#thank you for the ask! :3c
dimension20stuff · 2 months
Do you have any system you'd love to see a D20 game run in?
Ooh I'm so not well versed in different systems lol but Monster of the Week would be fun! Tbh I would love if they just did a bunch of really loose one shots with a bunch of random indie ttrpgs that have like never been played on an actual play. Just stuff from itchio that have like 10 sales. It would be very good for me specifically.
Tbh I just want them to try SOME other systems. I think that Neverafter could have been much more horror if they'd gone with an actual system designed to be horrifying rather than homebrewing stuff for dnd. Would just love some variety
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🐻🌈 :3
🌈 Do you use more warm or cold colors?
Warm for sure. I tend to only use cold colors for accents or night time drawings. Should I branch out more? Maybe. Will I? Who’s to say
🐻 answered here!
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twilightnightlight · 11 days
Idk how to ask this im sorry
Me and the other guys are wondering that.....ARE THEY GONNA FUC-
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☾ -> You didn't let me answer.
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c-hrona · 6 months
hey!! may i suggest number 19 for vashwood for the things you said prompt?
Things you said when we were the happiest we ever were.
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Ask game (request closed u.u)
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sugarpasteltmnt · 1 month
Hello, I am just going to rant about a weird fic I made up in my head because I read tour very amazing fic. So leo does successfully destroys the krang key is saved by his brother before he get destroyed alongside the key, hooray, bad news he disintegrate in the arms, no hooray. But he comes back to life somehow thanks to the fox mask he was wearing. He comes back but looks different, instead of looking like a turtle he looks like a fox that resembles the mask he used to wear. Ran out space bye
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OOOO!!! hehe so sad so angsty i love it!!
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capn-twitchery · 5 months
Sweet pea for Twitch and Lilac for Grace? (or each for both, if you want)
Lilac - Does your OC have a comfort item? If so, what is it?
Grace lost most of his stuff when his entire ship ended up in the neath, and the crew had to abandon it to look for help on foot. all he really had was his clothes & sword, and uh, twitch has both of those
but he still has his hat & waistcoat! so as the last things he still has from the surface, they're comforting to him, at least.
Sweet pea - What colour are your OC’s eyes?
VERY SNEAKY ok i'll bite >:3c
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uncensored version under the cut for mild eye horror/spookiness (& in case someone wanted to keep their face a mystery)
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(there are eyes there, i promise, they just look fucked up)
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zaacoy · 1 year
Also i just saw the request thingamagik, can i request
Some child!mk with dadsy and tangdad, like them being wholesome and stuff, maybe a lil pigsy angst abt not being a good dad and tang looks at him and holds the most speech ever abt how hes the best person tang knows
and pigsy realizes right there and then "omg i love this fugging idiot holy shit" cause omg theyre family, theyre family af look at how good they can be as a family
Ask and it shall be delivered :3 saw your other message too btw!! Thank you!!! Ur so nice!!! Can't believe Lego made gay people real wowow
Bit of a long one, hope this matches what you were looking for, enjoy! :D
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tangledinink · 9 months
hi!! i just wanted to say that i really like the way you’ve been drawing the gemini comic lately!!! not to say that i didn’t like it before!!! i’m no artist so idk how to best describe it, but the style of the recent updates have been tickling my brain in such a pleasing way!! very good work and i’m excited to see how the twins react to mikey breaking into their highly secured bedroom 🤭
ah! ; w ; thank you!!!! this makes me really happy and i am very excited to get this feedback 'cause i'm always so nervous when i kind of tweak with the style or try something different,,,
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niuniente · 4 months
Kizzie, waking up in the morning, reaching over to grab her oversized sweater that she bought because who doesn't love to swim in a hoodie sometimes
Kizzie: Al have you seen my hoodie? It seems to have vanished
He texts her back a photo, looking sheepish, wearing said hoodie: I was tired after the movie last night and must have grabbed the wrong one, sorry
Kizzie over here like... nope... he looks too cute... he can keep it... she will just have to nab something of his later
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lpsotd · 7 months
trick or treat :3 ! and thank u for running this blog! it makes me smile <3
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a treat for you too !! monkey #256 is all dressed up and ready to go !!
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rescue-ram · 5 months
Do you ever think about what BJ, Charles and/or Potter might've been like if they'd been early season additions?
Oooh inchresting question :3c
I think Charles could actually fit in in early season MASH pretty easily and well. DOS is very very funny, and he'd be a nice compliment to Frank. Like I think they would actually play off each other really well in really funny ways, I think Charles would fully manipulate Frank while being slightly disgusted by him and they'd have a really funny dynamic as antagonists, I can fully imagine the way Larry Linvelle and DOS would play off each other and I wish it existed 🥲 In my ideal world, he'd be the fourth Swamp Rat, and the uneasy FrankCharles vs TrapHawk rivalry would free Margaret up for the sort of independent story lines she got after Frank left in the actual series. I'm not sure Charles himself would necessarily have the room for the softer character moments he got in the series in this scenario, but just on a character dynamics level I can fully imagine him fitting into the vibe of S1-3.
(This actually gave me a bit of a fic idea for this AU where Charles steals a weekend pass to Tokyo TrapHawk scammed off of Henry, and like we cut between Charles impersonating Hawkeye as he tries to get back to the hospital he worked at before being at the 4077th to beg for his old job and keeps running into people who vaguely know Hawkeye and Trapper trying to track him down and reluctantly talking him into coming back before he's caught and arrested for deserting his post, maybe with them getting one night of bonding over unseemly cavorting before going back...)
Potter, if Henry was still the CO, could actually be kind of an interesting recurring character I think? Like after The Trial of Henry Blake maybe the higher ups want a tighter more military eye on the 4077th, and Potter fills that roll of the outsider who doesn't quite get the madness and wants to impose some discipline on the camp- whether he then gets trolled or won over, eh. I think he could work, and it would be fun to see him interact with some of the characters, but I'm less interested in him than hypothetical early season Charles.
BJ I think would be the hardest fit- because he is, before anything else, a replacement Trapper and if Trapper is already there... Well, Charles can still be an antagonist even if Frank is there, but can BJ really join the TrapHawk axis without third wheeling? I think he'd ultimately suffer a similar fate as Oliver, where the writers wouldn't know what to do with him apart from letting him tag along... And I don't think he'd cause enough friction or drama to be interesting in that regard, you know? He'd be like a lot of the recurring characters we see in the early seasons- a nice guy our heroes like, but I don't think he'd work as a compliment to Frank and he wouldn't bring enough spice to be an interesting addition to TrapHawk since he and Trapper would both be filling the "best friend" role... I mean now I'm thinking on how you COULD make him work, maybe leaning fully into his stochastic prankster side and having him be a third power against both TrapHawk and FrankMarg, or giving him a new buddy to ally with and play off of like Radar or Klinger, but I just think he'd be the trickiest to fit in you know?
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edns · 2 months
Hi!! Here are some OC questions delivered fresh into your mailbox: What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color? and What are their thoughts on marriage?
Hello there! Yippee :D Thank you!
What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Cyrus thinks he looks best in blue, (un)surprisingly, despite him usually dressing in more pink/purple hues... If it looks best on him, well, who knows. He did steal Dimitri's cape occasionally... Here, you can make your own judgement
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What are their thoughts on marriage?
Marriage is pretty important to Cyrus... Him being a possessive little bastard doesn't really help. However if you set aside his erm. Issues he does just think it's really sweet to get married. If he attended any weddings he would probably cry during them lol especially if it's someone he cares about... Let alone his own! Here's a silly doodle. They are gay married
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breed-station · 6 months
( @sweetdreamscafe ) Valentine @ Lock: "You mentioned it was possible for people to block your telepathy? How exactly does one achieve that- and, I suppose, why would one feel the need to?"
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Lock: But yes, there is a way. Some Psychic and Dark types have some sort of a Mind Block where as I can't communicate with them. Some per choice, some per instinct. I have come to see a few items such as amulets or cloaks hindering my telepathy too.
Lock: As of why.. Some Pokémon like their privacy. I only communicate with the Pokemon of choice, allowing me to, I dont intrude if its not of my interest. And also, of course, if there is someone hiding ~
( @sweetdreamscafe )
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ragnarokhound · 8 months
trick or treat!! 🎃
:D :D :D (I'm glad you've liked the wolf&vamp jaytim so far asjdlfsajfsa your tags bring me JOY):
"Hungry?" Jason asks, and Tim treats him to a withering stare. "Oh, please, no need to bite-- or. Well."
The withering stare graduates to open-faced disgust. Jason grins, wolfish as he slides into Tim's lap, upsetting his laptop and making Tim grunt as he takes Jason's not inconsiderable weight. Tim can handle it; he might look like a waifish Victorian child that Jason could snap in two, it might look to an outsider that Jason has Tim pinned to the couch-- but between the two of them, Tim has the higher bench press.
"Jason, I'm fine." Tim says, strained. He said that yesterday too. "I can go another day at least."
"Come on, babe," Jason murmurs into Tim's ear, angling his head to present the tantalizing curve of his neck. Tim fronts like he's unaffected, doing that still-as-the-grave, corpse thing he does where he stops breathing and blinking and shit; but his nostrils were flaring as Jason leaned in, and Jason's acute hearing picks up the creaking of the bones in his clenched fists. Sometimes Tim needs to be bullied into taking care of himself. Jason is happy to serve.
"Just a taste."
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anopuff · 4 months
Hi!! Is there any chance you'll make your recent Clanne artwork a print in your store??? It's so nice!!!
Hello!! Omgg thank you so much, I'm so flattered that you like it!! :'')
I plan to update my Inprnt store sometime in March-April when I finish a couple more artwork that I've wanted to include in it-- will be sure to include the Clanne piece, as well! Thank you for your interest! 💚✨
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sugarpasteltmnt · 1 month
Asking some writers/artists I follow:
Is there anything in your fic/comic that you as the author know about, but won't end up in the actual story?
Oh man!! What a fun question!!
Hmmm… Well, tbh I’m not sure if i have anything like that for TNV. Though originally the chapter order was WAY different and had to be adjusted on the fly to help it flow better. I really like how it turned out instead.
The only thing i could think of that ‘didn’t make it in’ was lore for the mask. While i was writing “Strings” I was having trouble finding a reason for Donnie to go to the Hidden City bazaar—
Originally, I was going to make the mask a clue for Donnie to chase (under his ‘Wealthy Art Collector’ disguise) … but it just wasn’t working out. It didn’t FEEL right, you know? So i scrapped that idea— ultimately, the mask is just a piece of yokai art/costume piece he yoinked lol
I have some other things in this AU that won’t make it into TNV… but that’s not to say they won’t ever get written some day >:3c
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