#the ridiculous council
personinthepalace · 2 years
The Ridiculous Council Compilation - Look Out I & II
Summon eggs!
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Live Scourge War Reaction
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We are all but sweeps simping for our master
Who needs Unicron when we can be scourge's thrall
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tennessoui · 6 months
wip wednesday
(but where i got 2k into 3 different projects and dropped them all to write a silly gffa oneshot about the jedi thinking anakin was married to obi-wan)
When Anakin decides that he must tell the Jedi Council about his marriage, the whole thing has painfully little to do with his wife.  Really, it’s all just the perfect storm.  It’s a series of coincidences and conjoined events so convoluted and instantenous, stacked one on top of another in rapid fire, that Anakin’s head hasn’t even fully wrapped around one before he must begin to process another.  And Anakin’s always been pretty great at multi-tasking, but not when it comes to the thornier, immaterial kinds of things.  Give him four droids in need of fixing, a pod-engine that’s making a stubborn clurk-claank sound, and a recipe to make for dinner, and he can do it all at the same time. Give him a disappointed former master, a distant, angry wife, and a rebellious padawan, and his brain has a tendency to just sort of stall to a halt. So what it really all boils down to is that Anakin has had a rough couple of days, and he’s spent most of that time sleepless and pacing around his quarters.  All because four days ago, they’d gotten word that Obi-Wan’s ship had been shot down in a dog fight on some Mid Rim planet Anakin’s never heard of in his life. Allegedly, the man had been recovered alive and healthy, but the crash must have knocked his ability to answer a kriffing comm call straight out of his master’s head, because Anakin hasn’t actually heard from him since he was downed. It’s been four days in total, three and a half since he was recovered. It’s all bordering on unacceptable, but Anakin knows he can’t personally fly out to Obi-Wan’s forces—if only because he has been assigned duties at the Temple and to leave the planet would be to abandon his post, and he doesn’t want to assume that his master is so bedridden that he can’t get up, yell at him, and drag him by his ear back to the Council. And he would be assuming, because he hasn’t heard from him at all. Which is why he’s here, walking back and forth in the living area of his quarters, from the threshold of the door to the threshold of Obi-Wan’s sleeping quarters. Over and over and over again as his mind spins in circles akin to that of a whirlpool: he’s fine and he’s alive and he’s been found and he’s fine and he’s alive and even if he lost both of his arms, surely he could use his nose to answer his fucking comm but he’s fine and he’s alive or I would have been fucking told about it so he’s fine and he’s—
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imagine-darksiders · 3 months
Who the Hell is in the UK out here buying houses for £40,000 and where are they??!!!!
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silverpsychedelic · 8 months
I was thinking about what exactly the setting is for Cade's Manor and co, because it's obviously got elements of PMD but it's a fair bit different. How I see it is that there are many human influences remaining in the world, which suggests they were a pretty recent thing. The things they left behind are still in pretty decent shape and don't have much decay (maybe just being overgrown a bunch), but the current Pokemon populace speak of them like a far off memory or legend. So it's been a few generations at least. There ARE settlements around the place like in the standard PMD games, ones purely constructed by Pokemon, but there are also towns and even cities that have become populated as well.
I think Humans had evolved and developed to the point of the modern age/technology, BUT some sort of mass extinction occurred. It's why Cade's manor is very much of human function and design, and it borders on a large city of the same influence. It's probably why there are portraits of humans long since gone still on the walls within it, and lots of ads or billboards depicting humans from when they were around. The towns and cities has been taken over and changed to suit Pokemon needs, and they've rapidly adapted to life without humans.
Pokemon had lived beside humans for a long time, which is also why they could figure out how to use a bunch of human technology and resources after a while. And with things they can't, they just sort of fill in the gaps with their own processes. They took things from what they remembered of humans and modified them to suit Pokemon needs instead.
Not at all sure what caused the entirety of the human race to collectively kick the bucket just yet, maybe it was a cosmic event, maybe Arceus decided a factory reset was in order. Like many of my ideas, it simply started off as something that sounded funny: a ghost fights the local Pokemon government over zoning laws.
Here's a small doodle about it
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aphelea · 1 year
fintan really wrote "yeah sure the government can monitor and observe their citizens why not" into law when he was a councillor and then was surprised when he was monitored and observed. what exactly did you think would happen buddy
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zeb-z · 5 months
At a surface level, Gillion always putting himself between danger and his friends just makes sense, because he’s noble like that, isn’t he? Gillion Tidestrider, Champion of the Undersea, Hero of the Deep, Riptide Pirate - he can tank a hit, or two, or three, and swing back just as hard. He’s protective, and he’s sturdy, and he’s stubborn. Then just a little deeper, Gillion would without question sacrifice himself for the greater good. For a friend in need, for a good hearted citizen, for the net positive - he’s noble, with a heart of gold, who’s courage knows no bounds, right? And then just a little deeper, Gillion would actively harm himself just to make someone feel better. Just to take the edge off of someone else’s misery. He’d take their own pain, or even unnecessary pain, so they might have some sort of relief. Even if it isn’t guaranteed, he’s so ready, so eager, to jump at the chance.
Gillion Tidestrider is someone born to meet impossible standards, constantly told he’s not good enough, taught that his suffering is necessary and through this his people will survive. He’s all these things, kind and courageous and chivalrous, with a heart that beats to help others in need - but he’s also self sacrificial. Dangerously so. He takes personal risks without second thought, he pushes his limits for even the little things, he helps to the point of his own detriment. He will bleed himself dry on the off chance it might help a good soul who needs it. He will do worse for his loved ones. And it isn’t just from the all encompassing need to help at any cost, but also this feeling deep down inside that he deserves it. It’s his destiny to save people, no matter the personal cost.
It’s pushed to the extreme with Felipe after the Feywilds. Gillion, still off center, freshly traumatized from his time in that god forsaken orb, still awaiting the verdict on if he’s guilty in the eyes of the council while fully convinced he is, finds out it’s technically his fault his new friend is filled with insatiable bloodlust and wants to stab him to death. Of course he encourages the stabbing. Of course he’ll mind control to keep the peace. And when all is said and done, and it hurts and it doesn’t help, he still wonders about pushing it further - fully behind this idea of him dying and being brought back, even if it’s not sure to work. Even if it’s not sure to bring him back.
And I just keep thinking, that for all the healing Gillion does - all those sick people from Joaldo, Chip and Jay countless times in their battles, members of the crew, various people hurting and in need of aid - he’s never once used lay on hands on himself. It’s a pattern, made noticeable in Edison Kingdom, where he heals Alphonse for half of a joke instead of his own 1 hp - which subsequently downs him on the way down - and it’s continues to the end of the Feywilds, where Jay and even Felipe heal the stab wounds he bleeds out from. He’s a healer with the power just at his fingertips, so easily within reach, and he doesn’t heal himself.
So it does beg the question - when will the line between ‘selfless’ and ‘self sacrificing’ be drawn?
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beansterpie · 1 year
I'm so sorry, but how is it that Hiruma Youichi, who is regularly and consistently drawn like THIS
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and Kongo Agon, who is drawn like THIS
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and who are canonically only 1cm apart in terms of height
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totallynotsomeone · 9 months
Thaluke brainrot actually influences the media and ships I consume rn because I will try to parallel these idiots to Harry and Gwen or Miguel and Jess like?@?@?#(#?÷! HELLO WHAT IS MY BRAIN ON
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i forgot just how much I disliked sophie’s reaction to and perspective on matchmaking. “oh my god this changes everything” “no one will want anything to do with me” “this ruins my life” it literally doesn’t. move on. you have always been unmatchable you just know about it now. yes I understand why she reacted that way and I’m aware I’m being kinda mean to her right now but it is very annoying
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cornerful · 7 months
Ostler cried, 'PLAY FASTER CAT!!'
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Gambol and totter till you're hotter than a hatter
and you spin all akimbo
like a windmill flailing!
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yellowymellon · 4 months
I miss playing rythme games but I refuse to touch pjsk for various reasons (I'm really tempted to lately) and utapri shut down so I thought maybe it's high time I really get into enstars so I started watching the anime AND HOLY IT OWNS MY HEART
I don't think I've even seen a joseimuke 'adaptation' that was this good?? How can you have a huge cast and have almost all of them be distinct with their personality traits and struggles?? No one is one dimensional pun intended, the seemingly good are morally questionable and the bad might just be good, and even then there's no black and white character. some might have conflicting ideals or hate eachothers' guts yet still care for eachother I can't 😭😭
Also anzu is super cute and the only capable self insert-ish mc I've ever seen (looks at haruka in disgust)
heard idolish7 also got a good crazy plot so that, will be next :D
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forever-nainai · 4 months
Isn’t it amazing how only Israel has been brought up on war crime charges and not Russia even though they also break international laws? Or the United States and United Kingdom for complicity in Israel’s crimes? Pretty good deal being on the UN Security Council huh?
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mumblesplash · 1 year
it’s only been a few weeks of Daily Roommate Wordgame Hour(s) and i am already starting to have the most curmudgeonly crossword opinions. intersecting proper nouns should be illegal
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Where am I supposed to find all these ape testicles for all these two bit sorcerers who keep casting Ketamine Ape?
Haven't had this kinda shortage since the Baja Blast got invented.
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devouringyourson · 1 year
i have less than a month to find somewhere to live but there's no rooms left and one came up today and i have alerts so messaged instantly and im already in a queue to maybe get a viewing for tomorrow but i'm sure it'll go before then. fighting for my life arguing why the landlord should totally pick me for the privellege of paying them £800/month for a single room in a house of 7
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