#that's exactly what I signed for
therealfelicia · 4 months
I used to think the worst parts of being a writer were the creative blocks, having to face every past mistake while editing, the fear of negative criticisms and so on, and so on.
No, the worst part is that nowadays writers also have to be influencers.
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2dami2furious · 5 months
“We need more mean women in fiction” y’all can’t even handle a black woman who is slightly standoffish
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sydneys-adamu · 6 months
I know the I’m sorry sign is essentially a frustrating stop gap that stands between carmy syd and an honest and expressive conversation and allows them to constantly dodge their actual feelings but fck if it’s not the most romantic shit I’ve ever seen. like what is that. how do they do that
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accirax · 1 month
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i know you hate anyone who isn't you, but dragging everyone down with you by getting us all executed is a low blow, even by your standards.
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Guys I got fucking memed on by Bulbagarden twitter
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crimsongrimoire · 2 months
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wrio, down absolutely cataclysmic, and also dense as fuck: no way he actually likes me. i mean yeah he brought me home despite the fact that he doesn't really Do personal relationships. but like it has to just be because i happened to be around not because im ME. right. like, no way he Likes Me For Real. that's just not possible
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lovelycureaestetic · 2 months
The Crow and The Robin
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"And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming."
“I’m man’s inedible
Permanent bird.
I dine in his garden,
My spoon is his spade.”
I find extremely interesting the association of Sebastian with crows/ravens and Ciel with robins, amongst the various meanings and interpretations we have of course death for crows and fire for robins. But what really captivates me is how both birds have a myth regarding how each got to be the colour they are today.
Ravens, once white, were scorched by Apollo, while Robins got their signature red chest by removing one thorn from Jesus's crown and stabbing themselves.
Divine Punishment and Self Inflicted Wounds.
Truly interesting...
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disenchanted-youth · 4 months
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This broke my heart. The blame can't be placed on the usual skepticism about romances, like we often see with characters on screen. Because it's the truth. If Tharn acts on his love, the consequence is death for that person.
Chalothon's words made it clear that he is willing to do anything, including killing someone or even Tharn himself, to ensure that no one takes Tharn away from him. Although Tharn is unaware of the doctor's involvement, he knows something is after him. He has known that his whole life. And he knows that something has been trying to kill Phaya, too.
I absolutely adored the parallels they established between the artist and his lover with Phaya and Tharn. Tharn was forced to look at love throughout the investigation and not push it away like he usually tries to do. And Phaya brought him to his house at precisely the right time. He got to be surrounded by more love and warmth, making him waver more. Because undeniably Phaya stirs up intense feelings in him. Tharn's love for Phaya is incredibly deep, even though he doesn't realize it, spanning lifetimes, deepening his fear of losing him. He also knows that he doesn't have enough strength to keep resisting the pull they feel towards each other. Which is why this sentence hit me hard. You can see he wants it, just as bad as Phaya, but he can't love.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 4 months
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marlynnofmany · 3 months
Thanks to whoever it was that had the post about "writing your dessert."
I just finished writing a delightful mix of things that I've enjoyed reading about in other Good Omens fanfics, and I think it turned out great.
Other people who enjoy unexplained nesting instincts in creatures with wings, demon summoning with a side of snark, and getting mistaken for the wrong kind of cryptid entirely will probably enjoy this particular trope cake.
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bloodydeanwinchester · 5 months
to me the thing about if they make more supernatural and it somehow makes things even worse than the finale did (which would be hard but i have to admit they could definitely do it) is that if that happens it could (hopefully) just give fanfic writers more to fix! like A LOT of amazing fic was written after that awful finale
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that-girl-glader · 9 days
Bluey spoilers!!!!
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This little kiddo in the Suprise! Episode of Bluey is so frustratingly similar to both Jean-Luc (idk how to spell his name) and Mackenzie. It feels like the writers did it on purpose to eff with us😭😭 Like the droopy ear is all Mackenzie, but the colour scheme is Jean-Luc. But at the end of the day.....it could be neither. Lol, but fr they know something we don't.
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okayto · 25 days
I'm in a reference class right now and I just get so irrationally angry about the requirements.
Like, obviously, the purpose of the class is to make sure all the theoretically-future (or sometimes current) librarians know how to actually look things up AND verify sources AND in a wide variety of subjects and topics. Yes, good, valuable, important.
BUT I hate it so much. I hate questions that sound like they came from an alien whose best human impression comes from old chatbots: "Who is Zora Neale Hurston? What is she known for? Does Sparkle Library have any of her books?" why are you asking the first two questions if you clearly know them enough to ask the third "What's this geologic feature I saw in town? What's its history? Where is it?" can I point you to Google Maps please "What is the meaning of the word fandom?" why am I required to find you four verified resources on a dictionary definition "Can you help me find articles about this topic" yes but our professor hasn't actually given us examples of how they'd 'verify' articles so IDK if this will work even though it's literally exactly how I'd do this in my actual library job where I provide reference services to college students.
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theflyingfeeling · 2 months
can't believe I went to the meet & greet today just to complain to Olli about the free poster not matching my interior design and to tell Joel I'd like one Big Mac, a large drink and garlic dip
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sinnabee · 3 months
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come say hi if ur here too!!!!
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discatded · 10 days
fun fact loop calls the "call loop" craft a ritual. so that has some interesting implications
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