#the house of hades
lilislegacy · 2 months
*percy controlling akhlys’ poison to use it against her and choking her on her own tears and saliva*
annabeth: never do it again. never do anything like it again. i’m begging you
many years later
*percy and annabeth’s teenage children being held at knifepoint by enemies, seconds away from being killed*
annabeth: percy, do it
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"percy manipulated bob" "percy manipulated charon" i think the thing we all need to focus on more is the fact that he accidentally manipulated the whole of the pjo fandom into seeing him as dumb and stupid when he was just insecure as hell
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saffronwritesstuff · 3 months
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devils-little-sista · 18 days
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frogdisco2021 · 5 months
I genuinely believe that Nico did not know that being gay was a thing or that there was a word for it and he literally thought he was the only boy to ever fall in love with another boy. Like he truly thought he was just a broken freak of nature cursed to only ever love people who could never love him back and did not realize that a whole swath of the population is the same.
Jason was probably like "hey man it's okay, I can't imagine any of the others rejecting you for being gay" and Nico being from the 40s and not knowing what that means is like "did you just call me gay, Jason???" And Jason trying to be a good ally thinks he fucked up somehow and Nico continues like "I am the opposite of gay, Jason, I'm very depressed if you haven't noticed!!" And Jason has to mentally recover for a minute before explaining to Nico what he meant and Nico gives him the pomegranate seed stare and finally a lightbulb goes off in his head like "wait, so I'm not the only one?" And Jason has to mentally recover yet again from the realization that Nico thought he was the only gay person ever.
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ilovepjo · 3 months
jason. 😭😭
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pursuingjackson · 5 months
By a difference of one percentage point, The Last Olympian was voted as the top fave PJO book, closely followed by The Battle of the Labyrinth.
Now to continue my research:
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shadowhandss60 · 1 month
Amnesia Percy: “Dude, how many gods and monsters did you piss off?”
Past Percy: “Yes.”
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kingoftheu · 5 months
I am the world's last Jeyna shipper. I am one of those soldiers who never heard WWII was over and was hiding in the jungle. I understand that canon has moved on but I refuse to surrender. I don't even need the ship itself to be canon, could be totally platonic I don't care but as a matter of principle it has to be maintained.
Jason just flat out ditching Romans never sat right with me. All those backstory hints in TLH ignored. His history comepletely irrelevant. Not once do we see him interact with any old friends who are not otherwise involved. Oh I'm sorry he had never really felt at home at Camp Jupiter than why was he part of the swap. Ooh la la Pontifex Maximus I don't care he should have been the Roman's Roman. They got left with Frank and Hazel who will be great don't get me wrong but they aren't very expirienced as the quest starts. Jason is the only Old Hand who could have countered Percebeth on the Argo 2.
Look as I said above I don't actually need Reyna to wind up with Jason. But...like...something on their backstory. I mean they toppled the Throne of Saturn. Why was she of all people raised alongside him after they were victorious? But nope Romans get screwed over. I also don't like her joining the Hunt. I just don't like the implications of a woman who doesn't want to get involved with romance having to withdraw from the world entirely. Why can't she just be praetor and not have romance.
In conclusion I am the world's last Jason x Reyna shipper who also doesn't actually ship them in particular.
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hiimfromnowhere · 18 days
Leo "I don't like boys in that way" Valdez be like :"Yeah , I think that Jason is everything that the opposite sex could want , I notice how the scar on his face moves when he talks and how his hair are messy like he's just woken up.Also I'm a little jealous of his relationship with Piper and I regret to say it but I felt a little reassured when we discovered that our memories weren't true so that we could start again.But I do not like Jason in that way of course".
(Sourches:The Lost Hero and The House of Hades)
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lilislegacy · 2 months
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percy has been called smart by hazel, reyna, and annabeth (twice).
to say he’s actually dumb is to disagree with those three women. and if you are disagreeing with 3 of the most knowledgeable, capable, and badass characters in the series… what are you even doing?
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its-your-mind · 11 months
I just love so much that as soon as Eros forcibly outed Nico in front of Jason, Jason immediately became Nico Defense Squad #1 Member. He has this new context for why Nico’s spent all this time and energy keeping himself distant from everyone at both camps - it’s not just because of who his father is, it’s because of who he is - and immediately starts taking steps to make sure Nico knows he’s welcome with them, in whatever way he’s comfortable with. He sees how upset Nico is when Nico begs him not to tell the rest of the Argo II crew, and tells him that it’s absolutely Nico’s choice whether or not people know, but that if he wants to tell them, he’s just going to get Nico Defense Squad Members #2-8. Leo makes an offhand joke about Nico’s emo vibes later, and Jason tells him to knock it off. He encourages Nico to spend more time with Hazel. He gives Nico the nudge he needs to go talk to Will. Jason Grace, the ally we never knew Nico needed.
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jarondont · 8 months
Percy: Annabeth... I think I fell for you Annabeth: Annabeth: Percy we fell into literal freaking tartarus
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devils-little-sista · 26 days
Percy and all his complicated felling for Nico in HoO through this meme template
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blue-pancakez · 8 months
Percy: Wise girl said we were having burgers-
Chiron: If Annabeth jumped off a cliff, would you?
Percy: …
Chiron: Percy!
Percy: Well- I- uh- I mean it depends!
Chiron: Don’t jump off of a cliff!
Percy: I mean I wasn’t planning on it.
Chiron: But if Annabeth did you would?!
Percy: …
Chiron: PERCY!
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ilovepjo · 2 months
the random percy slander.. annabeth i love u 😭
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