#the first three days or so Great British Baking Show was on basically 24/7
pastafossa · 1 year
Pasta I hope you start to feel better soon🙏💕
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And sdv is the game for when you’re feeling bad😂 I played it so much when I was sick and could barely leave the bed that I was dreaming with my farm🥴 my BFF was so tired of me sending her sdv memes 24/7
Who are you planing to marry?👀
Thank you so much! I keep telling myself the recovery is happening faster than the first time I got COVID in 2020 (might even be well enough to go sit in a bookstore for my birthday on Wednesday!), but damn is it still taking a while. 😪
And it really is, like holy shit, it's perfect for sick and can barely move! I already had, like, my super sick comfort show (Great British Baking Show) - peaceful, calming, wholesome, fun food, and it was basically on 24/7 for the first few super sick days. But I did NOT know there was what feels like a gaming equivalent, moodwise. 😂 Like you said, it's perfect when you can barely move, just medded up and out of it, but there are COWS to pet and you can plant SEEDS and look at this little HARVEST FESTIVAL, will you win this year??? Look at all these characters with their backstories! You can fix the community center with FOOD. I'm deep down the rabbit hole now, 100% my super sick comfort game 🥰
And I'm going for Sebastian! 😅 I gave him a sparkly rock and he liked it, and I too love sparkly rocks. Plus, comics! D&D games! Brooding loner type but shy and secretly sweet! Marry me sir, adopt my farm animals as your children.
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peachy-jy · 7 years
ye olde tag game
I was tagged by @got7peaches and I want to know if you came up with the title
(I think this was supposed to be fun and light but it ended up going to a really deep and verbose place so I’m putting it under the cut)
not tagging anyone cuz no one should have to read this lololol fml
how tall are you? 5′6″ and I’m not a fan... short people are cuter what color and style is your hair? red and long and curly what color are your eyes? they’re blue around the edges and green around the pupil and I know that sounds like a description straight out of “my immortal” but no I’m not making this up do you wear glasses or contacts? both but I prefer glasses do you wear braces? never have never will what is your fashion style? I don’t think I really have a “style.” That would require more money than I am willing to spend on clothes. But I love everything Claire wears so... if I could afford Claire’s style and pull it off I would dress like her when were you born? October 22 (burn this date in your mind) how old are you? 24 do you have any siblings? 2 brothers, one older one younger what school/college do you go to? this seems like tmi so I’ll just say I’m in nursing school (as if everyone didn’t know that already I never shut up about it) what kind of student are you? the worst. I’m that asshole who puts in 10% effort and turns in everything late and somehow still does ok what are your favorite subjects? anatomy was super fun (the human body is weird and amazing) but I think my favorite class I’ve ever taken was formal logic (it’s the satisfaction of completing mathematical equations with none of the actual math) what are your favorite shows? 30 rock, parks and rec, the office, community, scrubs... basically good sitcoms with 5+ seasons. I’m also a slut for reality tv (dance moms anyone?) and competition shows (great british bake-off what whaaat) what are your favorite movies? the one I always pick when I have to pick just one is when harry met sally but I am a huge cinephile and I have dozens of favorites so if you’re looking for a movie rec hmu what are your favorite books? my book choices are a lil outdated cuz all I read is fanfic lately lololol but old OLD faves are hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, the giver, ready player one, and the hunger games series what are your favorite past times? my favorite past time is collecting past times, getting decently good at them, and then abandoning them. I’ve taught myself to play the ukulele, painting and drawing, niche board games, pottery, baking, the basics of a few languages, and a few video games here and there. The only hobbies that I’ve done consistently for several years are knitting, watching movies (specifically going to the movie theater because you can’t beat that atmosphere tbh), and writing (mostly fanfiction; I haven’t written anything original since high school). do you have any regrets? I wish I had never gone to the second university I attended... I basically wasted three years of my life in a hick town. I was miserable but I learned a lot about myself and also a lot about people and how to not be a shitty one so I guess it wasn’t a total waste. It sure felt like it though. what is your dream job? I wish I had the self-confidence to be a fiction writer full time. If I really worked hard at developing original concepts, I think I could be pretty good at it. Plus I would never have to leave my apartment and I could wear sweatpants 24/7, which is the real dream, let’s be real would you like to get married? where? I kind of flip flop on this one... sometimes I think I’d like it but then again I’m such a loner that I think I would suck at marriage sooo... my brother says I need to find someone who is as smart as me but total shit at something I’m good at, so I can take care of them and feel needed. I don’t know that marriage necessarily needs to be involved... Plus if I ever did get married I’d prob elop or only invite my immediate family sooooo do you want kids? how many? I don’t think I’d want to create life but I’d be 100% down for adopting... then again when my celeb crushes say they want kids I’m all I VOLUNTEER so who can say do you like shopping? If I magically come into extra income then yes. If I’m on a budget, shopping for something I need is like torture. The exception is always make-up/skincare. I buy myself new make-up when I’m sad. how many countries have you visited? 7, all of them European, but one of them was just for a day so I feel like it doesn’t really count. I really want to visit some Asian countries, though. what was your scariest dream? The scariest one that comes to mind was being locked in an office building with office workers and there was a serial killer-type guy in a jigsaw mask who kept turning the lights off and abducting people one by one and disfiguring their faces. No fuckin clue where that came from tbh. I’ve never even seen Saw. do you have any enemies? I’d like to think I don’t? I try really hard to treat everyone well regardless of how they treat me because I like being liked... but honestly there are a few people who hate my guts and won’t meet me halfway to reconcile sooooo yes, I guess I do. I don’t hold it against them, though. If they ever took a moment to see things from my point of view they would realize that I never meant them any harm and I’m just a flawed person, trying my best. But apologies don’t go very far with people who like to hold grudges and feel like the world is against them, so I can’t do anything about that. do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? I don’t have the energy for that. Right now, having a S/O sounds kind of terrible actually lmao they’re so much work
Put your music on shuffle and list the first fifteen songs without skipping:
We Hate You Please Die - Crash and the Boys (Scott Pilgrim anyone? no? ok)
Amsterdam - Imagine Dragons (I downloaded the whole album bc I liked Radioactive but I’ve never actually listened to this song)
Green Onions - Booker T & The MG’s (idk don’t ask)
The Curse of Curves - Cute Is What We Aim For (a one hit wonder but I still know every word to this song)
All Alright - Fun.
Classic Rock Medley - The Cat’s Pajamas (a local acapella group from my high school days)
Bellas Final - the Pitch Perfect Soundtrack (ok this plus the last one is making it seem like I’m obsessed with acapella I’m really not)
East West - Herman’s Hermits (...I actually love this band don’t judge me)
Here It Goes Again - Ok Go (say what you will about the song but that video with the treadmills was iconic)
20 Dollar Nose Bleed - Fall Out Boy
Sims Holidaze - The Sims 2 Bon Voyage (I may or may not have the entire collected Sims soundtrack on my ipod...)
Lesson 4 Pronunciation - Rosetta Stone Italian Level 3 (Remember when I was fluent in Italian? yeah me neither)
Whistle (Acoustic) -Blackpink (I like the original better)
Come So Far (Got So Far To Go) - Hairspray soundtrack (ok but this whole soundtrack is a bop I forgot I used to love this)
Mowgli’s Road - Marina & the Diamonds
What have we learned? That hitting shuffle is not at all indicative of a person’s taste in music, but instead exposes their sordid musical past.
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