#the protagonist in her own story
seleneserenade · 2 years
BOLD what applies - italicise sometimes. repost, don’t reblog.
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fights honourably / fights dirty
prefers close - quarters / prefers range
chats during / goes silent
low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts / attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / fights defensively / strikes first
is provoked easily / provokes their opponent / teases
gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
uses strategy / focuses on the battle / experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging
fights wildly / fights calmly / fights apathetically / fights with anger / fights with excitement
fights because they have to / fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds / runs away when wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade / prefers a gun / prefers hand to hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalised weapon / prefers magic, alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle / fights as they appear
relies on strength / doubts their strength / relies on speed
uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their abilities
uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
avoids civilians / strikes down civilians
damages surroundings / avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill - set / learning their skill - set
fancy footwork / sloppy footwork
messy fighter / elegant fighter
accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements / moves efficiently  / barely moves
prefers to dodge / prefers to block
defends their blindside / has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready
fears death / fears pain / fears killing
has ptsd / avoids fighting
has lost a fight / has won a fight
has killed / refuses to kill
wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
TAGGED BY: stolen from a non-moot orz
TAGGING: steal this lol
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
Hi! I hope this is okay but I would love to hear more of ur thoughts about the Yunmeng siblings because they are important to me and your tummy hurt comic hasn't left my brain as just,,, such good immediate characterization! ^^ Thanks!
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I have too many thoughts on the Yunmeng siblings to fit into a succinct post, but I can offer you a Jiang Yanli addendum to the tummy hurt alignment.
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akuma-tenshi · 1 month
i think my favourite thing about aom is that you can tell everyone (except maybe alice) fucking hates each other but they're also trying to be so calm and polite about it. the breakfast scene where orpheus infodumps about mary is the best example of it. his pointed comments so clearly digging into sore spots for both melly and frederick, melly's seething tone of voice when orpheus addresses her about loyalty before immediately throwing the heat onto frederick, frederick just setting down his drink, dismissing the whole thing, and then immediately fucking off but not without one last pointed glance at orpheus, it's so good. like i am just waiting for these people to rip each other apart. alice is on her own quest and getting dragged into these people's beef by virtue of just existing near them and being way too nosy for her own good, it's the fucking best
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slaygentford · 2 years
the way that louis. keeps saying I loved claudia she was my light I loved her unconditionally I loved her I loved her I loved her. and he never ever ever puts the word love and lestat even in the same paragraph. because. by both repetition and omission. he's telling himself a story. i loved her i loved her she was my light and my reason. he tells himself that story. as though telling that story is going to undo his guilt over the fact that. when it came down to it. lestat or claudia. it was never her
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heddagab · 2 months
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Were we really friends? Yeah, we were. Then tell me the truth. Before I was brought here, I was hurt. I was bleeding, and then this man came. And he… He healed me. Then, I saw him hold a ball of fire in his hands. How… How is that possible?! The nurse said that the tranquilizers can give you wicked nightmares. No, I know what I saw. And I don’t need any more tranquilizers or- Belle… Don’t call me that. Why does everyone keep calling me that?
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luck-of-the-drawings · 11 months
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ohhh niklaus, how he enamors me!!
i DO love a good morally grey Antagonist, not just a grand villain, but another person, with such a rich life and history and power that we dont even know where to start fathoming yet.
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kinokoshoujoart · 1 month
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spaciebabie · 2 years
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okay i keep thinking abt this specific arc in two that i think is gonna end up being my favorite arc n i keep thinking of kat specifically
she goes thru SO MUCH in this arc, and throughout it all she wears a brave face as horrible situation after horrible situation is thrown at her until she's barely taking care of herself and in one of the few moments of her down time she finally looks at herself in the mirror.
and she see's her hair. now idk how other ppl feel abt their curly hair, but for ppl like me (biracial and/or black) our hair means a LOT to us n im thinkin abt this moment where she realizes she has let her hair get to a point beyond repair. its too long to manage in her current situation, its matted, tangled, and she hasn't washed it in weeks and she realizes she can't take care of it anymore.
and its such a small thing right? hair grows back? but its not a small thing. she worked for YEARS to attain the length, ta get it looking the way she wanted it to and this is her breaking point. where, she has had almost EVERYTHING taken from her, and NOW-
she has ta take one more thing away from herself.
and suddenly everything comes crashing down on her. the sleepless nights, the mere scrapes w/death. how is this fair? the one thing she is able ta control in her life. and she has ta cut it off.
can you have brainrot for your own story?? auduahduahd short hair kat is gonna ruin me
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fitzrove · 1 month
Started watching a "problem with greek myth retellings" video and it began with a blurb montage like "Condemned by the misogynist guys of history, this is the true girlboss feminist story of [A WOMAN]" and like. brb writing one of those about crown prince rudolf. It's ok he's like a misunderstood girlboss to me<3
#NASJASKSDFKDSLFDGJDFJ#joking. since those retellings seem to be often bad#fun fact i do have ideas for like a black teen comedy series with mary as the protagonist where the ending is like a harrowing twist#like you think it won't go that far but it does and the point is that she had historical agency and her own problems and personal journey#but in the end it spiralled catastrophically due to both crown prince rudolf related events and others#unfortunately writing one would draw the ire of both misogynist rudolf conspiracy theorists (how dare you suggest women have agency) AND a#certain type of feminist media critiquer person: (1) how dare you cover a topic like that flippantly 2) how dare you make rudolf anything#but an inhuman monster of a r*pist murderer gr**mer or whatever in the story#like idk man.. other male characters portrayed as romantic interests in mainstream media are toxic r*pists all the time. like omg i hate ho#'the great' handles p*ter and catherine because i was rooting for them to remain toxic and for catherine to kill him or whatever but then#she starts falling in love with him in s2 and everyone in tumblr is like omg hot sexy toxic romance. like cant we have ONE series where#straight romance doesnt inevitably become the overbearing focus?? i had wlw ships for that show.. they never pulled through...#anyway um yeah. the way i would portray rudolf in that is that mary sees him as this romantic hero which is emphasised in the way its shot#but he's constantly acting in kinda offputting and strange ways and is occasionally pretty pathetic and weird ASHDJFJF#^^ that's never been a deterrent to anyone ever. most rudolf biographers want to [redacted] him this has been proven by the way they write.#the only ones that dont are me (well not a real biographer but a rudolf enjoyer nonetheless) and brigitte hamann /hj#(she actually doesnt salivate over his appearance like frederick morton does xD only quotes 2 contemporary women commenting on it)
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maxiwaxipads · 4 days
babbling about potential fragaria memories worldbuilding (of course, it is made up <3)
Essentially, the concept of a “castle” is a kingdom’s lifeblood and creates the entire kingdom in the first place. It originates from the “Lord” who creates the castle and shares both a physical and mental connection to the Lord.
(The castle creates the castle itself and is a literal and symbolic heart of the kingdom) (Potentially creates the walls that protect/surround the kingdom, and might have the power to erect entire buildings) (Technically, a castle can expand its borders but expending too much power might strain the lord who creates the castle(?)) (Can only create buildings within the boundary of the walls)
(I like the idea that SEEDs are naturally attracted to castles because of the high density of magic surrounding these areas(?)) But also because the existence of a lord is essential to the kingdoms since they’re highly exalted and revered, taking them down would mean taking down the whole kingdom.
If the lord is damaged in any way, the castle itself will be vulnerable to attacks depending on the severity.
Relying on the idea that magic doesn’t come naturally to faeries (or whatever the people in fragaria are), I describe it as more “communal” if that makes sense? Castles provide unlimited magic to all citizens for public and daily use. Everyone has access to magic but is limited if too many are using magic at the same time. Communal magic can only be used within the bounds of the kingdom.
Using communal magic in an attempt to harm the castle is possible, but barely damages the castle. I imagine foreign magic or attacks by SEEDs are the only ways of directly harming the castle without attacking the Lord themselves(?)
Maybe the idea of “communal magic” can only be used through special wands(?)
If a castle undergoes damage, it can heal but requires the concentration of the lord to perform the healing.
Alternatively, everyone can use magic but has a limited use of it per month. The wand thing still applies. (Perhaps you can buy extra chargers for magic, but maybe it is a bit costly(?)) (Technically you can probably hoard magic, but maybe a heavy tax is placed to prevent people from hoarding magic(?)) (<- I kinda forgot, but I remember the initial idea was that hoarding magic is bad since it is considered a precious source and it would be preferred if it can be used for more important and practical matters rather than being stored and saved up(?))
Technically “communal magic” comes from the lord but are still vulnerable to others using their power against them(?)
(i like the idea of castles being a physical and mental representation of the lord) 
(something similar to brainless witch but less depressing) (…or would it be just as depressing?)
(creating a castle doesn’t require a constant maintenance of power, but for things like “communal magic,” it does)
(i like to think of castles as an extension of the lords)
Knights of Fragaria require a lot of power to form contracts and may deplete the kingdom’s defenses. They’re considered great assets for their loyalty and ability to act around as they please. Unlike normal faeries, they’ve been granted the ability to use magic as they please and more capable than the average faerie. It can be risky to have two knights of fragaria since it may endanger the defenses of the kingdom.
(Maybe Knights of Fragaria have an intrinsic connection to their lords and the castle themselves(?)) 
(I find it more instinctive rather than all-knowing(?))
A SEED that takes over a castle will absorb immense magic power for their own and may become unstoppable. Their abilities are heighten but are bound within the castle until it stops possession for whatever reason. A SEED possessing a castle may also strengthen SEEDs within the vicinity and birth new SEEDs. (Maybe they drain the castle themselves until it disappears for good(?))
“Purification” is the magical defeat against a SEED.
“Banishment” is the physical defeat against a SEED.
Music is something culturally significant in the world of Fragaria, especially during the SEEDs crisis. I might not explain this idea well, but imagine playing songs and trying to soothe a loved one while trying to remove the SEED from them? Even melancholic music being used to attract SEEDs.
Imagine singing being an important song to a loved one, hoping they turn back to normal? or maybe this is just me trying to make the fragaria memories music videos have lore significance aha 
Maybe I haven’t seen a lot of others write about lore, but have you ever thought about the implications of forgetting someone because of a SEED? 
Imagine looking at old photos, but suddenly recognizing someone you once knew as a stranger? Imagine having decorated rooms meant for someone, but not remembering who these rooms are for? Imagine finding old letters and notes you’ve lovingly written to others or have been written to, but not knowing the context or the people behind these letters.
Imagine someone sacrificing themselves under the brave act of protecting people from SEEDs but only to be forgotten.
What is the pain of wanting to desperately remember someone? Do you even want to remember anyway? Should we forget the people we can’t even remember? Maybe there are memorials or murals that honor these people, how would kingdoms honor those who are forgotten?
Maybe they don’t in the first place? Who knows?
But I’m more curious about the nature of SEEDs themselves? Are they a species that is controlled or are they animalistic and feed off a person’s negative energy for survival?
Do SEEDs have some level of intelligence? If they do, I imagine it isn’t too comparable to a human’s. I feel like it’s similar to the demons in Frieren in the Funeral(?)
In my opinion, I think SEEDs can discern if emotions are “negative” but are unable to truly understand the essence of negative emotions. They see it as a source of food. I mentioned melancholic music as bait for SEEDs, but I wonder about the idea of "manufactured negativity," if that makes sense? Imagine the sounds of crying children being used to attract SEEDs themselves. Imagine trying to purposefully invoke the saddest moments in life just to see if you can use that negative energy to attract a SEED?
I find it more meaningful that SEEDs have always existed as a consequence of the world. In Twisted Wonderland, using magic produces a pollution known as blot. But if Fragaria Memories was once a world that relied on magic but never thought of the consequences of producing its own blot?
So basically: "SEEDs are the consequence of using magic."
what if SEEDs is like the original sin if you get me...?
What was the world like before the arrival of the Strawberry King? Before the idea of lords and their kingdoms existed?
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munchkinmarauder · 6 months
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New description for the What If Book.
I really wonder why SW and SP were linked as siblings here when the they've not really interacted much in comics and this is very clearly a Wanda story. Why not name it what if SW &QS were split up at birth? That seems closer to what this story is about and Pietro clearly gonna have as big a role as Peter and more potential character development based on the summaries. Pietro is as prominent as Spiderman on the cover and is actually in the foreground. Like having Wanda as a sister doesn't seem like it'll have much of a change in Peter's life or the person he is. Unlike what they're doing with Wanda, nothing significant has changed for him. Wanda has been divorced from her culture, her origins, her brother and her entire backstory but Peter has everything exactly the same just a sister this time.
The twins being seperated at birth would make a big change to their characters and the marvel universe. Like I know this plot is probably cause SW & SM are popular in the MCU but Peter really sounds like he can be cut out of this book and the plot wouldn't change.
And honestly I'm fine with no Peter. What they have planned for him sounds like it'll take away from the main plot and make the book cluttered. The stuff with Wanda and Pietro is more interesting. Why not just have Quicksilver as co lead on this book with equal prominence as Wanda. We're already getting a comic series with them and despite being in comic limbo due to the MCU QS is still Marvel's best known/iconic speedster. A story where they meet and learn to work as a team and family while trying to prove Wanda's innocence is way more compelling that whatever they can do with Peter and would be a really good character study for Marvels most iconic and codependent siblings.
My hope though is that the book doesn't try make Pietro the villian or show Wanda is better off without him somehow because that's tired and shitty. At least Cap America is murdered in this which is kind of fun....
Also thank god they're not going for some accidental incest cause the first book summary sounded very YA and the way they described her meeting Pietro had me worried 😭 The Ultimates has scarred us.
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themyscirah · 2 months
Suffering more than Jesus atm (being a fan of 80s/90s Suicide squad in 2024)
#god amanda waller what did they do to you....#i KNOW i never shut up about this but GUYS ITS SO BAD#fucking WHY would you take the interesting antihero protagonist and then strip her of any redeeming quality and use her as this horrific#unforgivable villain who is treated as a hated antagonist in her own comics#WHERE SHE ISNT EVEN THE MAIN CHARACTER MOST OF THE TIME#like why are you trying to make me sympathize with fucking harley quinn or smth when the actual main character is right there. why are we#turning her into this horrific villain w a million master plans making deals with the devil and shit.#we are supposed to like her. like maybe not all dc fans do because shes almost always an antagonist in other books but in her own shes the#main character!!! there should be some aspect of interest or sympathy for her. as opposed to just making her like badass or whatever#so sick of this#and its in freaking EVERYTHING right now on god i cant read other comics that are otherwise good (like ga) and enjoy them without the#obligatory intense demonification of one of my fave characters#like shes my no 6 in locg for a reason i genuinely love waller like yeah she sucks sometimes but shes INTERESTING.#this is not interesting or creative in any way what theyre doing with her#this genuinely could have been any government baddie like honestly#dont flatten 3 dimensional characters into 1 dimension (or at best like 1.5) to tell a story you tell the story around the 3d characters.#why do i need to say this. basic competent storytime#blah#amanda waller#istg i throw out another waller rant every freaking tuesday on here#suicide squad#you know what. at least we had the movie#you heard me. higher hopes for the new gunn dceu series than actual comics for the forseeable future#viola davis save me...#need to do a bit of 00s reading still to verify but on god watch this all come down to a fucking new 52 thing. like not to say that i think#thats where it all went wrong bc i need to read more to verify but i have an idea of what rlly did it and i think it was a nu52 decision#but then again maybe im stupid
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unexpectedgeese · 1 year
Fate is already decided, is the thing. The giants of Gigantomachia have already lost. Secretive Plotter has already lost everything. 999th YJH has already died. Orpheus has already killed his father. And there is no undoing any of that; The stories that unfold on the page are immutable. These people have wounds, and they can’t be healed.
The Star Stream is a system built for tragedy. Again and again incarnations have thrown themselves at impossible dreams of a happy ending; and every time they die for it. There are hundreds of regressions, thousands of victims, a million stories unfolding— Every last one a tragedy.
Is there meaning in a story with a fixed end? The incarnations write their own downfalls, bound into tragedy by an impassive system. Yoo Joonghyuk dies again and again, eventually succumbing to overwhelming despair.
You cannot change the past. You can’t rewrite a story that’s already been written.
You can read it, though. And that’s the point— the entire point of a story is to be read. To read a story is to understand, to love, to pick through a lifetime of suffering and find the good in it; To take that story with you when you write your own.
And what then? What if every story is meant for one reader? What if that reader writes their own story in turn, influenced by their predecessors, bringing those scavenged bits of hope along?
If every story is told and listened to, every failure a building block of some unseen future, are we still writing a tragedy? When that original story is  built on, bookmarked and dog-eared and woven into a final epilogue, is it still a record of hopelessness— or is it a way to survive?
Every story has a flaw. This means that every story can be completed. If reader, writer, and protagonist all band together and just try to reach the ending— 10 times, 100 times, 1000 times, each one compounding on the next— What will happen?
These people can’t be healed. But they can be saved. You cannot change the past, but you can change the future. You cannot rewrite a story, but you can give it an epilogue.
We are not reincarnators, or regressors, or returnees. But if we tell our stories, isn’t it a similar thing?
#orv#omniscient reader's viewpoint#orv meta#analysis#long post#look man I reread ch. 334 of ORV today and I had Thoughts so I wrote this#but like MAN this specific thing is like there's so much of it!!#this is why they write ORV. this is why they write WoS. This is what Yoo Sangah references in her one speech to#that one historical grade constellation early on#When secretive plotter asks why it couldn't have been him this is why!!!#bc without his story nobody would've gotten this far#this is how the reader writer protag thing works on a non-magical level!#the protagonist who suffers the tragedy#the writer who tells it#and the reader who listens!#This is why you can't write a new story-- bc history is MEANT to be learned from and you have to do that to reach a happy ending!!#This is why KDJ calls himself a reincarnator that one time!#this is ALSO why he doesn't rewrite anything when he reaches the final wall--#bc to do so would be to disregard the lives of the people he loves so much.#by creating a false myth-- by editing the contents for his own peace of mind#and becoming not a reader but an editor#MAN actually getting this thing to be coherent was a mess tho#I had the vibes in my brain for MONTHS#and I could only really articulate it on the reread bc so much of ORV's thematic weight is literally just said directly#if it wasn't so damn LONG it would be the least subtle book alive#AND ALSO this heavily relates into a lot of personal arcs for our gang#esp. KDJ's struggles with reading#bc!! You can understand someone through a story but not all the way#bc there's a WALL in the way#(hence 'reading together')
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gammija · 1 year
i love s4, and im enjoying listening to it with the magaday, but i forgot it would also lead to the worst thing: seeing people interpret media differently than me on the internet OTL
#NOT a big deal#but as an enjoyer of nuance and complicated characters and the tragedy of people doing their best and still failing#I can't help but want to constantly correct posts saying 'Georgie said she prefered Jon dead!' (she didn't#; Jon accused her of that and Basira asked her to leave before they could talk it out)#and 'everyone is blaming Jon for Tim and Daisy's deaths' -> only Melanie is‚ as far as we've heard;#not that everyone is being nice or fair to jon; not at all#but this framing of the situation as jon on one side and everyone else on the other is just so much more boring#than the web of relationships and mistakes and misplaced blame that is implied#and the former is how you get analyses that are objectively wrong like 'no one let Jon speak in 199!!' -> literally by word count and#time spend speaking he talks the most out of anyone in the discussion#but it's not 50/50 jon/others because every character in tma is the protagonist of their own story#like of course it wouldve been nicer if georgie had immediately protested that she didn't want jon to die#but playing that out in my mind; it feels like exactly the kind of argument that jons ex specifically would be tired of having#even if the context is different now#and to me the way it's possible to construct these unspoken reasons and stories for the side characters is the coolest shit#and that's lost if Georgie just said 'I hoped you died Jon‚' because... ? because it's s4 so everyone is just mean to Jon?#even though she's the one visiting him in hospital in the first place?#joos yaps#delete later#nah she's just a mean girl. mean women bullying jon all season#nothing more to it than that
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 8 months
so y'all know the whole thing where a vampire feeds a human their blood. and like, you can make it so the vampire is standing with the human kneeling, while the human feeds from their wrist. for the blow job imagery or whatever. is that still sexy when the vampire is a cis lady and the blow job metaphor doesn't work?
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sanktagenyas · 1 year
making mal this supportive boyfriend who doesn’t have a thought to voice and just watches the supposed love of his life get ready to marry another man (even if its a non romantic and only political alliance) and alina be distracted by the first pretty face whenever mal isn’t around makes them seem resigned and with an inferiority complex and fickle respectively.
the fact that alina is so insecure about herself that despite declarations, makeout sessions, the fact that this man is willing to follow her on hunts for mystical creatures even though he clearly worries she could die in the process all because it’s what SHE wants she still doubts his feelings and is mad that he isn’t throwing a jealous fit while ravka is at war. the ravka she keeps insisting she needs to be the one to save. all of it is ridiculous.
even before mal dumps her i couldn’t root for malina even though jessie and archie have decent chemistry. they don’t have the same chemistry ben and jessie do or even jessie and daisy have. because yes i was rooting for genyalina, a fanon ship more than i was for the central romance of season 2. but it’s not about chemistry being lacking or even about mal being a piece of shit anymore because that’s book!mal! it’s book mal who shames her for everything she does from her sexuality/romantic endeavours that don’t involve him, to the use of her powers, to her body. in the books it actually makes sense for alina to bond with nikolai and be charmed by him. the guy she’s in love with treats her like shit so whether it’s the privateer persona or the prince of course she’s gonna gravitate towards him especially when he’s more respectful towards her and more understanding.
in the show though? she’s high and mighty. she doesn’t understand why nikolai had to lie to her, she doesn’t understand why the alliance is beneficial until mal of all people explains it to her and she only likes nikolai because he’s a) charming and attractive and b) he sucks up to her. it’s not about connection anymore. you take away the reason why she was even open to it and turns out nikolai and alina don’t make sense.
and now they wanna give part of zoya’s storyline to alina on top of it. i have yet to read KoS or RoW but i know alina isn’t in the first book. and she certainly isn’t the protagonist anymore. that would be nikolai and zoya. if they insert her into a love triangle i will lose my mind. at this point i’d rather she get her happy ending with mal even though i don’t ship it. they left it open ended that whole part about next time if they cross paths again it will be about choice not destiny. honestly i’ve seen some malinas complain and why? you guys won. just because the endgame has been delayed doesn’t mean it’s not happening eventually. it’s just that if it does it will involve alina also grappling with her new grisha powers. i just hope she isn’t forced to sacrifice those like she did in the books, that if she loses her powers this time she chooses to do so maybe because she sees how they’re turning her into someone who murders in cold blood and likes it. maybe. she’s supposed to be different from the darkling actually and yet she was really quick to use the shadow cut. i hope they explore that if she sticks around and that she isn’t forced to choose between love and powers that are integral to her very being. don’t change the book ending just to backtrack, show!
but for the love of god do not put her in another love triangle and not with nikolai. it does not work. and we’ve already been paid dust with zoya she’s meant to be our lead female role if they ever adapt KoS and RoW. do something different find something for alina, the hero of the first trilogy to do that isn’t being defined by her boyfriend or ex boyfriend/enemy. her whole healing ravka spiel was only out of guilt and pride both instiled in her by the darkling. she got rid of the fold, yes but she has no political savvy she isn’t meant for what comes next. she doesn’t care for her country above all. that would be zoya. i said i like jessie’s acting and i do but i love sujaya’s in what little she’s been given and zoya promises to have an amazing character arc and growth. i’ve not read the duology yet, i’m late to the party but show!zoya has so much potential and if they waste it to shove alina where she does not belong it’d be such a waste.
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