#the notebook from DHMIS
butteredmilkbread · 1 year
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Hey!! Happy Valentine’s Day sorry I haven’t been posting much!! Take a sketch of what I’m up too!! I’ll probably never finish it though so Lmao don’t expect to see it done today (maybe tomorrow or next week tbh)
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momochimchim · 11 months
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Pew Pew *´ㅅ`)゙♥
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
anyways im inspired by that new one that just dropped so
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incredipuppy · 2 years
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Dhmis drawings from school
(Anyway can you tell I’m obsessed)
(I’m gonna have to make another post with humanized Red guy because I ran out of room)
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🎨What’s your favorite idea?🎨
Sort of a redraw/repaint of this but not really
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meows-on-you · 1 year
I might be ✨un-loveable✨ but atleast I'm ✨🎨✏creative🖌🖍✨
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nem0-nee · 1 year
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RKGK hell ft. another sona!! (Bc one isn't enough ahahahahaha)
Providing a silly sneak peek of "Nemo"!! Surprisingly not twisted from Nemo the clownfish 💀
Some little crumbs of trivia:
Nemo is mainly inspired by an old sona design of mine! I loved the idea of obscuring the face with a notebook of sorts.
She's also inspired by a certain DHMIS character >:)) Ironic that she got sorted to Diasomnia of all dorms (iykyk)
Her main schtick is the [sketchpad] on her face. This [sketchpad]. These pages contains her so-called "identities" in which she can use to express herself.
Without the [sketchpad], Nemo is unable to express herself.
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helloemptyset · 2 years
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[ image: A drawing of the three main characters from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, posed as if taking a photo together. Red Guy is standing behind Yellow Guy and Duck, with a hand on either one of their shoulders and a flat expression. Duck looks displeased, arms crossed, and Yellow Guy looks deeply uncomfortable, clutching the front of his overalls with a wide mouthed, horrified expression.  The background is light blue with pink, yellow, orange, and green shapes, with darker blue text surrounding Red Guy's head saying 'DHMIS'. On either side of his head, in darker blue, are pictures representing episodes of both the web series and the television series: A notebook, a clock, a heart, a computer, an open can, and a plug on one side, and a briefcase, a coffin, a family tree, a hand in a 'stop' sign, a car, and a battery on the other. ]
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plinktastic · 9 months
I can post text only posts on tumblr therefore I can post my bugbo x dhmis fanfic, so, may I present to you...
Dont Hug Me I'm Bugbo
(gerbo, joe, and bugbo all walking in the rain)
"dont worry, im sure we will find shelter eventually" bugbo says, hand shielding his face from the rain. "and if not, the rain *will* stop at some point" he said, turning to gradient joe who was absolutely sopping wet, and unable to talk because his papers would be to soaked to read.
"oh grub i hope s- ..wait, bugbo look!" gerbo says, pointing to a large pink house with a dark blue door, "we should ask them if we can stay until the rain stops!"
"well, we dont have a choice do we" bugbo responds, quickly walking up to the door before knocking a few times, his friends trailing close behind.
silence fills the house, a sense of dread overcoming the 3 friends sitting around the table.
"...is someone at the door?" yellow guy finally asks, hesitating for a moment.
after another second of silence red guy gets up and walks towards the door, slowly placing his hand on the door handle.
the sound of the pouring rain fills the house, followed by the strange bugs voice. "ah, hello, my soon-to-be-friend, my name is bugbo. mind if we stay for a bit?" he asks, gesturing slightly to his friends.
"uhh.. come in" red guy responds, clearly not knowing what to say, but allowing the odd group into the house.
despite all the things they have seen, this "bugbo" creature and his friends seem to be the strangest, but nonetheless they were glad to see someone other then one of the self proclaimed "teachers".
as gerbo stepped into the house, he shoke the water off slightly like a dog. "hello! my name is gerbo!"
"and what are you? some sort of germ?" duck responded, glaring at gerbo.
"ah, easy mistake to make, my dear friend gerbo here is a spider." bugbo corrected, making uncomfortable eye-contact with duck.
"well, uh, do you need a towel or.. something?" red guy asked, after only barely talking to the same 2 people for as long as he could remember his social kills were clearly lacking.
gradient joe glanced towards bugbo, still unable to communicate, bugbo picking up on what he wanted as it was very obvious as he was still drenched.
"Oh, yes, do you happen to have a spare notebook as well? Joe here cant talk and his is soaked beyond repair" bugbo asked, causing them to somehow go even more awkwardly silent as before.
"is everything o-" Gerbo responded after a moment, before being quickly interrupted by a voice coming from the room next to them. They couldn't quite make out what it was saying because of the distance.
"oh, thats just one of those guys, ignore it" duck said, speaking louder then normal in an attempt at covering the voice, clearly annoyed.
"ill.. go get you a towel then. or. a few towels i guess." red guy added, walking off further into the house. as red guy walked away yellow guy looked up from what he was doing.
"oh, hello" he said, slightly off-put from seeing unfamiliar people.. or, bugs, i guess.
"hello!" gerbo, not picking up on his uneasiness, walked over to him "what are you doing? can i watch?"
"oh, im doing a crossword" yellow guy responded, pointing to a section on the newspaper.
"i bet bugbo would be good at one of those! he knows so many words" gerbo smiled, sometimes bugbo would use a word he'd never heard before but he could usually figure it out through context.
"I suppose i would be, may i see the paper?" bugbo said, walking up to the table aswell. yellow guy handed over the newspaper, flipping it over to face bugbo who looked at it for a moment before shaking his head.
"hm. not for me i guess" he said before turning over to joe."why dont you give it a try?"
joe stopped shivering and walked over to the table beside bugbo, pulling out his red crayon. bugbo slide the paper towards him as he pulled up his sleeves as to not get the paper wet.
after just a minute he had solved the crossword, amazing almost everyone in the room.
"You really are the cleverest person i know" bugbo said.
"woah!! that was so fast!" gerbo quickly added.
the excitement in the room washed over duck, whos attention was focused on the fact that bugbo and his friends were just like better versions of him and his friends.
Bugbo and red guy were both tall, and almost the same color, but bugbo was more outgoing.
Gerbo and yellow guy were both a little dumb, and a similar color yet again, but gerbo seemed to be having tons fun despite everything.
and lastly, joe and duck, they didnt have to many similarities but instead were more like opposites. joe was quiet and went along with anything, while duck was loud and rebelled at any chance possible.
its almost like they took their biggest flaws and flipped them into strengths.
the worst part is how good of friends they were.
duck was sure they were planted there to teach them something, like the many teachers before them. just as he was about to say something, red guy returned with a handful of towels.
"ah, i almost forgot" bugbo said, taking the towels and handing them to gerbo and joe, both of them quickly starting to dry themselves as they were not used to being wet, it doesn't rain much in bugland.
"one more thing, do you have a heater? its quite cold in here" bugbo asked, while clearly being unbothered by the frigid temperature.
the group expectantly turned to the thermostat, who followed along by coming to life. "te-!"
just as it came to life, the thermostat turned back to normal, just from the single word. it was then turned up, slowly warming the house back up to a normal heat.
"h- how did you.." red guy started, before trailing off.
"we dont have time for that" bugbo responded, clearly unnerving them again, and only confirming ducks theory.
their gaze slowly traveled up to the clock on the wall, but it stayed put, as a normal clock should.
"are you guys.. okay?" gerbo asked, finally noticing the ever so cuttable tension in the room. "we can leave if you want!"
"no, gerbo, you dont want to get soaked again, do you?" bugbo said, "and plus, i think we might be able to help"
"we dont want your help!" duck responded, "i dont want to get roped into another stupid lesson again! im tired of this!"
"well, thats not a very kind thing to say" bugbo said, somehow keeping his calm demeaner. "but if thats how you want it to be, we will be out of your hair as soon as the rain clears up"
"wait" yellow guy spoke up.
maybe these guys where different then the other teachers? plus, they didnt immediately overwhelm them with facts that didnt make any sense, so maybe it was a chance that needed to be taken.
"can you show me how to do this crossword too?"
or... not.
Joe helped with the crossword as the rain slowly cleared up, and they were on their way as promised, leaving the towels nicely folded on the table.
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this is a photo of me reading the fanfic outloud to you, hope you enjoyed!
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cosmosgroundhogday · 2 years
Why the DHMIS youtube series is centred around ASD (autism), entirely based around just the songs for now
All three of the main guys show so many ‘tism traits
- all hate change at different points
- every single song relates to a different ‘tism symptom/trait/stereotype
The Creativity Song
- children with ASD are a lot more likely to display a deep sense of creativity and imagination
- they often show lower performance in creativity as it’s all in the brain and unable to express it
- which is essentially the entire song
- the notebook (social rules) is explaining to the three guys how to be creative, limiting what they’re allowed to do, and everything they suggest themselves is told wrong
- yellow guy paints a clown ridiculously quickly and he’s told to “slow down” and destroys the painting (destroying autistic kid’s creativity because what they can express is usually entirely outside of the primary school education)
- the childish primary school activities that ensue that they keep doing “wrong”
- “green is not a creative colour” (this feels like a long shot but there’s the primary media theory that essentially because he doesn’t pick a primary colour like red guy chooses blue and green guy chooses red, he’s not following the primary education, and so this can link to growing up too fast which is a thing a lot of tism kids are forced to do, so yellow guy is ‘mature for his age’ choosing green, and obviously notebook is not happy)
- and then the whole chaos that ensues is mostly the horror aspect, if I can get some film analysis in during a rewatch i shall
The Time Song
- it’s more an adhd trait but it happens in asd too, simply just the disassociation from time
- also obsessive schedules, as to not lose the concept of time
- “an old man died but look a computer”, theorised as the clock keeping the guys from thinking about death to lure them into whatever horror he’s got in store, however what about the fact that autistic people while more empathetic than neurotypical will often not be effected by the concept of human death unless they know them, (idk how much sense that makes but say a cat died that you never knew, that’s sad, but a human dies that you never knew, no feelings, obviously people you know it’s a different story a lot of the time but hopefully you know what i mean)
- the entire scheduling, with fish and bath, forcing of schedules so you don’t lose track of time, cuz often people with asd won’t eat unless they think about the time as hunger isn’t something they will always feel
The Love Song
- my absolute favourite and jesus christ there’s a LOT
- so the yellow guy is aroace, poly, and autistic, and it all shows in this song
- he calls a butterfly a “little baby pigeon”, this is tism in itself
- the first part of a song is literally about how people are ‘different’ and in an ideal world it wouldn’t make a difference and they should live in harmony
- I can quote every single line in this song and go “THIS IS AUTISM”
- autistic people obviously can feel love, but it’s another concept like gender that in most cases is so much more confusing
- “no it’s a feeling deep inside” “because I’m hungry” - !!!!!!!
- by the end of the song monogamous marriage begins being displayed like a cult
- why would you demonise monogamy in a show like this?
- apart from maybe the fact most autistic people are polyamorous
- because, social rules aren’t real
- and humans are biologically polyamory
- it’s just social conventions that make us monogamous
- but when you’re autistic
- you’re more likely to ignore that
- so
- you see where i’m going :)
- “he’s made for her and she’s made for him that’s the way it’s always been”
- and so ensues feeding Malcolm gravel
- monogamy is a cult
- autistic people >>>>>
The Computer Song
- the biggest metaphor for gifted kid burnout I’ve ever seen
- the way autistic people are treated robotically and praised for enhanced mental abilities as everything about them just b r e a k s
- gifted kids are very clever-y guys
- they can count to a ‘fifty in the blink of an eye
- and paint a picture
- and they can tell you the time
- also the fact that autistic kids are more drawn to technology and being ✨online✨ as an escape from the real world
- red guy being incredibly against change is another thing that’s going on
- the ‘digital home’ could essentially be an autistic brain
- not feeling 🥰real🥰
- wow, look a pie chart
- digital style
- do a digital dancing
- so basically most gifted kids thrived in maths, not always but it’s the main stereotyped one
- the same three being repeated
- eventually “wow look nothing”, the burnout has become
- your skills are gone
- what you gonna do now?
- keep opening the door for it to come back?
- nothing
- it all speeds up and eventually unplugged
- just
- burnout :)
The Healthy Song
- metaphor for ARFID, an ED that’s associated with autism
- as I said I’m not rewatching the actual episodes yet so I’m going entirely off what I remember (which isn’t a lot cuz I hated this episode with a passion) and the song on a spotify playlist
- the explanation of hunger at the start, which is something confusing in autistic people
- pretty sure the can and the other lad will only let the guys eat plain food in little amounts and claims that’s ‘healthy’
- also the explanation of the body as a house, it’s just all very confusing which is a metaphor in itself
- even though ARFID is an ED around the texture of foods and not amounts it still kind of makes sense??
- this one’s a bit of a stretch
- but bread, cream, and plain white sauce keeps the body ticking over??
- that’s limited flavour and texture
- fancy show-offy foods like cooked meats, fruit salads, soil food and yolk is bad
- too much flavour and texture
- but then eventually even plain white sauce is bad
- having a comfort food so much you can’t touch it anymore
- but it’s hard to find a replacement
The Dreams Song
- this one bored me when I used to watch the series
- and I can’t tell a lot from the song apart from it reflects on the entire series
- so
- idk
- but they all have autism and it’s different trait from the spectrum every episode
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wackysach · 1 year
Got a drawing of your human design of Sketchbook after the creativity explosion from the original DHMIS?
hmmm, i don't thiiiink so ? there might be a doodle or something related to that lying around in one of my notebooks but i'm too lazy to look through allat rn.
i do have this old thing i drew that sort of ties in with that ? (⚠️ warning for some blood n' stuff)
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it was originally supposed to be me doing cute lineless art for fun but then the dark side in me said "nah we not doin' that today" so i proceeded to not do that that day. 😂
just thought i'd mention this isn't anything lore-related. a lot of my lore changed anyway since i made this so take it as you will.
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butteredmilkbread · 1 year
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LOOK WHAT I DID!! YAYYYYYY (Ik damn well nobody will see it but whatever)
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I haven't seen it yet, so here's a Crossover of two of my favorite series rn!
Dhmis and TMA
So to start off I think that Lesley is an avatar of the Spiral and Roy an avatar of the Web. The two decided to conduct an experiment "together" to feed both their fears. But they needed help, so reluctantly Roy got Elias to supply them with subjects. Statement givers specifically.
In return the Eye gets to watch too. Though not always, to appease Lesley.
The subjects are stripped of their full names and identities and turned bizarre. With a bit of stolen power from the Flesh.
Red guy, arrived at the archives to give a statement about an encounter with the Stranger. Duck was dragged in reluctantly after an encounter with the Vast. Yellow guy hadn't been taken from the archives like the other two. Instead he was Roy's bastard son which he'd never met, Elias thought that fact was too juicy too resist.
The teachers each sort of represent and play along the fears. The clock, the notebook, and the computer are of the Web and the Spiral, with some the Eye mixed in. The food gang is of the Flesh and the Hunt. The lamp is of the Dark. I'll add on the TV show because I wouldn't want it incomplete. The briefcase and the workplace are of the Web, Spiral, and Hunt. The coffin is of the End and the Lonely. The family is of the Stranger and Hunt. Warren is of the Stranger and Web. The Transforming car is of the End, the Desolation, and the Web. Electracy is of the Web as well.
These are just my opinions. The fears working together to terrorize these 3.
Also maybe instead of the batteries, Yellow guy becomes an avatar of the Eye. Hell make them all end up avatars. Red guy of the Lonely, Duck of the Hunt.
Anyway that's all, have a good day.
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wormturned · 4 months
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Been thinking about DHMIS lately
Anyways thing I doodled in class yesterday lol
Image ID: two pencil drawings on notebook paper. In the first Yellow Guy from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared asks, "Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something?"
The second image shows Duck, reading a newspaper, and Red Guy, drinking coffee. Duck says "No." Red Guy says, "Nope." Duck continues, "Definitely not."
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pingu-4 · 2 years
This fandom is some crazy weird shit and I live for it
Like, people from this fandom are like "Yeah, I waited 6 years to see more of show what look like its for little kids but for real its just crazy puppets who are always dead, sad, psyhopats or something you can't describe. Also, do you remeber how we shipped a notebook ald a clock? Now we ship a red mop and duck. And theres so many conspiracy theories about what is going on in the show or who is doing this weird things but we still don't know and we don't know if we ever will know for 100%. And here you have some cute arts right next to ship arts and bloody/gore arts."
And I think that everyone here at least once were like "Oh lets watch dhmis beacuse it randomly crossed throught my mind."
And at the same time even if its a little creepy show everyone is nice here (I didn't meet any toxic person in the fandom yet).
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animentality · 2 years
goncharov was the natural progression for Tumblr, I think.
We already had the most nonsensical ships on the internet, shipping stuff as bizarre as the notebook and the clock from dhmis, 4chan and tumblr, Akinator and Einstein, Shrek and Spongebob. 
Creating alternate ships like that Akira (Voltron) nonsense. 
Now we’ve taken the next logical step in the madness that encompasses this site like brain cobwebs, and we’re just. 
We’re just making up a movie, and there are two men, because that’s how it always starts, and they love each other, and they shot each other, and-and they’re so in love- 
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