#thanks for the ask lol
ao3-shenanigans · 4 months
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grape-souffle · 5 months
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alternativesaga · 4 months
Penny for ur brainthoughts on elemental? 👀🤲
I opened my laptop for this *cracks knuckles* oKAY I am so sorry for the ramble for what's about to come but honestly the reading is unnecessary I just need to ramble on what I can currently think of atm
I'm ngl, I was really initially hesitant to watch the movie. I didn't even plan to, but a friend suggested it while hanging out and watching a movie sounded nice to pass the time.
And I'm glad I did! The advertisement for it was truly atrocious.
I'm not gonna go into the worldbuilding aspect of Elemental City. It's nice, but honestly it's not what intrigues me about the movie. However, I do enjoy their color schemes especially at night with vivid dark blues and contrasting eccentric warm yellows and reds in Firetown!
My biggest love for this movie is the relationships between family (the dynamic with Ember and her father especially), and love (Ember and Wade). Which--cheesy, yes, but it was more than that! It had aspects of being a descendant of immigrant parents and what that means to the child, and the potential for culture clashes in everyday life, including relationships.
With Ember and her father, all throughout her life she's had this desire to prove herself to her family that she will be what makes them proud. To her, it's taking over her dad's store. It's not about being perfect, she understands her temper, but she needs to be better. And knowing that feeling all her life, that pressure never goes away. She wants to show that she's grateful to whatever they have sacrificed for her. She has to be a good daughter. Or else it'll seem as though everything she and her parents have done will have been for nothing. A failure. And because the pressure has always been there, it's understandable as to why she never fully questioned going out and doing her own thing because she figured there isn't a point in looking for more than what she has now. Growing up in a family with more traditional views, sometimes its encouraged to keep within the limits of what someone is already capable of. Or sometimes its just saying, oh, yes, you can dream, but don't dream too big! Ember didn't even let herself do that because she already sees how tired her father is. Therefore, it's practically the idea of sacrificing her own life to protect what she currently has--her family.
Culture in itself is a huge aspect of the movie. Peter Sohn, the creator of Elemental also supported this as he provided examples of his own life being first-gen from an immigrant family and what his parents had to go through while moving into a new country. And while its different elements of characters between water, fire, earth, and air demonstrates those distinctions to an extent, it's deeper than that. It can affect a person's way of life and their relationships. (I lied I'm going into the worldbuilding a bit) Element City is a great aspect of showing the accessibility available to the fire people. Each element is provided their own accessibilities throughout the city, but there is minimal for fire. So instead, they essentially have their own Firetown in the outskirts of the city. But also, you know, the topics of racism. It's there and apparent in the most simple way that the movie can make it. But ngl the think with what Wade's step-dad/uncle(?) says to Ember about speaking clear? I laughed because that does happen. It shouldn't! But it does! Without getting into too much detail irl I've been in similar situations and I like how the movie just addresses it so randomly.
As for Wade and Ember, upon watching it the first time, the relationship was cute, but wasn't entirely something I really cared about. It was mainly due to how Wade was so--Idk, bubbly that I was initially thinking like--"damn, really? We're sticking with this?" It's honestly not that deep. It bugged me at first, with how he pushed Ember about telling her father about everything. And to encourage her to leave her current life at her job just to follow an internship she just learned about! He, who moves from job to job just because he can, and her, who has worked her whole life--it wasn't just about culture as elements, it's even social class. I understood the apprehension and fear Ember felt and the anger of explaining that that doesn't just happen. It's not something that can be done on a whim. It's not because she didn't want to, but because she couldn't. It's a damn privilege. At the time, it was like "leaving" meant leaving everything behind and essentially betraying her family to do something completely different to what she believed meant going against their dreams. And man, does that hurt. But Wade doesn't understand it. Which--unfortunately/fortunately, it's understandable. It's not something that just comes to be understood, it's just something someone can bear and grow with. Wade was one of the first things outside of Ember's life at home in which she wanted. She wanted the relationship. All her life, she has put up this front to be strong, show resilience, don't let anything hurt you. She's protective of her home, her mother, her father, her life. She's always happy and fiery in her personality until she just blows up because of all that stress and anger that's left to build up and explode! But then here's Wade, some fool, who the first thing he says after she explains her experience at the museum with her father, "You must have been so scared." Not even knowing her, or her life at the time to an extent, does he still manage to try to connect with her. And even after everything and the rejection, he STILL tries to prove to her that he's willing to try to understand. And they made it work even with all the apprehension!
In all honesty, a lot of the movie was something really relatable to me, and I see a lot of myself within Ember. Even with the temperament at times haha. I'm also glad to have watched Peter Sohn's explanation of the inspiration for it and his connections to it because he just brings in that perspective and representation of being a person from a family of immigrants and how it event affected his own relationship. I know I could probably say more but I'm just going to leave it as this haha Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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I hope this isn’t anything personal but, what did hot cheetohs ever do to you?
Actually when I was making my ao3 account, I couldn’t think of what to call myself. So on a whim, I picked the name from a tumblr post that went around a little while ago. I have pasted the link below.
Anyways I wanted something a little mystical but also funny and memey, so thus my name was born. Honestly I’m surprised it wasn’t taken on ao3
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thegryffe · 3 months
when u gon' stop eating shrimps with the whimps and come eat some lobster with a monster?
aye fuck yo' lobster munchers can't even appreciate shrimp despite their VAST superiority by the time you've gotten a single piece of meat out your damn crustacean I've finished 20 of mine and at least I can eat damn near my entire animal while you can finish your meal and still have it pass for a live specimen 'cause that shell just be lying there looking more full of life and joy than your entire diet ever will be look at you paying extortionate rates for 5 flavourless chunks of white leather while I eat my shrimp for breakfast 'cause they accessible as hell compared to your overpriced overhyped armor-plated rubber I bet you love pulling that damn shit-filled intestine out your meals ass there aint no fecal matter in mine I'm having shrimp pad thai your ass is having lobster poverty I can't believe your body has the energy to type only having eaten a tablespoon's worth of meat for dinner how you gonna call that shit seafood when there's barely any food to see you get more sustenance looking at the damn thing in an aquarium than you would ever get eating it stfu
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michaels-two-dads · 5 months
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A whore 👍
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arashi-no-saxlphone · 15 days
*Makes your Englishman Welsh*
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zestyderg · 2 months
Hello Zesty-
I think Dynal liking Space Sandwiches means he has a fondness for his homeworld culture but he might come around to Earth sandwiches soon.
As for Duna and Raptin liking Omelets and Steak they were probably the first things they tried on Earth and just became comfort food. Raptin might have been the one to push the button to try and destroy Earth but he does like Earth cuisine.
Yea makes sense.
I can only imagine what a space sandwich actually is. It likely is very similar to earth sandwiches but also Dynal is an alien and thus a space sandwich possibly may not even look or taste anything like earth sandwiches. Dynal may be very hesitant to try earth food, but I think he'd get hooked on earth sandwiches, regardless of how similar or different they may be to space ones.
Duna I think was the first to try human food and convinced Raptin to try it, too. Although Raptin constantly argued with her, telling her that earth food SUCKS and everything humans make SUCKS, he secretly did enjoy steak and could not hide this fact from Duna.
Nowadays, any human dumb enough to leave food unattended may find that their dinaurians friends are quite voracious and WILL eat it the moment no one is watching. The dinaurians LOVE earth food.
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Do you not like potter ? I just saw u post about curb stomping him 😭
Lmaooo. Yeah, I don't like him, but moreso I don't like his role in the narrative. He's a sympathetic view on "regular army", and serves a lot of, "well the army isn't THAT bad" messages which is. Um, frustrating to say the least.
In universe wise though, I also dislike him. Mainly, his treatment of Klinger for reasonably wanting to escape the terrible place he's trapped in is awful, even if it's framed in a way where we're supposed to side with Potter (also he is just. The most racist towards him? Outside of the likes of Frank and Charles). That alone makes me hate him forever lol. But even the little things, trying to kill that suicidal patient, assuming he can just steal the Korean people's land in Bug Out, making everyone walk egg shells around him when he's mad, etc etc
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amenti-aardwolf · 3 months
Is that an icon of your fursuit?
Yep! Made him myself using a 3d printed base I printed. :3
Never updated to my current sona which I also made, but here he is:
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My best friend and I are both opossums. They're great little dudes.
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actualbampot · 1 year
I’m gonna need an explanation for your ruby and cinder drawing
What’s happening
Hey anon. It's however you want to interperate it, really! This is my take:
Cinder uses the relic of choice, and the decision she sees herself make is something selfless, a sacrifice maybe.
Whatever she sees, it contradicts and upturns every single core value she has, and so she just stops, unable to come to terms with it.
As for Ruby, if you squint, you'll notice they're in the Beacon vault. They might have been fighting over the relic up to this point. Maybe they both went down to the vault after a mutual stalemate idk.
But she understands that whatever has been enough to grind Cinder to a complete halt must be important, maybe even critical to stopping Salem- so she turns toward the hoard of grimm attracted to the relic, wounded, exhausted and weaponless, and uses the only thing she has left to buy Cinder time.
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waterlogged-detective · 8 months
🔥, 🎟️ for Doe and/or Darcy
FL Asks!!
🔥 Which menace causes the most problems for them? Which menace causes the least amount of problems for them?
Doe is on Death's door as we speak.
It doesn't matter when you're reading this or when I've written this, Doe is probably still at 7 wounds now. Or dead.
It's his perpetual state tbh. He just does not give a single s_t about dying, and honestly? Really needs to stop trying stupid stunts. Like, yes, they work often enough that you might as well try it, but can you at least take some medi-
🎟️ Have they written anything for the Shuttered Palace’s court?
Doe has written more than his fair share of poetry for the palace, little love stories that Always (ALWAYS!) have happy endings. People get poisoned, murdered, betrayed, but ALWAYS rest assured that if you're reading a poem by Jonathin M. Doe, then you can be secure in the knowledge that yes! Love wins!
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You said optical delusion so I was so ready to share the time I saw a ghost as a child then learned that I'm schizophrenic, but then I saw the tags and realized you meant optical illusions and then was like "ah yes. The lamp one" but I was subjected to VeggieTales as a child so all that ACTUALLY played in my mind was the bit from the Lord of the Beans where the equivalent of Aragorn has the line "its an optimal illusion, it only looks small cause it's so far away. Watch." And then he proceeds to run directly into the actually small door that the party was looking at as the equivalent of Gimli yells out in a thick Yiddish accent "Maybe if you ran faster. Try it again!"
omg i did mean illusion instead of delusion oops
but yeah lmao lord of the beans was one of the best things to come out of veggie tales, i love that
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Blackreach: my favourite enemy. huh. i think my answer to this is the frost troll on the road to high hrothgar (i didn’t know he was there until my third or fourth playthrough)
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starfruit-squire · 1 month
Fandom: The Mortuary Assistant!
This is the game's main heroine, Rebecca:
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Rebecca is a badass. But why is she a badass?
Omg i actually watched Markiplier play a lil of this but uuuhh I don’t remember that well
I think she’s a badass bc she uuuuh solves some sort of mystery? Or maybe fights a ghost?
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nerdyqueerr · 5 months
we should go on quests together
Literally #knightsquad
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