#that ned flanders vibe
oscartheghost · 3 months
billups has a wholesome but sexy mr fix-it tool daddy thing going
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computrangel99 · 2 years
yeah there goes my desire to sleep. ill be staring at my wall in disbelief if you need me
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ajodreja · 11 months
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The rest of my ocs and some of my faves
more info bellow
[REDACTED] (21, They/She/He, Demi panromantic transfem):
Doll like motifs
Likes dark clothes and long skirts
Has bad dreams
Enjoys reading fiction
Practices sewing for themselves
Bright yellow eyes
Walter (47, He/Him): A scammer who recently arrived in Delmont, narcissistic and two-faced, he will always find an opportunity to take people's money. Whether it's in coaching or pyramid schemes, beware of this guy, that charisma is not as real as he makes it look.
Sometimes I call him "Cringe old man"/"Viejo cringe"
Ned Flanders wannabe
Kind of an asshole
Wade (32, He/Him, Gay): Eddie's uncle. He is a frustrated night guard who has lately noticed delmont's disappearances and has taken an interest in the matter. He is a very careful guardian of his nephew, although they fail to understand each other. Has little patience with many things unless you're one of his closed friends.
Varies of outfits
Special interest in music
Fave genre is prog rock
Castiel (23, He/Him, Ace panromantic): Wade's childhood best friend, Castiel is Delmont's only medical examiner who always keeps him busy late at night, he has a very dark sense of humor that Wade can inexplicably stand. Some people thinks he's an idiot but Castiel just vibes in his way.
Blind left eye
David (34, He/Him, closeted Bisexual): Alicia's father, divorced and a poorly paid employee.  Although he has a thousand of misfortunes, he will never stop fighting for him and his little daughter, he likes to support Alicia's weird hobbies, even if he doesn't fully understand them.
Besides his suit, he likes to wear Hawaiian shirts.
Craves for finding a romantic partner
Tired 24/7
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anakinskywalkerog · 2 years
okay i love hayden with all my heart but haven't seen all of his movies. and that gif from 90 minutes in heaven you just posted is giving me NED FLANDERS VIBES SO BAD OMG i can't stop laughing i am so sorry hayden you really embodied ned flanders with your fake moustache 😭😭😭 i will never be able to watch that movie
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how is it so similar 😂😂😂😂
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fuddlewuddle · 1 year
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I posted 2,451 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i once looked up whether tobey maguire was right or left handed so i knew which hand his version of peter parker would use to jerk off with
My Top Posts in 2022:
Andrew Garfield is so genuine, generous and just terrifyingly open with his emotions when he acts, and in pretty much all of his interviews, and I think that’s why I love watching him on screen so much. Because he’s not afraid to be sincere and beautiful in his openness, despite the possibility of scorn or rejection, and that is something I long to be able to do— to be free with myself and with others that I care about, without fear. Everything he’s in, he gives it his all, and I’m just so thankful that we get to see this sunflower of a human being bloom.
984 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
MCU comedy peaked when Steven Grant told Arthur Harrow he looked like Ned Flanders.
3,399 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
I can’t explain it, but they give off the same kind of vibe
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6,578 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
RIP Robert Pattinson’s porn career. It can rest easy knowing he gave us a Batman that fucks.
7,854 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Thor: Love and Thunder confirms that Thor has Fury in his phone contacts as Nick Furry and I refuse to stop finding that absolutely fucking hilarious.
10,475 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Well, I bet you're all glad you follow me now, huh? XD
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knowlessman · 1 year
okay, so they got bakugo un-sasuke'd, but it's worth noting that the sasuke counter is at 2 and we're only halfway through the show (at time of writing)(also as far as I know the show that it's named for never went past 1). anyway, bnha s3e11-13 -- (well, assuming the sasuke counter counts when he got caught by the slime monster even though that time it wasn't because the villains wanted to turn him evil and have their leader use him as their next vessel)(…no wait I think Tomura is sposed to be the next vessel. beh. anyhow…)
Ra's Al Ghul giving me Bleach vibes, first glance anyway
"you didn't rescue me, I rescued me through you!" whatever
"tomura is your mentor's grandson!" …is he gonna say "search your feelings" next?
tbh, wouldn't have been too surprised if All for One was able to manipulate Endeavor somehow, but idk. maybe the flat-out-evil-but-not-designated-as-villains characters in this are just smarter than I'd like them to be. : /
shame Spirit Bomb doesn't seem to be a thing, huh
"izuku midoriya! he's the one you passed it onto, isn't he!" o_o well. him knowing that is uh, is pretty bad, innit?
…the end? -- "the ringleader, they're leading him into the Maiden right now!" -- The -- WHAT
all might, pointing at camera: "next, it's your turn." the Mic, from his couch probably: "yeah, all might, show those reporters who's boss!"
keeps not skipping the OP gonna miss this one when it goes, probably : /
"she put her child into foster care so she could keep heroing" …I've heard Vegeta described as the second-worst father in DBZ before, but… I don't know anything, this shit's realer than anything I can speak about by a long shot
lol, iida still has that damn mustache on
speak of the 'geeta. : |
"you didn't smash yourself up this time! I'm so proud of you" he didn't do - I mean it was his plan, yes, he didn't not do anything, but he didn't use his power at all. I think he's sposed to have found a way to use his powers without smashing himself up? but problems never seem to show up that require powers without requiring him to spend his body -- speaking of which, HAY MELISSA, ABOUT THOSE GAUNTLETS…? -- used to watch inuyasha; got past where the first movie apparently was; some guy from it showed up; was like "who the hell is this guy?"
(eyecatch) cannot ever get over how ridiculous best jeanist looks
who the hell is Brian the Sun? looks it up facepalms …well played
I would never have expected either of bakugo's parents to be ned flanders in a zillion years, but I guess this answers something. : / jesus christ, though. and I guess they're presenting his mom as more or less just fine? and not even a little bit comparable to endeavor? calling bakugo weak, of all things, and talking about him "being praised for nothing?"
is midoriya's mom the only parent in this show who gives a shit about - okay nvm that's doing a disservice to jiro's parents and I guess probably todoroki's mom. just, after seeing endeavor and seeing bakugo's parents and I guess maybe jiro's (who maybe are just fine with it for convenience since she's not a main character - actually hang on, are we gonna see how this plays out with uraraka's as well? kinda think maybe we should, she hasn't been getting much screentime) -- …point being, momdoriya is the only parent so far who seems the slightest bit protective at all. …maybe that says something about how this setting's society is, with the Symbol of Peace and all? idfk
…gonna be honest, I'm failing to see where the logic is with "we're gonna have the students stay at dorms at the school now" in the first place. amazed that that apology seems to have convinced momdoriya tbph
…so, is Bakuswole actually not related to bakugo at all?
'XD "shit, I'm not incognito in this form anymore"
(bakugo just. I guess. mugged kaminari? somehow? he got him to use his ult? how even. bakugo doesn't have. …what?)
"it's like a mansion!" I thought your parents owned a construction company, uraraka. do they actually just work at one?
room… presentation… um, sure, just invade everybody's privacy th - oh jesus christ don't make us see mineta's room -- 'XD laserguts's room looks like a webkinz room. …or animal crossing ig -- …well, the good news is, we don't have to see mineta's room -- "kaminari's is so gaudy!" you mean it's the only one so far that actually looks remotely like a dorm -- mineta you're not allowed to make cogent arguments, stop making us remember you're in this show -- huh. the choji of this show cooks. he gets to have two character traits. good for him.
…is asui supposed to be autistic rep? "I can't help but say everything that comes to mind?" …idk.
anyway, cutting off here for tonight
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wepurge-rpg · 2 years
Nido de follirol de qué, imbéc** || ¿Censuraste la palabra imbécil? Ned Flanders vibes.
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wrongweaponsdrawn · 2 years
Dear Diary,
Only 3 more days until our spooky soirée, and I have decided to celebrate the occasion by reading Macbeth. Meanwhile, Tippet's in the background arguing with our butler, Bennington, over whether to invite Duke Westleyham or not. He's a rival family of ours, has a higher title and everything...and has a certain Ned Flanders vibe to him. He's not Christian, but he has his quirks and oddities much like him. Granted, I don't know much about The Simpsons other than those gory Treehouse of Horror specials they air each year, But it doesn't dismiss the point that Tippet finds Westlyham to be his bitter rival.
Macbeth is a really good book about revenge that reminds me about Arthur King's plight. I mean, he didn't successfully kill his superiors- that's why he's here, of course- but the effort is certainly admirable. I may have created this universe, but my characters have developed in ways even I couldn't have predicted.
I'd better get back to reading, though, I wouldn't want to miss the "Macbeth shall sleep no more" scene. But on October 30th, mark my words, we're going to recreate The Masque of the Red Death with...let's just say startling accuracy.
Till we meet again,
Mrs. Raven Nevermore
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marlynnofmany · 4 years
It’s really nice doing the relaxed version of NaNoWriMo.  I’m not checking my wordcount, just writing a bit of something each day.  The fact that I’m adding onto an existing draft makes it easier too; I have a long list of edits that I don’t expect to finish this month, and that’s fine.
Right now, anything low-stress is worth its weight in golden Halloween candy.
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So I caved in and bought Stardew Valley. Costed me about 8$ since it was on sale for the switch and I had a few coins to redeem. Big shoutout to Leon @asinine-leon & to @mnyeh-like for flooding my dash with doctor Ned Flanders *runs and hides*
Jokes aside, I figured i’d trust you both and buy the game, see what it’s like and whatnot. :)
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computrangel99 · 2 years
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emtheanxiousdragon · 2 years
May be controversial but after watching Episode 5, Dr. Harrow… isn’t a half bad therapist? Like I know he’s imagined by Marc and Steven as part of the Duat magic and their memories and coping with it (and the sedation scenes are rough) but if he was an actual therapist? He’s pretty decent.
He acknowledges both Marc and Steven as individuals. Unlike IRL Harrow or Khonshu, he doesn’t call them broken. “Calling” Steven’s mom, while a little gaslight-y, was a solid strategy to help him realize his mother is dead. He also said the self-reflection process had been going on for hours, meaning he was giving the system time to reach a very important place in their healing. Each time the gruff guards came in, he always seemed concerned for Marc’s safety, understanding that he wasn’t acting out of malice but fear. He has Knick knacks in his office that make the place feel more welcoming than a cold hospital (a little reckless but orderlies seem to be ready to go if a patient grabs something). The Ned Flanders/Ted Lasso vibes calm me.
All in all, I kinda wish he was my therapist.
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jonesyjonesyjonesy · 2 years
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Can I get the review of this creepy uncle John mustache look, please?
as @m-faithfull calls this look, Disco Ned Flanders, holds a lot of my brain space because it's simultaneously so inflammatory and so........good. 😈
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I meannnn the look is iconic. In the mom!jonesy canon for sure.
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It’s such a good dad look. Such a disgruntled musician vibe. But MAN it works for me.
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Not to mention the Kezar Stadium look would be entirely incomplete without the stache. It just serves such an “I don’t care what you think but I do take care of my stache” vibe.
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And if you don’t like the stache —
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Kindly fuq off 🥰
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When I first watched the Kirby anime in Japanese, I was shocked about the fact that some of the characters swore (or at least according to the subtitles). Too bad the English dub couldn't have profanity in it for obvious reasons (I'm looking at you, 4kids). How come Japanese kids cartoons can have profanity but American kids cartoons can't?
oh my god for the thousandth time you dumb little edgelords:
4Kids did not 'remove profanity' they just localized things differently for their audience.
Not in the way US English does anyway. It's complicated. Translation and localization are complicated.
In Japanese, Bun regular says things like 'kuso' which literally means shit/crap/feces, but it's not the same sort of huge taboo it is in English.
In Japanese, the way you say 'you' to someone (or even just saying 'you') can be more insulting than saying a 'bad word'.
For example one way of saying 'you' in Japanese is 'kisama'. 'Kisama' is considered very rude, but in English it literally just means 'you'. So it might make sense to instead translate it as 'you bastard' or 'you asshole' or 'you jerk' or 'you really suck!' or 'you're the worst!' depending on who is speaking, to get the same feeling across.
Yes, sometimes in my older subs I would use profanity, sometimes for comedic reasons (Meta Knight's OH SHI- was a reference to a meme at the time. What he says literally means "I did something that I didn't mean to do", which doesn't really have the same feel in english as just going 'oh shit'. I do plan to translate it differently in my updated subs however.)
Also for characters like Dedede because I felt it fit them better. (Adult characters saying stuff like 'oh shoot' or 'darn you!' makes me think of like, Ned Flanders. It gives a different vibe.)
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Fischl begs Diluc to take her to a metal concert and he ends up really liking metal
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Diluc is the guy who wears a polo shirt to a metal concert. And is totally the same vibe as the Ned Flanders metal band.
Ah, but other than that I don't have much experience in a metal other than Sabaton. (Which I might have been listening to while I was writing the climax of Lightening but ya know) But I can see Diluc really liking it. But he's the kind of person who likes quietly enjoys it. Like You pull out his earbud and expect like some classical music and it's just heavy guitar and some guy screaming. And Diluc's just looking at you with a calm face. And now I'm just describing Diluc's constantly emotional state.
Calm outside screaming interior.
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