#that’s the hardest part tbh /lh
kittyluvsfandoms · 1 year
I made a httyd ava/m au lol
Details under the cut cause this will be a long one
To start off with, the dragons!
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Now an explanation on my choices
1. Purple as a human(or stick figure ig): this one was something I was struggling with bc I wasn't sure if I wanted purple to be a dragon or not but I decided on purple as the hiccup of this au bc it fits really well
Orange/tsc as a stormcutter- orange was probably one of the hardest to figure out because I was going for a mix of personality and color. I picked stormcutter bc it looks orange and white and it's a very intelligent and skilled dragon
The chosen one as a night fury- this one's probably a pretty obvious one considering that chosen and night furys are both some of the more powerful characters in their media. It also makes a good opportunity for chosen to have some big trust issues before meeting purple
The dark lord as a deathgripper- honestly one I decided on immediately bc it just fit way too well, especially since deathgrippers were a big enemy in the 3rd movie
Red as a monstrous nightmare- this one feels the most like a reach to me. I picked monstrous nightmare for red bc of a line on the wiki stating that "in battle, they are said to be the first to arrive and the last to leave" which fit red pretty well imo
Blue as a deadly nadder- blue was also a really difficult one to figure out, then I was like "deadly nadders can fire spikes from their tail and that's kinda like a bow and arrow" and thats how I picked it lol
Yellow as a triple stryke- felt like a reach at first but the more I thought about it the more it fit. Since it's a part of the strike class, triple strykes are hyper intelligent and very skilled which fits for yellow
Green as a terrible terror- at first it was just bc I found it funny but then it made sense lmao. Terrible terrors are able to "sing" and despite being small are still a feared dragon. Also, a terrible terror was originally supposed to take toothless' place so I wanted to have a nod to that in this au
Victim as a night terror- I originally wanted to make victim a flightmare but night terror fit better tbh. I wanted to refrence the clones that victim made in the first ava video and night terrors are a good way to do that
King orange/mango as a deathsong- I originally didn't even plan on adding mango to this au but deathsong fit too well not to (also having purple without mango didn't feel right lol). Yes mango is going to attempt takeover of the world via song
Plot: follows the basic plot of the first 2 httyd movies but there will be a ton of canon divergence bc its my au and I do what I want /lh
And that's the au! I'm excited to write about this and I hope yall enjoy it too!
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Sorry for more questions I hope you don’t mind ^^” if you do lmk, I’m just interested in writing and you have such an amazing style <3
A) what character is the hardest to write? And which is the easiest?
B) what’s your writing process? Do you have a lot of drafts? Do you start over a lot? Do you play music or in complete silence?
C) similar to question A, which character is your favorite to write? And which is your least favorite?
D) does it ever hit you how many people have actually read your fics?
E) if you could write fanfiction for a career, would you?
Sorry again for all the questions!! No need to answer them all, I was just curious, but I don’t mean to be nosey /g
I don't mind at all these are super fun questions!!!
A) Techno is the hardest to write by FAR. It's not that I don't watch his content or anything, I do! I really love him as a cc and think he's hilarious. I just struggle so much with how to characterize c!techno. Where to draw the line between humor and seriousness and how he talks about emotions—I overthink writing him so much lmao. Easiest character is definitely Tommy though, he's my boy
B) Aww that's cute that you guys think I write drafts /lh. I basically will have the plot for a chapter or fic outlined in loose bullet points, and then I just go through and write it from start to finish. Not all at once usually, but I go in chronological order and don't skip around. And I don't write multiple drafts or anything. While I might go back and add a few lines here and there or reword a sentence or two, nearly everything you see written is what I wrote down on my first run through. I don't have the patience to go back and heavily edit so I just write it as best I can the first time around and that's what we get. I almost never start over either. I think one of the only times I came close to starting something over was when I was writing vanderlyle, I ended up writing a huge chunk of the first bookstore scene with Wilbur and Tommy meeting and deleted nearly the entire thing because the tone wasn't right and it was messing me up trying to move forward. Also, sometimes I listen to music that's instrumental like movie soundtracks or lofi beats, on rare occasions I can listen to music with lyrics while i write but I have to be really focused, and sometimes I just write in total silence it really depends on my mood
C) Wilbur is my favorite to write hands down. I definitely think a bit more about characterizing him properly when I'm writing him vs Tommy, but I just love c!wilbur as a character so much. He's so complex and has so many facets to him, it's really fun to pick and choose which part of him I want to highlight in each of my works. And again I'd say Techno is my least favorite character to write mainly because of how difficult it is for me to write him
D) I definitely try to comprehend the numbers, but y'know how our cc's often say it's really hard to conceptualize the huge number of viewers they get? it's like that with my fics. It's so strange to sit there and try to comprehend that there have been over a million clicks on clinic. It's very strange to try and picture ~4500 people in a room and know that that many people get emails whenever I post literally anything, not just a specific fic. It's mind boggling to comprehend that at it's peak, over 10k people got an email every time I updated clinic. I struggle to even picture 1000 people in a room, let alone that many. so yeah, I don't really comprehend it most of the time, but I try my best to keep things in perspective because I'm so grateful to have the audience I have
E) hm, I don't know if I'd want to write mcyt fanfiction solely for a career for the rest of my life. my interests shift, and tbh mcyt is a fandom I've stuck around in for one of the longest periods of time, which is surprising since I've been fandom hopping since 2015. I would hate to get stuck creating fanfic solely for a singular fandom, and even if I had the opportunity to switch fandoms, I don't know if I'd want to be restricted creating fan content, y'know? My dream is to be a published author with original novels, so while I don't know if I'd wanna write fanfic for a living, I definitely know I want to write for a living :) It's been my dream since I was a little kid
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firaknight · 3 years
Alarms are useless for me because I wake up only to make them shut up and then I go back to sleep/hj
Anyway how is the Mer!Dameta going?
Eyy I just have a broken internal clock that can wake me up at any time between 3:00 AM and 10:00 AM
Also I just started on coloring!!! He should be done within the hour if I can figure out colors quickly
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With all the recent VOD asks - and as an interested person in the topic of archiving - how many old VODs have you managed to find? And do you have any tips for finding downloads / archives?
It varies a lot per streamer.
You’ll find a few specific ones on archive (and usually pretty important ones! That’s where I found Karl’s November 16 vod and I think Niki’s birthday party might be there iirc?) 
Maybe I’ll make a proper guide post at some point on how to find ‘em with recommendations for channels, but for now I’ll just make a way-too-long answer to this ask and dump this here for the time being, since I know every time I say “I’ll make a proper post” I never get around to it lol
Okay. So.
You can usually find vods spread out on YouTube over multiple different archive channels. Some, like Fundy and Badboyhalo, have extremely well-organized and thorough unofficial archive channels that have everything laid out super easily. 
Pro tip! Don’t search “Fundy VODs” on YouTube because that will only get you to Fundy’s official channel, which -- no offense to Fundy -- is...lacking...
Instead, search “Fundy stream archive” and you’ll find the comprehensive unofficial channel. Fundy stream archive my beloved -- it has everything. 
It’s a bit of an unfortunate and ironic situation whenever a streamer’s official VODs channel accidentally makes the more extensive unofficial ones harder to find :’)
Others, like Jack Manifold and Tubbo, are more difficult to locate since there aren’t really any single-streamer archive channels that are super extensive (though recently, a new JM one has popped up, so if that one continues it could be a good resource -- it just doesn’t have a lot yet)
(Also I swear if I get ONE more person coming to me because of this post saying that Tubbo has a VODs channel I’m gonna punch a wall /lh)
(I love you all and I know you mean well but akj;ldfshgslka;as;fjkldghtubbopleasegetapropervodschanneliswear)
The Karl Jacobs VOD playlist is now unlisted for whatever reason but still accessible as long as you have a link! (pssst...just gonna slide it here real quick)
Tommy’s first-day Dream SMP VOD got privated for some reason. I luckily had a copy downloaded so I tried uploading it to YT, but it got blocked worldwide :/ So not entirely sure what to do about that. I’ve still got the file at least?
Tommy’s VODs channel is amazing, though, and including the first day VOD I can only think of a couple other VODs that have gone missing due to specific reasons, so you can find Tommy’s POV extremely easily. Same with Quackity, Awesamdude’s VODs channel is great too.
Phil and Techno are both A-ok in the archive game. Techno’s got a playlist that’s easy to find, and Phil's got archives of all his VODs directly on Twitch. No problem finding any of theirs.
Antfrost and Puffy are the only two that I’ve really run into problems finding. A helpful anon let me know that thankfully, Antfrost’s bathwater lore stream VOD is available on archive and it looks like a few others are on there too. More recently I’ve found people who are archiving Puffy’s VODs (thank goodness), but I made sure to start trying to preserve Puffy’s VODs and Ant’s Eggpire lore streams myself from January 14 onwards. I’m not the best at it so the VODs are kinda scuffed, but it’s better than nothing and I’m trying to figure out a good system. They’re currently unlisted rn but if you need a stream link, just lmk
I believe Flypaw? has a bunch of Eret’s old VODs saved, but not sure if they’ve been able to upload them anywhere
Other than that, Eret, Tubbo, and Jack Manifold’s August VODs are pretty much Void Zone unfortunately. I put together one of Eret’s VODs from clips alone and got around an hour of footage recovered, but piecing everything together is extremely time consuming and I haven’t done it for any others since :/
(Tubbo literally put a six-minute clip of one of the most important Disc War VODs from August on his VODs channel but not the actual full thing...
Tubbo...Tubbo why...causing me nothing but Pain :’)
As long as you have the date located, though, you can usually search up the date with the streamer on youtube and find that specific VOD, if it’s not one of the Void Zones. The hardest part is just knowing what date to search for tbh, since stream titles can be kinda vague sometimes.
Which is where the fanbase comes in!
Not just recaps or word-of-mouth, even livetweets on Twitter can help you figure out the specific date that something happened.
Hope this helped some? This is a mess of a post, I’m so so sorry, I just kinda spit this out out of nowhere huh
Anyways, this goes for everyone -- by all means, send me asks n stuff about VODs! I might not be able to find everything or respond to every one, but there’s not really an easy system for finding this stuff, so I don’t mind doing a bit of searching for you all! 
(PS: if anyone knows where you can find Sapnap’s storytime stream, because it’s gone missing yet again...I would be so very grateful)
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