#the cute little curls
frnkiebby · 1 month
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oh he’s so fucking pretty and i will scream~🎃
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meidui · 8 months
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tony reclaiming his right to choose / for @areiton
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thatmooncake · 3 months
Hey I want my visit too.
Of course if you want.
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How much trouble can two different sized Moons get up to?
(The answer is a lot!)
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rtdldx · 2 months
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this is the future of sleepy little kittens and kittys
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f1-birb · 1 month
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nah that's it, he's getting put in the pocket
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n0ahsferatu · 4 months
*flattens him with a cartoonishly large anvil*
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vrronica-sawyer · 28 days
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polygun morning routine
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xjustakay · 5 months
✺ (1/8) ✺ @jegulus-microfic prompt: converse — 1,130 words (jegulus dads ft. harry; going through harry’s baby things)
“Oh no.” There’s a dramatic level of pain in James’ voice —there has been all afternoon since they started this project— and Regulus sighs quietly, lips twitching at the corners. “Reg, look at these.”
Regulus finishes folding the quilt that Pandora made for Harry to leave the hospital in, sets it in its new box marked ‘keep,’ then turns to his husband. 
This has been a common occurrence as they’ve undertaken this task; going through Harry’s baby things to see what they truly need to hold onto and what can be donated has been an emotional journey. Admittedly, Regulus is having a progressively difficult time keeping it together the more that they find, but he’s let James be the one to express the feelings they’re both experiencing. Loudly and repetitively.
Balanced on James’ wide palm is a pair of infant-sized Converse, so tiny it’s hard to believe they ever belonged to a person, much less that that person was the five year old that’s currently coloring at a folding table in the corner of their garage. The little shoes are red, matching a pair that James has kept consistently replaced and in his wardrobe for years.
“I can’t believe he was ever this small,” James muses, stroking one finger over the laces of one.
“I know,” Regulus sighs, bottom lip jutting out in a faint pout. Okay, it’s getting to him now. They’ve been at this for hours, they’re near done. He told himself he wasn’t going to get in his feelings about this, at least not until they’d finished, but… “I think I miss it.”
“Me too.” James reaches for his hand, tows him close to his side to curl his arm around him, both their gazes remaining fixed on the baby shoes. “Should we have another one?”
Regulus lets out a surprised sounding laugh, swinging a backhanded swat gently into James’ stomach. “We have Luna in the picture, too.”
“Also no longer a baby,” James points out. “We could definitely do it.”
“You’re forgetting an important detail.”
“What’s that?”
Regulus half-turns in the curl of James’ arm to look toward their son where Harry sits. A marker clutched just a smidge too tight in one hand, tongue poking out between his teeth in concentration. There’s smudges of different marker colors on his hands, a few pens uncapped and drying out scattered on the table top. Harry doesn’t look up until Regulus calls his name.
“Yes, papa?” He nudges his glasses up and blinks wide green eyes over at him, curious.
“How do you feel about having a baby brother or sister?” Regulus asks.
Harry’s brow furrows deeply. “I already have a sister.”
Regulus gestures toward the little boy as if his point has just been made.
“Another one, then. Wouldn’t that be fun, mate?” James suggests.
Scrunching his face up further in thought, Harry tilts his head, taps the marker in his hand against his chin. Regulus huffs a quiet laugh when the pause extends for several seconds, serious thought clearly being given to this question. In the end, Harry shrugs his shoulders dramatically, keeping them held up toward his ears.
“Well, I don’t know,” He says. “Would I have to share my toys?”
“You already have to share your toys, because that’s the nice thing to do,” Regulus reminds him.
“But a baby can’t play with all of my toys. Because they’re a baby and I’m not a baby.”
“Solid logic on that, mate,” James chuckles. He moves to set the red Converse on the table between the keep and donate boxes, undecided on where they belong. “We’ll think about it, eh? Put a pin in it?”
Harry looks at them both for a long moment before nodding his head once, poking his open marker into the air like he’s physically putting a pin in the thought. Instead of returning to coloring, he drops the marker onto the table —Regulus makes a mental note to replace this pack again when it’s the fifth one left to dry out. Wiggling off his chair, Harry comes over to them, picking up the shoes James sat down.
“Were these mine?” He asks, giggling when he stuffs his fingers into one and wears it like an odd glove. “They’re so small.”
“Yeah, so were you,” Regulus hums.
“But I’m tall now. Taller than Luna and Draco, too.” Harry puts the other shoe on his opposite hand, smacking the small soles together in semblance of a clap.
“You used to match daddy when you wore those shoes as a baby, you know,” Regulus tells him, pointing at his hidden hands.
“Used to put you in them all the time when we’d go out together,” James adds, smiling fondly.
Harry looks down at the shoes, silly with his hands in them, then back up at the two of them with an unexpected frown. “How come we don’t anymore?”
Regulus turns his head, looking at James in playful accusation. “An excellent question.”
“Hey, now, don’t act like this is my fault. You were the one that encouraged him making all his own choices. He never picked the Converse himself,” James argues.
“Well, I could get some now, daddy,” Harry stresses like this is the most obvious answer. He holds up his hands, shoes on display. “‘Cause these ones are too small.”
“Should we save them for the baby, you think?” James asks him.
“So we can all match.” Harry nods at first but then cuts himself short, eyes landing on Regulus. “But papa doesn’t have any.”
“Red isn’t papa’s color,” Regulus says.
“Beg to differ.” James’ mumble earns him an elbow in the ribs, a laugh punching out of him. “We’ll get some for papa, too, just for fun.”
“And then these ones are for the baby,” Harry confirms, setting the Converse back on the table.
“Well. We’ve circled back to this very quickly,” Regulus comments, amused, shaking his head slowly.
James hums in acknowledgment, grinning triumphantly when Regulus looks at him. He leans in and leaves a kiss against his forehead, lips still pressed against the spot, breath breezing through black curls, when he tells Harry to drop the shoes into the keep box for them. Regulus watches him examine each box, fondness blooming warmth in his chest as Harry sounds out letters he recognizes to figure out which box is the right one. 
They’ve all done such a good job with this perfect little boy of theirs, doing it all over again with a new baby might just make life impossibly more wonderful.
We’ll put a pin in it, Regulus thinks again.
He’ll have to wait and see when it’s truly circled back to in seriousness. He keeps it to himself that he wouldn’t mind if it was sooner rather than later.
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happylikeasadsong · 7 months
i think a lot about his hair in this scene. the top giving 'crazy bed hair' and his hand rubbing his chin. I think about it lot
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simplykorra · 5 months
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bts photo of alba from the set of ameila's children
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iheartjameshetfield · 7 months
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babygirl 🫶🫶
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
I still giggle at the fact that Mori gaslit Dazai, a literal genius, into thinking him and Chuuya dying at the same time would be a double suicide when the entire city would also die with them.
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httpiastri · 28 days
paul in the interview on his story 🥹 biggest pookie ever and,,,,,, i maybe wanna kiss his cheeks also but just a little, definitely not in a weird way
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i present to you, paul aron: king of being the cutest man in the world while also being insanely handsome
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frnkiebby · 3 months
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fuckin cutie pie~🎃
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CHARLES, Tg1 ahead of the Italian GP 23
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unic0rnfeet · 2 months
Nice view, isn't it? ��
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