#the muse is so high rn
feveredblurs · 4 months
"i like taking care of you . i’d be happy to do it for the rest of our lives ." (mal to ro)
maybe, when she had claimed that she couldn’t care less about isi’s growing success, loud enough for everyone at the afterparty to hear, she wasn’t being exactly truthful. maybe she had sunk deeper into her denial as she told herself the alcohol didn’t burn when she downed another shot, and then another, desperate not to feel.
it was better than remembering her last conversation with isi, anyway – awkward and distant, as if she was talking with a stranger. had she really changed so much over the years? or was ro simply blind to who she truly was?
and who the hell was that guy up on stage with her?
pedro tries to get her back to the hotel room, but it’s mal who finally succeeds in pulling her away from the bar. ro’s demeanor instantly shifts around her, no longer shooting sharp words at whoever’s in range – instead, she melts in the other’s arms, craving closeness in a way her sober self wouldn’t normally allow to show.
the cab ride back to the hotel feels too short; ro wonders if she dozed off on mal’s shoulder, or if she imagined the way she gently held her hand the entire time. ro wishes she would never have to let go.
her senses don’t feel as cloudy by the time they get to her hotel room. her coordination, however, still leaves much to be desired. ro stumbles only three steps in, and reaches for mal’s hand – yet it’s not enough to save her from the fall. she laughs as she lands on her back, wondering if she looks as ridiculous as she feels.
“ sorry you have to be stuck on babysitter duty tonight. ” despite her playful tone, there’s more to her apology, all the words she can’t bring herself to say just yet. sorry i ruined the party. sorry i can’t stop thinking about her.
ro expects to get a joke right back. she’s stunned into silence when mal offers a much more honest remark in return. how could she say something like that, baring her soul when ro had held onto her own feelings for dear life?
“ stop... ” she pleads in a low voice. her breath hitches, and ro can’t tell whether she’s about to throw up or cry; she brings a hand to cover her face for good measure anyway. “ don’t say that. this isn’t how you should be spending your days – or nights. ” deep down, ro wants to believe her. but her scars have her fearing mal will just turn away and leave at the first sign of trouble.
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with a deep breath, she pushes herself to a sitting position, knees pressed to her chest. it hurts to look at mal, and she’s willing to bet it’s not just from the bright lights in the room. “ mal, you deserve way better than... this shit. ” ro gestures for the space around her, desperately trying to ignore the ache in her chest. “ someone who’s not still hung up on their ex like an idiot. ”
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mccoyquialisms · 2 months
Lapin x Aguefort was not in my bingo card but by god was it fucking funny
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attroxx · 4 months
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okay fuck it, this is an inbox call for ghost so if you want this serial killer to bother your muse like this post. ( multi’s specify for who )
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per-oceanum · 3 months
The dash, currently: smüt
My muse, at this very moment: what if I wrote out in detail the exact moment Whitebeard cut off Crocodile's hand & cleaved through his face simultaneously-
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shadowedresolve · 1 month
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okay so like i swear i'll stop posting starter calls soon i'm so sorry but would anyone like an ann or toshiro starter. uwu.
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inky-evergreen · 3 months
One of the many things that makes me want to disintegrate into the ground is when I have many ideas from different interests that I don't know which interest I want to draw or post first. It's like every cartoon, analog horror/ARG, and game I ever liked where at a boxing ring fighting for a chance to be the thing that consumes my brain for the week or so.
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jennycalendar · 1 year
OH and during critique today my professor made a real big point of letting me know in front of the class that everyone finds my creative output super engaging and that this is something i should seriously consider pursuing consistently and perpetually, and since in my drawing class i am very shy AND this is the first time i have brought something so important to me into the classroom without any kind of artifice or attempt to make it have Broader Appeal than "these are my blorbos" i almost died a little getting that kind of positive feedback
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nobuverse · 9 months
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"You sknow....I always...I'm gettin' 'his feeling...that uh...not everyone at 'sa temples follow tha eight pa...paths. Liiike...do you really need THAT much gold...?"
Someone has decided to get themselves profoundly drunk and talk philosophy. This can only go well.
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havfayth · 1 year
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jing yuan is extremely self-sacrificing, selfless to a fault and this is played all the way from his extremely compassionate side and his early role training to become a cloud knight and his environment. he is consistently told to fight for the xianzhou, even if it meant striking down the mara-struck form of his comrades. he is working as a general behind the desk despite his disinclination, even going as far as to abandoning his dream of travelling the galaxy. all for the luofu and paperwork on his desk who needed him. till the point he felt he had no choice but to deal with these trouble until fu xuan is mentally ready to take on the job.
but behind all of that, he also carried a strong form of guilt. out of five of them, only jing yuan remained to have been living mara-free ( at least for now ) and it haunts him everyday. losing his friend one by one have been silently snapping him from the inside, though he keeps his composure well on the outside to fulfill his role as a leader and bring a peace of mind to the people of luofu. everything he does, no matter how 'unreasonable' or 'low' it is, always tie to the greater good of others, his friends and for luofu. he never argued against it.
even if he went to bailu for his breathing and chest problems ( highly because of a panic attack ), he still turned his visitation to an opportunity to inquire about her wellbeing, made sure she is alright and did not accept any medicine from her. to help yanqing and fu xuan grow into the roles they aspire, he does not have time to care for his garden either.
he is ready to throw himself into the barrage of criticisms, insults or even accusations for what he feels is right for those around him - from exiling dan heng from luofu to taking responsibility for blade's escape to having yanqing to become his lieutenant. he never allowed anyone else to carry those harsh words / criticisms other than himself. he'd even take responsibility for mimi's great appetite ( even though he was swindled by the seller ), tried to find a way around himself and worsen his reputation rather than outing his beloved lion friend to the public. as long as the ones he love can live a fairer and freer life.
while he is known to have counsellors, he always ended up making decisions due to his strategic intelligence. as a headcanon, this in turn would bleed into how he behaves around his friends. making decisions on their behalf, always for the good of their personal well-being but tends to never ask for their input, where jing yuan, himself, is concerned. that is why there is no one who can truly grasp what jing yuan is or his mindset.
however, for his friends, it goes and stretches way beyond that. he freed blade, and even his old friend dan feng from the crimes they committed, willing to take the thousand of tongue lashing from the preceptors over his choices. though he also suspects that the preceptors may have something to do with the crisis that occurred, he always picked the road to least losses even if it meant bearing responsibilities on his end and he never minded to do that. jingliu being alive might even serve to the fact that he failed to kill her as he should've. because he can't stand the idea of them having to suffer where he could use his rank to set them free.
he will never be satisfied with an outcome where he cannot minimize the losses around him and will always go to the beyond for his friends and luofu, even at the cost of himself.
on the worst case scenario, he could be on his way to developing a martyr complex.
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yeonban · 4 months
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Remembered Soma was turned into a member of the Obsidian Eight
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aeviare · 4 months
{okie answered a few things and queued a few more. didn't do as much as i was hoping for, but that's alright c: there's always tomorrow. i'll probably drop to low activity and discord for now <3}
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yookimi · 1 month
i work closing tomorrow so i wont be around, i've been highly focusing on commissions but i'll do my best to be more active this weekend, so expect some answers , replies , etc. and uhh go ahead and like this for a meme call !
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stcries · 1 year
peaks head onto dash ... okay but anyone else finding ganon's new design for the new botw game to be extremely hot -
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w1redsmile · 1 year
u all will still love me if i start answering shit on mobile , right ????
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stonedgilbert · 8 months
Jeremy emerges from some crypt somewhere solely to be horny on main and I love that for him
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sereniv · 5 months
When i decided not to vote for biden I was looking back to what a lot of us say:
"if i was alive back during the Holocaust, i wouldnt have been a nazi. I would have been on the right side. I would have done something. I would have stood up even if it got me killed. I wouldnt fall into the brainwashing, I would have been one of the good ones."
Ive said something similar as that over different conversations. And its obviously just a sentiment and not said realistically. Because you dont know if you would. You dont know what the culture was around that time. But most of all,
we have that chance to prove that we would have done the right thing. That we wont fall into the propaganda, we will do the right thing, we will help.
Its easy to say you would be one of the good ones in the face of such an injustice like genocide. It's a self congratulatory thought only until you actually take action.
And we have that option right now.
That means not supporting those who aid in genocide, like biden.
trump might win and thats dangerous and i equally dont want that, but none of what we havnt already experienced is worth supporting the elimination of a whole culture, history, people, traditions.
Biden HAS to lose to send a message that there are consequences to their actions. That they cant do whatever they want.
Its something we can all do, to do what we criticize people in the past for not doing, and to prove that we will follow through with what we said we'd do.
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