sinning-23 · 2 months
Glass Chandelier
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Warnings; 18+ swearing, some hints at masturbation, buggy is a drama starter, sanji is failing at keeping his hands off your body.
Link to Chapter 3
Chapter 4
"Wow, you got another one? Already?!" A fourth and more....irritating voice speaks.
You tense again, brows angled down. Firstly, who was speaking, and second what the hell did he mean another one?
"I mean at least she's not ditsy like the rest of you idiots."
You raise a brow at Sanji then the rest of the so-called crew. Zoro sighed heavily, taking the bag you hadn't seen previously off his hip and slamming it rather aggressively onto a barrel.
The reveal was far more interesting than you anticipated, a severed head adorned with a large red nose and a red and white striped bandanna. It beams up at you, the face paint around its lips only accentuating his cheshire grin. You mutter a light 'the fuck...', leaning in a bit to truly try and figure out what the hell you were looking at.
“Not too close sweetheart, I bite.” It wiggles its brows, the innuendo making you scoff.
“Dickless and still talkin'.” You shoot back. The clown head is quicker.
“My mouth can do plenty honey, trust me.” It flicks its tongue and...detaches it?!
Oh wow gross-
“Why are you even speaking right now? Unless you have something useful to say, shut up.” Zoro interrupts.
The clown head rolls its eyes and does an awkward hop/shuffle to turn and look at the map.
“This one knew where to go without me even saying anything. Which meannnss?”
You tense, shuffling back and forth a bit, truly debating if you should punch this thing in the mouth or, better yet square in the nose. That'd shut it up. At this point Zoro has his gaze locked on you, it's somewhat unreadable but serious no less. Next is Luffy, then Usopp, and lastly Sanji. Wow, staring contest of the goddamn century.
"She's obviously been there before and could even be working for the bastard. God you guys are stupid. If I were you I'd ask pretty crucial questions before just throwing any random board my ship."
Luffy is quiet, looking from the map, and then back to you.
"You're already dealing with the aftermath of that as we speak HA! You'll end up doing it again if you keep bringing these random broads. " The clown head speaks, that same grin on his face.
"Yeah well, it's not like the fishy bastard took a chunk out of this 'broads' shoulder. You were stuck in a fuckin bag for that part though, huh Ronald Mcdonald?" Ouhhh the irritation in your voice is wicked.
His jaw drops as he fiends offense. This jackass has been active for no more than 5 minutes and he's already worked his way under your skin. Speaking of which, it's practically melting off as the rest of your 'crew' continue to stare for an answer. The clown had a point, they hadn't asked any questions and you'd just ended up being aboard with Sanji.
"Now's a good time to start talking," Zoro speaks finally, his hand ready at his sword. The last thing you wanted was tension among the people you'd most likely be spending an extended amount of time with. Despite this, your finger itches towards your picks in response.
"Oh yeah 'cause you talk plenty, don't you. I know the way because I've seen Arlong before. I made an assumption if you were even listening that he MIGHT be there still. That'll be the last time I call myself trying to be helpful. Or is 'useful' more of a term you'd like?" You'd hardly realized how close you'd gotten to the man, the sneer ever-present on your lips. Sanjis' at your side, giving a touch over your hips to try and reel you back.
It's quiet again but that clown's laughter rings loud and clear enough to offset the current debacle.
"Ha! Struck a nerve there. Listen, she is right though, you're gonna head in that direction. We get to the island and sing kumbaya, I get my body you get the girl, and everyone's happy!" He jokes, hobbling again to turn his head.
What a fabulous start to the tip. A panic attack and almost a fight. Simply fucking splendid. God, you needed a drrink.
It's dark now, and you hadn't left this room since you'd found it hours ago. You needed to reset. Gods know the longer you stay and interact with these strange characters you'd fucking explode. For some odd reason, in your newly adopted quarters you can still feel his phantom touch.
It lingers, something you make note of. The small of your back tingles, as does your waist and shoulder. Your neck and chin tinge and tingle in delight, resulting in a shiver that shimmies its way up your curves spine. Oh right...that's why they so prominent right now. Becaus you were filthy and couldn't help but let your fingers slip past your panties.
The ship rocks and creacks and with each splash of waves against the hull, much like the waters, you drip.
Promiscuous and touch-starved.
How long had it been since someone had been gentle with you, let their hands ghost over your skin. It didn't matter, you'd found ways to satiate the need, even if it was just temporary. You freeze when there's a knock at your door.
You take a breath, notn quite trusting your voice.
"One moment."
Slipping on a spare night dress in a hurry, you open the door.
She's beautiful. Her eyes were low and glossy, and her pupils were blown wide. Her chest rises and falls as the ruffles on the nightdress adorn her body so prettily. What is it she reminds me of? I can't seem to put my finger on it.
"I saved you a plate. Luffy was supposed to come tell you but he sid you didn't respond." I speak, seeing her breathe catch for a second.
Her lips part just a pinch and it finally rings in my head.
A doll.
"Thank you. I'm sorry I couldn't join you sooner, bad attitude still."
I smile, my hand clenched in my pocket. Fuck my palms are sweaty. Shaking my head in response, I panic at the silence that follows. It was just like earlier when we first parted. I wanted to ask her if she was okay. If anything I'd know what a panic attack looks like and with the way her face seemed paler than before, and her hands shook, I couldn't be far off. Or maybe it was just sea sickness. Didn't matter, some things just were my place to ask. But I can't catch the question before it's out my mouth and in the air.
"Are you alright?"
She breathes heavily, shoulder slumping in exhale as she avoids my gaze. There it is. Whatever it was she was either gonna tell me a half-truth or a lie.
I nod looking down the hall as if it'd help me escape and prevent any further questions I had from prospering. I was wrong.
"Fancy a drink?"
It's simultaneous and we laugh, so natural and her laugh is damn melodic.
Sanji was without a doubt one of the most talented chefs you'd ever had the pleasure of eating from. The food in front of you was proof of that. You can't help but melt at every bite of the dish before you, it was just so freaking good. Maybe it's cause you haven't had a proper meal in about a day or two as well. Mix that little fact with the wine he keeps pouring and you're done for.
Conversation flows easily, the two of you letting whatever comes to mind simply pass with each moment.
"So, about what he said earlier.." Sanji begins, inhaling from his cigarette as you swallow down the wine you'd just drank.
"The clown or Zoro? Either way, they were right to be cautious. I'm not a threat that's for sure though." You explain.
He hums in response, leaning against his hair with spread legs. Fuck his thighs look good strained against the fabric of his slacks.
"It's been a long time since I've been on a ship. I... I was on one years ago and I traveled to the exact island were going to. Arlong was stationed there and I guess I just never forgot my way back." You explain, tracing the rim of the glass. Not like you had a choice to forget where it was...
"You don't have to explain to me. We've both got trauma, we grow and we get better. You seem to have gotten better." He admits, gaze unwavering.
"Damn, I should be an actress then cause I'm one traumatic event from falling apart." You spoke as he laughs
Sarcastic humor seemed to be his forte and you couldn't help but feed into it, each giggle that slips past your lips creeping its way closer to a full belly laugh. And when he smiles like that, so pretty it makes your chest squeeze. His piercing peeks out just a little, mouth wide with a smile as he tilts his head back.
You sigh, sipping at the wine again, your both a bottle in, the second one nearing its end.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're spoiling me Sanji." You hum, his smile was still present, blue eyes scanning your frame.
He stands, taking your empty plate before approaching the sink and speakng.
"You think so? Pretty girls shouldn't have to eat alone. Thought you'd like company" He admits, washing the dish, awaiting a response.
You finish off your glass and set it in the sink. He pauses for a moment, realising just how close you were, almost pressed against his back.
"Not a girl blondie." You whisper, the wine definitely sinking into your system if it hadn't before.
He swears, squeezing the sponge and plate. Any harder and it'd shatter.
The veins in his forearms are strained and you let yourgaze linger. As if your thought weren't far from ur at the moment this was only making it worse. You reach around him, just barely missing the curve o his hips.
"What're you-"
"A woman."
You shut the water off, stepping away from him with coy smile
"Thank you for the meal and the wine. It was lovely, Sanji."
He swears again, trying to cove it up with a laugh and another smile. Too late, you can see right past the facade.
"Ah, of course. Get some rest, Y/n"
Safe to say you love how Sanji says your name.
Morning comes quick and docking is quicker. Sanji is carrying the clown head sack this time and he doesn't seem too thrilled about it. You figured it best not to these him cause you could very well end up carrying the damn thing yourself if you didn't find his body. You manage to slip into some extra clothes, considering the ones you were wearing when this little excursion started were thoroughly torn from the fight.
Your shoes weren't practical but they'd have to do for now. A simple cream-colored blouse with a neckline that dipped almost too far down paired with some pants that were almost too tight was what you sported. Until your next docking point, you'd definitely have to make this last and maybe not have it get fucked up in a fight.
Though you didn't know much about this 'Nami' besides her name, you could feel whatever anxiety from the rest of the crew sink into your skin and turn your tummy. No one really spoke. Well, besides Usopp trying to convince everyone that he should go back to the ship.
You try keeping pace, Luffy and Zoro at the front, Sanji in the middle, Usopp and yourself lagging behind. Since he was the only one really talking, it wouldn't hurt to chat back.
"Soooo Nami, you guys know each other long?" You ask, slowing down so that you're side by side.
"No, but it feels like I have. I know she wouldn't do this to us just because. She's not that kind of person." He speaks, eyes solemn. If you were thinking correctly, each one of these 'crew' members, yourself included was picked up from somewhere else.
"I see. How did you end up on this crew anyway?" You ask, opening a door you had no idea about.
Usopp was about to tell you the story of a lifetime.
Authors note: heyyyy everyone here's chapter 4 a little longer than chapter 3. I'm really trying to like build this up before we get to the super 18+ parts but uhhh we got our first little taste lol. As stated before lmk if you'd like to be added to the taglist :D
Taglist: : @waannty @strangermeats @nymeriiia @noom147
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cherrykindness · 3 years
wild tweets |
pairing: Harry Styles x Actress!Reader
summary: as newlyweds, you and harry read thirsty comments for buzzfeed.
warning: it's thirsty tweets, so below there is adult humor 😳
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"It's a bright, sunny morning in Los Angeles, and there's nothing I want more than to be on BuzzFeed and read wild tweets alongside my husband."
"Thirsty tweets, babe." Harry corrected, laughing out loud with the producers behind the cameras.
"Thirsty Tweets." You said quickly, putting your hand over your mouth to stifle a giggle. "I'm terrible at that, I'm sorry. Can we start over?"
"Let's take a break for one to two minutes. You've given us a great introduction, Y/N."
You shook your head, smiling shyly before turning to Harry, who was already watching you with that easy smile at the corner of his lips. You liked how his hand remained firmly on yours, making those circular movements with the thumb that always served as a natural medice for your anxiety.
"You look so fucking beautiful."
The pleated dress with flounce sleeves fit you like a glove. You had made peace with the various shades of white since the wedding and knew that Harry liked to see you in that color too.
"Thank you, you're not too bad either, Styles."
You intimately suspected that Harry would always seem far beyond that "not bad" that came out as a euphemism from your mouth. He wore nothing but a pair of bell-bottom pants in a strong shade of blue and a soft vest printed with fluffy little sheep on a striped American collared shirt - in your opinion, no one could look better in farm animal clothing than Harry Styles and Princess Diana with her red "Black Sheep" sweater in the 1980s. In contrast, you knew your husband well enough to know that he was arrogant and knew exactly how hot he looked - you also made your thoughts clear enough when you kept him backstage beyond ten minutes in a rather heated kissing session.
"Are you anxious?" you asked curiously, remaining with downcast eyes fixed on the strokes that remained assiduous on your warm skin. "To read about how the whole internet dreams of fucking my wife?! Of course." Harry joked, leaning over to leave a small one on your cheek. "We agree on that, don't we? Although I'm a little nervous, I'm really interested to know all the crazy things they say about you. Everyone knows you're mine at the end of the day, that's enough."
At the end of the break, you and Harry made a silent agreement that you should be the first to pick up one of the scattered papers in the red pot. There were quite a significant amount of tweets, and as much as you were used to reading rather sordid things about your husband on the Internet, the excitement was there as if you were wading into uncharted territory.
"I would be a good girl all year round if Santa guaranteed me a threesome with Harry and Y/N Styles on Christmas Eve." You laughed, Harry staring at the camera with an expression close to the meme of the surprised Pikachu. "You guys are incredibly nasty, I love it."
"If that was the first one, I'm really worried about the next ones." Harry commented with a little corner smile, picking the next tweet out of the bucket. "I have an entire folder on Pinterest dedicated to Harry Styles' hands, and let me tell you why: those hands are art, and art needs to be recognized."
"What- Guys, you promised you wouldn't post my anonymous tweets here." You quipped with false reproach, laughing at your own stupid joke while everyone else in the studio did the same. "But I can't blame her, honestly." Shaking your shoulders, you opened another piece of paper. "Harry Styles finally confessed that he wrote Watermelon Sugar for Y/N!!!! Are you guys imagining the same thing as me?!!!!!! 🥵🍆💦"
"Exhausted emoji, eggplant emoji, and water emoji?" Harry frowned, staring at the tweet you held up. "I imagine you're in need of a vacation somewhere refreshing and you're craving a fruit that everyone eats like it's really a vegetable."
"That reminded me of that story-" You laughed, hiding your face on the table as Harry continued to offer a poker face to the camera, struggling not to keep up with you laughter. "I'm sorry, lovie, I have to share this with the rest of the world." You stated, wiping a few tears from the corner of your eyes. "Harry always wears those fancy suits to concerts, right?! Right! Turns out he looks really hot in some, like his ass molds perfectly into those tight pants and everything. I was home that night because I wasn't feeling well enough to face the big crowds, but I was still following everything on twitter. It was a concert in London, not so far from where we lived at the time, so it was obvious that he would come home after it was over. I follow some portals that do really fast updates of pictures, videos, etc; everything that happened at Harry's concert was on my timeline in a matter of seconds. When one of these profiles uploaded a picture of him with his back to the camera in a heavily accentuated black and white suit, I quickly sent him the image along with a peach emoji and then wrote "looks good tonight". He didn't reply to me until a few hours later, of course, but I obviously didn't expect a "ready for a Fifth Avenue peach salad for dinner?" and numerous cutlery emojis."
Harry rolled his eyes comically, indulging in laughter as did everyone else who occupied the backstage area.
"I'm against the eroticization of emojis." He said between uncompensated breaths, shaking his head negatively. "Let's go to the next ones, please, I'm already feeling exposed enough here."
"I like your old-fashioned spirit, baby." You assured him with a smile, laying on the sturdy shoulder hidden under the fluffy fabric.
Harry chuckled low, leaving a little kiss on the top of your head before selecting the next paper. The fans would die when that video aired, everyone was sure. You two easily forgot the cameras when you were side by side, and the public display of affection had never been a problem.
"My life mission is to look at someone the way Harry looks at Y/N and be reciprocated the way Y/N looks at Harry, then I could die happy." Harry read. "That was very good and healthy, thank you!" He smiled. "But don't settle for death in that case, please. Just make sure to keep that person around forever."
"Awn, we got so sweet now." You made a pout. "Thank you for sending us something so cute! I really hope you find the right person soon." Sending a kiss to the camera, you moved on to the next tweet. "I wouldn't want to get a golden ticket to visit Willy Wonka's factory, I would like to get a golden ticket to actively participate in Y/N and Harry Styles' Honeymoon.
"That was creative, so I will disregard the fact that you removed my last name from my wife's name." Harry joked.
"I will always be an Y/L/N." You flashed the tongue. "We had a great Honeymoon, but I know you guys already know all about it because there are pictures all over the internet of outings that I don't even remember existed."
"Even though we chose a rather reserved city, many paparazzi still managed to photograph some of our nights there." Harry agreed. "There was one particular day when we opted to have dinner at a restaurant near the beach. Y/N had found it even before the trip, it was pretty laid back and we could spend the evening at karaoke. I don't really remember what happened, but we woke up the next day with a terrible hangover, still wearing the clothes from the dinner and with several headlines saying that I was cheating on my wife in the middle of our Honeymoon with a blue-haired italian girl."
"That wig made me sexy, man." You blinked, laughing as you remembered the situation. "It's a shame the paparazzi only got low quality images, but I swear I looked really amazing that night. Italy, I miss you."
"We're coming to the end and I haven't had to ask production for a glass of water yet, thank you to whoever selected these tweets." Harry raised his thumb to the camera, smiling before turning his gaze back to the small paper he had chosen. "Y/N could literally punch me in the face and I would just bow down and thank them for it." He laughed. "She has heavy hands, so I would rethink that choice."
"It takes strong hands to be a superheroine." You blinked gracefully, referring to your works as a Marvel actress. "I move around a lot during the night, so I'll take this lovely opportunity to say that twitter can dismiss all the malicious theories about Harry always show up with a new bruise all over his body."
"Please stop making indecent assumptions while Y/N is aggressive with me at night only unconsciously, her father has access to social media."
You laughed, clearing your throat before reading the next obscenity aloud.
"I would sell all my possessions to have Y/N sitting on my lap for ten seconds."
"Oh my God." Harry laughed out loud, throwing his head back. "I should have said that in our wedding vows."
You shook your head, laughing low as you set the tweet aside.
"That was pretty funny and cheeky, I approve."
"Okay, looks like we finally got to the last one." Harry announced, waving the paper in the air dramatically before opening it. "Harry could literally crush me with those boots while fuc- I need that glass of water." He said dumbfounded, hiding his face between his hands after throwing the tweet over his shoulder. You laughed out loud next to the organizers, and meanwhile Harry leaned his head on your bust, staring at you still with wide eyes. "Please promise that we will be careful with our future children on the internet."
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Zero to Six ~ Hong Kong - Edited Version. Part 6.
Characters: Four X Zero (OC)
Summary: Zero was the first person to be ‘saved’ by One, she was his first honorary Ghost. Her knowledge in tech meant she got the role of ‘Hacker’ she recruited new team members, looked for missions and locations and made sure every security measure was looked at. You know normal hacker spy stuff. But her tough up bringing meant that if needs be she could fight, she was maybe even better than some people on the team knew. But due to One’s protectiveness over her she had to stay hidden, she was more of an actual ghost than the rest of the team was. This didn’t mean she couldn’t have her fun though, over the months of being with the full team she had formed quite a passionate love/ hate relationship with the handsome Four. Who knows what sparks would fly if they were ever to meet. Warnings: Slight swearing, some suggestive flirting in later chapters.
Tagg list: (I know this is a edit of my original story but if anyone wants to be tagged let me know.) @raylan-c​​, @angelic-demonss
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The night consisted of looking through the research and planning the best way to go about getting the dictators brother out of the tower in Hong Kong as discreetly as possible.
That wasn't the most exciting part about that night though, at least for Zero. In all fairness she was trying to concentrate on the meeting, but it's hard when a certain blonde haired, green eyed beauty kept staring her down. He even had the nerve to smirk at her when he caught her staring back. Dam him. She hadn't even been in his presence for 24 hours, yet she couldn't decide if she wanted to beat the shit out of him or jump him, kissing him like her life depended on it.
Maybe both?
Five had kindly offered Zero the pull out bed in her converted shipping containment while One made arrangements to get her, her own little space like the others had, a permanent home of her own sounded very nice indeed.  Although Zero tossed and turned most of the night she couldn't say the next morning that she was at all that tired when she woke up, the excitement was coursing through her veins and the anticipation to actually get to do field work was overwhelming her. One knocked on the girls door and dropped off the little of Zero’s belongings that she still had, he must have been back to the hotel room and collected everything, she thanked him but he just nodded slightly. “Still pissed at me I see.” She turned to Five who was sitting at the small table having some light breakfast 
“He’ll get over it.” She gave me her best smile. “Don’t worry.” 
With her belongings now returned to her, she decided to go for a shower and get into some fresh clothes so she’d be comfortable for the flight. She stepped out of the shower, dried off then dressed in some black skinny jeans and threw on a long burgundy striped top. Finishing the look off with some long black boots that had laces all the way to the top and a dark green leather jacket. She slung the duffel with all her clothes in it over her shoulder and grabbed onto her laptop bag then headed out to meet Five on the tarmac.  She walked in the middle, the others chatting away behind her meanwhile One was up front, no doubt eager to get the planes engine started. 
Zero decided to sit in her own section, unlike the others she had some work to do and getting distracted wasn’t a option.  Two took the seat behind her, Three sat across from Two. While Four and Five where opposite Zero, Five sitting in the same row as her. Four just had to placed himself on the other row by the window, the perfect place to make side eye at her. Great! Now she had to deal with a 5 hour flight feeling him burn holes into my head and be the biggest distraction from her work.
"So.” His voice rang through the aeroplane that had just got very noisy due to One starting the engines. “How are you feeling this morning sweetheart?" His voice was like honey, it would something she could never ignore no matter how much she tried. His low tones sounded way better in person than over coms.
She smiled over at Four as best as she could, trying not to show how much the nickname effected her on the inside. "Fine.” She sighed. “More excited than nervous really. It's just great not to be stuck in a room 24/7.” She smiled taking the chance to now turn the tables and tease him. “How you feeling monkey boy?"
"Why do you have to call me that?” He leaned forward in his seat and rested his elbows on his knees staring intensely at her. “You could at least come up with something that sounds a bit more sexy, don’t you think?" He looked at her with a cute pout, something she thought he was trying to melt her with. 
“I think it’s sexy, monkey boy.” Three chimed in and everyone burst into laughter, but Four was glued to Zero.  She just scoffed. "I think you're the only person that thinks you're sexy, well apart from that blonde you picked up at the bar, and Thee of course." 
"Are you jealous, Zero? You know that was for mission purposes, besides I've seen the way you stare at me sweetheart." She just laughed, she’d lost count at the amount of times she’d scoffed at this boy.
She opened her laptop, fully intent on ignoring him the rest of the flight "Keep telling yourself that babe."
"You guys do know where all still here right?" One said awkwardly over the aeroplanes intercom. “Okay everyone strap in and shut up, we’re setting off now.” 
It was about an hour into the flight, everything had been considerately quiet since four at fallen asleep against the window, Zero would steal glances at him every once in a while. Seven announced that things would start to get bumpy, and Three started to get very uneasy. "You know I usually just look at the staff to see if I should be worried." She turned to see him clutching white knuckle to his seat.
"I think you mean the flight attendants, you can just look at me." Two said.
"Oh darling, no offence but you could be on fire and you'd have the same blank expression on your face." Zero turned to raise my eyebrows at Five, who looked back at her just as amused. and a look that said ‘something is definitely going on with these two.’ Zero nodded in agreement.
"You know what sucks guys, that if we were to crash." She looked over at Four this time to see if the commotion had woke him up, he opened one eye from his sleeping state to make a face at Five. "No one would ever care. Like we never existed." He said it loud enough for One to hear in the cockpit.
"You know I can hear you, if you're going to shit yourself there's a bathroom in the back.” Zero just giggled to herself and then got back to her work So this is what it was like to be truly around them, she liked it. It was always fun to hear their bickering over coms but this was even better, a warm feeling had started to invade her heart and a warm fuzzy feeling like home crept into her veins. It was nice to be around the right people again. They fought, they were sometimes asses but this was her true family and for once in her life she started to admire One for bringing such an amazing group of people together. She had decided in that moment that there was no where she’d rather be than here 35,000 feet up with the best bunch of idiots, and if she was to die on a mission she knew she had surrounded herself with the best adopted family she could have ever asked for.
When they finally landed, the colour is Three’s face gradually started to return, Zero took the opportunity while passing him in the aisle to pat him on the back, laughing as she exit. "Hey you little shit, don't make fun of me or I'll find out your fear." He just shouted after her retreating frame. They all dumped what little bags they had taken outside of the plane as One started the debrief one last time of the plan we were about to carry out. After about Twenty mins he decided to wrap it up. "Chowtime." One clasped his hands excitedly as the rest of the team cheered.
Zero decided that sitting at one of the higher tables would be more efficient for her to carry on her work, she’d almost finished on the plane but still had one more section to complete by tonight. She whipped out her note book, not feeling safe getting the laptop out in such an open and crowded space. But as soon as she’d put the paper on the table someone had ripped it out of her hands and in its place a bowl of noodles was set down.
"Hey!" She had began to protest looking up at the thief in question.
What she was not expecting was to be met with Four’s bright green eyes. Closing her note book, he placed it safely back in her laptop bag. "Do you ever stop working?" He sat down on the stool next to hers, and suddenly she was very self conscious. She tried to shake the feeling by directing her feelings to being annoyed he’d took her work, she sighed tilting her head at him. "It's been nonstop for three years of my life, I’m afraid at this point I don't know how to do anything else with my time."
"We could change that." He smirked.
She scoffed again, cracking open her chopsticks a little too aggressively but as to get the point across that she wasn’t in the mood for his flirting. "Excuse me, I'd like some alone time with my noodles."
"No come on.” He laughed, face turning more serious when he saw how fed up she was. “I’m sorry, I think we should start over."
"What?" She turned her head to him in confusion at how serious he’d become.
"We haven't had time to talk properly since you got here, seen as we've only really talked over the wire maybe we should have a fresh start." He held out his hand. "Hello, my names Four."
He at least managed to crack a small smile from her at this, she decided to humour him this once. Putting her chopsticks down, she took his hand and shook it. "Zero."
"What a beautiful name."
“Yeah,” She laughed. “Well, you should hear my real one.”
She’d completely forgotten about the electric pulse she had felt when they had brushed hands back in the hotel kitchen. But this time she was holding his hand and it felt like hot lava now, this fact meant she held onto it a little longer than she should have.  Suddenly letting go when the moment started getting awkward, she decided to focus on her noodles instead. 
"You know.” He started to talk again but she didn’t look up, taking another mouth full of noodles. “I was surprised that you didn't suddenly knock me on my ass when I came in." This made her laugh. "You've threatened me with it enough times."
"Well I could say the same for you.” He leaned in closer to her, his breath tickling the inside of her ear. “But there's plenty of time yet for that sweetheart.”  In a lower voice he continued. “I'll make you wait. Get you when you're least expecting it." He pulled back just to see her reaction, and was pleased with the blush on her cheeks.
She cleared her throat and decided to change the subject. "Are you nervous?" She asked not daring to look at him. "For the mission I mean."
"Why does everyone always ask me this." He huffed, leaning back on the stool.
"It's okay to be scared Four, fear is what keeps us alive." He didn't say anything, but when she finally looked up at him, he was looking at her with an emotion she just couldn't put her finger on.
"All you can ever do is your best." She smiled and finished up her noodles.
"I guess, hey! when did you get so smart?"
"Maybe about an hour ago?" They both just chuckled, finally the air around them settled.
"You guys finished? It's time to go." Seven said from behind them, putting his hand on Fours shoulder.
"Yeah, we're good." Zero smiled at Four as he passed her, her laptop bag.
As Zero started to walked out of the restaurant, Five caught her by her arm and linked them together, she then proceeded to hand Zero 50 dollars. "You were right, they did it in Vegas." She said defeated.
"Two and Three eh, maybe there hope for me after all." They both laughed as they crossed the road to catch up to the others who had already entered their hotel for the mission.
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thevoidscreams · 4 years
These trend are made for walking
Summary:You try out an internet trend with your bird boyfriend It ends up being so much more. 18+ Warnings: Oral sex, vaginal sex, some swearing and nudity Word count:3232
(Yo this got weirdly soft at the end. What even is this?)
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You didn’t usually spend too much time on social media because overall places like Facebook and twitter and Instagram were simply breeding grounds for vile bitter behavior and you were just tired of it.
Of course not every social media platform was perfect but there were some that overall just seemed better than others.
So far your foray into the Vine knockoff, tik tok, hadn’t been as bad as you first thought it was going to be. The comedy pages had decent original content and the artist put a lot of passion into their works and that was genuinely nice. Call all them to the House of Vibes cause that what they were, at least to you they were. 
In all your endless scrolling and liking of every Hawks cosplayer you could possibly find, you took notice of certain trends. They never compelled you too much despite their popularity, but one trend finally did catch your eye and there was just no way you could stop yourself from giving it a whirl. 
Keigo had a rare opportunity today. Today he could stay home and do nothing, just nothing. Or so he thought, until he stared down at the caller ID on his phone.
It was his manager. With an exaggerated sigh he pressed talk and put on his best happy tone he could manage. “Hey man what’s up? Why you callin me  on my day off?” It was a rather aggressive question for the cheery tone but if they were gonna bother him with some business shit while he was supposed to be relaxing then it was going to be their problem.
The plan was perfect, you looked perfect, your phone was in hand and your clothes were on the floor. Hawks favorite pair of your underwear was in hand and you were ready to attack. 
You started the video and made your way towards the living room where you could hear your man complaining about how he was positive he’d filed those reports properly.  It was the best possible timing because he’d pick you over dumb work stuff any day and you knew it.
The fuck was so important about those reports that it couldn’t wait till he got back to work to take care of it. He scrubbed his hand over his face as he growled. “Look, I can take care of it when I get in on Monday. This is my first day off in weeks and it’s not like the world will end if I don’t come now.” His manager began on another spiel about taking responsibility but the hero was already checking out.
You peeked around the corner into the room. He wasn’t facing you, he was sitting on the couch wings draped over the low backrest, his feathers were unusually sharp looking which meant he was irritated. Understandable considering you could hear his manager on the other end of the phone lecturing him as you approached slowly. Well, you smiled, this ought to help. You balled up the panties and tossed them onto his head.
Hawks wasn’t really listening. He’d heard this all before and was pretty used to it. What he wasn’t used to was being assaulted by undergarments. He pulled the lacy cloth from atop his head and looked at it confused. Turning he found the source of his sudden bombardment and his jaw dropped in surprise. 
The voice on the other line was almost entirely forgotten as he stood up. “Uh hey man I gotta let you go. Something really important just came up.” 
“What? No, listen hawks,” but he didn’t have time to finish as Keigo’s thumb brushed over the end call button.
“Hey babe what’s all this?” His look of awe turned to a look of pure hunger as you began to back towards the bedroom. “Oh just thought you could use a little TLC.”
“Oh? Then why are you backing up?” He hadn’t come around the couch yet and was grinning at you like a mad man.
“Well if you really want it babe you’re gonna have to come and get it.” You laughed and began to jog backwards faster.
Never one to let his prey escape Keigo cleared the couch in one jump and made a beeline for you. A yelp then a giggle bubbled up out of you and you turned to full on run back to the room, your prey drive sufficiently activated.
You didn’t make it far. You were fast but Keigo was faster. He snatched the phone from your hand and tossed it aside as he picked you up and carried you to the bed.
His lips attacked your neck and chest as his hand massaged your hips. “Can I have some of that TLC now pretty bird?” He had a soft eager tone as he lavished you with affection.
“Of course, but we’re gonna have to get you out of those clothes first. “
With lighting like quickness he bounced off the bed and began to stripe like his clothes had caught flame. 
“You have no idea how much I love you right now.”
“Needed to escape from the evil phone call?”
“Yes, please remind me not to accept phone calls on my days off anymore.”
You gladly accepted him into your arms as he crawled back onto the bed.
“How would you like to receive your loving care first my love?”
Hawks kissed you and took your hand from his shoulder, pulling you up till you were both kneeling. 
“Well I think the first order of business would be to get a taste for each other don’t you think?” 
With a nod and a wink you pushed him back into a sitting position and licked your lips.
You didn’t enjoy putting your mouth on other people until you met Kiego. He was a rather clean dude despite his inherent laziness and he  kept a stellar level of hygiene. More than that though, he wasn’t as pushy as others before him and the best part was he didn’t hold back on any of his sounds. Hearing him moan in pleasure was better than any song and you could happily listen to it all day.
You were blessed with the first of his little groans as you ran your tongue along the underside of his length all the way to the tip, giving a little lick to the slit at the top. He was already so hard and it made you smile as you took the tip into your mouth and suckled it. 
He leaned back, resting his weight on an elbow as the other came to rest softly in your hair, guiding you gently down his length. Relaxing your jaw and throat you were able to take him most of the way right off the bat which wasn’t always the case, but today you were determined. Keigo was certainly enjoying your efforts as you pulled back to the tip, gave it another little suck and dipped back down till he was hitting the back of your throat.
“Fuck Dove, just like that.” His voice was thready and needy and made your body feel just that much warmer. Your tongue danced along his shaft as you sucked and slowly he began to sink back onto the bed, eyes shut, nothing but a blissful expression while you worked. It was nice knowing you did this to him, but you too were excited to get a turn. Giving your boyfriend a hum and a little pat on the thigh you watched him open an eye to look at you. Gently you laid your hand over the one he had resting on the back of your skull and pressed it down into your locks harder. 
Keigo’s blowjob addled brain finally seemed to get what you were suggesting and his smile widened by a mile.
He tightened his hand in your hair pulling slightly as he waited for you to give the go ahead. It took a moment of adjusting position but finally you locked eyes with him and of all the signals you could have given you went with a wink, he almost laughed at the sight of you with his cock in your mouth winking. He didn’t let it stop him though, after all it would be rude to laugh at you when you’d so generously offered your mouth and throat as his person fuck toy.
Dragging you back a few inches till your mouth was half way down his length and then began to shallowly thrust his cock into your mouth. As much as he wanted to go all out and face fuck you till you were gagging he knew he had to build up but it was steadily growling harder to hold back.
“Ah such a good girl sucking my cock like that. You want me to fuck your face?”
Oh how nice that sounded. The thought alone made you moan and your pussy drip. 
“Alright then I can see how bad you want it and you’re being good for me.” The force of his hips increased and the tip of his dick hit the back of your throat making you gag. Even still he held your head in his hands, fingers tangled in your soft locks as he rutted against your face. 
You were enjoying yourself, the feeling of his hot length in your mouth was just so strangely satisfying and each time you pushed his cock to the back of your throat you could nuzzle the little patch of flax color curls above his cock. It tickled the tip of your nose and made you want to giggle at the oddly fun sensation. Not that you could though, giggling was hard to do with penis in your throat, so instead you settled for what might have been a moan.
Hawks wasn’t going to last doing this, it was too good and he couldn’t even remember what the fuck fuck pacing even was. Your mouth was just so wet, warm and wonderful. 
“Ah fuck, fuck! Dove I’m. I’m gonna” It was all he could manage to mumble as you pulled back to the tip and let him feed you his cum. The slightly bitter taste is better than normal and you have to credit it to his better eating habits since you two started dating. 
His wings are jittery and little feathers come loose and flutter to the bedding below. 
“You look happy.” You comment innocently, as though you hadn’t just had his genitals in your mouth. “Well yeah, getting a blowjob from a hot person tends to do that.” You blush and have to laugh. Sexual acts with Keigo were nothing if not fun and you like that no matter what you were doing he always found a way to make you smile.
The two of you took a breather and you got a drink of water.
“Alright, I do believe it is my turn to get a taste of you pretty bird.” You flopped down onto the bed with a nearly comical amount of enthusiasm and huffed lightly when you bounced not once but twice. Your boyfriend was on you in a hot second as soon as you stopped bouncing, your thighs already up on his shoulders, his warm hands holding you firmly in place. A quick flash of pink darted over his beautiful licks and golden eyes surveyed your dripping sex. “Oh wow you’re already so wet. Does sucking me really get you that riled up?”
You shrugged and met his eyes. “Who can say? We might have to test that theory more in the future. You know, just go all in, research style and keep records, eat some snacks while we take notes.”
Keigo hummed and nodded. “Good idea, I like how you think. Oh and while we’re on the topic of snacks,” He paused and pointed one finger at your dripping sex, “are you going to eat that or can I?” You slapped a hand over your mouth as you broke down into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. “Oh my gosh Kei! What even?” You snorted once then twice as you shook from the force of the giggles. He found himself grinning like a fool, God did he love you.
Satisfied with your reaction Keigo immediately set to work as he ran his tongue up your slit, marveling at the taste of your juices. Your hips bucked at the sudden pleasure. He took advantage of your shock and kissed your clit before taking it into his mouth to reacquaint it with his tongue. Your finger snaked through his wheaten tresses, gripping them tightly as you held him against your lower lips. Of course just tasting your outer lips wasn’t enough and he slid his tongue past your labia to massage you quivering inner walls. His focus was set entirely on making you squirm and moan with just his warm generous mouth and boy did he.
The sensation of being eaten out by your boyfriend was akin being electrocuted; but in the best way possible. The man knew what he was doing with that mouth and made it abundantly clear he did by drawing delighted sounds of varying pitches from some place deep inside you. 
His name fell from your own mouth like a prayer as you begged him not to stop or to keep pressing his tongue right there.
You were so very close when pulled away leaving only one finale brief kiss on your woman hood.
“Kei NO! Don’t stop now.”
He chuckled and crawled up your body, trailing kisses along your form till he reached your mouth. The musky flavor of your own sex was pressed into your mouth as he kissed you.
“Sorry Dove. As much as I like watching you squirm from my mouth I get a much better view up here.” 
You grumbled as you gazed up at him. He was so handsome in the light that came in from the window. The sun illuminated him, making his hair look golden and his red wings look divine above you as he rested between your thighs, his hardened length mere inches away from being inside you. You just wanted him to make you cum and as grumpy as his edging made you, it was nowhere near as strong as your need to feel him plow you into the bed. Your arms snaked around his shoulders and your fingers found the base of his wings as you pulled him back in for another kiss. “Alright then bird brain. If you intend to fuck me then fuck me.” It was all he needed to hear and one hand slipped down to position himself at your entrance. 
Keigo didn’t have the biggest dick you’d ever seen but the way he felt inside you was enough proof that size wasn’t everything. You’d never been uncomfortable when Keigo was with you. It was however mind numbingly splendid and you let yourself fall into the pleasure he gave you both gladly and wholeheartedly.
He hissed as he pressed into you, wet as you were your inner walls were tight and warm. Keigo took his time pressing his full length inside you. He enjoyed your soft moans and even more the way you body felt against his. You were practically hugging him and the intimacy of the moment stole his breath. He enjoyed joking around with you during sex and making you laugh, he even liked making you scream profanities or his name in the heat of the moment. However these few quiet seconds before he began to rut into you were his favorite. The softness of your warm breath on his shoulder, the small expectant tug at his feathers, the gentleness of your embrace, he really felt that love was what he was creating with you. In this quiet you weren’t just his girlfriend or partner. You were his mate and he loved you. His cheek brushed against yours and you hugged him tighter, ready for his next move which he would give you,however not before he kissed you softly. Just the faintest brush of his lips, so chaste for an act like this. His cheek came back to your shoulder and he felt so whole as his eyes drifted shut and he pulled out and thrust back in. Pleasure shot through you both and lights exploded behind Keigo’s eyes as he heard you gasp his name. Keigo didn’t bother setting a regulated pace, he let his body work with yours and the result was magic. At some point his hands had come to rest on your lower back and shoulder, returning your embrace as he gasped and panted praise into the side of your neck intermittently broken by a kiss to your throat or jaw. He kept hugging you tighter at every possible opportunity, which was often as the gradually increasing strength of his thrusts shifted you in his hold.
You were fucking interplanetary right now. Sex was pretty good, and with Keigo it was great but this, whatever sudden emotional connection the two of you had going on was other worldly. You had no idea what had happened. Cause you assumed that Keigo was going to fuck you, which was what you usually got, but this? No this wasn’t fucking this was love making, and the difference was night and day. You pulled him closer as he loosened another moan with his thrusts. The coil in your stomach was wound so tight you felt like it could snap at any second now. “Keigo~” Your voice sounded so soft and sweet, full of need but not just for the physical release you desired but for him. 
Without saying anything in return your lover shifted his hips, thrusting harder as he brushed against a sweet spot deep inside you. Your body jolted and your vision danced with little stars. 
You think the sudden increase of noise in the room may have been you crying out for your lover not to stop, to cum with you, inside you, but you weren’t entirely sure. You were sure however of the I love you’s and your actual name as Keigo spilled his seed deep inside you.
Your high lasted what felt like hours as you held your winged boyfriend and kissed him. His hands wandered over you as he continued to tell you how much he loved you. You returned his affection in kind. He kissed tears from your cheeks, you hadn’t realized you’d begun to cry. His wings cocooned you away from the rest of the world as you basked in the world’s best afterglow.
Once you came back to your senses you were dumbfounded. Had all that really just happened? “What was that? I thought you said you were gonna fuck me, not make me experience sex pleasures from the nth dimension.” Keigo laughed tiredly. “I have no idea. I was just so in love with you and felt so connected to you.” You nodded. “Yeah me too. It was the best feeling I think I’ve ever experienced. It was just supposed to be a fun internet trend where I walked in front of you naked and then maybe sex but this was unexpected.”
Keigo listened but as he held you he felt so tired. “Mmm let's talk about it later. I’m tired.”
You yawned and agreed. It could wait till after you napped.
(Hope you enjoy) 
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calitraditionalism · 3 years
Arc Two: Chapter Eight
(AO3 counterpart here.)
Mistface executed his mastered art of a slow, deliberate, unimpressed blink at the nervous Laurelclaw. “Really, now.”
It was morning, and Mistface was leaving for the Vultures. He had tried to get Greyleaf to come with him to see Nettlecloud again, but Greyleaf was, as usual, busy – this time consulting with Redheart – so Mistface was already in a bit of a sour mood. Now, just as he took his first step out of the settlement, Laurelclaw had caught him and requested that he and the apprentice Littlepaw could go to see the Vultures too.
What was really annoying was that Mistface had managed to get himself looking forward to the quiet solo walk, only to have to shift again when Laurelclaw had explained the promise he had made (without Mistface's permission, mind). But, as he reflected on the submissive anxiety that Laurelclaw was exhibiting – kneading the ground, head lowered almost below Mistface’s height, tail curled against his side – he couldn’t help a bit of amusement as well.
“You’ll be in charge of her,” he said at last. “I ain’t botherin’ to converse with anyone but Mama today.”
Laurelclaw sagged with an exaggerated relief. “Thank you. I didn’t want to go back on my promise, is all, and, well-“
“Just go get her,” Mistface said, as patiently as he could. “I’ll be here.”
Laurelclaw relaxed even further and padded off to fetch the apprentice. When he returned with her, Littlepaw was bouncing with every step, fur fluffed out in excitement. She poured out her thanks to Mistface for letting her accompany them, so much so that Mistface had to gently interrupt her so they could actually get going.
The walk was better than he expected, at least; it was a good thing Littlepaw’s voice was pleasant to the ear, because otherwise her constant talking would have grated on Mistface's nerves. Laurelclaw took to his concession and kept up the conversation with her (and it was quite funny, when Mistface looked back, to see the giant of a white cat almost having to hunch as he spoke to the runt beside him). The two traded stories back and forth about their families, with Laurelclaw eventually taking up most of the talk to explain the Plage family’s lifestyle. Mistface was surprised to find himself listening in as he led the party.
“…and it is nice to see so many places,” Laurelclaw was saying, “but the constant walking can be a little tiring. But I wouldn’t want to miss swimming in the ocean or seeing the view from the Lighthouse.”
“How does no one drown swimming?” Littlepaw asked. “I’ve heard the water’s so powerful that it could knock a bear down. There’s… ‘waves’, I think they’re called?”
“The motion of the water can be a little strong, yeah,” Laurelclaw agreed. “If you don’t know what you’re doing, you could get carried out to sea. But I haven’t heard of anyone in recent memory drowning.” Unusually, there was pride in his voice. “We play in the tidepools the moment we’re able to walk, and we practice in the streams leading into the ocean until we become apprentices. It’s in our blood to swim.”
Littlepaw’s reaction was one of awe that Mistface barely registered. He caught sight of the Vultures all sitting together and eating, going by how they were seated. He couldn’t pick out his mother from this far away, so he said, “There they are” and sped up to a trot. Laurelclaw and Littlepaw hurried after him, conversation coming to a stop.
A dark brown molly was the first to notice them. Her mouth covered in rabbit fur, she waved with her tail and nudged a cat sitting beside her that she was blocking from view. A familiar grey head poked out from behind the molly and Mistface smiled as his mother’s dull eyes lit up. He smiled less as he watched her struggle to get to her feet and limp stiffly to greet him.
“Look at my little boy, makin’ friends,” she croaked, and even her voice sounded weak. “Laurelclaw, dear, it’s good to see you.”
Laurelclaw bent to touch noses with her as he approached. “Hello again, ma’am! How are you?”
“Never better,” Nettlecloud said, right as she visibly restrained a cough.
“Mama, this is Littlepaw,” Mistface said quickly, stepping out of the way to show the apprentice. “She came with us to learn from the Vultures for the day. Littlepaw, my mother, Nettlecloud.”
Littlepaw dipped her head respectfully. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Hello to you, little one.” Nettlecloud hobbled forward to sniff her. “And I do mean ‘little’. Is Laurelclaw your mentor?”
“Oh- no, I’m just-“
“It’s a long story,” Mistface said, shifting his tone – indiscernible to everyone else, but giving just enough of a hint for his mother to register and pull back.
“Well, no matter.” Nettlecloud gestured with her tail, sitting down where she was. “Come, come, we were finishin’ breakfast. Vulturetail, is there anythin’ else for them to eat?”
“I’m afraid we got the last of it,” the dark brown molly said, with the same clipped accent that Beetlefoot had. “But we’re always happy to have guests.”
“And we ain’t hungry anyway.” Mistface side-eyed Laurelclaw and Littlepaw, who got the message and hurriedly nodded their assent.
The starkly-striped ginger tom from their first visit swallowed his meal and stood up straight. “Here to 'learn for the day', eh? Not often that apprentices are interested in history.”
“Oh, I love all stories.” Littlepaw trotted a few steps forward so that she was talking to him directly. “History, fables, tales about the aspects, all of them. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to hear from the Vultures themselves!”
“Well, whatever you want to know, we’ve got someone here who can tell you about it,” the ginger tom said, looking pleased to have an eager audience (of just one, but still). “We’ve all learned about different parts of the Territory – probably more than the natives know!”
Littlepaw was, as a good listener should be, already enthralled. “How far back does it all go?”
Laurelclaw maneuvered past Mistface to sit with Littlepaw, while Mistface sat beside his mother.
“Before even the Union,” Vulturetail said. “Firestripe, you know about that best, don’t you?”
“It’s what I specialized in before I even joined the Vultures,” the ginger tom affirmed.
Mistface tilted his head. “We know about the Clans before ours, do we?”
“Of course!” Firestripe’s whiskers twitched in amusement. “Especially in the east. You wouldn’t believe how much the Brae cling on to the old stories.”
“I can believe it,” Vulturetail said dryly. “I was from there, you know. Half of the things they say aren’t true.”
Littlepaw’s tail bounced from side to side. “What were they? How many?”
“Five,” Firestripe said, then paused, saying under his breath, “Hang on, Mire, Cobble, Slope, Fell, Bluff-“ His voice raised again. “Yes, five. Some stories mix in the loners from the west into more, since they grouped up for a while. The amount of people I’ve heard say there were seven or eight Clans, I swear - it confuses everyone.”
“BluffClan’s members ended up becoming the Plage, right?” Laurelclaw said suddenly. “I remember being told we were originally the outsider’s Clan since we lived so far away from everyone.”
“You were also the ones to suggest the Union in the first place,” Vulturetail said. “Which didn’t go through until rogues got aggressive and attacked the four in the valley.”
“The Clans had to team up properly and fight as a single unit before the leaders agreed to formally blend together,” Firestripe added. “Not that it was too hard, since by that point everyone was already friendly with each other.”
The grey-brown-and-white molly, Minnowpounce, had been listening in silently as she ate, but now she lifted her head and spoke. “You missed the reason for that.”
“Oh, right.” Firestripe nodded and said to Littlepaw, “The Clans were fighting initially when they were created, but after a while StarClan came to exist with the power of belief and made their lives so much easier that it was preposterous to fight for land and prey.”
“Leaders didn’t even get nine lives until then,” Minnowpounce added.
Littlepaw’s eyes were sparkling and she leaned forward a little. “Is that when the Runagate first showed up?”
Firestripe faltered for a moment. “Well…”
Mistface’s eyes flickered skyward. He’d heard plenty of tales about it in his kithood – the devil that tried to tempt warriors away from the light and constantly tried to destroy the aspects and StarClan. The Runagate was a boogeyman at best, but for some reason cats got nervous at talk of the evil spirit.
“Does anyone know when it first arrived?” Littlepaw said, seemingly unaware of the sudden awkwardness. “I heard a story of it recently, and I was just curious. I mean, would it have reason to appear until then, if it's the enemy to StarClan?”
Nettlecloud purred a clunky, raspy purr. “That thing ain’t their territory of knowledge, dear. You’d want the Margays for that.”
The Margays, Mistface remembered, had been the ones to put on the story-show that Littlepaw must have been referring to. They had done a good job at making the Runagate sinister, as he recalled, but he hadn’t exactly been quaking down to his whiskers after that.
“Oh.” Littlepaw leaned back again. “Sorry, I thought you might know.”
“If I did, I’d tell you,” Firestripe said apologetically. “I just focus on history of the living, is all.”
“The next time the Margays come around, we can ask them,” Laurelclaw said to Littlepaw. “Or- well, you can ask- you know what I mean.”
Littlepaw nodded and turned back to Firestripe. “So how long ago was the Union? And how long did it take to get the Union started after StarClan came to be?”
Mistface tuned out as Firestripe got more comfortable and explained. He looked at his mother, noting that her fur seemed a little thinner than usual, and despite the warmth in them, her eyes were indeed dull - duller than they had looked from a distance.
“How are you feelin’?” he murmured in her ear.
Nettlecloud smiled sweetly and leaned against him. “Wonderful, now that you’re here. I hope Greyleaf comes again soon. Is he busy again?”
“Unfortunately.” Mistface sighed and returned the lean. “You look like restin’ hasn’t done you much good.”
Nettlecloud was uncharacteristically silent. He looked at her, unable to gauge her thoughts by her simplistically content expression.
“Mama,” he said. “Please don’t lie to me. How are you feelin’?”
Slowly, Nettlecloud’s eyes closed and her smile became a little more fixed. “I don’t know if there’s much time for me left, love.”
Mistface's front legs wobbled.
“If you can have Greyleaf visit again, at least once…” Nettlecloud turned her head to face her son. Her ears flattened just a little. “I miss him dearly, you know. And I want to talk to him before it’s too late. I know I don’t have it in me to make that walk with you.”
Mistface struggled to take a deep breath. “…I’m glad you ain’t tryin’ to strain yourself, at least.”
Nettlecloud hummed a reply, and it seemed like it took a lot out of her just to make that noise. With no one’s attention on her except Mistface’s, she looked more tired than he had ever seen her.
She spoke quietly. “I’m not afraid to die, don’t you worry. But Greyleaf never spoke to StarClan…” She let out a slow sigh. “If I don’t get to talk to him then, I need to now.”
Mistface’s eyes lowered and he nodded. Grief clawed at every muscle, almost pulling him to the ground. “He’ll come before it’s too late, I promise. If I have to drag him here, kickin’ and screamin’, I will.”
Nettlecloud’s smile grew into something genuine. She shut her eyes. “Thank you, dear.”
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years
Have Simon and Mike ever been on a date?
Well, my sources say that they did indeed have a First Date at some point, made Cinnamon French Toast a while later, and even went out on Halloween calling it a Pick of the Patch! (Okay, but seriously, click these links, support these people, they’re fantastic and you’re sick of my shit, they made their own damn work and they did it AMAZINGLY. Seriously. CLICK THE LINKS. ENJOY THE WORKS. CHECK OUT MORE OF THEIR WORKS. And leave them some love by commenting/kudos, it is always such an amazing gift for a creator! It would be really kind of you guys!) But well, seeing as they now have some more time for this kind of thing…
They had been driving through the desert-esque area for a few hours now, or at least it felt like it. Time was hard to tell right now, but in the good way, in the comforting way. Mike was driving the van at the moment- they tended to switch up, aside from night driving, which Mike always did, as Simon struggled with seeing at night too well due his calibration. Maybe they’d find a way to fix it, but frankly, Mike didn’t care that his boyfriend was a little bit night-blind. The reason he was driving right now though, was because he wanted to reach a certain spot. Simon was reading a book Mike had given him out loud, providing both the pleasure of hearing his comforting voice, as well as him finally getting through it- Mike had been badgering him for weeks to do so. The ending is what made it worth it! Smiling to himself at that memory, Simon flipped a page to a new chapter- taking a short break to look outside. “… Mike, where are we going?” “Motherfucking guess.” The man seemed in a good mood, smiling deviously. “… is that the Grand Canyon?” “Yup!” Excited Mike looked forward, keeping his eyes on the road. “I always wanted to see this stupid place. I bet the sight from above is AMAZING. And the sunset! The sunset will be incredible! Can you imagine being that close to the stars-“ For a moment Simon thought there was some reason visiting the Grand Canyon was a bad idea- That thought however was swept SWIFTLY to the side as he realized something. “Mike…” “Hm?” “… is this a date?” Softly Simon asked. Instantly the generally aggressive guy grew a bright shade of red- like during the date they had been on before. And the one before that. AND the one before that one. It would probably never stop. “I- well- I mean- if you-“ He took a breath. “YES. Yes it fucking IS. Is there a PROBLEM?” Laughing the Phone Guy stretched himself, looking out with newfound interest. “… thank you.” “You- yeah- I mean- again, I always wanted to see it. And just climbing around the Grand Canyon while no one is around? That would be pretty fucking cool, right?!” “You mean while no one- uh- can hear you scream?” “EXACTLY. See, you get it.” Pleased Mike looked shortly at him, then at the road again. Watching him, feeling at peace, Simon leaned back, letting the late summer sun shine onto him. The thing with Mike was that he really loved abandoned places. Deep, dark forests, mountains off the beaten path, a hut in an area that otherwise had only cornfields… when Mike wanted to be romantic, he brought him there. And dear god, he was the only person on this planet who was allowed to ask for something like this without being demanded to step away at least twenty feet and stay put while the police is being informed. No… he was looking forward to this. They had been climbing around, not for long, for a good amount of time though. It was nice- the feeling of the rock under their fingers, the noise of wind and the sun reflecting on the ground far, far below them- reflecting in a river that seemed tiny from up there. Dangerous? Maybe. Maybe it was VERY dangerous, actually. But they were tough- they had been through so much, both of them were completely convinced that if either of them would fall, they would survive it. Somehow. The sight from up here was beautiful, it had been worth it. And finally, the taller of the two seemed to have spotted something. “There! We can sit on there!” “Oh- fuck yeah, that looks pretty sweet!” Getting out a soft outside blanket, they sat down on the little ledge and took out some food, making themselves as comfortable as possible to witness the sunset that was approaching. Both of them were leaning against each other- safe from wind and weather, on the still warm stone radiating heat through the blanket. “… it is beautiful.” Mike mumbled, hiding his face a little in the shoulder and neck of his partner. Being sincere was embarrassing, but- He wanted to be sincere right now. And when nobody was nearby for miles and miles… then it was okay, right? Gently Simon cupped his face, kissing him- to the best of his abilities- with his smooth dial. “That it is, Mike.” Intertwining their fingers, they looked both out at plane that was colored in gold, orange and black by the late and sleepy sun. Silence was between them, the restful kind of silence… Until finally the first few stars started shining above them. Laying down on his lap, Simon was staring up at the sky, trying to see if he could count them, now that there were only so few of them. Mike played with his phone cord, staring up too. “You know… when I was young, I always wanted to be an astronaut.” Mike started. “… I didn’t like thinking about my future, but sometimes, when looking at the sky at night, it felt like there was a place for me. I imagined leaving everything behind and trying to- I don’t know. It was only about being somewhere else. Somewhere, where other things mattered.” Simon snickered, gently. “… it’s always either a dinosaur or a space phase, isn’t it?” “Hey! I had both! They’re just fucking cool, okay?” “Didn’t mean to tease you! Uh- actually, it’s better than my phase.” Curiously the sitting man glanced down. “… how so?” “Oh, I- I had a Greek mythology phase.” Nervous Simon laughed. “And… that in itself wouldn’t actually have been a problem, if I wouldn’t have learned all the things I knew about it from cartoons and comics. Like- the one cartoon where Odysseus was on the ship and had this owl and-“ “Never watched it. Always fucking hated cartoons.” The guy scoffed, before pausing. “Maybe… we should watch it together… someday.” “… I’d really like to.” Enjoying Mike’s touch for a moment, he almost forgot to continue what he wanted to say- wait, right. “Uh- anyhow, so I learned it all from child-friendly media and… when we had the Greek mythology in class, a few years after that, I felt like such an expert. I explained the entire cartoon to my class. The, uh- the teacher seemed- not upset, but it seemed to hurt his soul to have to tell me that the original story wasn’t exactly like that.” For a moment he paused, thinking about it. Then he continued. “… I played with Ian a lot in the garden- on the good days I mean. Yeah, on the good days when I could convince him to come out with me… and we played these myths and gave them our own twists, because we were of course a lot smarter than the greeks. Why didn’t they think of what WE thought of?” Quietly he chuckled. “… morals in stories were always lost on me.” “At least you got SOME parts of the mythology. The closest I ever got to understanding any mythology stuff was with what Rick Riordan spoonfed to me.” “… who?” “Ah fuck- an author. I gotta make you read his work sometimes.” Mike shook his head. “He’s great, I swear- but that’s not the point. I think. What was the point again?” “… was there supposed to be a point to this?” Both looked confused at each other, before Mike facepalmed, hiding a bit of a smile. “Aw fuck, look at us. Terminal dementia. Each day our brains get consumed more.” They laughed a little, the sky having now turned fully into a dark blue, covered in glitter and stripes, dominated by a large full moon. Finally, Simon sat up again, looking down. “… I want to get to the river.” “In the dark?” “In the dark.” Mike grinned. “Madlad.” Turning on the lights inside of his head, Simon lit the way, while Mike checked the route for the safest pathway around. This SEEMED to be at least some sort of semi-normal route- not too safe, certainly not around this time of day, but it wasn’t a straight up wall. Hell, they had useful gear with them too. It was somewhat safe! Kinda, a little, mostly! But it did take a while. No matter, they were moving together, chatting and teasing each other, so it felt like no time was passing at all- the only thing showing the progression of time was the moon above, slowly moving through the sky. When they arrived down at the water, it was wonderful. The gentle sound of it moving along the river’s edge, the wind playing with the surface, coloring patterns into it with the rocks on the ground. Not that this was easy to see- all that was really visible was the silver and black playing with each other. The noise still was reassuring though, enough to make Mike creep up to the edge, ensuring he wouldn’t accidentally drop in, softly pulling Simon behind him, until they arrived at the closet spot they could, sitting down one more time. Playfully Mike splashed at Simon, who raised an arm to shield himself, rolling his eyes- though with a bemused smile. He dipped the tips of his fingers into the water, enjoying how cold and clear it felt. Then he looked up once more, the stars now feeling framed by the walls around them. “… you know- places like these… they feel so much more real.” “Hm?” Mike leaned back, curious. “What is that supposed to mean?” “Oh, uh- y’know. It feels like… this is a place beyond time. I know there’ll be a tomorrow, but while I’m here with you- it feels like- it feels different. As if just we exist and nothing else. I, uh- I kinda like it. I hope that isn’t weird. I- I don’t actually want everything else to disappear, but-” Embarrassed he laughed. “Sorry, I think I ruined the moment-“ “Simon. I love you.” Mike stood there, between shadows and moonlight, his expression was hard to see and even harder to read- but his voice showed it all, every little bit of it. “… I love you too, Mike.” Taking his hands into his own, Simon smiled at him. Feeling… … happy. All good things had to end though. Perking up, Simon frowned, leaning to the side to try and look behind Mike. “Uh- can you hear that?” In the far distance… … ‘yarrrr—rr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r!’ Mike DIDN’T turn. “… is it the sound of a pirate Foxy?” “Uh. Yes.” “… on a raft?” “… yeah…” “Coming right towards us?” “Well- uh- yes.” “With violent intentions?” “Most likely.” Slowly Mike sighed, slowly turning around. “… they always find us, don’t they.” The Fox jumped off the raft, his hook shining in the dim light, along with his teeth. “YAA-AA-AR! I AM THE FOXY OF THE CANYON LAKE! I HAVE SPEND DECADES DOWN HERE, GUARDING MY TREASURES! WHO ARE YEEE TO ENTER MY- MY- MY PLACE THING. MY TERRITORY!!” “Buddy, pal, friend, for fuck’s sake, we’re just having a walk. We’re not even on the river. We’re not on your territory.” Foxy’s golden eye shined. “Arrr… is that you? My arch nemesis? FREDDY’S MICHELANGELO?!” Baffled Mike stared at him, before rubbing his face. “That- that is not my name- ah you know what, fuck it.” As Mike rolled up his sleeves and got out a taser, Simon fell back. “You got this honey!” “… yeah, yeah, fuck you too.” He signed at the fox. “Get the fuck over here, filthy pretend-pirate.” “WHAT DID YOU CALL ME, YOU FILTHY! F-FILTHY! URGH- LAND-DWELLER!? I’LL MAKE YEE WALK THE PLANK FOR THAT!” With that the epic fight broke out.
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zankivich · 5 years
The Arrangement: CEO’s Son/Dom!Shawn x Black Sub Reader Chapter 7
a/n: this is like my favorite chapter so far. I feel like I’ve been waiting this whole story to ge tot watch these two interact in this way. I hope it comes across as authentic. I worked really hard on the pacing for this story. You all have been incredibly kind to me lately with feedback for this story and I sincerely hope you keep it coming. It is without a doubt the brightest part of my days recently. Thank you so much for that. K bye. 
WARNINGS: sex without a condom (gotta wrap it before you tap it). mentioned of white supremacy, racism, and micro-aggressions. 
*Shawn’s point of view*
Nothing ever simultaneously works out. It never all gets to be perfect. His life had been a memoir with that exact theme and yet somehow he always let himself forget. Y/n leaves and he somehow has a date with her. A date. Not a hookup. Not some elaborate set up to make her cum. A date. With like conversation and personality. He hadn’t been on a date in years. And sure he knew he was really good at sex, but that didn’t mean shit about being able to actually hold a conversation. She was lightyears above him mentally, and he had no idea how he was going to manage to not fuck it up. But he had a date. She said yes. And that within itself was a win. So of course something in his life was going to have to go to shit. Hold that thought.
Brian makes it back sometime between his gym run and a shower. By the time he gets out, the asshole is sitting on his couch fucking up his kill rate on COD.
“Move over, jerkoff! And switch to two player.” He grunted plopping down on the couch beside him.
“Jeez, bro take it down a couple notches. I am nursing a hangover from the depths of hell over here.”
“Not my fault you can’t ever handle your liquor.”
“Well Melanie seemed to think I handled it just fine.”
“Melanie sounds like she’s still never had an orgasm before.”
Brian punched him in the bicep which only resulted in him returning the favor. Idiot.
“Not all of us sneak our hookups in in the middle of the night.”
He rolled his eyes fingers smashing on the controller.
“I didn’t sneak anyone. It’s my fucking apartment you idiot.”
“Yea, sure, whatever. Did you at least hook up with someone new?”
His fingers stumbled on the joystick, sending his player headfirst into a grenade. Lovely.
“No. No I didn’t.”
Brian looked over at him. “You fucked the same girl again?”
“I don’t think we should be equating Melanie and y/n here. y/n is a woman. A grown ass woman. Trust me, she never lets me forget.” He snorted.
“What is up with you and this chick? You never fuck the same person twice.”
He supposed now was as good a time as any. He actually was going to need shit for brains’ advice.
“I like her okay! I like her. And we hooked up last night but it was...it was different. I didn’t tell her what to do. I didn’t pull out any bells or whistles. I just...We just had sex. And she kissed me like she liked me too. So I asked her on a date.”
“A DATE?! I haven’t seen you go on a date since you were like a child!!”
“No shit, jackass. I’m going to need every fucking ounce of help I can get. And that includes your ass, unfortunately.”
“Stop pretending you don’t love me bitch. Now tell me how you plan to get a thirty year old woman who isn’t on drugs to actually enjoy spending time with your sorry ass.”
What are best friends for?
*y/n’s point of view*
Tiana: Oh shit. K. omw.
The last time you went on a date was in 2016, what some might call the beginning of Armageddon. After a slew of horrid dates, you had been completely and totally ready to throw in the towel. But then this cute guy came out of nowhere. He was nice, sweet, not very funny but in a way that made you laugh. He was also persistent enough to not take no for an answer, without it making you uncomfortable. No immediate red flags. So you went on the damn date. And all was well. It wasn’t an earth shattering date, but you weren’t not enjoying his company. And then it happened.
I just really think Trump will genuinely make America great again ya know?
You nearly choked on a piece of lettuce.
“Really bruh? In front of my salad?”
“No just hear me out though. Is he unorthodox, sure. But Hillary? Hillary and those emails. It just wouldn’t have worked.”
“I absolutely understand what you mean.”
“You do?” He smiled.
“Bitch we do not have time for you to disassociate I am trying to make a wing here!” Tiana huffed.
You rolled your eyes and reached for your phone working to still your features so that Tianna could continue with your makeup.
y/n: Are you a republican?
Shawn: Well thank you for asking, I’ve had a lovely day. How was yours?
y/n: I’m serious.
Shawn: I’m Canadian.
“Shit. I’m so stupid.” You whined.
Tiana tugged at your chin. “Not stupid. But NOT still.”
“Sorry, ti.”
y/n: Would you have voted for Trump if you could have?
Shawn: No. No I wouldn’t have. What kind of a person do you think I am?
y/n: Idk. idk. I just needed to be sure. It never came up when you were tying my arms behind my back.
Shawn: You didn’t mention political discourse as one of your kinks. Is there something I should know before tonight?
y/n: No. It’s fine. I swear. Just haven’t been on a date in a really long time. And my last one didn’t go so well.
Shawn: It’s been a long time for me too. But I’d really like to have a go at it, if that’s okay with you?
y/n: yea, I’d like that. Should I meet you at your place still?
Shawn: Actually I’m gonna pick you up. I’ll be at your place at 7?
y/n: Oh. Okay.
“Hmmm what? What’d he say?” Tiana asked.
“I’m not meeting at his place anymore. He’s picking me up.”
“Well where is he taking you?”
“If I knew that, Ti would I be sitting here in a ball of anxiety?!”
Tianna dropped her eyeliner brush and reach instead for the body lava. All hail Rihana.
“I sure hope he dicks you unconscious for a few hours. You have got to relax, sis.” She giggled. “It’s going to be alright, okay? He likes you. You like him. Let that be enough for right now.”
“Okay. Okay. Just...make my titties sparkle? Please?”
“Lord, chile. You don’t pay me enough.” She snorted.
Shawn: I’m here. Do you want me to come up?
y/n: No need! Here I come.
Outside your apartment building is one of those SUV hummer situations that you only ever rode in when you were visiting one of your artists on tour. Shawn is standing outside the door of the vehicle, and you can’t help but pause right there in the middle of the sidewalk. He traded the black jeans for a black slack that hones in on the fact that he’s most definitely not wearing a chelsea boot for the first time ever. They’re dress shoes. Like proper, wing tips. And he’s wearing a short sleeve button up with yellow, black, and white stripes. There are enough buttons undone to see the way that his rosary necklace melted into the firmness of his chest nestled amongst the most sinful amount of chest hair. God, where the hell had they made this one at? And how the hell did he wind up at my front door?
“Hi.” He smiled, legs crossed and chest broad. “You look really beautiful.”
You peered down at the jumpsuit you’d picked out with Tiana’s help. It was a really pretty shimmery gold color and the entire back was cut out too. In hindsight, it didn’t seem nearly as impressive as to what he was wearing now.
“Thank you. You look pretty beautiful yourself. Really showed me up tonight.”
He laughed. “Yea, sure. Come on, it’s cold out. Let’s get going.”
In the car, there’s a bottle of champagne and one of the playlists that you recognized from Shawn’s apartment is playing softly in the background. He pours each of you a glass, your legs somehow knotting simply together on the floor of the car. It’s weird in that it’s not like a first date  in the traditional sense. You put his balls in your mouth for one. He licked orgasms out of you like ice cream. But the nerves are still there. You find that you care about what he thinks of you, of how he feels about you. That’s new. And scary.
“So uh...where are we going?” You asked between sips of champagne.
He bites his lip and looks nervously over at you. It’s a new look for him. But one that you find solace in.
“Would you be angry at me if I said it was a surprise?”
You raised an eyebrow. “No. But I would be curious as to what that surprise is.”
“Don’t worry. You’ll know soon enough.”
“I think I heard that line one time. I think Hannibal Lector said it.”
He rolled his eyes and threw his head back and you wished it didn’t make you giggle, but it does.
“Funny.” He smirked hiding behind his glass. “I just wanna impress you a little bit. Is that okay?”
“You wanna impress lil ole me huh?” You smiled. “That’s sweet.”
“Just a little.”
He licked his bottom lip and his hand inched its way up your knee. He was warm. Way too warm to not have your body react a little. Rude.
“Whatever happened to your friend from the other morning? Am I taking you away from him?”
“Oh Brian?” He snickered. “He’s just happy he’s got my place to himself. He couldn’t believe I was going on a date at all.”
“Tiana either.” You snorted.
“Yea? She try and convince you not to go out with me?”
“She is...surprisingly Pro-you for some reason. Must have something to do with me not having enough time to be a bitch as work with our arrangement and everything.”
“Hmmm. Well it’s nice to know I’ve got one person on my team. Maybe by the end of the night I can win you over too.”
“Maybe.” You smiled.
The car eventually rolls to a stop, and you’re not even aware of how long you’ve been talking. All the nerves that you couldn’t actually be together without the sex part sort of faded away. He could make you laugh. He could hold your attention. And you could offer him the same. Just when you were starting to think that it was all going to be fine? Shawn came to open your door.
Your heels touched gently to the ground and you let him pull you from the car. Behind him was not a restaurant. Not a bar. Not even a fucking hotel. Nope. Instead you were stood right in front of Mendes Industries’ private jet and a fucking flight attendant with a bag in her hands that looks surprisngly like your Louis Vitton. Fucking Tiana.
“What the hell. Shawn, what the hell?!” You gasped. “What is this?”
“You were concerned about people seeing us right? Well no one’s gonna see us. No one but the locals.”
“The locals?! I can’t--I can’t just fly away with you Shawn. I have responsibilities. I have a--a job.”
He reached for your hands, which tended to do a lot of movement when you were flustered, and stilled them by placing them on his shoulders.
“Listen to me,” He murmured silencing you. “It’s already set. Tiana canceled all of your meetings for three days. It’s just three days. Look I...I really like you, okay? More so than I know what to do with right now. And I think that you like me too. Do you like me?”
“Y--Yea! Yea, of course I do. That’s not really the point is it?”
“It is. Just get on the plane. Please? I just wanna take you out. Let me take you out.”
You peered up at him, all soft brown eyes and chiseled everything else. He had really come along out of nowhere. It was incredibly disorientating, and intoxicating. You lived your life by a planner, a set time for every hour by the hour. And here he was asking you to throw that all away, to let yourself be something else for a chance. And it wasn’t all that different from what he asked of you in the bedroom. Just let go. Release.
You sighed. “You know when most guys ask to take a girl out? They don’t mean out of the state.”
“I’m not like other guys.” He shrugged.
“No shit. Where are you taking me, white boy?” You groaned letting him steer you towards the plane.
“Try to contain your excitement.” He snorted. “Remember that time we had sex in the back of a storage room during Khalid’s video shoot?”
You smiled awkwardly at the flight attendant and knocked your arm into his shoulder.
“Oh please. We’ve had this jet since I was fifteen. I’m almost positive my dad has done some incredibly sketchy shit on here. Martha knows all. Thank you Martha!”
He leads you to a seat. There’s more champagne. You don’t know how you got here. This man was wild.
“Get to the point, maybe?”
“Right. We hooked up in the storage closet, and you told me that story about how you missed your high school trip to Rome because your mom was having heart problems and couldn’t afford it with the medical bills? You had a Lizzie Mcguire fantasy and everything.”
“I was drunk that night. Khalid had just gotten his first number one.”
“So you don’t want me to take you to Rome?” He asked.
“....Who are you?!”
He chuckled. “I’m just a guy standing here asking a girl to let me take her on a little trip.”
“Oh my god. He quotes romcoms. This is too much.”
“Just relax sweetheart. We’re about to do liftoff.”
Jesus Christ.
*Shawn’s point of view*
He’s a little worried that he may have broken her. Maybe it was too much too fast. He should’ve just taken her to fucking dinner like a normal person. The problem was he wasn’t normal. And she sure as hell wasn’t normal either. She was so different from anyone he’d ever been with before. He wanted to spend time with her. And the last thing in the world he wanted was her to think about his dad while she was with him. He could tell that it bothered her more than she was willing to admit, and he just needed them to be on equal footing. What said equal footing like going to a country where neither of them spoke the language. Tiana had given him the green light when she agreed to change y/n’s schedule around and even pack her a bag. It seemed like maybe it might go well.
She calms down after her first glass of champagne, and sits more comfortably into the seat next to him, her legs folded so that her knees poked gently at his thigh. She was closer, close enough for him to smell her perfume and he kind of loved it.
“So are first dates the one’s where we spill all of our dirty laundry, or is that the second one?” She asked.
He chuckled and laid his hand on her thigh. She smiles at him, so he doesn’t pull away.
“Your guess is as good as mine. Do your worst, woman.”
She situates herself a little more gently into the chair, chin propped up on her palm. He gets lost in the glitter on her collarbones and neck.
“Why haven’t you been on a date in a long time?” She asked.
Heavy first question. But he told her to do her worst.
“Well I uh...the last date I went on was with my girlfriend of about two years. And on said date she told me that she had been sleeping with a producer at Atlantic records for six months, and that he was going to share her demo. So, she didn’t need me anymore.” He shrugged around a sip of champagne.
“Two years? Two fucking years before she pulled that shit? That’s fucked.” She said. “I’m sorry.”
“Yea. It was really heavy at the time. Blamed my dad for a lot of it, even if it probably wasn’t his fault this time. But ever since then I just thought it might be easier to stick to the meaningless sex route.”
She nodded. “I fuck that up for you a little bit?”
“You have no idea.” He grinned rubbing his thumb along her chin. “I should’ve known the second I caught you checking me out at that party.”
“Excuse me? For the last time I was not ‘checking you out’. I was simply observing that snooze fest your father put on.”
“I was checking you out.” He admitted honestly. “I asked my dad to introduce us. I just knew I had to have you. And then I spoke to you and I found out you were trouble, and you weren’t going to take any of my shit. I should’ve known then.”
It’s a lot softer than anything he’s ever admitted before, and every time that he remembers that this is more, that they’re trying to become more, it makes his heart stutter in his chest. But she leans her head against his seat and she smiles at him like it means something to her to be open, to be vulnerable. And that alone is enough to get him to lean in.
“So maybe....maybe I was looking in your direction.” She says softly. “I’d heard of you. I’d just never actually seen you in person before. And maybe I was curious.”
“Curious?!” He laughed. “Okay. Curious. We can call it that; I’ll take it. Your turn. Worst date. Spill.”
She groaned softly and slid a little deeper into her seat, head fitting perfectly against his shoulder.
“I accidentally went to dinner with a Trump supporter.”
“Accidently?” He snorted.
“Don’t laugh asshole! It was thoroughly traumatic for me. I just thought that logically a white supremacist would not be interested in asking me, a black woman, on a date. I forgot that logic is not in their wheelhouse. It was awful.”
“Now your texts make a lot more sense.” He chuckled reaching his arm to pat her cheek. “That enough to take you out the game, aye?”
“I don’t know man...the world is fucking scary right now.” She sighed. “Sometimes it feels like there’s no one we can trust, like there’s no one who doesn’t have it out for us. It’s not just political agendas. It’s my safety. It really is that deep. It has to be.”
It’s this moment where she’s offering more of herself than she had in the entire time that he’d known her. Y/n was beautiful and sexy and intelligent, but there was also always this aura of mystery around her. Like she wasn’t quite ready to share herself, didn’t know if she could. And he wanted to find his way on the other side of that. He wanted to know her better than she knew herself. And he wants to cherish any moment where she’s willing to let him try that.
“I understand.” He paused and closed his eyes feeling maybe a little flustered and out of his element. “I mean I don’t. I know that I don’t, that I couldn’t but..I hear what you’re saying. And I believe you. I would like to know more at some point. If you’re willing to share it with me.”
Her eyes flicker over to his and they’re wide and brilliant and he wants to kiss her so bad.
“You do?” She checked.
He nodded and chanced reaching to pull her face a little closer, palm resting against her cheek.
“I do.”
She kisses him and it feels like the sun. It feels like everything.
*y/n’s point of view*
Rome  is kind of perfect. It’s not so hot that you’ve got to cover yourself in deodorant, but the sun is still pretty and bold in the sky. The hotel he takes you to has an entire terrace open for your access with those flowy ass curtains you only saw in cheesy 80’s pop music videos. There are couches that might as well be beds there so soft and plush. You touch down in the middle of the night and there’s not much to do but keep talking to each other, keep touching each other. You take your shoes off and sit out on the couches wrapped in blankets with another bottle of champagne. If the redness in his cheeks is anything to go off of, he’s just as tipsy as you, and it means that it’s not weird when you lean into him. No one’s gonna say anything for letting him hold you.
“It’s four am right now.” You giggled hiding your face in his neck. “It’s so beautiful here.”
“Do you like it?”
“Yea. I really do. I always wanted to come here. I can’t believe this is our first date.”
“I wanted it to be special for you. You deserve that.”
“Since when?” You asked so thoroughly confused by everything that he was. “I mean, yes. I definitely deserve this but...when you did you realize that you want it to be more than what we were? I thought you just wanted to fool around?”
“I did.” He whined stubbornly tracing your nose with his thumb. “I really did. But...you are very good at sex.” You laughed and he smiled. “I’m serious! One of the best partners I’ve ever had. And sometimes when our bodies were moving I just got lost in you. Like you were a fucking beautiful ass star capturing me with your light. And then you stopped arguing with me so much and just letting me be like...a friend to you?  And then Miami happened and I just--I wanted to be with you. And I realized that I wanted to be with you as a person, even when we weren’t having sex. I was scared. Until I realized that you liked me too. Then I got my confidence back.”
“Oh lord not your confidence.” You rolled your eyes.
“You have got to stop acting like you are not all up on this okay? I see the way you stare at me, honey. It’s okay. Let yourself give in to Mendes Magic!”
“I am officially not attracted to you anymore.” You snorted going to pull away.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and tackled you down to the couch. Your laughter poured out into the night as his fingers dug into your belly. You laugh until your stomach aches. Until there’s tears in your eyes. Until he kisses you and you feel it in your toes. Until the only thing you can think about, feel, smell, is him. And you melt like that against the couch.
Rome is beautiful. It’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been. The sun rises in the sky and you’re up immediately tugging Shawn out of bed. There’s breakfast at this little place near the hotel that looks out over buildings that were unlike anything you’d ever thing. Everything was historic and rustic and so endlessly different from everything you’d seen before. It was really like something straight out of a movie with cobblestone walkways and buildings that were works of art themselves. It’s wild. It would be wild on any day of the week. That was before you looked over your glass of wine to this guy smiling at you like the beauty of the city around him meant nothing in comparison to looking at you.
You liked him. Shit you liked him a lot. And every time he looked you in the eye and hung on every word you said? It just blew you even further away. And you kept trying to remind yourself how unrealistic it all was. You were thirty afterall. The two of you were in different times in your life. He was still holding on to every word his dad said. You had plans for your life, for your career. It was hard to figure out whether or not he could fit into those plans. And maybe that wasn’t first date type of thinking, but hello! He took your ass to Rome. None of it was normal. So you walked a little faster, tried to hold harder to the moments that you had to share. Cause why not?
“Hey can we slow down for a sec?” He asked as you pulled him towards your third museum of the day.
You frowned. “I wanna see the ruins.”
“We can. I promise. Just let’s sit down for a second, yea?”
You’d been walking all morning, stopping at every nook and cranny that you came across. It was a three day trip anyway. You had no idea when you’d ever be back, if you ever would be back. But there’s something special about the company too. You remind yourself that he’s the reason you’re there. The vacation, though amazing, was really just an opportunity to be with him.
“Yea, of course.”
He tugged you to a little corner of these big huge steps that were filled with people just sitting down, chatting, eating their lunches. The second you’re no longer standing on your feet is a little bit like heaven.
“Okay make you were right.” You sighed wiggling your toes. “I’m tired.”
“Well that’s good. I was starting to think you were a robot.” He chuckled. “I’m glad I packed tennis shoes.”
You peered down at his feet and quickly laced your legs with his where the white tennis shoes stuck out in contrast to his black jeans.
“They look so funny on you. I like them. You’re cute.”
He smiled over at you. “I’m cute, aye?”
“You heard me.”
“Yea, well maybe I wanna hear you say it again.” He murmured taking your cheek into his hand.
“You’re cute.” You whispered before pressing your lips together.
You had yet to get over this new style of kissing. The way he rubbed so softly at your cheek you got goosebumps. The way his tongue could make you feel like time was slowing down. Almost like there was nothing left here. Nothing but the two of you and the way you could make each other feel. It was maybe the best feeling in the world.
“You’re beautiful.” He murmured when the kiss had ended, forehead pressed against yours. “I can’t believe you’re here with me right now.”
“I can’t believe you whisked me away to a different country for our first date.” She hummed. “What are you hiding? Do you have a third nipple or something? A serial killer perhaps?”
“Why are you so insistent on me killing people?” He laughed. “And you’ve seen all of my body at this point. If there was a third nipple don’t you think you would’ve seen it?”
“Well you’ve got me there. But statistically speaking at least fifty percent of all murders probably fit your description, honey. I’m just being realistic. I’ve seen what you can do with rope.”
He rolled his eyes and he found that it made you smile. And so he tended to do it more and more often.  That’s kinda how you knew you were fucked.
“What do you say we go see these ruins of yours, find some pasta, and fuck until we fall asleep?”
“As long as it’s in that order!” You gasped tugging him back to his feet to continue your wild adventure of the day.
*Shawn’s point of view*
He’s got a new kink. And it’s definitely her calling him baby when he’s inside her. It is without a doubt the sexiest thing she could do for him. Which makes so little sense. How fucking soft had she turned him in a few short months? This is where he was now, almost blowing his load because a woman called him baby. It’s not just a woman though. It’s her. Holy fuck it’s her, and the sound of her voice is like directly tied to his dick or something. Shit.
The couches on the terrace are perfect for sex in broad daylight. It’s completely secluded to just them, but anyone at the other hotels around would easily be able to hear them if they opened a window. It’s just another thing that seems to get them both hot and bothered. Her body is a dream. And he doesn’t need to tie her up to get lost in her. (Even if he really, really liked tying her up). All he needs is the feel of her body against his and his hands to direct her where he wants her to go, where he needs her to go for both of them to explode.
“Fuck.Honey you’re dripping. You’re dripping all over my dick.” He groaned tugging her thighs more ruggedly against his own.
“Baby I--I wanna cum.” She gasped, voice breathy and chaotic as her hips bucked like a fucking dream. “I wanna cum on it. Please?”
“It’s yours. Cum on it. Make yourself cum.”
He reached  around her waist to grind his fingers deep into her clit. Her ass began to bounce against him, quick and sharp and rugged. He’s barely holding on by a thread. And then she starts to squeeze down on him, her hips working to bring herself to her own climax, and he’s already done for.
“Fuck! I’m cumming.”
His fingers work harder on her clit, dropping down to his knees to drive desperately into her with everything he’s got left inside of him. It thrusts her over the back of the couch and he plasters himself against her back grinding tightly with everything that he’s got..  When she cums it’s just another accomplishment, another moment of making her feel good. It’s all he’s ever really wanted since they met.
“Holy fucking shit.” She gasped collapsing against his chest. “So good.”
“Yea? Still think I can’t dom you and date you at the same time?”
“Shhhh. No one has time for you sir, I can’t feel my legs.”
He nuzzled his way into her neck placing kisses against the skin. His arms were still wrapped around her and her fingers were playing in his hair. It was different than their usual hook ups, for sure. But, he liked it. He liked feeling close to her. He liked touching her and feeling her heart beat beneath his finger tips. Did she know how amazing she was?
“You want me to go get a towel?” He asked softly, pecking at her ear.
She hummed. “Not yet. Don’t leave yet.”
God he was ruined. Just like that.
“Yea okay.”
She hops in the shower and he has every intention of following her, of maybe pressing her into the shower door and fucking her until the glass breaks. But then his phone starts ringing and she giggles and runs off leaving his dick to twitch against his thigh. He was stupid on her. Aboslutely idiotic. And whoever was getting in the way of his idiocy was about to get an ear full.
“There better be someone dying!” He huffed eyes still very much on the shower where perhaps the most beautiful woman alive was waiting for him.
“That can be arranged. Can you explain to me why I had to find out from Tiffany that your half whit ass is in Rome right now instead of New York?” His dad roared.
Remember that whole things falling apart narrative? Surprise.
“Shit. Dad look I..I just needed to get away for awhile okay?”
“On the comapny fucking jet nonetheless?!”
“That jet has been open to family members as long as I’ve been alive. Since when is it even a problem?”
“Since you’ve been on that jet more than you’ve been in my office. I am tired of trying to explain this to you Shawn. The rules are very simple. You work for me, you do a good job, you get your inheritance. If you don't, you know what happens Shawn. Is that what you want, to make me have to do that to you?”
“Look Dad I,” He let his voice drop softer, shyer. “It’s not what it looks like. This isn’t just me fucking off okay? I--I like someone. Like really like them. And I just wanted to impress her. She’s different. And I wanted her to like me. This isn’t one of my hookups, I swear.”
He hadn’t liked someone in so long, hadn’t even come close to what he was feeling for y/n. Even though his dad was a dick and they had fought since the time he was eleven, there was still a part of him that yearned for his approval. It was hard not to get caught up in what the world knew his dad to be. It was hard not to feel like if he could just make him proud, just make him happy, then everything would be okay. He hadn’t been that naive in a long time, but it still pulled at him every now and again.
Manny sighed. “Great, son. That doesn’t help the fact that you went behind my back and are continuously neglecting your duties.”
“I--I’m not though. Niall is sitting at sixteen songs as we speak. You only wanted twelve remember? I convinced the producers to look into doing a deluxe edition. That’s gonna make the label happy, Niall happy, and it’s more money for you right? I’m back in LA in a week to work on the roll out for Sarah Leone to the press. I’m kind of working my ass off here. I’m doing everything you wanted.”
“Look whatever just get your ass back to New York, okay?” He muttered.
“I’ll be back in two days.”
“Two days. I’ll be back in two days, and I’ll keep living in this hell of a life you’ve set up for me , alright? See you then.”
He tossed his phone back onto the bed in frustration. The noose tightened a little in his absence, sick and tired of always fighting and always losing. It seemed like no matter what happiness he carved out for himself, he was always going to have to return home. Maybe he was kidding himself. Maybe there was no winning in this life.
He stands there for like forty-five seconds feeling sorry for himself, and just fully like a piece of shit. And then he hears her. It’s soft and gentle and sweet. He moves a little closer to the bathroom, the door still open and her naked body visible through the foggy glass door. She’s singing.
“I’m like a bird, I’ll only fly away.” She cooed softly. “I don’t know where my soul is, I don’t know where my home is.”
Her voice was soulful and low, her fingers cupping her breasts and rolling down over her hips as she sang. It really kind of hit him in his heart. He leaned against the edge of the doorway, head lolling back for support at this gorgeous sound coming out of this gorgeous woman. The music lover in him just wanted to sit on the floor and listen to her all day, it was so pretty. Maybe map out some harmonies for the two of them. And the fact that he could see the smile on her lips as she sang only made his heart feel two times too big for his sturnemum. He wasn’t ready for the way that she could make him feel. He thought he’d known that, thought he was preparing himself. Not so much. He wasn’t sure one could prepare themselves for a woman like y/n. Maybe that was his lesson to learn.
She catches sight of him out of the corner of her eye and her lips glue firmly shut. He practically pouts when she stops singing. His arms crossed against his chest tighten in dissatisfaction.
“What are you doing?” She whined leaning her head out of the shower.
He shrugged. “Was just listenin’. You didn’t tell me you sang.”
“You didn’t ask. And I don’t. I was just...humming.”
“Humming?” He laughed softly. “Okay. Well you hum beautifully.”
“Well thank you, I suppose. Was your phone call okay?”
“No. Not quite but, I’m good now. Can I wash your back for you maybe?”
“Yea. Boy, you ain’t gotta ask to wash my back. Come on!”
He steps back into the steam of the shower and it’s like nothing exists but the two of them. And he just really wants to keep it that way for a little while longer. If only for a little while longer.
They’re lying on a hotel bed that’s so soft it feels like they’re sinking. After another glorious round of sex he found himself tangled in the sheets beside her. Their heads at the foot of the bed because that’s the position where he’d made her cum last, and their feet intertwined at the headboard. She’s not looking at him, but instead up at the ceiling. This doesn’t seem to stop him from peering over at her. She’s kind of too beautiful to not look at.
“Can I ask you something?” He hedged carefully.
She peered over at him, eyes warm and sated.
“I don’t...I really don’t know how to ask, or what to ask. And maybe--maybe I’m gonna come across like some dick, but I don’t wanna do that with you. I want to learn ya know? I want to understand.”
“Shawn?” She pressed getting his attention. “Calm down. Just ask.”
He nodded softly and took a deep breath. His fingers twitched anxiously against his stomach.
“That stuff you said earlier on the plane...you know about--about the trump supporter, and how that made you feel? And then sometimes...sometimes it sounds like you don’t really like white people, which like makes sense right? We’re the worst. But I just...I wanna understand more about...about what that means for you? Fuck. I’m sorry. That sounded dumb just saying it.”
He closes his eyes ready for her to slap him and take his jet all the way back to New York. He thinks maybe he’d deserve it. It wasn’t even that he’d never been with a Black woman before. Black Women were beautiful and ethereal and wonderful. But, even his tiny white man brain could understand that the state of the world was simply a little different nowadays. His mediocre understanding of racism and privilege simply wasn’t enough. And he knew that if he wanted to be with this woman, if he wanted to feel like he deserved to be near her and absorb her intellect, than he should probably do his absolute best to understand the world in which she walked. Because it certainly looked different from his own.
He feels her hand on his chest and his eyes flutter open. She curled her fingers around his own and sent him another gentle smile that made his toes curl at the other end of the bed.
“It’s not dumb.” She assured him. “You’re asking. You might not have the language, but you’re asking. And that means a lot to me, okay? A lot.”
He nodded his head dumbly, eagerly hanging on every word that she said. She lied back once again, her head nestling a little closer to his. She doesn’t let go of his fingers.
“So, I do hate white people sometimes.” She mumbled. “Sometimes in the discourse Black folks will often try to explain that it’s not all white people, it’s just some. And most days I can get there. I can recognize that. But like… that’s not really how it works you know? Even white people who wouldn’t lynch my black ass grew up in a culture that would. Even white folks who might not feel the need to say the n-word grow up in a culture that situates their body, their worth, their value over mine. And even if that’s not your fault, and I can recognize that it isn’t you know? That’s how privilege works, it’s subliminal. But even if it’s not your fault, it doesn’t mean that you don’t benefit. And it definitely doesn’t mean that you haven’t absorbed messages about my inferiority.”
He watches her face the entire time, more specifically the emotions that seem to rush through every pore and every muscle. There’s a bit of agony on her features. A bit of frustration. But as she warms up there’s a freedom to it too. He knows that she’s not editing her words. She’s not doing anything for his benefit. He asked and so she would tell him, in whatever way was meaningful for her.
“White people just...sometimes it really seems like y’all don’t give a shit. I’ve had the cops called on me at the very building that I work at. On the top floor, with some of the most powerful people in show bizz twenty-seven times since I started. To the point where Mike in security has to keep an updated description of me every time I change my hair just in case. I have walked onto sets to manage my artists and been told that the back up dancers are in the trailer around back. Every step I take, every goddamn day, there is always at least one white person there to tell me that I don’t deserve it. That I don’t belong. And the intersections of my blackness with my womanhood mean that I am consistently and constantly facing an uphill battle of two indentities that the world just doesn’t give a fuck about.”
He couldn’t look away from her. Never had he ever seen her be so vulnerable for him. Y/n was always just an inch or two behind a wall, always peeking out to give him glimpses but never really showing herself in her entirety. He watched the way that her chest rose and fell more rapidly, watched the way her fingers tightened around his own, and her eyebrows wrinkled on her forehead. It was anxiety. She was anxious and angry and sad. The way that her lips pointed down and her eyes blinked faster than normal told him as such. It kind of broke his heart.
And it’s all so new for him that the only thing he can do is follow his instincts and hope that either he doesn’t fuck it up, or that maybe she’ll forgive him if he does. So, he rested his head firmer against her and held her hands just as tight like maybe it might root her a little better in this room with him, like maybe she might feel safe with him.
“And the people...the people that do these things to you. That do these racist acts all the time they--they look like me don’t they?”
Her eyes that were trained on the ceiling fell down to meet his again. They’re still sad, but a little softer now.
She nodded slowly a bit of a grin forming on her lips.
“I’ma be honest ain’t nobody walking around looking quite like you but...yes they--they kind of look like you.”
He nodded slowly and tilted his head back to peer up at the ceiling now. There’s an anxiety to it for him too. In asking the questions that he didn’t have answers to, to be vulnerable enough in his ignorance. There’s a desire to get it right because she’s important to him, and then a dread when he realizes the time it will take to get there, and the pain that might cause her along the way.
“Shit y/n...why the hell would you even wanna go out with me? Even I hate me right now.” He sighed.
“That’s just the white guilt talking baby,” She snorted before sobering up quickly. “Look it’s complicated right? Like given my problems with white people and white men in particular, I’m firm enough in my blackness and my identity to recognize everything that I just explained to you, while also recognizing that things are never black and white. No pun intended. I can still love your humanity and your individuality as long as you’re willing to do the same for me. I can recognize that not all white people are the same, that you all think alike. I just need the space to have conversations like this. I need someone who cares enough to learn. Anything else isn't worthy of my time. Either you’re down with me always, even when it isn’t convenient, or you’re not. So, which is it?”
Her eyes are wide and clear. It’s that firmness in the set of her jaw that gets him. She’s dead serious. Either he buys into her, and all of her, or he doesn’t deserve any of her. He can see that. He can understand it. It’s not that he wants her bad enough to “deal” with the rest of it. It’s that he wants her bad enough to understand all of her. He wants to know. Needs to.
“I’m down.” He assured her reaching for her cheek in his palm. “For all of it.”
“You’re sure?” She mumbled with desperate eyes. “Cause if you’re not we can go back New York and just be fuck buddies again. You can still find you some white girl without hundreds of years of internalized genocide and systemic oppression on her shoulders.”
He shook his head and kissed her until the tension melted from her body. Because he needed it to. He needed her belief in him, her trust.
“I’m so damn sure it’s insane. Just want you.” He whispered.
She reached for his lips pulling him back to kiss her again.
“Promise.” She demanded as if it was even an option.
“I promise.”
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tu-mint · 4 years
‼️⚠️NEW OC⚠️‼️Introducing...Jade Lofota/Dome‼️🥳
‼️‼️Hey guys! Hope all has been well with you since quarantine! Speaking of which, Tiktok has officially dragged me back into “bingewatch anime and mess up your sleep schedule” mode and ofc I listened. So I just recently got back into My Hero Academia specifically (I started it when it first came out then lost track 😅) bc I’ve been seeing this trend with MHA based OCs and it’s so cool! My personal favorite is Artiste aka Hina Tsukuru which y’all can check out on Tiktok @/mailleur_maker btw! Anywho, I figured why not go on and make one too?? These are pretty much the basic layouts to my character (I used a website to create my character’s look bc I can’t draw for 💩 so I apologize if they aren’t the best quality!) Let me know what you think!‼️‼️
Name: Jade Lofota (Hero Name: Dome)
Age: 18 (DOB: 02/20)
Height: 5’8” 1/2
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Samoan
Hair Color/Type: Brown w/ Natural Highlights; 2C-Type
Eye Color: Indigo, Mint Green (when using quirk)
Physical Description:
Jade has a muscular physique with noticeable curves around her mid section. Her skin is a caramel tone with a diamond shape face. She has thick curved eyebrows that arch slightly upward giving her a natural weighty expression. Her lips are turned downwards and two toned, her upper lip a slightly darker shade. Her nose and ears are wide set, but her ears are slightly pushed back. Jade's hair is a 2C curl texture, but she keeps it in a braid that reaches right above her hips with shorter locks slipping out on the side.
During school hours, Jade wears the UALA version of the UA uniform, which is initially the same without the stripes on the collar or cuffs. Jade also wears black leggings and gloves, along with a pair of boots that stop above the knee. With the hero attire, Jade wears a long mustard top that reaches the top of her thighs with loose sleeves that end at her elbows, along with a hood. Attached to the tip of her hood is an inverted triangle shaped device. The top is slightly opened down to the navel, and the hem has high slits on either side. Under the top, she wears high waisted shorts that are the same color of the hood and the sleeve outlines. At her waistline is a utility belt full of medical supplies held up by a strap that goes across her body. Jade wears tech infused gloves and boots that are a metallic grey color and reach below the knee. On her left thigh is a blunt held up by a black strap with yellow buckles; the blunt can stretch to full length when used.
Manu Lofota [father; retired pro hero]
Lina Lofota [mother]
Manu Jr. Lofota [oldest brother; deceased]
Tony Lofota [younger brother]
Joseph Lofota [younger brother]
Matthew Lofota [younger brother]
Mikey Lofota [youngest brother]
Carolei Lofota [sister]
Jade is a second-year student in class 2-A at UALA apart of the special program they'd developed. (⚠️In this AU, due to its rising global popularity, UA High has now evolved into an international school program to assist upcoming heroes around the world, so there are other UA institutions in select locations (but the original UA in Japan is pretty much the Harvard to all Ivy Leagues). Every year, one student per location is handpicked to spend 3-5 months at the original UA and understand the history behind heroes while getting to personally train and meet with pro-heroes. A special structure created for this purpose is directly across the UA building.⚠️) She comes from a middle class family and was able to get into UALA (UA Los Angeles) school after being scouted by a staff member who she saved from danger. When she was younger, Jade had witnessed her oldest brother, Manu, get shot and killed by gang members he was associated with, thus making the ultimate decision to become a hero. The memory constantly torments her as she believes it to be her fault for not acting quickly enough to defend him, though her parents often try to assure her that it isn't. Being where she’s from, Jade takes a crucial amount of time learning to master her quirk and combat skills as a means of survival. She dedicates her life to protecting her family at all costs, even if it means sometimes committing wrongdoings.
Jade is a cordial person and enjoys any opportunity to meet new people; many often take a quick liking to her because of the comfortable aura she gives. Along with meeting new faces, Jade is observant of those she interacts with and can remember distinct aspects very well, such as body language, habits, facial expressions, and speech patterns. While her observance is meant as a defense mechanism, she sometimes uses it to her advantage. Persuasion is one of Jade's strong suits and often she will use it to get herself or others out of trouble. On the field, Jade is a formidable and aggressive combatant, but impulsiveness is often a struggle she deals with. Sudden flashbacks of her brother's death trigger Jade to act without thinking which in turn ends up hurting herself or others. The passing of her brother also overcame Jade with guilt and made her develop a pessimistic view on life and society. These cynical beliefs drove her to swear complete protection over her family from the world's evil, especially her siblings.
- Quirk: Animal Control: Similar to Shinso, Jade has a quirk allows her to use mind manipulation over any animal classified organism, but the only way it can be activated is if she makes physical contact using the head, legs, hands or feet. She can manage multiple minds at once but must be careful to the extent at which she does because she can put herself into sensory overload. The quirk can be deactivated two ways: Jade verbally declares the opponent free of her command, or sensory overload will forcibly shut down her control (if multiple minds are being controlled, she can pick and choose who is released; if there's no specification, the quirk will deactivate control over all minds). Jade can command her opponent telepathically or verbally, but the deactivation can only be done verbally. Her quirk can involuntarily be triggered by the smallest touch, so Jade must be cautious with her interactions as to not set it off (ex: giving hugs).
- Telepathy: When in close range, Jade has the ability to temporarily share her telepathic powers with someone in order to communicate with them. Using telepathy for too long can leave her lightheaded and susceptible to fainting as it requires a lot of mental strength. This also applies to when her quirk is in use with the exception of range. Since most are unaware of this ability, Jade will use it to temporarily distract an opponent when in combat.
- Enhanced Strength: Jade is physically robust and can endure high levels of pain while fighting. Jade can also handle severe injuries while engaging in combat or using her quirk, which easily makes her an intimidating opponent. At the same time, she has the ability to deliver lethal punches and kicks that are deadly to an opponent if powerful enough and has proved this her first year of the final exams in UALA.
- Enhanced Agility: Given that her quirk requires physical contact, Jade can move at an impressively quick rate despite her stature. She is able to maintain incredible balance between her speed and strength at close and mid range and will occasionally use gymnastic maneuvers to take down her opponent or latch herself onto them. Jade's rapid observations on her opponent also help her in using their physicality against themselves.
Uncanny Balance: One of Jade’s most notable skills during combat is the constant switching of her body position. Whether in direct combat or moving away from it, Jade can quickly shift whatever stance she’s in and hold it for long periods at a time despite its complexity, showing her flexibility, durability and balance. An example of this would be fighting in a hand stand depending solely on the legs and feet for combat. (This is connected to Enhanced Agility.)
- Special Moves:
Footlose: Jade back flips into a hand stand position before the opponent and swings a brutal kick between their legs or to the groin then delivers another blow to the side of the face with her other foot, activating her quirk. She brings both her legs to her chest to deliver one final kick to the opponent's face.
Tama’s Blow: At long distance, Jade sprints to her opponent then leaps and spirals while coming down, allowing momentum to build into her left arm. Her fist connects with the opponent’s jaw before her feet reach the ground, twisting the neck far back and killing or severely injuring the opponent. When this move is performed, parts of Jade’s tattoo will glow.
"Look kid, I’m not here to be the world’s hero—this is for my family."
- Played softball for 3 years but quit before high school
- Jade owns two electric guitars -- one in her dorm and one at her house -- and plays them to relieve stress, worry, anxiety or sadness
- Tama’s Blow was named in honor of Jade’s father as it was one of his finishing moves as a Pro Hero
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purplesurveys · 4 years
All About the Letter F
Please List! (at least one)
Animals I Like: Ferrets and foxes.
Foods I Like: Fettuccine alfredo, feta cheese, falafel, fondant, French fries, fried rice, and everything else that’s fried, honestly.
I Know Someone Who’s (jobs): Flight attendant, fashion designer, feature writer, features editor, field reporter...I know my girlfriend’s mom watches out for fraud activity within the company she works in, but I’m not sure what her title is.
I Wouldn’t Mind Visiting: Finland and Frankfurt. I’d love to go back to Fukuoka too, considering I only spent an afternoon there.
Sometimes I Feel: Frustrated, furious, frightened.
Music I Listen To: Fall Out Boy. I also wouldn’t mind hearing some Flume and FKA twigs.
Movies I’ve Seen: Funny Face, Full Metal Jacket, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Fight Club, Finding Nemo, Finding Dory, Forrest Gump, Flipped, Friends with Benefits.
Names I Like: Fiona, Frida, Francesca, Frankie for a girl, and Finn (hola, Lane! haha).
Some of your “firsts”: Not really sure what this means, heh.
And now, onto the random questions!
Do you have loud farts or are they silent but deadly? Honestly, I hold back farts on purpose so I’m not super in touch with mine. I know it’s a normal bodily function and I really don’t know why, but I personally always just found it gross while I’m fine with burping lol.
How many friends do you have? I have a large enough circle that counting every single one of my friends would be a lot of work.
Have you ever had a pet fish? Yeah, mostly when I was younger. We went through several goldfish.
Have you made/worn friendship bracelets? Sure. For some reason they became kind of a trend back in like 2016, so it was one of the things that helped Gab and I bond when we were mending our friendship after the breakup. I bought the both of us a pair of matching bracelets first, and she did the same.
Do you enjoy Fig Newtons? I don’t know what those are.
Do you wear things with floral patterns on them? I’m definitely not opposed to them! I have a few floral jumpsuits.
What’s your favorite flower? Peonies. I also like roses and sunflowers.
How about your favorite fruit? I hate fruits. I do like avocado, but I’ll only have it if it’s part of a meal like an avocado cheesecake, or avocado shake.
Are you more fearful or fearless? For now I’d say fearful. I don’t know a world outside school just yet, so there’s still a lot left for me to pick up, learn, explore.
What’s your favorite flavor of fudge? I don’t eat fudge and didn’t even know it was a whole separate food. I’ve always thought fudge just pertained to brownies.
Aren’t flies annoying? The actual bane of my existence. If you want 3x the normal amount of flies (though I don’t see why anyone would want that), go to Southeast Asia.
Have you ever flown in an airplane before? Yep, many times. I’ve never gotten over it; I always feel childlike excitement whenever we have to travel by plane.
Do you wish that you could fly? Yeah it’s like the first superpower I ever wanted. As early as when I was around 6 or 7 flying to me meant getting to places for free and skipping all the boring stuff like passports and immigration lol.
Do you play with fire? Absolutely not. I’m so scared of fire. A few days ago my dad was busy and he was asking me to lower the heat on the rice pot that was already boiling, and I swear I had to mentally prepare myself before I went ahead and did it lol.
Have you been in many fights? I’ve had my share of drama with a number of people, but I prefer being shadily passive aggressive than being involved in full-blown screaming matches or physical fights.
What does your flag look like? It has a white triangular section on the left side, with three stars and a sun. The rest of the flag is horizontally divided into blue and red, with blue being on top if the country is at peace and red if otherwise.
Do you floss regularly? Eh, sometimes.
Have you ever fractured a part of your body? No, just a sprain.
Do you listen to Five Finger Death Punch? Nopes.
Do you like going to fairs? They’re alright I guess, as long as I’m with the right people. I wouldn’t get on the rides though. I’d just tag along to have a reason to be out of the house and to see my friends having fun.
Would you consider a job in forestry? I’m personally not interested but it’s such an underrated career, especially where I live. Boomers like to look down on it when it’s a really important job.
Do you cover your leftovers in foil? No, we put them in containers and place them in the fridge until someone wants to heat it up.
Does it get foggy often where you live? Not in this part of the city, which is the lower section. When going to the upper part, which is on a mountain, it gets foggy in the morning around the months of December and January, when it’s the coldest. 
How often do you feel foolish? At least twice a day, I’d say.
Have you ever thrown a coin into a fountain and made a wish? Yeah, I’m still a child in that way.
Do you go on Fmylife.com? No.
Would you rather visit Florence or France? Florence.
Have you ever used a fly swatter? I don’t think I have, no.
How big are your feet? Eh, not that big. I’m a size 6/7.
Do you have filthy thoughts? It happens, but they don’t run all day lol.
Have you ever flashed someone before? Kinda...we were staying at a hotel and I was feeling bored and silly, so I went up the window and quickly flashed to everyone driving down the highway at that moment. It’s a tall building and we were on one of the higher floors, so I for sure doubt that anyone saw; it was just a silly thing to do at the time haha.
Can you do any flips? Nah.
Flobots or Florence and the Machine? Florence + the Machine.
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blurrybowers · 7 years
get the fuck off of her || henry bowers
plot: y/n gets into a fight with Greta
Word count : about 1800
I have run out of gifs to use so I’m reusing this one
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"Hey there you fucking whore!" I turned around from my locker to see Greta standing there with her ugly ass friends. She was holding something in her hands behind her back. Let's just say her and I didn't get along well, at all.
"Whore? Nice try fatty." I smirked crossing my arms.
She took from what was behind her back and it revealed my notebook. My eyes widened, considering that was my notebook where I would talk shit about people and talk about Henry. You're probably wondering, 'What do you mean talk about Henry?' Him and I were civil with each other and I had developed a super small crush on him, but no one knew about it and no one was ever going to.
"I read what you wrote about me in here, 'Greta is such a fucking cunt. Not really sure why but Belch Huggins lets her suck his dick everyday after school at the Quarry, which she thinks no one knows about. I also heard that she was going around saying I was fucking Hockstetter, which he fucking wishes. If she keeps talking so much fucking shit about me I'll make sure she keeps that big fucking mouth of hers shut.' "
I smiled, "I did write that, now give me my damn notebook back you fucking pig." I held out my hands waiting for my blue striped notebook to be placed in them.
"I'm not done reading this great novel yet, oh this one is about Bowers." She smirked while opening up to a page with Henry's name on the top. Her friends giggled. My face dropped and I felt my heart sink.
I quickly walked up to her but her 4 friends pinned me back against the wall. They were much larger than me but I still tried fighting their grip. They held me against the locker as Greta began reading.
"Today Henry and I worked on a project together in English. It was nice because I didn't have to actually do all of the work. He was actually being nice to me, which he never is to anyone. I wish he would notice me more, but he never seems to." Greta made a sarcastic 'aw' at the end before chucking my notebook down the hallway, left open with Henry's page.
"You're fucking pathetic. You need 4 people to hold me back so I don't rock your shit?" I grimaced, eyeing my notebook down, which laid across the hallway, not a person in sight to grab it. Thank god.
"Rock my shit? Oh please I would love to see you try." Greta emphasized, gritting her teeth.
"Okay well as long as you're not pregnant, which I would check because you're looking like you got a bun in the oven, I will 100% take you on bitch." I cracked my knuckles as her four friends let go of me. I got ready to swing at her when I heard a male voice. Everyone stopped and turned their attention to the guy.
"Well well Well, what do we have here?"
It was Patrick Hockstetter, Henry Bowers, Victor Criss and Belch Huggins. Patrick held my notebook in his hands. I felt my heart drop, considering he had probably read it and showed Henry.
"You just arrived right on time, I'm about to pound this little bitch into pieces, wanna help?" She asked Patrick, trying to be flirty and ultimately failing. Patrick gave her a dirty look and raised an eyebrow at her, considering he was not attracted to her, at all.
"Y/n? What'd she ever do to you?" Henry quickly piped in, I glanced over at him playing with his pocket knife and not making eye contact with anyone.
"Oh Henry you must know something about Y/n ...she's a fucking whore. She goes around fucking everyone in sight and all she does is talk shit about me, someone who never does anything to her." She innocently claimed when it was actually the opposite.
"I'm not a fucking whore, that's you, cunt." I spat at her and she whipped her head towards me, with a disgusted look on her face. She clenched her fists in frustration and anger.
"I suggest you shut your mouth before I shut it for you." She pressed her body up against me, looking down at me, with a nasty face. God, she was so ugly.
"Get the fuck off of me!" I shouted, right hooking her in the face. She immediately backed up and went to swing at me and I ducked, resulting her fist to collide with the blue lockers behind me. She let out a stream of curses as I snickered.
At this point I wasn't even concerned about her. I was concerned about my notebook and if Henry saw his name in it.
The boys looked on intensely to the fight, Patrick was jumping up and down excitedly, weirdo.
She held her hand in pain and yelled for her friends to beat me up. They all lunged at me , yes all 4 of them, and began kicking me, punching me, and clawing at me.
Not a very fair fight, but I tried to pry them off me but it was no use considering I was on the ground and they were all grabbing me. I felt the blood leaking out of my nose and my cheekbone. I screamed out in pain as they kicked me in the stomach.
"Jesus fucking Christ, get the fuck off of her!" Henry screamed throwing the girls off of me as as I laid on the ground barely able to get myself up. He grabbed my waist and gently lifted me off the ground. I stood up leaning into him, considering I was too weak to keep my balance alone.
Greta and her friends looked beyond pissed, to say the least.
"Aw Henry coming in to save this weak pussy. You've turned soft kid." Greta said trying to get him angry but he stood there unamused with her words, an arm still gripping my waist.
"I think it's personally funny how you couldn't pick on her alone so you made four times the amount of people beat her up. That's not a fair fight." He replied, completely ignoring her comment.
"Henry you do know she's fucking obsessed with you right? She writes about you in that dumb notebook of hers." Greta shot back, pointing to the notebook still in Patrick's hands.
Henry raised a brow in confusion. Now I felt so embarrassed, he was going to read the entries about himself, in front of everyone. This situation could have not got worse.
"What are you talkin' about?" Henry asked, gently tugging me along as he walked over to Patrick and took the notebook out of his hands.
"Henry- don't read it. It-it's stupid." I protested, trying to pry the notebook out of his grip. I felt my heart sink as he scanned the page over, reading every word. Now I felt dumb.
"See Bowers? I fucking told you, she's a freak. I'm not sure why you've become such a little bitch, helping defend her." Greta said clasping his hands with satisfaction, seeing Henry's eyes widen as he read each word.
I pulled away from Henry shamefully. I stared at the ground... I didn't even wanna look at him. "I didn't mean to write that. I didn't know you were gonna see it. I'm sorry." I muttered apologizing to him. With my head hung low I quickly walked away from the situation and heard Greta calling after me.
"Aw the little baby is leaving? We're not done here Y/n!" I rolled my eyes at her shrill voice and kept walking.
"Greta! Can you shut your fucking mouth for once? If you don't stop fucking picking on her I swear to god you'll regret it. You got me?" I slowly turned around and saw Henry grabbing her by the collar of her shirt and shoving her against the locker. She heavily breathed out a "yes," as he let go of her and she fell on the floor.
I stood there watching him angrily storm away from her and walk in my direction. Do I walk toward him? Do I say something? I shamefully looked up at him as he neared me.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked holding up the notebook with a quizzical look engraved on his face.
His tone came out rather angry and aggressive but that was Henry Bowers for you. "What do you mean? Was I supposed to tell you I had a crush on you? Especially to someone like you? You're not exactly the type of guy to openly admit your feelings for." I mumbled, not wanting to piss him off.
"You could've just said you did..." He began but quickly stopped as he realized that I was right.
"Exactly. It's not an easy situation." I frankly admitted and crossed my arms over my chest. I shot him a dirty look considering he was being so difficult. Did he like me or not?
"You look cute when you're trying to act mad." He commented with a brief chuckle grabbing my cheek, the one not covered with blood, and pinching it.
I pushed his hand off, "Ha ha, very funny Henry."
"You're stupid by the way." He said out of nowhere, I furrowed my eyebrows at his sudden insult. I let out a small sigh.
"How? You're the one with a 1.9 GPA." I spat getting very defensive.
"Do you know who I am? Since when have I defended anyone, especially a girl? Use your fuckin' head Y/n." He teased, putting his hand in my hair and messing it up.
I thought about it, Henry had never been so caring for anyone. It was a rather heroic, yet unusual action for him.
"Thank you." I hummed, cracking a small smile at him.
"I'm digging the bloody look you got going, is it Halloween already?" He joked, pointing at the dried blood all over my face due to Greta's friends.
"Oh shit. I gotta clean that up. Wanna come help?" I boldly asked, nervous to see what he was gonna say.
"Anything for you." He promised grabbing my hand and dragging me into the boys' bathroom.  I tried to hide the smug smile on my face but it was impossible to when I was holding hands with Henry Bowers.
I hope this wasn’t too shitty (((:
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kudalyn · 6 years
I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT. Oh poor Atem my heart was already bleeding for the little bugger. I'm an absolute sap for self-doubting, self-bashing Atem for some reason. And THIS IS ME TOTALLY ASKING FOR MORE. How do Yugi and Atem become lovers? I bet Atem does some more self-angst stuff when he wakes up right? And how do they meet Jou and Ryou? What do they do make a living? What's their cover? So can Atem transform into multiple things or just Zorc-esque? Wahhhh so many questions.
Thank you for your patience!! I don’t always have the energy to answer messages right away so sorry this is late >w
A bit more chatlog copypaste and other stuff:
Atem and Yugi’s romance takes some time to fully bloom. They’ve had a mutual attraction for a long time, but many things (atem’s bad self-esteem and yugi’s hesitance) get in the way of it, and the stress of having to be on the lam doesn’t give much room for that to grow
a mutual deep respect and endless loyalty to each other, yes, but romance not so much. Plus Atem learning he’s a walking magic bomb and Yugi having to work double time in keeping the both of them cloaked while Atem’s untrained magical signature is a giant ass beacon of HEY COME GET ME doesn’t help atem’s self-image. 
They end up fleeing the country, moving to a more sparce and less magic-focused country that’s more of a neutral ground than anything, so it’s a bit safer for them to hide out in. They spend a lot of time, some months at least constantly on the move till they find a nondescript town deep in the middle of the neutral country and settle down in an abandoned shack in the surrounding forest. (they clean it up surprisingly well)
atem feels utterly disgraced and distraught that this happened and that yugi's putting himself in danger for him, and many times tries to convince yugi to go back and plead insanity or something. yugi refuses, saying he'll never leave atem alone again when he needs him so badly.
so atem does his best to learn quickly from yugi, but on-the-run teaching isn’t the most thorough way, though Atem does learn best being shown and when under duress/challenge. Its difficult because yugi's not experienced with teaching and atem's magic works differently than his. students usually get teachers that are more experienced with their specific type of magic for ease of teaching.
atem is a fast learner though, and stubborn as fuck, and learns well enough to be able to control his magic enough it's not a danger.  though it has different skills and uses than yugi's does. it gets to the point that it's dangerous for either of them to be seen as they are, and while yugi gets skilled at disguise magic, it's not in atem's skillset and disguising for two is very draining.
So, in a fit of crazyness (as yugi called it) and late night reading, atem gets a brilliant(?) idea. he tells yugi to make him his familiar
familiars are usually made between a non-human magical entity and a humanoid, and demons fall under that non-human entity category
and atem is a demon conduit. he thinks its brilliant! familiar owners can change their familiars form at will, familiars can hide in their owner's shadows, and the owners can forcefully command the familiar in dire situations. if atem ever loses it again (something he’s terrified of doing though while he has had some close calls he hasn’t had any relapses in his training) yugi can just tell him to stop! yugi thinks he's mad - familiar contracts are not only very binding, they've never been recorded happening between two humanoids, let alone a conduit, and demon familiar contracts are tricky and can backfire.
atem insists, he'd never set any contract lines that would hurt yugi, he's loyal as fuck, and he admits that if capable he'd willingly spend the rest of his life serving yugi. not exactly a declaration of love, but yugi understands what more or less what he means
yugi's overwhelmed, tells atem he needs to think on it. atem thinks he's fucked up in more ways than one, and they have a day or two of awkwardness but yugi eventually concedes, saying that while it is very clever, it is also very dangerous. but he wants atem to be safe, and he too wants to spend his life with atem - he just didn't see it ever happening like this. something atem gets depressed over momentarily before yugi snaps him out of it and says he will never regret making his decision to save atem
they make the contract, magical circle and all, and while the magic goes a bit dodgy for a bit, it ends up working out - but with the unrealized side effect of the two of them being able to speak/see each others thoughts via soul link
atem as an awakened demon conduit had always been hyper attuned to human's emotions and feelings, being able to smell and feel them himself, but this was a whole new step. and yugi not being alone in his head was very jarring
it puts a lot of stress on them, along with learning how the contract works - if yugi asks atem to do something, if he doesn't word it carefully it comes out as a command Atem is compelled to do forcefully
like 'atem, shut up' becomes literal even if it was meant jokingly.
he learns to use nicknames more often, but atem does enjoy the nickname yugi gave him as a kid so he doesn't mind, and he knows the command could be useful in a pinch (or bad for him if yugi is in danger and forces atem to leave, but he makes yugi swear he'd never do something like that - atem knows he's probably fibbing but its the best he can do)
another thing is atem learning to live in yugi's shadow if need be, but he hardly uses it, yugi usually transforms atem into a dark dark red cat with some gold stripes, so atem can sit on his shoulder as he goes out and about so yugi only has to disguise himself, and its easier to hide one person in a crowd instead of two
also in times like that the mental link comes in very handy, but it still takes time for them to learn how to block each other off from the others minds for privacy or other stuff. they eventually get comfortable enough being pretty open with their thoughts, but that takes a while.
I’ve thought a bit on it and it’s a bit hard to decide, but I think what’ll happen is that while Anzu will be someone Yugi used to be friends with back at their old village and left behind sadly, Jou and Ryou will be two villagers living in the new town. they end up becoming friends, but friends with ‘not-Yugi’ or the disguise Yugi puts up when he goes to town. They know there’d be less of a chance of them being recognized in a different country, specially just Yugi on his own, but they don’t wanna risk it. 
I think eventually yugi and atem will reveal themselves when jou and ryou prove loyal friends, but it’d be some time before they do that. For the longest time, jou and ryou just think yugi’s this eccentric magic collector who talks far too much to his cat.
Yugi and atem will make some living doing small magic practices, ending up being mostly an apothecary than anything else because it’s simple and unobtrusive and living in the forest gives them lots of supplies. also people in this neutral country trust natural remedies a bit more than straight up magic, though yugi uses it while making any potions or poultices to make them more effective. Atem with his great memory and quick thinking ends up being a walking library, (not literally) devouring any book he comes across and collecting an even larger mental catalog than Yugi does. he swears his reading is just a past-time but yugi knows better. 
they do sometimes like small bounties or clearing out any dangerous magical critters from the surrounding area but they do it quietly and under disguise to keep things safe. 
One of Atem’s new skills turns out to be shape-shifting of some amount (separate from the shape-shifting that comes with his familiar status under Yugi)
Mainly he has to retain some sort of bipedal form, but he can add and retract wings, a tail, horns, scales and claws and other such details. He avoids anything hulking and monstrous like what Zorc forced him into in his awakening, choosing to always keep his human face and general form. His shapeshifting prerequisites are horns, claws, and some form of tail no matter how hard he tries to keep the tail from growing. That’s when his nub tail makes its most usual appearance, the shortest he can get away with (yugi loves it)
He can do some digitgrade-ness, or specific amplification like giant yaoi hand claws and stuff for offence if need be. he can’t like breathe fire or anything easily cause it requires more amplification to his body than he likes (his face/throat/chest) but if need be he’ll use it. The wings he’s never super fond of because he doesnt quite like the feel of multiple limbs he has to keep track of and coordinate, but Yugi convinces him to at least learn how to use them in case they ever need to use them. He’s glad that he can go without them. 
In any of his altered forms his speed and strength is greatly intensified, as are his senses. the more he allows himself to shift away from human the more intense his demonic urges are (aggression, hunger for magical power, general nasty emotions and urges) so he sticks to as human as possible at all times. When he’s loafing around at home with Yugi he’s rarely in any altered form unless he’s feeling in a particularly good mood (self-confident) and he allows himself to be more open. 
Also: Atem has a heck of a time trying to control his vices. His main one is gambling, though he manages to get his minor drinking problem under control with yugi’s help. Gambling is something that he just can’t seem to get rid of, but Yugi helps by setting safer stakes and bets for him to get his high off of, plus Yugi himself enjoys a good game and is a good opponent for Atem always.
So, I think this is the most of what I have so far for this au. I’d love to write it up one day, but it’ll have to wait ;v;
thank u for ur love!! feel free to ask me more stuff if you’re still curious, gives me more excuses to do worldbuilding. o/
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dipulb3 · 3 years
Terrifying scope of Capitol attack becoming clearer as Washington locks down for Biden's inauguration
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/terrifying-scope-of-capitol-attack-becoming-clearer-as-washington-locks-down-for-bidens-inauguration/
Terrifying scope of Capitol attack becoming clearer as Washington locks down for Biden's inauguration
Days after the attack, even as security reinforcements arrive, some lawmakers tell Appradab they now fear for their safety.
While some Republicans argued President Donald Trump’s unprecedented second impeachment will only inflame divisions, federal officials warned that extremists, after seeing the results of last week’s attack on the US Capitol, are now likely more emboldened to carry out attacks on the January 20 inauguration and throughout 2021.
An internal FBI bulletin disseminated to law enforcement this week warned that “armed protests” are being planned at all 50 state capitols and in Washington in the days leading up to Biden’s swearing in. Federal law enforcement agencies issued urgent bulletins calling for assistance securing the nation’s capital, which now bristles with road blocks and steel barriers to wall off the “People’s House” and will host as many as 25,000 National Guard — a stronger military footprint than the US has in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria combined.
By Friday, the FBI had received 140,000 digital tips regarding the attack, including photos and video, federal officials had opened 275 criminal investigations, charged roughly 98 individuals, and taken 100 individuals into custody.
As senior administration leaders who would normally take the lead remained silent for days — including the heads of the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security and the President himself — federal officials launched the most extensive counterterrorism probe since September 11, 2001, and continued planning to fortify Washington.
“Our posture is aggressive. It’s going to stay that way through the inauguration,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said at a Thursday briefing on inauguration security. He added that the agency was monitoring “extensive” online chatter about further potential armed protests and issued a warning to the men and woman who wreaked havoc on the Capitol.
“We know who you are, if you’re out there,” Wray said, “and FBI agents are coming to find you.”
The domestic terrorists struck at a time when the US government is confronting the worst known cyberattack by a foreign adversary in its history, with Russia suspected of penetrating hundreds of businesses and numerous federal agencies. Their bloodshed and destruction come as Covid-19 claims record daily death tolls and a jobs crisis is brewing, with nearly 1 million people filing for unemployment benefits for the first time last week.
The insurrection, fueled by Trump’s lies about his definitive election loss, exposed the reach of baseless conspiracy theories that have radicalized Americans to the point that they laid siege to their own Capitol.
The events of that day raise questions about intelligence failures, the military’s lethargic response as panicked lawmakers pleaded by telephone for help, and law enforcement’s potential blind spots or willful ignorance about the dangers posed by white supremacists and right-wing nativists.
Those groups formed a combustible mix with the anti-Semites and QAnon conspiracists rampaging on January 6 to create an existential crisis for the Republican Party, which faces the choice of remaining in thrall to Trump and his more toxic supporters or breaking away.
It creates a challenge for the larger country as well, according to Appradab senior political analyst Ron Brownstein, who said the trajectory of Trump’s “white nationalist extremism has been very clear” for the last four years, as are the potential costs to US security if it is left unchecked.
“President Trump has provided an enormous amount of oxygen to this very dangerous ideology,” Brownstein told Jake Tapper on Thursday. “And unless everyone involved, the Justice Department, law enforcement, Congress, is very serious about imposing consequences and taking the threat seriously, this could become a steady drumbeat through the Biden presidency.”
“The question is, can we more broadly send a signal that says we are not going to tolerate and look the other way as this metastasizes,” Brownstein said.
Ideologically motivated violence
Already, thousands of armed pro-Trump extremists are plotting to surround the US Capitol ahead of Biden’s inauguration, according to a lawmaker briefed by security officials Monday.
A joint US government intelligence bulletin said the January 6 attack, meant to disrupt the certification of Biden’s victory, may have given extremists of differing ideological stripes a way to connect. The bulletin warned that the insurrection “is very likely part of an ongoing trend in which (extremists) exploit lawful protests, rallies, and demonstrations, and other gatherings to carry out ideologically motivated violence and criminal activity.”
Multiple defense officials have told Appradab that the National Guard and law enforcement expect explosives like pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails to be used in any coming unrest. They are assuming perpetrators will come with high “aggression,” said one senior defense official, who added, “their intentions are very serious.”
Pipe bombs that could have done serious damage were planted outside the Republican and Democratic party headquarters in Washington last week but didn’t go off.
The expertise behind the bombs and the ease with which the raucous crowd seemed to mill about the Capitol complex with little resistance raised concerns participants had insider help and military expertise.
At least two US Capitol Police officers were suspended and at least 10 more are under investigation for allegedly playing some sort of role, Appradab reported. Michael Sherwin, the acting US attorney in Washington, DC, confirmed Friday that “we’re seeing indications that law enforcement officers, both former and current, maybe who have been off duty, participating in this riot activity.”
“We don’t care what your profession is, who you are, who you are affiliated with, if you are conducting or engaged in criminal activity, we will charge you and you will be arrested,” Sherwin said.
Military members
Part of that hunt is for “several” people possibly involved in the killing of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, according to two law enforcement officials. On Friday, Steven D’Antuono of the FBI’s Washington Field Office said his investigators are “making progress” on the investigation and are looking at “anyone and everyone” who may be involved. He did not give specifics on the scope of the investigation.
In the days after the attack, court records and news reports also confirmed that current and former US military members participated in the insurrection. The news triggered unprecedented statements from the leaders of major security agencies who felt the need to remind their men and women their loyalty is to the Constitution.
On Tuesday, the America’s most senior military leaders condemned the violent invasion and reminded service members of their obligation to support and defend the Constitution and reject extremism. The Defense Department has observed an increase in white supremacist ideology amongst active-duty service members and veterans, a senior defense official told Appradab.
The next day, US Secret Service Director James Murray sent agency employees a message urging them to remember their mission and remain professional during the upcoming inauguration. “We are expected to behave in a non-partisan manner,” his memo said.
Video images of a Capitol Police officer wearing a MAGA hat during the invasion and of another taking selfies with rioters left lawmakers deeply shaken. According to the Wall Street Journal, the officer seen wearing the trademark red cap put it on as part of a ruse to rescue more than a dozen trapped police officers during the riot. The officer has been suspended and an investigation is underway.
“There were those acts of heroism, but next to that, there were also attacks of betrayal,” Democratic Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez of New York said Tuesday on Instagram Live. “And to run in the nation’s Capitol and not know if an officer is there to help you or to harm you is also quite traumatizing.”
“I did not know if I was going to make it to the end of that day alive,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “It is not an exaggeration to say that many, many members of the House were nearly assassinated.”
Some members are asking for bulletproof vests, considering getting their own security and taking other steps, such as changing their routes to work, lawmakers told Appradab. Meanwhile, some Republicans expressed outrage at metal detectors installed at the entrance to the House chamber.
Many House lawmakers are considering another appalling possibility: that the mob got assistance from some of their colleagues.
Thirty-one members of Congress sent a letter to the acting House Sergeant at Arms, acting Senate Sergeant at Arms, and the acting chief of the US Capitol Police asking them to investigate “unusual” and “concerning” tours they saw and reported to the Sergeant at Arms on January 5.
“Many of the Members who signed this letter, including those of us who have served in the military and are trained to recognize suspicious activity, as well as various members of our staff, witnessed an extremely high number of outside groups in the complex on Tuesday, January 5,” the letter states.
The groups of six to eight, who wore MAGA apparel, according to Democratic Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon of Pennsylvania, “could only have gained access to the Capitol Complex from a Member of Congress or a member of their staff,” the letter said.
“I kind of assumed it must be a new member who didn’t know the rules or something,” Scanlon of Pennsylvania, one of the co-signers, told Appradab. “There were people who were roaming around in the halls, apparently under the guidance of congressional staff” at a time when tours have been canceled due to Covid.
At least one right-wing conspiracist said he coordinated the rally where Trump spoke before the riot with three House Republicans: Reps. Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs of Arizona, and Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who spoke before the President took the stage and urged the crowd to “start taking down names and kicking ass.” Brooks, Gosar and several other House GOP lawmakers are facing criticism for their incendiary language in the hours, days and weeks before the siege.
Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado, who is affiliated with the QAnon movement and regularly spreads right-wing conspiracy theories, has also come under scrutiny for tweeting about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s whereabouts as the attack was unfolding.
On Friday, Pelosi announced retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, a former vice director with the Joint Chiefs of staff, would lead a review of the Capitol’s security. She added that, “if, in fact, it is found that members of Congress were accomplices to this insurrection, if they aided and abetted the crime, there may have to be actions taken beyond the Congress in terms of prosecution for that.”
Later that day, when asked if they are investigating allegations that Capitol Police and lawmakers were involved in the riot, D’Antuono of the FBI’s Washington Field Office said they will “leave no stone unturned” and are “looking at every piece of the puzzle.”
Sherwin, the acting US attorney for Washington, DC, told reporters earlier in the week that “we’re looking at significant felony cases tied to sedition and conspiracy.”
Evidence of planning
Evidence uncovered so far, including weapons and tactics seen on surveillance video, suggests a level of planning, a federal law enforcement official said. And court filings are offering shocking new details.
One memo in a filing Friday seeks to extend the detention of Jacob Anthony Chansley, the face-painted QAnon believer who rallied people inside the Capitol wearing a horned headdress and carrying a six-foot spear and a bullhorn.
Prosecutors describe those who took over the Capitol as “insurrectionists” and offer new details about Chansley’s role in the violent siege last week, including that Chansley left a note on the dais where Vice President Pence had stood that morning saying, “It’s only a matter of time, justice is coming.”
Chansley later told the FBI he did not mean the note as a threat but said the vice president was a “child-trafficking traitor.”
Before he was arrested, Chansley also told the FBI he wanted to return to Washington for the inauguration to protest.
In a separate case, prosecutors in Texas alleged that a retired Air Force reservist who carried plastic zip tie-like restraints on the Senate floor may have intended to restrain lawmakers. It was one of the many chilling details to emerge as investigators tracked down some of the most recognizable faces from the riot.
Authorities apprehended the man in widely circulated photos carrying a Confederate flag inside Capitol Hill, another who had worn a “Camp Auschwitz” sweatshirt and the Olympic gold medalist swimmer Klete Keller.
Federal officials also charged Peter Stager, a burly bearded man, with beating a DC police officer with a flagpole that had an American flag on it. “Everybody in there is a treasonous traitor,” Stager said in a video obtained by the FBI. “Death is the only remedy for what’s in that building.”
A few arrests suggest the apparent murderous intent of some in the crowd.
One man from Alabama faces 17 criminal counts, largely for possession of multiple weapons, including a shotgun, a rifle, three pistols and 11 Molotov cocktails, as well as ammunition and shotgun shells without registration, according to an indictment.
After living in his truck in DC for about a week, the man parked it about a block from the Capitol on January 6, according to court documents. Police started searching the truck after spotting a firearm handle and found the weapons, as well as a stun gun, several machetes, a crossbow; several large-capacity ammunition-feeding devices; and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, according to a memorandum that prosecutors filed January 12 in support of his detention.
Also in the truck: the handwritten note with Indiana Rep. Andre Carson’s name and an added observation that he is “one of two Muslims in House of Reps.”
The second man is alleged to have driven from Colorado to Washington, DC, a day before Trump’s rally with more than 2,500 rounds of ammunition and an assault rifle. He is said to have texted acquaintances that he wanted to shoot or run over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and shoot DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, according to court records.
“If I had a more concerning threats case come before me, I don’t remember it,” Magistrate Judge Michael Harvey of the DC District Court said Thursday.
Some lawmakers’ experiences made them worry that the rioters had a level of careful preparation that belies the narrative of a protest that wheeled out of control.
Rep. Ayanna Pressley, a Massachusetts Democrat, told Appradab that someone removed panic buttons installed throughout her office that had been regularly tested and maintained. An investigation is underway, said Pressley, who said the discovery was “certainly unnerving.”
Carson, whose name was on the note found in the car filled with weaponry and ammunition, is among a growing list of lawmakers critical of law enforcement’s handling of the insurgency.
“It is extremely disturbing to learn from press reports that I was one of several individuals identified in a list of ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’ targeted for attacks,” Carson said in a statement provided to Appradab. “As a former law enforcement officer, it is especially disappointing to see the failure of law enforcement officials, including the U.S. Capitol Police, to notify individuals like myself that we were targeted and at risk from the indicted terrorist and his co-conspirators.”
Investigators will be asking how federal authorities missed so many red flags, why they were so underprepared and slow to react.
The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security failed to issue threat assessments about the potential of violence at the US Capitol ahead of last week’s deadly attack, according to a source familiar with the matter and a senior DHS official. Typically, the FBI and DHS will produce a joint threat assessment for high-profile events and send it to law enforcement officials and relevant stakeholders. But no such report was compiled by either agency for the January 6 certification of Biden’s victory, a controversial event for the President’s followers.
The Washington Post reported Friday that three days before the attack, an internal Capitol Police intelligence report warned that angry Trump supporters could attack “Congress itself.” The 12-page report describes a scenario eerily like the one that unfolded, with the President’s enraged backers trying to stop Biden’s certification and overturn the election results.
A day before the chaos erupted, an FBI outpost in Virginia issued an internal warning that extremists were coming to Washington prepared to commit violence.
The Post also reported that dozens of people on a terrorist watch list came to Washington for the January 6 events. The majority of them were suspected white supremacists with track records so disturbing they were put on the national Terrorist Screening Database as potential security risks.
Four federal agencies announced Friday they are opening investigations into their own roles on January 6. The Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice and the Interior Department will all examine their preparations for the events in Washington that day that may have played a part in allowing rioters to breach the Capitol.
These agencies and others are now preparing for rioters to descend on the Capitol again.
The Secret Service is taking the lead on Biden’s inauguration security planning. The National Mall will be closed to the general public on Inauguration Day, according to an official familiar with discussions.
There will be no big screens, no toilets and the public will not be able to get down to the Mall where traditionally thousands gather to watch the new president be sworn in, the official said.
The President-elect and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris are still expected to take their oaths of office on the West Front of the US Capitol during a significantly scaled-down event. Biden said this week that his team had been receiving briefings in the wake of the violence and that he was “not afraid of taking the oath outside.”
Appradab’s Katelyn Polantz, Christina Carrega, David Shortell, Marshall Cohen, Nicky Robertson, Ellie Kaufman, Geneva Sands, Zachary Cohen, Oren Liebermann, Barbara Starr, Jamie Crawford, Jamie Gangel, Jake Tapper, Alex Marquardt, Jeff Zeleny, Kate Sullivan, Ryan Nobles, Annie Grayer, and Brian Todd contributed to this report.
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