#the Isle of the lost
dragoneyes618 · 10 months
Headcanon that the Isle kids have no clue of what emotions are appropriate for what circumstances, or how to interpret others' emotions.
The Hook kids see yelling and screaming as a completely ordinary form of communication; their father raged so often that they barely even register it.
Carlos finds it very difficult to tell whether he's in trouble or not. Someone acting kind and sweet makes him feel uneasy; when his mother acted like this, he could never tell if it was genuine or merely a facade.
And that's without even getting into Claudine Frollo.
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descendant-of-evil · 1 year
Under Her Shadow| Gil LeGume
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Pairing: Platonic!Gil x Mal's Sister!Reader
Word Count: 1,667
Trigger warning: this story contains themes of emotional neglect and family dysfunction.
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing a one-shot, so please don't be too harsh on me...
Summary: Basically it's a sad & lonely-reader meeting and befriending the ball-of-sunshine that is Gil LeGume...
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
You stand in a secluded alley on the Isle of the Lost, watching as Mal and her friends wreak havoc on the poor inhabitants of this forsaken place. You are Mal's younger sister, but it often feels like you don't even exist to your own mother, Maleficent, who openly favors Mal over you, always praising her older daughter's every move and putting her on a pedestal. Meanwhile, you are left in the shadows, feeling invisible and unwanted.
You watch as Mal struts around with her new friends, Jay, Evie, and Carlos. They are now the most infamous gang of Vks on the İsle, known as the "Core Four", and Mal is the leader. They’ve been inseparable since going on that crazy quest (that you weren’t part of) to retrieve Maleficent’s scepter: The Dragon’s Eye.
As you see them all laughing and joking together, a bitter wave of loneliness washes over you (despite knowing that deep down, you'll never fit in with them, no matter how hard you try). You have no one to talk to, no one to confide in, and no one to call a friend.
You try to approach Mal, to see if she'll pay any attention to you, but she brushes you off with a wave of her hand. She's too busy with her new friends, and you're just an afterthought. As the day wears on, you find yourself feeling more and more isolated. You watch as Mal and her friends plan their next scheme, and you know you'll never be a part of it.
Eventually, you decide to wander off on your own. You find yourself in the docks, sitting on a barrel, feeling sorry for yourself. You can't help but wonder why your mother doesn't love you as much as she loves Mal. What did you do wrong?
As you sit there, lost in your thoughts, a shadow falls over you. You look up to see a boy standing in front of you, his arms crossed over his chest. It's Gil LeGume, son of Gaston.
"What are you doing here all alone?" he asks, his voice surprisingly gentle.
You shrug your shoulders, not really knowing how to answer.
"Are you okay?" he asks, concern etched on his face.
You shake your head, tears threatening to spill over. "No," you whisper.
Gil sits down beside you, and you're surprised at how comfortable you feel around him. You've always been too disgusted by Gaston and his sons to talk to them, but Gil seems different.
"What's wrong?" he asks, his voice soft.
Trusting your instincts, you take a deep breath and tell him everything. About how Maleficent favors Mal over you, about how you feel invisible and unwanted. About how you're always left out and never included.
Gil listens intently, his eyes never leaving yours. When you're finished, he puts his arm around you, and you lean into him. It's the first time in a long time that you've felt comforted.
"You know," Gil says, "Blood-Family isn't everything. You don't need the approval of your mother to be happy."
You look up at him, surprised. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, that you shouldn't have to strive to be like Mal, for Maleficent’s approval. You don't have to follow in her footsteps. You can be your own person, and make your own choices. You can do whatever you want and be whomever you want to be… That’s what İ did and İ’ve never been happier."
You nod, feeling a glimmer of hope for the first time in a long time. Maybe he's right. Maybe you don't have to be in Mal's shadow forever.
Gil stands up, pulling you to your feet with him. "Come on," he says, "Let's go to Ursula’s Fish and Chips, I heard that the fries are on discount today."
You smile, feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders. Maybe today isn't so bad after all. And maybe, just maybe, you'll find your own place in the world, away from Mal's shadow.
As you and Gil walk through the Isle of the Lost, you start to see things in a different light. You notice people and places that you've never seen before, and you begin to realize that there's a whole world outside of Mal's group.
You and Gil sit on a bench, eating your chips and talking about everything and nothing. You tell him about your favorite things, like reading and drawing, and he tells you about his love for pirating and sports.
It's the first time in a long time that you've had a real conversation with someone, and you realize how much you've been missing out on.
When the sun starts to set, Gil walks you back to your home. You thank him for spending time with you, and he gives you a smile that makes your heart flutter.
As you walk into your house, you're surprised to see Maleficent waiting for you. She looks angry, and you feel a pang of fear in your chest.
"Where have you been, Y/N?" she demands, her eyes narrowed.
"I was just out," you say, trying to keep your voice steady.
"Out where?" she snaps.
"Just around," you say, feeling a knot form in your stomach.
Maleficent glares at you for a few more seconds before storming off, leaving you standing there, feeling small and insignificant.
You walk up to your room, closing the door behind you. You sit on your bed, staring at the wall, feeling tears sting your eyes. You thought maybe things were going to change, but now you feel like you're right back where you started.
As the night wears on, you can hear Mal and her friends laughing and having fun outside your window. You try to ignore them, but their voices carry, taunting you with their happiness.
You pull your blanket up around your shoulders, feeling alone and forgotten. You try to remind yourself of what Gil said earlier, that you don't need to be like Mal or her friends, that you can make your own choices.
But it's hard to believe that when you feel so unloved and unwanted.
Eventually, you fall asleep, but your dreams are plagued with visions of Mal and Maleficent, both of them looking down on you with disdain.
When you wake up in the morning, you feel drained and exhausted. You don't want to face another day of feeling like you don't belong.
But then you remember Gil's words, and you decide to try to take his advice. You grab a notebook and start to write, letting your imagination run wild.
As the day wears on, you find yourself getting lost in your poetry, forgetting about the world outside your bedroom window.
You're surprised when you hear a knock on the balcony of your window. You look up to see Gil standing there, a shy smile on his face.
"Hey," he says, "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again today?"
You smile, feeling warmth in your chest. Maybe things are starting to change after all.
Together, you and Gil explore the Isle of the Lost, discovering new places and things to do. You feel like you're finally starting to find your own place in the world, as your own person.
As the sun starts to set, you and Gil sit on a rooftop overlooking the Isle of the Lost. You talk about everything and nothing, and you realize how much you've come to value his friendship.
"You know," Gil says, "You're pretty fun to hang out with."
You laugh, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks. "Thanks," you say, feeling a happiness that you haven't felt in a long time.
As the night wears on, you and Gil walk back to your house. You say goodnight, feeling a sense of contentment that you haven't felt in a long time.
But as soon as you open the door to your house, that sense of contentment disappears. Maleficent is waiting for you, her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.
"Where have you been, this time?" she demands.
You feel a knot form in your stomach as you try to come up with an answer. "Out with a friend," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
Maleficent glares at you, her eyes narrowing. "Out with a friend? Fool! Villains don't have friends, only allies… Your sister is a leader with three minions, why can’t you be more like her?" she says, her voice dripping with disdain.
You feel tears sting your eyes as you realize that nothing has changed. Maleficent still sees you as inferior to Mal, and nothing you do can change that.
But then you remember Gil's words, and you find a newfound strength inside of you. You stand up straighter, looking Maleficent in the eye.
"I'm my own person," you say, your voice steady. "I don't need to be like Mal to be happy."
Maleficent's expression softens for a moment, but then it hardens again. "You'll never be as good as Mal," she says, her voice cold.
You feel a sense of defeat wash over you as Maleficent walks away, leaving you standing there, alone and forgotten once again.
But then you remember the happiness you felt with Gil, and you realize that you don't need Maleficent's approval to be happy. You have your own interests and your own passions, and you don't need to live in Mal's shadow anymore.
From that moment on, you start to embrace your own identity. You spend most of your time with Gil, exploring the Isle of the Lost and discovering new things. You draw and read and write, finding joy in the things that make you unique.
And even though Maleficent still sees you as inferior to Mal, you now know that you don't need her approval to be happy. You have your own place in the world, away from Mal's shadow, and you've finally embraced the fact that you don't need to be anyone but yourself to be happy…
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kanzakurawrites · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons about the other parents of the VKs?
Evil Queen used Evie as a servant for most of her life, only stopping when she realized how dirty Evie was getting
Cruella tried to train Carlos with a dog whistle and a spray bottle - but with the water on the Isle being so dirty and likely toxic it caused Carlos to get sick. While Cruella didn't care about that, she didn't want to get sick, so she stopped with the spray bottle, and then with the whistle after finally realizing that he couldn't hear it. (The Isle made her a lot more unstable)
Jafar has tried to arrange marriages for Jay with those on the Isle who might be able to have wealth in Auradon, such as the Evil Step-Granddaughters and the Queen of Hearts daughter, but it never worked out. He's tried multiple times to pair Jay off with Mal.
Gaston takes his boys out "hunting"... make of that what you will.
Gaston also managed to bribe one of the Auradon guards to bring over some chickens and a rooster so each of his boys, and himself, can have five dozen eggs a day.
Hans is actually a pretty decent father. If you ignore the fact that he's taught his kid(s) all his manipulation tactics. That aside, he's also taught them how to read, write, mathmatics, history, etiquet, etc.
Smee loves his kids, but he isn't exactly always there for them. Because of this, Sammy took care of his brothers growing up more than his father did.
Anastasia is a good mom. Along with taking care of her own kids, she takes care of a lot of the orphans on the island. And Dizzy has practically become hers.
On a similar note, Drizella is not a good mother and has A LOT of children, all girls. Some of her girls are as high-strung and rotten as she is, but the younger ones (like Dizzy) have become little "Cinderella's".
Surprisingly, Lady Tremaine tried to stop it, but never succeeded.
Ursula taught Uma all the Greek myths and legends, and would repeatedly tell her that one day they'd get off the island.
While he's an amazing father to Celia, Dr. Facilier wasn't the greatest dad to Freddie and does regret it (even if he won't admit it)
Like Hans, Captain Hook made sure his kids knew how to read and write. He also taught Harriet and Harry how to read maps, create maps, as many constellations as he could remember (many drawn out on paper), swordfighting, and pretty much everything that goes along with being a pirate. (He would have taught CJ, but after his wife's death he pulled away from her - CJ looks the most like the siblings mother)
Mother Gothel treats Ginny like a maid, but isn't the worst parent. The worst she's done is drag on Ginny's appearance to make herself look better (which is bad, but on an island of villains, better than a lot of kids get). Somewhere in her, she might love Ginny, but at the end of the day Mother Gothel is an incredibly selfish woman.
(A similar headcanon that can also be true is that Mother Gothel is actually Ginny's grandmother, and Ginny is Cassandra's daughter only Cassandra willingly let her mother raise Ginny in order to protect her as Cass isn't the most popular on the Isle)
The Huntsman has taught his kids everything he knows and they do animal control - they can't really harm the original hyenas who were thrown on the Isle, but they can take care of the never ones.
Morgana kept having children in hopes that eventually one would transform while under the barrier, but it never happened. Over the course of twenty years, she managed to have 15 children and had to open up her own school.
Edgar lives quietly in his very run down apartment in the square where he and his son run an animal grooming business. With how many "evil animal sidekicks" there are, it goes surprisingly well. He has to leave the room whenever a cat comes in, though, so Eddie does a lot of the word.
Yzma tends to conduct very dangerous experiments in her attempt to do magic.
The Stabbington Brothers have raised their children together, so the Stabbington Cousins are really more like siblings. With that said, the brothers have been determined to raise children who will become better thieves than Flynn Rider, and better fighters than themselves. The fighting has gone good, but the they're never satisfied with the Cousins thievery thanks to Jay always managing to beat them.
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plutosschild · 7 months
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ciaraerin1 · 2 months
why the new descendants movie rise of red makes no sense based off some of the characters
teen hades, and maleficent; they wouldn't've been teens on the isle!!! what, were they 10 when they did all the shit to aurora and hercules??
captain hook was a fully grown man that's the point of the entire Peter pan movie HE GREW UP! WHY IS HE A TEEN??
ik the og descendants movies ignored this but fairy godmother was older than the rest of the villains they weren't teens together
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caswensworld · 3 months
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Descendants be nailing the character aesthetic each and every time! There’s so much to talk about!
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These leak and the girl from the trailer are two separate people. From what we’ve seen, Red has 3 very different hairstyles throughout the movie, but we ain’t gonna talk about that. I love her style. It’s like a combination of Mal’s edginess and Evie’s punk royalty. I don’t care what y’all say, the designer is amazing and I love what he’s doing!
One thing that interest me is Uma’s relationship with Red. It seems like they know each other personally. I’ve thought it either two explanations.
1. While Uma was on the run, she found Wonderland and there, she met Red
2. While Red grew up in Wonderland, she and her mother were sent to the Isle of the Lost teen she was a teen. That makes sense to me since the Queen has a salon on the Isle. And please don’t try to get logical and ask why Beast would wait for 10 years cause if that’s the case, why would Beast waste time having FG bring dead villains back to life?
All in one, I’m so excited to meet Red and just see this movie in general! It looks so good!!! It gives the og Descendants vibes!
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artistshadow · 27 days
Anymore spoilers from Beyond the Isle of the lost?
So wonderland isn’t the same anymore because the Queen has pretty much outlawed everything, no one can leave cause Beast closed the rabbit hole and the only possible way to leave is through the pool of tears.
The Queen hates cupcakes and in one of the photos we see a younger version of her holding cupcakes so maybe we’ll get a backstory for that.
We meet the daughter of the Doormouse, and I’m assuming the twin daughters of one of the Tweedles, and we also meet the duchess (a character solely from the the original Alice book)
Jace and Harry from the other Isle books are in Wonderland and are trapped like everyone else
We meet the mad hatters son who we will see in the movie
We sort of learn that Reds full name is Red of Hearts
So I’m wondering if Wonderland is sealed off how are they gonna bring Red to Auradon especially if the Queen doesn’t want anyone from Wonderland to go to Auradon???
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descendantsshxtshxw · 15 hours
canon & oc - some canon characters might've had their first name changed
Children of Maleficent de Bry sur Marne
- falena ivy de bry sur marne [29]
- deyanira de bry sur marne [23]
Child of Maleficent de Bry sur Marne & Hades
- melantha bertha de bry sur marne (aka. mal) [16]
Child of Hades
- athanasius olympicides (aka. hadie) [18]
Child of Jafar al-Ṣādiq
- junaid al-ṣādiq (aka. jay) [16]
Children of Lucille Grimhilde (aka. the evil queen)
- theodor george falk grimhilde [21]
- wilhelmina evelyn grimhilde (aka. evie) [16]
- mathilde heike grimhilde [13]
- konrad schneider grimhilde [7]
Children of Cruella De Vil
- madigan oscar de vil (aka. carlos) [15]
- kaleb zane de vil [10]
- collie anne de vil [4]
Children of Ursula Atlanticides
- uma meredith atlanticides [16]
Children of Captain James Hook
- zenith andromeda hook (aka. harriet) [21]
- arcturus james hook (aka. harry) [16]
- calista jane hook (aka. cj) [14]
Children of Gaston Legume
- adonis legume (aka. gaston jr) [21]
- champion legume (aka. gaston iii) [21]
- gracie-belle legume [18]
- wolfgang legume (aka. gil) [16]
- wilder legume [15]
- phoenix legume [13]
- dashiell legume [13]
- ledger legume [13]
- jett legume [10]
Children of Drizella Tremaine
- daphne phyllis tremaine [25]
- dulcie jen tremaine [22]
- diane jasmine tremaine [22]
- delia ellis tremaine [22]
- danielle amber tremaine [19]
- delphine annette tremaine [17]
- desiree manon tremaine (aka. dizzy) [13]
- darlene sage tremaine [11]
- destiny may tremaine [6]
Children of Dr. Cyrus Facilier
- frederique rune facilier (aka. freddie) [16]
- cecaelia veda facilier (aka. celia) [13]
Children of Sam Smeigel (aka. mr. smee)
- leander samson smeigel (aka. sammy) [24]
- atlas sterling smeigel (aka. squeaky) [12]
- emrys skipper smeigel (aka. squirmy) [12]
Children of Yzma Ortiz
- xiomara catalina elena ibáñez ortiz (aka. yzla) [22]
- guillermo josé felipe ibáñez ortiz (aka. zevon) [15]
Children of Anastasia Tremaine & Lathyn Devereux (aka. the baker)
- antoine lathyn tremaine-devereux (aka. anthony) [19]
- léontine roxane tremaine-devereux [15]
- alizée sarah tremaine-devereux [13]
Children of Judge Claude Frollo
- zachariah timothy frollo [26]
- miriam ruth frollo [23]
- esther judith frollo (aka. claudine) [18]
- abigail mary frollo [15]
- ephraim noah frollo [12]
- areli candace frollo [6]
Children of William Clayton
- bryon william clayton [25]
- lawrence giles clayton (aka. clay) [21]
- robert zachary clayton [13]
- christian peter clayton [11]
- andrew jonas clayton [8]
Child of Cecil De Vil
- hendrick luther de vil (aka. diego) [24]
Children of Donna Gothel (aka. mother gothel)
- cassandra gothel [51]
- ingrid gothel (aka. ginny) [20]
Children of Governor John Ratcliffe
- richard john ratcliffe (aka. rick) [22]
- gina louise ratcliffe [19]
- vernon keith ratcliffe [17]
Child of Nasira al-Ṣādiq
- inayah al-ṣādiq (aka. jade) [14]
Children of Jasper Badun
- jason alexander badun (aka. jace) [19]
- daisy tiffany badun [15]
Child of Horace Badun
- harold leon badun (aka. harry) [20]
Children of Herman Bing (aka. the ringmaster)
- historia bing (aka. hermie) [19]
Child of Amie Lefou
- maxim julian lefou (aka. lefou deux) [14]
Child of Rafi Hamza (aka. the former astronomer of agrabah)
- reza hamza [14]
Children of Benno Murphy (aka. black murphy)
- syphrion murphy (aka. big murph) [25]
- ignatius murphy [22]
- kirill murphy [19]
- wicker murphy [18]
Child of Edgar Balthazar
- xavier quentin balthazar (aka. eddie) [18]
Intern of Yen Sid
- sophie huter [27]
Children of Queen Mary Elizabeth Hearts (aka. the queen of hearts)& King Winston Hearts (aka. the king of hearts)
[in the novel by lewis carroll it says that the king and queen have 10 hearts, which i assume means 10 children]
- winston cornelius hearts II [37]
- francesca madeline hearts [36]
- gwendolyn emmaline hearts [33]
- alessandro john hearts [30]
- augusta beatrice hearts [30]
- reginald harrison hearts [28]
- corinne odelia hearts [24]
- nathaniel robert hearts [17]
- frederick michael hearts [13]
- lisbeth rouge hearts (aka. red) [12]
Grandchildren of Madam Mim
- dion mim [40]
- axl mim [37]
- fia mim [37]
- naomi mim [28]
- maddex mim (aka. mad maddy) [16]
- yenna mim [16]
- fox mim [15]
- leni mim [13]
- tava mim [13]
- onyx mim [6]
- ozzy mim [6]
- winnie mim [5]
- sapphie mim [2]
Child of Anselm Stabbington (aka. patchy)
- tommo stabbington [15]
Children of Gerhard Stabbington (aka. sideburns)
- heidi stabbington [15]
- ada stabbington [15]
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best-childhood-book · 1 month
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that90sghostband · 2 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ben/Harry Hook Characters: Ben (Disney: Descendants), Harry Hook, Uma (Disney), Gil (Disney: Descendants), Uma's Crew (Disney), Mal (Disney), Evie (Disney), Carlos de Vil, Jay (Disney), Belle (Disney), Beast (Disney), Fairy Godmother (Disney), Jane (Disney: Descendants), Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Audrey Rose (Disney), Gaston (Disney) Additional Tags: Benry, benrry, benarry, Isle of the Lost Resident Ben (Disney: Descendants), Kidnapping, Alternate Universe - Pirate, Fairy Tale Curses, Blood Curse, United States of Auradon is Not Perfect (Disney), Leader Uma (Disney), Politics on the Isle of the Lost (Disney), Minor Jay/Carlos de Vil, Escape Attempt, Carlos is a tech genius, True Love's Kiss, Transformation, Homophobia, Societal Homophobia, Gang Wars, Uma Just Wants to Help Everyone, Violence, Torture, Revenge, Not Canon Compliant, Revolution Summary:
A child, stolen. Punishments worse than death. The history of the United States of Auradon is far from the pretty pink fairytale land it pretends to be these days. But you can make anything seem good if you frame it right. It's all about perception and image.
But a pack of lies is not a firm foundation for building an empire and, sooner or later, someone always comes along with the truth that'll send it tumbling down. Now the winds of change are coming whether the city is ready or not.
The prophecy will be spoken. The heir will return. The barrier will fall.
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lokinha1234567 · 6 days
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dragoneyes618 · 9 months
The VKs and Games
It doesn't matter what kind of games they like to play. It doesn't matter what kind of game it is. The very notion of a game is warped, for some of them.
The last time Harriet Hook played a game, it was in an attempt to keep her barely-out-of-toddlerhood siblings quiet and occupied as they crouched in a small dark place on the Jolly Roger and their father rampaged in a drunken rage.
The very idea of playing a game is completely foreign to Claudine Frollo. She genuinely has no idea what it is.
The only games Mal, Uma, Evie, Ginny Gothel, and anyone else with fairy or witch blood have experience with are word games, riddles, where one misspoken word costs you a lot more than the game. They are experts in wording things very carefully and finding loopholes.
The only games Freddie and Celia Facilier have ever played are card games. And they're always for something, even something small and useless. Games are never for free.
When Carlos was younger, Cruella sometimes played a game with him. Usually it involved Carlos having to pretend to be a puppy and Cruella hitting him with her cane if he forgot.
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Listen it might just be that he’s my favorite but I refuse to believe Aladdin would stand by and allow innocent children to be trapped on the isle. The minute he learns about how the kids have to live on the Isle, he’s either going to go there himself and help the kids there, or start sneaking them out.
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kanzakurawrites · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons about Claudine Frollo?
Claudine Frollo can easily be one of the most tragic characters on the Isle and I will elaborate through headcanons.
I personally believe that the canon Isle can easily make the villains go mad over time and Frollo was one of the ones hit the worst. And once again, we pick and choose what's canon in the books.
Claudine was born with pale hair and eyes, leading her father to believe she was a changeling. Her father almost put her out in the cold before deciding that he just wouldn't touch her, other than to feed and clean her, until she proved she was human. It took over a month, once her eyes settled into a dark blue, that he was convinced and even then he was never an affectionate person and she was still alone most of the time.
Her mother wasn't in the picture, and Claudine really doesn't know what happened to her as her father refuses to talk about it.
Her father taught her to read by having her read Revelation over and over and over again.
On that note, he didn't let her study the Gospels, instead she had to learn about them through him.
Every day she had to memorize a couple passages of her father's choosing, and if she didn't then he'd cut her off from food and sleep until she did.
She's never been allowed to wear her hair down around others, including her father. As a young girl she was allowed to wear simple braids, but as she got older her father made her wear buns covered with a bonnet.
She once made the mistake of wearing her hair down at home and her father screamed at her about being a temptress and whore.
Around her 13th birthday, she began to live in the Isle's clocktower. While she knows that it would be considered cruel to put your child there, she welcomes being away from her father.
She feels guilty whenever she questions her father's teachings.
Her father took her Bible away when she was 12, as she began to question more. Following that, he would come to the tower and make her recite versus ranging from the ones saying to honor your parents, to those about wickedness.
All of her clothing must cover her skin. The only skin she shows is her hands and face, and part of her neck though her father did once consider having her wear scarves.
Despite her upbringing, she is genuinely kind.
She doesn't bother with fantasies of Auradon. If she thinks about them too much they take over her mind and that means that she's sinning so then she has to stay up all night asking for forgiveness which just leads to more problems because then she's tired and can't focus and her father gets upset, and its all just one big circle.
When she was fourteen, Rasputin's young daughter makes her way up the tower trying to find a hiding place. It was near the time Frollo would be showing up, so Claudine hides her and despite her mind's screaming she doesn't let her father know. She ends up becoming friends with the girl, despite knowing that she has magic.
After that encounter, Claudine takes to hiding kids in the tower when they need it. This clocktower isn't as grand as the one Quasimodo lived in, but there are plenty of hiding spots and she makes sure her father never finds out.
By 16 she rebels more, even dancing for her enjoyment. And she really does love to dance.
Lastly, she knows how to wield a knife. She can use a sword. But she'll never tell you why she knows or how she learned.
There we have it. All these headcanons are based on the little we know of her from the books, but depending on the AU or how dark or light you want to go a lot can change when it comes to Claudine. Mostly because of the fact that Claude Frollo is a monster.
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khudson · 1 year
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Katy Perry 🍍
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descendantsshxtshxw · 12 hours
1) the events of descendants are set 30 years after belle & beast get married rather than 20, because they got married straight after beast transformed back into a human, they were 17 & 21 instead of 28. it also means if it's set 30 years later than most of the characters who became parents will be in their 40s or 50s, rather than their 30s
2) hades doesn't live on the isle, but he does have access to it. he can only enter auradon when given permission by zeus. there is a high chance that if hades wasn't in the underworld then a ton of souls will just be casually wandering around auradon and scaring everyone
3) rather than united states of auradon, it's united lands of auradon
4) the isle of the lost has more privileges, i like to think that they'd have the knock-off version of things that auradon has
5) gaston & lefou are married, they just have so much sexual tension
6) auradon prep has a uniform, which the core four redesign to fit better with their own style while still making it appropriate for the school dress code
7) the next rulers of a kingdom have to be over 18, this means they actually have a chance to finish their education
8) the isle is far more progressive when it comes to the queer community than auradon is
9) there is a chance that every child on the isle has befriended at least one kitten from lucifer's litters
10) mickey mouse is seen as a deity in auradon
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