#that makes me sad :(
drawingducktalesducks · 6 months
If you were in Disney and they greenlight you a DT sequel focused on Team Magic, how would u name it? What would the promotional poster have 👀?
i sat down went hoarse talking for a half hour while pitching a spooky themed team magic show idea to myself but i also DID think of a title and poster for it, hold on
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poster idea for the hypothetical team magic spin off series The Adventures of Team Magic and Tales from the Attic
webby and lena are not holding hands here bc if they were it would instantly get canceled
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articwolfclawartist · 2 months
Bluey really doesn’t seem like the kind of show where you’d find me pointing at the screen and shouting “HE’S ALIVE!?”
And yet, that’s what happened
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causeimanartist · 1 year
Your drawings of Batman give me serotonin
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Thank you! I've missed drawing my favs, but long term art block has me in a choke hold
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uhhhitsgray · 9 months
i am NOT okay, i repeat I AM NOT OKAY
holy hells - little collection of screenshots throughout my playthrough rn bless the folks who made these clothing mods and how i can just toss my baby boy into whatever i want. fuck, how can he look good in literally everything? my girl, haleth, always looks like a snack with her vampire boyfriend (sorry karlach and shadowheart, your armor is much better than the clothes i have so i need you to be ready for war and not have your boobas out like astarion and i <3)
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inkoherentwriting · 1 month
slight spoilers? shrug
adding to chapter 1 of match fit and--
It was hardly shabby and a beautiful place in its own right-- but there was a distinct air which Guilbert mistrusted. He could not place his finger on where his lack of trust in the local chapter of the Mages’ Guild resided; as while Guilbert was a pious servant of the Nine he did not view most schools of magic as inherently evil.
chuckling because while in my interpretation Guilbert has generally neutral to negative opinions of magic overall (so far anyway), this singular time his mistrust is justified bc of falcar
(also for anyone curious, the school Guilbert mistrusts as evil is Conjuration, naturally.)
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coldercreation · 1 year
So hi hello! Moving on! lmao
I opened the sad!Kitty snippet doc this morning for the first time since February and it's actually like... not so bad? And there were some scenes in Liam's chapter I genuinely do not remember writing at all!! but I thought they were especially good somehow?? Wish I would get possessed like that more often hahah!
I pretty much wrapped the first chapter's draft, which is Nathan's POV. It's quite simple and sweet, setting the scene. It's currently at 4223 but since it's only a draft it's still needing some fleshing out. (My Excessive Bish™️ side of the brain gets nervous seeing such a "low" word count for me personally, because that much mean It's Not Good Enough!!! Need Moar!! // But I decided not to stress about it, the chapters can come out as short or long as they feel like. If all of the chapters work well as a whole, the that matters in the end.)
Liam's chapter is currently at 6135 words and it's the one that's going to be the most challenging. Lot more worldbuildy/dynamicbuildy and exploration in this one, so it's not just vibes, I actually have to think for this one ew 😭 It has some sizeable chunks still missing but I managed to write a good amount today already so yay!
Kit's own chapter is only at 3223 words right now and the most WIP, but this one should be pretty chill. Not 100% sure what to have in this one but I'm sure something will start to shape up.
(Izzy doesn't get his own chapter for this because he's pretty heavily featured in Nathan's and Kit's POV. When I planned this snippet I had been writing a lot of Isac, so I figured it was time to write the others more. But now I feel like I've not written Izzy in a while so I'm sure I'll end up writing more of him sooner rather than later heh) xx
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gayhotcocoa · 2 months
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please add fifteen, i would like to see her in your style
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wullu · 2 months
Thank you for tagging me, @goyurim 💖
Last song: Onde Usirante from Snehaloka
Currently watching: It's anime-only brainrot here as of now. Dungeon Meshi, Hunter x Hunter, Spy x Family (a rewatch), Asobi Asobase. However, since this is a drama blog, let me mention that I did start watching The Matchmakers, finished two episodes and inexplicably stopped. Praying to higher powers to bring my drama mojo back.
Currently reading: The Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke, Dissolution by CJ Sansom, Miss Read's Fairacre series, The Three-Body Problem by Lu Cixin, Sha Po Lang by Priest, Death on Gokumon Island by Seishi Yokomizo. I like reading multiple books at one time lmao, so that I can shift between them depending on my mood.
Spicy/sweet/savoury/sour: I like all these flavours but Savoury and Spicy are it for me. I greatly enjoy foods that are savoury and spicy. Always up for a flavourbomb party in my mouth.
Relationship status: Single and obsessed with my cat. So glad she's obsessed with me too. 💖
Current obsession: Dungeon Meshi, Crochet, Orchids, Fragrances
Favourite colour: PINK!!!!
Favourite animal: Obligatory cat mention, but also dogs. In general though, I like animals, with the exception of angry hornets and mosquitos.
Tagging: if you wanna do this, please consider yourself tagged 💖
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thedeathdeelers · 2 years
oh it’s september
ie jatp month
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ice-reblogs · 5 months
I literally looked everywhere and I can not find the video
But I remember seeing a YouTube video- like- I remember it vividly- where Sun and Moon were just re-textured endermen
They must have deleted it or something- sorry TvT
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tachvintlogic · 5 months
I've never really understood the point of life action remakes (except money).
Animation is just so much less limited in scope than life action, there's so much more you can do with animation than in life action. In animation you have all the artistic backing of cinematography, painting, sculpture, and you're not limited by art style allowing things to get as abstract or realistic as you want. With life action, you have the art "style" of real life to work with, and if you want anything else the best way to get it is animation.
So from a visual standpoint, unless the original was uninspired and cheaply made (which since people want a remake likely isn't the case) then the life action version isn't going to look as good. It can't hope to look as cool as the original. For a remake to have any merit (besides a cash grab) it has to bring something else to the table.
I believe that the live action netflix Death Note would've been better if it had been less faithful. If you're changing the setting and the character personalities, might as well go all in and tell a completely separate story about a notebook that kills people.
Avatar: the Last Airbender is a great show and there's not much a live-action retelling could add. A live-action anything in that world is better off telling a completely different story, and that world is big enough and with an extensive enough history that you could easily do that. A live-action movie/show about the air nomad genocide following the last survivors, or maybe jump to the future and have a story about the Avatar after Korra. That would add something.
Anyway, if there's a live action Danny Phantom thing coming (which is not confirmed, thank god), I have set my expectations low.
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resaresa · 1 year
the chronicles of narnia were mid books looking back on em, but Aslan was always an interesting presence and I wont lie, my interest was always at its peak whenever he got to take front stage
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nunishii · 1 year
I feel guilty of hating my parents
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
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I have such a soft spot for seeing them in the K&C by themselves and I have no idea why ..
.. I think it just goes back to that really comforting feeling of them always having each other. It’s a weird thing for me coming from the dance world in that hardly ever did you have your teacher/coach with you at a competition or even exams. Some other schools did often have their teacher there but in 10 years I can count on one hand the times my teacher bothered to showed up to watch me. So I still find it weird that’s skaters’ coaches are always with them at comps. I get it- it’s just how the sport works but that constant counselling and advisement seems so excessive to me who just did it all alone. So with them in the K&C alone, knowing in almost every scenario there is a coach sitting there with the skater/s (d@m.. in the SCI ones Marie came over just after these clips, and in the GPF one Marina had just left them.. this isn’t about coaches not being there it’s just the cute visual..) it’s just a sweet thing to see them there together before all the hugs and kisses and comments from coaches, it’s an extension of how it’s just them on the ice and kinda a quick little peek into their working dynamic we don’t often get to see..
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idyllicbby · 1 year
omg not VanJess breaking up 😣
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