#the big thing is that there is a fundamental difference between mc and real life and it's luxury/amenity vs necessity
fernlessbastard · 18 days
ok hot take. we all hate capitalists. I know. I do too. I really, REALLY hate capitalists.
that being said C!Quackity is the definition of a capitalist. like in a fully "I made the money, I deserve it because I took the risks." "its not my fault that some people dont work as hard as I do." "las nevadas is a company, the only government is the corporation which Quackity owns." way.
he is sat RIGHT at the bottom right corner on the political compass, and he is not budging. obviously, thats not to say hes a homophobe or a racist or generally a bigot, but hes very much a land hoarding, greedy, individualistic, profiteer type guy.
him and wilbur have gotten into several arguments about this, as with pretty much all of the ways Quackity runs his goverment, and shots have been FIRED.
I think the main argument from wilbur would be: "was it your fault that you were homeless after you ran from schlatt? do you really belive that youre the only person who has ever needed to run from financial abuse?" and "if it hadn't been for my policies about taking in all we can feed, then you would have starved to death in the woods. according to your philosophy I should have told you to piss off because you wernt profitable."
and then quackity responding with: "you change your ideology like youre a kid playing dressup, dont act like youre better than me because you woke up and decided that being a marxist suited your situation best, you just want something to argue about." and "you only took me in BECAUSE I was profitable. maybe not through labour but you would have used me as a bargaining chip any day of the week."
anyways, they've both been heads of state and both of them are well versed in political science and economics, which leads to both some very fun conversations and some less fun arguments. (wilbur might enjoy it a little)
ok so yes I agree with that take in the context of the smp, but it's also important to point out that minecraft "capitalism" is what those capitalists who want to convince you it's good claim capitalism to be. Food is abundant, shelter has little requirements to be functional, you can literally just dig a little into a hill and you're set, and then make a farm from things you can find anywhere. Anyone can mine, anyone has access to anywhere that isn't already someone's exact base, food is easily accessible and renewable, etc etc.
What Quackity's doing is he's actually providing a luxury service which isn't at all necessary. And Las Nevadas deserves to earn a profit from people using its facilities, cause they've been carefully and deliberately made to provide entertainment. Quackity doesn't have monopoly on food, shelter, land, resources, etc. Anyone could make their own small version of LN if they had the want and time to. So it isn't fair putting cQuackity in the same box as idfk bezos or musk, cause in cQ's case it's deserved, earned, and not a monopoly that causes everyone but him to suffer. Translating that into real life is just simply much more difficult than taking it at face value
As a sidenote I think that while Quackity is like that on the outside, he still wouldn't ignore someone needing help. Like, he's definitely got that built up resentment of "I had to work for all of this so hard, I've gotten through so many hardships. Why should someone else have it easier??" but then when the push comes to shove he's still end up helping, even if just a little bit.
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Do you think Saeran would ever have actually gone through with any of his threats towards MC? Or do you think it would always be all talk even if MC started pushing back and intentionally trying to anger him?
I have talked about this many times because a lot of people seem to really truly misunderstand his character to a degree that it is kind of sad. It just really hurts me to see people limit him to being someone who is angry.
He is an angry person, it isn't wrong to say that he's mad, but if you only think of him as his anger than you're discounting everything that he's been through.
If you're playing through the route, you actually have to use language when you speak to him about everything to say that you understand that he is more than his anger. You don't have to outright forgive him for his actions. He actually would prefer if you didn't forgive him right away because he surely does not forgive himself.
But, if you look beyond his anger, then you'll see who he actually is. Someone that uses anger as a sword and a shield. He uses it to protect himself and Ray. If he is the biggest monster than the monsters that haunted him cannot get him.
The problem with that is that he cannot have any meaningful relationships because he stops everything. He may stop the bad things, but he stops the good things too.
The major thing that he struggles with during his experience with you is that he does not know what he wants. Ray knows what he wants. It may be a contrived fantasy to some people but it was still a tangible dream.
He knew what he wanted.
Saeran can't say that. He's not allowed to do that. He's supposed to be stronger. He's supposed to be better than that. He's supposed to have a better understanding of how to be strong. So, what happens when he realizes that he has more feelings than anger?
His entire existence is supposed to be about revenge and feeling that anger inside of him. It's just anger, right? But, when he feels more than that anger, it's dangerous and it's not okay by the eyes of his savior.
He and Ray fundamentally understand that the cult is not a tangible place to survive. It's the only place that they have. They just accept it because she did not abandon them like the other two seemingly did. He gives his whole life to that because they feel like they have to do it to make up for her "sacrificing" herself for them. Both he and Ray.
Saeran says big things. He always says that he's going to do something but he never goes through with it. He keeps pushing off the idea of hurting you in such a way, but he does not exactly realize why he's doing that at first. He laughs it off and says that it's not worth wasting on you. But is that really truth?
He does not realize that he's pushing it away more and more until it occurs to him that he wants you in the way that Ray wants you.
In the way that you want Ray.
But you don't see him as Ray. Ray was the only one that was allowed to feel those emotions. That's why he tries to pretend to be Ray. That's the only way that he can be vulnerable. It doesn't come out the right way and it's not the right thing to do but it's the only thing that he knows to do. He's trying to make sense of what's happening to him but everything that he tries just makes it worse.
And as everything starts to get worse and worse, you can see him try to protect you from his savior. In the same way that Ray tried to protect you. In their own way, the two of them really try to make sure that you were safe in the realm of what they were capable of. Despite the fact that they knew what would happen.
I sincerely don't think that he actually would have gone through with hurting you. Not in the ways that he threatens. I suppose if we were to speak about the context of the second bad ending, I can talk about that a little bit. That ending of the situation of too little, too late.
His tormenting you to try to remain in control of himself goes too far in that ending. You wind up breaking and there's no way to put you back together again. You wind up breaking and there's no way to put you back together again.
You're like Humpty Dumpty.
He can't fix you.
If you can be broken, then what's the point? If he has no feeling anymore when he's with you, what's the point? Is there any hope in this life when all he has is this numb feeling in the anger inside of him? What's the point?
When he tries to torment you in that specific ending, what he's actually trying to do is to get you to respond again. He's desperately trying to get the real you back. But he's not going to get you back because you've given up on everything and there's nothing left but a dull void in your eyes.
That's a broken ending for the both of you. Too little, too late. There's no hope in that ending. It's not torture for the sake of torture in that ending. He's torturing himself and you're being tortured. It's just hell in a handbasket.
I've talked about What If the Savior let him give you the elixir. That has a similar outcome to the second bad ending. It would be hopeless. And I have to post that you can read here about these feelings that he's going through:
Anon covered his desperation here pretty good on his threats. This Post in comparison is me talking about how people misconstrue both Ray and Suit Saeran.
Now, I don't think I've ever really elaborated on the idea of what if the MC fed back into what he wanted. You see, part of what he wants is that someone tangibly and realistically tell him that what he's doing is the right thing.
What that means is that the theory of darkness and anger that he has, is that anyone can be broken and can become a devil. It's what his savior has instilled into him and to some degree, his own mother.
If you were to angrily lash back out at him and act in such a way that you show violence, it just proves the theory that you don't really care. It just proves that even someone that has kindness like you can be broken and twisted up inside.
It's simply proof that it's only an inevitability that people are going to be broken and realize that the only way to live is the way that is what his savior wants. It's going to make matters worse and it's not going to fix anything.
You cannot respond to his outbursts by using anger. It's understandable to want to, but it's not going to change the situation and it's not going to make it better.
Because the lesson here to learn is that kindness is not a weakness and that compassion can go a long way when you see someone struggling and wants desperately to help themselves.
That's a major difference between Rika and Ray and Saeran. She does not want to acknowledge that she needs help and she buries herself into her ways and hurts other people. But there is a part of Ray and Saeran that clings to the idea of kindness and Hope. They are both willing to go against what they have been utterly coerced and brainwashed into believing. Even when they're scared.
The willingness to have faith and to want better for yourself is kind of crucial here. So, I don't think it's the best idea for an MC to lash out at him. That I don't think it's the end of the world if it happens. It all depends on context. I have done a few things where he's had arguments with his MC, but never anything like lashing out, throwing things at him, or getting angry with him like that.
But, that just depends.
Either way, I hope this somehow answers your question a long-winded way.
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Hello! I saw your post about elevated planets, is there also any explanation about the planets opposite/bottom of the Zenith/Mc? Thank you!
Good Question
Nadir In Astrology
The Nadir, or Imum Coeli (IC), Latin for “south/bottom of the sky,” or “lowest point” is one of the four major angles in an astrological birth chart [the other 3 are the [Rising, Descendant, and Midheaven] and definitely the least talked about. The Midheaven and Nadir points lie at opposite ends of your Natal Chart. The Midheaven is at the very top [where your most elevated will be nearest]. It is where the Sun was at its highest peak during midday. Using this, we calculate the Nadir, or where the Sun was at its very lowest point during midnight. Like the Ascendant and Descendent Axis, the Midheaven and Nadir are opposites, with one side exposed and other other deeply hidden. It lies opposite the Midheaven—a point on our chart that represents our public life and persona, which gets a lot of attention.
What it Means
Since the Midheaven is our brightest, most open, well-light part of your personality, adversely the Nadir is the dead of night in your chart [quite literally], the IC is the deepest, darkest, quietest, most personal place in your chart. It  houses the Private Persona. This is how your mind operates in secret, how you feel, and how you act, when you are completely alone, with no one else watching. Our Nadir (IC) signifies our most profound depths and needs, a part of us that we often don’t share with others. While the rising and descendant axis of our charts navigate the relationship between self and others. The Midheaven and Nadir showcase the polarity of our outer and inner worlds. The IC sits on the cusp of the fourth house, ruled by the moon/cancer associated with family lineage, home environment, and family influences. Similarly to the moon, our nadir shows us our needs and emotional tendencies, though it's much more than that. When you looking at your birth chart, the nadir is below the horizon line of the ascendant and is the lowest place in our chart, therefore representing our foundation and roots. In this way, the IC also reveals the type of environment best for our physical well-being. Make sense? Now, I want to mention that many often think of the MC as a fake, constructed persona, and the Nadir is as our real, authentic selves. This couldn't be further from the truth. Fake news. This way of thinking hinges on the idea that we are fundamentally one type of person, forced act unlike ourselves in different situations. But the truth is, all of your choices and actions come together to create a portrait of who you really are, regardless of what made you act that way. The way you act when you are in front of people, trying to make your best impression - that is the real you. And the way you act when you are alone, with nobody to judge you - that is the real you, too ;). Humans are dichotomous and complex and astrology allows for that because it, as a study, is complex as well.
Nadir By Sign
Aries: [Libra MC] Need for independence and freedom. Reputation is built on the finer aspects of your personality. People know you by your good looks, first and foremost. They see you as elegant, yet strong; rational and logical. Inwardly, can be prone to dramatic displays of anger, loud demands, bossy, and sharp, biting humor and immense stores of sexual drive or drive in general. Family was very active or extremely ambitious. Learned early on how to be independent. Growing up, might have witnessed a lot of conflict in your family, some of it serious and some of it not. You saw problems with alcoholism, drug addiction, and anger. Unconsciously aggressive or combative.
Taurus: [Scorpio MC] Need for security or physical pleasures. Come off as intense, passionate, mysterious or dark. Family was stable or materialistic. As a child you were always well fed and secure. Parents/guardians gave you a taste for the finer things in life by caring so much about the look and quality of the things in their home. On a darker note they could also be quite controlling in a lot of ways, both over their house and family. Nothing could be done, or touched, or moved, or planned without them having a hand in what was going on. Native can be unconsciously inflexible or possessive.
Gemini: [Sagittarius MC] Need for understanding themselves and world around them. Outwardly can be very philosophical, blunt, straightforward and/or outspoken. When you find yourself alone with your thoughts, you spend a lot of time enjoying your own inner dialogue. And when you are with those few people you are close to, you enjoy a lot of stimulating conversations.  Family is a literal mosaic. Different colors and personalities. Home life was changing constantly. Family was growing and shrinking, moving around, breaking apart and then putting/fitting new pieces together. Childhood was self-expressive or hyper-intellectually focused. Unconsciously erratic, anxious or cunning that can display itself as duplicitousness.
Cancer: [Capricorn MC] Need to seek and give nurturance. Can come off as  determined, hard working, goal-oriented, and very good at what you do. You have a very professional public image that exudes confidence and experience. Family was co-dependent or critical. Growing up your mother was the central figure of your family home, either because she was a single mother or your father was away from home a lot. As a child, you were given more than enough praise and attention. When alone, you take on an almost maternal role in your house, cooking and cleaning and taking care of chores. Often, you will retreat into your bedroom, den or personal workshop and spend a lot of time working on things by solo.  Unconsciously co-dependent or guarded.
Leo: [Aquarius MC] Need for creative self-expression. intelligent, detached connections with other people. Can come off as detached or have this kind “dry intensity” that radiates off of you – you seem to be quietly aloof, cold. When alone, can be quite friendly or show big displays of love to those close to them. An eternal child that will always love fairly tales no matter how old they are. Family was self-involved or warm-hearted. The kid who was told they were special all the time. Everybody in your family (especially your mother) fawned over all the things you did, praising you for every accomplishment and exaggerating all your best qualities. You got everything you wanted. Unconsciously may have a lot of self-doubt.
Virgo: [Pisces MC] Need for efficiency. Comes off as a creative, kind, spiritual, almost ethereal person. People will notice the far-away look, the quiet contentment that hangs around you like a miasma. Draws in both saints and sinners. Though they may present a misty outward appearance, inwardly they keep detailed inventory of everything. Likes work and routine. Family or parent was hyper-critical. Some kind of negativity surrounding you when you were growing up, like fighting, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, or a poor home life. Whether or not you were aware of what your family members were going though, you looked for an escape. May have control freak tendencies.
Libra: [Aries MC] Need for harmony, though possibly difficulty in knowing needs with too much vacillation. Outwardly brave, perhaps a tad bossy, driven, commanding and leader-like with touches of aggression or authoritarianism. inwardly, peace loving, diplomatic, utterly polite, cooperative and friendly to the point of people pleasing. Family could have been quite social or superficial. When you are out interacting with the world you are confrontational and/or competitive. Growing up, you had to share your parent’s attention with other people. You might have had other siblings that got more than you, or they might have had other obligations that took up their time. Unconsciously coy.
Scorpio: [Taurus MC] Need for emotional depth and understanding. Outwardly laid back and grounded. Astonishing work-ethic. Security minded and practical. Inwardly there is a deep well of emotion. Can dwell or obsess. Powerful drive and silently aggressive. Family was secretive or powerful. Unconscious forces outside may have influenced them. Involved in power dynamics. Subconsciously,  memories of the past are littered with alcoholism, abuse, death, trauma, sex, various kinds of manipulation and betrayal.
Sagittarius: [Gemini MC] Need to discover their own truth. Comes off as intelligent, sociable, highly optimistic. Social butterfly. Inwardly may act out personal and grandiose dramas. Family was hyper-ethical or adventurous. Sought to learn and understand other people’s cultures and perspectives. In your childhood, when you were living at home with your family, you were thought of as a very bright child. Energetic, enthusiastic about learning, and always exploring the outside world, you met every new subject with curiosity and an open mind. Teachers and classmates labelled you as the “smart kid”. Unconsciously can seek status, attention or might be prone to judgment.
Capricorn: [Cancer MC] Need for reliability and order. reputation for being determined, hard working, goal-oriented. Family was traditional or repressed emotions. Might feel like you have to “fight for respect.” Family was very restrictive and controlling. Tried to make you into what they wanted you to be rather than accepting you for how you were. When alone in the privacy of your own home, you are emotional, sensitive, and very attached to your belongings and loved ones. Unconsciously self-repressing or pessimistic.
Aquarius: [Leo MC] Need for unconventional and individual stance. Comes off as bubbly, friendly, happy, and attracts attention easily. Inwardly, a loner, detached, intelligent, the furthest thing from a people pleaser. Likes to be left alone to their own devices to study or research. Family was non-traditional or unavailable. Home life might have been chaotic or tumultuous. As a kid you had little control over your life’s direction and had to follow your parents wherever they went. This could mean you were uprooted a lot, maybe a military kid or simply forced into their religion or belief system. Unconsciously somewhat detached from others. Accept anybody for anything, you support them 100%. Not interested in people or affairs/things that do not concern you. Father might have been absent. Unconsciously weird/ unusual.
Pisces: [Virgo MC] Need for wandering or mysticism. Comes off as organized, dissecting, routine-loving and very well-put together. Inwardly, can be emotional, messy, lazy, gullible, but also sensitive, compassionate, empathetic, and completely selfless. Family roots of unclear boundaries. Growing up there was a lot going on between your parents that you didn’t understand. Perhaps born on the verge of some kind of upheaval. Something happened that caused the family break apart before you were born and now they were dealing with the aftermath. Unconsciously over-sensitive or non-committal.
Bruja note:
The key to understanding the patterns and energy of the IC brings balance and equilibrium to our lives as it teaches us how to embrace our past and move forward into our future. How to really grasp and harness the midheaven gifts and promises. There is an inevitable sense of karma and destiny associated with the angles of our charts, and the IC is no exception. Knowing the patterns of the nadir brings consciousness to our underworld. More understanding. It is considered by many astrologers one of, if not THE most important part of our entire chart—because of the depth of understanding it gives us when we really commit to comprehending it. By utilizing the skills and difficulties of our family/ancestors/origins, we are thrusted into our personal journey’s and ultimately our north node or most elevated destinies.  
What sign is your Nadir in? Dissecting and understanding it can bring healing and growth to you and those you’re closely connected with.
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mercurytrinemoon · 3 years
south node in Cancer, poorly aspected Moon and the fear of leaving the comfort zone
I’m getting anxious about my life direction from time to time, basically questioning everything, mainly my own capabilities. You know, nothing new. I tend to keep it to myself because I’m the last person to try to bring anyone down and I always do my best to cheer people up and I don’t want anyone to feel bad about themselves. It’s unusual for me to whine about my life on public platforms, unless, in my true Sagittarius fashion, I’m turning it into a joke. Feeling sad and acknowledging your weaknesses is okay but I want to get to the bottom of things because I know everyting has its reason and you can see them in a natal chart if you look close enough. My favourite tools in astrology are predictive methods and things that are more practical and tangible, so to speak. But gotta look into psychology of it from time to time as well.
So I was thinking about my chart, trying to figure out why I’m feeling this way. Like yes, both my ascendant rulers are in the 12th house + as an Aquarius rising, the feeling of alienation is very real. There’s a belief of not belonging that has accompanied me my whole life. In a typical Aquarius weirdo way, I’m very much aware of the fact that I’m not everyone’s cup of tea lol. But I know it’s not where the true issue lays. So I started to reflect on how people put their defences up because they’re scared of the unknown. That leads to avoidance. And let’s admit that, pretty much everyone does this. The difference is, some barely do it, some do it on a regular... Some do it consciously, some unconsciously. I think the latter differentiation is important to underline here. I’ve tried to pay attention to it and I was thinking about my chart and thought about the dynamics between my Moon, Chiron and Saturn (t-square) with Chiron being in Cancer next to the south node. This is probably why I don’t usually identify with the descriptions of outward manifestation of an Aries Moon. Because it’s the apex of a t-square: bombarded by that heavy energy and afraid of expressing that independent & bold martian energy, which could potentially lead me to being rejected (something that I've experienced fairly often). But that badly aspected Moon doesn’t manifest as an insecure and shy - although it did a bit when I was a child - (bless that Mercury trine, that helps a ton), on the contrary: I don’t have a problem with catching people’s attention; nor with being assertive, out there or extroverted if I have to (bless Sun on the MC). My Sag stellium wants to travel the world, meet new people and discover new stuff. The issue is that the thought of PERMANENT change feels very uncomfortable for me if I think about it a lot. I used to think it may have something to do with commitment issues (and relationships aren’t the only thing you commit to btw) but instead, it’s the thought of readjusting the fundaments, leaving everything behind and throwing myself at the deep end that is scary. Because there’s a risk of rejection and being left with nothing. 
Of course, like I always say, no aspect is purely positive nor negative but that's pretty much one of the textbook definitions of harsh Moon-Saturn aspects. Saturn is known for fear mongering: there's a consant doubt, constant reminders you're at the risk of being lonely and constant threat of loosing emotional or mental stability. And then there’s Chiron, known for bringing continuous wounds and the feeling of being broken - so, as a result, everything gets overblown. And I’m starting to think that me asking questions like “would I carry through?”, “would I be accepted?”, “would I be enough?” and thinking that I probably won’t ever find my happy place because of that, is nothing else than avoiding taking a leap of faith and trying to stick to things that are familliar to me. And in the true Moon nature, it’s something I don’t do consciously but rather instinctually. It’s like making excuses out of fear and not even realizing it.
I’m not necessary big on the nodal axis like some of the folks are. Maybe because everyone always focuses on the North Node instead of understanding where they're coming from first (South Node). And maybe because I never understood those descriptions of a Capricorn North Node, for which the key word always seems to be: become authority. And I can guarantee you that every person with Capricorn North Node is going to scratch their heads, asking "me??? An authority??? In what???" But just throwing away all those articles on Nodes and looking at the Cancer-Capricorn opposition, there's a clear distintion between relying or even being codependent on trusted things and people (Cancer) - and being independent and boldly reaching goals (Capricorn). So, it’s about being in charge of your own life and overcoming those saturnian obstacles in the first place. Now, having this in mind, seems like holding on to what is known and playing safe started to ring a bell. That just adds up to the Chiron and Saturn influence - making me hold on to the old ways and being afraid of loosing the security I was provided. 
I don’t have the answers how to fix that but it’s all about the advantage of having that awareness and acknowledging your own weaknesses.
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emptymanuscript · 3 years
So in the middle or writing something else, I had an intrusion of thought about one of the components.
My favorite book on Universal Patterns of Story is Save the Cat! but I was also looking at my demoted second favorite, 20 Master Plots and how to build them by Ronald B Tobias and it occurred to me that they really ought to fit together. So I started fiddling with them and I think I kinda see something a little different from either but which is also clearly the same thing.
There's a cluster that is about Equations of Power STC!'s Super Hero, A person is blessed with talent and power but cursed to suffer an achilles heel (usually separation from the society they wish to keep) so they have to choose which to let win. which is when the power is really on the protagonist's side.
STC!'s dude with a problem. Average, competent person has to face huge problem. Protagonist is fine in power, it's just that the problem is so big.
Tobias' Rivalry. Equal powers in competition for one goal.
Tobias' Underdog. Protagonist is not up to the match but tries to compete for the mutually exclusive goal anyway.
Tobias' Sacrifice. Protagonist volunteers themselves and what is dearest to them in exchange for a success they will not be able to enjoy. The Protagonist's only power is in their abnegation of power.
All of those really are about power and how it balances.
Next cluster is trapped. There's social traps, physical traps, and traps for the soul but they all come down to the protagonist is trapped in a space with something terrible that they can't get away from until they deal with the fundamental nature of the trap, WHY they are trapped.
Snyder - Institutionalized. A person’s struggle for individuality vs being part of the group. Social trap. Tobias - Escape:  Confined against their will, the character tries to escape. Physical trap. Tobias - Rescue:  The Protagonist goes out and steals something that the Antagonist has stolen. Physical trap but for someone else. Breaking in instead of breaking out. Tobias - Pursuit:  One person chases another.  The chase is more important than the people. The trap follows you, no escape. Snyder - Monster in the House. The MC is locked up with something that imperils their life and soul. Spiritual trap, no way out until you discover and deal with your sin. Tobias - Revenge:  Retaliation against the antagonist for real or imagined injury. Inability to let being trapped go, continue to pursue it, trying to metaphysically free self from the trap. Tobias - Temptation: A mostly internal struggle between a Protagonist’s desires and their moral code. Carry the trap with you and know your sin well, the task is figuring out how to free yourself from the trap when it is that good.
Again, all about being trapped with something that will destroy you unless you figure out how to come to terms with it.
Questing These are the heroes journey plots Tobias - Quest: A character searches for something, tangible or intangible. Snyder - Golden Fleece. The MC needs to go on a journey with some allies to get something. Tobias - Adventure:  The character goes in search of fortune, the focus is the journey itself.
That's Just Life, you have to change cluster, is that life is hard and you have to just change what you are to meet it, or die really. Snyder - Rites of Passage. Certain events are just part of the experience life, that doesn’t make them any easier to deal with when someone has to look inside themselves and just deal. Tobias - Maturation:  The Coming of Age from an innocent or child into an experienced or adult. Tobias - Transformation: Slice of life around a dramatic change from one life state to another where the protagonist is recognizable as a “different person.”
I feel like in this one in particular, Snyder got it, and Rites of of Passage really is the best term.
Abnormality teaches about Normality Snyder - Out of the Bottle. The MC gets a wish, or gets cursed, and learns the value of a normal life. Tobias - Metamorphosis:  A character is literally transformed into something else. As much about why they deserve it as the physical transformation.
Really, Snyder gets it right again here. Metamorphosis is just a specific sub-type of OOB
Love, all kinds, But Snyder - Buddy Love. Romance / Friendship, every story fundamentally about learning to be together. Tobias - Love:  A meets B and it would be great BUT… So A&B try to overcome that BUT. Tobias - Forbidden Love:  As Love. The BUT is that at least one is unpalatable to the other’s society.
I feel like they're all subtypes of Tobias, here. Buddy love is where the BUT is the character's ignorance of how to co-exist. Forbidden Love is clearly a subtype of Love. It's that but that really encompasses it all. Even A Boy and His Dog plots where the But is that Dogs don't live as long and they can't do all the things a human can, and other people don't respect your dog.
Mysteries Tobias - The Riddle:  Protagonist and reader must solve an enigma that is occluded by the plot. Snyder - Whydunit. Mystery where the deepest secret is WHY the crime happened at all. Tobias - Discovery: The character seeks understanding of themselves. As Riddle but mystery is the inner life of the investigator.
Sorry, WHY is a great mystery but it's just not the only mystery.
Power to rise and the weakness to fall Tobias - Ascension / Descension:  How a Protagonist’s personal character drives their rise from rags to riches (Ascension), their fall from grace to privation (Descension), or both their rise and fall. Snyder - Fool Triumphant. A Fool doesn’t realize their power to change lives or the consequences of their unbridled success. Tobias - Wretched Excess:  A relatable Protagonist is cast out from the center of society and must endure the fringes of society beyond what most are willing to consider acceptable. The essence of this plot’s power is the belief of the reader that this could possibly happen to them.
Wretched excess is a way of Descension. Fool Triumphant is particular twist on the rise and fall. Ascension/Decension, actually two different plots, but malleable describes it all best
Which gives me 8 instead of ten.
If that is of any use :/ Which it may not be. Mostly Snyder’s 10 work for me. It’s really Trapped where I feel there is weakness. Revenge is such a blatant there thing it needs some kind of direct address. But it’s also too narrow to be it’s own I feel like. So... I dunno. As ever. 
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beneaththetangles · 3 years
Light Novel Club Chapter 32: The Faraway Paladin, Vol. 1
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Welcome to our Light Novel Club discussion of The Faraway Paladin, Vol. 1! We’ve got a fairly unique light novel to discuss this time around, and this is a great time to discuss it, with an anime adaptation coming up soon and also the recent announcement of hardcover print editions for the series. So let’s jump into the discussion!
Joining Jeskai Angel and I is marthaurion, one of the members of the Beneath the Tangles Discord! This is a reminder that all Light Novel Club discussions are held on the public Beneath the Tangles Discord and anyone can join these discussions, so if you want to join future discussions, check us out over there.
1. What are your overall thoughts on the novel?
Jeskai Angel: The pacing was a little slow at times, but overall I enjoyed this light novel. Also, it bugs me that I can’t narrow down a specific reason, but this story felt strangely old, like I might have picked it up at the public library back in 1998. I’ve written before about how I think Unnamed Memory doesn’t “feel” like a typical light novel, and I experienced a similar sensation with Faraway Paladin, though I don’t think it was for the same reasons (e.g., how magic works is actually explained quite a bit in Faraway Paladin).
stardf29: Maybe it’s because the author took inspiration from traditional tabletop RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons, as opposed to video game RPGs like “typical” fantasy light novels?
Jeskai Angel: Ooh, that’s possible! It’s not exactly “You all meet in a tavern,” levels of DnD tropey-ness, but I can definitely see the DnD resemblance now that you point it out.
stardf29: This was definitely an interesting read that is quite different from the usual isekai light novel. It does feel a bit slow-paced because a lot of the beginning is so focused on Will simply growing up with his “parents” and learning about the world. That said, that kind of start is nice every once in a while; it is kind of like Mushoku Tensei in that regard. The worldbuilding is great because of it, and the conflict against the god of undeath is nice, too.
Beyond that, I do like how this story delves into various themes that are worth thinking about. It’s a nice, thoughtful light novel, and as much as I like my brainless fun light novels, having something like this is good for a balanced light novel diet.
2. What are your thoughts on the characters?
Jeskai Angel: By far, my favorite aspect of this story was the active role the gods played. It actually sort of resembles my favorite aspect of Spice and Wolf in that regard. In most light novels, either there’s no evidence gods are real, or they are deistic watchmakers who jump-start the story by isekai-ing the MC but thereafter take a hands-off approach to the setting, or they are benign comic relief. The biggest exceptions I can think of are Invaders of the Rokujouma!? and Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, plus Tearmoon Empire (which, thus far, has strongly-implied-but-not-explicitly-confirmed divine intervention).
I think one way to summarize this volume is that it’s the story of someone (Will) coming to know and put his faith in a loving deity (Gracefeel). Since learning about the Lord and then choosing to devote oneself to him is fundamental to being a Christian, it’s actually kind of a relatable process. Gracefeel, as a character, walks a fine line, managing to be knowable while remaining mysterious. She’s not just a human with superpowers, but neither is she a total enigma. She’s also a rare truly benevolent god; her power is finite, but she consistently seeks to use it for good.
Stagnate was…peculiar. Like, if the author had added a line about Stagnate twirling his mustache while cackling evilly, it would have fit right in; he acts almost ostentatiously villainous. At the same time he, doesn’t feel quite as “evil” as he acts. He DID help with sealing away the demon king, and even if he had an ulterior motive, that doesn’t entirely invalidate the goodness of aiding the struggle against the demon king. Then there’s issue of death. Stagnate isn’t wrong to see death a Bad Thing (TM). I got the the sense that he really had at least somewhat good intentions behind his flawed approach to the problem of death. Even his nefarious scheme to ensnare Blood and Mary consisted of…arranging for them to raise the child they’d always longed for. Like, as far as villainous plans go, “Give a childless couple a baby so they can shower him with love” isn’t actually all that fiendish. I can’t be too hard on Stagnate if that’s the best he can do for an “evil” plan.
marthaurion: For what it’s worth, I don’t really think I got the same impression of stagnate as being overtly evil, but maybe I wasn’t focusing on that at the time. From what I read, it seemed like his motivations were rooted in a concept that made sense, but his implementation ultimately brings him at odds with others.
stardf29: I have to agree that Stagnate is not so much “intentionally evil” as much as a sort of “well-intentioned extremist”. I think it’s interesting that Stagnate was originally a “good” god, but would later “stray from that path”; it shows that, putting the initially “evil” gods aside, the gods are not actual moral paragons and are indeed falliable. I’ll have more to say on this in a later question.
Jeskai Angel: Will was surprisingly relatable. The way he described himself, I got the impression that he suffered some real trauma which caused depression or anxiety or some other form of mental ill health, and as one commonly sees in anime / light novels, he never got adequate psychological / psychiatric treatment for it. I also appreciate that his past-life memories were important yet not intrusive. By that, I mean that the story spend a bunch time dwelling on Will’s efforts to replicate modern technology, business practices, or Japanese food culture the way so many isekai protagonists do. That sort of thing is sometimes done well, but other times just feels like a cookie cutter isekai trope. Memories from his past are both inspiring and useful for Will, but they can only carry him so far, something he explicitly notes when talking about how Gus’s lessons eventually surpassed his past-life education level.
Will eventually does end up as an OP Isekai Protagonist (TM), but it feels “earned” in a narrative sense. He puts forth a ton of effort to reach the point of being OP, and even then, it’s not just efforts that make it possible. He never could have reached the point he did without all the care and teaching Blood, Mary, and Gus give him. Mater and Gracefeel also contribute to what he becomes. He isn’t just handed phenomenal cosmic power from the start.
marthaurion: For my impression of will, it was hard for me not to draw parallels to Mushoku Tensei, since both protagonists come from that similar thought of feeling like they want to make something more of themselves in their new lives. It’s hard not to feel like Will’s reincarnation is more of an afterthought whenever it comes up, whereas Rudy’s reincarnation seems to more actively inform many of his decisions. Ultimately, it seems like Will’s reincarnation is mostly meant to tie him to Gracefeel. To be fair, i think this is fine, but the other attempts to tie back to his old life don’t really hit home for me.
Also, I would agree that will’s abilities definitely feel earned, in spite of what I said earlier about how I compare him to Rudy.
It’s more of a commentary on how the reincarnation aspect ties into things.
Jeskai Angel: I haven’t read the Jobless Reincarnation light novels, and only watched the first few episodes before dropping the recent anime adaptation. That said…the big contrast I saw between Will and Rudy is that the former is a relatively good person and the latter is a relatively awful one. I got the distinct sense that Rudy, was a Jabba-the-Hutt-like sleazeball in his previous life, AND that he carried over his perverted habits into his reincarnated life. In that regard, at least, Rudy didn’t even seem to be trying to do better than in his previous life. Perhaps I’m off base in this, and Rudy wasn’t as bad as in his first life as the anime made him seem, or perhaps he eventually turns better in his second life. I just know that in terms of comparisons, I found Will vastly more sympathetic and likeable.
marthaurion: Is that so wrong? Even if I don’t have the same traits, I can respect that Rudy carries over parts of his identity while working past some of the traumas that held him back.
stardf29: Regarding Will, honestly, I don’t really have anything to add here that Jeskai hasn’t already said. I like how his past life memories have enough of an effect on his current self that you’re curious what his past life was life, but not so much that I want the story to actually explain it, leaving that in the realm of fascinating mystery.
Jeskai Angel: I appreciated how each of Blood, Mary, and Gus contributed something irreplaceable to Will’s upbringing. They were well balanced, and had a fun rapport with each other. I also thought it was a fun touch how the story emphasized that some of their knowledge was dated and they don’t really know anything about the current state of the world. I can’t help but suspect all three are some kind of allusion to Christianity, due to in their names. First, having a woman named Mary who ends up with a baby through unnatural means is…not remotely subtle. And once you’ve introduced that, the names of the other two start to seem suspiciously coincidental. “Blood” is in fact a very important thing in Christianity (e.g., the Lord’s Supper / Eucharist). And Gus isn’t in the Bible by his nickname, but “Augustus” (of the Caesar variety) does get a shout-out in Luke 2:1.
stardf29: Man, Blood, Mary, and Gus are great. They are such a great parental trio, with each of them having aspects that are different from each other that allow them to balance each other out, which overall makes them quite good at raising Will. It definitely made me sad that their time with Will ultimately had to come to an end. And I definitely found the use of “Mary” for the mother’s name strangely familiar…
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Someone took some creative liberties with their nativity display.
3. What do you think about the setting/worldbuilding in this volume?
Jeskai Angel: Now that you’ve said it, the worldbuilding and setting seem clearly inspired by tabletop RPGs (or video games closely based on tabletop RPGs, like Baldur’s Gate or something), which in turn drew from older western fantasy works (from Greek mythology to Tolkien). It contains a lot of traditional elements, and the end result is something that in one sense feels creative and unusual compared to typical fantasy light novels, but in another sense more derivative than many other fantasy light novels. That is, light novels that don’t draw so heavily on traditional fantasy have room to sometimes do some really interesting things, whereas Faraway Paladin never completely loses that familiar “I think I might have read this in the ’90s” vibe I mentioned before.
marthaurion: I really liked how magic was presented in this world. It feels more grounded to think of it as something that isn’t guaranteed to succeed in a general sense. With that presentation, Gus’s philosophy of choosing words that have the safest failures rather than the most effective successes makes a lot of sense. It truly makes magic feel like a feat of intelligence, rather than just a question of how well you can time or aim the spell, as is the general impression in other fantasy settings.
As for the pantheon, I’m less familiar with kind of the “official” pantheons for D&D, so I didn’t immediately draw that parallel. I felt the similarities to Greek/Roman mythology a lot more strongly when I was reading, where the gods are just presented as very powerful beings that preside over processes.
stardf29: As mentioned before, the current highlight of the worldbuilding is in the gods and how they relate to the people of the world. I do like how the worldbuilding is presented over time, as if we are learning about it alongside Will. This is especially notable since this first volume only takes place in a small area geographically, so there’s still a lot of world for us to learn as Will explores outside the city of the dead.
Also, I like how magic in this world works. It’s not just “oh yeah people can use magic,” nor is it too videogame-like or overly “scientific”. There’s a greater sense of mystique thanks to the connection to the “Words of Creation”, and even Will himself mentions it’s more like classic fantasy novels in this way.
Now, about those gods. As I mentioned before, the “good” and “evil” designation of gods is not static, and that does make me wonder a few things. For one, what exactly defines what makes a god “good” or “evil”? Gus does say at one point that he considers those designations something that their followers, i.e. the people, decided, and that makes me curious as to the greater religious sociology of this world. It also makes me wonder if there are any cases where an “evil” god ends up being more “good”…
4. What connections does this volume’s story have with our Christian faith?
Jeskai Angel: The conflicting divine approaches to death provide fascinating contrasts with the third possibility Christianity teaches. Gracefeel represents reincarnation with no memories. Life ends in death, but then restarts from scratch. In this system, a soul is basically an Etch A Sketch, getting erased & reused over & over. I find this a deeply unsatisfying concept because it makes one’s life meaningless. It doesn’t matter what you do, eventually you’ll die & get erased & nothing about you will carry over. This approach leaves no room for reward or judgment. It actually reminds me a bit of some of my issues the versions of predestination/election found in some circles of Christianity, in that by say God absolutely predetermines the outcome, they risk making this life meaningless.
Stagnate has beef with this, & thus offers undeath as an alternative to reincarnation. Your identity won’t get erased, but you’ll be stuck as some damaged or half-destroyed version of yourself (e.g., a skeleton, zombie, or ghost) that isn’t truly alive. By offering some degree of continuity, Stagnate’s undeath does have an advantage over Gracefeel’s soul recycling bin. Unfortunately, it’s rightly called ‘undeath,” not “life.” The solution to death needs to be life, so in that respect Gracefeel’s approach has an edge over Stagnate’s.
Finally, there’s Christianity, promising a transformative bodily resurrection. Gracefeel & Stagnate only have workarounds to the problem of death; they can’t do anything about death itself. On the other hand, in the person of Jesus, Life directly challenges & overcomes death. In the resurrection, we will still be ourselves in some meaningful sense, unlike Gracefeel’s reincarnation. But unlike with Stagnate’s static, flawed imitation of life, we will be truly alive as transformed, perfected versions of ourselves. In short, the contrast between Gracefeel’s reincarnation & Stagnate’s undeath really drives home how awesome our Lord’s promise of resurrection is.
stardf29: So one of my favorite moments in the novel is when Mater protects Mary, and shows that Mary’s “punishment” was entirely self-inflicted, and that Mater had long forgiven her. It’s a good picture of grace, and how we can sometimes believe we are being “punished” by God, and perhaps even try to punish ourselves, even though God has already satisfied all need for “punishment” through Christ’s death. Sure, we have to deal with consequences of our actions, but that is not some kind of divine judgment.
Now, this story’s theological worldbuilding is based on the idea that “if good is created, then evil must be created to balance it”. There’s also how Will feels like he needs to fear death in order to feel like he truly is living, in opposition to Stagnate who wants to remove death entirely. It’s this idea of “balance” that I think comes from one of the major Eastern religions (will have to do some more research on this) and is fairly popular in fantasy works. It’s certainly a nice-sounding idea, but I think Christianity shows how we can look forward to a future without death, and not feel like we’re “missing” something because of that.
The contrast with Stagnate, as Jeskai pointed out, is particularly helpful because it shows that eternal life, separated from God and His perfect design for life, is pretty crappy. (And I have to agree that Gracefeel’s reincarnation of souls feels rather empty.)
Thank you for checking out our discussion on The Faraway Paladin, Vol. 1! The series is available digitally from J-Novel Club if you want to buy this volume or any later volumes for yourself, with a hardcover print edition planned for release in March 2022.
Discussion on our next Light Novel Club title, Tearmoon Empire Vol. 4, has started on the Beneath the Tangles Discord! The discussion will be open throughout the month of August, so there’s still time to read the series and join our discussion.
If you want to prepare for the novels we are discussing later in the year: In September 2021, we will be discussing Sword Art Online: Progressive, Vol. 1! And if you want to know what we are discussing in October 2021… we will be discussing the next novel in the “Rascal Does Not Dream…” series, Rascal Does Not Dream of Petite Devil Kohai!
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The message you sent was fanmail, I think! And as such, I couldn’t reply directly (tumblr confuses me sometimes and I couldn’t find a reply button. If y’all know better pls do let me know if I need to put my clown shoes on LMAO). Thank you for the kind words though!! I really appreciate it, and I’m looking forward to more complexity from Cybird, too! 
That being said, I did want to touch on something you said because I’m still drowning in my feels and languishing. “the push and pull between comte’s rationality and his desire to love and be loved was something that I really enjoyed from his route” you. you get it. There’s nothing I love more than a man that’s self-aware, and it’s such a rare treat when it comes to fiction, at least in my experience. 
Some spoilers for his MS beneath the cut to explain why this resonated so deeply with me, so no touchy if you’re waiting to read on your own! c:
Because that’s exactly it. At first he is 100% just trying to help her get situated. He’s being rational. Sure, he’s excited to have a guest--he likes meeting new people in general, learning what he can from them (can you feel my uwus). But it’s only when she debuts that he begins to realize that this isn’t just enjoying her company. He finds her dazzling, far beyond what constitutes friendly curiosity. If that sounds too convenient, I can confirm that he takes her to the venue of her debut, dressed in clothes he picked out (which he emphasizes is something that greatly pleases him, looks wonderful on her). And he begins to wonder if this is what it feels like to have a daughter, to look on with earnest fondness and want only the best for her.
But the sugar daddy act ends REAL quick.
There is an attending nobleman that comments on how lovely she is, insinuates a kind of desire to know if she’s single or not with his attraction. And he suddenly becomes quite incensed by that comment, feels genuine irritation. Combined with that is the moment in which MC becomes a little nervous, says that she’s unsure if she’s really worthy of this kind of attention. Comte, in his POV story, is shocked to hear that she’s anxious. She powered through lessons on decorum and dancing, never once complained about his days-long fussing. And he realizes that it’s not because she didn’t feel any discomfort, but because she chose to be strong--chose to keep trying. This is the moment in which he realizes that he cares for her deeply, and that she doesn’t see herself clearly. She’s beautiful in the conventional sense, absolutely--but it’s more than that for him. She’s beautiful because she’s always doing her best, always cares about the people around her enough to try to power through. And that’s what the people around her were truly responding to. Anybody can get dolled up, but to be admired or loved usually requires more substance.
And so he tells her that, caught in the moment of realization. “You’re beautiful...” And she replies that it’s all thanks to the attire he got her, the jewelry gleaming from every part of her. But he falters--tries to clarify, before the opportunity is lost and dies in his throat. 
That was only the first step in his long and exponential descent into love for her. The thing that’s so moving about Comte is that he tries so very hard to contextualize with the knowledge he has. Remember, he keeps telling himself, she’s from the future. She has a place to return to. No matter how curious, no matter how attracted, he was never meant to enter that picture. They were two of a very different kind, irreconcilable in that regard too. Tainting her with his selfishness, with that desire for companionship that’s always been such a difficult obstacle for him, isn’t her responsibility. It’s his. He needed to put her first. And he had every intention to.
Until she saw the wavering parts of him, the fragile ones that only come out in glances--beyond his control, beyond his good sense. And she handled his worries with such care, such compassion that it strikes him to the very core. There’s a good number of chapters where he’s trying and utterly failing to stop her from doting on him, falls into her little gestures of kindness, of attention. 
It takes Leonardo to stop and say that his attempts are pathetic. That it couldn’t be clearer that le Comte is hopelessly in love with her. His indictment forces Comte to backtrack, forces him to try and cut her off entirely. He’s mortified at himself, at his failing self-control. Four hundred years and he can’t manage to stop instigating feelings between himself and one woman in the space of one month? And more than anything, he truly is under the operating assumption that this is in her best interest; that he must stop if this if it is to end in anything other than tragedy. For him, it the ultimate culmination of his own failure to take responsibility, exercise foresight, and consider her feelings.
Needless to say, none of this goes to plan in the end. 
Now, I’d like to clarify something. MC, this whole time, doesn’t really find any fault with all of that. She thinks it’s nice to see him let down his guard, doesn’t mind comforting him when he confides in her now and again. She just sees the man that chose to care about her first, and fell in love with his conscientious concern for people. She doesn’t see his vulnerability as a shortcoming, the way that he does. And that’s where the tension arises. Because Comte is literally staring at his hands internally screaming at himself, while MC is like “you know if we made out, that would be awesome. Can’t believe I might become the foster mom to nine weird genius vampires, but you never know what life brings amirite”
In that way, the route is almost funny, but mostly sad, in how ridiculously inaccurate Comte’s self-perception is. He thinks that asking for help, asking to be cared for, is fundamentally a breach of conduct. Not just...being a person that needs support from time to time?? (He does me a big concern ;-;)
Regardless, and maybe it’s just me, but there’s just something so moving about seeing him so affected? He truly does everything in his power to prove that he is unworthy, does everything in his power to believe that he’s unworthy. But MC won’t be swayed, no matter how scary or difficult things get--no matter how great the gulf of time or life is between them. No matter how many times being with him might result in her being threatened, she doesn’t care. Sure it’s scary, but she doesn’t deem it enough to divide them. She tried to distance herself “for own good” too, following his lead, and it just didn’t work for either of them.
Would you all like to know what it is that gets him to finally acquiesce? What it is that makes him raise the white flag, any defensiveness gone, only endless love and trust taking its place? The second where his desire to love and be loved wins out, all rationality scrapped?
They discuss the events of Vlad’s abduction, and Comte levels with her. Says that if what happened is enough to destroy whatever attraction for him that she had felt, he wouldn’t judge her. She was still more than free to go home, to live her life. When she protests, he pulls his trump card. He gets very serious, looks her in the eye, and asks what she thinks about turning. If he were to pose the question, what would be her response?
And MC, bless her heart, says that she hasn’t decided, because that is something for them to decide together. She certainly won’t force him to do it, but she wants to know what he feels about it before coming to any kind of concrete decision--or even temporary one. Because that’s the whole point. That’s what it means to be in love with someone. It means having someone by your side, someone that’s there to listen and put you first--just as they should be putting you first, too. It means that any course of action is made hand-in-hand, that we check in with each other first; that we hear and help each other out, no matter how confused or paralyzed or exhausted. That’s what makes Comte start laughing with relieved delight, any hesitations gone. That’s when their relationship is solidified, when Comte chooses to devote himself--no matter what hardships the future brings--to her. Because for the first time in his life, he knows he will never have to carry anything all alone anymore, and he is at ease. 
In short, thanks Cybird I’m sobbing now and forever for one gold pixelated man pls don’t look at me
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Hey Mods! So I want to say a thing about Leon from QOT in response to your follower ask. I hope you don’t mind me sending this in, I wouldn’t normally send for the male routes, but respectfully, I feel like the OP has misinterpreted the character and potentially it would put others off reading his route. That would be a real shame as it’s one of the best routes I’ve read and I’d really recommend it to anyone on your blog who also reads male routes.
The Ask was unhappy about Leon often using sex to avoid communicating and always trying to protect the MC. And that MC ‘goes along with it’.
If you don’t want any spoilers, please don’t read any further. I am fully up to date with Leon’s route and have read all the heart scenes, so I think I have a good handle on the story overall and can maybe give a different perspective to what the OP got from the route.
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Firstly, Leon has had a horrible life. He grew up surrounded by crime and spent years in prison. He’s also 12 years older than the MC, who has never been involved with crime, and he’s concerned she’s naive about what she getting involved with and promises to look after her. Given his past, it’s understandable he wants to stop her being exposed to the underworld. Also, he’s not just protective of MC, in one of the first chapters in Paris, Leon is stabbed protecting Nikolai. ‘Protective’ is part of his make up. He was a bodyguard in Hong Kong before The Gilded Poppy, and he wants to look after the people he cares about: it’s a fundamental part of who he is.
It’s a slow burn, and feelings grow as his route progresses: Leon has no intention of falling for MC, and he rails against it. By not getting involved with her, he’s trying to protect her. He believes he’ll put her in danger and isn’t good enough for her because of his past. He’s very deep, but through his route he opens up more and more and it’s a very satisfying character development arc. It’s also a really nice progression of Leon and MC as a couple, he learns and grows to understand what she needs from him in terms of communication and equal partnership, and how she treats him with patience and kindness when he is struggling with his sense of self. MC has a lot of compassion for what Leon has lived through and she doesn’t just go along with anything he says or does without question - there’s compromise on both sides to give the other what they need.
Addressing sex as a means of avoiding communicating: one of the pivotal scenes in Leon’s route is the first time they sleep together. It actually happens after they’ve had a very serious talk about deed, redemption, goodness, and forgiveness. He’s so open and vulnerable it is heartbreaking. When they finally get together it’s born out of Leon’s self-loathing. He’s at his lowest and he’s hurting so much: sometimes you just need a physical connection, someone to cling to, and not to feel alone… Afterwards, admittedly, he does avoid MC, and I hated that, but understand it in the context. He’s ashamed and wrecked with guilt after being so adamant that nothing can happen between them, and about how she deserved so much better. It wasn’t about avoiding communicating, it was about him trying to do what he thought was the right thing: staying away.
Obviously as their romance progresses, there’s more sex, but I’m really struggling to think of any occasion where he manipulates MC into bed to get out of a difficult conversation… Lovestruck are very good at exploring sexuality and feelings, and there’s a variety of sweet / gentle through to fiery / passionate trysts, and while Leon definitely has some things to work through re intimacy, he’s written as a very respectful, loving and kind character, and MC is 100% consenting to any sex they have.
I’m guessing the sex scene in last chapter of the current season is what prompted your follower to Ask. Leon’s troubled throughout this season and is struggling at times. There’s a lot of drama in the last few chapters, and he does have something big he needs to talk to MC about. She is concerned something is wrong, but chooses not to press him, knowing he’ll talk when he’s ready. The language in this scene screams that Leon’s either afraid of losing MC or (more likely IMO) that how she feels about him will change after they talk. Their connection in the sex scene itself is pretty powerful, and they both express how much they needed the physical closeness, and afterwards they have their talk.
Are Leon’s communication skills perfect? No. But it’s part of a much larger backstory and his character navigating these situations is a plot point in itself rather than a flaw.
Thank you so much for taking the time to submit this to us darling! 😘💖 We appreciate it so much! I’ve never played Leon, obviously, but this is super interesting! - Mod Viv
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Book Review: The Art of Escaping
Seventeen-year-old Mattie has a hidden obsession: escapology. Emphasis on hidden. If anyone from school finds out, she’ll be abandoned to her haters. Facing a long and lonely summer, Mattie finally seeks out Miyu, the reclusive daughter of a world-renowned escape artist. Following in Houdini’s footsteps, Miyu helps Mattie secretly transform herself into an escapologist and performance artist. When Will, a popular athlete from school, discovers Mattie’s act at an underground venue, Mattie fears her secret persona will be exposed. Instead of outing her, though, Will tells Mattie a secret not even his girlfriend knows. Through a blossoming friendship, the two must find a way to express their authentic selves. Told through the perspectives of the witty main characters, this funny and fresh debut explores the power of stage personas and secret spaces, and speaks to the uncanny ways in which friendships transform us.
Review (containing spoilers):
Short tags: Straight Female MC, Gay Male MC, two poc side characters, Coming Out, minor m/m pairing at the end
Rating: 4.5/5
[Review on Goodreads]
The description of this book first intrigued me, but when I started it, I wasn't sure if I'd really relate to and like either Mattie or Will.
But I did. I ended up enjoying this book far more than I ever anticipated. 
When I retell the story of this book out loud it sounds so weird. And the reason for that is mainly that the whole story builds on Mattie and Will connecting and then becoming friends because each of them has this huge secret that they’ve never told anyone else before:
Will is gay.
And Mattie... has an unusual hobby.
The only thing that bothered me while reading the book was the fact that it felt like those two things were put on the same level.
I mostly understood why Mattie didn’t want to show this part of herself and this thing she really cares about to the people close to her. She spends a lot of time reflecting on her fears and reasons, so it doesn’t feel like it’s just a plot point to connect those two characters. And of course it’s fully understandable to think that her parents would never allow her to continue to NEARLY DIE every day.
So the hypothetical 18-year-old escapologist-me would have probably kept that secret the same way real-me kept her sexuality to herself, too.
It still just shouldn’t sound like it’s as huge of a burden to live this double life as it was for Will to be in the closet.
BUT, and this is a big BUT:
I was really impressed that exactly this concern was later addressed in the book.
There is a moment where Will talks about how his life will look from the point he first comes out:
“I’m facing an endless line of people assuming I’m something I’m not.”
He explains to her that he will have to continue to come out again and again in every new area of his life and that he can never know if the next person he has to come out will be one that won’t be okay with him.
And Mattie, as a person who might have been afraid to be judged and called weird for what she loves but ultimately could not have known what it really means to come out, comes to understand what had bothered me the whole time before:
"I finally saw the fundamental difference between our secrets— no matter how strange people thought my hobby was, it would never threaten to knock me down the ladder of privilege."
That whole talk was done really, really well.
Also, I’ve seen on Goodreads that the author took note of critiques like this from early reviewers and worked on the story accordingly before the final publication, which is a really great thing to do. So big kudos to that.
I found myself very invested in Mattie’s training and performances. I found myself loving the whole subject of stage personas and what they can mean to different people.
I also loved Will’s and Mattie’s friendship and thought it was really well done, no matter how weird the whole thing sounded in the beginning.
Usually I don't like when the same situation is told more than once in a book. But in this case I even liked reading their first meeting from both the MC's perspectives.
And besides Will and Mattie there are a few more very cool side characters and interesting settings.
The plot is mainly focuses on Mattie’s story, which gives the book an adventurous vibe with the training and her growing through her art and kind of connecting to her hero, instead of it being a common high school story.
Still, in the end it is Will’s story that affects both of their ‘ordinary’ lives more. While Will made mistakes and I don’t want to excuse what he did, I’m really happy everything turned out fairly well and with a positive prospects for the future for all of them.
And my boy Will got to kiss a boy, so yeeeeey!
//ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.//
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argentnoelle · 7 years
Quantum Leap fic recs
... mostly genfic, + any pairings - usually written, but if it’s canon/clear from the summary I won’t point it out - all stories will tend toward more plot/character focused over shipping/romance plots || check stories for ratings/warnings
All That Glitters by PippinDuck // Summary: QL & ST:TNG crossover - Sam leaps into Data. What can he possibly be there to change in the future? // very fun, episode-style, with a great Star Trek-type plotline
An Indirect Rescue by Sarah1281 // Summary: Just because Sam didn't succeed in warning his twelve-year-old sister away from a future abusive husband she'd never even met didn't mean that his actions had no effect. The night before Katie's elopement, Tom finds his sister unable to sleep and attempts to cheer her up. It only takes a little to change fate.
Johnny Got His Gun by TheMadnessofDoctorStrangelove // Summary: In a leap worse than death, Sam finds himself in the 'shoes' of maimed war veteran, Joe Bonham. Crossover with the classic novel by Dalton Trumbo. // possibly unfinished, but could be read as complete -- pastiche in the style of the novel
Looking For Nostalgia by Clair de Lune - CdL // Summary: He's missing something he can't even remember. // short, friendship-fic; Al comforts Sam
Perfect Picture by orianna-2000 // Summary: Al and Beth and their children have a special picture taken. Short and sweet. Based on the alternate ending to the series finale Mirror Image.
Stepfamily by Sarah1281 // Summary: Still, she hesitated. "Ziggy…Are you my big sister?" Sammy Jo discovers the truth of her parentage and then there's little chance of keeping it quiet. With Sam still out of contact with them, she still doesn't have a father, just another absent man to think of as one. And Donna thought that she had accepted Sam's relationships with other women but this was something else entirely.
The Other Side Of Life by Space-Time-Leapers // Summary: In this prequel, Ziggy has just come on line. A problem with cabling for the Imaging Chamber leads to issues that Al and Sam must address, but can they when they find themselves somewhat acting out of character. What the heck is going on? // When Sam and Al get into an argument over the project, Ziggy forces them to take a vacation.  - At first the story is a little hard to read, since they’re annoyed at each other the whole time, but it turns out there’s a reason and a very intriguing plot-twist. On the whole I enjoyed this story a lot, although I felt by later in the story that the plot being written needed Sam & Al as a romantic ship instead of friendship to work properly, as it had been set up, and instead there was a lot of hedging around the issue. (This despite the fact that I don’t usually ship them. *shrug*)
The Second-to-Last Leap by bcbdrums // Summary: It had started as all Leaps do. And he hated to admit it, but he had come to depend on those beginning moments, when he knew Sam still remembered him and the Project. And that someday, perhaps with a little prayer, putting right what once went wrong would bring his friend home. But this time was different. // This takes place just before Mirror Image, and warning, it’s sad.
Trudy by PippinDuck // A streamofconsciousness piece concerning 16 year old Trudy Calavicci in the mental institution, written from her POV.
Where the Pieces Fall by mgowriter // The events of one night that lead up to the infamous first meeting between Al and Sam.
Rabbit Hole by elementalv // crossover with Supernatural. Summary: Sam Beckett has been leaping through time for longer than even he knows, but he's pretty sure he's never leapt into a life quite like this one. // Set after QL & during SPN season 6
Leap For Liberty by swordznsorcery // Jon Pearce - September 12th, 1960. Sam Leaps into a prison. // A nice episode-style fic
Not in the starts to hold our destiny by Blackbird Song // Summary: Sam leaps home, but things can't go back to the way they were before. // sweet, friendship fic. Short.
Beast of a Leap by madderasahatter // Summary: Sam leaps into a Vet's surgery, but he has more than the animals to save.
Quantum Chef by Legion // Summary: Okay, the story only takes place on the set of Top Chef, but since there are cameo appearances by the series Hosts, I guess it has to be considered a crossover. Sam and Al both make interesting discoveries about how Sam's Leaps have changed since he began Leaping as himself. S/A, NC17 // I liked how it kept to the canon, Sam never returned home, (while also making him able to return home) and for being (one of?) the only stories I can recall to deal with how Sam would go about Leaping "as himself" in a way I really liked and thought was both plausible and surprising.
The Other and the Observer by BJackson // [continuing series] An Alternate version of Sam and Al working for the evil leapers...
From The Case Files of Dr. Samuel Beckett - San Fransisco, California - April 4, 1939 by kyburg // Crossover with the Sherlock Holmes Mary Russell novels. Summary: Leaping within Admiral Albert Calavicci's lifetime instead of Dr. Samuel Beckett's proves to be interesting, frightening and just plain astounding at times. Like the one where Al leapt into the wife of Sherlock Holmes at the World's Fair in San Francisco, just before the start of World War II. And neither of them could recall why they were there - but to be fair, Sherlock was in his eighties at that point. And Mary was under the influence of a swiss-cheesed memory. // Short, quietly beautiful, and the writing is very fun.
I Owe My Soul To the USO by kyburg // Summary: This little soiree into the Twilight Zone runs along the premise of "what if" - the what if being "What if Sam and Al hadn't changed places at the end of "The Leap Back" - what then? What would it be like if Al was leaping, and Sam could only stand back and watch...? // unfinished, but great and fun, with a perfect Al first-person POV
Never Fully Repay by Azar // Summary: She'd been looking forward to finally meeting the young genius that Al wouldn't stop raving about. She never expected to recognize him. // Or, the one where Beth meets Sam for the first time again.
And, Betty, When You Call Me... by radondoran // Summary: When Sam gets hung up on the things he's forgotten, Al points out something he didn't know he'd remembered. // short, happy
Remembering the Future by paranoidangel // Summary: Al's seen the Waiting Room before. // shortfic
A Very Enjoyable Game by radondoran // Summary: Gooshie and Ziggy play chess. // another short & happy piece :)
King Me by dana-kujan // Summary: Sam and Al disagree on the best course of action to resolve a leap. // short, fun banter, & a QL-style reveal.
Little, White by grey // Summary: While Sam was Leaping, Al only told him the whole truth three times. // this is brutal - don’t read for a happy ending
Every Man Has A Price by TW Lewis // Al is bribed into selling classified files. // (background Sam/Al) nice mystery
Confessional by Sarah Mc // Summary: Al’s broken every promise he ever made to Sam Beckett. // (Sam/Al), angst. 
A Time For Us by Kylara Ingress // Summary: During a rough leap for Al, he is forced to remember his past with Sam - and is reminded by an unlikely source as to why Sam has forgotten it. (missing scene/prequel/sequel to "It's a Wonderful Leap") // (past Sam/Al)
Two Leapers and a Baby by BJackson // Summary: Al joins Sam in an unusual leap as his pregnant wife. And if they don't fix things, both of them will disappear. // another simo-leap, episode-style
Monsters and Angels by BJackson // Summary: A storm on Halloween sends Al once again on a leap with Sam, a leap involving werewolves, ghosts, and vampires. Sam isn't convinced any of it is real, but both he and Al are a little different this leap. // totally fun :)
The Mistakes Our Fathers Made by Pythia // Summary: Sometimes I sit and unravel quantum equations and wonder ... // (Sammy Jo)
Distorted Reflection by Pythia // Summary: She asked me to explain, and I couldn't, recollection of history now shattering the memories of what it had once been. Things I had done, people I had been, lives that I had changed ... I was not the Samuel Beckett who had stepped into the Accelerator. It wasn't even the same Accelerator. I had broken my own rules, changed my own past, affected myself, and I could not hold on to the man I had been, nor properly accept the one I had become ... // Best Mirror-Image-compliant fix-it fic ever.
His Own Face by SummerFic // "Sometimes Al pretends that the Sam in the mirror is his Sam." - sweet, slight angst, friendship fic. Short
Intoxicating by Jon Colbert // Summary: Al misses Beth. He turns to Sam for comfort. [Pre-leaping] // (Sam/Al, but not really in a good way.) Angst.
Fundamentals by BJackson // Summary: When a retrieval attempt goes wrong, Sam's memories start slipping away during a leap. // episode-style
The Last Measure of Devotion by Sue Walker // Summary: Ziggy is dying and Sam is losing it, so Al takes desperate measures to effect retrieval, which jeopardize his career and his relationships, and even his friendship with Sam. // AU after Mirror Image. - This is the epic QL Sam/Al novel you may have heard of. Probably the longest QL fic I’ve ever read, and it’s totally worth it. Split into part 1 and part 2, I personally enjoy part one better because of the really devastating, and awesome, Al pov storyline during the “present timeline” of PQL. - long, complex, plotty, emotionally fraught, I would recommend this even if you don’t ship Sam/Al.
Star Bright by Ankh // Summary: Al and Sam think about memories and what they mean. // Or: Al & his star pin. friendship, slight angst, no resolution.
Affinity by Illya // Summary: When Sam gets a chance to do some soul searching, Al must come to terms with his friend's identity. // (Sam/OMC)
In Vino Veritas by dramatic owl // Al looks after Donna.
Beginning(s), Middle(s), End(s) by DesireeArmfeldt // Summary: "Al didn’t see you born, but he saw you conceived.  That’s what he tells you sometimes." // Sammy Jo pov; timeline-shifty-stuff
Big Shot by Janet_Coleman_Sides // Al gets drunk at a party thrown in his honor, and says a few surprising things he can't remember. Ziggy is only too happy to give him an instant replay.
Don’t Panic by Janet Coleman Sides // A silly romp in which Ziggy decides to calculate the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything, which (along with some spilled cappuccino) results in improbabilities like Sam leaping into Harry Kim, Al's series of costume (and occasional personality... and other) changes, and a Bang-Up Happy Ending. // crossover with Star Trek: Voyager & The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Crack.
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