#tenerife life
downfalldestiny · 1 year
The wild Rocky coastline of Tenerife 🐦🎨🌊!.
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Yesterdays tour was to the Orchid Gardens in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife. Absolutely stunning 🌼🌷🥀🌹🪻
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ylelew · 2 years
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Playa Diego Hernández
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oladivecenter · 3 days
Les Clubs de Plongée : Une Communauté de Passionnés
Les clubs de plongée jouent un rôle essentiel dans le monde sous-marin, rassemblant des passionnés de tous niveaux pour partager leur amour de la plongée. Ces clubs offrent bien plus que de simples sorties en mer; ils créent une communauté où l’apprentissage, l’aventure et la camaraderie sont au cœur de chaque expérience.
Les Avantages des Clubs de Plongée
Formation et Certification: Les clubs de plongée proposent des cours et des certifications pour les plongeurs de tous niveaux. Que vous soyez débutant ou avancé, vous pouvez améliorer vos compétences sous la supervision de plongeurs expérimentés et certifiés.
Accès à des Sites de Plongée Exclusifs: En rejoignant un club de plongée, vous bénéficiez souvent d’un accès à des sites de plongée exclusifs et bien gardés, parfois difficiles à trouver par soi-même. Les sorties organisées permettent de découvrir des trésors cachés sous la mer.
Sécurité et Encadrement: La sécurité est une priorité absolue dans les clubs de plongée. Les plongeurs bénéficient d’un encadrement professionnel, ce qui assure des plongées en toute sécurité, avec des briefings détaillés et une assistance constante.
Équipements de Qualité: Les clubs de plongée sont équipés de matériel de plongée de haute qualité, bien entretenu et régulièrement vérifié. Cela permet aux membres de plonger en toute confiance, sans se soucier de l'équipement.
Communauté et Partage: Faire partie d’un club de plongée, c’est rejoindre une communauté de passionnés. Les membres partagent leurs expériences, conseils et histoires de plongée, créant des liens d’amitié durables. Les clubs organisent souvent des événements sociaux, des voyages et des formations continues.
Opportunités de Volontariat et de Conservation: De nombreux clubs de plongée participent activement à des programmes de conservation marine. Les membres ont la chance de s’impliquer dans des projets de nettoyage sous-marin, de protection des récifs coralliens et d’éducation environnementale.
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Les Clubs de Plongée à Tenerife
Tenerife, avec ses eaux cristallines et ses riches écosystèmes marins, abrite plusieurs clubs de plongée de renommée. Ces clubs offrent des opportunités exceptionnelles pour explorer les merveilles sous-marines de l'île, des récifs colorés aux épaves mystérieuses.
Rejoignez Diving Atlantis à Tenerife
Si vous souhaitez découvrir la plongée ou améliorer vos compétences, nous vous recommandons vivement de tenter l'expérience avec Diving Atlantis à Tenerife. Ce club de plongée propose des formations complètes, des équipements de qualité et un encadrement professionnel. Que vous soyez un débutant curieux ou un plongeur expérimenté, Diving Atlantis vous offre l'opportunité de plonger dans les eaux magnifiques de Tenerife et de vivre des aventures sous-marines inoubliables. Rejoignez la communauté de Diving Atlantis et laissez-vous emporter par la beauté et la magie de l'océan.
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mothmiso · 4 months
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Tenerife (2) (3) (4) by Gariraygua Samblás Molina
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dancerinthestorm · 8 months
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The many faces of El Teide.
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henrikveres · 1 year
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I like to climb on fun-shaped rocks!:) Priss snapped this awesome picture of me on our trip in Tenerife. This week is very exciting we're having lots of adventures every day!😁 - #travel #traveling #tenerife #nature #adventure #explore #sea #love #life #happy #beach #sunset #clouds #beautiful #instagood #circus #artist #art #wonderlust #wonderful #cliff #sport #athlete #juggler #explorer #travellife (at Tenerife, Canary Islands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoNcsyLMWei/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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n1a344 · 2 years
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marleyssohn420 · 2 years
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taranthese · 11 months
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⋆ ★ pairing: pedri x messi!oc
⋆ ★ synopsis: they're relationship is private . . . not a secret
⋆ ★ author's note: my spanish is oh so very limited so some words were translated using google translate! and my first ever social media fic... faceclaim is maddie francesca!
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📍tenerife islands
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liked by katrinefogtfriis, garnacho7, and 19,210 others
MADEIRAMESSI tenerife tu tienes mi corazon! ( tenerife you have my heart! )
view all 242 comments
USER use me as a messi is the goat button >>>>
USER the way she's so gorgeous
USER tell messi to come back to barça to win the ucl!!!!!!!
→ graciasss, mi amor 🤍
USER does she have a boyfriend
USER @madeiramessi with a guy???? my heart is broken 💔
USER doesn't pedri live in tenerife.....
USER she's out of everyone's league y'all, she's MESSI'S DAUGHTER
USER do you guys see g*rnacho in her likes...
LEOMESSI mis hija hermosa ♡
→ graciasss, papaitooo !!!
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liked by P_888 and 62 others
EIRASDOS life lately (no my dad does not condone violence)
P_888 mi nina hermosa ( my beautiful girl )
→ te amo pepiiiii ♡
LEOMESSI la foto ultima? ( the last photo? )
→ hihihi
→ 17 year old behaviour smh
→ G4VIR4 yo soy 18....
→ same thing
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📍tenerife islands
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liked by forblaugrana, frenkiedejong, and 2,843,191 others
PEDRI 🤍 @madeiramessi
→ bonita
USER okay can we give the biggest apology to @pedriskinnyjeans on twt ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻
FCBARCELONA barça youngsters ❤️‍🔥
→ MADEIRAMESSI lo siento pablo 😝
USER never thought THE madeira messi would end up with pedri...
USER it couple 4evaaaaaa... siri play young and beautiful by lana del rey
LEOMESSI mis hija y mis hijo
→ MADEIRAMESSI gracias papaitoo
→ USER messi calling pedri his son???? IM DONE
USER she could do so much better
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⋆ ★ author's note: thank you so much for reading! i don't really feel madeira messi's story is done... might use her for more pedri x oc storiessss <;3
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ylelew · 2 years
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Un día de playa
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oladivecenter · 3 days
Tauchen in Clubs: Ein Weg zu unvergesslichen Erlebnissen unter Wasser
Tauchen ist nicht nur ein Sport, sondern auch eine Gemeinschaftserfahrung, die oft am besten in einem Tauchclub genossen wird. Tauchclubs bieten eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen für Taucher aller Erfahrungsstufen, von Anfängern bis hin zu erfahrenen Profis. Hier sind einige Gründe, warum der Beitritt zu einem Tauchclub eine großartige Idee ist:
Gemeinschaft und Kameradschaft
Einer der größten Vorteile eines Tauchclubs ist die Gemeinschaft. Sie treffen gleichgesinnte Menschen, die Ihre Leidenschaft für das Tauchen teilen. Diese Gemeinschaft kann sowohl auf als auch unter Wasser wertvolle Unterstützung bieten. Von gemeinsamen Tauchgängen bis hin zu geselligen Zusammenkünften nach dem Tauchen – die Kameradschaft in einem Tauchclub ist unschätzbar.
Erfahrungen und Wissen teilen
Tauchclubs sind ein fantastischer Ort, um Wissen und Erfahrungen auszutauschen. Erfahrene Taucher können wertvolle Tipps und Techniken weitergeben, während Anfänger die Möglichkeit haben, von den Besten zu lernen. Viele Clubs organisieren auch Vorträge und Workshops, die verschiedene Aspekte des Tauchens abdecken, von der Ausrüstungspflege bis hin zu speziellen Tauchtechniken.
Zugang zu exklusiven Tauchplätzen
Mitglied in einem Tauchclub zu sein, kann Ihnen Zugang zu exklusiven Tauchplätzen verschaffen. Clubs organisieren oft Ausflüge zu Tauchspots, die nicht leicht zugänglich sind und bieten somit einzigartige Erlebnisse, die Sie alleine möglicherweise nicht hätten.
Tauchen kann risikoreich sein, aber in einem Tauchclub haben Sie immer Unterstützung. Clubs fördern sicheres Tauchen durch organisierte, überwachte Tauchgänge und bieten Erste-Hilfe-Kurse sowie Rettungstrainings an. Dieses Sicherheitsnetz kann besonders für weniger erfahrene Taucher beruhigend sein.
Günstigere Ausrüstung und Reisen
Viele Tauchclubs haben Partnerschaften mit Tauchshops und Reiseveranstaltern, was zu Rabatten auf Ausrüstung und Tauchreisen führen kann. Diese Vorteile können die Kosten des Tauchens erheblich senken und Ihnen ermöglichen, öfter und an exotischeren Orten zu tauchen.
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Empfehlung: Tauchen mit Diving Atlantis in Teneriffa
Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einer unvergleichlichen Taucherfahrung sind, sollten Sie Diving Atlantis in Teneriffa ausprobieren. Diving Atlantis bietet nicht nur professionelle Tauchkurse und geführte Tauchgänge an, sondern auch die Möglichkeit, Teil einer leidenschaftlichen und unterstützenden Tauchgemeinschaft zu werden. Mit ihrer hervorragenden Ausrüstung, erfahrenen Tauchlehrern und Zugang zu einigen der besten Tauchplätze der Insel, ist Diving Atlantis der ideale Partner für unvergessliche Unterwasserabenteuer. Tauchen Sie ein in die atemberaubende Welt des Tauchens und erleben Sie das Beste, was Teneriffa zu bieten hat – mit Diving Atlantis!
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loviingpedri · 11 months
Did You Know I Loved You?
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prompt: pedri never forgot you
warnings: cursing, grammar issues. all pictures used are not owned by me. not proofread.
word count: 1735
angst, some fluff
dedicated to all my pedri girlies <3
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pedri and you were inseparable. from the day you walked into his parents' restaurant, the air suddenly changed. the town seemed to sparkle in tenerife when you two were exploring the island.
"let's play football," pedri slowly kicked the ball to you.
"it's so hot outside though," you groaned at the thought of kicking a ball in the burning sun.
"pleaseee, i wanna practice just for a little bit." you knew you couldn't say no to him. the decision ended up leaving you playing with him until the moon smiled at the duo.
little did you know, the moon never smiled and the sun never glistened after that day.
“so what? you’re just gonna leave?” you shouted at pedri in disbelief.
“i can do what i want. you can’t control my decisions for the rest of my life,” he sighed and sat down to control his thoughts. “you knew this was gonna happen. i need to grow my career. i wanted to be in a work environment which i enjoyed. just don’t be so self-centered right now.”
“im self-centered? i didn’t even get a warning you would leave to this big city. you knew for weeks. fer knew for weeks. you said i was your family pedro, and family doesn’t hide things from each other.” the yelling echoed through the house. it was a situation that would never be fixed.
“i cant just tell my best friend that i’m leaving in 2 weeks. it would ruin everything. if you knew, you would’ve changed my mind and i wouldn’t be successful for anything.”
“pedro gonzalez, think for one fucking second. you kept a secret that could’ve changed everything. the moments we had together could’ve been more important than anything. i just needed one warning and this wouldn’t be happening. i don’t give a shit that you want to continue your passion. all i always wanted was for us to be happy.” it took everything in your power to not leave the house after you completely lashed out on him.
you knew deep down you didn’t want him to go because he was your first love. he was your first kiss, first friend, and first person to even talk to you in tenerife. you didn’t know who he was gonna see. you sure did not want him to talk to rich girls blinged out with their designer bags. you were scared shitless of how life would be without him. he was the only person who knew everything about you and what you should do in anxious situations.
then, the tears came. would he visit you? would he ever speak to you? would he write or text you? would you ever see him again? will there be time for the two of you to be together again.
“why are you crying? come on, its not that big of a deal.” he huffed loudly, shaking his head in stress that this was not the way this was suppose to happen.
“pedri, you are leaving to the city. i dont even know if i’ll ever get into contact with you anymore. you’ll have new friends, new people to worry about, and probably gonna knock someone up while you’re at it. can’t you just let me process this for one second.” and that’s when you made a mistake. doubting pedri was never a good idea. especially about the people he loved. especially when it came from the person who he loves the most.
pedri got up and looked at you for one last time. unexpectedly, he walked out the door without a word. you sat there in tears, debating to chase him or just let him go. the sobs fully came out.
2 years had passed since he left. everyday, he thought about you. “what would y/n do? what would y/n say?” he questioned his decisions by following your mindset everyday. he begged his brother to tell how you were doing. never a word budged from fer since the huge fallout spread throughout the city.
tenerife was never the same. since both lost communication, it felt like the island itself was hopeless.
you, continued to push yourself through school. showing everyone that you would do well without him was your motivation. you’ve worked so hard to prove yourself to people that you had a job offer in barcelona.
of course, you accepted the job. people were upset that their beautiful youngin was finally moving on in life. moving into your modern apartment was like a fever dream. you’ve had your doubts, but it was definitely worth it. everyday, there would be news of pedri. pedri, barcelona’s best midfielder. pedri, one of the best young players in the world. pedri, the guy who gets every spanish girl all over him. hell, a video of him was going viral for taking a girl’s number and putting it into his pocket. obviously, it was implied that he would never have a single thought about you. fuck, it was stupid to even try to reach out for him.
after sitting in your living room while trying to find something to entertain yourself that wasn’t pedri related, you decided to go out for once. there seemed so much to do in the city instead of being lazy at home. walking for ages in the wind, you finally found a small cafe to rest. ordering your latte and sitting down, your thoughts were interrupted by a boy.
“excuse me, are you y/n?” said a boy that was not too much younger than you.
“yes i am,” you nodded your head slowly before taking a slow sip. it was a little awkward considering he looked at you in shock.
“i’m sorry. i’m pablo gavi. or known as gavi. you’re the person on pedri’s lock screen. he always talks about you during practice. holy shit, i never thought i would meet you. are you visiting him?”
what the fuck just happened. pedri still remembers me? why am i his lock screen? why does he talk about me? what does he say? for a moment, you sat there trying to understand what he said. gavi, confused on why you’re frozen in time, waved his hand in front of your face to make sure you’re okay.
“oh no, i’m not visiting. pedri and i don’t really talk anymore,” you shook your head and forced a little smile. only to ease the tension of gavi’s then saddened look.
“that’s weird. he talks about you like you’re his girlfriend or something. i thought you were doing long distance,” he shrugged his shoulders. “maybe you should visit camp nou. i think he’ll be happy to see you.”
quickly, you rejected his offer. “oh no, we exactly didn’t end off our friendship in the best terms. i think it’s better if we just don’t see each other again.”
“i insist. i’ll give you my number and i’ll text you all the details.” he took his arm giving you his phone. you bowed your head in defeat and put your phone number in.
unfortunately, everyone’s eyes had been on you and gavi.
the next morning, your phone was blown up in notifications. your best friend constantly texting you on how you’re viral on twitter. paparazzi snapped pictures of your interaction with gavi.
“fuck.” you mumbled before groaning in defeat. you knew you had faced defeat in keeping a low-profile.
gavi, you knew, was for sure fucked. if pedri had seen the pictures, he was definitely getting beat up.
during practice, gavi kept his best to avoid his best friend. when pedri came up to him, he quickly turned pale.
“what’s wrong with you? you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” pedri patted him on his back with a small laugh. gavi sighed in relief. he’s glad to have all his teeth and no black eye before the game.
“yeah, i’m fine.” and that’s when everything wasn’t. balde came up to him, rubbing his head and patting him.
“so, who’s the new girl? it’s all over the internet and not a word from you.” fuck you balde was the first thought that came to gavi’s head. gavi’s head was pounding. he didnt know what to say, how to react, or what to do.
“wow gavi. what other secrets are you keeping from us. let me see the picture balde.” pedri laughed even harder from the thought of gavi even approaching a girl. at that moment, gavi had to remind himself that he wasn’t 9 anymore. he couldn’t just simply run and cry his way out of this. luckily, balde only showed pedri the picture from the window. when you were facing towards him and could only see him offering his phone. gavi’s blood started to circulate again and his heart rate slowed.
“i cant really see her face, but she looks so familiar to me.” well no shit jackass. that was the girl you’ve been in love with since second grade. in fact, she’s sitting on the side waiting for you.
your heart was about to jump out in any second. you sat there for two hours for them to be finished with training. each time pedri walked towards your direction, your nerves would start running around. luckily, he didnt see you a single time.
gavi texted you from the locker room that he was coming towards your direction. you never expected this to be happening. you were debating to run away, but your feet forced you to stay. you knew your mind was fighting to hate him, yet your heart convinced you to see him. even if it was the last time. finally, you heard footsteps coming.
pedri was wiping the sweat off his face. he came to a full stop. he thought he was hallucinating. he thought it was a dream. he stared at you for which felt like minutes. admiring your facial features, you sat there frozen. it was harder to read his facial expressions now. did he want you to leave? did he want you there? why isn’t he saying anything?
what felt like years, he started walking towards you. again, your nerves were still jumping. eventually, he made his way in front of you. suddenly, he smiled.
“holy shit you’re beautiful.” the state of confusion turned into love with one simple kiss. your lips connecting made the world happier. the air cleared. the atmosphere was different.
it felt peaceful.
author’s note: hi everyone! i’m so glad you enjoyed my first story let’s be tourists. this is my second time i’m writing on tumblr, so im still getting use to it. i will be taking requests once i figure out how to set it up. please let me know if you have any suggestions on what i could improve on. thank you for all of the support !!! <3
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torialefay · 1 month
this may be kind of an unusual question so feel free to ignore it, but i tend to make lots of links and associations of concepts/situations with music and stuff and so i'm curious, what are some songs that you'd pick to describe what it would be like to be in a relationship with chan? or some songs that suit his placements (for example, i think work song by hozier is peak scorpio venus devotion level haha)
okay i LOVE this question!!! (also currently in a hozier phase so i love that you brought up that song.) if you have any other recs, pls send them my way, but here's some that had come to mind:
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✨🎶 Dating Channie Sounds Like 🎶✨
the friendship/relationship stage:
i don't think it's just me who thinks that chan is gonna have to know & be friends with someone before progressing to a romantic relationship. i think he could definitely pine over someone for a while and be too scared to say anything. and then if something DID happen between the two of you, you would have to hide it for a while. that's why i chose these 2 songs :)
• human - dodie ft tom walker ✨
• hush hush - the band camino✨
actual committed relationship phase:
• medicine - royal sugar ✨ this gives me such new-relationship, pent-up sexual tension vibes. this man would not be able to stop thinking ab you sexually when you first get together... 100%. sex w/ him is likely initially more fun, like in this song, but once he gets to KNOW you, it gets wayyyy deeper
• tenerife sea - ed sheeran ✨ this one might be a cop-out bc chan has sung it multiple times on channie's room but i couldn't NOT put it in here. moving past the superficial, this song paints such a new, mesmerizing love story. you are elated you finally found your person.
• mess is mine - vance joy ✨ i'm sorry but the lyrics "this body is yours and mine" & "now your mess is mine" is so channie-coded to me. he is offering himself up to you. anything you want from him is yours & he will take on all of your hurt
• fire and the flood AND lay it on me - vance joy ✨ these were just so all-encompassing, i couldn't not include them. you become the most consuming part of his life. he quite literally can't go a day without thinking of you and how fucking attached his heart is to yours. you are his everything and only thing. "i always feel you in my blood" & "your love's always finding me out."
• until you - ahi ✨ this song isn't as relevant NOW, but it really throws me into a pre-debut channie love story tbh. bless his little heart 💔 i couldn't NOT include it bc it's still beautiful.
• anointed - miguel AND religion - lana del rey ✨ these have the same purpose, so i'm including them together. when channie is truly in love with you, he won't fuck you- he fucking worships you. well, you worship each other in the bedroom. and i feel this a million times. he needs something deeper and he needs to feel consumed in it. praising each other until you physically have no stamina left in your body.
tough times/drifting apart/ fights:
sorry but i had to include a couple of angsty songs i could totally see playing out in a relationship w channie </3
• fleeting love - royal sugar ✨ i 100% see this song being about your struggles with a long distance relationship. not being able to work anything out, but also not being able to let them go. "in the elevator with your passport, goodbye is 10 floors down." you just want him so badly, but you don't know you can do this. you werebso happy to have him, even if just for a little bit.
• berenstein - the band camino ✨ chan always talks about alternate universes, so i had to add this one in. the line "at another place in time, you were infinitely mine," it makes me think so much about if you were perfect with channie, and you both knew that... but you simply couldn't be with him because of his idol life. but you knew that somewhere out there in a parallel universe, he wasn't an idol, and you were together like you were meant to be :((((
bonus song:
this song reminds me SO MUCH of chris. the first time i heard it, i instantly thought of him. it isn't a love song by any means, it just makes me think of him && his life ❤️
• time's eyes - riley pearce ✨
if anyone has a song they automatically think of with channie, pls pls pls let me knowwww!!!
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milky-aeons · 4 months
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౨ৎ  . . . even though you may not always be by his side, there are multiple ways you and ARMIN ARLERT express your love for each other.
warnings: sexual content, memories of war, ptsd, marriage, pregnancy, mdni, w.c 845
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♪ . . . ˗ˏˋ ꒰ tenerife sea — ed sheeran ꒱ ˎˊ-
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: ̗̀➛ 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍, who was, at first, not very forthcoming about his feelings towards you. Who allowed them to balloon into something monstrous, something that wouldn't let his eyes leave you no matter where you came or when you went.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍, who mustered up the courage to ask you on a date after weeks of deliberation. That mind of his really was a double-edged sword, having the ability to lead squadrons to victory but crumbled when he looked into your eyes and became so adorably tongue-tied.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐘𝐎𝐔, who, on the day of your wedding, wore a crown of flowers in her hair and jewellery made from emerald sea-glass. Who kept the jewellery on that night you spent together, the smooth stone sliding over your bouncing breasts as you rode him into ecstasy.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐘𝐎𝐔, who held him tight on those nights he couldn't sleep. When the haunting echoes of war visited him instead of dreams. Who cradled him against your chest and carded through his golden hair, humming to him a song from your childhood, until his tense shoulder muscles smoothened down and he took more even, slumbering breaths.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍, who was always phenomenal when it came to choosing gifts. Whether they be for special occasions like your one year anniversary — when he surprised you with that delicate little music box specially crafted to play that tune, the one you always sung to him — or little delicates he brought home after a long day's work. Chocolates, flowers, books from the Capital where he conducted the duties of Commander.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐘𝐎𝐔, who would know immediately when your husband has had a taxing day. When he'd come through the door of the little town house you shared — his eyes shadowed, his hair mused from where he ruffled at it. You would go to him and place longer, sweeter kisses against his lips. You would instruct him to sit in the kitchen so you could brew him some tea, so you could take your fingers to his temples and draw soothing little circles.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍, who brought you to the beach on late summer's nights. Who would be mysterious and playful with his little secret, ushering you out of the house when you least expected it. Of course, he had the charade planned right down to the finer details; the standing wax candles in the sand, the blanket, the bottle of fine Mitras wine and two polished glasses waiting to be drunk.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍, who was reserved with his desires, and yet eager to please you at the same time. Who would murmur hot and heady into your ear; where do you need it, love? Does it feel good when I do this? Tell me what you need, let me please you. Who had years of power in his honed abdomen muscles and thighs as he would use them to thrust into you without conviction. Who would relish in the way you called out his name as your walls clenched around him, undoing him by the very seams.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐘𝐎𝐔, who gave him a small clothed package unannounced one day. Watchful as he undid the layers with those gorgeous blue eyes wide and curious. Who did not take long to understand what the gift meant — a little wooden horse and a hat that would be much too small for him. He had stood, unbelieving, his eyes shining with tears, and picked you up in a hug that stole the air from your lungs and spun you round, round, round.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍, who lay beside your curved belly swollen with life and read to them. About fields of fire, endless seas of ice, vast rivers of colour in the night sky. Who would place kisses to your unborn child, who would place kisses on the back of your hand and tell you how much he loved you.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍, who cooked with you on the days he had been spared from his military duties. Who would lift your beautiful child up into the air and make them giggle as you stirred the pot. Who would come up behind you and encircle you in his strong arms, placing a quick, chaste kiss on your temple.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐘𝐎𝐔, who was cunning with him, adoring the blush that still coloured your husbands cheeks when you did something daring. You would seek him out on late nights in the study as he poured over reports by lamplight. Quietly, you would slip your nightdress down from your shoulders and let it fall to a pool at your feet. It always made your pulse flutter, the way he looked at you, like a man strangled. Like a man so madly and irrevocably in love.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍, who, before he left every morning and before he closed his eyes at night, would mutter the same exact words;
"I love you, my moon and stars."
: ̗̀➛ 𝐘𝐎𝐔, who would murmur right back;
"And I love you too, my entire night sky."
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spidybaby · 1 year
Begin Again | Part Five
Summary: I've been spending the last few months thinking all love ever does is break, burn, and end, but when I look at you shining eyes, I watch it Begin Again.
Warnings: cursing.
A/N: Hello loves ❤️ thank you so much for being there for me on this journey, I'm so thankful for all the messages, the comments, the likes, and the reblogs. I'm so thankful for all of you who supported this story. I really hope this ending is worthy and you liked it 💛✨️
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Extra One Shot
"Un hijo?" (A child?) He asks confused.
You can hear your dad scuffing like the whole situation was funny to him.
"Pedro," you walk slowly, getting closer. "Dejame explicarte" (Let me explain)
"This is what you were talking about?"
"Por favor." You grab his arm. "Let me explain everything to you. Just not here."
You push him slightly, not wanting to have that conversation in front of your parents.
"Y/n," you mom calls for you. "Por favor, dime que vas a volver. Tenemos que terminar esta conversación." (Please tell me you're coming back, we have to finish this conversation)
"Es enserio?" You scuff. "Adiós." (Are you for real? Goodbye.)
You close the door and walk over to where Pedro is standing.
"Can we go back to your place?"
"Cómo se llama?" (What's his name?) He asks, you can tell his trying to control himself.
Pedro is known to be a calm person, a very cold head one.
But you knew him from the inside, and you know that even with all the patience that he has, when that runs out, it's like a bomb. You can run, but it's not going to help.
"Por favor, no aquí." (Please, not here)
He unlocked the car doors. And without even looking at you he enters the driver's side.
"Pedro," you say as you do the same as he. "Please don't hate me."
He laughs. But not that funny laugh that you loved, this is a dry one. No emotions.
"Vamos a ir a mi casa y no te vas a ir de ahí hasta que me cuentes todo." (We're going back to my house, and you're not leaving until you tell me everything) "Seat belt on."
The way he's driving is scary. But you're can't find the courage to ask him to slow down.
When he parked outside of his house, he turned the car off, hands you the keys, and got out slamming the door.
You compose yourself before following him. The door is open for you.
"Quieres apurarte?" (Can you hurry) He says from his front door.
You nod slowly, closing the door behind you and walking inside. He sits on the couch, hands hiding his face.
It's not like you're afraid of him. You don't have a reason to be, no matter how mad he was at you, he never laid a hand on you.
"Polo," you say sitting next to him. "His name is Polo."
He sinks further into the couch. He wants to scream, but won't do it.
"He's six months old and has so much of you."
"Six?" He interrupts you. "That means you."
He's mentally doing the math, realizing that the last time you were together was when you got pregnant.
"I found out because I passed out and ended up at the hospital, I was so confused." You say honestly, done with the lies and hiding things out. "Elena asked me if I was going to tell you and I was, believe me I was."
"But" he interrupts.
"But then I saw the tweets about you with that girl. You took her to tenerife with you. It was like a piece of reality. You were living your life and having fun, and I was depressed and crying myself to sleep to the memory of us."
"I can explain."
"You don't have to." You cut him off. "We were over, you didn't know."
"Ella no significó nada" (she meant nothing) even when you told him not to explain, he needed to. "She was just there at the right time. And I was such an idiot."
"You're not. I was the idiot here. When I find out about the gender I wanted to tell you, I was done with the whole angry part. But my mom persuaded me into thinking I was going to be fine, that if you wanted, you would have been there and I was heartbroken, I was pregnant and alone. I just said yes and moved on with my life. Paulo and Elena tried to get some sense into my head, but mom always told them off. Now I know why."
The silence falls between you. No one knows what to say.
You wanted to keep apologizing for not thinking straight and letting the jealousy overpower you.
He wanted to be mad at you, but he couldn't blame you for your decisions. If he were you, he would probably have done the same thing.
"Polo" he says after a while.
You smile at him, nodding, "es una bolita de amor, definitivamente un González." (He's a bundle of love, definitely a González)
"Polo," he repeats. "Is that the name you had on your list since you were a kid?"
"Yes" you laugh remembering the list. "The top one."
"Dios, amo su nombre." (God, I love this name)
"Se lo puse pensando en ti." (I named him thinking on you) You confess. "Not because of that list."
"What do you mean?"
"Remember that trip to Ibiza?" You look at him with a funny expression. "Well, we had our first pregnancy scare after that."
"Joder, claro que recuerdo" (fuck, of course I remember) he laughs. "Fer went to the market to get us the pregnancy tests. Elena was lighting up candles and we were locked in the bathroom."
"Elena, did what?" You laugh confused. "Why I never knew that?"
"You were shitting yourself, "Pedro, my mom is going to kill me. I'm living in the streets if this came back positive." He imitates your voice in a very not accurate way.
"Okay, first of all," you point one finger out. "I don't sound like that. And second, I was panicking, okay?"
"To be fair with you, I was panicking too"
"You weren't, you started saying that if I was pregnant we could elope and move together"
"I was optimistic."
"Well, how did that go?" You joke. "After we found I was not pregnant, you took me to drink as a celebration. You got so drunk that you were saying a lot of dump stuff. But you said that you wanted two kids with me, a boy named Polo, to keep with the PG initials from your name and a girl named Georgina."
"I still want that" he says looking at you. "We just need to fight again, give it time and boom baby Gio"
"Don't you dare," you laugh again. "It's not easy to be pregnant. It's so scary, you feel everything differently."
"Why you tell me? I can't become pregnant"
You scuff, even on the worst times you can easily talk to him.
"Perdón, Pepi." You take his hand. "I know I can't take back the time and the memories, and I regret that so much. I was stupid and let all the anger and jealousy get into that. I dont want you to hate me after this."
"I won't. I can't hate you, I love you" he brings your hand to his mouth, kissing it.
You stayed there for a while, enjoying the gesture, enjoying not having to worry. Being yourselves again.
Suddenly you get up from the couch. Pulling him up with you.
"Ven conmigo." You grab your purse from the coffee table in front of the couch and walk quickly to your car.
He doesn't question your actions, following you outside.
"Get inside." You close the door of his house, pushing him to the passenger side. You drive fast but not crazy like he did.
"Where are we?" He asks, undoing his seat belt and getting out like you did.
"Ven" you extend your arm for him to take your hand. "You need to meet someone."
With the other hand you take your keys and open your door.
"Elena" you call.
"In the room."
"Wait here."
You rushed to the room. Elena is laying down with Polo. She has a face mask on.
"Why are you back so early? We were expecting your walk of shame in the morning, verdad bebé?" She asks, checking the time.
"Pedro está en la sala." You say so casually. (Pedro's in the living room)
"Qué." She yells.
"Callate" you say closing the door.
"Callate tú." He whisper yell at you. "Ya lo sabe?" (He knows?)
You nod.
"Me muero," she sits on the bed.
You both look at each other. You nodding and she was surprised.
"Y que esperas?" She asks. "Ten" (and what are you waiting for? Here)
You took your baby into your arms.
You thank her and turn to the door.
But you can't seem to open it.
"I'm fine." You answer. "I just, need minute."
"Cuál minuto ni que nada, ya tuviste seis meses, shu fuera." (Minute my ass, you had six whole months, shu, get out)
She opens the door lightly, pushing you outside and closing the door after you're out.
"Okay." You breathe. "Mi amor, vas a conocer a alguien muy especial." (My love, you're meeting someone really special)
You make a mental note to thank Elena for keeping Polo awake.
You walk slowly, swaying Polo.
Pedro was focused on a picture. It was a picture of Polo right after being born.
He has caressing the glass.
His head snaps to your direction.
"Joder. Es él?" (Fuck, it's him?) He puts the picture down. "Sorry, language."
You laugh, nodding at his question.
"Polo," you grab his attention, turning him so he can be face to face with his father. "Este de acá es Pedro." (This is Pedro)
You notice the tears in Pedro's eyes matching the ones on yours.
"Pedro, this is Polo."
You get closet to him.
"Hola Polito"
He can't help but to sob. You were right. He looked so much like him.
"Quieres cargarlo?" (Do you want to hold him?)
He nods smiling.
You carefully instruct him on how to hold him.
But he was a natural, hugging him tight but careful not to hurt him.
"He smells so good." Pedro says out of the blue.
You can't help the laugh.
"Bueno, mami lo bañó bien." (Well, mommy gave him a nice bath)
He changes the way Polo is laying on his arms. He wants to appreciate his face.
His hand caresses his face. The child in his arms has his eyes only on him.
"Polo, él es tu papi."
"Papi" Pedro repeat. "Fuck, that sounds so good."
Polo grabbed Pedro's finger, and Pedro kissed his little hand multiple times.
"Eres hermoso." He kisses his cheeks.
You took a step back, searching for your phone. You needed to capture the moment.
You take several pictures, not wanting to forget this moment.
"Mami va a estar tan emocionada." He says, looking at you. "Fer y mi padre." (Mami is going to be so excited, Fer and my father)
Pedro take your hand pulling you into his arms.
"Dios, no sabes cuanto te amo." (God, you have no idea how much I love you) He says, kissing your head. The moment being interrupted by Polo fussing. "A ti también, hermoso" (I love you too) he kisses his cheek now.
"Ay que lindos se miran." (Aww, you guys look so cute like that) Elena says while she takes a picture.
"Where are you going?" You ask her, she has her night bag in one hand.
"Well, Einstein. Obviously, I'm not ruining the moment, plus I don't think you're making Pedro leave Polo's side any time soon. So I'm leaving so you can be together."
She air kissed you both and left.
"La tenemos que hacer madrina." (We have yo make her the Godmother) Pedro laughs
"She already is."
"Puede mi hermano ser el padrino?" (Can my brother be the Godfather?)
You nod excited.
"You heard that, hermoso?" He says to the baby. "You have a Godfather now."
"Actually, he has two."
"Paulo?" He asks smiling.
"Yep, he'll fight me if I took him out of the list."
"It's okay, two is better than one."
"Let's go to my room" you say noticing how Polo is yawning. "Mister here needs to sleep."
"Can I stay?" He asks.
"Will you leave if I say no?"
"Okay, but yes you can stay."
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"Pedro, I'm here." Fernando yells.
When Fer called Pedro to find out the details of the night. Pedro invited him over for lunch.
The idea was for him to know the truth and to meet Polo.
"Coming." He yells back.
You can tell he's nervous.
"Oye, cálmate, es tu hermano." (Hey, calm down, it's just just brother) you hug him. "Everything's going to be fine."
"Yes, just Fer."
"Do you want me to got say hi to him while you calm down?" You ask noticing the anxious body language he has.
"Can you?"
"Yep, so take a breath and you two can meet us downstairs."
You hand him the baby.
"Another thing," you say before leaving the room. "Polo will start fussing if he doesn't see me for a while, specifically since it's almost his feeding time. So you better hurry."
"Joder, me pones más nervioso." (Fuck, you're making me nervous)
"Bye." You say closing the door.
You walk downstairs, finding Fer looking at his phone uninterested.
He's sitting on the couch, his back to you.
You walk silently, wanting to scare him. Something you used to do to each other.
"It's not going to work." He says once you're close to him. Back still facing you "Your perfume gives you away."
"Ay, por favor."
He laughs and turns his face to you. You hurry to his side and hug him.
"Te extrañé como no tienes idea." He says kissing you cheek. (I missed you like crazy)
"I missed you too, Fer."
"So you two?" He asks raisins his eyebrows.
"We are working on it."
"Please do, he needs you."
"I need him too."
You can see Pedro walking to where you to are slowly.
"We have something to tell you."
"Fer." Pedro calls, his bother turn his head to him.
Fernando wants to ask, but he can't.
"Este es Polo." You say standing next to Pedro.
"He's our son."
Fer is trying to say something but he's short of words.
"I know, I just find out too." Pedro jokes. "Ven tio, you have to hold him."
Pedro handed the baby to a very shocked Fer. He's looking at the baby and back to his brother
"Why is he so fat?" He says in a judging tone.
You scuff and Pedro laugh.
"Excuse me, he's not fat." You say taking the baby from him. "He's well fed"
"He's fat," he corrects you. "He's like a brick. You fed him rocks or what?"
Pedro is laughing his ass out.
"Don't listen to your tío, mi amor." Pedro says once he stops laughing."The fat one is him."
"Tío Fer." Fernando says. "That actually sounds good."
"Right?" Pedro says,"yo dije lo mismo cuando Y/n le dijo que yo era su papi." (I said the same thing when y/n told him I was his daddy).
"Damelo, I need to hold him one more time."
"Don't judge him."
"You look like daddy." He says to Polo. "But you're lucky. You have some good genes from Mommy."
"Hey, that's mean."
"Shhh, I'm bonding over here."
You hug Pedro while Fernando is talking to Polo. Telling him all the things he can teach him.
"One down, we have two more." You say.
"Si me andaba cagando del miedo con mi hermano, no me imagino con mis padres." (If I was hyperventilating with my brother, I can't imagine with mom and dad)
"I still think you're just fat, but if your mother says you're "well fed", okay."
"Okay, give me my kid back."
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You were currently at his parents' house in Tenerife. He wanted them to find out as soon as possible, so he suggested taking a quick flight back home.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" You ask before he exits the vehicle. "Y si hablas con ellos primero?" (What if you have a chat with them first?)
"No sé" (I don't know)
"Pepi, it's okay."
"But it's not. What if they get mad? What if they stop talking to me? What if we had to tell Polo his grandparents are far far away?"
"Pedro, your parents are not going to be mad at you." You stop his rambling. "If they get mad at someone that will be me."
"Why you?"
"Did you really just ask that?" Fer ask.
"Okay," he puts his hands in the air. "Well, we have to go now, you can't stay here alone."
"You didn't think this through, Huh."
"Well, in my opinion." Adrian, Pedro's cousin, "She can wait here while Fer and you talk with your parents."
"Fer as me?" He asks, confused. "Wait, I don't want them to yell at me."
"Well I don't want them to only yell at me."
"Nobody's yelling at you guys," Adrian yells.
"You are."
"Well because you're assholes."
"Hey don't call me that in front of my kid."
"Oh please, he will find out either way."
"Pedro, this is your mess. Go, be a man." Fernando points at him.
"But why can't you come with me?"
"Fernando, go with him."
"You go with him."
"Okay, that's enough." You yell. "Pedro, your parents are not yelling at you." You say, looking at him. "Fernando, don't be a bitch, Pedro face worse for you, and never complain." You point at him. "And Adrian, can you bring the air down? It's kind of cold."
"Jolin, si que eres una mamá." Fer laughs. (Fuck, you're such a mom) "but you're right, let's go Pepi."
Fer gets out of the car, opening Pedro's door for him to do the same.
"Deseame suerte, si?" He kisses your cheek quickly, getting out. (Wish me luck)
"No la necesitas, todo va a estar bien." (You don't need it. Everything's going to be fine.)
Fernando is about to knock on the door. Even when it's not him telling his parents they are grandparents, he's feeling the pressure of it.
"Fer, tenemos llaves." (Fer, we have the house keys)
"Las perdí." (I lost them)
"Eres un gilipollas, quítate." (You're such an idiot, move)
They walk in silence, finding both parents in the kitchen cooking.
"Mira quien llego," (look who's here) Fernando father says, "Come here."
They do their typical greeting, hugging each other, kiss here, kiss there.
Fer is looking at his brother, noticing how slow he is moving. He knows Pedro's scared, but making things slow is not the answer.
"Pedro necesita decirles algo," he announces. "Pueden apagar ahí y venir a la sala?" (Pedro has to tell you something, can you turn the stove off and take a sit?)
"Is this about Manchester?" Rosy asks
"Let's just take a sit."
They hurry to the living room. Expecting the news about his decision to transfer or stay.
"It's not about the transfer. Actually it's more important than that."
"Entonces dilo mijo, deja el misterio." (Then say it, stop with the mystery.)
"Are you okay?" Rosy ask him. "Sabes que puedes decirnos lo que sea, Pedro." (You know you can tell us everything, Pedro.)
"Like three days ago, Y/n and I reunite."
"That's amazing, Pedro, I knew you guys were finding each other again."
"Yeah, that's so good. Don't miss this opportunity."
"The thing here is." He cut them off. "Something happened in that time we were apart."
"Is she okay?" Rosy, ask.
"Yes, she is." He nods nervously.
He doesn't know how to explain the situation. Does he spit the news? Does he explain piece by piece?
"Before broking up, we weren't exactly being the most careful in the protection area of our life."
"Protection area? What?" His father asks confused. "Pedro, please go to the point."
"She was pregnant. We didn't know anything until now. She reached for me now that she's back in Barcelona. And our baby is six months old." He smiles.
Fer hides his face in his hands. He was more embarrassed than Pedro is for that lame explanation.
"You." Rosy points at him. "Have a baby?"
"Wait. Did you know she was pregnant when you broke up with her?" His father asks.
"No, God no. I didn't. We didn't."
"Were you with her after the breakup?"
"No, it's not that. We were together before the breakup, and well, that's how things happen. She finds out months later, but it's a lot to explain."
"What do you mean is a lot?"
"I think I'm lost."
While Pedro is trying to explain the situation and timeline to his parents, Fernando make his way out of the house.
"Hey, como estuvo?" (Hey, how was it?) Adrian asks when Fernando get back in the car.
"Pedro es un capullo de primera, te juro que el niño abre la boca y la caga cada vez más." (Pedro is such an asshole, I swear all he does is open his mouth to fuck this up)
"Is that bad?" You ask worried. "Are they mad?"
"No, they're not mad. They just don't understand the whole situation, thanks to Pedro being an idiot at explaining things out."
"Let's hope Polo doesn't get that from Pedro." Adrian laughs.
"Should I help him?"
"Nah, finish with the feeding, and then you can join him."
"I just can't believe he's a football player, does tons of interviews, goes to television shows, and can't even explain something to your parents."
"I know, he's like another dude in front of the cameras."
While they make small talk, you stay quiet, wondering if Rosy and Fernando would understand your reasons.
Even if you think that your motives were the right ones, you can't control what they think of that. Maybe they'll be mad that they choose to only engage with the baby and not with you.
You can't help but to worry. You love Pedro's parents like your own. They were so special to you. You can't deal with the idea of them not being in your life again.
Fer shakes your knee to call your attention.
"Sorry, what did you say?"
"You okay?"
Are you tho?
You can't even answer that to yourself.
In very little time, all these things are happening in your life.
Your parents lying to you, Pedro finding out, Fer finding out, Pedro's parents finding out and maybe not liking you anymore.
"Yes?" You say more as a question than as an answer.
"Hey Adri, give us a minute." He pats his cousin arm. "Please."
"I'm going to the store." Adrian says getting out of the car.
"A ver, no me mientas." (Look, don't lie to me) he turns his whole body to be able to see you. "I know you're worried about this whole thing. You did what you thought was the right choice. You fucked up, but so did my brother. No matter what, you are part of the family, apart from him or not, baby or not. Mom and dad loved you like their own child."
"What if they stop doing that?"
"They won't. If only you could have seen the way they got so excited about the idea of Pedro and you being together again."
"They did?"
"Yes, mom almost jumped of excitement." He laughs. "And they're going to be more happy to meet this little one right here. So shall we?"
"Yes, just give me a minute."
You fix your top, comb the little hair Polo has, and check if his diaper is clean.
"Let me help you, come here, gordo." Fer take Polo from your arms, holding a hand out for you to support yourself.
"I just know that nickname is not going away any time soon"
"Noup," he says, laughing. "After you"
You walk inside the house. You can hear Pedro and his parents talking. You stop abruptly, feeling dizzy from the emotions.
"Noup, sigue caminando." (Noup, keed walking) Fernando pushed you. Holding a hand on your back to move you. "Hey, someone's here to see you."
You can't help but blush. This is like the first time you met them. With the difference that now you were taking your son to meet them.
"Y/n, mija hola." Rosy says, hugging you. "No sabes como te extrañamos" (you have no idea how much we missed you)
"Yo los extrañé también." (I missed you too)
"Estas bien? Como te sientes?" (Are you okay? How are you feeling?)
"I'm fine, I'm good. Don't worry."
"You must be so tired, I'm sorry you had to go through all that alone. But we're here now, and we're going to help Pedro and you in everything we can."
"I'm sorry, I never meant to hide him from you guys, I was dumb and very immature."
"Don't say that, Pedro told us everything." Fernando says, "we're not mad, you did what you thought was right for you and your son."
"Thank you, for understanding."
Fernando and Rosy are both hugging you.
"Ey que corra el aire, venga." (Okay, let's separate) Fer says making all laugh.
"Mami, papi." Pedro call their attention. "This is Polo, he's our son."
"Pero mira que hermosura." (Oh, look how at this beauty) Rosy took the baby out of Pedro's arms. "Es igual a ti cuando eras pequeñito." (Just like you when you were a baby)
"Ven." He grabs your hand taking you to the kitchen.
Fernando, Rosy and Fer are focus on the baby, leaving the space for Pedro and you to be able to speak.
"We can breathe now." You laugh. "I was so scared."
"Thank God we got this over with. But I think you'll have to stay here, cause there's no way mom is letting him go. We lost him for the day."
"That's okay. I don't have any interest on keeping them apart."
"So you're staying here with me ?"
"What happened to going slow?"
"We have a kid together. Don't you think we left the slow out the door already?"
"Well if you put it like that."
You lock your arms behind his neck, pulling him close so you can kiss him. It's like time never happened, the feelings, the passion, the love still there.
"We can say you're here to stay." He jokes.
"And I don't plan on leaving."
"Not like I'm letting you, never again."
You stayed apart for a while. Letting his family enjoy the arrival of the new González member.
"Okay, enough you two." Fer says entering the kitchen. "Come here. You can appreciate each other later in a private room with the door locked. I can take care of fatty."
"I'll have to beat you if you keep calling him Fatty, gordo, etc"
"Deal with it. He loves it."
"Capullo" You say hitting the back of his head.
"A man can't lovely nickname his nephew now?"
"No" both Pedro and you answer.
"I hate you guys."
You find Rosy taking a picture of Fernando and Polo. Your heart is full with happiness.
"Our baby is going to be so spoiled and loved. I can't wait to see that." Pedro says hugging you from behind.
"I can't wait either."
"Fer, toma una foto de tu padre y yo con Polito." (Fer, take a picture of your father and I with polito). She hands the phone to her son. "Vente precioso." (Come here, baby.)
"Pero saca la sonrisa, mami." Pedro jokes. "Venga, más grande." (But smile, mom. C'mon, bigger than that)
"Done, I think I took like a thousand pictures."
"Not to be rude, but Y/n, honey. What are you feeding this kid with? He's so big."
"Ha! I told you, he's a fatty."
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"So this picture or this one?" Pedro asks you, showing you the options.
"It's the same picture with a different filter."
"I know, I can't decide if I want b&w or Juno."
"Pedro." You laugh at him.
"I just want it to be perfect."
"Are you covering his face?"
"Yes, I know you don't mind if I don't, but I think for now it's the best."
"Okay, whatever you say."
"Hermoso, what picture are you feeling the most, this one or this one?"
Polo smiled at him, not even interested in the phone but on him instead. Pedro kiss his chubby cheek multipletimes.
He erupted in laughs at his father's actions.
"Good choice."
"What? He didn't even look at the phone"
"Shhh, woman. This is between my son and I." He sticks his tongue out. "Don't worry Hermoso, she's just mad because you can't say mama."
You open your mouth, pretending to be shocked. "Yes, he can"
"So this one, right?" He asks Polo one more time, ignoring you.
"Can you just post the damn picture and hand me the kid?" Fer says, waiting for Pedro to let the baby go. "You say twenty minutes, and it's been an hour."
"Do you want me to make it two?"
He shakes his head quickly. "No, just post it, and give him to me."
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" I can't believe that we took that picture five months ago." You say liking the post. "God, time flies."
"And now we're planning his first birthday party." Rosy says, handing you the pack of invitations. "He's getting too big."
"Petition for you and Pedro to give Fatty a sibling." Fer jokes.
"Excuse me, idiot." You laugh. "I think you're the one who should be giving my kid a cousin."
"I'm too young. Plus, fatty would be mad. He's the center of attention and won't accept any changes."
"Well, Polo has to accept that he's not having any play date friend in a while."
Fer and you continue throwing jokes at each other.
You can't complain about anything. Coming back to Barcelona, fixing your mistakes, and giving yourself a chance to be happy again was the right decision.
You have everything you ever dreamed about, a family with the man you love, a happy and healthy child. You won't change a thing.
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