tartapng · 4 months
I love your art so much
It's so cute
I love it
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veilkeeper · 6 months
how often do roz and lae’zel speak their own language to each other in camp?
in act one, a LOT. i hc that roz is a bit of a rock for her especially early on and the two of them being able to speak to each other in their native language is probably a major comfort for lae'zel in particular. being able to express themselves (and have lae'zel ask questions) away from prying ears was probably nice. as they both got more comfortable with the gang, i think it becomes more rare and is more about in-jokes, cultural references, and untranslatable phrases, rather than creating a safe, private space away from everyone else.
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whumpasaurus101 · 2 years
*quiet chanting* sidekick whump sidekick whump sidekick whump si-
-your favorite anon <3
HUJHIUKJBKDJGBDDKJHDH WHY HELLO THERE MY BEAUTIFUL FAVOURITE ANON!!!! *Gives blankies and tea and hugs* here you go :3 Cw: Uhhh, head forced under water, lil bit of power exauhstion, some punchy punch and sidkeick is reffered to as kid but is older than 18
Sidekick squeezed their eyes shut with a whimper as they slowly raised their palm and pointed it to the tin can which perched on the wooden fence. They opened their eyes before watching it rise in the air.
Sidekick’s arm began to shake as black dots slowly crept into their vision. They tried to take even breaths but struggled, “V-Villain please…I ca-cant… I can’t…”
Villain crossed their arms, slowly taking a few steps forward before whispering in Sidekick's ear, “Hold.” 
A whimper escaped Sidekick’s lips before it was all too much. Black practically engulfed their vision as their knees buckled and Sidekick crumpled to the ground with a cry. They didn't know what was worse, hearing the sound of the metal crash against the wooden fence or the sound of Villain’s sigh of disappointment. 
Sidekick curled in on themself, hugging their knees to their chest as their ears rung. Their head felt on fire. The feeling of a pinprick against their neck was then followed by a nirvana sensation. Their head instantly calmed, their ears slowly died down to a gentle hum before Sidekick felt their body ache a little less.
“Tha-thank you,” Sidekick gasped. They could practically cry from relief. That was until they heard Villain begin to cackle, “Oh my, you must be quite dumb for thinking I’d let you get away with that, little one.”
Sidekick froze, “Wh-what…?”
Villain kicked Sidekick hard, sending them onto their stomach before they grabbed a fistful of Sidekick’s hair and forced them to their feet, “Let’s have a nice little swim, hm?” Sidekick’s eyebrows furrowed but before they could question Villain, Villain was dragging them into the base by their hair.
A strong headache bloomed in Sidekick’s head, making it hard for them to identify any coherent thoughts as they squeezed their eyes shut, trying to wait for the pain to subside.
They entered a plain bathroom before Villain shoved Sidekick hard to the ground. Sidekick cried out as their head hit against the stone tiles. Villain only smirked before walking over to the bath and turning the taps on, “Hang in tight, baths are always a bitch to fill up, don't you agree?”
Sidekick whimpered, wiping a trail of blood with the back of their hand with a sniffle, “Wh-wh’t are y’ doin…” Their words were slurred slightly as their half-closed eyes looked up at Villain. Villain gently took Sidekick’s chin in their hand with a false pout of sympathy, “Oh my dear, you look so tired…I have just the thing that will wake you up!!!” As soon as Villain let go of Sidekick’s chin, Sidekick went from sitting up to slouching against the wall, trying to keep himself awake. 
But Villain didn't care, they were simply turning off the tap which had warm water and turned on the cold water tap to full. Sidekick didn’t notice. The dazed figure had no clue what in the hell was going on. 
They didn't mean to be bad. It was all their fault. After they let their powers take control in their last fight, Villain was doing non stop training with them. They had been out there for six hours but Sidekick could only handle so much time - especially on such a low amount of sleep.
The sound of the water stopping brought Sidekick back to present, they slowly looked up to Villain who was smiling at them before they quickly grabbed a fistful of Sidekick’s training uniform and hauled them up close.
“Now, I know I should check the water temperature and make sure it's okay but, why don't you test that out for me.”
Before Sidekick could say a word, Villain forced their head under the water, feeling the other trash against them, trying to lift their head up. Villain only tightened their grip in Sidekick’s hair, watching as bubbles quickly came up to the surface of the water and the sound of Sidekick’s cries was heard. Muffled, but still heard.
When they were satisfied, Villain roughly yanked Sidekick’s head up. They wheezed in air, coughing and spluttering as their lungs ached, “‘M SO-SORRY PLEASE I-” They gasped for air, panic was not a good mixture with this situation.
Villain hummed, studying Sidekick before shaking their head, “You see, you just don't seem very sorry!” And with that, they forced Sidekick’s head back under, cutting off their begging. 
Sidekick’s hands flew up to grab onto Villain’s, trying to pry them away but nothing was working. They coughed, accidentally inhaling water. Their eyes widened and they fucking lost it. Their body thrashed under the water, their legs kicked out, trying to get Villain but that only resulted in Villain’s heavy boot being placed against their ankle and ever so slowly pressed down.
Sidekick’s muffled screams sounded from the water as they tried to shake their head fast, their body jolting, making Villain laugh.
It was unbearable. They were going to pass out any second, they knew it. 
Villain then lifted their boot off of Sidekick’s ankle before lifting their head out of water and throwing them to the floor.
Sidekick’s head spun, their ears ringing as they wheezed in gasps, their hands grasping at their own throat as they heaved in oxygen, sorries spilling from their mouth as they sobbed. Villain slowly stepped up to them, taking them by the chin and lifting their head up so they were face to face.
“What did you do wrong?”
Sidekick could barely keep their eyes open as they whimpered, trying to turn their head away from Villain who simply sighed, drawing back their fist and punching them hard across the face. If Villain wasn't holding them, Sidekick would have crashed to the ground, but instead, they felt blood run down from their nose as they screamed, their body too weak to do anything else.
“What. Did. You. DO.” Villain yelled.
Sidekick sobbed. Everything and everywhere was just immense pain. Nothing else but pain. But that was the thing of being Villain’s sidekick. You had to be perfect. And if perfect wasn’t enough for Villain, you had to be more than perfect.
“I…I disobeyed y-y’” 
Sidekick’s throat was hoarse, their body almost limp as the hand which held their chin was the only thing holding them up.
“And what happens when you disobey me?”
Villain growled, digging their nails into Sidekicks skin, “Speak.Up.”
Hero had told Sidekick once that Villain shouldn’t be treating them like this. They told them how a mentor should be training their right hand with respect and kindness. But that's the thing about Heros. They think everything is sunshine and rainbows and that nothing comes with a cost. 
Villain was only doing all of this because they cared about Sidekick!!! They cared about Sidekick being perfect in fight. Like come on, imagine them going into battle with their powers out of hand!!!!!
A kick to the stomach brought Sidekick back. Their body jolted as they wheezed. They took a moment to take a small breath, looking up to Villain with tears streaming down their face, “A Pun-punishmen-ment…”
Villain only nodded, “Good. And why do I punish you?”
Sidekick thought for a moment. They considered Hero’s words for a moment. 
“Sidekick, you’ve got to listen to me! Villain is a sadist bastard who only cares about seeing others in pain. They’ll manipulate you so much that your thoughts will no longer be yours but tehy’ll be thoughts Villain has carved inside your brain. You’ll think their a great person but…Sidekick… I need you to believe me. I'm worried about you.. Just… call me when you're ready. I believe in you. I know you can see through their lies, kid.”
Sidekick shook their head. Hero was only trying to manipulate them That's what Villain had told them. And why?
“B’cause y’ ca-care about m-me…”
Villain smiled, their other hand cupping Sidekick’s cheek, “Precisely, dear. And have you learnt your lesson?” Sidekick nodded fast, but winced from the pain, “Yeah-yes… please..no mo-more….”
Villain smiled, “No more. You did so good for me. Now, drain the bath, clean up the blood from these tiles and get some sleep, we have a lot of training to do for you tomorrow!” And with that, Villain left.
That night, Sidekick was curled up in their bed. They took out their phone and opened up Hero’s contact, pressing messages.
Hey hero, it's Sidekick…
Sidekick’s eyes watched as the line flashed beside the last letter they wrote, awaiting the next words. They took a steady breath, thinking of what they were doing. What would Villain say to them right now?!?!!?! They would be dead!!!! They hurried to delete their text before turning off their phone and placing it back on their bedside locker.
This was why they needed Villain, they were so gullible by themself!!! They sighed and stared up at the ceiling. They couldn't believe they were about to believe Hero.
The sound of their bedroom door unlocking was followed by Villain walking in. They gently ruffled Sidekick’s hair with a smile, “Good night, kid.”
Villain fully turned off the light before leaving and locking the door behind them, their smile soon fading.
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tf2yuri · 1 year
Hiiiii Midi how are you :3
HII im good! i had a busy day at work todayyy yknow scanning items and whatnot but now im just chillin! im adjusting to the whole work thing, learning stuff, meeting coworkers and such, and my experience has been quite wonderous indeed! ill probably play tf2 later because i feel like its been 1 million years since i last played (it has been 2 days.) but yeah! overall ive been pretty good :D
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Hot pink and champagne?
hot pink— what’s your favorite relationship trope?
One person struggling to stay awake while sitting next to the other but in the end fails. The other person doesn't make them up but instead makes sure they are more comfortable. It's the tenderness that exists even while the other is sleeping for me 🥺
champagne— what’s your favorite form of physical affection, if any at all?:
I'm a very touchy person who doesn't get anywhere near the amount of physical affection I would want. Most of the time I'm completely ecstatic to just be holding hands but stuff like sitting on someone's lap, hugs, or spooning? That kind of thing really makes me melt. Core to core
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cncpuppies · 25 days
happy birthday!!
Thankie thankieeeeees
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sc3n3g1rl2000 · 5 months
You are very pretty and I hope you know that :3
Eeeeeee!! Thankieeeeee!!!
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runanadwiddles · 2 years
HI TWINSIE can i request ritsu icons??? the loml <3 thankieeeeee (qian) (on a browser where she is not logged in so anon it is)
HI TWINSIE !!!! HOPEFULLY YOU ENJOY THESE RITSU ICONS!!!! Maybe this Nazuna icon will be your new favorite wwww he really misses you
Mini Icon event
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shanti-ashant-hai · 1 year
Periwinkle and honeydew
periwinkle: You make me laugh
THANKIEEEEEE i try to make everyone happy <33
honeydew:I want to call you by a nickname
call me sonu, everyone does
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ignisregina · 1 year
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the blood
oh it courses through you. your power is never outside of your periphery. it is always there, rushing and freezing and boiling. your strength is in how well you know yourself, and your abilities. you are acutely aware of your energy, and what bleeds you.
tagged by: @demon-fox (thankieeeeees) tagging: @spirit-x-ing @pnnthr @flwrcrowns
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eternal-star-princess · 2 months
happy birthday :3
thankieeeeee :3
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nazukisser · 2 years
💫 - you’re super talented!
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
Happy brithdaybirthday!!- clown-fuckers-r-us
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ofwomenandmen · 3 years
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hello hi friends i made an interest tracker if you’d like to go fill it in!
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nuxxle · 7 years
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Eyyyyyyy- my favorite potato :3
*lies happily on the floor*
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keijukisu · 3 years
84, 91?
84: What is a saying you say a lot? “herran pieksut!” “apua papua kissa syö rapua”  (XDD am i 85 or 5 years old?)
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? uhmm! flying?? yes! <3 
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