ashton being the one who knocks chetney out of his superwolf spirit form through addressing him like an equal and later admitting to orym that they care a lot about what happens to chetney specifically. it’s just really fun to watch and see the genuine core of their friendship
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mehoymalloy · 2 months
Listen I know everyone is up in arms over "how dare Liliana say 'there are children here' to the daughter she abandoned."
And I get it.
But man.. this woman ran away from her own kid when she was barely an adult herself. Twenty odd years of wandering and she's now carved out a position of power for herself in the hopes of mitigating the harm caused by her colleagues. She takes care of the kids that follow that relentless pull and find their way to the Vanguard because maybe they never had anyone to tell them to run. And maybe she sees Imogen a little in every single one of them and wonders who she could've been, who she is.
And then that daughter pulls her from sleep and says "Maybe it's your turn to run."
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chompe-diem · 1 month
if caldwell doesnt play a high charisma char next main campaign idk what i'm gonna do bro
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rin-hanarin · 5 months
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It only took me several months and a lot of trouble, but I am finally winning at BG3 👍
The question is how to stop losing my mind over this scene.
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topaz-mutiny · 1 year
Deni$e and Prism soloing a Judicator is probably not going to go well, even if Prism is Emily-Axford-With-Spells.
I understand they’re guests and have zero context for how terrifying the Judicators are, but still. rip
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itsbrucey · 7 months
I love when Darryl and another character both do strength checks together and he does amazing and the other ones doesn't fucking help AT ALL or actively hinders him with a shitty roll. It's peak im afraid
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tiny-chubby-bird · 7 months
you're welcome, astarion :)
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fictitiouslysane · 1 year
I was drawn in in the moment, but the more I think about this episode, the clearer I see the rails.
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sollucets · 5 months
so the summonable ghouls from the necromancy of thay i gave astarion paralyzed cazador and let starry rogue triple crit him to death
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waterbearable · 8 months
I dont ever think I've had a bard with worse charisma based rolls JESUS
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lunarrolls · 9 months
every time bells hells is forced to lie as a group to someone, especially when it’s someone important, i cackle like a maniac. statwise, the witches have good charisma, with imogen at 20, laudna at 18, and fearne at 16. the others. have either middling (chetney), low (fcg and orym), or. ashton. charisma stats.
so you’d think that would mean the witches are good at lying and could cover for the rest of the group. right. well. you would be dead fucking wrong.
every time these losers are in a group together all coherent thought goes out the window. none of them can get a story together, somehow ashton is forced to make the deception roll, they are clearly lying to this important person’s face, fcg is panicking, laudna’s already given up, chetney’s taking out his stupid demon sword,
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dutybcrne · 6 months
Love the idea of Kae even in the present still having such baby brother energy that he can work favors out of people older/sterner than him SO easily.
#//Not even Rosa is immune; even if he does have to give something up in exchange#//The fact that she agreed to do him a solid in the first place is Monumental enough jfbfb#//Id include Diluc in that; but Windblume; Ballads & Brews; Jean’s SQ; AND Kae’s hangout prove otherwise jfbfb#//Mans would never outright refuse Kae a favor lmao#//Bedo is prolly the only one of those fond of Kae who can readily refuse and actually Hold to it#//But the odds he’ll agree are never zero even still; so Kae reckons it never hurts to try (with Klee &/or other Incentives as backup; ofc)#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Jean’s prolly the one he can get the most#//Takes advantage of her big sibling longing to dote on sb and Rolls with it#//Once even got one of the Fatui diplomats by playing up the act & batting his big ol baby (periwinkle) blue eye at him#//Worked much better than he intended. Got a whole slew of intel AND a favorite new drinking buddy out of it#//Loves the guy v much#//Would be Mortified if his antics and persuasions get him more than he bargained for tho#//ESP if they still wanna dote on him AFTER he got what he wanted#//Wouldnt know what to do with all the extra affection/good things it’d get him#//Would prolly blue screen and PANIK#//Works best on older folk/those his age#//Folks like Diona and Amber can see through his shit a MILE away; and he can’t BS past them so easy either#//Those of the Winery are like Diluc lmao. He doesn’t even need to put on a lil act or anything; anything he wants is his#//He feels a whole lot guiltier asking them than pestering Diluc though#//Bc he feels relying on them defeats the purpose of staying away from them in the first place#//Gives both them AND himself too much hope that he can come back and be with them more#//At least with Diluc; Diluc isn’t asking him to come back and stay#//If he did tho; Kae would fucken Implode
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ziracona · 2 years
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Absolutely perfect interaction from the Terminator novelization.
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arcaneyouth · 1 year
autism moment
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