#the benders my beloved
stonenumberone · 3 months
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What's his name? Winchester. Sam Winchester. Like the rifle? Like the rifle.
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yea-baiyi · 1 year
i keep thinking about the odyssey i am THINKING about wei wuxian as odysseus. you were dead. its been years since you’ve seen your family. the child you left behind is almost a man. you wear a face they don’t recognise, you sneak in through the back door. the dog gives your identity away. the world knows it’s you when you draw your weapon. the person you love recognises you by the original symbol of your love—a secret that no one else in the world knows about, still, because they kept it safe for all these years. you get the chance to go back and despite everything, you found home waiting for you; he kept your place and raised your son and he was still there waiting for you when you got back. tell me o muse, about a complicated man i am extremely not okay
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sunfortune · 1 year
my perfect ending for katara was basically inejs ending in six of crows where she leaves to hunt slavers on the ships (but she always comes back <3). so like painted lady episode but larger scale enacting justice for people in the world who have no one. bc getting rid of the fire lord wasn’t just gonna fix every thing. i think that would’ve slayed soo hard and been perfect for her. even a tiny allusion to it would’ve been everything. but whatever. i Don’t care. it doesn’t bother me that she just got married and stayed home. after having to mother everyone for 3 books. it’s fine. i’m an adult. explodes .
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robstarsupremacy · 27 days
zuko appreciation post
anyways hes my fav from avatar i love him so much look at him hes so stunning as well i adore him so much i love his character too im so normal about him
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prodogg · 1 year
Throne room in blue>>>>
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sorry it just looks way cooler in blue.
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hippiesolitude · 1 year
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As we get closer to the revival, I hope a little more that we’ll get to see some more canon Frender moments :’)
Until then I’ll just keep drawing them 🥹
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echoxbuggs · 6 months
Okay, Echo’s turn now <3
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the-sky-queen · 24 days
Hi! About red son samadih fire being taken away
I am 90% he actually knew about it and was just surprised his mom actually told the monkie kid gang the story!
I mean, he literally has the 3 rings of samadih on the back of his coat, and knowing how the DBK family is, I don't think they would just let him forget it lmao
Hi! I'd probably have to watch the scene again and watch Red Son's face closer, but when I watched it for the first time, he seemed VERY surprised to me. Like he was never told about his mega fire in the first place.
And like, if you think about it, it kinda makes sense that they wouldn't tell him! I didn't really word this the best last night since it was late and I was tired, but here's more of my reasoning. Red Son has been consistently shown to be super desperate to please his family and be seen as valuable, right? If he was told he used to have this insanely powerful fire that could end the world, wouldn't he kinda want it back? Wouldn't he want to collect the three rings himself so he could have the ultimate weapon? He'd be able to carry out any order his parents ever gave him. They could rule the world with him as their champion prince! They would be unstoppable! Red Son would finally make his parents proud of him. So since he didn't go grab the rings and is still separated from the Samadi Fire, that tells me that his parents never told him about it.
(Keep in mind that I haven't watched very far past the episode where we find out that the Samadi Fire originated from Red Son, so if anything is inaccurate here, you can tell me that, but PLEASE don't correct me if it means spoilers.)
Anyway, back on topic, you bring up an interesting point about the ring symbol being on Red Son's back. I actually did notice that when watching the episode! I'm thinking maybe it's there just as a little hint to what Red Son is. Maybe it showed up on its own via ✨magic✨ or maybe DBK and Princess Iron Fan had it embroidered on his jacket. Red Son might just think its a fun little bit of symbolism since he's got fire powers and think it looks cool.
But yeah, if this is the case, and Red Son had no idea, then why didn't his parents tell him? Well, as I said, if Red Son knew, he'd DEFINITELY want the Samadi Fire back. And as literally everyone this season keeps saying, this fire is UNQUENCHABLE and could END THE WORLD. One of them said in the episode itself that Red Son, a demon, son of DBK, couldn't control it. Granted, he was a baby at the time, but if it took Sun Wukong (and Macaque, DBK, and Iron Fan I think? I can't remember) to separate it from him, I don't think he could control it now either! DBK and Iron fan kinda want to rule the world, not utterly destroy it. And I get the sense the Samadi Fire might even burn through its 'host' or whatever, so it would make sense that Red Son's parents wouldn't tell him. They want to keep him safe.
This is just my theory though. Feel free to disagree, but it makes sense and I like it. :)
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sirbogarde · 1 year
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backintimeforstuff · 4 months
Concerned!Mulder in gender bender 🥺 my king
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janus-cadet · 1 year
Okay, so. The High Priestess card.
I mean, I thought about a lot of characters, for this one. Cordelia Goode, from AHS, was the first; and then, not so convinced, I thought about Larissa Weems. AND THEN, the evidence. So, watch me dig back an old fandom of mine, and present you Patricia, from Split, as The High Priestess.
Which is literally her surname in both Split and Glass, so...
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Alright, so, I did not choose her just for the surname, even tho it was already enough for my simple mind. The High Priestess is a card deeply linked to the subconscious mind, and I think you can see where I'm going with that. It's the card for sacred knowledge, which, here, could simply be about- well, the Beast. But it's also a card that means secrets, something you hide from sight, something only the insitiated can have access to.
An I played a bit with that in the design! On the original card, the High Priestess stands between two pillars, one black and one white, to mark the duality between the darkness and the light that came with sacred knowledge. Each pillar as a letter on it. I replaced them by two doors- one for Kevin, the light, and one for the Beast, the darkness. Of course, the Beast's door is broken, as it's the path chosen by Patricia, but you don't have to make the same decision.
The original also wears a blue robe, which is why Patricia's clothes are now blue too, and holds a scroll with the letter TORA, partly covered to show that the knowledge is both explicit and implicit, and will only be revealed when the student is ready to accept it. As you maybe guessed, it was replaced by the simple words on the wall behind her, one of the many sentences in her preaching. Finally, the moon is omnipresent, beacuse it was important in the original too- has a symbol of the Priestess' connection with the subconscious mind.
I'm kinda keen about that one. Only because I actually thought a bit more that usual, ah.
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Also, while I'm aware of the issues with her, I still love this character with everything I have.
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miekasa · 1 year
earth bender todo is a no brainer he’s built like a rock lol. curious about your views on the other elements for the rest of the cast?
Airbenders: Satoru, Yuuta
Gojo is everybody’s problem. Just hovers (literally) around people’s conversations, makes wind to mess up your hair, “Why would I walk over there when I could float over there?,” already tall enough to hold something over someone else’s head and the added advantage of air bending would not help. Absolutely the fucking worst. Besides, can’t you see him having an Appa… pray for the greater good of the world.
Poor, poor Yuuta quite literally only has Satoru as his mentor because where are the other airbenders? Who knows, but not here. He’s a little clumsy for an airbender at first, but eventually finds his footing. He’s also too timid at first, not wanting to use bending to attack because what if he accidentally takes the air out or someone’s lungs? What if he uses air bending and pushes someone too far and they get seriously hurt? What if he makes someone choke or suffocate? He would hate himself :(
It takes sometime, but he gets comfortable. Definitely no wise air nomad, but pretty strong with Satoru’s help. He still trips and falls, but at least now he knows how to make one of those little air balls to cushion his fall. Never learns to use a glider for everyone’s safety.
Waterbenders: Inumaki, Megumi, Nanami?
Toge just makes sense here. Give him a backstory similar to Amon in tlok, minus the whole villain arc; his family basically forced him to train and use his water bending/blood bending to their advantage. Makes him hesitant to use to later to seriously harm someone, even if it would save him. He’s not above using his bending for pranks like splashing Maki’s tea in her face, tho.
Don’t know if Megumi ever quite gets the bloodbending thing down, but he does learn to heal pretty proficiently. Still holds a grudge against Satoru for sending him half way across the world to hone his healing abilities, but he admits it made him better in the end. Despite the fact that waterbenders hail from the polar ends of the Earth, Megumi does not like the cold and he will let it be known.
Nanami is a toss up bc I feel like he fits both the water bending and fire bending roles :// he’s just that good :// the waterbender version of him is definitely a healer like Megumi, but the firebending version of him 100% has Azula��s blue flames. Doesn’t consider himself a true “master” regardless, even though anyone who has ever met him would beg to differ.
Earthbenders: Todo, Yuuji?
Todo is a no brainer. Doesn’t have the refined taste for metal bending, but lavabending? Yeah. Complains about getting called to do all the manual labor, but loves knowing that he’s literally strong enough to move the Earth underneath him and that even a volcano doesn’t stand a chance against him. Fantastic, 10/10
The Bolin to Yuuji pipeline is real and it will be studied. Yuuji would accidentally discover he can metalbend and then can never bring himself to do it when he needs to 😭😭 he’s trying his best. Nobara frequently says he’s dumb as a rock and laughs because she thinks it’s clever.
Firebenders: Nobara, Nanami?, Shoko, hear me out when I say Yuuji too but at this point I think avatar Yuuji is the supreme concept
Only other path for Nobara is an earth bender akin to Toph, but something about her being Azula’s less evil reincarnate sits so right with me, but also with Ty Lee’s… whatever that acrobatic shit she had going on was. She’s just that good, she’s just that girl. Refuses to make Yuuji’s drink hot again just because he forgot about it and it got cold—unless he promises to make her a bracelet out of a good gemstone she finds.
Once again, torn for Nanami. You already know the Iroh comparison is there, too. He’s not as flashy of a bender as someone like Nobara, but that doesn’t mean he’s not talented. He knows that he has to be precise in his firebending lest he destroy something or burn someone he cares about. Uses other bending forms to enhance his use and understanding of firebending.
It seems easy to make Shoko a waterbender and healer, but something about her smoking leads me down the firebender with combustion path. Maybe not… from her forehead like the ones we’ve seen in atla and tlok, but somehow it’s still there. Plus this way she doesn’t need to rely on anyone to light her cigarette to begin with, winwin, girlboss on the move.
Back again with Yuuji, but like I said, I think we just need to accept that avatar Yuuji is the only route that will truly suffice. Maybe we just start by saying he was born a firebender, and Nanami starts out at his first and primary tutor. He’s the one who introduces Yuuji to Satoru—and even though Kento threatens Satoru when he finds out he’s had Yuuji working on an air ball instead of any technical air bending for the past month—it all works out in the end. Yuuji’s a playful airbender, but hones in on the spiritual importance in the end, too. Megumi protests for months against being his waterbending master, until he finally breaks down. Todo through a rock at Yuuji the first time they were introduced, but Yuuji managed to throw it back without any knowledge of earthbending at that point and it was smooth sailing from there.
Non-benders: Maki, Mai
If Nobara is our un-evil Azula, then Maki and Mai are her Mai and Ty Lee, respectively. Maki never misses her targets and Mai has too much fun reducing benders to non-bending puddles with just a few punches.
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possible-raccoon · 7 months
When the “weak” reality bender keeps breaking out 🤦#foundationfail
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SCP-8XXX: “Angel” in its containment chamber after recently dyeing its hair in an effort to postpone its identification and capture during its last escape attempt.
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speedy459 · 7 months
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Me when someone asks my fav fandom
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jimmys-zeppelin · 2 years
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lord have mercy
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