#the fact isaacs dads voice actor read it out............
rottenbrainstuff · 3 months
BG3 playthrough - Gortash
Mega spoilers below the cut
Finally, finally, I got to the audience with Gortash. I’m happy for the girlies that are in love, I love Jason Isaacs and I’m glad they’ve hired top knotch voice actors for the baddies in this game, but damn my friends, he does nothing for me. He looks like a moldy potato. As I said before, he looks like he smells like a hangover covered up with Axe spray. Sorry!
Despite that, he’s a very interesting character. I really liked the little group of NPCs outside fanboying about him inventing the Steel Watch - someone points out it was the Gondians who actually invented the Steel Watch, and Gortash just financed it, and someone else argues, no, it was Gortash who invented it - which he absolutely didn’t. Reminded me of Elon Musk and how everyone thought he was such a fucking genius, when all he did was purchase companies and pay other researchers. I loved that parallel.
So DAMN. This scene is very different for a dark urge. Man I felt so sorry for Karlach - she thinks she’s going to walk up and have this big face to face with her ex friend, and Gortash doesn’t even have words for her - instead he welcomes back his favourite assassin, and that’s me. I loved Karlach’s WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?? reaction, because same girl, same. Absolutely fucking WILD for a resisting durge to learn, you know, not only do they have these horrible murderous urges, not only do we have this nasty little butler man trying to force us to gruesomely kill people, not only did something horrible happen to us that wiped clean all our memories, NOT ONLY ARE WE A GODDAMNED BHAALSPAWN and leader of the goddamned bhaal cult, NOT ONLY ALL OF THIS, no, that wasn’t enough, oh no: now we learn we were also one of the original architects of the Absolute plot, removed only when Orin saw an opportunity to displace us. Damn, damn, damn. What a wild fucking ride. My poor tav.
The writing here and dialogue choices I found were a bit funky, rather like a bad DM that is trying too hard to nudge the player into the result they want, without really understanding what the player naturally wants to do. It was very odd how the dialogue kept offering me options to see if Gortash was telling the truth. Reassurances and reassurances. But you know what? My durge doesn’t CARE if Gortash is telling the truth. Lies, truth, it doesn’t matter, I am disgusted by what I just learned. I might agree not to pound Gortash into paste right this particular second, because Wyll’s dad as well as an entire audience and compliments of guards are right there, but I am NOT, NOT saying that I agree to any fucking alliance??? Well the Emperor says he’s telling the truth. Well I can read his body language to see if he’s telling the truth. Well I can use detect thoughts to see if he’s telling the truth. I DO NOT CARE IF HE IS TELLING THE TRUTH. In fact if he’s being sincere that almost makes the situation worse. It was so bizarre. I feel like maybe this dialogue was designed mostly with a non-durge in mind, who probably hates Gortash a lot less at this point? Maybe?
Anyways whatever, we got to a point where I agreed not to go straight to combat, but I still feel like I expressed my disgust in a mostly satisfactory way, so whatever. Whatever.
What happens AFTER that is also pretty fun. The three companions you just brought along to the coronation have now all just seen you are not only a Bhaalspawn, but you were one of the three who started all of this horrible shit in the first place!!! They all have very very interesting reactions (and as far as I am able to tell - the reaction is the same whether or not you chose to tell them you are a bhaalspawn ahead of time. My particular tav told no one but Astarion).
Karlach’s reaction hurt the most. She was furious, absolutely furious to find out I used to work with Gortash and that I used to lead the Bhaal cult. She says she isn’t sure she trusts I’m not still a bad guy, and she needs time - a lot of time - to think about it. Her reaction is TOTALLY VALID, it absolutely is, but it still stings, holy shit. I actually reloaded to see if there was anything I could do to make her less mad - but nothing helps. Augh. Karlach I am so sorry, I’m so sorry….
Gale was similarly angry. The reaction is valid but it hurts, it hurts…
Shadowheart’s reaction was bugged, at least for me. After the ceremony she had no reaction at all, just her regular conversation dialogue. That’s too bad, I was curious to see what she said.
Lae’zel has no additional dialogue, she will only say what she says if you tell her yourself that you’re a bhaalspawn: that it makes sense, because you are murderous and also annoying, lol.
Halsin is surprised, but not in a… “I had no idea you were actually a piece of shit this whole time” way, and more of a “shit I guess this just shows that we need to be careful and not take anything for granted” way.
Jaheria (who has no dialogue to tell her you’re a bhaalspawn) is concerned, but tells herself that doubting each other only benefits Gortash. She also asks for some time to think, but it’s less of a rude “I need time to think about how I’m ever going to look at your disgusting face again” and more of a “I need time to decide what is the best strategy to take now” way.
Wyll as always is a rock-solid friend. He’s mostly thinking about his father, understandable, and tells me again the story of the bhaalspawn who went on to become a hero.
And as before, as always, Astarion has the very best reaction, really shocked me actually, because I never thought about it like that. He starts off quite accusatory and I was prepared to have my heart broken - “You! You’re the one behind all this!” Ugh. It was hurting my heart. What will I do if Astarion is angry? Then he flips it into a joke as always, laughs and says he admits he’s impressed. But THEN… he THANKS me, he thanks me for being that evil bastard, because if it wasn’t for the Absolute plot and the nautiloid snatching people, he’d still be locked away in Cazador’s kennel. He THANKS me. I was so… surprised. I never really thought of it like that. Bhaal-cult-leader-tav frees Astarion. Extremely indirectly, but still. Man. My heart was hurting from Karlach’s reaction, everyone is freshly suspicious of me at worst and pitying at best, and why wouldn’t they be, I deserve every bit of it, and here’s Astarion, fucking THANKING me. Just. Wow. His support is so amazing, has been for this whole arc. I know people were grumpy that the dark urge writer wrote (honestly only a small amount of) extra content for Astarion interactions but didn’t have time to give the same attention for the other companions, but it’s not even the extra content that makes Astarion so amazing in a dark urge run. It’s his unique perspective and the place that he’s coming from and his surprising and unwavering support. It’s kind of like how Gale is uniquely supportive of a tav that becomes a mindflayer, it’s a sweet little special character piece. As things just keep get worse and worse for my resisting durge, I’m appreciating Astarion’s support more and more.
Back at camp, there’s the Orin kidnapping blah blah blah. The companion taken can be Lae;zel, Gale, or Halsin, but Lae’zel’s scenario is the only one that really makes any kind of sense at all…. What does Halsin losing control in the city or Gale wanting to blow up his orb have to do with anything? Lae’zel trying to convince you someone else in camp is the imposter and murder them makes much more sense. Afterwards, Gale says we should carefully consider Orin’s terms, no matter how distasteful it may be. Distasteful?..? What an odd comment. I’m 100% going to obliterate Gortash, was already making plans for that, nothing at all to do with Orin. “Distasteful” nothing, killing Gortash and confronting Orin was the plan all along. How odd.
Now I’m in the lower city, and it’s fucking shredding my poor shitty computer. We’ll see how this goes. Astarion went a bit nuts shopping for clothes at Carm’s Garms, and my tav is now wearing a ridiculous embroidered thing in black and blue and silver and looks like a mariachi. NPCs everywhere, as far as the eye can see, and even on the lowest graphics settings my poor mac is chugging along.
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puphoods · 3 years
i will become back my money.txt
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certifiedskywalker · 4 years
My Feelings on TROS
There are simply too many places to begin. However, I’ve narrowed down my issues with the final installment in the Skywalker Saga to three major points that, I at least deem, worth mentioning.
Below the cut are said points. This review INCLUDES TROS SPOILERS, so if you haven’t seen the film, DO NOT READ.
1. Pacing (1a. Palpatine)
As a past runner, when I say that I was winded walking out of this movie, that means something. 
However, I feel like this issue is not entirely TROS (or JJ’s) fault. I feel that Rian Johnson, when filing The Last Jedi, could have done more to give Abrams and The Rise of Skywalker more wiggle room to flesh out the future storyline. 
Had there been more open screen time to fill, Palpatine’s introduction wouldn’t have had to be thrown into the opening scroll (hence why Palpatine is an issue in and of himself). If Rian had included a scene in The Last Jedi as simple as Kylo Ren or Hux walking in on Snoke talking to a hologram of a cloaked figure with a voice eerily familiar to Palpatine, the undead Emperors’ rushed introduction would feel more organic. There needed to be more hints that Palpatine was behind the scenes in both The Force Awakens and, most importantly, The Last Jedi. If there were more hints there would have been less time needed to explain Palpatine’s survival; thus there would have been more time to dedicate to a fuller, more satisfying ending of the movies we love. 
There is more I could say on this topic, but I feel that there are other outlets and people more qualified to speak out on this subject.
2. Rey Palpatine turned Skywalker
I have no problem with the idea that Rey is a Palpatine (although, like introducing Palpatine himself, I wish that there had been a few more hints either from Luke or Leia on Rey’s heritage). What I do have a problem with is, at the end, she names herself a Skywalker. 
I understand that she means it as an homage to her Jedi Masters, Luke and Leia. I also understand that ending the Skywalker saga with a continuation of their line shows proof that ‘good people prevail over the bad’, that ‘family is more than just blood’ and ‘you make your own destiny’. As a writer, I also understand JJ’s want to connect the beginning and end of the Skywalker Saga by reinvigorating the Skywalker name and ending it all with the twin suns that started it all. As a writer, and in a poetic sense, I like this ending and I respect those who find the fact Rey calls herself a Skywalker brilliant and a good ending. 
As a fan, I hated it. I love the Skywalkers, I do, but this movie was the end of their story (stories). To continue their name, thus continuing their story, feels cheap. While I enjoy Rey as a protagonist, there was another, living Skywalker: Ben Solo. Keeping him alive, without the last name of Skywalker, would, arguably, make more sense. 
That being said, I did love what they did with Ben Solo and Kylo Ren. Killing Kylo Ren so Ben Solo, the LAST Skywalker, could rise was powerful. His death was bittersweet as we had so little time to see Ben Solo as himself. So, by already ‘raising’ Ben, the title The Rise of Skywalker was fulfilled. Giving the Skywalker name to Rey made Ben’s redemption feel...less impactful.
I would have much rather her either embraced her lineage as Rey Palpatine or chosen Solo as her last name to honor Han and Ben. Even better, she could have just stayed Rey, just Rey. 
I know Star Wars is about the Skywalkers, but at its’ heart, Star Wars is so much more. Star Wars started with people with names not yet carved into history. Star Wars took nobodies and made them legendary. Who would we be without knowing Mace Windu? Obi Wan? Commander Cody? What about Hera Syndulla? Boba Fett?
Why couldn’t the same be done with Rey?
3. Poe Dameron
My boy, my wonderful, beautiful boy. How dirty did The Rise of Skywalker do you? Very dirty, in fact.
Poe, as a character, was not the problem. It was the way he was written by JJ and the way he was limited by Disney.
I am OVERJOYED that Oscar Isaac has made a point in exposing how Disney hindered his expression in making Poe gay. It would have been so refreshing, so groundbreaking, and perfect if a mainstream platform, a monopolizing company voiced support for the LGBTQA+ community using one of their most profitable properties. Can you imagine how liberating, how wonderful that would have been? 
Now, we’ll never know. At least not in Star Wars.
I was appalled by the inclusion of Zorii Bliss as a means to convey a straight, hetero-normative relationship with Poe. My dad pointed out that Poe could be bisexual, but, knowing that Disney wants a profit more than anything else, they were purely trying to ‘straight-ifiy’ Poe Dameron. Poe deserved better than to have a beard for his sexuality and Zorii deserved more than being a character purely for bearding Poe. As a member of the LGBT community, it is disgusting to see that the voices of the actors and fans, who yearned to see a progressive, gay character on screen, were overshadowed by the idea of making a profit.
Then there is the issue that Disney, that JJ Abrams, decided to recon Poe’s backstory and make their Latino leading character a drug runner. I know I may sound like I’m trying to be ‘woke’, but this was horrible. Marginalizing the gay community by not making Poe’s identity canon? Okay, not fine but we can recover; but making your SOLE, LEADING, LATINO CHARACTER A DRUG RUNNER? In this political climate (at least in America), this is harmful as Hell!
If what I’ve read is true and Oscar Isaac is not returning to Star Wars or any Disney property, good on him! He deserved to have his voice heard; he wanted to give people a relatable character; he was willing to take the heat of making Poe gay in a conservative world; and Disney didn’t take the chance.
So, screw the mouse and give all your support to Oscar Isaac’s future cinematic endeavors!
My Final Thoughts
I like The Rise of Skywalker, in spite of it’s many, many issues. Some of the other issues I saw were: noninclusion of Rose Tico and the truth behind Palpatine's survival(?).
Few movies are perfect and this one was far from it. However, it is an ending to a series, a saga, or movies that will live on, longer than we ever will. Star Wars, its characters, its worlds, its cast, have changed my life. Even if the movies weren’t amazing or left me wanting, they inspired me. I’ve created art and this blog because of the stories because of a galaxy far, far away. 
For that, I am thankful to have seen this movie and have a voice strong enough to give my two-cents. I feel in my bones, my heart, and soul, that, if Carrie Fisher hadn’t had passed, this movie would have been wildly improved. Rest in Strength, Spacemom.
I hope that some of you see and understand my thoughts. To those who don’t, I’m interested in hearing what you think! Let us be civil and leave the blasters alone. Here, in this galaxy, everyone should feel at home.
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louu-7 · 4 years
everything i don’t know
on wattpad
I’m sitting here since maybe half an hour, Sarah came once, to see what happened, but I said that she had to go with the others to enjoy and let me deal with it. I have no idea of what is the solution to these issues, I don’t know if I should stay or come back home, and I don’t know if my Dad’s meant what he said or if it just was to hurt me and make me come back.
I didn’t know words could hurt that much, but I guess I’ll experience even worse in the future, it’s called life, and it’s not supposed to be easy… I mean, for some person everything’s perfect, and beautiful, and kind, but, who’s really believing in this kind of life? Because I gave up for a long time now.
I stopped crying, and I realized I was fucking ridiculous, and stronger than that. Well, I thought that I was stronger than that but I’m weak. “Eh, what happened?” Kie’s voice surprise me as I look at her out of the corner of my eye, incapable of fainting a smile. “Nothing, just enjoy the party, that’s... it doesn’t matter.”
“Girl did you see you? You look like a zombie, I’m not joking.” She laughs a little and sits next to me, putting her hand on my shoulder. “C’mon, what’s wrong?”
“My father, he just wants me to come back, that’s nothing, I’m just ridiculous as fuck right now. I swear I’m not childish I just lost my… my composure.”
“That’s OK, I don’t think you’re a kid, not as much as these guys over there at least, because they’re the craziest kids I know.”
We smile as our eyes sweep the water, with the sun reflection, and the little moves that makes the marsh shine. That’s really relaxing to be here while thinking about my shitty existence. “If you’re not comin’ back home then come with us, you’ll have fun and think about somethin’ else, get up.”
She stands up and takes my hands to encourage me to stand up at my turn, but I raise hesitantly my shoulders. I can’t stop thinking about this situation, I don’t think they can understand how my father can be… scary and just so… cold, even with his own family. “No, I-”
“Thara, you clearly don’t deserve to stay here alone OK, get up and c’mon, let’s have fun!” She smiles at me and I sigh, before standing up under her support. We join the others and I try to keep a smile on my face, even if my eyes are betraying me. “What happen, I though you just were on a call?” John B asks, quit concerned.
“Don’t worry that’s, hum, that’s nothing, just enjoy today. I’m sorry, for the phone, it ruined everything.”
“Nah, it could’ve happen to anyone of you, that’s OK.”
We sit here all and talk while eating a lot of cake, then we put a little bit of music, and the girls are doing an amazing duo when it comes to dance. I never been a good dancer, so I’m just staying here, looking at them both, beaming and smiling to life. Whereas I can’t enjoy, even if I tried.
The stress is just filling me when I starts to think of the conversation I’ll have with my Dad tonight, I’m scared that he completely lock me up, I’m not ready to stop hanging out with these people that I already love for the most part.
The girls are taking me away from my thoughts when they both take one of my hand to make me dance with them. After a while dancing, with the boys running everywhere and screaming the lyrics, and 2:30pm past, we all decide to change and get onto the boat. I send a message to Alyssa where I’m completely beginning her to say to Dad that I came home and that I come back in two hours maximum.
She responds quickly and my heart melt at the second where I read it.
"i do it just bc i love u and i don't want dad to yell at u, but if u wanna hang out b more careful, i'm not onna b able to have ur back everytime. enjoy and b at home in an hour and a half, mom's comin back sooner, love u"
I smile and put back my phone in my back pocket as the boat starts. We continue to have fun and I feel like I finally have a normal life. Pope and John B grab their respective girlfriends and throw them in the water before jumping into it with their clothes on. The smile on my face widen and I sit, looking at them with sparkling eyes and happiness running in my body.
“JJ c’mon bro, the water’s good, Thara, jump!” John B shouts out before Sarah and Kie drown him, laughing at his face when he comes back to the surface. “Guys, come on why aren’t you have a bath it’s John B’s day, let’s enjoy!” Kie looks at JJ and me as I frown and raise my shoulders. “Maybe later, I-”
“No you’re comin’ right now, sorry for you.” John B’s coming and gets back on the boat to grab me, but I stand up and back up, looking at him smiling and determined to put me into the water. “I know it’s your birthday but I’m not in the mood I got some problems and-”
“I don’t care it’s my birthday, just forget your problems.”
“It’s not that easy, if it was I knew it.” I laugh and the border of the boat stop me from back up more. “Aren’t you a little stuck?” He raises his eyebrows and at the moment where I try to run away he catches me and throws me over the boat.
A scream escapes from my mouth and I dive, coming back to the surface as soon as I can and show him my middle finger. “Man it’s the second time, when are you gonna leave me alone?” I laugh and he raises again his shoulders as an answer.
I’m home, my mother’s just came back and I didn’t have the time to shower so lets pray, because if she smells the scent of the salt water on my hair I’m dead. We’re in front of the TV with Alyssa when she comes into the room and looks at me nastily. “I apologized, I’m sorry, no need to look at me-”
“Stop.” I grit my teeth a she continues to stare at me like I was nothing. “Please stop because you have no idea what Dad said to me, I think now I understand how I’m the shame of the family.”
“Whatever he told you, you certainly deserved it young girl. You can’t get out of this house, is it clear?”
“Yes, just leave me alone, your all always on my back and I’m tired of-”
“Don’t speak to me like that Thara, I am not responsible of your acts, you wanna be treated like an adult so be an adult, don’t behave like a capricious five years-old girl.”
I don’t respond and let her talk, I don’t want to be arrogant or disrespectful towards her, but with Dad they’re way to harsh on me lately, for nothing. “I hope you enjoyed your little trip because it’ll be the last one before a long time.”
“Yeah, it was pretty cool. Cooler than everything I did with you at least. I must go, I have things to do. Good night.” I stand up and walk to the stairs under the cold look of my dear mother. “Because you don’t eat tonight?”
“No, the call of Dad put me off the food, enjoy the meal without your ridiculous and naive little girl, you’ll be chilled, just the four of you without me.”
I join my room and sigh as I press my back over the door. I don’t know why but every time I’m arguing my heartbeats are so quick that I can barely breath…
My mind suddenly make me think about the gun that I saw in my Dad’s office the other day. I let myself slide against the door and the fact that to have a gun in my house is certainly not a good thing hit me. Why do he owns a fucking gun? Did he killed people? Is it only to protect us?
And, what are they so close to? What could I mess up? All this questions are invading my mind, and I start to imagine a whole bunch of horrible things they could do. Are they really at the head of a vineyard or is it something else? Like a drug network. Oh my God, no, that’s not possible. Is this like, a quest to find someone? And are they killing people who knows to much or who don’t know anything?
Are Isaac and Alyssa aware of this damn secret? No, Aly would talk to me about it, I’m almost sure of it. But what if Isaac is in, and not Alyssa because they know that I’m closer to her than to Isaac?
The whole thing is saying that they’re fucking scared of me or of what I could do. And it’s obvious, I’m rejected of everything, they all can go outside, so maybe they’re meeting somewhere to talk about drug, or about a dark business like killing people for money, or anything else.
I wince and a feeling of being sick is taking me, as I feel more and more sickened by all this thing. I don’t have any proof, except the gun, and this conversation, but I need to know more about this thing that they’re hiding from me.
It’s later in the evening, I had a shower and finished my book, but I have to admit my stomach hurts so bad, the lack of food in my body’s gonna killing me if I don’t eat anything before sleep, so I decided to go to the kitchen.
The thing is, on my way I heard voices in my Dad’s office, and I’m actually listening to a conversation between my whole family, without me. Everything’s OK. I can’t hear everything but it’s so weird, they’re talking about some gold and places where it could be hiding at the moment. Neither my family’s completely crazy nor I’m off beam. “We’re really close, I think we’re on the right path.”
Be on the right path for what? This “gold”. I can’t believe that shit, there’s no gold on this island, nothing. I sigh, tired of waiting in front of the door since forever, and go to the kitchen to get me some food. The chocolate catch my eyes but I hold myself back and pick a fruit smoothie and some pancakes.
The door’s opening and the voices get louder. They’re pretty good actors though, I’d never though they were hiding something big from me.
“What are you doing here this late?”
“Hi, Dad, how are you since our little call? I hope it felt good to insult me and unleashed your anger at me.”
“Don’t start to get on my nerves and go to sleep.”
“Yeah, because I’m ridiculous, I play the perfect little girl. Or maybe the coward, I don’t remember.”
“Thara please, I got a long day.”
“Oh, me too. At least I have friends to talk to, we’re not all lonely as fuck.” I don’t bat an eye and he loudly sigh as I walk next to him.” Good night, daddy.
Maybe sometimes they’ll understand what I want them to understand, in other word that I want to be treated like Isaac and Alyssa, not like a little capricious girl. I’m not this kind of person but they keep on pretending I am in front of everyone. Anyway I come back to my room and eat my snack before putting myself under my sheets and fall asleep like a baby.
Footsteps don’t stop to resonate since an eternity and even if I managed to fall back asleep three times this night with these sounds and my Dad’s voice, I’m not gonna do it a fourth time. I get up, the floor is freezing my whole body as I slowly walk to my door to open it and glance over the corridor. Nothing. He’s downstairs, fuck…
I walk like a zombie to join the stairs but the front door’s opening make me stop, even step back a little not to be seen. What the hell… Two men are coming in as my Dad’s welcoming them discreetly, they talk a little, whispering, and I can’t hear anything from where I am.
Their loud footsteps make me think they’re joining the living room, or the kitchen, and they start to talk aloud. Who are they? And what the fuck are they talking about at 4pm… I sit on the first step of the stairs and listen with attention their conversation.
The gold again, what’s the point? Is really there some million dollars hiding somewhere on the island? No way, that’s just not possible, not in our world. We’re not in a movie.
“Thara, what are you doing here?”
hii! sorry for the little waiting, i finally saw my family bc lockdown is over in France, i took a lil bit of time for me. this chapter's not good but i worked a lot on the plot lately, a lot of thing's gonna happen soon, at least i hope ^^
i hope everything's good for you, i hope your family's good too and, yeah, love uu thank u to read me, byye!
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Can you do isaac facts for new fans ? Thank you
Hmm... I don't know if this will help you or not but I'll do the basic about it.
Remember when Isaac talked about his first advertisement? This is his appearance:
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(Britain's Forgotten Children - Channel 4)
Beside GOT, he ever acted in The Awakening and Closed Circuit (he only had 27seconds of screentime in here, I can post the clip if you want), and as the voice of Eggs in The Boxtrolls.
He can play piano and guitar (you can scroll down my blog to find the video about it)
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He friends with Dean (Tommen) and Nell (Myrcella) from Got
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Also with Steve Harrington (Stranger Things). The gif is when Isaac surprised Steve during fansign.
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EDIT: I just realized I put the wrong photo beside the gif lol (that's Dean with Isaac)
Our boy can drive ofc (I don't know if this is necessary lol but I like see him driving)
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He did start collage (Birmingham University - majoring Math) but then drop out because of the acting schedule for season 8 and his email box is full of spam from people asked him about stuff from Got. He just want to have a normal college life :( but he'll return to college in September and majoring in neuroscience :)
When the producer of Got saw Isaac reading a book by David Eagleman (producer's friend) and he took a photo of him and sent it to david and david post this on his twitter photo of Isaac:
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(what a nerd but I love him)
And yes Isaac smoke and drink so you wouldn't be surprised about it
In case you want to see the hot brits actors in one picture:
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(It's the golden photo everyone)
About his family: "I come from a family with no experience in the acting world. My mum and dad are teachers, and my step-dad runs a printing company — not exactly very Hollywood." (Link)
Anyway there's still a lot of basic stuff I can post but I've reached the limit of photos in this post. Is there any specific things you want to ask? Let me know and I'll answer it if I can :D
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frederator-studios · 6 years
Adetokumboh M’Cormack: The Frederator Interview
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Adetokumboh M’Cormack is an actor and producer who also (coolly neglected to mention to me that he) directs and writes. He just directed a live action, period-set short, The German King. You might recognize Ade from Lost, Heroes, 24, Captain America: The Winter Soldier or your pick of syndicated crime dramas - pick one, he’s probably appeared in it. We are very lucky to work with Ade on Castlevania, in which he plays Isaac, an ally of Dracula’s, Devil Forgemaster and new character in season 2. Read on for Ade’s perspective on acting, favorite vampire film (a surprisingly gooby pick for this serious Actor), and discussion of Isaac - including a clip of him in character!
Why did you choose to be an actor?
Gosh, I don’t think I really had much of choice to be honest (laughs). It’s always been something that I just knew I had to do. I grew up in Kenya and went to this school in Nairobi called Braeburn. It had a state of the art theatre where we performed all these plays. I made sure I was in every one - I just loved performing. My dad's story is that when I was around ten, I got cast in a musical called Rats - based on The Pied Piper of Hamelin. I played this awesome lead role as the Rat Leader! (laughs). But my dad took me out of the play because he wanted me to focus more on my studies. I just remember being super bummed about the whole thing. After a few days, the school’s Headmaster called my dad in for a meeting and said “Your son is sad. For goodness sake, you have to put him back in the play!” He did, and I immediately cheered up. My dad later told me that it was at this point that he knew this wasn’t just a hobby to me. I was actually serious about Acting. My parents were super supportive ever since.
What do you love about Acting? So many things! I love studying people. Humans are such wonderfully complex, nuanced creatures. So to get to walk in someone else’s shoes and become a different person, and discover who they are and what makes them tick and convey how they feel - it’s just fascinating. As people, we have so many layers. And I love putting those layers onto my characters. Why do they make certain choices? What secrets are they hiding? I have a lot of fun creating characters. Do you enjoy any aspect of voice acting in particular? I really enjoy doing different things with my voice and vocal register to create different characters, and I enjoy putting on different accents. But I really just love words. And languages. And how things like alliteration can convey a certain feeling. Take Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven, or Shakespeare for example. When Macbeth says to Banquo, “To-night we hold a solemn supper sir,” there’s something very serpent-like and ominous because of the “s” sounds. So when the actor says it, the audience feels that. When I read a script, I look for how I can employ the rhythm of the words, the vowels, the use of consonance, to effectively set the picture for the scene. And Warren Ellis is such a talented writer, he uses a lot of these devices. Voice Acting in some ways is harder, because you cannot rely on anything else. People aren’t seeing your facial expressions or gestures. All you have is your voice and that microphone that picks up EVERYTHING. You cannot have one false moment because it’s amplified. So everything boils down to being truthful under imaginary circumstances. You put every ounce of your being into being truthful, and making it come through in your voice. Whenever I’m in the studio, I’m super animated. I fully act out the scene and try to make the situation as real for myself as possible. Only then can it be real for your audience/listener. I’m usually a sweaty mess by the end of it. But when you see it all put together with the animation, it’s awesome!
How were you introduced to Castlevania as a potential project? 
I really enjoy period pieces, and who doesn’t love a good Dracula story? So when my agent first told me about the project I was intrigued. And then when I started reading the script, I was blown away. I really liked the story and characters. And of course with Adi Shankar at the helm, you know you’re going to have something awesome. I remember after I watched his Power Rangers short a couple of years back I was like “whatever this guy does next, sign me up!” (laughs). Needless to say, I was really impressed by the finished product. What do you look for in a project? Do you gravitate toward certain genres? I definitely gravitate toward drama. And I’m a big fan of historical pieces. I’m getting ready to shoot a film called The German King about an African leader who rises up against German colonial rule in World War I. But the most important thing that draws me to a script is the writing. I love a well written piece with interesting, fleshed out characters. What about Isaac’s character compelled you to take the role? When you first meet Isaac in season 2, he’s having this intense, philosophical conversation with a dead creature. You start getting an insight into his intellect. Isaac is super smart. And you start understanding more about who he is, and what drives him. Villains are so often portrayed without much depth - everything’s black or white. But over the course of the season, you gain insight into Isaac’s complex mind, and you find that his motivation is seeded very, very deep. And the fact that it is written into the script that he is an African man. That made me jump at the chance to play this role. You don’t often get to see black people, or people of color portrayed in this way in period pieces, nor with the opportunity to have such rich dialogue. What more can you tell us about Isaac?
Isaac is a really interesting fellow. He has the outward appearance and quiet, peaceful demeanor of a Sufi ascetic. But there’s a lot going on within him. He had a very difficult childhood. He was severely abused. He traveled across much of Africa and the Middle East as a kid. He learned magic from a renegade occultist’s books. And when we meet him in season 2, he’s a Devil Forgemaster, and fiercely loyal to Dracula.
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Did his traumatic past present a challenge as you got in touch with his character? Isaac has lived a horrific life. I did a lot of research and read literally everything I could about him. Then I created his backstory, chronicling a timeline of when and where certain things happened to him. I made the people who hurt and abused him very specific. How old was he when this happened? How did that make him feel? When did he commit his first murder? What were the major turning points in his life that contributed to him becoming the man we meet in Castlevania season 2? I needed to make him as specific as possible, in order to make him real. As an actor, you have to go there, even if it’s very uncomfortable. What is your favorite media representation of Dracula / Vampires-at-large? I watched this film called What We Do In the Shadows recently. That has to be one of the funniest films I’ve ever seen about vampires. You’ve got these male vampires knitting and being very uncool and unsexy and it’s just hysterical. It definitely puts a different spin on the whole vampire genre. What do you think Castlevania brings to the canon that is unique or new? Well, Dracula and co. are certainly not the funny, awkward vampires we see in WWDITS, that’s for sure (laughs). Dracula is powerful. I mean, super powerful. And terrifying. The vampires in Castlevania can take on these massive beast like forms. They are next level. But at the same time, there is a very human side to this Dracula as well. You’re seeing someone who fell in love, and suffered loss. And over the course of seasons one and two, you get a better understanding of who he is and why he’s filled with so much hate for humanity.
What TV shows are you a fan of? Do you regularly watch animation? Right now Ozark and Wentworth are my favorite shows. Pamela Rabe is probably my new favorite villain. I'm still catching up so don’t tell me what happens! (laughs) I don’t normally watch animation, but I started to see what else was out there, especially in anime, after working on Castlevania. Right now I’m watching Last Hope which is really cool.
How has the experience of working on Castlevania been overall?
It’s been amazing. The team is really great. Our Director Sam Deats and Voice Director Meredith Layne, and Warren, Adi, and Kevin -  they have all been so incredible to work with. And I’ve had the chance to work with some brilliant actors whose work I’ve come to respect over the years. I’m a huge fan of Graham McTavish so getting to play off of him in the studio has been a really awesome experience. What do you like best about playing Isaac?  
The fact that he’s a badass with supernatural powers (laughs). He’s got these superhuman fighting skills and uses all these cool weapons in combat. He’s like a superhero. And he’s got all this dialogue that’s just fantastic. It’s fun to play this compelling, layered character who has an awesome character arc over the course of season 2. And I love the fact that he’s a black man. We never really see black characters portrayed like this in the media, especially during that time period: the 1400’s. I hope this opens doors to casting more people of color in interesting, robust roles that play against stereotypes.
Do you relate to any aspects of Isaac’s character?
Definitely his loyalty. I’m a loyal friend. And I like to think that I’m the type of person who would sacrifice a lot for someone I love. And also if there’s a cause that I believe in, then I throw myself into it 110 percent (laughs). I like to see things through.
Have anything to say to fans of the series, in advance of season 2?
Season 1 was amazing. But season 2 takes it to a whole new level. Get ready.
Follow Ade on Twitter and Instagram.
Thank you for the interview Ade, and your incredible work as Isaac this season! Can’t wait to see what you do next - in Wallachia and otherwise. 
- Cooper ❀
(ANOTHER!? Before you smash a mug on the floor, hit these links to Graham McTavish’s and Richard Armitage’s interviews)
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nightqueendany · 6 years
The GOT S7 Commentaries...
So one of the incomprehensible ANTI arguments as to why it’s believed Jon/Sansa are endgame or that Jon actually isn’t in love with Daenerys (and therefore is playing her, is undercover/political Jon theories and is actually in love with his sister instead) has to do with the Season 7 Episode 7 commentary, specifically, Kit’s comments about one Jonerys scene in particular.
That scene every ANTI has a hard-on about is when Jon/Dany are in the corner of the dragonpit alone, passing the dragon skull back and forth and are talking about Dany being infertile (or so she thinks).
In the commentary, Kit says “this is when they decide they really like each other” and David Benioff sort of disagrees, mentioning earlier scenes of them in the caves, etc.
Antis like to say that since Kit can’t even supposedly pinpoint when Jon and Daenerys started to fall for each other, that this must be proof that Jon actually is playing Dany and Kit has known it all along and isn’t that invested in the romance he’s portraying on screen.
Now, a few points to remember before I serve up some hot tea:
This commentary is well after the wrapping of filming. Many many months after wrapping.
The actors have not seen any of the completed episodes for this season.
The actors frequently skip the bits of the scripts that do not have them in it. Hence the joke “Bullshit, bullshit, my line, bullshit.”
The entire season is shot incredibly out of order. Some scenes from Episode 7 were the first shot of the entire season.
The actors and even D&D absolutely do not take these commentaries seriously AT ALL. “90 minutes of goooooold....”
With the long break between when they wrapped filming, with filming being out of order, and with actors skipping large chunks of script, when Kit and co did the commentary, much of the details of the script were forgotten. In fact, in the 7x07 episode, Kit frequently says he doesn’t know what’s going on in a scene because he’s forgotten even filming it in the first place.
But I’ll let the commentary speak for itself:
0:30 - “Have any of you three ever listened to any these commentaries?” - Dave Benioff.  “I jog to them.” - Dan Weiss. “I sometimes go on YouTube and forwardwind bits until I’m talking and just listen.” - Kit Harington. “Is that what you on set while we’re shooting?” - Dan Weiss “Most days.” - Kit Harington. “Bullshit, bullshit, my line, bullshit bullshit bullshit.” - Dan Weiss. “Bullshit, bullshit, my line.” - Kit Harington.
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2:25 - “I’ve forgotten what’s going on here.” - Kit in reference to the scene the Unsullied are lined up outside King’s Landing and the Lannister soldiers are preparing in case of attack.
4:40 - “The thing about Thrones is you turn up and you have a horse riding assessment at the start and the last people to know anything about what happens in the series are the actors so Camilla, the stunt guys, everybody knows the storyline, what happens to your character. And it’s your job during the horse riding assessment to try and get that information.” - Kit when they’re talking about their horse riding assessments at the beginning of filming every season.
5:57 - “Ohh I know what’s going on. I’ve just realized...it’s taken me that long to figure it out.” - Kit, in reference to the scene Sandor Clegane taps on the box holding the wight on the ship headed for King’s Landing and the Dragon Pit meeting.
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14:25 - “Oh we did have rain, didn’t we?” Kit in reference to Dan and Dave talking about the VFX guys having to take out raindrops from scenes because he literally couldn’t remember filming what was, according to Lena, “Torrential rain.”
19:09  - “I’m quoting your character from later in this episode.” - Dave Benioff talking about Lena conspiring with the costume designer. Lena clearly didn’t get the reference when Dave made it because she had forgotten her own line from the script of the episode they’re watching.
23:56 - “Here’s where you’ve just, just fucked the whole thing up” - Dan Weiss, “It was quite interesting having everyone of the main characters, or the principle characters, in the same place at the same time.” “Looking at you with disdain.”
24:53  - “Alright Jon Snow, don’t fuck this up.” - Dave Benioff, “Don’t fuck it up Jon, what could he possibly do to fuck it up?” - Kit Harington. “Just say fine’.” “Just say ‘yes’. Simple.” - Looks at Daenerys (Emilia Clarke). “Noooo,” “I am true to my word.” “God he pisses me off.” “Kit Harington would have just lied through his teeth here.” - Dan Weiss. “Honestly I would, yeah.” - in reference to Cersei asking Jon to stay out of the fight between her and Daenerys after the dead are defeated and Jon admits he already bent the knee to Dany.
-Okay, not really relevant, just my personal favorites on Jon publicly bending the knee, but I digress...
29:35 - “What’s going on now?” - Kit when Tyrion goes to meet with Cersei and is standing outside talking to Jaime.
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30:32 - “Did you film this right at the start? The start of the season, is this one of the first ones you filmed?” - Kit. “Yeah I think it was in the first couple of weeks.” - Lena. When Tyrion and Cersei are meeting privately. Filming out of order...
31:02  - “I’ve forgotten what happens in the rest of this episode.” - Kit during the Tyrion Cersei scene. COME ON HE LITERALLY ADMITS HE CAN’T REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENS IN THE SEASON FINALE OF THE SHOW HE’S STARRED IN FOR SEVEN YEARS. They don’t study this stuff like we do guys!!! They love it but they’re not as big of nerds as us!!!
31:57  - “This does look like a good scene.” - Kit again on the Tyrion Cersei scene. 😳🙄
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37:10 - “Kit, what did you think about this scene? Why don’t you tell us something useful. For the one guy left listening.” - Dave Benioff. “I liked it. I liked this scene.” “I can’t remember, what was this scene about?” “Yeah, she says that I’m not... she can’t have children.” “We’ll see about that.” “Haven’t met the little Jon.” “No this is where they really decide where they like each other, isn’t it?”  “If that’s what works for you? I feel like it happened a little sooner. You know when they’re in the cave together, there’s some friction, some heat. “ <= What the ANTIS heard “I don’t recall when Jon and Dany start to fall for each other because it’s unimportant to the story.”  => What they conveniently forget Kit adds at the end => “It happens in stages. But this is where the magic touch happens. This is where the electricity happens, just there.”
39:12 - “Actor studio question for you, so when you’re playing this scene, are you thinking in the back of your head, I know I’m telling a lie or are you just playing it as if this is really what’s gonna happen?” - Dave Benioff  “What sounds more intelligent?” - Lena, talking about when Cersei comes out to the Dragonpit after her conversation with Tyrion and tells Team Targaryen she will send her armies north to fight alongside them against the dead. Lena, a professional actress, can’t even remember how she approached and played a scene that is pretty pivotal for the entirety of next season. I mean....
41:38 - “If someone’s watching this for the first time.” - Kit. “I know I’m joking, it was a joke, Kit, fuck.” - Dave Benioff. “They’ve probably already read it online anyway.” - Dan Weiss. - Talking about Littlefinger’s death when Sansa receives the raven from Jon about bending the knee to Daenerys. Again, not really relevant. This is just personally one of my fave bits from the commentary. But D&D knew what was up with the leaks hah.
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44:46 - “This is one of the first scenes I shot in the whole…” - Kit Harington about the Jon/Theon throne room scene on Dragonstone when Theon says he needs to go after Yara. More out of order shooting making it difficult for actors to recall certain storylines, plots, lines, scenes, episodes, etc.
46:18 -  “I’ve forgotten you’ve got that Alfie scene in this bit.” - Kit on Theon later on the beach with the other Ironborn.
48:05 - “Does Jon know who Yara is? I guess he probably does, he knows things.” - Dan Weiss. When Theon says he needs to go save Yara. This is the writer, producer, and showrunner and he’s legitimately asking this question. Side Note, of course Jon would know who Yara is, he grew up with Theon. Surely the topic of his sister would have come up at some point.
48:37 - “I have no recollection of who writes what anymore.” - Dan Weiss. Talking about the Jon Snow/Theon scene.
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1:05:44 - “This was, I think, Isaac’s first scene, that he shot in the season. So he was still, he did a very good job of finding this new version of his character right out of the gate.” - Dan Weiss on the scene where Sam arrives in Winterfell and meets with Bran where they speak about Jon’s heritage.
1:08:04 - “Are you kidding?” - Lena, who doesn’t read the scripts, about Rhaegar and Lyanna being married. “No, Heir to the throne. Heir to the … well, technically.” - *Lena gasping* -  “There’s mum and dad. I’m getting emotional actually.” - Kit “Lena do you not read the scripts?” “No cause I fucking watch it.”
1:09:42 - “Oh shit off.” Lena when Lyanna says Jon’s real name. At Bran’s line: “He’s the heir to the Iron Throne.” - Lena inhales sharply.
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1:10:52 - “Did you not know that was coming? Did you?” - Kit to Lena about Jon being the heir to the throne.  - Side Note: when Kit said this, I actually thought Lena might have been crying until she speaks again in the Sansa/Arya scene and her voice is unaffected so I guessed she wasn’t but anyway...just goes to show how much the actors know about the scripts and scenes and show in general.
1:13:24 - “Oh, you haven’t seen this have you? You don’t know what’s happening?” - Kit to Lena about The Wall coming down.
Clearly, our fave folks do not pay nearly as much attention to this stuff once they’re done filming it as we do.
BTW I thought all the ANTIS didn’t believe a single thing the actors, producers, composer, costume designer, etc. said about the show in commentaries or BTS bits because none of what they said aligned with the Jon/Sansa pairing...?
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