#tes bosmer
bedovibess · 1 year
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(Taliesin belongs to @dynamite124 !! And will become a follower one day 😼😼)
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throughtrialbyfire · 3 months
tossing the intro to the rewrite of chapter 4 of CotS here, which will be posted in a few days, hopefully! as of now, only chapter 1 has been updated on ao3, but i should have the 10 first chapters rewritten in a few days, and may be able to post chapter 20 soon!
The road twisted narrowly from the bridge, angled and sloping, lined with strange stones. Some appeared intentionally arranged and stuck in their ways, watching the young elves through every crack in their worn surfaces. Some were more incidental, shrugging off the weather. Some appeared to be severed off from old pillars, smoothed by the many years gone by and wondering where their extra heights had gone. Emeros kept an eye on the greenery, on the land that gradually grew more and more distant, the town that faded from view as the three marched up the pathway. The gradual dropping in temperature was further intensified by the dustings of snow that cropped up at the tops of new and unfamiliar trees. Soon, the pathway in its drastic angles took on more danger, as ice collected at the bases of the evergreens. Watching their footing, the three carried themselves up the path to the Barrow, careful to examine each stone they pressed their boots to. Emeros had been in various ruins for any number of purposes over the years. He'd adventured into Ayleid ruins in his earliest days in Cyrodiil, never leaving the first chamber if he could help it, collecting samples of the mosses and fungi that grew within. Sometimes, he'd find an interesting vine, or a plant he hadn't recognized from the surface world. He'd take great pains to preserve them until he could examine them safely, testing new potions and properties, experimenting with new combinations. If he combined this amount of imported trama root with this amount of the unidentified fungi, placed it in an already known potion recipe, how would it change the effects? Would it create something to heal, or to harm? He wondered what new concoctions he could learn to make with the native flora of Skyrim. And maybe, if luck was on his side, he could find something previously unknown in the ruins.
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daedrabait · 1 year
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A little face reference for Faelon, one of my ldb ocs. He's the oc that I post about the most lately, and the one who I ship with Mercer Frey.
Under the cut, I'm gonna include some more in-depth information about him and his backstory. Feel free to read it if you'd like.
Cw for mentions of cannibalism and canon-typical violence.
Faelon's basic info:
Gender: cis male; he/him
Sexuality: bisexual with a masculine lean
Race: Bosmer
Age: he's somewhere in his 40's; exact number unknown due to memory loss
Height: around 5'5" (he will never admit this)
Love interest/who he is shipped with: Mercer Frey
Morality: Very low. He will steal, kill, or manipulate just about anyone who gets in his way if the mood takes him. He helps people almost always for his own gain and to make them more pliable to him/further his reputation - very manipulative. He sometimes spares people but it's almost always at his own whims and depending on his mood. He usually lets people live just because he thinks it's funny or he feels like it, or because it benefits him in some way.
He is a cannibal whose first remembered meal was the flesh of the wizard who had enthralled him. He later becomes the Champion of Namira.
He wears an amulet of Dibella and worships her for elevated blessings of persuasion and seduction.
- master stealth archer
- master lockpick
- adept pickpocket
- very high speechcraft
- great alchemist (he learned by trial and error) (eating ingredients and poisoning himself several times)
- moderately decent at enchantment
- wears exclusively light armor
- terrible with melee weapons. Good at brawling, though.
- terrible at magic. Knows only enough to get by and cast apprentice restoration spells.
Faelon's memory of life before waking up in a wizard's cave nearby Riften is completely wiped away by thrall magic. He only finds out who he was and where he's from by meeting Inigo, who is apparently an old companion who shot him with an arrow and left him for dead 10 years ago in order to avoid splitting the reward the person who hired them was offering.
Faelon remembers nothing about who he used to be or where he is from, but he remembers basic things like how to read, write, talk, eat, kill, etc. He also retained his marksmanship skills.
When he awakens, he kills and eats the wizard who was his master and reads her journals, figuring out that he was a thrall and some tiny bits of info about the way he was forced to live. He finds her map and travels to the nearby city of Riften. By traveling to Riften and following Inigo's notes, and then talking to him, Faelon learns his own name and gleans measly information about who he may have been. Inigo also helps Faelon a lot in his early days of confusion, rage, and vulnerability.
He later learns that he has a younger sister named Baela that he raised from childhood before going missing. He doesn't remember her at all, and Inigo had neglected to mention her for fear of making things more complicated and th assumption that they would never come across her again. They reunite in the Ragged Flagon and this makes Faelon's feelings and confusion much more complicated. They eventually form a complicated and shaky bond while travelling together. (I will prob share more about this later)
He ends up joining sides with Mercer Frey and has a complicated physical (and later romantic) relationship with him as they work together to con the Thieves Guild, eliminate their enemies, and steal the Eyes of the Falmer together. (I will very likely make a post exclusively about their relationship in the future)
Faelon holds a ton of anger about what happened to him and for being powerless for so long. He will do just about anything to come out on top of everyone else and is very arrogant and self-serving. He's a sadomasochist. He's very flirtatious and manipulative, and he loves exploring new places and collecting wealth and shiny things. He loves blood and gore. He is also very easily amused and will laugh at just about anything.
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slothssassin · 2 years
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My wonderful friend @tessa1972 gifted me a commission from @elvenbeard and look how pretty my Bosmer Myriliah turned out! She looks so sweet, thanks so much to the both of you! ♥
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He wasn't quite successful at charming...
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but big men were delighted with him.
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falmerbrook · 5 months
Ear Headcanons
So this was meant to be just my headcanon for the differences between the different mer races' ears (size, shape, if they can move on their own, etc.), but there's a tinge of just general visual differences between them in there too (because this ended up being really good face practice for me). I'll mostly talk about ears though. Obviously this is more meant to be general trends than hard and fast rules.
I'll start with the playable races.
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Tall and skinny ears that can move out and back a bit (moderate range of motion). They mostly are close to the head but can also stick out a bit.
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They have a wide variety of how their ears can be shaped; small, tall, wide, big, straight up, curvy, etc. The typically stick out more than Altmer's and have a larger range of motion.
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The largest variety of any of the races. Their ears can look like just about anything any other race has (except maybe Maormer) from any mer ears, to more human ears, to more animal-like ones. They have a large range of motion regardless of how they look.
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Small, almost human-sized ears, but they stick out more from the head than humans and can be wider. The pointed end tends to stick out. They can rarely move.
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Breton basically just have human ears with a little point at the top. I thought it would be fun to draw a sort of comparison to your average Nede and average Breton to highlight the subtle more merish look that I think Bretons should have too.
Ok now for non-playable races
Snow elves/Falmer
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Ok so I have terminal Falmer brainrot so I have a lot of completely made up headcanons for these guys sorry lol.
Snow elves have the least variety. They are usually shorter and closer to the head than the other mer races (which evolved as an adaptation to counter frostbite in my headcanon) and can't move. Conversely, I like to headcanon that falmer are on their way to evolving rudimentary echolocation, and therefore have huge ears that stick out far from their head, and are very mobile (this is also why their faces are covered in wrinkles). They can look more traditionally merish, or some of them have real funky shapes.
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Basically a mix between how the Altmer/Aldmer and current Dunmer look (both in their general appearance and ears). Think of it like the transition between the Aldmer look and Dunmer.
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Dwemer have relatively short ears (compared to other mer) and don't stick out much, but they can be wide along the side of the head. Their shape is usually pretty angular and have limited mobility.
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Your standard pointy fantasy elf ears. So I technically headcanon the Aldmer as many different (although similar) groups that are referred to as one group due to the nature of retelling history and some propaganda sprinkled in there, but in general, since the other mer of Tamriel descended from them, I see them as sort of generic. Nothing particularly notable in their ears. Minimal to moderate ability to move them.
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Curvy. They have Aldmer sized ears with twisting and curving in different directions. Limited movement, and not too much range in size (just shape). I have 0 reasons for thinking this, I just thought it would be fun and unique and maybe fit their aesthetics.
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I like that canon Maormer ears look fin-like but I want to turn it up to 11. Large variety of shape and size, but usually large and fin-shaped as a general trend. Huge range of movement.
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They aren't elves, but they are described as human/mer-like, so I figured I'd include the Ohmes. They usually have pointy, mer-esque ears, but less distinct than most mer. Despite being relatively small, they have a wide range of movement for their size (and move in similar ways to the way cats ears move for the rest of the Khajiit). They can be extra fuzzy or have little tufts at the end for Ohmes-raht.
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orfeoarte · 8 days
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Smoke rising from Helgen...
Saathel from Meadow Run has never seen a dragon. To be fair, nobody has. She is, however, the only one impulsive enough to go running towards the wreckage left by it as it flies away.
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greennightingale · 1 year
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caliblorn · 19 days
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Some Yams! I promise he smiles too... sometimes.
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teacakes1799 · 1 month
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a mischievous elf for Siren!!!
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praisecwg · 8 months
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all of them in one post :> simple comms/gifts done in aug-oct 2023
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bedovibess · 1 year
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throughtrialbyfire · 11 months
head hurty so i cant draw it right at this moment but i think a lot of bosmer jewelry, due to not being able to actually use plants in valenwood, is often carved (and sometimes painted) into intricate patterns resembling valenwoods flora/appearing like woven vines.
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igorlevchenko-blog · 1 month
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Morrowind: Portrait of Galbedir (WIP)
Galbedir is an apprentice wizard at the Balmora Mages Guild. She's young pert and—being an enchantress-prodigy—a tad bit conceited. Given she has her own study on the second floor and how expensive her wizard paraphernalia is, I assume she is from a wealthy, caring family. She and Ajira are both vying for an important promotion at the Guild.
Please do not rush into the comment section telling everyone how you stole her soul gems—you're a scum and deserve to spend time in Crassius Curio's Tickle Dungeon or @spoonmagister 's prison at Tel Uvirith—I hear they practice a unique type of execution there: immurement by Scelian Plebo (i.e. the priest at Wolverine Hall).
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captain-of-silvenar · 2 months
There was a thing somewhere that said that Bosmers were exceptionally skilled at mimicking bird calls and animal sounds so that got me thinking if they'd be exceptionally good at mimicking other people's voices.
So sneaky Bosmers could mimic voices to draw attention away or to a specific area to get into places. Could repeat voices to identify people to others if they're searching for them. Can alter their own voice to keep their identity mixed up. Storytelling with grandma got much more exciting.
The implications of this can be used in fun and various situations!
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karjalantroll · 7 months
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The Elder Scrolls VI: The Dungeon Of The Funger
(im sorry)
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