#thanks for the ask! I'm glad you're enjoying (love) triangles!
froizetta · 6 months
26 and 30 for the writer asks? loving (Love) Triangles so far btw, excited for the next chapter :) have a nice day!
26) If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
Hmm tricky! Assuming that 'writing moment' refers to moments DURING writing rather than, say, loveliest comment on a fic or something like that, I'd say it was probably the part in Padam Padam when Clark finally learns why Bruce's heartbeat speeds up around him. I had basically that whole exchange crystalised in my mind from the start, and it came out pretty much exactly how I wanted it in the first draft. And because I wrote that fic more-or-less chronologically, it really felt like a release of tension after the build-up for the first half of the fic. Satisfying!
30) What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
I have quite a few WIPs that I'm excited to actually make progress on next year so I can post them. The one I'm probably most excited for is a superbat fic I already posted the start of for WIP Wednesday, where Bruce and Clark have a really messy, drunken night out after Clark gets dumped by Lois. There's lots of pining and sexual tension and bad decisions - or at least, there WILL be when my muse returns from the war. Any day now, I'm sure!
More broadly, I want to try branching out into other pairings/characters a little, especially damijon or batfam stuff. Maybe even batlantern?? Who knows; the future as vast and unpredictable. (Although tbh, superbat still reigns supreme for me, they're just unbeatable)
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secret-smut-sideblog · 2 months
Warm Water
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Gale x F! Tav
PG-13 complicated feelings, touch starved/touch driven, allusions to intimacy, jealousy, love triangle (sort of), crossed signals, nuclear amounts of yearning
With one of Tav's love languages being physical affection, Gale tries to keep his touch hungry skin from her. The sirens call of her arms could overwhelm him, but he's far from the only one heeding her soft song...
"Do you want a hug?" Tav held her arms open in offer.
Gods did he ever.
Tav was a very physical person he soon came to realize. When she had pulled him from the stone she had reached forward to innocuously pat him free of dirt from his harsh landing.
"Oh! Thank you!" He had chuckled, trying to will the blood from his ears.
"No problem." She had remarked good naturedly, clearly thinking nothing of it.
Outside of their resident vampire, who's boundaries she respected by keeping distance, it seemed everyone enjoyed her physicality. Grappling with Lae'zel, braiding Shadowheart's hair, practicing dance with Wyll. Karlach was fully indisposed when she regained touch, watching from the sidelines no more. Carrying Tav on her back, holding hands, wrapped in a bear hug basically the whole day.
Gods Tav shared literal bear hugs with Halsin.
But Gale... he nearly avoided her. He had been touch starved for so long that what she offered felt borderline gluttonous. Overwhelming his senses, reducing him to a giddy puddle.
He knew she meant nothing by it. She was affectionate with everyone, and yet it made his heart flutter.
He was having a hard night, grappling with emotional assailants from all sides. Between his personal woes, their daunting task at Moonrise, the constant oppressive atmosphere of the Shadowlands, and the needling pain in his chest... it was difficult to stay in high spirits.
Tav had finished her plate, setting it down to be washed. Turning to him with warm eyes to ask.
He stared at her outstretched arms, the solace and weight he knew lied within them.
With a shuddering breath of defeat, he mumbled an agreement and fell into her embrace.
Immediately, he melted into her, strong arms wrapped securely around his back. One hand rubbing reassuring circles between his shoulder blades. His head fell into the curve of her neck, nearly whimpering.
Gods, she was so warm. In all ways, truly, but her body was the morning sun. Radiating intoxicating heat, he pulled her closer greedily.
He knew it was Astarion that was sun starved, but Gods. He needed to touch her, to be touched by her, like he needed water.
He feared he was pushing it, but she only rested her head against his chest. Her eyelashes tickling his neck, sighing. Arms crossing around his waist.
It could have only been a minute at most, but it felt simultaneously like an age and a blip. So much and not nearly enough.
When she made to pull away, he had to coaxe his arms to release. Immediately feeling her absence like bath water fallen cold.
"You're a good hugger." She smiled, wiping a tear he hadn't felt escape with the side of her thumb. Hand naturally cupping his face in the process.
His eyes closed, leaning into her like a cat pushing it's head into her hand, before he caught himself. Straightening up and giving her a casual smile.
"Well, I'm glad we could both enjoy that experience. Not spending tender moments making a fool of myself is one of my goals, truly."
She laughed, and it lit up his heart like it always did. Her laugh was a bright point in their otherwise suffocating surroundings. The way it tumbled out of her uncontrolled, seeming to catch her off guard which often made her laugh harder. The way she would turn her head to the side before bursting out into giggles. He even got her to snort one time, her hand shooting up to cover her mouth, even more gasping laughter muffled there.
He was trying to deny that he was smitten with her, but it was a losing battle. Everything about her was so warm. Mortal. A tenderness and tenacity that you can only achieve walking the earth. A polar inverse of his previous lover.
Her voice broke him out of his lovesick reverie.
"Do you want help washing up?" She offered as if to prove his point, already twisting her hair up into a secure pile on her head.
The chivalrous part of him wanted to wave her away, let her get on with her night. But he had always been a greedy man, and more time spent with her was a call he was loathe to refuse.
"Sure, I could use an extra pair of hands." He smiled.
He could use them elsewhere, too.
He cleared his throat into a quiet cough, keeping his eyes firmly on the dishes he was stacking. Gods, get ahold of yourself.
He conjured a mage hand to carry one of the heavier stacks, leaving her to the lesser of the piles.
She hummed softly as they headed towards the water, a few strands falling out of her tied back hair. The setting sun kissing her form with hues of pink and gold.
As if her warmth wasn't enough to entice him, Tav was devastatingly beautiful. Wide slightly upturned eyes, the graceful slope of high cheekbones and an aquiline nose, heart-shaped lips perfectly encapsulated by two dimples.
Naturally, several sets of eyes watched her in longing as they left the camp.
He wasn't fooling himself that he could stand up to the competition. Halsin especially, outside of their strife in unraveling the cause of the shadow curse, that man looked at her like she rose the sun. Practically forming hearts in his eyes when she would come over to chat.
Once she had trouble reaching some fruit in a tree, and he, unprompted, lifted her in one motion onto his shoulders. She had squealed out a delighted laugh, then refused to get down. Kicking her feet, palms sitting on top of his head. They had walked around camp like this was the most normal thing, only Halsin's big smile betraying his usual calm demeanor.
Even Karlach had started to develop a shy flirty rapport with her, her tail swaying and curling when they stood together. Absent-mindedly leading her by her lower back. Staring after her when they would end conversations with a quiet sigh.
And though their resident vampire insisted that she got on his nerves, Gale knew better. One night he had gotten up to get water, naturally passing Astarion's open tent. They were both kneeled inside, their nightly feeding session.
Astarion was completely slumped into her, drinking languidly. One of her hands running gently through his curls, other secure around his waist. Head leaned into his.
She had caught eyes with Gale over Astarion's shoulder as he passed, smiling sweetly, lifting her fingers in greeting.
The whole scene was so intimate, but she treated it as if it were natural. And, truly, was it not? She had the mesmerizing presence of comfort and calm that people gravitated toward. It honestly shocked him more that only a handful of their companions were chomping at the bit.
They set up next to the water, him washing and her drying. A dish rag slung over her shoulder. They worked together like a dance, the moment feeling like a microcosm of imitated domestic bliss. He could so easily imagine her doing this with him in his tower. Sitting on the counter, receiving dishes as he handed them off. Teasing each other, her foot bothering his side. Eventually giving up on the dishes altogether and bending her over the cou-
"Careful! We almost lost a goblet!" She teased, catching the glass as it slipped downstream from him. "I don't think Wyll could recover." She laughed, drying it in a practiced twist of her towel.
"Ah, apologies. I'm a little lost in thought tonight." He offered sheepishly.
"Any you care to share?"
Not if she wasn't about to get very comfortable with an array of unvetted topics very quickly.
She saw his hesitation and smiled knowingly, returning to her task. "You know, I'm surprised you agreed to let me help with this, I kind of got the impression you don't like me."
He stared at her, flabbergasted. Pausing his hands entirely.
Only starting back up when her hands emptied, offering up a flat palm for the next cutlery.
"That"s... not the impression I was trying to impart. I ensure you."
She sighed, the slightest air of relief. "I'm glad. I'm expecting so many more hugs in the future. To make up for lost time, of course. Just a criminal amount."
He smiled at her, scrunching up his nose playfully. "Oh? You're involving me in grand scale crime rings now?"
"Yeah. Ring these arms around your neck, boy."
He laughed loudly, fully dropping a cup into the river.
"Oh, goodbye..." She laughed, mock wistful watching it go.
"I think you've been a great help, but perhaps it's best I finish this undistracted." He teased, embarrassed heat in his ears.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm very cute, I know." She winked, lifting the dried dishes and slapping the towel down on his shoulder.
She leaned down and gave him a quick kiss on his forehead, heading back toward camp casually. "See you later, wizard."
It took a second to break out of the short circuit his brain struck him with.
He watched her go, Halsin taking up beside her when she returned. Taking the dish pile from her easily with one hand.
Gods damnit. This is why he had been holding back from her. There was no shot in all of the hells, and he didn't know if his heart could take it.
The Last Light Inn was lit up with happy drunken chatter, and Gale was searching tops of heads to find her stark black hair.
The day had proven grueling but surprisingly successful. Art woken and Thaniel returned, even the prisoners in the Moonrise basement freed. They were leaps and bounds closer to lifting the shadow curse and the mood was jovial. Tav had decided they should celebrate, and all present company agreed. They needed a little revelry with all that had passed and what was to come.
Gale was standing on the balcony, more than happy to keep back from the crowd. Chatting idly with passerby's but mostly just people watching. A pleasant buzz going from the good liquor they had found in a crate.
Of course his eyes led back to her. Sitting next to Shadowheart, Tav's ankle resting against hers. Tapping her foot against Shadowheart's playfully as they talked.
Silver hair weaved through the crowd, falling in a dramatic huff next to her. Handing them their drinks, Tav and Shadowheart's faces lighting with inebriated glee.
If Tav was affectionate sober, she was a puppy with a little wine in her.
Taking her drink, she turned to Astarion, cupping his face and gently kissing his cheek. Pulling back to say something, her face relaxed. So sweetly smiling at him.
He saw Astarion gently lead her hand away from him but left their fingers touching. The tips of his ears pink in his own inebriation.
The massive form of Halsin left Jaheira's side, patting her shoulder in familiarity. The next to head towards her.
He crouched down to her to say something. She cocked her head slightly, smiling up at him, nodding.
Halsin bent his shoulder down and pulled her by the waist onto him. Hooked by the hips on his wide shoulder. Her legs curled up, face open in a laugh. Waving goodbye to the collective from his back as she was carried outside.
Before his feet had spoken to his mind, he was following them out, leaving his glass on the banister.
He lost them for a moment, then caught that blue shone black hair at the animal pen. Tav gently petting a calf's nose as Halsin spoke softly.
Something stopped him then, the jealousy fueled stride of his feet slowing. They were so soft in this moment, and he no longer had the incense to intervene. Maybe it was the wine wearing off, but it suddenly felt childish to barge in.
Tav's eyes caught him regardless, waving him over excitedly.
He smiled, going to her much more kindly.
"Gale! Look! Bab-ey cows..." She hummed happily.
"Indeed. Fascinating creature, that." He teased.
"Big brown eyes~" She sing-songed. "Like you!"
The herculean strength it was taking not to kiss her, the wine rendering her adorable.
Halsin was looking at her in what his face must be echoing. Soft and smitten.
"Ah, I would cherish more time together, but I must tend to Thaniel." Halsin rumbled, adoration creasing his face when her eyes met his. "In the meantime, I will procur some fresh lavender for you."
"Thank you, and no rush!" She chirped up at him.
He smiled, palming the top of her head.
"Goodnight, sweetheart." He looked to Gale. "Make sure she returns safe."
"I can handle myself..." She huffed.
Gale nodded solemnly to Halsin regardless. The druid seemed satisfied by the conviction in his face, patting her head twice before departing.
Tav waved to the little calf and without further discussion took Gale's hand and started walking.
His fingers instinctually wove into hers before he could process what was happening. Pulled to walk easily.
They had arrived at the dock, the moon ribboned water lapping gently.
She pulled her boots off with a little grunt, letting her feet dangle in the tide. Falling back onto the sea fragrant wood with a satisfied sigh.
He followed her lead, the cool water surprisingly pleasant, swelling softly along his ankles. Back flat, staring up at the tapestry of stars. Insect call rising and falling like breath.
"So... lavender?" He tried, shockingly short on words.
"Oh! It's for hair oils. Surprisingly, maintaining hair this long is kind of difficult in the wilderness." She kicked her legs slowly as she spoke.
"You know, my mother taught me how to braid..." He offered.
"A rare skill set." She remarked solemnly, the edge of a cheeky smile on her lips.
"I'm trying to offer you some help, you ingrate." He admonished.
"Mm-hmm," Her lips pressed together hard, trying to contain the wide smile he could see her fighting. "And I'm sure I've got a gold star around here somewhere. Hold on let me check..."
She rose, making to run off, already giggling.
He caught her around the waist, and before his mind could speak to his body, pulled her into him.
Their mouths slid together so easily. He moaned softly, her lips falling plush and velvet against his. Lighting a molten in his core and a high call in his heart.
She kissed him back for an exquisite and terribly short moment, then pulled back. Lips leaving him to drop slightly open in wide-eyed shock.
Oh. Oh Gods, he had not meant to do that.
"I'm sorry, I uh," He stumbled, already rising to feet. "It seems I've had too much wine..."
He cleared his throat, picking up his boots, eyes determined on the shore. "I'll just, I'll head back to camp. Pardon me."
Quick feet took him up the boardwalk, white knuckle gripping boot leather.
Spotting that shock of white hair rounding the corner, he steeled his face.
"Astarion, Tav is on the dock. Make sure she gets back to camp safe." He commanded.
Astarion seemed confused and offended to be given a order, until he saw the state of him. His keen eyes picking up on his red fluster with a wide malicious smile.
"Of course, Gale dearest." He purred, clearly relishing in his obvious blunder. "She's in practiced hands for the night."
He breathed the next words in a breathy hum. "Enjoy the remainder of yours, darling."
Gale watched him go, clenching his jaw so hard it initiated a headache. Or was that the wine? Did it matter?
Astarion walked on heels, hands clasped behind his back. Exuding the satisfaction of a cat with a saucer of milk. Step brightening even more when she caught sight of him approaching.
In the time he had left her side, she had disrobed down to her underclothes. Gesturing toward Astarion then the water in an upturned hand, saying something to him, eyebrows raised mischievously.
Gale halted entirely, suddenly very certain he had made a mistake walking away from her.
He heard the bark of Astarion's laugh at her offer, pulling his shirt over his shoulders.
His yearning kept his eyes on her long enough to watch her lower into the water. But he couldn't take any more, chest aching. Shame propelling his feet further from her.
Truly, no one could get in his own way quite like himself. Circling angrily around the brick corner, eyes scanning determinedly until he found who he was seeking.
"Jaheira, where can you find lavender in this Gods forsaken wasteland?"
Part 2
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ashes-writing · 1 year
outer banks ● one girl, two guys pt 8 ● j.maybank + t.thornton ● [18+]
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18+ only. MDNI with this chapter, don't you dare. Filth, babes. sheer filth {sexual warnings : unprotected sex, marking / biting, overuse of the word fuck, p in v, body fluids, virgin!reader gets her v!card punched by Tops, touching/affection, gentle dirty talk, nudity}. Also warnings of angst and jealousy, and tension between Kiara and JJ in the v. beginning of the chapter. A continued complicated series of relationships between like... three different couples if you count Sarah/John B -absent from this chapter bc I can only write Sarah so much before I'm done for a while- Underage drinking / smoking +w**d mentions at a future point in the story, angst and jealousy, arguing / confrontations and actual physical fights, Topper's issues with his mom and reader/your issues with your own, copious amounts of PDA and I swear to God, a writer who has not one fucking clue how to go about properly executing a love triangle to save her pathetic life but she is trying, lmao.
<- reader/you are a female. with female working parts, clothes/hair/personality, etc. Nicknames and petnames are in use here. this is self-indulgent, to be honest and I have zero shame.
word count
4941 exactly. for any missing context you need part 7 <- can be clicked and you should be taken straight there.
-- you're torn between your long standing feelings for your best friend JJ Maybank and now, you're starting to fall for Topper Thornton, a Kook. This won't get messy at all, right?
taglist + shoutouts
-- the taglist is here. click to be taken straight to it if you want to be added to my tags for outer banks or anything else listed that I write for.
@tbmunson bestieeee i love youuuu. and the moment we've been waiting on is finally here? Well, the first part of it, at least. You're my inspiration and I want to be like you when I grow up.
@writingreadinglurkingandsmirking bestieee heyyyy.. i have enjoyed talking to you and your commentary on these posts oh my god. you make my life, your comments mean so much to me, you have no clue.
@stilesstilinskisgf oh my god you're so sweet I can't even. thank you so much. from the bottom of my heart, babes. you don't know how much your comments mean to me.
@music4life42 you wanted to be tagged in everything babes. idk if you're familiar with this but like.. enjoy! Also if this isn't your thing, pls tell me!
@valentineshiftz your comments make my day and you always make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm so glad you're enjoying this and I can't even begin to tell you how much your comments mean to me babes!
other links
masterlist ● jj's masterlist ● toppers masterlist ● about + rules
“Do you love her, JJ?��
Kiara’s question is something JJ was not prepared for. And he doesn’t want to answer it, either. Because answering it means that it’s out and he can’t take it back. He tries to change the conversation a time or two but Kiara’s staring him down, waiting on an answer.
“Do you love her? It’s not a hard question.”
“It is though. Because if I answer it and you don’t like my answer, Kie..” JJ drops the wrench he has in his hands and he swears in frustration. “We need to get the boat going again. Now isn’t the time, okay?”
“Screw the boat. I’m sick of doubting everything, JJ. Do you even realize how much that’s messing with my mind? I mean, since she told me..” Kiara takes a deep breath and goes quiet. Knees to her chin as she stares out at the still water. JJ rubs his forehead and takes a deep breath. “ I do..”
Kiara looks so hurt when he admits it. He drags a hand over his head. “She only said anything about it in the first place because you kept pushing, Kie. Sometimes when you push, you don’t get the answer you want.”
“Why..” Kiara starts to ask him why he’s with her if he loves you, but she goes quiet. Grabs a wrench and starts to work on the boat with JJ. And the tension between them is heavy and awkward and scary as hell. Because Kiara doesn’t want this to be over. She doesn’t want to lose him.
She wishes she’d just kept her questions to herself. With both of you.
JJ drops the wrench again and he’s swearing because he’s busted his knuckle open again. Kiara takes his hand in hers, surveying the injury. Fussing over it a little and JJ takes a deep breath. “The problem is that I love you too, Kie.”
Kiara relaxes but only a little. “Who do you love more?”
“I really don’t know. I just know that if __ and I were a thing I’d fuck up and I’d lose her somehow.”
“So what? You just don’t care if you fuck things up and lose me?” Kiara asks, a hurt look in her eyes as she drops hold of his hand. JJ groans to himself. Wants to take back everything, wishes like hell he had a rewind button because if he did, he’d be using and abusing it right now. “It’s not like that, Kie. I’ve known her longer, okay? We’re.. We’re closer.”
Kiara swallows hard. “Okay then.”
When she starts to walk away, JJ throws the wrench and takes off, catching up to her. “Will you just leave this alone? I’m with you, alright? Not her. Can’t that just be enough, darlin?”
Kiara looks up at him and she’s really mulling it over. “But if she comes to you and tells you she still loves you..”
“Then I’ll figure it out if it even happens. I really fucked it up, alright? I don’t think you gotta worry about that anymore.” JJ looks like even thinking about it is killing him and seeing this is killing Kiara. But she wants him too. She loves him. It’s not fair and now that she has him at last, she’s spent every single second doubting and worrying, stressing over every little stupid fight instead of just.. Enjoying their relationship.
It’s just starting to get to her.
And if she has to lose him, she’d rather do it now than keep waiting, get even more attached and then have him one day just walk out. Or worse, settle for her and wake up five, ten.. Even fifteen years from now if they’re lucky enough to make it that long, and regret it all, loathe the sight of her.
“I do, though. I do because I love you so much and I don’t want to lose you. I mean it, JJ.”
“I know, darlin. C’mere.” JJ pulls her against him and wraps his arms around. And he feels so damn guilty when he finds himself wondering what you’re doing. Wondering if you miss him at all, if you even think about him anymore because it’s already started.. You can pass him lately and it’s like you don’t even see him.
He’s guilty of the same.
But it’s just easier to do it that way right now. There’s no potential for that final friendship-ending fight that JJ can feel brewing deep in his bones. He’s dreading when it happens. And he’s dreading it so much that he doesn’t reach out like he’s dying to.
And this is also driving him crazy because there’s never been a time that he hasn’t been able to talk to you, to tell you anything and everything and he really misses that. He misses you and it’s killing him.
But missing you is better than losing you entirely. Especially given that he knows if he loses you, it’s totally his own fault.
You’re still sleeping but Topper is awake. Propped on one arm, watching the way your chest rises and falls. Snickering to himself when he hears your light snores now and again. You keep squirming, it’s almost like you’re seeking something out.
The answer as to what you’re seeking out becomes clear when he hears you mumble his name. His breath hangs in his throat. At first he tells himself he didn’t hear you whimpering his name. And he has himself nearly convinced until about the time you do it again, accompanied by a very needy and sleepy, “I wanna be closer.”
He hooks an arm between your legs after rolling onto his back. He pulls you so that you’re lying draped on top of him and his arms wrap around you. The way you’re laid on top of him with your face buried in his neck has him biting back several quiet groans as thick fingers dig into the skin exposed by the way your tie-dye shirt has ridden up over your thighs and ass. Your lips graze right against his racing pulse and he can’t stop the groan that escapes. When you giggle and mumble something else, something entirely muffled by his warm skin, he snaps his hips, rocking himself up into you before he can stop it. 
“What’d you say, love?” he questions, wondering if maybe you’re awake.
You mumble again but a snore is right on the tail of it so he knows you’re still sleeping. And then he feels himself get hot all over as soon as he realizes exactly what’s happening.
You’re dreaming.. About him.
And if the way you keep trying to disappear and be dissolved by his body is any indication, it’s not just your average dream, either. When you manage to rub against him for the fourth time, he’s so hard he could break. And he’s trying so damn hard not to give in to his more primal urges, the ones that want to wake you up with his mouth against your skin leaving marks behind and his cock buried deep inside you.
You’re dreaming about Topper again. It’s more vivid, more intense than any other night up to this point. It’s so intense that you can almost smell the faintest hint of his designer cologne lingering in the air, woodsy and clean all at once. You can feel his hands on you, his breath against your ear just like the night before when he whispered good night before he finally crashed.
“Topper..” you whine, the needy sound ripped right out of you and muffled against his racing pulse, “Need you. Please.” you’re begging for it in your sleep and he’s lying there,stunned.
“I’m right here, love.” he mumbles quietly.
“No.” you whine again, “I mean I need you. Now.” your voice is slurred, thick with sleep. Soft and dreamlike. Topper takes several deep breaths to try and bring himself back under control but he’s dangerously close to his breaking point.
A loud noise makes you jump, waking you up and he’s able to pull himself together as you open your eyes and give him a very sheepish look as you settle in your bed beside him. He pouts because he misses the weight of you on top of him. But he rolls onto his side and raises a hand, caressing the side of your face. And there’s an almost teasing gleam in his eyes as he yawns and asks if you had a good nights sleep.
“I did, actually.”
“Me too.” and he’s not lying, not even slightly. The way you kept trying to dissolve yourself into him through the night felt so good. It’s a feeling that lately, when he sleeps alone, in his own bed at his mom’s place on Figure 8, he really misses.
,, go ahead. Cling to her, man. That’s what pushed Sarah away, remember?” the thought comes and his face transforms to this somber, million miles away look that you pick right up on, frowning. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah.” he makes himself smile, focuses his attention on you. “I’m fine. Still tired, I guess.”
“Oh god, I’m sorry.. I’m the worst person to share a bed with..” you go quiet. Topper pulls you closer to him and presses a wary kiss against your hairline. “It’s not that.”
“I was just thinking that lately, this is the only way I can actually sleep. That was.. I should not have said that, __.”
“No, it’s fine.” you lock eyes with him, raising  your hand. You press your thumb against his lip for a second and admit quietly, “Me too.”
Topper’s breath hangs. He plays it off with a chuckle. “Oh really?” he questions, rolling you onto your back as he settles on top of you. Your breath hangs too, released a second later oh so shaky.
“Mhm.” you answer, face feeling as if it’s on fire. You can barely hold his gaze because he’s got this hungry look in his eyes and as they settle on you, you’re fidgety. Mind replaying the very dirty dream you just barely finished having about him not even ten minutes before. Which only makes you fidget more and you’re not sure what to do with  your hands. Or the rest of your body. Topper grips your hip with his hand and gives it a gentle warning squeeze. Biting his bottom lip as he continues to stare down at you and presses himself down into you heavier. His body engulfing your own.
“ I heard you, y’know..” he mumbles as his mouth closes in on yours for another kiss because he can’t take it, he has to kiss you or it’s going to drive him crazy. You're frozen. At first, confused and then as you realize what you might have said, you're mortified so you attempt hiding your face. But he chuckles quietly. Gives you a sweet peck on the lips, "No need to be embarrassed, baby. And trust me, I am..definitely flattered."
"What'd I say?" You ask the question but honestly you're half scared of the answer. He settles himself over you more heavily til you're engulfed by his taller frame and completely pinned beneath him. You're staring at his lips and dying for a kiss and you just..can't. It's too much. It's overload. And you cave into the urge, your fingers tug at his hair as you pull his mouth into your own, a clumsy and needy kiss that leaves him breathless when you both have to pull away to breathe. 
"Are you sure you want the answer?" he asks, gazing deep into your eyes as his hips pin you flat. He's still trying to process everything, from the kiss to what's currently happening right this minute and most importantly, the way you just kissed him seconds ago because hes never been kissed like that before. 
"No and yes." you feel like your whole body is on fire, with a healthy portion of it settled in the pit of your stomach and lower, your core. As he starts to tell you exactly what you said in your sleep, his mouth crashes against your own, each word -and your accompanying whimpers and whines- are swallowed in deep and needy kisses all over again.
His hands are roaming, one settles over your wrists, circling to pin your hands over your head. The other hand settles on your ass and you can't stop the whine that comes as he starts to squeeze. His mouth breaks away, moving down the column of your neck. A quiet growl slips out as his lips latch hard against your skin. When he bucks into you because he's completely lost his usual filter, you whine and rub against him as the need grows even more, rising within you  like steam in a hot shower. "Fuck." he groans out against you as the two of you continue to seek friction, growing frustrated because there's too much between you and the more friction you get the more friction you crave.
Your hand slips down between your bodies and you gently tug on his waistband with a needy whine and Topper bites back a quiet growl. Stops leaving marks all over your neck to stare at you and catch his own breath. “Do you want something,love?”
But you can’t form words because you’re overwhelmed. This is all new to you. You’ve never gone this far, the most you’ve done is a kiss or two here and there. Topper grips your jaw light and makes you look at him. “Do you want something, love? Because whatever you want..” you’re rubbing against him again, getting wetter by the second and he’s desperate for the way it feels, but he needs to hear you say it. “Fuck.”  he groans out, bucking himself right back into you, “It’s all yours.”
“You.” you whine in need. “Wanna feel closer.” you hook a finger beneath the waistband of his shorts and your breath hangs in your throat; your heart feels like it might explode. You don’t want to stop and maybe in the back of your mind, you feel just a little guilty because this is not how you carefully planned your first time, but it’s him. And the weight of him on top of you feels so good, so reassuring. You want him so much. Topper bites his lip as he stares down at you and tries to catch his breath. It starts to click for him and normally, this is where he’d stop. But he wants you so much. All to himself.
He can’t stop it from happening and as he presses a few kisses to the front of your throat and his hands wander your body all over again, he realizes he doesn’t want to stop it from happening. Because he wants you and you want him back and it’s all he’s really ever wanted.
“You’re sure.” he questions and you nod, biting back a quiet whimper as his hands catch in either side of your shirt, working it up your body. He pulls away to stare down at you and you try to throw up your arms because you’ve never done this, your instinct is to hide your body. He gently pushes down your arms and settles himself on top of you all over again, letting out a sharp hiss as he soaks in the way your skin feels pressed right up against his. “Have you..” he starts to ask if you’ve ever done this before but stops himself, goes quiet because he just feels like he knows the answer already.
“No.” you mumble quietly, almost sheepish and apologetic. He groans quietly. He’s got his forehead resting against the swell of your breasts as he tries to pull himself together yet again. His fingers dig against your sides and he looks up at you after peppering a few kisses against your skin, pulls himself up your body enough that your mouths crash against each other all over again. “I haven’t.” you admit. Your cheeks on fire.
“ ‘S okay, love.” he reassures you. “I’ve got you.” and he’s moving down your body. Parting your legs with his hands, an arm hooking beneath each leg as his nose brushes up against the wet fabric serving as a barrier. Inhaling the scent of you deep. Cock getting even harder at the way you’re already dripping for him. Your hand catches in his hair, giving a tug to blond tipped ends as you squirm beneath him. He slips an arm out from beneath one of your legs and the silent rip as he tears your panties away and slides them down your leg has you whining even more. Louder. As he begins to trail his tongue up the inside of your thigh in a determined march, his free arm slips beneath your leg again, fingers digging against soft skin. “So sweet.” he mutters in awe. “Can’t wait to taste you,sweetheart.”
“Topper.” you whine, arching your back as he slips an arm free again and his fingers work you open, the pad of his thumb pressing against and massaging your clit. And if you thought you were wet before, it’s so much worse now, you can feel the slick as it rolls down the insides of your thighs and drips down, pooling beneath your body on the bed sheets. 
“So wet for me, love. Good girl.” he gazes up at you and you bite your lip, rocking your hips up to meet his fingers as they bury inside you deep. “Topper.” your cry echoes off the walls of your bedroom, shattering the silence.
And on your nightstand, your cell phone is going crazy.
“Fuck.” he groans out against your mound as your hands catch in his hair as he lowers his head to bury it between your thighs, “So fucking sweet.” his tongue rolls up your center in a broad stripe that sends a shiver racing through you and has you clutching at his hair, tugging harder. He nips at skin, lips latching, leaving a mark and his tongue joins his fingers as they massage and scissor inside you. Your head falls back and you whine, louder this time. Moaning his name as tension starts to build hard and fast in the pit of your stomach. You’re desperately trying to rock your hips as his fingers strum against the spongy soft of your spot once and then again. He grips your hip with his free hand, raising it just a little and you’re almost seeing stars by this point, your toes digging into the comforter beneath you as Topper’s tongue swirls inside you, matching the pace set by his fingers.
“Let go, love. C’mon..” he begs, pausing to look up at you, watching the way your face twists in ecstasy, your eyes fluttering open and shut as your mouth falls open. “Let me taste you, baby.”
Your first orgasm shatters you completely and you’re clumsy and frantic, thrusting against his tongue and fingers as they continue to push you, coax you down from your high. He growls against your skin, sucking on your clit until you feel like you’ll see stars and it’s starting to throb painfully. “Topper, oh.. Fuck.” you whine, fingers catch in his hair as you try to get him to stop and look up at you.
But he’s determined. He’s addicted to the way you sound when you moan his name and he’d die to hear it again. And again.
“Baby, I can’t.” you whine out as he tries to coax you into another orgasm. “Hurts.”
Topper chuckles quietly. “C’mon, love.. I know you have one more.”
“Baby, I need you. Now.” you beg. Gripping his jaw to make him look up at you. He moves up your body and you melt against the mattress as he settles on top of you, his body engulfing yours, holding your legs open. “I can..” you start to tell him that you can go down on him but he shakes his head. “Next time, love. This is about you, okay?” he’s staring down at you, eyes full of adoration. His mouth meets yours in a slow and lazy, sweet kiss and you whine at the taste of yourself in his mouth. He lines his cock up with your throbbing, needy cunt and eases himself into you, going completely still when he’s halfway in and he feels your entire body clench as if it hurt.
He’s so thick and this is your first time so as he slips into you, it feels as if you’re being split in two. But there’s a pleasure in the way it burns and you’re attempting to rock yourself up and down his thick, veiny member as you grip his shoulders and cling to him. He chuckles. “Just be still, baby. You..” he groans, biting at your neck gently and leaving another mark behind, another one that won’t be well hidden at all, “You gotta get used to me.”
“Topper.” you whine his name and the way you’re clinging to him has him melting inside. Because right now, you need him. You want him so bad you’re whining and clinging to him and it just feels so fucking good. He never wants it to end and he knows that now, he’s going to be addicted.
You’re starting to get used to the way he fills you and you’re rocking yourself against him, clumsy and slow. Which is a damn good thing because your walls grip him and squeeze like a vise and it’s been a while and this all feels way too good for him. He can feel his cock flinch, an orgasm barely held at bay with every little move you make until he pulls halfway out, cock-warming you as he tries to fight his way back from the edge. “Easy, love.” he coaxes, warm and breathy against the shell of your ear, “I wanna..” his eyes flutter open and closed because you’re trying to pull him all the way into you and it just feels so good,”Fuck.” he groans out, “Take my time with you.”
“Baby, please.” you’re begging even more now, whiny and needy, the two very things you go above and beyond to avoid being but your filter is gone, you can’t think about anyone or anything else but how good.. How solid the weight of him feels as he presses himself down into your body completely, a hand raising to pin your hands flat against the pillow by your wrist. How good it feels every single time his mouth conquers your own.
You’re chasing his cock, trying to pull him completely in and your nails catch against muscular shoulders, dragging down his back. He groans at the way it feels and when you manage to wrap your legs around his hips, he chuckles into your mouth. “How’s that feel, love?” he asks, picking up the pace of his deep thrusts just slightly. It’s enough but somehow, it’s also not enough at the same time. You whine out his name, nipping at the  shell of his ear, “So good. So good, Topper, don’t..” you moan as his cock bottoms out once and then all over again in the next deep drive, “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” 
He  slows way down and you’re pouting about it, he’s peppering every exposed inch of skin with soft kisses and little nips. Breathless as he gazes down at you, enjoying every second of the way it feels to watch you come apart below him, pinned. Taking his cock over and over. And his mind is still blown that he’s the only guy to have you like this yet. “Oh you want me to keep goin, huh?” he chuckles against the curve of your neck, glancing at you. You nod eagerly. Clinging to him. Tears glisten in your eyes.
And if he thought he was falling too hard and too fast for you before, he’s proven wrong because the way you’re looking up at him, the way you’re touching him, the way you chase down every single inch of his cock when he pulls out halfway and you’re frantic to get him buried back inside of you… It feels so good. He knows he’s as good as fucked and there’s nothing he won’t do to be the only boy you ever want or need again. He’s already fallen, it’s too late. Now nothing will do but him.. Getting you all to himself. Where he can give you the love you deserve.
“Please?” you beg, breathless. Falling head over heels with no filter or censor to stop it. Giving yourself over to the way it feels so good when he holds you and the way he kisses you like he needs you to breathe. It’s scary, feeling the way you feel about him. It’s scary and it’s thrilling. 
Topper starts to speed up, his hands grip your hips roughly, squeezing with every single deep drive he makes. “You feel so good, love. So fucking good. You’re such a good girl, takin me so well.” he mutters against your ear as he coaxes, “Think you can give me another, baby?”
“Fuck.” you whine out against his collarbone as you cling to him and your pussy clenches him tight, your orgasm shattering through you and leaving you dizzy, colored dots lining your vision as he melts down into you even more. Because skin to skin is the closest he can get to you and he knows it, but somehow, it’s just not enough and he craves more. It’s getting harder and harder to control himself and fight off his own orgasm. He pulls out halfway, cock-warming you again as he crashes his mouth against yours and when you deepen the kiss, try to pull him back inside you, he’s almost shaking because he continues to try to hold it at bay. “Don’t wanna cum yet, love..” he groans out as he nips at your bottom lip, teeth tugging at soft skin, “Wanna last longer for you.”
“Topper, baby.. Please, I need it. Need you.” you whine and the sound is so needy, so sweet, a hushed whimper against his throat as your lips latch on. He doesn’t want to stop because he doesn’t want to pull out of you just yet, you fit together with him too well.
It’s going to be addicting, he can feel it deep in his bones already.
He goes still, pressing his lips against your hairline as he raises a hand to caress your face and both of you try again and fail again at attempting to catch your breath because you just can’t keep your mouths away from each other long enough to do so.
But he can’t hold off any longer, he can feel himself getting so dangerously close and no amount of stopping or tensing up is helping at all. His thrusts turn sloppy as the sound of skin meeting skin echoes off the wall of your bedroom, shattering the silence. You’re clinging to him all over again, your nails leaving crescents in the back of his shoulders as he bottoms out, making you moan his name. Louder. He shatters, his hips stammering as his cock throbs, empties, painting your walls white and you dig your nails and whine, pulling him down on top of you completely, your mouth crashing against his in a deep kiss as he comes down from the high.
As the two of you lie there, he grimaces at a particularly deep mark he’s left on the  side of your neck. “I didn’t.. I didn’t hurt you, right?”
“No. It felt so good. So good,baby.” you mumble, a yawn cutting into your words. He falls to the bed beside you and immediately pulls you against him all over again, dragging his fingers up and down your spine to trace it. 
And neither of you can bring yourself to ask the question you’re both dying  to. You choose to snuggle yourself up to him and just enjoy the way it feels to lie there, skin to skin, his arms around you. Because maybe if you don’t push. Maybe if you just lean into whatever is happening… Maybe it’s just better this way.
But you’re already dreading in the back of your mind what you’re pretty sure will wind up happening. Sooner or later, this will be over. Because he’s bored, he has to be. And you’ll keep telling yourself that until you don’t secretly hope that it’s not the case. Because it’s the only defense you have.
Deep down you know it’s too late, you know you’re falling for him. You just can’t bring yourself to admit it yet.
,, because what are the chances he’ll feel the same.” you wonder to yourself as you nuzzle your face against his chest and settle yourself against him, turned to the side so you can still sort of see the television. Topper catches himself staring down at you as you drift off to sleep and he takes a few shaky breaths.
Every part of him is dying to talk about what just happened, but every part of him is also scared to death to bring it up. As he watches you dozing off, he decides that maybe he should just let it be. Maybe just letting it happen is better than pushing. Coming off too needy. Wanting you all to himself way too much. 
Because look how well that worked out for him before.
But everything about this feels so much different. And he knows it already. It’s too late. He’s in over his head.
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gabykatttt · 2 months
Love Triangle
A Veneer x Kidritz x Pamenilia
Chapter 1
It was fresh breezy day. Veneer and Floyd were sitting on the bench enjoying their ice cream.
So Floyd how’s your song coming along? Veneer asked licking his ice cream.
It’s going good Floyd replied licking his ice cream.
Veneer continued to enjoy his dessert until he saw KidRitz and Pamenilia walking by. Veneer gulped and blushed.
Are you okay Veneer? Floyd ask causing Veneer to snap.
Oh yeah I’m fine just having a fever Veneer said going back to eat his ice cream.
Okay if you say so Floyd said.
Veneer you don’t mind if I sing this song? Floyd asked.
Sure Veneer said smiling. Floyd took a deep breath and started singing.
Floyd 🎶🎤
Everybody loves you, baby
You should trademark your face
Linin' down the block to be around you
But, baby, I'm first in place
Face card, no cash, no credit
Yes, God, don't speak, you said it
Look at you
Skip the application, interview
Sweet like Marabou
Look, look at you
Give me a call if you ever get lonely
I'll be like one of your girls or your homies
Say what you want, and I'll keep it a secret
You get the key to my heart, and I need it
Give me a call if you ever get desperate
I'll be like one of your girls
Everybody wants you, baby (everybody)
You should insure that waist (with the highest policy you can get)
Bet nobody wants you bad as I do
Baby, let me plead my case, yeah
Face card, no cash, no credit
Yes, God, don't speak, you said it
Look at you
Pop the culture, iconography
Is standin' right in front of me
Look, look at you
Give me a call if you ever get lonely
I'll be like one of your girls or your homies
Say what you want, and I'll keep it a secret
You get the key to my heart, and I need it
Give me a call if you ever get desperate
I'll be like one of your girls
Ah, ah-ah (ah, ah-ah)
Give me a call if you ever get desperate
I'll be like one of your girls
Wow Floyd you sound amazing Veneer said clapping his hands.
Thank you Floyd said.
Mind if I sing a song for our friendship? Veneer asked.
Sure go ahead Floyd said.
Veneer took a deep breath and started singing.
Veneer 🎶🎤
Never known anyone like you before
Someone who could make me smile
When I've fallen down on the floor
Never laughed so hard 'til I met you
Somehow you get me when nobody else has
It's ok to be me next to you
It feels good to be one of the two just like glue
Me and you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
So glad I've got a guy like you
Me and you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Always got each other's back we do
'Cause everything's a little bit better
When you and I stick together
Stuck on you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Me and you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
If you need a shoulder you got mine
If you're ever in a pinch you know
I'd give you my very last dime
Two peas in a pod, me and you
In perfect harmony we're bobbing our heads to the groove
It's ok to be me next to you
It feels good to be one of the two just like glue
Me and you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
So glad I've got a guy like you
Me and you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Always got each other's back we do
'Cause everything's a little bit better
When you and I stick together
Stuck on you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Me and you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Wow Veneer I’m impressed by your voice Floyd said clapping his hands.
Why thank bestie Veneer said getting up from the bench.
Floyd got on Veneer’s shoulder.
Let’s go home Veneer said.
Agree it’s getting chilly out here Floyd said. As they headed back home.
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trashcanfanfics · 1 year
Hey! Can I have a oneshot where poly!Alastor and Bill Cipher’s s/o comes out to them as asexual, but is really nervous to do so? (I’m about to come out as ace and demiro and I’m excited but Absolutely Terrified, wish me luck 😎) thanks so much!!!
I saw your other ask and really it's fine if you request anytime now, I'm just doing these as I go, really. Also, about the mega long hiatus, I've just been not motivated lately but I'm trying to get out of the funk, so here we are!
"You can do this, you can do this" you chanted to yourself over and over again. Nerves on fire, you rounded the corner to the living area of Alastor's lodge. Your lodge, you have to remind yourself. You've been living here for months now. Bill comes to visit often when he's not running around in other dimensions, but it's as much his as his underwear is on the bedroom floor. Alastor once went on about how he loves the little things things you all left around while he was drunk.
The living room is as lived in as the rest of the house. Your knickknacks are proudly displayed next to both your lovers'. It calms you down a little to see that the both are just sitting enjoying what conversation they were having. Bill's obnoxious laughter filled the air as you stepped into the room. Alastor smiled fondly before his eye caught yours.
"Darling! Good afternoon!" At the enthusiastic greeting, Bill turned towards you in the doorway. He stumbled up off the couch and rushed towards you. The way he seemed to be wobbly on his legs made you think he just turned to his more humanoid form when he got here. You laughed the first time he showed you this form and fell over.
"Sweetheart!" He grabbed your upper arms to balance himself and kissed your lips with gusto. You kissed back with a giggle before he pulled away and tugged you towards the couch. Once sat, he leaned on you with an arm around you shoulders. "How have you been since I last graced your dead presence?"
"I've been okay," You glanced at Alastor briefly with a smile, "there is one thing, though." They both looked at you with their full attention. That used to freak you out, the way they would stare at you with unblinking eyes, or eye in Bill's case, for long periods of time, but you've come to appreciate it. It means they're looking and listening.
"Oh? And what would that be, my dear?" Alastor's voice was questioning, but there was the undertone of caution. He tapped one of his fingers as his grip twitched on the arm rest of the chair he sat in. You took a deep breath and remembered he loves you and had said so many times. Bill too. The both love you dearly and this wasn't going to change anything. Right?
"Uh, well, I...I'm, uh," you swallowed and looked down, "Jesus this is harder than I thought." You started picking at the skin on your fingers. Bill used his other hand to grab them gently. You took another deep breath. If you were still alive, you were sure you'd only hear your heartbeat right now.
"You can tell us, yanno." Bill spoke softer than you thought him capable. "What's the worse that could happen?" That brought the image of them both telling you to leave or that you're not actually what you say. Maybe even say you're insulting them by basically saying you aren't satisfied.
"Uh, well, um," you looked back up to see Alastor's brows pinched in worry, his smile smaller than normal and Bill's small frown and worried eye. "I'm asexual, I think...I'm sure." Both of them relaxed and let out sighs of relief.
"God, is that it? I thought it was something bad!" Bill took his hand off yours and lifted it to his forehead as he laughed. "Christ, sweetheart, I nearly felt fear! Ow!" He looked at Alastor, who had his shadow smack the back of the triangle man's head. "What?" Alastor rolled his eyes and looked back to you with a big smile.
"I'm so glad you told us, darling!" Alastor leaned towards you and grabbed both your hands in his. "We love you any way you are, you know!" His eyes held a tender gaze. He squeezed your hands gently.
"Yeah, don't know why you were worried, though! Al's ace too." Bill kissed your temple. Alastor got up from his chair and sat on the other side of you, still holding your hands, and kissed you lightly. "Hey! What about me?" You could feel Bill's pout. Alastor brought one hand to his lips and then smushed it against Bill's face. You laughed as he fell over and gasped dramatically.
"It's not about you right now, you dramatic triangle!" Alastor's voice had no malice in it, despite the words. You laughed harder and Bill gasped louder.
"Look who's talking, you red menace!" This caused them both to start a verbal battle that turned into playful fighting with their abilities. You laughed and smiled on the sidelines, wondering why you ever would be worried when you were surrounded by so much love and care.
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jellazticious · 11 months
What you said abt cheesecake being hard to pull off is so real honestly
So many people portray it in ways that make almost all the characters unlikable in some way, they'll make vigilante downright obsessive at times or they'll make Noise a complete jerk
Worse of all is when they completely reduce Noisette to like a prop to do nothing but look pretty, act dumb or be sad when Noise is mean to her tho tbh that may just be moreso general fandom misogyny than ship flanderization
Your portrayal doesn't fall into any of that and has a lot of what I like about cheesecake still in tact, even if its not 100% my interpretation I still heavily enjoy how you write them. You do a good job of making the characters stay entertaining while also doing a good job of conveying like the subtle workings of their head if that makes any sense
Anyway thanks for reading this if you did, i like cheesecake, a lot of it sucks but yours is epic
Like I said, it's like serving pufferfish. You gotta do it right lest you die but otherwise, it's edible but not everyone's gonna like it
Pizza Tower characters are so FAAAAAAAARRR from serious but they're still delicate to handle when you're trying to connect the very few and subtle dots the game gives you from the background.
I'm glad you like my portrayal of them even if they're not exactly how you see them, unlike some people who had the point fly over their heads cuz they can't grasp the concept of relationship conflicts that can end well. ohhhhh the amount of people in my notes getting a stretched wrong idea from that comic/storyboard. People see a love triangle and all logic flies out the window cuz they always expect it to be the same generic story. But yeah, thank you for the ask, I love reading elabourate stuff in my inbox even if it's applied to one of the stupidest hilarious games.
I look like this talking about Pizza Tower characters in detail fjbgkjsr
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isaksbestpillow · 10 months
I am so glad you're feeling better and blogging again. I was honestly feeling so lost without seeing you on my dash. I felt like i didn't know what to watch if i haven't seen you comment on it. I basically haven't watched any BL while you were away because i didn't know what was good without your expertise. So i guess this is me asking you what would you recommend to me/what is it that you've enjoyed in the last couple of months. It could be a show/film/book really anything
I am wishing and hoping your health will continue to improve and you will stop being in pain and that you will find a new balance in your life 🫶
Thank you!💜💜💜 It's good to be semi-back! Endo is still a pain in the uterus and I'm on constantly on my toes waiting for things to get worse again but compared to how hopeless I was mere months ago there has been a lot of improvement. 💜 Once I'm better, I'm definitely gonna take this experience and get into advocacy for gyn diseases!!!!!
I'm also quite behind on what's going on in bl, but I'll list a couple of shows I've liked!
Be My Favourite (Gmmtv) This really exceeded my expectations of which there were none. The time travel plot seemed a bit wacky at first, but it turned out to be a really lovely story about acceptance and regrets. The main couple is cute once you warm up to their mismatched energy and the love triangle for once is done with no misogyny. There's also some really nice stuff about queer self-discovery! It was a kind little show.
Bokura no micro na shuumatsu/The end of the world with you (I watched this on good ol' kissasian because I'm against Viki by principle, but it's on there if you use it)
This is potentially a show that divides opinions but I loooooved it (I also feel like there are some cultural elements that may have been lost on some viewers). Despite the bleak premise (the world is about to end because of a meteor), it's actually a very kind and poignant story about loss and regret (see a pattern here lol it's my favourite trope) and hope most of all. It really hit home for me since I've had such a terrible year. There are quite many explicit scenes so I wouldn't watch this on the bus.
Shows I expect to like but haven't watched yet:
Laws of Attraction (one31 on Youtube) I really liked these guys on the lakorn/soap Khun chai so I'm excited to watch this one. In Khun chai they fought homophobia in the 1940s, now they're fighting injustice in the Thai law system. It's a soap so I expect there to be some dramatic tomfoolery, but that's part of the fun since it's interesting to see queer stories in this generally very heterosexual genre. Also, the hot mom from Never let me go is there.
Dangerous Romance (Gmmtv) The actors are good and the story seems complex enough so I expect to like this even though I have nothing to base my claims on.
Crash landing on you (Netflix) I watched this while I was alone and housebound. At first I felt like there were too many episodes but I was really sad when it ended. Could've done without the comas and sure the portrayal of the north korean military wasn't entirely realistic, but the characters and the story were super engaging and it was interesting to see ordinary north koreans portrayed in such a positive light as people trying to make it in their oppressive system. One of my favourite things I've watched this year for sure!!
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I see that in your pinned post you like the lunar chronicles and I wanted to talk about it to someone
I’m currently on book one not super far into but I’m really enjoying it and starting to understand why is a popular series (also I’m listening to it on audio book which is something I never do but it’s also super good)
Hi Kay! Ooh yay, this ask made me so happy! I love the Lunar Chronicles and am super glad you're enjoying them! Not only are those books incredible, but they also give me really fond memories, since I read them all (at least, the original four) during a two-week program I went to in the summer of 2021 at a college that happens to be the college I will be attending this fall! So those books have very special memories attached to them for me.
I remember reading and liking the first book a lot, but in my opinion, it only gets better from here. The first book was fun and entertaining, but I got to the point where I could not make myself put down the second book, read the third in two days while I was also very busy, and stayed up much later than I should have to finish the 800-page monster that is the final book. So, all that to say... I was entranced. These books had me under a spell, which I didn't break even after I was finished.
But! Rambling over, I'm so glad you're liking them! Feel free to rant to me in my inbox about them any time- I hope you have fun with the rest of the books. I'm sure you can see this already, but it has incredible characters, really sweet romances with absolutely zero love triangles (thank goodness), and some of the best found family I've ever read.
And I'm glad you're liking the audiobook! Personally, I don't tend to listen to audiobooks when I read a book for the first time, but if I enjoyed a book I love going back to listen to the audiobook, so maybe I'll have to check that out! Is the narrator good? I'm listening to the Keeper audiobooks right now (I'm on Neverseen) and I obviously love the books but the narration makes me cringe sometimes, especially when she does accents. But I've heard some incredibly narrated audiobooks as well, so if you like the narration maybe I'll have to give it a shot! I've been wanting to reread those books anyway.
And somewhat related- I know my blog is primarily a KOTLC blog, but in my pinned post I have some other books/media you can talk to me about! I'll be updating that soon, so if anyone wants to talk about something else (mostly books tbh) I have those in my pinned post :)
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i figured that you'd be interested in knowing that the fitz on your character ai thing is very convinced that a) wylie is part of the neverseen b) wylie's mom cyrah is alive c) when the neverseen kidnapped wylie they were actually rescuing him and d) cyrah was mind controlling him using 'moroz'
this came up when i asked him which neverseen member he hates the most
i couldnt include screenshots cause it was on guest, then when i signed up because i thought it was hilarious it restarted it
oh god hes now telling me that gisela is an inflictor and he's also an empath
thank you so much this is hilarious
you're so welcome! I didn't expect it to pop off this much, but I'm just really glad people are enjoying it!! also empath fitz would be such a plot twist... the whole idea of going numb, plus obviously how it would affect the love triangle, and would he be able to feel sophie's feelings through the air...
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edwardskhakipants · 2 years
I see you and other EdBella shippers talk about how you didn’t like the dynamic between them in Eclipse, or that you reject Breaking Dawn entirely, and I’ve never understood why. Could you please explain? Loving your new fics by the way ☀️
I can't speak for everyone, obviously. And honestly, you've poked the bear with this question. Here comes a rant... (I am so sorry)
My issues with EC aren't with EdBella at all. They have some beautiful moments. "Take care of my heart, I left it with you" "you're the only one who's touched my heart, it will always be yours" "you love me more than I deserve". I can go on and on.
My issue is how drastically every character changed to make the ridiculous love triangle work.
Jacob is the most obvious, and we'll step right over that mess.
Edward went from, "I'm going to be overbearing for the next few weeks. I don't want you to think I'm naturally a tyrant," when Bella found out about the nomads, to breaking apart Bella's truck and lying to her all the damn time.
Bella is the worst. In the other two books, Bella was recklessly selfless and good to her core. It was what brought me (and Edward) to love her. But in EC, the entire plot was centered around her selfishness.
She was unapologetically selfish, and everyone let her! Edward flat-out blamed himself for his fiance cheating on him. Even Alice was sympathetic towards Bella having to choose between her own brother and her natural enemy. She had every, single person's devotion and support while not offering either of those things to anyone else.
And for what? What did the love triangle bring to the story? You cannot tell me a single Team Jacob person out there honestly thought Bella would choose Jacob over Edward. They were engaged. Obsessed with one another. I could see the point of the love triangle if Bella broke up with Edward and he needed to win her heart back from Jacob, but there wasn't even any of that. All the love triangle did was make Bella look tactless, self-centered, and unfaithful.
And Edward deserved better than that. I guess that would be my issue with EdBella in EC. Edward deserved better. At the very least, he deserved to get upset for being treated as he did. But he didn't get that. He just sat there, smiled through the pain, and let Bella do what she wanted. And in the end, he sat her down in the meadow and offered to give her everything she wanted, no strings attached. No lessons learned, there.
Breaking Dawn is another story entirely. Again, nothing with EdBella's dynamic. I read the first five chapters of that book probably a dozen times. I simply stopped caring. I didn't care about the baby. I didn't care about Jacob's POV. And I did not care about Bella's life as a vampire after it came so naturally to her.
Sorry for the Eclipse rant there... but thank you for the ask! And I'm glad you're enjoying my fics!
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ahundredtimesover · 2 years
I've been struggling with sending you a feedback for chapter 3 and 4 for three reasons :
1. The confusion of changing dynamics and feelings has me reeling and i want to slow down (not the plot but my beating heart) before I form an opinion because it's easy to fawn over the closeness of our lead couple but there are too many variables attached.
2. I feel the guilt for Seri, I feel terrible for her.. Her boyfriend is one wide shouldered red flag who's had his reasons but they are ambiguous ones and even he can't figure out the reason for his secrecy. Also the fact that he hasn't thought about Seri or pined over her absence is another red flag. Calling it a red flag makes me guilty bcz this is Jin and we know what the plot is about but i just.. My inner female is growling and disapproving of this behavior
3. The third reason is quite stupid I just had a terribly hectic week and each time I tried to read the chapter or send you an ask i ended up passing out due to sheer exhaustion with the phone falling flat on my face and that's also why I've had a delayed response because I needed to read 3 and 4 several times together and note their flow with each other.
4. What I loved was:
a) the very domestic vibe they carried withe ach other. Its quite wholesome to see them interact and comfort each other as if it's a daily occurrence.
b) the skinship keeps increasing and it's borderline flirting. The sexual tension is building up very slowly and that's the charm of it. I enjoyed the second kiss in the 4th chapter because it stemmed from real feeling and curiousity I feel?
c) everyone including Taehyung is just rooting for them🥴 us included 😂 Sorry Seri😢
d) I love the soft pillow talk (wrong in this context but you know what I mean) the soft touches, caressing the cheeks, cupping them,the compliments were overflowing, the sunblock moment. Those soft secret and otherwise smiles Jin gives her at all times make for some very pleasant dreamy moments and makes the chapters so worthwhile to read.
5. Jin isn't a bad guy here but I think he's unfair, he's stringing Seri along. Even when he talks about her he feels relief that she's not fussy. She's just a side chick at the moment who he sees as he pleases. Idk relationships are complicated.. 😭 And im struggling to form an opinion on this part and just waiting to ride this one out.. But as the lead couple gets closer to each other, so does the guilt settle more and more in his heart.
6. This is an unpopular opinion and i may be hated for this but jin seems very fickle minded - his emotions keep swaying, he had a type in which Seri fit, OC is different so she's refreshing.. He is glad to spend all this time with OC and didn't even think about Seri.. I know these are turning points but I'm trying to find a ground for forming an opinion and currently my brain is overwhelmed with the possibilities that their relationship triangle will take..
I'm sorry for the late one i felt so guilty for not being prompt because that's how I show my love to amazing people like you 💕 hope you had a wonderful week and looking forward to chapter 5 and hoping it untangles some threads in my head 😂
Ahhh I always live for your asks no matter when you send them! I'm just thankful you're one (of several hehe) who even reads this story so thank you 🥰🥰
Ah, yes, the complication of all this. I think it's the first time I've written something that's not too straightforward or easy to judge in terms of relationship... and it will be like that for a litte while 🫣
My inner female is growling at Jin, too! But we'll get Seri's part a few chapters from now, and we'll get to understand her thinking, too, and why she held on as long as she did. While I was writing this, my best friend's words of "he makes me feel safe, and that's all that mattered," kept ringing in my head; she said that about her boyfriend who didn't have a good track record in terms of fidelity (I'm not defending it!) but that whole conversation made me think deeply about the values we prioritize over others, of what safety means, and the things we choose to overlook over something that matters more to us, given our respective pasts.
Pls never apologize for this! It's been a tough few weeks for me, too, but pls make sure you get proper rest. Love that you make time for this still huhu 🥹
Everything you said! In their own little world, things are indeed dreamy and giddy, and they find that peace in each other bc they're the ones put in this position, and I wanted to highlight that as well.
Jin is being unfair, but also not entirely a bad guy, and I wrote him as such! There are variables and human emotions and complications of relationships that I wanted to string in here and hopefully, the readers get to understand what I meant to portray at the end of it.
And no worries at all! Again, I wrote him as such. I've read a few boss Jin fics where he's very powerful and dominant. He still is in this story, in terms of how he handles his work, but given his own relationship experience and upbringing, he is the way he is - indecisive, fickle-minded. And I wanted to highlight that side of his character, too.
Thank you so much again! Not sure about chapter 5 entangling some threads for u hehehe but I hope you enjoy it! 💕💕
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sansaorgana · 6 months
so, I was never interested in the hunger games when the movies first released (and I'm not a big book reader, so i didn't know it was a book first). But mainly because it was advertised to me as a love triangle teen romance.
and I'm so mad that that's how it was advertised. because, because of you reblogging so many gif sets and ppl talking about the prequel movie, I actually sat down to watch them and they're so good? It's so much more than a frivolous teen love triangle. Like, the love story isn't the main plot of the story at all and it was still so heavily marketed as such where I live. Like, there was even "Team Peeta vs. Team Gale" stuff.
anyways, you're one of the reasons i gave it a chance, and i really enjoyed the movies, so thank you!
hi, sweetheart! this message made me blush a little, I feel like an influencer now 😅
I was a huge fan of The Hunger Games when I was about 14. I've read the books and went to the cinema to see the first and second movie but with time I grew out of it (and other YA stuff) and I haven't even watched last two movies until now. I had to rewatch the first movie for my master thesis and I decided to watch them all this time. I'm also planning to watch the prequel soon 🐍🦅
I get what you mean when you talk about the love triangle. The thing I hate the most about YA is the amount of love. And yes, The Hunger Games are more than romance but still the amount of it is annoying to me, especially now when I'm older. Like, Katniss is a teenager trying to survive under a regime, she's fighting for her life, she is forced to murder other children and she's taking care of her family. I really feel like the trope of her being in a love triangle is not needed there at all... Especially that she is portrayed as a type of girl who suually doesn't get lots of attention from the boys but of course she suddenly has to choose between two. 🙄 I also don't ship her with Peeta for lots of reasons and I do like Gale which is an unpopular opinion but it's not like I think she should be with him either; not after everything that has happened at least. I'm not asexual or aromantic but I do believe love is overrated and I am sick of romantic relationships being literally everywhere. Sometimes when I watch older war movies, I am surprised how none of the subplots are romantic, meanwhile nowadays almost everything has to have some romance and it's bleeeeh if you ask me 😅
However, the books and movies are more than this love triangle anyway but a huge part of social media and the fandom shallowed the plot to the "team Gale" vs "team Peeta" and it's sad tbh.
Long story short; I am not a fan of YA anymore, I am way too old to relate to it but The Hunger Games are really good for the books and movies of that genre. I wish the discourse in the fandom was focusing less on the romance between Katniss and Peeta and focus more on the depths of some characters like President Snow, President Coin, Plutarch or Gale himself who has a very interesting trope but it's being overlooked because of the hatred that a huge part of the fandom holds for him.
By the way, I am a bit scared of watching the prequel because President Snow is my favourite character and I am scared to see him being portrayed by another actor but also I don't like the story (from the trailers at least)... Once again they gave him some *heartbreaking romance* story that was supposed to turn him cruel or whatever and in my opinion this is making his character shallow instead of giving him depth. Like, can we already stop making everything about romantic love? 🙄
I am sorry for the very long reply and I am glad that you enjoyed the movies. It also makes me happy that I was the person who introduced you to this fandom. Sometimes blogging on Tumblr feels like I am posting to the void and like no one even cares but such messages always make my day 🌞
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five-miles-over · 11 months
No pressure or anything (I’m just big fan and I’m curious) - are you gonna continue „Age of Loki”? Those two chapters are great ❤️
Hi, anon! Thanks so much for your ask. I'm really glad that you're enjoying "The Age of Loki".
I've just posted Part Three, which features Loki getting to know more of the professor's life.
It'd be wonderful to continue the series; I have some ideas for Loki, the professor, and the reader as a trio and as a love triangle. One of the scenes I had in mind was the three of them visiting a club on a Friday night, and Loki "saves" Professor Hiddleston from a crazy chick trying to hit on him by turning into Lady Loki. And she just appears behind Hiddleston looking absolutely breathtaking and being like, "You need something, luv?"
Just an idea. Thanks again for the ask, and I hope you enjoy part 3 :)
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triangle-tattoo · 1 year
Hi, I can see that you're not on here loads anymore but if you are next time... let me tell you something weird. I made a ficrec challenge once, you were tagged and you answered it. triangle-tattoo tumblr com/post/137031357088/the-fic-challenge and I just read through that again (please don't ask lol) and your taste on that were so similar to mine. Hope if anything this has made you smile. Have a good day! byeee
Hi honey, there something quite poetic in me not seeing this ask for months and months, letting it be cover with a tone of bots and scams, and then seeing it today when I'm doing a spring cleaning and changing the layout and "coming out" with this nice bts member profile pic... Yeah, I'm here rarely, but I wanna be more, because I can't deal with all the bad and sad on twitter. And I've realize that the only reason why I'm avoiding this is because a lot of things make me sad as well here.
So I did a spring cleaning, unfollowed - from my main, this is side, some where nice, very active people, and kept the fic writers and added some fandoms and content I enjoy more now. Because there's more love and happiness there. This post you've sent is such blast from the past. I was sooo depressed and fucked up back then, but those fics and fandom here held me together. Having a good cry to any of those angsty ones did more for me than therapy back then. What a brilliant bunch of writers and good fandom we had!
Yeah it made me smile, thank you! What a great taste we have, bub! Jokes aside, I'm glad you love them as well! (I still think that that prompt would be a hit back then in the hands of a good and funny writer!) Thank you for coming by (ages ago), you can drop by whenever, I'll still be here, queer and reading fics, just much happier now. <3
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daechwitatamic · 1 year
I've just caught up on the last three chapters of MFFMHH and have so many things to say!
Firstly, their poetry brain sex in Part III was so cute. Throughout all of these chapters there are so many small moments where the two of them just are able to see and understand each other in ways others can't, and it's so sweet.
Secondly, I totally went into this thinking this was going to be one of those stories where while things are building between OC and Namjoon, she's totally oblivious/in denial about it because she's still so caught up on Taehyung until some sort of "are you an idiot, woman?!" moment. But I'm so pleasantly surprised this is not the case and from the get go she is open to admitting and exploring her feelings for him. And that she went for it! This is a much more interesting way of navigating the arc of this love triangle and I really appreciate that choice for OC. That's what I love about your stories the most, they always subvert my expectations.
But as a side note, these two seem to be worrying about what the Taehyung of it all means for the two of them, but what about the fact that they are roommates?! That's awkward, guys! They didn't really have to navigate it yet since he immediately went out of town after their make out session, but I absolutely cannot imagine having to cohabitate with someone you are openly crushing on/trying to date. I would be a nervous wreck.
Taehyung is still be annoying af, but the fact that OC herself has recognized at this point that their relationship is a bit unhealthy and is not a total victim to his antics has made me soften on him a bit. But I'm sure as he feels her start to distance herself, he is not going to react very maturely. I'm so curious to learn more about their backstory! At face value, they seem to not have a ton in common, but I'm sure there is a deep history there having spent their formative years together. And since it's something we all have experienced, I love this opportunity to explore how friendships and closeness change as two people grow and mature in their own ways. I like the choice that you've made though to not share the full backstory with us yet, because it puts us in Namjoon's perspective coming in to the situation and not quite understanding what the pull is between them. Hopefully we will learn more, maybe when OC decides to share it with Namjoon herself?
On the off chance you actually enjoy my constant spamming of your asks, I'm sorry I've been so MIA! I hope all is going well with school and work and life in general for you. Also, Suga/Agust D tour ahhhh! Are you going to go?! If you come to LA we will have to chat favorite spots.
PALM TREE ANON CAME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was hoping you were okay and just busy!!!
ahhhh thank you :') i had a lot of things i "didn't want" for this story and i can't say some of them yet bc spoilers, but one of them was i didn't want that "oblivious bc of my other feelings" storyline. i wanted namjoon and oc both in it from the beginning, so i'm glad that's something you're liking!
hasfhkasfjh that is a very fair thought. i'm gonna... not speak on the 'awkward roommates' thing yet but.... thoughts are being thunk.
ah the backstory :) lol another thing i would LOVE to talk about but can't yet. WHY IS IT SO HARD NOT TO SPOIL MY OWN STORY. all i can say is stay tuned!!!
"on the off chance you actually enjoy my spamming" AS IF I WASN'T *LITERALLY* WHINING TO OTHER PEOPLE THAT I WAS SCARED YOU WERE GONE FOREVER sakjfkashfkjhas PLS i missed you!!!!!! i hope you just had normal busy life shit and nothing, like, terrible going on. <3 all is the same here, trudging through grad school one day at a time.
ALSO AGUST D TOUR yes i am going to absolutely try my hardest to get tickets!!!!! i'm on the east coast though so i will be trying for the newark and ny shows! i flew to la for PTD and.... i can't afford to fly across the country for min yoongi a second time lmfaooooo
i'm so glad to hear from you, pls take care of yourself out there!! thank you for sharing your thoughts, i YELLED when i saw the notif!!!!
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miscellanekas · 2 years
Oh my goodness, Gather Your Courage is so good! I'm loving the different dynamics between the Link groups you made, and the "oh crap, we're all heroes" conversations are hilarious. You also do an awesome job of describing the setting from the point of view of different Links. Can't wait for more chapters (and Sky and Wars)! I am definitely curious about the scene you pulled from the most recent chapter. What was it about?
Thanks so much!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Ya'll are being so kind to meeeee
the biggest scene is basically just an expansion on Wild finding the Master Sword for the first time. I worked really hard on it and I really liked it. ... .uhuhuhu... but it's long and I don't think it quite does what I wanted.
I'm gonna put it under a cut here, so feel free to read it.
Another scene I liked that got cut has Twilight calling Wild a goat because he climbs up a hill really good, so like, kinda pointless and it just makes an already long chapter drag. Such a shame. I'll have to work in acknowledgement for Wild's goat-like qualities elsewhere.
Grass tickles his ankle, cool and comforting, a breeze rustles his hair. The meady smell of loamy soil and dewy leaves fills his nose. He blinks and he is deep in a forest, breathing heavily and staring around him in all directions. It is night, the moon high in the sky, though he can’t see it now; the trees above him weave their branches together into an impenetrable ceiling. He is still in his sleep clothes, small tears littering the white linen from brambles and branches snagging in it. His legs ache from running and he is hopelessly lost.
The monsters hadn’t followed him, just as his mother said. Nothing dared enter the Lost Woods with its thick plant life and choking fog for fear of ending up like Link himself. He is not so concerned for himself, but somewhere between one grimacing, grinning tree and the next, he lost his sister. He searched for her, but kept running in circles until he passed through a ruined stone archway and into a clearer bit of wood. Torches stand tall beyond it, burning brightly. Grass as tall as his waist sways in the breeze that churns the fog around him.
There is the sound like the beans inside a child’s toy and Link freezes, fearing that the monsters had found him. Instead, a little creature shaped like a knob of wood comes waddling at him through the tall grass. It makes a pleasant rattling noise, tiny with a little mask cut from a large leaf. It bumps into his frozen legs, and bounces back with a little, high-pitched squeak. Once it shakes the daze from itself and looks up, it waves its tiny arms in the air. “Mr. Hero!” it cries.
At the cheer, hundreds more descend from the trees. Link lets out a yelp as they crowd him, all lifting tiny, stumpy arms and begging to be hugged, held, and piggy-backed. They tell him how long it's been since they saw him, how much they missed him. Link has no idea what they are talking about. He isn’t a hero, he’s Link! He’s never been in this forest before. He is a good boy. He listens to his mother, does his chores, and is nice to his sister, when she is being annoying.
The little creatures don’t listen, and slowly they walk him through the trees. They crowd him backwards down the worn path, and yet more join their little horde as they make progress. Link swallows. Had he escaped the blin pack just to be killed by a bunch of tiny wooden goblins?
His heel catches on something solid, and he falls backward hard on his rear. He brings his hands down to steady himself and rather than soft grass and damp earth, they meet cold, hard stone. The moon breaks through the trees, nearly blinding him as he looks up. He shields his eyes and looks down to find himself on a triangle dais, moss crawling slowly up over the sides. He turns his head and catches his own warped reflection in the sharp steel of a sword.
It is a beautiful sword, with a blade that almost glows in the moonlight and a winged hilt in a deep purple. It looks magnificent, standing alone and proud in the center of the clearing, and… familiar.
A rumbling reverberates through Link’s body and it takes him a moment to realize that it’s a voice, so deep he feels it in his chest. It forms sounds Link can’t decipher. Clearly, they are words, but of a language long dead, the kind of words spoken in the candle-lit halls of an ancient Temple, or perhaps in this timeless, enchanted forest. He follows the ancient language to an equally ancient looking face. An old man squints at him, his face carved out of the bark of a gigantic tree. He says another thing, and Link watches, mouth agape as the wood moves to form the words. He barely registers the questioning lilt.
“My apologies,” the tree says when Link can do nothing but stare, “You remind me of someone else dear to me. I could not help but speak the words of old.” Impossibly, the tree’s face morphs into something melancholy. A breeze blows between them, rustling leaves and tugging at Link’s clothes. “Though his time, like those words’, has long since passed,” he says quietly.
Link forces his mouth closed. He swallows, legs trembling as he stares up at the tree. Before him, the sword glimmers and sings like bells.
His hand itches. He swallows.
“You have come for the sword, correct?” the tree asks, "It calls you."
Link’s mother always told him not to lie, so he shakes his head. He had not come for the sword. He had come to flee the monsters ransacking his home. Though the sword does tug at him, an invisible fist wrapped tightly around his heart urges him towards it. He resists it, remembering what he had truly been looking for. “I… I can’t find my sister,” he says, voice warbling and weak.
"Take the sword," the tree says, "Go and protect your home."
The tree's face is so sad that Link can feel it welling in his own chest. His eyes prick with tears and his nose burns as he reaches forward. His heart pounds in his chest. The sword sings, the sound of tinkling bells, the brush of morning sunbeams against his closed eyelids, and a voice underneath it all. It is less of a song and more of a sob, echoing in his ears.
Though it seems stuck fast into the stone, Link pulls it as easily as if it were stuck in warm butter. As soon as his hand comes in contact with the hilt, electricity zings through him, from his hand to his toes. A jolt of foreign elation, sunny joy then tempered by somber heaviness. The tears in his eyes run hot down his cheeks, soaking his sleep-shirt collar. He scrubs at them with his opposite hand.
Despite the weight that has settled over his shoulders like a cloak, the sword itself isn't heavy. Link could never lift his father's sword higher than the toes of his boots, but he hefts this sword to the moon, arm barely shaking. The blade catches the light, reflecting beams of pure white around the clearing.
As he lowers it, it feels warm in his palm. The singing in his ears never ceases, just settles into a sound no more noticeable than the ringing of his ears in silence.
He looks up at the tree. He looks back. Link's cheeks are wet, but the tree looks like it ought to be the one crying. "Have courage," he says, his voice deep and somber like the woods.
Link nods. He turns to find the rest of the little creatures have disappeared. It is only him and the tree in the little clearing now. He lifts the sword and he runs back the way he came.
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