#the elysian prophecy
juneisthin · 1 year
• ° • welcome • ° •
• junie
• 21
• they / them / theirs
• potsie
• 5'9 / 175 cm
• i've had an ed for 6 years
• depression, anxiety, ocd, adhd, autistic, possible osdd
• this blog is for me and me alone. if you don't have an eating disorder, are recovering or are recovered please for the love of life block me. but please don't report.
• ° • goals • ° •
[ ] 325 lbs / 147 kg / 23 st
[ ] 300 lbs / 136 kg / 21 st
[ ] 275 lbs / 125 kg / 19 st
[ ] 250 lbs / 113 kg / 18 st
[ ] 225 lbs / 102 kg / 16 st
[ ] 200 lbs / 90 kg / 14 st
[ ] 175 lbs / 79 kg / 12 st
[ ] 150 lbs / 68 kg / 10 st
[ ] 125 lbs / 56 kg / 9 st
[ ] ✨ 99 lbs / 45 kg / 7 st ✨
• ° • my rules • ° •
• eating window is from 8 am - 8 pm
• drink 130 oz / 4 l water daily
• weigh in's daily
• eat no more than 1800 calories daily
• meals should be no more than 500 calories
• don't count fruits, vegetables, meds and vitamins
• no second's
• physical activity for 1 hour daily
•°• ana commandments •°•
• if you aren't thin you aren't attractive
• being thin is more important than being healthy
• you must buy clothes, cut your hair, take laxatives, starve yourself, do anything to make yourself look thinner
• thou shall not eat without feeling guilty
• thou shall not eat fattening food without punishing oneself afterwards
• thou shall count calories and restrict intake accordingly
• what the scale says is the most important thing
• losing weight is good/gaining weight is bad
• you can never be too thin
• being thin and not eating are signs of true will power and success
• ° • why • ° •
• for the thigh gap
• for the bones
• for the "have you lost weight?"
• for the dainty wrists
• for the size 0's and small's
• for the "your too skinny"
• for the self esteem
• to be the skinniest person in the room"
• for the better mood
• for the baggy clothes
• for every single person who bullied you for your weight
• so your asthma can improve
• so you can be carried by anyone
• so you won't feel guilty eating
• because food is nothing but fat
• ° • punishments • ° •
Varies by severity, from lightest to worst
• look at meanspo
• skip your next meal
• purge
• walk for one hour
• physical activity for an extra hour
• 18 hour water fast
• 24 hour water fast
• cut yourself
• 30 hour water fast
• 48 hour water fast
• ° • don't eat... • ° •
instead, do these
• go for a walk
• take a shower
• dance
• longboard / roller skate / bike
• workout
• clean something
• read a book
• browse tumblr
• drink water / tea / diet soda
• take a nap
• listen to music
• look at thinspo / sweetspo
• ° • movies • ° •
• to the bone - netflix
• starving in suburbia / thinspiration - tubi
• sharing the secret - tubi
• ° • playlist • ° •
🎼 again - crusher-p ft. gumi
🎼 are you satisfied - marina
🎼 body - mother mother
🎼 diet mountain dew - lana del ray
🎼 eyesore - maria mena
🎼 i go hungry - mother mother
🎼 please eat - nichole dollanganger
🎼 self-fulfilling prophecy - maria mena
🎼 decadence and disorder (the voice of anorexia) - elysian soul
🎼 skinny - edith backlund
🎼 unhealthy - small crush
🎼 oh ana - mother mother
🎼 never good enough - rachel ferguson
🎼 weightless - mi
🎼 prom queen - beach bunny
🎼 purge the poison - marina
🎼 alien blues - vundabar
🎼 just a waste - pinkpantheress
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kindheart525 · 9 months
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Name: Divine Elysian Prophecy   Nicknames: Prophie, Elysie (family nickname), Divvy (only Swift), Madame Opal (stage name)  Parents: Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon Siblings: Erudite Spell, Enchanting Show Future Spouse: Swift Valor Future Children: Oracle Glimmer, Crystal Ball  Personality: Hence her name, Prophecy is skilled in a unique type of magic: the power of oracle. She has a special insight into what the future holds and what the best path forward is, and she uses this ability to her advantage...as in messing with ponies. Prophecy is actually very intellectual and rational, using her powers for genuine good as well, but she is immensely popular among ponies who desire to know what the future holds for mostly selfish reasons. She tries to teach ponies who come to her without reason a lesson, showing them firsthand that she is more than just a typical fortune teller. The magic of oracle is serious business and best not messed with.  Cutie Mark: A decorated all-seeing eye, symbolizing her talent in clairvoyance.
Adopted from @glitterfleshgum
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, January 10
Xander: Red alert! Where's Buffy? Giles: Uh, she, she just stepped out. Her, her father came by early. He, he needed to talk to her. W... where are your other clothes?
Xander: Oh, don't I wish I had the answer to *that* question. Willow: Xander kinda found himself in front of our class not wearing much of anything. Xander: Except my underwear. Willow: (laughs) Yeah! It was really... (looks at Xander) ...bad. It was a bad thing. Xander: 'Bad thing'? I was naked. 'Bad thing' doesn't cover it. Willow: Everyone staring? I would hate to have everyone paying attention to me like that. Xander: With nudity! It's a total nightmare. Willow: (realizes) Well, yeah Xander! I-it's your nightmare!
~~Buffy Episode #10: "Nightmares" ~~
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor! Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here. If you saw the phrase "HTML template" in our previous calls for editors and that was what made you decide that Herald duties aren't for you, you may be glad to hear that we've set up an alternative posting process!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Real Royalty Fix Each Other's Crowns (Buffy/Faith, Cordelia, T) by BeatriceEveryTuesday
[Chaptered Fiction]
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heaven is a hell with you Ch. 1 (Buffy/Angel, M) by bonniesfire
Bound: Part 2 Ch. 11 (Buffy/Spike, M) by RavenLove12
A Gutted World Ch. 11 (Ensemble, G,) by Spooksdarkhero
Shadow Over Hellmouth CH. 50 (Ensemble, M) by Tuxedo Mark
The Sun Ch. 24 (Willow, T) by heckate
All That Is And All That Seems CH. 59 () by Malk McJorma
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Bound, Chapter 37 (Buffy/Spike, E) by RavenLove12
The Odd Couple, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, E) by honeygirl51885
Break Even, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, E) by violettathepiratequeen
take me home, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, E) by HappyWhenItRains
(Buffy/Spike, ) by
(Buffy/Spike, ) by
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Daughter of Aurelius, Chapter 55 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Loup Noir
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Resident Evil: Fallout Ch. 1 (Xander, M, Resident Evil xover) by Sithicus
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Angel () by davidboreanaz
Artwork:Scoobies () by loewens
Artwork:Scoobies () by wolfstrong
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Video: Rupert Giles | BTVS | Line of Sight () by Jess Wilson
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Season 2 Ep 9 - What’s my Line (Part 1) by marvellousinternethideout
Season 2 Ep 10 - What’s My Line (Part 2) by marvellousinternethideout
I Robot You Jane by antediluvianapocalypse
my top five episodes by linkspooky
Tie In Novel: Go Ask Malice by stellernorth
Season 2 Ep 8 - The Dark Age by marvellousinternethideout
[Community Announcements]
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Elysian Fields is hosting Finishing Months until the end of March
2022: A Year in Review by Elysian Fields
[Fandom Discussions]
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now i know joss is wack, but by badrecognition
is that the necklace she received from Angel, that Buffy’s looking at in the fourth panel? by oveliagirlhaditright
The fact that Bangel have had, like, a million different incarnations, though, and have loved each other in each one. by oveliagirlhaditright
i don’t think faith lehane is actually originally from boston by breha
I’ve been seeing a lot of IWRY discussion lately by someonefantastic
charles gunn’s character arc by womanaction
Sometimes it’s mad to me that Prophecy Girl is in Season 1 because most of Season 1 sucks ass. by girl4music
Since it’s Coffy week by oveliagirlhaditright
Just watched someone react to Hush by weirdo-and-proud
the out of my mind final scene by mollyspeak
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Buffy - Better or Luckier? by Multiple Authors
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You were my sire man! by MatchingMyDog1106
What are your thoughts on this convo? by Opening_Knowledge868
Which other Whedon series could possibly share the same universe with Buffy & Angel? by Seer77887
My god Something Blue is just a masterpiece isn't it? by Critical-Tank
Was Angelus Not Capable Of Defeating Buffy? by fuurn90
Could Buffy Kill Anya? by fuurn90
Just watched upto S3 E2, thoughts by Zealousideal_Hat6843
Cordy and Wes on Ats by Lobothehobosexual
Buffyverse Music Database by Captainoats88
Rant about Dawn by Fun-Valuable-2638
The final scene by CleanUpOnAisle10
GIles and Spike's opinions on the royal family by Longjumping_Hat_2672
So was anyone gonna tell me buffys breakdown in the musical episode is about post-uni depression??? by theducksystem
Who preceded Buffy? by Vonda705
Did Dawn know the secret already or was she made aware when Joyce found out by RaspberryBri
Romance a’brewin by spitemeep
Which is sadder: the body or a hole in the world? by N00B_DuDe
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PUBLICATION: Every Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episode, Ranked (Part One) by AidanWhatman
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There’s a church
7 saints chosen every seven years
The ruler
The alchemist
The general
The soldier
The healer
The sorcerer
The advisor
Trials are held throughout the land
All through summer and fall
Anyone from 12-18 must be put through them
Peasants don’t get chosen v often
Ok mythology
there are two gods
Aia and Siv
Aia ruled Elysium and Siv ruled Malstrum
They interacted with humans and it was all chill
Siv grew bitter
All this is told in the fabula dei (bible type thing)
Siv wants the souls from absinthe (neutral territory) so he can get the human realm.
Ok so it goes two ways,
In reality Siv has a human slip some of Siv blood into Aia’s meal as the two gods dine together. Hate lodges in Aia’s heart and they pretty much switch places.
Siv gets Aia to do the dirty work.
In the book tho it says the human warns Aia and Aia banishes Siv to stay in Malstrum.
Becaus ebalance it means Aia is also banished which explains lack of contact,
Prophets spoke to souls in absinthe
And then 5e last prophet gave the prophecy
When they got banished magic got less common
Sorcery is daemon touched people
Souls I’m elysium become elysian
Souls in Malstrum get tortured then become daemons.
The prophecy!
On the seventh year at wintertide,
Seven saints shall start their rise.
Tested by trial, forced to strength,
The seven youth will study at length.
A ruler with a commanding voice,
Shall make the masses follow by choice.
An alchemist with knowledge not learned from text,
Shall always be prepared for whatever comes next.
A general always surveying the field,
Shall lead their enemies to yield,
A soldier loyal to their last breath,
Shall give you victory or give you death.
A healer always ready for more,
Shall mend the wounds of a holy war.
A sorcerer, daemon touched, always been shunned,
Shall finish the battle and let it be done
And last an advisor, wise for the ages,
Shall finish the battle and let it be done.
When the day comes for war,
Be prepared for foes never fought before.
First comes the plague and next a famine,
Beware of devils and traitors within.
The seven shall set out and journey west,
For am I a prophet without giving a quest?
Gifts of Elysian shall help prevent trouble
But forces of Malstrum are sure to be double.
A balance thrown off for centuries too long,
Seven saints shall go to write an old wrong,
I'm sorry but when you said "i've been thinking about some oc's"
like so casually. I was like oh yeah vague ideas maybe draw the characters yk yk. stuff like that.
not. not some of the most beautiful world-building and lore ever. Bestie what the actual fuck this is gorgeous.
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
All Hades 2 Gods Explained – Kronos, Melinoe, Apollo, and More
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Like the first game, the Hades 2 gods will be extensive (and let’s be honest, hot) in number and, while the Hades 2 release date for Early Access is a ways off, we already know about a handful of the deities and themes the Supergiant Games sequel will tackle. From Melinoë to Kronos, Apollo, Hecate, and the titular Hades, you’ll be meeting many Greek mythological figures as you carve your way through the underworld in the roguelike game. So on that note, here’s every god we know about in Hades 2, and how they fit into Greek myth. The below isn’t a complete list of all the Hades 2 gods, as Supergiant Games will more than likely reveal more over time ahead of the Early Access release. It’s also worth noting that none of what we write below is set in stone for Hades 2. Greek myth, including the stories and characters, has always been incredibly fluid after being passed down orally for thousands of years, and Supergiant Games made it their mission in the first game to take the myths and expand the characters in modern and believable ways, so expect some twists on what we know. Melinoë Melinoë is Zagreus’ brother and Hades’ daughter in Hades 2, and the game’s protagonist, and while her history in the ancient world is a little murky, one orphic Hymn from around 2,000 years ago does tell us a little bit about her. With limbs black on one side and white on the other, she was in charge of appeasements offered to ghosts of the dead. The goddess’ dual black and white limbs are seemingly intended to represent her split between the underworld and the heavenly world above. All we really know about Melinoë then is that she’s described as the daughter of Persephone and Hades (sometimes called a variation of Zeus), and she was heavily involved with the ghosts of the dead. It’s also believed by some that Melinoë was the orphic title for Hecate, which does make the next Hades 2 god seem a bit confusing – somewhat similarly to the links between Zagreus and Dionysus in Greek myth, actually. Hecate If we take Hecate as a separate entity from Melinoe, as Supergiant has in Hades 2 as the woman clad in all-black robes, she’s the goddess of magic, spells, the moon, and the night. In Hades 2 it looks like Hecate will assist Melinoë in her quest against Kronos (who we’ll get to), training her in the ways of witchcraft and combat. Shrines to Hecate would be placed at entrances to homes to ward off witchcraft and evil, according to many contemporary plays from the likes of Euripides and Aristophanes. We may also see connections to other gods from the first Hades, as Hecate helped Demeter search for her daughter Persephone in myth after she was abducted by Hades. The Homeric Hymn to Demeter also states that Hecate then acted as Persephone’s companion when she traveled to the underworld to spend a third of every yeast with Hades (Greek myth is a tad confusing, don’t worry about it), with Hecate’s guidance often represented by the iconography of a torch, and she has a bright green one in the trailer. I’d expect this link between Persephone and Hecate to be explored in Hades 2, as Hecate seems to have a close relationship with Melinoë in the trailer. Kronos Kronos appears to be the villain of the Hades 2 gods, imprisoned in chains at the end of the trailer (potentially) and acting as the driving force of the narrative, referred to as “time itself.” The god of time and King of Titans, Kronos devoured his own children, except Zeus, in fear of a prophecy saying he would be overthrown by his own son. Zeus then later saved his siblings and imprisoned Kronos, releasing him even later and making him ruler of the Elysian Islands (which is an inspiration for the third floor of the original Hades, actually), where heroes were sent by the gods after death. A father then to both Zeus and Hades, the god of time is probably just a little pissed that he was imprisoned. While the circumstances may be different for the Hades 2 gods, I’d hazard a guess that Hades’ own imprisonment is a form of revenge, with Kronos’ relationship with time potentially playing into the repeated roguelike element of Hades 2 runs – time travel, perhaps? Moros We also see the Greek god Moros in the trailer, described as “Doom Incarnate.” The god of Doom itself (who knew), Moros would lead fated mortals to their demise. Moros is also the son of Nyx, Zagreus’ sort-of adopted mother in the original Hades, so it isn’t too surprising that Moros looks to help Melinoë, as they’ll likely have a preexisting relationship. Ares helped you inflict the Doom effect in the first game, but it’s unclear if Moros will be tied to that as of yet. Moros is inevitable in greek mythology: he can’t die and mortals attempt to outdo him and their fate in plenty of stories, but he’s likely a side Hades 2 god, so it’s unclear how he’ll fit into the story. Apollo Apollo also makes a brief appearance, described as the “God of Light”. He’s the god of a lot of things (as many gods were), with Hades 2 seemingly going with the sun and light interpretation. A god that’s appeared many times in ancient greek culture, often depicted with a lyre, quiver and bow, and a raven. It looks like Supergiant is combining the bow and lyre for their interpretation, as Apollo is clearly holding a bow that has multiple strings on it, mimicking the look of a lyre somewhat. His power as a Hades 2 god will seemingly be linked to light, although it’s unclear exactly how. Nemesis Nemesis, who I’m sure is already giving Lady Dimitrescu fan artists a run for their money, is described as “Retribution Incarnate” in Hades 2. The goddess of revenge and retribution, Nemesis is basically good old-fashioned comeuppance. While sometimes contested, it is widely believed she is also a child of Nyx, potentially further tying Nemesis together with the first Hades nicely. One of the most famous myths Nemesis is involved with is that of Narcissus, a handsome hunter that was terrible to any of his admirers, so Nemesis lured him to a pool where he fell in love with his own reflection, eventually dying as he couldn’t bear to look away (mood). With multiple ties to Nyx from gods and goddesses in Hades 2, it’s likely like the old consort of gods from the first game will play some sort of role in the sequel, even if they don’t appear directly. These are all the Hades 2 gods we know so far, but more will likely appear as Supergiant Games shares more footage and details of the highly-anticipated roguelike game. Read the full article
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Did they ever say how Kenric actually made it to Elysian? A dramatically written poem?
My theories about the poem:
1 written by either Gisela when she originally found it and went to make a starstone of it
2 written by Cyrah if she followed the crystal she made for Gisela
3 had been an old prophecy? idk something ancient like a hymn or song of a tree translated by a gnome?
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xasha777 · 28 days
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In the cosmic city of Velaaris, deep within the expanse of the Andromeda Galaxy, a mysterious figure known as the Oracle of Elysium held dominion over the enigmatic secrets of the universe. Her skin shimmered with an ethereal glow, a characteristic hue of her alien species, marked by opalescent eyes that seemed to pierce through the fabric of space and time. Her crown, adorned with lustrous gems and a centerpiece resembling a sapphire eye, signified her revered status among the Elysians.
The Oracle resided in the grand Sanctum of Echoes, a monumental structure built around a core of pulsating energy known as the Heart of Echoes. This core was not only a source of boundless energy but also acted as a conduit for the Oracle to communicate with the cosmos. Surrounding this were halls lined with crystalline screens, streaming endless streams of data and cosmic melodies, integrating electronic rock elements that reverberated through the chambers, harmonizing ancient wisdom with modern technology.
Each year, beings from different planets would travel to Velaaris to seek the Oracle’s guidance. Her predictions and advice were sought after by many, from rulers wishing to expand their dominions to travelers seeking the paths to unknown worlds.
One day, a mysterious artifact, a crystal sphere pulsating with a blue light, was brought to her by a hooded stranger from a distant galaxy. The stranger spoke of a prophecy that linked the sphere to an impending cosmic calamity that could disrupt the harmonic balance of the universe.
Intrigued and concerned, the Oracle held the sphere aloft in her chamber, and as she did, her crown’s central gem illuminated brightly, resonating with the sphere's energy. Music filled the chamber, an intense melody of electronic rock with deep bass and sharp, synthetic beats, transforming the sanctum into a vibrant hub of sonic and cosmic energy.
As the music peaked, the sphere projected a holographic map of the galaxy, pinpointing several planets, including Earth, that were aligned in a rare cosmic pattern. This alignment, the Oracle discerned, would open rifts in space-time, creating portals to unknown dimensions but also potential gateways for dark entities seeking entry into their universe.
Determined to prevent the calamity, the Oracle decided to use her powers and the energy of the Sanctum to stabilize the cosmic balance. With the aid of her disciples, she initiated the Celestial Harmony Protocol, a complex ritual that involved synchronizing the pulsating beats of electronic rock with the natural frequency of the universe to reinforce the dimensional barriers.
Over several days, the Sanctum of Echoes became a beacon of light and sound, attracting observers from across the cosmos. The combined energies of the Oracle, the sphere, and the music created a powerful resonance that reverberated across the galaxy.
Finally, as the last notes of the electronic rock faded into silence, the rifts began to close, and the dark energies dissipated. The universe was safe once more, its balance restored by the Oracle’s intervention.
The Oracle of Elysium, with her mystical powers and the aid of her celestial music, had once again secured the future of the cosmos, leaving a legacy that would echo through the ages, blending the ancient with the digital in a symphony of cosmic harmony.
0 notes
jfvnknvdngdcbj · 1 year
Gregorian Catholicism as being an Athenian Nazi Concept
Athenian Democracy from Persia New Civilization developed into Colfax on watch against crime complicit fbi agents;
"FBI fuels State Death Camps" exposed to us by Baldwin's Minute Men to Athenian Chris (cmm);
Prophecies of ill-gotten treatment from. Islamic nationalists and e odized into Colfax, Arab Spring Prophecies; moved from EU to spokane because of Arab Spring terrorism;
Athens EU origins; Fuelling for a NATO Revival with New Baldwinism;
Anti-Greek Death Camps exposed by tracking FBI camps;
Social welfare programs for encampment to develop a Qabala society;
Data Mining Company to build security infrastructure;
Dharma and Moksha that develops into Nirvana by practicing Daousg medicine;
Virgin Medic and Therapist;
Suicide Pact Rituals;
Heirophant Christopher Moreland-Martin as a biochemist and US Moderate Democrat;
Athenian Democrat;
Aurora Qualifications;
Biochemistry and US moderate democrat
Gregorian Catholic with Golden Dawn approval (so Nirvana development is blessed);
Oriental Magic of the Elysian Horror and Amomoly Mysteries being based off of Solomonistic Rituals;
"Sacred Sex," having holy feelings about base feelings and building high noble feelings about child bearing;
Holding psychic pressure built in camp and a bit manic from it;
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andromedaexists · 1 year
Villain Asks
Got an ask from @howlingbreeze for the ask game as well! He asked for HANS & SHEN:
HANS: What drives them to make their immoral decisions?
ooo this is a good question! I think for Icarus it lies in his mental health.
Icarus is the unfortunate victim of cPTSD as well as auditory (and eventually visual) hallucinations. A lot of his decisions are based in the perception gained from these.
His auditory hallucinations tend to take the voice of his father and peers from the Elysian Program telling him to kill, to butcher, anyone he comes across that he thinks has wronged him.
So yeah, I think it's his own mental health and the lack of mental health resources that drive Icarus to make immoral decisions.
SHEN: Do they become a self-fulfilling prophecy, or break the cycle?
oh ho ho, Icarus is the definition of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Like, he inherited Icarus' fate when he was given the name. Well, everyone in the Elysian Program inherited their fates when they were given their names upon entry to the program.
So yeah, he is a self-fulfilling prophecy. There is nothing else that he could be with the way the story is going
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sunnydaleafterdark · 2 years
Latest Story: Of Doom and Bondage, Chapter 11 by Girlytek [NC-17]
Read it here: https://sunnydaleafterdark.com/viewstory.php?sid=775&chapter=11
Nights are getting longer, demons are getting more demonic, the commandos are popping up everywhere and…Buffy really doesn’t have time for another prophecy. Begins at Hush, but it’s not The Gentlemen that come to town. Originally written for the Elysian Fields ‘Artistic April Challenge’ Month, 2021
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surroundedbypearls · 5 years
TODAY I READ: ‘The Elysian Prophecy’ by Vivien Reis
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I heard about this book from @vivien-reis herself, since I’ve been a fan of her YouTube channel for a while. I loved the tips she offered and took a lot of her advice on board, so I figured I should see how her own work was.
The book alternates perspectives between siblings Benjamin (Ben) and Abigail (Abi) Cole and their introduction to the magical realm of Elysia and its politics, powers etc. At the same time, they’re trying to cope with their father being attacked and the disappearance of their mother, who’s been severely mentally ill for years. 
The Good:
The characters. They were all likeable characters; a couple could’ve done with more page time, it’s only a small complaint. I particularly liked Ben and Cora, Abi’s best friend. Ben’s storyline was usually more entertaining to read than Abi’s, and he was overall just more interesting as a character. I think this is partly because Abi is a little more of a generic YA protagonist (the shy girl with brown hair) but she’s likeable enough to be able to spend half the book with her.
The worldbuilding is pretty good. There’s enough information given that you understand Elysia pretty well, but not so much that you feel bombarded with information, especially since there are more books to come and more to learn. The way the magic works is well-explained, and the origins of the magic are pretty interesting.
A large part of Ben’s story is the sensation of his mind unravelling and his fear that he’s inherited his mother’s schizophrenia. I think these parts are described really well; the imagery and fast pacing of a lot of these scenes make it confusing and uncomfortable but that’s the point, so they really worked for me.
There’s a couple of fun twists in the plot; not super shocking but still exciting to read about.
The Bad:
The villain. There’s no real definitive antagonist for most of the book, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. There are certainly some sinister moments, but the character clearly intended to be the central villain is just not very interesting and barely appears at all. If anything, the other antagonists were much more intimidating and threatening to the characters. I imagine the next book will feature more of the villain and they’ll be expanded on more.
The pacing could be better. Certain parts feel a little slow, especially at the beginning. It feels a little like going from A to Z very quickly when the first mentions of magic are introduced. There’s a lot of long training scenes in the middle of the book that are bound to come with this kind of story but are a little boring. But this is where Abi’s story is a little more engaging, seeing as she has more interesting relationships with the people training her than Ben.
It’s a little difficult to decide exactly how to rate this book. I feel like I’m being slightly generous as certain flaws stuck out a little too much for me, but I did like the characters a lot and as far as debut novels go, I really enjoyed it  and will 100% be continuing the series. The biggest issues were in regard to writing itself rather than the storytelling, which is usually more important to me anyway.
I think I’ll be checking out the spin-off too!
Vivien’s channel
RATING: 7/10
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thatwritergirlsblog · 6 years
Summer Vacation TBR list
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Will be putting up reviews as I finish
Comment if you've read any of these/think I'll like them (no spoilers!)
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, September 29
Spike: I was rash, and if I had to do it all over again... Who am I kidding? I would do it exactly the same, only I'd do this... (grabs Collin) Collin: No! Spike: ...first! (cages Collin) From now on, we're gonna have a little less ritual...and a little more fun around here. (hoists cage up into the sunlight, Collin screams, dusts) (to Dru) Let's see what's on TV.
~~School Hard~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Sweet Dreams Shattered by apachefirecat (Lorne, PG/K+)
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A Pink Suitcase And A Princess Gown (Buffy/Angel, not rated) and other Buffy/Angel stories archived by butimbroken
together we died alone by magesamell (Buffy/Spike, T)
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Silver and Gold by cawthraven (Buffy/Spike, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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all the people time’s forgotten (and all the ones i can’t) - Chapter 1 by taxicab12 (Willow, Scoobies, T)
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Colonial Bride, Ch. 5 by Feanix88 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
A Night Without Day, Ch. 21 by HappyWhenItRains (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Fragility, Ch. 3 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, R)
Ties to the World, Ch. 6 by The Danish Bird (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Colonial Bride, Ch. 4-5 by Feanix88 (Adult Only)
No Remedy for Memory, Ch. 4 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Scattered Echoes: Second Generation, Ch. 19 by myrabeth (Buffy/Spike, M)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Pixel art: Just another night on the job by pixelpunkz (Buffy, vampires, worksafe)
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Manip: I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. by loveisntbrains (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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What Is One Thing You HATE About Your Favorite Season? by Plasma and others
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Best Spike Episodes by vishus42 and others
I finally watched Angel the Series and I wish I hadn’t (+ why people love Smile Time) by anasophie1 and others
Between Buffy and Angel, which was the better Season 1? hosted by rednax2009
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Are there any good Angel recap podcasts? by v_mpires
[Community Announcements]
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Top 50 Buffyverse Scenes - Redux (each week, a poll will be posted) at Buffy-Boards
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Everything you need to know about the Road Trip Challenge at Elysian Fields
[Fandom Discussions]
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Cordelia's best friend by nightshade and others
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25 Years of Spike: School Hard aired on Sept. 29, 1997 by PuckRobin and others
Prophecies in the Buffyverse by Involvere and others
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Spike's vibe throughout S2-S7. Seriously, what is it about him? by Opening_Knowledge868
The missing Spike and Buffy scene in Chosen by apollo11keychain and others
Willow and Xander get too much crap by fans in Empty Places by CleanUpOnAisle10 and others
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willowstea · 3 years
I'm currently reading The Elysian Prophecy and so far it's the best self-published book I've ever read. I'm over halfway through it!
Vivien Reis even includes a free ebook you can get from her website. It shows off her writing style very well and that's why I decided to buy the full book. You have to sign up for her newsletter but I've gotten maybe 8 emails in the year and a bit I've been on it.
Also it's got a gorgeous cover!! (That also attracts dirt like children, but its pretty!)
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This isn't endorsed or anything im just so at awe with the book so far and wanted to share.
Plus a free book is a free book 📖
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itwill-comeback · 3 years
The thing that makes Vlad invincible is his human DNA. Elysians are physically unchanging from the moment they turn for the rest of their lives, frozen in time, making any true change impossible. Their bodies hold a singular image that cannot be altered, leaving things like tattoo ink and cancer cells as foriegn entities that almost immediately get destroyed.
This makes their bodies stagnant and in a way, bad at healing severe injuries, their focus is to retain their living physical form rather than recreate their physical form. Their cells regenerate to an extent, scar tissue fades quickly but they can't create new limbs if they've been severed off [thus making things like decapitation lethal] where some vampires can recover from the removal of organs [D'Ablo did survive an assassination attempt where his heart was removed] it seems their body only has a certain amount of time or energy to expend on healing and if the organ in question is obstructed or burned it won't heal. That is to say, poisoning, staking, burning and decapitation are some of the most effective killing methods.
It seems like the Slayer Society is aware of this as these are their most common methods of killing vampires. I wouldn't be surprised if the Society has taken vampires captive and tested killing methods as well as the limitations of their healing abilities.
The way in which Vlad avoids everything that would otherwise kill him is solely due to him having human DNA, flexible, adaptable human DNA which is much more pliant and capable of tolerating change than Elysian DNA. Where certain things unavoidably kill vampires [poisoning, sunlight, fire, death glyphs] humans usually can overcome these same things with time or are unaffected by them, and certain things that would kill humans [organ removal, starvation, time, sickness] couldn't kill vampires because of their propensity for healing.
They handle threats differently, where vampires are difficult to injure and heal quickly compared to humans, destroying a threat is less difficult but for fledglings is considered an unnecessary risk when they're so fast and can simply evade threats. Humans when threatened by animals are particularly good at outlasting a threat or outsmarting said threat, but neither of these is really true when faced with vampires, their only real advantage is being underestimated by vampires and having a numbers advantage.
Vlad reaps all of the advantages of both sides, he's even quicker at healing wounds than Elysians despite having a lackluster diet and being seemingly smaller than most of his human peers, where D'Ablo couldn't completely heal the stomach wound Vlad gave him because of vampire DNA being unable to heal burnt areas and unable to dedicate more time and energy to healing without extra blood being given, Vlad spent a few days tops in the hospital after being staked and Joss confirming that he had hit his heart, he healed insanely fast with minimal scarring and seemingly no lasting heart problems. He's survived staking, sunlight, severe smoke inhalation, being stabbed, things that would kill vampires and humans alike are seemingly only minor inconveniences for him. The only reason for this seems to be that human DNA is capable of adaptation from injury and vampire DNA is capable of resistance to injury.
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gunpowdville · 3 years
Do you have any unpopular opinions about the mechs you feel could be popular in a brighter timeline?
ooooo ok so i have absolutely no clue what's unpopular and what's not but here are some very specific headcanons of mine that are near and dear to my heart.
Aro Bertie. Aro Bertie my absolute beloved. I think so often about aro/arospec Bertie it's not even funny. I also think often about Bertie helping Jonny figure out his identity (i headcanon Jonny as ace and arospec and also he struggles with thinking about identity stuff bc projecting). I don't think a lot of other people have this headcanon and that's fair, but it's very dear to my heart.
Ok i think this is actually officially not canon but i do like the idea that brian's prophecy is actually more of a probability-based kinda thing, and maybe not entirely magical/supernatural? i don't know. But I also adore eldritch Brian so I kinda contradict myself here.
my very very specific dttm headcanon that while Tim was on his final rampage, he hooked the comm systems of the gunship up to Aurora and sang a battle song to them, as a sort of goodbye.
My other very specific dttm headcanon that Jonny died first, and before it happened he had Elysian Fields stuck in his head for weeks and couldn't figure out why. And then when he died he was like 'oh'.
Fashion designer Tim,,,,
the morality switch isn't a physical switch, it's more of an internal setting that only Brian can control.
ok this turned into more just my very specific little headcanons, sorry. I hope it's ok?
Thank you so much for the ask!!!
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