#thanks for asking though anon!
renegade-skywalker · 7 months
canvas, night, day for the oc ask meme! for merit or anyone really
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
Merit has her ears pierced. No scars or tattoos to speak of. Though in lieu of scars, her hands can get pretty beat up from plucking at lyre strings and the like. She does what she can to care for her hands, but on the road she tends to suffer from blisters and calluses unless she rests or has access to better medicine/skincare.
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type? / day: What does your OC wear on a normal day? Why do they default to those clothes? Do they wear similar things, or do they change it up?
She's a fan of matching lounge sets in a variety of colors, I imagine Merit's wardrobe back home being full to the brim with both different looks as well as multiple sets of the same outfit but in a variety of colors to suit her mood (both for night/lounging and daywear). Being without access to her usual garb on the road led to her collecting a stupidly large variety of clothes in different colors, even if they were just
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(I need to find/gather more screenshots of her in the variety of outfits I put on her between scenes lol honestly sometimes I'd just load up the game and play dressup with everyone before replaying character specific scenes or camp dialogue just for funsies)
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egophiliac · 4 months
What do you like about the Diasomnia boys if I may ask?
I always love hearing about the different reasons people enjoy characters.
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I mean, c'mon. he has split custody over Sebek okay
also, Lilia in particular has maybe the best timeskip character development of all time
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 chapter 4 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 chapter 4 spoilers#stage in playful land#i hope this is legible whoops#anon i am sorry but you made the fatal mistake of asking me to talk about diasomnia#insert 'i just think they're neat' jpg#i do like the other characters a lot but they are definitely my favorites#they just hit a lot of my favorite things in characters i guess!#yes even you sebek even though you keep shrieking NINGEN at me#(it's okay he gets Character Development™ later)#and their dynamic! it's great! these guys frikking love each other SO much and they WILL have terrible terrible angst about it#ohoho delicious#give me all your emotional hangups baybeeeee#also somewhere in there i went from 'i like them all equally (but lilia is the most fun to draw)'#to 'lilia is absolutely my favorite (and still the most fun to draw) (EVEN MORE fun now thank you swishy ponytail!)'#(it was probably when his candy coating got a little scratched and whoops all the tragedy fell out)#(where's that 'get loved loser' post because i need to staple it to lilia's forehead)#i am extremely bad at putting things into words so please don't ask me to explain it any further#just know that the diafam is everything to me and if we don't get more episode 7 soon i'm going to crumble into dust and blow away#we'll be getting the crowleytimes on monday and maybe there will be. idk. some foreshadowing or something in his groovy#probably not but LOOK i'm desperate
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mischefous · 2 months
There’s this fic series I read and can’t remember the name of but in the first one I think Warriors passes out because of pain from an old injury and Time catches him and he can’t figure out what’s wrong with him, maybe u could draw something like that for ur whump art request?
first request LETS GOOOOOO! thank you Anon!
hmm, I've read a lot but this one doesn't ring a bell
but I tried to do your description justice! hope you enjoy! i apologize if i completely missed the mark on this one XD
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one with the words and without hehe
EDIT! @articuno13 found the fic series this Anon was talking about!!! GO GIB IT HEEEEEAAPS OF LOVE!
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yikesb3rg · 8 months
mkx johnshi maybe?
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httpiastri · 10 months
I'm going crazy thinking about riding Lando in his sim chair
👀 helloooooooooo please the thoughts you brought to my mind..... not very holy
(18+ content below, minors pls dni)
lando has been on the call for way too long now.
he promised he’d just go for one more round on the sim with george and alex, but that was almost two hours ago. you are bored, and the shows on the tv in lando’s living room are not doing enough to help you forget about your boyfriend neglecting you.
when you finally get off the couch and go over to his room, lando is in the exact same position as he was when you left him; body relaxed back against the sim chair, legs spread wide, head slump back against the headrest. he's laughing at something george has just said when his eyes fall on you in the doorway.
"oh, my girl is here!" he exclaims, reaching out a hand towards you as you move closer. "the boys say hi."
you intertwine your fingers with his, leaning down to the mic of his headset. "hi, boys!"
he takes a quick moment to mute himself from the call, looking back up at you. "what's up?"
"can i join you?"
his face lights up. "do you want to play?" his expression then changes when he sees you shaking your head.
"i just want to sit."
he can't quite grasp what you're saying. it doesn't click until you step so close that your knees are bumping against his thigh, just before you drape one of your legs over his lap, sitting down on top of him. lando blinks at you and gulps, not able to control the tent already forming in his pants when you shuffle to find a comfortable position. you know he has always had a weakness for you sitting on his lap, so the innocent eyes and the sweet pout you're showing off are nothing but an act. "is something wrong?" you ask, one of your hands coming up to stroke his cheek as he shivers.
"lando? where did you go, mate?"
in a matter of just seconds, he had managed to forget about his friends and the round they were playing. he's forgotten about everything that isn't you and your pretty face.
"sorry, guys," he says once he's gone off mute. his voice breaks when he tries to speak again, so he coughs and tries one more time. "something has come up, i have to go."
lando doesn't even give his friends time to ask why or say goodbye before he's hung up the call, his focus back on you again. his hands move up and down your sides as he shakes his head. "what? why did you hang up?"
"don't play with me right now." he squints at you, a playful grin spreading over his lips.
"it's all your fault anyway," you say, letting your hands reach down to play with the zipper of his jeans. "you ignored me."
he lets out a shaky sigh when you pop the button open, slowly pulling down the zipper. "what do i have to do to get you to forgive me?"
"i think you know."
and god riding him then 😩 in the seat where he does so much of his work, so many hours of the day... he's going to be reminded of you and grow horny every time he goes back there
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 5 months
wear headphones :)
Wasn't expecting another one of these so soon huh.
Transcript and context under the cut
Transcription: Fuck. Goddammit. K-Ugh. *whimper* Come on...
Context: An inside joke between some people on twitter resulted in them commissioning artists to draw gabe failing at pottery and it became a trend for a bit. This is him voicing that specific scenario
Audio source (Yeah I edited it a little to make it worse. I will not apologize.)
Link to a thread of the pottery fan art. This isn't all of it but this is the only collection I can find to link to. -> Link
If anyone has more that wasn't included here feel free to drop a link in the replies :0
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bluegiragi · 4 months
hey, have you ever considered or have you maybe already drawn any of the GHOSTS members? Specifically Keegan? Seeing them, or just him in your style would be so amazing🥺
Love your work so much! Your TF-141 monster au comic has me kicking my feet in suspense😩
i like keegan actually, mainly for his voice...but as it is now, i'm still totally tunnel visioned on ghostsoap (and my attention these days is like totally consumed with the monster au) so i feel like i can't promise anything...
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WAHHHH I LOVE THIS 🥺🥺🥺 the pining and flirting and slowburn of it all… model!satoru and his favorite designer suguru geto, both of them undeniably skilled and born with an eye for fashion….. well-known and adored……..
designer!suguru who gets tasked with showing you the ropes, who’s always so patient and kind despite your inexperience. diligent with his teaching but also so laidback, so easy to talk to… he looks intimidating, but he’s so polite that you can’t help but swoon a little. and he admires your enthusiasm so much…… grows fond of you soooo quickly bc you’re just such a breath of fresh air compared to the divas he’s forced to work with all the time. he thinks you’ve got real potential and he wants to nurture it.
and ofc you end up running into model!satoru eventually…. bc he’s always hanging around suguru whenever he gets the chance. and he’s maybe a little jealous that you’re hogging so much of his personal designer’s attention, but… he also thinks you’re so cute . T_T like a little puppy following suguru around… so excited to be apart of something you’ve dreamed of for so many years……… he looks into your eyes and sees the same sparkle he had before he made it big, and it makes his heart race.
yeah . i’m just thinking abt the peaceful coffee breaks with suguru….. how he’d insist on paying for your drink, ”since he’s your senior” (he wants to be your favorite </3)…… and how he’d just be so protective over his little intern. don’t get me started on the close proximity with satoru when you’re taking his measurements, the glance and smile he sends your way during an impromptu shoot… the way he always calls for you with a sweet coo of ”how’s my favorite intern doing today?”
😔😔😔 yeahhhhhh. they make me feel ill.
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basketobread · 1 month
my dumb fuck ass just spent 30 minutes trying to find Save Us White Girl and caved and "help white girl bg3" immediately returned it via google,,,,, had help white girl, white girl help stuck in my head,,,,,
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THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCH TBH I CANNOT BELIEVE IT CAN IMMEDIATELY BE FOUND LIKE THAT???? everyday this comic finds its way back to me and i'm unsure if i'll ever be able to outdo it... it might be my magnum opus, i fear... (this is a good thing)
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echoes-in-echoclan · 2 months
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Because I didn't want to wait + y'all got it on the dot here's the next page early early <3
Auburn's mom is named Jackal!
Moon 0 
Moon 41.2 - Moon 41.4
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emry-stars-art · 2 months
why do you draw kevin so yummy? 🤨
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mintsuwu · 4 months
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So true anon!!!
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buwheal · 2 months
*its an old Ecard featuring Garfield. There is a picture of Garfield commenting about his annoyance that its only midweek and the bottom text says "hang in there"*
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deefighter2739 · 1 year
I got an adorable question for you, Do you think the waddle dees would draw pictures of king dedede or meta knight because of how both meta knight and king dedede love and adore waddle dees. I'm sorry if I didn't phrase this correctly. I just think it's a cute idea
Yes, definitely! Oh my heart…
Waddle Dees would love to make gifts for their caring hero king and his loyal brave knight. Specially after what they did on Forgotten Land! Did you know Meta Knight fought Gorimondo over 30 times just to keep Waddle Dee town safe?
Sure, Kirby may be the one who saves the world. But these two deserve to be someone else's favorite too…
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inkly-heart · 4 months
Do you have a group discord server? If others want to chill and interact with you. Just wondering
That aside just hoping you’re doing okay Blastic. Still, if you’re not your gotta a lot people care about you.
I look forward to seeing how the rest of the game goofs.
—goofball anon
I don't and sadly I don't think I will make one. It would be fun to interact with people who enjoys my work and wants to chat with me but I just feel it would be too much work for me to handle a discord server. So at least for now I'm not planning to make one.
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deoidesign · 5 months
if i may ask, is it difficult at all to re-edit/organize the comic pages from the webtoon format to fit the graphic novel format?
on another note, I'm so happy that your kickstarter was funded!!! I love time and time again, im so excited to see this all happen <3
I'll just turn this ask into something of a guide for the process! Because yes, it is difficult, but there are also many ways I have been preparing from the beginning for this very situation to make things easier for me!
I've worked in both print and scroll in the past, and have done this transition once before for a short story, so I already had familiarity both with my goals for print, and struggles with the transition!
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How I prepared from the beginning for this transition:
1: My panels are 2500 pixels wide, so they can span my page (which is 8.3x5.8 inches) at 350 DPI (which is print quality)
2: My layers are organized: Text, FX, Foreground, Characters, Background
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3: I draw one very large (twice as big as any panel would be, minimum) background for my major locations, as well as drawing furniture assets in isolation. This not only saves me time when making my actual episodes, but it also offers me INCREDIBLE flexibility when making this transition to print.
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These 3 things let me pull the character art to the page by itself, scale it up or down to fit my panel, and then fill in the background behind the character.
So, I read the scroll version, decide how many and which panels I want on the page for the pacing (I also keep page spreads and page turns in mind while I am doing this), and then I pull those panels over from the scroll version to the page.
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Then, I make the panel borders/page layout that I want, fit the character art into it, paste in the backgrounds, do any art editing that I need, add FX, and then re-do the text!
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Sometimes I do need to draw parts that are missing (shoulders or elbows getting cut off is an extremely common one) and sometimes I need to adjust facial expressions, cut panels, or rearrange panels to make things read more clearly. Since it's my comic already, I know how to do these things while maintaining the original intent, but if I were working with someone else's comic I would need to work closely with them to know what can and can't be cut.
(original panel vs an expanded version)
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Another common issue is that VERY tall panels will inevitably lose a lot of information when they’re turned to pages. Identify the purpose of the panel (pacing, showing a lot of detail, etc) and then replicate that with your page layout.
examples (in order) are: scene transition, being overwhelmed, suspense, and establishing shot. All of these were a single panel in the scroll version!
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Another issue when converting pages is that panel order is a lot less straightforward than when starting from print format. Conversational back and forth that's fine in scroll often messes up the flow of reading in a page (characters facing out, not looking at eachother from panel to panel, etc) and so some creative solutions are necessary to keeping the reading order.
For the first page I had to delete and rearrange some panels, and in the second the dialogue bubbles guide us to read this page in a circle. (dialogue guides through a lot of my pages lol)
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And the last really common issue that pops up is that height differences can be really difficult. Usually in print this is solved with clever angles, but I’ve already drawn everything. So, I’ll either resort to vertical shaped panels, panel pop-outs, or editing a character up or down to fit into the panel.
(examples in order)
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So, yes, it is difficult! But I have a lot of experience with both formats, and having prepared for this from the beginning I've been able to make the transition a LOT more smoothly than I otherwise could have.
I hope this helps!
And, thank you about the kickstarter! I'm extremely excited I'll be able to print these, the proofs I've received so far look just absolutely stunning and I'm so so so excited to get to send them to people!!!
Obligatory self promo, if you want to see the kickstarter page and get these four books for yourself, then you can check it out here ^^ It's been funded, so at this point we're just reaching stretch goals and placing orders!
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