#and also defeating fucking pierre in the harvest festival screw you pierre for using MY produce in your booth
pastafossa · 1 year
Pasta I hope you start to feel better soon🙏💕
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And sdv is the game for when you’re feeling bad😂 I played it so much when I was sick and could barely leave the bed that I was dreaming with my farm🥴 my BFF was so tired of me sending her sdv memes 24/7
Who are you planing to marry?👀
Thank you so much! I keep telling myself the recovery is happening faster than the first time I got COVID in 2020 (might even be well enough to go sit in a bookstore for my birthday on Wednesday!), but damn is it still taking a while. 😪
And it really is, like holy shit, it's perfect for sick and can barely move! I already had, like, my super sick comfort show (Great British Baking Show) - peaceful, calming, wholesome, fun food, and it was basically on 24/7 for the first few super sick days. But I did NOT know there was what feels like a gaming equivalent, moodwise. 😂 Like you said, it's perfect when you can barely move, just medded up and out of it, but there are COWS to pet and you can plant SEEDS and look at this little HARVEST FESTIVAL, will you win this year??? Look at all these characters with their backstories! You can fix the community center with FOOD. I'm deep down the rabbit hole now, 100% my super sick comfort game 🥰
And I'm going for Sebastian! 😅 I gave him a sparkly rock and he liked it, and I too love sparkly rocks. Plus, comics! D&D games! Brooding loner type but shy and secretly sweet! Marry me sir, adopt my farm animals as your children.
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