#the pains of being a multishipper
consumeroflemoans · 28 days
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So are we just going to ignore the fact that Argenti called Aventurine hot and saved his life or…
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God fucking damnit I KNOW Im never gonna find someone to talk abt my stupid little SP ships with if I dont come clean abt shipping them SOME TIME but I also REALLY DON'T WANT TO because NO MATTER WHAT I SHIP I feel like SOMEBODY'S gonna start HARASSING ME ABOUT IT OH MY FUCKING GOD-
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kyouka-supremacy · 7 months
Beast akutagawa x bsd Atsushi is nice and all but beast Atsushi x bsd akutagawa is where it’s at
Beast Akutagawa x canon Atsushi is your average shonen rivalry between allies that """hate""" each other and in reality constantly push each other to be the better version of themselves / are each other's only drive and reason to move forward but Beast Atsushi x canon Akutagawa is the dark slice of life adult manga that tackles into existentialism and the search of a meaning in the midst of a nihilist perception of the world and potentially even finding that meaning in each other but not before any less than 600 chapters of pining
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greenteaandtattoos · 7 months
"you could have hurt fearne"... yeah... yeah that changed my brain chemistry
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mikibagels · 10 months
What is the general consensus on the pairing between Dio and Vanilla 🤔 I think I would like to explore them if they have the potential to be fun and silly...
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sadiecoocoo · 4 months
I want there to be more Brad x Morty prime content, specifically fanfiction with some fun shenanigans or fluff stuff cuz they r definitely not an angsty ship, but I know I’d have to make that myself cuz that’s even more a tapir than Mortycest 😭
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d33zn33tz · 2 years
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Yes, I am a JonTim shipper. Get over it.
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yooooo!!! you’re my favorite ethan winters artist i just wanna say that first and foremost, thank you for the wholesome content of my comfort character and father figure 🥹🫶
i’m really curious bc i feel like i see a lot of people against mithan (not me personally, i’m p neutral on them!) but i’m curious to know all your thoughts on them! thoughts on their canon relationship, their fanon portrayal, the backlash against them/mia accusations, and your headcanons? i’m just really interested!!! hopefully that’s not weird :”)
have a good day!! sparkle on!!! ✨💖
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i heart mithan... i think that they can be so cute...
i personally hc them t4t and i like to think that the dated in highschool before they both had fully transitioned
mia likes to bake and ethan likes to scrap book and he always likes to take pictures of mias cakes/ baked goods and has a album for them 😭
i am a multishipper so i draw a lot of ethan ships so my girl is left out sometimes and im sorry mia 😔
i actually really like their relationship, its a really complex dynamic that i like to talk about with my friends
i think the issue is that when talking about mithan or mia in general, theres just SO MUCH misinformation that its honestly a pain the butt to talk about
people still think that she was responsible for the creation of eveline, people still think that she experimented on eveline, people still use examples of her attacking ethan as if she did it on her own will instead of being mind controlled
in reality she was just someone who oversaw the transportation of evie. im not excusing her or anything because obviously she knew what she was doing, but people really try to accuse her of doing something she didnt and it bothers me alot lol
the problem with the fandom is that people either try to water her down to girlboss who did nothing wrong and fail to acknowledge the complexity/ moral grayness of her character and the other side is misogynists 😭😭😭😭
its hard to talk about her without people either going "stop trying to villainize her and make her look bad!" or people ACTUALLY villainizing her and acting like heisenberg would have treated him better 😭😭
mithan is such a sad relationship because they loved each other so much and that ended up being the reason their relationship fell apart (sort of... its not like the broke up... ethan kinda just straight up died)
i get a lot a trouble for saying this, but mia is a selfish person.
its not a bad thing! well i mean it is but it doesnt make her some evil witch who is somehow worse than the guy how made a werewolf american ninja warrior. its just a major character flaw she has! which is good! mia being a flawed person who makes mistakes and morally gray decisions make her a more interesting person!
she is selfish in the way that she wants to keep her family with her no matter the cost. even if it means lying to ethan about her job so that he wont think different of her. here is a interrogation from the re7 DLC, which is easy to miss!
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she isnt necessarily trying to apologize for the things she has done, she is more of a, "u wont need to forgive me in the first place if we just forget it all and move on"
she doesn't try to redeem herself for what she has done, she tries to move on and return to the normal life that she wants so bad. which is fine! everyone copes a different way and she has to right to move on from her trauma. the problem that lies in this is that she has a shared trauma with ethan who still has no idea what went on in dulvey and still effects him till the present (he is mold! this is a important thing to know! most people would want to know if they were a walking corpse)
she played a direct part in what happened in dulvey, and im not referring to the email, she did not send that. she never wanted ethan to come in the first place. she tried her best to send a video to him, begging him to forget about her because she wanted to protect him, BUT it didnt send.
he got involved because she was involved. its honestly a series of really really unfortunate events.
THOUGH! she did know what she was getting into. im tired of seeing the narrative that mia was innocent and didnt know what was going on or was simply a bystander. she knew what she was doing, she knew eveline was a bioweapon, she knew eveline was a child. she used a MACHINE GUN! she knows how to use weapons and was obviously trained for it.
she tried her best to keep everybody out of the mess, ex: warning the bakers not to take them in, warning ethan not to find her, sacrificing herself for ethan in the later half of re7
but again, those are the consequences of HER actions
her consequences just happen to get really big and end up hitting ethan on the head like a metal sheet 😭
their relationship is really so interesting, it makes me really sad to think about sometimes 😭they both went through something that nobody else would ever understand, in the end they really only have each other. they get moved to an entire different country and the dulvey incident gets covered up with a "gas leak"
its really tragic because their marriage definitely had some flaws and bumps. and i know im repeating myself but its because people always take this in the worst way possible but just because i say their relationship was rocky doesnt mean im saying they dont love each other!!! thats the entire basis of mias character!! saying she doesnt love ethan would destroy her entire character!
you can see in the re8 DLC how fondly ethan talks about mia! he loves her so much, though im not sure if his comments in the DLC are him narrating current (post re8) or his thoughts before everything went down and he died (pre re8)
everything mia did was because she LOVED ethan. she would never do anything to intentionally hurt him, she is not a cruel person. she hides the truth of her job from ethan pre re7 because she loves him and doesnt want her job to drive them apart. she CONTINUES to refuse to tell ethan the truth post re7 because she wants to move on a live a happy normal life with him and knows something like her being directly associated with the connections would probably cause (more) problems. she refuses to tell ethan that he is mold because again, hard to live a happy marriage with your husband after you tell him hes a bioweapon.
obviously i dont think it was right that she did this, thats what makes her selfish! she did it for herself! she did it for her family! she thought it would work out, she thought that they could move on and be happy together.
the issue is that ethan didnt want to forget. he wanted to know what happened, he wanted to know the part mia played, he wanted answers! which is reasonable! he knows to some extent that mia was partially responsible for his involvement and he was always suspcious that mia was lying to him about her job which is implied when mia says "you were right, i did lie to you"
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she doesnt learn, she doesnt stop lying, her lies get bigger and worse and it sucks yeah but it makes her so interesting!!! she keeps doing stupid things under the idea that this is whats best for her and her family, that if she hides this everything will work out and it will be for the better but its not!
just because telling your husband hes dead and a bioweapon is a hard subject to bring up doesnt mean you DONT bring it up. people shouldnt use that as a reason to excuse mia 😭, its a very bad excuse and honestly highlights how horrible their communication skills were. you cant just not tell your husband that he is actually infected with the mold and not tell him for the tree years between post re7 and pre re8.
im not saying these things to put mia down, or try and villanize her. these are all just actual things her character does! she isnt evil, but she isnt a knight in shining armor either. we need to be able to have talks about complex characters without crying everytime someone points out a flaw. characters have flaws! and mia just happens to have a lot of them!
im not mad at her, i dont dislike her because i think this way of her. shes a fictional character! you can like characters that are morally gray, or villains that drink blood and make corpse soldiers. they are fictional! pointing out the flaws of a character does not mean i dont like them.
i wouldnt call her "the real villain of re8" but i wouldnt treat her like a damsel in distress either. she is a competent person, she knows what shes doing, she has her reasons for doing them. she made bad descions with good intentions behind them! they can coexist and we should let them!
i like mithan! its a complex relationship because they both love each other so much but hurt each other in the process
talking about them is just a pain in the butt because talking about mia is a pain in the butt lol
i really hate how she keeps getting sidelined, its super frustrating to see mia get put in a cage in every game 😭
its even more frustrating that mia straight up just disappears???? in the shadows of rose DLC... like she just stops taking care of rose and theres nothing said about it. no reason or explanation. i dont think mia would ever ditch rosemary because she didnt care about her, but we probably will never know because capcom sucks at writing and they probably forgot the mia ever even existed.
all in all, i think the fandom is really just full of misinformation which make people either think mia is some horrible evil person, or its full of people who think that saying mia messed up is the equivalent of comparing her to wesker lol.
i really love mia, shes a incredibly fun and complex character, its just hard to enjoy her sometimes with the people in the fandom haha.
also ive got no idea what u meant by "the backlash against them/mia accusations" so sorry if i didnt answer that!
thank u for the ask! sorry for the long response!
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leafyduckwebs · 6 months
Being a traveler multishipper is so fun because there's always something for any trope you want no matter what mood you're in.
Xiaother/Xiaolumi? They're so soft. Canonically they're very close friends who care for each other a lot. Xiao's pain lessens in the traveler's presence. He wants to protect them and tells them to call his name whenever they're in danger. He's so shy and afraid of hurting people, but attends events because of the traveler. He was ready to die to save them. They got him to write poetry. They're both old and hurting and in need of a break and so many hugs.
Scaraether/Scaralumi? He tried to kill them when they first met. He destroyed their friend's clan. He mocked Teppei's death and likely would've killed them if Miko didn't trade the gnosis. The traveler had to fight him 168 times before they were able to defeat him for real. They then became allies and held hands. When he erased himself, they freaked out and went out of their way to bring him back. They're still not friends, but they aren't as hostile to each other as before. The part of my brain that craves enemies-to-lovers eats this ship up.
Albether/Albelumi? When the traveler met Albedo, he instantly wanted to study them, and they let him. At the end of his story quest he makes it clear that he wants to rely on them (If one day, I lose control… destroy Mondstadt… destroy everything..Can I rely on you to stop me?) They looked at him and memorized his appearance enough to notice that susbedo was missing the gold star marking, and they didn't judge him for being a homunculus. They're so sweet to each other when they meet during events. He probably studies them off screen. I like to think that he made a bunch of portraits of them, too. He literally says that he's interested in them in his teapot voicelines. This ship opened my eyes to scientist x test subject.
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sunshine-in-a-bottle · 5 months
Sorted by shipping because I'm a multishipper.
Its about the PASSION its about the INTRICACIES its about the EMOTIONAL DEVASTATION.
If a fic you like isn't on here I demand you make your own recommendations post so I can reblog it and then we ALL must go insane. You Understand? You understand. Lets fucking go, lets LOVE THE PEOPLE IN THIS COMMUNITY RIGHT NOW AND TELL THEM WHAT GOOD FUCKING WRITERS THEY ARE
-non-explicit fics section-
our eternal love by janies_not_here. (Rated T)
Punz and Dream being in love and their last few moments together before the destruction of the server.
Personal thoughts: I love them. I would die for them. I care them so much.
Suffering by Airrec (Raichett). (Rated T)
“I,” Punz repeats, “am doing this one. You did lung removal, I’ll do heart.” They look at Dream squarely, determined, though their eyes are tight around the edges. No one likes dying, but they both know how important it is to know.
Personal thoughts: how to murder me emotionally. Its about the Intricacies its about the Unethical Science Murder Experiments.
science for sweethearts by silversandstone. (Rated T)
“His name is Punz?” “Yeah.” “I know him!” Sapnap exclaims, and he sounds entirely too excited for Dream’s liking. “He’s on the basketball team with me. Tall, blonde hair, blue eyes? Looks a little bit like he got thrown in the laundry by accident?” “He’s pretty,” Dream agrees miserably.
Personal thoughts: I am always a slut for modern AUs. I am bapping them with my little paws. Please kiss.
with arms unfolding by silversandstone. (Rated T) (series)
but here i am with arms unfolding i guess it isn't quite the end old partner in crime i'm going to try to fall in love with you again
c!drunz living happily ever after by theendpoem. (Rated T) (series)
c!drunz headcanon written into short stories that follow them running away from the smp together and living happily ever after in a cabin
Personal thoughts: exactly what it says on the tin. I am a feral cat biting it biting it biting it
deadlines and commitments by sunnyscribe. (Rated G)
Dream doesn't know what he's looking for, but he finds it in Punz.
Personal thoughts: please imagine that gif of kermit spinning in a water fountain. They're taking a little nap together. They are in love.
i hope i don’t murder me, i hope i don’t burden you by nightdaydream. (Rated T)
Dream is dangerous, an enigma of a man. “So, what do you say?” Roses bloom in Punz’s lungs. They take a breath, choke them down, and return the grin that they’re sure Dream wears beneath his mask. “I’m in.” aka. punz suffers through hanahaki. it gets a lot worse before it gets better.
Personal notes: FUCK OFFFFFFFFF<=== is personally very emotional. Don't perceive me.
by his side where he belongs by ammizukii. (Rated T)
c!Dream shyfully proposes to c!Punz.
Personal notes: oh.
Just A Dip by Icechild. (Rated G)
It was meant to be just be a bath. It was supposed to be refreshing, healing, calming. It wasn't supposed to be Punz watching Dream pant and groan in pain. It wasn't supposed to end up with them realizing a blade was poisoned after it was too late. OR Punz and Dream have a bath time after a fight with the SMP and take care of each other and things go a little south.
Personal notes: I am eating concrete. I am throwing things. ITS ABOUT THE TRUST AND LOVE AND FEAR AND
love, like death, hath all destroyed by dumbgirlfriend (thelightwoods). (Rated T)
Punz and Dream have a quiet last meal before the end of the world, and Punz wants him.
Personal notes: dies a death (x40) hahahaha I love them what the fuck...
Steam by Airrec (Raichett). (Rated T)
There’s something almost ritualistic in the way Punz lathers soap onto Dream’s skin, their touch gentle but firm as they thumb at his flesh, their clipped nails dragging a little across his too-thin skin, careful not to worry at scabs or sores, but touching them anyway, keeping them clean. --- Or: post-Pandora, Dream's physical state is a bit too fragile for him to be able to bathe alone. Enter, stage left, Punz.
Personal notes: you think I'm normal right now but I'm actually clawing at the bars of my cage. Let me out I won't bite.
red slush and citrus shampoo by shamefulfroggos. (Rated T)
“Okay.” The two sit in silence for a few more beats before Punz drops his hand down to twist the keys and coax the engine back to life. It rumbles, faintly, and Dream watches from the corner of his eye as Punz puts the car in reverse and brings his arm up, his hand gripping the shoulder of Dream’s seat. His head turns so he can look through the back window as he pulls the car out of the parking space he turned into mere minutes ago. Dream tries not to stare. He doesn’t try very hard. -------------- or Dream has been in love with Punz for too long, Sapnap and George are tired of his shit, and Punz is a cinnamon roll who is trying to convey his feelings but failing
Personal notes: hnnnnnnn I'm gonna be honest with you I reread these fics before I put them on this post and this is making me go insane. They're so fucking in love shut the fuck upp
Not to Me, Not If It’s You by ranababamboo. (Rated T)
“Stop fussing over me.” “I will when your fever breaks,” they replied. They gestured to the stew, untouched aside from the near-spill. “Should eat that before it goes cold.” Dream rolled his eyes at the nagging. “What, gonna sit here and watch me until I do?” Punz merely raised an eyebrow. “...you’re the worst.” ——— Stubborn refusal of injury won’t slide in this household.
Personal notes: I hate them (I love them so much I am actively dying)
even when it’s raining by navyhurricane. (Rated T)
“You want to dance—” “In the rain,” Punz finishes for him, almost in a rush as though the idea has him breathless already. “C’mon, you can’t say that you have never in your life thought of it before.” Dream shakes his head softly. “Can’t say it’s high on my bucket list.”
For ruined plans and an opportunity saved, Dream has never known a love as soft as this; he knows that while he needs Punz, the other wants him in all the same ways.
Personal notes: hey do you ever feel like the chemicals in your brain just fucking change and shit while you read something because its good.
i wish to reclaim the rising by Airrec (Raichett). (Rated T)
Dream is quite happy with his life, despite his lack of memories, the scars and frailties of his body, and the numerous questions both raise. Then Punz, one of the gods of this world, saves his life, and it becomes clear that there is more to this - to them - than what can be seen on the surface. --- Or: it's a whole new world, and everyone deserves a chance to move on and make the most of the future. Punz has been waiting for theirs for... a long time.
Personal notes: I really wish I could just post memes and images instead of typing because I don't know how to communicate to you the level of Feral I am rn.
i miss the way you made me feel by WinterEnchantress. (Rated G)
Technoblade broke them up because duty always comes first, and he knows that the pain will never lessen, but at least he had the certainty that Dream was also...suffering. Because he's a selfish and petty man, deep inside, and he doesn't want to be lonely in his pain. Up until Dream found someone else. Up until Dream starts to heal, and all Techno can do is watch from the sidelines as Punz carefully puts broken pieces back together. All he has left is regret. or sad techno and broken up dnb + punz/dream being sweet as techno pines and suffers (:
Personal notes: !!!!!!! well thats fucked up and sad. fuck yeah lets go !!!!!!!
starshine after the longest night by voidofthestars. (Rated T)
They say almost, because there's so much missing from him, from weight loss from starvation to blatant mutilation, ears slashed and even tagged. And gods knew what else lies beneath his torn and ragged clothes. The moment Dream collapses into their arms and they close around him he keens, low and hurt like a dying animal in a cage. It's all Punz can do to keep them both upright even as Dream shakes in his arms, damaged hands scrabbling across his back and shoulders like he was afraid Punz wasn't actually there. "Holy shit, starshine, I've got you, you can't drop on me yet we're not safe yet." "Punz! Punz you're actually here! Haha, oh my god, I can't believe it!" Dream's voice cracks from emotion and disuse. It's painful to listen to, in more ways than one.
Personal notes: Don't fucking look at me don't perceive me I don't want to talk about it.
last cup of coffee by Luciddreaming_ (LucidDreamLight). (Rated T)
Local barista crushing on the cute college boy.
Personal notes: I don't have braincells anymore. Only them.
or should i walk by again? by Anonymous. (Rated T)
After Sapnap accidentally triple-books himself, he leaves his friends Dream and Punz to entertain each other at a boardwalk. This quickly spirals into a bet: Can you fall in love in one day?
Personal notes: what if... they kissed<=== absolutely deranged
green strings of magic by nightdaydream. (Rated M)
“You just work with him for money,” Quackity states, looking at Punz, and they want to laugh at how wrong the statement is. At first, sure; Dream was their client, and they were a mercenary. But as time passed, and they got closer, they came to trust Dream. And eventually, the golden ring on their finger and the matching one on the chain around Dream’s neck, hidden below his hoodie, came into play. “So, if he’s dead, which everyone else here wants anyways, you have no reason to carry out what he wants.” aka. Dream gets killed. Punz brings him back, because they’re a good partner like that.
Personal notes: they're MARRIED they have RINGS what if I shed my skin and became a skeleton.
Keep it Together by orphan_account (Rated T)
/Don’t react. Don’t react. Stay calm. Stick to the plan./ They spent hours, standing on a grassy hill, staring at the prison. /Keep it together./
Personal notes: His One Attachment his Most Important Attachment Shut The FUck
sunlight through my window by oopsie_daisyy (Rated G)
Dream and Punz are comfortable enough together to just walk into each other’s room and be. But when Dream asks him an unfinished question, Punz can’t get the implications of it off of his mind.
Personal notes: biting my own arm. Themb!!!!!! Them,,,,,
Bunker Pasta by dyinginlava (probablyaceok). (Rated T)
When Punz meets Dream after he escapes from Pandora’s Vault he notices how bad Dream looks and makes a decision.
Personal notes: They love each other did you know that. did you know. they love each other so much
Ground Zero by Oceanbreeze7. (Unrated)
Canon Divergence- what if the entire confrontation went a little faster- and they all had time to leave before the nuke impacted?
Personal notes: its barely there, but Its There and its important To Me.
Even Now by TastesLikeBakingSoda (Rated G)
Punz tries to coax Dream to bed, post-prison.
Personal notes:..........
lets take a rest by TastesLikeBakingSoda (Rated G)
Dream comes home after fighting the slime clone army and Punz gives him tickles and kisses
Personal notes: I'm being persecuted, held at gunpoint even.
forever and always by applpudding
Dream slips his hands from Punz’s grasp and slides one around the cradle the back of his head. “Punz. Look at me.” The softness of his voice coaxes Punz’s eyes open and oh. He’d forgotten how stunning Dream’s eyes are in the daylight, brilliant viridian irises shining bright and honest, settled between soft golden eyelashes. “I don’t know if I can say it back yet,” Dream says, and for a moment Punz feels his heart sink. “But,” Dream continues, “that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you. I do, I really do, I promise you that.” Punz leans forwards and knocks their foreheads together. “I’ll wait,” he whispers. “However long you need, I’ll wait."
Personal notes: they need to be happy its so fucking important to me
radio lust by navyhurricane
A messy turn of events leaves Dream without a car in the middle of a rainstorm. He knows Punz is made of nicotine and bad ideas, but Dream's curiosity over Punz’s passenger seat is addicting.
Personal notes: hi they are absolutely infatuated with each other. they told me so themselves.
losing the bet by Anonymous
“Oh, I see. You wanted to lose,” Punz said in a low voice, dropping in volume, and Dream’s breath hitched in his throat. “You made that bet assuming you’d lose, huh? You wanna be my bitch that badly?” “Fuck no,” Dream spat back even as his eyes locked onto Punz’s lips. They looked surprisingly soft, pink. Dream swallowed hard. “I’m just a man of my word. I promised you, you win, you use me as you want.” “Just seems like an odd thing to offer to someone you’re not attracted to at all.” Punz stepped closed again, practically chest to chest, and he grabbed Dream by the jaw. His grip was tight, practically bruising, and he pushed Dream’s head back against the lockers. “Deny it all you want, but I think you wanted to end up here. You liked the thought of mean ol’ Punz shoving you into the lockers, huh? You want me to fuck you right here?” Dream whined, unable to speak with the hand clamping his jaw shut, and Punz huffed a snort of amusement. “You’re cute when you’re pathetic, princess,” Punz purred.
Personal notes: shaking them. they are stupid and full of kink. I cherish them deeply.
Observant by Toasted_Poison
Dream and Punz are roommates and Dream is very observant of Punz's recent behavior.
Personal notes: the comment I left on this fic probably shows how insane I am more than any words I could type here.
if you’re the reason why it’s empty, spin the fucking bottle by oopsie_daisyy
"I was about to leave when you asked me to play spin the bottle, actually,” Dream explains with a knowing smile, one that Punz reciprocates easily. “But yeah, it’s fine. Just a regular boring party, nothing too special.” “I could make it special.” Dream rolls his eyes. “I know you can. Why else do you think I would stay at some shitty party?"
Personal notes: RAAAAA WHY ARE THEY SO DUMB I CANT FUCKING STAND THEM (is holding them so very closely)
Shatter you by Anonymous
The payment is given. The plan should start any minute now. Punz wouldn't say he'd changed his mind. He never truly agreed with this plan anyway. It's good that Dream is in a good spot for listening. Alternatively: Punz is an Ender Dragon hybrid who likes gold but likes his shiny employer better so he decides to keep him. Dream's a brat and needs to be taught his place.
Personal notes: go away leave me be. I have to be really abnormal about Ender Dragon Punz. (you hear the sound of someone eating paper)
A Goat & A Coyote by ConscientiousMonster, Melpomene_Muse_of_Tragedy
A coyote pack leader finds a goat spellcaster that's been tied up in ribbons and left for death by vultures. This is furry-flavoured Drunz porn.
Personal notes: I'm not a furry but five dollars is five dollars<===this is a reference. I'm actually probably a furry.
Without End by JanetBaby99
“We’re equals aren’t we? You and me no matter what,” Punz assures. “You don’t control me and I don’t control you.” Dream lets his words wash over him, taking them in and analyzing each one. … Even after all of this, seeing how weak Dream has become, seeing how he’s fallen, Punz still sees him as an equal on this godforsaken server. ___________________ After Dream escapes Pandora's Vault, he goes to Punz who helps him through the worst of his injuries, and assures Dream that he would love him no matter what.
all your ivory glory by eleostomercy
“You’re a cockslut.” Dream’s eyes flick up. He’s sure he makes quite the sight, knelt at Punz’s feet, knelt over a baby blue dildo, and dripping between his thighs with a hand on Punz’s cock. “What about it?” or, where dream has an idea and a need to be between punz's legs.
Personal notes: clapping and cheering and blowing the building up because its what they deserve.
twisted on my tongue by eleostomercy
I know what a sex machine is,” Punz mutters, unsteady on his feet as he rights himself by the refrigerator; the revelation is surprising, sure, but his own astonishment at Dream’s hidden possession is nearly gone. “I just didn’t think that—” “What?” Dream’s embarrassment has melted away by now, and it leaves in its place a sharp grin and gleaming eyes. “Didn’t think I would own one?” or, where dream reveals a well-kept secret and punz decides to give it his own gleaming review.
Personal notes: hey did you know that they're in love. Did you know that I'm throwing shit and maiming because they are in love.
their hungry thirsty roots by consumptive_sphinx
Punz, somewhere above him, sighs, and then there’s a flowering vine in his face and he can’t fucking breathe. His knees hit the ground again and this time Punz wraps an arm around his chest and doesn’t let go, combs through his hair with their fingers while he coughs until his eyes water. “Sorry, man,” they say, and “I know,” and “it’s alright.” Something’s fucking happening while he coughs and Dream doesn’t like drugs under the best of circumstances— they make him slow, they make him stupid, they make him off his game and he can’t be off his game— but the alarm is leeching away. It’s like trying to cling to water. By the time he can breathe again his legs feel too weak to move on.
Personal notes: hnnnn Egg fics.... my one (1) weakness....
pleasure in death by bugginmate
“Here’s how this is gonna work, sweetheart,” he murmurs, brushing Dream’s too long hair out of his face. “You’re going to do what I say. I’m gonna get you all worked up and begging for me. Then when- or if- I decide to let you feel good, I am going to kill you. Do you understand?” Dream and Punz are brainstorming ways to die for their limbo research.
Personal notes: two bros, chilling in their lab, fucking around against OSHA regulations.
Scour and Scorch by FraustiButBad (FraustiNoSnowman)
“Is everything about numbers to you?” He retorts. It’s a weak one, at that, not because it doesn’t mean anything to Punz, but because both of them know that it’s almost a hundred percent true, and Punz is proud of that fact. “Yes,” the lighter blonde admits. His thumb rests on the front of Dream’s chin, and he pulls Dream’s head down to eye level; Dream has to grip the table for him to not punch Punz in the face, or throw on his jacket and leave. “It’s all numbers to me. And where does that take me, sweetheart?” Punz does everything for numbers. • Dream and Punz, musicians, classmates, enemies, friends with benefits, are everything that could be set fire to.
Personal notes: the unreliable narrator that is Dream. also kink. peoples two favorite things.
Red Sweater by Typical_Kiwi
Punz really has to go to work and Dream's making it exceedingly difficult. (Punz isn't blameless.)
Home for the Holidays by Toasted_Poison
"So, where am I sleeping?” Dream asked, looking around the large room, the couch did look quite comfortable. Punz shook his head, opening his suitcase to unpack, “Are you playing dumb? In bed with me.” “Oh! Are we going to explore each other's bodies?” Dream teased. The dirty blond kicked off his shoes and shrugged off his jacket, placing it on the couch before his gloves joined it. He didn’t expect an answer from Punz, who was staring down at a blue shirt in his hands before looking up and smiling at Dream with a cock of his eyebrow. “If you’d like."
Personal notes: (you see an image of goofy floating in a fountain)
Play To Win by angeIofsmalldeath
He likes his roommate, he really does. All things aside, they’re relatively close and spend a decent amount of time together. Punz keeps his space neat, they split dish duty, and his rent is always on time. He’s not a bad roommate in the slightest. That does not change the fact that this is not the first time Dream has found himself incredibly annoyed on behalf of Punz and his stupid video game. Dream is sick of his roommate playing video games loudly all night long. So, they make a bet.
Personal notes: Listen. Listen. Listen. Actually Don't listen. Have you considered the benefits of shedding your skin and becoming a skeleton
i'll be unclean, i'll be obscene (you be the rest) by staged
“I wanna choke you.” Punz leans down to say in Dream’s ear, dragging his teeth against the lobe and pressing a wet kiss to his jaw. “Do it.” Dream pleads, rocking back on a harsh thrust. His eyes flutter, meeting Punz’s gaze with a forest of vulnerability, thick with desperate want. “What if I kill you?” Punz mouths down Dream’s neck, licking around the space between his fingers. It’s spoken like a suggestion, a sadistic fantasy that they want to play out. “Then bring me back.”
Personal notes: Theyre so wonderfully fucked up I would Die for them.
I miss ya, and our rendezvous by froghatter
Five times Punz and Dream made bets together and only once does Dream lose.
Transactional Satisfaction by TastesLikeBakingSoda
Punz takes his payment.
Personal notes: Don't look at me go away.
candy games by Royal_Stars
Dream wants to play a game. Punz obliges. Why wouldn't they, when they get kisses out of it? It leads to a bit more than the two of them bargained for, but hey, neither of them are really complaining.
Personal notes: I am slowly sliding them both together. then they kiss. then they kiss. then they
but the damage has been done by Anonymous
After weeks upon weeks of exhaustive experimentation on the nature of life, death, and revival, Punz and Dream are both tired. One of them was bound to break. But Punz is not going to let it be Dream.
Personal notes: they are full of mental illness and so am I.
Sublime by cosmicskies
Punz will make him food. He knows what Dream needs right now. Soft touches and to be showered in attention even though he scowls and tries to send the other away every time. During the moments where Dream can think without being shouted at by his own mind, he’ll tell Punz about the things he wishes he didn’t think. How sometimes, asking to be held is the scariest thing of them all. But they’re both touchy people.
Personal notes: (you hear explosions in the distance)
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tsams-confessions · 2 months
Okay ive seen a LOT of hate on ships here and as a multishipper, I wanted to put my two cents in and some out of five stars (I would like to state, with Moon questioning his aroace identity, ships are a bit iffy, but so long as he doesn't outright say he's aroace, I believe he feels some form of romantic attraction)
SolarMoon - 2/5:
its alright, I can see the healing relationship trope, and respect it, but the way they're portrayed together is either codependent on each other or just... So distant. plus, Moon is questioning his aroace identity so my opinion changes on this matter as his identity does too
SolarSun - 3/5:
Genuinly pretty cute, I support it. I love seeing hurt/comfort for the two, both grappling with theur trauma and losing the only person who cared for them at the time. Not really a reason for me to dislike it, just not my favorite.
Eclipse/Anyone - 0/5:
Okay, I know, I know, I just smashed every ship with Eclipse in it together, but theres a reason. One, he just kinda feels aroace to me, and a personal bias, I want the guy dead. He just sucks. I never cared for him, never will.
Lunar/Solar - 1/5:
This would be a 0, however Lunar has said, hes not a child, and his familial relationship with Solar isn't set in stone, but if they end up being related or adopted or whatever, 0/5, same goes for any other incestial ship
SolarRuin - 4/5:
I KNOW RUIN PLAYED EVERYONE LIKE A FIDDLE BUT HE DIDNT IN MY HEAD AND BESIDES, THE TWO OF THEM ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER. And when Moon told Solar, that ruin had tricked them all, the pain and disbelief in his voice, it was just so raw and emotional
Monty/Earth - 4/5:
Not all for it, Monty could be better, but honestly, really cute. I get that Earth was rushed into things but like, that happens sometimes. Unfortunately its part of life, but I think she kind of needed a non familial relationship with someone so Monty was the best thing
Monty/Moon - 3/5:
Okay so this one is iffy, early Moon and Monty, 5/5 PLATONIC partners, loved the sassy friendship, the general toxicity, and all. But New Moon and Monty? Yeah, I kinda ship it, its cute, the banter, everything. Again, if Moon identifies as Aroace, thjs becomes nonromantic, but they seem like they could have a good platonic relationship. THIS IS CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT MONTY AND EARTH ARE NOT INVOLVED
Monty/Sun - 3/5:
Again, only early sun and monty, cause now they dont have that same fling together, but early show Sun and Monty was so cute and honestly it could have happened. Im a glitter golf enjoyer outside of TSBS though, so might be biased.
Gemini/Lunar - 4/5:
Okay, I love Gemini, theyre onr of my favorite characters, and I love their relationship with Lunar, only reason why its not 5/5 is because it always feels a bit more of a Castor/Lunar thing, Pollux just never seemed all that interested which is fair
Sun/Foxy - 5/5:
Honestly, its my favorite ship, even for the joke, its still unnecessarily funny and cute
FoxyMonty - 0/5:
Sorrg For Any misspellings, its past midnight and I've got work tomorrow
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starlight-vixen-emiko · 5 months
Seashell Bracelet
Hey everyone this is my first failed attempt at writing Shadamy but I promised my Shadamy shipping friends I would write it. Shout out to @bearfoottruck and @punkeropercyjackson
I hope it's alright, I always wanted to write Shadamy because I am a multishipper in the Sonic fandom and reading some amazing Shadamy fanfiction by talented writers sold me.
And yes, the plot of this fanfic is basically that episode of Sonic X where Amy makes Sonic a seashell bracelet.....But make it Shadamy!
So enjoy!
Amy always loved going to the beach with her friends.
She loved everything about it! Swimming until you need to nap, looking for seashells, eating watermelon. But today, she couldn't help but space out a lot, which didn't go unnoticed by Cream.
Maybe Amy couldn't sit in a beach chair and watch the peaceful blue skies without thinking of how heroes risk their lives so she and her friends could have these beach days.
Everyone was so happy and relieved, and Amy wanted to be happy too. That's why she tried not to remember the gang's latest near-death experience.
But the moment Amy became breathless kept playing in her head, where Shadow used his entire body to guard her, and Amy stood as still as a statue watching Shadow's honorable sacrifice.
Every sharp cut hit Shadow, and Amy didn't receive a single cut on her delicate skin. Amy barely noticed wounds on Shadow, but she was told he was the Ultimate Lifeform; she didn't truly understand until she saw Shadow take every hit like it was nothing.
But when everything was deflected, Shadow took a moment to look at Amy, and her aqua-blue eyes sparkled as she saw the pain Shadow was holding in his deep red eyes. And before Amy knew it, Shadow had run away, even though she had tried to reach out for him.
Amy and the others escaped the deadly base before it exploded and went down in flames. But nobody knew where Shadow was, even Sonic, who raced around the remains of the destroyed base. And even if the day was saved, Amy couldn't help but stay up late at night wondering where Shadow was.
And now, even if the waves were gentle and the sky was clear, she couldn't forget that moment.
Shadow the Hedgehog was the Ultimate Lifeform. He had so much power that he needed golden bracelets to hold all that power in. Being created as a force of destruction must've been a lot for Shadow to go through.
Amy couldn't take that! She finally got up, walked away from the shady umbrella, and started to search the beach while all her friends played in the water and laughed.
She circled around the beach, looking for the best beach shells. Eventually, Cream looked at a distance from her inner tube, knowing that Amy wanted to make some seashell jewelry. But Amy was less happy and cheerful about it and more serious.
And she was! Amy spent hours finding the perfect tiny pink sea shells to make a bracelet. Eventually, Cream couldn't take it and tried to look over her shoulder.
"Are you making something, Miss Amy?"
Amy gasped and hid the bracelet she was making away. "No Cream!" She cried hastily.
Amy was sweating a lot, and Cream looked absolutely stunned, but Amy managed to smile sheepishly. "I'm just experimenting, that's all!"
Amy hoped that would be a good enough excuse.
Cream innocently smiled at Amy and took her hand to drag her off. Amy quickly clutched the unfinished bracelet in her hand; Cream didn't give her a moment to prepare.
"Well, you should eat dinner with us if you want to experiment with sea shells Miss Amy!"
Amy felt that was fair. She would spend time with everyone, put on a brave face, and have to finish the bracelet she was making for Shadow at night while everyone was asleep.
When Cream finally fell asleep smiling, Amy finally finished the seashell bracelet under the light of the stars and moon.
But it wasn't until she finished that she wondered if the whole thing was pointless. Shadow disappeared again and wouldn't let anyone in with everything that happened to him in the past. He always slipped away from her, and she placed the sea shell necklace down and laid down to watch the stars in the clear night sky.
That was until a beautiful shooting star flew above her, and Amy sat up in shock.
She could've chalked it up to lack of sleep, but that was the biggest shooting star she ever saw. It was bright silver and reminded her of when a certain black hedgehog unleashed the power of the seven chaos emeralds.
"Shadow!" Amy whispered.
Amy grabbed the bracelet and ran out of the bedroom, not bothering to stay quiet. It took her a moment to reach the beach, and her heart pounded, hoping he wouldn't slip away from her again. Shadow flew down and landed on the shore as he powered down from his super form. The black hedgehog stood alone and let the waves wash over his feet, and Amy stood quietly watching him.
Amy took two steps forward and hesitated momentarily. Still, after seeing Shadow's anguish, she couldn't help herself.
"Shadow!" Amy cried.
Shadow did a low gasp as he turned around. His bright red eyes looked absolutely bewildered at the pink hedgehog.
Amy placed her hand over her heart and found it hard to speak, but then her aqua-blue eyes softened, seeing a much gentler side of Shadow.
"You're back," she said.
Shadow frowned, then turned to the ocean when he saw Amy's heartbroken face. There was the sound of the ocean waves rolling in and out, and Shadow sighed.
"I couldn't give up because it was haunting," Shadow said. Amy didn't understand what Shadow meant, but she could feel the weight he must've carried from that fateful day.
Shadow thought about it again, how he shielded Amy and the look on her face when she saw him be so strong and so vulnerable at the same time.
Something Shadow didn't want to show to such an innocent girl. As cowardly as it was, he found himself walking away with his head low. But Amy puffed up her cheeks and ran to the shore to meet him.
Shadow wished she would find some sense and walk away, or the world might turn upside down as he may humor the idea for a moment.
But Shadow turned to her in surprise as she didn't beg him for anything. She just had her head down with her eyes closed and presented him with a seashell bracelet in her hands.
And for a moment, Shadow swore he felt his heart rate react differently, but just a moment.
Such primitive mortal emotions, but Shadow couldn't bring himself to say no. He attempted to accept the gift but pulled his hand away at the last moment.
Amy gasped and looked into Shadow's beautiful red eyes. The pink hedgehog felt stubborn and took his warm hand, and to her and Shadow's surprise, he didn't object.
Both felt a strange warmth they weren't used to, but Amy set that thought aside as she gently placed the seashell bracelet around his wrist. And she felt it complimented the solid gold bracelet he wore.
And both Amy and Shadow couldn't bring themselves to move as their hands touched and fit almost perfectly.
Amy went wide-eyed and started to blush, but before she could fall over, Shadow took her hands in his and looked away for a moment. Then his red eyes looked deep into her aqua eyes, and Amy couldn't bring herself to speak, so Shadow did it for her.
"...Thank you, Amy…"
Amy did a low gasp as she vibrated a bit. "Oh…"
Because she could reply, Shadow let go of her hands and used his super speed. He was gone before Amy could run after him, and once again, Amy felt helpless as she turned away, only for Cream, Tails, and Sonic to be not too far behind her.
Oh no! Amy was doomed! She wasn't sure how much they saw, but there was no sense in denying it as Cream ran up to her.
"Miss Amy!" Cream cried.
Amy tried to keep it together in front of Cream, but Cream looked incredibly concerned.
"Miss Amy! Has Shadow really returned?"
Amy looked away as a blush formed on her face.
Shadow wanted to leave this beach behind but stopped when he saw stars reflecting on the water and the full moon shining above him. And he looked down at the sea shells around his wrist and the innocent hedgehog girl who gave him this heartfelt gift.
He held his hand up to the moon and saw the shiny golden bracelet and the bracelet made out of delicate pink sea shells. It was strange that his cursed life led to this.
He thought he was the Ultimate Lifeform, born only to destroy, yet…
This one girl may be showing him that he was more than that…
But he had to protect her no matter what, which meant he had to leave this beach before she could run after him.
But the seashell bracelet would always keep her connected to him.
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limerental · 26 days
What's good about this Saint Iornon, for whom you unfairly threw out Roche/Ciri? Aren't you a multishipper? Then why do you accept only a favorite of the fandom, and not a rare ship? Why do you hate this ship?
Listen. Marina.
You've sent me dozens upon dozens of messages over the past weeks here and in my ao3 comments. Not responding to them hasn't worked. Turning off anon meant you harassed random people instead.
If I ever had a vague tickle of interest in writing Roche and Ciri having a relationship, that curiosity died a slow and painful death after your constant harrassment of me, my internet pals, anyone who ships things you dislike, and random strangers not even in the witcher fandom who thought you were shipping the kid and the horse.
No one you've been harassing wants to write Roche/Ciri. You are welcome to write it. I hope you get better and find it in yourself to find joy in creating something just for you even if no one else cares for it. That's the true spirit of being a rarepair shipper.
I have had great fun Roche shipping the past year because it's a little community full of some very cool, creative, and encouraging people who have put in the work for their rarepairs of choice and, most importantly, put in the work for a healthy fandom community.
Anyway, I know you won't read or process any of this. Others responding kindly and intelligently have done nothing to get through to you. I won't waste more time than this. I have no ill will toward you or your ship. I'm not going to write it or engage with you. No one is.
But jesus fucking christ, leave me alone.
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tamelee · 9 months
I had stopped being able to read the naruto manga way back near the beginning of shippuden (it was still coming out at the time) due to the store I had access to not bothering to carry the volumes anymore (man am I old 🤣) then different fandoms caught me and years go by so my mind has the sasuke naruto meeting with sasuke draping himself over naruto to threaten him and sakura being competent with healing kankuro and fighting sasori... so I was...confused when I recently fell back into the fandom why sakura would even be with sasuke...as I felt mature medic nine fighter girl would have understood that she'd had a crush and moved on.
Like, Naruto and Sasuke had so much stuff between them I get why they haven't let each other go.
So it seemed weird as hell that sakura would even still "like" sasuke... as her original feelings stemmed from childish "he's so cute and broody" which is okay in a 12 year old girl but less okay as an adult woman...
The naruhina I though, ah, he and hinata must have had many moments in all the parts I've missed, and bonded...oh...she just...endangers herself and confesses to which naruto doesn't react at all...and then their married...
As a shonen manga I figured we wouldn't get a blatant narusasu ending (even though they are the best) ...I'm even a cheery multishipper often for characters I like but...it was so sad. I'd of been happier to have it end with shion just randomly turning up to have naruto keep his baby making promise...
Anywho sorry for blathering on.
I adore your art as well, it's super pretty and I need all the naruto x sasuke content to heal my shipper soul...
Hi @roseunspindle ! Oh gosh!! You couldn’t read past the reunion scene??? I would’ve gone crazy 😭
Yeah, Sakura never matured in that department. Even in the sequel where she’s supposedly married to Sasuke, Ino derisively says she’ll forever stay a girl in love. Like the story had to spell it out for readers. There is this weird vibe between her and Sarada when it comes to Sasuke.. I don’t even know how to describe it but it’s creepy. Even when there is a kid involved somehow and they speak of marriage, Sasuke gives her no reason to love him romantically and it surprises her still that he showed no concern for her life whatsoever. Sasuke, who expresses through action in most cases, is still as indifferent as ever towards her. 
Sakura has moments where she shows some care for characters, mainly driven by her being a medic, but emotionally, it is bizarre how little she cares about Sasuke and yet, at the same time seems to only care about him... if it involves herself. She doesn’t even question why Sasuke does what he does or tries to understand how he feels. Even when she gets fed little snippets of his pain or the source of that, she doesn’t try to find an answer. In the very end she doesn’t even give a shit about his reason to travel or defend his words regarding "redemption". She felt entitled to an apology while she was the one going up to him with the intention to kill him. Even when he tries to explain why he wants to travel, she just cuts off his words because she wants to go with him regardless of his intentions or goals. I get why some people wanted a development for Sakura where she’d be able to let that crush for him go, but story-wise? That would take a lot from Kishimoto because there is also a lot of insecurity involved too.. And frankly, she's very much a red herring :')
Meh, nh... I have nothing to say. 
Well, SNS-fans often say their story is very tragic. But that’s not just how we feel, it IS a fact that Naruto and Sasuke went from receiving a semi-sweet/bitter-sweet (depends on how you look at it as we got a resolve but not a clear resolution yet) in ch 698/699 to a bitter ending in 700 where they suddenly not only didn’t have what they wanted, but certainly not what they needed either. To combat that in the sequel, they shoved all the problems of the world onto a bunch of aliens... distracting everyone from the hypocrisy of the system. Neither Naruto or Sasuke got to work on the thing they wanted and their internal desires were completely massacred for the sake of these kids. And both of them have shown that if they don’t have what they need, they will fail the thing they ultimately want. Meaning, the Shinobi world will forever stay the same while spitting on their dream for the future and the trauma they had to go through because of it. It’s not even about SNS or the story being Shonen... but the concept, which Sasuke talked about at the end that was supposed to be a vehicle for a better world is completely retconned. 
... but I’m happy that besides that, SNS is still widely and largely celebrated regardless. And that says a lot! I’m happy to hear you like my art 🥰💕 that really means a lot, thankyou so much!! (I’m trying to heal myself through them too ;-;!) 
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What's your april ships? Is it April x Mikey and April x Leo?
Or do you ship April with all the boys in their own respective ships?
....yes? XDD
Just kidding lol.
I do ships April with all the boys, in a monogamous relationship, as the apritello, leopril, raphril, aprilangelo, my top top 5 =w=. But sometimes I'm like, yeh nevermind, let's make a polycule. XD
It'll be messier, funnier but still full of love. That girl has a ton of love to share and she has enough for all of them.
I know there'll be people who can be uncomfortable with that kind of trope (?), and it's fine. *Dramatic sigh* the pain of being a multishipper, lmao just kidding, ya can just ignore it 👍
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thaly-does · 7 months
Sooo I came [back] to the SPN fandom after many many years of being completely out and [thanks to my dearest] this time I'm going to fully dedicate myself to wincest.
Naturally, I'm a multishipper. I don't care much how many other pairings with my fav chars exist / usually I ship more than one thing per fandom or per character.
But them. Oh, them.
The Winchesters. Sam and Dean. Dean and Sam. I hear how their names merge in my head into something entwisted so much it'll never get unraveled again.
They. Have. Everything.
In my usual little doll plays with the characters I prefer to go rather dark. Rather sick. Sometimes, rather dirty. Not for the sake of general evilness, naturally and inevitably inherent to being an artist, but for the sake of feelings.
The contrast is better where it's darker. The light is brighter. The love is sweeter when there's pain, the hope is luminous when there's despair. The contrast enhances the emotional impact.
But Dean and Sam? Sam and Dean?
They already have it. They have everything and anything. The pitch black and the beam light. It's been made canon, probably, years ago.
Then I thought: what had ever made my brain go full-time crazy mod? What had ever squeezed my heart so tight I couldn't breathe?
Here are some of the best [imo] moment of my other fandom's biggest OTPs. Some ships are canon, some are not. But all of the moments DID canonically happens. [I'm using X & Y so it's more descriptive]
X & Y are constantly being forced to fight each other despite their genuine connection. the forcing power massively prevails their own. that's how their relationship starts... and how it ends, with X finally forced to kill Y. then X has to restart the whole world so they could be together again.
X & Y met when both were mentally down and then spent a horrible amount of time being tortured in the cruelest way alongside each other. later, they could let go of their twisted connection. but they don't.
X silently begs Y to kill him after committing the Literally Worst Crimes Possible for which he'll never forgive himself. Y complies. Y never stops thinking about X.
X spends his whole life protecting Y with growing understanding that Y will never accept his nature.
X sacrifices himself sexually, mentally and physically at once to the person he despises the most - simply in order for Y to get away from that monster.
X (who's kind of been a psycho murderer) went through a terrible experience where half his personality got destroyed. Y takes care of him despite the previous attempt of X to kill Y in cold blood. They end up fixing it (in a way).
X is obsessed with Y to a weird, absolutely not redeemable level. Body dismemberment included.
X is successfuly fighting the massive-level brainwashing so he doesn't hurt Y, although everyone they both knew and loved die around them.
X goes so mental after Y dies that he is committing a terrorist attack suicide so the world could feel their pain.
X goes full on self-sacrifice during a rescue attempt for Y [okay that's way more than one thing but it gets me every time!]
X says "Hey Y, we die together or no way at all". and so they do.
X never recovers after betraying Y and later goes through big torture time with the thought it was deserved for that betrayal.
X & Y [& a kid] slash through an endless amount of enemies so they could be a family together
X & Y are destined to be together but they go "fuck destiny"... and stay together for who they are.
X & Y fight together against a clearly overpowered villain. and win.
X & Y seem to desperately want to finish each other off but never act upon it when there's an opportunity. they're so different that they're the same.
X dies in a stupid accident. Y tries to save his life, and, when it's not possible anymore, dies alongside, refusing to live in a world without him.
X dies and Y can't let go of the corpse. Even when the rotting visibly starts.
X has memory issues but he's done some terrible things (child murder, massacre). There is solid proof. Y does not believe that for a second, because Y knows X to the core.
None, I mean it, none of these is wincest.
But, looking back... How many of them fit to be? How many of them could fit with the right situation? How many of literally (imo) most heart-moving tropes seem to be made for this pairing of brothers whose love trascends any normal limits?
So, yeah... I'm really gonna dedicate myself to wincest these days.
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