#the quality is probably bad
prianya · 2 years
Yeah so- Sorry I am back I WAS going to fall asleep but-
When you were kid, the folklore and myths were ones that you held dear to your heart. Although there was one that stuck out to you, one that you might have considered....
A Favorite.
Lady Death and Her Angel.
When people depict death, it cruel and ruthless yet... Its goddess is described as kind and gentle. Lady Death had many names for her. Goddess of Death, Death, and of course Lady Death. Once she was able to wander the land, explore humanity. It was a fickle thing to a goddess who was set to live until enternity.
She watched kingdoms rise and fall, she saw some of the most cruel of deaths.
Of course as she wanders she has a kingdom of her own. The Afterlife. She was said to always switch between the lands managing the Afterlife, yet still exploring the wonders of the world until...
A man came.
He was said to have the goddess wrapped around his finger. So much so that she had abandoned her duties as the goddess to live as a human.
Of course the Gods were not happy with that.
Apparently there were gods that were even above death. Some call them creation, or the void. When they found out about this predictiment the Goddess of Death was punished.
Her sentence was to manage the Afterlife, not aloud to leave the bounds of her land. A powerful goddess reduced to a simple ruler. The Gods didn't hesitate to carry out their punishment.
Voices taunted the Goddess coming as a form of crows. Sooner or later they soon taunted the man. Lady Death, feeling herself being pulled by guilt everytime she would see the her Love suffer. Until she left.
This particular tale had always been a favorite, the sheer beauty of their romance appealing to you even after the years it had been since you first heard it. You held it close, one of few tales you could recite by heart. The story, while tragic, was lovely, an ode to a certain tenderness reserved for those you love dearly.
The two main characters, a young, and quite bright adventurer, and a goddess, were strikingly different in upbringing, yet their love was beautiful. The sheer absurdity of circumstance adding to the fable's allure. They were made for eachother, a pair that felt so natural you would never imagine them separate. Years turned to decades together, a set of lovers withstanding the tests of time. Their downfall was inevitable, at that point. The void gods discovered her absence, and quickly sought to correct it.
As a sort of balancing act, the void gods prevented the adventurer's death to prevent them from being reunited. He was cursed to walk the world endlessly, never settling. It was an inconvenience, a way to keep her from finding him.
She managed her kingdom, overseeing the influx of the dead's souls and searching their macabre faces for the likeness of her lover. She grew restless after decades of her punishment, begging the void to let her see her lover, if once. They relented, gifting her sight through crows.
While she was happy with the crows, he was decidedly not. The crows followed him, gathering in massive murders wherever he travelled. The lingering crows caused fear within communities he visited, causing him to be outcasted more than he was. They were seen as an omen, a sign of misfortune hanging heavy over him. The crows were also unfortunately paired with blooms of Black Dahlias on the band of his hat.
The myth was longer, of course, but not by much. It ended suddenly, with only a simple sentence drawing the fable to a close. You researched it whenever you went to another server, checking out books and searching for the continuation of the story. The only volume you had found that continued it was an unfaithful translation of the myth in a bigger collection, the name of the author inside the cover being faded beyond comprehension. The only letter you could pull from it was the letter 'T', written in faded gold ink in a flowing and ornate script.
The symbolism in the story, with the crows and the flowers, had been what hooked you. Flower language had been one of your mother's passions, and she had endowed you with knowledge of their meanings. The same year you had first heard the story, you begged your mother to plant the Dahlias. You returned every year after you had left, for the beginning of spring and to help your mothers tend to the flower garden.
Every year, you spotted crows in the forest near your childhood home, their eyes piercing through the shade of the trees. The birds were unerving, their usual loud shrieks reduced to silence. They sat and watched as you quietly tended to the flowers, a large sunhat with black dahlias pinned to it sat upon your head.
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semisolidmind · 6 months
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(found a minute to finish a wip based on a couple posts by @thesexydancingcrepe from a while ago; something about reader meeting the monkey boys when they’re kids, and the adorable shenanigans they get into)
the bad end boys, because of their “birthless”nature (one came outta a rock, the other a shadow? idk), are raised by…all the mama monkey yaoguai in their troop. since they’re nobodies babies, they’re everybody’s babies. they don’t see humans very often (or ever, since they’re on an island). but they're not horrible yet, so cuteness will ensue :)
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chiosblog · 2 months
Nico sorry to tell ya but you're the definition of resentful gay boyfriend
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I can recognize one when i see it
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qwingfish · 3 months
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⚡Thundercracker wants to pet... Ravage wants pets🐈‍⬛...💖
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alienne-in-green · 1 year
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@somerandomdudelmao pls accept my fanart in the form of pixel art.
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evansboyfriend · 3 days
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tommy i think you're adorable
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gvaine · 7 months
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Who are you calling an old goat?
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kagooleo · 1 month
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johto’s champion and chronicler for the deity of the ilex shrine, it’s lyra!🌿
this one took me a while due to trying out different techniques (studying a Lot of art nouveau) and making a couple changes to her outfit (the details help), but I’d like to think she’s learned a lot in her journey and wanted to reflect her experience more in her champion fit
her specialty would be in fairy types and her meganium’s divergent evolution is grass/fairy 🧚🪷
and a bonus w/ the johto gang after the photoshoot!
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#kagarts#trainer lyra#meganium#pokemon hgss#get ready for a bigass tag wall again HYAH#her team picks are meganium (grass/fairy + shiny!) azumarill togekiss alola ninetales gardevoir and clefable (mega evolves for fairy/steel)#terrains and high sp atk + statuses galore + her dino can cause a stronger confusion (like toxic w badly poisoned but its w/ Bad headaches)#i'll probably make changes as i go design wise for meganium but colors were inspo from sampaguita flowers#the flower's associated with true friendship and utilized in medicines or given as good gestures in various traditions and celebrations#and also bc she's 🇵🇭 babey!!!!!!!! i'm slapping all my favs w the pinoy beam and not even the dinos are safe >:]#since her dino is shiny a lot of the colors are just a few color diffs where the little orbs are + warmer tones. gotta make a ref sometime#not sure if I should tag the others bc the focus is on her. but the quartet always pulls thru for each other#i like thinking silver gets comfortable enough to be the friend that's “s'cuse you my Friend asked for No pickles”#silver in line picking up her food like “yeah yeah i know her and btw that’s CHAMPION lyra to you. YES she ordered a strawberry shake”#both of their meganiums are Best friends and silver likely uses his dino when you rematch him (and his would beee grass/dragon)#calling this piece Done though oh my god this semester has been nuts. don't wanna take any longer on a single piece or i'm eating tree bark#tumblr's gonna kill the quality on it but idgaf im Done. i need to tidy up my sheezy now
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brambletakato · 19 days
I got bored so I made a little chart of frequently seen eyes and their details in Professor Layton!
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lumiereswig · 1 month
I'm still seeing a lot of angry takes in the tags about how excessive Watcher's current costs are and how all fans really want, apparently, is "just shane and ryan sitting in a basement" back again. While I do think Watcher is probably spending over budget and that's a real issue, a lot of the takes I'm seeing show a fundamental misunderstanding of how video production works and where costs actually lie. So a few quick things that I just keep seeing that are bothering me:
It was never just Shane and Ryan in a basement. BFU did a great job selling that conceit and making sure you never saw anyone beyond them and maybe TJ, but they absolutely had other crew members with them on ghost hunts and they didn't do all the work on BFU themselves. This Q&A from Season 2 lists 36 people on staff for Buzzfeed Unsolved. It's fair to make arguments that Watcher may or may not need 25 people, but those arguments should not be coming from a place of "before it was just Shane and Ryan and nobody else."
If you don't know how many people are needed to make a professional video from a TV/film standpoint, you will not have a reasonable grasp of why Watcher wants to keep 25 people on staff. Sure, some YouTubers get by with a ring light and a contracted editor. The Watcher team have stated repeatedly that they do not want to work as just YouTubers and see themselves more as a production studio—so why do people keep referencing the YouTube model to understand their business? This is like asking the local shake shop why it doesn't function like the kids' lemonade stand down the block. The item category is similar but they're not trying for the same products or process.
The "gold dusted food" is not the big budget sink you think it is. On most TV shows I've worked on it's normal to partner with businesses that are shown onscreen and work out a deal where the price of the product (in this case the gold food) is reduced or eliminated in exchange for the free publicity. Watcher very likely made a deal with every restaurant it worked with to make the Korea trip affordable for the company. The real budget spends are on things you're probably not seeing but that still matter: camera and lighting equipment is expensive, insurance for that equipment is expensive, business overhead and paying your staff are expensive. So again—it's fine to critique Watcher for the streaming plan and the perceived budgetary issues, but go into this knowing the costs might not be coming from the things you see onscreen.
My source is that I work in TV and film and actually have a clue on how the industry functions. Again, 36 people worked on Unsolved (and those were the people mention in Season 2—who knows how big the team blew up past that in later seasons). Entertainment work is real work, and demands decent equipment, competent staff, and the same types of business and budget problems you'd find in any other business (overhead, staffing, etc.). Feel free to critique Watcher's business model, but first try to understand where that model is coming from and what goals it's attempting to serve.
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foxtrottcantfindshit · 2 months
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Remake Drawing Dump
Just an assortment of drawings done when I had time (definitely not during the miscellaneous zoom meeting for class)
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its-a-beautful-day · 8 months
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Sunday - Scurry the Beetle Wizard
Always loved the design of this lad, but what if he was a wizard? 🪄🎃🪲
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semisolidmind · 1 year
I was wondering this since Reader is technically a Queen… Does she have like Ladies in Waiting?
Not servants particularly, but maybe she convinces Wukong to let her have some female monkeys to be with her if Wukong has to leave her alone?
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i liked the idea of some “ladies in waiting” who are more like companions than servants. as in they don’t really know how they’re supposed to attend to their queen, but they like hanging out with her and do their best to comfort her
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superbellsubways · 5 months
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samble · 11 days
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vaggieslefteye · 8 days
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ALASTOR | ᴅᴇᴇʀ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀᴅʟɪɢʜᴛꜱ
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"We have just received word from the Heaven Embassy that the next extermination is happening sooner than ever before!"
(had to include husk because it looks like a still image otherwise)
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